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Planet Nilknarf

June 2014
Welcome to Planet Nilknarf
It's official!! Janette and I are going to GUELPH to celebrate my 50
birthday!!! This is the ict!re her
dad too" of her riding the caro!sel there bac" in #$%&!!! 'he (!st called me to let me "no) that she
boo"ed o!r room* The motel is )ithin )al"ing distance of the caro!sel and se+eral decent eateries
incl!ding a ,airy -!een* I don't care )hat anyone says. I'm bloody )ell ha+ing a Pean!t /!ster
Parfait on my birthday! 0nd maybe a 1argarita too if the Gree" lace ser+es 'em!! This is going to be
the /E'T /I2TH,03 E4E2!!!
5o+er 'tory
The 6Positi+e Energy7 -!ilt is finished! I too" this ict!re o!tside on the front la)n 8if yo! can call it
that. it's really nothing b!t gra+el!9 on the Easter )ee"end )hen Janette )as +isiting* In last month's
iss!e I )as do)n to the last three ict!res* These incl!ded Gr!my 5at. )hom I dre) )hen I )as in
Then there's T)ilight 'ar"le. from yet another one of L!c"y Lotto's 1y Little Pony colo!ring ict!res
on ,e+iant0rt!
Last. b!t not least. an ##<year old a!tistic girl named Emma dre) this bea!tif!l caro!sel;
Us!ally. her fa+orite s!b(ect to dra) is birds! 0nd there are a fe) if yo! loo" closely= a seag!ll and a
flamingo* I chose the colo!rs )hen I embroidered it on my >!ilt s>!are and !sed se>!ins in the circles
aro!nd the bottom of the floor* ?ne of my fa+orite things abo!t this ict!re is the detail of the )ood
grain in the coffee table on )hich this caro!sel sits* It )as a f!n and interesting challenge to stitch*
/!t ict!res hardly do this scene any (!stice* Hoef!lly by no) yo!'+e been to my sho) in
/obcaygeon* If not. it )ill be there !ntil J!ne @0
* 1y 6Aild 0bo!t J!ngle 5ats7 >!ilt )ill be on dislay
there too. Janette's co<)or"er did B?T b!y it after all* Pity* The money )o!ld ha+e been nice* /!t on
the bright side. at least the !blic )ill get to see it at my sho)*
/oo" 2e+ie);
Coming Out Asperger. edited by ,inah 1!rray;
To tell or not to tell* That is the >!estion* Coming Out Asperger deals )ith the s!b(ect of diagnosis
and disclos!re* It is a collection of )ritings from +ario!s eole on the a!tism sectr!m. esecially
those of !s )ith 0serger's 'yndrome. some )ho )ere diagnosed at an early age and many. li"e
myself )ho didn't find o!t !ntil )e )ere older* It made me remember my o)n eCeriences )ith
learning abo!t 0serger's 'yndrome* 1any of !s ha+e felt the same )ay* Ae al)ays "ne) there )as
something different abo!t o!rsel+es and often felt a great sense of relief )hen )e finally fo!nd o!t* I
)as nearly D0 )hen I learned abo!t 0serger's 'yndrome* 1y mom had already "no)n for abo!t t)o
years b!t didn't "no) ho) to tell me* This boo" deals )ith ho) and )hen arents sho!ld tell their o)n
children )ho may ha+e it and ho) and )hen )e. o!rsel+es sho!ld brea" it to others* It's not al)ays
easy* Ae don't )ant eole to thin" )e !se it as an eCc!se or a demand for secial treatment* Bot
e+eryone !nderstands the a!tism sectr!m the )ay they sho!ld*
Face the Music by Pa!l 'tanley has been the third in a series of a )onderf!l tradition my h!sband
and I created! Ahene+er a ne) boo" by a member of :I'' comes o!t )e ha+e the en(oyment of
ma"ing it a shared eCerience by ha+ing me read it o!t lo!d to ,a+e before )e go to slee at night*
Ae hadn't adoted this tradition yet )hen Gene's boo"s )ere o!t* Ae )aited o+er a year for this one
to come o!t* It )as s!osed to come o!t last sring* Pa!l is erhas the most ri+ate and secreti+e
