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TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press would like to take this opportunity to point out that in these

litigious times it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we—as a community of kindred souls—once
valued common sense. So cast back in your memory to that long-forgotten concept and embrace the
fact that the TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press stand above all for freedom and personal
responsibility. Simply stated, how you apply this information in your own life has nothing to do with
us. These transcripts are for education and entertainment purposes only.

TheAntiTerrorist on Vaccines, Merck and Gardasil

Broadcast on 14 November 2007

Hello friends, I am TheAntiTerrorist. Thank you once again for your input into the
conversation and for sending me messages and engaging with me.

This subject is going to be a very controversial one, and I’m sure it’s going to provoke lots of
discussion, which can only be a good thing. Before I start, I would ask you please to rate my
video and comment on it. The more people that get this message, the better, and of course
your ratings will contribute to the amount of viewings it gets. This is not a popularity
competition, it’s simply a matter of wanting to get the message out as best as possible. So
please take the time to rate and comment even if it’s a negative comment, as long as it’s a
constructive one and you have a point to make with some proof to back it up, it will stay
within my forum. Any hate mail or silly comments will be deleted.

Within this context I am not going to discuss the eugenics programme or anything like that
because there are lots of other sources out there that you can look at for that information,
however, I hope that this discussion will actually encourage you to look into that—the
Georgia Guidestones, for example. But in this broadcast I would primarily like to address
vaccination and the effects of mercury and heavy metals in them, and of course Merck and
the new Gardasil vaccine which I highly recommend you avoid.

[Kennedy/Thimerosal Video]

When you speak to your doctor, and he’s trying to convince you these things are safe, all he
has to refer to is statistical evidence—statistics based on research done over the past 50 or 60
years. Let’s look at that evidence. I’m not going to interject much during these next few clips
because I think they speak for themselves. I will speak more towards the end of this
presentation about my thoughts and opinions. I want to show you what’s been out there for
quite some time now with regards to the whole tobacco-science behind the issue

[Isaac Golden/Australian production video]

[Bobby Kennedy Part 2 video]

[JB Handley video]

Considering we have this overwhelming body of evidence—circumstantial or otherwise—
this huge elephant in the middle of the room that no one wants to talk about regarding the
link between mercury and autism, why is it not getting more attention in the media? Why
are politicians not taking a stand against it and changing some policy?

[Bobby Kennedy Part 3 video]

The polio vaccine that was brought out in the early 1950’s received amazing fanfare, in fact it
would give a blockbuster of today a run for it’s money. So much propaganda and hyperbole
was spouted about the vaccine that even the inventor himself became a little disconcerted
considering that it hadn’t even been tested properly yet; it was still in the testing phase when
it was released to the general public.

[Salk Newsreel video]

[Sabin interview]

[Australian clip]

Records in every country show that the so-called contagious diseases declined quite rapidly
with the introduction of sanitation and nutritional reform, with the exception of smallpox
and diptheria, which were kept active by virtue of the persistent use of a vaccine. Some of
you might say thimerosal is an old issue, it’s gone from the vaccines now and they’re using
other preservatives and other boosters and so on and so forth, well that’s not true, my friend,
you’re misinformed, Thimerosal is still very much in the vaccines, and the slightest amount
of research will tell you that. However, let’s say that Thimerosal is gone, just for argument’s
sake; They’re now using aluminium sulfate, which is a well-known neurotoxin, and they
might tell you, ‘Well, it’s a fractional amount, it’s not going to do you any harm...” But you
have to remember our kids are having 35 vaccines now between the ages of nought and 18
months, so it’s a cumulative effect. It does cross the blood/brain barrier and it does cause
harm. And don’t even get me started on formaldehyde... there is no, zero, no safe amount for
the human body where formaldehyde is concerned. It is a well-known poison.

When you’re talking to your doctor and he is talking about surveys that have been done
regarding these vaccines and investigations regarding their potency and safety, what I advise
you to do is look into who funded those studies. In the majority of cases, the studies the
doctors are basing their evidence on are funded by, and instigated by the pharmaceutical
companies themselves.

