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2009 Released AP US Government Exam

1. The debates between Federalists and AntiFederalists were rimaril! abo"t whi#h o$ the
$ollowin% iss"es&
'A( The ri%ht o$ the eole to rebel
')( The existen#e o$ slaver!
'*( The s#oe o$ ower o$ the #entral %overnment
'+( The need to establish a standard #"rren#!
'E( The reresentation o$ lar%e and small states
2. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t %err!manderin% is tr"e&
'A( -t has been banned b! United States S"reme *o"rt de#isions be%innin% with ) v.
')( -t was "sed traditionall! to maintain "rban #ontrol o$ the /o"se o$ Reresentatives.
'*( -t #an be "sed b! a oliti#al art! to draw bo"ndar! lines to #ontrol as man! distri#ts as
'+( -t %"arantees %reater #onstit"en#! #ontrol over ele#ted reresentatives.
'E( -t ens"res liberal #ontrol o$ the /o"se o$ Reresentatives.
0. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% #onstit"tional rin#iles most dire#tl! addresses the relationshi
between the national and state %overnments&
'A( *he#.s and balan#es
')( The )ill o$ Ri%hts
'*( Searation o$ owers
'+( Reresentation
'E( Federalism
1. The term 2or. barrel3 re$ers to le%islation se#i$i#all! desi%ned to
'A( en#o"ra%e a balan#ed $ederal b"d%et
')( ens"re the #are$"l inse#tion o$ $arm %oods and other $oodst"$$s
'*( distrib"te ex#ess rod"#e to the oor
'+( rovide $"ndin% $or lo#al ro4e#ts that are intended to bene$it #onstit"ents
'E( e5"ali6e reresentation between $armin% and non$armin% states
7. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is a member o$ the ,hite /o"se Sta$$&
'A( The #hair o$ the Federal Reserve )oard
')( The national se#"rit! advisor
'*( The se#retar! o$ #ommer#e
'+( The ambassador to the United 8ations
'E( The attorne! %eneral
9. -n 19:; the #ooeration amon% the 8ational Asso#iation $or the Advan#ement o$ *olored
Peole '8AA*P(< the 8ational =r%ani6ation $or ,omen '8=,(< and the Ameri#an *ivil
>iberties Union 'A*>U( to de$eat Robert )or.?s nomination to the United States S"reme *o"rt
was an examle o$
'A( imea#hment
')( liti%ation
'*( #oalition b"ildin%
'+( the re#all ro#ess
'E( the initiative ro#ess
;. The S"reme *o"rt?s ower o$ 4"di#ial review ermits the *o"rt to overr"le all o$ the
$ollowin% E@*EPT
'A( lowerA#o"rt de#isions
')( state le%islation
'*( a#ts o$ *on%ress
'+( the )ill o$ Ri%hts
'E( exe#"tive orders
:. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t oliti#al arties and the United States
*onstit"tion is tr"e&
'A( A##ordin% to the *onstit"tion< onl! two ma4or oliti#al arties ma! exist at an! time.
')( The *onstit"tion re5"ires oliti#al arties to be restri#ted b! both $ederal and state law.
'*( The *onstit"tion indi#ates that oliti#al art! leaders at the national level be ele#ted b!
oliti#al art! leaders at the state level.
'+( The *onstit"tion se#i$ies that oliti#al art! leaders m"st be nativeAborn United States
'E( The iss"e o$ oliti#al arties is not addressed in the *onstit"tion.
9. The $reeAexer#ise #la"se rote#ts
'A( the resident $rom $or#ibl! revealin% rivate #onversations with sta$$
')( individ"als who< $or reli%io"s reasons< re$"se to a! So#ial Se#"rit! taxes
'*( vol"ntar! ra!er b! st"dent %ro"s be$ore s#hool
'+( a erson?s ri%ht to b"rn the Ameri#an $la% 'E( a erson?s ri%ht to ra#ti#e ol!%am!
10. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% United States S"reme *o"rt #ases established the rin#ile o$
4"di#ial review&
'A( B#*"llo#h v. Bar!land
')( Gibbons v. =%den
'*( ,ol$ v. *olorado
'+( Roe v. ,ade
'E( Barb"r! v. Badison
11. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is the most li.el! #onse5"en#e o$ divided %overnment&
'A( Reor%ani6ation o$ the $ederal b"rea"#ra#!
')( *on$li#ts between states
'*( +ela!s in #on$irmation o$ $ederal #o"rt nominees
'+( *on$li#ts between national %overnment and states
'E( Elimination o$ the seniorit! r"le in *on%ress
12. -n Pless! v. Fer%"son< the United States S"reme *o"rt r"led that stateAimosed ra#ial
se%re%ation is #onstit"tional< based on the
'A( 2#lear and resent dan%er3 do#trine
')( 2searate b"t e5"al3 do#trine
'*( 2dan%ero"s tenden#!3 do#trine
'+( rivile%es and imm"nities #la"se 'E( ne#essar! and roer #la"se
10. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is a $"ndamental element o$ the United States *onstit"tion&
'A( Re#o%nition o$ the #entralit! o$ oliti#al arties in %overnment
')( +ire#t ele#tion o$ members o$ the exe#"tive bran#h
'*( An exe#"tive bran#h that is more ower$"l than the le%islat"re
'+( Emhasis on a "nitar! s!stem o$ %overnment
'E( +ivision o$ %overnment a"thorit! a#ross oliti#al instit"tions
11. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% best exlains the rin#ile o$ stare de#isis&
'A( -t re5"ires that at least $o"r S"reme *o"rt 4"sti#es a%ree to hear a #ase.
')( -t en#o"ra%es residents to ta.e 4"di#ial exerien#e into a##o"nt when nominatin% 4"d%es.
'*( -t en#o"ra%es 4"d%es to $ollow re#edent when de#idin% #ases.
'+( -t rein$or#es the hilosoh! o$ 4"di#ial a#tivism.
'E( -t in#reases the n"mber o$ #ases 4"d%es are re5"ired to hear.
17. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is 8=T a wa! in whi#h the $ederal %overnment re%"lates
'A( )! re5"irements $or dis#los"re o$ #amai%n donations
')( )! establishment o$ $ederal a%en#ies to re%"late #amai%n $inan#e a#tivities
'*( )! limits on the distrib"tion o$ so$t mone!
'+( )! limits on individ"al donations to #amai%ns
'E( )! rohibitions on ne%ative advertisin%
19. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t the Senate is tr"e&
'A( Ea#h state is reresented in the Senate a##ordin% to its o"lation.
')( The Senate< "nli.e the /o"se< has a R"les *ommittee.
'*( -ndivid"al senators #an exer#ise s"bstantial in$l"en#e over the le%islative ro#ess.
'+( The Senate has a stri#t time limit on debates.
'E( The Senate is more resonsible than the /o"se $or initiatin% aroriations le%islation.
1;. The $ramers o$ the United States *onstit"tion le$t de#isions on votin% eli%ibilit! to the
'A( #ivil ri%hts a%en#ies
')( individ"al states
'*( United States S"reme *o"rt
'+( /o"se o$ Reresentatives
'E( Senate
1:. -n the ro#ess and str"#t"re o$ "bli# oli#!< 2iron trian%les3 re$er to the
'A( bar%ainin% and ne%otiatin% ro#ess between the President and *on%ress abo"t the
dire#tion o$ domesti# oli#!
')( dominan#e o$ #ororate ower in settin% the national oli#! a%enda $or e#onomi#
'*( interrelationshi amon% $ederal< state< and lo#al levels o$ %overnment in the oli#!
