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NIIT is a leading Global Talent

Development Corporation, building
skilled manpower pool for global
industry requirements. The ompany
whih was set up in !"#!, to help the
nasent IT industry and overome its
human resoure hallenges, has today
grown to be amongst world$s leading
talent development ompanies offering
learning solutions to Individuals,
%nterprises and Institutions.
NIIT$s training solutions in IT, &usiness 'roess (utsouring, &anking, )inane *
Insurane, %+eutive ,anagement %duation, and Communiation * 'rofessional -ife
.kills, touh / million learners every year. NIIT$s e+pertise in learning ontent
development, training delivery and eduation proess management make us the most
preferred training partner, worldwide.0esearh1based Innovation, a key driver at NIIT, has
enabled us to develop programs and urriula that use utting1edge instrutional design
methodologies and training delivery. NIIT$s Individual -earning .olutions inlude industry1
endorsed IT training programs like GNIIT, Integrated programs for %ngineers 2NIIT
%dgeineers34Infrastruture ,anagement programs 2NIIT Global Net53.
)or working professionals, NIIT Imperia, Centre for 6dvaned -earning, brings %+eutive
,anagement %duation 'rograms from premier &1shools in India.
NIIT Institute of )inane &anking * Insurane 2I)&I3, formed by NIIT with equity
partiipation from ICICI &ank, offers programs for individuals and for people in orporate
setor in &anking .ervies, )inanial .ervies and Insurane .ervies.
NIIT 7nique, Centre for 'roess %+ellene, addresses the inreasing demand for skilled
workers in the business and tehnology servies industry by providing training.
NIIT$s .hool -earning .olutions offers IT integration program for shools and has
provided omputer 8 based learning to nearly 9.# million students in over ",/:: government
and private shools. NIIT eGuru is a omprehensive learning solution for shools. To
address the vast population of underprivileged, shool aged hildren NIIT launhed the
;ole1in1the1<all eduation initiative. (ur ahievements in the area of ,inimally Invasive
%duation earned the oveted Digital Opportunity Award by the World Information
Technology Service!
NIIT$s Corporate -earning .olutions offers integrated learning solutions, inluding strategi
onsulting, learning design, ontent development, delivery, tehnology, assessment and
learning management to )ortune /:: ompanies, 7niversities, Tehnology ompanies,
Training orporations and 'ublishing houses. %lement = delivers learning solutions for
ustomers and partners through a tailored ombination of atalog learning produts,
tehnology, and servies. The offerings inlude> ;ands1on -abs, Instrutor1led Courseware,
and Comprehensive %1referene libraries, Tehnial ?ournals, and =nowledge ;ub. NIIT
together with %lement = is now the first and the best hoie for omprehensive learning
solutions, worldwide.
NIIT has been aorded the &usiness .uper brand @::# status for the seond time by the
.uper brands Counil, 7.. The first one being for the period @::A1@::/.
0anked as BTop Training Company @::#$, by Dataquest magaCine, India$s leading ICT
publiation group Cyber media.
NIIT, 7.6 has been awarded the Gold for B%+ellene in %1learning 6ward$ by Chief
-earning (ffier magaCine as part of its -earning in 'ratie 6wards, one of the
industry$s highest honors.
NIIT ranked among the BTop @: Companies in the IT Training Industry$ in @::# by
NIIT was reogniCed by 7N%.C( for innovation in ICT in %duation in @::#.
NIIT 2;i<%-3 has been onferred the oveted BDigital (pportunity 6ward$ by <orld
Information Tehnology .ervies 6lliane 2<IT.63 in @::#.
0anked amongst BIndia$s ,ost Trusted .ervies &rand$ in a survey by IndiaDs one of
the leading finanial daily1 The %onomi Times &rand %quity .urvey, in @::#.
NIIT is the only Indian %duation ompany from India to be featured in EThe &CG /:
-oal Dynamos Fin @::#.
0anked amongst India$s B,ost 0espeted Companies$ in the IT setor in a survey done
by &usiness <orld magaCine in @::9.
NIIT was ranked as BIndia$s ,ost Customer 0esponsive %duational Institution$ as per
6vaya GlobalConnet Customer 0esponsiveness 6wards in @::9 for the third
onseutive year.NIIT was voted as the B,ost 'opular %duation &rand$ by College and
7niversity students in China.

'roGet preparation requires following tools>
,H .I- .%0J%0 @::#
,!- $T+)
;yper Te+t ,ark 7p -anguage 2;T,-3 is the main mark1up language for displaying web
pages and other information that an be displayed in a web browser. ;T,- is
written in the form of ;T,- elements onsisting of tags enlosed in angle brakets,
within the web page ontent. ;T,- tags most ommonly ome in pairs
like Kh!L and KMh!L, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired.
The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the seond tag is the end tag 2they are also
alled opening tags and losing tags3. In between these tags web designers an add
te+t, tags, omments and other types of te+t1based ontent. The purpose of a web
browser is to read ;T,- douments and ompose them into visible or audible web
pages. The browser does not display the ;T,- tags, but uses the tags to interpret the
ontent of the page.;T,- elements form the building bloks of all websites. ;T,-
allows images and obGets to be embedded and an be used to reate interative
forms. It provides a means to reate strutured douments by denoting
strutural semantis for te+t suh as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and
other items. It an embed sripts in languages suh as ?ava.ript whih affet the
behaviour of ;T,- web pages.
