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Methanol Production from Synthesis Gas

derived from Municipal Solid Waste

Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Illinois at Chicago
ChE. !"
Group Charlie# Priya Chetty$ Scott Morgan$ %rian Mottel$ Daniyal &amar$ Su'h(inder Singh
Mentor# Dennis )*%rien
Instructor# Dr. +effery Perl
Group Charlie Page 1
Table of Contents
I. Abstract
II. Executive Summary
III. Introduction
IV. Process Description
V. Process Control
VI. Environmental Concerns and their mitiation
VII. Economics
VIII. !ecommendations
I". Appendices
#. Desin $asis
%. $loc& 'lo( Diaram
). Process 'lo( Diaram
*. +aterial and Enery balances
,. Calculations
-. Process Simulation in ASPE.
/. Annotated E0uipment 1ist
2. Economic Evaluation
3. 4tilities
#5. Conceptual Control Scheme
##. 6eneral Arranement
#%. Distribution and End7use Issues revie(
#). Constraints !evie(
#*. Applicable Standards
#,. Pro8ect Communications 'ile
#-. Information Sources and !eferences
Group Charlie Page 2
I. Abstract
Methanol is a chemical .hich is used in many diverse applications. Methanol is
commonly used as a fuel$ as antifree/e$ and as a solvent$ 0ut can also 0e utili/ed to produce
plastics$ adhesives$ and dyes. 1he most common method for producing methanol involves
com0ining methane 2natural gas3 and .ater to produce synthesis gas$ .hich is car0on mono4ide
and diatomic hydrogen.
1his synthesis gas is then used to produce methanol. 1he issue .ith this process is that
methane is very useful as a heating fuel .hich is .hy it is used to fulfill residential heating
needs. 1his method of methanol production is essentially using a fuel to produce another fuel as
the product. )ur goal is to ma'e Methanol 0y using a sustaina0le source of fuel. 1he source of
our synthesis gas is Chicago 5and Municipal Solid Waste. We are utili/ing a .aste stream rather
than a fossil sourced feed stoc'. 1his .ill 0e the source of our synthesis gas. We .ill then
compress the synthesis gas$ and feed it into a multiple feed reactor .hich contains Cu,6n),7l

catalysts to produce methanol.
Unused synthesis gas .ill 0e separated from the initial product stream and recycled 0ac'
into the reactor. 1he initial product stream .ill contain methanol$ along .ith .ater$ as .ell as
other alcohols such as ethanol$ and propanol. 1o ensure that the methanol produced .ill meet
the grade 77 industry standard$ .hich states that it must 0e !!.9:; pure$ the initial product .ill
go through a flash separator follo.ed 0y t.o distillation columns.
Group Charlie Page 3
II. Executive Summary
%y utili/ing the process outlined in this report$ !!.9:; pure methanol can 0e produced at
a rate of <<< tons per day from a feed stoc' of <<< tons per day of synthesis gas .hich .ill 0e
produced 0y gasification of :$=== tons per day of municipal solid .aste. Conversion of
synthesis gas to methanol is conducted in a 5urgi reactor .hich .ill utili/e a Cu,6n),7l

catalyst$ and a recycle stream. 1he desired product .ill then 0e separated from 0yproducts via
flash separation$ and purified using t.o distillation columns.
1he capital cost needed to 0uild a plant of this magnitude is ><<<. 1he internal rate of
return for this plant .ould 0e <;$ and the pay0ac' period .ould 0e << years.
III. Introduction
1he o0(ective of the syngas to methanol process is to produce -8== tons,day of grade 77
methanol for use in the chemical$ automotive$ and plastics industries. 1he syngas that is
procured for this process .ill have 0een produced 0y gasification of municipal sold .aste.
1here are many advantages to utili/ing syngas produced via this method$ such as? it eliminates
the need for methane$ it is less e4pensive due to the solid .aste tipping fee$ and it is a much more
green technology .hich is important to consumers.
Group Charlie Page 4
Currently there are != methanol plants .orld.ide .ith an annual production of -- 0illion
gallons$ generating >-8 0illion per year in revenue. 1he mar'et outloo' for the future of the
methanol industry is good$ .ith glo0al demand e4pected to rise in the years to come.
1he gasification plant .ill 0e located in the Chicagoland area 0ecause ample municipal
solid .aste is produced there? in fact the average production is 8:$=== tons per day. 1he
methanol plant .ill 0e located near the gasification plant$ 0ecause geographic pro4imity .ill
reduce transportation costs$ .hich also reduces the consumer price of the product.
IV. Process Description
1he syngas from the gasifier .ill reach the methanol synthesis plant at == psi. 1his
pressure is too lo. for the reactor and needs to 0e raised. 1here .ill 0e a multistage compressor
to raise the pressure to the needed value of -8== psi. Since it is a multistage compressor there is
some pressure drop 0et.een each of the stages$ due to the fact that .hen the gas is heated in the
compressor it .ill need to 0e cooled$ and this cooling .ill decrease the pressure. So instead of
having an overall compression ratio of @#-$ the total compression .ill need to 0e around @.:#- to
overcome the pressure drop from the interAstage coolers. 1he cooling .ater in this part of the
process .ill 0e at != BC$ 0ecause this .ill eliminate for a cooling .hich is fairly e4pensive
to install.
Group Charlie Page 5
Methanol synthesis is a very comple4 process since it is very eDuili0rium limited$ and
Duite e4othermic? therefore it is imperative that the correct type of reactor is chosen to o0tain the
desired results. 1here are many diverse types of reactors .hich may 0e used in the synthesis of
methanol$ .hich utili/e various methods of catalysis$ and removal of heat from the reaction. 7
significant amount of time .as spent evaluating the different types of reactors to ensure that the
correct one .as chosen. %elo. is an e4ample of some of the reactors that .ere considered
along .ith information a0out each#
ICI Multiple Eeed &uench Ceactor
1he ICI reactor uses multiple feeds to 0ring the reaction temperature do.n to the desired
value. 1his ho.ever reDuires a very high flo. of air into the reactor .hich reduces the
effectiveness of the compressor. 1he reactor utili/es multiple catalyst 0eds to reach a conversion
of :A@=;. 1he ma4imum production rate of the ICI multiple feed Duench reactor is :=== tons
per day. 1he amount of syngas reDuired to remove the heat of the reaction is in e4cess of that
.hich is a0le to 0e procured$ therefore this reactor did not meet the necessary reDuirements for
this process.
Group Charlie Page 6
5urgi Com0ination Converter Ceactor
1he 5urgi reactorF.
Example of Lurgi Methanol Reactor courtesy of http#,,,
Group Charlie Page 7
In the production of methanol from syngas$ .hich .ill have a G
to C) ratio of #-$ there
are several reactions that .ill have to 0e considered#
C) H 8G

