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... through Bertha Dudde 19.5.1962

Commencement of receiing the Word
25 !ear" ago #15.6.19$%&
' hae gien !ou the (romi"e to "end !ou the comforter) the
"(irit of truth .... *nd ' hae done "o +! +ringing !ou the (ure
truth) +! u"ing a deoted earth,! chi,d to -hom ' had a""igned
the mi""ion of im(arting thi" truth to (eo(,e -ho -ere -i,,ing to
acce(t it .... ' hae ignited a ,ight for !ou -hich "hou,d not +e
hidden under a +u"he,) -hich "hou,d "hine +right,! into the night)
into the"" -hich i" (rea,ent acro"" earth and -hich can
on,! +e (enetrated +! a ,ight from a+oe ....
' hae cone!ed /! Word to !ou) ' hae "(o.en to !ou /!"e,f
and thu" ' -a" (re"ent -ith !ou in /! Word .... !ou -ere a+,e to
hear /! oice direct,! een though it fir"t had to +e im(arted to
!ou through /! me""enger")
+ut the reci(ient of /! Word cou,d hear /e /!"e,f. 0i" +ond -ith
/e -a" "o "incere that ' cou,d "(ea. to 0im direct,!) that he
cou,d (roide (roof of /! (re"ence1 /! Word) -hich -a"
addre""ed to him and to a,, of !ou) -hich "ounded -ithin him"e,f
and tru,! reea,ed the mo"t (rofound "ecret" -hich introduced
!ou to the truth ....
*nd thu" !ou receied an ina,ua+,e gift and can con"ider
!our"e,e" tru,! +,e""ed) +ecau"e no one can ta.e from !ou -hat
' had gien !ou and -hat !ou had o,untari,! acce(ted +e,ieing
that ' hae "(o.en to !ou .... 2our "ou, ha" receied "omething
e34ui"ite) it i" nouri"hment -hich a""i"t" the "ou, to mature and
ena+,e" it to achiee it" (ur(o"e of earth,! ,ife1 .... to find the
unit! -ith /e) it" God and Creator) it" eterna, Father ....
5ime and again thi" uni4ue gift of grace can +e "hared +! the
reci(ient -ith other (eo(,e) time and again the human +eing can
do redeeming -or. and ha" an incredi+,! effectie mean" of
grace to ,i.e-i"e he,( other (eo(,e reach the goa, on earth) to
come c,o"er to /e and to con"tant,! receie "trength to -or.
to-ard" the (erfection of their "ou,") -hich nece""itate" a
continuou" "u((,! of "trength ....
0ence ' -i,, not di"continue the f,o- of ,iing -ater from the
"ource ' hae o(ened) +ecau"e !ou human +eing" need a
(ermanent "u((,! of "trength. 2ou con"tant,! need to "ta! -ith
thi" "ource to refre"h !our"e,e") to dra- from it and ,et the f,o-
of "trength reie !ou) to dra- from the ,iing -ater -hich f,o-"
to !ou from /! -e,, of ine3hau"ti+,e ,oe and merc!. 5he! -i,,
not "to( f,o-ing to !ou) nor -i,, ' a,,o- the -e,, of grace to run
dr!) ' -i,, a,-a!" ta.e care of /! chi,d -ho gie" /e it" -i,, and
de"ire" to hear /! oice ....
' -i,, a,"o ma.e "ure that it receie" "trength for it"e,f for a" ,ong
a" it -ant" to -or. for /e) +ecau"e thi" i" entire,! u( to /e) and
' -i,, ta.e the ,ead and (roide -hat it need" (h!"ica,,! and
"(iritua,,! to carr! out it" o,untar! mi""ion.
Becau"e on,! ' .no- ho- im(ortant thi" mi""ion i" and ho-
"ucce""fu, it -i,, +e for the numerou" "ou," -ho "uffer "eere
"(iritua, hard"hi( and for -hom thi" mi""ion i" an ina,ua+,e
re"cue mi""ion ....
't i" a uni4ue gift of grace that ' cou,d "(ea. to !ou human" +!
mean" of a deoted chi,d -ho ,i"tened to /e of it" o-n free -i,,
and -ho +e,ieed /! Word" .... -ho a,,o-ed it"e,f to +e guided
into the truth and im(arted thi" truth to it" fe,,o- human +eing"
-ho de"(erate,! needed a ,ight to find their -a! in the""
of "(irit .... and -ho) in turn) carried the ,ight to (eo(,e -ho
,i.e-i"e ,ingered in "(iritua,"".
5he (eo(,e -ho acce(ted thi" ,ight cou,d derie man! +,e""ing"
from it) and the reci(ient him"e,f came c,o"er to /! heart +!
,i"tening to /e and +! +e,ieing /! Word") +ecau"e hi" inner
,ight increa"ed) he gained an in"ight in /! reign and action") in
/! eterna, (,an of "a,ation .... and he receied c,arification
a+out 6e"u" Chri"t7" act of 8a,ation) -hich he cou,d no- im(art
to hi" fe,,o- human +eing" -ho) ,i.e him"e,f) had (reiou",! ,ied
in"" and -ere therefore una+,e to uti,i9e thi" trea"ure of
' -a" a+,e to +ring the truth to man! (eo(,e) in accordance -ith
their -i"he". *nd the! -i,, not forget thi" gift of grace in
eternitie" +ecau"e there+! the! -ere guided onto the right (ath
-hich the! cou,d on,! find +! thi" very truth) -hich the! did not
re:ect -hen it -a" offered to them a" a gift from the Father -ho
-ant" to he,( 0i" chi,dren to find the (ath of return to 0im.
5he -i,, of eer! "ing,e human +eing -a" deci"ie -hether he
deried a +,e""ing from /! Word +ut at ,ea"t ' -a" a+,e to "(ea.
to him in the fir"t (,ace) -hich other-i"e -ou,d not hae +een
(o""i+,e +ecau"e ' do not force an!one to ,i"ten to /e -hen '
"(ea. to him) and +ecau"e no human +eing -ou,d .no- the
oice of the Father if he did not -ant to +e "(o.en to +! /e
But /! +,e""ing -i,, +e -ith !ou foreer if !ou hand !our"e,e"
oer to /e and a,,o- /e to ta,. to !ou direct,! .... Becau"e there
i" much hard"hi( and a,, (eo(,e need /! he,() -hich the!
noticea+,! receie through /! direct communication -ith them.
*nd for thi" rea"on !ou too) /! o+edient "erant" on earth) -i,,
receie eer! he,() ' -i,, a,-a!" and foreer gie !ou /!
dedicated (aterna, (rotection and a,"o (roide !ou -ith the
(h!"ica, and "(iritua, "trength to -or. for /e and /! .ingdom in
/! name ....
"o that !ou -or. on /! +eha,f and ena+,e /e to "(ea. to /!
chi,dren -ho are "uffering and -i"h to hear the Father7" oice ....
5he! -i,, receie he,( -hich on,! ' can and -ant to gie +ecau"e
' ,ong for their return to their (arenta, home and -i,, do
eer!thing to he,( them achiee it ....
;u+,i"hed +! friend" of ne- ree,ation" of God <'nformation)
do-n,oad of a,, tran",ated ree,ation") theme=+oo.,et" at1


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