;T,- Jersions
.ine the early days of the web, there have been many versions of ;T,->
;T,- @.:2!""/3
;T,- A.@2!""93
N;T,- O.:!2!"""3
;T,- !.:2@:::3
;T,- /2@:!@3
';' is a server1side sripting language designed for web development but also used as a
general1purpose programming language. ';' is now installed on more than @OO million
websites and @.! million web servers. (riginally reated by 0asmus -erdorf in !""/, the
referene implementation of ';' is now produed by The ';' Group.<hile ';' originally
stood for 'ersonal ;ome 'age, it now stands for ';'> ;yperte+t 'reproessor, a reursive
bakronym. ';' ode is interpreted by a web server with a ';' proessor module, whih
generates the resulting web page> ';' ommands an be embedded diretly into an ;T,-
soure doument rather than alling an e+ternal file to proess data. It has also evolved to
inlude a ommand1line interfae apability and an be used in standalone graphial
appliations.';' is free software released under the ';' -iense. ';' an be deployed on
most web servers and also as a standalone shell on almost every operating system and
platform, free of harge.
';' 6DJ6NT6G%.
%+eptionally short learning urve
Iuik development time
Jery high performane
.upports all maGor platforms27NIN,<indows and even mainframes3
)eatures native support for most popular databases
';' was built with the needs of web developers in mindP.unlike other umbersome,
overhead1laden approahes, ';' is lightweight and foused on the web1where it an solve
omple+ problem senarios quiker and more easily than omparable tehnologies.
*$*0#NAB)#D W#B *A.#S
Treated Gust like regular ;T,- pages and you an reate and edit them the same
way you normally reate regular ;T,- pages.
6s simple as ;T,- files with a whole new family of magial tags that let you do all
sorts of things.
SI+*)# #1A+*)#S'
)ile name> hello.php
KQphp eho F;%--( <(0-DR4QL
*$* )AN.UA.#
Condition statements,-oop statements,6rraysP.
&uilt in libraries.2sorting,list,queueP3
Classes.2obGet and inheritane.. 3
.tring manipulation. 2'erl3
&uilt in support for enryptionMderyption funtions. 2,D)/,D%.S
,ore on ';' language>
Te+t files manipulation. 20aed,<rite,P3
.upports ?6J6 obGets,C(, obGets P
.ession CookiesP
,!2 "SS
Casading style sheets 2C..3 is a style sheet language used for desribing the presentation
semantis 2the look and formatting3 of a doument written in a mark1up language. Its most
ommon appliation is to style web pages written in ;T,- and N;T,-, but the language
an also be applied to any kind of N,- doument, inluding plain
N,-, .JG and N7-.C.. is designed primarily to enable the separation of doument
ontent 2written in ;T,- or a similar mark1up language3 from doument presentation,
inluding elements suh as the layout, olours, and fonts. This separation an improve
ontent aessibility, provide more fle+ibility and ontrol in the speifiation of presentation
harateristis, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and redue omple+ity and
repetition in the strutural ontent 2suh as by allowing for table less web design3. C.. an
also allow the same mark1up page to be presented in different styles for different rendering
methods, suh as on1sreen, in print, by voie 2when read out by a speeh1based browser
or sreen reader3 and on &raille1based, tatile devies. It an also be used to allow the web
page to display differently depending on the sreen siCe or devie on whih it is being
viewed. <hile the author of a doument typially links that doument to a C.. style sheet,
readers an use a different style sheet, perhaps one on their own omputer, to override the
one the author has speified. C.. speifies a priority sheme to determine whih style rules
apply if more than one rule mathes against a partiular element. In this so1alled asade,
priorities or weights are alulated and assigned to rules, so that the results are preditable.
"SS and Te3t'
&efore having the ontrol that C.. gives you over te+t, you were severely limited in how
you ould present your words. Heah, you ould use the <font> tag to hange the olor and
typefae of the te+t, but siCing was hampered by the fat that you ould only use the pre1
defined font siCes. (ther effets like boldness and strike1throughs were possible in only
basi forms through more ;T,- tags. Now, you have omplete ontrol over how your te+t
T#1T "O)O('
Hou$ve already seen this being used in the e+amples in the preeding tutorials, so you
should know it now. To hange the olor of your te+t you simply use the property, color,
like so>
a'active Tolor> Vff::::4 U
6s in every part of web design, you an speify the olor as a ;%N ode or a named olor
"SS and )in4
6pplying C.. to your links allows you to do all sorts of nie roll1over effets and advaned
te+t highlighting. Hou will also be able to have many sets of links on a single page, all with
different formatting.
Baic lin4
There are four style sheet entities that govern how your links look>
a'active TU
These four seletors basially over the old link, vlink and alink KbodyL attributes, but the
last one allows you to set up te+t roll1over effets. Hour a>hover line omes into play when a
user puts their mouse on a link. The link an hange in appearane in many ways, from a
simple olor swith to a omplete morph into another typefae and siCe. These effets are
very helpful in showing the reader e+atly whih link they are pointing at. They look great
The "SS Bo3 +odel
The bo+ model is a very important onept, one that you must have right in your head before
you start takling all this spaing stuff. 6ll ;T,- blok1level elements have five spaing
properties> height5 width5 margin5 border and padding. <hen disussing these attributes
youDll need a diagram to see what part of the spaing weDre talking about. ;ave a look at the
diagram below and hek out the three area that urround every bloc40level page
element. Together, they form the bo3 that the element takes up.
"SS and Bac4ground
(ne youDve set up bo+es around all your elements youDll more than likely want to add
bakgrounds to them. In this tutorial IDll be going into the properties that give olor to your
layouts, and let you ontrol your bakground images. Hou will soon be able to ontrol the
bakground olor and image of all your elements.
,!6 ABOUT +&S7) S#(%#(
What i +&S7)S#(%#(8
+icrooft S7) Server is a relational database management system developed by
,irosoft. 6s a database, it is a software produt whose primary funtion is to store and
retrieve data as requested by other software appliations, be it those on the same omputer or
those running on another omputer aross a network 2inluding the Internet3.