)G 2-3
I C) H G
) 283

)G H G
) 23
8C) H @G
)G H G
) 2@3
1hese reactions occur simultaneously inside of the reactor$ during the methanol synthesis step.
1he 'inetics of the a0ove reactions can 0e found in literature. Erom all of the reaction 'inetics$ it
is possi0le to find the production yield of each of the components in the syngas. 1he
reactions are for the 'inetics of methanol synthesis#
8 8

8 8 8 8 8 8
, 8 -, 8
$ -
$ -, 8 -, 8
J ,2 3K
2- 3J 2 , 3 K
ps A CO CO H CH OH H p
k K f f f f K
K f K f f K K f

+ + +
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8 8 8
$ 8 8
$ 8 -, 8 -, 8
2 , 3
2- 3J 2 , 3 K
ps B CO CO H H O CO p
k K f f f f K
K f K f f K K f

+ + +
8 8 8 8 8

8 8 8 8 8 8
, 8 , 8
$ -, 8 -, 8
J ,2 3K
2- 3J 2 , 3 K
ps C CO CO H CH OH H O H p
k K f f f f f K
K f K f f K K f

+ + +
In the reactor there .ill 0e a Cu,6n,7l catalyst to drive the overall reaction to.ards methanol.
1his catalyst is used in many other reactors. 1he poisons of this specific catalyst are sulfur$
chlorine$ C)8$ and high temperatures. So in order to ensure that the catalyst life can stay at a
Group Charlie Page 8
reasona0le time$ the syngas that is fed into the reactor must have none of the a0ove chemicals$
and the temperature of the reactor .ill need to stay at LLLL E. 1he conversions are @=; for
reaction -$ -; for reaction 8$ 8 ; for reaction $ and 8; for reaction @.
7fter the syngas has 0een reacted it .ill 0e at LLLpsi and LLLE. 1he reacted gas .ill then
go through several pieces of eDuipment until it reaches the distillation columns for purification of
the product. 1he gas .ill need to 0e split for a recycle feed and remaining gas. 1he remaining
gas .ill have a high amount of crude methanol and impurities than 0efore. 7fter this the
stream .ill 0e put through a condenser and heat e4changer in order to have the methanol in the
liDuid phase and to 0e at a much temperature. 1hen the crude methanol is put through a
flash tan' and finally to the distillation unit.
Geat E4changers
Since many of the different pieces of eDuipment throughout the process need the syngas
or methanol at different temperatures$ there .ill 0e t.o several heat e4changers throughout the
entire process. 1hese particular heat e4changers .ill 0e a shell and tu0e heat e4changers$ .hich
consists of a series of tu0es. )ne set of these tu0es contains the fluid that must 0e either heated
or cooled. 1he second fluid runs over the tu0es that are 0eing heated or cooled so that it can
either provide the heat or a0sor0 the heat reDuired. 1he fluid used in this case .ill 0e .ater. 7
heat e4changer .ill 0e present after the multiAstage compressor in order to utili/e the energy
from a high compression process. 1he second heat e4changer .ill 0e present after the reactor.
1he reactor .ill 0e producing heat at an amount of LLL$ .hich can 0e utili/ed .ith this heat
e4changer. 1he first heat e4changer .ill have an area of LLL$ .ith LLL inner tu0es having an
inner and outer diameter of LLL and LLL respectively. 1he second heat e4changer .ill have an
Group Charlie Page 9
area of LL$ .ith LL inner tu0es having an inner and outer diameter of LL and LL respectively. 1he
energy 0alances around the heat e4changers can 0e found in the appendi4$ and they sho. ho.
much energy is needed to run each of them.
Distillation Columns
In order to o0tain the grade 77 methanol at the end of the process$ there .ill need to 0e
t.o distillation columns installed. %oth of the columns .ill need 0oth condensers and re0oilers
on them. 7fter the second distillation column the methanol .ill 0e pure enough to sell as Grade
77 Methanol. 1he first distillation column .ill need to 0e at -psi$ --9BE$ have -: trays$ and
the feed .ill 0e located a0ove the LLLth tray. 1he second distillation column .ill need to 0e at
-psi$ -99BE$ have 8: trays$ and the feed .ill need to 0e at the LLLth tray to o0tain to correct
purity of methanol. 7fter the first distillation process there .ill 0e .ater$ ethanol$ and other
higher hydrocar0ons$ along .ith the methanol. Ma(ority of the methanol .ill 0e in the 0ottom
stream$ including .ater and ethanol$ .hich .ill then 0e fed to the second distillation column.
7fter the second distillation column$ methanol .ill 0e present the distillate stream and the .ater
along .ith methanol and ethanol .ill 0e in the 0ottom stream. 1he .ater .ill 0e used for either
cooling another part of the process$ or it could 0e heated to produce steam to 0e used in a heat
e4changer or to some of the necessary eDuipment. 1he ethanol and higher hydrocar0ons
.ill need to 0e separated from methanol and then they can 0e sold to a different company to 0e
used for a different process. Using 7SPEM it is possi0le to find the de. and 0u00le points of the
streams e4iting the columns. Erom all of the information$ the height of the columns can 0e found
and from that the si/ing.
Group Charlie Page 10
V. Process Control
7 control process is very important in the aspect of manufacturing a Duality product.
1his can 0e assured 0y having the Duality designed into the product and also into the
manufacturing process. 7chieving this .ill allo. the use of the process control to ensure that
the methanol produced meets the standards of grade 77 methanol. 7t this point$ the design
0asis is not set to ensure a complete process control. Go.ever$ there are a fe. vendors that
provide process control solutions.
MethanolNMa4 provided process controls specifically for methanol production plants.
1hey use particular soft.are$ .hich connects to the DCS and controls. 1his helps to optimi/e
the plant minute 0y minute$ every hour of the day$ every day of the year. 1he soft.are does use
the P5C method. 1he program .ill reduce the variance in the parameters and reduce the need
for operator intervention. 1his .ill also help in improved separation$ reduce energy
consumption$ and improve the overall plant sta0ility. Ma4imi/ing conversion and increasing
methanol production .ill 0e the 'ey components of this soft.are. 7lso$ maintaining the
reactor*s parameters and ad(usting them accordingly to the soft.are .ill help ensure
VI. Environmental Concerns and their mitigation
Methanol is highly flamma0le and may result in fire and e4plosive ha/ards$ therefore
fireproof .alls must 0e incorporated in the plant design to ensure personnel safety. Eurthermore$
respirators and gloves must 0e utili/ed .hile .or'ing in areas of high vapor methanol
concentrations since prolonged human e4posure to methanol has resulted in headaches$
Group Charlie Page 11
di//iness$ nausea$ gastric upsets$ 0lurred vision$ and 0lindness. Gumans should not 0e e4posed
to methanol concentrations greater than -!9ppm 0ased on )SG7 regulations. )verall$ methanol
does not pose a high ha/ard to health? ho.ever$ effective procedures must 0e implemented to
ensure the health and safety of the personnel.
Methanol synthesis generates C)
resulting in greenhouse gases emissions into the
atmosphere and over long term glo0al .arming. In addition$ C)
is heavier than air$ therefore$
increasing its tendency to lea' through open valves? therefore$ stringent guideless must 0e
e4ecuted .hile operating valves. 1o ensure environmental concerns$ the plant .ill a0ide to EP7
and all other environmental regulation agencies and never discharge material that is detrimental
to the environment .ithout utili/ing proper guidelines.
1he plant .ill a0ide 0y the .aste .ater stream regulation proposed 0y the municipal
.aste .ater treatment agency. Most heavy metals in the slag or fly ash flue can 0e either used in
asphalt construction or converted to fine$ gritty material similar to sand respectively. Cemaining
heavy metals .hich may have run into the .aste .ater can 0e removed through flocculation and
precipitation and discarded as chemical .aste. Eurther research .ill 0e conducted to ensure the
processes discussed have competing edge$ and all technological advances to impede harmful
environmental impact .ill 0e em0edded in the plant design.
5a. $ Micole$ Caitlin Michols$ and David 1amayo. OEinal Ceport# Methanol Synthesis.O Chemical
Engineering Program 28==93# --A-@. We0. 8 Mar 8=--.
7mir'has$ Elton$ Ca( %edi$ Steve Garley$ and 1revor 5ango. OMethanol Production in 1rinidad and
1o0ago.O Einal Ceport 28==P3# "A9. We0. 8 Mar 8=--.
Group Charlie Page 12
VII. Economics
With all industrial processes there ill !e "an# reco""endations to ensure that the
process ould or$ !oth e%%icientl# and econo"icall#. &o"e things that could change
throughout our process ould !e reactor conditions' catal#st %or the reactor and C(2 re"o)al'
and conditions %or an# other piece o% e*uip"ent. Changing conditions %or an# piece o%
e*uip"ent ould help to decrease the price o% the process' !ut on the other hand it could cause
ine%%icienc# in the s#ste". + cost e)aluation ould ha)e to !e pre%or"ed not onl# on the entire
s#ste" !ut each piece o% e*uip"ent to ensure that the process can "a$e the "ost pro%it. +n#
piece o% e*uip"ent that needs high pressure or te"perature ill increase the cost o% that
e*uip"ent. ,% the process as a!le to "a$e the sa"e a"ount o% %inal product ith loer
pressure or te"perature' this ould decrease the price o% install"ent and increase the %inal
Catal#sts are used in al"ost all che"ical productions noada#s and choosing the !est
catal#st %or the process is e-tre"el# i"portant. We are using a Cu./n.+l catal#st %or the
"ethanol s#nthesis %ro" s#ngas' and it see"s to !e the sa"e one that is used in industrial
processes %or "ethanol s#nthesis. &ince catal#sts are e-tre"el# e-pensi)e the choice o% the
correct one is )ital. ,% there ere to !e a cheaper or one that produced higher #ields' the# ould
need to !e considered in our process. 0here is a lot o% research in the %ield o% catal#sis' and
ones o% the %uture see" that the# ill !e a!le to "a$e processes run at loer conditions' hich
ill in turn create loer prices on e*uip"ent.
Group Charlie Page 13
0he "ost e-pensi)e part o% our process' along ith industrial processes' is the reactor to
produce crude "ethanol. 0his is due to the %act that )er# high pressure is needed to ensure the
crude "ethanol is produced ith the %eest i"purities. (ur reactor is running at 11111 psi and
11112. ,% it ere possi!le to loer !oth pressure and te"perature in the reactor' this ould
decrease the o)erall price o% the process. 0he 3urgi reactor see"s to !e the !est reactor %or the
"ethanol s#nthesis reaction' !ecause it does not re*uire an e-cess a"ount o% s#ngas to cool it
li$e the ,C, &#neti- reactor. 0here could !e other reactors !etter suited %or the process' !ut it
see"s that the 3urgi ill !e the "ost cost e%%ecti)e and e%%icient.
VIII. Recommendations
I Appendices
#. Desin $asis
%y utili/ing the process outlined in this report$ !!.9:; pure methanol can 0e produced at
a rate of <<< tons per day from a feed stoc' of <<< tons per day synthesis gas .hich .ill 0e
produced 0y gasifying 8:$=== tons per day of municipal solid .aste. Conversion of synthesis
gas to methanol is conducted in a 5UCGI Duench reactor .hich .ill utili/e a Cu,6n),7l

