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Selections from Ambrose Bierce

[ Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914?) was chiefly known in his day as Newsaer wri!er
of insi"h!# scholarly ben!# and ca$s!ic wi!% &e was a cons!an! enemy of corr$!ion and
hyocrisy% &ears!# !he Newsaer baron# hired him and "a'e him free rei"n !o wri!e as he
wished# and he worked for &ears! newsaers from 188(-19)*% Bierce $blished books
of oe!ry# shor! s!ories# and cri!icism# and is robably bes! known for his The Devil's
Dictionary# and his shor! s!ory +An ,cc$rrence a! ,wl -reek Brid"e#+ which was !he
acco$n! of !he af!er-dea!h e.erience of a han"ed officer% &is mind# wri!in"s# and life
co'ered a 'ery wide scoe# incl$din" heroic ac!ion in !he -i'il /ar% A! o'er () he re'isi!ed
!he -i'il /ar ba!!le si!es he had been in'ol'ed in# and ac!$ally disaeared af!er !his !ime#
b$! was belie'ed by some !o ha'e died in 0e.ico while in'es!i"a!in" !he 0e.ican
1e'ol$!ion% 2
- Natura Benigna
- Who Are the Great?
- Thought and Feeling
- "The Kreutzer onata"
- A Dead !ion
- A Flourishing "ndustry
- The #a$aican %ongoose
- The hado& on the Dial
- 'eligion
- (harity
- The )**osing e+
- A %ad World
- The 'ight to Wor,
- -y*notis$
- The (hair o. !ittle /ase
- A Bivouac o. the Dead
- 0isions o. the Night
- An )ccurrence at )&l (ree, Bridge
- Fantastic Fa1les
- (orru*ting the 2ress
- "The Bu11le 'e*utation"
- A -orse$an in the ,y
- )ne o. the %issing
- Killed at 'esaca
- 2ar,er Anderson3 2hiloso*her
- An "nha1itant o. (arcosa
- -aita the he*herd
- The %oc,ing-Bird
- The A**licant
- )14ective "deas
- The /volution o. a tory
- The 2assing ho&
- Novu$ )rganu$
- 2olitics
- 'eligion
- 0isions o. in
- !aus !ucis
- Nanine
- A 'e*ly to a !etter
- To )scar Wilde
- By a De.eated !itigant
- Fate
- 2hiloso*her Bi$$
- 'e$inded
- To Nanine
- A Blac,-!ist
- )neiro$ancy
- (onstancy
- A Bit o. cience
- An Augury
- Detected
- 5ne+*ounded
- The %an Born Blind
- %atter .or Gratitude
- The *irit o. a *onge
- To /66 alo$on
- /$anci*ation
- #ohndon,ey
- -ell
- A controversialist
- Thersites
- A 2rayer
- The 2erverted 0illage
- A 2olitical A*ostate
- Bats in unshine
- A Word to the 5n&ise
- A Da$*ened Ardor
- 'e4ected
- To /ither
- The 0alley o. the hado& o. The.t
- Ar1or Day
- The 2iute
- The Foot--ill 'esort
- Fro$ To* to Botto$
- The Dead King
- A Wreath o. "$$ortales
- Bierce on %arriage
Natura Benigna
3! is no! always on remo!e islands eoled wi!h a"ans !ha! "rea! disas!ers occ$r#
as memory wi!nesse!h% Nor are !he forces of na!$re inade4$a!e !o rod$c!ion of a fiercer
!hroe !han any !ha! we ha'e known% 5he si!$a!ion is !his6 we are !ied by !he fee! !o a
fra"ile shell imerfec!ly confinin" a force owerf$l eno$"h $nder fa'orin" condi!ions# !o
b$rs! i! as$nder and se! !he fra"men!s wallowin" and "rindin" !o"e!her in li4$id flame# in
!he blind f$ry of a read7$s!men!% Nay# i! needs no s$ch s!$endo$s ca!aclysm !o de-eole
!his $neasy orb% 8e! b$! a s4$are mile be blown o$! of !he bo!!om of !he sea# or a "rea! rif!
oen !here% 3s i! !o be s$osed !ha! we wo$ld be $naffec!ed in !he al!ered condi!ions
"enera!ed by a con!es! be!ween !he ocean and !he ear!h9s mol!en core? 5hese fa!ali!ies
are no! only ossible b$! in !he hi"hes! de"ree robable% 3! is robable# indeed# !ha! !hey
ha'e occ$rred o'er and o'er a"ain# effacin" all !he more hi"hly or"ani:ed forms of life#
and comellin" !he slow march of e'ol$!ion !o be"in anew% ;low? ,n !he s!a"e of <!erni!y
!he assin" of races - !he en!rances and e.i!s of 8ife - are inciden!s in a brisk and li'ely
drama# followin" one ano!her wi!h conf$sin" raidi!y%
0ankind has no! fo$nd i! rac!icable !o abandon and a'oid !hose laces where !he
forces of na!$re ha'e been mos! mali"n% 5he !rack of !he /es!ern !ornado is seedily re-
eoled% ;an =rancisco is s!ill o$lo$s# desi!e i!s ear!h4$ake# >al'es!on desi!e i!s
s!orm# and e'en !he co$r!s of 8isbon are no! ke! by !he lion and !he li:ard% 3n !he
?er$'ian 'illa"e s!rai"h! downward in!o whose s!ree!s !he crew of a @ni!ed ;!a!es warshi
once looked from !he cres! of a wa'e !ha! s!randed her a half mile inland are heard !he
!inkle of !he "$i!ar and !he 'oices of children a! lay% 5here are eole li'in" a!
&erc$lane$m and ?omeii% ,n !he sloes abo$! -a!ania !he "oa!-herd end$res wi!h wha!
co$ra"e he may !he !remblin" of !he "ro$nd benea!h his fee! as old <ncelad$s a"ain !$rns
o'er on his o!her side% As !he &oan"-&o "oes back inside i!s banks af!er fer!ili:in" i!s
con!i"$i!y wi!h hydra!e of -hinaman !he li'in" a"ric$l!$ris! follows !he recedin" wa'e# se!s
$ his habi!a!ion benea!h !he broken embankmen!# and a"ain !he Aalley of !he >one Away
blossoms as !he rose# i!s eole dicin" wi!h Bea!h%
5his ma!!er can no! be amended6 !he race e.oses i!self !o eril beca$se i! can do
no o!herwise% 3n all !he world !here is no ci!y of ref$"e - no !emle in which !o !ake
sanc!$ary# clin"in" !o !he horns of !he al!ar - no +lace aar!+ where# like h$n!ed deer# we
can hoe !o el$de !he bayin" ack of Na!$re9s male'olences% 5he deadline is drawn a! !he
"a!e of life6 0an crosses i! a! bir!h% &is ad'en! is a challen"e !o !he en!ire ack -
ear!h4$ake# s!orm# fire# flood# dro$"h!# hea!# cold# wild beas!s# 'enomo$s re!iles#$s
insec!s# bacilli# sec!ac$lar la"$e and 'el'e!-foo!ed ho$sehold disease - all are fierce and
!ireless in $rs$i!% Bod"e# !$rn and do$ble how he can# !here9s no el$din" !hemC soon or
la!e some of !hem ha'e him by !he !hroa! and his siri! re!$rns !o !he >od who "a'e i! -
and "a'e !hem%
/e are !old !ha! !his ear!h was made for o$r inhabi!in"% ,$r dearly belo'ed
bre!hren in !he fai!h# o$r siri!$al "$ides# hilosohers and friends of !he $li!# ne'er !ire
of oin!in" o$! !he "oodness of >od in "i'in" $s so e.cellen! a lace !o li'e in and
commendin" !he admirable ada!a!ion of all !hin"s !o o$r needs%
/ha! a fine world i! is# !o be s$re - a darlin" li!!le world# +so s$i!ed !o !he needs of
man%+ A "lobe of li4$id fire# s!rainin" wi!hin a shell rela!i'ely no !hicker !han !ha! of an e""
- a shell cons!an!ly crackin" and in momen!ary dan"er of "oin" all !o iecesD 5hree-
fo$r!hs of !his delec!able field of h$man ac!i'i!y are co'ered wi!h an elemen! in which we
can no! brea!he# and which swallows $s by myriads6
/i!h molderin" bones !he dee is whi!e
=rom !he fro:en :ones !o !he !roics bri"h!%
,f !he o!her one-fo$r!h more !han one-half is $ninhabi!able by reason of clima!e%
,n !he remainin" one-ei"h!h we ass a comfor!less and recario$s!ence in dis$!ed
occ$ancy wi!h co$n!less minis!ers of dea!h and ain - ass i! in fi"h!in" for i!# !oo!h and
nail# a hoeless ba!!le in which we are foredoomed !o defea!% <'erywhere dea!h# !error#
lamen!a!ion and !he la$"h!er !ha! is more !errible !han !ears - !he f$ry and desair of a race
han"in" on !o life by !he !is of i!s fin"ersD And !he ri:e for which we s!ri'e# +!o ha'e and
!o hold+ - wha! is i!? A !hin" !ha! is nei!her en7oyed while had# nor missed when los!% ;o
wor!hless i! is# so $nsa!isfyin"# so inade4$a!e !o $rose# so false !o hoe and a! i!s bes!
so brief# !ha! for consola!ion and comensa!ion we se! $ fan!as!ic fai!hs of an af!er!ime in
a be!!er world from which no confirmin" whiser has e'er reached $s across !he 'oid%
&ea'en is a rohecy $!!ered by !he lis of desair# b$! &ell is an inference from analo"y%
(0ol6 773 Bierce (ollected Wor,s)
Who Are the Great?
5he 4$es!ion ha'in" been asked whe!her Abraham 8incoln was !he "rea!es! man
!his co$n!ry e'er rod$ced# a con!emorary wri!er si"nifies his own 'iew of !he ma!!er
+Abraham 8incoln was a "rea! man# b$! 3 am inclined !o belie'e !ha! his!ory will
reckon >eor"e /ashin"!on a "rea!er%+
B$! !ha! is an aeal !o an income!en! arbi!er% &is!ory has always ele'a!ed !o
rimacy in "rea!ness !ha! kind of men - men of ac!ion# s!a!esmen and soldiers% 3n my
7$d"men! nei!her of !he men men!ioned is en!i!led !o !he dis!inc!ion% 3 sho$ld say !ha! !he
"rea!es! American !ha! we know abo$!# if no! >eor"e ;!erlin"# was <d"ar Allan ?oe% 3
sho$ld say !ha! !he "rea!es! man is !he man caable of doin" !he mos!!ed# !he mos!
las!in" and mos! beneficial in!ellec!$al work - and !he hi"hes!# ries!# riches! fr$i! of !he
h$man in!ellec! is ind$bi!ably "rea! oe!ry% 5he "rea! oe! is !he kin" of menC comared
wi!h him# any o!her man is a easan!C comared wi!h his# any o!her man9s work is a 7oke%
/ha! is i! likely !ha! remo!e a"es will !hink of !he comara!i'e "rea!ness of ;hakeseare
and !he mos! eminen! of all Bri!ain9s warriors or s!a!esmen? No!hin"# for knowled"e of !he
la!!er9s work will ha'e erished% /ho was !he "rea!es! of >recians before &omer?
Beca$se yo$ are $nable !o men!ion offhand !he names of ill$s!rio$s con4$erors or emire-
b$ilders of !he eriod do yo$ s$ose !here were none? 5heir work has erished# !ha! is
all - as will erish !he work of /ashin"!on and 8incoln% B$! !he "liad is wi!h $s%
5heir work has erished and o$r knowled"e of i!% /hy? Beca$se no "rea!er man
made a record of i!% 3f &omer had celebra!ed !heir deeds ins!ead of !hose of his d$bio$s
A"amemnon and imossible Achilles# we sho$ld know abo$! !hem - all !ha! he chose !o
!ell% =or a comarison be!ween !heir "rea!ness and his !he da!a wo$ld be s$lied by
himself% 0en of ac!ion owe !heir fame !o men of !ho$"h!% 5he "lory of !he r$ler# !he
con4$eror or !he s!a!esman belon"s !o !he his!orian or !he oe! who made i!% &e can
make i! bi" or li!!le# a! his leas$reC he $on whom i! is bes!owed is as owerless in !he
ma!!er as is any bys!ander% 3f !here were no wri!ers how wo$ld yo$ know !ha! !here was a
/ashin"!on or a 8incoln? &ow wo$ld yo$ know !ha! !here is a Eoseh -hoa!e# who was
American Ambassador !o >rea! Bri!ain# or a Nelson 0iles# some!ime -ommander of o$r
army? ;$ose !he wri!ers of !his co$n!ry had in 189* a"reed ne'er a"ain !o men!ion !he
name of /illiam E% BryanC where wo$ld ha'e been his "rea!ness?
>rea! wri!ers make "rea! men or $nmake !hem - or can if !hey like% 5hey kindle a
"lory where !hey lease# or 4$ench i! where i! has be"$n !o shine% &is!ory9s final 7$d"men!
of /ashin"!on and 8incoln will deend $on !he will of !he immor!al a$!hor who chooses !o
wri!e of !hem% 5heir deeds# al!ho$"h a !ho$sand !imes more dis!in"$ished# !heir o$lari!y#
!ho$"h a !ho$sand !imes "rea!er# can no! sa'e from obli'ion e'en so m$ch as !heir names%
And no!hin" !ha! !hey b$il! will abide% ,f !he +!oless !owers+ of emire !ha! !he one
assis!ed !o erec!# and !he o!her !o b$!!ress# no! a 'es!i"e will remain% B$! wha! can efface
+5he 5es!imony of !he ;$ns+? /ho can $nwri!e +5o &elen+?
3f !here had been no /ashin"!on# American indeendence wo$ld ne'er!heless ha'e
been won and !he American re$blic es!ablished% B$! s$ose !ha! he alone had !aken $
arms% &e was nei!her indisensable nor s$fficien!% /i!ho$! 8incoln !he "rea! rebellion
wo$ld ha'e been s$bd$ed and ne"ro sla'ery abolished% /ha! kind of "rea!ness is !ha! -
!o do wha! ano!her co$ld ha'e done# wha! was bo$nd !o be done anyhow? 3 call i! re!!y
chea work% >rea! s!a!esmen and "rea! soldiers are as common as fliesC !he world is
lo$sy wi!h !hem% /e reco"ni:e !heir ab$ndance in !he sayin" !ha! !he ho$r brin"s !he
man% /e do no! say !ha! of a li!erary emer"ency% 5here !he demand is always callin" for
!he s$ly# and $s$ally callin" in 'ain% ,nce or !wice in a cen!$ry# i! may be# !he "rea! man
of !ho$"h! comes# $nforeseen and $nreco"ni:ed# and makes !he a"e and !he "lory !hereof
all his own by sayin" wha! none b$! he co$ld say - deli'erin" a messa"e which none b$!
he co$ld bear% All ro$nd him swarm !he li!!le "rea! men of ac!ion# layin" s!$rdily abo$!
!hem wi!h mace and sword# chan"in" bo$ndaries which are af!erward chan"ed back
a"ain# ser'in" fascina!in" rinciles from which os!eri!y !$rns away# b$ildin" s!a!es !ha!
'anish like cas!les of clo$d# fo$ndin" !hrones and dynas!ies wi!h which 5ime lays a! i!ch-
and-!oss% B$! !hro$"h i! all# and af!er i! all# !he mi"h!y !ho$"h! of !he man of words flows
on and on wi!h !he resis!less swee of +!he "rea! ri'er where Be ;o!o lies+ - an
$nchan"in" and $nchan"eable c$rren! of e!ernal "ood%
5hey say !he 8ion and !he 8i:ard kee
5he co$r!s where Eamshyd "loried and drank deeC
And Bahram# !ha! "rea! &$n!er - !he wild ass
;!ams o9er his &ead# b$! can no! break his slee%
B$! !he co$r!s !ha! ,mar reared s!ill s!and# erfec! as when he +hewed !he shaf! and laid
!he !he archi!ra'e%+ No! !he lion and !he li:ard - we o$rsel'es kee !hem and "lory in !hem
and drink dee in !hem# as did he% ,9er his head# !ooC !ha! "ood man and considerable
oe!# 0r% <d"ar =awce!!# s!amed in 'ainC b$! a !o$ch on a book# and loD old ,mar is
broad awake and wi!h him wakens 3srafel# +whose hear!-s!rin"s are a l$!e%+
Ar! and li!era!$re are !he only !hin"s of ermanen! in!eres! in !his world% Fin"s and
con4$erors rise and fallC armies mo'e across !he s!a"e of his!ory and disaear in !he
win"sC mi"h!y emires are e'ol'ed and dissol'edC reli"ions# oli!ical sys!ems# ci'ili:a!ions
flo$rish# die and# e.ce! in so far as "if!ed a$!hors may choose !o ere!$a!e !heir
memory# are for"o!!en and all is as before% B$! !he !ho$"h! of a "rea! wri!er asses from
ci'ili:a!ion !o ci'ili:a!ion and is no! los!# al!ho$"h his known work# his 'ery name# may
erish% Go$ can no! $n!hink a !ho$"h! of &omer# b$! !he deeds of A"amemnon are lon"
$ndone# and !he only 'al$e !ha! he has# !he only in!eres!# is !ha! he ser'es as ma!erial for
oe!s% ,f -aesar9s work only !ha! of !he en s$r'i'es% 3f a s!a!$e by ?hidias# or a
man$scri! by -a!$ll$s# were disco'ered !oday !he na!ions of <$roe wo$ld be biddin"
a"ains! one ano!her for i!s ossession !omorrow - as one day !he na!ions of Africa may bid
for a newly disco'ered man$scri! of some one now lon" dead and for"o!!en%
8i!era!$re and ar! are abo$! all !ha! !he world really cares for in !he endC !hose who
make !hem are no! wi!ho$! 7$s!ifica!ion in re"ardin" !hemsel'es as mas!ers in !he &o$se of
8ife and all o!hers as !heir ser'i!ors% 3n !he babble and clamor# !he ranks and an!ics of i!s
co$n!less incaables# !he !remendo$s di"ni!y of !he rofession of le!!ers is o'erlookedC b$!
when# cas!in" a re!rosec!i'e eye in!o +!he dark backward and abysm of !ime+ !o where
beyond !hese 'oices is !he eace of desola!ion# we no!e !he ma7es!y of !he few immor!als
and comare !hem wi!h !he i"my fi"$res of !heir con!emorary kin"s# warriors and men of
ac!ion "enerally - when across !he silen! ba!!le fields and h$shed .ora where !he d$ll
des!inies of na!ions were de!ermined# nobody cares how# we hear#
like ocean on a wes!ern beach#
5he s$r"e and !h$nder of !he )dyssey -
!hen we araise li!era!$re a! i!s !r$e 'al$eC and how li!!le wor!hwhile seems all else wi!h
which 0an is leased !o occ$y his f$ssy so$l and f$!ile handsD
(The (ontroversialist3 0ol 783 Bierce (ollected Wor,s)
Thought and Feeling
+/ha! is his idea? - wha! !ho$"h! does he e.ress?+ asks - ra!her lof!ily - a
dis!in"$ished cri!ic and rofessor of <n"lish li!era!$re !o whom 3 s$bmi!!ed a brief oem of
0r% 8o'eman% 3 had no! known !ha! 0r% 8o'eman (of whom# by !he way# 3 ha'e no! heard
so m$ch as 3! !o) had !ried !o e.ress a !ho$"h!C 3 had s$osed !ha! his aim was !o
rod$ce an emo!ion# a feelin"% 5ha! is all !ha! a oe! - as a oe! - can do% &e may be
hilosoher as well as oe! - may ha'e a !ho$"h!# as rofo$nd a !ho$"h! as yo$ lease#
b$! if he do no! e.ress i! so as !o rod$ce an emo!ion in an emo!ional mind he has no!
soken as a oe! seaks% 3! is !he hilosoher9s !rade !o make $s !hink# !he oe!9s !o make
$s feel% 3f he is so for!$na!e as !o ha'e his !ho$"h!# well and "oodC he can make $s feel#
wi!h i! as well as wi!ho$! - and wi!ho$! i! as well as wi!h%
,ne wo$ld no! care !o "i'e $ !he hilosohy !ha! $nderr$ns so m$ch of
;hakeseare9s work# b$! how li!!le i!s occasional absence affec!s o$r deli"h! is shown by
!he readin" of s$ch +nonsense 'erses+ as !he son" in +As Go$ 8ike 3!#+ be"innin"6
3! was a lo'er and his lass#
/i!h a hey# and a ho# and a hey nonino%
,ne does no! need !he m$sicC !he lines sin" !hemsel'es# and are f$ll of !he 'ery
siri! of oe!ry% /ha! !he dickens !hey may chance !o mean is 4$i!e ano!her ma!!er% /ha!
is oe!ry# anyhow# b$! +"lorio$s nonsense+? B$! how 'ery "lorio$s !he nonsense haens
!o beD /ha! +!ho$"h!+ did Ariel !ry !o e.ress in his son"s in +5he 5emes!+? 5here is
hardly !he !en!h ar! of a !ho$"h! in !hemC ye! who !ha! has a r$dimen!ary# or e'en a
'es!i"ial# s$sce!ibili!y !o sen!imen! and feelin"# can read !hem wi!ho$! !he !hrill !ha! is
s!$bborn !o !he s$mmonin" of !he rofo$ndes! reflec!ions of &amle! in his inkies! cloak?
?oe!ry may be con7oined wi!h !ho$"h!% 3n !he "rea! oe!s i! commonly is - !ha! is !o
say# we award !he alm !o him who is "rea! in more !han one direc!ion% B$! !he oe!ry is a
!hin" aar! from !he !ho$"h! and demandin" a seara!e considera!ion% 5he !wo ha'e no
more essen!ial connec!ion !han !he !emle and i!s "rani!e# !he s!a!$e and i!s bron:e% 3s !he
sc$l!or9s work less "rea! in !he clay !han i! becomes in !he hands of !he fo$ndry man?
No one# no! !he "rea!es! oe! nor !he d$lles! cri!ic# knows wha! oe!ry is% No man#
from 0il!on down !o !he ac$!es! and mos! ernicio$s le.ico"raher# has been able !o
define i!s name% 5o ca!ch !ha! b$!!erfly !he cri!ic9s ne! is no! fine eno$"h by m$ch% 8ike
elec!rici!y# i! is fel!# no! known% 3f i! co$ld be known# if !he secre! were accessible !o
analysis# why# one co$ld be !a$"h! !o wri!e oe!ry wi!ho$! ha'in" been +born $n!o sin"in"%+
;o i! haens !ha! !he mos! ene!ra!in" cri!icism m$s! lea'e e!ernally $nsaid !he
!hin" !ha! is mos! wor!h sayin"% /e can say of a oem as of a ic!$re# an 3onic col$mn# or
any work of ar!6 +3! is charmin"D+ B$! why and how i! charms - !here we are d$mb# i!s
crea!or no less !han ano!her%
/ha! is i! in ar! before which all b$! !he $nconscio$s easan! and !he imeni!en!
cri!ic confess !he f$!ili!y of seech? /hy does a cer!ain disosi!ion of words affec! $s
deely when if differen!ly arran"ed !o mean !he same !hin" !hey s!ir no emo!ion wha!e'er?
&e who can answer !ha! has s$rrised !he secre! of !he ;hin.# and af!er him shall be no
more oe!ry fore'erD
<.o$nd who is able !he charm of !hese lines from +F$bla Fhan6+
A damsel wi!h a d$lcimer
3n a 'ision once 3 saw%
3! was an Abyssinian maid#
And on her d$lcimer she layed#
;in"in" of 0o$n! Abora%
5here is no +!ho$"h!+ here - no!hin" b$! !he baldes! narra!i'e in common words
arran"ed in !heir na!$ral orderC b$! $on whose hear!-s!rin"s does no! !ha! maiden lay? -
and who does no! adore her?
8ike !he en!ire oem of which !hey are a ar!# and like !he en!ire rod$c! of which
!he oem is a ar!# !he lines are all ima"ina!ion and emo!ion% 5hey address# no! !he
in!ellec!# b$! !he hear!% 8e! !he analys! of oe!ry wres!le wi!h !hem if he is ea"er !o be
(The (ontroversialist3 v6 78 (W)
"The Kreutzer onata"
[1e'iew of 5ols!oy9s book2
No!hin" in !his book direc!ly discloses !he a$!hor9s 'iews of !he marria"e rela!ion%
5he horrible s!ory of ?osdnyschew9s ma!rimonial e.erience - an e.erience which#
barrin" i!s !ra"ic finale# he affirms no! !o be an indi'id$al b$! a "eneral one - is rela!ed by
himself% 5here is no more in i! !o show direc!ly wha! 5ols!oi !hinks of !he ma!!ers in hand
!han !here is in a lay !o show wha! !he laywri"h! !ho$"h!% /e are always ci!in" !he
a$!hori!y of ;hakeseare by 4$o!a!ions from his lays in which e'ery sen!imen! is
ob'io$sly concei'ed wi!h a 'iew !o i!s fi!ness !o !he charac!er of !he ima"inary erson who
$!!ers i!# and s$lies no clew !o !he a$!hor9s con'ic!ions%
3n The Kreutzer onata# howe'er# !he case is somewha! differen!% /hereas
;hakeseare had in 'iew an ar!is!ic (and commercial) res$l!# 5ols!oi9s in!en!ion is clearly
moral6 his aim is no! en!er!ainmen!# b$! ins!r$c!ion% 5o !ha! end he fore"oes !he
ad'an!a"e of !hose li!erary effec!s which he so well knows how !o rod$ce# confinin" his
e.ce!ional owers !o bald narra!i'e# o'erlaid wi!h dis4$isi!ions deri'in" !heir only 'i!ali!y
from !he moral $rose e'erywhere 'isible%
A man marries a woman% 5hey 4$arrel of co$rseC !heir life is of co$rse wre!ched
beyond !he ower of words !o e.ress% Eealo$sy na!$rally ens$in"# !he man m$rders !he
woman% 5ha! is !he +lo!#+ and i! is wi!ho$! embellishmen!% 3!s amlifica!ion is
accomlished by +reachin"+C i!s eisodes are sermons on s$b7ec!s no! closely rela!ed !o
!he main c$rren! of !ho$"h!% -learly# !he aim of a book so cons!r$c!ed# e'en by a skilf$l
li!erary ar!is!# is no! an ar!is!ic aim% 5ols!oi desires i! !o be !ho$"h! !ha! he en!er!ains !he
con'ic!ions $!!ered by !he lis of ?osdnyschew% &e has# indeed# dis!inc!ly a'owed !hem
elsewhere !han in !his book% 8ike o!her con'ic!ions# !hey m$s! s!and or fall accordin" !o
!he s!abili!y of !heir fo$nda!ion $on !he rock of !r$!hC b$! !he fac! !ha! !hey are held by a
man of so "i"an!ic owers as 5ols!oi "i'es !hem an in!eres! and imor!ance which !he
world# s!ran"e !o say# has been 4$ick !o reco"ni:e%
;ome of !hese con'ic!ions are ec$liarly 5ols!oi9s ownC o!hers he holds in common
wi!h all men and women "if!ed wi!h !ha! rares! of in!ellec!$al e4$imen!s# !he fac$l!y of
obser'a!ion# and blessed wi!h oor!$ni!y for i!s $se% Anybody can see# b$! obser'a!ion is
ano!her !hin"% 3! is some!hin" more !han discernmen!# ye! may be some!hin" less !han
acc$ra!e $nders!andin" of !he !hin" discerned% ;$ch as i! is# 5ols!oi has i! in !he hi"hes!
de"ree% No!hin" escaes him6 his ene!ra!ion is as!onishin"6 he searches !he 'ery so$l
of !hin"s# makin" record of his disco'eries wi!h a i!iless frankness which !o feebler
$nders!andin"s is br$!al and !errifyin"% 5o him no!hin" is a mere henomenonC e'ery!hin"
is a henomenon *lus a meanin" connec!ed wi!h a "ro$ of meanin"s% 5he meanin"s he
may# and in my oor 7$d"men! commonly does# misread# b$! !he henomenon# !he naked
fac!# he will see% No!hin" can hide i! from him nor make i! aear !o him be!!er !han i! is% 3!
is !his !errible ower of discernmen!# wi!h !his $nsarin" ill$mina!ion comellin" !he
rel$c!an! a!!en!ion of o!hers# which en'irons him wi!h animosi!ies and imlacable
resen!men!s% &is is !he 0on! Blanc of mindsC abo$! !he base of his consic$o$s# cold
in!elli"ence !he Ar'e and Ar'ieron of i"norance and o!imism ra'e ceaselessly% 3! is of !he
na!$re of a d$nce !o confo$nd e.os$re wi!h comlici!y% ?oin! o$! !o him !he ha!ef$lness
of !ha! which he has been acc$s!omed !o admire# and no!hin" shall !henceforward
con'ince him !ha! yo$ ha'e no! had a "$il!y hand in makin" i! ha!ef$l%
5ols!oi# in in!ellec! a "ian! and in hear! a child# a man of blameless life# and so!less
charac!er# de'o$!# ri"h!eo$s# sec!ac$larly h$mble and a""ressi'ely h$mane# has had !he
dis!inc!ion !o be !he mos! widely and sincerely de!es!ed man of !wo con!inen!s% &e has
had !he co$ra"e !o $!!er a !r$!h of so s$reme imor!ance !ha! one-half !he ci'ili:ed world
has for cen!$ries been en"a"ed in a s$ccessf$l consiracy !o conceal i! from !he o!her half
- !he !r$!h !ha! !he modern e.erimen! of mono"amic marria"e by !he dominan! !ribes of
<$roe and America is a dismal fail$re% &e is no! !he firs! by many who has !es!ified !o
!ha! effec!# b$! he is !he firs! in o$r !ime whose !es!imony has arres!ed so wide and "eneral
a!!en!ion - a res$l! !ha! is !o be a!!rib$!ed ar!ly !o his !remendo$s re$!a!ion and ar!ly !o
his me!hod of "i'in" wi!ness% &e does no! in !his book deal in ar"$men!# is no
con!ro'ersialis!% &e says !he !hin" !ha! is in him !o say and we can !ake i! or lea'e i!%
The Kreutzer onata is no! an obscene nor e'en an indelica!e book6 !he mind !ha!
finds i! so is an indelica!e# an obscene mind% 3! is no!# accordin" !o o$r o$lar no!ions# +a
book for yo$n" "irls%+ Ne'er!heless# i! is mos! desirable !ha! yo$n" "irls sho$ld know -
referably !hro$"h !heir aren!s - who can seak wi!h a$!hori!y of e.erience !he !r$!h
which i! enforces6 namely# !ha! marria"e# like weal!h# offers no hoe of las!in" hainess%
Besi!e !he imlica!ion !ha! +!hey li'ed haily e'er af!er#+ i! is no! for no!hin" !ha! !he
con'en!ional lo'e s!ory ends wi!h !he chime of weddin" bells% As !he >eni$s 'anished
when 0ir:a asked him wha! lay $nder !he clo$d beyond !he rock of adaman!# so !he s!ory
!eller r$den!ly fores!alls f$r!her in'es!i"a!ion by !akin" himself off% &e has an inna!e
conscio$sness !ha! !he co$rse of !r$e lo'e whose !ro$bled c$rren! he has been !racin"
be"ins a! marria"e !o ass$me some!hin" of !he charac!er of a ra"in" !orren!%
5ols!oi s!rikes hard6 no! one man nor woman a year married b$! m$s! wince
benea!h his blows% 5hey are all members of a dishones! consiracy% 5hey conceal !heir
wo$nds and swear !ha! all is ri"h! and well wi!h !hem% 5hey "i'e !heir &ell a "ood
charac!er# b$! in !heir secre! so$ls !hey chafe and "roan $nder !he wei"h! and hea! of !heir
chains% 5hey come o$! from amon" !heir corr$!ion and dead men9s bones only !o "i'e
!he se$lchre ano!her coa!in" of whi!ewash and call a!!en!ion !o i!s manifold ad'an!a"es
as a dwellin"% 5hey are like !he members of some +ancien! and honorable order#+ who
"ra'ely reea! !o o!hers falsehoods by which !hey were !hemsel'es chea!ed in!o
membershi% 5he mina!ory oa!h alone is lackin"# i!s bindin" res!rain! s$lied by !he
cowardice !ha! dares no! bra'e !he resen!men! of co-consira!ors and !he f$ry of !heir
No h$man ins!i!$!ion is erfec!# nor nearly erfec!% None comes wi!hin a world9s
wid!h of accomlishin" !he $rose for which i! was de'ised# and all in !ime become so
er'er!ed as !o ser'e a con!rary one% B$! of all ins!i!$!ions# marria"e as we ha'e i! here#
and as !hey e'iden!ly ha'e i! in 1$ssia# mos! lamen!ably falls shor! of i!s desi"n% Nay# i! is
!he one of !hem which is become mos! mons!ro$sly wrenched awry !o !he ser'ice of e'il%
5o ha'e obser'ed !his - !o ha'e had !he in!reidi!y !o affirm i! in a world infes!ed wi!h fools
and male'olen!s who can no! $nders!and how any!hin" can be known e.ce! by !he feeble
and misleadin" li"h! of ersonal e.erience - !ha! is m$ch% 3! marks 5ols!oi in a si"nal way
as one eminen! abo'e !he clo$d-re"ion# wi!h a men!al and siri!$al o$!look $naffec!ed by
!he "ro$nd-reek of darkened co$nsel and in'$lnerable !o !he slin"s and arrows of
defama!ion% Ne'er!heless# while admirin" his s$erb co$ra"e and a!!es!in" !he clari!y of
his 'ision# 3 !hink he imerfec!ly discerns !he $nderlyin" ca$ses of !he henomena !ha! he
;choenha$er e.lains !he shamefacedness of lo'ers# !heir !endency !o wi!hdraw
in!o nooks and corners !o do !heir wooin"# by !he circ$ms!ance !ha! !hey lan a crime -
!hey consire !o brin" a h$man so$l in!o a world of woe% 5ols!oi !akes some!hin" of !he
same "ro$nd as !o !he na!$re of !heir offence% 0arria"e he !hinks a sin# and bein" a
reli"ionis! re"ards !he res$l!in" and ine'i!able wre!chedness as i!s aoin!ed $nishmen!
+8i!!le did 3 !hink of her hysical and in!ellec!$al life#+ says ?osdnyschew# in
e.lana!ion of con7$"al an!a"onism% +3 co$ld no! $nders!and whence sran" o$r m$!$al
hos!ili!y# b$! how clearly 3 see nowD 5his hos!ili!y was no!hin" b$! !he ro!es! of h$man
na!$re a"ains! !he beas! !ha! !hrea!ened !o de'o$r i!% 3 co$ld no! $nders!and !his ha!red%
And how co$ld i! ha'e been differen!? 5his hos!ili!y was no!hin" else !han !he m$!$al
ha!red of !wo accessories in a crime - !ha! of ins!i"a!ion# !ha! of accomlishmen!%+
0arria"e bein" a sin# i! follows !ha! celibacy is a 'ir!$e and a d$!y% 5ols!oi has !he
co$ra"e of his con'ic!ions in !his as in o!her !hin"s% &e is !oo shar no! !o see where !his
leads him and !oo hones! !o s!o shor! of i!s lo"ical concl$sion% &ere he is !r$ly
ma"nificen!D &e ercei'es !ha! his ideal# if a!!ained# wo$ld be annihila!ion of !he race%
5ha!# as he has elsewhere in effec! oin!ed o$!# is no affair of his% &e is no! concerned for
!he ere!$i!y of !he race# b$! for i!s hainess !hro$"h freedom from !he l$s!s of !he flesh%
/ha! is i! !o him if !he "od whom# oddly eno$"h# he worshis has done his work so badly
!ha! his crea!$res can no! be a! !he same !ime chas!e# hay and ali'e? <'eryone !o his
b$siness - >od as crea!or and# if he lease# reser'erC 5ols!oi as reformer%
=or his 'iews on !he d$!y of celibacy# i! is only fair !o say# 5ols!oi "oes direc!ly !o !he
!eachin" of Ees$s -hris!# wi!h wha! acc$racy of in!erre!a!ion# no! bein" skilled in !heolo"y
3 am $nwillin" !o say%
=rom his scorn of hysicians i! may be inferred !ha! o$r a$!hor is imerfec!ly learned
in !heir $sef$l ar!# and !herefore $nfamiliar wi!h wha!e'er hysiolo"ical side !he 4$es!ion of
celibacy may ha'e% 3! is erhas s$fficien! !o say !ha! in !he resen! s!a!e of o$r
knowled"e !he ad'an!a"es of a life ordered af!er !he 5ols!oian hilosohy seem ra!her
siri!$al !han hysical% Bo$b!less +!hey didn9! know e'ery!hin" down in E$dee#+ b$! ;!%
?a$l aears !o ha'e had a "limmerin" sense of !his fac!# if i! is a fac!%
5o a!!rib$!e !he miseries which are insearable from marria"e as !he modern
-a$casian has !he heroism !o main!ain i! !o any sin"le and simle ca$se is mos!
$nhilosohicalC o$r ci'ili:a!ion is al!o"e!her !oo comle. !o admi! of any s$ch chea and
easy me!hod% Bo$b!less !here are many fac!ors in !he roblemC a few# howe'er# seem
s$fficien!ly ob'io$s !o any mind which# ha'in" an his!orical o$!look wider !han i!s
immedia!e en'ironmen! in !ime and sace# wi!h
% % % % % % e.!ensi'e 'iew
;$r'eys mankind from -hina !o ?er$%
5he mono"amo$s marria"e i"nores# for e.amle# !he !r$!h !ha! 0an is a
oly"amo$s animal% ,f all !he men and women who ha'e been born in!o !his world# only
one in many has e'er e'en so m$ch as heard of any o!her sys!em !han oly"amy% 5o
s$ose !ha! wi!hin a few brief cen!$ries mono"amy has been by law and by !alkin" so
firmly es!ablished as effec!$ally !o ha'e s!ayed !he momen!$m of !he ori"inal ins!inc! is !o
hold !ha! !he day of miracles is no! only no! as!# b$! has really only recen!ly arri'ed% 3!
imlies# !oo# and en!ails# a blank blindness !o !he mos! a!en! fac!s of easy obser'a!ion%
/i!h admirable "ra'i!y !he modern -a$casian has le"isla!ed himself in!o !heore!ical
mono"amy# b$! he has# as ye!# no! effec!ed a reeal of !he laws of na!$re# and has in !r$!h
shown 'ery li!!le disosi!ion !o disre"ard !hem and obser'e his own% 5he men of o$r !ime
and race are in hear! and life abo$! as oly"amo$s as !heir "ood ances!ors were before
!hem# and e'erybody knows i! who knows any!hin" wor!h knowin"% B$! no! she !o whom
!he knowled"e wo$ld ha'e !he "rea!es! rac!ical 'al$eC !he erson whom all !he owers of
modern socie!y seem in lea"$e !o chea!C !he yo$n" "irl%
Ano!her ca$se of !he wre!chedness of !he married s!a!e - b$! of !his 5ols!oi seems
inade4$a!ely conscio$s - is !ha! marria"e confers ri"h!s deemed incalc$lably recio$s
which !here is no means wha!e'er of confirmin" and enforcin"% 5he conscio$sness !ha!
!hese ri"h!s are held by !he recario$s !en$re of a +'ow+ which ne'er had# !o one of !he
ar!ies# m$ch more !han a ceremonial si"nificance# and a "ood fai!h liable# in !he o!her# !o
s$sension by resen!men! and !he 'icissi!$des of 'ani!y and cariceC !he knowled"e !ha!
!hese ri"h!s are e.osed !o secre! in'asion in'incible !o !he mos! searchin" in4$iryC !he
sa'a"e s$ers!i!ion !ha! !heir in'asion +dishonors+ !he one !o whom i! is mos! ha!ef$l# and
who of all ersons in !he world is leas! an accomlice all !his be"e!s an arehension
which "rows !o dis!r$s!# and from dis!r$s! !o madness% 5he arehension is na!$ral
beca$se reasonable6 i!s s$ccessi'e s!a"es of de'elomen! are wha! yo$ will# b$! !he
c$lmina!ion is disas!er and !he wreck of eace%
,f !he sombre henomena of !he marria"e rela!ion obser'able by men like 5ols!oi#
wi!h eyes in !heir heads# brains behind !he eyes and no! !oo m$ch scr$le in selec!in"
oin!s of 'iew o$!side !he obsc$ri!y and conf$sion of a ersonal e.erience# a h$ndred
addi!ional e.lana!ions mi"h! be add$ced# all more 'alid# in my 7$d"men!# !han !ha! !o
which he ins his !oo ready fai!hC b$! !hose no!ed seem s$fficien!% /i!h re"ard !o any
ma!!er !o$chin" less nearly !he $nreasonin" sensibili!ies of !he h$man hear!# !hey wo$ld# 3
!hink# be deemed more !han s$fficien!%
/ha!# !hen - re7ec!in" 5ols!oi9s rescri!ion - is !he remedy? 3n 'iew of !he fail$re of
o$r e.erimen! sho$ld we re'er! !o firs! rinciles# ado!in" oly"amy wi!h s$ch
modifica!ions as wo$ld be!!er ada! i! !o !he al!ered si!$a!ion? ,$"h! we !o !ry free lo'e#
re4$irin" !he s!a!e !o kee off i!s cl$msy hands and le! men and women as indi'id$als
mana"e !his affair# as !hey do !heir reli"ions# !heir friendshis and !heir die!?
=or my ar! 3 know of no remedy# nor do 3 belie'e !ha! one can be form$la!ed% 3! is
of !he na!$re of !he more "i"an!ic e'ils !o be irremediable - a !r$!h a"ains! which oor
h$mani!y ins!inc!i'ely re'ol!s# en!ailin" !he addi!ional afflic!ions of a$"men!ed nonsense
and was!ed endea'or% Ne'er!heless some!hin" may be done in mi!i"a!ion% 5he marria"e
rela!ion !ha! we ha'e we shall robably con!in$e !o ha'e# and i!s Bead ;ea fr$i!s will "row
no rier and swee!er wi!h !ime% B$! !he lie !ha! describes !hem as l$scio$s and sa!isfyin"
is needless% 8e! !he yo$n" be !a$"h!# no! celibacy# b$! for!i!$de% ?oin! o$! !o !hem !he! na!$re of !he fool9s aradise in!o which !hey will re!!y cer!ainly en!er and erhas
o$"h! !o en!er% 5each !hem !ha! !he $rose of marria"e is wha!e'er !he !eacher may
concei'e i! !o be# b$! no! hainess% 0ercif$lly red$ce !he !errible disroor!ion be!ween!a!ion and res$l!% 3n so far as The Kreutzer onata accomlishes !his end# in so far
as i! !eaches !his lesson# i! is a "ood book%
5ols!oi is a li!erary "ian!% &e has a +"ian!9s s!ren"!h#+ and has $nfor!$na!ely learned
!o +$se i! like a "ian!+ - which# 3 !ake i!# means no! necessarily wi!h conscio$s cr$el!y# b$!
wi!h s!$idi!y% <.ce!in" when he confines himself !o $re romance# and !o crea!ion of
works which# af!er !he manner of Br% &olmes# may be described as medica!ed fable - !he
man seems !o wri!e wi!h !he 'ery fain!es! ossible conscio$sness of any!hin" "ood or e'en
assably decen!# in h$man na!$re% &is charac!ers are mo'ed by mo!i'es which are
redeemed from mons!ro$s baseness only by bein" e!!ily base% 3n War and 2eace# for
e.amle# - a book so crowded wi!h charac!ers# his!orical and ima"inary# !ha! !he a$!hor
himself can no! carry !hem in his memory wi!ho$! droin" !hem all alon" his !rail - !here is
b$! one erson who is no! ei!her a small rascal or a "rea! fool or bo!h% ;$ch a
discredi!able m$l!i!$de of $nleasan! ersons no one b$! !heir maker - in whose ima"e
!hey are no! made - e'er collec!ed be!ween !he co'ers of a sin"le book% =rom Naoleon
down !o !he $l!ima!e m$7ik !hey "o !hro$"h life wi!h heads f$ll of conf$sion# hear!s
dis!ended wi!h selfishness and mo$!hs r$nnin" o'er wi!h lies% 3f 5ols!oi wro!e as a sa!iris!#
wi!h ob'io$s cynicism# all !his wo$ld be easily eno$"h $nders!oodC b$! no!hin"# e'iden!ly#
is f$r!her from his in!en!ionC he is essen!ially a reacher and hones!ly belie'es !ha! his
owerf$l carica!$res are or!rai!s from lifeC or ra!her - for !ha! we may admi! !ha! !he !o!al
imression deri'ed from a comrehensi'e 'iew of !hem is a !r$e ic!$re of h$man
charac!er# char"ed in i!s e'ery shadow (!here are no li"h!s) wi!h ins!r$c!ion and edifica!ion%
3 can no! say how i! "oes wi!h o!hers# b$! all !ha! is lef! !o me by !his hideo$s +march as!+
of de!es!ablesC !his sombre !ablea$ of !he in!ellec!$ally deadC !his for!$i!o$s conco$rse of
a random rascalry $nlawf$lly be"o!!en of an e.$beran! fancy and a i!iless obser'a!ion -
+all of i! all+ !ha! remains wi!h me is a !as!e in !he mo$!h which 3 can only describe as allid%
3n his ersonal charac!er 5ols!oi seems !o be !he only li'in" -hris!ian# in !he sense
in which -hris! was a -hris!ian# - wha!e'er credi! may inhere in !ha! of whom we ha'e any
acco$n!C b$! in 7$d"in" his books we ha'e no!hin" !o do wi!h !ha!% &e has a s$erb
ima"ina!ion and m$s! be mas!er of a ma!chless s!yle# for we "e! "limses of i!# e'en
!hro$"h !he !ransla!ions of men who are robably familiar eno$"h wi!h 1$ssian and
cer!ainly al!o"e!her !oo familiar wi!h <n"lish% 5he !ro$ble wi!h him is# as 0r% 0a!!hew
Arnold said of Byron# he doesn9! know eno$"h% &e sees e'ery!hin"# b$! he has no! freed
his mind from !he ca!i'a!in" abs$rdi!y# so dominan! in !he las! "enera!ion# !ha! h$man
e'en!s occ$r wi!ho$! h$man a"ency# indi'id$al will co$n!in" for no more in !he orderin" of
affairs !han does a floa!in" chi in de!erminin" !he co$rse of !he ri'er%
5he commander of an army is commanded by his men% Naoleon was $shed by
his soldiers hi!her and !hi!her all o'er <$roeC !hey by some blindy occ$l! im$lse which
5ols!oi can no! $nders!and% &e "oes so far as !o affirm !ha! an army !akes one ro$!e
ins!ead of ano!her by silen! consen! and $nders!andin" amon" i!s widely seara!ed
frac!ionsC infan!inely $naware !ha! no! one of !hem co$ld mo'e a mile wi!ho$! a do:en se!s
of de!ailed ins!r$c!ions !o commanders# 4$ar!ermas!ers# chiefs of ordnance# commissaries
of s$bsis!ence# en"ineers and so for!h% 5ols!oi has en!ered !he cam of &is!ory wi!h a fla"
of !r$ce and been blindfolded a! !he o$!os!%
/hen 5ols!oi !r$s!s !o his ima"ina!ion and doesn9! need !o know any!hin"# he is
inaccessible !o cens$re% The (ossac,s# one of his earlier works# is a rodi"io$sly cle'er
no'el% Abo$! a half of !he book# as 3 remember i!# concerns i!self wi!h !he killin" of a sin"le
-ircassian by a sin"le -ossack% 5he shadow of !ha! e'en! is o'er i! all# omino$s#
or!en!o$sC and 3 know of no!hin" finer nor more drama!ic in i!s way !han !he narra!i'e of
!he dea!h of !he dead man9s a'en"ers# knee !o knee amon" !he rain-ools of !he s!ee#
chan!in" !hro$"h !heir beards !heir las! fierce defiance% /ha! !o !his was !he sla$"h!er a!
A$s!erli!:# !he confla"ra!ion a! 0oscow# flin"in" i!s black shadows o'er half a world# if we
ha'e no! &$"o9s eyes !o see !hem !hro$"h? ,nly !he "ods look lar"e $on ,lym$s%
B$! do me !he fa'or !o comare 5ols!oi a! his wors! wi!h o!her o$lar wri!ers a!
!heir bes!% 3! is ea"le and hens% 3! is s$n and !allow candles% =rom !he hei"h!s where he
si!s consic$o$s# !hey are 'isible as black bee!les% Nay# !hey are sl$"sC !heir brillian! work
is a shine of slime which d$lls behind !hem e'en as !hey cree% /hen one of !hese
"odle!s dies !he firs! man !o ass his "ra'e will say6 +/hy has he no mon$men!?+ - !he
second6 +/ha!D a mon$men!? - !he !hird6 +/ho !he de'il was he?+
(0ol6 783 (W)
A Dead !ion
3n !he his!ory of reli"io$s con!ro'ersy i! has some!imes occ$rred !ha! a fool has
risen and sho$!ed o$! 'iews so !yical and reresen!a!i'e as !o 7$s!ify a ar!ic$lar a!!en!ion
denied !o his less abs$rd ar!isans% 5ha! was !he si!$a!ion rela!i'e !o !he lo"omachy !ha!
ra"ed o'er !he ashes of !he la!e -ol% 1ober! 3n"ersoll% 5hro$"h !he ram and roar of !he
ch$rches# !he !h$nder of !he !heolo"ical ca!ains and !he sho$!in"# rose !he ene!ra!in"
!reble of a erson so ar!lessly io$s# so de'oid of knowled"e and innocen! of sense# !ha!
his e'ery $!!erance creden!ialed him as a child of candor# and arres!ed a!!en!ion like !he
wan!on shrillin" of a noon!ide loc$s! c$!!in" !hro$"h !he cackle of a h$ndred hens% 5ha! he
haened !o be an edi!orial wri!er was irrele'an!# for i! was imossible !o s$sec! so
in"en$o$s a so$l of desi"ns $on wha! may be called !he -hris!ian 'o!eC he simly
o$red o$! his hear! wi!h !he $nremedi!a!ed sinceri!y of a wild ass $!!erin" i!s 'iew of !he
;cheme of 5hin"s% 3 !ake i! !he man was ro'iden!ially +raised $#+ and soke by
insira!ion of !he ;iri! of 1eli"ion%
+1ober! >% 3n"ersoll#+ says !his son of na!$re# +was no! a "rea! a!heis!# nor a "rea!
a"nos!ic% Bissimilar !ho$"h !hey are# he asired in his $blished lec!$res and addresses
!o bo!h dis!inc!ions%+
As i! is no dis!inc!ion !o be ei!her a!heis! or a"nos!ic# !his m$s! mean !ha! -ol%
3n"ersoll +asired+ !o be a great a!heis! and a great a"nos!ic% /here is !he e'idence?
0ay no! a man s!a!e his reli"io$s or irreli"io$s 'iews wi!h !he same res$m!ion of
modes!y and mere sinceri!y !ha! a!!aches !o o!her in!ellec!$al ac!ion? Beca$se one
$blicly affirms !he in'eraci!y of 0oses m$s! one be char"ed wi!h ambi!ion# !ha! meanes!
of all mo!i'es? By denyin" !he s$fficiency of !he e'idences of immor!ali!y is one self-
con'ic!ed of a desire !o be acco$n!ed "rea!?
-ol% 3n"ersoll said !he !hin" !ha! he had !o say# as 3 am sayin" !his - as a cler"yman
reaches his sermon# as an his!orian wri!es his romance6 ar!ly for !he e.ceedin" "rea!
reward of e.ression# ar!ly# i! may be# for !he lesser rofi! of aymen!% /e all mo'e alon"
lines of leas! resis!anceC beca$se a few of $s find !ha! !his leads $ !o !he !emle of fame
i! does no! follow !ha! all are seekin" !ha! edifice wi!h a conscio$s effor! !o achie'e
dis!inc!ion% 3f any Americans ha'e araised a! i!s !r$e and con!em!ible 'al$e !he
ala$se of !he eole 1ober! 3n"ersoll did% 3f !here has been b$! one s$ch American he
was !he man%
Now lis!en !o wha! f$r!her !his ineffable dol! had !o say of him6
+&is irre'erence# howe'er# his !heory of deis!ical br$!ali!y# was a mere han!asy#
$ns$s!ained by scholarshi or by reason# and con!radic!ed by e'ery elemen! of his
ersonal charac!er% &is lo'e for his wife and his children# his !enderness !owards rela!i'es
and friends# wo$ld ha'e been s$rio$s and re$lsi'e if in his hear! he had no! acce!ed
wha! in seech he derided and con!emned%+
&ere9s richness indeedD /ha!e'er maybe said by scholarshi and reason of a
+!heory of deis!ical br$!ali!y#+ 3 do no! !hink - 3 really ha'e no! !he ci'ili!y !o admi! - !ha! i! is
con!radic!ed by a blameless life% 3f i! were really !r$e !ha! !he "od of !he -hris!ians is no! a
ar!ic$larly +nice+ "od !he lo'e of a man for wife and child wo$ld no! necessarily and
beca$se of !ha! be s$rio$s and re$lsi'e% 3ndeed# in a world "o'erned by s$ch a "od#
and s$b7ec! !herefore !o all !he e'ils and erils of !he di'ine carice and male'olence# s$ch
affec!ion wo$ld be e'en more $sef$l and commendable !han i! is in !his ac!$al world of
eace# hainess and sec$ri!y% As !he s!ars b$rn bri"h!es! in a moonless ni"h!# so in !he
"loom of a wra!h-r$led $ni'erse all h$man affec!ions and 'ir!$es wo$ld ha'e an added
wor!h and !enderness% 3n order !ha! life mi"h! be slendored wi!h so noble and heroic
sen!imen!s as "row in !he shadow of disas!er and are no$rished by !he sense of a
$ni'ersal eril and sorrow# one co$ld almos! wish !ha! some mali"n dei!y# omnio!en! and
!herefore able !o accomlish his $roses wi!ho$! sin and s$fferin" for his children# had
resis!ed !he !em!a!ion !o do so and had made !his a Aale of 5ears%
+5he Nine!een!h -en!$ry has rod$ced "rea! a"nos!ics% ;!ra$ss !he >erman and
1enan !he =renchman were secimens of !his ar!ic$lar c$l!% B$! 1ober! >% 3n"ersoll
belon"ed !o a lower ran"e of scholarshi and of !ho$"h!% &e had ne'er s!$died !he "rea!