Server Databae Sytem
.erver based database systems are designed to run on a entral server, so that multiple users
an aess the same data simultaneously. The users normally aess the database through an
S7) Server +anagement Studio 9SS+S:
.I- .erver ,anagement .tudio 2..,.3 is the main administration onsole for .I- .erver.
..,. enables you to reate database obGets 2suh as databases, tables, views et.3, view the
data within your database4 you an onfigure user aounts, transfer data between databases,
and more.
S7) "(#AT# DATABAS# Synta3'
C0%6T% D6T6&6.% databaseSname
The "(#AT# TAB)# Statement
The C0%6T% T6&-% statement is used to reate a table in a database.
.I- C0%6T% T6&-% .ynta+>
C0%6T% T6&-% tableSname
olumnSname! dataStype,
olumnSname@ dataStype,
olumnSnameA dataStype, ....
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int,
-astName varhar2@//3,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3
The empty E'ersonsE table will now look like this>
'SId -astName )irstName 6ddress City
S7) "ontraint
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that an go into a table.
Constraints an be speified when a table is reated 2with the C0%6T% T6&-% statement3
or after the table is reated 2with the 6-T%0 T6&-% statement3.
<e will fous on the following onstraints>
N(T N7--
'0I,60H =%H
S7) NOT NU)) "ontraint
The N(T N7-- onstraint enfores a olumn to N(T aept N7-- values.
The following .I- enfores the E'SIdE olumn and the E-astNameE olumn to not aept
N7-- values>
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int N(T N7--,
-astName varhar2@//3 N(T N7--,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3
S7) UNI7U# "ontraint
The 7NII7% onstraint uniquely identifies eah reord in a database table.
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int N(T N7-- 7NII7%,
-astName varhar2@//3 N(T N7--,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3
S7) *(I+A(& ;#& "ontraint
The '0I,60H =%H onstraint uniquely identifies eah reord in a database table.
'rimary keys must ontain unique values.
6 primary key olumn annot ontain N7-- values.
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int N(T N7-- '0I,60H =%H,
-astName varhar2@//3 N(T N7--,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3
S7) "$#"; "ontraint
The C;%C= onstraint is used to limit the value range that an be plaed in a olumn.
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int N(T N7-- C;%C= 2'SIdL:3,
-astName varhar2@//3 N(T N7--,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3
S7) D#<AU)T "ontraint
The D%)67-T onstraint is used to insert a default value into a olumn.
C0%6T% T6&-% 'ersons
'SId int N(T N7--,
-astName varhar2@//3 N(T N7--,
)irstName varhar2@//3,
6ddress varhar2@//3,
City varhar2@//3 D%)67-T D.andnesD
The D(O* TAB)# Statement
The D0(' T6&-% statement is used to delete a table.
D0(' T6&-% tableSname
The D(O* DATABAS# Statement
The D0(' D6T6&6.% statement is used to delete a database.
D0(' D6T6&6.% databaseSname
The A)T#( TAB)# Statement
The 6-T%0 T6&-% statement is used to add, delete, or modify olumns in an e+isting
.I- 6-T%0 T6&-% .ynta+
To add a olumn in a table, use the following synta+>
6-T%0 T6&-% tableSname
6DD olumnSname datatype
To delete a olumn in a table, use the following synta+ 2notie that some database systems
donDt allow deleting a olumn3>
6-T%0 T6&-% tableSname
D0(' C(-7,N olumnSname
To hange the data type of a olumn in a table, use the following synta+>
6-T%0 T6&-% tableSname
6-T%0 C(-7,N olumnSname datatype
The S7) S#)#"T Statement
The .%-%CT statement is used to selet data from a database.
The result is stored in a result table, alled the result1set.
.I- .%-%CT .ynta+
.%-%CT olumnSname,olumnSname
)0(, tableSname4
.%-%CT W )0(, tableSname4
The S7) INS#(T INTO Statement
The IN.%0T INT( statement is used to insert new reords in a table.
.I- IN.%0T INT( .ynta+
It is possible to write the IN.%0T INT( statement in two forms.
The first form does not speify the olumn names where the data will be inserted, only their
IN.%0T INT( tableSname
J6-7%. 2value!,value@,valueA,...34
The seond form speifies both the olumn names and the values to be inserted>
IN.%0T INT( tableSname 2olumn!,olumn@,olumnA,...3
J6-7%. 2value!,value@,valueA,...34
The S7) U*DAT# Statement
The 7'D6T% statement is used to update e+isting reords in a table.
.I- 7'D6T% .ynta+
7'D6T% tableSname
.%T olumn!Xvalue!,olumn@Xvalue@,... <;%0% someSolumnXsomeSvalue4
The S7) D#)#T# Statement
The D%-%T% statement is used to delete rows in a table.
.I- D%-%T% .ynta+
D%-%T% )0(, tableSname
<;%0% someSolumnXsomeSvalue4
Magento is an open source e-commerce web application that was launched on March 31, 2008
under the name Bento. Magento is a content management system (M!" based on #$# and
My!%& 'or web hosting ser(ice, which was built using parts o' the )end *ramewor+. ,t pro(ides
'ull support 'or ob-ect-oriented programming and Model-.iew-ontroller (M." architecture.
Magento also uses the entity-attribute-(alue (/0." database model to store data. ,t was
de(eloped by .arien (now Magento, a di(ision o' eBay" with help 'rom the programmers within
the open source community but is now owned solely by eBay ,nc.
,n 0pril 2011, 233echs estimated that Magento was used by 1.04 o' all websites. 0ccording to
the research conducted by ahead2or+s in 0pril, 2011, Magento5s share is about 314 among 20
most popular e-commerce plat'orms. Magento o''icially started de(elopment in early 2006.
!e(en months later, on 0ugust 31, 2006, the 'irst public beta (ersion was released. .arien, the
company owning Magento, 'ormerly wor+ed with osommerce.