catalyst$ and a recycle stream. 1he desired product is then separated from 0yproducts via flash
separation follo.ed 0y t.o distillation columns. Ideally the plant .ould 0e located in the
Chicagoland area$ 0ecause this is .here the synthesis gas feedstoc' .ill 0e produced$ and
Group Charlie Page 14
geographic pro4imity .ill reduce transportation costs. 1he capital cost needed to 0uild a plant
of this magnitude is ><<<. 1he internal rate of return for this plant .ould 0e <;$ and the
pay0ac' period .ould 0e << years.
%. $loc& 'lo( Diaram
). Process 'lo( Diaram
1he figure sho.s the overall process flo. diagram. Smaller pieces of the picture are
sho.n 0elo. for more detail
Group Charlie Page 15
1his figure sho.s the first heat e4changer$ compressor$ and the second heat e4changer.
Group Charlie Page 16
1his figure sho.s the stream coming into the reactor$ the steam drum for the reactor$ the tur0o
e4pander$ and finally a heat e4changer that cools the product do.n.
Group Charlie Page 17
1his figure sho.s an air cooler$ a heat e4changer$ and then the flash drum. 1he stream leaving
the flash drum on the top is the recycle stream that loops 0ac' to (oin fresh syngas into the
Group Charlie Page 18
1his sho.s the final step of the process .here crude methanol is put through distillation columns
and grade 77 methanol is produced2PAP@3
Group Charlie Page 19
*. +aterial and Enery balances
!ouh balance around the reactor
Group Charlie Page 20
5. Calculations
EDuipment optimi/ation procedure#
9eat exchaner 2shell and tu0e3 si/ing techniDue utili/ing Seider method
-.3 Calculate C and S#
correlation factor$ function of fluid temp$ num0er of tu0e and shell passes and is
correlated as a function of t.o dimensionless temp ratios#
8.3 Calculate E#
correlation factor ' t for -A8 heat e4changersA - shell pass$ 8 or more tu0e pass heat
.3 Calculate log mean temp 2countercurrent flo.3
11 inlet shell fluid temp
1 outlet shell fluid temp
t 1 inlet tu0e side temp
t outlet tu0eAside temp
Group Charlie Page 21
@.3 Calculate & and U7
assume# U Q -== 2%1U,ERftS8Rh3
:.3 Calculate tu0es reDuired using pipe parameters from 1o.ler.
P.3 %ased on the num0er of tu0es$ utili/e Seider 1a0le and o0tain the closest num0er of
tu0es .ith corresponding shell diameter
".3 Calculate shell side and tu0e side heat transfer coefficient correlated .ith the
Ceynolds num0er
9.3 Calculate overall heat transfer coefficient
'lash 4nit
-.3 Calculate ma4 vapor velocity
Group Charlie Page 22
8.3 Calculate minimum diameter
.3 Calculate liDuid height
@.3 Calculate vapor height
G ! " 2p!, T3
TQ specific .eight of fluid
:.3 Calculate overall length
P.3 Eind 5,D ratio
".3 If 5,D U P$ increase D and repeat AP steps
+ulti7tubular: Ideal plu flo( reactor
7ssume steady state and isothermal conditions
-.3 Ceactor eDuation
at steady state$ no accumulation$ therefore
8.3 Integrate a0ove eDuation to find volume yields
Group Charlie Page 23
.3 Einal simplified la. e4pression
@.3 Einal complicated la. e4pression
E0uipment Cost procedure;
Cost of Pumps
Cost of centrifugal pump is 0ased on volumetric flo.rate and head reDuired
-.3 Utili/e cost eDuation
Pc is the consumption
Group Charlie Page 24
S is the si/ing factor for the pump
8.3 Utili/e si/ing and consumption eDuation respectively to plug into cost eDuation
Pc consumption3 in GP
< 2flo.rate3 in Gal,min
9 2pump head3 in Et
2density3 in l0s,gal
np Q A=.-P H =.8@=:-R 2ln&3A=.=--!!R2ln&3S8 2fractional efficiency of the pump3 in
dimensionless units
nm Q =.9= H =.=-! R 2lnPc3A=.==-98 R 2lnPc3S8 2fractional efficiency of the motor3 in
dimensionless units
.3 7pplying Seider*s value$ calculate purchasing cost utili/ing the eDuations
Pump; Cp Q Et R Em R C#
+otor; Cp Q Et R C#
Et 2type factor3 8."
Em 2material factor3 -.=
Cost of Compressors

