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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

MM-401 International Marketing
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal:30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en short
answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require' to attem"t #i$e
question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
The &asi! o&)e!ti$es o# this !ourse is to a!quaint the stu'ents with en$ironmental "ro!e'ural
institutional an' 'e!isional as"e!ts o# international marketing.
Course Contents&
International marketing 'e#initions nature s!o"e an' &ene#its reasons an' moti$ations un'erl%ing
international tra'e an' international &usiness &asi! mo'es #or entr% "ro!ess o# international
marketing 'omesti! marketing $ersus international marketing.
International marketing en$ironment *T+ #ramework an' international marketing #a!tors
in#luen!ing international market sele!tion an' segmentation sele!tion strategies international
marketing "lanning an' !ontrol .
International marketing mix : international "ro'u!t "oli!% an' "lanning international "ro'u!t mix
&ran'ing la&eling "a!kaging an' organi,ation o# "ro'u!t warranties an' ser$i!es.
International "ri!ing "oli!ies strategies the "ro!ess o# "ri!e setting "ri!ing 'e!isions in#ormation
#or "ri!ing 'e!isions. International a'$ertising : international a'$ertising strateg% elements o#
a'$ertising strateg% me'ia strateg% International -istri&ution Management : international
'istri&ution !hannels international 'istri&ution "oli!% sele!ting 'istri&ution !hannels.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. .ern Ter"estra an' /a$i 0arath%: International Marketing Thosmson.
1. 0imon Ma)aro: International Marketing.
3. 2ohn 3a%erweather: International Marketing.
4. /5 .arshne% an' 6 6hatta!har%a: International Marketing: 0ultan 7han' 8u&li!ations
N. -elhi.
9. 0ak +nk$isit an' 2ohn 0haw: Internation Marketing :(nal%sis an' 0trateg%; 8<I N.
=. *arren 2. >eggan: ?lo&al marketing management: 8earson E'u@8<I N. -elhi
7. 8hilli" /. 7ateora: Internation marketing tata M7?raw <ill New -elhi.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
MM-405: Rural and Agricultural Marketing
Max Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal:30 Time :3 Hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1, comprising of seven short
answer type questions, shall be compulsory. n all, the stu!ents woul! be require! to attempt five
questions. "ll questions will carry equal mar#s.
The objective of the course is to explore the stuents to the rural market environment an the
emer!in! challen!es in the !lobali"ation of the economies#

Course Contents&
$ature% characteristics an the potential of rural markets in Inian% &ocio'(ultural% economic )
other environment factors affectin! rural marketin!* +ttitues an behavior of the rural
consumers an farmers* Marketin! of consumer urables an non'urable !oos an services
in the rural markets ,ith special reference to prouct plannin!* Meia plannin!* plannin! of
istribution channels an or!ani"in! personal sellin! in rural markets in Inia Marketin! of
a!ricultural inputs ,ith special reference to fertili"ers sees % farm inputs ) -esticies*
.r!ani"ation an functions of a!ricultural Marketin! in Inia# (lassification of a!ricultural
proucts ,ith particular reference to seasonalit/ an a!ricultural* marketin! structure an
performance* -rocessin! facilities for ifferent a!ricultural proucts# 0ole of central an state
!overnments: Institutions an or!ani"ations in Inia* -roblems of a!ricultural Marketin!* nature*
scope an role of co'operative marketin! in Inia#
'u((ested Readin(&
1# +rora% 0(: Inte!rate 0ural 1evelopment% 1270% &# (han% $e, 1elhi
3# 1esai% 4asant: 0ural 1evelopment% 1255# Himala/a% 6omba/#
3# Mishra% &$ : -olitics an societ/ in rural Inian% 1250% Inter Inia% 1elhi#
7# -orter% Michael% E': (ompetitive &trate!/% 1250# 8ree press% $e, 9ork#
:# 0ura% +shok: Inian +!ricultural &trate!/ Economics: M/ths an 0ealtities% 1253%
+llie% $e, 1elhi#
;# &talk% <eor!e (ompetin! +!ainst Time% 1220% 8ree -ress% $e, 1elhi#
7# <opalas,am/% T-: 0ural marketin!% =heeler -ub#% $e, 1elhi#
The list of cases an specific references incluin! recent articles ,ill be announce in the class
at the time of launchin! of the course#
MM-403 Service Marketing
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
The o&)e!ti$es o# this !ourse is to 'e$elo"ment insights into emerging tren's in the ser$i!e in a
'e$elo"ing e!onom% an' ta!kle issues in$ol$e' in the management o# ser$i!es on national &asi!.