3hey had originally planned to 'or+ osommerce but later decided to rewrite it as Bento. 7ue in
part to a naming con'lict with *ileMa+er ,nc. who had already trademar+ed the name Bento,
.arien and osommerce renamed Bento to Magento, a mi8 o' Bento and Mage. 3he term Mage
is said to pay homage to the Mage or 2i9ard o' traditional 7:7 style role playing games.,n
*ebruary 2011, eBay announced it had made an in(estment in Magento in 2010, worth a 1;4
ownership share o' the company.0s o' <une =, 2011 eBay owns 1004 o' Magento. eBay
announced that Magento would -oin eBay5s new >.ommerce initiati(e.?8@ Magento5s /A and
co-'ounder Boy Bubin wrote on the Magento blog stating that CMagento will continue to operate
out o' &os 0ngeles, with Doa( Eutner and me as its leaders.F Doa( Eutner le't Magento in 0pril
2012 citing the (ision 'or Magento has changed since the time o' acGuisition due to high le(el
sta'' changes.
The website has been developed for the eCommere venture ,y'et'laCa in an effort to
make it as attrative and dynami as possible.The purpose of this website is to provide a
friendly interfae for ustomers, make it easy to navigate and at the same time provide
suffiient depth and information about produts. The website will be a authentiated and the
site provides a safe environment of online users. It may fall short of ertain requirements and
may require some additional funtionality if it is to be used for general audiene.
&enefits for using the site should inlude
Detailed information about all the produts that are being sold by the website
Timely and upto date information that enourages readers to return to the site.
Call to ation and plans for students to follow to prepare for of &.Teh,
,&6,,C6, Diploma, 'harmay,,.Teh et.
+a?or feature of webite include the following page'
News and events
Daily ativities and updates of ollege
'laement senario
6bout usMmission
.peifies the aim of institute
(ur uniqueness
The basi problem faed by the students is inonvenient of visiting ollege for eah and
every requirement viC. fee struture, registration, announements ,bus route. This is very
time onsuming and this website provide ease of aess all the basi information related to
the ollege. .o the ollege website gives fle+ibility to students so that they an obtained the
respetive information right from their desk.
This website is aimed at the smooth funtioning of the ollege management
6 user friendly ollege site where any kind of information about the ollege is
provided on the single lik.
<ebsite is aimed towards students who have ompleted their higher studies are
looking for a ollege for the further higher studies .

$ardware '
;ardware %nvironment 2Deployment .erver3
'C 6pahe Tomat Y.: .erver
'roessor Intel 'entium 'roessor O, @.OG;C or
06, !G&06,
;DD O: G&
;ardware %nvironment 2%nd user$s 'C3
'C 'C 2<indows3, 6pple, -inu+
'roessor Intel 'entium 'roessor, @AA ,;C
or equivalent.
06, ! G& 06,
;DD @G& of free ;DD spae for Internet
Internet Connetion /!@=
@. SO<TWA(#
.oftware %nvironment 2Deployment .erver3
(perating .ystem 6ll
(ther software ,. .I- .erver @::#, ?D=!.Y
Net &eans ID% Y.:
<eb .erver 6pahe Tomat Y.:
.oftware %nvironment 2%nd 7ser3
(perating .ystem <in @::: M <in N', <in 9, <in # or
higher, 6pple, -inu+
&rowser I% #.: and ".:, )irefo+ #.:, ,a
.afari/.:, Google Chrome
Technologie '0


Bac4 #nd
Server Requirements:
(perating .ystem> -inu+
.erver> 6pahe
,emory usage> A".#O ,&yte
,H.I- Jersion> /.!.Y"
.I- ,ode> Not set
';' Jersion> /.A.@O
';' .afe ,ode> (ff
';' 6llow 70- fopen> (n
';' ,emory -imit> @/Y,
';' ,a+ 7pload .iCe> #,
';' ,a+ 'ost .iCe> #,
';' ,a+ .ript %+eute Time> A:
';' %+if support> Hes 2 J!.O 3
';' I'TC support> Hes
';' N,- support> Hes


.ystem analysis is the proess of studying the business proessors and proedures, generally
referred to as business systems, to see how they an operate and whether improvement is
needed. This may involve e+amining data movement and storage, mahines and tehnology
used in the system, programs that ontrol the mahines, people providing inputs, doing the
2!-!- IN%#STI.ATION *$AS#
The investigation phase is also known as the fat1finding stage or the analysis of the urrent
system. This is a detailed study onduted with the purpose of wanting to fully understand
the e+isting system and to identify the basi information requirements. Jarious tehniques
may be used in fat1finding and all fat obtained must be reorded. 6 thorough investigation
was done in every effeted aspet when determining whether the proposed system is feasible
enough to be implemented.
The onstraints and limitation within a system are the drawbaks that our during the
implementation of the system. These limitations and onstraints an rop up in almost every
system4 the most important fat is to find a way to overome these problems.
.oftware design is the first of three tehnial ativities 8 design, ode generation, and test
that are required to build and verify the software. %ah ativity transforms information in
manner that ultimately results in validated omputer software.
The design task produes a data design, an arhitetural design, an interfae design and
omponent design. The design of an information system produes the details that learly
desribe how a system will meet the requirements identified during system analysis.
2!, SO<TWA(# (#7UI(#+#NT S*#"I<I"ATION
The software requirement speifiation is produed at the ulmination of the analysis task.
The funtion and performane alloated to software as part of system engineering are
refined by establishing a omplete information desription, a detailed funtional desription,
a representation of system behavior, an indiation of performane requirement and design
onstraints appropriate validation riteria, and other information pertinent to requirement.
The introdution to software requirements speifiation states the goals and obGetives of the
software, desribing it in the onte+t of the omputer based system. The Information
Desription provides a detailed desription of the problem that the software must solve.
Information ontent, flow and struture are doumented.