member of the band and it's not +ery hard to see )hy* This boo" is f!ll of all "inds of fascinating facts
and stories* ,id yo! "no) that Pa!l )as born )ith one earE /eca!se of this he end!red merciless
b!llying in school* ?ther "ids )o!ld call him 6'tanley the ?ne<Eared 1onster7* 0ll thro!gh his career in
:I'' his hair "et his deformity co+ered* He )as finally able to get s!rgery to create a ne) ear some
time in the late #$%0's* It too" a series of fi+e oerations incl!ding ha+ing to remo+e cartilage from his
rib cage to create a ne) o!ter ear. e+en tho!gh he has al)ays been deaf on that one side* This
eCerience in his life is )hat most li"ely made him the most credible lead in his role as 6Phantom of
the ?era7 and got him in+ol+ed )ith 0bo!t Face. a charity that hels children )ith facial deformities*
,id yo! "no) that )hen :I''' Hotter Than Hell alb!m )as released. they )ere only ta"ing home GH0
a )ee"E That's e+en less than I made )or"ing for 1aggie* 2ent )as cheaer then and in #$&D G500
seemed li"e a fort!ne for a l!C!ry aartment* Ahen :I'' made it big. Pa!l )anted to li+e in a lace
that o+erloo"ed 5entral Par". b!t Je)s and blac"s )eren't !s!ally allo)ed to li+e in this area*
Pa!l did not mention anything abo!t his second solo alb!m Live to Win or their in+ol+ement )ith the
mo+ie Detroit Rock City* He does. ho)e+er. mention ho) things )ere anything b!t harmonio!s )ith
0ce and Peter. esecially after they started the 2e!nion to!r* He also tal"s abo!t his family. his
di+orce from Pam and his marriage to Erin*
0fter his di+orce he too" ! coo"ing* ?ne of his secialties is /r!ssels sro!ts coo"ed )ith rosci!tto.
Parmesan cheese. balsamic +inegar 8From UmbriaEEE9. lemon Iest and dried cherries* I'd li"e to try
that one of these days* He says e+en eole )ho normally hate /r!ssels sro!ts en(oy this dish! In
light of this I thin" that )hen the time comes if Pa!l sho!ld e+ent!ally retire from :I''. or e+en d!ring
one of his brea"s from to!ring maybe he sho!ld do his o)n coo"ing sho) or !blish his o)n coo"
boo"! I )ant to learn ho) to ma"e this dish!!
Carousel Magic: A pioneer Farm Family uys a Carousel! by B* Fran" Hoes
5an yo! imagine a time )hen most eole had BE4E2 seen a caro!sel beforeE /ac" in the late
#%00's most eole didn't e+en H04E electricityE 0nd the ne) steam engine )as the height of
?!r story begins )hen the Hoes family goes to an e+ent )here cro)ds are mesmeriIed by the
)hirling sectacle of )ooden horses and lining ! in amaIement for the neCt ride* 'eeing )hat a
l!crati+e +ent!re this is. they are insired to b!y a caro!sel of their o)n from 5*A Par"er himself and
to!r the co!ntry )ith it as the money rolls in )hile other eole loo" after their cros o+er the s!mmer*
This story follo)s all the )onderf!l and eCciting ad+ent!res they ha+e as they set ! their caro!sel
from to)n to to)n. the arades )here they get to sho) off the onies. the hositality of friendly
to)nseole. the ad+ersity they sometimes faced )ith inclement )eather and so on*
0t one oint they e+en get a gig )or"ing for 2ingling /rothers J /arn!m J /ailey 5irc!s* Pro+en to
be a s!ccessf!l attraction. they are in+ited to stay )ith the circ!s b!t refer to go bac" to )or"ing for
themsel+es after all* They get more resect from the !blic )hen they're not art of the circ!s*
0t the end of the first season they sell the old merry<go<ro!nd and b!y a ne) one for the neCt sring*
'oiler alert; I cried near the end!!!!!