Course Contents&
The emergen!e o# ser$i!e e!onom% nature o# ser$i!es 'i##eren!e in goo's an' ser$i!es
marketing marketing !hallenges in ser$i!e &usinesses marketing #ramework #or ser$i!e
&usinesses. The ser$i!e !lassi#i!ation ser$i!e "ro'u!t 'e$elo"ment . the ser$i!e !onsumer
&eha$ior ser$i!e qualit% issues an' qualit% mo'els managing "ro'u!ti$it% an' 'i##erentiation in
ser$i!e +rgani,ations A 'eman' su""l% management a'$ertising &ran'ing an' "a!kaging o#
ser$i!es re!o$er% management relationshi" marketing em"lo%ee em"owerment !ustomer
in$ol$ement in ser$i!es.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. Beithaml .( an' 6itner M.2. : 0er$i!es Marketing 3
e'ition M!?raw <ill New
-elhi 1001.
1. 5o$elo!k 7hristo"her <: 0er$i!e Marketing 8eo"le te!hnolog% 0trateg% 4
"erson e'u!ation New -elhi.
3. <o##man C 6ateson: Essential o# ser$i!e Marketing Thomson 5earning Mum&ai.
4. 0hankar ra$i: 0er$i!e marketing ex!el 1001.
9. /am"al M> C ?u"ta 07 marketingA ?alogtia "u&lishing !om"an% new -elhi.
=. /ust Bahorik an' >enningham: 0er$i!e marketing.
7. M!-onal' Mal!om an' 8a%ne (: marketing "lanning 0er$i!es 6utterworth
<einemann 1DD=.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
MM-406: Marketing Communication Strategy
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note: The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e questions. (ll questions will !arr% equal marks.
The o&)e!ti$e o# this !ourse is to make the stu'ents un'erstan' the intri!ate "ro!ess o# Marketing
!ommuni!ation an' how ea!h tool o# !ommuni!ation !ontri&ute to the o$erall !ommuni!ation
Course Contents&
The 7ommuni!ation 8ro!ess- The nature o# 7ommuni!ation. ( &asi! Mo'el o# !ommuni!ation-
0our!e En!o'ing Message 7hannel /e!ei$er@-e!o'ing Noise /es"onse@ 3ee'&a!k (nal%,ing
the /e!ei$er the /es"onse 8ro!ess 7ogniti$e 8ro!essing o# 7ommuni!ations- the !ogniti$e
/es"onse (""roa!h the Ela&oration 5ikelihoo' Mo'el.
Esta&lishing o&)e!ti$es #or integrate' Marketing 7ommuni!ation "rograms- The $alue o#
+&)e!ti$es- 7ommuni!ations "lanning C 'e!ision-making 'etermining 8romotional +&)e!ti$es-
Marketing .ersus !ommuni!ation o&)e!ti$es sales $ersus 7ommuni!ation +&)e!ti$es-sales-
oriente' +&)e!ti$es !ommuni!ation o&)e!ti$es.
7reati$e 0trateg% 8lanning an' -e$elo"ment The im"ortan!e o# 7reati$it% in ('$ertising
('$ertising 7reati$it% 8lanning 7reati$e 0trateg%- The !reati$e !hallenge taking !reati$e
/isks !reati$e "ersonnel the 7reati$e 8ro!ess 7reati$e 0trateg% -e$elo"ment.
7reati$e 0trateg%: Im"lementation an' E$aluation: (""eals an' Exe!ution st%les 7reati$e
Ta!ti!s- 7reati$e Ta!ti!s #or "rint a'$ertising 7reati$e Ta!ti!s #or tele$ision.
The internet an' integrate' marketing !ommuni!ations- ('$ertising sales "romotion on the
internet 8ersonal selling on the internet "u&li! relations on the internet C -ire!t marketing on
the Internet.
The process of public Relations- Developing & Executing the PR Programme, Publicity.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. ?eorge E 6el!h C Mi!hael (. 6el!h: ('$ertising C 8romotion- (n Integrate'
Marketing 7ommuni!ations 8ers"e!ti$e.