6 desription of eah funtion required to solve the problem is presented in the )untional
Desription. Jalidation Criteria is probably the most important and ironially the most often
negleted setion of the software requirement speifiation. .oftware requirement
speifiation an be used for different p
2!,!- STAT#+#NT O< US#( N##DS
The main purpose of the produt speifiation is to define the need of the produt$s user.
.ometimes, the speifiation may be a part of a ontrat sign between the produer and the
user. It ould also form part of the user manuals. 6 userBs needs are sometimes not learly
understood by the developer. If this is the ase, a areful analysis 8 involving muh
interation with the user should be devoted to reahing a lear statement of requirements, in
order to avoid possible misunderstandings. .ometimes, at the beginning of a proGet, even
the user has no lear idea of what e+atly the desired produt is. Think for instane of user
interfae , a user with no previous e+periene with omputer produts may not appreiate
the differene between , say menu driven interation and a ommand line interfae. %ven an
e+at formation of system funtions and performane may be missing an initial desription
produed by an e+periened user.
6 feasibility study is a short, foused study, whih aims to answer a number of questions>
1Does the system ontribute to the overall obGetives of the organiCationsQ
1Can the system be implemented using urrent tehnology and within givenost and
shedule onstraintsQ
1Can the system be integrated with systems whih are already in plaeQ
'rior to stating whether the system we have to develop is feasible or not we believe that we
should emphasiCe on what is implied by the word F)easibilityR. )easibility is the measure of
how benefiial or pratial the development of the system will be to the organiCation. It is a
preliminary survey for the systems investigation. It aims to provide information to failitate
a later in1depth investigation.
2!2!- T&*#S O< <#ASIBI)IT&'
There are various measures of feasibility that helps to deide whether a partiular proGet is
feasibleor not. These measures inlude >8
-! Operational <eaibility
,! Technical <eaibility
2! #conomic <eaibility
2!2!-!- O*#(ATIONA) <#ASIBI)IT&
6 proposed system is benefiial only if it an be turned into an information system that
will meet the operational requirements of an organiCation. 6 system often fails if it
does not fit within e+isting operations and if users resist the hange.
Important issues a systems developer must look into are>
<ill the new system be used if implemented in an organiCationQ
6re there any maGor barriers to implementation or is proposed system aepted
without destrutive resistaneQ
2!2!-!, T#"$NI"A) <#ASIBI)IT&
&ased on the outline design of the system requirements in terms of inputs, output,
'roedures, the tehnial issues raised during tehnial feasibility inlude>
Does the neessary tehnology e+ist to do what is proposedQ
Does the proposed equipment have the tehnial apaity to hold the data required to
use in the new systemQ
6dequate responses provided by the proposed systemQ
Is the system fle+ible enough to failitate e+pansionQ
Is there any tehnial guarantee of auray, reliability, ease of aess and data
Is the proGet feasibility within the limits of urrent tehnologyQ
Does the tehnology e+ist at allQ
Is it available within given resoure onstraints 2i.e., budget, shedule3Q
The system developer$s task is to view needed apabilities in light of urrently available
tehnology. (ur site works hand in hand with high tehnology. 6 database has to be
maintained in order to update and bakup data whenever required. To reate databases we
use .I- server. 6fter taking the above fats into onsideration we an state that the new
proposed system tehniallyfeasible.
2!2!-!2 #"ONO+I"A) <#ASIBI)IT&
In making reommendations a study of the eonomis of the proposed system should be
made. %ven though finding out the osts of the proposed proGet is diffiult we assume and
estimate the osts and benefits as follows. 6ording to the omputeriCed system we
propose, the osts an be broken down in two ategories.
Costs assoiated with the development of the system.
Costs assoiated with operating the system.

6!- S&ST#+ D#SI.N
.ystem design is the proess of developing speifiations for a andidate system that meet
the riteria established in the system analysis. ,aGor step in system design is the preparation
of the input forms and the output reports in a form appliable to the user.
The main obGetive of the system design is to make the system user friendly. .ystem design
involves various stages as>
Data %ntry
Data Corretion
Data Deletion
0eport Generation.ystems design is the reative at of invention, developing new
inputs, a database, offline files, proedures and output for proessing business to
meet an organiCation obGetive. .ystem design builds information gathered during
the system analysis
6!-!- "$A(A"T#(ISTI"S O< A W#)) D#<IN#D S&ST#+
In design an effiient and effetive system is of great importane to onsider the human
fator and equipment that these will require to use. .ystem analyst must evaluate the
apabilities and limitations of the personal and orresponding fators of the equipment itself.
The harateristis assoiated with effetive system operations are>
Deision ,aking 6bility
6!6 DATA <)OW DIA.(A+S 9D<D:
To contruct D<D@ we ue following Notation' 0
6n arrow identifies Data flow

Cirle stands for a'roess that onverts data into information.
It represents a soure or sinks of system data

It represents data store.
(pen retangle
In the late !"9:s data1flow diagrams 2D)Ds3 were introdued and populariCed for
strutured analysis and design 2Gane and .arson !"9"3. D)Ds show the flow of data
from e+ternal entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one proess
to another, as well as its logial storage.
There are only four symbols>
.quares representing e3ternal entitie, whih are soures or destinations of data.
0ounded retangles representing procee, whih take data as input, do something
to it, and output it.
6rrows representing the data flow, whih an either, be eletroni data or physial
(pen1ended retangles representing data tore, inluding eletroni stores suh as
databases or N,- files and physial stores suh as or filing abinets or staks of
There are several ommon modeling rules that I follow when reating D)Ds>
6ll proesses must have at least one data flow in and one data flow out.
6ll proesses should modify the inoming data, produing new forms of outgoing
%ah data store must be involved with at least one data flow.
%ah e+ternal entity must be involved with at least one data flow.