The Hoes family act!ally ha+e a dislay of their miniat!re caro!sel at the ,ic"inson 5o!nty
Heritage 1!se!m in 0biline. :ansas*
Here yo! can see a model of both the caro!sel and the )agon that transorts the caro!sel onies
from lace to lace* Imagine seeing that in a arade in yo!r to)n!! ;9
0 caro!sel +ery similar to that first one !rchased by the Hoes family can also be seen and ridden
on the remises of this lace*
I )as there last fall )hen the B50 )as in :ansas;
3es. I "no) I'+e already sho)n this caro!sel before. bac" in the Jan!ary iss!e. b!t it's "ind of neat to
read abo!t a lace and thin" 6Ao)! I'+e been there!7
Bobcaygeon Art Show: y !ictoria "ay Weeken#$$$
Friday, May, 16
, 2014
Let the bells ring and the banners fly! The b!s )as 05TU0LL3 ?B TI1E today!!! Aell. it )as only fi+e
or ten min!tes late. )hich is E02L3 comared to )hat I'+e been !sed to on re+io!s (o!rneys*
Bormally the b!s from Toronto to Lindsay 8and on)ard to Fenelon Falls9 arri+es in ?sha)a notorio!sly
late* In fact it's !s!ally been ! to an H?U2 late* I got on and it )as >!ite f!ll* There )as no lace to
sit )itho!t being neCt to somebody else* /!t at least there )ere no babies on board and it )as a nice.
eacef!l. drama<free (o!rney*
Ho)e+er. I m!st say. regardless if I'+e had to tra+el as far as Toronto or e+en (!st ?sha)a. it is one of
the most boring (o!rneys imaginable* 0t least ?sha)a is the half)ay oint bet)een Toronto and
Fenelon Falls and Port Perry is the half)ay oint from ?sha)a* Eno!gh borig rambling already* I don't
remember )hether it's before or after Port Perry b!t they had to let someone off in Bestleton*
Bestleton* The erfect name for a >!aint. sleey little to)n in the middle of no)here* Bestle in at
Ahen I arri+ed at Fenelon Falls there )as nobody there to meet me yet* I g!ess nobody's !sed to the
b!s act!ally sho)ing ! on time* I as"ed the man behind the co!nter at the con+enience store if there
)as a hone I co!ld se and he ointed me to a hone booth across the road*
The hone )as in >!estionable condition* I had to fiddle aro!nd )ith it to get a dial tone* I m!st be the
only erson in the )orld 8other than my h!sband9 )ho still act!ally !ses one of these things*
E+erybody else no)adays !ses cell hones!
I had (!st deosited my >!arters and finished dialing and Jean's hone rang t)ice )hen I sa) her and
Joe !ll ! into the ar"ing lot across from me* I called o!t and )a+ed to them as Jean came o!t of
the car* It fig!res there )as no traffic on my )ay to the hone booth. b!t on my )ay bac" it too"
fore+er )aiting for it to sto*
It had started o!t li"e any other day. eCcet that ,a+e )as home from )or". as it's a holiday )ee"end
and he has Friday off as )ell as 1onday* I still had to go to school* 'o I )aited across the street for
the ?li+e Harmony b!s this morning* E+en if it didn't loo" li"e it )as going to rain. there )as no )ay I
)as )al"ing )ith this hea+y bag to school* I fig!red I'd rather ta"e it to school )ith me than come all
the )ay home and bac" do)nto)n again* The school and the lace )here I catch the LindsayKFenelon
Falls b!s are (!st do)n the street from each other and I can "ill some time in the library !ntil it closes
and then I'll go to the b!rrito lace and order my !s!al +eggie )ith the )or"s on )hole )heat and
hang o!t there !ntil the b!s comes*
0nd I'+e basically sol+ed my dilemma abo!t finding a resentable nightshirt* The :I'' nightshirt 0llan
ga+e me may ha+e a co!le holes in the bac" b!t it's not nearly in as delorable condition as my other
Ahen )e dro+e ast my arents' old ho!se. it didn't e+en loo" li"e the same lace anymore* It's gone
!nder so m!ch reno+ation it loo"s li"e somebody (!st ic"ed ! my arents' ho!se . too" it a)ay and