1. >otler 8hili" : (nal%sis 8lanning Im"lementation C 7ontrol 8earson E'u!ation -elhi.
3. 6l%the: Marketing 7ommuni!ation 8erson E'u!ation New -elhi.
4. Tom -un!an: Integrate' marketing 7ommuni!ation TM< New -elhi.
9. +E?uinn: ('$ertising .ikas 8u&lishing <ouse New -elhi.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
RM-40! "egal #rame$ork %overning uman Relation&
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
Fn'erstan'ing o# the legal #ramework is im"ortant #or the e##i!ient 'e!ision making relating to
human resour!e management an' in'ustrial relations. The !ourse aims to "ro$i'e an
un'erstan'ing a""li!ation an' inter"retation o# the $arious la&our laws an' their im"li!ations #or
in'ustrial relations an' la&our issues.
Course Contents&
Emergen!e an' o&)e!ti$es o# la&our laws an' their so!ioe!onomi! en$ironment: laws relation to
in'ustrial 'is"utes tra'e unionsA so!ial se!urit% laws G laws relations to workmen !om"ensation
em"lo%ees state insuran!e wages an' &onus laws the law o# minimum wages "a%ment o# wages
laws relation to working !on'itions the laws relations to #a!tories inter"retations o# la&our laws
their working an' im"li!ations #or management union workmenA the e!onom% an' the in'ustr%.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. ?hai%e 6/: 5aw an' 8ro!e'ure o# -e"artment Enquir% in 8ri$ate an' 8u&li! se!tor
Estern law 7om"an% 5u!know 1DD4.
1. Malhotra +8: The law o# In'ustrial -is"utes .ol. I an' 1 NM Tri"athi 6om&a% 1DH9.
3. Malik 85 : <an'&ook o# In'ustrial 5aw Eastern 6ook 5u!know 1DD9.
4. 0aini 'e&i 0: la&our 2usi!iar% (')u'i!ation an' In'ustrial 2usti!e +x#or' Fni$ersit%
8ress New -elhi 1DD9.
9. 0aini -e&i 0: /e'ressal o# 5a&our ?rie$an!es: !lamins an' -is"utes +,#or' C I6M
New -elhi 1DD4.
=. 0ri$asta$a 07 : In'ustrial /elations an' 5a&our 5aw .ikas New -elhi 1DD4
7. 0eth --: In'ustrial -is"ute (!t 1D47 .ol I an' II. N M Tri"athi 6om&a% 1DD9.
H. >a"oor N- : Mer!antile 5aw 0ultan 7han' an' 0ons New -elhi 1001.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
RM-403 Management 'raining and (evelo)ment
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
The "ur"ose o# this "a"er is to "ro$i'e an in 'e"th un'erstan'ing o# the role o# training in The
</- an' to ena&le the !ourse stu'ents to manage the training s%stems an' "ro!esses .
Course Contents&
Trainin! process > an overvie, * role responsibilities an challen!es to trainin! mana!er
or!ani"ation an mana!ement of trainin! function trainin! nees assessment an action
research * instructional objectives an lesion plannin! learnin! process trainin! climate an
pea!o!/ trainin! methos an techni?ues * trainin! ais* trainin! communication * trainin!
evaluation trainin! an evelopment in Inia#
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. 6eunet /oger e': Im"ro$ing Training E##e!ti$eness (l'ershot 1DDH.
1. 6u!kle% / C 7a"le 2im: The theor% C 8ra!ti!e o# Training 5on'on >ogan C "age
3. 5%nton / "areek F: Training #or -e$elo"ment 1
e'. .istaar New -elhi.
4. 8e""er (llan -: Managing the Training an' -e$elo"ment 3un!tion (l'ershot ?ower
9. /ae 5 <ow to measure Training E##e!ti$eness (l'ershot ?ower 1DH=.
=. /ei' M( et!: Training inter$entions: managing em"lo%ee -e$elo"ment 3
. I8M
5on'on 1DD1.
7. 0enge 8 : The 3i#th -is!i"line: The (rt an' 8ra!ti!e o# the 5earning organi,ation
7enture 5on'on 1DD1.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
RM-404 *rgani+ational C,ange and Intervention Strategie&
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
The o&)e!ti$e o# this "a"er is to make the stu'ents learn a&out the organi,ational !hange an'
"re"are them as !hange #a!ilitators using the knowle'ge an' te!hniques o# &eha$ioral s!ien!e.