Here’s a controversial point of view for you, but I stand by it and I will not retract it; Doctors
who are advocating these vaccines and ignoring these independent studies—especially those
who take commissions from the pharmaceutical companies from the vaccines they are
administering need to review their Hippocratic Oath—you have been compromised. I
suspect you have your head in the sand because you know if you do admit complicity or
ignorance, you’ll be up to your neck in lawsuits. First, Do No Harm.

I’m going to leave that subject there, an having made a few bold statements I’m hoping that
you’re going to challenge me and perhaps look into that subject in a little more depth.

Now, on to Merck. I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded about the Vioxx deaths debacle
and the whole court case, but they do not have a very good reputation for integrity. If I were
to say to you that Merck, or at least merck technicians were responsible for bringing AIDS
into America would you believe me? Unless you heard it from the horse’s mouth, perhaps...

[one of the most completely fucking chilling and enraging videos featuring an interview
with Dr Maurice Hilleman]

Here’s another fact for you to absorb; those initial vaccines that came out of Merck all those
years ago were riddled with cancer-causing agents and cancer-causing viruses. Listen to the
man himself, again.

[Hilleman video continued to great amusement of his immediate audience]

You can see the rest of that interview on the documentary; it’s called, “In Lies We Trust,” and
it’s certainly worth your attention, especially if you’re even remotely intrigued by this whole
vaccination issue.

And so, on to Gardasil. I have a daughter of 9, and she is pretty much in line to be shot up by
this ridiculous drug unless I do something about it, and this is the reason I have chosen this
topic this week, because I’m furious and I’m going to do some serious physical harm if
anyone tries to touch my daughter with that nonsense. So let’s look into this issue.

[News report on Gardasił Dr Kerr saying cervical cancer is a rarity]

[CNN news report, Governor Perry contribution]

[News report on Gardasił - Dr Kerr saying this drug is a no-no]

[Interviewed doctor says subtypes will be encouraged]

Now besides the freedom issue whereby you decide whether you want your child pumped
full of drugs or not, there is also the issue of the vaccine safety. If you’re astute at all when
you are reading this information, you will see that they use the word, ‘may, ‘ [ie] ‘it may cure
cancer in these particular strains,’ or it may do this or it may do that. You can tell when they
try to cover their backsides when they use this sort of language.

Now at risk of being called an alarmist, I’d like you to listen to this interview with a mother
who’s child was vaccinated and listen to the circumstances around the vaccination and what
happened afterwards.

[Alex Jones video]

There’s a belief out there that these vaccines protect you from the disease. That’s a belief,
that’s not evidence. It’s not proof. There isn’t a shred of evidence that not one vaccine, not
one shot ever kept one person from getting sick. But there’s tons of evidence that vaccines
have caused lots of sickness and killed lots of people. But we assume it, and we believe it,
and we act accordingly.

I’m making my choice and you’re going to make your choice, but the purpose of these
broadcasts is to give you the opportunity to look into the aspects and make an informed and
intelligent choice. It’s not an intelligent choice to be vaccinated without looking into it.

Some of you out there will say, “Well, I don’t want this vaccination, but I’m really afraid
because I do not know how to deal with the school officials, I don’t know how to deal with
the government, I don’t know how to deal with the law...”

If you go to an alternative healthcare practicioner—that’s any chiropractor, any naturopath—

look them up in the yellow pages, call them and ask them if they have any information
concerning vaccines, if they have a waiver form for religious exemption; they will give you a
booklet giving you some idea of what you can and cannot do with regards to these vaccines
and the exemptions that are available to you. If not, ask them to refer you to someone who
can .