6 data flow must be attahed to at least one proess.


MySQL Tables
Header news Teacher Detal !ews
%MySQL database&
Teacher's Detal Header !ews !ews
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)#%#) -

6!B #( DIA.(A+S

6!= "ODIN.
KliLKa hrefXEteh dept.htmlE
The testing ativities are done in all phases of the lifeyle in an iterative software
development approah. ;owever, the emphasis on testing ativities varies in different
phases. This proedure e+plains the fous of testing in ineption, elaboration, onstrution
and transition phases. In the ineption phase most of requirements apturing is done and the
test plan is developed. In elaboration phase most of design is developed, and test ases are
developed. Constrution phase mainly fouses on development of omponents and units,
and unit testing is the fous in this phase. Transition phase is about deploying software in the
user ommunity and most of the system testing and aeptane testing is done in this phase.
The purpose of system testing is to identify and orret errors in the andidate system.
Testing is an important element of software quality assurane and represents the ultimate
review of speifiation, design and oding. The inreasing visibility of the software as a
system element and the ost assoiated with a software failure are motivated fores for well
planned , through testing.
Testing presents an interesting hallenge for the software engineers attempt to build software
from an abstrat onept to an aeptable implementation in testing. %ngineer reates a
series of test ase that ours when errors are unovered. Testing is the proess of e+euting
a program for finding errors. 6 good test is one that has high probability of finding an
unovered error.
6 suessful error is one that unovers undisovered errors.
The term error is used to refer the differene between atual output of the software and the
urrent output . )ault is a ondition that auses the software to fail to perform is required
Software reliability is define required funtion. .oftware reliability is defined as a
probability that the software well not undergoes failures for a speified time under speified
ondition . )ailure is the inability of a system or a omponent to perform a required
aording it its speifiation . Different levels of testing were implied for software to make
it error free, fault free and reliable.
B!-!, *U(*OS# O< T#STIN.
The main purposes of this proedure are>
To arry out omprehensive testing of the systemMprodut and its individual
omponents in order to ensure that the developed systemMprodut onforms to the
user requirementsMdesign.
To verify the proper integration of all omponents of the software.
To verify that all requirements have been orretly implemented.
To identify and ensure defets are addressed prior to the deployment of the software.
B!-!2 T#ST *)ANNIN.
Initial test plan addresses system test planning, and over the elaboration, onstrution and
transition phases this plan is updated to ater other testing requirements of these phases, like,
unit * integration testing. The test 'lan must ontain the following>
.ope of testing
,ethodology to be used for testing
Types of tests to be arried out
0esoure * system requirements
6 tentative Test .hedule
Identifiation of various forms to be used to reord test ases and test results
The Test 'lan is reviewed as per the 0eview 'roedure as defined by the 'roGet
,anager. 6dequate 0eview 0eords are maintained.
B!-!6 *(#*A(ATION O< T#ST "AS#S
Test ases desribe the details of every test for eah feature of the module. The inputs for
preparation of test ases are the software requirement speifiations andMor Design
doumentMmodel. .ystem test ases are prepared in elaboration phase, and initial integration
test ases are prepared whih are refined and ompleted in onstrution phase. These test
ases are reviewed as per 0eview 'roedure as defined by the 'roGet ,anager and adequate
review reords are maintained. These reviews are done against requirements and Design to
ensure adequay and ompleteness.
The e+peted results are speified in test ases, against test to be arried out.
(ne of the test ases made for the 0egistration module is shown ne+t.
6!-!B *(#*A(ATION O< A""#*TAN"# *)AN
6n 6eptane 'lan is prepared and handed over to the ustomer. ;owever it is at the
disretion of the 'roGet ,anager to deide when to prepare the 6eptane 'lan but the
'roGet ,anager should ensure that it is at least prepared before the ompletion of
onstrution phase.
This 'lan helps the ustomer in planning, sheduling and providing resoures to
arry out the ustomer aeptane testing. The aeptane testing is done during
The Acceptance plan mut conit of'
16 suggested shedule for 6eptane Testing by the ustomer.
1;ardware, .oftware and other resoures required for 6eptane Testing.
1Confirmation of 6eptane riteria.
The 6eptane 'lan is reviewed as defined in ';' based on the 0eview 'roedure and the
review reords are maintained properly.
7nit testing is onduted first .Different modules of the software are tested against the
speifiation produed during design of the modules. Jerifiation of the ode produed
during the oding phase is done. 7nit testing omprises the set of tests performed by an
individual programmer prior to integration of the unit into a large system.
B! -! B! , INT#.(ATION T#STIN.
The system integrator ompiles and links the system in inrements. %ah inrement needs to
go through testing of the funtionality that has been added, as well as all tests the previous
builds went through 2regression tests3. <ithin iteration,integration testing is e+euted several
times until the whole system has been suessfully integrated.
Testing is done as per the Test 'lan for the proGet. 6 Testing Team who may be an
independent team or may inlude members of the proGet team arries out the tests.
B! -! B! 2 S&ST#+ T#STIN.
.ystem testing is initiated through a .ystem release and a 0elease Note from Development
team to the testing team. The purpose of the .ystem Testing is to ensure that the omplete
system funtions are intended. The system roles in ',' ompile and link the system in
.ystem Testing is similar to the Integration testing e+ept that it is
run under ustomer environment or in an environment as similar as to the ustomer
environment, as possible. During the .ystem testing the performane riteria is tested and
fators like stress, transation timing, volume of data, transation frequeny et. are
validated. The ability of the .oftware to be installed in an environment likely to be
enountered at the site of the ustomer is also heked here.
.ystem testing of the software is performed against base lined software and
the base lined doumentation of the ustomer requirements and the software requirements
speifiation doumentation.
