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Mark H. Stevens, M.

15 October, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ree#o$ %ible &ollege an# Se$inar

Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter One
This i$#ressive book begins the %o&rne into Eschatolog b 'ealing (ith the $ost
controversial as#ect o) it. The $etho's o) inter#retation are the so&rce o) great 'isc&ssion
in Se$inaries, *ible "olleges, an' "o))ee Ho&ses the (orl' over. +o one can boast (ith
absol&te certaint that the reall &n'erstan' Eschatolog. The st&' o) the ,En' o)
-as. is #robabl the $ost controversial in "hristian Theolog an' even in other
/eligions. There are so $an vie(s abo&t the 0ast -as an' tho&san's o) books have
been (ritten an' everone thinks the have it )ig&re' o&t. *&t this book 'oesn1t co$e
across like that it give a (i'e #anora$ic vie( o) the st&' o) Eschatolog. 2es 3es&s (ill
ret&rn b&t +O O+E kno(s (hen or reall even ho( it (ill occ&r. ! sa( this 4&ote )ro$
".S. 0e(is that kin' o) s#eaks to this )irst cha#ter5
C.S. Lewis: "God will invade. But I wonder whether people who ask God to interfere
openly and directly in our world quite realize what it will e like when !e does. "hen
that happens# it is the end of the world. "hen the author walks on to the sta$e the play is
"God is $oin$ to invade# all ri$ht# ut what is the $ood of sayin$ you are on !is side
then# when you see the whole natural universe %eltin$ away like a drea% and so%ethin$
else&&so%ethin$ it never entered your head to conceive&&co%es crashin$ in' so%ethin$ so
eautiful to so%e of us and so terrile to others that none of us will have any choices
left( )or this ti%e it will e God without dis$uise' so%ethin$ so overwhel%in$ that it will
strike either irresistile love or irresistile horror into every creature. It will e too late
then to choose your side... *hat will not e the ti%e for choosin$: it will e the ti%e when
we discover which side we really have chosen# whether we realized it efore or not.
"+ow# today# this %o%ent# is our chance to choose the ri$ht side. God is holdin$ ack to
$ive us that chance. It will not last forever. "e %ust take it or leave it."
There are t(o $a%or vie(s abo&t Eschatolog an' the are the 6re-Millennial 7ie(
an' the 8 $illennial 7ie(. The 6re-Millennial vie( is a literal inter#retation, (hile the
8$illenialist 7ie( s#irit&ali9es the st&' o) Eschatolog. *oth #oints o) vie( are
acce#te' b a n&$ber o) "hristian 'eno$inations an' Sects. The #re'o$inant
eschatological vie( a$ong *ible-believing "hristians in the t(entieth cent&r is
#re$illennialis$. 6re$illennialis$ is the vie( that a)ter His secon' co$ing, 3es&s "hrist
(ill r&le the earth )or 1000 ears. Th&s "hrist1s secon' co$ing is be)ore the $illenni&$
:#re$illennial;. 6re$illennialists teach that at the secon' co$ing o) "hrist, the living
saints are ra#t&re' an' the 'ea' saints are raise' )ro$ the 'ea'. 8ll these saints are given
glori)ie', i$$ortal bo'ies. The $eet "hrist in the air an' ret&rn to r&le (ith Hi$ on
earth )or 1000 ears. This 1000-ear #erio' is one o) (orl'(i'e #eace an' righteo&sness.
8t the en' o) the 1000-ear #erio' Satan is loose' )ro$ his #rison to 'eceive the nations.
7ast ar$ies rebel an' attack "hrist an' the saints in 3er&sale$< these ar$ies are then
'estroe' b )ire )ro$ heaven. 8)ter the 'e)eat o) these rebel ar$ies the )inal res&rrection
an' %&'g$ent take #lace< then co$es the eternal state. This, in brie), is the essence o)
#re$illennialis$< there are $an variations. 8$ong #re$illennialists there are #re-
trib&lation, $i'-trib&lation an' #ost-trib&lation ra#t&rists. -is#ensational
#re$illennialists #lace the ra#t&re not at the secon' co$ing b&t at the beginning o) the
seven-ear trib&lation.
8$illennialis$ is the na$e given to the belie) that there (ill not be a literal 1000-ear
reign o) "hrist. The #eo#le (ho hol' to this belie) are calle' a$illennialists. The #re)i>
,a-. in a $illennialis$ $eans ,no. or ,not.. so, ,a$illennialis$. $eans ,no
$illenni&$.. This 'i))ers )ro$ the $ost (i'el acce#te' vie( calle' #re$illennialis$
:the vie( that "hrist1s secon' co$ing (ill occ&r #rior to His $illennial king'o$ an' that
the $illennial king'o$ is a literal 1000-ear reign; an' )ro$ the less-(i'el acce#te'
vie( calle' #ost$illennialis$ :the belie) that "hrist (ill ret&rn a)ter "hristians, not
"hrist Hi$sel), have establishe' the king'o$ on this earth;.
Ho(ever, in )airness to a$illennialists, the 'o not believe that there is no $illenni&$ at
all. The %&st 'o not believe in a literal $illenni&$?a literal 1000-ear reign o) "hrist on
earth. !nstea', the believe that "hrist is no( sitting on the throne o) -avi' an' that this
#resent ch&rch age is the king'o$ over (hich "hrist reigns. There is no 'o&bt that "hrist
is no( sitting on a throne, b&t this 'oes not $ean that it is (hat the *ible re)ers to as the
throne o) -avi'. There is no 'o&bt that "hrist no( r&les, )or He is @o'. 2et this 'oes not
$ean He is r&ling over the $illennial king'o$.
"lear biblical in'ications that the king'o$ (ill be a literal, earthl king'o$ are5
1; "hristAs )eet (ill act&all to&ch the Mo&nt o) Olives #rior to the establish$ent o) His
king'o$ 'echariah, 14(4- )
2; -&ring the king'o$, the Messiah (ill e>ec&te %&stice an' %&'g$ent on the earth
*ere$iah 2+(5-,
=; The king'o$ is 'escribe' as being &n'er heaven :-aniel 75 1=-27;
4; The #ro#hets )oretol' o) 'ra$atic earthl changes '&ring the king'o$ B-cts +(21.
!saiah +5(1-2 an# -$os )(11-15
5; The chronological or'er o) events in /evelation in'icates the e>istence o) an earthl
king'o$ #rior to the concl&sion o) (orl' histor :/evelation 20;.
The a$illennial vie( co$es )ro$ &sing one $etho' o) inter#retation )or &n)&l)ille'
#ro#hec an' another $etho' )or non-#ro#hetic Scri#t&re an' )&l)ille' #ro#hec. +on-
#ro#hetic Scri#t&re an' )&l)ille' #ro#hec are inter#rete' literall or nor$all. *&t,
accor'ing to the a$illennialist, &n)&l)ille' #ro#hec is to be inter#rete' s#irit&all, or
non-literall. Those (ho hol' to a$illennialis$ believe that a ,s#irit&al. rea'ing o)
&n)&l)ille' #ro#hec is the nor$al rea'ing o) the te>ts. This is calle' &sing a '&al
her$ene&tic. :Her$ene&tics is the st&' o) the #rinci#les o) inter#retation.; The
a$illennialist ass&$es that $ost, or all, &n)&l)ille' #ro#hec is (ritten in s$bolic,
)ig&rative, s#irit&al lang&age. There)ore, the a$illennialist (ill assign 'i))erent $eanings
to those #arts o) Scri#t&re instea' o) the nor$al, conte>t&al $eanings o) those (or's.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter T(o
The Histor o) !nter#retation
The histor o) the collection o) ancient te>ts hel' sacre' b 3e(s, "hristians, an'
Mosle$s, t#icall calle' the *ible or the Torah :tho&gh (hat each religio&s tra'ition
$eans b that (or' 'i))ers; is t(o 'i))erent histories5 a histor o) the (riting itsel) an' a
histor o) the (ritings inter#retation. Cnless a rea'er is an e>tre$e literalist (ho believes
that @o' 'ictate' the books 'irectl to scribes (ho recor'e' the$ verbati$ an' (ho
believes that #eo#le o) )aith have al(as inter#rete' the te>ts in e>actl the sa$e (a,
$o'ern rea'ers an' scholars &n'erstan' that these te>ts an' their inter#retations are the
#ro'&cts o) changing historical con'itions. *eca&se the hol' these te>ts sacre',
believers can co$e to a 'ee#er a##reciation o) the (as in (hich the *ible contin&es to
s#eak to #eo#le in 'i))erent historical con'itions. 8t the sa$e ti$e, non-believers
ackno(le'ge that the #revalence o) Destern $onotheis$, the religions o) 3e(s,
"hristians, an' Mosle$s that constit&te the so-calle' E6eo#le o) the *ook,E $eans that
the *ible is #erha#s one o) the $ost signi)icant literar an' c&lt&ral te>ts available )or
their st&'. Cn'erstan'ing the histor o) the *ibleAs co$#osition an' trans$ission, on the
one han'< an' the histor o) its inter#retation on the other han' can enrich its rea'ing )or
both believers an' non-believers alike.