Course Contents&
+rgani,ational !hanges an o$er$iew a""roa!hes to "ro&lem 'iagnosis some ma)or te!hniques o#
"lanne' !hanges ste"s in +- ?eneral +- !om"eten!ies +- skills 'esigning inter$entions
inter"ersonal team inter grou" an' s%stem. E$aluation o# +- Ethi!s o# +- "ro#essional #uture
o# +- internal an' external !onsultant ex!ellen!e o# management &% !hie# exe!uti$es.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. (&a' (hma' et!: -e$elo"ment E##e!ti$e +rgani,ation 0ri /am 7enter #or In'ustrial
/elations New -elhi 1DH0.
1. -e Nitish (ltemati$e 'esign o# <uman +rgani,ation 0age 5on'on 1DHH.
3. 3ren!h *< an' &ell 7h: +rgani,ation -e$elo"ment 8renti!e <all o# In'ia New -elhi
4. 3ren!h *5 et!: +rgani,ation -e$elo"ment Theor% 8ra!ti!e an' /ear!h 3
6ooks 0tall New -elhi.
9. <ar$e% -? an' 6rown -/: (n Ex"eriential (""roa!h to +rgani,ation -e$elo"ment
8renti!e hall In!. 2erse% 1DD0.
=. <use 2E an' 7ommings T?: +rgani,ations -e$elo"ment an' 7hange 3r'm New
Iourk *est 1DH9.
7. 0inha -harani!: 7onsultants an' 7onsulting st%les .ision New -elhi 1DH1.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
RM-405 uman Re&ource (evelo)ment: Strategie& and Sy&tem&
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e questions. (ll questions will !arr% equal marks.
The "ur"ose o# this !ourse is to #a!ilitate an un'erstan'ing o# the !on!e"t metho's an' strategies
#or </-.
Course Contents&
3iel's o# </-- 7on!e"ts ?oals 7hallenges: </- 7limate an' "ra!ti!es in In'iaA 0ta##ing </-
3un!tion: -e$elo"ing </ 0trategies: </- s%stem 'esign "rin!i"lesA -esign C a'ministration o#
sele!t </- s%stems: </- #or workers: </- Inter$ention: </- a""roa!hes #or !o"ing with
organi,ational !hanges.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. -a%al Ishear: 0u!!ess#ul (""li!ations o# </- New 7on!e"ts New -elhi 1DD=.
1. -a%al Ishwer: -esigning </- 0%stems 7on!e"t New -elhi 1DD3.
3. >ohli F''esh C 0inha -harani 8: </-- ?lo&al 7hallenges C 0trategies in 1000 (-
I0T- New -elhi 1DD9.
4. Maheshwari 65 C 0inha -harani 8: Management o# 7hange Through </- Tata
M7?raw <ill New -elhi 1DD1.
9. 8areek F et!: managing transistions: the </- /es"onse Tata M!?raw <ill New -elhi
=. /ao T. et!: (lternati$e (""roa!hes C 0trategies o# <uman /esourse 'e$elo"ment
/awat 2ai"ur 1DHH.
7. 0il$era -N : </-: The In'ian Ex"erein!e In'ia New -elhi 1DD1.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
#M-401: -rinci)le& o. In&urance and /anking
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e questions. (ll questions will !arr% equal marks.
The o&)e!ti$es o# this !ourse is to a""rise the stu'ents with the &anking law an' "ra!ti!es an'
'e$elo" an un'erstan'ing o# $arious laws a##e!ting &anks:
Course Content&
Intro'u!tion to insuran!eA .arious t%"es o# insuran!eA "rin!i"les o# insuran!eA im"ortant
insuran!e "oli!ies in li#e an' non-li#e insuran!eA I/-( an' its role in insuran!e se!tor in In'iaA
8ri$ati,ation o# insuran!e in'ustr% in In'iaA Insuran!e &usiness o"erationsA re!ent tren's in
insuran!e aroun' the glo&e !on!e"t an' im"li!ations o# &ank assuran!e an' uni$ersal &anking in
Insuran!e En$ironment: Internal External 5egal an' 7ommer!ial 7om"arati$e En$ironment o#
Insuran!e 6usiness Insuran!e 8ro!e'ure- 0ettlement o# 7laims un'er li#e an' non-li#e insuran!e.
