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Nemetschek Campus

Allplan 2006

Step by Step
Smart Symbols, Lists/Schedules,
Smart Fit

6-21-676939-3-879 :31-NBSI
8-21-676939-3 :01-NBSI
6001MB-1-11s10gme060 .oN tnemucoD
.6002 rebotcO ,noitide ts1
.devreser sthgir llA .6002 ,hcinuM ,GA kehcstemeN
.srenwo evitcepser rieht fo ytreporp eht era skramedart )deretsiger( rehto llA
.negnitaR ,GK .oC & HbmG snoituloS MERC kehcstemeN fo kramedart deretsiger a si afllA
.hcinuM ,GA kehcstemeN fo skramedart deretsiger era tolpllA dna nalpllA ,dacllA
.devreser sthgir llA .cnI ,seigolonhceT DAEL ,0002-1991 )c(
.SLOOTDAEL gnisu depoleved erew tcudorp siht fo straP
.AC ,leafaR naS .cnI ksedotuA fo skramedart deretsiger ro skramedart rehtie era DACotuA dna XAM oidutS D3 ,FXD
.cnI ,smetsyS yeltneB fo kramedart deretsiger a si noitatSorciM
netpmeK ,relssuH fo kramedart deretsiger a si CETMAB
tfosorciM fo skramedart deretsiger ro skramedart rehtie era esuoMilletnI dna TN swodniW ,swodniW ,tfosorciM
.GA kehcstemeN
fo noissimrep nettirw sserpxe eht tuohtiw ,esoprup yna rof ,lacinahcem ro cinortcele ,snaem yb ro mrof yna ni dettimsnart ro
decudorper eb yam tnemucod siht fo trap oN .deton esiwrehto sselnu suoititcif era selpmaxe ni desu atad dna seman ,seinapmoC
.eciton tuohtiw egnahc ot tcejbus si tnemucod
siht ni noitamrofnI .erawtfos siht fo noitarepo ro esu eht morf gnitluser segamad laitneuqesnoc ro ,stiforp yrotapicitna ,ssenisub
fo ssol ,ecivres fo snoitpurretni yna ,ot detimil ton tub gnidulcni ,erawtfos siht yb yltceridni ro yltcerid ,desuac egamad ro
,ssol ,ytilibail yna ot tcepser htiw ,ytitne rehto yna ro resahcrup eht ot ytilibail on evah srohtua margorp eht dna GA kehcstemeN
.erac tsomtu eht htiw decudorp neeb sah noitatnemucod sihT

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


Before You Start... ........................................................................ 1
Feedback ..................................................................................................................3
Sources of Information .......................................................................................4
Documentation for Allplan 2006..............................................................................4
Additional help................................................................................................................6

Training, Coaching and Project Support........................................................7

Terms .........................................................................................................................8
Objectives.............................................................................................................. 11
Basic Settings for the Exercises ..................................................................... 13

Unit 1: Smart Symbols ..............................................................15

What are Smart Symbols? ............................................................................... 16
Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes............ 20
Task 1: getting to know default schedules ........................................................ 20
Task 2: defining smart symbols .............................................................................. 22
Task 3: retrieving smart symbols............................................................................ 33
Task 4: schedule output ............................................................................................ 35



Allplan 2006

Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols ......................................................... 39

Task 1: modifying and saving attribute favorites ........................................... 39
Task 2: modifying instances of smart symbols ................................................. 41
Task 3: modifying the geometry of a smart symbol....................................... 43
Task 4: modifying the attributes of a smart symbol ...................................... 47
Task 5: replacing smart symbols ............................................................................ 48
Task 6: modifying smart symbols .......................................................................... 49
Task 7: finding smart symbols ................................................................................ 50
Task 8: labeling smart symbols............................................................................... 54
Task 9: unlinking smart symbols............................................................................ 64
Overview of options provided for modifying attributes of instances of
smart symbols............................................................................................................... 67

Unit 2: Default Schedules ........................................................ 69

Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules................................................................... 70
Task 1: assigning a new user-defined attribute to an existing smart
symbol ............................................................................................................................. 71
Task 2: copying the schedule .................................................................................. 75
Task 3: modifying the layout of the schedule.................................................. 77
Task 4: adding cells..................................................................................................... 81
Task 5: defining total................................................................................................. 83
Task 6: checking the new schedule....................................................................... 88

Architectural Lists/Schedules.......................................................................... 89
Requirements for analyses using lists and schedules..................................... 90
Managing architectural lists/schedules............................................................... 94
Standard attributes and attribute groups ......................................................... 96

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit



Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules..............................................99

Basic Principles of List Generation .............................................................100
Regions in a list..........................................................................................................100
Sub-lists and hierarchic structure in Allplan 2006 .......................................100

Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule.........................................................103

Introduction ................................................................................................................103
Structure of schedule ..............................................................................................106
Task 1: creating rooms.............................................................................................110
Task 2: list border ......................................................................................................114
Task 3: defining cells ................................................................................................115
Task 4: defining schedule .......................................................................................122
Task 5: testing schedule ..........................................................................................138
Troubleshooting .........................................................................................................141
Task 6: changing line feed later...........................................................................143
Schedule log................................................................................................................145

More Options for Generating Lists/Schedules.........................................146

Saving Lists/Schedules and Smart Symbols .............................................149

Unit 4: Exporting Data to Excel and Re-importing Data

into Allplan ............................................................................... 153
Exercise 5: Exporting and Importing Data using Object Manager ...154
Introduction ................................................................................................................154
Task 1: exporting data from Object Manager.................................................156
Task 2: editing data in Excel..................................................................................157
Task 3: importing modified data into Allplan.................................................159

Unit 5: Smart Fit...................................................................... 161

Exercise 6: smart fit.........................................................................................162
Task 1: preparations..................................................................................................163
Task 2: element, pattern, sample .........................................................................164
Task 3: modification and output .........................................................................178



Allplan 2006

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols...........................183

Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol...184
Task 1: preparations .................................................................................................186
Task 2: defining the smart symbol......................................................................188
Task 3: modifying smart symbols ........................................................................204

Exercise 8: Smart Symbols with Attributes..............................................206

Task 1: assigning attributes to a smart symbol when placing it (attributes
are not part of the smart symbol) ......................................................................206
Task 2: output in list format .................................................................................210
Task 3: assigning attributes to a smart symbol later ...................................211

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main

Architectural Components.....................................................213
Overview of Quantitative Attributes..........................................................214
Basic architectural elements .................................................................................214
Opening elements .....................................................................................................221
Rooms, surfaces, stories ..........................................................................................224


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...

Before You Start...

Design processes involve a lot of information which needs
to be channeled, evaluated and analyzed.
Allplan 2006 considerably facilities the entire process
encompassing data collection to evaluation and analysis to
data transfer and transmission.
The Smart Symbols module allows you to assign
additional information (attributes) to smart symbols, which
are saved in catalogs. You can then retrieve saved smart
symbols and place them in any drawing file.
The information associated with the smart symbols is
evaluated and analyzed, and the results are displayed in
List Generator module to modify
You can use the
existing lists/schedules to suit your own needs and
requirements or even design new lists/schedules.
The Object Manager module lets you analyze
information and attributes of components using specific
lists/schedules and transfer the results to MS Excel.
Lists/schedules modified in MS Excel can be re-imported
into Allplan; any changes made are updated automatically.
The Smart Fit module allows you to generate your own
intelligent placement algorithms for a variety of different
design tasks - for example, tiling, suspended ceilings,
facades etc.. The elements can be assigned attributes price,
manufacturer, item number etc.
that are used in subsequent reports and analyses.


Allplan 2006

Appendix 1 is designed to deepen your knowledge in the

field of smart symbols.
Appendix 2 provides an overview of the main quantitative
attributes of architectural elements, which can be used for
analyses using lists/schedules or label styles.

ed.kehcstemen@noitatnemukoD :liamE
10 00 57 )10 81 0( :xaF
00 00 57 )10 81 0( :enohP
hcinuM 92818
1 ztalP-esuZ-darnoK
HbmG ygolonhceT kehcstemeN
:swollof sa su tcatnoc ot eerf leeF .noitatnemucod eht gninrecnoc
esiarp ro msicitirc sserpxe ot su tcatnoc ot etatiseh ton od esaelP
.pleh enil-no dna slaunam eht no kcabdeef emoclew ew
dna su ot tnatropmi era snoitseggus dna stnemmoc ruoY .noitatnemucod
margorp ruo fo ytilauq llarevo eht evorpmi ot gniyrt syawla era eW

.sdeen ruoy ot deroliat si hcihw ranimes laiceps
a ni trap ekat uoy taht dnemmocer ew ,sksat yliad ruoy hsilpmocca
o t r e d r o n i s e l u d o m t i F t r a m S d n a r o t a r e n e G t s i L ,s l o b m y S t r a m S
eht yb dedroffa segatnavda eht tiolpxe ylluf ot tnaw uoy fI .stnemeriuqer
fo egnar daorb a teem ot dengised si hcihw ,koobkrow siht fo epocs
eht dnoyeb eb dluow nalpllA yb dedivorp snoitpo eht lla gnitartsnomed
,)noitareneg tsil fo esac eht ni eurt yllaicepse si siht( ylediw yrav
stnemeriuqer dna xelpmoc yrev era ediug siht ni derevoc scipot eht sA
.6002 nalpllA htiw
emoc taht pleH enilno eht ni dna slaunam eht ni debircsed era slaitnesse
ehT .seludom larutcetihcra dna gnitfard eht htiw esae ta era uoy
taht semussa osla tI .6002 nalpllA dna swodniW fo egdelwonk gnikrow
a evah dna htiw railimaf era uoy taht semussa ediug pets-yb-pets sihT

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...

.noisrev tsetal eht ni wen s'tahw no

noitamrofni sedivorp 6002 nalpllA ni serutaeF weN eruhcorb ehT
lanoisnemid-eerht ni deganam sgniward tnemecrofnier citamotua
ylluf ot sgniward D2 elpmis morf - sgniward tnemecrofnier sa
llew sa sgniward krowmrof dna llehs ,snalp yek gnitaerc fo ssecorp
eht hguorht pets yb pets uoy sediug lairotuT gnireenignE ehT
.rettolp a ot stluser eht
tuptuo ot dna seludehcs dna stsil gnisu atad gnidliub eht etaulave dna
ezylana ot woh nrael uoy ,noitidda nI .gnidliub a gningised fo ssecorp
eht hguorht pets yb pets uoy sediug lairotuT erutcetihcrA ehT
.6002 nalpllA
ni atad gniretne rof sdohtem sa llew sa smret dna stpecnoc cisab
fo weivrevo na sedivorp noitces dnoces ehT .6002 nalpllA llatsni ot
woh uoy swohs noitces tsrif ehT .strap owt fo stsisnoc l a u n a M ehT
.pleh eriuqer uoy hcihw no noci eht ot tniop dna rabloot dradnatS
eht no sihT stahW etavitca ro ,yek 1F eht gnisserp yb noitcnuf
tnerruc eht no pleh teg nac uoy ,6002 nalpllA htiw krow uoy elihW
.6002 nalpllA htiw gnikrow dna
tuoba gninrael rof noitamrofni fo ecruos niam eht si pleH enilno e h T

:gniwollof eht fo stsisnoc noitatnemucod 6002 nalpllA ehT

Documentation for Allplan 2006

Sources of Information

Sources of Information

Allplan 2006


(0 18 01) 75 00 00
(0 18 01) 75 00 01

Nemetschek Deutschland GmbH

Campus Center Munich
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 1
81829 Munich

:tnemtraped gniniart kehcstemeN eht morf deniatbo eb

osla nac sediug esehT .cte gniledom D3 ,sloot noitatneserp ,seludom
ysedoeg ,noitartsinimda metsys ,tnemeganam atad edulcni derevoc
saera ehT .liated ni 6002 nalpllA ni seludom/sloot fo seires ro
tpecnoc cificeps a htiw slaed seires petS-yb-petS eht ni emulov hcaE

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...

. kcabdeeF pleH kcilc dna unem nalpllA eht ot og ,siht od oT

.pleH enilno eht morf thgir sserdda siht teg osla nac uoY :etoN
:ot liam-e na dnes ,rorre na ssorca
emoc uoy fi ro ,pleH enilno eht no snoitseuq ro snoitseggus evah uoy fI
Feedback on the help

. Q A F kcilc dna beW eht no kehcstemeN ot tniop ,unem

pleH eht nO .margorp eht morf thgir sserdda siht teg osla nac uoY : etoN
:sserdda gniwollof eht ta tenretnI eht no elbaliava era sQAF etad-ot-pU
FAQs on the Internet

.saera margorp lla no skcirt dna spit lacitcarp sedulcni retteLeniL ehT
.sremotsuc sulpecivreS ot egrahc fo eerf mrof latigid ni tnes si tI
.raey a semit lareves sraeppa taht noitacilbup a si retteLeniL ehT

:won retsigeR .stcudorp kehcstemeN ot gniniatrep
snoitseuq lla no noitamrofni egnahcxe ot sresu fo sdnasuoht gnilbane
draob resu evisnetxe na sedulcni latroP sulpecivreS skehcstemeN
User board

.egasu dna noitagivan no skcirt dna spit lacitcarp sedulcni

cipot sihT .meti egasu tneiciffe rof spiT eht sedivorp unem pleH ehT
Tips for efficient usage

Additional help

Sources of Information

Allplan 2006

10 00 57 )10 81 0( :xaF
00 00 57 )10 81 0( :enohP
:hcinuM ni supmaC kehcstemeN eht tcatnoc
esaelp ,margorp gniniart tnerruc eht no noitamrofni deliated erom roF
:tenretnI eht no elbaliava si ediug ranimes etad-ot-pu ehT
.noitazinagro tcejorp dna sessecorp fo noitazimitpo dna
sisylana edulcni tub seussi 6002 nalpllA ylno ton ssapmocne esehT
:sesimerp ruoy no sranimes dloh ot yppah osla era eW
.tamrof tcapmoc a ni slaitnesse
eht yevnoc ,sdaeh eciffo rof dengised ,sesruoc hsarc yad-enO
.gnikrow fo sdohtem ralucitrap nwo
ruoy gnisserdda ot semoc ti nehw tseb era sranimes eno-no-enO
.egdelwonk rieht ezimitpo
dna dnetxe ot hsiw ohw sresu rof dengised era sranimes laicepS
wen eht esu ot woh nrael ot sresu lanoisseforp rof yaw tsekciuq
eht si m a r g o r p r a n i m e s e v i s n e h e r p m o c , d e t a c i t s i h p o s r u O
dna sdeen nwo ruoy sserdda lliw taht uoy htiw noitulos motsuc
a tuo krow ot yppah era dna smargorp fo egnar evisnetxe na reffo sretnec
ranimes skehcstemeN .laitnesse si ygetarts gniniart edam-roliat A
!emit gnitide ruoy fo %53 ot pu uoy evas nac sresu decnavda
rof sranimes decnavda dna smargorp eht ot noitcudortni lanoisseforp A
:stcejorp nwo ruoy no gnikrow dneps yllautca uoy emit
fo tnuoma eht ni rotcaf evisiced a si nevig era uoy gniniart fo epyt ehT

Training, Coaching and Project Support

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...

.eludehcs/tsil a fo mrof eht ni

deyalpsid stluser eht dna dezylana dna detaulave eb
yltneuqesbus nac atad lobmys trams ehT .loot yrarbiL morf teG eht
gnisu selif gniward ni decalp eb nac slobmys trams devas dna denifeD
Smart symbol catalog

Assigning attributes

Smart symbol

Smart symbol catalog

.dengissa era seitreporp

cificeps hcihw ot scihparg tnedneped-elacs era slobmys tramS .golatac
lobmys trams eht ni )lobmys trams a sa( noitatneserper cihparg eht htiw
seirtne ruoy evas dna )942 RUE = ecirp dna xulorB = rerutcafunam
,riahc eciffo = eman .g.e( noitamrofni retne ,etirovaf a eveirteR
:spets gniwollof eht sevlovni lobmys trams a gninifeD
Smart symbols

.seititne ralimis ,rehto rof desu dna

deveirter eb nac hcihw ,setirovaf sa devas eb nac yeht ,lobmys trams a ot
dengissa era setubirtta eseht nehW .etubirtta )denifed-resu( a sa nwonk si
tahw noitamrofni lanoitidda htiw seititne ngised etaicossa osla nac uoY

.hsinif dna eman ,rebmun moor ekil

setubirtta fo mrof eht ni noitamrofni lanoitidda fo egnar ediw a dengissa
eb nac hcihw ,smoor rof eurt si emas ehT .stnenopmoc larutcetihcra
ot rebmun tnenopmoc dna edart ,lairetam ekil seitreporp cificeps
ngissa nac uoy ,elpmaxe roF .atad lacihparg ot noitidda ni metsys DAC
eht otni deretne eb ot sdeen hcihw ,atad sessecorp margorp
eht ,seludehcs/stsil gnisu noitamrofni gnizylana dna gnitaulave nehW



Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...

Smart symbol catalog

Smart symbol

Placed in floor plan

Analyzed using a schedule

02:1 elacS

05:1 elacS

.)denrecnoc si setubirtta fo sisylana eht sa raf sa(

seludehcs/stsil dna )tes elacs eht htiw segnahc yalpsid eht sa( slobmys
trams fo snoitanibmoc sa dedrager eb nac selyts slebal ,sdrow rehto nI
.slobmys trams htiw sa sliof sa sredlohecalp eseht gnitargetni
dna - seludehcs/stsil htiw sa setubirtta rof sredlohecalp gninifed
sevlovni selyts lebal gnitaerC .elyts lebal a htiw lebal ot tnaw uoy
tnemele eht ot dengissa evah uoy setubirtta eht sezylana margorp ehT
).weiv dna elacs ecnerefer eht htiw yllacimanyd segnahc lobmys trams
a fo ecnaraeppa eht :rebmemer( slobmys trams ekil evaheb selyts lebaL
.ecirp dna ledom ,eman eht
no noitamrofni edulcni ot si lebal eht ,01:1 ta dna ,eman eht htiw delebal
eb ot si tnemele eht ,ecnatsni rof ,05:1 fo elacs a tA .elpmaxe rof ,selacs
regral ta dna 001:1 fo elacs a ta delebal eb ot ton si tnemele na taht
margorp eht ot etacidni nac uoy ,yaw sihT .selacs cificeps htiw selyts
lebal etaicossa nac uoY .lebal evitaicossa na yllaitnesse si elyts lebal A


Label styles

Allplan 2006

lecxE SM ni atad gnitidE

lecxE sM ot atad cificeps-tnenopmoc gnitropxE

Exporting data to and importing data from Excel using

the Object Manager module

slobmys trams dna seludehcs/stsil gnivaS

srorre gnitcerroc dna seludehcs/stsil gnitseT
tsil niam a gniddA
stsil-bus gniddA
sllec gninifeD
eludehcs sisylanA aerA eht fo erutcurtS
6002 nalpllA ni seihcrareih dna stsil-buS
seludehcs/stsil fo stnenopmoc dna ni stnemelE

Creating your own custom schedules using the List

Generator module

seludehcs larutcetihcra fo tpecnoC

senil dna slebal nmuloc :tuoyaL
latot lanif dna latotbus elcitra gniddA
sllec gniddA
sllec gnivom dna gniteleD

Modifying default lists/schedules

slobmys trams gniknilnU

selyts lebal
sa llew sa slebal tcejbo dna tluafed gnisu slobmys trams gnilebaL
slobmys trams gnidniF
slobmys trams gnicalpeR
lobmys trams a fo noitinifed dna yrtemoeg eht gniyfidom
sa llew sa slobmys trams fo secnatsni dna setubirtta gniyfidoM
seludehcs/stsil gnisu slobmys trams gnizylana dna gnitaulavE
slobmys trams gnicalP
setirovaf sa setubirtta gnivaS
setubirtta htiw slobmys trams gninifeD

Smart symbols and default lists/schedules

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...


stroper tnemele decalp gnitaerC

stnemecalp gniyfidoM
snrettap gnicalp dna gnivas ,gninifeD
selur tnemecalp gnivas dna gninifeD
stnemele gnicalp dna gninifeD

Placing elements using the Smart Fit module

segnahc gnitadpu dna nalpllA otni atad deifidom gnitropmi-eR



Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Before You Start...


Basic Settings for the Exercises

.sgnittes cisab gniwollof eht esu sesicrexe eht llA

Tip: As the exercises in this

guide make constant
reference to the flyouts, we
advise bookmarking or
making a copy of this page.

To define basic settings

1 On the View menu, click Toolbars and point to Input Options.
Select the Float Input Options option to keep sight of the Input
Options toolbar.
2 On the View menu, point to Default Configurations and select
the Architecture Configuration.
The Architecture toolbar appears below the Basic Tools toolbar at
the left border of the screen:

Basic Tools toolbar

Architecture toolbar

Draft flyout

Plan flyout
Edit flyout
CAD Navigator
Create flyout
Create II flyout
Modify flyout

Basic tools
(always available)

Dim. Line flyout

Archit. Components flyout

tools (Smart
Symbols module)

Text flyout

Roofs and Planes flyout

Rafter Design flyout

Archit. Openings flyout

Rooms flyout
Stairs flyout

3D Modification flyout

3 Set the unit of length in the status bar to m.

4 In the status bar, set the Scale to 1:100.


Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Unit 1: Smart Symbols

In this unit you will learn about the functions in the
Smart Symbols module.
The interplay between smart symbols and lists/schedules
is explained based on a default schedule.
In unit 3 you will learn how to create your own
lists/schedules using the
List Generator module.
Defining a smart symbol involves the following steps:
Specifying attributes for subsequent analyses using
lists/schedules. In this example, the Furniture list
from the Fixtures file is used.
Defining the actual smart symbol.
Assigning attributes and saving these attributes as a
Saving the smart symbol together with its attributes in
the smart symbol catalog.
First, you will define some smart furniture symbols using
the approach described above. Then you will retrieve
these smart symbols from the catalog and place them in
a floor plan. Moreover, you will learn about the options
provided for modifying smart symbols. In addition, you
will evaluate and analyze an instance of a smart symbol
in a default schedule.
You will also find out about the various methods for
labeling smart symbols. Finally, you swill save smart
symbols together with their labels.
Appendix 1 is designed to deepen your knowledge in the
field of smart symbols.