'+( networ.s o$ #on%ressional #ommittees< b"rea"#rati# a%en#ies< and interest %ro"s that
stron%l! in$l"en#e the oli#! ro#ess
'E( %ro" o$ residential advisers who $orm"late the President?s $orei%n oli#! a%enda
19. =ne reason $or the ersisten#e o$ a twoAart! s!stem in the United States is
'A( the la#. o$ divisive iss"es in United States oliti#s
')( the searation o$ owers
'*( the sin%leAmember distri#t ele#toral s!stem
'+( the la#. o$ a stron% labor movement
'E( low voter t"rno"t in most ele#tions
20. )oth Gitlow v. 8ew Cor. and 8ew Cor. Times v. S"llivan are United States S"reme
*o"rt #ases that dealt with whi#h o$ the $ollowin% amendments to the United States
'A( First Amendment
')( Se#ond Amendment
'*( Fo"rth Amendment
'+( Fi$th Amendment
'E( Fi$teenth Amendment
21. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is tr"e o$ oliti#al a#tion #ommittees 'PA*s(&
'A( The! are a art o$ oliti#al art! or%ani6ations.
')( The! ma.e #amai%n #ontrib"tions to %ain a##ess to le%islators.
'*( The! are allowed to #ontrib"te to onl! one #andidate in a %iven #ontest.
'+( The! e$$e#tivel! #ontrol the residential #amai%ns.
'E( The! ma! oerate at the state level b"t not at the national level.
22. All o$ the $ollowin% are wa!s that the le%islative bran#h #an #he#. the owers o$ the
exe#"tive bran#h E@*EPTD
'A( *on%ress ma! remove the resident thro"%h its imea#hment and #onvi#tion owers.
')( *on%ress ma! override a residential veto.
'*( *on%ress ma! ass a law de#larin% a residential a#tion "n#onstit"tional.
'+( The Senate ma! re$"se to arove a residential aointment.
'E( The Senate ma! re$"se to arove a treat! ne%otiated b! the resident.
20. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% best des#ribes the rimar! $ormal role o$ the attorne! %eneral&
'A( Providin% le%al advi#e $or the resident and #abinet se#retaries
')( Servin% as a liaison between the resident and the S"reme *o"rt
'*( Servin% as the #hie$ exe#"tive o$$i#er o$ the +eartment o$ E"sti#e
'+( +ire#tin% the Government A##o"ntabilit! =$$i#e 'GA=(
'E( Pers"adin% the Senate to #on$irm the resident?s 4"di#ial nominees
21. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is an examle o$ #on%ressional oversi%ht&
'A( /oldin% hearin%s $or review o$ an exe#"tive a%en#!?s a#tivities
')( Assistin% #onstit"ents with arti#"lar roblems
'*( Reortin% #amai%n #ontrib"tions to the Federal Ele#tion *ommission
'+( Si%nin% trade a%reements with other #o"ntries witho"t in"t $rom the resident
'E( *ond"#tin% ethi#s investi%ations o$ #on%ressional leadershi
27. /ow is a resident #hosen when none o$ the #andidates re#eives a ma4orit! o$ the
ele#toral #olle%e vote&
'A( There is a national r"no$$ ele#tion between the two #andidates with the %reatest n"mber
o$ ele#toral votes.
')( The United States S"reme *o"rt dire#tl! ele#ts the resident.
'*( The ele#tion is r"led n"ll and void and *on%ress aoints a new resident.
'+( The Senate #hooses a new resident b! a ma4orit! vote o$ its entire membershi.
'E( The /o"se #hooses a new resident b! a ma4orit! vote o$ its state dele%ations.
29. The Ameri#ans with +isabilities A#t< whi#h rovides rote#tions $or the disabled< is an
examle o$
'A( state s"rema#!
')( hori6ontal $ederalism
'*( a$$irmative a#tion
'+( d"al $ederalism
'E( a $ederal mandate
2;. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% best des#ribes the di$$eren#e between an oen and #losed
'A( Foters m"st a! a oii tax to vote in a #losed rimar!< b"t not in an oen rimar!.
')( Foters are allowed to slit their in a #losed rimar! b"t not in an oen rimar!.
'*( =nl! voters who re%ister as members o$ a oliti#al art! ma! vote in that art!?s #losed
rimar!< while indeendents and others ma! be eli%ible to vote in oen rimaries.