7ontem"orar% issues in Insuran!e.
E$olution o# 6anking 5aw Main "ro$ision o# 6anking /egulation (!t 1D4DA an' /6I (!t 1D34
an' Negotia&le Instruments (!t 1HH1.
0e!urities #or 6ank ('$an!es: 3orms o# se!urities an' "re!autions taken &% 6anks in a!!e"ting
these se!urities.
?uarantees: 7ontra!t o# ?uarantee an' !ontra!t o# in'emnit% ?uarantee as 6ankerEs 0e!urit%.
*riting /e"ort on 6ank .isitsA 8re$ailing "ra!ti!es in 6anking-7ase stu'ies 6anker 7ustomer
relationshi"A 7ontem"orar% Issues in 6ankingA N8( an' 7a"itaA ('equa!% in In'ia 6anks.
'u((ested Readin(s&
1. ?ulshan 00 : 5aw an' 8ra!ti!es o# &anking in In'ia.
1. -a$ar 0/ : 5aw an' 8ra!ti!e o# 6anking.
3. Tan'on <5: 6anking 5aw C 8ra!ti!e in In'ia.
4. .arshne% 8N: 6anking 5aw an' 8ra!ti!e.
9. 7ox -a$i': Elements o# &anking: 2ohn Murra% 5on'on.
=. 6o'la 60 ?arg Mahesh an' karam 8al: Insuran!e- 8u&lishing <ouse 7o. New -elhi.
7. Mehta //0: 3un'amental o# &anking: <imala%a 8u&lishing <ouse 7o New -elhi.
H. Nigam 6<5: 6anking 5aw an' 8ra!ti!e 2onark 8u&li!hers -elhi.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!le s will &e announ!e' in the !lass
at the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
#M-40!: International #inancial Management
Max Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal:30 Time :3 Hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1, comprising of seven short
answer type questions, shall be compulsory. n all, the stu!ents woul! be require! to attempt five
questions. "ll questions will carry equal mar#s.
The objective of this paper is to !ive stuents an overall vie, of the international financial
s/stem an ho, multinational corporations operate#
Course Contents&
8inancial function in multinational firm* Institutional structure of international financial markets*
cost an availabilit/ of international financial flo,s* international financial instruments#
International ,orkin! capital mana!ement* +spects of international cash mana!ement*
Investment criteria an borro,in! ecisions* centrali"e versus ecentrali"e cash
mana!ement* international receivables mana!ement* securiti"ation of receivables#
International Investment: factors an benefits* irect an portfolio investment* international
(+-M* capital bu!etin! for forei!n irect investment* assessin! an mana!in! political risk#
International aspects of raisin! capital* eterminin! financial structure of forei!n subsiiaries of
M$(s* financial choices for an M$( an its forei!n affiliates* cost an risks of financin!#
'u((ested Readin(&
1# Maurice 1# @evi: International 8inance% Mc<ra, Hill% $9#
3# + 6uckle/: Multinational 8inancial% -rentice'Hill of Inia% $e, 1elhi#
3# +#(# &hapro: Multinational 8inancial Mana!ement% -rentice'Hall% $# 1elhi#
7# -#<# +pte: International 8inancial mana!ement% T+T+ Mc<ra, Hills% $# 1elhi#
The list of cases an specific references incluin! recent articles ,ill be announce in the class
at the time of launchin! of the course#
#M-405: Management *. #inancial Service&
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll questions will !arr% equal marks.
The main o&)e!ti$es o# this !ourse is to hel" stu'ent to learn the $arious #inan!ial ser$i!es an'
their role in the o$erall #inan!ial s%stem.
Course Contents&
3inan!ial ser$i!es: meaning nature an' t%"es.
5easing : !on!e"t !lassi#i!ation a!!ounting legal an' tax as"e!ts o# leasing #inan!ial e$aluation
o# leasing.
3a!toring : meaning !hara!teristi!s an' t%"es i# #a!toring arrangement #a!toring in In'ia
#a!toring $s #or#eiting .