>erman and =rench cri!ics of !he Bible% &is 90is!akes of 0oses9 were er'aded by
misarehensions of !he !e.! of !he ?en!a!e$ch%+
3! is ind$bi!ably !r$e !ha! 3n"ersoll was inferior in scholarshi !o ;!ra$ss and 1enan#
and in !ha! and "eni$s !o !he incomarable Aol!aireC b$! !hese deficiencies were no!
disabili!ies in !he work !ha! he $nder!ook% &e knew his limi!a!ions and did no! !rans"ress
!hem% &e was no! self-!em!ed in!o barren fields of scholas!ic con!ro'ersy where common
sense is sacrificed !o +odio$s s$b!le!y%+ 3n !he work !ha! he chose he had no $se for !he
dry-as-d$s! er$di!ion of !he modern >erman school of Biblical cri!icism - learned#
in"enio$s# rofo$nd# admirable and f$!ile% &e was
accomlished in nei!her &ebrew nor >reek% Aramaic was !o him an $nknown !on"$e# and
3 dare say !ha! if asked he wo$ld ha'e relied !ha! Ees$s -hris!# bein" a Eew# soke
&ebrew% 5he +!e.! of !he ?en!a!e$ch+ was no! +misarehended+ by himC he simly le! i!
alone% /ha! he cri!icised in +5he 0is!akes of 0oses+ is !he <n"lish 'ersion% 3f !ha! is no! a
!r$e !ransla!ion le! !hose concerned !o main!ain i!s imm$ni!y from cri!icism amend i!% 5hey
are no! ermi!!ed !o hold !ha! i! is "ood eno$"h for belief and acce!ance# b$! no! "ood
eno$"h !o 7$s!ify an! dissen!% 3n"ersoll9s limi!a!ions were !he so$rce of his owerC
a! leas! !hey confined him !o me!hods !ha! are +$nders!anded of !he eole+C and !o be
comrehended by !he "rea!es! n$mber of men sho$ld be !he wish of him who !ries !o
des!roy wha! he !hinks a o$lar del$sion%
By !he way# 3 obser'e e'erywhere !he immemorial do"9s-eared comlain! !ha! he
co$ld +!ear down+ (we Americans always refer !o say !his when we mean $ll down) b$!
co$ld no! +b$ild $%+ 3 am no! aware !ha! he e'er !ried !o +b$ild $%+ Belie'in" !ha! no
reli"ion was needf$l# he wo$ld ha'e !ho$"h! his work erfec! if all reli"ions had been
effaced% 5he clamor of weak minds for some!hin" !o relace !he errors of which !hey may
be deri'ed is one !ha! !he !r$e iconoclas! disre"ards% /ha! he mos! endea'ors !o des!roy
is no! idols# b$! idola!ry% 3f in !he lace of !he ima"e !ha! he breaks he se! $ ano!her he
wo$ld be like a hysician who ha'in" c$red his a!ien! of a cram sho$ld inoc$la!e him
wi!h an i!ch% 3! is only 7$s! !o say !ha! !he de'o$! 7o$rnalis! whose holy $!!erance 3 am
afflic!in" myself wi!h !he $nhainess of cri!icisin" nowhere makes !he hoary acc$sa!ion
!ha! 3n"ersoll co$ld +!ear down+ b$! no! +b$ild $%+ &e m$s! ha'e o'erlooked i!%
/ha! 3n"ersoll a!!acked was !he Bible as we ha'e i! - !he <n"lish Bible - no! !he
Bible as i! may# can# m$s!# mi"h!# wo$ld or sho$ld be in &ebrew and >reek% &e had no
con!ro'ersy wi!h scholars - no! only knew himself $nable !o mee! !hem on !heir own
"ro$nd (where is len!y of room for !heir lonely fee!) b$! was no! a! all concerned wi!h !heir
fai!hs and con'ic!ions# nor wi!h !he bases of !hem% &oin" !o remo'e or weaken a few
o$lar errors# he na!$rally e.amined !he book in which he belie'ed !hem !o be fo$nd - !he
book which has !he assen! and acce!ance of !hose who hold !hem and deri'e !hem from
i!% &e did no! "o behind !he record as i! reads - nobody does e.ce!in" i!s ad'oca!es
when i! has been s$ccessf$lly im$"ned% /ha! has infl$enced (mischie'o$sly# 3n"ersoll
belie'ed) !he !ho$"h! and charac!er of !he An"lo-;a.on race is no! !he &ebrew ;cri!$res
and !he >reek 5es!amen!# b$! !he <n"lish Bible% 5he fideli!y of !ha! !o i!s ori"inals# i!s self-
s$fficiency and indeendence of s$ch e'idences as only scholarshi can brin" !o i!s
e.osi!ion# !hese# as Aris!o!le wo$ld say# are ma!!ers for seara!e considera!ion%
3f >od has really chosen !o "i'e his law !o his children in !on"$es !ha! only an
infini!esimal frac!ion of !hem can hoe !o $nders!and - has !hrown i! down amon"s! !hem
for i"noran! !ransla!ors !o misread# in!eres!ed ries!hoods !o falsify and hardy and
ima"ina!i'e commen!a!ors !o make ridic$lo$s - has made no ro'ision a"ains! all !his
deba$chin" of !he !e.! and !he siri! of i!# !his m$s! be beca$se he referred i! soC for
wha!e'er occ$rs m$s! occ$r beca$se !he ,mniscience and ,mnio!ence ermi!!in" i!
wishes i! !o occ$r% ;$ch are no! !he me!hods of o$r h$man le"isla!ors# who !ake !he
$!mos! care !ha! !he laws be $nambi"$o$s# rin!ed in !he lan"$a"e of !hose who are
re4$ired !o obey !hem and accessible !o !hem in !he ori"inal !e.!% 39m no! sayin" !ha! !his is
!he be!!er and more sensible wayC 3 only say !ha! if !he former is >od9s way !he fac!
relie'es $s all of any obli"a!ion !o +res!ore+ !he !e.! before disc$ssin" i! and !o ill$mina!e i!s
obsc$ri!ies wi!h !he side-li"h!s of er$di!ion% 3n"ersoll had all !he scholarshi needf$l !o his
work6 he knew !he meanin" of <n"lish words%
;ays !he comlacen! simle!on a"ain6
+3! was idle for a man !o deny !he!ence of >od who confessed and roclaimed
!he rincile of fra!erni!y% % % % 5he hard conce!ion of annihila!ion had no lace in
sen!ences !ha! were inf$sed wi!h !he hea! of immor!ali!y%+
As lo"ic# !his has all !he charm inherin" in !he syllo"ism# All cows are 4$adr$edsC
!his is a 4$adr$edC !herefore# !his is a cow% 5he a$!hor of !ha! firs! sen!ence wo$ld
e.ress his !ho$"h!# na!$rally# some!hin" like !his6 All men are bro!hersC >od is !heir only
fa!herC !herefore# !here is a >od% 5he o!her sen!ence is de'oid of meanin"# and is 4$o!ed
only !o show !he 'iew !ha! !his li!erary l$na!ic is leased !o !hink !ha! he en!er!ains of
annihila!ion% 3! is !o him a +hard conce!ion+C !ha! is !o say# !he s!a!e of $nconscio$sness
which he 'ol$n!arily and e'en ea"erly embraces e'ery ni"h! of his life# and in which he
remained wi!ho$! discomfor! for co$n!less cen!$ries before his bir!h# is a mos! $ndesirable
s!a!e% 3! is# indeed# so 'ery $nwelcome !ha! i! shall no! come !o him - he9ll no! ha'e i! so%
,$! of no!hin"ness he came# b$! in!o no!hin"ness he will no! re!$rn - he9ll die firs!D 8ife is a
new and deli"h!f$l !oy and# fai!hD he means !o kee i!% 3f yo$9d ask him he wo$ld say !ha!
his immor!ali!y is ro'ed by his yearnin" for i!C b$! men of sense know !ha! we yearn# no!
for wha! we ha'e# b$! for wha! we ha'e no!# and mos! s!ron"ly for wha! we ha'e no! !he
shadow of a chance !o "e!%
% % % % % %
&ere is one more 4$o!a!ion from ?rof% ?eck# !he concl$din" assa"e of his aer6
+1ober! 3n"ersoll is dead% Bea!h came !o him wi!h swif!ness and wi!ho$! a warnin"%
/he!her he was e'en conscio$s of his end no man can say% 3! may be !ha! before !he
sark "rew 4$i!e e.!inc! !here was for him a momen! of erce!ion - !ha! one aallin"
momen! when# wi!hin a sace of !ime !oo brief for h$man con!emla!ion# !he affri"h!ed
mind# as i! reels $on !he brink# flashes i!s 'i'id !ho$"h! !hro$"h all !he years of i!s!ence and ercei'es !he final meanin" of !hem all% 3f s$ch a momen! came !o him# and
as !he li"h! of day "rew dim before his dyin" eyes his mind looked backward !hro$"h !he
as!# !here can ha'e been small consola!ion in !he !ho$"h!# !ha! in all !he $!!erances of his
$blic !eachin"# and in all !he hrases of his fer'id elo4$ence# !here was no!hin" !ha! co$ld
hel !o make !he life of a man on ear!h more noble# or more siri!$al# or more !r$ly wor!h
5his of a man who !a$"h! all !he 'ir!$es as a d$!y and a deli"h!D - who s!ood# as no
o!her man amon" his co$n!rymen has s!ood# for liber!y# for honor# for "ood will !oward
men# for !r$!h as i! was "i'en !o him !o see i!# for lo'eD - who by ersonal e.amle !a$"h!
a!ience $nder falsehood and silence $nder 'ilifica!ionD - who when slandered in deba!e
answered no! back# b$! addressed himself !o !he ar"$men!D - whose en!ire life was an
insira!ion !o hi"h !ho$"h! and noble deed# and whose errors# if errors !hey are# !he world
can no! afford !o lose for !he li"h! and reason !ha! are in !hemD
5he assa"e 4$o!ed is no! wi!ho$! elo4$ence and !ha! li!erary dis!inc!ion which i!s
a$!hor "i'es !o so m$ch of wha! he wri!es% /i!hal i! is infini!ely discredi!able% 5here is in i!
a dis!inc! $nder!one of malice - of !he same siri! which# amon" bi"o!s of less ci'ili!y and
franker seech# affirms of an irreli"io$s erson9s s$dden dea!h !ha! i! was +a 7$d"men! of
&ea'en#+ and which "loa!s $on !he ossibili!y !ha! he s$ffered !he an"s of a eni!ence
!ha! came# !hank >odD !oo la!e !o command sal'a!ion% 3! is in !he same siri! !ha!
concei'ed and kees in c$rrency !he !en-!ho$sand-!imes-disro'ed !ales of !he dea!hbed
remorse of 5homas ?aine# Aol!aire and all !he "rea! infidels% 3nd$bi!ably os!eri!y will
en7oy !he ad'an!a"e of belie'in" !he same !hin" of 3n"ersollC and 3 can no! hel !hinkin"
!ha! in s$""es!in" his remorse as only a ossibili!y# ins!ead of rela!in" i! as a fac! a!!es!ed
by i!eo$s aeals for di'ine mercy# ?rof% ?eck has commi!!ed a sin of omission for which
on his own dea!hbed he will himself s$ffer !he keenes! re"re!%
(The (ontroversialist3 v6 78 (W)
A Flourishing "ndustry
5he infan! ind$s!ry of b$yin" wor!hless ca!!le# inoc$la!in" !hem wi!h le$ro-
ne$monia and !$berc$losis# and collec!in" !he indemni!y when !hey are officially $! !o
dea!h !o re'en! !he sread of !he con!a"ion# is ass$min" some!hin" of !he imor!ance
and di"ni!y of a na!ional $rs$i!% 5he rorie!ors of one of !he lar"es! con!a"eries on 8on"
3sland reor! !ha! !he o$!look is mos! enco$ra"in"C !hey be"in each fiscal year wi!h a lar"e
s$rl$s in !heir !reas$ry% ;ome of !he /es!ern comanies# !oo# ha'e been hi"hly
rosero$s and in!end !o mark !heir "ra!ifica!ion by an immedia!e iss$e of new shares as a
5he effec! of !his ind$s!ry $on as!oral $rs$i!s is wholesome% 5he s!ock ran"es of /yomin" and 0on!ana !hrill wi!h a new life# and i! is es!ima!ed !ha! !heir
enlar"emen! d$rin" !he ne.! few years will brin" no! less !han fi'e million acres of $blic
land in!o !he ser'ice of man and beas!% 5he ad'an!a"e !o man$fac!$rers of barbed-wire
fencin" is ob'io$s# while !he indirec! benefi! !o a"ric$l!$re !hro$"h !he enhanced rice of
!his now indisensable ma!erial will s$ly !he ro!ec!ionis! wi!h a new ar"$men! and a
ec$liar hainess%
-a!!le-"rowin" has hi!her!o been a!!ended wi!h "rea! was!e% A lar"e ercen!a"e of
!he +s!ock on hand+ was $nsalable% =ail$re of !he cac!$s cro# des!i!$!ion of wa!er and
re'alence of bli::ards# !o"e!her wi!h s$ch na!$ral ills as ca!!le flesh is heir !o# ha'e
fre4$en!ly so red$ced !he hysical condi!ion of !he herds !ha! no! more !han a half wo$ld
be acce!able !o !he b$yer% 5he ailin" remainder were of li!!le $se% A few of !he lar"er
animals co$ld be $!ili:ed by rearin" !hem as skele!ons of b$ffaloes for <as!ern
m$se$ms of na!$ral his!ory# b$! !he demand was limi!ed6 nine in !en were s$ffered !o
e.ire and become a dead loss% 5hese are now ea"erly so$"h! by a"en!s of !he
con!a"eries# $rchased a! "ood rices# dri'en by easy s!a"es !o !he railways and# arri'in"
a! !heir final des!ina!ion# d$ly infec!ed% 5hey are said !o re4$ire less infec!ion !han !hey
wo$ld if !hey were in "ood condi!ion# wi!h wha! !he life ins$rance comanies are leased !o
call a fair!a!ion of life%+ ;ome of !he breeders refer !o isola!e !hese fail$res and do
!heir own infec!in"C b$! !he !endency in !he ca!!le !rade# as in all o!hers# is !oward di'ision
of labor% 5he re"$lar infec!ionaries ossess s$erior facili!ies of inoc$la!ion# and
"o'ernmen! insec!ors refer !o do b$siness a! a few "rea! le$ro-ne$moniacal and
!$berc$lar cen!ers ra!her !han make !edio$s 7o$rneys !o dis!an! ran"es% 5he !rend of !he
a"e is# in fac!# !oward cen!rali:a!ion%
5he effec! of !he new ind$s!ry $on commerce canno! be acc$ra!ely foreseen# b$! i!
is na!$ral !o s$ose !ha! i! will lar"ely increase !he imor!a!ion of low-"rade ca!!le from
;o$!h America% &i!her!o i! has no! been rofi!able !o imor! any !ha! were $nfi! for beef%
B$! if !he Bos inedi1ilis# !he milkless crowbai! and o!her 'arie!ies +no! !oo "ood for h$man
na!$re9s daily food+ - in fac! no! "ood eno$"h - can be laid down in New Gork or New
,rleans a! a cos! of no! more !han !hir!y dollars each# incl$din" !he $rchase rice of !en
cen!s# and inoc$la!ed before !hey ha'e ea!en !heir heads off# !here wo$ld seem !o be a
reasonable mar"in of rofi! in !he !raffic% 3f no!# !he le"al allowance for !heir condemna!ion
and sla$"h!er can be easily increased by le"isla!i'e ac!ion% 3f -on"ress will do no!hin" !o
enco$ra"e cai!al in !ha! direc!ion !he ;!a!es mos! benefi!ed by !his e.!ension of American
commerce can resond !o !he demand of !he ho$r wi!h a 7$dicio$s sys!em of bo$n!ies%
3mor!a!ion of chea forei"n ca!!le eli"ible !o le$ro-ne$monia and !he 7$nior disorder will
ro'ide emloymen! !o a "rea! n$mber of ersons who# wi!ho$! a! aroria!ion9s ar!f$l
aid# mi"h! lan"$ish on farms and in workshos# a b$rden !o !he comm$ni!y and a sore !rial
!o !hemsel'es%
(The %arch -are)

The #a$aican %ongoose
/hen man $nder!akes for some sordid $rose !o dis!$rb !he balance of na!$ral
forces concerned in !he conser'a!ion and in !he des!r$c!ion of life on !his lane! he is all
!oo likely !o err% =or e.amle# when some $blic-siri!ed A$s!ralian# obser'in" a dear!h of
donkeys in his "rea! lone land# !ho$"h!f$lly imor!ed a shiload of rabbi!s# belie'in" !ha!
!hey wo$ld "row $ wi!h !he co$n!ry# learn !o carry loads and e'en!$ally bray# he
erformed a disser'ice !o his fellow colonis!s which !hey wo$ld "ladly re4$i!e by skinnin"
him ali'e if !hey co$ld lay hands on him% 3! is well known !ha! o$r !ho$"h!less
e.!ermina!ion of !he American 3ndian has been followed by an incalc$lable increase of !he
"rasshoers which once ser'ed him as food% ;o s!rained is !he res$l!in" si!$a!ion !ha!
some of o$r mos! rominen! seers are baffled in a!!em!in" !o forecas! !he o$!comeC and
i! is said !ha! !he ;ecre!ary of A"ric$l!$re holds !ha! farmin" on !his con!inen! is doomed
$nless we !ake !o a "rasshoer die! o$rsel'es%
5he ma!!er lends i!self !o facile ill$s!ra!ion6 one co$ld m$l!ily ins!ances !o infini!y%
/e mi"h! ci!e !he A$s!ralian ladybird# which was by !wen!y well defined and se'eral
scien!is!s bro$"h! here and acclima!ed a! "rea! e.ense !o feed $on a cer!ain fr$i! es!#
b$! which# so far# has confined i!s ra'a"es mainly !o !he fr$i!%
5he la!es!# and in some ways !he mos! s!rikin"# ins!ance of !he eril of makin" a
redis!rib$!ion of !he world9s fa$na# is s$lied by !he bea$!if$l !roical isle of Eamaica#
home of !he Bemon 1$m% 3! aears !ha! someone in Eamaica was imerfec!ly enamored
of !he na!i'e ra!s# which are crea!$res of eminen! redaci!y# in!reid !o a de"ree !ha! is
mos! dis4$ie!in"% 5his erson in!rod$ced from a forei"n land !he mon"oose - an animal
whose name i! seems r$den! !o "i'e in !he sin"$lar n$mber% 5he mon"oose# as is well
known# is affec!ed wi!h an ob7ec!ion !o ra!s comared wi!h which !he na!$ral animosi!y of a
do" !o ano!her do" is a mild assion indeed# and !ha! of a collec!or of c$s!oms !o holy
wa!er seems hardly more !han a sli"h! coolness% Eamaica is now ra!less# b$!# alas#
s$rassin"ly !ickf$l% 5he !icks ha'e so m$l!ilied $on !he face of !he ear!h !ha! man and
beas! are in e4$al dan"er of e.!inc!ion% 5he eole hardly dare 'en!$re o$!-of-doors !o
lan! !he r$m 'ine and hel !he nor!h-bo$nd s!eamers !o !ake on monkeys% 5he
mon"oose alone is imm$ne !o !icks%
3! aears !ha! when !his crea!$re had effaced !he ra!s i! was i!self !hrea!ened wi!h
effacemen! from lack of comes!ible s$i!ed !o i!s !oo!hC b$! ins!ead of was!in" i!s life in
reinin"s and $na'ailin" re"re!s - ins!ead of yieldin" !o !he insidio$s imor!$ni!ies of
nos!al"ia# i! fell $on !he li:ards and ban4$e!ed royally if ro$"hlyC and soon !he li:ards had
"one !o 7oin !he ra!s in !he @nknown% Now# !he Eamaica li:ard had for co$n!less a"es
+wi!!led free+ $on !icks# main!ainin" amon" !hem a hi"h dea!h-ra!e wi!h which# aaren!ly#
!heir own die!e!ic e.cesses (for !icks are "rea!ly addic!ed !o !he leas$res of !he !able) had
no!hin" !o do% 5he li:ard aba!in" his ra'a"es# !hro$"h bein" himself aba!ed by !he
mon"oose# !he !ick holds dominion by !he $nchallen"ed a$!hori!y of n$mbers% 0an# !he
whilom !yran!# flees !o his mo$n!ain fas!nesses# !he r$m 'ine wi!hers in !he fields and !he
nor!hbo$nd s!eamer sails monkey-less away% Eamaica9s las! s!a!e is worse !han her firs!
and almos! as bad as o$rs% ;he is as ye!# howe'er# sared !he las! and lowes! h$milia!ion
!ha! a bra'e and "enero$s eole can e.erienceC her arasi!es do no! ose as a!rio!s#
nor !ickle !he 'ani!y of !hose whom !hey bleed%
(The %arch -are)
The hado& on the Dial
5here is a deal of conf$sion and $ncer!ain!y in !he $se of !he words +socialis!#+
+anarchis!#+ and +nihilis!%+ <'en !he 9is! himself commonly knows wi!h as li!!le acc$racy
wha! he is as !he res! of $s know why he is% 5he socialis! belie'es !ha! mos! h$man affairs
sho$ld be re"$la!ed and mana"ed by !he s!a!e - !he "o'ernmen! - !ha! is !o say# !he
ma7ori!y% ,$r own sys!em has many socialis! fea!$res and !he !rend of re$blican
"o'ernmen! is all !ha! way% 5he anarchis! fa'ors aboli!ion of all law and fre4$en!ly belon"s
!o an or"ani:a!ion !ha! sec$res his alle"iance by solemn oa!hs and dreadf$l enal!ies%
+Nihilism+ is a name "i'en by 5$r"enieff !o !he "eneral body of 1$ssian discon!en! which
finds e.ression in an!a"oni:in" a$!hori!y and killin" a$!hori!ies% -ons!r$c!i'e oli!ics
wo$ld seem# as ye!# !o be a c$! abo'e !he nihilis!9s in!elli"enceC he is essen!ially a
des!r$c!ionary% &e is so dili"en!ly en"a"ed in $nweedin" !he soil !ha! he has no! "i'en a
!ho$"h! !o wha! he will "row !here% Nihilism may be defined as a olicy of assassina!ion
!emered by reflec!ions on ;iberia% American syma!hy wi!h i! is !he offsrin" of an $nholy
$nion be!ween !he !on"$e of a liar and !he ear of a d$e%
@on e.amina!ion i! will be seen !ha! oli!ical dissen!# when i! !akes any form more
coheren! !han !he mere br$!e dissa!isfac!ion of a mind !ha! does no! know wha! i! wan!s !o
wan!# finds e.ression in one of b$! !wo ways - in ;ocialism or in Anarchism% /ha!e'er
me!hods one may !hink will bes! relace a sys!em "rad$ally e'ol'ed from o$r needs and
o$r na!$res wi!h a sys!em!in" only in !he minds of dreamers# one is bo$nd !o choose
be!ween !hese !wo dreams% Ge! s$ch is !he in!ellec!$al delin4$ency of many who mos!
s!ren$o$sly deno$nce !he sys!em !ha! we ha'e !ha! we no! infre4$en!ly find !he same man
ad'oca!in" in one brea!h# ;ocialism# in !he ne.!# Anarchism% 3ndeed# few of !hese sons of
darkness know !ha! e'en as coheren! dreams !he !wo are incoma!ible% /i!h Anarchy
!ri$mhan! !he socialis! wo$ld be a !ho$sand years f$r!her from reali:a!ion of his hoe !han
he is !oday% ;e! $ ;ocialism on a 0onday and on 5$esday !he co$n!ry wo$ld be en .ete#
"aily h$n!in" down anarchis!s% 5here wo$ld be li!!le diffic$l!y in !railin" !hem# for !hey ha'e
no! so m$ch sense as a deer# which# r$nnin" down !he wind# sends i!s !ell-!ale fra"rance
on before%
;ocialism and Anarchism are ar!s of !he same !hin"# in !he sense !ha! !he !erminal
oin!s of a road are ar!s of !he same road% Be!ween !hem# abo$! midway# lies !he sys!em
!ha! we ha'e !he hainess !o end$re% 3! is a +blend+ of ;ocialism and Anarchism in abo$!
e4$al ar!s6 all !ha! is no! one is !he o!her% -ooera!ion is ;ocialismC come!i!ion is
Anarchism% -ome!i!ion carried !o i!s lo"ical concl$sion (which only cooera!ion re'en!s
or can re'en!) wo$ld lea'e no law in force# no roer!y ossible# no life sec$re%
,f co$rse !he words +cooera!ion+ and +come!i!ion+ are no! here $sed in a merely
ind$s!rial and commercial senseC !hey are in!ended !o co'er !he whole field of h$man
ac!i'i!y% 5wo 'oices sin"in" a d$e! - !ha! is cooera!ion - ;ocialism% 5wo 'oices sin"in"
each a differen! !$ne and !ryin" !o drown each o!her - !ha! is come!i!ion - AnarchismC
each is a law $n!o i!self - !ha! is !o say# i! is lawless% <'ery!hin" !ha! o$"h! !o be done !he
socialis! hoes !o do by associa!ed endea'or# as an army wins ba!!lesC Anarchism is
socialis! in i!s means only6 by cooera!ion i! !ries !o render cooera!ion imossible -
combines !o kill combina!ion% 3!s me!hod says !o i!s $rose6 +5ho$ foolD+
<'ery!hin" fore!ells !he doom of a$!hori!y% 5he killin" of kin"s is no new ind$s!ryC i!
is as ancien! as !he race% Always and e'erywhere ersons in hi"h lace ha'e been !he
assassin9s rey% /e ha'e o$rsel'es los! !hree residen!s by m$rder# and shall do$b!less
lose many ano!her before !he book of American his!ory is closed% 3f any!hin" is new in !his
ac!i'i!y of !he re"icide i! is fo$nd in !he choice of 'ic!ims% 5he con!emorary +a'en"er+
slays# no! !he merely!ed#+ b$! !he "ood and !he inoffensi'e - an American residen!
who had s!r$ck !he chains from millions of sla'esC a 1$ssian c:ar who a"ains! !he will and
work of his own owerf$l nobles had freed !heir serfsC a =rench residen! from whom !he
=rench eole had recei'ed no!hin" b$! "oodC a owerless A$s!rian emress# whose
wei"h! of sorrows had !o$ched !he world !o !earsC a blameless 3!alian kin" belo'ed of his
eoleC s$ch is a ar! of !he recen! record of !he re"icide# whose e'ery en!ry is a !ale of
infamy $nrelie'ed by one circ$ms!ance of 7$s!ice# decency or "ood in!en!ion%
5his recen! $niformi!y of male'olence in !he choice of 'ic!ims is no! wi!ho$!
si"nificance% 3! oin!s $nmis!akably !o !wo fac!s6 firs!# !ha! !he selec!ions are made# no! by
!he assassins !hemsel'es# b$! by some cen!ral con!rol inaccessible !o indi'id$al
reference and $naffec!ed by !he for!$nes of i!s ins!r$men!sC second# !ha! !here is a
cons!an! $rose !o manifes! an an!a"onism# no! !o any indi'id$al r$ler# b$! !o r$lersC no!
!o any sys!em of "o'ernmen!# b$! !o "o'ernmen!% 5he iss$e is defined# !he ali"nmen!
made# !he ba!!le se!6 -haos a"ains! ,rder# Anarchy a"ains! 8aw%
% % % % % %
/e shall learn !ha! o$r blind deendence $on !he ma"ic of words is a fa!$o$s
errorC !ha! !he for!$i!o$s arran"emen! of consonan!s and 'owels which we worshi as
8iber!y is of sli"h! efficacy in disarmin" !he l$na!ic brandishin" a bomb% 8iber!y# indeedD
5he m$rdero$s wre!ch lo'es i! a deal be!!er !han we# and wan!s more of i!% 8iber!yD one
almos! sickens of !he word# so 4$ick and "lib i! is on e'ery li - so des!i!$!e of meanin"%
5here is no s$ch !hin" as abs!rac! liber!yC i! is no! e'en !hinkable% 3f yo$ ask me#
+Bo yo$ fa'or liber!y?+ 3 rely# +8iber!y for whom !o do wha!?+
% % % % % %
5he !r$!h is !ha! !he men of +rincile+ are a re!!y dan"ero$s class# "enerally
seakin" - and !hey are "enerally seakin"% 3! is !hey !ha! hamer $s in e'ery war% 3! is
!hey who# re'en!in" concen!ra!ion and re"$la!ion of $nabolishable e'ils# romo!e !heir
dis!rib$!ion and liber!y% 0oral rinciles are re!!y "ood !hin"s - for !he yo$n" and !hose
no! well "ro$nded in "oodness% 3f one ha'e an imedimen! in his !ho$"h!# or is o!herwise
$ne4$al !o emer"encies as !hey arise# i! is safes! !o be ro'ided beforehand wi!h
some!hin" !o refer !o in order !ha! a ri"h! decision may be made wi!ho$! !akin" !ho$"h!%
B$! siri!s of a $rer fire refer !o decide each 4$es!ion as i! comes $# and !o ac! $on
!he meri!s of !he case# $nbo$nd and $nled"ed% /i!h a 4$ick in!elli"ence# a caable
conscience and a habi! of doin" ri"h! a$!oma!ically# one has li!!le need !o b$rden one9s
mind and memory wi!h a se! of solemn rinciles form$la!ed by owlish hilosohers who
do no! haen !o know !ha! wha! is ri"h! is merely wha!# in !he lon" r$n and wi!h re"ard !o
!he "rea!er n$mber of cases# is e.edien!%
?rincile is no! always an infallible "$ide% =or ill$s!ra!ion# i! is no! always e.edien!
- !ha! is# for !he "ood of all concerned - !o !ell !he !r$!h# !o be en!irely 7$s! or mercif$l# !o ay
a deb!% 3 can concei'e a case in which i! wo$ld be ri"h! !o assassina!e one9s nei"hbor%
;$ose him !o be a desera!e sco$ndrel of a chemis! who has de'ised a means of
se!!in" !he a!moshere afire% 5he man who sho$ld "o !hro$"h life on an infle.ible line of
rincile wo$ld border his a!h wi!h a ha'oc of h$man hainess%
/ha! one may !hink erfec! one may no! always !hink desirable% By +erfec!+ one
may mean merely comle!e# and !he word was so $sed in my reference !o ;ocialism% 3 am
no! myself an ad'oca!e of +erfec! ;ocialism#+ b$! as !o "o'ernmen! ownershi of railways#
!here is do$b!less a "ood deal !o be said on bo!h sides% ,ne ar"$men! in i!s fa'or aears
decisi'eC $nder a sys!em s$b7ec! !o o$lar con!rol !he law of "ra'i!a!ion wo$ld be shorn
of i!s reeminence as a means of remo'in" ersonal roer!y from !he ba""a"e car% % % % % %
5here are !wo forms of real "o'ernmen!C absol$!e 0onarchy and absol$!e
BemocracyC all o!hers are bas!ard forms a!!es!in" !he fail$re of !hese# and !hemsel'es
doomed !o fail% 5he ca$se of fail$re lies in !he essen!ial folly and badness of h$man
na!$re% =rom a s!$id and selfish eole !here is no cer!ain!y of "e!!in" a wise and
conscien!io$s so'erei"n% <'en when !ha! miracle has been wro$"h!# "ood "o'ernmen!
has no! res$l!ed# for !he so'erei"n# howe'er absol$!e in !heory# howe'er "ood and wise in
fac!# is comelled !o work !hro$"h shallow and selfish officials% Bemocracy s$ffers !he
same disabili!y# wi!h !he added disad'an!a"e of a so'erei"n !ha! is ne'er wise and ne'er
As !o limi!ed 0onarchies and cons!i!$!ional Bemocracies# !hey are similarly and
e4$ally f$!ile% Bi'ided a$!hori!y is di'ided resonsibili!y% 1es!rain! of !he ower !o do e'il
is res!rain! of !he ower !o do "ood% @nder !he +one-man ower+ (a name# by !he way# !ha!
o$r "ood forefa!hers sin"$larly chose !o "i'e !o !he r$le of !he Bri!ish minis!ry and
arliamen!) i! is a! leas! known who is !o blame for sins of adminis!ra!ion# and !o whom is
d$e !he credi! for wha! is credi!able% 5he a$!ocra! can no! hide behind his own back%
3n all !he 'ario$s and 'ain e.erimen!s in "o'ernmen! !he one ca$se of fail$re is
e!ernally manifes!C !he "eneral moral and in!ellec!$al delin4$ency !ha! makes "o'ernmen!
necessary - !he folly and dera'i!y of h$man na!$re%
% % % % % %
3! is easy !o forecas! !he firs! s!a"es of !he <nd9s aroach6 1io!in"% Bisaffec!ion of
cons!ab$lary and !roos% ;$b'ersion of !he >o'ernmen!% A olicy of decai!a!ion%
?arliamen! of !he eole% Bi'ided co$nsels% ?andemoni$m% 5he man on horseback%
>$s!s of "rae% ----?
5he "ods ke! !heir secre!s by !ellin" !hem !o -assandra# whom nobody belie'ed% 3
am en!r$s!ed wi!h !he secre! !ha! !he shadow on !he dial of ci'ili:a!ion is mo'in" backward%
Belie'e or disbelie'e - wha! ma!!er? 1e'elers wi!h wine-died wrea!hs $on !heir heads
do no! care !o know !he ho$r% Ge! !here are si"ns and or!en!s - whisers and cries in !he
airC s!eal!hy !read of in'isible fee! alon" !he "ro$ndC s$dden clamor of s!ar!led fowls a!
dead of !he ni"h!C crimson dewdros on !he roadside "rass of a mornin"% B$! ray do no!
dis!$rb yo$rsel'es6 ea!# drink and be merry# for !omorrow comes 8o"ical Bemocracy%
(0ol6 77 (W)
5his is my $l!ima!e and de!erminin" !es! of ri"h! - +/ha!# in !he circ$ms!ances#
wo$ld Ees$s ha'e done?+ - !he Ees$s of !he New 5es!amen!# no! !he Ees$s of !he
commen!a!ors# !heolo"ians# ries!s and arsons% 5he !es! is erhas no! infallible# b$! i! is
e.ceedin"ly simle and "i'es as "ood rac!ical res$l!s as any% 3 am no! a -hris!ian# b$! so
far as 3 know# !he bes! and !r$es! and swee!es! charac!er in li!era!$re# ne.! !o B$ddha# is
Ees$s -hris!% &e !a$"h! no!hin" new in "oodness# for all "oodness was a"es old before
he cameC b$! wi!h an almos! infallible in!$i!ion he alied !o life and cond$c! !he en!ire law
of ri"h!eo$sness% &e was a moral li"h!nin" calc$la!or6 !o his l$mino$s in!elli"ence !he
s!a!emen! of !he roblem carried !he sol$!ion - he co$ld no! hesi!a!e# he seldom erred%
5ha! $on his deeds and words was fo$nded a reli"ion which in a debased form ersis!s
and e'en sreads !o !his day is a!!es!a!ion of his mar'elo$s "if!6 adora!ion is merely a
rimi!i'e form of aro'al%
3! seems a i!y !ha! !his wonderf$l man had no! a lon"er life $nder more comle.
condi!ions - condi!ions more nearly resemblin" !hose of !he modern world and of !he
f$!$re% ,ne wo$ld like !o be able !o see# !hro$"h !he eyes of his bio"rahers# his "eni$s
alied !o more and o!her diffic$l! 4$es!ions% Ge! one can hardly "o wron" in inference of
his !ho$"h! and ac!% 3n many of !he comle.i!ies and en!an"lemen!s of modern affairs i! is
no easy ma!!er !o find an answer off-hand !o !he 4$es!ion# +/ha! is i! ri"h! !o do?+ B$! $!
i! in ano!her way6 +/ha! wo$ld -hris! ha'e done?+ and loD !here is li"h!D Bo$b! sreads
her ba!-like win"s and is awayC !he s$n of !r$!h srin"s in!o !he sky# slendorin" !he a!h of
ri"h! and maskin" !ha! of wron" wi!h a deeer shade%
% % % % % =or e.amle# !here is !he 1e'% Br% ?arkh$rs!# whose defense was $blished
wi!h !he 'evie&'s a!!ack% 3 shall "i'e a sin"le ill$s!ra!ion of how !his more celebra!ed !han
cerebra!ed +di'ine+ is leased !o !hink !ha! he !hinks% &e is relyin" !o some one9s
alica!ion !o !his ma!!er of -hris!9s in7$nc!ion# +8ay no! $ for yo$rsel'es !reas$res on
ear!h%+ 5his command# he "ra'ely says# +is no! a"ains! money# nor a"ains! !he makin" of
money# b$! a"ains! !he lo'in" i! for i!s own sake and !he dedica!in" of i! !o self-
a""randi:in" $ses%+ 3 call !his a foolish $!!erance# beca$se i! 'iola!es !he "ood old r$le of
no! !ellin" an ob'io$s falsehood% 3n no word nor syllable does -hris!9s in7$nc!ion "i'e !he
leas! color of !r$!h !o !he re'erend "en!leman9s +in!erre!a!ionC+ !ha! is !he re'erend
"en!leman9s 'ery own# and do$b!less he feels an hones! ride in i!% 3! is !he rod$c! of a
con!ro'ersial need - a charac!eris!ic a!!em! !o cree o$! of a hole in an enclos$re which
he was no! in'i!ed !o en!er% 5he words need no +in!erre!a!ionC+ are s$sce!ible !o noneC
are as clear and $nambi"$o$s a roosi!ion as lan"$a"e can frame% 0oreo'er# !hey are
consis!en! wi!h all !ha! we !hink we know of !heir a$!hor9s life and charac!er# for he no! only
li'ed in o'er!y and !a$"h! o'er!y as a blessin"# b$! commanded i! as a d$!y and a
means !o sal'a!ion% 5he robable effec! of $ni'ersal obedience amon" !hose who adore
him as a "od is no! a! resen! an $r"en! 4$es!ion% 3 !hink e'en so fai!hf$l a discile as !he
1e'% Br% ?arkh$rs! has s!ill a lace !o lay his head# a li!!le of !he wherewi!hal !o be clo!hed#
and a "ood deal of !he ower of in!erre!a!ion !o e.c$se i!% % % % % %
5here are o!her hyocri!es !han !hose of !he $li!% Br% >a!lin"# !he in"enio$s
sco$ndrel who in'en!ed !he "$n !ha! bears his name wi!h commendable for!i!$de# says he
has "i'en m$ch !ho$"h! !o !he !ask of brin"in" !he forces of war !o s$ch erfec!ion !ha! war
will be no more% -ommonly !he man wlio !alks of war becomin" so des!r$c!i'e as !o be
imossible is only a harmless l$na!ic# b$! !his fellow $!!ers his can! !o conceal his c$idi!y%
3f he !ho$"h! !here was any dan"er of !he na!ions bea!in" !heir swords in!o lowshares we
sho$ld see him +!ake !he s!$m+ a"ains! a"ric$l!$re for!hwi!h% 5he same is !r$e of all
mili!ary in'en!ors% 5hey are lions9 arasi!esC !hemsel'es of cold blood# !hey fa!!en $on
ho!% 5he shee-!ick9s aler fare is no! a! all !o !heir !as!e%
3 some!imes wish !ha! 3 were a reacher6 reachers do so blindly i"nore !heir
shinin" oor!$ni!ies% 3 am indifferen!ly 'ersed in !heolo"y - whereof# so hel me &ea'en#
3 do no! belie'e one word - b$! know some!hin" of reli"ion% 3 know# for e.amle# !ha! Ees$s
-hris! was no soldierC !ha! war has !wo fea!$res which did no! command his aro'al -
$s$ally6 a""ression and defense% &e !a$"h! no! only abs!en!ion from a""ression b$! non-
resis!ance% Now wha! do we see? Nearly all !he so-called -hris!ian na!ions of !he world
swea!in" and "roanin" $nder !heir b$rden of deb! con!rac!ed in 'iola!ion of !hese
in7$nc!ions which !hey belie'e di'ine - con!rac!ed in erfec!in" !heir means of offense and
defense% +/e m$s! ha'e !he bes!#+ !hey cryC and if armor la!es for shis were be!!er
when alloyed wi!h sil'er# and "$ns if banded wi!h "old# s$ch armor la!es wo$ld be $!
$on !he shis# s$ch "$ns wo$ld be freely made% No sooner does one na!ion ado! some
cos!ly de'ice for !akin" life or ro!ec!in" i! from !he !aker (and in'en!ors will as readily sell
!he rod$c! of !heir mali"n in"en$i!y !o one na!ion as !o ano!her) !han all !he res! ei!her
ossess !hemsel'es of i!# or ado! some!hin" s$erior and more e.ensi'eC and so all
ay !he enal!y for !he sins of each% A h$ndred million dollars is a modera!e es!ima!e of
wha! i! has cos! !he world !o abs!ain from s!ran"lin" !he infan! >a!lin" in his cradle% % % % %
=rom <ar!h !o &ea'en in $nceasin" ascension flows a s!ream of rayer for e'ery
blessin" !ha! man desires# ye! man remains $nbles!# !he 'ic!im of his own folly and
assions# !he sor! of fire# flood# !emes! and ear!h4$ake# afflic!ed wi!h famine and
disease# war# o'er!y and crime# his world an incredible wel!er of e'il# his life a c$rse and
his hoe a lie% 3s i! ossible !ha! all !his rayin" is f$!ili:ed and in'alida!ed by lack of fai!h?
- !ha! !he +askin"+ is no! creden!ialed by !he +belie'in"?+ /hen !he anoin!ed minis!er of
&ea'en sreads his alms and $rolls his eyes !o beseech a "eneral blessin" or some
secial ad'an!a"e is he !he celebran! of a hollow# meanin"less ri!e# or !he d$e of a false
romise? ,ne does no! know# b$! if one is no! a fool one does know !ha! his e'ery
res$l!less e!i!ion ro'es him by !he ine.orable laws of lo"ic !o be !he one or !he o!her% % % %
(0ol6 773 (W)
5he romo!er of or"ani:ed chari!y ro!es!s a"ains! +!he was!ef$l and mischie'o$s
me!hod of $ndirec!ed relief%+ &e means# na!$rally# relief !ha! is no! direc!ed by somebody
else !han !he erson "i'in" i! - $ndirec!ed by him and his kind - rofessional almoners -
hilan!hrois!s who deem i! more blessed !o allo! !han !o bes!ow% 3nd$bi!ably m$ch is
was!ed and some mischief done by indiscrimina!e "i'in" - and indi'id$al "i'ers are
addic!ed !o !ha! fa$l!y rac!ice% B$! !here is some!hin" !o be said for +$ndirec!ed relief#+
4$i!e !he same% 3! blesses no! only him who recei'es (when he is wor!hyC and when he is
no!# $on his own head be i!) b$! him who "i'es% 5o !hose $ncalc$la!in" ersons who#
desi!e !he ro!es!s of !he or"ani:ed chari!able# concede a cer!ain moral 'al$e !o !he
son!aneo$s im$lses of !he hear! and read in !he word +relief + a do$ble meanin"# !he
office of !he mere dis!rib$!or is imerfec!ly sacred% &e is e'en wi!ho$! scri!$ral a$!hori!y#
and li'es in !he ere!$al challen"e of a moral 9uo &arranto% Ne'er!heless he is no!
wi!ho$! his $ses% &e is a !aer of !ills !ha! do no! oen a$!oma!ically% &e is almoner !o
!he $ncomassiona!e# who b$! for him wo$ld "i'e no alms% &e ne"o!ia!es $nna!$ral b$!
no! cens$rable rela!ions be!ween selfishness and in"ra!i!$de% 5he "ood !ha! he does is
$rely ma!erial% &e makes !wo lea'es of fa! !o "row where b$! one "rew before# lessens
!he s$m of "as!ric an"s and dorsal chills% All !his is some!hin"# cer!ainly# b$! i! "enera!es
no warm and ele'a!ed sen!imen!s and does no!hin" in mi!i"a!ion of !he oor9s animosi!y !o
!he rich% ,r"ani:ed chari!y is an insiid and sa'orless !hin"C i!s lace amon" moral
a"encies is no hi"her !han !ha! of roo! beer%
-hris! did no! say# +;ell !ha! !ho$ has! and "i'e !o !he ch$rch !o "i'e !o !he oor%+
&e did no! men!ion !he Associa!ed -hari!ies of !he eriod% 3 do no! find !he words# +5he
8i!!le ;is!ers of !he ?oor ye ha'e always wi!h yo$#+ nor# +3nasm$ch as ye ha'e done i! $n!o
!he leas! of !hese Borcas socie!ies ye ha'e done i! $n!o me%+ Nowhere do 3 find myself
commanded !o enable o!hers !o comfor! !he afflic!ed and 'isi! !he sick and !hose in rison%
Nowhere is recorded >od9s blessin" $on him who makes himself a ar! of a chari!y
machine - no# no! e'en if he be !he "$idin" le'er of !he whole mechanism%
,r"ani:ed chari!y is a del$sion and a snare% 3! enables 0$nni"l$! !o !hink himself a
"ood man for ayin" ann$al d$es and b$yin" !ransferable meal !icke!s% 0$nni"l$! is no!
!hereby a "ood man% ,n !he 8as! >rea! Bay# when he cowers in !he 3neffable ?resence
and is asked for an acco$n!in" i! will no! rofi! him !o say# +&earin" !ha! A was in wan!# 3
"a'e money for his need !o B%+ Nor will i! ad'an!a"e B !o say# +/hen A was in dis!ress 3
asked - !o relie'e him# and myself allo!!ed !he relief accordin" !o a resol$!ion of B# < and
5here are blessin"s and benefac!ions !ha! one wo$ld willin"ly fore"o - amon" !hem
!he oor% H$ack remedies for o'er!y am$seC a real secific wo$ld kindle a noble
en!h$siasm% Ge! !he world wo$ld lose m$ch by i!C h$man na!$re wo$ld s$ffer a chan"e for
!he worse% &aily and $nhaily# o'er!y is no! abolishable6 +5he oor ye ha'e always
wi!h yo$+ is a sen!ence !ha! can ne'er become $nin!elli"ible% <ffec! of a !ho$sand
ermanen! ca$ses# o'er!y is in'incible# e!ernal% And since we m$s! ha'e i! le! $s !hank
>od for i! and a'ail o$rsel'es of all i!s ad'an!a"es !o mind and charac!er% &e who is no!
"ood !o !he deser'in" oorC who knows no! !hose of his immedia!e en'ironmen!C who
"oes no! amon" !hem makin" in4$iry of !heir ersonal needsC who does no! wish wi!h all
his hear! and s!ri'e wi!h bo!h his hands !o relie'e !hem - is was!ef$l and imro'iden!%
(0ol6 773 (W)
The )**osing e+
% % % % % 8i'ely /oman is indeed# as -arlyle wo$ld $! i!# +hell-ben!+ on $rifica!ion of
oli!ics by addin" herself as an in"redien!% 3! is $nlikely !ha! !he in7ec!ion of her ersonali!y
in!o !he con!en!ion (and oli!ics is essen!ially a con!en!ion) will allay any animosi!ies#
swee!en any !emers# ele'a!e any mo!i'es% 5he s!rifes of women are dis!inc!ly meaner
!han !hose of men - which are o$! of all reason meanC !heir me!hods of o'ercomin"
oonen!s dis!inc!ly more $nscr$$lo$s% 5ha! !heir ar!icia!ion in oli!ics will no!ably al!er
!he condi!ions of !he "ame is no! !o be deniedC so m$ch# $nfor!$na!ely# is ob'io$sC b$!
!ha! i! will make !he layer less mali"nan! and !he layin" more honorable is a roosi!ion
in s$or! of which one can $!!er a deal of "or"eo$s nonsense wi!h a less ins$or!able
sense of i!s $nfi!ness !han in !he ser'ice of almos! any o!her del$sion%
5he fros!y !r$!h is !ha! e.ce! in !he home !he infl$ence of women is no! ele'a!in"#
b$! debasin"% /hen !hey s!oo !o $lif! men who need $lif!in"# !hey are !hemsel'es
$lled down# and !ha! is all !ha! is accomlished% /here'er !hey come in!o familiar con!ac!
wi!h men who are no! !heir rela!i'es !hey imar! no!hin"# !hey recei'e allC !hey do no!
affec! $s wi!h !heir no!ions of morali!yC we infec! !hem wi!h o$rs% 3n !he las! for!y years# in
!his co$n!ry# !hey ha'e en!ered a h$ndred a'en$es of ac!i'i!y from which !hey were
re'io$sly debarred by $nwri!!en law% 5hey are fo$nd in !he offices# !he shos# !he
fac!oriesC like -harles 8amb9s f$"i!i'e i"s# !hey ha'e r$n $ all manner of s!ree!s% Boes
any one !hink !ha! in !ha! !ime !here has been an ad'ance in rofessional# commercial and
ind$s!rial morali!y? Are lawyers more scr$$lo$s# !radesmen more hones!? /hen one
has been ser'ed by a +saleslady+ does one lea'e !he sho wi!h a feebler sense of in7$ry
!han was formerly insired by a !ransac!ion a! !he co$n!er - a d$ller conscio$sness of
bein" oneself !he commodi!y !ha! has chan"ed hands? &a'e ac!resses ele'a!ed !he s!a"e
!o a moral al!i!$de con"enial !o !he colder 'ir!$es? 3n s!$dios of ar!is!s is !he +so$nd of
re'elry by ni"h!+ in'ariably a dee# masc$line bass? 3n li!era!$re are !he immoral books -
!he books dealin" wi!h 4$es!ionable +4$es!ions+ - always# or e'en commonly# wri!!en by
men? % % % %
3f we wish !o ha'e women who are differen! from o$rsel'es in knowled"e# charac!er#
accomlishmen!s# mannersC as differen! men!ally as hysically - and in !hese and in all
o!her e.ressible differences reside all !he charms !ha! !hey ha'e for $s - we m$s! kee
!hem# or !hey m$s! kee !hemsel'es# in an en'ironmen! $nlike o$r own% % % % >od has made
no law of miracles and none of his laws is "oin" !o be s$sended in deference !o woman9s
desire !o achie'e familiari!y wi!ho$! con!em!% 3f she wan!s !o lease she m$s! re!ain
some scra of no'el!yC if she desires o$r resec! she m$s! no! be always in e'idence#
disclosin" !he baser side of her charac!er# as in come!i!ion wi!h $s she m$s! do - as we
do !o one ano!her% 0rs% <dm$nd >osse# like +,$ida#+ 0rs% A!her!on# and all o!her women
of brains# !hinks !ha! !he !akin" of $nfair ad'an!a"es - !he lack of ma"nanimi!y - is a
leadin" charac!eris!ic of her se.% % % % %
3! is of !he na!$re of men - !hemsel'es cheerf$l oly"amis!s# wi!h no eni!en!
in!en!ions - !o se! a hi"h 'al$e $on chas!i!y in woman% (/e need no! oin! o$! why !hey
do soC !hose !o whom !he reasons are no! clear can rofi!ably remain in !he 'alley of !he
shadow of i"norance%) Aal$in" i!# !hey $rose ha'in" i!# or some considerable n$merical
res$m!ion of i!% As !hey ercei'e !ha! in a "eneral way women are 'ir!$o$s in roor!ion
!o !he remo!eness of !heir li'es and in!eres!s from !he li'es and in!eres!s of men - !heir
secl$sion from !he infl$ences of which men9s own 'ices are a main ar! - an easy and
eacef$l means will do$b!less be fo$nd for reression of !he sho$!ers%
3n !he orches!ra!ion of mind# woman9s ins!r$men!s mi"h! ha'e ke! silence wi!ho$!
in7$ry !o !he 'ol$me and 4$ali!y of !he m$sicC efface !he imress of her !o$ch $on !he
world# and by !hose who come la!er !he blank m$s! be dili"en!ly so$"h!% >o !o !he !o of
any lar"e ci!y and look abo$! and below% 3! is no! m$ch !ha! yo$ will see# b$! i! reresen!s
an ama:in" ad'ance from !he condi!ions of rimi!i'e man% Nowhere in !he wide s$r'ey will
yo$ see !he work of woman% 3! is all !he work of men9s hands# and before i! was wro$"h!
in!o form and s$bs!ance#!ed as conscio$s crea!ions in men9s brains% -oncealed
wi!hin !he 'isible forms of b$ildin"s and shis - !hemsel'es miracles of !ho$"h! - lie s$ch
wonder-worlds of in'en!ion and disco'ery as no h$man life is lon" eno$"h !o e.lore# no
h$man $nders!andin" caacio$s eno$"h !o hold in knowled"e% 3f# like Asmode$s# we
co$ld ri'e !he roofs and see woman9s ar! of !his rodi"io$s e.hibi!ion - !he !hin"s !ha! she
has ac!$ally crea!ed wi!h her brain - wha! kind of dislay wo$ld i! be? 3! is robable !ha! all
!he in!ellec!$al ener"y e.ended by women from firs! !o las! wo$ld no! ha'e s$fficed# if
direc!ed in!o one channel# for !he "enesis and e'ol$!ion of !he modern bicycle%
+5here is no se. in brain#+ says !he =emale 0ili!an!% 3 be" her ardon6 !here is se.
in e'ery or"an# e'ery !iss$e# e'ery cell and a!om of !he h$man bodyC b$! in no!hin" do
men and women differ so widely# so consic$o$sly# so essen!ially as in mind% 5hey !hink
af!er al!o"e!her differen! me!hodsC !heir men!al rocesses are !o a clear and come!en!
obser'a!ion wi!ho$! resemblance !o o$rs% ;o differen! is !he men!al cons!i!$!ion of !he !wo !ha! whereas all see no! mainly wi!h !he eye# b$! wi!h !he 7$d"men!# !he
$nders!andin"# e'en !he o$!er asec! of !hin"s is# 3 am ers$aded# no! !he same !o a
woman !ha! i! is !o a man% 3 ha'e !aken some !ro$ble !o !es! !his !heory# wi!h res$l!s of !he
mos! in!eres!in" charac!er# which 3 $rose "i'in" !o !he world some day% 3! is my
con'ic!ion !ha! if a man who had li'ed all his life in New Gork were !o become a woman
while assin" alon" Broadway she wo$ld be $nable !o find her way home wi!ho$! in4$iry%
3 once heard a woman who had layf$lly come!ed wi!h men in a 7$min" ma!ch
"ra'ely a!!rib$!e her defea! !o !he !rammelin" of her skir!% ;imilarly# women are leased !o
e.lain !heir en$ry of men!al achie'emen! by reressi'e ed$ca!ion and c$s!om% B$! e'en
in re"ions where !hey ha'e e'er had f$ll freedom of !he 4$arries !hey ha'e no! b$ilded
!hemsel'es mon$men!s% Nobody# for e.amle# is holdin" !hem from "rea!ness in oe!ry#
which needs no secial ed$ca!ion# and m$sic# in which !hey ha'e always been secially
ed$ca!edC ye! where is !he "rea! oem by a woman? where !he "rea! m$sical
comosi!ion? 3n !he "rammar of li!era!$re wha! is !he feminine of &omer# of ;hakeseare#
of >oe!he# of &$"o? /ha! female names are !he e4$i'alen!s of !he names of Bee!ho'en#
0o:ar!# -hoin# /a"ner? /omen are no! m$sicians - !hey +sin" and lay%+ 3n shor!# if
woman had no be!!er claim !o resec! and affec!ion !han her brainC no swee!er charms
!han !hose of her reasonC no means of s$asion b$! her ower $on men9s con'ic!ions# she
wo$ld lon" a"o ha'e been +imro'ed off !he face of !he ear!h%+ As she is# men accord her
s$ch homa"e as is coma!ible wi!h con!em!# s$ch imm$ni!ies as are consis!en! wi!h
con!rolC b$! whereas she is no! al!o"e!her filled wi!h li"h!# and is# moreo'er# imerfec!ly
re'eren!# i! is b$! ri"h! !ha! in obedience !o scri!$ral in7$nc!ion she kee silence in o$r
ch$rches while we are worshiin" ,$rsel'es%
;he will no! ha'e i! so# !he "ood# "ood "irlC as moral as !he bes! of $s# she will be
as in!ellec!$al as !he res! of $s% ;he will ha'e o$! her li!!le !aer and se! !he ri'ers of
!ho$"h! all abla:e# le""in" i! o'er !he land from s!ream !o s!ream !ill all are fired% ;he will
widen her shere# forsoo!h# herself no wider !han before% 3! is no! eno$"h !ha! we ha'e
edified her a edes!al and erform imossible ri!es in celebra!ion of her al!i!$de and
dis!inc!ion% 3! does no! s$ffice !ha! wi!h ne'er a smile we ass$re her !ha! she is !he
s$erior se.% 5ha! she is ind$bi!ably "if!ed wi!h $lchri!$de and an $n4$es!ionable "eni$s
for i!s embellishin"C !ha! Na!$re has endowed her wi!h a rodi"io$s knack a!
accroachmen!# whereby !he male of her secies is l$red !o a s$i!able doom - !his does no!
sa!isfy her% NoC she has !aken $n!o herself in !hese e'il days !ha! +in!elli"en! discon!en!+
which "i'e!h i!s belo'ed fi!s% 5o her flock of "races and 'ir!$es she m$s! add o$r one oor
ewe 3amb of brains% /ell# 3 !ell her !ha! in!ellec! is a mons!er which de'o$rs bea$!yC !ha!
