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Written by Miquel Vidal
Karuna Reiki
Karuna Reiki Reiki is a system derived from Tibetan Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki and the Reiki J ohra. It is
therefore a basing system in Western Reiki Takata's teachings. This system was developed by William L.
Rand collaboration with other masters of Reiki, which it says, inspired by Sai Baba, received a series of
symbols together to create and register the Karuna Reiki . It has a system very similar to Reiki
attunements Usui Tibetan with some variations.
They say its creators, Karuna Reiki energy has a different from Usui Reiki, more intense, direct and
powerful. It is certainly normal for this system a distinct sense that the Usui Reiki, as working with other
symbols of the energy vibration changes. Remember that when you invoke a command that cause you to
channel this energy in tune with the vibration of that symbol, and therefore, the virtues and duties of the
symbol is manifested through the energy.
Karuna is a Sanskrit word which means "compassion", we can find meaning as "action that is undertaken
to reduce the suffering of others" or as "compassionate action." Many often confuse punishment with
compassion. The penalty is a negative feeling and has no high, deep base is fear. Through the penalty
can be manipulated very easily. By contrast, compassion requires a high degree of developmental level.
Compassion is born of a true union with the whole, in which one feels that is interconnected to everything
and we are all part of the macro body.
Karuna Reiki focuses on working with Mara, what could be called the "dark side." Within us there is some
good and bad, to put it in some way. At bottom, the bad part is illusory, but until we truly realize this, the
poor can seize us and cause much suffering, both ourselves and others. This system of Reiki is a special
emphasis on working to dissolve this "dark side", and to develop true compassion for others.
To make Karuna Reiki, you must have made at least the second level of Reiki. But its creator William L.
Rand, should be made to the third level and have practiced with the Dai-Koo-Myo Usui to absorb
vibration. This system usually consists of two levels: Master Practitioner and Karuna Karuna. Between the
two levels explains all the symbols of the system and receive all of them through two initiations.
Karuna Reiki session is basically performing the hand positions to learn in Usui Reiki and in each position
to apply all the symbols of Karuna. To expedite this process there is the method of the brackets.
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Karuna Reiki
1 of 6 5/22/2014 9:05 AM
Technique of the Bracket
This method is to create a kind of bracket with all the symbols inside, so that when you invoke the symbol
that bracket, it drags everybody else. This technique can do with the Zonar and the Dai-Koo-Myo Usui.
Explain this technique to do it with the symbols of Karuna, but we can do it with other symbols.
Previously, before the session the patient will make the following preparations:
Open the bracket. Choose the symbol that will act as braces, usually using Zonar or Dai-Koo-Myo
Usui. We left palm face up and draw right on the hand symbol, we introduce and knocked three
times on the palm. Mentally repeated three times: "I am creating a bracket symbols."
Insert symbols. Then we will draw each symbol, repeating his name three times to activate it
and hitting the hand three times to enter.
Close the bracket. Once you have entered all the symbols, re-enter the command we used to
bracket the Zonar or Dai-Koo-Myo.
Repeat this process on the other hand, opening the bracket, inserting all the symbols and closing
the clasp.
Now we have the hook set, every time we use it only be necessary to invoke the command with which we
created the bracket and this will drag everyone else.
Karuna Reiki Practitioner Level Symbols
Zonar. Karma works and issues related to past lives. It
helps us to recover the painful memories of past traumas
to heal in the present. It works similarly to the Hon-Sha-
Ze-Sho-Nen, to break through the barriers of time and
distance. To draw, first draw the Z, then the infinite in
the center repeating three times.
Halu. This symbol helps us see where we are not
looking. Clear the illusion and mindsets that we have
established ourselves as self-denial or self-deception. Can
also be used to stop attacks such as energy or protection.
Be careful when using it as protection and insulates us
much of our environment.