'+( =en rimaries re5"ire a r"nAo$$ s!stem< while #losed rimaries do not.
'E( *andidates m"st see. the aroval o$ the art! or%ani6ation to r"n in a #losed rimar!<
b"t an!one ma! be a #andidate in an oen rimar!.
2:. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% best des#ribes the #on#et o$ oliti#al e$$i#a#!&
'A( -t is the belie$ that the avera%e #iti6en #an ma.e little or no di$$eren#e in an ele#tion.
')( -t is the belie$ that an intelli%ent votin% de#ision #annot be made witho"t in$ormation.
'*( -t is the belie$ that the media m"st rovide "nbiased in$ormation $or #iti6ens to be able to
ma.e wellAin$ormed #hoi#es.
'+( -t is the belie$ that one #an ma.e a di$$eren#e in oliti#s b! exressin% an oinion and
a#tin% oliti#all!.
'E( -t is the belie$ that oliti#ians m"st .ee the ele#torate wellAin$ormed i$ the! are to %overn
29. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is an examle o$ residential "se o$ inherent owers&
'A( Geor%e /. ,. )"sh?s aointment o$ *laren#e Thomas
')( )ill *linton?s lineAitem veto o$ some #on%ressionall! a"thori6ed $"nds to the states
'*( Thomas Ee$$erson?s >o"isiana P"r#hase
'+( ,oodrow ,ilson?s si%nin% o$ the Treat! o$ Fersailles
'E( +wi%ht Eisenhower?s delo!ment o$ troos to Ar.ansas
00. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t writs o$ #ertiorari is a##"rate&
'A( *ases aealed b! the soli#itor %eneral are a"tomati#all! %ranted #ertiorari.
')( The S"reme *o"rt %rants #ertiorari $or less than 7G o$ the #ases aealed to it.
'*( The S"reme *o"rt has histori#all! %ranted #ertiorari to all searation o$ owers #ases.
'+( The S"reme *o"rt does not %rant #ertiorari to #ases involvin% state laws.
'E( Federal distri#t #o"rts sometimes iss"e writs o$ #ertiorari to state aellate #o"rts.
01. *ooerative $ederalism #an best be des#ribed b! whi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements&
'A( +i$$erent levels o$ %overnment are involved in #ommon oli#! areas.
')( Government m"st have #ooeration $rom the eole in order to ma.e le%islative
'*( >o#al levels o$ %overnment #an ma.e de#isions on iss"es more e$$i#ientl! than state and
national %overnments #an.
'+( The $ederal %overnment m"st ma.e re%"lations that #an be alied a#ross ever! state in
the same wa!.
'E( )"siness and %overnment #an wor. to%ether to more e$$e#tivel! a##omlish shared %oals.
02. ,hen indeendent re%"lator! a%en#ies ma.e r"les< en$or#e those r"les< and ad4"di#ate
dis"tes arisin% "nder those r"les< the! ris. violatin% the #onstit"tional #on#et o$
'A( e5"al rote#tion o$ the laws
')( d"e ro#ess o$ law
'*( $ederal s"rema#!
'+( searation o$ owers
'E( $ederalism
00. Exlanations $or low voter t"rno"t in#l"de all or the $ollowin% E@*EPT
'A( re%istration re5"irements
')( wea. art! a$$iliation
'*( laws rote#tin% votin% ri%hts $or minorities
'+( wee.da! ele#tions
'E( $re5"en#! o$ ele#tions at the state and lo#al level
01. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t motions $or #lot"re is tr"e&
'A( The! $or#e a bill o"t o$ #ommittee so that the $"ll /o"se #an vote on it.
')( The! are alied to bills that $ailed in the revio"s session o$ *on%ress.
'*( The! are alied onl! to aroriation bills.
'+( The! are "sed b! senators to end a $ilib"ster and brin% a bill to a vote.
'E( The! o##"r whenever a bill is reorted o"t o$ #ommittee.