!he woman of e.ce!ional mind is e.ce!ionally masc$line in face# fi"$re# ac!ion% And so#
wi!h a rel$c!an! farewell !o 8o'ely /oman# 3 h$mbly wi!hdraw from her resence and
has!en !o o'er!ake !he recedin" erihery of her +shere%+
,ne momen! more# mesdames6 3 cra'e lea'e !o es!o yo$r disfa'or - which were
afflic!ion and calami!y - by +definin" my osi!ion+ in !he words of one of yo$rsel'es# who
has said of me (!ho$"h wi!h rerehensible e.a""era!ion# belie'e me) !ha! 3 ha!e woman
and lo'e women - ha'e an ac$!e animosi!y !o yo$r se.# adorin" each indi'id$al member of
i!% /ha! ma!!ers my oinion of yo$r $nders!andin"s so lon" as 3 am in bonda"e !o yo$r
charms? 0oreo'er# !here is one ser'ice of incomarable $!ili!y and di"ni!y for which 3
es!eem yo$ eminen!ly fi! - !o be mo!hers of men%
(0ol6 773 (W)
A %ad World
8e! $s s$ose !ha! in !racin" i!s cycloidal c$r'es !hro$"h !he $n!hinkable reaches
of sace !ra'ersed by !he solar sys!em o$r lane! sho$ld ass !hro$"h a +bel!+ of
a!!en$a!ed ma!!er ha'in" !he roer!y of demen!in" $sD 3! is a conce!ion easily eno$"h
en!er!ained% 5ha! sace is f$ll of mali"n condi!ions incon!in$o$sly dis!rib$!edC !ha! we are
a! one !ime !ra'ersin" a :one comara!i'ely innoc$o$s and a! ano!her sinnin" !hro$"h a
re"ion of infec!ionC !ha! away behind $s in !he wake of o$r swirlin" fli"h! are fields of
la"$e and ain s!ill a"i!a!ed by o$r assa"e !hro$"h !hem# - all !his is as "ood as known%
3! is almos! as cer!ain as i! is !ha! in o$r li!!le ann$al circle ro$nd !he s$n are oin!s a!
which we are s!oned and brickba!!ed like a i" in a o!a!o-a!ch - el!ed wi!h li!!le nod$les
of me!eoric me!al fl$n" like "ra'el# and bombarded wi!h "i"an!ic masses h$rled by >od
knows wha!? /ha! s!ran"e ad'en!$res awai! $s in !hose ye! $n!ra'eled re"ions !oward
which we seed? - in!o wha! mali"n condi!ions may we no! a! any !ime l$n"e? - !o !he
s!ren"!h and s!ress of wha! fri"h!f$l en'ironmen! may we no! a! las! s$cc$mb? 5he
s$b7ec! lends i!self readily eno$"h !o a 7es!# b$! 3 am no! 7es!in"6 i! is really al!o"e!her
robable !ha! o$r solar sys!em# racin" !hro$"h sace wi!h inconcei'able 'eloci!y# will one
day en!er a re"ion char"ed wi!h some!hin" dele!erio$s !o !he h$man brain# mindin" $s all
By !he way# dear reader# did yo$ e'er haen !o consider !he ossibili!y !ha! yo$ are
a l$na!ic# and erhas confined in an asyl$m? 3! seems !o yo$ !ha! yo$ are no! - !ha! yo$
"o wi!h freedom where yo$ will# and $se a swee! reasonableness in all yo$r works and
waysC b$! !o many a l$na!ic i! seems !ha! he is 1ameses 33# or !he &olkar of 3ndore% 0any
a l$n"in" maniac# ironed !o !he floor of a cell# belie'es himself !he >oddess of 8iber!y
careerin" "aily !hro$"h !he 5en -ommandmen!s in a chario! of "old% ,f yo$r own sani!y
and iden!i!y yo$ ha'e no e'idence !ha! is any be!!er !han he has of his% 0ore acc$ra!ely# 3
ha'e none of mineC for any!hin" 3 know# yo$ do no!!# nor any one of all !he !hin"s wi!h
which 3 !hink myself familiarly conscio$s% All may be fic!ions of my disordered ima"ina!ion%
3 really know of b$! one reason for do$b!in" !ha! 3 am an inma!e of an asyl$m for !he
insane - namely# !he robabili!y !ha! !here is nowhere any s$ch !hin" as an asyl$m for !he
5his kind of sec$la!ion has charms !ha! "e! a "ood neck-hold $on a!!en!ion% =or
e.amle# if 3 am really a l$na!ic# and !he ersons and !hin"s !ha! 3 seem !o see abo$! me
ha'e no ob7ec!i'e!ence# wha! an in"enio$s !ho$"h disordered ima"ina!ion 3 m$s!
ha'eD /ha! a cle'er cou* i! was !o in'en! 0r% 1ockefeller and clo!he him wi!h !he a!!rib$!e
of ermanenceD /i!h wha! am$sin" 4$ali!ies 3 ha'e endowed my laird of ;kibo#
hilan!hrois!% /ha! a mas!eriece of crea!i'e h$mor is my =a!!y 5af!# s!a!esman# !akin"
himself serio$sly# e'en solemnly# and ers$adin" o!hers !o do !he sameD And !his ci!y of
/ashin"!on# wi!h i!s mo!ley o$la!ion of ;il$rians# ar'enoodles and scams rankin"
$nashamed in !he li"h! of day# and i!s sa'in" con!in"en! of !he forsaken ri"h!eo$s# !heir
seed be""in" bread# - did 1abelais9 e.$beran! fancy e'er concei'e so - b$! 1abelais is#
erhas# himself a conce!ion%
;$rely he is no common maniac who has wro$"h! o$! of no!hin" !he his!ory# !he
hilosohies# sciences# ar!s# laws# reli"ions# oli!ics and morals of !his ima"inary world%
Nay# !he world i!self# !$mblin" $neasily !hro$"h sace like a bee!le9s ball# is no mean
achie'emen!# and 3 am ro$d of i!% B$! !he men!al fea! in which 3 !ake mos! sa!isfac!ion#
and which 3 do$b! no! is mos! di'er!in" !o my keeers# is !ha! of crea!in" 0r% /% 1% &ears!#
oin!in" his eyes !oward !he /hi!e &o$se and endowin" him wi!h a erilo$s Eacksonian
ambi!ion !o defile i!% 5he &ears! is dis!inc!ly a !reas$re%
,n !he whole# 3 ha'e done# 3 !hink# !olerably well# and when 3 con!emla!e !he
fer!ili!y and ori"inali!y of my in'en!ions# !he 4$eer $near!hliness and "ro!es4$e ac!ions of
!he charac!ers whom 3 ha'e e'ol'ed# isola!ed and am c$l!i'a!in"# 3 canno! hel !hinkin"
!ha! if &ea'en had no! made me a l$na!ic my ec$liar !alen! mi"h! ha'e made me an
en!er!ainin" wri!er%
(0ol6 773 (W)
The 'ight to Wor,
All kinds of relief# chari!able or o!her# do$b!less !end !o ere!$a!ion of a$erism#
inasm$ch as a$ers are !hereby ke! ali'eC and li'in" a$ers $n4$es!ionably roa"a!e
!heir $n!hrif!y kind more dili"en!ly !han dead ones% 3! is no! !r$e# !ho$"h# !ha! relief
in!erferes wi!h Na!$re9s beneficen! law of !he s$r'i'al of !he fi!!es!# for !he ower !o!e
syma!hy and ob!ain relief is a kind of fi!ness% 3 am s!ill a de'o!ee of !he homely rimi!i'e
doc!rine !ha! mischance# disabili!y or e'en $n!hrif!# is no! a cai!al crime 7$s!ly and
rofi!ably $nishable by s!ar'a!ion% 3 s!ill re"ard !he >ood ;amari!an wi!h a cer!ain
!olera!ion and Ees$s -hris!9s !enderness !o !he oor as some!hin" more !han a olicy of
/ho is more !r$ly +deser'in"+ !han an able-bodied man o$! of work !hro$"h no
delin4$ency of will and no defa$l! of effor!? 3s h$n"er !o him and his less oi"nan! !han !o
!he feeble in body and mind whom we s$or! for no!hin" in almsho$se or asyl$m? Are
cold and e.os$re less disa"reeable !o him !han !o !hem? 3s no! his claim !o !he ri"h! !o
li'e as 'alid as !heirs if backed by !he will !o ay for life wi!h work? And in denial of his
claim is !here no! la!en! a far "rea!er eril !o socie!y !han inheres in denial of !heirs? ;o
$nfor!$na!e and dan"ero$s a crea!$re as a man able and willin" !o work# ye! ha'in" no
work !o do# sho$ld be $nknown o$!side !he li!era!$re of sa!ire% Bo$b!less !here wo$ld be
enormo$s diffic$l!ies in de'isin" a rac!icable and beneficen! sys!em# and do$b!less !he
reform# like all ermanen! and sal$!ary reforms# will ha'e !o "row% 5he "row!h# na!$rally#
will be delayed by oosi!ion of !he workin"men !hemsel'es - recisely as !hey oose
rison labor from i"norance !ha! labor makes oor!$ni!y !o labor%
3! ma!!ers no! !ha! nine in !en of all o$r !rams and 'a"ran!s are s$ch from choice#
and are irreclaimable de"enera!es as wellC so lon" as one wor!hy man is o$! of
emloymen! and $nable !o ob!ain i! o$r d$!y is !o ro'ide i! by law% Nay# so lon" as
ind$s!rial condi!ions are s$ch !ha! so a!he!ic a henomenon is ossible we ha'e no! !he
moral ri"h! !o disre"ard !ha! ossibili!y% 5he ri"h! !o emloymen! bein" !he ri"h! !o life# i!s
denial is# in a sense# homicide% 3! sho$ld be needless !o oin! o$! !he ad'an!a"es of i!s
concession% 3! wo$ld reser'e !he life and self-resec! of him who is needy !hro$"h
misfor!$ne# and s$ly an infallible means of de!ec!ion of his criminal imi!a!or# who co$ld
!hen be deal! wi!h as he deser'es# wi!ho$! !he leni!y !ha! finds 7$s!ifica!ion in do$b! and
comassion% 3! wo$ld diminish crime# for an em!y s!omach has no morals% /i!h a wa"e
ra!e lower !han !he commercial# i! wo$ld dis!$rb no ri'a!e ind$s!ries by l$rin" away !heir
workmen# and wi!h no!hin" made !o sell# !here wo$ld be no come!i!ion wi!h ri'a!e
rod$c!s% ?roerly direc!ed# i! wo$ld "i'e $s m$ch !ha! we shall no! o!herwise ha'e%
3! is diffic$l! !o say if o$r laws rela!in" !o 'a"rancy and 'a"ran!s are more cr$el or
more abs$rd% 3f no! so a!rocio$s !hey wo$ld e'oke la$"h!erC if less ridic$lo$s we sho$ld
read !hem wi!h indi"na!ion% &ere is an ima"inary con'ersa!ion6
The !a&: 3! is forbidden !o yo$ !o rob% 3! is forbidden !o yo$ !o s!eal% 3! is forbidden
!o yo$ !o be"%
The 0agrant: Bein" wi!ho$! money# and denied emloymen!# 3 am comelled !o
ob!ain food# shel!er and clo!hin" in one of !hese ways# else 3 shall be h$n"ry and cold%
The !a&6 5ha! is no affair of mine% Ge! 3 am considera!e - yo$ are ermi!!ed !o be
as h$n"ry as yo$ like and as cold as may s$i! yo$%
The 0agrant6 &$n"ry and cold# yes# and many !hanks !o yo$C b$! if 3 "o naked 3 am
arres!ed for indecen! e.os$re% Go$ re4$ire me !o wear clo!hin"%
The !a&: Go$9ll admi! !ha! yo$ need i!%
The 0agrant6 B$! no! !ha! yo$ ro'ide a way for me !o "e! i!% No one will "i'e me
shel!er a! ni"h!C yo$ forbid me !o slee in a s!raw s!ack%
The !a&6 @n"ra!ef$l manD we ro'ide a cell%
The 0agrant6 <'en when 3 obey yo$# s!ar'in" all day and free:in" all ni"h!# and
holdin" my !on"$e abo$! i!# 3 am liable !o arres! for bein" +wi!ho$! 'isible means of
The !a&6 A mos! rerehensible condi!ion%
The 0agrant: ,ne !hin" has been o'er-looked - a le"al $nishmen! for solici!in"
The !a&: 5r$eC 3 am no! erfec!%
(0ol6 773 (W)
/e are all hyno!is!s% <'ery h$man bein" has in some de"ree !he ower !o
infl$ence !he !ho$"h! and ac!ion of ano!her# or some o!hers# by wha! we will consen! !o call
+hyno!ic s$""es!ion#+ !ho$"h !he !erm# while ser'iceable# is inacc$ra!e% 0os! of $s ha'e
!he ower in 'aryin" de"rees of feebleness# b$! few know how !o aly wha! !hey ha'e of
i!C b$! some ha'e i! so s!ron" as !o be able !o con!rol an $nresis!in" will% Assen!# howe'er#
is no! always# nor $s$ally# !o be inferred from consen!# e'en when consen! is "i'en in "ood
fai!hC !here is s$ch a !hin" as $nconscio$s resis!ance% 3n !hose ha'in" no knowled"e of
hyno!ism# resis!ance is !he na!$ral a!!i!$de# for !hey !hink !ha! s$sce!ibili!y !o con!rol
imlies a weak will or a low in!elli"ence# which is an error% A! leas! !he con!rary 'iew is
s$or!ed by my own obser'a!ionC and 3 acce! some !hin"s# desi!e !he fac! !ha! 3 ha'e
obser'ed !hem !o be !r$e%
5he mys!erio$s force which in i!s more sec!ac$lar manifes!a!ions we call
hyno!ism# and one form of which is known as +mind-readin"#+ is a! !he back of all kinds
and de"rees of affec!ion and ers$asion% /hy is one erson lo'ed be!!er !han ano!her
erson more wor!hy of lo'e? Beca$se he has more +ersonal ma"ne!ism%+ 5his !erm is
an old ac4$ain!anceC for many decades we ha'e been $sin" i! !o si"nify an en"a"in"
manner% /e !ho$"h! i! a fi"$ra!i'e e.ressionC !ha! is why i! commended i!self !o $s% B$!
i! deno!es a fac! wi!h li!eralnessC some ersons ha'e a 4$ali!y# or ra!her a roer!y# which
ac!$ally does draw o!her ersons !oward and !o !hem# as a ma"ne! a!!rac!s s!eelC and i! is
!he same roer!y in ma"ne! and in man# and can be a$"men!ed by !he scien!ific $se of
aara!$s% A fa'ori!e +s$b7ec!+ of mine when blindfolded and !$rned loose in a room and
commanded !o find a hidden ob7ec! will some!imes fail% B$! she ne'er fails if !he ob7ec! is
a horse-shoe ma"ne!%
Bid yo$ e'er# by oral ar"$men!# con'ince anyone !ha! he was wron" and yo$ ri"h!?
No! of!en# of co$rse# b$! some!imes# yo$ !hink% 3f yo$ are a member of -on"ress yo$ are
'ery s$re abo$! i!C !ha! is wha! yo$ are a member of -on"ress for% 3 'en!$re !o belie'e
!ha! yo$ ne'er did% 3! was by $nconscio$s hyno!ism !ha! yo$ did !he !rick% Go$r ar"$men!
(on !he co"ency and elo4$ence of which 3 con"ra!$la!e yo$) ser'ed only !o hold yo$r
'ic!im9s a!!en!ion !o !he ma!!er in hand% /i!ho$! i! he mi"h! ha'e !ho$"h! yo$ wan!ed him
!o become a horse# and wo$ld ind$bi!ably ha'e nei"hed and ranced%
3n !he 5wen!y-firs! -en!$ry# do$b!less# a le"isla!or will owe his elec!ion !o !he
confidence of his cons!i!$en!s in his abili!y !o! !his kind of s$asion% 5he candida!e
who can no! by !he ower of his $naided eye comel his oonen! !o ea! shoe-blackin"
and 7$m o'er a brooms!ick will no! ha'e !he "hos! of a chance a! !he olls%
;$ose# madam# !ha! yo$r h$sband had relied $on ar"$men! !o con'ince yo$
!ha! yo$ o$"h! !o marry him% ,f co$rse he did ha'e !o lead lon" and hard - !ha! is
concededC b$! s$ose !ha! while doin" so he had always worn "reen sec!acles% ,r
s$ose !ha! in all his lon" and ard$o$s co$r!shi he had ne'er looked yo$ s4$arely (and
im$den!ly) in !he eyes - "loa!ed $on yo$% 3 deem i! cer!ain# madam# !ha! yo$ wo$ld now
be !he wife of a wiser man# robably a deaf m$!e%
3n o$r resen! s!a"e of con!ro'ersial ro"ress seech is no! wi!ho$! a cer!ain
cl$msy $!ili!y% 3! enables yo$ !o arise yo$r oonen! of !he 'iews !o which yo$ in'i!e his
alle"iance% B$! for !he $rose of ind$cin" him !o acce! !hem i! is des!i!$!e of effec! is no!
a! all s$erior !o !he l$nk-l$nkin" of a ban7o# or !ha! fa'ori!e oli!ical ar"$men!# !he
brayin" of a brass band% Go$r s$ccess in con'incin" ano!her erson deends $on (1) !he
de"ree of yo$r hyno!ic ower# (2) yo$r oor!$ni!ies of!in" i! and (I) his s$sce!ibili!y
!o i!% 3n brief# !he b$siness of con'er!in" !he se'eral kinds of hea!hens is a !hin" which# like
checkin" !he !oo raid increase of o$la!ion# canno! be done by !alkin"% 3 ha'e !ried !o
show yo$ how i! can be done if yo$ ha'e !he "if!% 3f yo$ ha'e no!# be !hankf$l# for yo$ will
escae m$ch defama!ion from !hose who belie'e hyno!ism a kind of sorcery liable !o !he
bases! ab$ses and rac!iced only for $roses of sin% 3s i! ossible so !o rac!ice i!? /hy#
yes# if 3 can hyno!i:e a !hief 3 can make him s!eal% 3f 3 can hyno!i:e a bad "irl - b$! !ha!
wo$ld be needless% /ha!e'er in one9s normal s!a!e one is willin" !o do# or wan!s !o do#
one can be made !o do by hyno!ic con!rol% 5ha! is as far as !he ower can "oC i! canno!
make a sinner o$! of a sain!# a dema"o"$e o$! of a "en!leman# nor a m$!e o$! of
5heodore 1oose'el! %
(0ol6 773 (W)
The (hair o. !ittle /ase
No! many years a"o# as 3 remember# a deal of dereca!ory !alk was in e'ol$!ion
abo$! a cer!ain >o'ernor of a ?ersian ro'ince# who was said !o ha'e been boiled ali'e by
order of !he ;hah% ,$r sho$!in" and shrillin" in !his ma!!er were no! al!o"e!her becomin"#
considerin" whose ro"eny we are% 3! is no! so 'ery lon" since all !he na!ions of <$roe
rac!iced boilin" ali'e - commonly in oil# which was !ho$"h! !o imar! a fine discomfor! !o
!he erson so $nl$cky as !o be in !he ca$ldron% 3n <n"land boilin" was !he le"al
$nishmen! for oisoners for a lon" !ime# be"innin" in 1JI1# in !he rei"n of &enry A33%
Amon" !hose who s$ffered !his discomfor! was a man men!ioned in !he chronicle of !he
>rey =riars# who was le! down in!o !he ke!!le by a chain $n!il he was done% &e# howe'er#
was no! boiled in oil - 7$s! lain% ;ome of !he i!ems of an e.ense acco$n! rela!in" !o !he$!ion of =riar ;!one a! -an!erb$ry are in!eres!in" in !heir homely way6
?aid 2 men !ha! sa! by !he ke!!le and arboiled him %%%%%%%%%%%% 1s
5o I men !ha! carried his 4$ar!ers !o !he "a!es and se! !hem $ %%%%%%%%%%%%% 1s
=or a woman !ha! sco$red !he ke!!le %%%%%%%%%%% 2d
/i!h re"ard !o !ha! las! i!em one canno! reress !he flame of a cons$min" c$riosi!y
!o know if !he sco$rin" was done before or af!erward% 3f af!erward# !he oor woman seems
!o ha'e been miserably $nderaid%
B$! call i! a lon" !ime a"o# ro!es!in" !ha! !he !endency !o boil one ano!her has
e.ha$s!ed i!s ime!$s# or# if yo$ lease# worked i!self o$! of o$r clarifyin" blood% B$! !he
year 1(9) is no! so far back# and b$rnin" a! !he s!ake robably "enera!es an $neasiness
!o which !ha! of !he oil-boiled "en!ry of !he earlier eriod was nowise s$erior% 3! was in !he
year men!ioned - in !he rei"n of his mos! "racio$s 0a7es!y >eor"e# !he !hird of !ha! name -
!ha! b$rnin" a! !he s!ake ceased !o be !he le"al enal!y for +coinin"#+ which was acco$n!ed
+!reason#+ and m$rder of a h$sband# which was +e!!y !reason%+ B$! wife-killers and
coiners# male# were han"ed% 5he las! woman b$rned ali'e dear!ed !his life# 3 !hink# in
1(89% 0en are li'in" !oday whose fa!hers were li'in" !hen and may# as children# ha'e
layed in !he ashes%
;!ill (i! may be $r"ed) i! was no! ac!$ally we who did i!6 in o$r milder day we ha'e
nei!her !he ca$ldron nor !he s!ake% Ah# b$! we ha'e !he dynamo% /e ha'e !he c$s!om of
$!!in" a small ercen!a"e of o$r assassins in!o an +elec!rical chair+ and doin" !hem !o
dea!h by ressin" a b$!!on - a rocess !o which in defiance of !wo lan"$a"es we ha'e
"i'en !he name +elec!roc$!ion%+ =or enco$ra"emen! of !he risin" yo$n" assassin#
hysicians ass$re $s !ha! !his "i'es a ainless dea!h%
5he hysicians know no!hin" abo$! i!C for any!hin" !hey know !o !he con!rary# dea!h
by elec!rici!y may be !he mos! fri"h!f$l !ormen! !ha! i! is ossible for any of na!$re9s forces
or rocesses !o rod$ce% 5he a"ony may be no! only inconcei'ably "rea!# b$! !o !he
s$fferer i! may seem !o end$re for a eriod inconcei'ably lon"% 5ha! many of !he familiar
hysical indica!ions of s$fferin" are absen! (!ho$"h +lon"# sh$dderin" si"hs+ and +s!rainin"
a! !he s!ras+ are no! cer!ainly sym!oms of 7oy) is 'ery li!!le !o !he $rose when we know
!ha! elec!rici!y araly:es !he m$scles by whose ac!ion ain is familiarly manifes!ed% /e
know !ha! i! araly:es all !he sea!s of sensa!ion# for !ha! ma!!er# and $!s an end !o
ossibili!ies of ain% 5ha! is only !o say !ha! i! kills% B$! by wha! secre! and infernal an"
may no! all !his be accomanied or accomlished? 5hro$"h wha! $nna!$ral!a!ion of
!he senses may no! !he momen! of i!s accomlishin" be comm$!ed in!o $n!hinkable cycles
of !ime? ,f all !his !he hysicians can ha'e no more knowled"e !han so many !oads $nder
3! is robable# a! leas! i! is ossible# !ha! a +'ic!im9s+ s$m of s$fferin" from his
ins!an!aneo$s er'asion wi!h eno$"h of !he fl$id !o kill him is no less !han if i! were
leis$rely rilled !hro$"h him a li!!le fas!er !han he co$ld bear $n!il he sho$ld die of i! !ha!
way% 5heories of !he ainlessness of s$dden dea!h aear !o be based mos!ly $on !he
fac! !ha! !hose who $nder"o i! make no en!ries of !heir sensa!ions in !heir diaries% 3! is !o
be wished !ha! !hey wo$ld be more !ho$"h!f$l and less selfish% 5he man smi!!en by
li"h!nin"# or widely dis!rib$!ed by a hi!ch in !he roceedin"s a! a owder mill# owes a d$!y
!o his fellow men of which he commonly aears !o ha'e b$! an imerfec! sense% A caref$l
and analy!ic record of his sensa!ions a! e'ery s!a"e of his mischance wo$ld be a recio$s
con!rib$!ion !o medical li!era!$re% ?$blished $nder some s$ch !i!le as A Diary o. udden
Death; 1y a 2u1lic-*irited )1server on the "nside i! wo$ld ser'e many $sef$l $roses#
and also rofi! !he $blisher% /ha! we mos! need - ne.! !o more doc!ors a!$!ions - is
some erson ha'in" e.erience of !he ma!!er# !o !ell $s fairly in inoffensi'e <n"lish#
in!erlarded wi!h +;oche-sor!e 8a!in as hysickers doe $se#+ 7$s! how i! feels !o be dead all
o'er a! once%
(0ol6 773 (W)
A Bivouac o. the Dead
A way $ in !he hear! of !he Alle"heny mo$n!ains# in ?ocahon!as co$n!y# /es!
Air"inia# is a bea$!if$l li!!le 'alley !hro$"h which flows !he eas! fork of !he >reenbrier 1i'er%
A! a oin! where !he 'alley road in!ersec!s !he old ;!a$n!on and ?arkersb$r" !$rnike# a
famo$s !horo$"hfare in i!s day# is a os! office in a farm ho$se% 5he name of !he lace is
5ra'elers9 1eose# for i! was once a !a'ern% -rownin" some low hills wi!hin a s!one9s
!hrow of !he ho$se are lon" lines of old -onfedera!e for!ifica!ions# skillf$lly desi"ned and
so well +reser'ed+ !ha! an ho$r9s work by a bri"ade wo$ld $! !hem in!o ser'iceable
shae for !he ne.! ci'il war% 5his lace had i!s ba!!le - wha! was called a ba!!le in !he
+"reen and salad days+ of !he "rea! rebellion% A bri"ade of =ederal !roos# !he wri!er9s
re"imen! amon" !hem# came o'er -hea! mo$n!ain# fif!een miles !o !he wes!ward# and#
s!rin"in" i!s lines across !he li!!le 'alley# fel! !he enemy all dayC and !he enemy did a li!!le
feelin"# !oo% 5here was a "rea! cannonadin"# which killed abo$! a do:en on each sideC
!hen# findin" !he lace !oo s!ron" for assa$l!# !he =ederals called !he affair a
reconnaissance in force# and b$ryin" !heir dead wi!hdrew !o !he more comfor!able lace
whence !hey had come% 5hose dead now lie in a bea$!if$l na!ional ceme!ery a! >raf!on#
d$ly re"is!ered# so far as iden!ified# and comanioned by o!her =ederal dead "a!hered
from !he se'eral cams and ba!!lefields of /es! Air"inia% 5he fallen soldier (!he word
+hero+ aears !o be a la!er in'en!ion) has s$ch h$mble honors as i! is ossible !o "i'e%
&is ar! in all !he om !ha! fills
5he circ$i! of !he ;$mmer hills
3s !ha! his "ra'e is "reen%
5r$e# more !han a half of !he "reen "ra'es in !he >raf!on ceme!ery are marked
+@nknown#+ and some!imes i! occ$rs !ha! one !hinks of !he con!radic!ion in'ol'ed in
+honorin" !he memory+ of him of whom no memory remains !o honorC b$! !he a!!em!
seems !o do no "rea! harm !o !he li'in"# e'en !o !he lo"ical%
A few h$ndred yards !o !he rear of !he old -onfedera!e ear!hworks is a wooded hill%
Gears a"o i! was no! wooded% &ere# amon" !he !rees and in !he $nder"row!h# are rows of
shallow deressions# disco'erable by remo'in" !he acc$m$la!ed fores! lea'es% =rom
some of !hem may be !aken (and re'eren!ly relaced) small !hin slabs of !he sli! s!one of
!he co$n!ry# wi!h r$de and re!icen! inscri!ions by comrades% 3 fo$nd only one wi!h a da!e#
only one wi!h f$ll names of man and re"imen!% 5he en!ire n$mber fo$nd was ei"h!%
3n !hese for"o!!en "ra'es res! !he -onfedera!e dead - be!ween ei"h!y and one
h$ndred# as nearly as can be made o$!% ;ome fell in !he +ba!!leC+ !he ma7ori!y died of
disease% 5wo# only !wo# ha'e aaren!ly been disin!erred for reb$rial a! !heir homes% ;o
ne"lec!ed and obsc$re in !his ca$*o santo !ha! only he $on whose farm i! is - !he a"ed
os!mas!er of 5ra'elers9 1eose - aears !o know abo$! i!% 0en li'in" wi!hin a mile ha'e
ne'er heard of i!% Ge! o!her men m$s! be s!ill li'in" who assis!ed !o lay !hese ;o$!hern
soldiers where !hey are# and co$ld iden!ify some of !he "ra'es% 3s !here a man# Nor!h or
;o$!h# who wo$ld be"r$d"e !he e.ense of "i'in" !o !hese fallen bro!hers !he !rib$!e of
"reen "ra'es? ,ne wo$ld ra!her no! !hink so% 5r$e# !here are se'eral h$ndreds of s$ch
laces s!ill disco'erable in !he !rack of !he "rea! war% All !he s!ron"er is !he d$mb demand
- !he silen! lea of !hese fallen bro!hers !o wha! is +likes! >od wi!hin !he so$l%+
5hey were hones! and co$ra"eo$s foemen# ha'in" li!!le in common wi!h !he oli!ical
madmen who ers$aded !hem !o !heir doom and !he li!erary bearers of false wi!ness in !he
af!er!ime% 5hey did no! li'e !hro$"h !he eriod of honorable s!rife in!o !he eriod of
'ilifica!ion - did no! ass from !he iron a"e !o !he bra:en - from !he era of !he sword !o !ha!
of !he !on"$e and en% Amon" !hem is no member of !he ;o$!hern &is!orical ;ocie!y%
5heir 'alor was no! !he f$ry of !he non-comba!an!C !hey ha'e no 'oice in !he !h$nder of !he
ci'ilians and !he sho$!in"% No! by !hem are imaired !he di"ni!y and infini!e a!hos of !he
8os! -a$se% >i'e !hem# !hese blameless "en!lemen# !heir ri"h!f$l ar! in all !he om !ha!
fills !he circ$i! of !he s$mmer hills%
(0ol6 773 (W)
0isions o. the Night
3 hold !he belief !ha! !he >if! of Breams is a 'al$able li!erary endowmen! - !ha! if by
some ar! no! now $nders!ood !he el$si'e fancies !ha! i! s$lies co$ld be ca$"h! and fi.ed
and made !o ser'e we sho$ld ha'e a li!era!$re +e.ceedin" fair%+ 3n ca!i'i!y and
domes!ica!ion !he "if! co$ld do$b!less be wonderf$lly imro'ed# as animals bred !o ser'ice
ac4$ire new caaci!ies and owers% By !amin" o$r dreams we shall do$ble o$r workin"
ho$rs and o$r mos! fr$i!f$l labor will be done in slee% <'en as ma!!ers are# Breamland is
a !rib$!ary ro'ince# as wi!ness +F$bla Fhan%+
/ha! is a dream? A loose and lawless colloca!ion of memories - a disorderly
s$ccession of ma!!ers once resen! in !he wakin" conscio$sness% 3! is a res$rrec!ion of
!he dead# ell-mell - ancien! and modern# !he 7$s! and !he $n7$s! - srin"in" from !heir
cracked !ombs# each +in his habi! as he li'ed#+ ressin" forward conf$sedly !o ha'e an
a$dience of !he 0as!er of !he 1e'el# and sna!chin" one ano!her9s "armen!s as !hey r$n%
0as!er? NoC he has abdica!ed his a$!hori!y and !hey ha'e !heir will of himC his own is
dead and does no! rise wi!h !he res!% &is 7$d"men!# !oo# is "one# and wi!h i! !he caaci!y !o
be s$rrised% ?ained he may be and leased# !errified and charmed# b$! wonder he can
no! feel% 5he mons!ro$s# !he reos!ero$s# !he $nna!$ral - !hese all are simle# ri"h! and
reasonable% 5he l$dicro$s does no! am$se# nor !he imossible @ma:e% 5he dreamer is
yo$r only !r$e oe!C he is +of ima"ina!ion all comac!%+
3ma"ina!ion is merely memory% 5ry !o ima"ine some!hin" !ha! yo$ ha'e ne'er
obser'ed# e.erienced# heard of or read abo$!% 5ry !o concei'e an animal# for e.amle#
wi!ho$! body# head# limbs or !ail - a ho$se wi!ho$! walls or roof% B$!# when awake# ha'in"
assis!ance of will and 7$d"men!# we can somewha! con!rol and direc!C we can ick and
choose from memory9s s!ore# !akin" !ha! which ser'es#$din"# !ho$"h some!imes wi!h
diffic$l!y# wha! is no! !o !he $roseC aslee# o$r fancies +inheri! $s%+ 5hey come so
"ro$ed# so blended and como$nded !he one wi!h ano!her# so wro$"h! of one ano!her9s
elemen!s# !ha! !he whole seems newC b$! !he old familiar $ni!s of conce!ion are !here#
and none beside% /akin" or sleein"# we "e! from ima"ina!ion no!hin" new b$! new
ad7$s!men!s6 +!he s!$ff !ha! dreams are made on+ has been "a!hered by !he hysical
senses and s!ored in memory# as s4$irrels hoard n$!s% B$! one# a! leas!# of !he senses
con!rib$!es no!hin" !o !he fabric of !he dream6 no one e'er dreamed an odor% ;i"h!#
hearin"# feelin"# ossibly !as!e# are all workers# makin" ro'ision for o$r ni"h!ly
en!er!ainmen!C b$! ;lee is wi!ho$! a nose% 3! s$rrises !ha! !hose keen obser'ers# !he
ancien! oe!s# did no! so describe !he drowsy "od# and !ha! !heir obedien! ser'an!s# !he
ancien! sc$l!ors# did no! so reresen! him% ?erhas !hese la!!er wor!hies# workin" for
os!eri!y# reasoned !ha! !ime and mischance wo$ld ine'i!ably re'ise !heir work in !his
re"ard# conformin" i! !o !he fac!s of na!$re%
/ho can so rela!e a dream !ha! i! shall seem one? No oe! has so li"h! a !o$ch% As
well !ry !o wri!e !he m$sic of an Aeolian har% 5here is a familiar secies of !he "en$s Bore
(2enetrator intolera1ilis) who ha'in" read a s!ory - erhas by some mas!er of s!yle - is a!
!he ains elabora!ely !o e.o$nd i!s lo! for yo$r edifica!ion and deli"h!C !hen !hinks# "ood
so$l# !ha! now yo$ need no! read i!% +@nder s$bs!an!ially similar circ$ms!ances and
condi!ions+ (as !he in!ers!a!e commerce law ha!h i!) 3 sho$ld no! be "$il!y of !he like
offenceC b$! 3 $rose herein !o se! for!h !he lo!s of cer!ain dreams of my own# !he
+circ$ms!ances and condi!ions+ bein"# as 3 concei'e# dissimilar in !his# !ha! !he dreams
!hemsel'es are no! accessible !o !he reader% 3n endea'orin" !o make record of !heir
oorer ar! 3 do no! ind$l"e !he hoe of a hi"her s$ccess% 3 ha'e no sal! !o $! $on !he
!ail of a dream9s el$si'e siri!%
3 was walkin" a! d$sk !hro$"h a "rea! fores! of $nfamiliar !rees% /hence and
whi!her 3 did no! know% 3 had a sense of !he 'as! e.!en! of !he wood# a conscio$sness !ha!
3 was !he only li'in" !hin" in i!% 3 was obsessed by some awf$l sell in e.ia!ion of a
for"o!!en crime commi!!ed# as 3 'a"$ely s$rmised# a"ains! !he s$nrise% 0echanically and
wi!ho$! hoe# 3 mo'ed $nder !he arms of !he "ian! !rees alon" a narrow !rail ene!ra!in"
!he ha$n!ed soli!$des of !he fores!% 3 came a! len"!h !o a brook !ha! flowed darkly and
sl$""ishly across my a!h# and saw !ha! i! was blood% 5$rnin" !o !he ri"h!# 3 followed i! $
a considerable dis!ance# and soon came !o a small circ$lar oenin" in !he fores!# filled wi!h
a dim# $nreal li"h!# by which 3 saw in !he cen!er of !he oenin" a dee !ank of whi!e
marble% 3! was filled wi!h blood# and !he s!ream !ha! 3 had followed $ was i!s o$!le!% All
ro$nd !he !ank# be!ween i! and !he enclosin" fores! - a sace of erhas !en fee! in
bread!h# a'ed wi!h immense slabs of marble - were dead bodies of men - a scoreC
!ho$"h 3 did no! co$n! !hem 3 knew !ha! !he n$mber had some si"nifican! and or!en!o$s
rela!ion !o my crime% ?ossibly !hey marked !he !ime# in cen!$ries# since 3 had commi!!ed i!%
3 only reco"ni:ed !he fi!ness of !he n$mber# and knew i! wi!ho$! co$n!in"% 5he bodies were
naked and arran"ed symme!rically aro$nd !he cen!ral !ank# radia!in" from i! like sokes of
a wheel% 5he fee! were o$!ward# !he heads han"in" o'er !he ed"e of !he !ank% <ach lay
$on i!s back# i!s !hroa! c$!# blood slowly driin" from !he wo$nd% 3 looked on all !his
$nmo'ed% 3! was a na!$ral and necessary res$l! of my offence# and did no! affec! meC b$!
!here was some!hin" !ha! filled me wi!h arehension and !error - a mons!ro$s $lsa!ion#
bea!in" wi!h a slow# ine'i!able rec$rrence% 3 do no! know which of !he senses i! addressed#
or if i! made i!s way !o !he conscio$sness !hro$"h some a'en$e $nknown !o science and
e.erience% 5he i!iless re"$lari!y of !his 'as! rhy!hm was maddenin"% 3 was conscio$s
!ha! i! er'aded !he en!ire fores!# and was a manifes!a!ion of some "i"an!ic and imlacable
,f !his dream 3 ha'e no f$r!her recollec!ion% ?robably# o'ercome by a !error which
do$b!less had i!s ori"in in !he discomfor! of an imeded circ$la!ion# 3 cried o$! and was
awakened by !he so$nd of my own 'oice%
5he dream whose skele!on 3 shall now resen! occ$rred in my early yo$!h% 3 co$ld
no! ha'e been more !han si.!een% 3 am considerably more now# ye! 3 recall !he inciden!s
as 'i'idly as when !he 'ision was +of an ho$r9s a"e+ and 3 lay cowerin" benea!h !he bed-
co'erin" and !remblin" wi!h !error from !he memory%
3 was alone on a bo$ndless le'el in !he ni"h! - in my bad dreams 3 am always alone
and i! is $s$ally ni"h!% No !rees were anywhere in si"h!# no habi!a!ions of men# no s!reams
nor hills% 5he ear!h seemed !o be co'ered wi!h a shor!# coarse 'e"e!a!ion !ha! was black
and s!$bbly# as if !he lain had been swe! by fire% 0y way was broken here and !here as 3
wen! forward wi!h 3 know no! wha! $rose# by small ools of wa!er occ$yin" shallow
deressions# as if !he fire had been s$cceeded by rain% 5hese ools were on e'ery side#
and ke! 'anishin" and aearin" a"ain# as hea'y dark clo$ds dro'e a!hwar! !hose ar!s
of !he sky which !hey reflec!ed# and assin" on disclosed a"ain !he s!eely "li!!er of !he
s!ars# in whose cold li"h! !he wa!ers shone wi!h a black l$s!er% 0y co$rse lay !oward !he
wes!# where low alon" !he hori:on b$rned a crimson li"h! benea!h lon" s!ris of clo$d#
"i'in" !ha! effec! of meas$reless dis!ance !ha! 3 ha'e since learned !o look for in Bore9s
ic!$res# where e'ery !o$ch of his hand has laid a or!en! and a c$rse% As 3 mo'ed 3 saw
o$!lined a"ains! !his $ncanny back"ro$nd a silho$e!!e of ba!!lemen!s and !owers which#
e.andin" wi!h e'ery mile of my 7o$rney# "rew a! las! !o an $n!hinkable hei"h! and
bread!h# !ill !he b$ildin" s$b!ended a wide an"le of 'ision# ye! seemed no nearer !han
before% &ear!less and hoeless 3 s!r$""led on o'er !he blas!ed and forbiddin" lain# and
s!ill !he mi"h!y s!r$c!$re "rew $n!il 3 co$ld no lon"er comass i! wi!h a look# and i!s !owers
sh$! o$! !he s!ars direc!ly o'erheadC !hen 3 assed in a! an oen or!al# be!ween col$mns
of cycloean masonry whose sin"le s!ones were lar"er !han my fa!her9s ho$se%
/i!hin all was 'acancyC e'ery!hin" was coa!ed wi!h !he d$s! of deser!ion% A dim
li"h! - !he lawless li"h! of dreams# s$fficien! $n!o i!self - enabled me !o ass from corridor
!o corridor# and from room !o room# e'ery door yieldin" !o my hand% 3n !he rooms i! was a
lon" walk from wall !o wallC of no corridor did 3 e'er reach an end% 0y foo!falls "a'e o$!
!ha! s!ran"e# hollow so$nd !ha! is ne'er heard b$! in abandoned dwellin"s and !enan!ed
!ombs% =or ho$rs 3 wandered in !his awf$l soli!$de# conscio$s of a seekin" $rose# ye!
knowin" no! wha! 3 so$"h!% A! las!# in wha! 3 concei'ed !o be an e.!reme an"le of !he
b$ildin"# 3 en!ered a room of !he ordinary dimensions# ha'in" a sin"le window% 5hro$"h
!his 3 saw !he same crimson li"h! s!ill lyin" alon" !he hori:on in !he meas$reless reaches of
!he wes!# like a 'isible doom# and knew i! for !he lin"erin" fire of e!erni!y% 8ookin" $on !he
red menace of i!s s$llen and sinis!er "lare# !here came !o me !he dreadf$l !r$!h which
years la!er as an e.!ra'a"an! fancy 3 endea'ored !o e.ress in 'erse6
0an is lon" a"es dead in e'ery :one#
5he an"els all are "one !o "ra'es $nknownC
5he de'ils# !oo# are cold eno$"h a! las!#
And >od lies dead before !he "rea! whi!e !hroneD
5he li"h! was owerless !o disel !he obsc$ri!y of !he room# and i! was some !ime
before 3 disco'ered in !he far!hes! an"le !he o$!lines of a bed# and aroached i! wi!h a
rescience of ill% 3 fel! !ha! here somehow !he bad b$siness of my ad'en!$re was !o end
wi!h some horrible clima.# ye! co$ld no! resis! !he sell !ha! $r"ed me !o !he f$lfillmen!%
@on !he bed# ar!ly clo!hed# lay !he dead body of a h$man bein"% 3! lay $on i!s back# !he
arms s!rai"h! alon" !he sides% By bendin" o'er i!# which 3 did wi!h loa!hin" b$! no fear# 3
co$ld see !ha! i! was dreadf$lly decomosed% 5he ribs ro!r$ded from !he lea!hern fleshC
!hro$"h !he skin of !he s$nken belly co$ld be seen !he ro!$berances of !he sine% 5he
face was black and shri'eled and !he lis# drawn away from !he yellow !ee!h# c$rsed i! wi!h
a "has!ly "rin% A f$llness $nder !he closed lids seemed !o indica!e !ha! !he eyes had
s$r'i'ed !he "eneral wreckC and !his was !r$e# for as 3 ben! abo'e !hem !hey slowly
oened and "a:ed in!o mine wi!h a !ran4$il# s!eady re"ard% 3ma"ine my horror how yo$
can - no words of mine can assis! !he conce!ionC !he eyes were my ownD 5ha! 'es!i"ial
fra"men! of a 'anished race - !ha! $nseakable !hin" which nei!her !ime nor e!erni!y had
wholly effaced - +!ha! ha!ef$l and abhorren! scra of mor!ali!y# s!ill sen!ien! af!er dea!h of
>od and !he an"els# was 3 D
5here are dreams !ha! reea! !hemsel'es% ,f !his class is one of my own#K which
seems s$fficien!ly sin"$lar !o 7$s!ify i!s narra!ion# !ho$"h !r$ly 3 fear !he reader will !hink !he
realms of slee are any!hin" b$! a hay h$n!in"-"ro$nd for my ni"h!-wanderin" so$l%
5his is no! !r$eC !he "rea!er n$mber of my inc$rsions in!o dreamland# and 3 s$ose !hose
of mos! o!hers# are a!!ended wi!fi !he haies! res$l!s% 0y ima"ina!ion re!$rns !o !he body
like a bee !o !he hi'e# loaded wi!h soil which# reason assis!in"# is !ransm$!ed !o honey
and s!ored away in !he cells of memory !o be a 7oy fore'er% B$! !he dream which 3 am
abo$! !o rela!e has a do$ble charac!erC i! is s!ran"ely dreadf$l in !he e.erience# b$! !he
horror i! insires is so l$dicro$sly disroor!iona!e !o !he one inciden! rod$cin" i!# !ha! in
re!rosec!ion !he fan!asy am$ses%
K A! my s$""es!ion !he la!e =lora 0acdonald ;hearer $! !his drama in!o sonne!
form in her book of oems# The !egend o. Aulus6
3 am assin" !hro$"h an oen "lade in a !hinly wooded co$n!ry% 5hro$"h !he bel! of
sca!!ered !rees !ha! bo$nd !he irre"$lar sace !here are "limses of c$l!i'a!ed fields and
!he homes of s!ran"e in!elli"ences% 3! m$s! be near daybreak# for !he moon# nearly a! f$ll#
is low in !he wes!# showin" blood-red !hro$"h !he mis!s wi!h which !he landscae is
fan!as!ically freaked% 5he "rass abo$! my fee! is hea'y wi!h dew# and !he whole scene is
!ha! of a mornin" in early s$mmer# "limmerin" in !he $nfamiliar li"h! of a se!!in" f$ll moon%
Near my a!h is a horse# 'isibly and a$dibly croin" !he herba"e% 3! lif!s i!s head as 3 am
abo$! !o ass# re"ards me mo!ionless for a momen!# !hen walks !oward me% 3! is milk-
whi!e# mild of mien and amiable in look% 3 say !o myself6 +5his horse is a "en!le so$l#+ and
a$se !o caress i!% 3! kees i!s eyes fi.ed $on my own# aroaches and seaks !o me in
a h$man 'oice# wi!h h$man words% 5his does no! s$rrise# b$! !errifies# and ins!an!ly 3
re!$rn !o !his o$r world%
5he horse always seaks my own !on"$e# b$! 3 ne'er know wha! i! says% 3 s$ose
3 'anish from !he land of dreams before i! finishes e.ressin" wha! i! has in mind# lea'in"
i!# no do$b!# as "rea!ly !errified by my s$dden disaearance as 3 by i!s manner of
accos!in" me% 3 wo$ld "i'e 'al$e !o know !he $ror! of i!s comm$nica!ion%
?erhas some mornin" 3 shall $nders!and - and re!$rn no more !o !his o$r world%
(0ol6 783 (W)
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
A man s!ood $on a railroad brid"e in nor!hern Alabama# lookin" down in!o !he swif!
wa!er !wen!y fee! below% 5he man9s hands were behind his back# !he wris!s bo$nd wi!h a
cord% A roe closely encircled his neck% 3! was a!!ached !o a s!o$! cross-!imber abo'e his
head and !he slack fell !o !he le'el of his knees% ;ome loose boards laid $on !he !ies
s$or!in" !he rails of !he railway s$lied a foo!in" for him and his$!ioners - !wo
ri'a!e soldiers of !he =ederal army# direc!ed by a ser"ean! who in ci'il life may ha'e been
a de$!y sheriff% A! a shor! remo'e $on !he same !emorary la!form was an officer in
!he $niform of his rank# armed% &e was a ca!ain% A sen!inel a! each end of !he brid"e
s!ood wi!h his rifle in !he osi!ion known as +s$or!#+ !ha! is !o say# 'er!ical in fron! of !he
lef! sho$lder# !he hammer res!in" on !he forearm !hrown s!rai"h! across !he ches! - a
formal and $nna!$ral osi!ion# enforcin" an erec! carria"e of !he body% 3! did no! aear !o
be !he d$!y of !hese !wo men !o know wha! was occ$rrin" a! !he cen!er of !he brid"eC !hey
merely blockaded !he !wo ends of !he foo! lankin" !ha! !ra'ersed i!%
Beyond one of !he sen!inels nobody was in si"h!C !he railroad ran s!rai"h! away in!o
a fores! for a h$ndred yards# !hen# c$r'in"# was los! !o 'iew% Bo$b!less !here was an
o$!os! far!her alon"% 5he o!her bank of !he s!ream was oen "ro$nd - a "en!le sloe
!oed wi!h a s!ockade of 'er!ical !ree !r$nks# looholed for rifles# wi!h a sin"le embras$re
!hro$"h which ro!r$ded !he m$::le of a brass cannon commandin" !he brid"e% 0idway
$ !he sloe be!ween !he brid"e and for! were !he sec!a!ors - a sin"le comany of
infan!ry in line# a! +arade res!#+ !he b$!!s of !heir rifles on !he "ro$nd# !he barrels inclinin"
sli"h!ly backward a"ains! !he ri"h! sho$lder# !he hands crossed $on !he s!ock% A
lie$!enan! s!ood a! !he ri"h! of !he line# !he oin! of his sword $on !he "ro$nd# his lef!
hand res!in" $on his ri"h!% <.ce!in" !he "ro$ of fo$r a! !he cen!er of !he brid"e# no! a
man mo'ed% 5he comany faced !he brid"e# s!arin" s!onily# mo!ionless% 5he sen!inels#
facin" !he banks of !he s!ream# mi"h! ha'e been s!a!$es !o adorn !he brid"e% 5he ca!ain
s!ood wi!h folded arms# silen!# obser'in" !he work of his s$bordina!es# b$! makin" no si"n%
Bea!h is a di"ni!ary who when he comes anno$nced is !o be recei'ed wi!h formal
manifes!a!ions of resec!# e'en by !hose mos! familiar wi!h him% 3n !he code of mili!ary
e!i4$e!!e silence and fi.i!y are forms of deference%
5he man who was en"a"ed in bein" han"ed was aaren!ly abo$! !hir!y-fi'e years
of a"e% &e was a ci'ilian# if one mi"h! 7$d"e from his habi!# which was !ha! of a lan!er%
&is fea!$res were "ood - a s!rai"h! nose# firm mo$!h# broad forehead# from which his lon"#
dark hair was combed s!rai"h! back# fallin" behind his ears !o !he collar of his well fi!!in"
frock coa!% &e wore a mo$s!ache and oin!ed beard# b$! no whiskersC his eyes were lar"e
and dark "ray# and had a kindly e.ression which one wo$ld hardly ha'e!ed in one
whose neck was in !he hem% <'iden!ly !his was no '$l"ar assassin% 5he liberal mili!ary
code makes ro'ision for han"in" many kinds of ersons# and "en!lemen are no!$ded%
5he reara!ions bein" comle!e# !he !wo ri'a!e soldiers s!eed aside and each
drew away !he lank $on which he had been s!andin"% 5he ser"ean! !$rned !o !he
ca!ain# sal$!ed and laced himself immedia!ely behind !ha! officer# who in !$rn mo'ed
aar! one ace% 5hese mo'emen!s lef! !he condemned man and !he ser"ean! s!andin" on
!he !wo ends of !he same lank# which sanned !hree of !he cross-!ies of !he brid"e% 5he
end $on which !he ci'ilian s!ood almos!# b$! no! 4$i!e# reached a fo$r!h% 5his lank had
been held in lace by !he wei"h! of !he ca!ainC i! was now held by !ha! of !he ser"ean!% A!
a si"nal from !he former !he la!!er wo$ld s!e aside# !he lank wo$ld !il! and !he
condemned man "o down be!ween !wo !ies% 5he arran"emen! commended i!self !o his
7$d"men! as simle and effec!i'e% &is face had no! been co'ered nor his eyes banda"ed%
&e looked a momen! a! his +$ns!eadfas! foo!in"#+ !hen le! his "a:e wander !o !he swirlin"
wa!er of !he s!ream racin" madly benea!h his fee!% A iece of dancin" drif!wood ca$"h! his
a!!en!ion and his eyes followed i! down !he c$rren!% &ow slowly i! aeared !o mo'eD
/ha! a sl$""ish s!reamD
&e closed his eyes in order !o fi. his las! !ho$"h!s $on his wife and children% 5he
wa!er# !o$ched !o "old by !he early s$n# !he broodin" mis!s $nder !he banks a! some
dis!ance down !he s!ream# !he for!# !he soldiers# !he iece of drif! - all had dis!rac!ed him%
And now he became conscio$s of a new dis!$rbance% ;!rikin" !hro$"h !he !ho$"h! of his
dear ones was so$nd which he co$ld nei!her i"nore nor $nders!and# a shar# dis!inc!#
me!allic erc$ssion like !he s!roke of a blacksmi!h9s hammer $on !he an'ilC i! had !he
same rin"in" 4$ali!y% &e wondered wha! i! was# and whe!her immeas$rably dis!an! or near
by - i! seemed bo!h% 3!s rec$rrence was re"$lar# b$! as slow as !he !ollin" of a dea!h knell%
&e awai!ed each new s!roke wi!h ima!ience and - he knew no! why - arehension% 5he
in!er'als of silence "rew ro"ressi'ely lon"erC !he delays became maddenin"% /i!h !heir
"rea!er infre4$ency !he so$nds increased in s!ren"!h and sharness% 5hey h$r! his ear
like !he !r$s! of a knifeC he feared he wo$ld shriek% /ha! he heard was !he !ickin" of his
&e $nclosed his eyes and saw a"ain !he wa!er below him% +3f 3 co$ld free my
hands#+ he !ho$"h!# +3 mi"h! !hrow off !he noose and srin" in!o !he s!ream% By di'in" 3
co$ld e'ade !he b$lle!s and# swimmin" 'i"oro$sly# reach !he bank# !ake !o !he woods and
"e! away home% 0y home# !hank >od# is as ye! o$!side !heir linesC my wife and li!!le ones
are s!ill beyond !he in'ader9s far!hes! ad'ance%+
As !hese !ho$"h!s# which ha'e here !o be se! down in words# were flashed in!o !he
doomed man9s brain ra!her !han e'ol'ed from i! !he ca!ain nodded !o !he ser"ean!% 5he
ser"ean! s!eed aside%
?ey!on =ahr4$har was a well !o do lan!er# of an old and hi"hly resec!ed Alabama
family% Bein" a sla'e owner and like o!her sla'e owners a oli!ician# he was na!$rally an
ori"inal secessionis! and arden!ly de'o!ed !o !he ;o$!hern ca$se% -irc$ms!ances of an
imerio$s na!$re# which i! is $nnecessary !o rela!e here# had re'en!ed him from !akin"
ser'ice wi!h !ha! "allan! army which had fo$"h! !he disas!ro$s camai"ns endin" wi!h !he
fall of -orin!h# and he chafed $nder !he in"lorio$s res!rain!# lon"in" for !he release of his
ener"ies# !he lar"er life of !he soldier# !he oor!$ni!y for dis!inc!ion% 5ha! oor!$ni!y# he
fel!# wo$ld come# as i! comes !o all in war!ime% 0eanwhile he did wha! he co$ld% No
ser'ice was !oo h$mble for him !o erform in !he aid of !he ;o$!h# no ad'en!$re !o erilo$s
for him !o $nder!ake if consis!en! wi!h !he charac!er of a ci'ilian who was a! hear! a soldier#
and who in "ood fai!h and wi!ho$! !oo m$ch 4$alifica!ion assen!ed !o a! leas! a ar! of !he
frankly 'illaino$s dic!$m !ha! all is fair in lo'e and war%
,ne e'enin" while =ahr4$har and his wife were si!!in" on a r$s!ic bench near !he
en!rance !o his "ro$nds# a "ray-clad soldier rode $ !o !he "a!e and asked for a drink of
wa!er% 0rs% =ahr4$har was only !oo hay !o ser'e him wi!h her own whi!e hands% /hile
she was fe!chin" !he wa!er her h$sband aroached !he d$s!y horseman and in4$ired
ea"erly for news from !he fron!%
+5he Ganks are reairin" !he railroads#+ said !he man# +and are "e!!in" ready for
ano!her ad'ance% 5hey ha'e reached !he ,wl -reek brid"e# $! i! in order and b$il! a
s!ockade on !he nor!h bank% 5he commandan! has iss$ed an order# which is os!ed
e'erywhere# declarin" !ha! any ci'ilian ca$"h! in!erferin" wi!h !he railroad# i!s brid"es#
!$nnels# or !rains will be s$mmarily han"ed% 3 saw !he order%+
+&ow far is i! !o !he ,wl -reek brid"e?+ =ahr4$har asked%
+Abo$! !hir!y miles%+
+3s !here no force on !his side of !he creek?+
+,nly a icke! os! half a mile o$!# on !he railroad# and a sin"le sen!inel a! !his end
of !he brid"e%+
+;$ose a man - a ci'ilian and s!$den! of han"in" - sho$ld el$de !he icke! os!
and erhas "e! !he be!!er of !he sen!inel#+ said =ahr4$har# smilin"# +wha! co$ld he
5he soldier reflec!ed% +3 was !here a mon!h a"o#+ he relied% +3 obser'ed !ha! !he
flood of las! win!er had lod"ed a "rea! 4$an!i!y of drif!wood a"ains! !he wooden ier a! !his
end of !he brid"e% 3! is now dry and wo$ld b$rn like !inder%+
5he lady had now bro$"h! !he wa!er# which !he soldier drank% &e !hanked her
ceremonio$sly# bowed !o her h$sband and rode away% An ho$r la!er# af!er ni"h!fall# he
reassed !he lan!a!ion# "oin" nor!hward in !he direc!ion from which he had come% &e
was a =ederal sco$!%
As ?ey!on =ahr4$har fell s!rai"h! downward !hro$"h !he brid"e he los!
conscio$sness and was as one already dead% =rom !his s!a!e he was awakened - a"es
la!er# i! seemed !o him - by !he ain of a shar ress$re $on his !hroa!# followed by a
sense of s$ffoca!ion% Feen# oi"nan! a"onies seemed !o shoo! from his neck downward
!hro$"h e'ery fiber of his body and limbs% 5hese ains aeared !o flash alon" well
defined lines of ramifica!ion and !o bea! wi!h an inconcei'ably raid eriodici!y% 5hey
seemed like s!reams of $lsa!in" fire hea!in" him !o an in!olerable !emera!$re% As !o his
head# he was conscio$s of no!hin" b$! a feelin" of f$llness - of con"es!ion% 5hese
sensa!ions were $naccomanied by !ho$"h!% 5he in!ellec!$al ar! of his na!$re was
already effacedC he had ower only !o feel# and feelin" was !ormen!% &e was conscio$s of
mo!ion% <ncomassed in a l$mino$s clo$d# of which he was now merely !he fiery hear!#
wi!ho$! ma!erial s$bs!ance# he sw$n" !hro$"h $n!hinkable arcs of oscilla!ion# like a 'as!
end$l$m% 5hen all a! once# wi!h !errible s$ddenness# !he li"h! abo$! him sho! $ward
wi!h !he noise of a lo$d slashC a fri"h!f$l roarin" was in his ears# and all was cold and
dark% 5he ower of !ho$"h! was res!oredC he knew !ha! !he roe had broken and he had
fallen in!o !he s!ream% 5here was no addi!ional s!ran"$la!ionC !he noose abo$! his neck
was already s$ffoca!in" him and ke! !he wa!er from his l$n"s% 5o die of han"in" a! !he
bo!!om of a ri'erD - !he idea seemed !o him l$dicro$s% &e oened his eyes in !he darkness
and saw abo'e him a "leam of li"h!# b$! how dis!an!# how inaccessibleD &e was s!ill
sinkin"# for !he li"h! became fain!er and fain!er $n!il i! was a mere "limmer% 5hen i! be"an
!o "row and bri"h!en# and he knew !ha! he was risin" !oward !he s$rface - knew i! wi!h
rel$c!ance# for he was now 'ery comfor!able% +5o be han"ed and drowned#+ he !ho$"h!#
+!ha! is no! so badC b$! 3 do no! wish !o be sho!% NoC 3 will no! be sho!C !ha! is no! fair%+
&e was no! conscio$s of an effor!# b$! a shar ain in his wris! arised him !ha! he
was !ryin" !o free his hands% &e "a'e !he s!r$""le his a!!en!ion# as an idler mi"h! obser'e
!he fea! of a 7$""ler# wi!ho$! in!eres! in !he o$!come% /ha! slendid effor!D - wha!
ma"nificen!# wha! s$erh$man s!ren"!hD Ah# !ha! was a fine endea'orD Bra'oD 5he cord
fell awayC his arms ar!ed and floa!ed $ward# !he hands dimly seen on each side in !he
"rowin" li"h!% &e wa!ched !hem wi!h a new in!eres! as firs! one and !hen !he o!her
o$nced $on !he noose a! his neck% 5hey !ore i! away and !hr$s! i! fiercely aside# i!s
$nd$la!ions resemblin" !hose of a wa!er snake% +?$! i! back# $! i! backD+ &e !ho$"h! he
sho$!ed !hese words !o his hands# for !he $ndoin" of !he noose had been s$cceeded by
!he dires! an" !ha! he had ye! e.erienced% &is neck ached horriblyC his brain was on
fire# his hear!# which had been fl$!!erin" fain!ly# "a'e a "rea! lea# !ryin" !o force i!self o$!
a! his mo$!h% &is whole body was racked and wrenched wi!h an ins$or!able an"$ishD
B$! his disobedien! hands "a'e no heed !o !he command% 5hey bea! !he wa!er 'i"oro$sly
wi!h 4$ick# downward s!rokes# forcin" him !o !he s$rface% &e fel! his head emer"eC his
eyes were blinded by !he s$nli"h!C his ches! e.anded con'$lsi'ely# and wi!h a s$reme
and crownin" a"ony his l$n"s en"$lfed a "rea! dra$"h! of air# which ins!an!ly he e.elled
in a shriekD
&e was now in f$ll ossession of his hysical senses% 5hey were# indeed#
re!erna!$rally keen and aler!% ;ome!hin" in !he awf$l dis!$rbance of his or"anic sys!em
had so!ed and refined !hem !ha! !hey made record of !hin"s ne'er before ercei'ed%
&e fel! !he riles $on his face and heard !heir seara!e so$nds as !hey s!r$ck% &e
looked a! !he fores! on !he bank of !he s!ream# saw !he indi'id$al !rees# !he lea'es and !he
'einin" of each leaf - he saw !he 'ery insec!s $on !hem6 !he loc$s!s# !he brillian! bodied
flies# !he "ray siders s!re!chin" !heir webs from !wi" !o !wi"% &e no!ed !he risma!ic
colors in all !he dewdros $on a million blades of "rass% 5he h$mmin" of !he "na!s !ha!
danced abo'e !he eddies of !he s!ream# !he bea!in" of !he dra"on flies9 win"s# !he s!rokes
of !he wa!er siders9 le"s# like oars which had lif!ed !heir boa! - all !hese made a$dible
m$sic% A fish slid alon" benea!h his eyes and he heard !he r$sh of i!s body ar!in" !he
&e had come !o !he s$rface facin" down !he s!reamC in a momen! !he 'isible world
seemed !o wheel slowly ro$nd# himself !he i'o!al oin!# and he saw !he brid"e# !he for!#
!he soldiers $on !he brid"e# !he ca!ain# !he ser"ean!# !he !wo ri'a!es# his$!ioners%
5hey were in silho$e!!e a"ains! !he bl$e sky% 5hey sho$!ed and "es!ic$la!ed# oin!in" a!
him% 5he ca!ain had drawn his is!ol# b$! did no! fireC !he o!hers were $narmed% 5heir
mo'emen!s were "ro!es4$e and horrible# !heir forms "i"an!ic%
;$ddenly he heard a shar reor! and some!hin" s!r$ck !he wa!er smar!ly wi!hin a
few inches of his head# sa!!erin" his face wi!h sray% &e heard a second reor!# and saw
one of !he sen!inels wi!h his rifle a! his sho$lder# a li"h! clo$d of bl$e smoke risin" from !he
m$::le% 5he man in !he wa!er saw !he eye of !he man on !he brid"e "a:in" in!o his own
!hro$"h !he si"h!s of !he rifle% &e obser'ed !ha! i! was a "ray eye and remembered ha'in"
read !ha! "ray eyes were keenes!# and !ha! all famo$s marksmen had !hem% Ne'er!heless#
!his one had missed%
A co$n!er-swirl had ca$"h! =ahr4$har and !$rned him half ro$ndC he was a"ain
lookin" a! !he fores! on !he bank oosi!e !he for!% 5he so$nd of a clear# hi"h 'oice in a
mono!ono$s sin"son" now ran" o$! behind him and came across !he wa!er wi!h a
dis!inc!ness !ha! ierced and s$bd$ed all o!her so$nds# e'en !he bea!in" of !he riles in
his ears% Al!ho$"h no soldier# he had fre4$en!ed cams eno$"h !o know !he dread
si"nificance of !ha! delibera!e# drawlin"# asira!ed chan!C !he lie$!enan! on shore was
!akin" a ar! in !he mornin"9s work% &ow coldly and i!ilessly - wi!h wha! an e'en# calm
in!ona!ion# resa"in"# and enforcin" !ran4$ili!y in !he men - wi!h wha! acc$ra!ely meas$red
in!er'al fell !hose cr$el words6
+-omanyD % % % A!!en!ionD % % % ;ho$lder armsD % % % 1eadyD % % % AimD % % % =ireD+
=ahr4$har di'ed - di'ed as deely as he co$ld% 5he wa!er roared in his ears like
!he 'oice of Nia"ara# ye! he heard !he d$ll !h$nder of !he 'olley and# risin" a"ain !oward
!he s$rface# me! shinin" bi!s of me!al# sin"$larly fla!!ened# oscilla!in" slowly downward%
;ome of !hem !o$ched him on !he face and hands# !hen fell away# con!in$in" !heir descen!%
,ne lod"ed be!ween his collar and neckC i! was $ncomfor!ably warm and he sna!ched i!
