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1he promulgauon of 1he Sexual ParassmenL of Women aL Workplace (revenuon, rohlbluon and 8edressal)

AcL, 2013 has broughL forLh several key yeL, deslred lnLervenuons ln Lhe lndlan workplaces. lL's noL only a
prlme responslblllLy buL has become a legal requlremenL for corporaLes Lo creaLe a safe and dlscrlmlnauon
free worklng envlronmenL parucularly for women.
!"#$%&'()*+# ls an organlzauon whlch ls excluslvely worklng Lowards revenuon, rohlbluon & 8edressal of
Sexual ParassmenL aL work place. We faclllLaLe corporaLes ln brlnglng ouL change ls Lhelr prevalllng P8
SysLems, ollcles and rocesses complylng Lo Lhe currenL Workplace Sexual ParassmenL AcL. We supporL ln
generaung awareness amongsL Lhe employees for Lhe prevenuon workplace sexual harassmenL. Cur lnLenL ls
Lo help organlzauons ln creaung and evolvlng a robusL, sLrong and eecuve sexual harassmenL sysLems
lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo creaung sexual harassmenL pollcles, developlng lnLernal sysLems and P.8 pollcles,
advlslng senlor managemenL on sLraLeglc lssues, educauon and Lralnlng and oLhers accordlng Lo law. 1he
SMLs (Sub[ecL Mauer LxperLs) ln our Leam are Lhorough wlLh Lhe currenL legal requlremenLs and P8
pracuces. Cur approach Lo Lhls lssue ls backed by an exLenslve research on workplace lssues especlally
workplace sexual harassmenL ln lndla as-well as abroad.
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1hellrsLWave provldes Lurnkey consulung and soluuons based advlce for eecuve lmplemenLauon of Lhe AcL
ln lndlan Workplaces. Many corporaLes need Lo make changes ln llne Lo Lhe currenL compllance needs. 1hls
requlres an undersLandlng of noL only Lhe AcL buL also Lhe currenL workplace lssues wlLh reference Lo women
safeLy and sexual harassmenL. 1he oered servlces are wlLh respecL Lo Compllance and SysLems rlghL from
redenlng pollcles, formulauon of lCC, creaung 1erms of 8eference and many more legal requlremenLs Lo
smooLh lmplemenLauon of Lhe same.
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lormulauon of a Sexual ParassmenL ollcy and generaung awareness abouL Lhe same go hand ln hand. lL ls of
prlme lmporLance Lo educaLe employees and promoLe healLhy dlscusslons around Lhe employees. Cur Leam
of experlenced laclllLaLors and Currlculum uevelopers would supporL you ln developlng and deploylng
cusLomlzed awareness and learnlng soluuons for your employees, key ManagemenL and lCC
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Lecuve communlcauon of Lhe pollcy plays an lmporLanL role ln prevenung sexual harassmenL aL workplace.
1hus lL ls lmporLanL Lo creaLe lnformauon collaLerals whlch can dellver Lhe deslred message. Cur creauve
soluuons Leam would faclllLaLe you ln deslgnlng, developlng and communlcaung key messages ln a creauve
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We render speclal advlsory servlces for slLuauons whlch requlre an eye for deLall and a vasL undersLandlng of
Lhe sub[ecL mauer.
Towards Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

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