Group Charlie Page 25
I.3 Purchase cost values o0tained from Garrett and Walas 2-!993 for electric motor drive$ cast
iron or car0onAsteel construction since CpQ C0
II.3 Eor other drives and materials of construction
Cp Q Ed R Em R C0
4ri)e 2d 5aterial 2"
&tea" tur!ine 1.15 &tainless steel 2.5
Gas tur!ine 1.25 6ic$el +llo# 5
Cost of +ethanol Synthesis !eactor
Utili/e shell and tu0e e4changer approach
Ei4ed head
7 is area for heat e4changer in sDuare ft.
C# Q e4p 2--.=:-:A=.!8892ln2733H=.=!9P-2ln2733S83
Em Q aH227,-==3S03
Ep Q =.!9= H =.=-9R2P,-==3H=.==-"R2P,-==3S8
EI values can 0e o0tained in Seider and Seader
Group Charlie Page 26
%ase and Purchasing cost of the MSC
0#pe P a ! + 2" 2, 2p C! Cp
Psig s*%t 7 7
2i-ed 1000
1 1 1.33 5'302'25
R data need to 0e verified through aspen simulation and operating parameters 'eep
Cost of Distillation Columns
=need operating conditions and dimensions
1o.ers for !$=== V W V 8$:==$=== l0 2W3
Cv Q e4p 2".="@H=.-98::2ln2W33H=.=88!"2ln2W33S8
1o.ers for V Di V 8@ft and 8"V 5V-"= ft
Cpl Q 8".- R 2Di3=.P-PR253S=.9=-P-
Group Charlie Page 27
Weight calculation# W Q pi23R2DiHts3R25H=.9Di3RtsRrho
Eor Po min Q -= psig
Po U -===psig use PoQ -.-R Po and neglect eDuation 0elo.
Pd Q e4p 2P.P=P=9H=.!-P-:2ln2Po33H=.==-:P::2ln2Po33S83
tpQ 2PdRDi3,28SREA-.8RPd3
tp must 0e greater than a minimum value for rigidity 0ased on the diameter
S is the ma4imum allo.a0le stress of the shell material$ at the designed temp in l0s per
sDuare inch
9 is the %ractional eld e%%icienc#
-. Process Simulation in ASPE.;
7n )verall process in 7SPEM is sho.n 0elo.$ each section is then 0ro'en do.n for simplicity
Group Charlie Page 28
Group Charlie Page 29
Separations Train;
Group Charlie Page 30
Simulation Detail:
0he process as si"ulated in +&P96 and the results ere used %or si:ing calculations and
reactor details.
0he process as started ith a si"ple ;&0(,C reactor<
0he inlet %lo as de%ined to !e 1700 tpd' te"perature o% 518 2 and a pressure o% 1190 psi. +
pressure drop o% 10 psi as ta$en through the reactor.
0he te"perature and pressure ere de%ined as in the screen a!o)e. 0hese )alues ere
o!tained %ro" literature. 2urther"ore %our reactions ere de%ined as !elo' ith con)ersions
ta$en %ro" literature<
Group Charlie Page 31
0he ne !utton is hit to add ne reactions and this is here the reactants' products' and the
con)ersions are de%ined<
Group Charlie Page 32
+%ter adding the reactor' a co"pressor as added !ut since the %eed s#ngas as too hot to !e
%ed to a co"pressor it as cooled using a heat e-changer. 0o "ap the co"pressor in +&P96
the %olloing indo as used<
(nl# )apor phase =selected in the con)ergence ta!> as used through this condenser since
onl# s#ngas and so"e rec#cled co"ponents ell a!o)e their !oiling points ill !e going through
the co"pressor. 0he discharge pressure as the onl# nu"!er re*uired %or this unit and it as
set at 1200 psi.
Heat Exchangers:
&e)eral heat e-changers ere used through the hole si"ulation. 0here as one !e%ore the
co"pression train' another one cooling don the co"pressed s#ngas. 0o "ore heat
e-changers ere used to cool don the products %ro" the reactor' and %inall# another one as
used to si"ulate air coolers. 0he hot strea" outlet as the onl# speci%ication "ade %or the heat
e-changer !loc$. Cooling ater strea" te"perature and %lo rates going into heat e-changers
Group Charlie Page 33
ere also de%ined. 0his as ?ust a!out enough ater to !ring the te"perature o% the strea"
don to the desired te"perature. 0he %olloing pictures sho ho the# ere "odeled<