What are Smart Symbols?

Allplan 2006

What are Smart Symbols?

A smart symbol is an intelligent symbol whose appearance can
change dynamically with the reference scale and view. A smart
symbol can be composed of several display foils. One foil might
contain a 2D representation of an element, while another might
include the same element in 3D. Yet another foil can contain a
simple representation of the element at 1:100, while another could
show a complex representation of the element at 1:10.
A smart symbol can have a very simple or very complex structure.

Representation at 1:100

Representation at1:20

Representation in 3D

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Properties of smart symbols

Smart symbols take up less space. Once you have placed a smart
symbol, all the other instances of the smart symbol simply
reference the first instance. This means that, regardless of how
many times you actually place a smart symbol, only the disk
space for a single instance is required (as opposed to symbols).
Modify Smart Symbol Instance's Attributes
You can use the
tool to modify the attributes of an instance of a smart symbol.
When you use
Modify Smart Symbols Attributes to modify
an instance of a smart symbol, the modification applies to all the
instances of the smart symbol in the current drawing file.
You can save the modified smart symbol in the catalog.
After you have placed a smart symbol in a drawing file, it no
longer references the smart symbol stored in the catalog. This
means that modifying or overwriting a smart symbol in the
catalog with another smart symbol will not affect the instances of
the original that have already been placed.
Update Smart Symbols Based on Catalog
You can use the
tool in the Smart Symbols module to update placed instances of
the smart symbol, applying the changes you have saved in the
smart symbol catalog.
Modify Display Parameters tool modifies the display
parameters of a smart symbol and in all of its instances in the
current drawing file. Please note that this tool has no effect on
the attributes.
Checking for design alternatives is drastically simplified. With
smart symbols, you can replace all instances of a smart symbol or
just a single instance.
You can save smart symbols together with the attributes assigned
(e.g. item number, prices) in the Smart Symbols module. The
attributes can be evaluated and analyzed and the results displayed
in the form of a list.
When you place a smart symbol, you can assign attributes to this


What are Smart Symbols?

Allplan 2006

Components of a smart symbol

A smart symbol can consist of two- and three-dimensional design
entities. Allplan 2006 uses the definition and assignment of the
individual foils to reassemble the smart symbol at different scales
and display modes. The exact position of the foils is preserved, even
when you resize a smart symbol. This is made possible by setting a
reference point and so-called resizing points.
When you design a smart symbol, you can define areas of the design
entity as being dynamic (resizable) or static. A good example is a
window frame whose sections remain constant - as opposed to the
glass surface whose height and width needs to be variable.

3D view

2D view at a scale of 1:1 to 1:99.

This display consists of two foils, as the profiles are
to remainconstant while the glass surface is to be

2D view at a scale of 1:100 to


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


General approach for defining smart symbols

Follow the steps below to define a smart symbol
1 Draw or model all the elements that are to make up the smart
symbol. If the smart symbol is to consist of several congruent
foils for different reference scales and/or views, place the
elements that belong together beside or below each other in the
workspace; this will facilitate the process of selecting foils and
setting reference points.

2 Activate the
Smart Symbol tool (Create toolbar in the Smart
Symbols module), select the catalog where the smart symbol is to
be stored, enter a name for it, define attributes (if you wish) and
assign parameters.
3 Select the elements to be placed on the first smart symbol foil.

Foil 1

4 Define the other foils.

Every area that is subject to a separate resizing definition gets its
own foil.

Foil 2

Foil 3

5 Define the smart symbols MinMax box.

Get from Library (Standard toolbar) to insert the smart
symbol in the workspace.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and

Assigning Attributes
Task 1: getting to know default schedules
To obtain satisfactory results, you need to assign attributes which are
actually included in the schedule you want to use for subsequent
analyses and evaluations. These attributes can be determined using

Modify List/Schedule tool.

To obtain information on a default schedule

1 Select the
2 Click
Tip: Allplans online help
contains a detailed overview
of all available schedules,
including information on the
list/schedule file,
requirements, name, contents
etc. See the section entitled
Available Lists/Schedules,

List Generator module in the Bonus Tools family.

Modify List/Schedule (Modify flyout).

3 Select the Styles path in the Pathname dialog box.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


4 Select the Fixtures subfolder and click Furniture.

5 Click OK to confirm.
The schedule is displayed in a separate window. You can see the
attributes used: Name and Text1 to Text5. The Project, Drawing,
Date and Pieces attributes are managed internally by the system.
You can enter information for the Created by and _____
(remarks) attributes after the data has been evaluated and

Tip: To get detailed

information on a cell, click
Info on the Context toolbar
and then the relevant cell.

6 Press ESC to finish modifying the schedule or click a toolbar with

the right mouse button.
The following dialog box is displayed.

7 Now you know which attributes are included in the schedule. As

we do not want to make any changes, press Cancel to quit. This
closes the tool without saving your changes.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

Task 2: defining smart symbols

Defining smart symbols involves three steps:
Select attributes and assign attribute values to the smart symbol.
If you wish, you can use attributes you have saved as favorites.
Specify how the smart symbol is to be displayed at different
scales and in 3D.
Save the smart symbol in the catalog.


Smart symbol

Smart symbol catalog

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Smart symbols with attributes

A smart symbol is an intelligent symbol whose appearance changes
dynamically with the scale and view.
Besides the capability of defining smart symbols using the
Smart Window and Door Symbols and
Smart Window Sill
Symbol tools in the Architecture modules, you can also use the tools
Smart Symbols module to define smart symbols of any
in the
shape and size.
Smart symbols can be assigned any attributes. The procedure is the
same as assigning attributes in the Object Manager module. The
attributes, which are assigned before you define a smart symbols
geometry, are saved with the smart symbol.
As far as graphics is concerned, smart symbols to which attributes
are assigned are defined and displayed in the same way as
conventional smart symbols without attributes. All the elements that
are to make up a smart symbol are placed on individual foils. Each
smart symbol foil contains a representation of the smart symbol for a
certain scale range or view.
Using an office chair as an example, you will learn how to define a
smart symbol and assign attributes. First, you need to define foils for
the different scale ranges and views.
By the way, the quickest approach for creating a smart symbol is to
select an appropriate symbol from a symbol library, place it in the
workspace and then define it as a smart symbol.

Scale 1:100

Scale 1:20

Representation in 3D


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

To assign attributes to a smart symbol, define its

geometry and save it
1 Define the representation of the chair for different scale ranges in
plan by creating various plan views of the chair using the tools in
Draft module. To create the representation of the chair in
3D, you can use the tools in the
3D Modeling module.
To make things easier, use a 3D symbol from the 3D Architecture
symbol catalog, for example: click Chairs and seating
arrangements and select Swivel-chair B.
2 Click

Smart Symbol (Create flyout).

3 Click Catalog and double-click the Furniture folder.

4 Click Name and enter Office chair.
Tip: You can also select a
catalog by clicking
Options Architecture
Settings tab Catalog.

5 Click Catalog Assignment and select the catalog as shown below:

6 Click Attributes.
The Define and assign attributes dialog box is displayed.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


The Name attribute, which has been assigned automatically, is

active by default.

7 Click

Assign new attribute in the top right corner.

8 Click the General architecture attribute group in the Styles area.

Press and hold down the CTRL key and click the Text1, Text2,
Text3 and Text4 attributes.
Click OK to confirm.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

The selected attributes are entered in the Define and assign

attributes dialog box.

The combination of attributes you select in the Define and

assign attributes dialog box can be saved as a favorite file.
To make sure that the text entries stay the same, you will start by
entering the categories only. Then you will save the attributes as
a favorite file, and finally, you will enter values for the
individual categories. When you retrieve this favorite later, all
you need to do is overwrite the name.
Tip: By default, the smart
symbol name is used for the
Name attribute. Delete this
name before you save these
attributes as a favorite file.
You can then enter it again.

9 Click in the column to the right of Text1 and enter Model:.

10 The procedure is the same for the other attributes.
Enter Price: for Text2 and Additional text for Text3 and Text4.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


11 Click
Save Favorite File at bottom left in the dialog box.
The Save favorite file dialog box appears. Enter furniture for the
filename and then click Save.

12 Enter more information as shown below.

Then confirm the Define and assign attributes and Smart
symbol dialog boxes by clicking OK.

The Smart Symbol Context toolbar, which provides more options

for defining smart symbols, is displayed again.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006



Link to

You can use this to specify whether the smart

symbol is to be associated with the room in which it
has been placed. This is important for subsequent
analyses and output using lists and schedules.


When defining and modifying smart symbols, you

can specify how a smart symbol placed in a room to
which finish specifications are assigned is displayed
in animated mode and in sections.
You may choose one of the following settings:

The smart symbol adapts to the height of the


The smart symbol does not adapt to finish

The smart symbol adapts to the height of the

You can use this to define the format properties of

the smart symbol and its components:


When set to Element, every individual element

of the smart symbol is drawn using the format
properties that were specified when the smart
symbol was saved.
When set to Placement, all the elements of the
smart symbol are drawn using the format
properties that are assigned to the instance of
the smart symbol.

You can use this to define the sequence in which

the smart symbol and its components are displayed:

When set to Element, every individual element

of the smart symbol is drawn based on the
sequence that was specified when the smart
symbol was saved.

When set to Placement, all the elements of the

smart symbol are drawn based on the sequence
that is assigned to the instance of the smart

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


13 To achieve a realistic representation in animated mode, make the

following settings: set Consider to Floor and activate Room in the
Link to data entry box.

14 Press OK to confirm the dialog box.

15 Define the first smart symbol foil
To specify how the chair is to be displayed at 1:100, select the
relevant design entities by enclosing them in a selection
rectangle. Specify the smart symbols reference point by clicking
the bottom left corner.

The reference points of the various foils in a smart symbol have

to be congruent. Depending on the reference scale set, the foil is
shown relative to this point.

Representation at 1:100

Smart symbols reference point


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

16 Enter the scale range in which the foil you are defining is to be
17 Enable 2D and disable 3D.
18 Click OK to confirm. This defines the first smart symbol foil. The
selected design entities disappear.
You can control the validity range of a smart symbol foil on the
basis of the reference scale set.
Validity ranges lower limit
Validity ranges upper limit
The letters A, B, C represent individual levels in the foils; if
required, they can be shown or hidden using


You can use the 2D and3D buttons to specify the views in which
the individual foils are displayed: in plan view (2D) or in plan
view and in all the other views (3D).
R Pnt1 and R Pnt2 define the resizing points.
The Vx=Vx, Vy=Vy, Vz=Vz buttons combine resizing with the
selection of fixed points. This way, you can define the frame as a
fixed component of a smart door symbol as opposed to the
width, which adapts dynamically.
Click Layer (Input Options) to define which layers are to be
assigned to the individual elements of the foil you are defining:
the design entities retain the layer on which they were drawn or
they are assigned to the default layer. You can also assign them
to the layer which is currently active while you are defining the

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


19 Define the second smart symbol foil. Select the relevant design
entities using the middle mouse button and click the bottom left
corner of the office chair to specify the smart symbols reference
Representation at 1:50

Smart symbols
reference point

20 Set parameters to define how the chair is to be displayed at a

scale of 1:50.
21 Click OK to confirm. The selected design entities disappear.
22 To define the representation in 3D, select the relevant icon and
set the following parameters. Disable the plan view by clicking
the 2D icon. By doing so, all the other views are enabled

23 As you do not need to define more foils ,press ESC to finish.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

24 Set the Resize option to No. You can use the E-Pnt1 and E-Pnt2
buttons to resize the smart symbols MinMax box. Leave the
settings as they are. Click OK to confirm.
This completes the definition of the smart symbol.

E Pnt1 and E Pnt2 define the smart symbol range used when it
is inserted. This means that, for example, door arches or window
profiles can be excluded from the resize operation.
You can use Resize to specify whether a smart symbol is to adapt
to the size of an opening. Smart opening symbols are usually
defined so that they adapt to the size of windows etc. (set Resize
to Yes). Smart furniture symbols, on the other hand, have a
constant size (set Resize to No).
25 Before you save the smart symbol, you need to specify whether
the smart symbol is to be created as an intelligent, snoop-enabled
symbol. Select Simple, snoop-disabled smart symbol and click
OK to confirm.

Intelligent, snoop-enabled smart symbols are elements that can

be placed at a specific distance from architectural elements
delimited by components such as walls, slabs, rooms, roof planes

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Tip: The 3D Architecture

catalog and the Basic
Symbols catalog, which
always comes with Allplan,
include more furniture
symbols you can use as the
basis for smart symbols.

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


26 Create more smart symbols such as tables, cupboards, partition

walls etc. in the same way. Use the attributes you have saved as
the furniture favorite.
Dont forget to enter or overwrite the name when you assign

Task 3: retrieving smart symbols

The elements that make up the smart symbol you just defined are no
longer visible in the drawing file and the smart symbol is saved in
the Furniture smart symbol catalog. The procedure for retrieving
smart symbols from a catalog is almost exactly the same as for

To place the office chair in the drawing file

1 Click

Get from Library (Standard flyout).

2 Select Smart Symbol and click OK to confirm.

3 Select the Office chair smart symbol in the Furniture folder.


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

4 Place the smart symbol in the drawing file.

Do the same with the other smart symbols. Finally, copy and
place them in the floor plan.

5 Click Cancel to quit the

Get from Library tool.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Task 4: schedule output

The aim is to include all the smart symbols in a schedule. After you
have placed the smart symbols in the floor plan, you can use the
default schedules/lists provided in the List Generator module for

List Generator module lets you create custom lists/schedules.

Until now, you have learned how to assign attributes to smart

symbols and to save attributes as favorites. This exercise assumes
that you have defined the necessary smart symbols and placed them
in the floor plan. Now you will use the Furniture default schedule for
analyses .


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

To output a schedule
1 Click

Lists/Schedules (Create flyout).

Tip: You can use

Elements (Input Options) to
find and list individual smart
symbol types. This procedure
is described in exercise 2,
page 50.

2 Select the Default folder, activate 12 Fixtures and click

Furniture. Click OK to confirm.
3 Select the elements to be listed
Enclose the entire floor plan in a selection rectangle.
Tip: To select the entire
drawing file, double-click in
the workspace with the right
mouse button or click All
(Input Options).

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


The schedule is displayed in a separate window.

4 Click
, to define the printout design. Make settings as shown

5 To print out the schedule, click

You can use this schedule at a later stage to find individual smart


Exercise 1: Defining Smart Symbols and Assigning Attributes

Allplan 2006

The schedule output window

The following options are provided in the output window:
Click the Drawing, Remark
and Created by cells to enter

Click to scroll between


Closes the list

Saves the schedule as an
ASCII-format file
Prints the schedule
Places the list in the workspace
Creates an Excel-format file
Copies the schedule to the
Windows Clipboard
(as a text file with tabs)
Click Schedule Output Options
to define the printout design

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Task 1: modifying and saving attribute favorites
The approach described in the section that follows provides a
convenient way of modifying existing attribute favorites, which can
then be saved as new favorites. This way, you can quickly and easily
add attributes to favorites.
Start by adding the Text5 attribute to the furniture favorite. Save
this new favorite under a different name.

To add a new attribute to the favorite

1 Click

Smart Symbol (Create flyout).

2 Click Attributes.
You do not need to specify a name and smart symbol catalog as
favorites are usually saved in the office standard.
The Define and assign attributes dialog box is displayed.
3 Click

Open Favorite File and select the furniture favorite file.

4 Click

Assign new attribute in the top right corner.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

5 In the Styles area, click the General architecture attribute group

and then the Text5 attribute.
Click OK to confirm.

6 Click in the column to the right of Text5 and enter Additional

7 Click
Save Favorite File at bottom left in the dialog box. The
Save favorite file dialog box appears. Enter furniture_2 for the
filename and then click Save.
8 Press ESC to quit the

Smart Symbol tool.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Task 2: modifying instances of smart symbols

Imagine the following situation: the wall cupboards have to be
fastened to the wall in a special way. This information needs to be
included in the smart symbols. Allplan 2006 provides a comfortable
option for modifying the attributes of individual instances of smart
Tip: When you want to
modify all the instances of a
smart symbol, use
Smart Symbols Attributes.

To modify the attributes of an instance of a smart

1 Select

Modify Smart Symbol Instance's Attributes (Modify

2 Instance of smart symbol whose variables you want to modify

Click the smart symbol to be modified, e.g. a cupboard.

If you want, you can now load the attribute file you modified
and saved previously. In this case, however, you would have to
enter all the attributes assigned again because favorite files
generally overwrite any existing attributes.
In this example, only the Text5 attribute needs to be added.
Consequently, the quickest and easiest approach is to assign and
enter it from scratch.
3 Click Attributes.
The Assign, Modify Object Attributes dialog box is displayed.
You can now see more attributes than before: various default
attributes as well as geometric attributes, which are derived from
the element, are displayed.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 Click
Assign new attribute in the top right corner.
The Attribute Selection dialog box appears.
In the Styles area, click the General architecture attribute group
and then the Text5 attribute. Click OK to confirm.
5 Enter the necessary information in the column beside Text5,
e.g. Fastening ABC.

6 Click OK to confirm.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Task 3: modifying the geometry of a smart symbol

The chairs, Persona model, are too expensive: they are to be replaced
by chairs without armrests.
This involves the following steps:
Start by modifying the existing smart symbol: delete a 2D foil,
adjust the scale range in the other foil and remove the armrests
from the 3D foil. Then save the new smart symbol under a
different name.
This modification applies to all the instances of the smart
symbol in the current drawing file; the existing smart symbol is
replaced by the new one.
Enter attributes for the new smart symbol and modify the price.

To modify the geometry of a smart symbol

1 Place a smart office chair symbol in the drawing file make sure
that you do not place it near the other smart symbols. Otherwise,
you run the risk of confusing them!
2 Click

Modify Display Parameters (Modify flyout).

3 Click the smart symbol.

The Modify Display Parameters dialog box appears.
Smart Symbol Foil 2 is no longer required as it will be exactly
the same as Smart Symbol Foil 1 when the armrests are deleted
Therefore, you need to adjust the scale range of Smart Symbol
Foil 1 and remove the armrests from Smart Symbol Foil 3 only.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 Click Smart Symbol Foil 2 with the right mouse button and, on
the shortcut menu, click Delete Smart Symbol Foil 2.

5 Respond to the confirmation prompt by clicking Yes.

6 Display the parameters of Smart Symbol Foil 1 and adjust the

From Scale Range setting
by entering 1.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


7 After you have deleted smart symbol foil 2 (cf. step 4), the former
smart symbol foil 3 automatically becomes the new smart symbol
foil 2.
Click Smart Symbol Foil 2 (Smart Symbol Foil 3 before you
deleted Smart Symbol Foil 2) with the right mouse button and,
on the shortcut menu, click Modify Design Entities in Smart
Symbol Foil 2.

The Modify Display Parameters dialog box closes and smart

symbol foil 2 is displayed in the workspace. Now you can modify
it using all the common edit tools.
8 Delete the armrests and press ESC.

Respond to the confirmation prompt by clicking Yes.

9 The Modify Display Parameters dialog box is displayed again.
Click OK to confirm and specify the smart symbols reference
10 Click Yes to save the modified smart symbol.

The smart symbol catalog is displayed.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

11 Click the folder in which to save smart symbol with the right
mouse button and, on the Shortcut menu, click Make entry.

12 Enter Standard office chair for the name and press OK to


Now all the Office chair smart symbols in the drawing file
become Standard office chair smart symbols.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Task 4: modifying the attributes of a smart symbol

The Standard office chair you just saved still has the old attributes,
which now need to be adjusted.

To modify the attributes of a smart symbol

1 You have placed the Standard office chair smart symbol in the
drawing file.
Modify Smart Symbols Attributes (Modify flyout) and
then click a smart symbol of which you modified the geometry in
the last exercise.
2 In the Modify Smart Symbols Attributes dialog box, click
Attrib, and change the Text1 and Text2 attributes as shown

3 Click OK to confirm the dialog boxes and save the smart symbol
as Standard office chair again.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 If you want, you can now create a schedule to check the modified
smart symbol and its attributes.

Task 5: replacing smart symbols

Hold on a moment!
Now we have replaced too many chairs. The sales managers office
should be equipped with a chair with armrests.
Instead of deleting the chair and placing a new chair with armrests,
it is easier to replace an existing Standard office chair in the
drawing file with the Office chair smart symbol.

To replace smart symbols

1 Click

Substitute Smart Symbol (Modify flyout).

2 The following options are available on the Context toolbar:

This lets you replace individual instances of a smart symbol.

This lets you replace all the instances of a smart symbol

Select Instances because only one chair needs to be replaced.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


3 Instance of smart symbol to be replaced?

Click the chair you want to replace.
4 Click Catalog in the Input Options and select the Office chair
smart symbol from the catalog.
The instance is replaced.
5 If you want, you can create a schedule to check the result.

Task 6: modifying smart symbols

Now we will associate smart symbols with a room - this is another
useful option for modifying smart symbols.
To evaluate and analyze smart symbols using the Room overview G
default schedule (in the 4 Rooms subfolder), for example, you need
to associate the smart symbols with a room when they are placed.
This creates a hierarchy, which will also be of importance in the next
Analyses using lists and schedules are then performed based on the
following criteria: the system will first scan the drawing file for
rooms and then for objects within these rooms. You can also
associate individual smart symbols with a room later.