07. Sin#e 19;2< voters in residential ele#tions have
'A( be#ome more $o#"sed on individ"al #andidates
')( in#reasin%l! based their votes on televised #andidate debates
'*( be#ome more in$l"en#ed b! art! lat$orms
'+( be#ome more li.el! to $o#"s on lo#al rather than national #onditions
'E( be#ome more li.el! to rel! on rint media $or in$ormation
09. The ro#ess o$ extendin% the rote#tions o$ the )ill o$ Ri%hts b! means o$ the Fo"rteenth
Amendment to al! to the a#tions o$ state %overnments is .nown as
'A( 4"di#ial review
')( in#ororation
'*( broad #onstr"#tion
'+( $ederalism
'E( stare de#isis
0;. The main intent o$ 2motor voter3 laws is to
'A( in#rease voter re%istration
')( in#rease voter t"rno"t b! rovidin% transortation to olls $or eole witho"t #ars
'*( in#rease the rate at whi#h in#"mbents are reele#ted to o$$i#e
'+( revent states $rom "sin% litera#! re5"irements $or votin%
'E( allow sixteen !ear olds to vote i$ the! have a valid driver?s li#ense
0:. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% des#ribes a #onse5"en#e o$ the %rowin% #on#entration o$
ownershi o$ the news media&
'A( 8ewsaer ri#es have %one down.
')( *overa%e o$ oliti#al events has %otten more liberal over time.
'*( Pri#es $or televised #amai%n ads have %one down.
'+( *andidates %et more $ree airtime.
'E( There is in#reased similarit! o$ networ. news #overa%e.
09. The di$$eren#e between an aellate #o"rt and a distri#t #o"rt is that an aellate #o"rt
'A( #ond"#ts trials b! 4"r!
')( has ori%inal 4"risdi#tion
'*( reviews revio"s #o"rt de#isions
'+( hears #ivil #ases b"t not #riminal #ases
'E( does not $ollow the rin#ile o$ stare de#isis
10. The di$$eren#es shown in the table demonstrate whi#h o$ the $ollowin%&
'A( Politi#al e$$i#a#!
')( ,omen?s %reater oliti#al arti#iation
'*( Ben?s %reater oliti#al arti#iation
'+( A%e dis#rimination
'E( The %ender %a
11. The S"reme *o"rt has r"led whi#h o$ the $ollowin% #on#ernin% the death enalt!&
'A( A state ma! not imose the death enalt! on a non#iti6en.
')( >ethal in4e#tion is the onl! #onstit"tionall! a##etable method o$ exe#"tion.
'*( Females ma! not be exe#"ted.
'+( The death enalt! is not ne#essaril! #r"el and "n"s"al "nishment.
'E( The death enalt! violates the Fi$th Amendment o$ the *onstit"tion.
12. Givin% state %overnments %reater dis#retion in de#idin% how to a#hieve the se#i$i# %oals
o$ wel$are re$orm is an examle o$
'A( an "n$"nded mandate
')( imlied owers
'*( d"al $ederalism
'+( devol"tion
'E( a$$irmative a#tion
10. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is the best examle o$ a #ate%ori#al %rant&
'A( Bone! %iven to states $or se#ial ed"#ation ro%rams
')( Bone! %iven to individ"als in the $orm o$ tax rebates
'*( Bone! %iven to states "n#onditionall!
'+( Bone! %iven to states to send at their dis#retion on transortation
'E( Bone! %iven dire#tl! to rivate b"siness $or e#onomi# develoment
11. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is tr"e o$ the Fotin% Ri%hts A#t o$ 1997 &
'A( -t was "nne#essar! be#a"se the Fi$teenth Amendment e$$e#tivel! %"aranteed A$ri#an
Ameri#ans the ri%ht to vote.
')( -t has never been alied to an! %ro" ex#et so"thern A$ri#an Ameri#ans.
'*( -t has been a ma4or instr"ment $or in#reasin% the n"mber o$ A$ri#an Ameri#an and other
minorit! voters.