0he pressure drop as de%ined as 5 psi %or all the heat e-changers.
/. Annotated E0uipment 1ist;
Group Charlie Page 34
;e%er to the P24 %or the e*uip"ent na"ing
9@12 +ir Cooler
0he air cooler is used !eteen the third and %ourth heat e-changers. ,t ill cool the
strea" !eteen these to pieces o% e*uip"ent so that the %ourth heat e-changer can use the
crude "ethanol strea".
9@4 &tea" 4ru"
0his piece o% e*uip"ent is the stea" dru" that is used %or the reactor. 0he reactor uses
saturated ater to cool it and produces stea" %ro" the heat created %ro" the reactions that
occur. 0he stea" dru" sends ater to a pu"p and recei)es stea" %ro" the reactor that ill !e
condensed so it can !e used again to cool the reactor.
9@35 Condenser
0his condenser is used to turn the %inal grade ++ "ethanol produced %ro" the second
distillation colu"n into a li*uid. +%ter the "ethanol is in li*uid %or" it ill !e sent to se)eral
storage tan$s.
9@32' 33' and 34
0hese three tan$s are shon in the P24 to sho here the %inal product ill !e
collected. 0hree tan$s are shon' !ut in realit# there ill !e a total o% 11 tan$s that ill !e a!le
to hold the "ethanol product. 0he "ethanol ill !e at 99.85A purit#' hich is de%ined to !e sold
at grade ++.
Beat 9-changer 1
Group Charlie Page 35
0he %irst e-changer is used to cool the s#nthesis gas %ro" 5002 to 4582 to !e used in
the co"pressor unit. Cooling ater is used on the tu!e side o% the e-changer in order to cool
the s#ngas. 0he ater enters at 802 and 20 psi' and then lea)es the e-changer at 169.792
and 20psi. 0his e-changer ill !e run at 218psi. 0he heat trans%er area o% this heat e-changer
87.72 %t
Beat 9-changer 2
0he second heat e-changer is another shell and tu!e heat e-changer. ,t ill recei)e the
co"pressed s#ngas %ro" the condenser and ill send the gas to the reactor at a "uch loer
te"perature. 0he s#ngas ill enter at 1200 psi and 716.632 and then lea)e at 1190 psi and
4822. Cooling ater ill !e used on the tu!e side o% the e-changer in order to cool the s#ngas.
0he heat trans%er area o% this e-changer is 1'119.8 %t
Beat 9-changer 3
0he third heat e-changer in the process ill !e a shell and tu!e heat e-changer. ,t ill
recei)e the strea" %ro" the tur!o e-pander and sent it to another heat e-changer. 0he strea"
ill consist o% C(' B2' C(2' 5ethanol' 6@Cutanol' and 9thanol. 0he strea" ill enter at 648.3
psi and 424.12 and then ill !e sent to the %ourth heat e-changer at 638 psi and 3502.
Cooling ater ill !e used in order to cool the strea" inside o% the e-changer. 0he hot ater
that is ta$en out o% the heat e-changer ill !e sent into the %ourth heat e-changer to !e used as
the cold strea". 0he heat trans%er area o% the third heat e-changer is 366.1 %t
Beat 9-changer 4
0he %ourth heat e-changer ill ta$e the strea" %ro" the third heat e-changer and send it
to the %lash colu"n. 0he strea" ill enter at 638 psi and 3502' and then !e lea)ing at 638 psi
and 118.132. 0he heat trans%er area o% this heat e-changer is 61'006 %t
. Cooling ater ill
Group Charlie Page 36
once again !e used in order to cool the strea" inside o% the heat e-changer e-cept the colder
strea" ill !e %ro" the third heat e-changer.
Pu"p 9@36
0his pu"p is used in order to pu"p the s#ngas recei)ed %ro" group 4elta into the %irst
heat e-changer. 4ue to pressure drop in pipes' this pu"p is used to ensure that the %irst heat
e-changer recei)es then clean s#ngas at the pressure speci%ied in the heat e-changer.
Pu"p 9@5
0his pu"p is used to pu"p the cooling ater into the %irst heat e-changer. &ince there
is a pressure drop in piping a pu"p is used in order to ensure that the cooling ater ill enter
the heat e-changer at the correct pressure.
Pu"p 9@38
0his pu"p is used !eteen the stea" dru" and the reactor. &ince ater is needed to
cool the reactor' this pu"p is used to pu"p the ater %ro" the stea" dru" to the reactor.
Pu"p 9@9
0his pu"p is used to pu"p cooling ater into the stea" dru". 0his is used to cool the
stea" that is produced %ro" the reactor so that it condenses the stea" !ac$ into ater.
Pu"p 9@37
0his pu"p is used on the purge strea". ,t ill pu"p the purge strea" %ro" the rec#cle
strea" to a co"!ustion unit !ecause there ill !e a large a"ount o% C(2 in the strea" and that
cannot !e put into the at"osphere.
Group Charlie Page 37
Pu"p 9@10
0his pu"p is used to pu"p cooling ater into the third heat e-changer. +%ter the pu"p
the ater ill !e at 702 and 20 psi.
0he reactor is a 3urgi reactor that ta$es in s#ngas at 1190 psi and 4822 to produce
crude "ethanol and other products. +%ter the "ain reaction occurs' along ith other side
reactions' the product strea" lea)es the reactor at 1200 psi and 5182. &ince the reaction
creates a lot o% heat' ater ill !e %ed into the reactor to produce stea". 0his stea" ill !e
condensed in order to $eep cooling the reactor. ,nside o% the reactor there ill !e the Cu./n.+l
catal#st. 0his catal#st is used in order to $eep the pressure needed to run the reaction loer
than ithout a catal#st.
Co"pressor !loc$
,n +&P96 this is shon as one co"pressor' !ut in realit# it is a "ultistage co"pressor.
0he co"pressor unit ta$es the s#ngas %ro" the %irst heat e-changer at 300 psi and 4582' and
then increases the pressure to 1200 psi hich is needed to run the reactor. When pressure
increases so does the te"perature hich ill lea)e the co"pressor unit at 716.632. ,n order to
o!tain the high pressure the co"pressor ill need to ha)e 44'391 BP. 0he e-iting strea" %ro"
this unit ill !e sent to a second heat e-changer !e%ore entering the reactor.
0ur!o 9-pander
&ince the reactor is at such high pressure' a tur!o e-pander is needed donstrea" in