To associate smart symbols with rooms

1 Click

Modify Smart Symbol's Attributes.

2 Click a smart symbol.

The Modify Smart Symbol's Attributes dialog box is displayed.
You should already be familiar with this dialog box.
Set the Link to data entry box to Room. The smart symbol is
associated with the room in which it is placed.

3 Click OK to confirm.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Yes: the changes to this smart symbol are saved in the

No: the changes only apply to this drawing file. The smart
symbol in the catalog does not change.
As we do not want to save these changes, click No.

Task 7: finding smart symbols

You can use the
Find Elements tool for verification purposes.
This tool lets you find all the attributes you have already assigned.

To find smart symbols

1 Click

Find Elements (Modify flyout).

The dialog box for entering search criteria is displayed.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Now we want to enter the following criterion:

Object=Furniture&Name="Cupboard"&Text5="Fastening ABC"
The system interprets these entries as follows: scan the furniture
catalog for objects that are called Cupboard" and to which the
Text5" attribute is assigned. In addition, this attribute must
include the text specified as Fastening ABC".
Do the following:
2 Click Object=.

3 Click Custom Object and select Furniture. Click OK to confirm.

The following should now be displayed in the Criterion area:

Should you make an error as you work, you can click

delete the entry in the Criterion area.

Quits the tool without

executing the operation
Deletes the entries in
the Criterion area



Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 Before you can enter the Name attribute in the criterion line, you
need to establish a link to the first entry. Click the "and" link: &.

5 Click Attribute, select General architecture and click the Name


The following should now be displayed in the Criterion area:

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


6 To find all the pieces of furniture called Cupboard, the equals

sign is required. Click =.

Tip: If you want to find

several instances of smart
symbols whose names include
cupboard" (such as office
cupboard), you can also use

7 To enter the name, click the criterion line itself. Enter Cupboard"
and confirm.
Please note that the text must be enclosed in quotation marks.


8 Information on the Text5 attribute is still missing:

Select & in the Operators area.
Select the Text5 attribute.
Click =.
Click the criterion line itself and enter Fastening ABC";
make sure that the text is enclosed in quotation marks.
The following should now be displayed in the Criterion area:


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

9 Specify whether you want matching elements to flash or be

displayed in selection color.

10 When you have made all the necessary entries, click OK to

confirm and to perform the operation.
Select the area which the program is to scan for the elements
specified. Double-click with the right mouse button to select the
drawing file in its entirety.
The elements found are highlighted and can be further processed.
Now you can edit the elements using the Delete, Copy, Move
tools, for example. To make things easier, the elements are still
To hide the selection color, click Clear Selection on the Edit

Task 8: labeling smart symbols

Smart symbols can be labeled in different ways. The most important
methods are explained in this section.

Default labels
To use default labels
1 Click a smart symbol with the right mouse button and, on the
shortcut menu, choose
Label and then the smart symbol you want to label (an
office chair, for example) and press the right mouse button to

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


2 Define the contents of the label.

For example, you can select Name and Text1 to Text4.

A preview of the label is displayed attached to the crosshairs.

to switch to the Text parameters and set the parameters

3 Click
as required.

Place the label.

A number of tools is provided in the Input Options to help you
do this:

The label might look like this:


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

Object labels
Note: You require the Object Manager module for this type of label.

To use object labels

1 Click a smart symbol with the right mouse button and, on the
shortcut menu, choose

2 Click

to enable object labels.

3 Click the data entry box below Attribute.

The Select attributes for labeling dialog box opens and lists all
the attributes available for the current element.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


4 Activate the check boxes beside the attributes you want to

include in the label.
You can use
to define the sequence in which
the attributes appear in the label.

5 Click OK.
The label is displayed attached to the crosshairs.

6 Click

to specify the Text parameters.

7 Place the label beside the smart symbol.

Label styles
You can associate label styles with specific scales. This way, for
example, you can indicate to the program that an element is not to
be labeled at a scale of 1:100 and at larger scales. At a scale of 1:50,
for instance, the element is to be labeled with the name, and at 1:10,
the label is to include information on the name, model and price.
In other words, label styles behave like smart symbols.
(Remember: the appearance of a smart symbol changes dynamically
with the reference scale and view.) The program analyzes the
attributes you have assigned to the element you want to label with a
label style.
In other words, labels styles can be regarded as combinations of
smart symbols (as the display changes with the scale set) and
lists/schedules (as far as the analysis of attributes is concerned).


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

To define label styles

1 Click

Label Style.

2 Click Attribute, select the Name attribute in the General

architecture category and click OK to confirm.

3 Make the following settings:

Format A30 This format allows you to enter up to 30 characters.

This ensures that the text is displayed in its entirety.
4 Place the Name attribute in the workspace.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


5 Repeat steps 2 to 4 to place the Text1 (= Model) and

Text2 (= Price) attributes in the workspace as shown below.

6 To define the first foil, click DefFol and set Foil to On.

7 Enter the scale range as shown below, select the Name attribute
and specify the Reference point.

This defines the first foil.

8 To define the second foil, specify the scale range by setting
RSC -> to 1 and <= RSC to 49, select all three attributes (use the
Brackets feature, if necessary) and define the Reference point
for the second foil.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

9 Press ESC to finish defining foils.

10 You can have the foils created in such a way that they can be
selected individually. As this is not necessary in this example,
click No.

11 Save the label style in the Office folder.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


To use label styles for labeling

1 Click a smart symbol with the right mouse button and, on the
shortcut menu, choose

twice to open the Select Label Style dialog box and

2 Click
select the label style you just defined.

3 Place the label style beside the smart symbol.

4 Change the
Reference Scale and check whether the label is
displayed correctly.

Scale 1:50

Scale 1:20


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

Saving the smart symbol together with its label

Instead of defining the smart symbol, which consists of a number of
foils, and its label from scratch each time, all you need to do is place
it together with its label in workspace. Then the two elements can be
saved as a single entity using the

Write to Library tool.

To save the smart symbol together with its label

1 Click

Write to Library and select Smart Symbol.

2 Select the smart symbol together with its label (i.e. the label style)
and define the smart symbols base point.

3 Before you save the smart symbol, you need to specify whether
the smart symbol is to be created as an intelligent, snoop-enabled
symbol. Select Simple, snoop-disabled smart symbol and click
OK to confirm.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


4 Save the smart symbol. Use the shortcut menu to create a new
entry in the folder where you want to save the smart symbol. This
is to prevent any existing data from being overwritten.

5 To check whether the smart symbol and its label are displayed
correctly, click
Get from Library and place the smart symbol
and its label in the workspace.
6 Change the
Reference Scale and check whether the label is
displayed correctly. When you modify the smart symbol using
Modify Smart Symbol Instances Attributes, for example, the
label adjusts automatically.


Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

Task 9: unlinking smart symbols

You can explode instances of smart symbols into their basic entities.
As a result, the original smart symbols are no longer available, and
you can continue to work with their basic entities.
By the way, after you have unlinked an instance of a smart symbol,
each individual design entity can be modified separately.
Two modes are provided for unlinking smart symbols:
Structured to keep the smart symbol structure intact - if you opt
for this approach, the individual elements can subsequently only
be modified by points. The attributes of the smart symbol are
Fully to separate the individual elements from one another. Any
existing attributes of the smart symbol are deleted.
Depending on the view that is active when you select an instance
of a smart symbol, the visible foils in this instance are unlinked.

When you select an instance of a smart symbol in plan view,

it is always resolved into 2D elements.

When you select an instance of a smart symbol in a 3D view,

it is resolved into boxes and planar polygonal surfaces.

Example: The Allplan symbol catalogs include a number of complex

3D symbols that were saved as smart symbols in order to save data.
These smart symbols only consist of a single foil with 3D elements.
If you want to save such a symbol as a smart symbol consisting of a
number of foils for different scales, you first need to unlink it.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols

Chair symbol from the Interior Design catalog: smart symbol with a 3D foil

To explode the visible elements of an instance of a

smart symbol into their basic entities
1 Place a smart symbol with 3D elements in the drawing file.
2 Click 3 Viewports on the Window menu.
3 Click

Unlink Smart Symbol.

4 Specify how the instance of the smart symbol is to be unlinked.

Make the following settings in the Input Options:
Set the Resolving mode to Fully.
Select Layers of elements for the Layer assignment.



Exercise 2: Modifying Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

5 Whether an instance of a smart symbol is resolved into 2D or 3D

elements depends on the foil you select.
The following options are available:
If the smart symbol consists of 2D and 3D foils and you want
to obtain the 2D elements of this smart symbol, select it in
plan view.
If the smart symbol consists of 2D and 3D foils and you want
to obtain the 3D elements of this smart symbol, select it in a
3D view.
If the smart symbol only consists of a single 3D foil, you can
select it in any viewport; the 3D elements are always retained.
6 Click Apply.
The instance of the smart symbol is exploded into its basic
entities; any existing attributes are lost.

Smart symbol has been exploded: each individual design entity can be
modified separately.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 1: Smart Symbols


Overview of options provided for modifying attributes of instances of

smart symbols
Smart Symbols module


Does this...

Double click a smart symbol with the left

mouse button

Modify Smart Symbol Instances Attributes tool is

activated. Click Attribute on the Context toolbar to modify the

Click a smart symbol with the right mouse The

Modify Smart Symbol Instances Attributes tool is
click Properties on the shortcut activated (see above).
Click a smart symbol with the right mouse The dialog box for assigning and modifying attributes is displayed.
Assign, Modify Object
Attributes on the shortcut menu

Note: You cannot activate the

Modify Smart Symbols
Attributes tool via the shortcut menu. Rather, you need to activate it
via the menu bar or the relevant toolbar. The reason for this is that
this tool affects the smart symbol itself. Consequently, the
modification can cause instances of smart symbols in other drawing
files to be changed.


Allplan 2006

Object Manager module

Besides the capability of assigning attributes to instances of smart
symbols, you can also use the Object Manager module to assign
attributes to any other elements. The section that follows only covers
the options provided for modifying attributes of instances of smart
symbols. Please note that you cannot use the tools described below
to modify smart symbols themselves.
Note: More tools in the Object Manager module are discussed in
unit 4: you will learn how to export and re-import data from/to
MS Excel and how to update the modified data in Allplan.




Assign, Modify Object You can use this tool to modify attributes of existing objects; you can also
assign new attributes.

Modify Smart Symbol Instances Attributes.

Transfer, Delete Object You can use this tool to transfer the attributes of an object to one or more
other objects. You can also delete object attributes.
The Smart Symbols module does not provide a convenient way of doing
Modify Smart Symbol Instances Attributes tool only modifies the
attributes of a single instance of a smart symbol. You can work around this
problem by replacing a geometrically identical smart symbol to which other
attributes are assigned with the original instances of the smart symbols.
Assign Attributes to

You can use this tool to assign object names and attributes to one or more
elements (e.g. architectural components, lines, circles, 3D solids). Only those
attributes which can be modified are available. This lets you generate any
objects which can then be analyzed and evaluated using lists and schedules.

Remove Attributes

You can use this tool to remove object names and attributes assigned later
from one or several elements in a single operation. This restores the original
component or element.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Unit 2: Default Schedules

In this unit, you will modify the Furniture default schedule:
you will start by removing the Price attribute from the
paragraph. Then you will create a separate column for this
attribute. In addition, you will configure the program to
calculate a total for every item.
Last but not least, you will complete the schedule by adding
a final total to its end.
This involves the following steps:
Creating the Price attribute and assigning it to the smart
Copying the schedule
Deleting and moving cells
Inserting the Price cell
Entering a total for every item
Adding a final total to the end of the schedule
Saving the schedule

rotareneG tsiL eht ni loot eludehcS/tsiL yfidoM eht esu lliw ew
,ksat siht hsilpmocca oT .spets lareves seriuqer eludehcs/tsil a gniyfidoM

Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules


Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

2 On the Modify Smart Symbols Attributes Context toolbar, click

1 Various smart furniture symbols are in the drawing file.
Modify Smart Symbols Attributes (Modify flyout) and
click a smart symbol (Standard office chair, for example).

Smart Symbols module is still open.

To assign a new user-defined attribute to an existing

smart symbol

setubirttA secnatsnI lobmyS tramS yfidoM

ro s e t u b i r t t A s l o b m y S t r a m S y f i d o M

setubirttA tcejbO yfidoM ,ngissA

denifed-resu wen etaerc ot sloot gniwollof eht esu nac uoY
.seludehcs dna stsil gnisu detaulave dna dezylana eb nac stnemele
gnitsixe ylno sa seludehcs/stsil gniyfidom ro/dna gnitaerc fo ssecorp
eht ni era uoy nehw setubirtta denifed-resu wen etaerc tonnac uoY
.deriuqer regnol on si ti sa devomer eb nac etubirtta 2txeT ehT .slobmys
erutinruf trams eht ot etubirtta ecirP wen eht ngissa lliw uoy woN
.tamrof sti sa eulav tniop-gnitaolf a seriuqer hcihw etubirtta ecirP
wen a enifed ot yrassecen erofereht si tI .setubirtta txet gnisu snoitaluclac
mrofrep tonnac uoy ,revewoH .etubirtta 2txeT eht ni ecirp eht deretne
uoy ,tinu suoiverp eht ni lobmys trams eht denifed uoy nehw :rebmemeR
.denifed eb ot
sdeen etubirtta ecirP eht ,eludehcs erutinruF eht egnahc nac uoy erofeB

Task 1: assigning a new user-defined attribute to an existing smart

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules



Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

3 Click

Allplan 2006

Assign new attribute in the top right corner.

The Attribute Selection dialog box appears.

4 Select the User attribute group and click

attribute in the top right corner.

Assign new

The Define New Attribute dialog box appears.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules

5 Enter the values as shown above and click OK to confirm the

dialog box.
The new Price attribute is now defined.
The Assign, Modify Object Attributes dialog box is displayed
again. The new Price attribute is automatically included at the
6 Enter the price (cf. Text2).

7 Now you can remove the Text2 attribute Select it and

Remove attribute in the top right corner.



Tip: Prior to confirming the

Assign, Modify Project
Attributes dialog box, you
can restore attributes you
have removed. All you need
to do is click Back Remove
attribute on the shortcut

Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

The Text2 attribute is selected and removed as soon as you close

the dialog box by clicking OK.
8 Click OK to confirm the dialog boxes and save the smart symbol
as Standard office chair again.

9 Modify the other smart furniture symbols by repeating the steps


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Task 2: copying the schedule

.s e r u t x i F e c i f f O o t n i
redlof d r a d n a t S eht morf eludehcs e r u t i n r u F e h t y p o c l l i w e w w o N
.cte slobmys ,selif gniward ekil tsuj toliPtcejorP
ni demaner dna deipoc era seludehcs/stsiL .tsol ton si eludehcs lanigiro
eht taht erus ekam ot ti ypoc ,eludehcs gnitsixe na yfidom uoy erofeB
.deifidom eb tonnac redlof dradnatS eht ni seludehcs dna stsiL
To copy the schedule
1 On the File menu, click

Tip: You can use

Manager (Create flyout) in
List Generator
module to copy, save or
delete lists/schedules directly.
Lists/schedules from earlier
versions are converted

ProjectPilot / Admin....

2 In the Projects and Folders area (left pane in ProjectPilot), select

the Standard -> Lists/Schedules path and click Fixtures.
The lists/schedules in the Fixtures file are displayed on the right.
3 Click the Furniture schedule with the right mouse button.
The shortcut menu opens.
4 On the shortcut menu, click Copy to....


Tip: You should bear in mind

that a number of
lists/schedules must be copied
to specific file numbers
(see Managing Architectural
Schedules at the end of this

Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

5 Click the Create button beside Library.

6 In the Folder area, select Office.

7 Enter Fixtures in the line below.
8 Select the first line under Libraries and click OK to confirm.

9 Select the first line under Lists/Schedules and click OK to

Now the furniture schedule you just copied is in the Office folder
under Fixtures.
10 Click Exit on the File menu. Now you are back in Allplan 2006.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Task 3: modifying the layout of the schedule

.sloot noitacifidom eht htiw flesruoy
ezirailimaf dna deipoc tsuj uoy eludehcs erutinruF eht nepo ,tsriF
To open the schedule you want to modify
Tip: If cells contain
incomprehensible control
characters, click Info, click
the relevant cell and then
click OK to confirm without
making any changes.
The display is regenerated
and the program shows how
much space is reserved for
this cell.

1 Switch to the
2 Click

List Generator module.

Modify List/Schedule (Modify flyout).

3 Click Office.
4 Select the Fixtures subfolder and click Furniture.
5 Click OK.
The schedule appears on screen. In addition, the Modify
List/Schedule Context toolbar opens.

6 To access more functions, all you need to do is click

the Context toolbar.

to toggle

yfidoM eht no nottub eteleD

eht gnikcilc yb sllec eteled ton oD


3 Click OK to confirm this message.

Tip: Following any update of
the cell numbers you must
check existing total cells
using Info and, if necessary,
correct them.
You will see this message:
2 Delete the Text2 cell.
1 Click Cell (Delete Cell).

To modify the layout of the schedule

.htdiw txet eht egnahc dna sllec erom rof ecaps ekam ot
sllec gniniamer eht evom nehT .llec 2txeT eht eteled ot si pets txen ehT
.ereh deilppa
eb tonnac sloot lareneg ehT .rabloot txetnoC eludehcS/tsiL yfidoM
eht no dedivorp snoitpo eht esu ylno nac uoy noitacifidom gniruD


Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

5 Click
Move and select cells Text3, Text4 and Text5. Move
these cells up a line so that the gap in the paragraph is closed.
4 The

to toggle the Context toolbar.

Modify List/Schedule tool is still active.

.2 llec emoceb ot 1 llec esuac lliw 2 llec gniteled :rO

.6-5 ot devom era 7-6 slleC .deteled si 5 llec ,tsixe 7-1 slleC
.sllec deteled eht yb tfel pag eht esolc ot
evom lliw sllec gniniamer eht ,sllec eteled uoy nehw ,yltneuqesnoC
.tsil-bus ro/dna tsil niam eht fo noiger hcae ni ylevitucesnoc
derebmun era sllec eht nehw krow ylno lliw eludehcs ehT
ton era srebmun llec eht ,esiwrehto ;rabloot txetnoC eludehcS/tsiL
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

6 Move the entire paragraph, the line between the columns and the
comments by -1.2 to the left to make space for more columns.
Enclose the elements you want to move in a selection rectangle or
use the bracket feature.
It may be necessary to move the PIECES entry (in the column
head to the left) by 0.1.
In addition, you can move the PIECES and NAME columns
together by approximately 0.5 to make enough space for the

7 Click

Change Text Settings and set the text width to 2.50.

8 Select all the cells in the list row.

The width of the text changes.

.eludehcs eht ot sllec wen dda nac uoy woN

.eb deen fi meht no kcab llaf nac
uoy taht os stluser etaidemretni tnatropmi evas erofereht dluohs uoY
.seludehcs/stsil htiw desu eb tonnac loot o d n U ehT !tnatropmI


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Task 4: adding cells

.sllec etubirtta txet eht ediseb llec a sa detresni
eb ot sdeen tinu siht fo gninnigeb eht ta detaerc uoy etubirtta ecirP ehT
To add a new cell
1 The Modify List/Schedule tool is still active. Click
the Context toolbar and select Cell + (Add Cell).

to toggle

2 The Price cell is part of the List Row region; select this region.
The cell type is Attribute. Click OK to confirm.

3 Select the User category and the Price attribute and click OK to

5 Place the Price cell beside Text1 in the list. The Modify
List/Schedule tool is still active.

secalp lamiced = 2
tinu ycnerruc
dna secalp lamiced ,tniop lamiced gnidulcni htgnel latot = 1
)rebmun laer( tamrof ycnerruc = W

:gniwollof eht snaem tamrof 2.41W ehT

.liated erom ni detaulave

dna dezylana eb nac sllec tsil ni noitamrofni eht ,yaw sihT .loot
eht naht ylesicerp erom
tamrof eht enifed ot uoy swolla loot eludehcS/tsiL yfidoM ehT

setubirttA slobmyS tramS yfidoM


4 Check the text parameters, the format and the currency unit. Set
the text orientation so that the text is right-aligned (texts anchor
point at bottom right).
Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

3 The Formula Definition dialog box opens. Enter the formula by

clicking the buttons. The piece number (column3) is to be
multiplied by the unit price (column8) to obtain the total price of
an item per column: COLUMN3*COLUMN8
2 Select the List Row region and the Formula cell type.
1 Click Cell + again to calculate the article sum.

To define the sum of articles

.sllec ytitnauq dna

alumrof lla rof seilppa sihT .)seceip fo rebmun eht rof 3 .on :elpmaxe
siht ni( eludehcs eht ni deyalpsid si rebmun llec eht ,reisae sgniht ekam
oT .ofnI gnisu enimreted nac uoy hcihw ,rebmun llec eht ot tnelaviuqe
si rebmun nmuloc ehT .detaluclac si mus eht hcihw no desab etubirtta
eht htiw nmuloc eht sesu nalpllA .alumrof a gnisu deniatbo si mus A
)selcitra lla fo mus( latot laniF
)ecirp yb deilpitlum seceip fo rebmun( selcitra fo muS

:sllec latot owt dda lliw uoy woN

Task 5: defining total

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules



Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

4 Click General in the Notes area to obtain information on entering


5 You can click

at the bottom right of the dialog box to correct
your entries.
If the entry is correct, click OK to confirm.
6 Set the following parameters on the Context toolbar:
Format = W14.2
Dim = EUR
Texts anchor point = bottom right

Unit 2: Default Schedules

7 Place the cell on the far right in the schedule.

.)detaerc tsuj uoy 9 nmuloc( selcitra eht lla fo

smus eht sdda hcihw llec a enifed ot deen uoy ,latot lanif eht niatbo oT
.eludehcs a fo dne eht ta ecno deyalpsid ylno si latot lanif A

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

To add the final total

1 Select Cell + once again.
2 Select the Define total region and the Formula cell type.

3 Enter the formula: TOTAL(COLUMN9).

4 Make the following settings on the Context toolbar:
Format = W14.2
Dim = EUR
Texts anchor point = bottom right.



Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

Click OK to confirm and place the cell at bottom right in the


5 Use the Cell + function to complete the column labels.

Select the List Row region and the Text cell type and label the
columns: Unit price and Total price.
6 Click Cell + again to create the Final total. Select the Define total
region and the Text cell type.
7 Create the lines separating the columns using Cell +. Select the
Line cell type.
Draw the lines. Check the line settings on the Format toolbar.
The result might look like this:

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Tip: You can also use the Info

function to modify cells.