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Karuna Reiki
2 of 6 5/22/2014 9:05 AM
Harth. This command works the emotional and
sentimental. We can use it to work with bad habits and
to heal relationships. It symbolizes the heart. Returns will
to live and to undertake new projects. It also helps to
develop compassion.
Rama-Mara. Used to open the chakras of the soles of
the feet and thus promote the curly to the land. Work
harmonizing the lower chakras and everything related to
the world of matter. It helps to play with his feet on the
ground to address all material issues in a more healthy
and conscious. Can also be used to clear negative energy
from places and homes.
Ganesh. It is a symbol of good fortune. Attracts to us
the luck and success, both material and spiritual. Is
aligned with the figure of the Hindu god Ganesh, the
elephant god, who represents wisdom and prudence.
Gnosa. This command works the connection to our
higher self. Raises the energy from lower to higher
centers, resulting in an increase in our consciousness.
Represents spiritual knowledge.
Kriya-Chokurei. With this symbol we work to achieve
our goals, putting the power of the universe to achieve
them. Can be used to protect and promote other
symbols, placing the symbol to promote between the two
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Karuna Reiki
3 of 6 5/22/2014 9:05 AM
subject others, especially the "how we should be." Lava
helps us find ourselves and undo the illusion that others
would have us believe.
Shanti. It is a symbol that produces a great calm. It
helps us bring our dream if we have recurring
nightmares. It is also used to free ourselves from past
traumas and brings harmony and balance.
Ved-Ganga. This symbol is aligned with the figure of
Ganga, the goddess of the Ganges. Legend has it that
the goddess had the ability to purify everything it
touched. It is therefore a symbol that helps us to purify
people, objects and places.
Hosanna. This is also a symbol of protection and to
cleanse negative energies. Is aligned with the figure of
the ascended master Saint Germain.
Motor-Zanon. This symbol is used for exorcism, that is,
freeing the patient from entities or persons disembodied
thought. It is a symbol that produces a change in polarity
of the energy of the patient in order to force the
authorities to leave the body.
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Karuna Reiki
4 of 6 5/22/2014 9:05 AM
Attracts us the ability to accomplish what we set and the
energy required to do so. It is a very ancient symbol that
can be found in Buddhist and Hindu representatives.
Johre. Comes from a J apanese symbol called the set
J ohra, which means White Light. This command invokes
some entities called Elohim. Serves as protection against
energy attacks, but also can be used to release locks. It
is also useful in cases in which an entity is engaged in
the patient.
Symbols of Karuna Reiki Master
Moses. It is a symbol associated with spiritual ascent,
representing the transformation from human to
divine. Develop the purity, consistency, integrity and
willingness to go forward in our evolutionary path to
enlightenment. It was found engraved on the tomb of
Aaron, Moses' brother, J ordan. It is also said of him
that was used by the Knights Templar.
Nanak. It is a symbol of Sikh origin, and its meaning
is God. Especially working with purity of heart, helps
us to tune into this chakra to develop simplicity.
Om. Is the symbol that represents the primordial
sound of the universe, from which all things were
created. Means "God is infinite." Works especially the
crown chakra increasing its frequency of vibration. It
helps us connect with the divine. It also purifies, seals
and protects the aura.
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Karuna Reiki
5 of 6 5/22/2014 9:05 AM
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our feminine awakening creativity and intuition. It is
also a symbol of protection away from the evils and
ignorance. Can be used to undo energy work.
Shivoham. This command mirrors the Hindu god
Shiva. Its meaning is "I am Shiva." In Hinduism,
Shiva is the god who destroys the universe. Believe
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva keeps it destroys it. In this
area Shivoham helps to destroy the negativity and
illusion that may be on us. Work masculine energy.
Hor. This symbol is of Egyptian origin, and was used
as protection. It represents the god Ra, god of the
sun soothe aching limbs and joints. He is said to
prolong life. We can use it to connect with the sun
and cosmic directly receive information sent to us.
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Karuna Reiki
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