6fter .ystem Testing, efforts should be made to ondut other types of testing suh as>
.tress TestingMJolume Testing 2testing the performane et.3 .eurity testing 2testing the
system against seurity measures e.g. password, et.3 0eovery testing 2the reovery
tehniques, in ase the system rashes3 0egression testing 2to ensure that hanges have not
aused unintended effets on the baseline3.
(ne the system is adequately tested, the software is handed over to the ustomer.
B!, T&*#S O< T#STIN.'0
In unit testing different modules are tested against the speifiation produed during design
for the modules. 7nit testing is for verifiation of the ode produed during the oding
phase, and hene the goal is to test the internal logi of the modules.
In this, many units tested modules are ombined into subsystems, whih are then tested. The
goal here is to see if the modules an be integrated properly. ;ene, the emphasis is on
testing interfaes between modules. This testing ativity an be onsidered testing the
B!,!2 *(#0A""#*TAN"# T#STIN.
6eptane testing is running the system with live data by the atual. It is performed with
realisti data of the lient to demonstrate that the software is working satisfatorily.
B!,!6 (#.(#SSION T#STIN.
It is performed when some hanges are made up to an e+isting system. 6 hange is made to
upgrade the software by adding new features and funtionality. The modified software
needs to
be testing to make sure that new features to be added do indeed work. &esides ensuring the
desired behavior of the new servies, testing has to sure that the desired behavior of the old
servies is maintained. This is task of regression testing.
7ser input must be validated to onform to e+peted values. )or e+ample, if the software
program is requesting input on the prie of an item, and is e+peting a value suh as A."",
the software must hek to make sure all invalid ases are handled. 6 user ould enter the
prie as F1!R and ahieve results ontrary to the design of the program. (ther e+amples of
entries that be entered and ause a failure in the software inlude> F!.@:.A/R, F6bR,
F:.:::::!R, and F"""""""""R. These are possible test senarios that should be entered for
eah point of user input. Typially when invalid user input ours, the program will either
orret it automatially, or display a message to the user that their input needs to be
orreted before proeeding.
B!,!= ST(#SS T#STIN.
In software testing, stress testing refers to tests that determine the robustness of software by
testing beyond the limits of normal operation. .tress testing is partiularly important for
Fmission ritialR software, but is used for all types of software. .tress tests ommonly put a
greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load, than on
what would be onsidered orret behavior under normal irumstanes.
0easons for stress testing inlude>
The software being tested is Fmission ritialR, that is, failure of the software 2suh as a
rash3 would have disastrous onsequenes.
The amount of time and resoures dediated to testing is usually not suffiient, with
traditional testing methods, to test all of the situations in whih the software will be used
when it is released.
%ven with suffiient time and resoures for writing tests, it may not be possible to
determine beforehand all of the different ways in whih the software will be used. This
partiularly true for operating systems and middleware, whih will eventually be used by
software that doesn$t even e+ist at the time of the testing.
Customers may use the software on omputers that have signifiantly fewer
omputational resoures 2suh as memory or disk spae3 than the omputers used for
Conurreny is partiularly diffiult to test with traditional testing methods.
.tress testing may be neessary to find rae onditions and deadloks.
.oftware suh as web servers that will be aessible over the Internet may be subGet to
denial of servie attaks.
7nder normal onditions, ertain types of bugs, suh as memory leaks, an be fairly
begin and diffiult to detet over the short periods of time in whih testing is performed.
;owever, these bugs an still be potentially serious. In a sense, stress testing for a
relatively short period of time an be seen as simulating normal operation for a longer
period of time.
B!6!C *#(<O(+AN"# T#STIN.
In software engineering, performane testing is testing that is performed, from one
perspetive, to determine how fast some aspet of a system performs under a partiular
workload. It an also serve to validate and verify other quality attributes of the system, suh
as salability and reliability. 'erformane testing an serve different purposes. It an
demonstrate that the system meets performane riteria. It an ompare two systems to find
whih performs better.
It an measure what parts of the system or workload ause the system to perform badly. In
the diagnosti ase, software engineers use tools suh as profilers to measure what parts of a
devie or software ontribute most to the poor performane or to establish throughput levels
2and thresholds3 for maintained aeptable response time. It is ritial to the ost
performane of a new system that performane test efforts begin at the ineption of the
development proGet and e+tend through to deployment. The later a performane defet is
deteted, the higher the ost of remediation. This is true in the ase of funtional testing, but
even more so with performane testing, due to the end1to1end nature of its sope. In
performane testing, it is often ruial 2and often diffiult to arrange3 for the test onditions
to be similar to the e+peted atual use. This is, however, not entirely possible in atual
B!2 I+*)#+#NTATION
Implementation is the stage in the proGet where the theoretial design is turned into the
working system and is giving onfidene to the new system for the users i.e. will work
effiiently and effetively. It involves areful planning, investigation of the urrent system
and its onstraints on implementation, design of method to ahieve the hangeover, an
evaluation, of hange over methods. 6 part from planning maGor task of preparing the
implementation is eduation of users. The more omple+ system is implemented, the more
involved will be the system analysis and design effort required Gust for implementation. 6n
implementation oordinating ommittee based on poliies of individual organiCation has
been appointed. The implementation proess begins with preparing a plan for the
implementation for the system. 6ording to this plan, the ativities are to be arried out,
disussions may regarding the equipment has to be aquired to implement the new system.
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most ritial stage is
in ahieving a suessful new system and in giving the users onfidene that the new system
will work and be effetive. The system an be implemented only after thorough testing is
done and if it found to working aording to the speifiation. This method also offers the
greatest seurity sine the old system an take over if the errors are found or inability to
handle ertain types of transation while using the new system.
The maGor elements of implementation plan are test plan,
training plan, equipment installation plan, and a onversion plan.
There are three type of implementation'
Implementation of a omputer system to replae a manual system.