Unit 2: Default Schedules


8 To check the cells again, click Info on the Context toolbar and
then click the Price cell. A dialog box with the current parameters
of the cell clicked is presented. Check the settings. Click OK to

9 Check the other cells in the same way.

10 Press ESC to quit modification. The following dialog box is
displayed. Select Save and click OK to confirm.


Exercise 3: Modifying Schedules

Allplan 2006

Task 6: checking the new schedule

.slobmys erutinruf trams eht lla ot etubirtta ecirp wen
eht dengissa ydaerla evah uoy nehw krow ylno lliw noitarepo ehT .elif
gniward eht ni decalp slobmys trams eht etaulave ot eludehcs siht esu
won lliw eW .detaerc tsuj uoy eludehcs wen eht tset ot si pets txen ehT
To check the schedule
1 Click
Lists/Schedules (Create flyout) and select the new
Furniture schedule in the Office folder, Fixtures subfolder.
Tip: To select the entire
drawing file, double-click in
the workspace with the right
mouse button or click All in
the Input Options.

2 Select the region you want to evaluate.

The new schedule might look like this:

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


Architectural Lists/Schedules
.)kcirb gniroc lacitrev ,sllaw( stnenopmoc gninifed nehw slairetam
retne ot deen uoy ,slairetam etaulave dna ezylana ot ,elpmaxe roF
.tem eb ot evah snoitidnoc niatrec ,seludehcs/stsil eseht ylppa ot redro nI
.seludehcs/stsil edam-ydaer fo edutitlum a sedivorp 6002 nalpllA

Tip: Allplans online help

provides an overview of all
available schedules, including
information on the
list/schedule file,
requirements, name, contents
etc. See the section entitled
Available Lists/Schedules,

1 puorG

.smoor eht rof sgniliec enifed ot deen uoy ,elpmaxe rof ,)redlofbus k r o W
g n i t n i a P( eludehcs g n i l i e C e h t t u p t u o o T . s t n e n o p m o c e h t d e r e t n e
uoy nehw denifed uoy noitamrofni eht edulcni ylno lliw eludehcs eht taht
eton esaelP .snoitacificeps hsinif htiw smoor etaerc ot dna evoba detsil
sretemarap eht ngissa ot tegrof ton oD .woleb nwohs sa nalp roolf elpmis
a etaerc ,seludehcs tluafed larutcetihcra eht htiw flesruoy ezirailimaf oT
)snoitaluclac aera( 3 txeT
)snoitaluclac aera( 2 txeT
)snoitaluclac aera( 1 txeT
seman htiw smoor fo spuorG
sedart ro slairetam htiw sroolF
sedart ro slairetam htiw sgnilieC
sedart ro slairetam htiw secafrus lacitreV
snoitcnuf dna seman htiw smooR
sedart ro slairetam htiw snmuloC
sedart ro slairetam htiw sbalS
slobmys trams htiw swodniW
sedart ro slairetam htiw sllaW
:elpmaxe roF
.stnemele eseht
retne uoy nehw smoor dna stnenopmoc ot edulcni ot eludehcs eht tnaw
uoy noitamrofni eht ngissa ot deen uoy ,stluser yrotcafsitas niatbo oT

Requirements for analyses using lists and schedules


Architectural Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


To output an architectural default schedule

1 Create a floor plan as shown above.
Use the
Door and
tools (on the Architectural Components or Create flyout in the
Basic: Walls, Openings, Components module); check the
height association and assign trades, materials etc. to the
Create the rooms using the
Room or
Auto-Room tool
(Rooms or Create flyout in the
Quantity Takeoff: Rooms,
Surfaces, Stories module).
2 Select
Lists/Schedules (3D Modification or Create II flyout in
an architectural module).


Architectural Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

3 Select a schedule in the Default folder. For example, click Room

overview G in the Rooms subfolder. Check that rooms are defined
and that they have a height.

4 Select the floor plan using a selection rectangle or

select the entire drawing file by double-clicking with the right
mouse button or
click All in the Input Options.
5 The schedule is generated and displayed on screen. You can edit
the schedule (see Exercise 1, "Task 4: schedule output).

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules


ni loot ...ot ypoC eht ro r e g a n a M t s i L eht gnisu stsil ypoc uoy nehw
deyalpsid era srebmun esehT .)egap txen ees( srebmun htiw detaicossa
era hcihw selif ni derots era stsil esehT .6002 nalpllA htiw emoc
taht seludehcs/stsil eht sedulcni toliPtcejorP ni redlof dradnatS ehT
.devas si tsil tnaveler eht erehw elif eht ot noitnetta yap ,stsil enifeder
dna ypoc uoy nehW .deteled dna deipoc ,demaner eb nac seludehcs/stsiL

Tip: You can use

Manager (Create flyout) in
List Generator
module to copy, save or
delete lists/schedules.
Lists/schedules from earlier
versions are converted

Managing architectural lists/schedules


Architectural Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

.elif yna ni htap yna ni devas eb nac seludehcs/stsil rehto ehT

.evisiced si rebmun elif eht ,rehtar ;tnavelerri si eman elif ehT
.evoba denoitnem sloot laiceps eht aiv detavitca eb tonnac stsil eseht
,esiwrehtO .seirotcerid eciffO dna dradnatS eht ni htob elif tcerroc
eht ni detacol eb tsum regral dna 1 4 ,4 1 selif ni stsiL ! t n a t r o p m I
noitacilppA gnidliuB 76
reganaM tcejbO 55
tnetnoC cibuC 772NID 66
ysedoeG 25
aerA esaB 772NID 56
stnalP 15
ecapS roolF 46
stinU tsacerP 24
672NID 16
tiF tramS 14
gninnalP ytiC 06
ngiseD retfaR 41
.eludom seirotS ,secafruS ,smooR :ffoekaT ytitnauQ
eht ni loot noitacilppA ,noitaluclaC aerA eht gnisu detavitca eb nac
4 6 elif ni stsil eht dna eludom g n i p a c s d n a L eht ni loot tsiL tnalP
eht gnisu dessecca eb nac 1 5 elif ni stsil eht ,eludom stsoP ,smaeB fooR
,sretfaR :noitcurtsnoC emarF eht ni loot eludehcS leetS ,rebmiT
eht gnisu detavitca eb nac ,elpmaxe rof ,4 1 redlofbus ni stsil eht
:sloot laiceps gnisu detavitca eb osla nac seludehcs/stsil gniwollof ehT
.ylno seludehcs/stsil cificeps ssecca ot uoy wolla taht dna sretlif ekil
evaheb taht snoitcnuf laiceps era ereht ,noitidda nI .nalpllA ni elbaliava
seludehcs/stsil lla etavitca ot loot seludehcS/stsiL eht esu nac uoY

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 2: Default Schedules



puorg etubirttA

.desahcrup evah
uoy egakcap eht no dneped uoy ot elbaliava yllautca era taht spuorg ehT
.spuorg otni denibmoc
yllareneg era setubirttA .setubirtta motsuc nwo ruoy ngissa osla nac uoY
.noitinifed tsil
rof elbaliava era setubirtta denifederp 053 naht erom 6002 nalpllA nI

Tip: Look in Appendix 2 at

the end of this book for a list
of geometric and quantitative
attributes of the main
architectural components.

Standard attributes and attribute groups


Architectural Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

puorg etubirttA



.margorp serutxiF
nalpllA eht ni stnemele rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.srehto dna recudorp
,rebmun elcitra ,selit fo rebmun sa hcus
eludom tiF tramS eht rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
htgnel egrev ,htgnel yellav ,htgnel egdir ,aera sa
hcus setubirtta gnirevoc foor cificeps sedulcni sihT
.sledom niarret latigid gnitaulave
dna gnizylana rof deriuqer setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.setubirtta reganaM tcejbO sedulcni sihT
..cte alumrof ,laever ,rebmun tnenopmoc
,eulav etubirtta ,DI tnenopmoc thgirllA ,ezis
ekil setubirtta larutcetihcra cificeps sedulcni sihT
atad 6002 nalpllA rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.stnemeriuqer noitalusni
lamreht gnitaluclac rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
gninnalP ytiC eht rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
rof ,seludehcs tnalp gnitareneg rof( eludom
gnipacsdnaL eht rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
cificeps-gnireenigne rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.seludehcs krowmrof rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.772 NID ot gnidrocca sgnidliub ni txetnoc cibuc
dna aera gnitaluclac rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.noitamitse tsoc
tnailpmoc-672 NID rof setubirtta sedulcni sihT
.srehto dna lairetam ,eman lobmys trams ,edart
,rebmun tnenopmoc sa hcus aera erutcetihcra
eht morf setubirtta evitpircsed lla sedulcni sihT
.retupmoc ro eman
tcejorp ,sserdda dna eman eciffo ,etad ,emit
eht sa hcus setubirtta cificeps-metsys sedulcni sihT
.cte emulov ,thgieh ,aera ,ssenkciht
sa hcus saera lobmys trams dna ffoekat ytitnauq
eht morf setubirtta ciremunahpla lla sedulcni sihT
.sloot setubirttA secnatsnI lobmyS
tramS yfidoM ro setubirttA slobmyS
tramS yfidoM ,setubirttA tcejbO yfidoM
,ngissA eht gnisu )setubirtta denifed-resu
=( setubirtta motsuc enifed nac uoy ,6002 nalpllA
yb dedivorp setubirtta denifederp eht sediseB

tiF tramS
gnirevoC fooR .tihcrA
ledoM niarreT latigiD
reganaM tcejbO
erutcetihcrA laicepS
noitalusnI lamrehT
gninnalP ytiC
772 NID
stsoC gnidliuB :672 NID
erutcetihcrA lareneG
seititnauQ .tihcrA

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


Unit 2: Default Schedules


Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules

Unit 3: Custom
Until now you have learned how to modify existing
lists/schedules default schedules as well as your own
schedules to suit your needs and requirements.
However, if you cannot find an existing schedule in
order to customize it for your needs, you can use the
List Generator module to design your own schedules.
The layout and content of most schedules are fully userdefinable. You can use all the drafting tools available in
Allplan 2006.
In this unit you will learn about the basic principles and
features of the List Generator module.


moor eht ot etanidrobus si moor a ni ecafrus a :elpmaxe rof ,smoor ekaT

.eludom rotareneG tsiL eht htiw gnikrow
nehw 6002 nalpllA ni slevel cihcrareih eht tnuocca otni ekat ot deen uoY

Sub-lists and hierarchic structure in Allplan 2006

.sllec alumrof lareves fo tsisnoc nac latot lanif dna latot-buS
.latot-bus eht ni detcelfer
yllacitamotua era nmuloc a fo stnetnoc eht ot ekam uoy segnahc ynA
.snmuloc eerht ot pu fo stnetnoc eht kcehc ot latot-bus a esu nac uoY
.nmuloc a nihtiw stluser eht setaluclac latot lanif eht ,sdrow rehto
nI .tsil-bus ro tsil a fo dne eht ta sraeppa syawla )latot lanif =( latot A
.latot ro latot-bus a mrof nac alumrof a no desab denifed era taht slleC
Sub-total, total

.senil noisivid dna txet niatnoc osla yam wor tsil A .snmuloc sa deyalpsid
era hcihw dna detaluclac seulav eht edulcni hcihw sllec fo rebmun
yna fo tsisnoc yam wor tsil A .tnemele tsil cimanyd a si wor tsil ehT
List row

,eman tcejorp ,emit ,etad ,egap :sllec gniwollof eht edulcni yam
redaeh eludehcs ehT .tamrof tuptuo eht ,suht dna eludehcs/tsil eht fo ezis
eht senifed redrob ehT .redrob dna retoof eht ot seilppa emas ehT .tsil
a fo egap hcae no sraeppa daeh tsil ehT .sgnidaeh dna slebal nmuloc rof
txet ,senil sniatnoc tI .eludehcs ro tsil a ni aera citats eht si daeh tsil ehT
Schedule header

.stnemele tuoyal era senil dna txet ;sllec ni dezylana si ataD

.stsil deifidom uoy nehw "seludehcS tluafeD :2 tinU" ni
derevoc erew stnemele esehT .senil dna txet ,sllec fo stsisnoc tsil yrevE
Cells, text and lines

Regions in a list
.serutcurts cihcrareih eht dna tsil a ni snoiger tnereffid
eht htiw flesruoy ezirailimaf ot deen uoy ,stsil gnitaerc trats uoy erofeB

Basic Principles of List Generation


Basic Principles of List Generation

Allplan 2006

Room group



tsil-bus dnoces = secafrus mooR

tsil-bus tsrif =
tsil niam = smoor fo puorG
.stsil ot slevel cihcrareih eseht dda ot desu era stsil-buS .smoor
fo puorg etanidrorepus eht ot dengissa eb nac moor sihT .noitseuq ni
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules

aera wodniW
trams denifed-resU

level tsewoL

gninepo wodniW

eb nac taht stnemelE


stnemele .tihcrA

Hierarchic structure of components

.smoor ot dengissa eb tonnac dna stnenopmoc era stnemele

eseht sa smoor ot swodniw ro srood ngissa tonnac uoy ,sdrow rehto
nI .smoor dna stnenopmoc :rehtona eno htiw detaicossa eb tonnac
taht serutcurts cihcrareih owt edulcni seludom larutcetihcra ehT


slobmys trams
secafrus roolF
secafrus gnilieC
secafrus lacitreV



smoor fo puorG


Hierarchic structure of rooms

Basic Principles of List Generation

Allplan 2006

1 tsil-bus
gnitargetni dna redaeh eludehcs htiw tsil niam gniddA 2 tsil-bus gnitargetni dna 1 tsil-bus gniddA 3 tsil-bus gnitargetni dna 2 tsil-bus gniddA 3 tsil-bus gniddA :tsil eht gninifeD
senil gnisu tsil eht fo tuoyal eht gnitelpmoC .cte eman ,etad ,slebal nmuloc sa hcus txet lareneG swor tsil eht rof slleC redaeh eludehcs eht rof slleC :tsil eht ni stnemele gnitaerC
redrob a gnitaerC

:gniwollof eht srevoc esicrexe sihT

.latot lanif ro latot-bus a dna enil elgnis

a fo tsisnoc stsil-buS .sgnidaeh dna slebal nmuloc rof txet ,senil sniatnoc
tI .eludehcs ro tsil a ni aera citats eht si redaeh eludehcs eht :rebmemeR
.stsil-bus ot dedda ton era sredaeh eludehcs ,stsil niam ot desoppo sA
.level cihcrareih emas eht no setubirtta moor tnereffid
ezylana taht slatot-bus owt etaluclac ot deriuqer era stsil-bus owt
esehT .level cihcrareih emas eht no era tsil-bus dnoces eht dna tsil-bus
tsrif ehT .yhcrareih eht ni level txen eht ni detargetni si level siht ,gnola
og uoy sA .tsrif denifed syawla si yhcrareih eht ni level tsewol ehT
.stsil-bus eerht gnidulcni tsil niam a etaerc lliw uoy tinu siht nI


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


)stnanet( ecaps noitalucriC
)lareneg( ecaps noitalucriC
ecaps roolF
ecaps nommoC
ecaps desu yllaicremmoC
ecaps eciffO
:elpmaxe roF
dezylana dna 1 txeT sa denifed si ycnapucco ,deretne era smoor nehW
aera gnikroW
aera noitalucriC
aera elbasU
nalpllA tnaveler eht gnisu dezylana eb ot era hcihw ,772 NID htiw
ecnadrocca ni sepyt aera dna ycnapucco eht edulcni ot si eludehcs ehT
.sepyt eseht neewteb
etaitnereffid ot esnes sekam ti ,revewoh ,esicrexe siht nI ..cte ecaps
desu yllaicremmoc ,ecaps eciffo ekil ycnapucco fo sepyt laudividni
neewteb noitcnitsid a sekam regnol on 20-5002 772 NID wen ehT

Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules

:siht ekil kool dluohs tluser ehT

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


.tsil-bus driht
:saera laitrap eht pu gnidda yb aera moor eht setaluclac dna saera
laitrap htiw smoor rof sehcraes yhcrareih eht ni level tsewol ehT
.smoor niatrec rof kool ,yhcrareih eht ni level
emas eht no era hcihw ,stsil-bus owt eseht ,sdrow rehto nI .setubirtta
moor era y c n a p u c c O dna 1txeT htob sa elddim eht ni level
cihcrareih eht no osla si tsil sihT .tsil-bus dnoces :sepyt aera ot edam
segnahc yna tcelfer ot ))latot-bus dnoces( saera moor eht pu gnidda
yb( latot epyt aera eht setadpu dna )etubirtta 772NID y c n a p u c c O(
sepyt aera rof sehcraes elddim eht ni level cihcrareih ehT
.tsil-bus tsrif :sepyt
ycnapucco ot edam segnahc yna tcelfer ot ))latot-bus tsrif( sepyt aera
e h t p u g n i d d a y b ( l a t o t e p y t y c n a p u c c o e h t s e t a d p u d n a )1 t x e T(
sepyt ycnapucco rof sehcraes elddim eht ni level cihcrareih ehT
.tsil niam :sepyt ycnapucco tnereffid
eht fo saera laudividni eht pu gnidda yb aera yrots eht setaluclac dna
)e m a N( s m o o r f o s p u o r g r o f s e h c r a e s y h c r a r e i h e h t n i l e v e l p o t e h T
:swollof sa dezylana dna detaluclac si eludehcs siht ni atad ehT

:siht ekil kool dluohs eludehcs ehT

Structure of schedule

Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

ekil kool thgim tluser eht ,atad ezylana ot eludehcs siht esu uoy nehW
3 tsil-bus

fo stnetnoC

2 tsil-bus ni
detargetni si 3 tsil-buS

Tip: As this exercise makes

constant reference to these
pages, we advise bookmarking
or making a copy.

2 tsil-bus fo stnetnoC

3 tsil-bus fo noitisoP
1 tsil-bus ni
detargetni si 2 tsil-buS

1 tsil-bus fo stnetnoC

2 tsil-bus fo noitisoP
aera gnikrow = AW
aera noitalucric = AC
aera elbasu = AU

tsil niam fo stnetnoC

tsil niam ni
detargetni si 1 tsil-buS

1 tsil-bus fo noitisoP

:swollof sa denifed era stsil-bus eht ,tluser a sA

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules

m 73.621

epyt ycnapuccO



m 53.31

m 11.9

m 52.0

m 61.0-

m 27.5

m 27.5

m 95.0

m 09.31

m 90.0-

m 66.62

m 20.0

aera gnikrow =
aera elbasu =

)263.2+363.2( 5.0

)786.1+786.1( 5.0

)210.1+210.1( 5.0

)37.402 2^003.0(-

)056.5+056.5( 5.0

)056.5+056.5( 5.0

)363.2+363.2( 5.0

)004.5+004.5( 5.0

)06.311 2^003.0(-

006.1 066.61

152.0 461.0( 5.0


571.7 051.7







100.1 U

200.1 U



410.1 U










m 03.15

noitcnuf mooR

aera laitraP

tnemesab ts1
tcejorp elpmaS


aera mooR

m 03.15

m 17.22

m 82.11

m 94.41

m 95.62

aera noitalucric =

m 95.62

m 77.52

m 10.47

epyt aerA

xxx :yb detaerC

Calculation of net floor area in accordance with DIN 277

latot yrotS


m 39.15

epyt ycnapuccO



aera mooR

m 61.22

m 96.41

m 80.51

aera noitalucric =

m 39.15

epyt aerA

m 48.0

m 97.02

m 43.1

m 53.31

m 27.5

m 11.9

m 52.0

aera gnikrow =
aera elbasu =

)011.0+011.0( 5.0

)058.3+058.3( 5.0

)842.0+842.0( 5.0

)263.2+263.2( 5.0

)310.1+310.1( 5.0

)786.1+786.1( 5.0

)210.1+310.1( 5.0


573.3 052.0




500.1 U

520.1 U

620.1 U






aera egarotS


m 35.0

noitcnuf mooR

tnemesab ts1
tcejorp elpmaS


aera laitraP

xxx :yb detaerC

Calculation of net floor area in accordance with DIN 277

m 03.871

latot yrotS



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Task 1: creating rooms

.bat S r o o l F , 7 7 2 N I D eht ni epyt aera eht tceles ,noitidda nI .ycnapucco
e h t r o f 1 t x e T d n a n o i t c n u F ,e m a N r e t n e u o y t a h t d n a y l t c e r r o c
smoor eht fo seniltuo cirtemoeg eht retne uoy taht tnatropmi si tI
.retal tsil eht tset ot desu eb lliw hcihw nalp roolf a etaerc tsriF
Tip: The names of the flyouts
are presented on page 13.

To create geometric outlines of rooms

1 Use the Architectural Components flyout or switch to the

Basic: Walls, Openings, Components module and create a
floor plan that is similar to the illustration at the end of this
exercise (see page 113).
2 Set the drawing file with the floor plan to reference mode.
Select an empty drawing file and click
Room (Rooms or
Create flyout in the
Quantity Takeoff: Rooms, Surfaces,
Stories module).