Even the "hristian scri#t&res, the +e( Testa$ent, the #ro'&ct o) an historical #erio',
e$erge' )ro$ oral tra'itions. This is evi'ent in the activit o) 3es&s o) +a9areth as
recor'e' in the gos#els. 3es&s is never 'e#icte' as a (riter or scribe b&t al(as as an oral
teller o) tales an' teacher. The earl a#ostles an' 'isci#les ke#t re$e$bere' 3es&s in
(or' an' sacra$ent, #artic&larl the rit&al o) the breaking o) the brea'. Si$ilarl, the
letters o) 6a&l all&'e to an oral tra'ition in (hich the $e$or o) 3es&s (as ke#t alive in
h$ns, lit&rg, an' recitation o) 3es&sA saings an' stories. To this 'a "hristians still are
'ivi'e' over (ho (rote The @os#el o) Mark an' the *ook o) Hebre(s. Thro&gh
!nter#retation theologians an' scholars &se' inter#retation to narro( 'o(n the o''s as to
(ho reall (rote (hat. This is 'o(n b care)&l e>a$ination. So$e sa that Marks1
@os#el (as either (ritten b 6eter or in)l&ence' b the 8#ostle beca&se o) the 'irect
stle an' the (a 3es&s is #ortrae'. The greatest arg&$ents o)ten co$e on the s&b%ect
Eschatolog. The co$ing o) a Messianic 8ge is so$ething that 3e(s, "hristians an'
Mosle$s teach )ro$ their hol te>t. Even in the "hristian circles there is a great 'ivi'e
over the st&' o) 0ast -as. The a&thor o) this book s#en's a great 'eal o) ti$e
e>a$ining the vario&s takes on the Messianic i$#lications o) Eschatolog. The 0iteralist
believe the te>t (itho&t roo$ )or s#irit&ali9ing or allegor.
Since the )irst "hristians (ere 3e(s, the e$#loe' 3e(ish $etho's o) biblical
inter#retation, (hich (e see at (ork in the "hristian scri#t&res, the +e( Testa$ent. The
)o&r @os#els, the 8cts o) the 8#ostles, the e#istles, an' the book o) /evelation are all
glosses on the 3e(ish scri#t&res, (hich "hristians reinter#ret in light o) their
&n'erstan'ing o) the $eaning o) 3es&s o) +a9areth. Event&all, ho(ever, "hristians
'evelo#e' co$#le> inter#retive strategies o) their o(n over the ne>t t(o tho&san' ears.
These incl&'e "hristian e/egesis :the #rocess o) recovering the ling&istic $eaning o) a
(or' or #hrase in an ancient te>t, no( &n'ertaken b @reek an' 0atin s#eakers rather
than Hebre( rea'ers;, "hristian theological inter0retation :the #rocess o) establishing
the 'octrinal signi)icance o) an ancient te>t;, an', $ore recentl, historical-critical
$etho#s :the #rocess o) establishing the historical, social, ling&istic, theological, an'
literar conte>t o) an ancient te>t;.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Three
@eneral "onsi'erations in !nter#retation
Most o) the *ible can be easil inter#rete' b si$#l taking the lang&age :either in the
original or translation; in the &s&al (a :3n. =5=F< 8cts 1511;. !n other (or's, i) the #lain
sense $akes sense, seek no other sense. This is the literal gra$$atical #oint o) vie(. 8
#lain sense rea'ing sho&l' not be con)&se' (ith a literalistic inter#retation. De sho&l'
allo( )or )ig&res o) s#eech :Mk. 155< 0k. 2251H;.
!) a #assage contains s$bols or a s#ecial literar genre this sho&l' be in'icate' in the
te>t, either b te>t&al c&es, or beca&se s$bolis$ is re4&ire' in or'er to $ake sense o)
the te>t. Most s$bols are e>#laine' b the *ible itsel) :/ev. 15H-20; Historical
inter#retation $eans that (e take into acco&nt the historical backgro&n' o) the a&thor an'
the reci#ients as #ossible. The *ible (as (ritten to co$$on #eo#le, an' is
&n'erstan'able to anone. Ho(ever, it (as (ritten tho&san's o) ears ago to a 'i))erent
c&lt&re. There)ore, as $o'ern rea'ers, (e have to tr to recover a general sense o) the
$eaning o) (or's, #hrases an' conce#ts in the ancient c&lt&res.
8$illennialists cite scri#t&re re)erences to the king'o$ not being a #hsical real$5
Matthe( 1252G, (here 3es&s cites his 'riving o&t o) 'e$ons as evi'ence that the king'o$
o) @o' ha' co$e &#on the$< 0&ke 17520-21, (here 3es&s (arns that the co$ing o) the
king'o$ o) @o' can not be observe', an' that it is a$ong the$< an' /o$ans 14517,
(here 6a&l s#eaks o) the king'o$ o) @o' being in ter$s o) the "hristiansA actions.
!n #artic&lar, the regar' the tho&san' ears re)erences as a )ig&rative e>#ression o)
"hristAs reign being #er)ectl co$#lete', as the Etho&san' hillsE re)erre' to in 6sal$
50510, the hills on (hich @o' o(ns the cattle, are all hills, an' the Etho&san'
generationsE in 1 "hronicles 1F515, the generations )or (hich @o' (ill be )aith)&l, re)er
to all generations.
-is#ensationalist see $ost o) their Escahtological vie(s thro&gh the lenses o)
s&##ort )or !srael an' the #ro$ises o) @o' )or !srael. One o) the $ain tenets o)
-is#ensationalis$ is the strict 'ichoto$ that 'is#ensationalists clai$ e>ists bet(een
!srael an' the +e( Testa$ent "h&rch. This is e>#ressl 'enie' b "ovenant Theologians
(ho clai$ the e>istence o) a relationshi# via ES#irit&al !srael.E 8 'is#ensationalist (o&l'
clai$ that none o) the #ro#hecies #ertaining to !srael are or (ill be )&l)ille' in or b the
+e( Testa$ent "h&rch. "ovenant Theologians (o&l' clai$ that so$e o) the #ro#hecies
#ertaining to !srael are, (ill, or $a be )&l)ille' in or b the +e( Testa$ent "h&rch
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Io&r
The !nter#retation o) 6ro#hec
The inter#retation o) *iblical #ro#hec is so$ething that is ver i$#ortant )or an
st&'ent o) the *ible an' is &n)ort&natel ver neglecte' b #astors an' la #eo#le alike.
*et(een 1J4 to 1J= o) the *ible is #ro#hec an' this alone $akes #ro#er inter#retation
i$#ortant )or anone (ho (ants to &n'erstan' the *ible.
The inter#retation o) *iblical #ro#hec has gaine' i$#ortance all the $ore in o&r era
ho(ever as $ore an' $ore #eo#le are clai$ing that (e are near the en' ti$es.
!) this is tr&e, (e nee' to kno( (hat (e can e>#ect - an' (hether or not (e (ill even be
on earth to (itness $ost o) it. 8n' even i) the en' ti$e events are still ver 'istant, it is
#ro#hec that gives &s a gli$#se o) heaven an' (hat (e can e>#ect.
The $ost i$#ortant 4&estion concerning #ro#hec is (hether (e sho&l' inter#ret it
literall or )ig&rativel. This has been a 'ivisive iss&e )or cent&ries going (ell back into
the earl ch&rch o) the thir' an' )o&rth cent&ries.
8&g&stine (as one (ho a'vocate' a so calle' E'&al her$ene&tic.E !n other (or's,
inter#ret nor$al scri#t&re to be literal, inter#ret anthing #ro#hetic to be s$bolic.
"ertainl, his i'eas are #o#&lar even to this 'a.
*&t the 4&estion $&st be aske', (as #ro#hec inten'e' to be inter#rete' literall or
)ig&rativel. ! believe that the 4&estion can be ans(ere' b looking at #ro#hecies that (e
kno( have been ans(ere'.
8braha$ (as #ro$ise' 'escen'ants as n&$ero&s as the san' on the seashore even
tho&gh he (as ol' an' 'i' not have an heir. This (as )&l)ille' literall 'es#ite the
i$#robabilit o) it.
!n !saiah 7514 the #ro#het #re'icts that the virgin (ill be (ith chil', (e see this )&l)ille'
literall in the birth o) 3es&s, 'es#ite the i$#ossibilit o) it.
Dhen -aniel tells King *elsha99ar the $eaning o) the (or's E$ene $ene tekel #arsinE
an' in)or$s hi$ that his king'o$ (ill be taken )ro$ hi$ that ver night, it ha##ens
literall that ver night.
