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... through Bertha Dudde

Resurrection of Jesus .... Easter ....
My body as resurrected on the third day .... !nd e"en if this
e"ent see#s unbe$ie"ab$e to %eo%$e because they cannot find any
e"idence for it& hu#anity shou$d ne"erthe$ess be to$d through My
s%irit that ' ha"e tru$y risen fro# the dead. Because through My
act of (a$"ation ' o"erca#e death hich My ad"ersary had
brought into the or$d ith his descent into the abyss.
!nd ith My resurrection ' %ro"ed to you hu#ans at the sa#e
ti#e that death does not e)ist for the s%iritua$ised being. *ence
the re+transfor#ation into the origina$ being .... hich is
achie"ed by a $ife of $o"e as ' e)e#%$ified to hu#anity .... a$so
e)c$udes e"ery condition of death& e"ery he$%$essness and
ea,ness& and as soon as this transfor#ation has ta,en %$ace
during the earth$y $ife the sou$ can enter eterna$ $ife ....
Death has been con-uered by My sacrifice on the cross because
the origina$ sin as redee#ed by it and the being has been gi"en
the o%%ortunity again to transfor# into its origina$ essence hich
then a$so guarantees its eterna$ $ife.
' anted to %ro"e to you that the %hysica$ body can be
s%iritua$ised too and thus ou$d not ha"e to fear death either if
the hu#an being ou$d succeed in s%iritua$ising his body hi$e
sti$$ on earth ....
' Myse$f& as the hu#an being Jesus& s%iritua$ised a$$ of My body.s
sti$$ i##ature substances through My $ife of $o"e& ' #atured
the#/ $o"e ca$#ed e"erything that as uns%iritua$ in Me and
%ersuaded it to unite ith My sou$& so that body and sou$ cou$d
0oin the eterna$ s%irit God ithin Me and thus the co#%$ete fusion
ith *i# too, %$ace. !nd an entire$y s%iritua$ised being cannot be
sub0ect to death any#ore& because death is a condition of
he$%$essness& but a s%iritua$ised being is $ight and strength in
abundance and $iberated fro# e"ery restraint.
1he e"ent of My resurrection as therefore a$so "isib$e to %eo%$e
because they found My to#b e#%ty .... 't as understandab$e
that the disbe$ie"ers tried to con"ince their fe$$o hu#an beings
that My body had been abducted but they cou$d not substantiate
this .... !nd My resurrection i$$ on$y e"er be acce%ted as truth
by be$ie"ers& by %eo%$e ho are a$ready inti#ate$y connected to
Me through $o"e or their good i$$ to $i"e in the right ay before
My eyes .... But it is true that it ha%%ened because ith it the
%ro#ises& hich ere trans#itted to the %eo%$e by seers and
%ro%hets& ere a$so fu$fi$$ed.
My resurrection as a huge defeat for My ad"ersary to ho# '
%ro"ed that $o"e is stronger than hate .... that he ou$d not ,ee%
his fo$$oers in the state of death fore"er& because ' Myse$f had
o"erco#e death and therefore cou$d gi"e $ife to anyone ho
ac,no$edges My act of (a$"ation and acce%ts the b$essings ' had
ac-uired for hi# on the cross.
*ence My resurrection as a defeat for My ad"ersary& and for
this reason he tried to #is$ead %eo%$e and cast doubt into the#
about My resurrection .... 2e"erthe$ess he i$$ not be ab$e to
%re"ent the resurrection of those ho fo$$o Me& ho be$ie"e in
Me and to ho# ' can no gi"e eterna$ $ife& as ' %ro#ised.
!nd he i$$ constant$y ha"e feer fo$$oers& since ti#e and again
%eo%$e i$$ rise to eterna$ $ife because ' o"erca#e death& because
he cannot eterna$$y burden a being ho has the i$$ to return to
Me& and ho thus i$$ see, refuge beneath My cross in order to
esca%e My ad"ersary.s force .... Death has been con-uered for
the# and their resurrection to $ife is guaranteed ....
E"en My disci%$es did not ant to be$ie"e that ' had risen fro#
the dead& a$though ' #ade this %ro#ise to the# beforehand ....
But ' strengthened their faith& and they recognised Me hen '
ca#e to the# .... *ence they had %roof that ' had o"erco#e
death& because they shou$d %roc$ai# Me ith co#%$ete
con"iction. 1hey shou$d s%ea, of My death on the cross and a$so
of My resurrection& since this ,no$edge had to be gi"en to
%eo%$e ho ere #eant to be$ie"e in Me and start on the %ath to
the cross .... since they cou$d on$y be redee#ed if they too ou$d
carry their gui$t to Me under the cross.
But My #ost i#%ortant act of #ercy ou$d soon ha"e been
forgotten again had My s%irit not been acti"e ti#e and again in
those hu#an beings ho had entire$y gi"en the#se$"es to Me&
and ho# .... being redee#ed .... ' cou$d fi$$ ith My s%irit in
abundance& ho educated the# fro# ithin& ho #ade the
,no$edge of Jesus 3hrist.s act of (a$"ation co#%rehensib$e to
the# ....
Because the ritten records %assed on to %eo%$e did not re#ain
truthfu$ for $ong .... Where hu#an inte$$ect as used on its on
#isguided o%inions cre%t in& hich ere a$so %assed on as
4ritten records. and conse-uent$y there as no further
guarantee for the %ure truth ....
But here My s%irit cou$d or, in a %erson& the %ure truth as
re"ea$ed ti#e and again& and the ,no$edge of My suffering and
death on the cross as e$$ as My resurrection as gi"en to
%eo%$e& because this ,no$edge is abso$ute$y essentia$ if %eo%$e
shou$d a$so ha"e co#%$ete faith in it. !nd My s%irit i$$ a$ays
or, in the %erson ho gi"es hi#se$f to Me in order to recei"e
the %ure truth ....
1i#e and again %eo%$e i$$ hear the #essage and be gi"en the
right e)%$anation& so that you hu#ans can indeed be$ie"e in My
resurrection and My triu#%h o"er death& that death need not
e)ist for you any#ore if you ,ee% by My side& if you yourse$"es
ant that ' ha"e died on your beha$f .... hen you ha"e a $i"ing
faith in Me and My act of (a$"ation& hich ' Myse$f acco#%$ished
in the #an Jesus.
' !# resurrected fro# the dead& and after the death of your
body you i$$ be resurrected in this ay to eterna$ $ife too ....
!nd you need not fear death any#ore once you are freed fro#
the ene#y of your sou$s& fro# My ad"ersary .... once you a$$o
yourse$"es to be redee#ed by Me .... Because then there i$$ be
no #ore death for you& then you i$$ $i"e in and ith Me and
eterna$$y not $ose this $ife again ....
5ub$ished by friends of ne re"e$ations of God 6'nfor#ation&
don$oad of a$$ trans$ated re"e$ations& the#e+boo,$ets at7


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