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


3 Click Catalog and set the following parameters:

If you activate Name ++, room numbers increment automatically

in ascending order as you enter the rooms.
4 Assign room attributes in the Room dialog box:
Name = 1.001
Function = Reception
The new DIN 277 2005-02 no longer makes a distinction between
individual types of occupancy like office space, commercially
used space etc.. In this exercise, however, it makes sense to
differentiate between these types.
5 In the Gen. attributes area click Text....
Enter the rooms occupancy using the Text1 attribute:
Office space


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

6 Allplan 2006 provides an attribute for the area type (DIN 277
occupancy). It is therefore not necessary to enter this attribute as
a text item.
Switch to the DIN277, FloorS tab and select the EA DIN277
Just click the Office room in Quick selection of area attributes
near the bottom of the dialog box. The program automatically
selects the appropriate DIN277 attributes.

7 Confirm the dialog boxes and enter the outline of the room as
you need.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


8 Define the contents of the label on the Context toolbar.

9 Enter more rooms. Use Commercially used space, Floor space

and Common space for the occupancy and EA, FA or TA for the
area type.

10 Click
Group Rooms (Rooms or Create flyout), enter the story
in the Name data entry box and combine the rooms story by

.elacs ecnerefer eht fo sseldrager ,yltcerroc deyalpsid era selif

gniward ni decalp seludehcs/stsil taht erusne ot yaw ylno eht si sihT
.001:1 fo elacS ecnerefeR a ta seludehcs/stsil etaerc syawlA

seludehcs/stsil gnitareneg nehw elacs ecnerefer eht etoN

.nigram a sa sevres dna

ytpme sniamer redrob retuo dna renni eht neewteb ecaps ehT
.redrob siht nihtiw decalp eb dluohs stnemelE .eludehcs/tsil
eht fo redrob lautca eht si redrob kcalb ,renni ehT
.teehs 4A NID
a stneserper tamrof enil noitcurtsnoc ni redrob retuo ehT

:selgnatcer owt fo stsisnoc redrob ehT

7 Place the border in the drawing file.

6 You want to create a landscape border.
Portrait/Landscape (0/1)
Enter 1 in the dialog line.
5 Click Border on the Context toolbar.
4 Click

Define Cell (Create flyout).

3 Switch to the
2 Set the

List Generator module.

Reference Scale to 1:100.

1 Select an empty drawing file.

To create a border

.stuotnirp tneuqesbus
rof stnemele eht egnarra uoy spleh ti ,noitidda nI .tamrof tuptuo
sti ,yltneuqesnoc dna eludehcs/tsil a fo ezis eht senifed redrob ehT
.snoitaulave dna sesylana tneuqesbus ni dedulcni era redrob siht nihtiw
stnemele llA .eludehcs ro tsil a fo yradnuob retuo eht senifed redrob ehT

Task 2: list border


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


Task 3: defining cells

.llaw lanoitidda
na gniward yb melborp siht dnuora krow ot deen ew ,stnemele ecnerefer
tuohtiw setubirtta wen etaerc ot elbissop ton si ti sA .redaeh eludehcs
eht ni deriuqer si ,sisylana retfa deretne eb nac kramer a hcihw ni ,llec A
To create a new attribute
1 You can use the Object Manager module to assign any attributes
to architectural components. Therefore, draw a short wall with
any settings.
2 Click the wall with the right mouse button and, on the shortcut
menu, click Assign, Modify Object Attributes.

The Assign, Modify Object Attributes dialog box is displayed.

3 Click
Assign new attribute in the top right corner of the
dialog box.
The Attribute Selection dialog box opens.
4 Select the User attribute group and click
attribute in the top right corner.

Assign new


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

5 Enter the values shown in the dialog box as shown below and
click OK to confirm.

6 Click OK to confirm the dialog boxes.

The new attribute is saved.
7 Now you can delete the wall as it is no longer required.

Tip: There are times when you

will find that you only require
a result of a formula once in
a list/schedule. Place the
formula outside the border of
the list/schedule. Although
the formula is calculated it is
not included in printouts.

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


.spag edulcni ton tsum seires rebmun eht ,revewoH

.tnavelerri si ecneuqes ehT .02 ta trats dluohs redaeh eludehcs eht
fo sllec eht ,1 htiw nigeb ot wor tsil eht ni srebmun llec eht rof redro nI
.rabloot txetnoC eht no )rebmuN lleC yfidoM(
o N d o M gnisu srebmun llec eht kcehc ,yrassecen fI .ylevitucesnoc
derebmun era tsil-bus dna tsil niam eht fo noiger tsil hcae ni
sllec eht taht erus ekaM .ecnatropmi evisiced fo era srebmun llec tcerroC
.tsil eht rof deriuqer sllec eht lla ecalp dna enifed ot si pets txen ehT

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

To define cells in the schedule header

1 Switch to the
(Create flyout).

List Generator module and click

Define Cell

2 Enter Cell Number 20 on the Context toolbar.

3 Click Attrib.
4 Select the Project name attribute in the System category.


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Tip: Construction lines

considerably simplify the
process of arranging cells.

5 Before you place the cells, check the text parameters and the
format. Then place the cells within the border of the list. The
exact location is defined later when you set up the layout.

6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 to place the other cells of the schedule header.

Make sure that the cells are numbered consecutively.

tnemngilA tamroF .on lleC








reganaM nalP

txet lanoitiddA
yb detaerC
2 enil
,sserdda eciffO
1 enil
,sserdda eciffO
eman tcejorP

Tip: The formats are explained

in Exercise 1
(see Unit 1: Smart Symbols").

Tip: Graphic cells do not need

to be taken into account
when defining the line
spacing. The line spacing is
adjusted automatically.
Tip: Place the texts anchor
point in accordance with the
orientation of the text, e.g.
text = right-aligned, texts
anchor point = at bottom

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


.salumrof sa llew sa setubirtta sniatnoc dna tsil eht fo

noiger cimanyd eht stneserper hcihw ,wor tsil eht etareneg lliw ew woN

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

To define cells of the list row

1 Click

Define Cell.

2 Click Cell Number and enter 1.

3 Click Attrib.
4 In the General Architecture category, select the Name attribute.
5 Check the format and the text parameters and place the cell.
If necessary, you can modify the text parameters later using
Change Text Settings.

6 Use this approach to place all the other attributes and formulas as


tamroF .on lleC












1 txeT




3 tsil-buS
3 tsil-buS
2 tsil-buS
2 tsil-buS
2 tsil-buS
1 tsil-buS
tsil niaM
3 tsil-buS

ytitnauq .tcetihcrA
erutcetihcra laicepS
erutcetihcra lareneG
erutcetihcra lareneG
772 NID
erutcetihcra lareneG
erutcetihcra lareneG

2 tsil-buS


1 tsil-buS


tsil niaM


The result should look like this:


You can use these functions

(provided in the
Cell tool) to align cells and
text horizontally and
You can also align cells and
text using the
Align Text
Text module.
tool in the

Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

elbat eht etaerc ot senil esu dna sllec eht ot txet dda lliw ew ,elpmaxe
siht nI .deen uoy sa eludehcs eht fo tuoyal eht pu tes nac uoy woN


To set up the layout of the schedule

1 Draw the boundary lines of the columns as shown below using
the tools in the
Draft module (Draft flyout).
2 Add the schedule header, column heads, legend and additional
text using the tools in the
Text module (Text flyout).
3 Move the cells you have just defined into the relevant columns.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


.)smuizepart dna
selgnatcer ,selgnairt otni dedivid era saera
/ sdilos lla ,.e.i( detnemucod dna detaluclac
era seititnauQ .tsil niam erutcetihcrA
eht ni dnuof moor a fo )aera ,emulov(
seititnauq eht setaluclac epyt eludehcs sihT
.noitaluclaC aerA 46
elif ni devas eb tsum dna loot noitaluclaC
aerA eht gnisu detavitca eb
ylno nac seludehcs ecaps roolF .tsil niam
erutcetihcrA eht ni dnuof moor a fo ecaps
roolf eht setaluclac epyt eludehcs sihT
.latot-bus a mrof ot ti esu nac uoy ,elpmaxe
roF .tsil niam erutcetihcrA eht gnirutcurts
fo snaem a sa sevres epyt eludehcs sihT
.yficeps uoy
airetirc no desab s/elif gniward evitca erom
ro eno ni stnemele sdnif epyt eludehcs sihT

tsil niam erutcetihcrA

tsil-bus ytitnauQ

ecaps roolF

pyT sL

.rabloot txetnoC
eludehcS/tsiL enifeD eht gnisu deretne era snoiger tsil ehT .).cte
,wor tsil ,redaeh eludehcs( snoiger tnaveler eht ot ).cte senil ,txet ,sllec(
stnemele laudividni eht gningissa sevlovni pets txen ehT
.edam neeb won evah eludehcs/tsil a gninifed rof snoitaraperp eht llA
Data entry boxes

Task 4: defining schedule


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

.devas eb nac ti ,eludehcs/tsil a gninifed dehsinif evah uoy nehW

.yhcrareih eht ni level emas eht no seulav latot-bus tnereffid
etaerc ot desu eb osla nac stsil-buS .aera llaw eht sezylana
taht tsil-bus a dna sllaw sdnif taht tsil niam a enifed ot deen
uoy ,aera llaw eht tsil ot tnaw uoy ,elpmaxe rof ,fI .eludehcs/tsil
a ot 6002 nalpllA ni slevel cihcrareih eht refsnart stsil-buS
.snmuloc neewteb etaitnereffid tonnac
uoY .tsil a fo dne eht ta ecno denifed eb ylno nac latot lanif a taht
si ecnereffid ylno ehT .sllec alumrof fo stsisnoc osla latot lanif A
.egnahc nmuloc dnoces
ro tsrif eht fo stnetnoc eht revenehw detaluclac si latot-bus a ,2
retne uoy ,elpmaxe rof ,fI .detaluclac eb nac snmuloc eerht ot pU
.snmuloc cificeps fo seulav eht etaluclac ot metsys eht erugifnoc
nac uoY .noiger siht ot dengissa era salumrof sa detaerc slleC
.kcolb a sa deyalpsid era yeht ,rehto
eht woleb eno decalp era sllec eht nehW .yllatnoziroh degnarra
eb ot evah ylirassecen ton od sllec ehT .denifed si deef enil eht
,noitidda nI .)... secafrus ,smoor ,stnenopmoc( stcejbo laudividni
eht no noitamrofni htiw sllec eht lla tceles ot siht esu nac uoY
.kaerb egap eht dna teehs eht fo ezis
eht enifed nac uoy ,noitidda nI .eludehcs/tsil a ni segap eht lla
no lacitnedi eb ot era taht stnemele lla sedulcni "daeh mret ehT
.)sllaw dnif .g.e( eludehcs/tsil a ni dedulcni eb ot era stnenopmoc
ro slobmys trams ,stcejbo hcihw yficeps ot desu eb nac sihT
airetirc noitceles a fo noitinifeD


sL buS

lT buS


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Integrating sub-lists

.saera laitrap eht pu gnidda yb aera moor eht setaluclac

dna snoisnemid htiw smoor eht stsil yhcrareih eht ni level tsewol ehT
.3 tsil-bus - yhcrareih eht ni level tsewol
eht ta trats uoY .snoiger tnaveler eht ot stnemele eht ngissa won nac uoy
,eludehcs eht fo tuoyal eht pu tes dna sllec eht denifed evah uoy retfA

Tip: Use the structure of the

schedule shown on page 106.

To define sub-list 3
1 Switch to the
2 Click

List Generator module.

Define List/Schedule (Create flyout).

3 Click the box beside Ls Typ (Define List Type).

4 Select FSpace and then Floor space calculation.

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


5 Click Row (Define List Row).

6 The list row is to consist of the Dimensions and 7 (Quantity)
cells (see illustration below). Enclose these two cells in a selection
rectangle and enter the line feed in the dialog line: 4 mm.
Press ENTER to confirm.
This defines the list row.
You can immediately recognize definitions you have made as the
text displayed in the relevant data entry boxes changes from No
to Yes.
7 Click Total on the Context toolbar and select cell no. 8 you
defined using the TOTAL(COLUMN7) formula. This cell calculates
the total room area by adding up all the partial areas of a room.

aera .traP

latoT aera mooR

m 00.7


noitaluclaC noitcnuF
... snoisnemiD
wor tsiL

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

8 Now you have defined all the elements you require in sub-list 3.
Select, Head, SubTl and SubLs are not included in this list. Click
Lock to save the sub-list.

Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

9 Enter Sub-list for the subfolder and Sub-list 3 for the name.

.sepyt aera rof etubirtta y c n a p u c c O eht desu evah ew :rebmemeR

.sepyt aera no noitamrofni edivorp ot si 2 tsil
-buS .yhcrareih eht ni level rehgih txen eht no era setubirtta 5-1txeT ehT


To define sub-list 2

1 The
Define List/Schedule tool is still active.
Select the SubList Architecture list type.

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


2 Click Row.
The list row is to consist of the Occupancy, Name and Function
cells (see illustration below). Here, too, enter 4 for the line feed.
Press ENTER to confirm.
3 As opposed to the final total, the Sub-total allows you to add up
the contents of different columns.
Select Sub Tl (Define Sub-Total) and click cell 9
Enter number of columns of list row to check
Enter 1 to add up the area types. Press ENTER to confirm.

latot-buS )K(
wor tsiL )J(
:2 tsil-buS

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

4 Now we need to integrate sub-list 3 in sub-list 2.

Click Sub Ls and select Sub-list 3.
5 You do not need to make more entries. Select, Head, Total are not
included. Select Lock.
6 Place sub-list 3 in the list row between Function and the
sub-total (Area type tot. column).


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

7 Save Sub-list 2 in the Sub-list subfolder.

Allplan 2006

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


Sub-list 1, which is on the same hierarchic level as sub-list 2, also

looks for room attributes.

Main list
Sub-list 1

Sub-list 2
Sub-list 3

To define sub-list 1
1 The
Define List/Schedule tool is still active.
Select the Architecture list type.
2 The Row consists of a single cell. Click the Text1 cell.
3 The line feed is 4 mm. Press ENTER to confirm.
4 Select Sub Tl and click cell no. 10 (Occup. total). This way, we
can check column 1 (Occupancy).
Enter number of columns of list row to check
Here, too, enter 1 and press ENTER to confirm.

latot-buS )M(
wor tsiL )L(
:1 tsil-buS

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

5 Select Sub Ls and integrate sub-list 2.


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

6 The Select, Head and Total functions are not included.

Click Lock and place sub-list 2 in the list row between Text1 and
the sub-total (Occup. total column).

7 Save Sub-list 1 in the Sub-list subfolder.

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


Integrating the main list

.tsil niam eht rof airetirc noitceles p u o r g m o o R

eht enifed ot deen uoy ,stnenopmoc rehto yna edulcni ton seod eludehcs
eht taht erus ekam oT .elpmaxe ruo ni puorg moor eht si sihT .yhcrareih
eht ni level tsomreppu eht si hcihw , ,tsil niam eht enifed lliw ew ,yllaniF

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

To define the main list

1 The
Define List/Schedule tool is still active.
The list type is set to Architecture.
2 Click Select.
3 The Filter Architectural Elements dialog box appears.
Click Object= and select Group of rooms in the Architecture
Object area.


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

The selection criterion looks like this:

4 Click OK to confirm the selection. The Select tool is set to Yes.

Tip: Should you make an
to delete the
error, use

5 Click Head.
6 As the list head is to appear on each page of the schedule, you
need to define it in the main list. Use the
Brackets tool
(Filter Assistant toolbar) to select all the elements of the schedule
header (inner and outer border, text, column lines, legend, cells of
the schedule header). These elements are displayed in red in the
illustration below. Make sure that the Name cell is not integrated
in the schedule header.
When you have finished defining the schedule header, the Head
data entry box changes to Yes.

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules

redaeh eludehcs eht fo stnemelE

7 Click Row.

8 The name of the story is to be displayed. As this is a dynamic

entry, the Name cell is defined as a list row. Click Name.

latot-buS )O(
wor tsiL )N(
:tsil niaM

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

9 After you have selected the Name cell, the program will prompt
you for the Line feed in the dialog line. Click the bottom of the
list with the crosshairs. This way, the program uses a new page
whenever the room group changes. After you have defined the
line feed, Yes is displayed in the Row field.
10 Finally, define the sub-total. Click Sub Tl and select cell no. 11
(Story area). Enter 1 in the dialog line.
11 Click Sub Ls and select Sub-list 1.
12 Click Lock.
13 Place sub-list 1 in the list row of the main list.


ehc l fz tuN

ehc l fsrhekreV

ehc l fsno i tknuF ehcs inhceT


Tip: When you have finished

integrating the sub-lists, you
can delete them or use them
for subsequent

14 As this list is a floor space schedule, it is important that you

select file 64.
15 Enter Floor space for the subfolder and Sample list for the name.
This completes the definition.

2 Select the Office path and click OK.

1 The

List Generator module is still active.

Modify List/Schedule.

To change the format of a cell

.metsys eht yb denifederp si llec siht fo tamrof eht ,revewoH

.llec tupni na osla si llec y b d e t a e r C ehT .dezylana neeb sah atad eht
retfa wodniw tuptuo eht ni llec siht ni txet retne nac uoy taht os llec tupni
na ot detrevnoc eb ot sdeen dnaherofeb denifed llec txet lanoitiddA ehT
Changing formats of cells

.elif siht sessecca loot noitaluclaC aerA

eht sa 46 elif ni devas eb syawla tsum seludehcs ecaps roolF

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

3 Scroll down to file 64 Floor space, select Sample list and click
OK to confirm.
4 Click Info on the Context toolbar.
5 Select the Additional text cell.
6 Check the List Entry box in the List Cell Properties dialog box.
Click OK to confirm.
List entry = different text can be entered on each page of the
Insert entry on every page = the text entered on the first
page appears on each page of the list.

7 Finish modifying the cell and save the list.

.delbasid tfel si weiV ,oot ,ereH

.delbasid tfel si weiV ,oot ,ereH
.eman moor eht rof delbasid eb ot sdeen noitcnuf weiV ehT
.seY ot noitcnuf weiV eht tes ot deen uoy ,yrotcerid
tluafed eht ni etubirtta emaN eht etavitca nac uoy erofeB

eman mooR
eman puorG

:swollof sa desu eb nac noitpo

weiV ehT .mooR si eludehcs siht fo )noitcnuf tceleS( noiretirc noitceles
ehT .smoor eseht fo seman puorg eht dna smoor sedulcni taht eludehcs
a etaerc ot tnaw uoy ,elpmaxe roF .yhcrareih 6002 nalpllA eht ni level
eno pu uoy sekat noitpo weiV ehT .xob golaid seitreporP lleC tsiL
eht ni ro loot lleC enifeD eht ni dedivorp si noitpo w e i V e h T

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

The View setting

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Task 5: testing schedule

.tinu siht fo gninnigeb eht ta detaerc uoy nalp roolf eht
ezylana dna etaulave ot ti esu won nac uoy dna dehsinif si eludehcs ehT
To output the schedule
1 Select the drawing file with the floor plan.
2 Click
in the

Area Calculation, Application (Rooms or Create flyout

Quantity Takeoff: Rooms, Surfaces, Stories module).

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


3 Select file 64 Floor space in the Office folder and click Sample
4 Click OK to confirm.
5 Select the entire floor plan using a selection rectangle. The list is
displayed in a separate window on screen.


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

6 Click the Additional text attribute in the list head and enter text
as you require.
7 Allplan 2006 provides several options for outputting schedules:

.tuptuo eludehcs
rof tnatropmi toN .swodniw tuptuo eht fo sretemarap eht segnahC
kaerb egap eht senifedeR
retal deef enil eht seifidoM
noiretirc noitceles eht segnahC
epyt tsil eht segnahC

deeF L
pyT sL

.yrassecen fi ,snoiger laudividni

eht yfidom dna kcehc ot loot eludehcS/tsiL yfidoM eht esu nac uoY
kaerb egaP
tceleS kcehC
epyt tsil tcerrocnI
ylevitucesnoc derebmun ton era sllec ehT
toliPtcejorP ro r e g a n a M t s i L gnisu elif tcerroc eht
otni eludehcs/tsil eht ypoC .46 elif ni devas ton saw eludehcs/tsil ehT
:snosaer lareves evah nac siht ,krow ton seod eludehcs/tsil a fI

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


sllec fo tnemngila eht segnahC

sllec ot tnaveler atad eht lla seifidoM

srebmun llec eht setadpu dna sllec seteleD

txet dna senil ,scihparg ,salumrof ,setubirtta stresnI
yalpsid cihparg eht seifidoM

- lleC
+ lleC



Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


Task 6: changing line feed later

.01 ot 1 tsil-bus ni deef
enil eht tes si od ot deen uoy llA .segnahc epyt ycnapucco eht revenehw
detresni si enil ytpme na taht os tsil eht yfidom ot tnaw ew woN
.stsil-bus eht rof deef enil emas eht deretne
uoy sa sepyt ycnapucco laudividni eht neewteb senil knalb on era erehT
To modify the line feed later
If you do not want to modify the finished schedule, you can use
List Manager tool (Create flyout in the List Generator
module) to copy the list.
1 Select

Modify List/Schedule (Modify flyout).

2 Select the Office path and click OK.

3 Scroll down to file 64 Floor space, select Sample list and click
OK to confirm.
Three small windows with the sub-lists and a large window with
the main list are displayed on screen. If you cannot see the
window with sub-list 3, it may be because it is hidden by the
other windows. Just move them to the side.


Exercise 4: Creating a New Schedule

Allplan 2006

4 Select the window with sub-list 1 (this is where the Occupancy

types are defined).
5 Click L Feed (Line Feed) on the Context toolbar.