8n' o) co&rse there are n&$ero&s other #ro#hecies, $an concerning the co$ing o)
"hrist that have been )&l)ille' literall. So the 4&estion $&st be aske', (o&l' @o' )&l)ill
so$e #ro#hecies literall an' other #ro#hecies )ig&rativelL 8n' i) @o' (o&l' 'o s&ch a
thing, ho( 'oes one 'iscern (hich (ill be )&l)ille' literall an' (hich (ill be
The secon' i$#ortant thing to consi'er (hen st&'ing #ro#hec is the conce#t o) ti$e.
Ti$e $eans ver little (ith #ro#hec an' this lea' $an to $iss the co$ing o) "hrist.
The sa( #ro#hecies o) a co$ing Messiah that (o&l' overthro( the o##ressors an' r&le
)ro$ -avi'As throne. Dhat the $isse' (as the #ro#hecies that s#eak o) a s&))ering
Messiah an' the co&l' not &ntangle the t(o.
0ooking at #ro#hec is like looking at a set o) $o&ntains. Iro$ a 'istance, the back
$o&ntain looks like it is right behin' the )irst $o&ntain. !t is onl (hen a #erson is on
to# o) the )irst $o&ntain that the reali9e the secon' $o&ntain is 4&ite a 'istance o)).
!t is the sa$e (ith #ro#hec. !t $a look like all one #art, b&t o)ten there is a ti$e ga#.
Onl (hen the )irst #art has been )&l)ille' are (e able to look an' reali9e that the ne>t
#art is still )&t&re.
This is no better ill&strate' than #erha#s in 0&ke 451G-21. 3es&s s#eaks5
EThe S#irit o) the 0or' is on $e, beca&se he has anointe' $e to #reach goo' ne(s to the
#oor. He has sent $e to #roclai$ )ree'o$ )or the #risoners an' recover o) sight )or the
blin', to release the o##resse', to #roclai$ the ear o) the 0or'As )avor.E
Then he rolle' &# the scroll, gave it back to the atten'ant an' sat 'o(n. The ees o)
everone in the snagog&e (ere )astene' on hi$, an' he began b saing to the$,
ETo'a this scri#t&re is )&l)ille' in o&r hearing.E
3es&s 4&otes !saiah F151-2 in this #assage, b&t he sto#s s#eaking abr&#tl in the $i''le o)
the secon' verse. 7erse 2 in its entiret sas, E... to #roclai$ the ear o) the 0or'As )avor,
an' the 'a o) vengeance o) o&r @o', to co$)ort all (ho $o&rn...E
So (h 'i' 3es&s sto# in the $i''le o) the sentenceL The 'a o) vengeance (as still
)&t&re. Ho(ever, i) 3es&s is s#eaking the tr&th, the )irst #art o) this #ro#hec (as
)&l)ille' in their hearing.
So ho( 'o (e 'isting&ish #ro#hec an' #revent the sa$e errors as the 3e(s o) 3es&sA
ti$eL De $a #a close attention to (hat scri#t&re sas an' &n'erstan' (hat has
alrea' been )&l)ille' an' (hat has not been )&l)ille'. !) a #ro#hec has not been )&l)ille'
literall, it is sa)e to concl&'e that it is et )&t&re, even i) #art o) the #ro#hec has alrea'
been )&l)ille'.
8 thir' ste# is to 'eter$ine (hat are con'itional #ro$ises an' (hat are &ncon'itional
#ro$ises. @o' gives so$e #ro$ises that hinge &#on a #eo#le acting a certain (a (hile
other #ro$ising are &ncon'itional an' (ill ha##en regar'less o) (hat ha##ens.
Ior a con'itional #ro#hec, consi'er the book o) 3onah. !t (as 3onahAs %ob to go to
+ineveh an' #ro#hes that @o' (o&l' 'estro the cit. *&t 3onah 'i' not 'esire to 'o
the 0or'As (ill beca&se +ineveh (as a ver (icke' cit an' he 'i' not (ant to #rono&nce
@o'As %&'g$ent &#on it. !) this (as an &ncon'itional #ro$ise, 3onah (o&l' have
'elighte' in seeing the 'estr&ction o) a (icke' cit )&ll o) the ene$ies o) @o'.
*&t (hen 3onah )inall goes an' #ro#hecies the #eo#le re#ent an' he co$#lains to @o'
in 3onah 4 , EAO 0or', is this not (hat ! sai' (hen ! (as still at ho$eL That is (h ! (as
so 4&ick to )lee to Tarshish. ! kne( that o& are a gracio&s an' co$#assionate @o', slo(
to anger an' abo&n'ing in love, a @o' (ho relents )ro$ sen'ing cala$it.E
3onah ha' #ro#hesie' to +ineveh that it ha' )ort 'as le)t, b&t the &ns#oken con'ition
(as that this (as tr&e i) the 'i' not re#ent.
Ior an &ncon'itional #ro#hec, consi'er 6sal$ GH (here @o' g&arantees an eternal
throne )or the king'o$ o) !srael. 7erses =0-=7 tell &s o) &ncon'itional #ro$ises5
E!) his sons )orsake $ la( an' 'o not )ollo( $ stat&tes, i) the violate $ 'ecrees an'
)ail to kee# $ co$$an's, ! (ill #&nish their sin (ith the ro', their ini4&it (ith
)logging< b&t ! (ill not take $ love )ro$ hi$, nor (ill ! ever betra $ )aith)&lness. !
(ill not violate $ covenant or alter (hat $ li#s have &ttere'. Once )or all, ! have
s(orn b $ holiness-- an' ! (ill not lie to -avi'-- that his line (ill contin&e )orever an'
his throne en'&re be)ore $e like the s&n< it (ill be establishe' )orever like the $oon, the
)aith)&l (itness in the sk.E
The )o&rth #rinci#le in inter#reting #ro#hec sho&l' be a given b&t it is o)ten
overlooke'. Scri#t&re 'oes not contra'ict itsel). !) another #assage o) scri#t&re (o&l'
a##ear to contra'ict o&r inter#retation o) a #ro#hec one o) t(o things must be 'one.
Either e>#lain (h that #assage 'oes not contra'ict o&r inter#retation o) the #ro#hec or
re-eval&ate o&r inter#retation o) this #assage.
The #ositions $an #eo#le take on #ro#hec involve ignoring certain #assages o)
scri#t&re beca&se the can o))er no e>#lanation )or the$. Ior a blatant e>a$#le o) this,
consi'er the #osition taken b so$e a$illennialists. :8n a$illennialist is a #erson (ho
'oes not believe in a literal 1,000 ear reign o) "hrist at the secon' co$ing.;
So$e a$illennialists sa that (e are c&rrentl living in the $illennial king'o$,
beginning at the )irst co$ing o) "hrist, or at the co$ing o) the Hol S#irit. /evelation 20
'escribes that '&ring this ti$e, Satan (ill be bo&n'. This $eans that i) (e are living in
the $illennial king'o$, Satan is c&rrentl bo&n'.
2et, i) Satan is bo&n' '&ring this ti$e, one has to e>#lain the casting o&t o) 'e$ons that
occ&rs in the +e( Testa$ent. !) Satan (as bo&n' at the )irst co$ing o) "hrist, one has to
e>#lain ho( Satan entere' 3&'as in 3ohn 1=527. 8n' i) Satan (as bo&n' at the beginning
o) the ch&rch age, one has to )in' a (a to e>#lain 1 6eter 15G (hich sas, E*e sel)-
controlle' an' alert. 2o&r ene$ the 'evil #ro(ls aro&n' like a roaring lion looking )or
so$eone to 'evo&r.E
!) one has )o&n' a (a to satis)actoril e>#lain these #assages, that is )ine. 8s s&ch, !
have not hear' an e>#lanation an' $an choose to ignore these #assages. !) one re-
eval&ates their vie( on this, the $&st then re-eval&ate ho( Satan can not be bo&n' an'
still consi'er the #resent age to be #art o) $illennial king'o$.
The i$#ortant thing is that one consi'ers all o) the 'etails an' $akes s&re that the 'o not
contra'ict other scri#t&res.
!n s&$$ar, the )o&r kes to inter#reting #ro#hec are5
1eter$ine i) #ro#hetic #assages sho&l' be taken literall
2n#erstan# that ti$e 'oesnAt $atter in regar's to #ro#hec - #arts $a be )&l)ille' an'
#arts $a et be )&t&re
1eter$ine i) the #ro#hec is con'itional or &ncon'itional
2n#erstan# that scri#t&re cannot an' 'oes not contra'ict itsel). !) o&r inter#retation
contra'icts scri#t&re, o& $&st either e>#lain the contra'ictor #assage or re-eval&ate
o&r vie(.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Iive
The 8braha$ic "ovenant
8 covenant is an agree$ent bet(een t(o #arties. There are t(o t#es o) covenants5
con'itional an' &ncon'itional. 8 con'itional or bilateral covenant is an agree$ent that is
bin'ing on both #arties )or its )&l)ill$ent. *oth #arties agree to )&l)ill certain con'itions.