lon"ed do)n this smaller. charcoal gray ho!se in its lace* 0t some oint this )ee"end I )o!ld li"e to
ta"e a )al" there and get a closer loo"*
Ahen )e arri+ed at Jean's lace I had a glass of )ine and some cheese and crac"ers and )e
)atched an eisode of 61on"*7 I lo+e that sho) b!t I ne+er "no) )hen it's on or e+en if )e get it in
?sha)a* Jean gets it on a /oston channel*
It's so >!iet aro!nd here I'm going to see if I can get a)ay )ith not )earing ear l!gs tonight* The only
air I ha+e are in my 6s!r+i+al "it7*
3esterday I ga+e myself a hairc!t* 5ombined )ith the heat and h!midity it )as gi+ing me a rash
aro!nd my nec" and sho!lders and besides the ends )ere fading and I co!ldn't get rid of the tangles
anymore* Hoef!lly. it'll gro) a co!le inches before I go to Be) 3or" in 'etember*
This morning I added another slide to my Po)erPoint resentation on both flash dri+es to sho) the
co+er of my boo" at the end* 1aybe I'll ha+e it ! on the screen )hile )e )ait for e+eryone to settle in
before the resentation starts*
Tonight )hen )e )ere )atching 61on"7* Jean and I got a ma(or case of the giggles o+er an 0leby's
commercial that said 6/edelia ?nions )ill ta"e yo! bac" to yo!r s!mmer hay lace*7 Great. no) I'm
thin"ing abo!t it and la!ghing again* I hoe I didn't )a"e anyone*
Saturday, May 17
I can't )ait to go home* I tried as"ing olitely if they co!ld t!rn do)n the T*4 b!t Jean said 6no*7 ?"ay.
so my door is closed. I ha+e my earl!gs in and a to)el tightly )raed aro!nd my head* I co!ldn't
en(oy my bath beca!se of the lo!d T*4 do)nstairs* I'+e got one of those grating headaches )here
e+ery noise feels li"e it's drilling into my s"!ll* I'm afraid to as" again beca!se I don't )ant any drama*
Today's been trying eno!gh* 0t first it didn't loo" li"e I )as going to ha+e any articiants for my art
table. let alone a )ay of sho)ing my Po)erPoint resentation* I thin" it's "ind of odd that the gallery
has a screen b!t no )ay of ro(ecting anything onto it* I )as dealing )ith ma(or anCiety )hen I got
0t least the first t)o )omen )ho had arri+ed had read abo!t my sho) in the aer and one of them
remembered me from my mom's neighbo!rhood*
Than" God I remembered the fan* 0 little )hite noise really hels* Fran"ly I feel li"e I )ant to cry* I'm
cran"y. tired and headachey and )ish I co!ld be home right no)*
0t least t)o eole decorated horses today* I too" ict!res of both the horses so they co!ld ta"e them
0nd )hen Lorraine came )e fo!nd a com!ter in the other room that e+eryone co!ld gather ro!nd to
)atch my Po)erPoint resentation*
,amn my st!id sensiti+e 0sie hearing!! I feel so traed! I )anna go home! A00000000000!!!!
0t least Lorraine and I en(oyed a great l!nch at the Grilled 5heese Hidea)ay* Ae had today's secial;
6?range is the Be) /lac"7= cheddar and ')iss )ith a+ocado. (alaeno. tomato and cilantro* It )as
This morning I too" a )al" ! the road b!t didn't go +ery far beca!se it )as '? ,02BE, 5?L, o!t
today!! The )eather this sring has been bloody ridic!lo!s! I fo!nd a yard sale )here I fo!nd a co!le
of boo"s that loo"ed interesting for only ten cents each* ?ne of them )as 6The Indian in the
5!board7* I am ta"ing 0boriginal 't!dies and I remembered my teacher telling the class ho) m!ch
she lo+ed the mo+ie )hen she )as a "id*
I robably sho!ldn't ha+e been drin"ing )ine this e+ening* That's robably )hy I ha+e s!ch a
headache* Aith or )itho!t )ine I'm afraid I'+e reached the oint of sensory o+erload* Perhas the best
thing for me at the moment is (!st to be left alone* I (!st need >!iet so badly*
Today I )as ! earlier than !s!al beca!se e+en )ith my slee mas" it )as so ainf!lly bright in this
room* 0nd. yet. I need a night light beca!se at night it gets so dar" here I can't e+en see my hand in
front of my face!