'+( -t was de#lared "n#onstit"tional b! the United States S"reme *o"rt in Shaw v. Reno.
'E( -t re5"ires that minorit! o$$i#eholders be ele#ted.
17. Sin#e the earl! 19:0s< the Re"bli#an Part! lat$orm has been in#reasin%l! in$l"en#ed b!
'A( environmental a#tivists
')( evan%eli#al *hristians
'*( #ivil libertarians
'+( labor "nions
'E( a#tive militar! o$$i#ers
19. The role *on%ress la!s in ens"rin% that exe#"tive bran#h a%en#ies are #arr!in% o"t their
le%islated resonsibilities is .nown as
'A( 4"di#ial review
')( le%islative oversi%ht
'*( bi#ameralism
'+( $ederalism
'E( exe#"tive rivile%e
1;. The table above s"orts whi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements abo"t artisanshi and the
19:1 residential ele#tion&
'A( +emo#rats were more li.el! to vote their art! identi$i#ation than were Re"bli#ans.
')( The n"mber o$ stron% +emo#rats was less than the n"mber o$ stron% Re"bli#ans.
'*( -ndeendent +emo#rats and indeendent Re"bli#ans were the two %ro"s most li.el! to
vote $or #andidates o$ the other art!.
'+( Partisanshi was a %ood redi#tor o$ the wa! a erson voted.
'E( -ndeendents were less li.el! to vote than were art! identi$iers.
1:. The *onstit"tion states that all reven"e bills m"st ori%inate in
'A( a ,hite /o"se b"d%et resol"tion
')( the *on%ressional )"d%et =$$i#e
'*( the United States Senate
'+( the United States /o"se o$ Reresentatives
'E( the =$$i#e o$ Bana%ement and )"d%et
19. 8ominations to the S"reme *o"rt m"st be aroved b! a
'A( simle ma4orit! vote in the Senate onl!
')( simle ma4orit! vote in both the /o"se o$ Reresentatives and the Senate
'*( twoAthirds vote in the /o"se o$ Reresentatives onl!
'+( twoAthirds vote in both the /o"se o$ Reresentatives and the Senate
'E( twoAthirds vote in the /o"se o$ Reresentatives and the Senate and a ma4orit! o$ the
sittin% 4"sti#es on the S"reme *o"rt
70. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is tr"e o$ most $ederal 4"d%es aointed b! the resident&
'A( The! serve tenA!ear terms.
')( The! serve as lon% as the aointin% resident sta!s in ower.
'*( The! serve $or li$e on %ood behavior "nless removed b! the resident.
'+( The! serve $or li$e on %ood behavior "nless imea#hed and #onvi#ted b! *on%ress.
'E( The! serve $or li$e and are not s"b4e#t to #on%ressional imea#hment.
71. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% des#ribes a $"ndamental di$$eren#e between oliti#al arties and
interest %ro"s&
'A( Politi#al arties are rohibited $rom sonsorin% #amai%n advertisements< and interest
%ro"s are not.
')( Politi#al arties reresent broad arra!s o$ iss"es< whereas interest %ro"s are more li.el!
to $o#"s on narrow sets o$ iss"es.
'*( Politi#al arties are more li.el! to $o#"s on national oliti#s< whereas interest %ro"s
$o#"s on lo#al oliti#s.
'+( Politi#al arties tend to have stren%th in arti#"lar re%ions. whereas the ower o$ interest
%ro"s is more #onsistent a#ross states.
'E( Politi#al arties are re5"ired to dis#lose their #amai%n $inan#e a#tivities< whereas
interest %ro"s are not.
72. *omared to the %eneral o"lation< dele%ates to residential nomination #onventions are
'A( less interested in oliti#s
')( less ed"#ated
'*( $inan#iall! worse o$$
'+( more li.el! to re%ister as indeendent
'E( more ideolo%i#al
70. Unli.e the Arti#les o$ *on$ederation< the *onstit"tion does whi#h o$ the $ollowin%&
'A( Restri#ts the abilit! o$ *on%ress to tax.