!) either #art )ails to $eet their res#onsibilities, the covenant is broken an' neither #art
has to )&l)ill the e>#ectations o) the covenant. 8n &ncon'itional or &nilateral covenant is
an agree$ent bet(een t(o #arties, b&t onl one o) the t(o #arties has to 'o so$ething.
+othing is re4&ire' o) the other #art.
The 8braha$ic "ovenant is an &ncon'itional covenant. @o' $a'e #ro$ises to 8braha$
that re4&ire' nothing o) 8braha$. The *ible 'escribes a #art o) the 8braha$ic "ovenant,
s#eci)icall 'ealing (ith the 'i$ensions o) the lan' @o' #ro$ise' to 8braha$ an' his
The act&al 8braha$ic "ovenant is )o&n' in @enesis 1251-=. The cere$on recor'e' in
@enesis 15 in'icates the &ncon'itional nat&re o) the covenant. The onl ti$e that both
#arties o) a covenant (o&l' #ass bet(een the #ieces o) ani$als (as (hen the )&l)ill$ent
o) the covenant (as 'e#en'ent &#on both #arties kee#ing co$$it$ents. "oncerning the
signi)icance o) @o' alone $oving bet(een the halves o) the ani$als, it is to be note' that
it is a s$oking )&rnace an' a )la$ing torch, re#resenting @o', not 8braha$, (hich
#asse' bet(een the #ieces. S&ch an act, it (o&l' see$, sho&l' be share' b both #arties,
b&t in this case it is 'o&btless to be e>#laine' b the )act that the covenant is #rinci#all a
#ro$ise b @o'. He is the one (ho bin's Hi$sel). @o' ca&se' a slee# to )all &#on
8braha$ so that he (o&l' not be able to #ass bet(een the t(o halves o) the ani$als.
I&l)ill$ent o) the covenant )ell to @o' alone.
@o' 'eter$ine' to call o&t a s#ecial #eo#le )or Hi$sel) thro&gh (ho$ He (o&l' bring
blessing to all the nations. The 8braha$ic "ovenant is critical to a #ro#er &n'erstan'ing
o) the king'o$ conce#t an' is )o&n'ational to Ol' Testa$ent theolog. :1; The
8braha$ic "ovenant is 'escribe' in @enesis 1251-= an' is an &ncon'itional covenant.
There are no con'itions attache' to it :no ,i). cla&ses, s&ggesting its )&l)ill$ent is
'e#en'ent on $an;. :2; !t is also a literal covenant in (hich the #ro$ises sho&l' be
&n'erstoo' literall. The lan' that is #ro$ise' sho&l' be &n'erstoo' in its literal or
nor$al inter#retation?it is not a )ig&re o) heaven. :=; !t is also an everlasting covenant.
The #ro$ises that @o' $a'e to !srael are eternal.
There are three $ain )eat&res to the 8braha$ic "ovenant5
1. The #ro$ise o) lan'. @o' calle' 8braha$ )ro$ Cr o) the "hal'ees to a lan' that He
(o&l' give hi$ ,This #ro$ise is reiterate' in @enesis 1=51-4 (here it is con)ir$e' b a
shoe covenant< its 'i$ensions are given in @enesis 1551-7. The lan' as#ect o) the
8braha$ic "ovenant is also e>#an'e' in -e&terono$ (hich is the 6alistinian
2. The #ro$ise o) 'escen'ants :@enesis 1251-2; @o' #ro$ise' 8braha$ that He (o&l'
$ake a great nation o&t o) hi$. 8braha$, (ho (as 75 ears ol' an' chil'less, (as
#ro$ise' $an 'escen'ants. This #ro$ise is a$#li)ie' in :@enesis 175F; (here @o'
#ro$ise' that nations an' kings (o&l' 'escen' )ro$ the age' #atriarch. This #ro$ise
:(hich is e>#an'e' in the -avi'ic "ovenant o) :!! Sa$. 17; (o&l' event&ate in the
-avi'ic throne (ith Messiah1s king'o$ r&le over the Hebre( #eo#le.
=. The #ro$ise o) blessing an' re'e$#tion :@enesis 125=; @o' #ro$ise' to bless
8braha$ an' the )a$ilies o) the earth thro&gh hi$. This #ro$ise is a$#li)ie' in the +e(
"ovenant an' has to 'o (ith ,!srael1s s#irit&al blessing an' re'e$#tion.. :3ere$iah
=15=4; antici#ates the )orgiveness o) sin. The &ncon'itional an' eternal nat&re o) the
covenant is seen in that the covenant is rea))ir$e' to !saac :@enesis "ha#ters 21 an' 2F;
The ,! (ill. #ro$ises s&ggest the &ncon'itional as#ect o) the covenant. The covenant is
)&rther con)ir$e' to 3acob .!t is note(orth that @o' rea))ir$e' these #ro$ises a$i' the
sins o) the #atriarchs, (hich )act )&rther e$#hasi9es the &ncon'itional nat&re o) the
8braha$ic "ovenant.
@o'1s $etho' o) )&l)illing the 8braha$ic "ovenant is literal, inas$&ch as @o' #artiall
)&l)ille' the covenant in histor5 @o' blesse' 8braha$ b giving hi$ the lan'. This
covenant )&ll &n)ol's in "hristian Eschatolog beca&se o) @o'1s &n(avering love )or
!srael an' the 'esire to see the$ save' in the 0ast -as.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Si>
The 6alestinian "ovenant
The 6alestinian "ovenant is recor'e' in -e&terono$ cha#ters 2H an' =0, an' (as $a'e
bet(een @o' an' !srael right be)ore Moses 'ie' an' !srael entere' the 6ro$ise' 0an'.
This covenant ca$e a)ter the Mosaic "ovenant an' a)ter !srael ha' (an'ere' in the
(il'erness )or )ort ears &ntil the generation that ha' re)&se' to enter the 6ro$ise' 0an'
ha' #asse' a(a. @o' $a'e this covenant (ith !srael (hile the (ere in Moab (aiting to
go into the 6ro$ise' 0an', an' the covenant (o&l' serve this ne( generation o)
!sraelites as a re$in'er o) their s#ecial covenant relationshi# (ith @o'.
The 6alestinian "ovenant has $an si$ilarities to the Mosaic "ovenant $a'e at Mo&nt
Sinai b&t is a se#arate an' 'istinct covenant as clearl seen in -e&terono$ 2H51. ,These
are the (or's o) the covenant (hich the 0or' co$$an'e' Moses to $ake (ith the
chil'ren o) !srael in the lan' o) Moab, besi'es the covenant (hich He $a'e (ith the$ in
Horeb.. *e)ore $aking this covenant (ith !srael, @o' re$in'e' the$ that i) the obee'
the Mosaic 0a(, He (o&l' bless the nation ab&n'antl an' (arne' the$ that
'isobe'ience to the 0a( (o&l' res&lt in His c&rsing the nation.
*esi'es the #ro$ises that @o' (o&l' bless the$ i) the obee' His co$$an'$ents an'
c&rse the$ i) the 'isobee', the 6alestinian "ovenant also contains so$e s#ecial
#ro$ises to !srael that $an believe (ill not be co$#letel )&l)ille' &ntil the $illennial
reign o) "hrist. Iirst, @o' #ro$ise' to gather the scattere' !sraelites )ro$ all over the
(orl' an' to bring the$ back into the lan' He ha' #ro$ise' to their ancestors. Secon',
@o' #ro$ise' to regenerate the !sraelites o) that ti$e an' their 'escen'ants b
circ&$cising their hearts so that the (o&l' love Hi$ totall . Thir', @o' #ro$ise' to
%&'ge !srael1s ene$ies an', )o&rth, He #ro$ise' that the !sraelites (o&l' obe @o' an'
that @o' (o&l' #ros#er the$ in their obe'ience. Dhile so$e $ight see these #ro$ises
being )&l)ille' (hen !srael (as ret&rne' )ro$ ca#tivit in *ablon at the ti$e o) E9ra an'
+ehe$iah, there see$ to be so$e as#ects o) this that have not been )&ll reali9e' et.
Ior e>a$#le, the #ro$ise' restoration o) !srael to the lan' (o&l' not ha##en &ntil all the
blessings an' c&rses #ro$ise' the$ (ere )&l)ille'. an' (e kno( that !srael as a nation
re%ecte' 3es&s "hrist as their Messiah an' (as once again c&rse' an' c&t o)) )ro$ the
lan' (hen the /o$ans con4&ere' 3er&sale$ in 8.-. 70. Secon', (e see that one o) the
#ro$ises in this covenant (as that @o' (o&l' circ&$cise their so that the an' their
'escen'ents (o&l' obe Hi$ .These sa$e #ro$ises are re#eate' in 3ere$iah an' E9ekiel
an' are #art o) the blessings an' #ro$ises o) the +e( "ovenant. 8lso, it see$s that the
)inal or &lti$ate restoration o) !srael to the lan' an' to an everlasting relationshi# (ith
@o' is (hat 6a&l is looking )or(ar' to in 6a&l1s1 letter to The /o$ans (hen he sas that
,a #artial har'ening has ha##ene' to !srael &ntil the )&llness o) the @entiles has co$e in
an' th&s all !srael (ill be save'..