order to decrease the pressure *uic$l#. 0he crude "ethanol strea" %ro" the reactor' hich
enters the tur!o e-pander' ill enter at 1200 psi and 5182. +%ter going through the e-pander
the strea" ill !e at 648 psi and 4242. 0his e-iting strea" ill !e sent to the third heat
Group Charlie Page 38
e-changer to cool it !e%ore the strea" heads to the %lash colu"n. 0he tur!o e-pander ill !e
a!le to dri)e a tur!ine to produce 7'726 BP' and has an isentropic e%%icienc# o% 0.72 or 72A.
2lash colu"n
0his piece o% e*uip"ent is used to ta$e the crude "ethanol strea" and separate it into
to strea"s. 0he strea" enters the %lash colu"n at 638 psi and 1182. +%ter going through the
colu"n the )apor is sent !ac$ to the co"pressor as a rec#cle strea" at the sa"e te"perature
and pressure. 0he li*uid strea" %ro" the %lash colu"n is sent to an e-pansion )al)e to
decrease the pressure !e%ore distillation. 0he li*uid strea" is still at the sa"e te"perature and
pressure !ut the co"position o% the strea" is di%%erent than the )apor strea".
9-pansion Dal)e
0he e-pansion )al)e is used to decrease the pressure o% the li*uid crude "ethanol
strea" !e%ore it reaches the distillation colu"ns. 0he strea" enters the )al)e at 638 psi and
1182' and then lea)es at 31.5 psi and 87.82. 0his te"perature and pressure is needed %or the
distillation colu"n to run e%%ecti)el#.
9@20 and 9@29
0hese to dru"s are used to hold the distillate that is %or"ed %ro" the to distillation
colu"ns. 0he# ill hold the distillate so it can condense and then !e pu"ped !ac$ into their
respecti)e distillation colu"n.
9@18 and 30 are re!oilers
9@19 and 31 are condensers
4istillation Colu"n 1
Group Charlie Page 39
4istillation Colu"n 2
2. Economic Evaluation
Wind# Cit# 5ethanol has %aith that the pro?ect under@hand ill !e %inancea!le i% )arious
contractual arrange"ents !eing negotiated ith group 4elta are satis%actoril# e-ecuted. 0he
co"ple-it# o% the pro?ect "a$es it essential %or credi!le parties' )ia!le technolog#' pro%ita!le
econo"ic !asis' and ade*uate incenti)es to !e i"ple"ented %or the pro?ect to !e success%ul.
Wind# Cit# 5ethanol !elie)es it has identi%ied all "a?or ris$ areas a%%iliated ith the pro?ect' and
ill pro)ide the t#pes o% ris$ protection re*uired !# in)estors and interest parties to attain pro?ect
%inancing. 0he %olloing sections pro)ide detail on the econo"ic sector o% the pro?ect'
contractual arrange"ents esta!lished' and t#pe o% ris$ Wind# Cit# 5ethanol anticipates.
Capital Cost:
0he pro?ectEs earlier esti"ates ere re@e)aluated and "odi%ied to re%lect "ore accurate %igures.
0he largest "odi%ication to the pro?ect as utili:ing a 3urgi "ethanol reactor as opposed to the
traditional ,C, *uench reactor. 0he total e*uip"ent cost %or the pro?ect is esti"ated to !e slightl#
o)er 743 "illion. 0he %olloing ta!le shos a !rea$don o% the capital costs including a
contingenc# reser)e allocated %or an# %iscal disparities during the construction o% the Wind# Cit#
5ethanol plant.
0he %unds re*uired to co"plete the Pro?ect are esti"ated !elo =in F& dollars>.
0he installation %actor %igures ere o!tained %ro" the GPlant 4esign and 9cono"ics %or
Che"ical 9ngineersH !# Peters I 0i""erhaus.
0otal ,nstalled Costs
Equipment sub-total 7 43'969'504
Direct Costs Factor Cost
Piping 0.68 29'899'262
,nstillation 0.47 20'665'667
Group Charlie Page 40
Cuildings 0.18 7'914'511
9lectrical installation 0.11 4'836'645
&er)ice %acilities 0.70 30'778'652
Controls and )al)es 0.36 15'829'021
&u!total 109'923'760
Indirect Costs Factor Cost
Construction 9-penses 0.41 18'027'496
&uper)ision and 9ngineering 0.33 14'509'936
3egal 9-penses 0.04 1'758'780
Contingenc# 0.44 19'346'581
&u!total 53'642'794
0otal Capital ,n)est"ent 207'536'058
Please see Gecono"ic ta!lesH %or a detail !rea$don o% all the capital costs and descripti)e
e*uip"ent list.
0he %olloing ta!le shos the lo and high ranges o% capital costs !ased on cost esti"ation =in
"illions o% F& dollars>.
3o 3i$el# Bigh
Plant Cost 207 209 300
Dessel Cost 22 32 35
3and Cost =75 acre> 28 37 75
0otal 257 278 410
Wind# Cit# 5ethanol esti"ates the total cost o% the Pro?ect ill !e appro-i"atel# 7245 "illion
and the loan attained !# a reputa!le !an$ ill !e used to %inance 100A o% the cost during the
construction period. Fpon co"pletion o% the plant' appro-i"atel# 761 "illion o% the e*uit# %ro"
the oners ill !e used to reduce the outstanding !an$ de!t. 0he re"aining 7184 "illion de!t
ill !e repaid o)er the ne-t 19 #ears o% the plant li%e. 0he sole purpose o% %inancing the cost o%
designing' !uilding and e*uipping the Wind# Cit# 5ethanol plant is to construct a %acilit# capa!le
Group Charlie Page 41
o% producing 3'200 0P4 o% grade ++ "ethanol. 0he plant ill !e !uild o)er a 75 acre %ield
located in Gar# +)enue ,ndiana near 4eltaEs gasi%ication plant thus eli"inating the
transportation cost o% the %eedstoc$. &#ngas ill !e supplied under a long ter" contract and the
"ethanol ill !e sold under a long ter" agree"ent ith a reputa!le' "a?or F& co"pan#. +ll
necessar# authori:ations and design speci%ications' including all rele)ant in%rastructure
de)elop"ent essential %or nor"al operations %or the pro?ect ill !e attained !# the end o% the
test period. Wind# Cit# 5ethanol !elie)es that e*uit# in)estors ill !e see$ing a "ini"u"
internal rate o% return in the range o% 16A@18A per annu". 0his "ini"u" return is o!tained at a
"ethanol price o% 7 1.35 per gallon' and 7 200 per ton o% %eedstoc$.
Sensitivities and Assumptions:
0he %inancial "odel is structured to re%lect a realistic and %easi!le underta$ing. 0he pro?ect
"odel is de)eloped ithin the %olloing para"eters.
&elling price o% "ethanol is 71.35 per gallon
2eedstoc$ price o% s#n@gas is 7 200 per ton
