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1. This assignment has a ONE (1) ques!"# only. You may write in E#$%!s& "' !# M(%().
2. Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12 pt Times New Roman and 1.5
line spacing.
3. This assignment carries a 30 weightage towards the !inal grade.
4. This assignment should be prepared indi"idually.
5. You are to submit your assignment online through the my#$%. &lease re!er to the
instructions in the portal !or more in!ormation on how to submit your assignment online.
'. Your assignment must be submitted *e+"'e "' *) &e ,& u"'!(% . (ubmissions a!ter
deadline are not acceptable.
). Your assignment will be assessed according to the speci!ication contained in the rubric
accompanying the assignment *uestion.
+. Your assignment should be limited to 1000-1200 ."'/s "#%)0
,. &lagiarism in all !orms will not be tolerated. Assignment submitted will automatically be
sub-ected to a s!1!%('!) 2&e230
a. Assignments with 1. / 3. o"erlap with others will be sub-ected to a 2. deduction
!rom the total gross mar0s scored.
b. Assignments with more than 3. o"erlap with others will earn 1ero mar0 on the
assignment. 2n such cases3 the course grade will be determined solely on the basis o!
mar0s obtained in the remaining components o! the course assessment.
&hysical 4itness is de!ined as 5the ability to carry out normal daily tas0s with "igour and
alertness3 without !eeling !atigued and with ample energy to en-oy leisure6time pursuits and
to meet un!oreseen emergencies7. 4itness !or modern li"ing means8
1. The body is !ree !rom disease.
2. The muscles3 heart and lungs are de"eloped to gi"e stamina3 strength3 agility and !le9ibility
to easily do daily tas0s.
3. An alert mind3 !ree !rom undue worry and tension3 which can rela9 completely and as
*uic0ly3 be engrossed in the ne9t challenging tas0.
To determine one:s !itness le"el3 the National &hysical 4itness Test ;<-ian =ecergasan
>asmani =ebangsaan? can be used. This test is an internationally accepted procedure to assess
the !itness le"el o! an indi"idual. 4rom the results o! this test3 the indi"idual will 0now his
!itness le"el and ta0e appropriate measures to sa!eguard his health and !itness status.
B(se/ "# &e N(!"#(% P&)s!2(% F!#ess Tes )"u ('e 'equ!'e/ ":
1. @ompile re!erences on all se"en ;)? items in this test that measures di!!erent !itness
components. You must include all the necessary !orms and test norms.
? 5 1('3s ;
2. Administer a !itness test on !ourteen ;14? indi"iduals ;two !or each test item? using the
National &hysical 4itness Test !or three di!!erent age categories.
? 2. 1('3s ;
3. Arite a !i"e ;5? page report on the test !indings with suggestions on appropriate
measures that should be ta0en to enhance the indi"idual:s health and !itness status.

(, 1('3s)
Su/e# Gu!/e%!#e:
1. Re!er to the module and any sources that can be used as re!erence.
2. 4ind any in!ormation related to the National &hysical 4itness Test ;<.=.>.=? !rom the
3. Your !itness test must be conducted on the same day with the !ollowing measures
- &roper !orms to be !illed !or each indi"idual.
- %ach participant must warm6up be!ore test ;re!er to module !or warm6up
- (u!!icient sa!ety procedures and precautions to be ta0en.
- All test results must be based on test norms.
- All participants !or this test must not e9ceed the age o! 5. and not ha"e any 0ind
o! chronic sic0ness.
4. The !inal report8
Bust be 56) pages in length.
@onsists o! results on se"en ;)? test items !or each indi"idual including !orms
on test results.
&ictures ;ta0en during the National &hysical 4itness Test?.
(uggestions on measures to be ta0en to enhance the !itness le"el !or any

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