The 6alestinian "ovenant also serves to rein)orce the #ro$ises $a'e to 8braha$, !saac
an' 3acob that @o' (o&l' establish !srael as His chosen #eo#le. Even tho&gh @o' set
be)ore !srael the #ro$ise o) His blessings )or obe'ience an' His c&rses )or 'isobe'ience,
He kne( )&ll (ell the (o&l' t&rn )ro$ Hi$ an' His covenant an' t&rn to i'ols. This is
(h He also #ro$ise' to one 'a restore the$ to the lan' an' have co$#assion on the$,
there)ore, the &lti$ate o&tco$e o) this covenant 'oes not 'e#en' on !srael an' its
obe'ience, b&t instea' it 'e#en's on @o' an' His )aith)&lness. The 6alestinian "ovenant
)oc&ses on (hat @o' is going to 'o $ore than (hat !srael is s&##ose' to 'o. Dhile
!srael1s #ros#erit is closel tie' to her obe'ience to @o'1s co$$an's, an' the (ill still
be #&nishe' )or their 'isobe'ience to @o', there is co$ing a 'a (hen @o' (ill ret&rn
the$ to the lan' :the )&ll e>tent o) the lan' as o&tline' in @enesis 15 an' the (ill
#ossess it, an' @o' (ill bless the$ )orever.
8t that ti$e @o' (ill circ&$cise their hearts so the (ill obe Hi$ .This covenant is
again rea))ir$ing the 8braha$ic "ovenant in that so$e'a the see' o) 8braha$ (ill
#ossess the 6ro$ise' 0an' )orever. Cnlike the Mosaic "ovenant (hose #ro$ises are
con'itional &#on !srael1s obe'ience to the 0a(, &lti$ate )&l)ill$ent o) the #ro$ises o)
the 6alestinian "ovenant are not 'e#en'ent &#on !srael1s obe'ience. !nstea', the
6alestinian "ovenant is an &ncon'itional, eternal covenant beca&se it is a #art o) the
8braha$ic "ovenant an' an a$#li)ication o) it
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Seven
The -avi'ic "ovenant
The -avi'ic "ovenant re)ers to @o'1s #ro$ises to -avi' thro&gh +athan the #ro#het an'
is )o&n' in 2 Sa$&el 7 an' later s&$$ari9e' in ! "hronicle 17511, This is an
&ncon'itional covenant $a'e bet(een @o' an' -avi' thro&gh (hich @o' #ro$ises
-avi' an' !srael that the Messiah :3es&s "hrist; (o&l' co$e )ro$ the lineage o) -avi'
an' the tribe o) 3&'ah an' (o&l' establish a king'o$ that (o&l' en'&re )orever The
-avi'ic "ovenant is &ncon'itional beca&se @o' 'oes not #lace an con'itions o)
obe'ience &#on its )&l)ill$ent. The s&ret o) the #ro$ises $a'e rests solel on @o'1s
)aith)&lness an' 'oes not 'e#en' at all on -avi' or !srael1s obe'ience.
The -avi'ic "ovenant centers on several ke #ro$ises that are $a'e to -avi'. 1; @o'
rea))ir$s the #ro$ise o) the lan' that He $a'e in the )irst t(o covenants (ith !srael :the
8braha$ic an' Mosaic "ovenants;. This #ro$ise is seen in !! Sa$&el, ,Moreover ! (ill
a##oint a #lace )or M #eo#le !srael, an' (ill #lant the$, that the $a '(ell in a #lace
o) their o(n an' $ove no $ore< nor shall the sons o) (icke'ness o##ress the$ an$ore,
as #revio&sl.. 2; @o' #ro$ises that -avi'1s 'escen'ant or ,see'. (ill s&ccee' hi$ as
king o) !srael an' that -avi'1s throne (ill be establishe' )orever. This #ro$ise is seen in
!! Sa$&el, E! (ill set &# o&r see' a)ter o&, (ho (ill co$e )ro$ o&r bo', an' ! (ill
establish his king'o$. He shall b&il' a ho&se )or M na$e, an' ! (ill establish the
throne o) his king'o$ )orever.. This is a re)erence to the co$ing Messiah, 3es&s "hrist.
The #rovisions o) the covenant are s&$$ari9e' in !! Sa$&el, ,8n' o&r ho&se an' o&r
king'o$ shall be establishe' )orever be)ore o&. 2o&r throne shall be establishe'
)orever.. The #ro$ise that -avi'1s ,ho&se,. ,king'o$. an' ,throne. (ill be establishe'
)orever is signi)icant beca&se it sho(s that the Messiah (ill co$e )ro$ the lineage o)
-avi' an' that He (ill establish a king'o$ )ro$ (hich He (ill reign. The covenant is
s&$$ari9e' b the (or's ,ho&se,. #ro$ising a 'nast in the lineage o) -avi'<
,king'o$,. re)erring to a #eo#le (ho are governe' b a king< ,throne,. e$#hasi9ing the
a&thorit o) the king1s r&le< an' ,)orever,. e$#hasi9ing the eternal an' &ncon'itional
nat&re o) this #ro$ise to -avi' an' !srael.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Eight
The +e( "ovenant
The ne( covenant is s#oken abo&t )irst in the book o) 3ere$iah. The ol' covenant that
@o' ha' establishe' (ith His #eo#le re4&ire' obe'ience to the Ol' Testa$ent Mosaic
la(. *eca&se the (ages o) sin is 'eath , the la( re4&ire' that #eo#le #er)or$ rit&als an'
sacri)ices in or'er to #lease @o' an' re$ain in His grace. The #ro#het 3ere$iah #re'icte'
that there (o&l' be a ti$e (hen @o' (o&l' $ake a ne( covenant (ith the nation o)
EAThe 'a (ill co$e,A sas the 0or', A(hen ! (ill $ake a ne( covenant (ith the #eo#le o)
!srael an' 3&'ah. . . . *&t this is the ne( covenant ! (ill $ake (ith the #eo#le o) !srael on
that 'a,A sas the 0or'. A! (ill #&t $ la( in their $in's, an' ! (ill (rite the$ on their
hearts. ! (ill be their @o', an' the (ill be $ #eo#leAE :3ere$iah =15==;. 3es&s "hrist
ca$e to )&l)ill the la( o) Moses :Matt. 5517; an' create a ne( covenant bet(een @o' an'
His #eo#le. The ol' covenant (as (ritten in stone, b&t the ne( covenant is (ritten on o&r
hearts, $a'e #ossible onl b )aith in "hrist, (ho she' His o(n bloo' to atone )or the
sins o) the (orl' :0&ke 22520; sas, E8)ter s&##er, 3es&s took another c&# o) (ine an'
sai', AThis (ine is the token o) @o'As ne( covenant to save o& B an agree$ent seale'
(ith the bloo' ! (ill #o&r o&t )or o&.AE
+o( that (e are &n'er the ne( covenant, (e are not &n'er the #enalt o) the la(. De are
no( given the o##ort&nit to receive salvation as a )ree gi)t :E#hesians 25G;. Thro&gh the
li)e-giving Hol S#irit (ho lives in all believers (e can no( share in the inheritance o)
"hrist an' en%o a #er$anent, &nbroken relationshi# (ith @o'. Hebre(s H515 'eclares,
,Ior this reason "hrist is the $e'iator o) a ne( covenant, that those (ho are calle' $a
receive the #ro$ise' eternal inheritance?no( that He has 'ie' as a ranso$ to set the$
)ree )ro$ the sins co$$itte' &n'er the )irst covenant..
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter +ine
6ro#hecies o) The 6resent 8ge
8ccor'ing to so$e, the #resent age o) scri#t&re is the "hristian age. Man (riters e>#ress
this vie(#oint largel beca&se the see the Eage to co$eE as heaven. Their )&t&ristic vie(
o) the ret&rn o) "hrist is the basis )or vie(ing the scri#t&res #er above.
De believe that there are serio&s e>egetical #roble$s (ith $aking the E#resent ageE o)
scri#t&re the "hristian age. The 'i))ic&lties o) s&ch a vie( onl $&lti#l (hen the Eage to
co$eE is vie(e' as a et )&t&re entrance into heaven at an allege' )&t&re ret&rn o) "hrist.
!n the @alatian letter, 6a&l, s#eaking o) "hrist (rites, EDho gave hi$sel) )or o&r sins,
that He $ight 'eliver &s )ro$ this #resent evil age, accor'ing to the (ill o) o&r @o' an'
IatherE :@alatians 154;. O) #ri$ar i$#ortance is the )act that "hrist 'ie' )or Eo&rE Mthe
3e(sN sins. Secon'l, he 'ie' to 'eliver the saints )ro$ the E#resent age.E Thir', the
a#ostle 'escribes the #resent age as Eevil.E
Iirst, i) the E#resent ageE is the "hristian age as allege' b the )&t&rists, then it is the age
&shere' in b "hristAs 'eath an' res&rrection. The #resent age (o&l' )in' its beginning on
6entecost an' belong to the gos#el 'is#ensation. !t is here that (e $&st raise the )irst re'
)lag. !) the #resent age is the "hristian age, then "hrist 'ie' to 'eliver the saints )ro$ the
age (hich he ca$e to establish.