As he rose !o !he s$rface# "asin" for brea!h# he saw !ha! he had been a lon" !ime
$nder wa!erC he was erce!ibly far!her downs!ream - nearer !o safe!y% 5he soldiers had
almos! finished reloadin"C !he me!al ramrods flashed all a! once in !he s$nshine as !hey
were drawn from !he barrels# !$rned in !he air# and !hr$s! in!o !heir socke!s% 5he !wo
sen!inels fired a"ain# indeenden!ly and ineffec!$ally%
5he h$n!ed man saw all !his o'er his sho$lderC he was now swimmin" 'i"oro$sly
wi!h !he c$rren!% &is brain was as ener"e!ic as his arms and le"sC he !ho$"h! wi!h !he
raidi!y of li"h!nin"6
+5he officer#+ he reasoned# +will no! make !ha! mar!ine!9s error a second !ime% 3! is
as easy !o dod"e a 'olley as a sin"le sho!% &e has robably already "i'en !he command
!o fire a! will% >od hel me# 3 canno! dod"e !hem allD+
An aallin" slash wi!hin !wo yards of him was followed by a lo$d# r$shin" so$nd#
B303N@<NB,# which seemed !o !ra'el back !hro$"h !he air !o !he for! and died in an
e.losion which s!irred !he 'ery ri'er !o i!s deesD A risin" shee! of wa!er c$r'ed o'er him#
fell down $on him# blinded him# s!ran"led himD 5he cannon had !aken an hand in !he
"ame% As he shook his head free from !he commo!ion of !he smi!!en wa!er he heard !he
deflec!ed sho! h$mmin" !hro$"h !he air ahead# and in an ins!an! i! was crackin" and
smashin" !he branches in !he fores! beyond%
+5hey will no! do !ha! a"ain#+ he !ho$"h!C +!he ne.! !ime !hey will $se a char"e of
"rae% 3 m$s! kee my eye $on !he "$nC !he smoke will arise me - !he reor! arri'es
!oo la!eC i! la"s behind !he missile% 5ha! is a "ood "$n%+
;$ddenly he fel! himself whirled ro$nd and ro$nd - sinnin" like a !o% 5he wa!er#
!he banks# !he fores!s# !he now dis!an! brid"e# for! and men# all were commin"led and
bl$rred% ,b7ec!s were reresen!ed by !heir colors onlyC circ$lar hori:on!al s!reaks of color -
!ha! was all he saw% &e had been ca$"h! in a 'or!e. and was bein" whirled on wi!h a
'eloci!y of ad'ance and "yra!ion !ha! made him "iddy and sick% 3n few momen!s he was
fl$n" $on !he "ra'el a! !he foo! of !he lef! bank of !he s!ream - !he so$!hern bank - and
behind a ro7ec!in" oin! which concealed him from his enemies% 5he s$dden arres! of his
mo!ion# !he abrasion of one of his hands on !he "ra'el# res!ored him# and he we! wi!h
deli"h!% &e d$" his fin"ers in!o !he sand# !hrew i! o'er himself in handf$ls and a$dibly
blessed i!% 3! looked like diamonds# r$bies# emeraldsC he co$ld !hink of no!hin" bea$!if$l
which i! did no! resemble% 5he !rees $on !he bank were "ian! "arden lan!sC he no!ed a
defini!e order in !heir arran"emen!# inhaled !he fra"rance of !heir blooms% A s!ran"e
rosea!e li"h! shone !hro$"h !he saces amon" !heir !r$nks and !he wind made in !heir
branches !he m$sic of Aeolian hars% &e had no! wish !o erfec! his escae - he was
con!en! !o remain in !ha! enchan!in" so! $n!il re!aken%
A whi: and a ra!!le of "raesho! amon" !he branches hi"h abo'e his head ro$sed
him from his dream% 5he baffled cannoneer had fired him a random farewell% &e sran"
!o his fee!# r$shed $ !he sloin" bank# and l$n"ed in!o !he fores!%
All !ha! day he !ra'eled# layin" his co$rse by !he ro$ndin" s$n% 5he fores! seemed
in!erminableC nowhere did he disco'er a break in i!# no! e'en a woodman9s road% &e had
no! known !ha! he li'ed in so wild a re"ion% 5here was some!hin" $ncanny in !he
By ni"h!fall he was fa!i"$ed# foo!sore# famished% 5he !ho$"h! of his wife and
children $r"ed him on% A! las! he fo$nd a road which led him in wha! he knew !o be !he
ri"h! direc!ion% 3! was as wide and s!rai"h! as a ci!y s!ree!# ye! i! seemed $n!ra'eled% No
fields bordered i!# no dwellin" anywhere% No! so m$ch as !he barkin" of a do" s$""es!ed
h$man habi!a!ion% 5he black bodies of !he !rees formed a s!rai"h! wall on bo!h sides#
!ermina!in" on !he hori:on in a oin!# like a dia"ram in a lesson in ersec!i'e% ,'erhead#
as he looked $ !hro$"h !his rif! in !he wood# shone "rea! "olden s!ars lookin" $nfamiliar
and "ro$ed in s!ran"e cons!ella!ions% &e was s$re !hey were arran"ed in some order
which had a secre! and mali"n si"nificance% 5he wood on ei!her side was f$ll of sin"$lar
noises# amon" which - once# !wice# and a"ain - he dis!inc!ly heard whisers in an $nknown
&is neck was in ain and lif!in" his hand !o i! fo$nd i! horribly swollen% &e knew !ha!
i! had a circle of black where !he roe had br$ised i!% &is eyes fel! con"es!edC he co$ld no
lon"er close !hem% &is !on"$e was swollen wi!h !hirs!C he relie'ed i!s fe'er by !hr$s!in" i!
forward from be!ween his !ee!h in!o !he cold air% &ow sof!ly !he !$rf had care!ed !he
$n!ra'eled a'en$e - he co$ld no lon"er feel !he roadway benea!h his fee!D
Bo$b!less# desi!e his s$fferin"# he had fallen aslee while walkin"# for now he
sees ano!her scene - erhas he has merely reco'ered from a deliri$m% &e s!ands a! !he
"a!e of his own home% All is as he lef! i!# and all bri"h! and bea$!if$l in !he mornin"
s$nshine% &e m$s! ha'e !ra'eled !he en!ire ni"h!% As he $shes oen !he "a!e and
asses $ !he wide whi!e walk# he sees a fl$!!er of female "armen!sC his wife# lookin" fresh
and cool and swee!# s!es down from !he 'eranda !o mee! him% A! !he bo!!om of !he s!es
she s!ands wai!in"# wi!h a smile of ineffable 7oy# an a!!i!$de of ma!chless "race and di"ni!y%
Ah# how bea$!if$l she isD &e srin"s forwards wi!h e.!ended arms% As he is abo$! !o clas
her he feels a s!$nnin" blow $on !he back of !he neckC a blindin" whi!e li"h! bla:es all
abo$! him wi!h a so$nd like !he shock of a cannon - !hen all is darkness and silenceD
?ey!on =ahr4$har was deadC his body# wi!h a broken neck# sw$n" "en!ly from side
!o side benea!h !he !imbers of !he ,wl -reek brid"e%
<Fro$ Guten1erg6org; "n the %idst o. !i.e; 0ol6 = (ollected Writings>
Fantastic Fa1les
<.ro$ 0ol6 ? (W>
%oral 2rinci*le and %aterial "nterest
A 0oral ?rincile me! a 0a!erial 3n!eres! on a brid"e wide eno$"h for b$! one%
+Bown# yo$ base !hin"D+ !h$ndered !he 0oral ?rincile# +and le! me ass o'er yo$D+
5he 0a!erial 3n!eres! merely looked in !he o!her9s eyes wi!ho$! sayin" any!hin"%
+Ah#+ said !he 0oral ?rincile# hesi!a!in"ly# +le! $s draw lo!s !o see which one of $s
shall re!ire !ill !he o!her has crossed%+
5he 0a!erial 3n!eres! main!ained an $nbroken silence and an $nwa'erin" s!are%
+3n order !o a'oid a conflic!#+ !he 0oral ?rincile res$med# somewha! $neasily# +3
shall myself lie down and le! yo$ walk o'er me%+
5hen !he 0a!erial 3n!eres! fo$nd his !on"$e% +3 don9! !hink yo$ are 'ery "ood
walkin"#+ he said% +3 am a li!!le ar!ic$lar abo$! wha! 3 ha'e $nderfoo!% ;$ose yo$ "e!
off in!o !he wa!er%+
3! occ$rred !ha! way%
The -oly Deacon
An 3!ineran! ?reacher who had wro$"h! hard in !he moral 'ineyard for se'eral ho$rs
whisered !o a &oly Beacon of !he local ch$rch6
+Bro!her# !hese eole know yo$# and yo$r ac!i'e s$or! will bear fr$i! ab$ndan!ly%
?lease ass !he la!e for me# and yo$ shall ha'e one fo$r!h%+
5he &oly Beacon did so# and $!!in" !he money in!o his ocke! wai!ed !ill !he
con"re"a!ion was dismissed# !hen said "oodni"h!%
+B$! !he money# bro!her# !he money !ha! yo$ collec!edD+ said !he 3!ineran! ?reacher%
+No!hin" is comin" !o yo$#+ was !he relyC +!he Ad'ersary has hardened !heir hear!s
and one fo$r!h is all !hey "a'e%+
A -asty ettle$ent
+Go$r &onor#+ said an A!!orney# risin"# +wha! is !he resen! s!a!$s of !his case - as
far as i! has "one?+
+3 ha'e "i'en a 7$d"men! for !he resid$ary le"a!ee $nder !he will#+ said !he -o$r!#
+$! !he cos!s $on !he con!es!an!s# decided all 4$es!ions rela!in" !o fees and o!her
char"esC and# in shor!# !he es!a!e in li!i"a!ion has been se!!led# wi!h all con!ro'ersies#
dis$!es# mis$nders!andin"s and differences of oinion !here$n!o aer!ainin"%+
+Ah# yes# 3 see#+ said !he A!!orney# !ho$"h!f$lly# +we are makin" ro"ress - we are
"e!!in" on famo$sly%+
+?ro"ress?+ echoed !he E$d"e - +ro"ress? /hy# sir# !he ma!!er is concl$dedD+
+<.ac!ly#!lyC i! had !o be concl$ded in order !o "i'e rele'ancy !o !he mo!ion
!ha! 3 am abo$! !o make% Go$r &onor# 3 mo'e !ha! !he 7$d"men! of !he -o$r! be se! aside
and !he case reoened%+
+@on wha! "ro$nd# sir?+ !he E$d"e asked in s$rrise%
+@on !he "ro$nd#+ said !he A!!orney# +!ha! af!er ayin" all fees and e.enses of
li!i"a!ion and all char"es a"ains! !he es!a!e !here will s!ill be some!hin" lef!%+
+5here may ha'e been an error#+ said his &onor# !ho$"h!f$lly - +!he -o$r! may ha'e
$nderes!ima!ed !he 'al$e of !he es!a!e% 5he mo!ion is !aken $nder ad'isemen!%+
The 2oet's Doo$
An ,b7ec! was walkin" alon" !he Fin"9s hi"hway wraed in medi!a!ion and wi!h
li!!le else on# when he s$ddenly fo$nd himself a! !he "a!es of a s!ran"e ci!y% ,n alyin"
for admi!!ance# he was arres!ed as a necessi!a!or of ordinances and !aken before !he Fin"%
+/ho are yo$#+ said !he Fin"# +and wha! is yo$r b$siness in life?+
+;no$!er !he ;neak#+ relied !he ,b7ec!# wi!h ready in'en!ion - +ick-ocke!%+
5he Fin" was abo$! !o command him !o be released when !he ?rime 0inis!er
s$""es!ed !ha! !he risoner9s fin"ers be e.amined% 5hey were fo$nd "rea!ly fla!!ened and
callo$sed a! !he ends%
+&aD+ cried !he Fin"C +3 !old yo$ soD - he is addic!ed !o co$n!in" syllables% &e is a
oe!% 5$rn him o'er !o !he 8ord &i"h Biss$ader from !he &ead &abi!%+
+0y lie"e#+ said !he 3n'en!or-in-,rdinary of 3n"enio$s ?enal!ies# +3 'en!$re !o
s$""es! a keener afflic!ion%+
+Name i!#+ !he Fin" said%
+8e! him re!ain !ha! headD+
3! was so ordered%
The 'e.or$ chool Board
5he members of !he ;chool Board in Boosnoswair bein" s$sec!ed of aoin!in"
female !eachers for an imroer considera!ion# !he eole elec!ed a Board comosed
wholly of women% 3n a few years !he scandal was a! an endC !here were no female
!eachers in !he Bear!men!%
The %an &ith No /ne$ies
An 3noffensi'e ?erson walkin" in a $blic lace was assa$l!ed by a ;!ran"er wi!h a
-l$b# and se'erely bea!en%
/hen !he ;!ran"er wi!h a -l$b was bro$"h! !o !rial# !he comlainan! said !o !he
+3 do no! know why 3 was assa$l!edC 3 ha'e no! an enemy in !he world%+
+5ha!#+ said !he defendan!# +is why 3 s!r$ck him%+
+8e! !he risoner be dischar"ed#+ said !he E$d"eC +a man who has no enemies has
no friends% 5he co$r!s are no! for s$ch%+
The Angel's Tear
An @nwor!hy 0an who had la$"hed a! !he woes of a woman whom he lo'ed# was
bewailin" his indiscre!ion in sack-clo!h-of-"old and ashes-of-roses# when !he An"el of
-omassion looked down $on him# sayin"6 +?oor mor!alD - how $nbles! no! !o know !he
wickedness of la$"hin" a! ano!her9s misfor!$neD+
;o sayin"# he le! fall a "rea! !ear# which# enco$n!erin" in i!s descen! a c$rren! of
cold air# was con"ealed in!o a hail-s!one% 5his s!r$ck !he @nwor!hy 0an $on !he head
and se! him r$bbin" !ha! br$ised or"an 'i"oro$sly wi!h one hand while 'ainly a!!em!in" !o
e.and an $mbrella wi!h !he o!her%
5herea! !he An"el of -omassion did mos! shamelessly and wickedly la$"h%
The (ity o. 2olitical Distinction
Eamrach !he 1ich# bein"$s !o reach !he -i!y of ?oli!ical Bis!inc!ion before
ni"h!fall# arri'ed a! a fork of !he road and was $ndecided which branch !o followC so he
cons$l!ed a /ise-8ookin" ?erson who sa! by !he wayside%
+5ake !ha! road#+ said !he /ise-8ookin" ?erson# oin!in" i! o$!C +i! is known as !he
?oli!ical &i"hway%+
+5hank yo$#+ said Eamrach# and was abo$! !o roceed%
+Abo$! how m$ch do yo$ !hank me?+ was !he rely% +Bo yo$ s$ose 3 am here for
my heal!h?+
As Eamrach had no! become rich by s!$idi!y he handed some!hin" !o his "$ide and
has!enin" on soon came !o a !oll-"a!e ke! by a Bene'olen! >en!leman# !o whom he "a'e
some!hin" and was s$ffered !o ass% A li!!le far!her alon" he came !o a brid"e across an
ima"inary s!ream# where a -i'il <n"ineer (who had b$il! !he brid"e) demanded some!hin"
for in!eres! on his in'es!men!# and i! was for!hcomin"% 3! was "rowin" la!e when Eamrach
came !o !he mar"in of wha! aeared !o be a lake of black ink# and !here !he road
!ermina!ed% ;eein" a =erryman in his boa! he aid some!hin" for his assa"e and was
abo$! !o embark%
+No#+ said !he =erryman# +?$! yo$r neck in !his noose# and 3 will !ow yo$ o'er% 3! is
!he only way#+ he added# seein" !ha! !he assen"er was abo$! !o comlain of !he
3n d$e !ime he was dra""ed across# half s!ran"led and dreadf$lly besl$bbered by
!he fec$len! wa!ers% +5here#+ said !he =erryman# ha$lin" him ashore and disen"a"in" him#
+yo$ are now in !he -i!y of ?oli!ical Bis!inc!ion% 3! has fif!y millions of inhabi!an!s# and as
!he color of !he =il!hy ?ool does no! wash off# !hey all look!ly alike%+
+AlasD+ e.claimed Eamrach# weein" and bewailin" !he loss of all his ossessions#
aid o$! in !is and !ollsC +3 will "o back wi!h yo$%+
+3 don9! !hink yo$ will#+ said !he =erryman# $shin" offC +!his ci!y is si!$a!ed on !he
3sland of !he @nre!$rnin"%+
An "nvitation
A ?io$s ?erson who had o'erchar"ed his a$nch wi!h dead bird by way of a!!es!in"
his "ra!i!$de for escain" !he many calami!ies which &ea'en had sen! $on o!hers fell
aslee a! !able and dreamed% &e !ho$"h! he li'ed in a co$n!ry where !$rkeys were !he
r$lin" class# and e'ery year !hey held a feas! !o manifes! !heir sense of &ea'en9s
"oodness in sarin" !heir li'es# !o kill !hem la!er% ,ne day# abo$! a week before one of
!hese feas!s# he me! !he ;$reme >obbler# who said6
+Go$ will lease "e! yo$rself in!o "ood condi!ion for !he 5hanks"i'in" dinner%+
+Ges# yo$r <.cellency#+ relied !he ?io$s ?erson# deli"h!ed# +3 shall come h$n"ry# 3
ass$re yo$% 3! is no small ri'ile"e !o dine wi!h yo$r <.cellency%+
5he ;$reme >obbler eyed him for a momen! in silenceC !hen he said6
+As one of !he lower domes!ic animals# yo$ canno! be!ed !o know m$ch# b$!
yo$ mi"h! know some!hin"% ;ince yo$ do no!# yo$ will ermi! me !o oin! o$! !ha! bein"
asked !o dinner is one !hin"C bein" asked !o dine is ano!her and differen! !hin"%+
/i!h !his si"nifican! remark !he ;$reme >obbler lef! him# and !henceforward !he
?io$s ?erson dreamed of himself as whi!e mea! and dark $n!il r$dely awakened by !error%
The Ashes o. %ada$e Blavats,y
5he bri"h!es! !wo 8i"h!s of 5heosohy bein" in !he same lace a! once in comany
wi!h !he Ashes of 0adame Bla'a!sky# an 3n4$irin" ;o$l !ho$"h! !he !ime roi!io$s !o learn
some!hin" wor!hwhile% ;o he sa! a! !he fee! of one awhile# and !hen he sa! awhile a! !he
fee! of !he o!her# and a! las! he alied his ear !o !he keyhole of !he caske! con!ainin" !he
Ashes of 0adame Bla'a!sky% /hen !he 3n4$irin" ;o$l had comle!ed his co$rse of
ins!r$c!ion he declared himself !he Ahkoond of ;wa!# fell in!o !he balef$l habi! of s!andin"
on his head and swore !ha! !he mo!her who bore him was a ra"ma!ic aralo"ism%
/herefore he was held in so hi"h re'erence !ha! when !he !wo o!her "en!lemen were
han"ed for lyin" !he 5heosohis!s elec!ed him !o !he leadershi of !heir Bisas!ral Body#
and af!er a 4$ie! life and an honorable dea!h by !he kick of a 7ackass he was reincarna!ed
as a Gellow Bo"% As s$ch he a!e !he Ashes of 0adame Bla'a!sky# and 5heosohy was no
2hysicians T&o
A /icked ,ld 0an findin" himself ill sen! for a ?hysician# who rescribed for him
and wen! away% 5hen !he /icked ,ld 0an sen! for Ano!her ?hysician# sayin" no!hin" of
!he firs!# and an en!irely differen! !rea!men! was ordered% 5his con!in$ed for some weeks#
!he hysicians 'isi!in" him on al!erna!e days and !rea!in" him for !wo differen! disorders#
wi!h cons!an!ly enlar"in" doses of medicine and more and more ri"oro$s n$rsin"% B$! one
day !hey acciden!ally me! a! his bedside while he sle! and# !he !r$!h comin" o$!# a 'iolen!
4$arrel ens$ed%
+0y "ood friends#+ said !he a!ien!# awakened by !he noise of !he dis$!e# and
arehendin" !he ca$se of i!# +ray be more reasonable% 3f 3 co$ld for weeks end$re yo$
bo!h# can yo$ no! for a li!!le while end$re each o!her? 3 ha'e been well for !en days# b$!
ha'e remained in bed in !he hoe of "ainin" by reose !he s!ren"!h !ha! wo$ld 7$s!ify me in
!akin" yo$r medicines% ;o far 3 ha'e !o$ched none of !hem%+
A 'adical 2arallel
;ome /hi!e -hris!ians en"a"ed in dri'in" -hinese &ea!hens o$! of an American
!own fo$nd a newsaer $blished in ?ekin" in !he -hinese !on"$e and comelled one of
!heir 'ic!ims !o !ransla!e an edi!orial% 3! !$rned o$! !o be an aeal !o !he eole of !he
ro'ince of ?an" Fi !o dri'e !he forei"n de'ils o$! of !he co$n!ry and b$rn !heir dwellin"s
and ch$rches% A! !his e'idence of 0on"olian barbari!y !he /hi!e -hris!ians were so
"rea!ly incensed !ha! !hey carried o$! !heir ori"inal desi"n%
The (o$*assionate 2hysician
A Find-&ear!ed ?hysician si!!in" a! !he bedside of a a!ien! afflic!ed wi!h an
inc$rable and ainf$l disease heard a noise behind him and !$rnin" saw a -a! la$"hin" a!
!he feeble effor!s of a wo$nded 0o$se !o dra" i!self o$! of !he room%
+Go$ cr$el beas!D+ he cried% +/hy don9! yo$ kill i! a! once# like a lady?+
1isin"# he kicked !he -a! o$! of !he door and ickin" $ !he 0o$se comassiona!ely
$! i! o$! of i!s misery by $llin" off i!s head% 1ecalled !o !he bedside by !he moans of his
a!ien!# !he Find-&ear!ed ?hysician adminis!ered a s!im$lan!# a !onic and a n$!rien!# and
wen! away%
A 2ro*het o. /vil
An @nder!aker /ho /as a 0ember of a 5r$s! saw a 0an 8eanin" on a ;ade# and
asked him why he was no! a! work%
+Beca$se#+ said !he 0an 8eanin" on a ;ade# +3 belon" !o !he >ra'edi""ers9
Na!ional <.!or!ion ;ocie!y# and we ha'e decided !o limi! !he rod$c!ion of "ra'es and "e!
more money for !he red$ced o$!$!% /e ha'e a corner in "ra'es and $rose workin" i! !o
!he bes! ad'an!a"e%+
+0y friend#+ said !he @nder!aker /ho /as a 0ember of !he 5r$s!# +!his is a mos!
ha!ef$l and in7$rio$s scheme% 3f eole canno! be ass$red of "ra'es 3 fear !hey will no
lon"er die# and !he bes! in!eres!s of ci'ili:a!ion will wi!her like a fros!ed leaf%+
And blowin" his eyes $on his handkerchief# he walked away lamen!in"%
'eligions o. /rror
&earin" a so$nd of s!rife# a -hris!ian in !he ,rien! asked his Bra"oman !he ca$se of
+5he B$ddhis!s are c$!!in" 0ohammedan !hroa!s#+ !he Bra"oman relied# wi!h
,rien!al comos$re%
+3 did no! know#+ remarked !he -hris!ian# wi!h scien!ific in!eres!# +!ha! !ha! wo$ld
make so m$ch noise%+
+5he 0ohammedans are c$!!in" B$ddhis! !hroa!s#+ added !he Bra"oman%
+3! is as!onishin"#+ m$sed !he -hris!ian# +how 'iolen! and how "eneral are reli"io$s
;o sayin" he 'isibly sm$""ed and wen! off !o !ele"rah for a bri"ade of c$!-!hroa!s
!o ro!ec! -hris!ian in!eres!s%
The (ircular (le&
A Be!ec!i'e searchin" for !he m$rderer of a dead man was accos!ed by a -lew%
+=ollow me#+ said !he -lew# +and !here9s no knowin" wha! yo$ may disco'er%+
;o !he Be!ec!i'e followed !he -lew a whole year !hro$"h a !ho$sand sin$osi!ies and
a! las! fo$nd himself in !he office of !he 0or"$e%
+5hereD+ said !he -lew# oin!in" !o !he oen re"is!er%
5he Be!ec!i'e ea"erly scanned !he a"e and fo$nd an official s!a!emen! !ha! !he
deceased was dead% 5here$on he has!ened !o ?olice &ead4$ar!ers !o reor! ro"ress%
5he -lew# meanwhile# sa$n!ered amon" !he b$sy ha$n!s of men# arm in arm wi!h an
3n"enio$s 5heory%
The No (ase
A ;!a!esman who had been indic!ed by an $nfeelin" >rand E$ry was arres!ed by a
;heriff and !hrown in!o 7ail% As !his was abhorren! !o his fine siri!$al na!$re# he sen! for
!he Bis!ric! A!!orney and asked !ha! !he case a"ains! him be dismissed%
+@on wha! "ro$nds?+ asked !he Bis!ric! A!!orney%
+8ack of e'idence !o con'ic!#+ relied !he acc$sed%
+Bo yo$ haen !o ha'e !he lack wi!h yo$?+ !he official asked% +3 sho$ld like !o see
+/i!h leas$re#+ said !he o!herC +here i! is%+
;o sayin" he handed !he o!her a check# which !he Bis!ric! A!!orney caref$lly
e.amined# and !hen rono$nced i! !he mos! comle!e absence of bo!h roof and
res$m!ion !ha! he had e'er seen% &e said i! wo$ld ac4$i! !he oores! man in !he world%
The 2rerogative o. %ight
A ;lander !ra'elin" raidly !hro$"h !he land $on his 7oyo$s mission was accos!ed
by a 1e!rac!ion and commanded !o hal! and be killed%
+Go$r career of mischief is a! an end#+ said !he 1e!rac!ion# drawin" his cl$b# rollin"
$ his slee'es and si!!in" on his hands%
+/hy sho$ld yo$ slay me?+ ro!es!ed !he ;lander% +/ha!e'er my in!en!ions were# 3
ha'e been innoc$o$s# for yo$ ha'e do""ed my s!rides and co$n!erac!ed my infl$ence%+
+Bo""ed yo$r "randmo!herD+ said !he 1e!rac!ion# wi!h con!em!$o$s '$l"ari!y of
seech% +3n !he order of na!$re i! is aoin!ed !ha! we !wo shall ne'er !ra'el !he same
+&ow !hen#+ !he ;lander asked# !ri$mhan!ly# +ha'e yo$ o'er!aken me?+
+3 ha'e no!#+ relied !he 1e!rac!ionC +we ha'e acciden!ally me!% 3 came ro$nd !he
world !he o!her way%+
B$! when he !ried !o$!e his fell $rose he fo$nd !ha! in !he order of na!$re i!
was aoin!ed !ha! he himself erish miserably in !he enco$n!er%
Deceased and -eirs
A 0an died lea'in" a lar"e es!a!e and many sorrowf$l rela!ions who claimed i!%
Af!er some years# when all b$! one had had 7$d"men! "i'en a"ains! !hem# !ha! one was
awarded !he es!a!e# which he asked his A!!orney !o ha'e araised%
+5here is no!hin" !o araise#+ said !he A!!orney# ocke!in" his las! fee%
+5hen#+ said !he ;$ccessf$l -laiman!# +wha! "ood has all !his li!i"a!ion done me?+
+Go$ ha'e been a "ood clien! !o me#+ !he A!!orney relied# "a!herin" $ his books
and aers# +b$! 3 m$s! say yo$ be!ray a s$rrisin" i"norance of !he $rose of li!i"a!ion%+
At the 2ole
Af!er a "rea! e.endi!$re of life and !reas$re a Barin" <.lorer had s$cceeded in
reachin" !he Nor!h ?ole# when he was aroached by a Na!i'e >ale$! who li'ed !here%
+>ood mornin"#+ said !he Na!i'e >ale$!% +39m 'ery "lad !o see yo$# b$! why did yo$
come here?+
+>lory#+ said !he Barin" <.lorer# c$r!ly%
+Ges# yes# 3 know#+ !he o!her ersis!edC +b$! of wha! benefi! !o man is yo$r
disco'ery? 5o wha! !r$!hs does i! "i'e access which were inaccessible before? - fac!s# 3
mean# ha'in" a scien!ific 'al$e?+
+39ll be 5om sca!!ed if 3 know#+ !he "rea! man relied# franklyC +yo$ will ha'e !o ask
!he ;cien!is! of !he <.edi!ion%+
B$! !he ;cien!is! of !he <.edi!ion e.lained !ha! he had been so en"rossed wi!h
!he care of his ins!r$men!s and !he s!$dy of his !ables !ha! he had fo$nd no !ime !o !hink of
2hiloso*hers Three
A Bear# a =o. and an ,oss$m were a!!acked by an in$nda!ion%
+Bea!h lo'es a coward#+ said !he Bear# and wen! forward !o fi"h! !he flood%
+/ha! a foolD+ said !he =o.% +3 know a !rick wor!h !wo of !ha!%+ And he slied in!o a
hollow s!$m%
+5here are male'olen! forces#+ said !he ,oss$m# +which !he wise will nei!her
confron! nor a'oid% 5he !hin" is !o know !he na!$re of yo$r an!a"onis!%+
;o sayin" !he ,oss$m lay down and re!ended !o be dead%
i+ and )ne
5he -ommi!!ee on >errymander worked la!e in!o !he ni"h! drawin" in!rica!e lines on
a ma of !he ;!a!e# and bein" weary so$"h! reose in a "ame of oker% A! !he close of !he
"ame !he si. 1e$blican members were bankr$! and !he sin"le Bemocra! had all !he
money% ,n !he ne.! day# when !he -ommi!!ee was called !o order for b$siness# one of !he
l$ckless si. mo$n!ed his le"s# and said6
+0r% -hairman# before we bend !o o$r noble !ask of $rifyin" oli!ics in !he in!eres!
of "ood "o'ernmen! 3 wish !o say a word of !he $n!oward e'en!s of las! e'enin"% 3f my
memory ser'es me !he disas!ers which o'er!ook !he 0a7ori!y of !his honorable body
always befell when i! was !he 0inori!y9s deal% 3! is my solemn con'ic!ion# 0r% -hairman#
and !o i!s affirma!ion 3 led"e my life# my sacred for!$ne and my honor# !ha! !ha! wicked
and $nscr$$lo$s 0inori!y redis!ric!ed !he cardsD+
T&o Dogs
5he Bo" as crea!ed had a ri"id !ail# b$! af!er some cen!$ries of a cheerless!ence# $narecia!ed by 0an# who made him work for his li'in"# he imlored !he
-rea!or !o endow him wi!h a wa"% 5his bein" done he was able !o dissemble his
resen!men! wi!h a si"n of affec!ion# and !he ear!h was his and !he f$llness !hereof%
,bser'in" !his# !he ?oli!ician (an animal crea!ed la!er) e!i!ioned !ha! a wa" mi"h! be "i'en
him !oo% As he was inca$da!e i! was conferred $on his chin# which he now wa"s wi!h
"rea! rofi! and "ra!ifica!ion e.ce! when he is a! his meals%
The Ancient )rder
&ardly had !ha! ancien! order# !he ;$l!ans of <.ceedin" ;lendor# been comle!ely
fo$nded by !he >rand =lashin" 3naccessible# when a 4$es!ion arose as !o wha! sho$ld be
!he !i!le of address amon" !he members% ;ome wan!ed i! !o be simly +my lord#+ o!hers
held o$! for +yo$r d$keness#+ and s!ill o!hers referred +my so'erei"n lie"e%+ =inally !he
"or"eo$s 7ewel of !he order "leamin" $on !he breas! of e'ery member s$""es!ed +yo$r
bad"es!y#+ which was ado!ed and !he order became o$larly known as !he Fin"s of
%an and Bird
A 0an wi!h a ;ho!"$n said !o a Bird6
+3! is all nonsense# yo$ know# abo$! shoo!in" bein" a cr$el sor!% 3 $! my skill
a"ains! yo$r c$nnin" - !ha! is all !here is of i!% 3! is a fair "ame%+
+5r$e#+ said !he Bird# +b$! 3 don9! wish !o lay%+
+/hy no!?+ in4$ired !he 0an wi!h a ;ho!"$n%
+5he "ame#+ !he Bird relied# +is fair as yo$ sayC !he chances are abo$! e'enC b$!
consider !he s!ake% 3 am in i! for yo$# b$! wha! is !here in i! for me?+
No! bein" reared wi!h an answer !o !he 4$es!ion# !he 0an wi!h a ;ho!"$n
sa"acio$sly remo'ed !he roo$nder%
+3f yo$ do no! s$bmi! my claim !o arbi!ra!ion#+ wro!e !he ?residen! of ,moh$ !o !he
?residen! of 0od$"y# +3 shall !ake immedia!e s!es !o collec! i! in my own wayD+
+;ir#+ relied !he ?residen! of 0od$"y# +yo$ may "o !o !he de'il wi!h yo$r !hrea! of
+0y "rea! and "ood friend#+ wro!e !he o!her# +yo$ mis!ake !he charac!er of my
comm$nica!ion% 3! is an an!een$l!ima!$m%+
The ecret o. -a**iness
&a'in" been !old by an an"el !ha! No$reddin Becar was !he haies! man in !he
world# !he ;$l!an ca$sed him !o be bro$"h! !o !he alace and said6
+3mar! !o me# 3 command !hee# !he secre! of !hy hainess%+
+, fa!her of !he s$n and !he moon#+ answered No$reddin Becar# +3 did no! know !ha!
3 was hay%+
+5ha!#+ said !he ;$l!an# +is !he secre! !ha! 3 so$"h!%+
No$reddin Becar re!ired in dee de7ec!ion# fearin" !ha! his new-fo$nd hainess
mi"h! forsake him%
A ?erson who had fallen from weal!h !o indi"ence aealed !o a 1ich 0an for alms%
+No#+ said !he 1ich 0an# +yo$ did no! kee wha! yo$ had% /ha! ass$rance ha'e 3
!ha! yo$ will kee wha! 3 may "i'e yo$?+
+B$! 3 don9! wan! i! !o kee#+ !he be""ar e.lainedC +3 wan! !o e.chan"e i! for bread%+
+5ha! is 7$s! !he same#+ said !he 1ich 0an% +Go$ wo$ld no! kee !he bread%+
(orru*ting the 2ress
/hen Eoel Bird was $ for >o'ernor of 0isso$ri# ;am &enly was edi!in" !he
Berry&ood BugleC and no sooner was !he nomina!ion made by !he ;!a!e -on'en!ion !han
he came o$! ho! a"ains! !he ar!y% &e was an able wri!er# was ;am# and !he lies he
in'en!ed abo$! o$r candida!e were shockin"D 5ha!# howe'er# we end$red 'ery well# b$!
resen!ly ;am !$rned s4$arely abo$! and be"an !ellin" !he !r$!h% 5his was a li!!le !oo
m$chC !he -o$n!y -ommi!!ee held a has!y mee!in"# and decided !ha! i! m$s! be s!oedC
so 3# &enry Barber# was sen! for !o make arran"emen!s !o !ha! end% 3 knew some!hin" of
;am6 had $rchased him se'eral !imes# and 3 es!ima!ed his resen! 'al$e a! abo$! one
!ho$sand dollars% 5his seemed !o !he commi!!ee a reasonable fi"$re# and on my
men!ionin" i! !o ;am he said +he !ho$"h! !ha! abo$! !he fair !hin"C i! sho$ld ne'er be said
!ha! !he Bugle was a hard aer !o deal wi!h%+
5here was# howe'er# some delay in raisin" !he moneyC !he candida!es for !he local
offices had no! disosed of !heir a$!$mn ho"s ye!# and were in financial s!rai!s% ;ome of
!hem con!rib$!ed a i" each# one "a'e !wen!y b$shels of corn# ano!her a flock of chickensC
and !he man who asired !o !he dis!inc!ion of -o$n!y E$d"e aid his assessmen! wi!h a
wa"on% 5hese !hin"s had !o be con'er!ed in!o cash a! a r$ino$s sacrifice# and in !he
mean!ime ;am ke! o$rin" an incessan! s!ream of ho! sho! in!o o$r oli!ical cam%
No!hin" 3 co$ld say wo$ld make him s!ay his handC he in'ariably relied !ha! i! was no
bar"ain $n!il he had !he money% 5he commi!!eemen were f$rio$sC i! re4$ired all my
elo4$ence !o re'en! !heir declarin" !he con!rac! n$ll and 'oidC b$! a! las! a new# clean
one !ho$sand-dollar no!e was assed o'er !o me# which in ho! has!e 3 !ransferred !o ;am
a! his residence%
5ha! e'enin" !here was a mee!in" of !he commi!!ee6 all seemed in hi"h siri!s
a"ain# e.ce! &ooker of Eayhawk% 5his old wre!ch sa! back and shook his head d$rin" !he
en!ire session# and 7$s! before ad7o$rnmen! said# as he !ook his ha! !o "o# !ha! +9r9as
9!was orl ri"h! and on !he s4$ar9C maybe !har war9n9! any shenanni"an# b$! he war
d$bersome - yes# he war d$bersome%+ 5he old c$rm$d"eon reea!ed !his $n!il 3 was
e.asera!ed beyond res!rain!%
+0r% &ooker#+ said 3# +39'e known ;am &enly e'er since he was so hi"h# and !here
isn9! an hones!er man in old 0isso$ri% ;am &enly9s word is as "ood as his no!eD /ha!9s
more# if any "en!leman !hinks he wo$ld en7oy a firs!-class f$neral# and if he will s$ly !he
sable accessories# 39ll s$ly !he corse% And he can !ake i! home wi!h him from !his
A! !his oin! 0r% &ooker was !ro$bled wi!h lea'in"%
&a'in" "o! !his b$siness off my conscience 3 sle! la!e ne.! day% /hen 3 s!eed
in!o !he s!ree! 3 saw a! once !ha! some!hin" was +$%+ 5here were kno!s of eole
"a!hered a! !he corners# some readin" ea"erly !ha! mornin"9s iss$e of !he Bugle# some
"es!ic$la!in"# and o!hers s!alkin" moodily abo$! m$!!erin" c$rses# no! lo$d b$! dee%
;$ddenly 3 heard an!ed clamor - a conf$sed roar of many l$n"s# and !he !ramlin" of
inn$merable fee!% 3n !his babel of noises 3 co$ld dis!in"$ish !he words +Fill himD+ +/a9m his
hideD+ and so for!hC and# lookin" $ !he s!ree!# 3 saw wha! seemed !o be !he whole male
o$la!ion racin" down i!% 3 am 'ery!able# and# !ho$"h 3 did no! know whose hide was
!o be warmed# nor why anyone was !o be killed# 3 sho! off in fron! of !he howlin" masses#
sho$!in" +Fill himD+ and +/arm his hideD+ as lo$dly as !he lo$des!# all !he !ime lookin" o$!
for !he 'ic!im% Bown !he s!ree! we flew like a s!ormC !hen 3 !$rned a corner# !hinkin" !he
sco$ndrel m$s! ha'e "one $ !ha! s!ree!C !hen bol!ed !hro$"h a $blic s4$areC o'er a
brid"eC $nder an archC finally back in!o !he main s!ree!C yellin" like a an!her# and
resol'ed !o sla$"h!er !he firs! h$man bein" 3 sho$ld o'er!ake% 5he crowd followed my
lead# !$rnin" as 3 !$rned# shriekin" as 3 shrieked# and - all a! once i! came !o me !ha! 3 was
!he man whose hide was !o be warmedD
3! is needless !o dwell $on !he sensa!ion !his disco'ery "a'e meC haily 3 was
wi!hin a few yards of !he commi!!ee-rooms# and in!o !hese 3 dashed# closin" and bol!in"
!he doors behind me# and mo$n!in" !he s!airs like a flash% 5he commi!!ee was in solemn
session# si!!in" in a nice# e'en row on !he fron! benches# each man wi!h his elbows on his
knees# and his chin res!in" in !he alms of his hands - !hinkin"% A! each man9s fee! lay a
ne"lec!ed coy of !he Bugle% <'ery member fi.ed his eyes on me# b$! no one s!irred#
none $!!ered a so$nd% 5here was some!hin" awf$l in !his re!erna!$ral science# made
more imressi'e by !he hoarse m$rm$r of !he crowd o$!side# breakin" down !he door% 3
co$ld end$re i! no lon"er# b$! s!rode forward and sna!ched $ !he aer lyin" a! !he fee! of
!he chairman% A! !he head of !he edi!orial col$mns# in le!!ers half an inch lon"# were !he
followin" ama:in" headlines6
+Bas!ardly ,$!ra"eD -orr$!ion 1aman! in ,$r 0ids!D 5he Aamires =oiledD
&enry Barber a! his ,ld >ameD 5he 1a! >naws a =ileD 5he Bemocra!ic &ordes A!!em! !o
1ide 1o$"hshod ,'er a =ree ?eoleD Base <ndea'or !o Bribe !he <di!or of !his ?aer
wi!h a 5wen!y-Bollar No!eD 5he 0oney >i'en !o !he ,rhan Asyl$m%+
3 read no far!her# b$! s!ood s!ock s!ill in !he cen!er of !he floor# and fell in!o a re'erie%
5wen!y dollarsD ;omehow i! seemed a mere !rifle% Nine h$ndred and ei"h!y dollarsD 3 did
no! know !here was so m$ch money in !he world% 5wen!y - no# ei"h!y - one !ho$sand
dollarsD 5here were bi"# black fi"$res floa!in" all o'er !he floor% 3ncessan! ca!arac!s of
!hem o$red down !he walls# s!oed# and shied off as 3 looked a! !hem# and be"an !o "o i!
a"ain when 3 lowered my eyes% ,ccasionally !he fi"$res 2) wo$ld !ake shae somewhere
abo$! !he floor# and !hen !he fi"$res 98) wo$ld slide $ and o'erlay !hem% 5hen# like !he
lean kine of ?haraoh9s dream# !hey wo$ld all march away and de'o$r !he fa! no$"h!s of
!he n$mber 1#)))% And dancin" like "na!s in !he air were myriads of li!!le cad$ce$s-like#
han!oms# !h$s - LLLLL% 3 co$ld no! a! all make i! o$!# b$! be"an !o comrehend my
osi!ion direc!ly% ,ld &ooker# wi!ho$! mo'in" from his sea!# be"an !o drown !he noise of
co$n!less fee! on !he s!airs by ele'a!in" his !hin false!!o6
+?9r9as# 0r% -heerman# i!9s orl on !he s4$ar9% /e know 0r% &enly can9! !ell a lieC b$!
39m owerf$l d$bersome !ha! !har9s a balyance dy$e !his yer commi!!ee from !he "en! who
he: !he flo9 - if he ain9! done "one laid i! yo$! fo9 sable ac - ac - fo9 fyirs!-class f$nerals%+
3 fel! a! !ha! momen! as if 3 sho$ld like !o lay !he leadin" charac!er in a firs!-class
f$neral myself% 3 fel! !ha! e'ery man in my osi!ion o$"h! !o ha'e a nice# comfor!able
coffin# wi!h a sil'er door-la!e# a foo!-warmer# and bay-windows for his ears% &ow do yo$
s$ose yo$ wo$ld ha'e fel!?
0y lea from !he window of !ha! commi!!ee room# my seed in s!reakin" i! for !he
ad7acen! fores!# my self-denial in e'er af!erward resis!in" !he im$lse !o re!$rn !o
Berrywood and look af!er my oli!ical and ma!erial in!eres!s !here - !hese 3 ha'e always
considered !hin"s !o be 7$s!ly ro$d of# and 3 hoe 3 am ro$d of !hem%
(The Fourth /state)
"The Bu11le 'e*utation" - -o& Another %an's &as ought and 2ric,ed
3! was a s!ormy ni"h! in !he a$!$mn of 19I)% 5he ho$r was abo$! ele'en% ;an
=rancisco lay in darkness# for !he laborers a! !he "as works had s!r$ck and des!royed !he
comany9s roer!y beca$se a newsaer !o which a co$sin of !he mana"er was a
s$bscriber had cens$red !he co$rse of a o!a!o merchan! rela!ed by marria"e !o a member
of !he Fni"h!s of 8eis$re% <lec!ric li"h!s had no! a! !ha! eriod been rein'en!ed% 5he sky
was filled wi!h "rea! masses of black clo$d which# dri'en raidly across !he s!ar-fields by
winds $nfel! on !he ear!h and momen!arily al!erin" !heir fan!as!ic forms# seemed ins!inc!
wi!h a life and ac!i'i!y of !heir own and endowed wi!h awf$l owers of e'il# !o !he e.ercise
of which !hey mi"h! a! any !ime se! !heir mali"nan! will%
An obser'er s!andin"# a! !his !ime# a! !he corner of ?aradise a'en$e and >rea!
/hi!e 5hrone walk in ;orrel &ill ceme!ery wo$ld ha'e seen a h$man fi"$re mo'in" amon"
!he "ra'es !oward !he ;$erin!enden!9s residence% Bimly and fi!f$lly 'isible in !he in!er'als
of !hinner "loom# !his fi"$re had a mos! $ncanny and dis4$ie!in" asec!% A lon" black
cloak shro$ded i! from neck !o heel% @on i!s head was a slo$ch ha!# $lled down across
!he forehead and almos! concealin" !he face# which was f$r!her hidden by a half-mask#
only !he beard bein" occasionally 'isible as !he head was lif!ed ar!ly abo'e !he collar of
!he cloak% 5he man wore $on his fee! 7ack-boo!s whose wide# f$nnel-shaed le"s had
se!!led down in many a fold and crease abo$! his ankles# as co$ld be seen whene'er
acciden! ar!ed !he bo!!om of !he cloak% &is arms were concealed# b$! some!imes he
s!re!ched o$! !he ri"h! !o s!eady himself by a heads!one as he cre! s!eal!hily b$! blindly
o'er !he $ne'en "ro$nd% A! s$ch !imes a close scr$!iny of !he hand wo$ld ha'e disclosed
in !he alm !he hil! of a oniard# !he blade of which lay alon" !he wris!# hidden in !he
slee'e% 3n shor!# !he man9s "arb# his mo'emen!s# !he ho$r - e'ery!hin" roclaimed him a
B$! wha! did he !here?
,n !he mornin" of !ha! day !he edi!or of !he Daily had !o$ched !he b$!!on
of a bell n$mbered 21* and in resonse !o !he s$mmons 0r% 8on"bo ;i!!lewor!h# reor!er#
had been sho! in!o !he room o$! of an inclined !$be%
+3 $nders!and#+ said !he edi!or# +!ha! yo$ are 21* - am 3 ri"h!?+
+5ha!#+ said !he reor!er# ca!chin" his brea!h and ad7$s!in" his clo!hin"# bo!h
somewha! disordered by !he celeri!y of his fli"h! !hro$"h !he !$be# - +!ha! is my n$mber%+
+3nforma!ion has reached $s#+ con!in$ed !he edi!or# +!ha! !he ;$erin!enden! of !he
;orrel &ill ceme!ery - one 3nh$mio# whose 'ery name s$""es!s inh$mani!y - is "$il!y of !he
"rosses! o$!ra"es in !he adminis!ra!ion of !he "rea! !r$s! confided !o his hands by !he
so'erei"n eole%+
+5he ceme!ery is ri'a!e roer!y#+ fain!ly s$""es!ed 21*%
+3! is alle"ed#+ con!in$ed !he "rea! man# disdainin" !o no!ice !he in!err$!ion# +!ha! in
'iola!ion of o$lar ri"h!s he ref$ses !o ermi! his acco$n!s !o be insec!ed by
reresen!a!i'es of !he ress%+
+@nder !he law# yo$ know# he is resonsible !o !he direc!ors of !he ceme!ery
comany#+ !he reor!er 'en!$red !o in!er7ec!%
+5hey say#+ $rs$ed !he edi!or# heedless# +!ha! !he inma!es are in many cases badly
lod"ed and ins$fficien!ly clad# and !ha! in conse4$ence !hey are $s$ally cold% 3! is asser!ed
!ha! !hey are ne'er fed - e.ce! !o !he worms% ;!a!emen!s ha'e been made !o !he effec!
!ha! males and females are ermi!!ed !o occ$y !he same 4$ar!ers# !o !he incalc$lable
de!rimen! of $blic morali!y% 0any clandes!ine 'illainies are alle"ed of !his fiend in h$man
shae# and i! is desirable !ha! his $nder"ro$nd me!hods be $near!hed in !he %ale.actor6 3f
he resis!s we will dra" his family skele!on from !he ri'acy of his domes!ic close!% 5here is
money in i! for !he aer# fame for yo$ - are yo$ ambi!io$s# 21*?+
+3 am - bi!io$s%+
+>o# !hen#+ cried !he edi!or# risin" and wa'in" his hand imerio$sly - +"o and 9seek
!he b$bble re$!a!ion9%+
+5he b$bble shall be so$"h!#+ !he yo$n" man relied# and leain" in!o a manhole in
!he floor# disaeared% A momen! la!er !he edi!or# who af!er dismissin" his s$bordina!e#
had s!ood mo!ionless# as if los! in !ho$"h!# sran" s$ddenly !o !he manhole and sho$!ed
down i!6
+&ello# 21*?+
+Aye# aye# sir#+ came $ a fain! and far rely%
+Abo$! !ha! 9b$bble re$!a!ion9 - yo$ $nders!and# 3 s$ose# !ha! !he re$!a!ion
which yo$ are !o seek is !ha! of !he o!her man%+
3n !he$!ion of his d$!y# in !he hoe of his emloyer9s aro'al# in !he cos!$me
of his rofession# 0r% 8on"bo ;i!!lewor!h# o!herwise known as 21*# has already occ$ied
a lace in !he mind9s eye of !he in!elli"en! reader% Alas for oor 0r% 3nh$mioD
A few days af!er !hese e'en!s !ha! fearless# indeenden! and en!errisin" "$ardian
and "$ide of !he $blic# !he ;an =rancisco Daily con!ained a whole-a"e
ar!icle whose headlines are here resen!ed wi!h some necessary !yo"rahical mi!i"a!ion6
+&ell @on <ar!hD -orr$!ion 1aman! in !he 0ana"emen! of !he ;orrel &ill
-eme!ery% 5he ;acred -i!y of !he Bead in !he 8ero$s -l$!ches of a Bemon in &$man
=orm% =iendish A!roci!ies -ommi!!ed in 9>od9s Acre%9 5he &oly Bead 5hrown aro$nd
8oose% =ra"men!s of 0o!hers% ;e"re"a!ion of a Bea$!if$l Go$n" 8ady /ho in 8ife /as
!he 8i"h! of a &ay &o$sehold% A ;$erin!enden! /ho 3s an <.--on'ic!% &ow &e
0$rdered &is Nei"hbor !o ;!ar! !he -eme!ery% &e B$ries &is ,wn Bead <lsewhere%
<.!raordinary 3nsolence !o a 1eresen!a!i'e of !he ?$blic ?ress% 8i!!le <li:a9s 8as! /ords6
90amma# =eed 0e !o !he ?i"s%9 A 0oonshiner /ho 1$ns an 3llici! Bone-B$!!on =ac!ory in
,ne -orner of !he >ro$nds% B$ried &ead Bownward% 1e'ol!in" 0a$soleis!ic ,r"ies%
Bancin" on !he Bead% Be'ilish 0$!ila!ion - a ?ile of 8a!e 8amen!ed Noses and ;ain!ed
<ars% No ;eara!ion of !he ;e.esC ?e!i!ions for -haerons @nheeded% 9Aeal9 as ;$lied
!o !he ;$erin!enden!9s <mloyees% A 0iscrean!9s 1ecord from &is Bir!h% Bis"$s!in"
;$bser'iency of ,$r -on!emoraries and ;!ron" 3ndica!ions of -oll$sion% Nameless
Abnormali!ies% 9Bo$bled @ 8ike a N$!--racker%9 9/asn9! ?lan!ed /hi!e%9 &orribly
;i"nifican! 1ed$c!ion in !he ?rice of 8ard% 5he H$es!ion of !he &o$r6 /hom Bo Go$ =ry
Go$r Bo$"hn$!s 3n?+
(The Fourth /state)
A -orse$an in the ,y
,ne s$nny af!ernoon in !he a$!$mn of !he year 18*1# a soldier lay in a cl$m of
la$rel by !he side of a road in /es!ern Air"inia% &e lay a! f$ll len"!h# $on his s!omach# his
fee! res!in" $on !he !oes# his head $on !he lef! forearm% &is e.!ended ri"h! hand loosely
"rased his rifle% B$! for !he somewha! me!hodical disosi!ion of his limbs and a sli"h!
rhy!hmic mo'emen! of !he car!rid"e bo. a! !he back of his bel!# he mi"h! ha'e been
!ho$"h! !o be dead% &e was aslee a! his os! of d$!y% B$! if de!ec!ed he wo$ld be dead
shor!ly af!erward# !ha! bein" !he 7$s! and le"al enal!y of his crime%
5he cl$m of la$rel in which !he criminal lay was in !he an"le of a road which# af!er
ascendin"# so$!hward# a s!ee accli'i!y !o !ha! oin!# !$rned sharly !o !he wes!# r$nnin"
alon" !he s$mmi! for erhas one h$ndred yards% 5here i! !$rned so$!hward a"ain and
wen! :i"-:a""in" downward !hro$"h !he fores!% A! !he salien! of !ha! second an"le was a
lar"e fla! rock# 7$!!in" o$! from !he rid"e !o !he nor!hward# o'erlookin" !he dee 'alley from
which !he road ascended% 5he rock caed a hi"h cliffC a s!one droed from i!s o$!er
ed"e wo$ld ha'e fallen sheer downward one !ho$sand fee! !o !he !os of !he ines% 5he
an"le where !he soldier lay was on ano!her s$r of !he same cliff% &ad he been awake he
wo$ld ha'e commanded a 'iew# no! only of !he shor! arm of !he road and !he 7$!!in" rock
b$! of !he en!ire rofile of !he cliff below i!% 3! mi"h! well ha'e made him "iddy !o look%
5he co$n!ry was wooded e'erywhere e.ce! a! !he bo!!om of !he 'alley !o !he
nor!hward# where !here was a small na!$ral meadow# !hro$"h which flowed a s!ream
scarcely 'isible from !he 'alley9s rim% 5his oen "ro$nd looked hardly lar"er !han an
ordinary dooryard# b$! was really se'eral acres in e.!en!% 3!s "reen was more 'i'id !han
!ha! of !he inclosin" fores!% Away beyond i! rose a line of "ian! cliffs similar !o !hose $on
which we are s$osed !o s!and in o$r s$r'ey of !he sa'a"e scene# and !hro$"h which !he
road had somehow made i!s climb !o !he s$mmi!% 5he confi"$ra!ion of !he 'alley# indeed#
was s$ch !ha! from o$r oin! of obser'a!ion i! seemed en!irely sh$! in# and one co$ld no!
b$! ha'e wondered how !he road which fo$nd a way o$! of i! had fo$nd a way in!o i!# and
whence came and whi!her wen! !he wa!ers of !he s!ream !ha! ar!ed !he meadow !wo
!ho$sand fee! below%
No co$n!ry is so wild and diffic$l! b$! men will make i! a !hea!re of warC concealed
in !he fores! a! !he bo!!om of !ha! mili!ary ra! !ra# in which half a h$ndred men in
ossession of !he e.i!s mi"h! ha'e s!ar'ed an army !o s$bmission# lay fi'e re"imen!s of
=ederal infan!ry% 5hey had marched all !he re'io$s day and ni"h! and were res!in"% A!
ni"h!fall !hey wo$ld !ake !o !he road a"ain# climb !o !he lace where !heir $nfai!hf$l sen!inel
now sle!# and# descendin" !he o!her sloe of !he rid"e# fall $on a cam of !he enemy a!
abo$! midni"h!% 5heir hoe was !o s$rrise i!# for !he road led !o !he rear of i!% 3n case of
fail$re !heir osi!ion wo$ld be erilo$s in !he e.!remeC and fail !hey s$rely wo$ld sho$ld
acciden! or 'i"ilance arise !he enemy of !he mo'emen!%
5he sleein" sen!inel in !he cl$m of la$rel was a yo$n" Air"inian named -ar!er
Br$se% &e was !he son of weal!hy aren!s# an only child# and had known s$ch ease and
c$l!i'a!ion and hi"h li'in" as weal!h and !as!e were able !o command in !he mo$n!ain
co$n!ry of /es!ern Air"inia% &is home was b$! a few miles from where he now lay% ,ne
mornin" he had risen from !he breakfas! !able and said# 4$ie!ly b$! "ra'ely6 +=a!her# a
@nion re"imen! has arri'ed a! >raf!on% 3 am "oin" !o 7oin i!%+
5he fa!her lif!ed his leonine head# looked a! !he son a momen! in silence# and
relied6 +>o# -ar!er# and# wha!e'er may occ$r# do wha! yo$ concei'e !o be yo$r d$!y%
Air"inia# !o which yo$ are a !rai!or# m$s! "e! on wi!ho$! yo$% ;ho$ld we bo!h li'e !o !he end
of !he war# we will seak f$r!her of !he ma!!er% Go$r mo!her# as !he hysician has informed
yo$# is in a mos! cri!ical condi!ionC a! !he bes! she canno! be wi!h $s lon"er !han a few
weeks# b$! !ha! !ime is recio$s% 3! wo$ld be be!!er no! !o dis!$rb her%+
;o -ar!er Br$se# bowin" re'eren!ly !o his fa!her# who re!$rned !he sal$!e wi!h a
s!a!ely co$r!esy which masked a breakin" hear!# lef! !he home of his childhood !o "o
soldierin"% By conscience and co$ra"e# by deeds of de'o!ion and darin"# he soon
commended himself !o his fellows and his officersC and i! was !o !hese 4$ali!ies and !o
some knowled"e of !he co$n!ry !ha! he owed his selec!ion for his resen! erilo$s d$!y a!