This b!siness abo!t the T4 +ol!me (!st feels li"e it's really so!red my mood for the time being* 0t least
Janette )o!ld !nderstand ho) I feel*
Jean )as ha+ing a yard sale o!t in front of this lace too* I ic"ed o!t a )hite. )ide<brimmed cloth
s!n<hat that I'm going to decorate )ith caro!sel horses and she let me ha+e it for free* It'll be f!n to
)ear at the con+ention. sort of a )al"ing ad+ertisement for my )or"*
Sunday, May 18
Aent to ch!rch this morning* Jean and Joe dro+e me there and droed me off* 1y heart san" )hen
the first thing I sa) )as a baby! 1y first instinct )as to t!rn a)ay and r!n b!t too many eole had
already seen me. esecially old ac>!aintances of my mom! 'o I bra+ed the ser+ice and act!ally
en(oyed it* The m!sical g!ests )ere great= a trio called 5aygeon 'ice* Ahen Jean as"ed me later
)hat the sermon )as abo!t I said there really )asn't that m!ch of a sermon. that the minister (!st told
a fe) f!nny stories and let the m!sical entertainment be most of the ser+ice* 0t least the baby did not
cry. li"e I al)ays )orry abo!t* 'he babbled most of the time )hen the minister so"e so I didn't hear
most of )hat he )as tal"ing abo!t. and at least t)o or three times ga+e o!t high<itched s>!eals* I
thin" her arents )ere smart and too" her o!t half)ay* I h!ng aro!nd for a)hile after the ser+ice and
socialiIed a bit* The )eather )as starting to get )armer*
I )al"ed all the )ay bac" from ch!rch to Jean's lace* 0 little disaointed that I can't get 5/5 radio
on my 1P@ layer ! here*
?n my )ay bac" I came across a terrific yard sale )here I really l!c"ed o!t on some amaIing fabric* I
got some blac" fabric )ith )hite ol"a dots and a lot of that lain beige cotton fabric that I !se for the
anels on my m!rals* I ga+e them GN0 for the lot* /onnie. one of the ladies in charge of this sale.
needed a brea" from ac"ing ! so she )as glad to hel me carry some of this and )al" )ith me*
0fter l!nch Jean dro+e me into to)n* 'he had some b!siness to ta"e care of at the m!se!m so I got
to bro)se aro!nd on my o)n in +ario!s laces* The first lace I )ent into )as called 61y Fa+orite
Things7* Ironically. the first thing I heard )hen I steed inside )as my LE0'T fa+orite thing!! 0s the
little b!gger screamed I co!ldn't get my 1P@ layer l!gged in and t!rned on fast eno!gh! ?f co!rse
as I f!mbled )ith my earhones the lady )ho )or"ed there as"ed if she co!ld hel me* 'heesh! 0nd
they say 0sies s!c" at interreting body lang!age! I'm f!mbling aro!nd )ith my s!r+i+al de+ice trying
B?T to hear that screaming "id= the L0'T thing I )ant to do is tal" to anyone*
I loo"ed aro!nd in a fe) more shos "ind of glad there )asn't anything there I )as temted to b!y*
N;#5 came soon eno!gh so Jean and I met at the coffee lace* Ahile )e )ere sitting there ha+ing o!r
drin"s she )arned me that tonight she and Joe )o!ld be )atching 650LL THE 1I,AIFE7!!!
0000000000002GH! '?1E/?,3 :ILL 1E B?A! I'4E ,IE, 0B, G?BE T? HELL!!!! I am '?
dreading this e+ening! Last night )as bad eno!gh*
?n the )ay home )e stoed off to +isit Joey and her h!sband* I didn't "no) !ntil today that they
ha+e a s!mmer cottage ! in the /eehi+e area* They'+e had this lace for nine years* I sa) the :I''
>!ilt they'd bo!ght from me hanging in front of the side door )indo)* Ae droed off the latest anel
of the m!ral for them. a ict!re of 'amson and 2aIIy graIing in the field. and sho)ed them the latest
)or" in rogress feat!ring her cats*
Bo) )e're abac" at the ho!se* I am holed ! in my room at the moment )ith the fan on beca!se they
ha+e the T*4 on in the "itchen and I don't feel li"e hearing it*
I am ma"ing s!re my 1P@ layer is f!lly charged beca!se )hile Jean and Joe are )atching their
,readed 'creaming /aby<Fest From Hell I lan on c!rling ! in my coIy bed )ith /oy George!!