<ire "ur!hase #inan!e an' !onsumer !re'it :- !on!e"tual #rame work legal as"e!ts taxation
a!!ounting an' re"orting A#inan!ial e$aluation o# hire "ur!hase #inan!e #eatures o# !onsumer
<ousing #inan!e : intro'u!tion N<6s housing #inan!e !om"anies 'ire!tions "ru'ential norms
housing #inan!e s!hemes.
7re'it /ating :- meaning an' t%"es &ene#its o# !re'it rating agen!ies o&)e!ti$es an' #un!tions.
7re'it !ar' :- !on!e"t an' signi#i!an!e : t%"es o# !re'it !ar's !re'it !ar' &usiness in In'ia.
6ook 6uil'ing:- !on!e"t an' me!hanism o# &ook &uil'ing signi#i!an!e an' &ene#its o# &ook
6ought out 'eals:- meaning an' nature me!hanisms o# &ought out 'eals : ('$antages the "resent
0e!uriti,ation :- !on!e"t mo'e me!hanism an' &ene#i!iaries o# se!uriti,ation : se!uriti,ation in
-e"ositor% :- !on!e"t 'e"ositor% "arti!i"ants #un!tions o# 'e"ositor% s%stem &ene#its o#
'e"ositor% : -e"ositor% s%stem in In'ia.
.enture !a"ital : meaning mo'els o# #inan!ing
/ole an' #un!tions o# mer!hant &ankers.
'u((ested Readin(s&-
>han M.I.: Management o# #inan!ial ser$i!es M!?raw <ill 1001.
?or'en E an' >. Natra)an : Emerging 0!enario o# #inan!ial ser$i!es <imala%a 8u&lishing
Mei'an (rthur 6renner M.: +"tion 8ri!ing : Theor% C (""li!ations Toronto 5exington 6ooks
>im 0uk an' >im 0eung : glo&al 7or"orate #inan!e : text an' !ases 1
e'. Miami : 3lori'a
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!les will &e announ!e' in the !lass at
the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.
#M-400: -ort.olio Management
Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 hours
Note:- The examiner will set eight questions in all. Question No.1 !om"rising o# se$en
short answer t%"e questions shall &e !om"ulsor%. In all the stu'ents woul' &e require'
to attem"t #i$e question. (ll question will !arr% equal marks.
The o&)e!ti$es o# this !ourse is to gi$e the stu'ents an in- 'e"th knowle'ge o# the theor% an'
"ra!ti!e o# "ort#olio management.
Course Contents&
Intro'u!tion G meaning nee' risk C return 'etermination o# a "ort#olio Markowit, "ort#olio
theor% shar"e sim"le in'ex mo'el an' (8T A o"timal "ort#olio A sele!tion C "ro&lems e##i!ient
#rontier meaning C !onstru!tion an' in$estors utilit% e##i!ient #rontier :i; risk #ree an' :ii; risk%
len'ing an' &orrowing le$erage' "ort#olio market "ort#olio !a"ital market line 7(8M se!urit%
market line !hara!teristi! line "ort#olio re$ision meaning nee' an' !onstraints #ormula "lan
!onstant 'ollar $alue "lan !onstant ratio "lan $aria&le ratio "lan. 6on' "ort#olio management
strategies "assi$e "ort#olio strategies a!ti$e "ort#olio strategies "ort#olio "er#orman!e e$aluation
risk a')uste' "er#orman!e measures.
'u((ested Readin(s&-
(lexan'er ?or'en 2 . an' 0har"e *illiam 3.: 3un'amentals o# In$estment Englewoo'
7li##s New 2erse% 8rnti!e <all In!.
>e$in : "ort#olio Management 8renti!e <all o# In'ia New -elhi..
0har"e : In$estment 8renti!e <all o# In'ia New -elhi.
0trong : 8ort#olio Management Thomson 5earning 6om&a%
Elton E'win 2. an' ?ru&er Martin 2.: Mo'ern 8ort#olio Theor% an' In$estment (nal%sis
New Iork 2ohn *ile%.
/eil% 3rank > : In$estment (nal%sis an' 8ort#olio Management -r%'en 8ress.
3is!her -onal' E. an' 2or'en /enol' 2.: se!urit% (nal%sis an' 8ort#olio Management.
The list o# !ases an' s"e!i#i! re#eren!es in!lu'ing re!ent arti!les will &e announ!e' in the !lass at
the time o# laun!hing o# the !ourse.

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