')( Restri#ts the abilit! o$ *on%ress to establish an arm! or nav!.
'*( Establishes a "nitar! $orm o$ %overnment.
'+( Emhasi6es state soverei%nt! over national soverei%nt!.
'E( Emhasi6es both national soverei%nt! and $ederalism.
71. Federal b"d%et entitlements re$er to sendin%
'A( to rovide individ"al bene$its established b! le%islation
')( b! le%islators on tris to home states to #on$er with #onstit"ents
'*( b! #on%ressional sta$$ while travelin% on o$$i#ial b"siness
'+( on behal$ o$ li$e< libert!< and the "rs"it o$ hainess
'E( tar%eted to bene$it residents o$ se#i$i# #on%ressional distri#ts
77. )rown v. )oard o$ Ed"#ation o$ Toe.a '1971( was a si%ni$i#ant S"reme *o"rt r"lin%
be#a"se it
'A( la#ed limitations on the $ederal %overnment and a$$irmed the ri%hts o$ eole and o$ the
')( made it ille%al $or members o$ the *omm"nist art! to be s#hooltea#hers
'*( "held laws allowin% $or the internment o$ ethni# %ro"s d"rin% wartime
'+( alied the $reedom o$ ress rovisions o$ the First Amendment to the states b! means o$
the Fo"rteenth Amendment
'E( held the 2searate b"t e5"al3 #on#et to be a violation o$ the e5"al rote#tion #la"se o$
the Fo"rteenth Amendment
79. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is the leadin% redi#tor o$ how an individ"al will vote in a
#on%ressional ele#tion&
'A( 8ewsaer endorsements
')( Gender
'*( Partisanshi
'+( Presidential endorsement
'E( =##"ation
7;. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% statements is best s"orted b! the data in the table above&
'A( >atinos are $airl! homo%eneo"s in their art! identi$i#ation.
')( >atinos have be#ome s"bstantiall! more s"ortive o$ the +emo#rati# Part! than the!
were in the l970s.
'*( The ma4orit! o$ >atinos robabl! voted $or )ill *linton in 1992.
'+( >atinos o$ *"ban des#ent are more s"ortive o$ the Re"bli#an Part! than are >atinos o$
Bexi#an or P"erto Ri#an des#ent.
'E( >atinos o$ Bexi#an des#ent are less li.el! to #onsider themselves indeendent than are
>atinos o$ *"ban or P"erto Ri#an des#ent.
7:. ,hi#h o$ the $ollowin% is tr"e abo"t the veto&
'A( -t is "sed to stri.e down a rovision o$ a bill that the President $inds disa%reeable.
')( -t ma! be overridden b! a twoAthirds vote in *on%ress.
'*( -t o##"rs when the President no a#tion on a bill $or ten da!s d"rin% whi#h *on%ress
is ad4o"rned.
'+( -t is "sed when the President exe#ts to rea#h a #omromise with *on%ress abo"t how a
bill sho"ld be modi$ied.
'E( -t is "sed when both ho"ses o$ *on%ress ass searate versions o$ the same bill.
79. =$ the $ollowin%< whi#h is the most ower$"l $i%"re in *on%ress&
'A( The *hair o$ the /o"se ,a!s and Beans *ommittee
')( The o$ the /o"se
'*( The Binorit! ,hi o$ the Senate
'+( The Ba4orit! ,hi o$ the /o"se
'E( The *hair o$ the Senate Finan#e *ommittee
90. -nterest %ro"s en%a%e in all o$ the $ollowin% a#tivities E@*EPT
'A( testi$!in% be$ore #on%ressional #ommittees
')( sonsorin% iss"e advo#a#! ads
'*( lobb!in% $ederal a%en#ies
'+( $ilin% $ederal laws"its
'E( "sin% the $ rivile%e
Answers on the next a%eH sto #heatin%... now !o" #an loo. " the answers

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