I&rther, this $eans that the age (hich "hrist ca$e to establish :the "hristian age; (as
no $ore e))ective than the 3e(ish age in (hich $en #revio&sl live'. "onsi'er this. 6a&l
(rites, E!s the la( then against the #ro$ises o) @o'L "ertainl not. Ior i) there ha' been
a la( given (hich co&l' have given li)e, tr&l righteo&sness (o&l' have been b the la(E
:@alatians =521;. So, li)e co&l' not be achieve' in the 3e(ish age, hence the nee' to
'eliver the 3e(s )ro$ it :/o$ans 75F;.
Ho(ever, since it is arg&e' b so$e that li)e is not achieve' in the "hristian age, then
6a&l sho&l' like(ise have (ritten the )ollo(ing5 !s the gos#el then against the #ro$ises
o) @o'L "ertainl notO Ior i) there ha' been a gos#el given (hich co&l' have given li)e,
tr&l righteo&sness (o&l' have been b the gos#el. 8ccor'ing to the )&t&rists, the (ere
in the gos#el age. 8ccor'ing to 6a&l, the (ere et thro&gh the S#irit eagerl a(aiting
the ho#e o) righteo&sness :@alatians 555;. There)ore, there (as no a'vantage o) the
gos#el :"hristian age; over the la( (ith res#ect to achieving the ho#e o)
Secon'l, it $eans that "hrist 'ie' to 'eliver the ch&rch )ro$ an age (hich 'i' not then
e>ist at the ti$e o) his 'eath. 8s a $atter o) )act, not even the ch&rch e>iste'. "hrist ha'
to 'ie to bring the ch&rch into e>istence. Then he ha' to create an age in (hich to #lace
the ch&rch so he co&l' i$$e'iatel begin to 'eliver the$ o&t o) itO He allege'l takes
the$ o&t o) the 3e(ish age at his 'eath, onl to #lace the$ in an age )ro$ (hich the et
$&st be 'elivere'. +o 'o&bt this (as a great trib&lation )or the ch&rch. 8ll that slinging
aro&n' an' $ove$ent )ro$ age to age $a'e the$ 4&ite 'i99 to sa the leastO
8 )&rther co$#lication to this $atter is the )act that "hrist ta&ght thro&gh ins#iration
that their 'eliverance )ro$ the E#resent ageE (as Eat han'E an' Eco$ing in a little (hileE
:3a$es 557-H< Hebre(s 105=7;. This $&st be the case since 'eliverance )ro$ the age is
acco$#lishe' at the ret&rn o) "hrist. Ho(ever since the tra'itionalist )&t&ristic vie(#oint
alleges that these ti$e state$ents are EelasticE an' Erelative,E then "hrist (as $erel
E#&lling their legE (ith those E! co$e 4&icklE r&bberban' ti$e state$ents. @enerations
have co$e an' gone an' are still going an' going like the -&racell batter an' et there
is no 'eliverance )ro$ the E#resent evil age.E
8 $ore ri'ic&lo&s #ict&re o) scri#t&re tri)ling an' chicaner co&l' not be $a'e o) the
re'e$#tive-historic, glorio&s (ork o) "hrist. "onsi'er this scenario. 8 bo'sho#
re#air$an o))ers to re#lace o&r broken (in'shiel'. The onl #roble$ is that the
(in'shiel' is not broken. 8'vising the re#air$an o) this )act, he then res#on's b
s$ashing the (in'shiel' (ith a ha$$er an' saing, E!t is no(EO
This corres#on's so$e(hat (ith the #light o) the ne( covenant saints. "hrist 'ie', #er
the tra'itionalists, an' en'e' the la( :3e(ish age; at the cross. There)ore, on their ter$s,
no one (as in it. 8ccor'ing to @alatians, "hrist also 'ie' to 'eliver the$ )ro$ the #resent
evil age, an age (hich he ha' to create, #lace the saints into, then like the re#air$an
above, o))er to 'eliver the$ o&t o) it. Do&l' it not have been easier )or the re#air$an
never to have broken the (in'shiel'L Do&l' it also not have been easier )or "hrist never
to have $a'e an age )ro$ (hich the saints i$$e'iatel nee'e' 'eliveranceL
8 thir' #roble$ in $aking the E#resent ageE the "hristian age, is the abs&r'it it $akes
o) the 'e)ection o) -e$as. EIor -e$as has )orsaken $e, having love' this #resent age,
an' has 'e#arte' )or Thessalonica-"rescens )or @alatia, Tit&s )or -al$atia,E :2 Ti$oth
4510;. Dhat (as so evil abo&t the E#resent ageE :i) in )act it is the "hristian age; that
loving it can be ter$e' as a#ostasL !s "hrist the $inister o) SinL @o' Iorbi'O !) -e$as
)orsook 6a&l )or the #resent age :allege' "hristian age; then in (hat age 'i' that leave
6a&lL +ot the 3e(ish age i) it #asse' a(a at the cross. +ot the Eage to co$e,E since it is
arg&e' to be et )&t&re.
"an (e attrib&te the #resent age to (hich -e$as a#ostati9e' as the age (hich "hrist
ca$e to establishL -oes not this #assage sho( clearl that the gos#el (hich 6a&l hel'
)ir$l till his 'eath :2 Ti$oth 45F-G; 'i' not belong to the E#resent ageE o) scri#t&reL
Dhat a bin' (e all are in to'a i) loving the "hristian age is a#ostas.
Io&rth, i) the E#resent ageE is the gos#el 'is#ensation, then the a#ostles 'i' not s#eak
the (is'o$ that belonge' to the gos#el age. EHo(ever, (e s#eak (is'o$ a$ong those
(ho are $at&re, et not the (is'o$ o) this age, nor o) the r&lers o) this age, (ho are
co$ing to nothingE :1 "orinthians 25F;. +ot onl co&l' the not s#eak the (is'o$ o) this
age, b&t @o' a##arentl gave the a&thorit to the gos#el age to so$e other than the
Dho are these Er&lersE o) Ethis ageEL 6a&l clearl i'enti)ies the$ as those (ho in
ignorance cr&ci)ie' the 0or' o) glor. "o$#are this (ith 6eterAs (or's in 8cts. E2et no(,
brethren, ! kno( that o& 'i' it in ignorance, as 'i' also o&r r&lersE :8cts =517;. See
also v.14. 6eter calls those (ho cr&ci)ie' the 0or' o) glor his 3e(ish brethren an' their
r&lers. These are the 3e(s. The r&lers (ere none other than the chie) #riests, el'ers, an'
sanhe'rin co&ncil. -i' "hrist 'ie to 'eliver the 3e(s )ro$ the la(, onl to create a ne(
age s&b%ecting it to the la(-9ealo&s r&lers o) the ol' ageL 6erha#s no( (e can &n'erstan'
(h 3&'ais$ (as s&ch a #roble$ in the ch&rch. @o' c&t o)) the 3e(ish age at the cross
onl to $ake the 3e(ish r&lers (ho cr&ci)ie' "hrist the r&lers o) the gos#el age.
+o( ho( can an $an believe that these 3e(ish r&lers (ho cr&ci)ie' "hrist (ere r&lers
o) the "hristian ageL The (ere et r&ling the age at the ti$e o) 6a&lAs (riting )or he sas
the (ere co$ing to nothing. ! s&##ose the (o&l' co$e to nothing (hen their age no
longer e>iste'. The (o&l' no longer have an real$ in (hich to r&le. !) the 3e(ish age
en'e' at the cross, (h are the et r&ling the ageL
8##arentl there (as 4&ite a con)lict, )or 6a&l an' the ch&rch (restle' (ith these r&lers.
EIor (e 'o not (restle against )lesh an' bloo', b&t against #rinci#alities, against #o(ers,
against the r&lers o) the 'arkness o) this age, against s#irit&al hosts o) (icke'ness in the
heavenl #lacesE :E#hesians F512;. EThis ageE is characteri9e' as both EevilE an'
E'arkness.E That 'oes not so&n' like the age "hrist ca$e to establish. S&ch is the sel)-
contra'ictor an' &n(arrante' conse4&ences o) $aking the E#resent ageE o) scri#t&re the
"hristian age.