$;NN *m
Had an a)esome s!er this e+ening* Ae had salad. ribs. mashed otatoes and /2U''EL'
'P2?UT'!!! 3000003!!! The other day I had been telling Jean I ha+en't had /r!ssels sro!ts in
3E02'! 0ct!ally not since mom had made them for 5hristmas dinner*
'erio!sly. I )ish Pa!l 'tanley co!ld send me his recie for the )ay he ma"es them* I'd really li"e to try
that one of these days* I read all abo!t it in his a!tobiograhy 6Face the 1!sic*7 He tal"s abo!t ho) he
got into coo"ing after he and Pam got di+orced* He coo"s them )ith balsamic. rosci!tto. dried
cherries. a srin"le f Parmesan cheese and a dash of lemon Iest* ?nce his son e+en honed him
from college as"ing for his recie*
'ea"ing of celebrity chefs. yesterday the g!ys at the Grilled 5heese Hidea)ay )ere telling Lorraine
and I that they ha+e /oy George's coo" boo"* This I'+e G?T to see! 'ome)here I ha+e a lin" to his
g!est aearance on -!een Latifah's sho) gi+ing a demonstration of his +egan coo"ing s"ills;
I'd li"e to "no) )here he b!ys that contration to ma"e those I!cchini 6noodles7*
Bo) that's another +egetable I ha+enOt had in ages* The tro!ble )ith I!cchini is that it tends to gro)
li"e craIy! There )as a story on the ne)s once that some)here in the 'tates the I!cchini cro )as
gro)ing so ab!ndantly that eole )ere told that if they didn't loc" their car doors thy )o!ld find their
+ehicles 'TUFFE, )ith I!cchini*
/oy George is going to be in Toronto on the )ee"end of J!ne #D
8his birthday9!! I )ish I co!ld go b!t
I'm retty m!ch bro"e* 1y d)indling finances are retty m!ch earmar"ed for 0* B50 con+ention
registration and /* a ne) com!ter*
There's only one roblem )ith /r!ssels sro!ts* They tend to stin" ! the lace* I "id yo! not.
do)nstairs it smells li"e the Jolly Green Giant (!st lifted his leg and let one ri!!!
I'+e had a nice eacef!l e+ening here by myself listening to /oy George on my 1P@ layer and
reading A Tale for the Time Being by 2!th ?Ie"i* ,a+e ga+e me this boo" for 5hristmas bt I ne+er
had the chance to read it !ntil no)*
/y the )ay )e had an eCcellent dessert this e+ening* There )as stra)berry<rh!barb cris and ale
cris )ith raisins* I had a little of both )ith (!st a tiny bit of ice cream* Until tonight I don't thin" I'+e had
ice cream since at least 1arch!
Monday, May 19
I'm home* Jean dro+e me bac" so I )o!ldn't ha+e to carry all that fabric on the b!s* I tho!ght I'd ne+er
get to slee last night* I had a hell of a time trying to get comfortable* Us!ally I'm li"e this on the first
night. not the last* These beds are so hard*
0!nt 0nne is finally bac" from Florida* Ae droed by to say hello b!t she )as still aslee* 'he m!st
ha+e gotten home late last night* I )ill ha+e to as" her if I can stay at her lace the last )ee"end of
J!ne beca!se it so!nds li"e Jean )ill be ha+ing a +eritable clo)n<car's )orth of comany!
!ill "e doing my #re$entation and %e&orate 'our (!n )arou$el *or$e !or+$ho# at the gallery
again on Saturday, ,une 27
and ta"ing e+erything do)n on J!ne @0
Here are some ict!res of my dislay;
Here's Lorraine heling me on set<! day*
Here )e are )ith my 5hristmas tree f!ll of little caro!sel horses and here are my soft<sc!lt!re 6Gas
'ign7 horses on the table*
0nd I am hay to say I ha+e already finished embroidering those first t)o designs onto >!ilt s>!ares!