!he e.!reme o$!os!% Ne'er!heless# fa!i"$e had been s!ron"er !han resol$!ion# and he had
fallen aslee% /ha! "ood or bad an"el came in a dream !o ro$se him from his s!a!e of
crime who shall say? /i!ho$! a mo'emen!# wi!ho$! a so$nd# in !he rofo$nd silence and
!he lan"$or of !he la!e af!ernoon# some in'isible messen"er of fa!e !o$ched wi!h $nsealin"
fin"er !he eyes of his conscio$sness - whisered in!o !he ear of his siri! !he mys!erio$s
awakenin" word which no h$man lis ha'e e'er soken# no h$man memory e'er has
recalled% &e 4$ie!ly raised his forehead from his arm and looked be!ween !he maskin"
s!ems of !he la$rels# ins!inc!i'ely closin" his ri"h! hand abo$! !he s!ock of his rifle%
&is firs! feelin" was a keen ar!is!ic deli"h!% ,n a colossal edes!al# !he cliff#
mo!ionless a! !he e.!reme ed"e of !he cain" rock and sharly o$!lined a"ains! !he sky#
was an e4$es!rian s!a!$e of imressi'e di"ni!y% 5he fi"$re of !he man sa! !he fi"$re of !he
horse# s!rai"h! and soldierly# b$! wi!h !he reose of a >recian "od car'ed in !he marble
which limi!s !he s$""es!ion of ac!i'i!y% 5he "rey cos!$me harmonised wi!h i!s aerial
back"ro$ndC !he me!al of acco$!remen! and caarison was sof!ened and s$bd$ed by !he
shadowC he animal9s skin had no oin!s of hi"h li"h!% A carbine# s!rikin"ly foreshor!ened#
lay across !he ommel of !he saddle# ke! in lace by !he ri"h! hand "rasin" i! a! !he
+"ri+C !he lef! hand# holdin" !he bridle rein# was in'isible% 3n silho$e!!e a"ains! !he sky# !he
rofile of !he horse was c$! wi!h !he sharness of a cameoC i! looked across !he hei"h!s of
air !o !he confron!in" cliffs beyond% 5he face of !he rider# !$rned sli"h!ly !o !he lef!# showed
only an o$!line of !emle and beardC he was lookin" downward !o !he bo!!om of !he 'alley%
0a"nified by i!s lif! a"ains! !he sky and by !he soldier9s !es!ifyin" sense of !he
formidableness of a near enemy# !he "ro$ aeared of heroic# almos! colossal# si:e%
=or an ins!an! Br$se had a s!ran"e# half-defined feelin" !ha! he had sle! !o !he end
of !he war and was lookin" $on a noble work of ar! reared $on !ha! commandin"
eminence !o commemora!e !he deeds of an heroic as! of which he had been an
in"lorio$s ar!% 5he feelin" was diselled by a sli"h! mo'emen! of !he "ro$C !he horse#
wi!ho$! mo'in" i!s fee!# had drawn i!s body sli"h!ly backward from !he 'er"eC !he man
remained immobile as before% Broad awake and keenly ali'e !o !he si"nificance of !he
si!$a!ion# Br$se now bro$"h! !he b$!! of his rifle a"ains! his cheek by ca$!io$sly $shin"
!he barrel forward !hro$"h !he b$shes# cocked !he iece# and# "lancin" !hro$"h !he si"h!s#
co'ered a 'i!al so! of !he horseman9s breas!% A !o$ch $on !he !ri""er and all wo$ld ha'e
been well wi!h -ar!er Br$se% A! !ha! ins!an! !he horseman !$rned his head and looked in
!he direc!ion of his concealed foeman - seemed !o look in!o his 'ery face# in!o his eyes#
in!o his bra'e comassiona!e hear!%
3s i!# !hen# so !errible !o kill an enemy in war - an enemy who has s$rrised a secre!
'i!al !o !he safe!y of one9s self and comrades - an enemy more formidable for his
knowled"e !han all his army for i!s n$mbers? -ar!er Br$se "rew dea!hly aleC he shook in
e'ery limb# !$rned fain!# and saw !he s!a!$es4$e "ro$ before him as black fi"$res# risin"#
fallin"# mo'in" $ns!eadily in arcs of circles in a fiery sky% &is hand fell away from his
weaon# his head slowly droed $n!il his face res!ed on !he lea'es in which he lay% 5his
co$ra"eo$s "en!leman and hardy soldier was near swoonin" from in!ensi!y of emo!ion%
3! was no! for lon"C in ano!her momen! his face was raised from ear!h# his hands
res$med !heir laces on !he rifle# his forefin"er so$"h! !he !ri""erC mind# hear!# and eyes
were clear# conscience and reason so$nd% &e co$ld no! hoe !o ca!$re !ha! enemyC !o
alarm him wo$ld b$! send him dashin" !o his cam wi!h his fa!al news% 5he d$!y of !he
soldier was lain6 !he man m$s! be sho! dead from amb$sh wi!ho$! warnin"# wi!ho$! a
momen!9s siri!$al reara!ion# wi!h ne'er so m$ch as an $nsoken rayer# he m$s! be
sen! !o his acco$n!% B$! no !here is a hoeC he may ha'e disco'ered no!hin" - erhas he
is b$! admirin" !he s$blimi!y of !he landscae% 3f ermi!!ed he may !$rn and ride carelessly
away in !he direc!ion whence he came% ;$rely i! will be ossible !o 7$d"e a! !he ins!an! of
his wi!hdrawin" whe!her he knows% 3! may well be !ha! his fi.i!y of a!!en!ion Br$se !$rned
his head and looked below# !hro$"h !he dees of air downward# as from !he s$rface !o !he
bo!!om of a !ransl$cen! sea% &e saw creein" across !he "reen meadow a sin$o$s line of
fi"$res of men and horses - some foolish commander was ermi!!in" !he soldiers of his
escor! !o wa!er !heir beas!s in !he oen# in lain 'iew from a h$ndred s$mmi!sD
Br$se wi!hdrew his eyes from !he 'alley and fi.ed !hem a"ain $on !he "ro$ of
man and horse in !he sky# and a"ain i! was !hro$"h !he si"h!s of his rifle% B$! !his !ime his
aim was a! !he horse% 3n his memory# as if !hey were a di'ine manda!e# ran" !he words of
his fa!her a! !heir ar!in"% +/ha!e'er may occ$r# do wha! yo$ concei'e !o be yo$r d$!y%+
&e was calm now% &is !ee!h were firmly b$! no! ri"idly closedC his ner'es were as !ran4$il
as a sleein" babe9s - no! a !remor affec!ed any m$scle of his bodyC his brea!hin"# $n!il
s$sended in !he ac! of !akin" aim# was re"$lar and slow% B$!y had con4$eredC !he siri!
had said !o !he body6 +?eace# be s!ill%+ &e fired%
A! !ha! momen! an officer of !he =ederal force# who# in a siri! of ad'en!$re or in
4$es! of knowled"e# had lef! !he hidden bi'o$ac in !he 'alley# and# wi!h aimless fee!# had
made his way !o !he lower ed"e of a small oen sace near !he foo! of !he cliff# was
considerin" wha! he had !o "ain by $shin" his e.lora!ion f$r!her% A! a dis!ance of a
4$ar!er-mile before him# b$! aaren!ly a! a s!one9s !hrow# rose from i!s frin"e of ines !he
"i"an!ic face of rock# !owerin" !o so "rea! a hei"h! abo'e him !ha! i! made him "iddy !o
look $ !o where i!s ed"e c$! a shar# r$""ed line a"ains! !he sky% A! some dis!ance away
!o his ri"h! i! resen!ed a clean# 'er!ical rofile a"ains! a back"ro$nd of bl$e sky !o a oin!
half of !he way down# and of dis!an! hills hardly less bl$e !hence !o !he !os of !he !rees a!
i!s base% 8if!in" his eyes !o !he di::y al!i!$de of i!s s$mmi!# !he officer saw an as!onishin"
si"h! - a man on horseback ridin" down in!o !he 'alley !hro$"h !he airD
;!rai"h! $ri"h! sa! !he rider# in mili!ary fashion# wi!h a firm sea! in !he saddle# a
s!ron" cl$!ch $on !he rein !o hold his char"er from !oo ime!$o$s a l$n"e% =rom his
bare head his lon" hair s!reamed $ward# wa'in" like a l$me% &is ri"h! hand was
concealed in !he clo$d of !he horse9s lif!ed mane% 5he animal9s body was as le'el as if
e'ery hoof s!roke enco$n!ered !he resis!an! ear!h% 3!s mo!ions were !hose of a wild "allo#
b$! e'en as !he officer looked !hey ceased# wi!h all !he le"s !hrown sharly forward as in
!he ac! of ali"h!in" from a lea% B$! !his was a fli"h!D
=illed wi!h ama:emen! and !error by !his aari!ion of a horseman in !he sky - half
belie'in" himself !he chosen scribe of some new Aocalyse# !he officer was o'ercome by
!he in!ensi!y of his emo!ionsC his le"s failed him and he fell% Almos! a! !he same ins!an! he
heard a crashin" so$nd in !he !rees - a so$nd !ha! died wi!ho$! an echo# and all was s!ill%
5he officer rose !o his fee!# !remblin"% 5he familiar sensa!ion of an abraded shin
recalled his da:ed fac$l!ies% ?$llin" himself !o"e!her# he ran raidly obli4$ely away from
!he cliff !o a oin! a half-mile from i!s foo!C !hereabo$! he!ed !o find his manC and
!hereabo$! he na!$rally failed% 3n !he flee!in" ins!an! of his 'ision his ima"ina!ion had been
so wro$"h! $on by !he aaren! "race and ease and in!en!ion of !he mar'ello$s
erformance !ha! i! did no! occ$r !o him !ha! !he line of march of aerial ca'alry is direc!ed
downward# and !ha! he co$ld find !he ob7ec!s of his search a! !he 'ery foo! of !he cliff% A
half ho$r la!er he re!$rned !o cam%
5his officer was a wise manC he knew be!!er !han !o !ell an incredible !r$!h% &e said
no!hin" of wha! he had seen% B$! when !he commander asked him if in his sco$! he had
learned any!hin" of ad'an!a"e !o !he e.edi!ion# he answered6 -
+Ges# sirC !here is no road leadin" down in!o !his 'alley from !he so$!hward%+
5he commander# knowin" be!!er# smiled%
Af!er firin" his sho! ri'a!e -ar!er Br$se reloaded his rifle and res$med his wa!ch%
5en min$!es had hardly assed when a =ederal ser"ean! cre! ca$!io$sly !o him on hands
and knees% Br$se nei!her !$rned his head nor looked a! him# b$! lay wi!ho$! mo!ion or si"n
of reco"ni!ion%
+Bid yo$ fire?+ !he ser"ean! whisered%
+A! wha!?+
+A horse% 3! was s!andin" on yonder rock re!!y far o$!% Go$ see i! is no lon"er
!here% 3! wen! o'er !he cliff%+
5he man9s face was whi!e b$! he showed no o!her si"n of emo!ion% &a'in"
answered# he !$rned away his face and said no more% 5he ser"ean! did no! $nders!and%
+;ee here# Br$se#+ he said# af!er a momen!9s silence# +i!9s no $se makin" a mys!ery%
3 order yo$ !o reor!% /as !here anybody on !he horse?+
+0y fa!her%+
5he ser"ean! rose !o his fee! and walked away% +>ood >odD+ he said%
("n the %idst o. !i.e)
)ne o. the %issing
Eerome ;earin"# a ri'a!e soldier of >eneral ;herman9s army# !hen confron!in" !he
enemy a! and abo$! Fenesaw 0o$n!ain# >eor"ia# !$rned his back $on a small "ro$ of
officers# wi!h whom he had been !alkin" in low !ones# s!eed across a li"h! line of
ear!hworks# and disaeared in a fores!% None of !he men in line behind !he works had
said a word !o him# nor had he so m$ch as nodded !o !hem in assin"# b$! all who saw
$nders!ood !ha! !his bra'e man had been in!r$s!ed wi!h some erilo$s d$!y% Eerome
;earin"# !ho$"h a ri'a!e# did no! ser'e in !he ranksC he was de!ailed for ser'ice a!
di'ision head4$ar!ers# bein" borne $on !he rolls as an orderly% +,rderly+ is a word
co'erin" a m$l!i!$de of d$!ies% An orderly may be a messen"er# a clerk# an officer9s
ser'an! - any!hin" % &e may erform ser'ices for which no ro'ision is made in orders and
army re"$la!ions% 5heir na!$re may deend $on his a!i!$de# $on fa'o$r# $on acciden!%
?ri'a!e ;earin"# an incomarable marksman# yo$n" - i! is s$rrisin" how yo$n" we all
were in !hose days - hardy# in!elli"en!# and insensible !o fear# was a sco$!% 5he "eneral
commandin" his di'ision was no! con!en! !o obey orders blindly wi!ho$! knowin" wha! was
in his fron!# e'en when his command was no! on de!ached ser'ice# b$! formed a frac!ion of
!he line of !he armyC nor was he sa!isfied !o recei'e his knowled"e of his vis-a-vis !hro$"h
!he c$s!omary channelsC he wan!ed !o know more !han he was arised of by !he cors
commander and !he collisions of icke!s and skirmishers% &ence Eerome ;earin" - wi!h
his e.!raordinary darin"# his woodcraf!# his shar eyes and !r$!hf$l !on"$e% ,n !his
occasion his ins!r$c!ions were simle6 !o "e! as near !he enemy9s lines as ossible and
learn all !ha! he co$ld%
3n a few momen!s he had arri'ed a! !he icke! line# !he men on d$!y !here lyin" in
"ro$s of from !wo !o fo$r behind li!!le banks of ear!h scooed o$! of !he sli"h! deression
in which !hey lay# !heir rifles ro!r$din" from !he "reen bo$"hs wi!h which !hey had masked
!heir small defences% 5he fores! e.!ended wi!ho$! a break !oward !he fron!# so solemn and
silen! !ha! only by an effor! of !he ima"ina!ion co$ld i! be concei'ed as o$lo$s wi!h
armed men# aler! and 'i"ilan! - a fores! formidable wi!h ossibili!ies of ba!!le% ?a$sin" a
momen! in one of !he rifle i!s !o arise !he men of his in!en!ion# ;earin" cre! s!eal!hily
forward on his hands and knees and was soon los! !o 'iew in a dense !hicke! of
+5ha! is !he las! of him#+ said one of !he menC +3 wish 3 had his rifleC !hose fellows
will h$r! some of $s wi!h i!%+
;earin" cre! on# !akin" ad'an!a"e of e'ery acciden! of "ro$nd and "row!h !o "i'e
himself be!!er co'er% &is eyes ene!ra!ed e'erywhere# his ears !ook no!e of e'ery so$nd%
&e s!illed his brea!hin"# and a! !he crackin" of a !wi" benea!h his knee s!oed his
ro"ress and h$""ed !he ear!h% 3! was slow work# b$! no! !edio$sC !he dan"er made i!!in"# b$! by no hysical si"ns was !he!emen! manifes!% &is $lse was as re"$lar#
his ner'es were as s!eady# as if he were !ryin" !o !ra a sarrow%
+3! seems a lon" !ime#+ he !ho$"h!# +b$! 3 canno! ha'e come 'ery farC 3 am s!ill
&e smiled a! his own me!hod of es!ima!in" dis!ance# and cre! forward% A momen!
la!er be s$ddenly fla!!ened himself $on !he ear!h and lay mo!ionless# min$!e af!er min$!e%
5hro$"h a narrow oenin" in !he b$shes he had ca$"h! si"h! of a small mo$nd of yellow
clay - one of !he enemy9s rifle i!s% Af!er some li!!le !ime he ca$!io$sly raised his head#
inch by inch# !hen his body $on his hands# sread o$! on each side of him# all !he while
in!en!ly re"ardin" !he hillock of clay% 3n ano!her momen! he was $on his fee!# rifle in
hand# s!ridin" raidly forward wi!h li!!le a!!em! a! concealmen!% &e had ri"h!ly in!erre!ed
!he si"ns# wha!e'er !hey wereC !he enemy was "one%
5o ass$re himself beyond a do$b! before "oin" back !o reor! $on so imor!an! a
ma!!er# ;earin" $shed forward across !he line of abandoned i!s# r$nnin" from co'er !o
co'er in !he more oen fores!# his eyes 'i"ilan! !o disco'er ossible s!ra""lers% &e came
!o !he ed"e of a lan!a!ion - one of !hose forlorn# deser!ed homes!eads of !he las! years of
!he war# $"rown wi!h brambles# $"ly wi!h broken fences# and desola!e wi!h 'acan!
b$ildin"s ha'in" blank aer!$res in lace of doors and windows% Af!er a keen
reconnaissance from !he safe secl$sion of a cl$m of yo$n" ines# ;earin" ran li"h!ly
across a field and !hro$"h an orchard !o a small s!r$c!$re which s!ood aar! from !he o!her
farm b$ildin"s# on a sli"h! ele'a!ion# which he !ho$"h! wo$ld enable him !o o'erlook a
lar"e scoe of co$n!ry in !he direc!ion !ha! he s$osed !he enemy !o ha'e !aken in
wi!hdrawin"% 5his b$ildin"# which had ori"inally consis!ed of a sin"le room# ele'a!ed $on
fo$r os!s abo$! !en fee! hi"h# was now li!!le more !han a roofC !he floor had fallen away#
!he 7ois!s and lanks loosely iled on !he "ro$nd below or res!in" on end a! 'ario$s an"les#
no! wholly !orn from !heir fas!enin"s abo'e% 5he s$or!in" os!s were !hemsel'es no
lon"er 'er!ical% 3! looked as if !he whole edifice wo$ld "o down a! !he !o$ch of a fin"er%
-oncealin" himself in !he debris of 7ois!s and floorin"# ;earin" looked a! !he oen
"ro$nd be!ween his oin! of 'iew and a s$r of Fe$esaw 0o$n!ain# a half mile away% A
road leadin" $ and across !his s$r was crowded wi!h !roos - !he rear "$ard of !he
re!irin" enemy# !heir "$n barrels "leamin" in !he mornin" s$nli"h!% ;earin" had now
learned all !ha! he co$ld hoe !o know% 3! was his d$!y !o re!$rn !o his own command wi!h
all ossible seed and reor! his disco'ery% B$! !he "rey col$mn of infan!ry !oilin" $ !he
mo$n!ain road was sin"$larly !em!in"% &is rifle an ordinary +;rin"field#+ b$! fi!!ed wi!h a
"lobe si"h! and hair !ri""er wo$ld easily send i!s o$nce and a 4$ar!er of lead hissin" in!o
!heir mids!% 5ha! wo$ld robably no! affec! !he d$ra!ion and res$l! of !he war# b$! i! is !he
b$siness of a soldier !o kill% 3! is also his leas$re if he is a "ood soldier% ;earin" cocked
his rifle and +se!+ !he !ri""er%
B$! i! was decreed from !he be"innin" of !ime !ha! ?ri'a!e ;earin" was no! !o
m$rder anybody !ha! bri"h! s$mmer mornin"# nor was !he -onfedera!e re!rea! !o be
anno$nced by him% =or co$n!less a"es e'en!s had been so ma!chin" !hemsel'es !o"e!her
in !ha! wondro$s mosaic !o some ar!s of which# dimly discernible# we "i'e !he name of
his!ory# !ha! !he ac!s which he had in will wo$ld ha'e marred !he harmony of !he a!!ern%
;ome !wen!y-fi'e years re'io$sly !he ?ower char"ed wi!h !he$!ion of !he
work accordin" !o !he desi"n had ro'ided a"ains! !ha! mischance by ca$sin" !he bir!h of
a cer!ain male child in a li!!le 'illa"e a! !he foo! of !he -ara!hian 0o$n!ains# had caref$lly
reared i!# s$er'ised i!s ed$ca!ion# direc!ed i!s desires in!o a mili!ary channel# and in d$e
!ime made i! an officer of ar!illery% By !he conc$rrence of an infini!e n$mber of fa'o$rin"
infl$ences and !heir reonderance o'er an infini!e n$mber of oosin" ones# !his officer
of ar!illery had been made !o commi! a breach of disciline and fly from his na!i'e co$n!ry
!o a'oid $nishmen!% &e had been direc!ed !o New ,rleans (ins!ead of New Gork)# where
a recr$i!in" officer awai!ed him on !he wharf% &e was enlis!ed and romo!ed# and !hin"s
were so ordered !ha! he now commanded a -onfedera!e ba!!ery some !hree miles alon"
!he line from where Eerome ;earin"# !he =ederal sco$!# s!ood cockin" his rifle% No!hin"
had been ne"lec!ed a! e'ery s!e in !he ro"ress of bo!h !hese men9s li'es# and in !he
li'es of !heir ances!ors and con!emoraries# and of !he li'es of !he con!emoraries of !heir
ances!ors - !he ri"h! !hin" had been done !o brin" abo$! !he desired res$l!% &ad any!hin"
in all !his 'as! conca!ena!ion been o'erlooked# ?ri'a!e ;earin" mi"h! ha'e fired on !he
re!rea!in" -onfedera!es !ha! mornin"# and wo$ld erhas ha'e missed% As i! fell o$!# a
ca!ain of ar!illery# ha'in" no!hin" be!!er !o do while awai!in" his !$rn !o $ll o$! and be off#
am$sed himself by si"h!in" a field iece obli4$ely !o his ri"h! a! wha! he !ook !o be some
=ederal officers on !he cres! of a hill# and dischar"ed i!% 5he sho! flew hi"h of i!s mark%
As Eerome ;earin" drew back !he hammer of his rifle# and# wi!h his eyes $on !he
dis!an! -onfedera!es# considered where he co$ld lan! his sho! wi!h !he bes! hoe of
makin" a widow or an orhan or a childless mo!her - erhas all !hree# for ?ri'a!e ;earin"#
al!ho$"h he had reea!edly ref$sed romo!ion# was no! wi!ho$! a cer!ain kind of ambi!ion -
he heard a r$shin" so$nd in !he air# like !ha! made by !he win"s of a "rea! bird swooin"
down $on i!s rey% 0ore 4$ickly !han he co$ld arehend !he "rada!ion# i! increased !o a
hoarse and horrible roar# as !he missile !ha! made i! sran" a! him o$! of !he sky# s!rikin"
wi!h a deafenin" imac! one of !he os!s s$or!in" !he conf$sion of !imbers abo'e him#
smashin" i! in!o ma!chwood# and brin"in" down !he cra:y edifice wi!h a lo$d cla!!er# in
clo$ds of blindin" d$s!D
8ie$!enan! Adrian ;earin"# in command of !he icke! "$ard on !ha! ar! of !he line
!hro$"h which his bro!her Eerome had assed on his mission# sa! wi!h a!!en!i'e ears in his
breas!work behind !he line% No! !he fain!es! so$nd escaed himC !he cry of a bird# !he
barkin" of a s4$irrel# !he noise of !he wind amon" !he ines all were$sly no!ed by his
o'ers!rained sense% ;$ddenly# direc!ly in fron! of his line# he heard a fain!# conf$sed
r$mble# like !he cla!!er of a fallin" b$ildin" !ransla!ed by dis!ance% A! !he same momen! an
officer aroached him on foo! from !he rear and sal$!ed%
+8ie$!enan!#+ said !he aide# +!he colonel direc!s yo$ !o mo'e forward yo$r line and
feel !he enemy if yo$ find him% 3f no!# con!in$e !he ad'ance $n!il direc!ed !o hal!% 5here is
reason !o !hink !ha! !he enemy has re!rea!ed%+
5he lie$!enan! nodded and said no!hin"C !he o!her officer re!ired% 3n a momen! !he
men# arised of !heir d$!y by !he non-commissioned officer in low !ones# had deloyed
from !heir rifle i!s and were mo'in" forward in skirmishin" order# wi!h se! !ee!h and
bea!in" hear!s% 5he lie$!enan! mechanically looked a! his wa!ch% ;i. o9clock and ei"h!een
/hen Eerome ;earin" reco'ered conscio$sness# he did no! a! once $nders!and
wha! had occ$rred% 3! was# indeed# some !ime before he oened his eyes% =or a while he
belie'ed !ha! he had died and been b$ried# and he !ried !o recall some or!ions of !he
b$rial ser'ice% &e !ho$"h! !ha! his wife was kneelin" $on his "ra'e# addin" her wei"h! !o
!ha! of !he ear!h $on his breas!% 5he !wo of !hem# widow and ear!h# had cr$shed his
coffin% @nless !he children sho$ld ers$ade her !o "o home# he wo$ld no! m$ch lon"er be
able !o brea!he% &e fel! a sense of wron"% +3 canno! seak !o her#+ he !ho$"h!C +!he dead
ha'e no 'oiceC and if 3 oen my eyes 3 shall "e! !hem f$ll of ear!h%+
&e oened his eyes - a "rea! e.anse of bl$e sky# risin" from a frin"e of !he !os of
!rees% 3n !he fore"ro$nd# sh$!!in" o$! some of !he !rees# a hi"h# d$n mo$nd# an"$lar in
o$!line and crossed by an in!rica!e# a!!ernless sys!em of s!rai"h! linesC in !he cen!re a
bri"h! rin" of me!al - !he whole an immeas$rable dis!ance away - a dis!ance so
inconcei'ably "rea! !ha! i! fa!i"$ed him# and he closed his eyes% 5he momen! !ha! he did
so he was conscio$s of an ins$fferable li"h!% A so$nd was in his ears like !he low# rhy!hmic
!h$nder of a dis!an! sea breakin" in s$ccessi'e wa'es $on !he beach# and o$! of !his
noise# seemin" a ar! of i!# or ossibly comin" from beyond i!# and in!ermin"led wi!h i!s
ceaseless $nder!one# came !he ar!ic$la!e words6 +Eerome ;earin"# yo$ are ca$"h! like a
ra! in a !ra in a !ra# !ra !ra%+
;$ddenly !here fell a "rea! silence# a black darkness# an infini!e !ran4$ili!y# and
Eerome ;earin"# erfec!ly conscio$s of his ra!hood# and well ass$red of !he !ra !ha! he
was in# remembered all# and# nowise alarmed# a"ain oened his eyes !o reconnoi!re# !o
no!e !he s!ren"!h of his enemy# !o lan his defense%
&e was ca$"h! in a reclinin" os!$re# his back firmly s$or!ed by a solid beam%
Ano!her lay across his breas!# b$! he had been able !o shrink a li!!le way from i! so !ha! i!
no lon"er oressed him# !ho$"h i! was immo'able% A brace 7oinin" i! a! an an"le had
wed"ed him a"ains! a ile of boards on his lef!# fas!enin" !he arm on !ha! side% &is le"s#
sli"h!ly ar!ed and s!rai"h! alon" !he "ro$nd# were co'ered $ward !o !he knees wi!h a
mass of debris which !owered abo'e his narrow hori:on% &is head was as ri"idly fi.ed as
in a 'iceC he co$ld mo'e his eyes# his chin no more% ,nly his ri"h! arm was ar!ly free%
+Go$ m$s! hel $s o$! of !his#+ he said !o i!% B$! he co$ld no! "e! i! from $nder !he hea'y
!imber a!hwar! his ches!# nor mo'e i! o$!ward more !han si. inches a! !he elbow%
;earin" was no! serio$sly in7$red# nor did he s$ffer ain% A smar! ra on !he head
from a flyin" fra"men! of !he slin!ered os!# inc$rred sim$l!aneo$sly wi!h !he fri"h!f$lly
s$dden shock !o !he ner'o$s sys!em# had momen!arily da:ed him% &is !erm of
$nconscio$sness# incl$din" !he eriod of reco'ery# d$rin" which he had had !he s!ran"e
fancies# had robably no! e.ceeded a few seconds# for !he d$s! of !he wreck had no!
wholly cleared away as he be"an an in!elli"en! s$r'ey of !he si!$a!ion%
/i!h his ar!ly free ri"h! hand he now !ried !o "e! hold of !he beam which lay across#
b$! no! 4$i!e a"ains!# his breas!% 3n no way co$ld he do so% &e was $nable !o deress !he
sho$lder so as !o $sh !he elbow beyond !ha! ed"e of !he !imber which was neares! his
kneesC failin" in !ha!# he co$ld no! raise !he forearm and hand !o "ras !he beam% 5he
brace !ha! made an an"le wi!h i! downward and backward re'en!ed him from doin"
any!hin" in !ha! direc!ion# and be!ween i! and his body !he sace was no! half as wide as
!he len"!h of his forearm% ,b'io$sly he co$ld no! "e! his hand $nder !he beam nor o'er i!C
he co$ld no!# in fac!# !o$ch i! a! all% &a'in" demons!ra!ed his inabili!y# he desis!ed# and
be"an !o !hink if he co$ld reach any of !he debris iled $on his le"s%
3n s$r'eyin" !he mass wi!h a 'iew !o de!erminin" !ha! oin!# his a!!en!ion was
arres!ed by wha! seemed !o be a rin" of shinin" me!al immedia!ely in fron! of his eyes% 3!
aeared !o him a! firs! !o s$rro$nd some erfec!ly black s$bs!ance# and i! was somewha!
more !han a half inch in diame!er% 3! s$ddenly occ$rred !o his mind !ha! !he blackness was
simly shadow# and !ha! !he rin" was in fac! !he m$::le of his rifle ro!r$din" from !he ile
of debris% &e was no! lon" in sa!isfyin" himself !ha! !his was so - if i! was a sa!isfac!ion%
By closin" ei!her eye he co$ld look a li!!le way alon" !he barrel - !o !he oin! where i! was
hidden by !he r$bbish !ha! held i!% &e co$ld see !he one side# wi!h !he corresondin" eye#
a! aaren!ly !he same an"le as !he o!her side wi!h !he o!her eye% 8ookin" wi!h !he ri"h!
eye# !he weaon seemed !o be direc!ed a! a oin! !o !he lef! of his head# and vice versa%
&e was $nable !o see !he $er s$rface of !he barrel# b$! co$ld see !he $nder s$rface of
!he s!ock a! a sli"h! an"le% 5he iece was# in fac!# aimed a! !he! cen!re of his
3n !he erce!ion of !his circ$ms!ance# in !he recollec!ion !ha! 7$s! re'io$sly !o !he
mischance of which !his $ncomfor!able si!$a!ion was !he res$l!# he had cocked !he "$n
and se! !he !ri""er so !ha! a !o$ch wo$ld dischar"e i!# ?ri'a!e ;earin" was affec!ed wi!h a
feelin" of $neasiness% B$! !ha! was as far as ossible from fearC he was a bra'e man#
somewha! familiar wi!h !he asec! of rifles from !ha! oin! of 'iew# and of cannon# !ooC and
now he recalled# wi!h some!hin" like am$semen!# an inciden! of his e.erience a! !he
s!ormin" of 0issionary 1id"e# where# walkin" $ !o one of !he enemy9s embras$res from
which he had seen a hea'y "$n !hrow char"e af!er char"e of "rae amon" !he assailan!s#
he !ho$"h! for a momen! !ha! !he iece had been wi!hdrawnC he co$ld see no!hin" in !he
oenin" b$! a bra:en circle% /ha! !ha! was he had $nders!ood 7$s! in !ime !o s!e aside as
i! i!ched ano!her eck of iron down !ha! swarmin" sloe% 5o face firearms is one of !he
commones! inciden!s in a soldier9s life - firearms# !oo# wi!h male'olen! eyes bla:in" behind
!hem% 5ha! is wha! a soldier is for% ;!ill# ?ri'a!e ;earin" did no! al!o"e!her relish !he
si!$a!ion# and !$rned away his eyes%
Af!er "roin"# aimless# wi!h his ri"h! hand for a !ime# he made an ineffec!$al a!!em!
!o release his lef!% 5hen he !ried !o disen"a"e his head# !he fi.i!y of which was !he more
annoyin" from his i"norance of wha! held i!% Ne.! he !ried !o free his fee!# b$! while!in" !he owerf$l m$scles of his le"s for !ha! $rose i! occ$rred !o him !ha! a
dis!$rbance of !he r$bbish which held !hem mi"h! dischar"e !he rifleC how i! co$ld ha'e
end$red wha! had already befallen i! he co$ld no! $nders!and# al!ho$"h memory assis!ed
him wi!h 'ario$s ins!ances in oin!% ,ne in ar!ic$lar he recalled# in which# in a momen! of
men!al abs!rac!ion# he had cl$bbed his rifle and bea!en o$! ano!her "en!leman9s brains#
obser'in" af!erward !ha! !he weaon which he had been dili"en!ly swin"in" by !he m$::le
was loaded# caed# and a! f$ll cock - knowled"e of which circ$ms!ance wo$ld do$b!less
ha'e cheered his an!a"onis! !o lon"er end$rance% &e had always smiled in recallin" !ha!
bl$nder of his +"reen and salad days+ as a soldier# b$! now he did no! smile% &e !$rned his
eyes a"ain !o !he m$::le of !he "$n# and for a momen! fancied !ha! i! had mo'edC i!
seemed somewha! nearer%
A"ain he looked away% 5he !os of !he dis!an! !rees beyond !he bo$nds of !he
lan!a!ion in!eres!ed himC he had no! before obser'ed how li"h! and fea!hery !hey
seemed# nor how darkly bl$e !he sky was# e'en amon" !heir branches# where !hey
somewha! aled i! wi!h !heir "reenC abo'e him i! aeared almos! black% +3! will be
$ncomfor!ably ho! here#+ he !ho$"h!# +as !he day ad'ances% 3 wonder which way 3 am
E$d"in" by s$ch shadows as he co$ld see# he decided !ha! his face was d$e nor!hC
he wo$ld a! leas! no! ha'e !he s$n in his eyes# and nor!h well# !ha! was !oward his wife and
+BahD +he e.claimed alo$d# +wha! ha'e !hey !o do wi!h i!?+
&e closed his eyes% +As 3 can9! "e! o$!# 3 may as well "o !o slee% 5he rebels are
"one# and some of o$r fellows are s$re !o s!ray o$! here fora"in"% 5hey9ll find me%+
B$! he did no! slee% >rad$ally he became sensible of a ain in his forehead - a
d$ll ache# hardly erce!ible a! firs!# b$! "rowin" more and more $ncomfor!able% &e
oened his eyes and i! was "one - closed !hem and i! re!$rned% +5he de'ilD+ he said
irrele'an!ly# and s!ared a"ain a! !he sky% &e heard !he sin"in" of birds# !he s!ran"e me!allic
no!e of !he meadow lark# s$""es!in" !he clash of 'ibran! blades% &e fell in!o leasan!
memories of his childhood# layed a"ain wi!h his bro!her and sis!er# raced across !he
fields# sho$!in" !o alarm !he seden!ary larks# en!ered !he sombre fores! beyond# and wi!h
!imid s!es followed !he fain! a!h !o >hos! 1ock# s!andin" a! las! wi!h a$dible hear!-!hrobs
before !he Bead 0an9s -a'e and seekin" !o ene!ra!e i!s awf$l mys!ery% =or !he firs! !ime
he obser'ed !ha! !he oenin" of !he ha$n!ed ca'ern was encircled by a rin" of me!al%
5hen all else 'anished# and lef! him "a:in" in!o !he barrel of his rifle as before% B$!
whereas before i! had seemed nearer# i! now seemed an inconcei'able dis!ance away# and
all !he more sinis!er for !ha!% &e cried o$!# and# s!ar!led by some!hin" in his own 'oice -
!he no!e of fear - lied !o himself in denial6 +3f 3 don9! sin" o$! 3 may s!ay here !ill 3 die%+
&e now made no f$r!her a!!em! !o e'ade !he menacin" s!are of !he "$n barrel% 3f
he !$rned away his eyes an ins!an! i! was !o look for assis!ance (al!ho$"h he co$ld no! see
!he "ro$nd on ei!her side !he r$in)# and he ermi!!ed !hem !o re!$rn# obedien! !o !he
imera!i'e fascina!ion% 3f he closed !hem# i! was from weariness# and ins!an!ly !he
oi"nan! ain in his forehead - !he rohecy and menace of !he b$lle! - forced him !o
reoen !hem%
5he !ension of ner'e and brain was !oo se'ereC na!$re came !o his relief wi!h
in!er'als of $nconscio$sness% 1e'i'in" from one of !hese# he became sensible of a shar#
smar!in" ain in his ri"h! hand# and when he worked his fin"ers !o"e!her# or r$bbed his
alm wi!h !hem# he co$ld feel !ha! !hey were we! and sliery% &e co$ld no! see !he hand#
b$! he knew !he sensa!ionC i! was r$nnin" blood% 3n his deliri$m he had bea!en i! a"ains!
!he 7a""ed fra"men!s of !he wreck# had cl$!ched i! f$ll of slin!ers% &e resol'ed !ha! he
wo$ld mee! his fa!e more manly% &e was a lain# common soldier# had no reli"ion and no!
m$ch hilosohyC he co$ld no! die like a hero# wi!h "rea! and wise las! words# e'en if
!here were someone !o hear !hem# b$! he co$ld die +"ame#+ and he wo$ld% B$! if he co$ld
only know when !o! !he sho!D
;ome ra!s which had robably inhabi!ed !he shed came sneakin" and scamerin"
abo$!% ,ne of !hem mo$n!ed !he ile of debris !ha! held !he rifleC ano!her followed# and
ano!her% ;earin" re"arded !hem a! firs! wi!h indifference# !hen wi!h friendly in!eres!C !hen#
as !he !ho$"h! flashed in!o his bewildered mind !ha! !hey mi"h! !o$ch !he !ri""er of his rifle#
he screamed a! !hem !o "o away% +3! is no b$siness of yo$rs#+ he cried%
5he crea!$res lef!C !hey wo$ld re!$rn la!er# a!!ack his face# "naw away his nose# c$!
his !hroa! - he knew !ha!# b$! he hoed by !ha! !ime !o be dead%
No!hin" co$ld now $nfi. his "a:e from !he li!!le rin" of me!al wi!h i!s black in!erior%
5he ain in his forehead was fierce and cons!an!% &e fel! i! "rad$ally ene!ra!in" !he brain
more and more deely# $n!il a! las! i!s ro"ress was arres!ed by !he wood a! !he back of
his head% 3! "rew momen!arily more ins$fferableC he be"an wan!only bea!in" his lacera!ed
hand a"ains! !he slin!ers a"ain !o co$n!erac! !ha! horrible ache% 3! seemed !o !hrob wi!h a
slow# re"$lar# rec$rrence# each $lsa!ion sharer !han !he recedin"# and some!imes he
cried o$!# !hinkin" he fel! !he fa!al b$lle!% No !ho$"h!s of home# of wife and children# of
co$n!ry# of "lory% 5he whole record of memory was effaced% 5he world had assed away -
no! a 'es!i"e remained% &ere# in !his conf$sion of !imbers and boards# is !he sole
$ni'erse% &ere is immor!ali!y in !ime - each ain an e'erlas!in" life% 5he !hrobs !ick off
Eerome ;earin"# !he man of co$ra"e# !he formidable enemy# !he s!ron"# resol$!e
warrior# was as ale as a "hos!% &is 7aw was fallenC his eyes ro!r$dedC he !rembled in
e'ery fibreC a cold swea! ba!hed his en!ire bodyC he screamed wi!h fear% &e was no!
insane - he was !errified%
3n "roin" abo$! wi!h his !orn and bleedin" hand he sei:ed a! las! a s!ri of board#
and# $llin"# fel! i! "i'e way% 3! lay arallel wi!h his body# and by bendin" his elbow as
m$ch as !he con!rac!ed sace wo$ld ermi!# he co$ld draw i! a few inches a! a !ime%
=inally i! was al!o"e!her loosened from !he wrecka"e co'erin" his le"sC he co$ld lif! i! clear
of !he "ro$nd i!s whole len"!h% A "rea! hoe came in!o his mind6 erhas he co$ld work i!
$ward# !ha! is !o say backward# far eno$"h !o lif! !he end and $sh aside !he rifleC or# if
!ha! were !oo !i"h!ly wed"ed# so hold !he s!ri of board as !o deflec! !he b$lle!% /i!h !his
ob7ec! he assed i! backward inch by inch# hardly darin" !o brea!h# les! !ha! ac! somehow
defea! his in!en!# and more !han e'er $nable !o remo'e his eyes from !he rifle# which mi"h!
erhas now has!en !o imro'e i!s wanin" oor!$ni!y% ;ome!hin" a! leas! had been
"ainedC in !he occ$a!ion of his mind in !his a!!em! a! self-defense he was less sensible
of !he ain in his head and had ceased !o scream% B$! he was s!ill dreadf$lly fri"h!ened#
and his !ee!h ra!!led like cas!ane!s%
5he s!ri of board ceased !o mo'e !o !he s$asion of his hand% &e !$""ed a! i! wi!h
all his s!ren"!h# chan"ed !he direc!ion of i!s len"!h all he co$ld# b$! i! had me! some
e.!ended obs!r$c!ion behind him# and !he end in fron! was s!ill !oo far away !o clear !he
ile of debris and reach !he m$::le of !he "$n% 3! e.!ended# indeed# nearly as far as !he
!ri""er-"$ard# which# $nco'ered by !he r$bbish# he co$ld imerfec!ly see wi!h his ri"h! eye%
&e !ried !o break !he s!ri wi!h his hand# b$! had no le'era"e% ?ercei'in" his defea!# all his
!error re!$rned# a$"men!ed !enfold% 5he black aer!$re of !he rifle aeared !o !hrea!en a
sharer and more imminen! dea!h in $nishmen! of his rebellion% 5he !rack of !he b$lle!
!hro$"h his head ached wi!h an in!enser an"$ish% &e be"an !o !remble a"ain%
;$ddenly he became comosed% &is !remor s$bsided% &e clinched his !ee!h and
drew down his eyebrows% &e had no! e.ha$s!ed his means of defenseC a new desi"n had
shaed i!self in his mind - ano!her lan of ba!!le% 1aisin" !he fron! end of !he s!ri of
board# he caref$lly $shed i! forward !hro$"h !he wrecka"e a! !he side of !he rifle $n!il i!
ressed a"ains! !he !ri""er "$ard% 5hen he mo'ed !he end slowly o$!ward $n!il he co$ld
feel !ha! i! had cleared i!# !hen# closin" his eyes# !hr$s! i! a"ains! !he !ri""er wi!h all his
s!ren"!hD 5here was no e.losionC !he rifle had been dischar"ed as i! droed from his
hand when !he b$ildin" fell% B$! Eerome ;earin" was dead%
A line of =ederal skirmishers swe! across !he lan!a!ion !oward !he mo$n!ain%
5hey assed on bo!h sides of !he wrecked b$ildin"# obser'in" no!hin"% A! a shor! dis!ance
in !heir rear came !heir commander# 8ie$!enan! Adrian ;earin"% &e cas!s his eyes
c$rio$sly $on !he r$in and sees a dead body half b$ried in boards and !imbers% 3! is so
co'ered wi!h d$s! !ha! i!s clo!hin" is -onfedera!e "rey% 3!s face is yellowish whi!eC !he
cheeks are fallen in# !he !emles s$nken# !oo# wi!h shar rid"es abo$! !hem# makin" !he
forehead forbiddin"ly narrowC !he $er li# sli"h!ly lif!ed# shows !he whi!e !ee!h# ri"idly
clinched% 5he hair is hea'y wi!h mois!$re# !he face as we! as !he dewy "rass all abo$!%
=rom his oin! of 'iew !he officer does no! obser'e !he rifleC !he man was aaren!ly killed
by !he fall of !he b$ildin"%
+Bead a week#+ said !he officer c$r!ly# mo'in" on# mechanically $llin" o$! his wa!ch
as if !o 'erify his es!ima!e of !ime% ;i. o9clock and for!y min$!es%

("n the %idst o. !i.e)
Killed at 'esaca
5he bes! soldier of o$r s!aff was 8ie$!enan! &erman Brayle# one of !he !wo aides-
de-cam% 3 don9! remember where !he "eneral icked him $C from some ,hio re"imen!# 3
!hinkC none of $s had re'io$sly known him# and i! wo$ld ha'e been s!ran"e if we had# for
no !wo of $s came from !he same ;!a!e# nor e'en from ad7oinin" ;!a!es% 5he "eneral
seemed !o !hink !ha! a osi!ion on his s!aff was a dis!inc!ion !ha! sho$ld be so 7$dicio$sly
conferred as no! !o be"e! any sec!ional 7ealo$sies and imeril !he in!e"ri!y of !ha! or!ion of
!he @nion which was s!ill an in!e"er% &e wo$ld no! e'en choose !hem from his own
command# b$! by some 7$""lery a! dear!men! head4$ar!ers ob!ained !hem from o!her
bri"ades% @nder s$ch circ$ms!ances a man9s ser'ices had !o be 'ery dis!in"$ished
indeed !o be heard of by his family and !he friends of his yo$!hC and +!he seakin" !r$m
of fame+ was a !rifle hoarse from lo4$aci!y# anyhow%
8ie$!enan! Brayle was more !han si. fee! in hei"h! and of slendid roor!ions# wi!h
!he li"h! hair and "rey-bl$e eyes which men similarly "if!ed $s$ally find associa!ed wi!h a
hi"h order of co$ra"e% As he was commonly in f$ll $niform# esecially in ac!ion# when
mos! officers are con!en! !o be less flamboyan!ly a!!ired# he was a 'ery s!rikin" and
consic$o$s fi"$re% As for !he res!# he had a "en!leman9s manners# a scholar9s head# and
a lion9s hear!% &is a"e was abo$! !hir!y%
/e all soon came !o like Brayle as m$ch as we admired him# and i! was wi!h
sincere concern !ha! in !he en"a"emen! a! ;!one9s 1i'er - o$r firs! ac!ion af!er he 7oined $s
- we obser'ed !ha! he had one mos! ob7ec!ionable and $nsoldierly 4$ali!y# he was 'ain of
his co$ra"e% B$rin" all !he 'icissi!$des and m$!a!ions of !ha! hideo$s enco$n!er# whe!her
o$r !roos were fi"h!in" in !he oen co!!on fields# in !he cedar !hicke!s# or behind !he
railway embankmen!# he did no! once !ake co'er# e.ce! when s!ernly commanded !o do
so by !he "eneral# who commonly had o!her !hin"s !o !hink of !han !he li'es of his s!aff
officers - or !hose of his men# for !ha! ma!!er%
3n e'ery s$bse4$en! en"a"emen! while Brayle was wi!h $s i! was !he same way%
&e wo$ld si! his horse like an e4$es!rian s!a!$e# in a s!orm of b$lle!s and "rae# in !he
mos! e.osed laces - where'er# in fac!# d$!y# re4$irin" him !o "o# ermi!!ed him !o remain
- when# wi!ho$! !ro$ble and wi!h dis!inc! ad'an!a"e !o his re$!a!ion for common sense# he
mi"h! ha'e been in s$ch sec$ri!y as is ossible on a ba!!le field in !he brief in!er'als of
ersonal inac!ion%
,n foo!# from necessi!y or in deference !o his dismo$n!ed commander or
associa!es# his cond$c! was !he same% &e wo$ld s!and like a rock in !he oen when
officers and men alike had !aken !o co'erC while men older in ser'ice and years# hi"her in
rank and of $n4$es!ionable in!reidi!y# were loyally reser'in" behind !he cres! of a hill
li'es infini!ely recio$s !o !heir co$n!ry# !his fellow wo$ld s!and# e4$ally idle# on !he rid"e#
facin" in !he direc!ion of !he shares! fire%
/hen ba!!les are "oin" on in oen "ro$nd i! fre4$en!ly occ$rs !ha! !he oosin"
lines# confron!in" one ano!her wi!hin a s!one9s !hrow for ho$rs# h$" !he ear!h as closely as
if !hey lo'ed i!% 5he line officers in !heir roer laces fla!!en !hemsel'es no less# and !he
field officers# !heir horses all killed or sen! !o !he rear# cro$ch benea!h !he infernal canoy
of hissin" lead and screamin" iron wi!ho$! a !ho$"h! of ersonal di"ni!y%
3n s$ch circ$ms!ances !he life of a s!aff officer of a bri"ade is dis!inc!ly +no! a hay
one#+ mainly beca$se of i!s recario$s !en$re and !he $nner'in" al!erna!ions of emo!ion !o
which he is e.osed% =rom a osi!ion of !ha! comara!i'e sec$ri!y from which a ci'ilian
wo$ld ascribe his escae !o a +miracle#+ he may be disa!ched wi!h an order !o some
commander of a rone re"imen! in !he fron! line - a erson for !he momen! inconsic$o$s
and no! always easy !o loca!e wi!ho$! a deal of search amon" men somewha!
reocc$ied# and in a din in which 4$es!ion and answer alike m$s! be imar!ed in !he si"n
lan"$a"e% 3! is c$s!omary in s$ch cases !o d$ck !he head and sc$!!le away on a keen r$n#
an ob7ec! of li'ely in!eres! !o some !ho$sands of admirin" marksmen% 3n re!$rnin" - well# i!
is no! c$s!omary !o re!$rn%
Brayle9s rac!ice was differen!% &e wo$ld consi"n his horse !o !he care of an orderly
- he lo'ed his horse - and walk 4$ie!ly away on his horrible errand wi!h ne'er a s!oo of
!he back# his slendid fi"$re# accen!$a!ed by his $niform# holdin" !he eye wi!h a s!ran"e
fascina!ion% /e wa!ched him wi!h s$sended brea!h# o$r hear!s in o$r mo$!hs% ,n one
occasion of !his kind# indeed# one of o$r n$mber# an ime!$o$s s!ammerer# was so
ossessed by his emo!ion !ha! he sho$!ed a! me6
+39ll b-b-be! yo$ !-!wo d-d-dollars !hey d-dro him b-b-fore he "-"e!s !o !ha! d-d-
3 did no! acce! !he br$!al wa"erC 3 !ho$"h! !hey wo$ld% 8e! me do 7$s!ice !o a bra'e
man9s memoryC in all !hese needless e.os$res of life !here was no 'isible bra'ado nor
s$bse4$en! narra!ion% 3n !he few ins!ances when some of $s had 'en!$red !o remons!ra!e#
Brayle had smiled leasan!ly and made some li"h! rely# which# howe'er# had no!
enco$ra"ed a f$r!her $rs$i! of !he s$b7ec!% ,nce he said6 -
+-a!ain# if e'er 3 come !o "rief by for"e!!in" yo$r ad'ice# 3 hoe my las! momen!s
will be cheered by !he so$nd of yo$r belo'ed 'oice brea!hin" in!o my ear !he blessed
words# +3 !old yo$ so%+
/e la$"hed a! !he ca!ain - 7$s! why we co$ld robably no! ha'e e.lained - and
!ha! af!ernoon when he was sho! !o ra"s from an amb$scade Brayle remained by !he body
for some !ime# ad7$s!in" !he limbs wi!h needless care - !here in !he middle of a road swe!
by "$s!s of "rae and canis!erD 3! is easy !o condemn !his kind of !hin"# and no! 'ery
diffic$l! !o refrain from imi!a!ion# b$! i! is imossible no! !o resec!# and Brayle was liked
none !he less for !he weakness which had so heroic an e.ression% /e wished he were
no! a fool# b$! he wen! on !ha! way !o !he end# some!imes hard hi!# b$! always re!$rnin" !o
d$!y as "ood as new%
,f co$rse# i! came a! las!C he who defies !he law of robabili!ies challen"es an
ad'ersary !ha! is ne'er bea!en% 3! was a! 1esaca# in >eor"ia# d$rin" !he mo'emen! !ha!
res$l!ed in !he ca!$re of A!lan!a% 3n fron! of o$r bri"ade !he enemy9s line of ear!hworks
ran !hro$"h oen fields alon" a sli"h! cres!% A! each end of !his oen "ro$nd we were
close $ !o !hem in !he woods# b$! !he clear "ro$nd we co$ld no! hoe !o occ$y $n!il
ni"h!# when !he darkness wo$ld enable $s !o b$rrow like moles and !hrow $ ear!h% A! !his
oin! o$r line was a 4$ar!er-mile away in !he ed"e of a wood% 1o$"hly# we formed a
semicircle# !he enemy9s for!ified line bein" !he chord of !he arc%
+8ie$!enan!# "o !ell -olonel /ard !o work $ as close as he can "e! co'er# and no!
!o was!e m$ch amm$ni!ion in $nnecessary firin"% Go$ may lea'e yo$r horse%+
/hen !he "eneral "a'e !his direc!ion we were in !he frin"e of !he fores!# near !he
ri"h! e.!remi!y of !he arc% -olonel /ard was a! !he lef!% 5he s$""es!ion !o lea'e !he horse
ob'io$sly eno$"h mean! !ha! Brayle was !o !ake !he lon"er line# !hro$"h !he woods and
amon" !he men% 3ndeed# !he s$""es!ion was needlessC !o "o by !he shor! ro$!e mean!
absol$!ely cer!ain fail$re !o deli'er !he messa"e% Before anybody co$ld in!erose# Brayle
had cen!ered li"h!ly in!o !he field and !he enemy9s works were in cracklin" confla"ra!ion%
+;!o !ha! d---d foolD+ sho$!ed !he "eneral%
A ri'a!e of !he escor!# wi!h more ambi!ion !han brains# s$rred forward !o obey# and
wi!hin !en yards lef! himself and horse dead on !he field of hono$r%
Brayle was beyond recall# "alloin" easily alon" arallel !o !he enemy and less !han
!wo h$ndred yards dis!an!% &e was a ic!$re !o seeD &is ha! had been blown or sho! from
his head# and his lon" blonde hair rose and fell wi!h !he mo!ion of his horse% &e sa! erec!
in !he saddle# holdin" !he reins li"h!ly in his lef! hand# his ri"h! han"in" carelessly a! his
side% An occasional "limse of his handsome rofile as he !$rned his head one way or !he
o!her ro'ed !ha! !he in!eres! which he !ook in wha! was "oin" on was na!$ral and wi!ho$!
5he ic!$re was in!ensely drama!ic# b$! in no de"ree !hea!rical% ;$ccessi'e scores
of rifles sa! a! him 'icio$sly as he came wi!hin ran"e# and o$r own line in !he ed"e of !he
!imber broke o$! in 'isible and a$dible defence% No lon"er re"ardf$l of !hemsel'es or !heir
orders# o$r fellows sran" !o !heir fee!# and# swarmin" in!o !he oen# sen! broad shee!s of
b$lle!s a"ains! !he bla:in" cres! of !he offendin" works# which o$red an answerin" fire
in!o !heir $nro!ec!ed "ro$s wi!h deadly effec!% 5he ar!illery on bo!h sides 7oined !he
ba!!le# $nc!$a!in" !he ra!!le and roar wi!h dee ear!h-shakin" e.losions# and !earin" !he
air wi!h s!orms of screamin" "rae# which# from !he enemy9s side# slin!ered !he !rees and
sa!!ered !hem wi!h blood# and from o$rs defiled !he smoke of his arms wi!h banks and
clo$ds of d$s! from his arae!%
0y a!!en!ion had been for a momen! a'er!ed !o !he "eneral comba!# b$! now#
"lancin" down !he $nobsc$red a'en$e be!ween !hese !wo !h$nderclo$ds# 3 saw Brayle#
!he ca$se of !he carna"e% 3n'isible now from ei!her side# and e4$ally doomed by friend
and foe# he s!ood in !he sho!-swe! sace# mo!ionless# his face !oward !he enemy% A!
some li!!le dis!ance lay his horse% 3 ins!an!ly di'ined !he ca$se of his inac!ion%
As !oo"rahical en"ineer 3 had# early in !he day# made a has!y e.amina!ion of !he
"ro$nd# and now remembered !ha! a! !ha! oin! was a dee and sin$o$s "$lly# crossin"
half !he field from !he enemy9s line# i!s "eneral co$rse a! ri"h! an"les !o i!% =rom where we
were i! was in'isible# and Brayle had e'iden!ly no! known of i!% -learly# i! was imassable%
3!s salien! an"les wo$ld ha'e afforded him absol$!e sec$ri!y if he had chosen !o be
sa!isfied wi!h !he miracle already wro$"h! in his fa'o$r% &e co$ld no! "o forward# he wo$ld
no! !$rn backC he s!ood awai!in" dea!h% 3! did no! kee him lon" wai!in"%
By some mys!erio$s coincidence# almos! ins!an!aneo$sly as he fell# !he firin"
ceased# a few des$l!ory sho!s a! lon" in!er'als ser'in" ra!her !o accen!$a!e !han break !he
silence% 3! was as if bo!h sides had s$ddenly reen!ed of !heir rofi!less crime% =o$r
s!re!cher-bearers# followin" a ser"ean! wi!h a whi!e fla"# soon af!erward mo'ed
$nmoles!ed in!o !he field# and made s!rai"h! for Brayle9s body% ;e'eral -onfedera!e
officers and men came o$! !o mee! !hem# and# wi!h $nco'ered heads# assis!ed !hem !o
!ake $ !heir sacred b$rden% As i! was borne away !oward $s we heard beyond !he hos!ile
works# fifes and a m$ffled dr$m - a dir"e% A "enero$s enemy hono$red !he fallen bra'e%
Amon"s! !he dead man9s effec!s was a soiled 1$ssia-lea!her ocke!book% 3n !he
dis!rib$!ion of memen!oes of o$r friend# which !he "eneral# as adminis!ra!or# decreed# !his
fell !o me%
A year af!er !he close of !he war# on my way !o -alifornia# 3 oened and idly
insec!ed i!% ,$! of an o'erlooked comar!men! fell a le!!er wi!ho$! en'eloe or address%
3! was in a woman9s handwri!in"# and be"an wi!h words of endearmen!# b$! no name%
3! had !he followin" da!e line6 +;an =rancisco# -al%# E$ly 9# 18*2%+ 5he si"na!$re
was +Barlin"#+ in marks of 4$o!a!ion% 3nciden!ally# in !he body of !he !e.!# !he wri!er9s f$ll
name was "i'en - 0arian 0endenhall%
5he le!!er showed e'idence of c$l!i'a!ion and "ood breedin"# b$! i! was an ordinary
lo'e le!!er# if a lo'e le!!er can be ordinary% 5here was no! m$ch in i!# b$! !here was
some!hin"% 3! was !his6 -
+0r% /in!ers# whom 3 shall always ha!e for i!# has been !ellin" !ha! a! some ba!!le in
Air"inia# where he "o! his h$r!# yo$ were seen cro$chin" behind a !ree% 3 !hink he wan!s !o
in7$re yo$ in my re"ard# which he knows !he s!ory wo$ld do if 3 belie'ed i!% 3 co$ld bear !o
hear of my soldier lo'er9s dea!h# b$! no! of his cowardice%+
5hese were !he words which on !ha! s$nny af!ernoon# in a dis!an! re"ion# had slain
a h$ndred men% 3s woman weak?