Ii)th, an overla##ing o) ages beco$es an e>egetical night$are )or those (ho inter#ret
the E#resent ageE as the "hristian age. 3es&s s#oke o) the cons&$$ation o) an age
conc&rrent (ith 3er&sale$As )all in 8.-.70. E+o( as He sat on the Mo&nt o) Olives, the
'isci#les ca$e to Hi$ #rivatel, saing, Tell &s, (hen (ill these things beL 8n' (hat
(ill be the sign o) 2o&r co$ing, an' o) the en' o) the ageLE :Matthe( 245=;. This age
(as #resent be)ore the 'eath o) "hrist an' re$aine' intact &ntil 8.-.70. !t en'e' (ith the
co$ing o) "hrist in Ethis :)irst cent&r; generationE :Matthe3 24(+4;. !t (as there)ore a
E#resent ageE thro&gho&t the $inistr o) the a#ostles. "ertainl the 'i' not get all those
E#resent agesE $i>e' &#.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Ten
The 6artial /a#t&re 6osition
*&t let $e %&st clari) so$ething here. ! have a lot o) s$#ath )or the #artial #reterist
#oint o) vie(. ! si$#l 'o not call $sel) a #artial #reterist beca&se ! 'onAt agree (ith
everthing that the #artial #reterists sa. ! think that in so$e cases the #artial #reterists
$ake the sa$e $istake that the )&t&rist 'oes, onl in reverse. The )&t&rist is in essence
rea'ing the *ible (ith one han' an' the ne(s#a#er (ith the other, an' the #artial
#reterist o)tenti$es is tring to correlate events in histor (ith (hat the rea' in the book
o) /evelation - o)tenti$es (hen that #artic&lar all&sion in /evelation is s$bolicall
inten'e' as o##ose' to having so$e literal corres#on'ence in )irst cent&r histor. E+o(
that $a be a $inor #oint o) 'i))erence, b&t it is an i$#ortant #oint )ro$ $ #ers#ective.
+ot onl that, there are a lot o) things that a #artial #reterist, )ro$ $ #ers#ective, $akes
an eitherJor #ro#osition that !A$ not co$)ortable $aking an eitherJor #ro#osition.
-is#ensationalis$ (as largel #o#&lari9e' thro&gh the Sco)iel' /e)erence *ible, an' is
no( re#resente', )or e>a$#le, b the notes in the /rie St&' *ible. Hal 0in'seAs book,
The 0ate @reat 6lanet Earth serve' to kee# the $ove$ent in the $ainstrea$ o)
Evangelicalis$ in the late F0As an' earl 70As. The vast $a%orit o) the earl "haris$atic
$ove$ent (as 'is#ensational in its orientation even tho&gh $ost 'is#ensationalists
e$#hasi9e' that charis$ata cease' (ith the co$#letion o) the +e( Testa$ent. 8s the
"haris$atic $ove$ent has $at&re' an' beco$e $ore consistent in its o(n theolog,
'is#ensationalis$ has largel been %ettisone'. *eca&se o) this, an' beca&se o) the
res&rgence o) 4&estions o) ethics :the 'is#ensationalist cannot e))icientl &se his OT to
ans(er ethical 4&estions; 'is#ensationalis$ is a##arentl on the 'ecline.
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Eleven
The 6ost Trib&lation /a#t&re Theor
6ost$illennialis$ is an inter#retation o) /evelation cha#ter 20 (hich sees "hristAs secon'
co$ing as occ&rring a)ter the ,$illenni&$,. a gol'en age or era o) "hristian #ros#erit
an' 'o$inance. The ter$ incl&'es several si$ilar vie(s o) the en' ti$es, an' it stan's in
contrast to #re$illennialis$ :the vie( that "hrist1s secon' co$ing (ill occ&r #rior to His
$illennial king'o$ an' that the $illennial king'o$ is a literal 1000-ear reign; an', to a
lesser e>tent, a$illennialis$ :no literal $illenni&$;.
6ost$illennialis$ is the belie) that "hrist ret&rns a)ter a #erio' o) ti$e, b&t not
necessaril a literal 1000 ears. Those (ho hol' this vie( 'o not inter#ret &n)&l)ille'
#ro#hec &sing a nor$al, literal $etho'. The believe that /ev. 2054-F sho&l' not be
taken literall. The believe that ,1000 ears. si$#l $eans ,a long #erio' o) ti$e..
I&rther$ore, the #re)i> ,#ost-. in ,#ost$illennialis$. 'enotes the vie( that "hrist (ill
ret&rn a)ter "hristians :not "hrist Hi$sel); have establishe' the king'o$ on this earth.
Those (ho hol' to #ost$illennialis$ believe that this (orl' (ill beco$e better an' better
?all evi'ence to the contrar not(ithstan'ing?(ith the entire (orl' event&all
beco$ing ,"hristiani9e'.. 8)ter this ha##ens, "hrist (ill ret&rn. Ho(ever, this is not the
vie( o) the (orl' in the en' ti$es that Scri#t&re #resents. Iro$ the book o) /evelation, it
is eas to see that the (orl' (ill be a terrible #lace '&ring that )&t&re ti$e. 8lso, in!!
Ti$. =51-7 , 6a&l 'escribes the last 'as as ,terrible ti$es..
Those (ho hol' to #ost$illennialis$ &se a non-literal $etho' o) inter#reting &n)&l)ille'
#ro#hec, assigning their o(n $eanings to (or's. The #roble$ (ith this is that (hen
so$eone starts assigning $eanings to (or's other than their nor$al $eaning, a #erson
can 'eci'e that a (or', #hrase, or sentence $eans anthing he (ants it to $ean. 8ll
ob%ectivit concerning the $eaning o) (or's is lost. Dhen (or's lose their $eaning,
co$$&nication ceases. Ho(ever, this is not ho( @o' has inten'e' )or lang&age an'
co$$&nication to be. @o' co$$&nicates to &s thro&gh His (ritten (or', (ith ob%ective
$eanings to (or's, so that i'eas an' tho&ghts can be co$$&nicate'.
8 nor$al, literal inter#retation o) Scri#t&re re%ects #ost$illennialis$ an' hol's to a
nor$al inter#retation o) all Scri#t&re, incl&'ing &n)&l)ille' #ro#hec. De have h&n're's
o) e>a$#les in Scri#t&re o) #ro#hecies being )&l)ille'. Take, )or e>a$#le, the #ro#hecies
concerning "hrist in the Ol' Testa$ent. Those #ro#hecies (ere )&l)ille' literall.
"onsi'er the virgin birth o) "hrist !saiah 7514;. "onsi'er His 'eath )or o&r sins !saiah 5=.
These #ro#hecies (ere )&l)ille' literall, an' that is reason eno&gh to ass&$e that @o'
(ill contin&e in the )&t&re to literall )&l)ill His Dor'. 6ost$illennialis$ )ails in that it
inter#rets *ible #ro#hec s&b%ectivel an' hol's that the $illennial king'o$ (ill be
establishe' b the ch&rch, not b "hrist Hi$sel).
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter T(elve
The Mi'trib&lation /a#t&re 6osition
Mi'trib&lationis$ teaches that the ra#t&re occ&rs at the $i'#oint o) the trib&lation. 8t
that ti$e, the seventh tr&$#et so&n's, /evelations 1151-5 the ch&rch (ill $eet "hrist in
the air, an' then the bo(l %&'g$ents are #o&re' &#on the earth :/evelation 15B1F; in a
ti$e kno(n as the @reat Trib&lation. !n other (or's, the ra#t&re an' "hrist1s secon'
co$ing :to set &# His king'o$; are se#arate' b a #erio' o) three-an'-a-hal) ears.
8ccor'ing to this vie(, the ch&rch goes thro&gh the )irst hal) o) the trib&lation b&t is
s#are' the (orst o) the trib&lation (hich occ&rs in the last three-an'-a-hal) ears. 7er
close to $i'trib&lationis$ is the belie) in a ,#re-(rath. ra#t&re, i.e., a belie) that the
ch&rch is ca&ght &# to heaven be)ore the ,great 'a o) . . . (rath..
!n s&##ort o) their vie(, $i'trib&lationists #oint to the chronolog given in!! Thess. 2.
The or'er o) events is as )ollo(s5 1; a#ostas, 2; the revelation o) the antichrist, an' =;
the -a o) "hrist. The $i'trib&lational vie( teaches that the antichrist (ill not be
'ecisivel reveale' &ntil ,the abo$ination (hich $akes 'esolate. , (hich occ&rs at the
$i'#oint o) the trib&lation -aniel H527. 8lso, $i'trib&lationists inter#ret ,the -a o)
"hrist. as the ra#t&re< there)ore, the ch&rch (ill not be ca&ght &# to heaven &ntil a)ter the
antichrist is reveale'.