Implementation of a new omputer system to replae an e+isting system.
Implementation of a modified appliation to replae an e+isting one, using the same
.uessful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the
organiCation using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it. It has
been observed that even the best system annot show good result if the analysts
managing the implementation do not attend to every important detail. This is an area
where the systems analysts need to work with utmost are.
Training personnel
Conversion 'roedures
'ost1implementation review
B!6!- T(AININ. O< *#(SONN#) IN%O)%#D WIT$ S&ST#+
%ven well designed system an sueed or fail beause of the way they are operated
and used. Therefore, the quality of training reeived by the personal involved with
the system in various apaities helps or hinders and may even prevent the suessful
implementation of management information system.
B!6!-!- S&ST#+ O*#(ATO(S T(AININ.
0unning of the system suessfully depends on the personnel working in the
Computer Centre. They are 0esponsible for providing the neessary support. Their
training must ensure that they are able to handle all possible operations, both routine
and e+tra1ordinary in nature.If the system alls for the installation of new equipment,
suh as new omputer system, speial terminals or different data entry mahines, the
operators training should inlude suh fundamentals as how to turn the equipment on
and use it, how to power off and a knowledge of what onstitutes normal operations.
The operators should also be trained on different type of malfuntioning, how to
reogniCe them and what steps should also be taken whenever they arise.
B!6!-!, US#( T(AININ.
7ser may be trained on use equipment, partiularly in the ase where, e.g. a
miroomputer is in use and individual involved is both operator and user. In suh
ases, user must be given training on how to operate and user. In suh ases, user
must be given training on how to operate the system also. Iuestions that may be
trivial to the analyst, suh as how to turn on a terminal, how to insert a diskette into a
miro1omputer or when it is safe to turn off equipment without danger of data loss
are signifiant problems to new users who are not familiar.
Inmost of the ases user training deals with the operation of the system itself, with
proper attention given to data handling tehniques. It is imperative that users be
properly trained in methods of entering transation, editing data, formulating
inquiries, deleting and inserting of reords. No training is omplete without
familiariCing users with simple systems maintenane ativities. <eakness in any
aspet of training may lead of awkward situation that reates user frustration and
B!6!, "ON%#(SION +#T$ODS
6 onversion is the proess of hanging from the old system to the new one. It must
be properly planned and e+euted. )our methods are ommon in use. They are
'arallel .ystems, Diret Conversion, 'ilot .ystem and 'hase In method. %ah
method should be onsidered in the light of the opportunities that it offers and
problems that it may reate. In general, system onversion should be aomplished in
shortest possible time. -ong onversion periods reate problems for all persons
involved inluding both analysts and users.
B!6!,!- *A(A))#) S&ST#+S
The most seure method of onverting from an old to new system is to run both systems in
parallel. This method is safest one beause it ensures that in ase of any problem in using
new system, the organiCation an still fall bak to the old system without the loss of time and
The Diadvantage Of *arallel Sytem Approach Are'
!. It doubles operating osts.
@. The new system may not get fair trial.
B!6!,!, DI(#"T "ON%#(SION
This method onverts from the old system to new system abruptly, sometimes over a
weekend or even overnight. The old system is used until a planned onversion day, when it
is replaed by the new system.
B!6!,!2 *I)OT S&ST#+
'ilot approah is often preferred in the ase of the new system whih involves new
tehniques or some drasti hanges in organiCation performane. In this method, a working
version of the system is implemented in one part of the organiCation, suh as a single work
area or department.
B!6!,!6 *$AS#0IN0+#T$OD
This method is used when it is not possible to install a new system throughout an
organiCation all at one. The onversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of
equipment may fore the staging of the implementation over a period of time, ranging from
weeks to months.
B!6!2 *OST I+*)#+#NTATION (#%I#W
6fter the system is implemented and onversion is omplete, a review should be onduted
to determine whether the system is meeting e+petations and where improvements are
needed. 6 post implementation review measures the systems performane against
predefined requirement. It determines how well the system ontinues to meet the
performane speifiations.
The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the onversion of a basi
appliation to a omplete replaement of a omputer system. ;owever the proedure is
almost similar. Implementation is used here to mean the proess of onverting a new or a
revised system design into an operational one. Conversion is one aspet of implementation.
The other aspets are the post implementation review and software maintenane.
There are three types of implementation>
Implementation of a omputer system to replae a manual system.
Implementation of a new omputer system to replae an e+isting one.
Implementation of a modified appliation to replae an e+isting one using the
same omputer.
In our ase we are having third type of implementation in whih we are replaing the
e+isting e+el work in a web based entraliCed system. This type of implementation is
relatively easy as ompared to other two.
This phase is less reative than design phase. It is primarily onerned with user training,
site preparation and file onversions. The final ommuniations and links to other modules
and hardware omponents are established to make the software operative. 6fter that the
program is run with live data otherwise a diagnosti.
'roedure is used to loate and orret the errors in program. In most of the ases, a parallel
run is onduted where the new software runs simultaneously with the older one, that$s why
software implementation inludes the installation of original software and made it
operational in an operative environment. It ontinues until the software is operating in
aordane with the defined user requirements.

In the onluding session , it an be said that proposed system is effiient enough for the
given requirements, it is quite time 8effiient, onvenient to use, user friendly, onsistent
and provides enough seurity.
The system has been developed for given position and is found working
effetively. The developed system is fle+ible and hanges whenever an be made easy.
7sing the failities and funtionalities of ';', the software has been developed in a neat and
simple manner,thereby reduing the operators work.
The speed and auray are maintained in proper ways. The user friendly nature
of this proGet developed in ';' is very easy to work with both for the higher management
as well as other people with little knowledge of omputer. The results obtained were full
satisfatory from the user point of view.
O.Developing Dynami <eb 6ppliations with ,H.I- and ';'2book3






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