,ne e'enin" 3 called on 0iss 0endenhall !o re!$rn !he le!!er !o her% 3 in!ended# also#
!o !ell her wha! she had done b$! no! !ha! she did i!% 3 fo$nd her in a handsome dwellin" on
<incon &ill% ;he was bea$!if$l# well-bred in a word# charmin"%
+Go$ knew 8ie$!enan! &erman Brayle#+ 3 said# ra!her abr$!ly% +Go$ know#
do$b!less# !ha! he fell in ba!!le% Amon" his effec!s was fo$nd !his le!!er from yo$% 0y
errand here is !o lace i! in yo$r hands%+
;he mechanically !ook !he le!!er# "lanced !hro$"h i! wi!h deeenin" colo$r# and
!hen# lookin" a! me wi!h a smile# said6 -
+3! is 'ery "ood of yo$# !ho$"h 3 am s$re i! was hardly wor!hwhile%+ ;he s!ar!ed
s$ddenly# and chan"ed colo$r% +5his s!ain#+ she said# +is i! --- s$rely i! is no!%+
+0adam#+ 3 said# +ardon me# b$! !ha! is !he blood of !he !r$es! and bra'es! hear!
!ha! e'er bea!%+
;he has!ily fl$n" !he le!!er on !he bla:in" coals% +@"hD 3 canno! bear !he si"h! of
bloodD+ she said% +&ow did he die?+
3 had in'ol$n!arily risen !o resc$e !ha! scra of aer# sacred e'en !o me# and now
s!ood ar!ly behind her% As she asked !he 4$es!ion# she !$rned her face abo$! and sli"h!ly
$ward% 5he li"h! of !he b$rnin" le!!er was reflec!ed in her eyes# and !o$ched her cheek
wi!h a !in"e of crimson like !he s!ain $on i!s a"e% 3 had ne'er seen any!hin" so bea$!if$l
as !his de!es!able crea!$re%
+&e was bi!!en by a snake#+ 3 relied%
("n the %idst o. !i.e)
2ar,er Anderson3 2hiloso*her
+?risoner# wha! is yo$r name?+
+As 3 am !o lose i! a! dayli"h! !omorrow mornin"# i! is hardly wor!h concealin"%
?arker Anderson%+
+Go$r rank?+
+A somewha! h$mble oneC commissioned officers are !oo recio$s !o be risked in
!he erilo$s b$siness of a sy% 3 am a ser"ean!%+
+,f wha! re"imen!?+
+Go$ m$s! e.c$se meC if 3 answered !ha! i! mi"h!# for any!hin" 3 know# "i'e yo$ an
idea of whose forces are in yo$r fron!% ;$ch knowled"e as !ha! is wha! 3 came in!o yo$r
lines !o ob!ain# no! !o imar!%+
+Go$ are no! wi!ho$! wi!%+
+3f yo$ ha'e !he a!ience !o wai!# yo$ will find me d$ll eno$"h !omorrow%+
+&ow do yo$ know !ha! yo$ are !o die !omorrow mornin"?+
+Amon" sies ca!$red by ni"h! !ha! is !he c$s!om% 3! is one of !he nice
obser'ances of !he rofession%+
5he "eneral so far laid aside !he di"ni!y aroria!e !o a -onfedera!e officer of hi"h
rank and wide renown as !o smile% B$! no one in his ower and o$! of his fa'o$r wo$ld
ha'e drawn any hay a$"$ry from !ha! o$!ward and 'isible si"n of aro'al% 3! was
nei!her "enial nor infec!io$sC i! did no! comm$nica!e i!self !o !he o!her ersons e.osed !o
i! - !he ca$"h! sy who had ro'oked i! and !he armed "$ard who had bro$"h! him in!o !he
!en! and now s!ood a li!!le aar!# wa!chin" his risoner in !he yellow candle-li"h!% 3! was no
ar! of !ha! warrior9s d$!y !o smileC he had been de!ailed for ano!her $rose% 5he
con'ersa!ion was res$medC i! was# in fac!# a !rial for a cai!al offence%
+Go$ admi!# !hen# !ha! yo$ are a sy !ha! yo$ came in!o my cam dis"$ised as yo$
are# in !he $niform of a -onfedera!e soldier# !o ob!ain informa!ion secre!ly re"ardin" !he
n$mbers and disosi!ion of my !roos?+
+1e"ardin"# ar!ic$larly# !heir n$mbers% 5heir disosi!ion 3 already knew% 3! is
5he "eneral bri"h!ened a"ainC !he "$ard# wi!h a se'erer sense of his resonsibili!y#
accen!$a!ed !he a$s!eri!y of his e.ression and s!ood a !rifle more erec! !han before%
5wirlin" his "rey slo$ch ha! ro$nd and ro$nd $on his forefin"er# !he sy !ook a leis$rely
s$r'ey of his s$rro$ndin"s% 5hey were simle eno$"h% 5he !en! was a common +wall
!en!#+ abo$! ei"h! fee! by !en in dimensions# li"h!ed by a sin"le !allow-candle s!$ck in!o !he
haf! of a bayone!# which was i!self s!$ck in!o a ine-!able# a! which !he "eneral sa!# now
b$sily wri!in" and aaren!ly for"e!f$l of his $nwillin" "$es!% An old ra"-care! co'ered !he
ear!hen floorC an older hair-!r$nk# a second chair# and a roll of blanke!s were abo$! all else
!ha! !he !en! con!ainedC in >eneral -la'erin"9s command# -onfedera!e simlici!y and
en$ry of +om and circ$ms!ance+ had a!!ained !heir hi"hes! de'elomen!% ,n a lar"e
nail dri'en in!o !he !en!-ole a! !he en!rance was s$sended a sword-bel! s$or!in" a lon"
sabre# a is!ol in i!s hols!er# and# abs$rdly eno$"h# a bowie knife% ,f !ha! mos! $nmili!ary
weaon i! was !he "eneral9s habi! !o e.lain !ha! i! was a cherished so$'enir of !he
eacef$l days when he was a ci'ilian%
3! was a s!ormy ni"h!% 5he rain cascaded $on !he can'as in !orren!s# wi!h !he d$ll#
dr$m-like so$nd familiar !o dwellers in !en!s% As !he whooin" blas!s char"ed $on i! !he
frail s!r$c!$re shook and swayed and s!rained a! i!s confinin" s!akes and roes%
5he "eneral finished wri!in"# folded !he half shee! of aer# and soke !o !he soldier
"$ardin" Anderson6 +&ere# 5assman# !ake !ha! !o !he ad7$!an!-"eneralC !hen re!$rn%+
+And !he risoner# "eneral?+ said !he soldier# sal$!in"# wi!h an in4$irin" "lance in !he
direc!ion of !ha! $nfor!$na!e%
+Bo as 3 said#+ relied !he officer# c$r!ly%
5he soldier !ook !he no!e and d$cked himself o$! of !he !en!% >eneral -la'erin"
!$rned his handsome# clean-c$! face !oward !he =ederal sy# looked him in !he eye# no!
$nkindly# and said6 +3! is a bad ni"h!# my man%+
+=or me# yes%+
+Bo yo$ "$ess wha! 3 ha'e wri!!en?+
+;ome!hin" wor!h readin"# 3 dare say% And erhas i! is my 'ani!y 3 'en!$re !o
s$ose !ha! 3 am men!ioned in i!%+
+GesC i! is a memorand$m for an order !o be read !o !he !roos a! re'eille
concernin" yo$r$!ion% Also some no!es for !he "$idance of !he ro'os!-marshal in
arran"in" !he de!ails of !ha! e'en!%+
+3 hoe# "eneral# !he sec!acle will be in!elli"en!ly arran"ed# for 3 shall a!!end i!
+&a'e yo$ any arran"emen!s of yo$r own !ha! yo$ wish !o make? Bo yo$ wish !o
see a chalain# for e.amle?+
+3 co$ld hardly sec$re a lon"er res! for myself by deri'in" him of some of his%+
+>ood >od# manD do yo$ mean !o "o !o yo$r dea!h wi!h no!hin" b$! 7okes $on yo$r
lis? Bo yo$ no! know !ha! !his is a serio$s ma!!er?+
+&ow can 3 know !ha!? 3 ha'e ne'er been dead in all my life% 3 ha'e heard !ha!
dea!h is a serio$s ma!!er# b$! ne'er from any of !hose who ha'e e.erienced i!%+
5he "eneral was silen! for a momen!C !he man in!eres!ed# erhas am$sed# him - a
!ye no! re'io$sly enco$n!ered%
+Bea!h#+ he said# +is a! leas! a loss a loss of s$ch hainess as we ha'e# and of
oor!$ni!ies for more%+
+A loss of which we will ne'er be conscio$s can be borne wi!h comos$re and
!herefore!ed wi!ho$! arehension% Go$ m$s! ha'e obser'ed# "eneral# !ha! of all !he
dead men wi!h whom i! is yo$r soldierly leas$re !o s!rew yo$r a!h# none show si"ns of
+3f !he bein" dead is no! a re"re!!able condi!ion# ye! !he becomin" so - !he ac! of
dyin" - aears !o be dis!inc!ly disa"reeable in one who has no! los! !he ower !o feel%+
+?ain is disa"reeable# no do$b!% 3 ne'er s$ffer i! wi!ho$! more or less discomfor!%
B$! he who li'es lon"es! is mos! e.osed !o i!% /ha! yo$ call dyin" is simly !he las! ain -
!here is really no s$ch !hin" as dyin"% ;$ose# for ill$s!ra!ion# !ha! 3 a!!em! !o escae%
Go$ lif! !he re'ol'er !ha! yo$ are co$r!eo$sly concealin" in yo$r la# and --- +
5he "eneral bl$shed like a "irl# !hen la$"hed sof!ly# disclosin" his brillian! !ee!h#
made a sli"h! inclina!ion of his handsome head# and said no!hin"% 5he sy con!in$ed6
+Go$ fire# and 3 ha'e in my s!omach wha! 3 did no! swallow% 3 fall# b$! am no! dead% Af!er a
half ho$r of a"ony 3 am dead% B$! a! any "i'en ins!an! of !ha! half ho$r 3 was ei!her ali'e or
dead% 5here is no !ransi!ion eriod%+
+/hen 3 am han"ed !omorrow mornin" i! will be 4$i!e !he sameC while conscio$s 3
shall be li'in"C when dead# $nconscio$s% Na!$re aears !o ha'e ordered !he ma!!er 4$i!e
in my in!eres! - !he way !ha! 3 sho$ld ha'e ordered i! myself% 3! is so simle#+ he added
wi!h a smile# +!ha! i! seems hardly wor!h while !o be han"ed a! all%+
A! !he finish of his remarks !here was a lon" silence% 5he "eneral sa! imassi'e#
lookin" in!o !he man9s face# b$! aaren!ly no! a!!en!i'e !o wha! had been said% 3! was as if
his eyes had mo$n!ed "$ard o'er !he risoner# while his mind concerned i!self wi!h o!her
ma!!ers% ?resen!ly he drew a lon"# dee brea!h# sh$ddered# as one awakened from a
dreadf$l dream# and e.claimed almos! ina$dibly6 +Bea!h is horribleD+ - !his man of dea!h%
+3! was horrible !o o$r sa'a"e ances!ors#+ said !he sy# "ra'ely# +beca$se !hey had
no! eno$"h in!elli"ence !o dissocia!e !he idea of conscio$sness from !he idea of !he
hysical forms in which i! is manifes!ed - as an e'en lower order of in!elli"ence# !ha! of !he
monkey# for e.amle# may be $nable !o ima"ine a ho$se wi!ho$! inhabi!an!s# and seein" a
r$ined h$! fancies a s$fferin" occ$an!% 5o $s i! is horrible beca$se we ha'e inheri!ed !he
!endency !o !hink i! so# acco$n!in" for !he no!ion by wild and fancif$l !heories of ano!her
world - as names of laces "i'e rise !o le"ends e.lainin" !hem# and reasonless cond$c!
!o hilosohies in 7$s!ifica!ion% Go$ can han" me# "eneral# b$! !here yo$r ower of e'il
endsC yo$ canno! condemn me !o hea'en%+
5he "eneral aeared no! !o ha'e heardC !he sy9s !alk had merely !$rned his
!ho$"h!s in!o an $nfamiliar channel# b$! !here !hey $rs$ed !heir will indeenden!ly !o
concl$sions of !heir own% 5he s!orm had ceased# and some!hin" of !he solemn siri! of !he
ni"h! had imar!ed i!self !o his reflec!ions# "i'in" !hem !he sombre !in"e of a s$erna!$ral
dread% ?erhas !here was an elemen! of rescience in i!% +3 sho$ld no! like !o die#+ he
said# +no! !oni"h!%+
&e was in!err$!ed if# indeed# he had in!ended !o seak f$r!her by !he en!rance of
an officer of his s!aff# -a!ain &as!erlick# !he ro'os!-marshal% 5his recalled him !o
himselfC !he absen! look assed away from his face%
+-a!ain#+ he said# acknowled"in" !he officer9s sal$!e# +!his man is a Gankee sy
ca!$red inside o$r lines wi!h incrimina!in" aers on him% &e has confessed% &ow is !he
+5he s!orm is o'er# sir# and !he moon shinin"%+
+>oodC !ake a file of men# cond$c! him a! once !o !he arade-"ro$nd# and shoo!
A shar cry broke from !he sy9s lis% &e !hrew himself forward# !hr$s! o$! his neck#
e.anded his eyes# clenched his hands%
+>ood >odD+ he cried hoarsely# almos! inar!ic$la!elyC +yo$ do no! mean !ha!D Go$
for"e! - 3 am no! !o die $n!il mornin"%+
+3 ha'e said no!hin" of mornin"#+ relied !he "eneral# coldlyC +!ha! was an
ass$m!ion of yo$r own% Go$ die now%+
9B$!# "eneral# 3 be" --- 3 imlore yo$ !o rememberC 3 am !o han"D 3! will !ake some
!ime !o erec! !he "allows M !wo ho$rs - an ho$r% ;ies are han"edC 3 ha'e ri"h!s $nder
mili!ary law% =or &ea'en9s sake# "eneral# consider how shor! --- +
+-a!ain# obser'e my direc!ions%+
5he officer drew his sword# and#" his eyes $on !he risoner# oin!ed silen!ly !o
!he oenin" of !he !en!% 5he risoner# dea!hly ale# hesi!a!edC !he officer "rased him by
!he collar and $shed him "en!ly forward% As he aroached !he !en!-ole !he fran!ic man
sran" !o i!# and# wi!h ca!-like a"ili!y# sei:ed !he handle of !he bowie knife# l$cked !he
weaon from !he scabbard# and# !hr$s!in" !he ca!ain aside# leaed $on !he "eneral wi!h
!he f$ry of a madman# h$rlin" him !o !he "ro$nd and fallin" headlon" $on him as he lay%
5he !able was o'er-!$rned# !he candle e.!in"$ished# and !hey fo$"h! blindly in !he
darkness% 5he ro'os!-marshal sran" !o !he assis!ance of his s$erior officer# and was
himself ros!ra!ed $on !he s!r$""lin" forms% -$rses and inar!ic$la!e cries of ra"e and
ain came from !he wel!er of limbs and bodiesC !he !en! came down $on !hem# and
benea!h i!s hamerin" and en'eloin" folds !he s!r$""le wen! on% ?ri'a!e 5assman#
re!$rnin" from his errand and dimly con7ec!$rin" !he si!$a!ion# !hrew down his rifle# and#
layin" hold of !he flo$ncin" can'as a! random# 'ainly !ried !o dra" i! off !he men $nder i!C
and !he sen!inel who aced $ and down in fron!# no! darin" !o lea'e his bea! !ho$"h !he
skies sho$ld fall# dischar"ed his iece%
5he reor! alarmed !he camC dr$ms bea! !he lon" roll and b$"les so$nded !he
assembly# brin"in" swarms of half-clad men in!o !he moonli"h!# dressin" as !hey ran# and
fallin" in!o line a! !he shar commands of !heir officers% 5his was wellC bein" in line !he
men were $nder con!rolC !hey s!ood a! arms while !he "eneral9s s!aff and !he men of his
escor! bro$"h! order o$! of conf$sion by lif!in" off !he fallen !en! and $llin" aar! !he
brea!hless and bleedin" ac!ors in !ha! s!ran"e con!en!ion%
Brea!hless# indeed# was oneC !he ca!ain was dead# !he handle of !he bowie knife
ro!r$din" from his !hroa! and ressed back benea!h his chin $n!il !he end had ca$"h! in
!he an"le of !he 7aw# and !he hand !ha! deli'ered !he blow had been $nable !o remo'e !he
weaon% 3n !he dead man9s hand was his sword# clenched wi!h a "ri !ha! defied !he
s!ren"!h of !he li'in"% 3!s blade was s!reaked wi!h red !o !he hil!%
8if!ed !o his fee!# !he "eneral sank back !o !he ear!h wi!h a moan and fain!ed%
Besides his br$ises he had !wo sword-!hr$s!s - one !hro$"h !he !hi"h# !he o!her !hro$"h
!he sho$lder%
5he sy had s$ffered !he leas! dama"e% Aar! from a broken ri"h! arm# his wo$nds
were s$ch only as mi"h! ha'e been inc$rred in an ordinary comba! wi!h na!$re9s weaons%
B$! he was da:ed# and seemed hardly !o know wha! had occ$rred% &e shrank away from
!hose a!!endin" him# cowered $on !he "ro$nd# and $!!ered $nin!elli"ible remons!rances%
&is face# swollen by blows and s!ained wi!h "o$!s of blood# ne'er!heless showed whi!e
benea!h his dishe'eled hair - as whi!e as !ha! of a corse%
+5he man is no! insane#+ said !he s$r"eon in rely !o a 4$es!ionC +he is s$fferin"
from fri"h!% /ho and wha! is he?+
?ri'a!e 5assman be"an !o e.lain% 3! was !he oor!$ni!y of his lifeC he omi!!ed
no!hin" !ha! co$ld in any way accen!$a!e !he imor!ance of his own rela!ion !o !he ni"h!9s
e'en!s% /hen he had finished his s!ory and was ready !o be"in i! a"ain# nobody "a'e him
any a!!en!ion%
5he "eneral had now reco'ered conscio$sness% &e raised himself $on his elbow#
looked abo$! him# and# seein" !he sy cro$chin" by a camfire# "$arded# said simly6
+5ake !ha! man !o !he arade-"ro$nd and shoo! him%+
+5he "eneral9s mind wanders#+ said an officer s!andin" near%
+&is mind does no! wander#+ !he ad7$!an!-"eneral said% +3 ha'e a memorand$m
from him abo$! !his b$sinessC he had "i'en !ha! same order !o &as!erlick+ - wi!h a mo!ion
of !he hand !oward !he dead ro'os!-marshal - +and# by >odD i! shall be$!ed%+
5en min$!es la!er ;er"ean! ?arker Anderson# of !he =ederal army# hilosoher and
wi!# kneelin" in !he moonli"h! and be""in" incoheren!ly for his life# was sho! !o dea!h by
!wen!y men% As !he 'olley ran" o$! $on !he keen air of !he win!er midni"h!# >eneral
-la'erin"# lyin" whi!e and s!ill in !he red "low of !he camfire# oened his bi" bl$e eyes#
looked leasan!ly $on !hose abo$! him# and said# +&ow silen! i! all isD+
5he s$r"eon looked a! !he ad7$!an!-"eneral# "ra'ely and si"nifican!ly% 5he a!ien!9s
eyes slowly closed# and !h$s he lay for a few momen!sC !hen# his face s$ff$sed wi!h a
smile of ineffable swee!ness# he said fain!ly# +3 s$ose !his m$s! be dea!h#+ and so
assed away%
("n the %idst o. !i.e)
An "nha1itant o. (arcosa
+=or !here be di'ers sor!s of dea!h - some wherein !he body remaine!hC and in
some i! 'anishe!h 4$i!e away wi!h !he siri!% 5his commonly occ$rre!h only in soli!$de
(s$ch is >od9s will) and# none seein" !he end# we say !he man is los!# or "one on a lon"
7o$rney - which indeed he ha!hC b$! some!imes i! ha!h haened in si"h! of many# as
ab$ndan! !es!imony showe!h% 3n one kind of dea!h !he siri! also die!h# and !his i! ha!h
been known !o do while ye! !he body was in 'i"o$r for many years% ;ome!imes# as is
'eri!ably a!!es!ed# i! die!h wi!h !he body# b$! af!er a season i! is raised $ a"ain in !ha!
lace !ha! !he body did decay%+

?onderin" !hese words of &ali (whom >od res!) and 4$es!ionin" !heir f$ll meanin"#
as one who# ha'in" an in!ima!ion ye! do$b!s if !here be no! some!hin" behind o!her !han
!ha! which he has discerned# 3 no!ed no! whi!her 3 had s!rayed $n!il a s$dden chill wind
s!rikin" my face re'i'ed in me a sense of my s$rro$ndin"s% 3 obser'ed wi!h as!onishmen!
!ha! e'ery!hin" seemed $nfamiliar% ,n e'ery side of me s!re!ched a bleak and desola!e
e.anse of lain# co'ered wi!h a !all o'er"row!h of sere "rass# which r$s!led and whis!led
in !he a$!$mn wind wi!h hea'en knows wha! mys!erio$s and dis4$ie!in" s$""es!ion%
?ro!r$ded a! lon" in!er'als abo'e i!# s!ood s!ran"ely-shaed and sombre-colo$red rocks#
which seemed !o ha'e an $nders!andin" wi!h one ano!her and !o e.chan"e looks of
$ncomfor!able si"nificance# as if !hey had reared !heir heads !o wa!ch !he iss$e of some
foreseen e'en!% A few blas!ed !rees here and !here aeared as leaders in !his male'olen!
consiracy of silen!!a!ion% 5he day# 3 !ho$"h!# m$s! be far ad'anced# !ho$"h !he s$n
was in'isibleC and al!ho$"h sensible !ha! !he air was raw and chill# my conscio$sness of
!ha! fac! was ra!her men!al !han hysical - 3 had no feelin" of discomfor!% ,'er all !he
dismal landscae a canoy of low# lead-colo$red clo$ds h$n" like a 'isible c$rse% 3n
e'ery!hin" !here was a menace and a or!en! - a hin! of crime# an in!ima!ion of doom%
Bird# beas!# or insec! !here was none% 5he wind si"hed in !he bare branches of !he dead
!rees and !he "rey "rass ben! !o whiser i!s dread secre! !o !he ear!hC b$! no o!her so$nd
or mo!ion broke !he awf$l reose of !ha! dismal lace%
3 obser'ed in !he herba"e a n$mber of wea!her-worn s!ones# e'iden!ly shaed wi!h
!ools% 5hey were broken# co'ered wi!h moss# and half s$nken in !he ear!h% ;ome lay
ros!ra!e# some leaned a! 'ario$s an"les# none were 'er!ical% 5hey were ob'io$sly
heads!ones of "ra'es# !ho$"h !he "ra'es !hemsel'es no lon"er!ed as ei!her mo$nds
or deressionsC !he years had le'elled all% ;ca!!ered here and !here# more massi'e
blocks showed where some omo$s !omb or ambi!io$s mon$men! had once fl$n" i!s
feeble defiance a! obli'ion% ;o old seemed !hese relics# !hese 'es!i"es of 'ani!y and
memorials of affec!ion and ie!y - so ba!!ered and worn and s!ained# so ne"lec!ed#
deser!ed# for"o!!en !he lace# !ha! 3 co$ld no! hel !hinkin" myself !he disco'erer of !he
b$rial-"ro$nd of a rehis!oric race of men - a na!ion whose 'ery name was lon" e.!inc!%
=illed wi!h !hese reflec!ions# 3 was for some !ime heedless of !he se4$ence of my
own e.eriences# b$! soon 3 !ho$"h!# +&ow came 3 hi!her?+ A momen!9s reflec!ion seemed
!o make !his all clear# and e.lain a! !he same !ime# !ho$"h in a dis4$ie!in" way# !he
sin"$larly weird charac!er wi!h which my fancy had in'es!ed all !ha! 3 saw and heard% 3
was ill% 3 remembered now how 3 had been ros!ra!ed by a s$dden fe'er# and how my
family had !old me !ha! in my eriods of deliri$m 3 had cons!an!ly cried o$! for liber!y and
air# and had been held in bed !o re'en! my escae o$!-of-doors% Now 3 had el$ded !he
'i"ilance of my a!!endan!s# and had wandered hi!her !o --- !o where? 3 co$ld no!
-learly 3 was a! a considerable dis!ance from !he ci!y where 3 dwel! - !he ancien!
and famo$s ci!y of -arcosa% No si"ns of h$man life were anywhere 'isible or a$dibleC no
risin" smoke# no wa!chdo"9s bark# no lowin" of ca!!le# no sho$!s of children a! lay -
no!hin" b$! !his dismal b$rial-lace# wi!h i!s air of mys!ery and dread# d$e !o my own
disordered brain% /as 3 no! becomin" a"ain delirio$s# !here# beyond h$man aid? /as i!
no! indeed all an ill$sion of my madness? 3 called alo$d !he names of my wife and sons#
reached o$! my hands in search of !heirs# e'en as 3 walked amon" !he cr$mblin" s!ones
and in !he wi!hered "rass%
A noise behind me ca$sed me !o !$rn abo$!% A wild animal - a lyn. - was
aroachin"% 5he !ho$"h! came !o me6 3f 3 break down here in !he deser!- if !he fe'er
re!$rns and 3 fail# !his beas! will be a! my !hroa!% 3 sran" !oward i!# sho$!in"% 3! !ro!!ed
!ran4$illy by# wi!hin a hand9s bread!h of me# and disaeared behind a rock% A momen!
la!er a man9s head aeared !o rise o$! of !he "ro$nd a shor! dis!ance away% &e was
ascendin" !he far sloe of a low hill whose cres! was hardly !o be dis!in"$ished from !he
"eneral le'el% &is whole fi"$re soon came in!o 'iew a"ains! !he back"ro$nd of "rey clo$d%
&e was half naked# half clad in skins% &is hair was $nkem!# his beard lon" and ra""ed%
3n one hand he carried a bow and arrowC !he o!her held a bla:in" !orch wi!h a lon" !rail of
black smoke% &e walked slowly and wi!h ca$!ion# as if he feared fallin" in!o some oen
"ra'e concealed by !he !all "rass% 5his s!ran"e aari!ion s$rrised b$! did no! alarm#
and# !akin" s$ch a co$rse as !o in!erce! him# 3 me! him almos! face !o face# accos!in" him
wi!h !he sal$!a!ion# +>od kee yo$D+
&e "a'e no heed# nor did he arres! his ace%
+>ood s!ran"er#+ 3 con!in$ed# +3 am ill and los!% Birec! me# 3 beseech yo$# !o
5he man broke in!o a barbaro$s chan! in an $nknown !on"$e# assin" on and away%
An owl on !he branch of a decayed !ree hoo!ed dismally# and was answered by ano!her in
!he dis!ance% 8ookin" $ward 3 saw# !hro$"h a s$dden rif! in !he clo$ds# Aldebaran and !he
&yadesD 3n all !his !here was a hin! of ni"h! - !he lyn.# !he man wi!h a !orch# !he owl% Ge! 3
saw 3 saw e'en !he s!ars in absence of !he darkness% 3 saw# b$! was aaren!ly no! seen
nor heard% @nder wha! awf$l sell did 3!?
3 sea!ed myself a! !he roo! of a "rea! !ree# serio$sly !o consider wha! i! was bes! !o
do% 5ha! 3 was mad 3 co$ld no lon"er do$b!# ye! reco"nised a "ro$nd of do$b! in !he
con'ic!ion% ,f fe'er 3 had no !race% 3 had# wi!hal# a sense of e.hilara!ion and 'i"o$r
al!o"e!her $nknown !o me - a feelin" of men!al and hysical!a!ion% 0y senses
seemed all aler!C 3 co$ld feel !he air as a ondero$s s$bs!ance# 3 co$ld hear !he silence%
A "rea! roo! of !he "ian! !ree a"ains! whose !r$nk 3 leaned as 3 sa! held inclosed in
i!s "ras a slab of "rani!e# a or!ion of which ro!r$ded in!o a recess formed by ano!her
roo!% 5he s!one was !h$s ar!ly ro!ec!ed from !he wea!her# !ho$"h "rea!ly decomosed%
3!s ed"es were worn ro$nd# i!s corners ea!en away# i!s face deely f$rrowed and scaled%
>li!!erin" ar!icles of mica were 'isible in !he ear!h benea!h i! - 'es!i"es of i!s
decomosi!ion% 5his s!one had aaren!ly marked !he "ra'e o$! of which !he !ree had
sr$n" a"es a"o% 5he !ree9s!in" roo!s had robbed !he "ra'e and made !he s!one a
A s$dden wind $shed some dry lea'es and !wi"s from !he $ermos! face of !he
s!oneC 3 saw !he low-relie'ed le!!ers of an inscri!ion and ben! !o read i!% >od in hea'enD
my name in f$llD !he da!e of my bir!hD !he da!e of my dea!hD
A le'el shaf! of rosy li"h! ill$mina!ed !he whole side of !he !ree as 3 sran" !o my fee!
in !error% 5he s$n was risin" in !he eas!% 3 s!ood be!ween !he !ree and his broad red disk -
no shadow darkened !he !r$nkD A chor$s of howlin" wol'es sal$!ed !he dawn% 3 saw !hem
si!!in" on !heir ha$nches# sin"ly and in "ro$s# on !he s$mmi!s of irre"$lar mo$nds and
!$m$li# fillin" a half of my deser! rosec! and e.!endin" !o !he hori:onC and !hen 3 knew
!ha! !hese were !he r$ins of !he ancien! and famo$s ci!y of -arcosa%
;$ch are !he fac!s imar!ed !o !he medi$m Bayrolles by !he siri! &oselb Alar
("n the %idst o. !i.e)
-aita the he*herd
3n !he hear! of &ai!a !he ill$sions of yo$!h had no! been s$lan!ed by !hose of a"e
and e.erience% &is !ho$"h!s were $re and leasan!# for his life was simle and his so$l
de'oid of ambi!ion% &e rose wi!h !he s$n# and wen! for!h !o ray a! !he shrine of &as!$r#
!he "od of sheherds# who heard and was leased% Af!er erformance of !his io$s ri!e
&ai!a $nbarred !he "a!e of !he fold# and wi!h a cheerf$l mind dro'e his flock afield# ea!in"
his mornin" meal of c$rds and oa!cake as he wen!# occasionally a$sin" !o add a few
berries# cold wi!h dew# or !o drink of !he wa!ers !ha! came away from !he hills !o 7oin !he
s!ream in !he middle of !he 'alley and be borne alon" wi!h i!# he knew no! whi!her%
B$rin" !he lon" s$mmer day# as his shee croed !he "ood "rass which !he "ods
had made !o "row for !hem# or lay wi!h !heir forele"s do$bled $nder !heir breas!s and
indolen!ly chewed !he c$d# &ai!a# reclinin" in !he shadow of a !ree# or si!!in" $on a rock#
layed so swee! m$sic $on his reed ie !ha! some!imes from !he corner of his eye he
"o! acciden!al "limses of !he minor syl'an dei!ies# leanin" forward o$! of !he cose !o
hearC b$! if he looked a! !hem direc!ly# !hey 'anished% =rom !his - for he m$s! be !hinkin" if
he wo$ld no! !$rn in!o one of his own shee - he drew !he solemn inference !ha! hainess
may come if no! so$"h!# b$! if looked for will ne'er be seenC for# ne.! !o !he fa'o$r of
&as!$r# who ne'er disclosed himself# &ai!a mos! 'al$ed !he friendly in!eres! of his
nei"hbo$rs# !he sky immor!als of !he wood and s!ream% A! ni"h!fall he dro'e his flock back
!o !he fold# saw !ha! !he "a!e was sec$re# and re!ired !o his ca'e for refreshmen! and for
;o assed his life# one day like ano!her# sa'e when !he s!orms $!!ered !he wra!h of
an offended "od% 5hen &ai!a cowered in his ca'e# his face hidden in his hands# and
rayed !ha! he alone mi"h! be $nished for his sins and !he world sa'ed from des!r$c!ion%
;ome!imes when !here was a "rea! rain# and !he s!ream came o$! of i!s banks# comellin"
him !o $r"e his !errified flock !o !he $lands# he in!erceded for !he eole in !he "rea!
ci!ies# which he had been !old lay in !he lain beyond !he !wo bl$e hills which formed !he
"a!eway of his 'alley%
+3! is kind of !hee# , &as!$r#+ so he rayed# +!o "i'e me mo$n!ains so near !o my
dwellin" and my fold !ha! 3 and my shee can escae !he an"ry !orren!sC b$! !he res! of
!he world !ho$ m$s! !hyself deli'er in some way !ha! 3 know no! of# or 3 will no lon"er
worshi !hee%+
And &as!$r# knowin" !ha! &al!a was a yo$!h who ke! his word# sared !he ci!ies
and !$rned !he wa!ers in!o !he sea%
;o he had li'ed since he co$ld remember% &e co$ld no! ri"h!ly concei'e any o!her
mode of!ence% 5he holy hermi! who li'ed a! !he head of !he 'alley# a f$ll ho$r9s
7o$rney away# from whom he had heard !he !ale of !he "rea! ci!ies where dwel! eole -
oor so$lsD - who had no shee# "a'e him no knowled"e of !ha! early !ime# when# so he
reasoned# he m$s! ha'e been small and helless like a lamb%
3! was !hro$"h !hinkin" on !hese mys!eries and mar'els# and on !ha! horrible chan"e
!o silence and decay which he fel! s$re m$s! some!ime come !o him# as he had seen i!
come !o so many of his flock - as i! came !o all li'in" !hin"s e.ce! !he birds - !ha! &ai!a
firs! became conscio$s how miserable was his lo!%
+3! is necessary#+ he said# +!ha! 3 know whence and how 3 cameC for how can one
erform his d$!ies $nless able !o 7$d"e wha! !hey are by !he way in which he was in!r$s!ed
wi!h !hem? And wha! con!en!men! can 3 ha'e when 3 know no! how lon" i! is "oin" !o las!?
?erhas before ano!her s$n 3 may be chan"ed# and !hen wha! will become of !he shee?
/ha!# indeed# will ha'e become of me?+
?onderin" !hese !hin"s# &ai!a became melancholy and morose% &e no lon"er
soke cheerf$lly !o his flock# nor ran wi!h alacri!y !o !he shrine of &as!$r% 3n e'ery bree:e
he heard whisers of mali"n dei!ies whose!ence he now firs! obser'ed% <'ery clo$d
was a or!en! si"nifyin" disas!er# and !he darkness was f$ll of new !errors% &is reed ie
when alied !o his lis "a'e o$! no melody b$! a dismal wailC !he syl'an and riarian
in!elli"ences no lon"er !hron"ed !he !hicke!-side !o lis!en# b$! fled from !he so$nd# as he
knew by !he s!irred lea'es and ben! flowers% &e rela.ed his 'i"ilance# and many of his
shee s!rayed away in!o !he hills and were los!% 5hose !ha! remained became lean and ill
for lack of "ood as!$ra"e# for he wo$ld no! seek i! for !hem# b$! cond$c!ed !hem day af!er
day !o !he same so!# !hro$"h mere abs!rac!ion# while $::lin" abo$! life and dea!h - of
immor!ali!y he knew no!hin"%
,ne day# while ind$l"in" in !he "loomies! reflec!ions# he s$ddenly sran" from !he
rock $on which he sa!# and# wi!h a de!ermined "es!$re of !he ri"h! hand# e.claimed6 +3
will no lon"er be a s$lian! for knowled"e which !he "ods wi!hhold% 8e! !hem look !o i!
!ha! !hey do me no wron"% 3 will do my d$!y as bes! 3 can# and if 3 err# $on !heir own
heads be i!%+
;$ddenly# as he soke# a "rea! bri"h!ness fell abo$! him# ca$sin" him !o look
$ward# !hinkin" !he s$n had b$rs! !hro$"h a rif! in !he clo$dsC b$! !here were no clo$ds%
&ardly more !han an arm9s len"!h away s!ood a bea$!if$l maiden% ;o bea$!if$l she was
!ha! !he flowers abo$! her fee! folded !heir e!als in desair and ben! !heir heads in !oken
of s$bmissionC so swee! her look !ha! !he h$mmin" birds !hron"ed her eyes# !hr$s!in" !heir
!hirs!y bills almos! in!o !hem# and !he wild bees were abo$! her lis% And s$ch was her
bri"h!ness !ha! !he shadows of all ob7ec!s lay di'er"en! from her fee!# !$rnin" as she
&ai!a was en!ranced% 1isin"# he knel! before her in adora!ion# and she laid her
hand $on his head%
+-ome#+ she said in a 'oice which had !he m$sic of all !he bells of his flock +come#
!ho$ ar! no! !o worshi me# who am no "oddess# b$! if !ho$ ar! !r$!hf$l and d$!if$l# 3 will
abide wi!h !hee%+
&ai!a sei:ed her hand# and s!ammerin" his 7oy and "ra!i!$de# arose# and hand in
hand !hey s!ood and smiled in one ano!her9s eyes% &e "a:ed $on her wi!h re'erence and
ra!$re% &e said6 +3 ray !hee# lo'ely maid# !ell me !hy name and whence and why !ho$
A! !his she laid a warnin" fin"er on her li and be"an !o wi!hdraw% &er bea$!y
$nderwen! a 'isible al!era!ion !ha! made him sh$dder# he knew no! why# for s!ill she was
bea$!if$l% 5he landscae was darkened by a "ian! shadow sweein" across !he 'alley
wi!h !he seed of a '$l!$re% 3n !he obsc$ri!y !he maiden9s fi"$re "rew dim and indis!inc!
and her 'oice seemed !o come from a dis!ance# as she said# in a !one of sorrowf$l
reroach6 +?res$m!$o$s and $n"ra!ef$l manD m$s! 3 !hen so soon lea'e !hee? /o$ld
no!hin" do b$! !ho$ m$s! a! once break !he e!ernal comac!?+ 3ne.ressibly "rie'ed#
&ai!a fell $on his knees and imlored her !o remain - rose and so$"h! her in !he
deeenin" darkness - ran in circles# callin" !o her alo$d# b$! all in 'ain% ;he was no lon"er
'isible# b$! o$! of !he "loom he heard her 'oice sayin"6 +Nay# !ho$ shal! no! ha'e me by
seekin"% >o !o !hy d$!y# fai!hless sheherd# or we ne'er mee! a"ain%+
Ni"h! had fallen# !he wol'es were howlin" in !he hills# and !he !errified shee
crowdin" abo$! his fee!% 3n !he demands of !he ho$r he for"o! his disaoin!men!# dro'e
his flock !o !he fold# and reairin" !o !he lace of worshi o$red o$! his hear! in "ra!i!$de
!o &as!$r for ermi!!in" him !o sa'e his flock# !hen re!ired !o his ca'e and sle!%
/hen &ai!a awoke# !he s$n was hi"h and shone in a! his ca'e# ill$mina!in" i! wi!h a
"rea! "lory% And !here# beside him# sa! !he maiden% ;he smiled $on him wi!h a smile !ha!
seemed !he 'isible m$sic of his ie of reeds% &e dared no! seak# fearin" !o offend her
as before# for he knew no! wha! he co$ld 'en!$re !o say%
+Beca$se#+ she said# +!ho$ dids! !hy d$!y by !he flock# and dids! no! for"e! !o !hank
&as!$r for s!ayin" !he wol'es of !he ni"h!# 3 am come !o !hee a"ain% /il! !ho$ ha'e me for
a comanion?+
9/ho wo$ld no! ha'e !hee fore'er?+ relied &ai!a% +,hD ne'er a"ain lea'e me $n!il 3
chan"e and become silen! and mo!ionless%+
&ai!a had no word for dea!h%
+3 wish# indeed#+ he con!in$ed# +!ha! !ho$ wer! of my own se.# !ha! we mi"h! wres!le
and r$n races and so ne'er !ire of bein" !o"e!her%+
A! !hese words !he maiden arose and assed o$! of !he ca'e# and &ai!a# srin"in"
from his co$ch of fra"ran! bo$"hs !o o'er!ake and de!ain her# obser'ed# !o his
as!onishmen!# !ha! !he rain was fallin" and !he s!ream in !he middle of !he 'alley had come
o$! of i!s banks% 5he shee were blea!in" in !error# for !he risin" wa!ers had in'aded !heir
fold% And !here was dan"er for !he $nknown ci!ies of !he dis!an! lain%
3! was many days before &ai!a saw !he maiden a"ain% ,ne day he was re!$rnin"
from !he head of !he 'alley# where he had "one wi!h ewe9s milk and oa!cake and berries
for !he holy hermi!# who was !oo old and feeble !o ro'ide himself wi!h food%
+?oor old manD+ he said alo$d# as he !r$d"ed alon" homeward% +3 will re!$rn
!omorrow and bear him on my back !o my own dwellin"# where 3 can care for him%
Bo$b!less i! is for !ha! !ha! &as!$r has reared me all !hese years# and "i'es me heal!h and
As he soke# !he maiden# clad in "li!!erin" "armen!s# me! him in !he a!h wi!h a
smile which !ook away his brea!h%
+3 am come a"ain#+ she said# +!o dwell wi!h !hee if !ho$ wil! now ha'e me# for none
else will% 5ho$ mayes! ha'e learned wisdom# and ar! willin" !o !ake me as 3 am# nor care
!o know%+
&ai!a !hrew himself a! her fee!% +Bea$!if$l bein"#+ he cried# +if !ho$ wil! b$! dei"n !o
acce! all !he de'o!ion of my hear! and so$l - af!er &as!$r be ser'ed - i! is yo$rs fore'er%
B$!# alasD !ho$ ar! caricio$s and wayward% Before !omorrow9s s$n 3 may lose !hee a"ain%
?romise# 3 beseech !hee# !ha! howe'er in my i"norance 3 may offend# !ho$ wil! for"i'e and
remain always wi!h me%+
;carcely had he finished seakin" when a !roo of wol'es sran" o$! of !he hills#
and came racin" !oward him wi!h crimson mo$!hs and fiery eyes% 5he maiden a"ain
'anished# and he !$rned and fled for his life% Nor did he s!o $n!il he was in !he co! of !he
holy hermi!# whence he had se! o$!% &as!ily barrin" !he door a"ains! !he wol'es# he cas!
himself $on !he "ro$nd and we!%
+0y son#+ said !he hermi! from his co$ch of s!raw# freshly "a!hered !ha! mornin" by
&ai!a9s hands# +i! is no! like !hee !o wee for wol'es - !ell me wha! sorrow has befallen
!hee# !ha! a"e may minis!er !o !he h$r!s of yo$!h wi!h s$ch balms as i! ha!h of i!s wisdom%+
&ai!a !old him all6 how !hrice he had me! !he radian! maid# and !hrice she had lef!
him forlorn% &e rela!ed min$!ely all !ha! had assed be!ween !hem# omi!!in" no word of
wha! had been said%
/hen he had ended# !he holy hermi! was a momen! silen!# !hen said6 +0y son# 3
ha'e a!!ended !o !hy s!ory# and 3 know !he maiden% 3 ha'e myself seen her# as ha'e many%
Fnow# !hen# !ha! her name# which she wo$ld no! e'en ermi! !hee !o in4$ire# is &ainess%
5ho$ saids! !he !r$!h !o her# !ha! she was caricio$s# for she imoses condi!ions !ha! man
canno! f$lfill# and delin4$ency is $nished by deser!ion% ;he come!h only when $nso$"h!#
and will no! be 4$es!ioned% ,ne manifes!a!ion of c$riosi!y# one si"n of do$b!# one
e.ression of mis"i'in"# and she is awayD &ow lon" dids! !ho$ ha'e her a! any !ime
before she fled?+
+B$! a sin"le ins!an!#+ answered &ai!a# bl$shin" wi!h shame a! !he confession%
+<ach !ime 3 dro'e her away in one momen!%+
+@nfor!$na!e yo$!hD+ said !he holy hermi!# +b$! for !hine indiscre!ion !ho$ mi"h!s!
ha'e had her for !wo%+
("n the %idst o. !i.e)
The %oc,ing-Bird
5he !ime# a leasan! ;$nday af!ernoon in !he early a$!$mn of 18*1% 5he lace# a
fores!9s hear! in !he mo$n!ain re"ion of so$!hwes!ern Air"inia% ?ri'a!e >rayrock of !he
=ederal Army is disco'ered sea!ed comfor!ably a! !he roo! of a "rea! ine !ree# a"ains!
which he leans# his le"s e.!ended s!rai"h! alon" !he "ro$nd# his rifle lyin" across his
!hi"hs# his hands (clased in order !ha! !hey may no! fall away !o his sides) res!in" $on
!he barrel of !he weaon% 5he con!ac! of !he back of his head wi!h !he !ree has $shed his
ca downward o'er his eyes# almos! concealin" !hemC one seein" him wo$ld say !ha! he
?ri'a!e >rayrock did no! sleeC !o ha'e done so wo$ld ha'e imeriled !he in!eres!s
of !he @ni!ed ;!a!es# for he was a lon" way o$!side !he lines and s$b7ec! !o ca!$re or
dea!h a! !he hands of !he enemy% 0oreo'er# he was in a frame of mind $nfa'orable !o
reose% 5he ca$se of his er!$rba!ion of siri! was !his6 d$rin" !he re'io$s ni"h! he had
ser'ed on !he icke!-"$ard# and had been os!ed as a sen!inel in !his 'ery fores!% 5he
ni"h! was clear# !ho$"h moonless# b$! in !he "loom of !he wood !he darkness was dee%
>rayrock9s os! was a! a considerable dis!ance from !hose !o ri"h! and lef!# for !he icke!s
had been !hrown o$! a needless dis!ance from !he cam# makin" !he line !oo lon" for !he
force de!ailed !o occ$y i!%
5he war was yo$n"# and mili!ary cams en!er!ained !he error !ha! while sleein"
!hey were be!!er ro!ec!ed by !hin lines a lon" way o$! !oward !he enemy !han by !hicker
ones close in% And s$rely !hey needed as lon" no!ice as ossible of an enemy9s aroach#
for !hey were a! !ha! !ime addic!ed !o !he rac!ice of $ndressin" - !han which no!hin" co$ld
be more $nsoldierly% ,n !he mornin" of !he memorable *!h of Aril# a! ;hiloh# many of
>ran!9s men when si!!ed on -onfedera!e bayone!s were as naked as ci'iliansC b$! i!
sho$ld be allowed !ha! !his was no! beca$se of any defec! in !heir icke! line% 5heir error
was of ano!her sor!6 !hey had no icke!s% 5his is erhas a 'ain di"ression% 3 sho$ld no!
care !o $nder!ake !o in!eres! !he reader in !he fa!e of an armyC wha! we ha'e here !o
consider is !ha! of ?ri'a!e >rayrock%
=or !wo ho$rs af!er he had been lef! a! his lonely os! !ha! ;a!$rday ni"h! he s!ood
s!ock-s!ill# leanin" a"ains! !he !r$nk of a lar"e !ree# s!arin" in!o !he darkness in his fron!
and !ryin" !o reco"ni:e known ob7ec!sC for he had been os!ed a! !he same so! d$rin"
!he day% B$! all was now differen!C he saw no!hin" in de!ail# b$! only "ro$s of !hin"s#
whose shaes# no! obser'ed when !here was some!hin" more of !hem !o obser'e# were
now $nfamiliar% 5hey seemed no! !o ha'e been !here before% A landscae !ha! is all !rees
and $nder"row!h# moreo'er# lacks defini!ion# is conf$sed and wi!ho$! accen!$a!ed oin!s
$on which a!!en!ion can "ain a foo!hold% Add !he "loom of a moonless ni"h!# and
some!hin" more !han "rea! na!$ral in!elli"ence and a ci!y ed$ca!ion is re4$ired !o reser'e
one9s knowled"e of direc!ion% And !ha! is how i! occ$rred !ha! ?ri'a!e >rayrock# af!er
'i"ilan!ly wa!chin" !he saces in his fron! and !hen imr$den!ly$!in" a circ$msec!ion
of his whole dimly 'isible en'ironmen! (silen!ly walkin" aro$nd his !ree !o accomlish i!)
los! his bearin"s and serio$sly imaired his $sef$lness as a sen!inel% 8os! a! his os! -
$nable !o say in which direc!ion !o look for an enemy9s aroach# and in which lay !he
sleein" cam for whose sec$ri!y he was acco$n!able wi!h his life - conscio$s# !oo# of
many ano!her awkward fea!$re of !he si!$a!ion and of considera!ions affec!in" his own
safe!y# ?ri'a!e >rayrock was rofo$ndly dis4$ie!ed% Nor was he "i'en !ime !o reco'er his
!ran4$illi!y# for almos! a! !he momen! !ha! he reali:ed his awkward redicamen! he heard a
s!ir of lea'es and a sna of fallen !wi"s# and !$rnin" wi!h a s!illed hear! in !he direc!ion
whence i! came# saw in !he "loom !he indis!inc! o$!lines of a h$man fi"$re%
+&al!D+ sho$!ed ?ri'a!e >rayrock# erem!orily as in d$!y bo$nd# backin" $ !he
command wi!h !he shar me!allic sna of his cockin" rifle - +who "oes !here?+
5here was no answerC a! leas! !here was an ins!an!9s hesi!a!ion# and !he answer# if
i! came# was los! in !he reor! of !he sen!inel9s rifle% 3n !he silence of !he ni"h! and !he
fores! !he so$nd was deafenin"# and hardly had i! died away when i! was reea!ed by !he
ieces of !he icke!s !o ri"h! and lef!# a syma!he!ic f$sillade% =or !wo ho$rs e'ery
$ncon'er!ed ci'ilian of !hem had been e'ol'in" enemies from his ima"ina!ion# and
eolin" !he woods in his fron! wi!h !hem# and >rayrock9s sho! had s!ar!ed !he whole
encroachin" hos! in!o 'isible!ence% &a'in" fired# all re!rea!ed# brea!hless# !o !he
reser'es - all b$! >rayrock# who did no! know in wha! direc!ion !o re!rea!% /hen# no
enemy aearin"# !he ro$sed cam !wo miles away had $ndressed and "o! i!self in!o bed
a"ain# and !he icke! line was ca$!io$sly re-es!ablished# he was disco'ered bra'ely
holdin" his "ro$nd# and was comlimen!ed by !he officer of !he "$ard as !he one soldier of
!ha! de'o!ed band who co$ld ri"h!ly be considered !he moral e4$i'alen! of !ha! $ncommon
$ni! of 'al$e# +a whoo in hell%+
3n !he mean !ime# howe'er# >rayrock had made a close b$! $na'ailin" search for
!he mor!al ar! of !he in!r$der a! whom he had fired# and whom he had a marksman9s
in!$i!i'e sense of ha'in" hi!C for he was one of !hose born!s who shoo! wi!ho$! aim
by an ins!inc!i'e sense of direc!ion# and are nearly as dan"ero$s by ni"h! as by day%
B$rin" a f$ll half of his !wen!y-fo$r years he had been a !error !o !he !ar"e!s of all !he
shoo!in"-"alleries in !hree ci!ies% @nable now !o rod$ce his dead "ame he had !he
discre!ion !o hold his !on"$e# and was "lad !o obser'e in his officer and comrades !he
na!$ral ass$m!ion !ha! no! ha'in" r$n away he had seen no!hin" hos!ile% &is +honorable
men!ion+ had been earned by no! r$nnin" away anyhow%
Ne'er!heless# ?ri'a!e >rayrock was far from sa!isfied wi!h !he ni"h!9s ad'en!$re#
and when !he ne.! day he made some fair eno$"h re!e.! !o aly for a ass !o "o o$!side
!he lines# and !he "eneral commandin" rom!ly "ran!ed i! in reco"ni!ion of his bra'ery !he
ni"h! before# he assed o$! a! !he oin! where !ha! had been dislayed% 5ellin" !he
sen!inel !hen on d$!y !here !ha! he had los! some!hin"# - which was !r$e eno$"h - he
renewed !he search for !he erson whom he s$osed himself !o ha'e sho!# and whom if
only wo$nded he hoed !o !rail by !he blood% &e was no more s$ccessf$l by dayli"h! !han
he had been in !he darkness# and af!er co'erin" a wide area and boldly ene!ra!in" a lon"
dis!ance in!o +!he -onfederacy+ he "a'e $ !he search# somewha! fa!i"$ed# sea!ed himself
a! !he roo! of !he "rea! ine !ree# where we ha'e seen him# and ind$l"ed his
3! is no! !o be inferred !ha! >rayrock9s was !he cha"rin of a cr$el na!$re balked of i!s
bloody deed% 3n !he clear lar"e eyes# finely wro$"h! lis# and broad forehead of !ha! yo$n"
man one co$ld read 4$i!e ano!her s!ory# and in oin! of fac! his charac!er was a sin"$larly
felici!o$s como$nd of boldness and sensibili!y# co$ra"e and conscience%
+3 find myself disaoin!ed#+ he said !o himself# si!!in" !here a! !he bo!!om of !he
"olden ha:e s$bmer"in" !he fores! like a s$b!ler sea - +disaoin!ed in failin" !o disco'er a
fellow-man dead by my handD Bo 3 !hen really wish !ha! 3 had !aken life in !he erformance
of a d$!y as well erformed wi!ho$!? /ha! more co$ld 3 wish? 3f any dan"er !hrea!ened#
my sho! a'er!ed i!C !ha! is wha! 3 was !here !o do% No# 3 am "lad indeed if no h$man life
was needlessly e.!in"$ished by me% B$! 3 am in a false osi!ion% 3 ha'e s$ffered myself !o
be comlimen!ed by my officers and en'ied by my comrades% 5he cam is rin"in" wi!h
raise of my co$ra"e% 5ha! is no! 7$s!C 3 know myself co$ra"eo$s# b$! !his raise is for
secific ac!s which 3 did no! erform# or erformed - o!herwise% 3! is belie'ed !ha! 3
remained a! my os! bra'ely# wi!ho$! firin"# whereas i! was 3 who be"an !he f$sillade# and 3
did no! re!rea! in !he "eneral alarm beca$se bewildered% /ha!# !hen# shall 3 do? <.lain
!ha! 3 saw an enemy and fired? 5hey ha'e all said !ha! of !hemsel'es# ye! none belie'es i!%
;hall 3 !ell a !r$!h which# discredi!in" my co$ra"e# will ha'e !he effec! of a lie? @"hD i! is an
$"ly b$siness al!o"e!her% 3 wish !o >od 3 co$ld find my manD+
And so wishin"# ?ri'a!e >rayrock# o'ercome a! las! by !he lan"$or of !he af!ernoon
and l$lled by !he s!illy so$nds of insec!s dronin" and rosin" in cer!ain fra"ran! shr$bs# so
far for"o! !he in!eres!s of !he @ni!ed ;!a!es as !o fall aslee and e.ose himself !o ca!$re%
And sleein" he dreamed%
&e !ho$"h! himself a boy# li'in" in a far# fair land by !he border of a "rea! ri'er $on
which !he !all s!eamboa!s mo'ed "randly $ and down benea!h !heir !owerin" e'ol$!ions of
black smoke# which anno$nced !hem lon" before !hey had ro$nded !he bends and marked
!heir mo'emen!s when miles o$! of si"h!% /i!h him always# a! his side as he wa!ched
!hem# was one !o whom he "a'e his hear! and so$l in lo'e - a !win bro!her% 5o"e!her !hey
s!rolled alon" !he banks of !he s!reamC !o"e!her e.lored !he fields lyin" far!her away from
i!# and "a!hered $n"en! min!s and s!icks of fra"ran! sassafras in !he hills o'erlookin" all -
beyond which lay !he 1ealm of -on7ec!$re# and from which# lookin" so$!hward across !he
"rea! ri'er# !hey ca$"h! "limses of !he <nchan!ed 8and% &and in hand and hear! in hear!