8nother )o&n'ational teaching o) $i'trib&lationis$ is that the tr&$#et o) ! "or. 15552 is
the sa$e tr&$#et $entione' in /ev11515. The tr&$#et o) /evelation 11 is the )inal in a
series o) tr&$#ets< there)ore, it $akes sense that it (o&l' be ,the last tr&$#et. o) 1
"orinthians 15. This logic )ails, ho(ever, in vie( o) the tr&$#ets1 ob%ectives. The
tr&$#et that so&n's at the ra#t&re is ,the tr&$#et call o) @o'. ! Thess. 451F b&t the one in
/evelation 11 is a harbinger o) %&'g$ent. One tr&$#et is a call o) grace to @o'1s elect<
the other is a #rono&nce$ent o) 'oo$ on the (icke'. I&rther, the seventh tr&$#et in
/evelation is not the ,last. tr&$#et chronologicall Matt 245=1 s#eaks o) a later tr&$#et
(hich so&n's at the co$$ence$ent o) "hrist1s king'o$.
! Thess 55H sas that the ch&rch has not been a##ointe' ,to s&))er (rath b&t to receive
salvation.. This (o&l' see$ to in'icate that believers (ill not e>#erience the trib&lation.
Ho(ever, $i'trib&lationis$ inter#rets ,(rath. as onl re)erring to the secon' hal) o) the
trib&lation?s#eci)icall, the bo(l %&'g$ents. 0i$iting the (or' in s&ch a (a see$s
&n(arrante', ho(ever. S&rel the terrible %&'g$ents containe' in the seals an' tr&$#ets
?incl&'ing )a$ine, #oisone' rivers, a 'arkene' $oon, bloo'she', earth4&akes, an'
tor$ent?co&l' also be consi'ere' the (rath o) @o'.
Mi'trib&lationis$ #laces the ra#t&re in /evelation 11, #rior to the start o) ,the great
trib&lation.. There are t(o #roble$s (ith this #lace$ent in the chronolog o) /evelation.
Iirst, the onl occ&rrence o) the ter$ ,great trib&lation. in the entire book o) /evelation
is in 7514. Secon', the onl re)erence to a ,great 'a o) (rath. is in /ev. F517. *oth o)
these re)erences co$e too earl )or a $i'trib&lational ra#t&re.
8n' a )inal (eakness o) the $i'trib&lational vie( is share' b the other t(o theories5
vi9., the *ible 'oes not give an e>#licit ti$e line concerning )&t&re events. Scri#t&re 'oes
not e>#ressl teach one vie( over another, an' that is (h (e have 'iversit o) o#inion
concerning the en' ti$es an' so$e variet on ho( the relate' #ro#hecies sho&l' be
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Thirteen
The Mi'trib&lation /a#t&re Theor
6retrib&lationis$ teaches that the ra#t&re occ&rs be)ore the trib&lation starts. 8t that ti$e,
the ch&rch (ill $eet "hrist in the air, an' then so$eti$e a)ter that the antichrist is
reveale' an' the trib&lation begins. !n other (or's, the ra#t&re an' "hrist1s secon'
co$ing :to set &# His king'o$; are se#arate' b at least seven ears. 8ccor'ing to this
vie(, the ch&rch 'oes not e>#erience an o) the trib&lation.
Scri#t&rall, the #retrib&lational vie( has $&ch to co$$en' it. Ior e>a$#le, the ch&rch
is not a##ointe' to (rath ! Thess.15H-10, an' believers (ill not be overtaken b the -a
o) the 0or' ! Thess. 551-H. The ch&rch o) 6hila'el#hia (as #ro$ise' to be ke#t )ro$ ,the
ho&r o) trial that is going to co$e &#on the (hole (orl'. /ev. =510. the #ro$ise is not
#reservation throu$h the trial b&t 'eliverance fro% the hour, i.e., )ro$ the ti$e #erio' o)
the trial.
6retrib&lationis$ also )in's s&##ort in (hat is not )o&n' in Scri#t&re. The (or' ,ch&rch.
a##ears nineteen ti$es in the )irst three cha#ters o) /evelation, b&t, signi)icantl, the
(or' is not &se' again &ntil cha#ter 22. !n other (or's, in the entire length 'escri#tion
o) the trib&lation in /evelation, the (or' ch&rch is noticeabl absent. !n )act, the *ible
never &ses the (or' Ech&rchE in a #assage relating to the trib&lation.
6retrib&lationis$ is the onl theor (hich clearl $aintains the 'istinction bet(een !srael
an' the ch&rch an' @o'1s se#arate #lans )or each. The sevent ,sevens. o) -aniel H524
are 'ecree' &#on -aniel1s #eo#le :the 3e(s; an' -aniel1s hol cit :3er&sale$;. This
#ro#hec $akes it #lain that the seventieth (eek :the trib&lation; is a ti$e o) #&rging an'
restoration )or !srael an' 3er&sale$, not )or the ch&rch.
8lso, #retrib&lationis$ has historical s&##ort. Iro$ 3ohn 21521-2=, it (o&l' see$ that
the earl ch&rch vie(e' "hrist1s ret&rn as i$$inent, that He co&l' ret&rn at an $o$ent.
Other(ise, the r&$or (o&l' not have #ersiste' that 3es&s (o&l' ret&rn (ithin 3ohn1s
li)eti$e. !$$inence, (hich is inco$#atible (ith the other t(o ra#t&re theories, is a ke
tenet o) #retrib&lationis$.
8n' the #retrib&lational vie( see$s to be the $ost in kee#ing (ith @o'1s character an'
His 'esire to 'eliver the righteo&s )ro$ the %&'g$ent o) the (orl'. *iblical e>a$#les o)
@o'1s salvation incl&'e +oah, (ho (as 'elivere' )ro$ the (orl'(i'e )loo'< 0ot, (ho
(as 'elivere' )ro$ So'o$< an' /ahab, (ho (as 'elivere' )ro$ 3ericho !! 6eter 25H.
One #erceive' (eakness o) #retrib&lationis$ is its relativel recent 'evelo#$ent as a
ch&rch 'octrine, not having been )or$&late' in 'etail &ntil the earl 1G00s. 8nother
(eakness is that #retrib&lationis$ s#lits the ret&rn o) 3es&s "hrist into t(o ,#hases.?the
ra#t&re an' the secon' co$ing?(hereas the *ible 'oes not clearl 'elineate an s&ch
8nother 'i))ic&lt )acing the #retrib&lational vie( is the )act that there (ill obvio&sl be
saints in the trib&lation. 6retrib&lationists ans(er this b 'isting&ishing the saints o) the
Ol' Testa$ent an' the saints o) the trib&lation )ro$ the ch&rch o) the +e( Testa$ent.
*elievers alive at the ra#t&re (ill be re$ove' be)ore the trib&lation, b&t there (ill be
those (ho (ill co$e to "hrist '&ring the trib&lation.
8n' a )inal (eakness o) the #retrib&lational vie( is share' b the other t(o theories5, the
*ible 'oes not give an e>#licit ti$e line concerning )&t&re events. Scri#t&re 'oes not
e>#ressl teach one vie( over another, an' that is (h (e have 'iversit o) o#inion
concerning the en' ti$es an' so$e variet on ho( the relate' #ro#hecies sho&l' be
Mark H. Stevens, M.Min
15 October 12, 2010
TH-7004 Eschatolog !
"ha#ter Io&rteen
The Events )or the "h&rch Iollo(ing the /a#t&re
/o$an 14510-12 sas, ,Ior (e (ill all stan' be)ore @o'1s %&'g$ent seatPso then, each
o) &s (ill give an acco&nt o) hi$sel) to @o'.. !! "or. 5510 tells &s, ,Ior (e $&st all
a##ear be)ore the %&'g$ent seat o) "hrist, that each one $a receive (hat is '&e hi$ )or
the things 'one (hile in the bo', (hether goo' or ba'.. !n the conte>t, it is clear that
both scri#t&res are re)erring to "hristians, not &nbelievers. The %&'g$ent seat o) "hrist,
there)ore, involves believers giving an acco&nt o) their lives to "hrist. The %&'g$ent seat
o) "hrist 'oes not 'eter$ine salvation< that (as 'eter$ine' b "hrist1s sacri)ice on o&r
behal) an' o&r )aith in Hi$, 3ohn =51F tells &s that all o) o&r sins are )orgiven, an' (e
(ill never be con'e$ne' )or the$ /o$ans G51. De sho&l' not look at the %&'g$ent seat
o) "hrist as @o' %&'ging o&r sins, b&t rather as @o' re(ar'ing &s )or o&r lives. 2es, as
the *ible sas, (e (ill have to give an acco&nt o) o&rselves. 6art o) this is s&rel
ans(ering )or the sins (e co$$itte'. Ho(ever, that is not going to be the #ri$ar )oc&s
o) the %&'g$ent seat o) "hrist.
8t the %&'g$ent seat o) "hrist, believers are re(ar'e' base' on ho( )aith)&ll the
serve' "hrist. So$e o) the things (e $ight be %&'ge' on are ho( (ell (e obee' the
@reat "o$$ission Matthe( 2G51G sho(s ho( victorio&s (e (ere over sin, an' ho( (ell
(e controlle' o&r tong&es 3a$es =51-H, The *ible s#eaks o) believers receiving cro(ns
)or 'i))erent things base' on ho( )aith)&ll the serve'

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