Now in any of your contact with any of these schools, public health or legal establishments,
always try and remain calm and courteous and humbly reverent (respectful?) to their
position. You are only asking them that which their law-abinding duty grants you—there is
no advantage to be gained by antagonising them or giving them the finger. Most of these
public officials believe the lies they have been fed regarding these vaccinations. They have no
ill will towards you at all, they just believe that they are completely sincere. It’s up to you to
bring the true facts to their attention without trying to belittle them. They more you can
preserve the ego, the more likely you are to get what you desire which is a vaccination

Now you might have to get a little strong, you might have to say, “Listen, let me explain this
to you: if you want to shoot my kid up then you just go right ahead and take full
repsonsibility for any adverse reactions because I’m telling you I am opposed to it, iI do not
want it, do not do it. But, if you insist that the law requires it, you take full responsibility, and
if my kid turns out to be autistic, I’m going to sue you. And if the kid dies I’m going to sue
you for wrongful death. I want you, school nurse, I want you, teacher, I want you, school
principal to take 100% liability for the adverse reactions that may come from this event. If
you’re willing to do that, if you want us to believe these vaccines are 100% benign and there
will be no adverse reactions, then you shouldn’t have any problem with that.”

Don’t expect me to give you permission to sign the agreement and then when the kid turns
out to autistic and you turn round and say, “Well, you should have known.” You’re a parent,
you should have taken responsibility, you should have taken the religious exemption, you
should have taken the medical exemption...

You are not going to get any authority figure, or teacher or nurse or pharmaceutical company
to take responsibility for that vaccine, because they’re not stupid. They’re in business to
make money, not to take responsibility for your child.

And don’t even think for a minute that the school nurse has a duty to offer you the
exemption—their duty is to get your kid shot up, and if you don’t want that kid shot up, it’s
up to you to take a stand. If you can’t take a stand, then sit down, shut up and take that shot.
Rights are only afforded to the belligerent claimant In Person, not to those who cannot claim
their rights because they don’t know them—if you are ignorant of your rights you can’t
claim them. If you are ignorant, you do not have any rights. Period.

You can only have the rights that you know how to claim.

The next time someone looks at you and says, “It’s the law,” you say, “I understand that, and
I want to comply with the law. Now give me the waiver.”

Now if the authority comes to your door and says it’s a compulsory vaccination and if you
don’t vaccinate, they will arrest you, you need to be smart enough to say, “Okay. Arrest me.
I’m opposed to the vaccination, I’m not going to voluntarily vaccinate, you arrest me. Go
ahead. But you should be aware, if you arrest me and vaccinate me, there is a potential for a
civil rights action against you personally, because you should have known this is a voluntary

They are going to do everything they can to intimidate you, to threaten you, to make you
believe that you have to do this, and if you don’t do it... “something bad is going to happen
to you.”

be smart enough to comply with the law. There are no compulsory vaccination laws. All
vaccination laws are voluntary.

Now if you volunteer for the vaccination and there are any adverse affects and you go and
try to sue the authorities, you’re going to lose. You did it under your own power. There’s a
big difference between being cunningly coerced to waive your rights and actually having
your rights taken away from you, against your will and despite your objections. There’s a big
difference between a passive wallflower and being an objector—a belligerent objector, and
that’s what the law’s all about, laws where there’s a line drawn in the sand.
It empowers you to know what you can do and what you can’t do. You need to study your

I hope you got something out of this presentation. It was fascinating for me to look into and I
certainly couldn’t put everything I found due to time constraints, but hopefully it will inspire
you to look into it a little further and make a more informed choice before you decide to
hand your daughter over to Merck.

And as I suggested at the beginning of this broadcast, there is something a little more sinister
going on here that I believe you need to look into. Research the Georgia Guidestones and
look into the eugenics project.

The eugenics issue is a very, very controversial one and a very touchy subject. You’re going
to have to sort the wheat from the chaff on that one because there are lots of videos out there
that deal with very esoteric ideas, but on the other hand there are some very credible sources
and information that show the TPTB do not have your interests at heart when it comes to
these vaccination programs and other things like it.

Thanks for listening.

9 February 2009
© MMIX TheAntiTerrorist & Velluminous Press

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