6 Click Dimensions in the window with sub-list 1and enter the

new value for the line feed in the dialog line: 10.
This value only applies for the two cells of sub-list 1.
7 Finish modifying the line feed and save the list.
If you want, you can now test the schedule as described in task 5.

.semit elpitlum elbat eht ypoc

,siht od uoy erofeB .woleb elbat eht ni noitamrofni siht retnE .deyalpsid
si dekcilc llec eht no noitamrofni eht lla gniwohs xob golaid A .llec
tsil hcae kcilc dna ofnI tceleS .eludehcs tsil elpmaS eht etavitca ot ecaps
roolF eciffO kcilc dna loot eludehcS/tsiL yfidoM eht tceleS
.reisae tol a snoitinifed wen dna snoitacifidom ,gnitoohselbuort
sekam sihT .seludehcs/stsil wen rof gol a etaerc ot elbasivda si tI

Schedule log
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


.seno gnitsixe no desab seludehcs/stsil wen etaerc nac uoY

More Options for Generating Lists/Schedules



lla ssorcA
yrtne tsiL
seirtne resU

tamrof tuptuO
:epyt tsiL
:rebmun lleC
:noiger tsiL
:noitpircsed lleC

yrtne tsiL

lla ssorcA
yrtne tsiL
seirtne resU


tamrof tuptuO
:epyt tsiL
:rebmun lleC
:noiger tsiL
:noitpircsed lleC

yrtne tsiL

:eludehcs fo noitcnuF
Schedule name: __________________________

More Options for Generating Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

2 Click Border on the Context toolbar.

1 Click

Define Cell (Create flyout).

To create a border

:spets gniwollof eht sevlovni redrob retuo na gnitaerC .nigram

a edulcni ton seod tuotnirp eht ,esiwrehtO .tuotnirp tneuqesbus a rof
yrassecen si redrob siht ,revewoH .)tamrof enil noitcurtsnoc ni( redrob
retuo na evah ton seod elif gniward eht ni decalp evah uoy tsil ehT
Note: If the schedule contains sub-lists, they need to be placed
4 Select Write to File, click OK and place the list in the workspace.
3 Select a list that contains cells you require for the new list and
press ESC.
2 Click

Modify List/Schedule (Modify flyout).

1 Switch to the

List Generator module.

To place a list in a drawing file

.eludehcs wen a rof eludehcs gnitsixe na fo strap

esu ot elbissop osla si tI .eludehcs/tsil wen a rof sisab eht sa desu eb
nac eludehcs/tsil motsuc ro tluafed tsil gnitsixe na ,rehtaR .stnemele
tsil eht lla ecalp dna enifed dna hctarcs morf trats ot deen ton od uoY
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


More Options for Generating Lists/Schedules

Allplan 2006

3 Portrait/Landscape 0/1.
Select the format.
4 The border is attached to the crosshairs. Place it to the right of the
existing list.
5 You only need the outer boundary lines (in construction line
format) to simulate the paper size. Click
Move (Edit flyout).
6 Select the outer border and move it from the bottom left corner of
the inner border to the inner border of the existing list.

Delete the inner border which is no longer required.

8 Now you can edit the cells and define a new list as described in
this unit.

:pleH enilno eht ni dedivorp era "seludehcs

yfidom dna etaerc ot woh gniwohs selpmaxe pets-yb-petS" eroM


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


Saving Lists/Schedules and Smart Symbols

evas ot woh swohs retpahc sihT .sresu 6002 nalpllA rehto ot
devas evah uoy atad eht refsnart ot noitacilppa secivreS eht ni dedivorp
snoitpo eht dna reffub atad lanretxe eht esu nac uoY .seludehcs/stsil
rof sa emas eht si redlof yna ni slobmys trams gnivas rof erudecorp ehT

Tip: If you are working in a

network, contact your system

.elif eludehcs/tsil
a ro golatac lobmys trams a sniatnoc htap noitanitsed eht
nehw seludehcs/stsil ro slobmys trams laudividni ypoc ylno nac uoY
To save and transfer a list/schedule file
1 Start ProjectPilot (File menu).
Tip: You can also use the
List Manager tool in the
List Generator module to
copy lists/schedules to the
external path.

2 In the Projects and Folders window, click Path to external data

buffer with the right mouse button and, on the shortcut menu,
choose Path to external data buffer....

3 Check the setting and select the desired destination folder, if



Saving Lists/Schedules and Smart Symbols

Allplan 2006

4 Double-click the Office folder and then the Lists/Schedules


5 Click the Floor Space file with the right mouse button and, on the
shortcut menu, select Copy to....

6 Set the destination path in the dialog box and click OK.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 3: Custom Lists/Schedules


The file is saved in the External data buffer; the program

automatically creates two files: zli000.eng (administration file
for lists/schedules) and zli064.eng (list/schedule file).
7 Start the Services application and select Back up Data from
...\Extern on the File menu. Now you can save the list/schedule
files as one or more uncompressed, compressed or selfdecompressing files in any folder, copy these files to a storage
medium or append them to an email and transfer them to a
partner office.


Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 4: Exporting Data to Excel and Re-importing Data into Allplan


Unit 4: Exporting Data to

Excel and Re-importing
Data into Allplan
You can use the Object Manager module to analyze
information and attributes of components in active drawing
files using specific lists/schedules and transfer the results to
Microsoft Excel.
You can then edit the Allplan 2006 data in Excel.
In addition, this data can serve as the basis for
custom-designed lists/schedules. For this, Excel provides
special template files. This way, you can ensure that the
lists/schedules in your office have a uniform appearance.
When you re-import the lists/schedules into Allplan 2006,
any changes made in Excel are automatically updated.
This chapter shows how to
Use the Object Manager module to export Allplan data to
Microsoft Excel
Modify data in Microsoft Excel
Import the modified data into Allplan and update it

.selif etalpmet lecxE gnitaerc no noitamrofni

deliated rof noitatnemucod tfosorciM eht tlusnoc esaelP .lecxE
ni atad nalpllA gnitide rof hcaorppa eht etartsulli ot elpmaxe na si woleB
!uoy pleh ot dalg era eW .ecnatsissa yna deen uoy fi
ro snoitseuq yna evah uoy fi eciffo selas kehcstemeN ruoy tcatnoc esaelP
.seludehcs dna stsil gningised fo ssecorp eht gnitatilicaf selif etalpmet
esu-rof-ydaer dna sloot laiceps esahcrup osla nac uoy ,tnaw uoy fI
.stsil lecxE erom rof sisab a sa evres nac 6002 nalpllA
morf atad eht ,lecxE yb dedivorp selif etalpmet laiceps htiw noitcnujnoc
nI .sdeen ruoy tius ot lecxE ni atad eht tide nac uoy ,tnaw uoy fI
.nalpllA morf
thgiarts detavitca eb nac hcihw , flesruoy depoleved uoy snoitacilppa
ot ro lecxE tfosorciM ekil smargorp lanretxe ot derrefsnart eb neht nac
atad sihT .stsil laiceps gnisu selif gniward evitca ni stcejbo fo setubirtta
dna noitamrofni eht tuptuo dna etaulave ot eludom reganaM tcejbO
eht ni loot a t a D r e g a n a M t c e j b O t r o p x E eht esu nac uoY
.sesylana ni dedulcni era setubirtta
gnitsixe ylno ,ylppa uoy eludehcs/tsil revehcihW .ylticilpxe tnenopmoc
hcae ot dengissa eb ot deen setubirtta lanoitiddA .atad cirtemoeg
rehto dna snoisnemid steg yllacitamotua ti ,deretne si tnenopmoc a nehW


Exercise 5: Exporting and Importing Data

using Object Manager

Exercise 5: Exporting and Importing Data using Object Manager

Allplan 2006

edam evah
uoy segnahc yna tcelfer ot yllacitamotua etadpu selif sgniward ehT
nalpllA ot lecxE SM ni deifidom
evah uoy tsil eht tropmi ot ataD reganaM tcejbO tropmI esU
edom tide ro tnerruc ot detropxe
evah uoy atad eht gniniatnoc selif gniward eht tes dna nalpllA tratS
tsil evas dna stnetnoc egnahC stsil lecxE rehto ot atad ypoC :lecxE ni tsil eht tidE
)yllacitamotua enod ton si siht fi( lecxE ni tsil detropxe eht nepO
)cax.*( atad eht tropxe ot ataD reganaM tcejbO tropxE esU
edom tide ro tnerruc
ot tropxe ot tnaw uoy atad eht gniniatnoc selif gniward eht teS

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Exporting and importing data using Object Manager,

important steps
Unit 4: Exporting Data to Excel and Re-importing Data into Allplan



Exercise 5: Exporting and Importing Data using Object Manager

Allplan 2006

Task 1: exporting data from Object Manager

To export attribute data from Object Manager
Open a drawing file containing elements with attributes. For
example, you can select the drawing file with the smart furniture
1 Open the
2 Click

Object Manager module (Bonus Tools family).

Export Object Manager Data.

3 Enter a name and path for the file you want to create and click
Save to confirm.
4 Click
Settings (provided in the Input Options). Select a
suitable schedule (General Object Attributes, for example) and
specify the program that is to start automatically following export
(usually Excel).

5 Select the elements to be included in the list.

The list of Allplan elements is created and displayed in Microsoft
Excel, which starts automatically.

2 Use the individual lines to specify where the pieces of furniture

are to be placed. The X_coordinate and Y_coordinate columns
provide additional support.
1 Select the next available column in the Excel list and enter Text5
in the schedule header.

To insert new columns in the Excel list

.)seludehcS tluafeD :2 tinU ees ;etubirtta ecirP eht htiw sa emas eht
si hcaorppa eht( etubirtta ecruoS eht dda dna eludehcs tluafed a yfidom
ro eludehcs motsuc a etaerc ot deen uoY .detsil ton si ti ,seitreporp
slobmys trams eht ni deyalpsid si etubirtta ecruoS eht hguohtlA
.deredro ro dereviled neeb
sah ti rehtehw ,kcots ni si erutinruf fo eceip tnaveler eht rehtehw yficeps
ot nmuloc siht esu nac uoY .e c r u o S eltit eht nevig si nmuloc rehto ehT
.snoitaulave dna sesylana
tneuqesbus rof segnahc yna ekam ot deen ton od uoy ,)elif s e r u t x i F(
eludehcs tluafed erutinruF eht ni stsixe ydaerla etubirtta 5txeT eht sA
.decalp era erutinruf fo seceip eht erehw yficeps ot
desu eb lliw dna )etubirtta dradnats( 5txeT eltit eht nevig si nmuloc enO
:tsil erutinruf eciffo eht ot snmuloc wen owt dda ot si pets txen ehT

Example: office furniture list

.setubirtta denifed-resu wen yb desopmi stnemeriuqer

eht teem ot seludehcs/stsil nalpllA eht tpada ot yrassecen eb yam tI
tluafed gnisu snoitaulave dna sesylana tneuqesbus rof setubirtta
denifed-resu gnitsixe htiw snmuloc ot atad dda osla nac uoY
.etubirtta tnaveler eht fo scitsiretcarahc eht enifed nmuloc eht ni
seirtne eht dna etubirtta denifed-resu eht si daeh nmuloc ehT .)tamrof
txet( setubirtta denifed-resu wen sa deterpretni era snmuloc weN
.deifidom eb tonnac atad cirtemoeG
.tsil eht detropmi-er evah uoy retfa stnemele nalpllA
tnaveler eht ot deilppa era tsil lecxE eht ni ekam uoy segnahc ynA

:lecxE ni dessecorp rehtruf eb nac tsil detropxe ehT

Task 2: editing data in Excel

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 4: Exporting Data to Excel and Re-importing Data into Allplan


Exercise 5: Exporting and Importing Data using Object Manager

Allplan 2006

3 Select the next available column in the Excel list and enter
Source in the schedule header.
4 Enter information on the source of the furniture in the individual
lines of the column. For example, you can enter the storage room
or the delivery or order date.

5 When you have finished making entries, save the list in Excel.
You can enter any name and path for the list.

.selif etalpmet lecxE gnitaerc

no noitamrofni rof noitatnemucod tfosorciM eht tlusnoc esaelP .stsil
lecxE erom rof sisab a sa atad 6002 nalpllA eht esu nac uoy ,lecxE SM
yb dedivorp selif etalpmet laiceps htiw noitcnujnoc nI :etoN


Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 4: Exporting Data to Excel and Re-importing Data into Allplan


Task 3: importing modified data into Allplan

To import lists modified in Excel and check changes
Make sure that the drawing file containing the elements with the
attributes you have exported using
Export Object Manager
Data is current or open in edit mode.
1 Click

Import Object Manager Data.

2 Select the desired list and click Open.

The list is imported and the new attributes are assigned to the
pieces of furniture.
3 Check the attributes. Click a smart symbol with the right mouse
button. The shortcut menu is displayed. Click Properties and
select Attributes.
The attributes you assigned to the Excel list are included.


Tip: If you want to include

the Source attribute, you
need to modify the Furniture
schedule and add this
attribute (see Unit 2: Default
Schedules, Exercise 3:
Modifying Schedules).

Allplan 2006

4 Click
Lists/Schedules and select the Furniture schedule in the
Fixtures file. This schedule only analyzes the Text5 attribute.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


Unit 5: Smart Fit

The Smart Fit module allows you to generate your own
intelligent placement algorithms for a variety of different
design tasks - for example, tiling, suspended ceilings,
facades etc.
Allplan provides a number of different placement rules you
can use to automatically place individual elements or entire
patterns. These rules can be saved and retrieved when
The elements placed can be output in list format.

tnemele evitaroced htiw etinarg fo edam nrettap gnirevoc roolF

tiF tramS
t c e l e s ,r o t a g i v a N D A C

eht nI

Exercise 6: smart fit


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

.eludom tfarD
eht ni sloot eht gnisu ecnavda ni tnemele siht ward dluohs uoY
.mc 03 x 03 fo elit erauqs ,elpmis a esu lliw ew ,elpmaxe siht nI
.golatac lobmys erutcetihcrA
D2 eht ni dedulcni era )CW dna rewohs ,nisab-hsaw( desu slobmys ehT
.sloot r o o D
dna w o d n i W
,l l a W
eht gnisu )woleb nwohs( moorhtab llams a fo nalp roolf eht warD .nalp
roolf elbatius a eriuqer uoy ,eludom tiF tramS eht ni sloot eht tset oT

Task 1: preparations
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


.eciohc ruoy fo eman a rednu ti evas dna ecno tsuj

elur a enifed nac uoy ,niaga dna niaga selur emas eht gniretne diova oT
.syaw tnereffid ni decalp eb nac ,elpmaxe rof ,enots lanogaxeh A
.selur tnemecalp evas dna enifed nac uoy ,bat e l p m a S eht nO
.snrettap rof dilav osla era
stnemele rof snoitpo gnicalp eht llA .elbanifed-resu ylluf si denibmoc
era stnemele eht hcihw ni rennam ehT .snrettap ekam ot denifed
ydaerla evah uoy taht stnemele enibmoc nac uoy ,bat nrettaP eht nO
.setubirtta ngissa dna stnemele eht rof sgnittes retne ,tif dna

ecalp ot tnaw uoy stnemele eht etaerc nac uoy ,bat tnemelE eht nO
d n a n r e t t a P ,t n e m e l E : s b a t e e r h t s a h x o b g o l a i d s i h T . x o b g o l a i d
tiF tramS eht ni deretne si loot tiF rof stnemelE enifeD eht rof ataD
tiF rof stnemelE enifeD

Task 2: element, pattern, sample


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

1 Click

Define Elements for Fit (Create flyout).

The square tile of 30 x 30 cm, which you have already drawn, is

displayed in the current drawing file.

To define elements for fit

.xob golaid eht

fo trap mottob eht ni deyalpsid si devas si tnemele eht erehw htap ehT
.stnemele nwo
ruoy etaerc uoy nehw denialpxe si setubirtta gningissa rof hcaorppa ehT
.elbaliavanu si noitpo siht ,yltneuqesnoC
.deifidom eb tonnac redlof tluafed eht ni stnemele ,revewoH .seludehcs
dna stsil gnisu detaulave dna dezylana eb nac stnemele dettif dna
decalp ,noitidda nI .aera setubirttA eht ni edom noitatupmoc ro ecirp
,rebmun meti ,rerutcafunam ekil setubirtta dengissa eb nac stnemele ehT

Tip: The Default folder

contains the data provided
with the program.
You can only select elements
here. You cannot alter them,
save them or delete them.

.elit a rof ekam nac uoy sgnittes eht swohs xob golaid gniwollof
ehT .elbissop era stnemecalp elgnis sa llew sa noiger yb stnemecalP
.snoitidnoc tnemecalp dna setubirtta suoirav dengissa eb nac tnemele nA
.elpmaxe rof ,erianimul ni-tliub a ro lenap
a ,elit a eb nac sihT .tnemele eht si tnemecalp a fo tnenopmoc cisab ehT
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit



Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

2 To define your own elements, click Select... and enter a new path.
Select Office, click
and enter a name for the new

3 Click OK to confirm. Now you can enter elements in the Smart

Fit dialog box: Click
and enter a name for the new

The dialog box closes so that you can define the new Tile_A".
Note: When you define elements for fit, they are assigned the
properties that are currently set on the Format toolbar. You

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


should therefore check the settings on the Format toolbar before

you define new elements.
4 Now enter the outline of the tile you have already prepared.
Activate the
Outline Auto-Detect tool in the dialog line and
then click within the tile (1).
Define the symbols base point: click the bottom left corner (2).

5 To define whether and how elements intersect, click the

Intersection... button.


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

You can use the settings in the Properties area to specify whether
an element can be intersected or not. Select the Cannot be
intersected property if the element is one that cannot be
intersected (e.g. light outlet, decorative tile).
You can also select a method of intersection and define the
intersection line. If Intersection line is not set to Can be
intersected anywhere, you need to enter additional information
about the element. For example, you need to define the position
of a reference line.
6 Click the Attributes... button and enter additional attributes for
the tile in the dialog box:

You have now defined the element. The next step is to place and
fit this element in a region. The
Define Elements for Fit tool
stays open.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


Placing elements by region

To place and fit an element in a region

Define Elements for Fit tool is still open.

1 In the Mode area, select the Fill region with element, pattern or
sample option.
2 The program will now prompt for the placement region.
Use the polyline input tools to define this region: enter the
outline polygon by clicking the corners of the region where the
tiles are to be placed and fitted.
You can create areas composed of any number of areas by
clicking Multi in the Input Options and then using Plus and
Minus to define whether the area is to be added or subtracted
from the overall area.

3 Press ESC to finish entering the placement regions.

The outline entered is highlighted in color and the selected
element is attached to the crosshairs.
4 If you want to enter an angle, click Ang in the Input Options.
The button changes to a question mark. Place the element and
enter an angle in the dialog line. Leave the angle as it is in this

To modify the drop-in point, click the relevant icon in the Input
Options. Select the midpoint of the bottom line as the drop-in
point as shown above.


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

5 Set the symbols base point

Place the element anywhere within the polyline (1). The exact
position is defined later.
First base point
This is the point at which the element is gripped. Click the
bottom left corner of the element (2).
First direction point
This is the destination point for the copy operation. Click the top
left corner of the element (3). This defines the first axis for the
placement and the element is copied twice.
6 The next step involves defining the second axis.
Enter the Second base point (4) and the Second direction point (5).

7 The element is copied nine times and the result is attached to the
crosshairs. Click the base point to place it (6) (see below).
The program automatically places and fits the element in the
region you have specified (see floor plan on the right).
Here, placement starts at the door strip and at the axis.
This placement rule is relatively simple as the element is placed
exactly in the x and y direction. Of course, other placement rules
can also be applied. For example, you can place and fit elements
based on the diagonal.

3 tnairaV

2 tnairaV

1 tnairaV

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit

Tip: You can use

Placement Contents to adjust
placed and fitted elements to
the outline of a region.

eht dna lobmys eht rof tniop esab tnereffid a sesu tnairav hcaE
.syaw tnereffid
ni moor emas eht ni decalp si tnemele emas eht ,woleb selpmaxe
eht nI .stnairav gnitset rof lufesu ylralucitrap si eludom tiF tramS ehT


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

Placement rules

.eciohc ruoy fo eman a rednu ti evas dna ecno tsuj

elur a enifed nac uoy ,niaga dna niaga selur emas eht gniretne diova oT
!noiger yb snoitarepo
tnemecalp htiw noitcennoc ni desu eb ylno yam selur tnemecalP


To define and save a placement rule


Define Elements for Fit tool is still open.

1 Select the Sample tab.

To define and save a new rule, check the path displayed in the
lower part of the dialog box and change it, if necessary, using the
Select... button. Click
and enter a name for the placement
2 Define the placement rule as described in the previous section:
Select an element or pattern with which the placement rule is to
be generated. Place the element or pattern in the workspace.

1 Click

Define Elements for Fit (Create flyout).

To define a pattern

:siht ekil kool dluohs tluser ehT

You have already drawn the star and the two strips using the
tools in the Draft module.

Getting ready

.)retpahc siht fo gninnigeb eht ta debircsed sa( setubirtta dna snoitidnoc

noitcesretni gnidulcni stnemele laudividni sa denifed era spirts ehT
.spirts eseht etareneg ot desu si ,eciwt derorrim si hcihw ,tnemele cisab A
.edis rehtie no spirts owt eht dna flesti rats eht :stnemele eerht fo stsisnoc
hcihw ,woleb nwohs rats eht gnitaerc sevlovni elpmaxe gniwollof ehT
.noiger yb ro eno yb eno decalp eb
nac snrettap ,stnemele ekiL .stnemele erom ro eno fo stsisnoc nrettap A

.noitseuq ni elur eht enifed ot desu

saw taht tnemele eht htiw detaicossa syawla si elur tnemecalp A

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

4 Define the second base point and the second direction point.
Press ESC to quit the tool.
3 Enter the first base point of the region. This is the start point of
the first vector with which the element is to be copied. Enter the
first direction point. The element is copied three times using the
first vector.
Unit 5: Smart Fit



Tip: You can use

to remove elements, patterns
or samples from the catalog.

Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

2 Select the Pattern tab and enter a name for the new pattern. The
path setting is the same as for elements (see section entitled To
define elements for fit).
Confirm the name and select an element presented in the dialog

3 Select the star and place it in the workspace. Press ESC. The
dialog box for selecting elements is displayed again.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


4 Now place the first strip. Position this element as shown below.
Then place the second strip. Press ESC to finish.

Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

Placing elements one by one

.loot s t n e m e l E
decalP htiw noigeR yfidoM eht gnisu tnemecalp gnitsixe na ni
detargetni eb ot si detaerc tsuj uoy nrettap eht ,revewoh ,elpmaxe siht nI
.nepo llits si loot tiF rof stnemelE enifeD
eht dedivorp pets emas eht ni nrettap eht ecalp neve nac uoY
.pets elgnis a ni nrettap a htiw
tnemecalp cisab a etaicossa ot elur tnemecalp ro tnemele na esu nac uoY


To place elements one by one

1 Open the drawing file with the floor plan of the bathroom in
which you placed the tile (variant 3).
2 Click

Modify Region with Placed Ele. (Change flyout).

3 If you want, you can now change the geometry of the placement
region. In this example, leave it as it is and press ESC.
The Smart Fit dialog box is displayed.
4 Open the Pattern tab and select the new pattern you just defined.
In this example, the pattern is to be placed just once. Activate
Place elements and patterns individually in region in the Mode

5 Click OK to confirm. The floor plan is displayed again. The

outline of the pattern is attached to the crosshairs. Place the
pattern in the middle of the bathroom.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


Placing a single element makes a hole within the region that is

filled by the element. Any regional placements you have made
are re-calculated and the polyline is intersected by all the single

.dettif-er dna detaluclac

-er yllacitamotua era noiger deifidom eht ni stnemele ehT .snoiger
eziser dna tcartbus ,dda nac uoY .yfidom ot tnaw uoy noiger eht tceleS

.elE decalP htiw noigeR yfidoM

.decalp dna dettif ydaerla evah uoy stnemele yfidom ylisae dna
ylkciuq nac uoy taht laitnesse si ti ,yltneuqesnoC .sgniliec ro gnirevoc
roolf gningised ot semoc ti nehw elor tnatropmi na yalp stnairaV
Modifying placed and fitted elements

Task 3: modification and output


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006

.yletarapes enilylop hcae tide neht

nac uoY .senilylop otni devloser era stnemele laudividni ehT .tnemecalp
a fo snoitpo dna setubirtta eht lla knilnu ot loot siht esu nac uoY

tnemecalP edolpxE

.etadpu eht retfa etucexe ot yrassecen eb yam tI

.detadpu dna detaluclac
-er yllacitamotua si noiger niam eht dna deteled yletaidemmi si dekcilc
tnemele ehT .elpmaxe rof ,noiger a morf tnemele elgnis a gnivomer
rof elbatius ylralucitrap si sihT .noiger a fo trap a eteled osla nac uoY

noigeR fo traP eteleD

.hctarcs morf stnemele eht ecalp ot gnivah

diova nac uoy ,yaw sihT .elpmaxe rof ,noiger gnicalp eht fo seiradnuob
eht ot meht tif ot noiger a ni decalp stnemele eht evom osla nac uoY

stnetnoC tnemecalP evoM

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit


Exercise 6: smart fit

Allplan 2006


tropeR tnemelE decalP

tnemele eht lla no noitamrofni ciremun dna cihparg sedulcni troper
sihT .tsil a fo mrof eht ni tuptuo eb nac stnemele dettif dna decalp ehT


To create a report
1 Click

Placed Element Report (Create flyout).

2 Select the folder, subfolder and a list.

3 Select the elements to be included in the report and click the right
mouse button to confirm.
4 When the report is displayed, click
to place the report in the
drawing file. You can also print the report, save it as an ASCII or
Excel file or copy it to the Windows Clipboard using

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Unit 5: Smart Fit



Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


Appendix 1: More About

Smart Symbols
Smart symbols were covered in Unit 1.
Using a mobile exhibition wall as an example, this chapter
provides you with advanced information on smart symbols.
You can deepen your knowledge in this field by working
through this example.
Start by defining the outline of the smart wall symbol using
several foils for each scale range. The next step is to create
an attribute form and assign it to the smart symbol. Finally,
you evaluate and analyze the smart symbols placed using
lists and schedules.
This appendix is provided so that you can reproduce what
you have learnt. Consequently, the following descriptions
serve as a guideline and do not consist of step-by-step


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall

as a Smart Symbol

srengised roiretni ,stcetihcrA

rentraP & rebuhdimhcS
ngised raludom fo noititrap dna lenap retsoP

.elbairav si llaw eht fo htdiw eht

,revoeroM .segnahc thgieh eht nehw tpada yllacitamotua strap eseht taht
os denifed si lobmys trams ehT .thgieh ni elbatsujda era strap reppu ehT

:siht ekil kool thgim tluser ehT .ecaps yalpsid eht sa sevres draob
nedoow a dna ,gniliec eht ot roolf eht morf sehcterts llaw noitibihxe ehT
.slobmys trams gninifed rof hcaorppa cisab eht fo noititeper a edivorp
segap gniwollof eht ,elpmaxe na sa llaw noitibihxe elibom a gnisU
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


eht stneserper xob reppu eht dna ,llaw elibom eht fo trap mottob dexif
eht sesolcne xob rewol ehT .rehtona eno fo pot no sexob owt ngiseD
.gnissim llits si taht tnemele D3 eht fo snoisnemid
mumixam eht gnisu tfel eht no weiv cirtemosi ni nwohs sa emarf
retuo siht warD .D3 ni yalpsid eht rof emarf D3 yraropmet a etaerC

.D3 ni dna selacs tnereffid

eerht ta deyalpsid eb ot si lobmys trams eht woh gniyficeps sevlovni
taht pets txen eht ni snoitatneserper tnereffid ruof eht rof sngised
eht etaerc nac uoy taht os semit eerht senil eseht ypoC .senil noitcurtsnoc
sa llaw elibom eht fo snoisnemid mumixam ,retuo eht gnitaerc yb tratS
.selacs tnereffid ta tnemele eht gniward sevlovni pets tsrif ehT

Tip: You can use the tools in

the Draft module to create
the 2D outlines, which consist
of simple lines. The boxes that
make up the 3D design can be
generated using the Box tool
in the 3D Modeling module.

Task 1: preparations
retteb a teg uoy taht os serutcurts elpmis sesu ,revewoh ,ediug sihT .uoy
ot pu yleritne si lobmys trams elpmis ro xelpmoc a ngised uoy rehtehW
mm 02 x 058 x 008,2
:trap lartneC
mm 001 x 050,1 x 006,3 :snoisnemid llarevO
:)htped x htdiw x thgieh( snoisnemid gniwollof eht sah llaw ehT


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

.tniop siht ot evitaler nwohs

si liof eht ,tes elacs ecnerefer eht no gnidnepeD .tneurgnoc era eht yeht
taht os denifed era sliof lobmys trams suoirav eht fo stniop ecnerefer ehT

.eniltuo tnecajda eht no decalp si emarf sihT

D3 ni emarf yraropmeT

.liated retaerg ni deyalpsid eb ot si ti ,94:1 ot 0:1

fo egnar ta saerehw eniltuo erem
a sa deyalpsid eb ot si lobmys trams eht ,99:1 ot 94:1 fo egnar elacs a ta
,elpmaxe roF .dedulcni era selacs ecnerefer elbissop lla taht serusne sihT
.noitatneserper hcae rof denifed si egnar elacs A .selacs tnereffid rof llaw
elibom eht fo snoitatneserper ward dna senil noitcurtsnoc eht ekat woN
.lobmys trams eht fo gniward cisab
eht si hcihw ,eniltuo D2 mottob eht no emarf D3 yraropmet siht ecalP
.elbairav si hcihw ,llaw eht fo trap pot
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols



Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

Task 2: defining the smart symbol

To define the smart symbols parameters
Tip: Before you start defining
the smart symbol, you should
copy the drawings you
prepared in advance to an
empty drawing file as the
elements are hidden
from view as you go

1 Select the
2 Click

Smart Symbols module in the Bonus Tools family.

Smart Symbol (Create flyout).

Define the parameters on the Smart Symbol Context toolbar:

3 Select a smart symbol catalog and enter a name for the smart
symbol. You can use a dropdown menu or assign a catalog.
Tip: Dropdown menu or
Smart Symbols
The Catalog Assignment
dialog box is displayed. Now
you can switch between a
dropdown menu (by clicking
katlg7) and a catalog.

4 You can use the Attribute data entry box to enter up to five lines
of custom text or assign attributes (as in Object Manager).
We will define attributes later when the smart symbol is placed.
5 The following list describes the individual parameters. In this
example, we will leave the parameters as they are.
You can enter a six-digit figure for the item number
(Item No).
You can define the number of superimposed smart symbol
layers by entering a multiplier in the Factor data entry box.
Although only one instance of the smart symbol is visible in
plan, the actual number is managed internally by the system.
This is important for subsequent analyses and output using
lists and schedules.
You can use the Link to toggle to associate the smart symbol
with a room. This is important for subsequent analyses and
output using lists and schedules. In this example, select No.
You can use the Consider setting to specify how the smart
symbol is displayed in animation mode and sections when it is
placed in a room to which finish specifications are assigned.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


Activate Floor. This ensures that the mobile walls are

displayed correctly.
You can use the Format toggle to define the format properties
of the smart symbol and its components. By activating
Element, you make sure that the smart symbol retains the
format properties that were used to draw it.
You can use the Sequence toggle to define the sequence in
which the smart symbol and its components are displayed.
Activate Placement. This ensures that all the elements of the
smart symbol are drawn in the sequence that is assigned to
the instance of the smart symbol.
6 Click OK to confirm the parameters.
7 The

Smart Symbol tool stays open.

To define the smart symbols geometry

1 Now the system prompts you to define the first smart symbol foil.
The designs for the individual representations, which you
prepared in advance, are stored on foils. Every area that is subject
to a separate resizing definition gets its own foil.
A representation usually consists of several foils. The reference
scale and view are the same for all the foils that make up a
2 Use the 2D representation at the smallest scale to define the first
Select the post on the left by enclosing it in a selection rectangle
as shown below (1+2). This post gets its own foil as its size is not


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

3 Specify the smart symbols reference point (3). This is the point at
which the smart symbol is attached to the crosshairs when it is
placed in a drawing.

4 The Context toolbar for defining the smart symbol is displayed:

The parameters of a smart symbol foil include the reference scale

(from RSC-> to <-RSC), the display mode (2D or 3D), the foils A,
B and C (providing an additional means of applying a structure
within the foil), the resizing points and the Vx=Vx, Vy=Vy,
Vz=Vz buttons, which combine resizing with the selection of
fixed points.
Enter 1:0 to 1:49 for the reference scale and activate 2D.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


5 The two reference points are displayed. If you want, you can now
move them. R Pnt1 defines a constant offset to the bottom left
point in the foil, and R Pnt2 defines a constant offset to the top
right point in the foil.
To move a reference point, activate R Pnt1 or R Pnt2 and click
the points target position in the workspace.
In this example, we do not want to define the post as being
dynamic (resizable). Consequently, place the two reference points
so that they are congruent: move R Pnt2 on top of R Pnt1 (4).
Tip: When you make an error,
you can use ESC or
to go back as many steps as
you want as far back as the
initial prompt for the
You can also modify smart
symbols later using
Modify Display
6 Click OK to confirm the dialog box.
The result should look like this:

Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

7 The next step is to assign the post on the right to the second foil

The approach for defining the second foil is basically the same as
described in the steps above It is important that the smart
symbols reference point is exactly the same as in the first foil (3).


8 Here, too, the reference points are placed so that they are
congruent. This ensures that the size of the element remains
constant (4+5). Both reference points are on the bottom right
corner of the post.

9 The central part of the mobile wall is still missing. We will now
assign it to the third foil.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


Start by selecting the elements (1+2).

Here, too, the smart symbols reference point is exactly the same
as in foils 1 and 2.

10 The width of the entire element is defined using this smart symbol
part. To make sure that the smart symbol is variable in the
x direction, you need to reposition the reference points.
R Pnt1 the point which defines a constant offset to the bottom
left point in the foil is moved so that the element can only be
resized in the x direction and not in the y direction (4).
Do the same with R Pnt2 (5).


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

The result should look like this:

Tip: Make sure that you
define the correct reference
scale for each foil.

More information on resizing smart symbols: the combinations

provided on the Smart Symbol Context toolbar allow you to link
resizing factors. In other words, you can configure a smart
symbol to resize in the other directions when it is resized in one
direction. For example, whenever a smart symbol is resized in the
x-direction, the change will be applied to the y-direction: Vx=Vy.
This can be useful for door swings, for example.
The first part of the smart symbol the representation in 2D at a
reference scale range of 1:0 to 1:49 - has been defined. Confirm
the entries.
Now we will continue with the next representation for a scale
range of 1:49 to 1:99. The approach for defining the smart
symbol's reference point as well as R Pnt1 and R Pnt2 is the same
as described above.

ni gniward tsrif eht ot uoy sekat yllacitamotua stnemele eht gnitceleS

2tnP R dna 1 t n P R enifed ylno dluohs uoY .tamrof enil noitcurtsnoc

tniop ecnerefer slobmys trams eht yficeps ton oD .gniward siht ni

11 As the procedure is the same as for the first part of the smart
symbol, the process of defining foils for a scale range of 1:49 to
1:99 is described only briefly:

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


Select the post on the left (1+2), define the smart symbols
reference point (3), move R Pnt2 (4).

12 Select the post on the right (1+2), define the smart symbols
reference point (3), move R Pnt1 and R Pnt2 to the bottom right
corner of the post so that they are congruent (4+5).

13 Select the central part (1+2), define the smart symbols reference
point (3), move R Pnt1 to the bottom left corner and R Pnt2 to
the bottom right corner (4+5).


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

14 You only need to define one foil for the scale range of 1:99 to

Select the element (1+2), define the smart symbols reference

point (3) and move R Pnt1 and R Pnt2 so that the smart symbol
can be resized in the x direction only (4+5).
The result should look like this:

15 After you have defined all 2D representations using foils 1 to 7,

we will now integrate the 3D representation. Please note that the
representation in 3D has been drastically simplified so that you
can see better what you are doing.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


16 The first step involves selecting the post on the left (1+2) and
defining the smart symbols reference point (3). This
automatically takes you to the basic drawing (temporary 3D

17 Select an isometric view: you can see that the post on the left is
located in the temporary frame. The reference points are
18 As indicated earlier, the post above the actual display space needs
to adapt to different height settings. Consequently, this part of the
post must be variable in the z direction. Define R Pnt1 and
R Pnt2 accordingly: although the reference points are located on
top of each other, they delimit the post ends along the z axis (4).
Confirm and switch to plan view.


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

19 Select the post on the right (1+2) and define the smart symbols
reference point (3) in the drawing you prepared at the beginning
of this example.

20 This automatically takes you to the basic drawing (temporary 3D

frame). Select an isometric view and place R Pnt1 and R Pnt2
21 The reference points of the two posts are defined so that the posts
cannot be resized in the x and y directions. Consequently, R Pnt1
and R Pnt2 are located on top of each other in plan view. By
specifying the offset and position of these points, you can define
the part of the post that is variable in the z direction.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


22 Here, too, the central part needs to be variable in the x direction

whereas the element cannot be resized in the y and z directions.
Select the remaining 3D part (1) and define the smart symbols
reference point (2).


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

23 R Pnt1 and R Pnt2 are moved to the outside corners of the smart
symbol as a whole (3+4). Do not move these points to the corners
of the element! This ensures an inherent association between the
reference points and the post.

24 This completes the definition of the foils.. Press ESC.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


25 Another dialog box for defining the smart symbol's MinMax box
appears. These two points define the smart symbol range used
when it is inserted. E Pnt1 defines the bottom left point of the
smart symbol range, E Pnt2 defines the top right point. In the
case of three-dimensional designs, ensure that the points for the
MinMax box also have the appropriate height. We recommend
working with three viewports (plan, elevation and isometric) for
this purpose.
You can use the Resize option to specify whether the smart
symbol can be resized when it is used.
26 Before you save the smart symbol, you need to specify whether it
is to be created as an intelligent, snoop-enabled symbol. Activate
Simple, snoop-disabled smart symbol and click OK to confirm.

The smart symbol is now saved.

The Context toolbar for setting parameters is displayed again.
If you want, you can now define more smart symbols.
27 Press ESC to quit the tool.

.thgir eht no nmuloc eht ni deyalpsid era stluser

ehT .)mottob ot pot morf( reffid stniop ecnerefer eht ylno ;emas eht syats
tnemele ehT .tfel eht no nmuloc eht ni deyalpsid si tnemele laitini ehT

.stnemele eziser ot woh gniwohs selpmaxe

eerht sedulcni woleb elbat ehT .noitcerid z eht ni deziser eb osla nac
stnemele D3 .snoitcerid y dna x eht ni liof lobmys trams a fo stnemele
eht eziser ot margorp eht erugifnoc ot 2 t n P R dna 1 t n P R esu nac uoY


Resizing smart symbols

Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols



!nur lairt a od dna golatac

eht morf ti eveirter tsuJ ?elacs ecnerefer yna ta dna weiv yna ni skrow
yllautca denifed uoy lobmys trams eht rehtehw wonk ot ekil uoy dluoW

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

To retrieve the smart symbol from the catalog

1 Click
Get from Library (Standard toolbar) and select Smart

2 Select the path where the smart symbol has been saved (Office)
and select the smart symbol
The smart symbol is attached to the crosshairs.
3 Place the smart symbol in the workspace.
4 Click
Reference Scale (View menu) and set any reference scale
to test whether the smart symbol works.
5 Check whether the 3D representation of the smart symbol is
displayed in elevation and isometric views as well as in the
Animation window, regardless of the selected reference scale.

Resize (Edit flyout) the smart symbol in the x, y and z

directions. Then check the results! The fixed parts the posts, for
example must stay the same.

.snoitcnuf lobmys trams eht gnisu ytitne elgnis a sa desserdda eb

tonnac ti ,yltneuqesnoC .elbaliava regnol on si lobmys trams lanigiro eht
,tluser a sA .stnemele tneutitsnoc sti otni lobmys trams a edolpxe nac uoy
,lobmys trams a pu ekam taht seititne ngised laudividni eht yfidom oT
)tuoylf y f i d o M( l o b m y S t r a m S k n i l n U
.sliof wen dda
neve nac uoY .tniop ecnerefer slobmys trams eht rof seilppa emas ehT
.liof yb liof detcerroc eb nac stniop ecnerefeR .degnahc eb nac noitseuq
ni lobmys trams eht detaerc uoy nehw tes uoy sretemarap eht llA
.nalpllA htiw emoc taht slobmys
trams sa llew sa slobmys trams nwo ruoy yfidom ot loot siht esu nac uoY
)tuoylf y f i d o M( s r e t e m a r a P y a l p s i D y f i d o M
esu ,lobmys trams a fo yrtemoeg eht yfidom oT
.rebmun meti ro eman
eht sa hcus setubirtta slobmys trams a yfidom ot loot siht esu nac uoY
)tuoylf y f i d o M( s e t u b i r t t A s ' l o b m y S t r a m S y f i d o M
:slobmys trams gniyfidom rof sdohtem suoirav sreffo nalpllA
.slobmys trams
gnitsixe yfidom ot tnaw uoy taht dnif lliw uoy nehw semit era erehT

Task 3: modifying smart symbols


Exercise 7: Defining a Mobile Exhibition Wall as a Smart Symbol

Allplan 2006

rof ,sedacaf rof stnairav gnitaerc rof loot elbatrofmoc a si sihT .lobmys
trams rehtona htiw lobmys trams a ecalper ot loot siht esu nac uoY
)tuoylf y f i d o M( l o b m y S t r a m S e t u t i t s b u S
.slobmys trams tnereffid fo secnatsni eb nac esehT .erutcurts
lacihcrareih a ni detargetni dna deknil eb nac slobmys trams fo secnatsnI
)tuoylf y f i d o M( s l o b m y S t r a m S k n i L
:sloot gniwollof eht sedivorp nalpllA
.slobmys trams yb dedroffa stifeneb eht tiolpxe ylluf ot uoy swolla sihT
.slobmys trams lareves htiw krow osla nac uoy ,weiv dna elacs ecnerefer
eht htiw yllacimanyd egnahc slobmys tnegilletni eseht fo ecnaraeppa eht
seod ylno toN .segatnavda tnacifingis sah slobmys trams htiw gnikroW

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Working with several smart symbols

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


.lobmys trams eht htiw meht

evas dna setubirtta ngissa lliw uoy ,yllaniF .setubirtta tuohtiw ti gnicalp
sevlovni pets txen ehT .setubirtta htiw lobmys trams siht gnicalp yb tratS
.setubirtta on era ereht ,noitarepo elgnis
a ni setubirtta gningissa tuohtiw slobmys trams erom ecalp uoy nehW
.lobmys trams eht fo ecnatsni tnerruc eht fo trap era setubirtta esehT
lobmys trams a gnicalp nehW
.decalp si lobmys trams tnaveler eht nehw yllacitamotua
dedulcni dna lobmys trams eht htiw devas era setubirtta esehT
lobmys trams a gninifed nehW

:syaw owt ni setubirtta dengissa eb nac slobmys tramS

Task 1: assigning attributes to a smart symbol when placing it (attributes

are not part of the smart symbol)
.nottub birttA
eht gnikcilc yb dengissa etubirtta na dna dessecca eb nac mrof etubirtta
eht ,lobmys trams a gnicalp era uoy nehW .selif etirovaf sa devas
dna ni denibmoc eb nac setubirttA .)ecirP ro rebmun metI ,rerutcafunaM
e k i l ( d n a h r e h t o e h t n o s e t u b i r t t a d e n i f e d - r e s u d n a , )r o t c a F
, metI selbairav eht ,elpmaxe rof( emit noitinifed ta ngissa uoy taht
,dnah eno eht no setubirtta nevig fo stsisnoc lobmys trams A .slobmys
trams ot setubirtta ngissa nac uoy ,eludom s l o b m y S t r a m S eht htiW

Exercise 8: Smart Symbols with Attributes


Exercise 8: Smart Symbols with Attributes

Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


To assign attributes to a smart symbol when placing it

Tip: To assign attributes to a
single instance of a smart
symbol, you can use
Modify Smart Symbols
Instances Attributes.
Alternatively, select
Properties on the shortcut
menu displayed after clicking
the relevant instance.