!hey !wo# !he only children of a widowed mo!her# walked in a!hs of li"h! !hro$"h 'alleys of
eace# seein" new !hin"s $nder a new s$n% And !hro$"h all !he "olden days floa!ed one
$nceasin" so$nd - !he rich# !hrillin" melody of a mockin"-bird in a ca"e by !he co!!a"e
door% 3! er'aded and ossessed all !he siri!$al in!er'als of !he dream# like a m$sical
benedic!ion% 5he 7oyo$s bird was always in son"C i!s infini!ely 'ario$s no!es seemed !o
flow from i!s !hroa!# effor!less# in b$bbles and rills a! each hear!-bea!# like !he wa!ers of a
$lsin" srin"% 5ha! fresh# clear melody seemed# indeed# !he siri! of !he scene# !he
meanin" and in!erre!a!ion !o sense of !he mys!eries of life and lo'e%
B$! !here came a !ime when !he days of !he dream "rew dark wi!h sorrow in a rain
of !ears% 5he "ood mo!her was dead# !he meadowside home by !he "rea! ri'er was broken
$# and !he bro!hers were ar!ed be!ween !wo of !heir kinsmen% /illiam (!he dreamer)
wen! !o li'e in a o$lo$s ci!y in !he 1ealm of -on7ec!$re# and Eohn# crossin" !he ri'er in!o
!he <nchan!ed 8and# was !aken !o a dis!an! re"ion whose eole in !heir li'es and ways
were said !o be s!ran"e and wicked% 5o him# in !he dis!rib$!ion of !he dead mo!her9s
es!a!e# had fallen all !ha! !hey deemed of 'al$e - !he mockin"-bird% 5hey co$ld be di'ided#
b$! i! co$ld no!# so i! was carried away in!o !he s!ran"e co$n!ry# and !he world of /illiam
knew i! no more fore'er% Ge! s!ill !hro$"h !he af!er!ime of his loneliness i!s son" filled all
!he dream# and seemed always so$ndin" in his ear and in his hear!%
5he kinsmen who had ado!ed !he boys were enemies# holdin" no comm$nica!ion%
=or a !ime le!!ers f$ll of boyish bra'ado and boas!f$l narra!i'es of !he new and lar"er
e.erience - "ro!es4$e descri!ions of !heir widenin" li'es and !he new worlds !hey had
con4$ered - assed be!ween !hemC b$! !hese "rad$ally became less fre4$en!# and wi!h
/illiam9s remo'al !o ano!her and "rea!er ci!y ceased al!o"e!her% B$! e'er !hro$"h i! all ran
!he son" of !he mockin"-bird# and when !he dreamer oened his eyes and s!ared !hro$"h
!he 'is!as of !he ine fores! !he cessa!ion of i!s m$sic firs! arised him !ha! he was awake%
5he s$n was low and red in !he wes!C !he le'el rays ro7ec!ed from !he !r$nk of
each "ian! ine a wall of shadow !ra'ersin" !he "olden ha:e !o eas!ward $n!il li"h! and
shade were blended in $ndis!in"$ishable bl$e%
?ri'a!e >rayrock rose !o his fee!# looked ca$!io$sly abo$! him# sho$ldered his rifle
and se! off !oward cam% &e had "one erhas a half-mile# and was assin" a !hicke! of
la$rel# when a bird rose from !he mids! of i! and erchin" on !he branch of a !ree abo'e#
o$red from i!s 7oyo$s breas! so ine.ha$s!ible floods of son" as b$! one of all >od9s
crea!$res can $!!er in &is raise% 5here was li!!le in !ha! - i! was only !o oen !he bill and
brea!heC ye! !he man s!oed as if s!r$ck - s!oed and le! fall his rifle# looked $ward a!
!he bird# co'ered his eyes wi!h his hands and we! like a childD =or !he momen! he was#
indeed# a child# in siri! and in memory# dwellin" a"ain by !he "rea! ri'er# o'er-a"ains! !he
<nchan!ed 8andD 5hen wi!h an effor! of !he will he $lled himself !o"e!her# icked $ his
weaon and a$dibly damnin" himself for an idio! s!rode on% ?assin" an oenin" !ha!
reached in!o !he hear! of !he li!!le !hicke! he looked in# and !here# s$ine $on !he ear!h# i!s
arms all abroad# i!s "ray $niform s!ained wi!h a sin"le so! of blood $on !he breas!# i!s
whi!e face !$rned sharly $ward and backward# lay !he ima"e of himselfD - !he body of
Eohn >rayrock# dead of a "$nsho! wo$nd# and s!ill warmD &e had fo$nd his man%
As !he $nfor!$na!e soldier knel! beside !ha! mas!erwork of ci'il war !he shrillin" bird
$on !he bo$"h o'erhead s!illed her son" and# fl$shed wi!h s$nse!9s crimson "lory# "lided
silen!ly away !hro$"h !he solemn saces of !he wood% A! roll-call !ha! e'enin" in !he
=ederal cam !he name /illiam >rayrock bro$"h! no resonse# nor e'er a"ain !hereaf!er%

(0ol6 =3 (W)
The A**licant
?$shin" his ad'en!$ro$s shins !hro$"h !he dee snow !ha! had fallen o'erni"h!# and
enco$ra"ed by !he "lee of his li!!le sis!er# followin" in !he oen way !ha! he made# a s!$rdy
small boy# !he son of >ray'ille9s mos! dis!in"$ished ci!i:en# s!r$ck his foo! a"ains!
some!hin" of which !here was no 'isible si"n on !he s$rface of !he snow% 3! is !he $rose
of !his narra!i'e !o e.lain how i! came !o be !here%
No one who has had !he ad'an!a"e of assin" !hro$"h >ray'ille by day can ha'e
failed !o obser'e !he lar"e s!one b$ildin" crownin" !he low hill !o !he nor!h of !he railway
s!a!ion - !ha! is !o say# !o !he ri"h! in "oin" !oward >rea! 0owbray% 3! is a somewha! d$ll-
lookin" edifice# of !he <arly -oma!ose order# and aears !o ha'e been desi"ned by an
archi!ec! who shrank from $blici!y# and al!ho$"h $nable !o conceal his work - e'en
comelled# in !his ins!ance# !o se! i! on an eminence in !he si"h! of men - did wha! he
hones!ly co$ld !o ins$re i! a"ains! a second look% ;o far as concerns i!s o$!er and 'isible
asec!# !he Abers$sh &ome for ,ld 0en is $n4$es!ionably inhosi!able !o h$man
a!!en!ion% B$! i! is a b$ildin" of "rea! ma"ni!$de# and cos! i!s bene'olen! fo$nder !he rofi!
of many a car"o of !he !eas and silks and sices !ha! his shis bro$"h! $ from !he $nder-
world when he was in !rade in Bos!onC !ho$"h !he main e.ense was i!s endowmen!%
Al!o"e!her# !his reckless erson had robbed his heirs-a!-law of no less a s$m !han half a
million dollars and fl$n" i! away in rio!o$s "i'in"% ?ossibly i! was wi!h a 'iew !o "e! o$! of
si"h! of !he silen! bi" wi!ness !o his e.!ra'a"ance !ha! he shor!ly af!erward disosed of all
his >ray'ille roer!y !ha! remained !o him# !$rned his back $on !he scene of his
rodi"ali!y and wen! off across !he sea in one of his own shis% B$! !he "ossis who "o!
!heir insira!ion mos! direc!ly from &ea'en declared !ha! he wen! in search of a wife - a
!heory no! easily reconciled wi!h !ha! of !he 'illa"e h$moris!# who solemnly a'erred !ha! !he
bachelor hilan!hrois! had dear!ed !his life (lef! >ray'ille# !o wi!) beca$se !he
marria"eable maidens had made i! !oo ho! !o hold him% &owe'er !his may ha'e been# he
had no! re!$rned# and al!ho$"h a! lon" in!er'als !here had come !o >ray'ille# in a des$l!ory
way# 'a"$e r$mors of his wanderin"s in s!ran"e lands# no one seemed cer!ainly !o know
abo$! him# and !o !he new "enera!ion he was no more !han a name% B$! from abo'e !he
or!al of !he &ome for ,ld 0en !he name sho$!ed in s!one%
Besi!e i!s $nromisin" e.!erior# !he &ome is a fairly commodio$s lace of re!rea!
from !he ills !ha! i!s inma!es ha'e inc$rred by bein" oor and old and men% A! !he !ime
embraced in !his brief chronicle !hey were in n$mber abo$! a score# b$! in acerbi!y#
4$er$lo$sness# and "eneral in"ra!i!$de !hey co$ld hardly be reckoned a! fewer !han a
h$ndredC a! leas! !ha! was !he es!ima!e of !he s$erin!enden!# 0r% ;ilas 5ilbody% 3! was 0r%
5ilbody9s s!eadfas! con'ic!ion !ha! always# in admi!!in" new old men !o relace !hose who
had "one !o ano!her and a be!!er &ome# !he !r$s!ees had dis!inc!ly in will !he infrac!ion of
his eace# and !he !rial of his a!ience% 3n !r$!h# !he lon"er !he ins!i!$!ion was connec!ed
wi!h him# !he s!ron"er was his feelin" !ha! !he fo$nder9s scheme of bene'olence was sadly
imaired by ro'idin" any inma!es a! all% &e had no! m$ch ima"ina!ion# b$! wi!h wha! he
had he was addic!ed !o !he recons!r$c!ion of !he &ome for ,ld 0en in!o a kind of +cas!le in
;ain#+ wi!h himself as cas!ellan# hosi!ably en!er!ainin" abo$! a score of sleek and
rosero$s middle-a"ed "en!lemen# cons$mma!ely "ood-h$mored and ci'illy willin" !o ay
for !heir board and lod"in"% 3n !his re'ised ro7ec! of hilan!hroy !he !r$s!ees# !o whom he
was indeb!ed for his office and resonsible for his cond$c!# had no! !he hainess !o
aear% As !o !hem# i! was held by !he 'illa"e h$moris! aforemen!ioned !ha! in !heir
mana"emen! of !he "rea! chari!y ?ro'idence had !ho$"h!f$lly s$lied an incen!i'e !o
!hrif!% /i!h !he inference which he!ed !o be drawn from !ha! 'iew we ha'e no!hin" !o
doC i! had nei!her s$or! nor denial from !he inma!es# who cer!ainly were mos!
concerned% 5hey li'ed o$! !heir li!!le remnan! of life# cre! in!o "ra'es nea!ly n$mbered#
and were s$cceeded by o!her old men as like !hem as co$ld be desired by !he Ad'ersary
of ?eace% 3f !he &ome was a lace of $nishmen! for !he sin of $n!hrif! !he 'e!eran
offenders so$"h! 7$s!ice wi!h a ersis!ence !ha! a!!es!ed !he sinceri!y of !heir eni!ence% 3!
is !o one of !hese !ha! !he reader9s a!!en!ion is now in'i!ed%
3n !he ma!!er of a!!ire !his erson was no! al!o"e!her en"a"in"% B$! for !his season#
which was midwin!er# a careless obser'er mi"h! ha'e looked $on him as a cle'er de'ice
of !he h$sbandman indisosed !o share !he fr$i!s of his !oil wi!h !he crows !ha! !oil no!#
nei!her sin - an error !ha! mi"h! no! ha'e been diselled wi!ho$! lon"er and closer
obser'a!ion !han he seemed !o co$r!C for his ro"ress $ Abers$sh ;!ree!# !oward !he
&ome in !he "loom of !he win!er e'enin"# was no! 'isibly fas!er !han wha! mi"h! ha'e been!ed of a scarecrow blessed wi!h yo$!h# heal!h# and discon!en!% 5he man was
indis$!ably ill-clad# ye! no! wi!ho$! a cer!ain fi!ness and "ood !as!e# wi!halC for he was
ob'io$sly an alican! for admi!!ance !o !he &ome# where o'er!y was a 4$alifica!ion% 3n
!he army of indi"ence !he $niform is ra"sC !hey ser'e !o dis!in"$ish !he rank and file from
!he recr$i!in" officers%
As !he old man# en!erin" !he "a!e of !he "ro$nds# sh$ffled $ !he broad walk#
already whi!e wi!h !he fas!-fallin" snow# which from !ime !o !ime he feebly shook from i!s
'ario$s coi"ns of 'an!a"e on his erson# he came $nder insec!ion of !he lar"e "lobe lam
!ha! b$rned always by ni"h! o'er !he "rea! door of !he b$ildin"% As if $nwillin" !o inc$r i!s
re'ealin" beams# he !$rned !o !he lef! and# assin" a considerable dis!ance alon" !he face
of !he b$ildin"# ran" a! a smaller door emi!!in" a dimmer ray !ha! came from wi!hin# !hro$"h
!he fanli"h!# and e.ended i!self inc$rio$sly o'erhead% 5he door was oened by no less a
ersona"e !han !he "rea! 0r% 5ilbody himself% ,bser'in" his 'isi!or# who a! once
$nco'ered# and somewha! shor!ened !he radi$s of !he ermanen! c$r'a!$re of his back#
!he "rea! man "a'e 'isible !oken of nei!her s$rrise nor disleas$re% 0r% 5ilbody was#
indeed# in an $ncommonly "ood h$mor# a henomenon ascribable do$b!less !o !he
cheerf$l infl$ence of !he seasonC for !his was -hris!mas <'e# and !he morrow wo$ld be
!ha! blessed I*J!h ar! of !he year !ha! all -hris!ian so$ls se! aar! for mi"h!y fea!s of
"oodness and 7oy% 0r% 5ilbody was so f$ll of !he siri! of !he season !ha! his fa! face and
ale bl$e eyes# whose ineffec!$al fire ser'ed !o dis!in"$ish i! from an $n!imely s$mmer
s4$ash# eff$sed so "enial a "low !ha! i! seemed a i!y !ha! he co$ld no! ha'e lain down in
i!# baskin" in !he conscio$sness of his own iden!i!y% &e was ha!!ed# boo!ed# o'ercoa!ed#
and $mbrellaed# as became a erson who was abo$! !o e.ose himself !o !he ni"h! and
!he s!orm on an errand of chari!yC for 0r% 5ilbody had 7$s! ar!ed from his wife and children
!o "o +down !own+ and $rchase !he wherewi!hal !o confirm !he ann$al falsehood abo$!
!he h$nch-bellied sain! who fre4$en!s !he chimneys !o reward li!!le boys and "irls who are
"ood# and esecially !r$!hf$l% ;o he did no! in'i!e !he old man in# b$! sal$!ed him cheerily6
+&elloD 7$s! in !imeC a momen! la!er and yo$ wo$ld ha'e missed me% -ome# 3 ha'e
no !ime !o was!eC we9ll walk a li!!le way !o"e!her%+
+5hank yo$#+ said !he old man# $on whose !hin and whi!e b$! no! i"noble face !he
li"h! from !he oen door showed an e.ression !ha! was erhas disaoin!men!C +b$! if
!he !r$s!ees - if my alica!ion - +
+5he !r$s!ees#+ 0r% 5ilbody said# closin" more doors !han one# and c$!!in" off !wo
kinds of li"h!# +ha'e a"reed !ha! yo$r alica!ion disa"rees wi!h !hem%+
-er!ain sen!imen!s are inaroria!e !o -hris!mas!ide# b$! &$mor# like Bea!h# has
all seasons for his own%
+,h# my >odD+ cried !he old man# in so !hin and h$sky a !one !ha! !he in'oca!ion
was any!hin" b$! imressi'e# and !o a! leas! one of his !wo a$di!ors so$nded# indeed#
somewha! l$dicro$s% 5o !he ,!her - b$! !ha! is a ma!!er which laymen are de'oid of !he
li"h! !o e.o$nd%
+Ges#+ con!in$ed 0r% 5ilbody# accommoda!in" his "ai! !o !ha! of his comanion# who
was mechanically# and no! 'ery s$ccessf$lly# re!racin" !he !rack !ha! he had made !hro$"h
!he snowC +!hey ha'e decided !ha!# $nder !he circ$ms!ances - $nder !he 'ery ec$liar
circ$ms!ances# yo$ $nders!and - i! wo$ld be ine.edien! !o admi! yo$% As s$erin!enden!
and e+ o..icio secre!ary of !he honorable board+ - as 0r% 5ilbody +read his !i!le clear+ !he
ma"ni!$de of !he bi" b$ildin"# seen !hro$"h i!s 'eil of fallin" snow# aeared !o s$ffer
somewha! in comarison - +i! is my d$!y !o inform yo$ !ha!# in !he words of Beacon Byram#
!he chairman# yo$r resence in !he &ome wo$ld - $nder !he circ$ms!ances - be ec$liarly
embarrassin"% 3 fel! i! my d$!y !o s$bmi! !o !he honorable board !he s!a!emen! !ha! yo$
made !o me yes!erday of yo$r needs# yo$r hysical condi!ion# and !he !rials which i! has
leased ?ro'idence !o send $on yo$ in yo$r 'ery roer effor! !o resen! yo$r claims in
ersonC b$!# af!er caref$l# and 3 may say rayerf$l# considera!ion of yo$r case - wi!h
some!hin" !oo# 3 !r$s!# of !he lar"e chari!ableness aroria!e !o !he season - i! was
decided !ha! we wo$ld no! be 7$s!ified in doin" any!hin" likely !o imair !he $sef$lness of
!he ins!i!$!ion in!r$s!ed ($nder ?ro'idence) !o o$r care%+
5hey had now assed o$! of !he "ro$ndsC !he s!ree! lam oosi!e !he "a!e was
dimly 'isible !hro$"h !he snow% Already !he old man9s former !rack was obli!era!ed# and he
seemed $ncer!ain as !o which way he sho$ld "o% 0r% 5ilbody had drawn a li!!le away from
him# b$! a$sed and !$rned half !oward him# aaren!ly rel$c!an! !o fore"o !he con!in$in"
+@nder !he circ$ms!ances#+ he res$med# +!he decision - +
B$! !he old man was inaccessible !o !he s$asion of his 'erbosi!yC he had crossed
!he s!ree! in!o a 'acan! lo! and was "oin" forward# ra!her de'io$sly !oward nowhere in
ar!ic$lar - which# he ha'in" nowhere in ar!ic$lar !o "o !o# was no! so reasonless a
roceedin" as i! looked%
And !ha! is how i! haened !ha! !he ne.! mornin"# when !he ch$rch bells of all
>ray'ille were rin"in" wi!h an added $nc!ion aroria!e !o !he day# !he s!$rdy li!!le son of
Beacon Byram# breakin" a way !hro$"h !he snow !o !he lace of worshi# s!r$ck his foo!
a"ains! !he body of Amasa Abers$sh# hilan!hrois!%
(0ol6 =3 (W)
)14ective "deas
/e all remember !ha! !he so$nd of a !r$me! has been described as scarle!% 5he
fac! !ha! we do remember i! is e'idence !ha! !he inciden! of a hysical sensa!ion
mas4$eradin" in a "armen! aroria!e !o !he "$es! of ano!her sense !han !he one
en!er!ainin" i! is a "eneral# no! an indi'id$al# e.erience% No!# of co$rse# !ha! a !r$me!-
call imresses $s all wi!h a sense of color# b$! !he odd descri!ion wo$ld lon" a"o ha'e
been for"o!!en had no! each mind reco"ni:ed i! as !he s!a!emen! of a fac! belon"in" !o a
class of fac!s of which i!self has had knowled"e% =or myself# 3 ne'er hear "ood m$sic
wi!ho$! wishin" !o ain! i! - which 3 sho$ld cer!ainly do wi!h di'ine s$ccess if 3 $nders!ood
m$sic and co$ld ain!% 5he hackneyed and !iresome fashion of callin" cer!ain ic!$res
+symhonies+ in !his or !ha! color has a basis of reason - which will somewha! discredi! i! in
!he es!eem of !hose whom i! has ensla'ed% 3 ne'er hear a man !alkin" of +symhonies+ in
"ray# "reen# eer-and-sal!# cr$shed banana# ashes-of-here!ic or !oer9s-nose wi!ho$!
!hinkin" wi!h sa!isfac!ion of !he !ime when he will himself be a symhony in flame-color#
li"h!in" $ !he landscae of !he $nderworld like a flamin"o in !he d$n e.anse of a marsh
in !he "loamin"%
3 ha'e in mind a no!able ins!ance of a sensa!ion !akin" on !hree dimensions - one
for which 3 am no! indeb!ed# robably# !o !he co$r!esy of some for"o!!en e.erience
rod$cin" an associa!ion of ideas% 3! will be conceded !ha! i! is a! leas! $nlikely !ha! one
sho$ld e'er en7oy sim$l!aneo$sly !he do$ble "ra!ifica!ion of ea!in" a ineale and seein"
a man han"edC s$ch felici!y is reser'ed# 3 fancy# for crea!$res more meri!orio$s !han oor
sinf$l h$man bein"s% Ne'er!heless# 3 ne'er !as!e ineale wi!ho$! a li'ely sense of a man
wi!h his head in a black ba"# deendin" from his beam% 3! is no! !ha! 3 am a! !he same !ime
conscio$s of !he fr$i! and of !ha! solemn sec!acleC i! simly seems !o me !ha! a man
han"in" is !he !as!e of !ha! fr$i!% 3! is needless !o add !ha! when !hinkin" of !hose $nwor!hy
ersons# my enemies# 3 deri'e a holy deli"h! from cons$min" "enero$s slices of ineale%
5here is a class of men!al henomena which# so far as my knowled"e "oes# has
ne'er been +sread $on !he record%+ ?ossibly !hey are ec$liar !o my own imerfec!
$nders!andin"# and a saner conscio$sness is innocen! of !hem% 3f so i! will "ra!ify my ride
of monooly !o admi! !he $blic !o a 'iew of my in!ellec!$al cha!!els% 5he men!al rocess
of en$mera!ion is wi!h me a "lidin" $ward in 'ario$s direc!ions from 1 !o 1))C no! alon" a
col$mn of s$ccessi'e fi"$res# like a ca! scamerin" $ a s!aircase# b$! alon" a smoo!h#
ale-bl$ish# an"$lar s!reak# wi!h !he hi!her-and-yon mo!ion of a soarin" snie% =rom 1 !o
1) !he line r$ns $ward# and !o !he ri"h! a! an an"le wi!h !he hori:on of abo$! si.!y
de"rees% 5here i! !$rns sharly back !o !he lef! and !he "rade !o 2) is nearly fla!% 5hence
!o I) !he ascen! is 'er!ical% =rom I) !o J) !here is an ascen! of 1) de"rees !o !he ri"h! and
sli"h!ly away from me% 5he co$rse !o *) is !o !he lef! a"ain# !he an"le# say 1) de"rees%
=rom *) !o 9) !here is no break# !he co$rse# !oo# is almos! le'el and direc!ly awayC !hence
!o 1)) nearly 'er!ical% 3! will be obser'ed !ha! !he an"les are all a! 1) and i!s m$l!iles# b$!
!here is no an"le a! 4)# none a! ()# nor a! 8)% 3 may e.lain !ha! !he in!er'al be!ween 1)
and 2) is "rea!ly lon"er !han i! o$"h! !o be# and 3 'en!$re !o ro!es! a"ains! !he e.ce!ional
and $nwarran!able bre'i!y of !ha! be!ween 9) and 1))%
<'ery !ime 3 co$n! 3 am comelled !o ascend some ar! of !his reasonless and
ridic$lo$s Eacob$s-ladder# wi!h a +hi!che!y# ha!che!y# $ 3 "o+ mo'emen!# like Eack
mo$n!in" his bean-s!alkC and i! is l$dicro$sly !r$e !ha! 3 feel a sense of relief on arri'in" a!
!he more nearly le'el s!a"es# and on !hem am conscio$s of an a$"men!ed seed% 3 can
co$n! from *) !o () !wice as 4$ickly as 3 can from 9) !o 1))% 3n'es!i"a!ion and
comarison of s$ch conce!ions as !hese can b$! res$l! in $nseakable ad'ancemen! of
knowled"e% 3f any "en!leman has similar ones and a li!!le leis$re for !heir disc$ssion 3
hoe he will consen! !o mee! me in &ea'en%
(0ol6 7=3 (W)
The /volution o. a tory
,n a calm e'enin" in !he early s$mmer# a yo$n" "irl s!ood leanin" carelessly
a"ains! a donkey a! !he !o of ?l$m &ill# dain!ily b$! wi!h considerable skill des!royin" a
bisc$i! by mas!ica!ion9s ar!f$l aid% 5he s$n had been for some !ime behind !he sea# b$! !he
conscio$s /es! was s!ill s$ff$sed wi!h a fain! r$ddiness# like !he reflec!ion from an army of
boiled lobs!ers marchin" below !he hori:on for a flank a!!ack $on !he s!omach of Bos!on%
;lowly and silen!ly !he r$by le"ion held i!s way% No! a word was sokenC
commands "i'en by !he "eneral were assed from mo$!h !o mo$!h# like a sin"le bi! of
chewin" "$m amon"s! !he se'en children immor!ali:ed by <dward Bok# who was more
!han $s$ally ac!i'e !his e'enin"# if !ha! were ossible% And i! was ossibleC in no siri! of
bra'ado# b$! wi!h firm reliance on !he blanc man"e he had ea!en for dinner# and which was
e'en now shain" i!self in!o e.4$isi!e fancies in !he labora!ory of his "eni$s# !he "rea!
edi!or had resol'ed !o reach a hi"her e.cellence# or erish in !he a!!em!# as !he !ree fro"#
baffled by !he smoo!h bark of !he beech# falls e.ha$s!ed in!o !he sannin" 7aws of !he
seren! bidin" his !ime below%
&a'in" swallowed !he fro"# !he re!ile !$rned !o "o away# and by a sin$o$s co$rse
soon reached !he hi"hway% &ere he s!ood $ and looked abo$! him% 5here was no li'in"
!hin" in si"h!% 5o !he ri"h! hand and !he lef! !he d$s!y whi!e road s!re!ched away wi!ho$! a
break in i!s dreary# ma!hema!ical sameness% Beyond a bel! of ines on !he oosi!e side
rose a barren# ro$nded hill!o# resemblin" !he bald crown of a "ame keeer !hr$s! $ward
from behind a hed"e !o offer a shinin" mark for !he oacher%
>rimly !he oacher raised and si"h!ed his "$n# char"ed wi!h a do$ble 4$an!i!y of
hea'y sl$"s% 5here was a momen! of silence - a silence so rofo$nd# so dea!hlike in i!s
in!ensi!y# !ha! a keen ear mi"h! ha'e heard !he sankin" of an infan! in a dis!an! 'illa"e%
5his infan! had come# no one knew whence% 5he s!ory wen! !ha! i! had !ramed in!o
!own one cold mornin"# wi!h i!s cradle sl$n" across i!s back# and af!er bein" ref$sed
admi!!ance !o !he ho!el# had "one 4$ie!ly !o !he back door and lain down# ha'in" firs!
wri!!en and inned !o i!s "own !he followin" lacard6 +5his $nfor!$na!e child is !he na!$ral
son of a forei"n rince# who $n!il he shall s$cceed !o !he !hrone of his ances!ors be"s !ha!
!he ill$s!rio$s waif may be !enderly cared for% &is 1oyal &i"hness canno! say how lon" his
own wor!hless fa!her may con!in$e !o dis"race !he realm# b$! hoes no! lon"% A! !he end
of !ha! !ime# his 1oyal &i"hness will aear !o !he child9s as!onished benefac!or# cr$s!ed
as !hickly wi!h "ems as a !oad wi!h war!s%+
5hese !ro$blesome e.crescences had "i'en !he oor !oad m$ch ain% <'ery!hin"
!ha! science had de'ised# and skill alied# had been a mere was!e of moneyC and now a!
!he a"e of fo$r h$ndred years# wi!h life 7$s! oenin" before him# wi!h o!her !oads re'elin"
abo$! him in all !he 7$m-$-and-come-down-hardness of !heir hear!s he was comelled !o
dra" himself ner'elessly !hro$"h!ence# wi!h no more hoe of hainess !han a iano
has of marria"e%
3! was no! a nice ianoC !he keys were wared# !he mainsrin" was rela.ed# !he
co"-wheels wo$ld no! ha'e any!hin" !o do wi!h one ano!her# and !he end$l$m wo$ld
swin" only one way% Al!o"e!her a disre$!able and ridic$lo$s old ins!r$men!% B$! s$ch as
i! was# i! had s!ood in !ha! dim old a!!ic# man and boy# for more !han !hir!y years% 3!s 'ery
infirmi!ies# by!in" i!y# had reser'ed i!C no! one of !he family wo$ld ha'e laid an a.e
a! !he roo! of !ha! iano for as m$ch "old as co$ld be drawn by a !eam of !he s!ron"es!
,f !hese rare and 'al$able animals we shall seak in o$r ne.! cha!er%
(0ol6 7=3 (W)
The 2assing ho&
3 know no! if i! was a dream% 3 'iewed
A ci!y where !he res!less m$l!i!$de#
Be!ween !he eas!ern and !he wes!ern dee
&ad reared "i"an!ic fabrics# s!ron" and r$de%
-olossal alaces crowned e'ery hei"h!C
5owers from 'alleys climbed in!o !he li"h!C
,9er dwellin"s a! !heir fee!# "rea! "olden domes
&$n" in !he bl$e# barbarically bri"h!%
B$! now# new-"limmerin" !o-eas!# !he day
5o$ched !he black masses wi!h a "race of "ray#
Bim sires of !emles !o !he na!ion9s >od
;!$ddin" hi"h saces of !he wide s$r'ey%
/ell did !he roofs !heir solemn secre! kee
,f life and dea!h s!ayed by !he !r$ce of slee#
Ge! whisered of an ho$r when sleeers wake#
5he fool !o hoe afresh# !he wise !o wee%
% % % % % %
3 know no! if i! was a dream% 3 came
@n!o a land where some!hin" seemed !he same
5ha! 3 had known as 9! were b$! yes!erday#
B$! wha! i! was 3 co$ld no! ri"h!ly name%
3! was a s!ran"e and melancholy land#
;ilen! and desola!e% ,n ei!her hand
8ay wa!ers of a sea !ha! seemed as dead#
And dead abo'e i! seemed !he hills !o s!and%
>rayed all wi!h a"e# !hose lonely hills - ah me#
&ow worn and weary !hey aeared !o beD
Be!ween !heir fee! lon" d$s!y fiss$res clo'e
5he lain in aimless windin"s !o !he sea%
,ne hill !here was which# ar!ed from !he res!#
;!ood where !he eas!ern wa!er c$r'ed a-wes!%
;ilen! and assionless i! s!ood% 3 !ho$"h!
3 saw a scar $on i!s "ian! breas!%
5he s$n wi!h s$llen and or!en!o$s "leam
&$n" like a menace on !he sea9s e.!remeC
Nor !he dead wa!ers# nor !he far# bleak bars
,f clo$d were conscio$s of his failin" beam%
3! was a dismal and a dreadf$l si"h!#
5ha! deser! in i!s cold# $ncanny li"h!C
No so$l b$! 3 alone !o mark !he fear
And imminence of e'erlas!in" ni"h!D
All resa"es and rohecies of doom
>limmered and babbled in !he "has!ly "loom#
And in !he mids! of !ha! acc$rsed scene
A wolf sa! howlin" on a broken !omb%
(ha*es o. (lay)
Novu$ )rganu$
3n Bacon see !he c$lmina!in" rime
,f An"lo-;a.on in!ellec! and crime%
&e dies and Na!$re# se!!lin" his affairs#
?ar!s his endowmen!s amon" $s# his heirs
5o e'ery one a inch of brain for seed#
And# !o de'elo i!# a inch of "reed%
<ach !hrif!y heir# !o make !he "if! s$ffice#
B$ries !he !alen! !o man$re !he 'ice%
(ha*es o. (lay)
5ha! land f$ll s$rely has!ens !o i!s end
/here $blic sycohan!s in homa"e bend
5he o$lace !o fla!!er# and reea!
5he do$bled echoes of i!s lo$d concei!%
8owly !heir a!!i!$de b$! hi"h !heir aim#
5hey cree !o eminence !hro$"h a!hs of shame#
5ill fi.ed sec$rely in !he sea!s of ow9r#
5he d$es !hey fla!!ered !hey a! las! de'o$r%
(ha*es o. (lay)
&assan Bedreddin# clad in ra"s# ill-shod#
;o$"h! !he "rea! !emle of !he li'in" >od%
5he worshiers arose and dro'e him for!h#
And one in ower bea! him wi!h a rod%
+Allah#+ he cried# +!ho$ sees! wha! 3 "o!C
5hy ser'an!s bar me from !he sacred so!%+
+Be comfor!ed#+ !he &oly ,ne reliedC
+3! is !he only lace where 3 am no!%+
(ha*es o. (lay)
0isions o. in
Frasla7orsk# ;iberia# 0arch 29
+0y eyes are be!!er# and 3 shall !ra'el slowly !oward home%+ - Banenhower
=rom !he re"ions of !he Ni"h!#
-omin" wi!h reco'ered si"h! -
=rom !he sell of darkness free#
/ha! will Banenhower see?
&e will see when he arri'es#
Boc!ors !akin" h$man li'es%
&e will see a learned 7$d"e
/hose decision will no! b$d"e
5ill bo!h li!i"an!s are fleeced
And his alm is d$ly "reased%
8awyers he will see who fi"h!
Bay by day and ni"h! by ni"h!C
Ne'er bo!h $on a side#
5ho$"h !heir fees !hey s!ill di'ide%
?reachers he will see who !each
5ha! i! is di'ine !o reach -
5ha! !hey fan a sacred fire
And are wor!hy of !heir hire%
&e will see a !r$s!ed wife
(?ride of some "ood h$sband9s life)
<n!er a! a cer!ain door
And - b$! he will see no more%
&e will see >ood 5emlars reel -
;ee a rosec$!or s!eal#
And a fa!her bea! his child%
&e9ll erhas see ,scar /ilde%
=rom !he re"ions of !he Ni"h!
-omin" wi!h reco'ered si"h! -
=rom !he bliss of blindness free#
5ha! 9s wha! Banenhower9ll see%
(ha*es o. (lay)
!aus !ucis
5heosohis!s are abo$! !o b$ild a +5emle for !he 1e'i'al of !he 0ys!eries of
An!i4$i!y%+ - 0ide the Ne&s*a*ers3 *assi$6
<ach !o his !as!e6 some men refer !o lay
A! mys!ery# as o!hers a! i4$e!%
;ome si! in mys!ic medi!a!ionC some
?arade !he s!ree! wi!h !ambo$rine and dr$m%
,ne s!$dies !o deciher ancien! lore
/hich# ro'in" s!$ff# he s!$dies all !he moreC
Ano!her swears !ha! learnin" is b$! "ood
5o darken !hin"s already $nders!ood#
5hen wri!es $on ;imlici!y so well
5ha! none a"ree on wha! he wan!s !o !ell#
And f$!$re a"es will declare his en
3nsired by "ods wi!h messa"es !o men%
5o fo$nd an ancien! order !hose de'o!e
5heir !ime - wi!h ri!$al# re"alia# "oa!#
Blanke!s for !ossin"# chairs of li!!le ease
And all !he modern incon'eniencesC
5hese# saner# frown $on $nmeanin" ri!es
And "o !o ch$rch for ra!ional deli"h!s%
;o all are s$i!ed# shallow and rofo$nd#
5he rohe!s roser and !he world "oes ro$nd%
=or me - $nread in !he occ$l!# 39m fain
5o damn all mys!eries alike as 'ain#
;$rn !he obsc$re and base my fai!h $on
5he 1e'ela!ions of !he "ood ;!% Eohn%
(ha*es o. (lay)
/e heard a son"-bird !rillin" -
95 was b$! a ni"h! a"o%
;$ch ra!$re he was rillin"
As only we co$ld know%
5his mornin" he is flin"in"
&is m$sic from !he !ree#
B$! some!hin" in !he sin"in"
3s no! !he same !o me%
&is insira!ion fails him#
,r he has los! his skill%
Nanine# Nanine# wha! ails him
5ha! he sho$ld sin" so ill?
Nanine is no! relyin" -
;he hears no ear!hly son"%
5he s$n and bird are lyin"
And !he ni"h! is# ,# so lon"D
(ha*es o. (lay)
A 'e*ly to a !etter
, nonsense# arson - !ell me no! !hey !hri'e
And 7$bila!e who follow yo$r dic!a!ion%
5he "ood are !he $nhaies! lo! ali'e -
3 know !hey are from caref$l obser'a!ion%
3f freedom from !he !errors of damna!ion
8en"!hens !he 'isa"e like a !elescoe#
And lacryma!ion is a si"n of hoe#
5hen 39ll con!in$e# in my dreadf$l li"h!#
5o !read !he d$sky a!hs of sin# and "roe
-on!en!edly wi!ho$! yo$r lan!ern9s li"h!C
And !ho$"h in many a bo" besl$bbered 4$i!e#
1ef$se !o flay me wi!h ecclesias!ic soa%
Go$ say 9!is a sad world# seein" 39m condemned#
/i!h many a million o!hers of my kidney%
<ach con!inen!9s &ammed# Eahe!ed and ;hemmed
/i!h sinners - worldlin"s like ;ir ?hili ;idney
And scoffers like Aol!aire# who !ho$"h! i! bliss
5o sim$la!e resec! for >enesis -
/ho ben! !he men!al knee as if in rayer#
B$! mocked a! 0oses $ndernea!h his hair#
And like an an"ry "ander bowed his head !o hiss%
;eein" s$ch as !hese# who die wi!ho$! con!ri!ion#
0$s! "o !o - be" yo$r ardon# sir - erdi!ion#
5he sons of li"h!# yo$ !ell me# can9! be "ay#
B$! co$n! i! sin of !he sor! called omission
% % % % % %
(ha*es o. (lay)
To )scar Wilde
Beca$se from =olly9s lis yo$ "o!
;ome babbled manda!e !o s$bd$e
5he realm of -ommon ;ense# and yo$
0ade romise and considered no! -
Beca$se yo$ s!rike a random blow
A! wha! yo$ do no! $nders!and#
And beckon wi!h a friendly hand
5o some!hin" !ha! yo$ do no! know#
3 hold no seech of yo$r deser!#
Nor answer wi!h orrec!ed shield
5he wooden weaon !ha! yo$ wield#
B$! mee! yo$ wi!h a cas! of dir!%
Bis$!e wi!h s$ch a !hin" as yo$ -
5win show !o !he !wo-headed calf?
/hy# sir# if 3 reress my la$"h#
3! is more !han half !he world can do%
(ha*es o. (lay)
By a De.eated !itigant
8iars for wi!nessesC for lawyers br$!es
/ho lose !heir !emers !o re!rie'e !heir s$i!sC
-owards for 7$rorsC and for 7$d"e a clown
/ho ne9er !ook $ !he law# ye! lays i! downC
E$s!ice denied# a$!hori!y ab$sed#
And !he one hones! erson !he acc$sed -
5hy co$r!s# my co$n!ry# all !hese awf$l years#
0o'e fools !o la$"h!er and !he wise !o !ears%
(ha*es o. (lay)
Alas# alas# for !he !o$ris!9s "$ideD -
&e !$rned from !he bea!en !rail aside#
/andered bewildered# lay down and died%
, "rim is !he 3rony of =a!e6
3! swi!ches !he man of low es!a!e
And loosens !he do"s $on !he "rea!%
3! li"h!s !he fireman !o roas! !he cookC
5he fisherman s4$irms $on !he hook#
And !he flir! is slain wi!h a !ender look%
5he $nder!aker i! o'er!akesC
3! saddles !he ca'alier# and makes
5he ha$"h!ies! b$!cher in!o s!eaks%
Assis! me# "ods# !o balk !he decreeD
No!hin" 39ll do and no!hin" 39ll be#
3n order !ha! no!hin" be done !o me%
(ha*es o. (lay)
2hiloso*her Bi$$
1e$blicans !hink Eonas Bimm
A Bemocra! "one mad#
And Bemocra!s consider him
1e$blican and bad%
5he 5o$"h re'iles him as a B$de
And "i'es i! him ri"h! ho!C
5he B$de condemns his crassi!$de
And calls him sans culottes%
Berided as an An"lohile
By An"lohobes# forsoo!h#
As An"lohobe he feels# !he while#
5he An"lohilic !oo!h%
5he -h$rchman calls him A!heis!C
5he A!heis!s# ro$"h-shod#
&a'e ridden o9er him lon" and hissed
+5he wre!ch belie'es in >odD+
5he ;ain!s whom cler"ymen we call
/o$ld kill him if !hey co$ldC
5he ;inners (scien!is!s and all)
-omlain !ha! he is "ood%
All men delore !he difference
Be!ween !hemsel'es and him#
And all de'ise e.edien!s
=or ainin" Eonas Bimm%
3 !oo# wi!h wild demoniac "lee#
/o$ld $! o$! bo!h his eyesC
=or 0r% Bimm aears !o me
3ns$fferably wiseD
(ha*es o. (lay)
Benea!h my window !wili"h! made
=amiliar mys!eries of shade%
=ain! 'oices from !he darkenin" down
/ere callin" 'a"$ely !o !he !own%
3n!en! $on a low# far "leam
5ha! b$rned $on !he world9s e.!reme#
3 sa!# wi!h shor! rerie'e from "rief#
And !$rned !he 'ol$me# leaf by leaf#
/herein a hand# lon" dead# had wro$"h!
A million miracles of !ho$"h!%
0y fin"ers carelessly $ncl$n"
5he le!!ered a"es# and amon"
5hem wandered wi!less# nor di'ined
5he weal!h in which# oor fools# !hey mined%
5he so$l !ha! sho$ld ha'e led !heir 4$es!
/as dreamin" in !he le'el wes!#
/here a !all !ower# s!ark and s!ill#
@lif!ed on a dis!an! hill#
;!ood lone and assionless !o claim
3!s "$ardian s!ar9s re!$rnin" flame%
% % % % % %
(ha*es o. (lay)
To Nanine
Bear# if 3 ne'er saw yo$r face a"ainC
3f all !he m$sic of yo$r 'oice were m$!e
As !ha! of a forlorn and broken l$!eC
3f only in my dreams 3 mi"h! a!!ain
5he benedic!ion of yo$r !o$ch# how 'ain
/ere =ai!h !o 7$s!ify !he old $rs$i!
,f hainess# or 1eason !o conf$!e
5he essimis! hilosohy of ain%
Ge! 8o'e no! al!o"e!her is $nwise#
=or s!ill !he wind wo$ld m$rm$r in !he corn#
And s!ill !he s$n wo$ld slendor all !he mereC
And 3 - 3 co$ld no!# deares!# choose b$! hear
Go$r 'oice $on !he bree:e and see yo$r eyes
;hine in !he "lory of !he s$mmer morn%
(ha*es o. (lay)
A Blac,-!ist
+1esol'ed !ha! we will os!#+ !he !radesmen say#
+All names of deb!ors who do ne'er ay%+
+/hose shall be firs!?+ in4$ires !he ready scribe -
+/ho are !he chiefs of !he mara$din" !ribe?+
8oD hi"h ?arnass$s# lif!in" from !he lain#
@on his hoary eak# a noble faneD
/i!hin !ha! !emle all !he names are scrolled
,f 'illa"e bards $on a slab of "oldC
5o !ha! bad eminence# my friend# asire#
And coy !ho$ !he 1oll of =ame# en!ire%
Ge! no! !o !o!al shame !hose names de'o!e#
B$! add in mercy !his e.lainin" no!e6
+5hese chea! beca$se !he law makes !hef! a crime#
And !hey obey all laws b$! laws of rhyme%+
(ha*es o. (lay)
3 fell aslee and dreamed !ha! 3
/as fl$n"# like A$lcan# from !he skyC
8ike him was lamed ano!her ar!6
&is le" was criled and my hear!%
3 woke in !ime !o see my lo'e
-onceal a le!!er in her "lo'e%
(ha*es o. (lay)
B$ll were !he days and sober#
5he mo$n!ains were brown and bare#
=or !he season was sad ,c!ober
And a dir"e was in !he air%
5he ma!ed s!arlin"s flew o'er
5o !he isles of !he so$!hern sea%
;he we! for her warrior lo'er -
/e! and e.claimed6 +Ah# meD
+8on" years ha'e 3 mo$rned my darlin"
3n his ba!!le-bed a! res!C
And i!9s ,# !o be a s!arlin"#
/i!h a ma!e !o share my nes!D+
5he an"els i!ied her sorrow#
1es!orin" her warrior9s lifeC
And he came !o her arms on !he morrow
5o claim her and !ake her !o wife%
An a"ed lo'er - a or!ly#
Bald lo'er# a !rifle !oo s!iff#
/i!h manners !ha! wo$ld ha'e been co$r!ly#
And wo$ld ha'e been "racef$l# if -
3f !he an"els had only res!ored him
/i!ho$! !he addi!ional years
5ha! had assed since !he enemy bored him
5o dea!h wi!h !heir lon"# shar sears%
As i! was# he bored her# and she rambled
Away wi!h her fa!her9s yo$n" "room#
And !he old lo'er smiled as he ambled
-on!en!edly back !o !he !omb%
(ha*es o. (lay)
A Bit o. cience
/ha!D ho!o"rah in colors? 95 is a dream
And he who dreams i! is no! o'erwise#
3f colors are 'ibra!ion !hey b$! seem#
And ha'e no bein"% B$! if 5yndall lies#
/hy# come# !hen - ho!o"rah my lady9s eyes%
Nay# friend# yo$ can9!C !he slendor of !heir bl$e#
As on my own beclo$ded orbs !hey res!#
5o na$"h! b$! 'ibra!ory mo!ion9s d$e#
As hear!# head# limbs and all 3 am a!!es!%
&ow co$ld her eyes# a! res! !hemsel'es# be makin"
3n me so $ncon!rollable a shakin"?
(ha*es o. (lay)
An Augury
@on my desk a sin"le sray#
/i!h s!arry blossoms fra$"h!%
3 wri!e in many an idle way#
5hinkin" one serio$s !ho$"h!%
+, flowers# a fine >reek name ye bear#
And wi!h a fine >reek "race%+
Be s!ill# , hear!# !ha! !$rns !o share
5he s$nshine of a face%
+&a'e ye no messa"es# - no brief#
;!ill si"n6 9Besair9# or 9&oe9?+
A s$dden s!ir of s!em and leaf -
A brea!h of helio!roeD
(ha*es o. (lay)
3n -on"ress once "rea! 0ow!her shone#
Beba!in" wei"h!y ma!!ersC
Now in!o an asyl$m !hrown#
&e 'ac$o$sly cha!!ers%
3f in !ha! le"isla!i'e hall
&is wisdom s!ill he9d 'en!ed#
3! ne'er had been known a! all
5ha! 0ow!her was demen!ed%
(ha*es o. (lay)
,n <'idence# on Beeds# on Bills#
,n -oyhold# on 8oans# on /ills#
8awyers "rea! books indi!eC
5he creakin" of !heir b$sy 4$ills
39'e ne'er heard on 1i"h!%
(ha*es o. (lay)
The %an Born Blind
A man born blind recei'ed his si"h!
By a ainf$l oera!ionC
And !hese are !hin"s he saw in !he li"h!
,f an infan! obser'a!ion%
&e saw a merchan!# "ood and wise#
And "rea!ly# !oo# resec!ed#
/ho looked# !o !hose imerfec! eyes#
8ike a swindler $nde!ec!ed%
&e saw a a!rio! address
A noisy $blic mee!in"%
And said6 +/hy# !ha!9s a calf# 3 "$ess#
5ha! for !he !ea! is blea!in"%+
A doc!or s!ood beside a bed
And shook his s$mmi! sadly%
+, see !ha! fo$l assassinD+ said
5he man who saw so badly%
&e saw a lawyer leadin" for
A !hief whom !hey9d been 7ailin"#
And said6 +5ha! 9s an accomlice# or
0y si"h! a"ain is failin"%+
@on !he Bench a E$s!ice sa!#
/i!h no!hin" !o res!rain himC
+95is s!ran"e#+ said !he obser'er# +!ha!
5hey 'en!$red !o $nchain him%+
/i!h !heolo"ic works s$lied#
&e saw a solemn reacherC
+A b$r"lar wi!h his ki!#+ he cried#
+5o rob a fellow crea!$re%+
A bl$ff old farmer ne.! he saw
;ell rod$ce in a 'illa"e#
And said6 +/ha!# wha!D is !here no law
5o $nish men for illa"e?+
A dame# !all# fair and s!a!ely# assed#
/ho many charms $ni!edC
&e !hanked his s!ars his lo! was cas!
/here se$lchers were whi!ed%
&e saw a soldier s!iff and s!ern#
+=$ll of s!ran"e oa!hs+ and !oddyC
B$! was $nable !o discern
A wo$nd $on his body%
5en s4$are lea"$es of rollin" "ro$nd
5o one "rea! man belon"in"#
8ooked like one li!!le "rassy mo$nd
/i!h worms benea!h i! !hron"in"%
A alace9s well-car'en s!ones#
/here Bi'es dwel! con!en!ed#
;eemed b$il! !hro$"ho$! of h$man bones
/i!h h$man blood cemen!ed%
&e wa!ched !he yellow shinin" !hread
A silk-worm was a-sinnin"C
+5ha! crea!$re9s coinin" "oldD+ he said#
+5o ay some "irl for sinnin"%+
&is eyes were so $n!rained and dim
All oli!ics# reli"ions#
Ar!s# sciences# aeared !o him
B$! modes of l$ckin" i"eons%
And so he drew his final brea!h#
And !ho$"h! he saw wi!h sorrow
;ome ersons weein" for his dea!h
/ho9d be all smiles !omorrow%
(ha*es o. (lay)
%atter .or Gratitude
[<secially sho$ld we be !hankf$l for ha'in" escaed !he ra'a"es of !he yellow sco$r"e
by which o$r nei"hbors ha'e been so sorely afflic!ed% - Governor tone$an's
Than,sgiving 2rocla$ation6@
Be leased# , 8ord# !o !ake a eole9s !hanks
5ha! 5hine a'en"in" sword has sared o$r ranks -
5ha! 5ho$ has! ar!ed from o$r lis !he c$
And forced o$r nei"hbors9 lis !o drink i! $%
=a!her of 0ercies# wi!h a hear! con!ri!e
/e !hank 5hee !ha! 5ho$ "oes! so$!h !o smi!e#
And sares! ;an =rancisco9s loins# !o crack
5hy lash on &ermosillo9s bleedin" back -
5ha! o9er o$r homes 5hine awf$l an"el sread
&is win"s in 'ain# and >$aymas wees ins!ead%
/e raise 5hee# >od# !ha! Gellow =e'er here
&is horrid banner has no! dared !o rear#
-ons$m!ion9s 7$risdic!ion !o con!es!#
&er da""er dee in e'ery second breas!D
-a!arrh and As!hma and -on"es!i'e -hill
A!!es! 5hy bo$n!y and erform 5hy will%
5hese na!i'e messen"ers obey 5hy call -
5hey s$mmon sin"ly# b$! !hey s$mmon all%
No!# as in 0e.ico9s imes!ed clime#
-an Gellow Eack commi! rec$rrin" crime%
/e !hank 5hee !ha! 5ho$ killes! all !he !ime%
5hy !ender mercies# =a!her# ne'er end6
@on all heads 5hy blessin"s s!ill descend#
5ho$"h !heir forms 'ary% &ere !he sown seeds yield
Ab$ndan! "rain !ha! whi!ens all !he field -
5here !he smi! corn s!ands barren on !he lain#
5hrif! reas !he s!raw and =amine "leans in 'ain%
&ere !he fa! ries! !o !he con!en!ed kin"
?oin!s o$! !he con!ras! and !he eole sin" -
5here mo!hers ea! !heir offsrin"% /ell# a! leas!
5ho$ has! ro'ided offsrin" for !he feas!%
An ear!h4$ake here rolls harmless !hro$"h !he land#
And 5ho$ ar! "ood beca$se !he chimneys s!and -
5here !emled ci!ies sink in!o !he sea#
And dam s$r'i'ors# howlin" as !hey flee#
;ki !o !he hills and hold a celebra!ion
3n honor of 5hy wise discrimina!ion%
, >od# for"i'e !hem all# from ;!oneman down#
5hy smile who cons!r$e and e.o$nd 5hy frown#
And fall wi!h sain!ly "race $on !heir knees
5o render !hanks when 5ho$ dos! only snee:e%
(Blac, Beetles in A$1er)
The *irit o. a *onge
3 dreamed one ni"h! !ha! ;!ehen 0asse!! died#
And for admission $ a! &ea'en alied%
+/ho are yo$?+ asked ;!% ?e!er% 0asse!! said6
+Eeems ?ies# of ?ies'ille%+ ?e!er bowed his head#
,ened !he "a!es and said6 +39m "lad !o know yo$#
And wish we9d some!hin" be!!er# sir# !o show yo$%+
+Bon9! men!ion i!#+ said ;!ehen# lookin" bland#
And was abo$! !o en!er# ha! in hand#
/hen from a clo$d below s$ch f$mes arose
As !ickled !enderly his conscio$s nose%
&e a$sed# relaced his ha! $on his head#
5$rned back and !o !he sain!ly warden said#
,9er his already sro$!in" win"s6 +3 swear
3 smell some broilin" "oin" on down !hereD+
;o 0asse!!9s a$nch# a!!rac!ed by !he smell#
=ollowed his nose and fo$nd a lace in &ell%
(Blac, Beetles)
To /66 alo$on
/ho in a 0emorial Bay ora!ion ro!es!ed bi!!erly a"ains! decora!in" !he "ra'es of
-onfedera!e dead%
/ha!D ;alomonD s$ch words from yo$#
/ho call yo$rself a soldier? /ell#
5he ;o$!hern bro!her where he fell
;le! all yo$r base ora!ion !hro$"h%
Alike !o him - he canno! know
Go$r raise or blame6 as li!!le harm
Go$r !on"$e can do him as yo$r arm
A 4$ar!er-cen!$ry a"o%
5he bra'e resec! !he bra'e% 5he bra'e
1esec! !he deadC b$! you - yo$ draw
5ha! ancien! blade# !he ass9s 7aw#
And shake i! o9er a hero9s "ra'e%
Are yo$ no! he who makes !oday
A merchandise of old renown
/hich he ers$ades !his easy !own
&e won in ba!!le far away?
Nay# !hose !he fallen who re'ile
&a'e ne9er before !he li'in" s!ood
And s!o$!ly made !heir ba!!le "ood
And "ree!ed dan"er wi!h a smile%
/ha! if !he dead whom s!ill yo$ ha!e
/ere wron"? Are yo$ so s$rely ri"h!?
/e know !he iss$e of !he fi"h! -
5he sword is b$! an ad'oca!e%
0en li'e and die# and o!her men
Arise wi!h knowled"es di'erse6
/ha! seemed a blessin" seems a c$rse#
And Now is s!ill a! odds wi!h 5hen%
5he years "o on# !he old comes back
5o mock !he new - benea!h !he s$n%
3s nothing newC ideas r$n
1ec$rren! in an endless !rack%
/ha! mos! we cens$re# men as wise
&a'e re'eren!ly rac!icedC nor
/ill f$!$re wisdom fail !o war
,n rinciles we dearly ri:e%
/e do no! know - we can b$! deem#
And he is loyales! and bes!
/ho !akes !he li"h! f$ll on his breas!
And follows i! !hro$"ho$! !he dream%
5he broken li"h!# !he shadows wide -
Behold !he ba!!lefield dislayedD
>od sa'e !he 'an4$ished from !he blade#
5he 'ic!or from !he 'ic!or9s rideD
3f# ;alomon# !he blessed dew
5ha! falls $on !he Bl$e and >ray
3s owerless !o wash away
5he sin of differin" from yo$%
1emember how !he flood of years
&as rolled across !he errin" slainC
1emember# !oo# !he cleansin" rain
,f widows9 and of orhans9 !ears%
5he dead are dead - le! !ha! a!one6
And !ho$"h wi!h e4$al hand we s!rew
5he blooms on sain! and sinner !oo#
Ge! >od will know !o choose his own%
5he wre!ch# wha!e9er his life and lo!#
/ho does no! lo'e !he harmless dead
/i!h all his hear! and all his head -
0ay >od for"i'e him - " shall no!%
/hen# ;alomon# yo$ come !o 4$aff
5he Barker -$ wi!h meeker face#
3# lo'in" yo$ a! las!# shall !race
@on yo$r !omb !his ei!ah6
+Braw near# ye "enero$s and bra'e -
Fneel ro$nd !his mon$men! and wee6
3! co'ers one who !ried !o kee
A flower from a dead man9s "ra'e%+
(Blac, Beetles)
BeholdD !he days of miracle a! las!
1e!$rn - if e'er !hey were !r$ly as!6
=rom sinf$l credi!ors9 $nholy "reed
5he ch$rch called -al'ary a! las! is freed -
;o called for !here !he ;a'ior9s cr$cified#
1ober!s and -armany on ei!her side%
5he circlin" con!rib$!ion-bo. no more
?ro'okes !he nod and sim$la!ed snoreC
No more !he 8o!!ery# no more !he =air#
8$re !he rel$c!an! dollar from i!s lair#
Nor 8adies9 8$nches a! a bi! a bi!e
Bes!roy !he heal!h ye! sare !he ae!i!e#
/hile !hrif!y sis!ers o9er !he ca$ldron s!oo
5o ser'e !heir >od wi!h :eal# !heir friends wi!h so$#
And all !he bre!hren mendica!e !he ear!h
/i!h 'iewless lacards6 +/e9'e been so from bir!hD+
;$re of his wa"e# !he as!or now can lend
&is whole a!!en!ion !o his la!!er end#
1emarkin" wi!h a mar!yr9s rescien! !hrill
5he &em ma!$rin" on !he cheerless &ill%
5he holy bre!hren# lif!in" io$s alms#
?o$r o$! !heir "ra!i!$de in rayer and salms#
-han! De 2ro.undis# meanin" +o$! of deb!#+
And dance like mad - or wo$ld if !hey were le!%
Beely dis"$ised (a deacon newly dead
;$lied !he means) Eack ;a!an holds his head
As hi"h as any and as lo$dly sin"s
&is 4u1ilate !ill each raf!er rin"s%
+1e7oice# ye e'er fai!hf$l#+ bellows he#
+5he deb! is lif!ed and !he !emle freeD+
5hen says# aside# wi!h "en!le cachina!ion6
+39'e "o! a mor!"a"e on !he con"re"a!ion%+
(Blac, Beetles)
[5here isn9! a man li'in" who does no! ha'e a! leas! a sneakin" re'erence for a
horseshoe% - /vening 2ost%2
5h$s !he oor ass whose ae!i!e has ne9er
Fnown !han !he !his!le any swee!er fare
5hinks all !he world ea!s !his!les% 5h$s !he clown#
5he wi! and 0en!or of !he co$n!ry !own#
>rins !hro$"h !he collar of a horse and !hinks
,!hers for leas$re do as he for drinks#
5ho$"h secre!ly# beca$se $nwillin" s!ill
3n $blic !o a!!es! !heir lack of skill%
<ach d$nce whose life and mind all follies mar
Belie'es as he is all men li'in" are -
&is 'ices !heirs# !heir $nders!andin"s hisC
Na$"h! !ha! he knows no!# all he fancies# is6
&ow odd !ha! any mind s$ch s!$ff sho$ld boas!D
&ow na!$ral !o wri!e i! in !he 2ostA
(Blac, Beetles)
5he friends who s!ood abo$! my bed
8ooked down $on my face and said6
+>od9s will be done - !he fellow9s dead%+
/hen from my body 3 was free
3 s!rai"h!way fel! myself# ah meD
;ink downward !o !he life !o be%
=$ll !wen!y cen!$ries 3 fell#
And !hen ali"h!ed% +&ere yo$ dwell
=or aye#+ a Aoice cried - +!his is &ellD+
A landscae lay abo$! my fee!#
/here !rees were "reen and flowers swee!%
5he clima!e was de'oid of hea!%
5he s$n looked down wi!h "en!le beam
@on !he bosom of !he s!ream#
Nor saw 3 any si"n of s!eam%
5he wa!ers by !he sky were !in"ed#
5he hills wi!h li"h! and color frin"ed%
Birds warbled on !he win" $nsin"ed%
+Ah# no# !his is no! &ell#+ 3 criedC
+5he reachers ne9er so "rea!ly lied%
5his is <ar!h9s siri! "lorifiedD
+>ood so$ls do no! in &ades dwell#
And# look# !here9s Eohn ?% 3rishD+ +/ell#+
5he Aoice said# +!ha!9s wha! makes i! &ell%+
(Blac, Beetles)
A (ontroversialist
39'e some!imes wished !ha! 3n"ersoll were wise
5o hold his !on"$e# nor rail a"ains! !he skiesC
=or when he9s made a oin! some io$s d$nce
8ike Bar!le!! of !he Bulletin +relies%+
3 brandish no iconoclas!ic fis!#
Nor en!er !he deba!e an a!heis!C
B$! when !hey say !here is a >od 3 ask
/hy Bar!le!!# !hen# is s$ffered !o!%
<'en infidels !ha! lo"ic mi"h! resen!#
;ayin"6 +5here9s no lace for his $nishmen!