0a- rate is 40A
,n%lation rate is 0A
Contingenc# is 7 19 "illion
0otal costs are 7 245 "illion
0he internal rate o% return =,;;> has !e co"puted %or three "ethanol pricesJ the results are
shon !elo<
Price o% 5ethanol Cost o% &#n@gas 2eedstoc$ =dollars.ton> 7200 7250
1.35 =!ase price> 16.00A 6.73A
1.50 41.68A 34.90A
1.75 96.30A 69.62A
Group Charlie Page 42
Wind# Cit# 5ethanol !elie)es a 16@18A ,;; is highl# attracti)e return %or e*uit# in)estors. 0he
ta!le shos that this is easil# attaina!le %or all cases e-cept %or the scenario here the s#ngas
%eedstoc$ costs 7250.ton and the "ethanol price is 71.35 per gallon. Cased on historic
"ethanol "ar$et prices patterns' Wind# Cit# 5ethanol !elie)es that a "ar$et price o% 7 1.35 per
gallon is realistic since there is increased de"and ith li"ited orld suppl#. + %uturistic increase
in "ethanol "ar$et prices is highl# pro"ising since crude oil price is highl# suscepti!le to
political tur"oil and is a li"ited resource.
Risk Profile
5ar$et ;is$< ,naccurate de"and esti"ates. 0he selling price o% "ethanol is not
econo"icall# %easi!le %or the pro?ect.
Protection< +ttain a long ter" "ethanol purchase contract ith a large' creditorth#
F& Corporation.
&#ngas &uppl# ;is$< ,naccurate suppl# esti"ates. 0he price at hich s#ngas is !ought is not
econo"ical %or the pro?ect.
Protection< + long ter" s#ngas suppl# contract ith a %i-ed price and a pledge o%
ade*uate 5&W reser)e to "eet contractual agree"ent !eteen Wind#
Cit# 5ethanol and Group 4elta.
Construction ;is$< Construction o)erruns due to %actors such as poor cost esti"ates'
in%lation' and construction dela#s caused !# en)iron"ental or regulation
"ishaps. ()erruns can cause %unding pro!le"s and "a$e the pro?ect
Protection< 2i-ed price contract agree"ents. (rchestrate se)eral %easi!ilit# studies
on cost esti"ates and i"ple"ent stringent construction deadlines.
(perational ;is$< (peration interruption caused !# )arious situations such as plant %ailure'
"al%unctions' prolonged "aintenance and repair' and natural disasters.
Group Charlie Page 43
Protection< Ba)e !usiness interruption insurance to pa# de!t caused !# plant %ailure
or natural disaster.
3egal ;is$< 3ong@ter" contracts a"ong tp parties can result in legal disputes.
Protection< +ttain high@*ualit# legal ad)ice. Ba)e a de)isa!le dispute settle"ent
Labor-related Resources and Technical Feasibility:
&pecial s$ills are essential %or a planned pro?ectJ there%ore' speci%ic s$ill re*uired %or the Wind#
Cit# 5ethanol plant are listed !elo.
4escription 6u"!er +nnual &alar# &u!total
Plant (perating Cre<
(perator 6 740'000 7240'000
3a! 0ech. 2 730'000 760'000
5echanical 0ech. 2 735'000 770'000
Process 9ngineer 4 760'000 7240'000
9lectrical 0ech 1 735'000 735'000
&hi%t &uper)isor 2 745'000 790'000
5aintenance 2 740'000 780'000
&uperintendent 1 7100'000 7100'000
Plant 5anager 1 780'000 780'000
0otal< 21 7995'000
Kplant operating cre ill ha)e to 12@hour shi%ts to pro)ide 24@hour co)erage
Group Charlie Page 44
9ach personnel salar# is !ased on accurate' current' and reputa!le pa#@scales salar#
calculator e!sites in the ,ndiana state area and as )alidated !# co"paring other si"ilar
salar# calculator sites. 0he salar# %igure "edian as ta$en into account and i"ple"ented in
the cost esti"ation section o% this report.
3. 4tilities
1hroughout the process there is a lot of cooling .ater needed along .ith electricity. Each
piece .ill need electricity to run$ and is also needed to run all of the temperature and
pressure controls. 1here .ill also need to 0e a facility to treat the cooling .ater needed in the
heat e4changers. 1he overall process .ill need LLLLL gallons,day of cooling .ater$ along .ith
LLLLL MW,day of electricity.
1he process .ill also reDuire LLLL pounds of steam,hour. Steam is needed for the heat
e4changers and to heat any other piece of eDuipment that needs to 0e heated.
#5. Conceptual Control Scheme
1he figure sho.s the overall control scheme for the process.
Group Charlie Page 45
##. 6eneral Arranement
Process e*uip"ent arrange"ent and plant la#out "ust !e care%ull# anal#:ed !e%ore
construction o% a ne %acilit# can !egin' !ecause these %actors a%%ect nearl# e)er# aspect o%
plant design and operation' including< land re*uire"ents' per"its' sa%et# s#ste"s' construction'
piping arrange"ents and costs' operating costs' and %uture e-pansion. 0he location o% the plant
"ust !e chosen prior to plant la#out !ecause speci%ics such as a)erage ind direction' and
access to roads cannot !e deter"ined ithout a plant location. 0he area chosen %or the
"ethanol plant is in Gar# ,ndiana' ?ust north o% Gar# +)e' hich can !e seen in the i"age
!elo. 0his location pro)ides se)eral ad)antages !ecause it allos access to near!# B# 90
%or ease o% transportation )ia %reight' and is situated across the street %ro" Group 4eltaEs s#ngas
plant. 0he pro-i"it# to the s#ngas plant is i"portant !ecause the s#ngas could !e piped
underground directl# into the "ethanol plant' signi%icantl# reducing transportation costs.
Group Charlie Page 46
,t as disco)ered that at this geographic location' the "ost co""on ind direction is the
southest to the northeast. ,t is i"portant !ecause an#here that there is an open %la"e "ust
!e upind o% an# %la""a!le "aterials. 0his as used in the place"ent o% the ground %lare at
the "ethanol plant hich is used to !urn o%% unusa!le %la""a!le "aterials. 0he location
chosen %or the ground %lare as at the southeast corner o% the %acilit#' so that the "ost co""on
ind direction does not ha)e the possi!ilit# o% !loing the %la"es o% the ground %lare toards the
s#ngas and "ethanol storage tan$s.