Part of the f!n has been ic"ing o!t the fabrics to go )ith them! I "ne) I had c!te 6alhabet7 material
among the scras that )ere gi+en to me and something in a nicely coordinating colo!r scheme to go
)ith the 6Hoe7 horse*
1y a!nt also ga+e me a c!te )hite fabric s!n hat that I lan on decorating )ith se+eral of my
embroidered caro!sel animals* It'll ma"e a )himsical )al"ing ad+ertisement for my )or"*
I am hoing to do another one of these resentationsK)or"shos at the gallery again on 'at!rday.
J!ne N%
* 1ean)hile I shall send these s>!ares to Lorraine so she can in them to the )all for g!ests
to see )hen they +isit my eChibit. )hich )ill be there !ntil the end of J!ne*
Hoe to see yo! then! ;9
Joey%& Pro'ect
H??203! I am 0L1?'T H0LF FIBI'HE,!!!!!!
"ear om an# "a#
'!nday. 1ay N5
. N0#D
,ear 1om and ,ad.
Hello! Ho) is e+erything ! thereE Life is +ery b!sy these days* 'chool is going great* I'+e really been
en(oying 0boriginal st!dies* I am doing my s!mmati+e ro(ect on 5andy Palmater* 'he's amaIing! I
en(oy her sho) e+ery Aednesday night*
Had a great time in /obcaygeon last )ee"end* Aill be going bac" there to)ard the end of J!ne in
hoes of doing another resentation* Loo"ing for)ard to going to the Grilled 5heese Hidea)ay )ith
Lorraine again*
Janette is coming o+er neCt 'at!rday to stay for the )ee"end* 'he sent me a che>!e for GD00 to tide
me o+er !ntil yo!r money goes into my acco!nt neCt month* Then I can ay her bac"* I (!st sent in my
registration fee for the Bational 5aro!sel 0ssociation con+ention* Janette and I are both +ery eCcited
abo!t going to Be) 3or" this year* In the meantime )e also lan to +isit G!elh on my birthday e+en
tho!gh f!nds are tight* I ray that I sell at least a >!ilt! ?r t)o or three!!! Ahat I need is a 5ELE/2IT3
endorsement* Imagine if ?P20H came to the /obcaygeon gallery and bo!ght one of my >!ilts!
Ahate+er ?rah b!ys. E4E23?BE )ants!!!
Loo"ing at ho) f!ll the room at the gallery is )ith my creations. I need to slo) do)n for the time
being!!! Ahat I really need to do for the neCt co!le months is concentrate on Joey's ro(ect! 0s yo!
can see. I'm more than half)ay finished the latest s>!are* I act!ally started o+er a )ee" ago* Good
thing I )asn't already finished* The cats. Tigger and 'ot. are relati+ely ne) additions to their little
/oy George is laying in Toronto on his birthday. J!ne #D
* Janette and I )ish )e co!ld go b!t )e
can't really afford it at the moment* 1y first riority is aying her bac" )hen my money arri+es and
aying off as m!ch as I can on my 4I'0 acco!nt*
I really can't thin" of m!ch else to tal" abo!t for no)* 1y com!ter has been gi+ing me attit!de today*
Pict!res ha+e been (!ming aro!nd and I "ee getting 6itsy bitsy7 fonts*
Bo )ord on )hether or not I am getting a ne) com!ter from the school* I bet they'd hand it o+er in a
heartbeat if I had :I,'!!!! 0nd I'm B?T oing one o!t (!st to >!alify* That shi has sailed*
?ne of my assignments for 0boriginal 't!dies is to )rite my o)n creation myth* I tho!ght I )as
finished b!t I tho!ght of an interesting ne) lot t)ist to add some eCtra drama* Perhas I shall !blish
the comleted story in neCt month's iss!e!! 3esterday )e did art and )e created o!r o)n animals
mas"s* Each animal has a different meaning* I chose the )olf beca!se I li"e )hat he reresents;
Loyalty. erse+erance and s!ccess!
Aell. that's it for no)* I'+e got to get this iss!e !blished*
(arou&el of the onth
:ansas 5ity 2oyals /aseball 'tadi!m

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