5ha!9s worse !han ear!h%+ B$! h$mbly 3 s$bmi!
5ha! he wo$ld make a hell where'er sen!%
(Blac, Beetles)
;o# in !he ;$nday aers you# Bel 0ar#
Bamn# all "rea! <n"lishmen in <n"lish seech?
3 am no <n"lishman# b$! in my reach
A ro"$e shall ne'er rail where heroes are%
Go$ are !he man# if 3 mis!ake yo$ no!#
/ho la!ely wi!h a s$lica!in" !wi!ch
?l$cked a! !he ocke!s of !he 8ondon rich
And aid yo$r share-en"ra'er all yo$ "o!%
Beca$se !ha! yo$ ha'e "rea!ly lied# beca$se
Go$ libel na!ions# and beca$se no hand
,f officer is raised !o bid yo$ s!and#
And falsehood is $n$nished of !he laws#
3 s!and here in a $blic lace !o mark
/i!h le'el fin"er where yo$ ar! !he crowd -
3 s!and !o name yo$ and !o cry alo$d6
+Behold mendaci!y9s "rea! hierarchD+
(Blac, Beetles)
A 2rayer
;wee! ;iri! of -essool# hear a mo!her9s rayer6
&er !errors acify and offsrin" sareD
@on ;il$rians alone le! fall
(And >od in &ea'en ha'e mercy on !hem allD)
5he red re'en"es of yo$r fra"ran! brea!h#
&o! wi!h !he flames in'isible of dea!h%
;in" in each nose a melody of smells#
And lead !hem sno$!wise !o !heir se'eral hellsD
(Blac, Beetles)
The 2erverted 0illage
% % % % % %
;wee! A$b$rnD li'elies! 'illa"e of !he lain#
/here &eal!h and ;lander welcome e'ery !rain#
/hence smilin" innocence# i!s !rib$!e aid#
1e!ires in !error# wo$nded and dismayed -
Bear lo'ely bowers of "ossi and disease#
/hose clima!e c$res $s !ha! !hy dames may !ease#
&ow of!en ha'e 3 knel! $on !hy "reen
And rayed for dea!h# !o mi!i"a!e !heir sleenD
&ow of!en ha'e 3 a$sed on e'ery charm
/i!h min"led admira!ion and alarm -
5he brook !ha! r$ns by many a scandal-mill#
5he ch$rch whose as!or "roans $on !he "rill#
5he cow!horn b$sh wi!h sea!s benea!h !he shade#
/here hear!s are s!r$ck and re$!a!ions flayedC
&ow of!en wished !hine idle wi'es# some day#
0i"h! more a! whis!# less a! !he de'il# lay%
@nbles! re!iremen!D ere my life9s decline
(Filled by de!rac!ion) may 3 wi!ness !hine%
&ow hay she who# sh$nnin" shades like !hese#
=inds in a wolf-den "rea!er eace and easeC
/ho 4$i!s !he lace whence !r$!h did earlier fly#
And ra!her !han come back refers !o dieD
=or her no 7ealo$s maids reno$nce !heir slee#
-on!ri'in" malices !o make her weeC
No iron-faced dames her charac!er deba!e
And s$rn imlorin" mercy from !he "a!eC
B$! down she lies !o a more eacef$l end#
=or wol'es do no! cal$mnia!e# b$! rend -
;inks iecemeal !o !heir maws# a willin" rey#
/hile resi"na!ion l$brica!es !he way#
And all her rosec!s bri"h!en a! !he las!6
5o wol'es# no! women# an aro'ed reas!%
(Blac, Beetles)
A 2olitical A*ostate
>ood friend# i! is wi!h dee re"re! 3 no!e
5he la!es!# s!ran"es! !$rnin" of yo$r coa!C
5ho$"h any way yo$ wear !ha! men!al clo$!
5he seamy side seems always !o be o$!%
/ho co$ld ha'e !ho$"h! !ha! yo$ wo$ld e9er s$s!ain
5he ;o$!hern sho!"$n9s arbi!rary rei"nD -
Go$r s!$rdy hand assis!in" !o relace
5he broken yoke on a deli'ered raceC
5he ballo!9s $ri!y no more yo$r care#
/i!h e4$al ri'ile"e !o dark and fair%
5o Ges!erday a !rai!or# !o 5oday
Go$9re cons!an! b$! !he be!!er !o be!ray
5omorrow% Go$r con'ic!ions all are na$"h!
B$! !he wild asses of !he world of !ho$"h!#
/hich# flyin" mindless o9er !he barren lain#
?ercei'e a! las! !hey9'e no!hin" so !o "ain#
And# !$rnin" eni!en! $on !heir !rack#
<conomi:e !heir s!ren"!h by flyin" back%
% % % % % %
5he !ime m$s! come - &ea'en e.edi!e !he dayD -
/hen all mankind shall !heir decrees obey#
And na!ions roser in !heir eacef$l sway%
(Blac, Beetles)
Bats in unshine
/ell# 0r% Femble# yo$ are called# 3 !hink#
A "rea! di'ine# and 39m a "rea! rofane%
Go$ as a -on"re"a!ionalis! blink
;ome cer!ain !r$!hs !ha! 3 es!eem a "ain#
And dro !hem in !he coffers of my brain#
?leased wi!h !he re!!y m$sic of !heir chink%
?erhas yo$r siri!$al weal!h is s$ch
A "olden !r$!h or !wo don9! co$n! for m$ch%
Go$ say !ha! yo$9'e no a!ience wi!h s$ch s!$ff
As by 1enan is wri!# and when yo$ read
(/hy do yo$ read?) ha'e hardly s!ren"!h eno$"h
5o hold yo$r hand from flin"in" !he 'ile screed
3n!o !he fire% 5ha! were a was!ef$l deed
/hich yo$9d reen! in sackclo!h e.!ra ro$"hC
=or books cos! money# and 39m !old yo$ care
5o lay $ !reas$res &ere as well as 5here%
3 fear# "ood# io$s so$l# !ha! yo$ mis!ake
Go$r !hrif! for !olera!ion% Ne'er mind6
1enan in any case wo$ld hardly break
&is "rea!# s!ron"# chari!able hear! !o find
5he ba!s and owls of yo$r myoic kind
?ained by !he li"h! !ha! his ideas make%
95is 5r$!h9s bes! $rose !o shine in a! holes
/here cower !he Fembles# !o confo$nd !heir so$lsD
(Blac, Beetles)
A Word to the 5n&ise
[-harles 0ain# of !he firm of 0ain N /inches!er# has ordered a "rand ma$sole$m for his
lo! in 0o$n!ain Aiew -eme!ery% - (ity Ne&s*a*er%2
-harles 0ain# of 0ain N /inches!er# a!!end
/i!h friendly ear !he chi!-cha! of a friend
/ho knows yo$ no!# ye! knows !ha! yo$ and he
5ra'el !wo roads !ha! ha'e a common end%
/e 7o$rney forward !hro$"h !he !ime allowed#
3 h$mbly bendin"# yo$ erec! and ro$d%
,$r heads alike will s!able soon !he worm -
5he one !ha!9s lif!ed# and !he one !ha!9s bowed%
Go$ in yo$r ma$sole$m shall reose#
3 where i! leases &im who slee bes!owsC
/ha! ma!!er whe!her one so li!!le wor!h
;hall s!ain !he marble or shall feed !he rose?
-harles 0ain# 3 had a friend who died one day%
A me!al caske! held his honored clay%
,f cycloean archi!ec!$re s!ood
5he slendid 'a$l! where he was laid away%
A do:en years# and loD !he roo!s of "rass
&ad b$rs! as$nder all !he 7oin!sC !he brass#
5he "ilded ornamen!s# !he car'en s!ones
8ay !$mbled all !o"e!her in a mass%
A do:en yearsD 5ha! ! yo$r belief%
0ake i! a !ho$sand if !he !ime9s !oo brief%
95will be !he same !o yo$C when yo$ are dead
Go$ canno! e'en co$n! yo$r days of "rief%
;$ose a omo$s mon$men! yo$ raise
5ill on i!s eak !he solar slendor bla:e
/hile ye! abo$! i!s base !he ni"h! is blackC
B$! will i! "i'e yo$r "lory len"!h of days?
;ay# when benea!h yo$r r$bbish has been !hrown#
;ome ro"$e !o re$!a!ion all $nknown -
0en9s backs bein" !$rned - sho$ld lif! his !hie'in" hand#
<fface yo$r name and s$bs!i!$!e his own%
/hose !hen wo$ld be !he mon$men!? 5o whom
/o$ld be !he fame? =or"o!!en in yo$r "loom#
Go$r 'ery name for"o!!en - ah# my friend#
5he name is all !ha!9s resc$ed by !he !omb%
=or memory of wor!h and work we "o
5o o!her records !han a s!one can show%
5hese lackin"# na$"h! remainsC wi!h !hese
5he s!one is needless for !he world will know%
5hen b$ild yo$r ma$sole$m if yo$ m$s!#
And cree in!o i! wi!h a erfec! !r$s!C
B$! in !he !winklin" of an eye !he low
;hall ass wi!ho$! obs!r$c!ion !hro$"h yo$r d$s!%
Ano!her mo'emen! of !he end$l$m#
And# loD !he deser!-ha$n!in" wolf shall come#
And# sea!ed on !he so!# shall howl by ni"h!
,9er ro!!in" ci!ies# desola!e and d$mb%
(Blac, Beetles)
A Da$*ened Ardor
5he -hina!own a! Bakersfield
/as bla:in" bri"h! and hi"hC
5he flames !o wa!er wo$ld no! yield#
5ho$"h !orren!s drenched !he sky
And drowned !he "ro$nd for miles aro$nd -
5he ho$ses were so dry%
5hen rose an a"ed reacher man
/hom all did m$ch admire#
/ho said6 +5o force on yo$ my lan
3 !r$ly don9! asire#
B$! s!reams# i! seems# mi"h! 4$ench !hese beams
3f !$rned $on !he fire%+
5he fireman said6 +5his hoary wi"h!
&is folly dares !o !hr$s!
,n usA 95were well he fel! o$r mi"h! -
Nay# he shall feel o$r m$s!D+
/i!h 7e! of we! and small re"re!
5hey laid !ha! old man9s d$s!%
(Blac, Beetles)
/hen Br% -harles ,9Bonnell died
5hey sank a bo. wi!h him inside%
5he la!e wi!h his ini!ials !hree
/as simly "ra'en - +-% ,9 B%+
5ha! ni"h! !wo demons of !he ?i!
Adown !he coal-hole sh$n!ed i!%
5en million million lea"$es i! fell#
Ali"h!in" a! !he "a!e of &ell%
Nick looked $on i! wi!h s$rrise#
A ni"h!-s!orm darkenin" his eyes%
+5hey9'e sen! !his r$bbish# -%,%B% -
39ll ne'er ay a cen!D+ said he%
(Blac, Beetles)
To /ither
Back f$r!her !han
3 know# in ;an
=rancisco dwel! a weal!hy man%
;o rich was he
5ha! none co$ld be
/ise# "ood and "rea! in like de"ree%
95is !r$e he wro$"h!#
3n deed or !ho$"h!#
B$! few of all !he !hin"s he o$"h!C
B$! men said6 +/ho
/o$ld wish him !o?
>rea! so$ls are born !o be# no! doD+
,ne !hin"# indeed#
&e did# we read#
/hich was becomin"# all a"reed6
>rown ro'iden!#
<re life was sen!
&e b$il! a mi"h!y mon$men!%
=or lon"er !han
3 know# in ;an
=rancisco li'ed a be""ar manC
And when in bed
5hey fo$nd him dead -
+E$s! like !he scamD+ !he eole said%
&e died# !hey say#
,n !he same day
&is weal!hy nei"hbor assed away%
/ha! ma!!ers i!
/hen be""ars 4$i!
5heir bea!s? 3 answer6 No! a bi!%
5hey "o! a sade
And ick and made
A hole# and !here !he cha was laid%
+&e asked for bread#+
95was nea!ly said6
+&e9ll "e! no! e'en a s!one ins!ead%+
5he years rolled ro$nd6
&is h$mble mo$nd
;ank !o !he le'el of !he "ro$ndC
And men for"o!
5ha! !he bare so!
/as like (and was) !he be""ar9s lo!%
=or"o!!en# !oo#
/as !9o!her# who
&ad reared !he mon$men! !o woo
3ncons!an! =ame#
5ho$"h s!ill his name
;ho$!ed in "rani!e 7$s! !he same%
5ha! name# 3 swear#
5hey bo!h did bear
5he be""ar and !he millionaire%
5ha! lof!y !omb#
5hen# honored - whom?
=or ar"$men! here9s amle room%
39ll no! deba!e#
B$! only s!a!e
5he scam firs! claimed i! a! !he >a!e%
;!% ?e!er# ro$d
5o ser'e him# bowed
And showed him !o !he sof!es! clo$d%
(Blac, Beetles)
The 0alley o. the hado& o. The.t
3n fair Gosemi!e# !ha! den of !hie'es
/herein !he minions of !he moon di'ide
5he !ra'elers9 $rses# loD !he Be'il "rie'es#
&is lar"er share as leader s!ill denied%
<l -ai!an# foreseein" !ha! his rei"n
0ay be dis$!ed !oo# beclo$ds his head%
5he 7oyo$s Bridal Aeil is !orn in !wain
And !he cree s!eamer dan"les !here ins!ead%
5he Aernal =all aba!es her leasan! seed
And hesi!a!es !o !ake !he final l$n"e#
=or r$mors reach her !ha! ano!her "reed
Awai!s her in !he Aalley of !he ;on"e%
5he Bro!hers en'y !he accord of mind
And eace of $rose (by !he "ood delored
As honor amon" -ommissioners) which bind
5ha! confra!erni!y of crime# !he Board%
5he &alf-Bome bows i!s ri'en face !o wee#
B$! no!# as formerly# beca$se beref!6
?rohe!ic dreams afflic! him when aslee
,f losin" his remainin" half by !hef!%
Ambi!io$s kna'esD has no! !he $er sod
<no$"h of room for e'ery crime !ha! crawls
B$! yo$ m$s! loo! !he ?alaces of >od
And da$b yo$r fil!hy names $on !he walls?
(Blac, Beetles)
Ar1or Day
&as!en# children# black and whi!e -
-elebra!e !he yearly ri!e%
<'ery $il lan! a !ree6
3! will "row some day !o be
Bi" and s!ron" eno$"h !o bear
A ;chool Birec!or han"in" !here%
(Blac, Beetles)
The 2iute
@nbea$!if$l is !he ?i$!eD
&owe9er bedecked wi!h bra'ery#
&is erson is $nsa'ory -
,f soa he9s des!i!$!e%
&e m$l!ilies $on !he ear!h
3n si!e of all admonishin"C
All cens$re his as!onishin"
And 'ersa!ile $nwor!h%
@on !he 1eser'a!ion wide
/e "i'e for his inhabi!in"
&e "oes a-7ackass rabbi!in"
5o f$rnish his inside%
5he hoer sin"in" in !he "rass
&e sei:es wi!h a'idi!y6
&e lo'es i!s !ar! acidi!y#
And "obbles all !ha! ass%
&e ene!ra!es !he sider9s 'eil#
3nd$s!rio$sly illa"es
5he !oads9 defenseless 'illa"es#
And shadows home !he snail%
&e li"h!ly r$ns !o ear!h !he 4$ain!
1ed worm and# def!ly !rowelin"#
&e makes i! wi!h his bowelin"
=amiliarly ac4$ain!%
&e !racks !he ine-n$! !o i!s lair#
;$rro$nds i! wi!h celeri!y#
1e"ards i! wi!h aseri!y -
;miles# and i! isn9! !hereD
3 wish he9d oen $ a "rin
,f ade4$a!e 'i'aci!y
And carryin" caaci!y
5o !ake his A"en! in%
(Blac, Beetles)
The Foot--ill 'esort
Assembled in !he arlor
,f !he lace of las! resor!#
5he smiler and !he snarler
And !he "$es!s of e'ery sor! -
5he eloc$!ion cha
/i!h rhe!oric on !aC
5he mimic and !he f$nny do"C
5he social son"eC !he money-ho"C
A$l"arian and d$deC
And !he r$deC
5he adiosin" dame
/i!h imly face aflameC
5he ki!!en-layf$l 'ir"in -
Air"in on !o fif!y yearsC
5he solemn-lookin" s!$r"eon
,f a firm of a$c!ioneersC
5he widower flir!a!io$sC
5he widow all !oo "racio$sC
5he man wi!h a roboscis and a se$lcher benea!h%
,ne assassin icks !he ban7o# and ano!her icks his !ee!h%
(Blac, Beetles)
Fro$ To* to Botto$
[Eaan has (I#(J9 B$ddhis! ries!s# +mos! of whom#+ says a -hris!ian missionary# +are
"rossly i"noran!# and many of !hem lead scandalo$s li'es%+2
, B$ddha# had yo$ b$! foreknown
5he 'ices of yo$r ries!hood
3! wo$ld ha'e made yo$ !wis! and moan
As any wo$nded beas! wo$ld%
Go$ wo$ld ha'e damned !he en!ire lo!
And !$rned a -hris!ian# wo$ld yo$ no!?
5here were no -hris!ians# 39ll allow#
3n yo$r dayC !ha! wo$ld only
&a'e bro$"h! dis!inc!ion% <'en now
A -hris!ian mi"h! feel lonely%
All !ake !he name# b$! fac!s are !hin"s
As s!$bborn as !he will of kin"s%
5he ries!s were i"noran! and low
/hen ridic$led by 8$cianC
5he records# co$ld we read# mi"h! show
5he same of !imes -onf$cian%
And ye! !he fac! 3 can9! dis"$ise
5ha! Beacon 1ankin9s "ood and wise%
95is !r$e he is no! 4$i!e a ries!#
Nor more !han half a reacherC
B$! he e.hor!s as lo$d a! leas!
As any li'in" crea!$re%
And when !he la!e is assed abo$!
&e ne'er !akes a enny o$!%
=rom B$ddha down !o 1ankinD 5here# -
3 ne'er did in!end !o%
5his en9s a b$::ard9s 4$ill# 3 swear#
;$ch s$b7ec!s !o descend !o%
/hen from !he h$mmin"-bird 39'e wr$n"
A l$me 39ll wri!e of 0ike de Go$n"%
(Blac, Beetles)
The Dead King
&awaii9s Fin" resi"ned his brea!h -
,$r 8e"isla!$re "$ffawed%
5he awf$l di"ni!y of dea!h
No! any sin"le ro$"h awed%
B$! when o$r 8e"isla!ors die
All Fin"s# H$eens# Eacks and Aces cry%
(Blac, Beetles)
A Wreath o. "$$ortales
% % % % % %
The 'ev6 #ose*h
&e reached !ha! sickness he co$ld floor
By rayer and by commandin"C
/hen sick himself he sen! for fo$r
?hysicians in "ood s!andin"%
&e was s!r$ck dead desi!e !heir care#
=or# fearin" !heir dissension#
&e secre!ly $! $ a rayer#
5h$s drawin" >od9s a!!en!ion%
% % % % %
3n ;acramen!o -i!y here
5his wooden mon$men! we rear
3n memory of Br% 0ay#
/hose smile e'en Bea!h co$ld no! allay%
&e9s b$ried# &ea'en alone knows where#
And only !he hyenas careC
5his 0ay-ole merely marks !he so!
/here# ere !he wre!ch be"an !o ro!#
=ame9s !r$me!# wi!h i!s bra:en bray#
BawledC +/ho (and why) was Br% 0ay?+
% % % % %
Eohn 3rish wen!# one l$ckless day#
5o loaf and fish a! ;an Eose%
&e "o! no loaf# he "o! no fish6
5hey brained him wi!h an em!y dishD
5hey laid him in !his lace aslee -
, come# ye crocodiles# and wee%
% % % % % %
Bennis ;encer9s mor!al coil
&ere is laid away !o soil -
>rea! riarian# who said
No! a s!ream sho$ld lea'e i!s bed%
Now his so$l wo$ld like a ri'er
5$rned $on i!s archin" li'er%
% % % % % %
>eor"e ?erry here lies s!iff and s!ark#
/i!h s!one a! foo! and s!one a! head%
&is hear! was dark# his mind was dark -
+3"noran! assD+ !he eole said%
No! i"noran! b$! skilled# alas#
3n all !he secre!s of his !rade6
&e knew more ways !o be an ass
5han any ass !ha! e'er brayed%
% % % % % %
&ere lies !he las! of Beacon =i!ch#
/hose b$siness was !o mel! !he i!ch%
-on'enien! !o !his sacred so!
8ies ;ammy# who alied i!# ho!%
95is hard - so m$ch alike !hey smell -
,ne9s "ra'e from !9o!her9s "ra'e !o !ell#
B$! when his !omb !he Beacon9s b$rs!
(,f !wo he9ll always be !he firs!)
&e9ll see by s!$dyin" !he s!ones
5ha! he9s ob!ained his roer bones#
5hen# seekin" ;ammy9s 'a$l!# $nlock i!#
And $! !ha! erson in his ocke!%
(Blac, Beetles)
Bierce on %arriage
5he followin" is from !i.e o. A$1rose Bierce# by /al!er Neale# N%G%# 1929% Neale was
a lon"-!ime friend of Bierce and in his bio"rahy of Bierce he $ses 4$o!a!ion marks when
arahrasin" Bierce from memory# as well as from direc! 4$o!a!ion% ;o mos! !he followin"
is not from Bierce9s wri!in"s# b$! from Neale9s $e$ory% 3n his ?reface Neale wri!es6 +3n
reresen!in" Bierce9s !ho$"h!s and e.ressions in !his 'ol$me 3 ha'e $sed !hree me!hods6
direc! 4$o!a!ions# wi!hin 4$o!a!ion marksC !he e.ression of his !ho$"h!s in lan"$a"e
somewha! ec$liar !o his s!yle# ye! no! so close !o his 'ery words as !o 7$s!ify !he $se of
s$ch marksC and 4$o!a!ion marks# $sed lar"ely for !he con'enience of !he reader# where
!he con!e.! shows !ha! 3 4$o!e from memory and do no! $se Bierce9s! lan"$a"e% 3 am
sa!isfied !ha! in e'ery ins!ance 3 ha'e "i'en !he siri! of !he dialo"$es and !ha! in many
ins!ances !he! lan"$a"e as $sed by Bierce is recorded%+ ;o one can $! wha! 'al$e
one wishes on Neale9s followin" memories# al!ho$"h !hey seem in Bierce9s s!yle and
"eneral a!!i!$de# and robably bonafide o'erall% Bierce was married wi!h !hree children#
and la!er di'orced% - dig6 ed6
(ha*ter "B - )n %arriage
<Walter Neale>
Bierce# in his re'iew of 5ols!oi9s Kreutzer onata# wri!!en when !he re'iewer was
for!y-ei"h!# $holds !he 1$ssian9s con!en!ion !ha! all h$man co$la!ion is a dismal# hear!-
rendin"# !ra"ic disas!er# bli"h!in" !he li'es of all who en"a"e in i!s rac!ice% /i!hin !he
cri!ic9s limi!a!ions of sace# wi!hin !he comass of his cri!i4$e# embodyin" o!her
commen!aries !han !hose on marria"e# he was necessarily res!ric!ed !o brief commen!s on
only a few asec!s of se. rela!ions% 3n his (ollected Wor,s he e.resses no 'iew as !o !he
effec! of ins!i!$!ional marria"e (or i!s s$bs!i!$!es) on !he ;!a!e# beyond sayin" (3n !he
Kreutzer onata cri!i4$e) !ha!6
+;choenha$er e.lains !he shamefacedness of lo'ers# !heir !endency !o wi!hdraw
in!o nooks and corners !o do !heir wooin"# by !he circ$ms!ance !ha! !hey lan a crime -
!hey consire !o brin" a h$man so$l in!o a world of woe% 5ols!oi !akes some!hin" of !he
same "ro$nd as !o !he na!$re of !heir offence% 0arria"e he !hinks a sin# and bein" a
reli"ionis!# re"ards !he res$l!in" and ine'i!able wre!chedness as i!s aoin!ed $nishmen!%
+98i!!le did 3 !hink of her hysical and in!ellec!$al life#9 says ?osdnyschew# in
e.lana!ion of con7$"al an!a"onism% 93 co$ld no! $nders!and whence sran" o$r m$!$al
hos!ili!y# b$! how clearly 3 see nowD 5his hos!ili!y was no!hin" b$! !he ro!es! of h$man
na!$re a"ains! !he beas! !ha! !hrea!ened !o de'o$r i!% 3 co$ld no! $nders!and !his ha!red%
And how co$ld i! ha'e been differen!? 5his hos!ili!y was no!hin" else !han !he m$!$al
ha!red of !wo accessories in a crime - !ha! of ins!i"a!ion# !ha! of accomlishmen!%9
+0arria"e bein" a sin# i! follows !ha! celibacy is a 'ir!$e and a d$!y% 5ols!oi has !he
co$ra"e of his con'ic!ions in !his as in o!her !hin"s% &e is !oo shar no! !o see where !his
leads him and !oo hones! !o s!o shor! of i!s lo"ical concl$sion% &ere he is !r$ly
ma"nificen!D &e ercei'es !ha! his ideal# if a!!ained# wo$ld be annihila!ion of !he race%
5ha!# as he has elsewhere in effec! oin!ed o$!# is no affair of his% &e is no! concerned for
!he ere!$i!y of !he race# b$! for i!s hainess !hro$"h freedom from !he l$s!s of !he flesh%
/ha! is i! !o him if !he "od whom# oddly eno$"h# he worshis# has done his work so badly
!ha! his crea!$res can no! be a! !he same !ime chas!e# hay and ali'e? <'eryone !o his
b$siness - >od as crea!or and# if he lease# reser'erC 5ols!oi as reformer% K
+%%%%,$"h! we !o !ry free lo'e# re4$irin" !he ;!a!e !o kee off i!s cl$msy hands and le!
men and women as indi'id$als mana"e !his affair# as !hey do !heir reli"ions# !heir
friendshis and !heir die!?+ KK
K The (ollected Wor,s# Aol% O# % 1JJ-*%
KK "1id%# % 1*)%
B$! here# 4$i!e roerly# we ha'e no inklin" of Bierce9s concl$sions as !o wha!
wo$ld be !he effec! $on !he ;!a!e of any one of n$mero$s s$bs!i!$!es for marria"e as
rac!iced in modern /es!ern ci'ili:a!ion% &is 'iews as e.ressed in The Kreutzer onata
cri!i4$e seem !o ha'e $nder"one no chan"e in !he 4$ar!er of a cen!$ry !ha! elased from
!he !ime i! was wri!!en $n!il his dea!h% B$! medi!a!ion broadened and s!ren"!hened his
o$!look# and !ime enabled him (wi!h !he e.erience !ha! wen! wi!h !he assa"e of years) !o
wei"h wi!h lar"er scales !he roblem of mode in se. con!ac!s% Ge! he s!r$ck !he balance
3n so modern an ins!i!$!ion as is /es!ern marria"e as i! is now rac!iced# Bierce in
his ries! wisdom con!ended# !o!!erin" almos! as soon as es!ablished# and now rac!iced
by only a small ercen!a"e of !he inhabi!an!s of !he ear!h - an ins!i!$!ion con!rary !o h$man
na!$re as man has been re'ealed !hro$"h se'en !ho$sand years - Bierce said !here has
no! been s$fficien! !ime in which !horo$"hly !o !es! so re'ol$!ionary an e.erimen!%
Ne'er!heless# !he es!ablishmen! seemed doomedC and# as he said in his re'iew of The
Kreutzer onata# he co$ld see no!hin" in marria"e (or in any order !ha! mi"h! be
s$bs!i!$!ed for i!) by which indi'id$al hainess co$ld be ob!ained% 5he f$ndamen!al
diffic$l!y bein" in !he ac! of co$la!ion i!self# en!ailin" inn$merable o!her diffic$l!ies# chief
amon" !hem !he imossibili!y of reconcilin" na!$res so 'as!ly differen! as !hose of man and
woman# !he h$man male and female co$ld no! be bro$"h! in!o harmonio$s associa!ion for
more !han a brief eriod% =or a life!imeD - !ha!# !o him# was manifes!ly imossible% 5here
were inn$merable oin!s of di'er"ence# irreconcilable# endin"# af!er a few 4$arrels# in
m$!$al dis!r$s! and ha!red%
5he assa"e in !he re'iew of The Kreutzer onata !o which 3 ha'e referred is as
+=or my ar!# 3 know of no remedy# nor do 3 belie'e !ha! one can be form$la!ed% 3! is
of !he na!$re of !he more "i"an!ic e'ils !o be irremediable - a !r$!h a"ains! which oor
h$mani!y ins!inc!i'ely re'ol!s# en!ailin" !he addi!ional afflic!ions of a$"men!ed nonsense
and was!ed endea'or% Ne'er!heless# some!hin" may be done in mi!i"a!ion% 5he marria"e
rela!ion !ha! we ha'e we shall robably con!in$e !o ha'e# and i!s Bead ;ea fr$i!s will "row
no rier and swee!er wi!h !ime% B$! !he lie !ha! describes !hem as l$scio$s and sa!isfyin"
is needless% 8e! !he yo$n" be !a$"h!# no! celibacy# b$! for!i!$de% ?oin! o$! !o !hem !he! na!$re of !he fool9s aradise in!o which !hey will re!!y cer!ainly en!er and erhas
o$"h! !o en!er% 5each !hem !ha! !he $rose of marria"e is wha!e'er !he !eacher may
concei'e i! !o be# b$! no! hainess% 0ercif$lly red$ce !he !errible disroor!ion be!ween!a!ion and res$l!% 3n so far as The Kreutzer onata accomlishes !his end# in so far
as i! !eaches !his lesson# i! is a "ood book%+ K
K "1id%# % 1*)-1%
&ence Bierce9s osi!ion !ha!# since i! wo$ld be con!rary !o h$man na!$re and !o all
e.erience !ha! se. f$nc!ions sho$ld cease# i! behoo'es $s !o work o$! !he bes! lan for
!heir re"$la!ion# and i! may well be !ha! !he bes! wo$ld be no lan a! all - bes! e'en for !he
;!a!e and for !he reser'a!ion of c$rren! /es!ern ci'ili:a!ion# en!ailin" !he leas!
$nhainess in a si!$a!ion ine'i!ably fra$"h! wi!h an"$ish%

+5he normal heal!hy male h$man bein" is by na!$re oly"amo$s from !he be"innin"
of $ber!y $n!il !he yo$!h of his middle a"e#+ Bierce held# +and only by !he s!ernes!
disciline# howe'er imosed# can be forced !o kee wi!hin !he bo$nds of mono"amy% As
he ad'ances in middle life# his !endency is !oward mono"amy# e'en !o celibacy# and !his
chan"e in his na!$re is only in ar! d$e !o his wanin" hysical owers% 3! is more lar"ely
a!!rib$!able !o sa!ia!ion# !o !he "ra!ifica!ion of c$riosi!y# !o ree!i!ion of e.eriences !ha! all
beca$se of !heir fre4$ency# and e'en more lar"ely is d$e !o !he elderly man9s in!eres! in
o!her and finer !hin"s% /i!h co$la!ion# as wi!h o!her sens$al "ra!ifica!ions# !he ed"e of
leas$re is bl$n!ed by $se# $n!il finally no ed"e is lef!% 3n fac!# !he !ime comes when !he
sens$alis! is na$sea!ed6 !oo m$ch ie has made him sick% A! !his oin! his "ood so$se# if
she is s!ill $nder his roof# wreaks her 'en"eance $on her consor! wi!h all !he in"en$i!y of
!he Be'il and in e'ery form concei'ed by !he f$ries of &ell% All which s!ren"!hens !he
!endency of !he male !oward celibacy# and !o mono"amy - mono"amy wi!h ano!her
+B$! many ca$ses con!rib$!e !oward man9s "rad$al ass$m!ion of mono"amy% 3!s
rac!ice becomes a fi.ed habi!# for e.amle# and if oly"amo$s man incl$des in his
oly"amo$s associa!ions !he ma!e he has !aken for life# life wi!h her in !ime becomes a
fi.ed habi! - and !he ma!rimonial is !he mos! diffic$l! of all habi!s for a man !o break% And#
mind yo$# co$la!ion in !he marria"e rela!ionshi - and co$la!ion is only one of
inn$merable oin!s of con!ac! where a man and woman are leadin" !heir li'es !o"e!her - is
amon" !he less diffic$l! !o break of !he m$l!i!$dino$s ac!s !ha! make !he habi! of con7$"al
life% 5he s$m of !he ca$ses may be $! down as habi!a!ion ra!her !han cohabi!a!ion%+
&e referred !o his re'io$s remark# !ha! !he female wreaks her 'en"eance $on her
man when his celiba!e !endencies se! in# when his mono"amo$s career be"ins# +!hese !wo
hases bein" synchronic#+ sayin"# +0adame ne'er "e!s so old# so senile# so $sed !o
conn$bial dallyin"s as e'er !o be willin" !o lea'e off% ;he demands of her ma!e# !o !he
end# !he same ardor in word and deed !ha! anima!ed him in !he amoro$s ho$rs of !he
honeymoon% ;he laces emhasis on words# !oo# and on caresses# and on all !he boyish
inani!ies !ha! were consis!en! wi!h be!ro!hal% 5here is no!hin" of !he sor! wi!h which !o
s$ly her demands% &er lo'er died on !he bridal ni"h!% 5he ne.! mornin" he co$ld no! be
bro$"h! !o life% &e was fore'er dead% &e did no! ass on !o his s$ccessor# !he h$sband#
e'en !he memory of !he follies of co$r!shi% 3n soo!h# !he male ma!e co$ld no! be bro$"h!
e'en !o s$rmise wha! he !he lo'er had done# since he was rel$c!an! !o sec$la!e on
si!$a!ions so abs$rd as !hose in!o which his redecessor# !he wooer# had been in'ei"led%
Amon" woman9s m$l!ile conce!ions# !here is no! !ha! of !he many dea!hs of a man in his
n$mero$s hases as he makes ro"ress !oward old a"e and wisdom% ;he can see
no!hin" incon"r$o$s in a sa'an! skiin" roe# in a hilosoher layin" !iddle-de-winks# in
an a"ed h$sband $.orlo$sly kissin" his old wife9s wi!hered lis% <'en !he 'ery# 'ery old
woman looks wi!h loa!hin" $on her caon so$se%
+&a'in" sensed !he oly"amo$s na!$re of her ma!e !hro$"h all !he dreary years
recedin" middle a"e# 0adame becomes s$sicio$s as her h$sband "rad$ally conforms
!o !he 9innoc$o$s des$e!$de9 of mono"amy# and is cer!ain !ha! some ri'al (or many) has
robbed her hear!h% 5he air# !hick wi!h flyin" f$r from !he s!ar! of !he ma!rimonial 7o$rney#
now becomes o'erladen% 3! is !ime !o call in &a'elock <llis% &e alone can sa!isfac!orily
e.lain !his hase of 9hainess9 in wedlock% 5he si!$a!ion was no! foreseen by 0arie
-orelliC b$! 8a$ra Eean 8ibbey# in When -is !ove Gre& (old and in !overs )nce 1ut
trangers No&# do$b!less s$lied e.cellen! homilies on !his sinf$l condi!ion% Now !he
di'orce co$r!s $nra'el !he en!an"lemen!%+
5h$s had Bierce hilosohi:ed% &e con!in$ed6 +Besi!e !he cara'ans of e'ils !ha!
!ra'el o'er !he !rails of !he ;aharas of mono"amy and oly"amy# bo!h !hose es!a!es ha'e
!his in !heir fa'or6 !hey red$ce co$la!ion !o a minim$m of fre4$ency ye! relie'e !he mind
of !he load of l$s! !ha! is incessan!ly born of celibacy% ?arado.ically# mono"amy and
oly"amy are celibacyC a! leas!# $nder !heir rac!ice !he body and !he mind reach !he
neares! aroach !o se. 'oid# which wo$ld be absol$!e celibacy% 5he se. im$lse is so
s!ron"# ri'e!ed by s!eel# !ha! i! can be broken only by a"e% 5ha! condi!ion familiarly known
as celibacy is no less !han a charnal-ho$se of conc$iscence% ?erhas ;ain! ?a$l had in
mind !he cons$min" flames of !he sin"le es!a!e when he ad'ised !ha! i! is be!!er !o marry
!han !o b$rn% 3n ma!rimony and i!s s$bs!i!$!es# howe'er# se. occ$ies b$! li!!le of man9s
!ho$"h! and !ime% &is ac!i'e ad$l! se. years are b$! half of a shor! life and# e'en wi!h !he
mos! 'ol$!$o$s of ma!es# cons$mes b$! a few momen!s of !he day# week# mon!h# or year
"i'en !o se. con!ac!% 3n mari!al life# co$la!ion lays so small a ar!# so far as !he
indi'id$als direc!ly en"a"ed are concerned# !ha! i! may be co$n!ed !he leas! of all !he
ac!i'i!ies of !he ar!ician!s# bo!h in !he !ime !aken and in !he infl$ence i!!s $on !hem%
5his is !r$e e'en of oly"amy# and wo$ld be as !r$e in !ha! es!a!e as in mono"amy if !he
oor!$ni!ies were e4$al and !he ind$l"ence as fre4$en!# which is no! !he case - $nless
one owns a sera"lio%+
3n se. life# Bierce con!ended# woman was more diffic$l! of araisemen! !han man%
?hysically and men!ally weaker# !hro$"h all !ime she had been domina!ed by man# who
had forced her !o his will and had enac!ed laws for his own ro!ec!ion - for !he ro!ec!ion of
his roer!y ri"h!s in his woman% &e ro!ec!ed her only in so far as he conser'ed his own
belon"in"s% ;ince n$merically !he were nearly e'enly di'ided in ci'ili:ed
comm$ni!ies# and !he disroor!ion in !ribal life was no! 'ery "rea!# mono"amy had been
forced $on woman% =or e'ery man had his woman !o defend% 5he enal!y of !he male
!rans"ressor bein" dea!h# !he !ribal 8o!hario was ca$!io$s% ;o we are $nable acc$ra!ely !o
say whe!her woman is by na!$re as oly"amo$s as man% ;he has seldom had !he
oor!$ni!y !o demons!ra!e any se.$al "re"ario$s ins!inc!s !ha! she may ossess%
+Ne'er!heless#+ said Bierce# +3 may here affirm my concl$sion !ha!# howe'er
mono"amo$s woman in her yo$!h may be by na!$re# she is 4$i!e as rone !o oly"amy in
middle a"e and old a"e as man is d$rin" his yo$!h# becomin" so by "rada!ions# increasin"
her "rowin" oly"amo$s im$lses $n!il she reaches one h$ndred - !he !o a"e of my se.
knowled"e of woman% @nfor!$na!ely# !he old woman is fre4$en!ly denied !he e.ercise of
her roensi!ies !hro$"h !he fail$re of a man !o choose her d$rin" !he rocess of na!$ral
selec!ion $on which he is ben!% &ere her misfor!$ne is shared by !he male% 3f he wo$ld
only for"e! her face and her 9fi""er#9 he wo$ld find a mos! charmin" consor!# one ea"er !o
lease# docile# in!ellec!$al# and in many resec!s comanionable%+
+/e hear a "rea! deal abo$! children bein" s$fficien! comensa!ion for !he woe
en!ailed by co$la!ion#+ said Bierce# +and by ersons# !oo# who wo$ld no! seak of dea!h
by m$rder as rewardin" !he berea'ed% ,f all !he e'ils !ha! flow from ma!rimony# !he child
is !he "rea!es! - e.ce! children% 5he man and !he woman who are so mis"$ided as !o
ma!e (say a! !he a"e of !wen!y) and rod$ce children $n!il !hey are fif!y# are se'en!y years
old before !hey lea'e off dr$d"ery and are released from !he co$n!less!ies !hey
enco$n!er as aren!s - lea'e off and die% B$rin" !hese years some of !he earlier born ha'e
been "rowin" from yo$!h in!o middle a"e and heain" e'ery sor! of indi"ni!y $on !heir
ro"eni!ors% <i!her indifference or worse is !he a!!i!$de of !he ad$l! man and woman
!oward !he a$!hors of !heir bein" $n!il dea!h has remo'ed !he old folk# relie'in" !he
ro"eny of care for !he a"ed# or endowin" !hem wi!h !he roer!y released by !he dead%
Bo!h aren!s send !heir en!ire ad$l! li'es in $nrelie'ed sla'ery# 4$arrelin" wi!h each o!her
abo$! !heir children !he while# and $naware !ha! !he li!!le miscrean!s will soon come !o hold
!hem in con!em!# flo$! !hem# and robably ne'er "i'e !hem a !ho$"h! af!er !he final
seara!ion bro$"h! abo$! by dea!h% 3! is a fac!# !oo# !ha! !he h$man aren!s9 lo'e for !heir
offsrin" "rad$ally "rows cold af!er seara!ion# 7$s! as !ha! of !he ro"eny does# if in a less
+3n all 'er!ebra!e life# aren!s seara!e from !heir yo$n" when !he ma!$ri!y of !he
offsrin" is reached% 3n !he case of all 'er!ebra!es in scales lower !han h$man bein"s# all
memory of !he rela!ionshi of aren! and ro"eny is los! soon af!er !he seara!ion% ?aren!
and offsrin" !hen# wi!ho$! knowled"e of !heir consan"$ini!y# fi"h! each o!her in !he
s!r$""le for!ence# or ma!e and breed amon" !hemsel'es%
+5h$s !he aren! rears a s!r$c!$re !hro$"h many laborio$s years# embracin" !he f$ll
eriod of his ad$l! life - !o see i! cr$mble in!o d$s!% And !he in!eres!ed a"ed aren! has !his
addi!ional sorrow6 he sees his ro"eny followin" !he a!h !ha! he and his so$se ha'e
bla:ed - sees !hem commi!!in" !he awf$l offense of ma!rimony and !he s!ill more dire crime
of aren!hood% ;o shall cond$c! con!in$e $n!il all 'er!ebra!e life ceases !o!%+
+5ha! co$la!ion is deemed sinf$l by all h$mani!y#+ Bierce wo$ld say# +is no! s!ran"e6
!he ac! is !he res$l! of man9s direc! inheri!ance from !he ances!ral beas!% Air!$ally all
'er!ebra!es are ashamed of !he "ross erformance% 5hey ha'e !he sense of decency#
howe'er# !o re!ire !o some secl$ded lace# when i! is a'ailable# and !here do !heir lo'e-
makin"% 3n !he ac! of co$la!ion !he h$man bein" cond$c!s himself in 'ery m$ch !he way
of !he br$!e% 5here are only !wo o!her na!$ral f$nc!ions of !he body !ha! man e.ercises in
ca$era% &e is hear!ily ashamed of all !hree%
+3! is $n!r$e !ha! ei!her !he ,ld 5es!amen! or !he New holds !ha! 9marria"e is
honorable amon" all men#9 wi!h !he e.ce!ion of an isola!ed e.ression of ;ain! ?a$l !o
!ha! effec!% 5ha! was merely !he Aos!le9s e$hemis!ic way of facin" !he ine'i!able% &e
ne'er belie'ed i!C nobody has e'er belie'ed i!%
+>od !he =a!her when &e made Adam and <'e had no !ho$"h! !ha! !hey wo$ld
dis"race &im by co$la!in"# and forbade !hem !o ea! of !he fr$i! of knowled"eC !hen# af!er
!hey had 'iola!ed &is command# when !hey s!ood before &im dis"raced# &is indi"na!ion
knew no bo$nds6 @n!o !he woman he said# 93 will "rea!ly m$l!ily !hy sorrow and !hy
conce!ionC in sorrow !ho$ shal! brin" for!h childrenC and !hy desire shall be !o !hy
h$sband# and he shall r$le o'er !hee%9 And $n!o Adam he said# 9Beca$se !ho$ has!
hearkened $n!o !he 'oice of !hy wife# and has! ea!en of !he !ree# of which 3 commanded
!hee# sayin"# 5ho$ shal! no! ea! of i!6 c$rsed is !he "ro$nd for !hy sakeC in sorrow shal!
!ho$ ea! of i! all !he days of !hy life#9 and wen! on !o flay Adam !o &is hear!9s con!en!%
5ha!9s wha! >od !he =a!her !ho$"h! of co$la!ion% &is $nishmen! was more co$la!ion -
more children - on !he rincile !ha! si$ilia si$ili1us curantur - !ha!# in dis"$s!# !hey wo$ld
lea'e off% 5ha! wo$ld ha'e been my me!hod of !ermina!in" !he "ross ini4$i!y% B$! !he
$nishmen! failed of i!s $rose6 dis"$s! of sa!ie!y failed !o end$re%
+5he ,ld 5es!amen! is crammed f$ll of references !o marria"e in which !he wri!ers of
!hose ;cri!$res showed !heir dis"$s! wi!h !he whole rocess% B$!# since !he rela!ionshi
seemed ine'i!able# !here "rew $ a !erminolo"y !ha! became ma!rimony9s own# - words
and hrases !ha! are now $sed as a coa!in" of s$"ar !o make ala!able a bi!!er ill% Af!er
lon" $sa"e# !his !erminolo"y con'eys b$! li!!le or no 9indelica!e9 meanin" !hese days% 5he
words love-$a,ing3 $arriage3 honey$oon3 1irth3 are shamelessly $!!ered in !he mos! oli!e
socie!y of min"led -o$la!ion# !o be s$re# s!ill remains in !he dic!ionary# b$! is no!
$!!ered in drawin"-rooms% ;ynonyms of !he word - synonyms known !o !he mos! modes!
of li!!le misses in !heir !eens - ha'e been i"nored by !he le.ico"raher% ?erfec!ly innocen!
in !hemsel'es# !hese words describe a 9shamef$l ac!#9 7$s! as $arriage doesC b$!# $nlike
!he word $arriage# !he ed"e has no! been worn off and !he meanin" obsc$red by fre4$en!
+3f !he cler"yman who so sonoro$sly refers !o 9!he holy es!a!e of ma!rimony#9
reea!in" wha! ;ain! ?a$l said abo$! i!# were !o hear somebody ask if his mas!er Ees$s
had e'er had a carnal ma!e [$se here of !he hrase $sed by Bierce wo$ld be offensi'e !o
some of my readers2 he wo$ld be ine.ressibly shocked% /hy? 3f marria"e be honorable#
no! sinf$l# no! shamef$l# why sho$ld no! !he man Ees$s ha'e ma!ed and reared a
ro"eny? 5h$s addressed# !he cler"yman wo$ld en!er $on a secio$s ar"$men!# in
which >od !he =a!her and !he secial mission of &is ;on wo$ld fi"$re# !his mission bein"
sal'a!ion# no! roa"a!ion% Ne'er!heless# !he real shock !o !he "ood man wo$ld be in !he
s$""es!ion !ha! !he &oly Ees$s co$ld commi! so $nholy an ac! as !he one described by !he
word marria"e%
+5he 1oman -h$rch# beca$se of i!s knowled"e !ha! man holds ma!rimony !o be
indecen!# sinf$l# and a form of dera'i!y# wisely$des i!s ries!s from i!s 9benefi!s%9
-o$ld a eni!en! "o !o !he confessional wi!h !he knowled"e !ha! his fa!her-confessor had
7$s! come from his conn$bial co$ch? 5o be s$re# we close o$r eyes !o !he horrible
si!$a!ion in which o$r "rea! s!a!esmen and hilosohers and o!her honored di"ni!aries
lace !hemsel'es when !hey commi! ma!rimony% 3f ca$"h! in mari!al con7$nc!ion# !hey
wo$ld be held in !he $!mos! con!em! and loa!hin" by !he beholder% 5he coarse and
fri'olo$s mi"h! "i'e 'en! !o callo$s merrimen!% <'en !he e.!ernal or"ans of rerod$c!ion
are ke! co'ered for 'ery shame%
+3f !he se. rela!ionshi be no! awf$l# why is 'ir"ini!y held in so hi"h es!eem and
innocence declared !o be s$erior !o knowled"e? ;$rely !he se.$ally e.erienced
woman# sanc!ified by >od9s sacramen! of marria"e# sho$ld be more raisewor!hy !han a
'ir"in% B$! !here is no! a man amon" $s# no! e'en amon" all !he h$sbands# who does no!
lace !he i"noran! $nrac!iced maiden $on a hi"her lane !han he does !he wedded
+=$r!hermore# if marria"e was ordained by >od as a holy es!a!e# and so ordained
by &im lon" before !he Na!i'i!y# one wo$ld !hink !ha! !he cler"y wo$ld ha'e some diffic$l!y
in e.lainin" why !he Almi"h!y did no! be"e! &is only ;on in accordance wi!h &is own holy
ins!i!$!ion% B$! &e selec!ed a wedded woman !o be !he mo!her of &is only -hild - a yo$n"
"irl# a maiden of fif!een# who had no! ye! had in!erco$rse wi!h her h$sband# s!ill a 'ir"in#
and conse4$en!ly siri!$ally s$erior !o one rac!iced in !he ma!rimonial ar!s% @on her
erson &e wro$"h! no 9decency#9 b$! ca$sed her !o brin" for!h a ;on# 9be"o!!en# no! made%9
A"ain !he cler"yman wo$ld en!er $on a lon" !heolo"ical disc$ssion# and no do$b! wo$ld
e.lain !o his own sa!isfac!ion why >od when &e se! o$! !o achie'e one of !he res$l!s
conse4$en! $on ma!rimony did no! "o abo$! i! accordin" !o &is own na!$ral law% AhD
does no! a s!ill# small 'oice whiser in!o e'ery man9s ear !ha! co$la!ion is a shamef$l
!hin"? &ere >od mi"h! indeed ha'e manifes!ed &is belief in !he sanc!i!y of marria"e by i!s
ersonal rac!ice%
+3f all !his is no! roof of !he sinf$lness of se. lo'e# i! may be m$l!ilied by
in!erminable e'idence% B$! no ar"$men! !o !he con!rary co$ld be so secio$s as !o
con'ince anybodyC for e'erybody feels wi!hin his so$l !ha! ma!in" is inheren!ly offensi'e%
+Now# if o$r sky-ilo!s wo$ld frankly admi! !ha! o$r whole s!r$c!$re of marria"e has
been erec!ed by !hemsel'es# no! by >od# and !ha! !hey ha'e $! in!o Eeho'ah9s mo$!h
words !ha! &e ne'er $!!ered# !hey mi"h! be on safe "ro$nd%+
3 once !old Bierce of an inciden! !ha! occ$rred when 3 was a law s!$den!% 5he class
fool in!err$!ed !he lec!$rer on domes!ic rela!ions# an old and dis!in"$ished 7$ris!# !o ask
!he difference be!ween fornica!ion and ad$l!ery% 5he old 7$d"e relied6 +/ell# yo$n" man#
in law !here is a "rea! deal of differenceC b$! in my rac!ice# sir# 3 ha'e been $nable !o find
+/hich reminds me#+ said Bierce# +al!ho$"h 39m s$re 3 don9! know why i! sho$ld# !ha!
!hose who affirm marria"e !o be honorable amon" all men e.ress !heir abhorrence of
l$s!% 5hey are inconsis!en!% 3 seldom !$rn !o a dic!ionaryC b$! le!9s see how !his one
defines !he word% ?robably i! "i'es !he meanin" commonly known !o !he easan!ry% 98$s!#
n% 1% Aehemen! or co'e!o$s affec!ion or desire% 2% 3nordina!e desire for carnal leas$re%9
Any!hin" dishonorable in s$ch emo!ions? No! if marria"e he honorableD B$! lust has
come !o ha'e ano!her meanin"# "i'en !o !he word by Eews and -hris!ians# none of whom
co$ld define i! beyond sayin" !ha! i! means some!hin" awf$l# $nseakable# dreadf$l
beyond e.ressionC some!hin" of which no decen! man co$ld be "$il!y - beyond e'en !he
!ho$"h! of a 'ir!$o$s woman% 8o'e# !hey wo$ld say# is some!hin" en!irely differen!#
sacrosanc!# in which l$s! has no ar!%
+Now le! $s !$rn !o !he same dic!ionary for a defini!ion of love% 98o'e# n% 1% A s!ron"
comle. emo!ion or feelin" ca$sin" one !o arecia!e# deli"h! in# and cra'e !he resence#
or ossession# of !he ob7ec! and !o lease and romo!e !he welfare of !ha! ob7ec!C de'o!ed
affec!ion or a!!achmen!% 2% ;ecifically# s$ch feelin" be!ween h$sband and wife or lo'er
and swee!hear!% I% ,ne who is belo'edC a swee!hear!% 4% Animal assion# or !he
"ra!ifica!ion of i!%9 ;ome lan"$a"eD 5he fellow $! on his !o-ha! and !ried !o lif! himself by
his en !o i!s crown% 5ha! was a momen!o$s occasion# when he $nder!ook !o define love%
+Ge!# had lust been !he word ins!ead of love# !he meanin" wo$ld ha'e been e4$ally
alicable% 5here is no!hin" in !his defini!ion of lo'e !ha! does no! describe !he roer!ies
of l$s!%
+Be ye ass$red# my sanc!imonio$s friends# no child e'er ye! was be"o! wi!ho$! l$s! -
on !he ar! of i!s fa!her# a! leas!% <'en !he ?salmis! oin!s o$!6 9Behold# 3 was shaen in
ini4$i!y# and in sin did my mo!her concei'e me%9 A !erribly sinf$l ac!# !his be"e!!in" of
children# and necessarily a conc$iscen! erformanceD
+-all lust by ano!her name# love# if yo$ will%
Ge! !he s!ench of !he carnal will han" ro$nd i! s!ill% K
+As a ma!!er of fac!# !he sanc!imonio$s erec! $on a "rani!e fo$nda!ion of l$s! a
!remendo$s s!r$c!$re !ha! !hey name love - a s$ers!r$c!$re !ha! wo$ld !o!!er and fall if i!s
base sho$ld be blas!ed% 5he !hin" of o$r ima"ina!i'e crea!ion known as love is simly lust
"lorified% 5he "rani!e fo$nda!ion is no! imaired by !he orna!e s!r$c!$re reared $on i!%+
K 5his arody he e.!emori:ed wi!ho$! hesi!ancy%
+;o far as socie!y be concerned#+ Bierce con!in$ed# +why sho$ld !he modern
/es!ern ins!i!$!ion of marria"e be i!s only safe"$ard# or e'en !he mos! referable form of
re"$la!ion of se. life? /hy sho$ld se. life be re"$la!ed a! all? 5he s!ars ha'e looked
down $on o!her ear!hly ci'ili:a!ions 4$i!e as!ed as !ha! of !he modern /es! -
ci'ili:a!ions in which children were reared wi!ho$! r$les "o'ernin" !he se. life of !heir
aren!s% 3 ad'oca!e nei!her free lo'e nor any!in" or s$""es!ed r$les for !he "o'ernin"
of se.$al in!erco$rseC b$! 3 can lainly see !ha! children co$ld be be!!er reared o$!side of
!he en'irons of !he homes in which !hey are bro$"h! $ - wi!h a few e.ce!ions# b$! 'ery
few% No! !he !en!h of one ercen! of !he children of any!in" ci'ili:a!ion are roerly
+,h# yesC !here wo$ld be all sor!s of diffic$l!ies !o face if !he brin"in" $ of children
were "i'en o'er !o !he ;!a!eD Amon" !hem wo$ld be !he diffic$l!y of reser'in" indi'id$al
charac!eris!icsC for !he !endency wo$ld be !o crea!e ad$l!s of one a!!ern% 5here are
!ho$sands of o!her oin!s !ha! !he ;!a!e wo$ld ha'e !o face% As i! is# e'ery na!ion
confron!s millions# and re!!y nearly all !he roblems are d$e !o !he haha:ard manner in
which children are now reared% +Af!er all !ha! has been said by co$n!less !ho$sands# !he
co$rse of lo'e will con!in$e !o r$n - no! smoo!hly# b$! re!!y m$ch as i! damn leases%+
+Ge!#+ Bierce affirmed# +i! remains !r$e !ha! lo'e is yo$!h9s "rea!es! ad'en!$re%
@nlike war# lo'e has no horrors while i! las!s - none !ha! lo'ers can de!ec!% 3!s o$lari!y
a!!es!s i!s sinf$lness% 3! will con!in$e !o be ho!ly so$"h!% All !hanks be !o 3srael and !o her
rohe!s for s$rro$ndin" carnal lo'e wi!h !he "lamor of !he forbidden and for makin"
con7$"ali!y !he cardinal rohibi!ion% Beca$se of !his we sei:e -$id9s 4$i'er wi!h !he
"rea!er ardor and $rs$e =olly !o !he enchan!ed bowers of -irce%+
- The (ollected Wor,s o. A$1rose Bierce# Aol$mes 1 - 12# Neale ?$blishin"
-omany# N%G and /ashin"!on# 191) - 1912
[ All !he followin" Bierce works are also con!ained in !he (ollected Writings6 2
- "n the %idst o. !i.e# <'elei"h Nash N Nash# 8imi!ed# 8ondon (da!e?)
- ha*es o. (lay# /%<% /ood# ;an =rancisco# 19)I
- (an uch Things Be?3 >$!enber"%or" edi!ion# 2))2
- Blac, Beetles in A$1er# >$!enber"%or" edi!ion# 2))4
- An ,cc$rrence a! ,wl -reek Brid"e# >$!enber"%or" edi!ion# 199J
- 5he followin" are collec!ions (incl$din" !i!le) from !he (ollected Writings and
di"i!ally $blished on archi'e%or" by 1osin"s Bi"i!al ?$blica!ions# 2)12 - 2)1I6 The %arch
-are; The Fourth /state; The (ontroversialist; Negligi1le Tales; The )cean Wave; The
Ti$orous 'e*orter%
- !i.e o. A$1rose Bierce# /al!er Neale# /al!er Neale# ?$blisher# 1929
- +Ambrose Bierce#+ /ikiedia
(o$*iled 1y %6'6#63 =87C

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