0he plant la#out itsel% as deri)ed %ro" the process %lo diagra"' and i"ple"ented into the
chosen location o% the %acilit#. 0he di"ensions o% the %acilit# are 000%t !# 000%t. +ccess ill !e
Group Charlie Page 47
pro)ided through an entrance at Cline +)e' hich ill lead to the est side o% the %acilit#.
Disitors and e"plo#ees ill !e greeted !# securit# o%%icials at the gatehouse' and those granted
access ill !e a!le to par$ in one o% the to a)aila!le par$ing lots. 0he "ain o%%ices are located
in the northest corner o% the "ain production !uilding' and control roo"s are located ?ust south
o% the o%%ices. 0he "ain production !uilding also houses the "ethanol s#nthesis co"ponents
including< heat e-changers' %lash dru"s' co"pressors' tur!o e-panders' and the reactor. 0he
"ain pipe rac$ is easil# accessi!le to e)er# piece o% e*uip"ent !ecause it runs directl# don
the center o% the !uilding. 0he to distillation colu"ns are located outside the !uilding on the
east side. &torage tan$s line the northern edge o% the %acilit#' ith plent# o% area !eteen the
!uilding and the tan$s %or eas# access %or tractor trailers. 0he speci%ics o% the plant la#out can
!e seen in the i"age !elo.
Group Charlie Page 48
Wind 4irection
#%. Distribution and End7use Issues revie(
0he glo!al "ar$et %or "ethanol is %orecasted to reach nearl# 55.3 "illion "etric
tons !# the #ear 2015. 0his is "ainl# due to the groing consu"ption o% "ethanol in
+sia@Paci%ic' speci%icall# in China. + $e# %actor that leads to the groing consu"ption o%
"ethanol is its use in alternati)e %uels and the production o% acetic acid. 0he three
largest deri)ati)es o% "ethanol are %or"aldeh#de' "eth#l tertiar# !ut#l ether =50C9>
and acetic acid. 5ethanol consu"ption in gasoline !lending' especiall# in China' has
gron signi%icantl# o)er the last %e #ears' ith this use accounting %or appro-i"atel#
7A o% orld "ethanol consu"ption. 0his is "ainl# due to Cei?ing settling on a national
standard %or "ethanol as an auto"oti)e %uel. China uses nearl# 3 "illion tons o%
"ethanol' hich gets !lended #earl# into the gasoline "ar$et. Lust as the Fnited &tate
uses 985 %or cars that use ethanol !lended ith gasoline' the Chinese ill !e using
585' to represent the use o% "ethanol and gasoline. 0he nu"!ers in these la!els
represent the use o% 85A "ethanol or ethanol and 15A gasoline.
5ethanol can !e used in a )ariet# o% industrial applications. ,ts largest use is
as a ra "aterial %or the production o% "eth#l t@!ut#l ether =50C9>' a gasoline additi)e.
50C9 is "anu%actured )ia the che"ical reaction o% "ethanol and iso!ut#lene. 50C9 is
used as an o-#genate to raise the octane nu"!er in gasoline. 50C9 is %a)ored o)er
ethanol !ecause o% its superior per%or"ance in reducing !en:ene and %or"aldeh#de in
gasoline' and its loer )olatile organic co"pound content. ,t is also used in organic
che"istr# as a relati)el# ine-pensi)e sol)ent ith properties co"para!le to dieth#l ether
!ut ith a higher !oiling point and loer solu!ilit# in ater. We ill !e speci%icall#
Group Charlie Page 49
targeting co"panies that re*uire "ethanol as a use to produce 50C9. &o"e o% these
co"panies include +"oco and Citgo. 0here are 27 co"panies producing "eth#l@tert@
!ut#l ether at 32 %acilities in the Fnited &tates' ith these to co"panies included.
5ethanol is also used in the production o% %or"aldeh#de' chloro"ethanes'
"eth#l "ethacr#late' "eth#la"ines' di"eth#l terephthalate' and as a sol)ent or
anti%ree:e in paint strippers' aerosol spra# paints' all paints' car!uretor cleaners' and
car indshield asher co"pounds. 2or"aldeh#de accounts for about 36% of the
estimated methanol demand; it is used in resins for buildings materials and the wood
products and in the construction of housing, commercial and industrial structures,
laminates in the furniture industry and engineering plastics in the automotive industry.
+cetic acid represents 11A o% total de"and. Din#l acetate =D+5>' a deri)ati)e o% acetic
acid' is used in the "anu%acture o% paints' adhesi)es' %il"' paper and te-tiles and is the
largest and %astest groing consu"er o% acetic acid.
0he "ethanol produced at this particular poer plant ill ha)e a purit# o%
99.85A' hich ill *uali%# it to !e sold as grade ++ "ethanol. 0here are se)eral
re*uire"ents that need to !e "et in order %or it to !e called grade ++ "ethanol. 0he
a"ounts o% acetone and aldeh#de can onl# !e at "a- 30 t@pp". +cetone and ethanol
can onl# !e present at a "a- li"it o% o% 10 t@pp" and there also cannot !e an# higher
alcohols present. 2inall#' ater "ust !e onl# present at "a-i"u" li"it o% 1'000 t.@
,n the long run "ethanol is !eing researched as a source o% h#drogen %or %uel
cells used in transportation' stationar# poer generation' and porta!le poer
applications. 5an# recent F.&. patents and patent applications in)ol)e "ethanol %uels
Group Charlie Page 50
cells. &o"e o% the technologies patented %or "ethanol cells include< anode structures'
catal#sts' "e"!rane asse"!lies %or direct cells' and sensor@less opti"i:ation o%
"ethanol concentration in a cell.
#). Constraints !evie(
#*. Applicable Standards
1al' a0out Grade 77 Methanol. Can discuss EP7 standards for the .hole process and
that no .aste is 0eing produced and everything is 0eing o4idi/ed in a thermal o4idi/er.
#,. Pro8ect Communications 'ile
1o vie. any more information a0out the process and the components$ visit
http#,,charlie@!"..i' 1his site can 0e used to vie. all files and references used in
the research of our process. 7ny Duestions that arise a0out the process can 0e ans.ered .ithin
the .i'i site.
#-. Information Sources and !eferences
Group Charlie Page 51

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