1 Click
Get from Library (Standard toolbar) and select Smart

2 Select the path where the smart symbol has been saved (Office)
and select the smart symbol
The smart symbol is attached to the crosshairs.

3 Click Attrib in the Input Options.

The Assign, Modify Object Attributes dialog box appears and the
attributes already assigned are displayed.


Exercise 8: Smart Symbols with Attributes

4 Click

Allplan 2006

Assign new attribute in the top right corner.

5 Click the General architecture attribute group in the Styles area.

Press and hold down the CTRL key and click the Text1, Text2,
Text3 and Text4 attributes. Click OK to confirm.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


The selected attributes are entered in the Assign, Modify Object

Attributes dialog box.

6 Enter values for the Text1, Text2, Text3 and Text4 attributes and
click OK to confirm.

7 Place the smart symbol with the attributes in the workspace.

8 If you want, you can now place more attributes without assigning


Exercise 8: Smart Symbols with Attributes

Allplan 2006

Task 2: output in list format

.tsil a fo mrof eht ni slobmys trams eht tuptuo lliw ew woN
To list smart symbols
1 Click
Lists/Schedules and select the Furniture list in the
Fixtures subfolder.

2 Enclose the smart symbols you want to list in a selection

rectangle or click All to include all the smart symbols in the
drawing file in the schedule.

As you have assigned attributes to a single wall only, the

schedule includes one mobile wall with attributes.
3 You can place these schedules in the workspace or print them out.

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 1: More About Smart Symbols


Task 3: assigning attributes to a smart symbol later

To assign attributes to a smart symbol later
The drawing file contains at least one smart mobile wall
1 Click
Modify Smart Symbols Attributes and click a smart
mobile wall symbol.
To save time, you can also select the smart symbol to which you
assigned attributes when you placed it.

2 Click Attrib.
3 Define the attributes as described in task 2.
4 Click OK to confirm the dialog box.

5 Save the smart symbol under the same name.

All instances of the smart symbol in the current drawing file
6 If you want, you can generate a schedule to check the effects of
the modified settings.


Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


Appendix 2: Geometric
Attributes of the Main
Architectural Components
Geometric and quantitative attributes are derived from
architectural elements. They describe the geometric
properties of these elements and can be evaluated and
analyzed using lists, schedules, label styles etc..
As opposed to user-defined attributes, users cannot create
new quantitative attributes. As these attributes can only be
modified in Allplan, they cannot be exported using the
Object Manager module.















reyal llaw fo rebmuN

BLtS no desab edart fo emaN
edart dna tinu noitatupmoc no
desab ,snoitaluger gnidliub namreG htiw tnailpmoc seititnauq snruteR
)seceip ,m ,m ,m(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ten eht snruteR
)seceip ,m ,m ,m(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
)seceip ,m ,m ,m( tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
llaw fo emulov ssorG
llaw fo emulov teN
sgninepo llaw rof tnuocca ot detcartbus emuloV
sgninepo gnidulcxe aera naeM
sgninepo gnidulcxe secafrus lacitreV
sgninepo gnidulcxe llaw fo ecafrus gnilieC
sgninepo gnidulcxe llaw fo ecafrus roolF
)derongi era sgninepo(
sixa llaw no desab llaw fo aerA
)derongi era sgninepo(
llaw fo aera esaB
llaw fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
ssenkciht mumixaM
htgnel mumixaM
llaw fo thgieh naeM
llaw fo ssenkcihT
sixa llaw no desab llaw fo htgneL

etubirtta evitatitnauQ

s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( l l a W : l o o t n o i t a e r C
sreyal noitcurtsnoc elpitlum htiw llaw :tnemele tneraP
1 :DI
reyal llaw a fo dilos emulov evitisoP

Basic architectural elements

Overview of Quantitative Attributes


Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006

s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( b a l S : l o o t n o i t a e r C
4 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
BLtS no desab edart fo emaN
edart dna tinu noitatupmoc no
desab ,snoitaluger gnidliub namreG htiw tnailpmoc seititnauq snruteR
)seceip ,thgieh ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ten eht snruteR
)seceip ,thgieh ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
)seceip ,m ,m ,m( tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
nmuloc fo emulov ssorG
nmuloc fo emulov teN
nmuloc morf detcartbus emuloV
sgninepo gnidulcxe secafrus lacitreV
sgninepo gnidulcxe nmuloc fo ecafrus gnilieC
sgninepo gnidulcxe nmuloc fo ecafrus roolF
nmuloc fo secafrus lacitreV
nmuloc fo aera esaB
nmuloc fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
ssenkciht mumixaM
htgnel mumixaM
nmuloc fo thgieh naeM
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM

etubirtta evitatitnauQ










s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( n m u l o C : l o o t n o i t a e r C
yb deifitnedi eb tonnac snmuloc lanogylop dna dnuoR :etoN
sreyal noitcurtsnoc elpitlum htiw llaw :tnemele tneraP
3 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


















BLtS no desab edart fo emaN

edart dna tinu noitatupmoc no
desab ,snoitaluger gnidliub namreG htiw tnailpmoc seititnauq snruteR
)seceip ,thgieh ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ten eht snruteR
)seceip ,thgieh ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
)seceip ,m ,m ,m( tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
bals fo emulov ssorG
bals fo emulov teN
bals morf detcartbus emuloV
bals fo secafrus lacitreV
sgninepo gnidulcxe bals fo ecafrus gnilieC
sgninepo gnidulcxe bals fo ecafrus roolF
aera esab sa emaS
)derongi era sgninepo(
bals fo aera esaB
bals fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
htgnel mumixaM
bals fo thgieh naeM
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM

etubirtta evitatitnauQ


Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006



etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO ,sllaW

: c i s a B( m a e B d n a t s p U , m a e B d n a t s n w o D : l o o t n o i t a e r C
6 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
BLtS no desab edart fo emaN
edart dna tinu noitatupmoc no
desab ,snoitaluger gnidliub namreG htiw tnailpmoc seititnauq snruteR
)seceip ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ten eht snruteR
)seceip ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
)seceip ,m( tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu fo emulov ssorG
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu fo emulov teN
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu morf detcartbus emuloV
aera esab sa emaS
)derongi era sgninepo(
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu fo aera esaB
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu fo thgieh naeM
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM

etubirtta evitatitnauQ
















)eludom seirotS ,secafruS ,smooR :ffoekaT
y t i t n a u Q( t n e m e l E . t i h c r A d e n i f e D - r e s U : l o o t n o i t a e r C
.yllacirtemoeg dezylana dna detaulave
eb tonnac D3 ni deledom stnemele .tihcra denifed-resU : etoN
5 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
User-defined archit. element

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


.balS noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

)eludom snoitceS
, s e n a l P , s f o o R : l a r e n e G( g n i r e v o C f o o R : l o o t n o i t a e r C
nmuloc :morf devireD
0001 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
Roof Covering

.nmuloC noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( y e n m i h C : l o o t n o i t a e r C
nmuloc :morf devireD
01 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
BLtS no desab edart fo emaN
edart dna tinu noitatupmoc no
desab ,snoitaluger gnidliub namreG htiw tnailpmoc seititnauq snruteR
)seceip ,htgnel ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ten eht snruteR
)seceip ,htgnel ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
)seceip ,m( tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
tnenopmoc fo emulov ssorG
tnenopmoc fo emulov teN
tnenopmoc morf detcartbus emuloV
aera esab sa emaS
tnenopmoc fo aera esaB
tnenopmoc fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
tnenopmoc fo thgieh naeM
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM


etubirtta evitatitnauQ















Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006






etubirtta evitatitnauQ

era setubirtta laiceps gniwollof eht ,setubirtta bals eht ot noitidda nI
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


.maeB noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

)eludom stnenopmoC
, s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : l a i c e p S( r e i P h s u l F : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
31 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
Flush Pier

.maeB noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

)eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO
, s l l a W : l a i c e p S( g n i s u o H d n i l B r e l l o R : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
21 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
Roller Blind Housing

.maeB noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

)eludom stnenopmoC
, s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : l a i c e p S( r e d a e H / l e t n i L : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
11 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP


Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006

.tebbaR noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : l a i c e p S( t n i o J : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
62 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN

.tebbaR noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

seitreporp stnenopmoc
eht gniyficeps rof xob golaid eht ni gnittes gninepO ,tilS ,sseceR
, ) e l u d o m s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( g n i n e p O , t i l S
,sseceR ,ehciN lanogyloP ro )eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO
, s l l a W : c i s a B( g n i n e p O , t i l S , s s e c e R , e h c i N : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
52 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN

.sdilos emulov evitagen suht dna detcartbus

era yeht ;stnemele larutcetihcra cisab ni seloh era stnemele gninepO

Opening elements
.maeB noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT
)eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO
, s l l a W : l a i c e p S( r e l e d o M g n i n e p O ,g n i c a F : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
51 :DI
dilos emulov evitisoP
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( w o d n i W : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
32 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN

.ehciN noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta

gninepo lanoitiddA .tebbaR noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT
s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( r o o D : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
22 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN
llaw fo mottob dna gninepo neewteb ecnatsiD
gninepo fo pot fo noitavele etulosbA
llaw fo mottob dna gninepo neewteb ecnatsiD
gninepo fo mottob fo noitavele etulosbA
)seceip ,htgnel ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq eht snruteR
)llaw( tnemele tnerap eht fo tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
)!eulav evitagen( tnenopmoc fo emuloV
)!eulav evitagen( tnenopmoc fo aera esaB
thgieh mumixaM
thgieh naeM
ssecer/tnioj fo htped sa emaS
ssecer/tnioj fo htdiw sa emaS

etubirtta evitatitnauQ






s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : l a i c e p S( t e b b a R : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
13 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN


Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006




noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM

noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM


etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO

, s l l a W : c i s a B( e t a l P , b a l S n i g n i n e p O / s s e c e R : l o o t n o i t a e r C
bals :tnemele tneraP
53 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN
Slab opening

.gninepo balS noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT

)eludom seirotS ,secafruS ,smooR :ffoekaT
y t i t n a u Q( t n e m e l E . t i h c r A D - U n i g n i n e p O : l o o t n o i t a e r C
tnemele .tihcra denifed-resu :tnemele tneraP
82 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN
Opening in user-defined archit. element
)sehcra rof( mottob ta esiR
)sehcra rof( pot ta esiR


etubirtta evitatitnauQ




:elbaliava osla era setubirtta gninepo

gniwollof ehT .tebbaR noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT
stnenopmoc eht gniyficeps rof xob golaid eht ni gnittes ehciN
, ) e l u d o m s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( g n i n e p O , t i l S
,sseceR ,ehciN lanogyloP ro )eludom stnenopmoC ,sgninepO
, s l l a W : c i s a B( g n i n e p O , t i l S , s s e c e R , e h c i N : l o o t n o i t a e r C
llaw :tnemele tneraP
42 :DI
dilos emulov evitageN

.ehciN noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta

gninepo lanoitiddA .tebbaR noitces eht ni debircsed era setubirtta ehT
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components


smoor fo puorg :tnemele tneraP

16 :DI
dilos emuloV

)eludom seirotS
, s e c a f r u S , s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( y r o t S : l o o t n o i t a e r C
moor sa setubirtta cirtemoeg emaS
moor :morf devireD
dilos emuloV

Rooms, surfaces, stories

s t n e n o p m o C , s g n i n e p O , s l l a W : c i s a B( w o d n i W : l o o t n o i t a e r C
gninepo rood ,gninepo wodniw :tnemele tneraP
54-24 :DI
.secafrus gnihsinif rof shtped laever etaluclac ot dna slobmys
rood dna wodniw trams noitisop ot desu eb nac stnemele laeveR
Reveal elements
)seceip ,htgnel ,aera ,emulov(
tinu noitatupmoc no desab seititnauq ssorg eht snruteR
tnemele tnerap eht fo tinu noitatupmoc eht snruteR
)!eulav evitagen( gninepo fo emuloV
aera esab sa emaS
)!eulav evitagen( gninepo fo aera esaB
gninepo fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
gninepo fo thgieh naeM

etubirtta evitatitnauQ










Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006




ecafrus roolf sa emaS

nordehylop fo ecafrus D3 fo aera esaB
reyal fo ssenkciht lautriV
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM


etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom seirotS ,secafruS

, s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( e c a f r u S r o o l F

:loot noitaerC
46 :DI
ecafrus D3

(Special) floor surface

)snoitacificeps dehsinif no gnidneped
rellams semoceb moor( snoisnemid moor dehsinif fo aera roolF
noitaluclac dnoces no desab snoisnemid moor dehsinifnu fo aera roolF
)%3 fo egatnecrep a gnitcartbus htiw( evitcerid
noitaluclac dnoces no desab snoisnemid moor dehsinifnu fo aera roolF
moor fo emuloV
smoor tnecajda gnidulcxe secafrus lacitreV
moor fo ecafrus gnilieC
moor fo ecafrus roolF
aera esab sa emaS
moor fo aera esaB
moor fo retemireP
thgieh mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
)enil noitcerid tsrif no desab xoBxaMniM lautriv(
noitcerid y ni stnetxe mumixaM
moor fo thgieh naeM
noitcerid y ni stnetxe naeM
noitcerid x ni stnetxe naeM

, s e c a f r u S , s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( m o o R

)snoisnemid dehsinif(
)snoisnemid dehsinifnu(
)tcartbus ot tnuoma
etar-talf ,snoisnemid dehsinifnu(

etubirtta evitatitnauQ






)eludom seirotS
:loot noitaerC

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components










BLtS no desab edart fo emaN

)snoitaluger gnidliub
namreG htiw ecnailpmoc ni( tnuocca otni nekat era srenroc tnartne-eR )snoitaluger gnidliub
namreG htiw ecnailpmoc ni( tnuocca otni nekat era sgninepo balS ecafrus roolf sa emaS
ecafrus roolf sa emaS
ecafrus roolf sa emaS
)detcartbus eb ot aera nruter( secafrus roolf )laiceps( )aera laever lanoitidda nruter( sehcin )aera laever lanoitidda nruter( sgninepo wodniw dna rood )detcartbus eb ot aera nruter( sgninepo bals tceted yllacitamotua secafrus roolf hsiniF

etubirtta evitatitnauQ

moor cirtemoeg eht ot noitidda ni elbaliava era setubirtta gniwollof ehT
)eludom seirotS
, s e c a f r u S , s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( m o o R : l o o t n o i t a e r C
46 :DI
golaid m o o R eht ni denifed dna deretne eb nac secafrus roolf hsiniF
ecafrus D3 lautriV
(Finish) floor surface

Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006









BLtS no desab edart fo emaN

)snoitaluger gnidliub namreG
htiw ecnailpmoc ni( tnuocca otni nekat era evoba sgninepo balS ecafrus gniliec sa emaS
moor fo ecafrus gnilieC
evoba sgninepo bals tceted yllacitamotua secafrus gniliec hsiniF
reyal fo ssenkciht lautriV

etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom seirotS
, s e c a f r u S , s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( m o o R , ) e l u d o m s e i r o t S
, s e c a f r u S , s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( g n i l i e C : l o o t n o i t a e r C
36 :DI
xob golaid

m o o R eht ni denifed dna deretne eb nac secafrus gniliec hsiniF

ecafrus D3

(Finish) ceiling surface

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components










secafrus lacitrev rof noitidnoc lanoitidda enifed uoy steL

)srood dna swodniw fo saera edisni fo srotcaf( aera laeveR
)snoitaluger gnidliub
namreG htiw ecnailpmoc ni( tnuocca otni nekat era sgninepo tnecajda ecafrus lacitrev sa emaS
secafrus lacitrev laiceps lacitrev tnecajda smoor tnecajda sehcin tnecajda )dedda si
laever ;detcartbus era sgninepo( sgninepo rood dna wodniw tnecajda tceted yllacitamotua secafrus hsinif lacitreV
reyal fo ssenkciht lautriV

etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom seirotS ,secafruS

, s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( m o o R , ) e l u d o m s e i r o t S , s e c a f r u S
, s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( e c a f r u S l a c i t r e V
:loot noitaerC
26 :DI
xob golaid

m o o R eht ni denifed dna deretne eb nac secafrus hsinif lacitreV

ecafrus D3

Vertical (finish) surface


Overview of Quantitative Attributes

Allplan 2006




)snoitaluger gnidliub
namreG htiw ecnailpmoc ni( tnuocca otni nekat era sgninepo rood
htgnel sa emaS
wodniw dna rood tnecajda tceted yllacitamotua draobesab hsiniF


etubirtta evitatitnauQ

)eludom seirotS ,secafruS

, s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( m o o R , ) e l u d o m s e i r o t S , s e c a f r u S
, s m o o R : f f o e k a T y t i t n a u Q( d r a o b e s a B : l o o t n o i t a e r C
56 :DI
golaid m o o R eht ni denifed dna deretne eb nac draobesab hsiniF
enil D3
(Finish) baseboard
Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit

Appendix 2: Geometric Attributes of the Main Architectural Components



Allplan 2006

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit



adding cells 81
adding sum 85
architectural elements
attributes 214
architectural lists/schedules 89
new 115
attribute groups 96
assigning attributes to a smart
symbol when placing it
207, 211
baseboard 229
beam 217
ceiling surface 227
chimney 218
column 215
door 222
facing 221
finish floor surface 226
flush pier 220
joint 221
lintel/header 220
niche 223
opening in user-defined archit.
element 223
rabbet 222
recess 221
reveal 224
roller blind housing 220
roof covering 218
room 224
slab 215
slab opening 223
special floor surface 225
story 224
terms 8
user-defined archit. element
vertical surface 228

wall 214
window 222

baseboard, attributes 229
basic settings 13
input options 13
scale 13
toolbars 13
unit of length 13
beam, attributes 217
border 114

ceiling surface, attributes 227
cells in schedule header 117
changing cell format 135
checking schedule 88
chimney, attributes 218
column, attributes 215
lists/schedules 75

data entry boxes 122
default schedule
output 35
default schedules
modifying 69
defining label styles 58
defining list row 119
defining main list 131
defining smart symbols 20
defining total 83
door, attributes 222

editing data 157
exporting 153
importing 153
to Excel 153



facades 161
facing, attributes 221
modifying 39
finish floor surface, attributes
flush pier, attributes 220

hierarchic structure 100

from Excel 153
input options 13
integrating main list 131
integrating sub-lists 124
intersection 167

joint, attributes 221

label styles Textbild
terms 10
terms 10
lintel/header, attributes 220
list generator
basic principles 100
creating custom lists/schedules
adding cells 81
architecture 89
border 114
cells in schedule header 117
changing cell format 135
changing line feed 143
copying 75
defining 122, 146
defining cells 115
defining list row 119
defining rows 100
hierarchic structure 100

Allplan 2006

main list 131

modifying layout 77
new user-defined attribute
obtaining information 20
output 91
regions 100
saving 95
saving and transferring 149
schedule header 100
setting up layout 120
structure 106
sub-lists 100
sub-total 100
terms 8
testing 138
total 100

managing architectural
lists/schedules 94
modifying attributes of instances
of smart symbols
overview 67
modifying instances of smart
symbols 41
overview 67

niche, attributes 223

object manager 154
importing from Excel 159
Object Manager
exporting to Excel 156
online help system 4
opening in user-defined archit.
element, attributes 223
outline auto-detect 167
outputting schedule 36

pattern 173
placements 161
placing elements by region 169
placing elements one by one 176

Smart Symbols, Lists, Smart Fit


quantitative attributes 214

rabbet, attributes 222
recess, attributes 221
reference scale 114
reveal, attributes 224
roller blind housing, attributes
roof covering, attributes 218
room, attributes 224

sample 172
scale 13
schedule log 145
slab opening, attributes 223
slab, attributes 215
smart fit 161
defining 165
deleting 179
direction point 170
exploding 179
first point 170
modifying region with placed
elements 176, 178
moving elements placed 179
one by one 176
pattern 173
placed element report 180
placement by region 169
placing 165
symbols base point 170
smart symbol
modifying 204
replacing 48
resizing 202
smart symbols
assigning attributes 24
components of 18
default labels 54
defining 19, 22, 188
defining geometry 24


finding 50
label styles 57
labeling 54
modifying 49
modifying geometry 43
object labels 56
properties 17
saving 24
saving and transferring 149
terms 8
unlinking 64
using label styles 61
Sources of information
training, coaching and project
support 7
special floor surface, attributes
standard attributes 96
story, attributes 224
sub-lists 100
sub-total 100

tiling 161
architecture 13
basic tools 13
input options 13
total 100
troubleshooting 141

unit of length 13
user-defined archit. element,
attributes 217
user-defined attribute
new 115

vertical surface, attributes 228
view 137

wall, attributes 214
window, attributes 222



Allplan 2006

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