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The secret lives of

American Presidents
By Srbu Alexandru Andrei
Contents.................................................................................................................................. 2
Abraham Lincoln in a nutshell.............................................................................................. 4
Curiosities............................................................................................................................ 4
Bad looks......................................................................................................................... 4
A kind-hearted man.......................................................................................................... 5
The wannabe inventor...................................................................................................... 5
`When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.`
Clarence Darrow
The Leader The !u"reme Commander The World Leader...#owever you want to
call him the President o$ the %nited !tates has an e&traordinary economic military
and "olitic "ower. #e doesn't receive birthday cards $rom all the other World Leaders
$or nothing.
(lmost all the Presidents o$ the %.!. have become well )nown "ersonalities across
the globe. *eorge Washington the $ather o$ the %.!. (braham Lincoln the one who
managed to give the (merican Civil War the course that led to the status that
(merican "resently holds +ran)lin ,oosevelt the anti na-i $ighter .ohn /ennedy
the solver o$ the Cuban missile crisis and the list could go on and on 0
1ut in $act who are these "eo"le2
The (merican Constitution !tates that3 `4o "erson e&ce"t a natural born Citi-en or a
Citi-en o$ the %nited !tates at the time o$ the (do"tion o$ this Constitution shall be
eligible to the 5$$ice o$ President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that 5$$ice
who shall not have attained to the (ge o$ thirty6$ive 7ears and been $ourteen 7ears a
,esident within the %nited !tates. `
!ource3 8htt"399en.wi)i"edia.org9wi)i94atural6born6citi-en:clause;
That being ta)en into account we should constantly remind ourselves that a""art
$rom other `s"ecial` re<uirements 8such as owning a ton o$ money or )nowing some
in$luencial business men; these "ersons are nothing more than `mere mortals` 6
im"er$ect human beings that have served their country more or less accordingly to
the high standards that such a `=ob` im"lies.
Chapter 2 - Abraham incoln
Abraham Lincoln in a nutshell
Abraham Lincoln 8+ebruary >? >@AB C ("ril >D >@ED; was the >Eth President o$
the %nited !tates serving $rom Farch >@E> until his assassination in ("ril >@ED.
Lincoln led the %nited !tates through its greatest constitutional military and moral
crisisGthe (merican Civil WarGand in so doing "reserved the %nion abolished
slavery strengthened the national government and moderni-ed the economy.
#e is named the most humorous man to ever stay in the White #ouse and there are
"lenty e&am"les o$ his sense o$ humor.
+or instance in >@E? The Civil War was in "rogress and Lincoln was $ed u" with the
situation. *eneral *eorge FcClellan cautious in whether or not he should intervene
with the con$ederate army let this caution to become a lethargy. Then the "resident
telegra"hed him the $ollowing statement3
My Dear McClellan:
If you are not using the army, I should like to borrow it for a short while.
Yours respectfully,
Abraham incoln
1orn in /entuc)y Lincoln was a sel$6educated "erson who's a""etite $or reading
hel"ed him become a lawyer and a succes$ull "olitician.
Bad looks
When he was accused of being two-faced,during the 1858 debates by Stephen Douglas, Lincoln
responded: "f had another face, do you thin! would wear this one""
A kind-hearted man
Treachery desertion and cowardliness were very $re<uent in the army at that time
and the "unishment was the same $or all3 death. 1ut it seems li)e (be wasn't an
advocate o$ severe sanctions so every time a letter o$ $orgiveness 8absent a letter o$
recommendation $rom in$luential "eo"le; came in he would always as) his secretary
i$ the man who was sending the letter has any $riends. When con$ronted with a $erm
res"onse3 `4o sir. 4ot even one.` he would re"ly `Then I will be his $riend` and he
amnestied the $ellow.
The wannabe inventor
#onest (be was an admirer o$ inventors and inventions. #e even "atented one
namely a device based on air6$illed bellows that hel" a shi" $loat clear o$ any
obstacles li)e sandbars or dams.
#e was also very interested in inventions regarding military e<ui"ment 8e<ui"ment he
could use to en$orce his unionist army; and he was <uite o$ten seen testing di$$erent
wea"ons on the White #ouse's bac)yard lawn.
#e created a "rimitive machine gun a steel armor 8that "roved to be too heavy to be
warn by soldiers; and a method $or weather $orecast.
In conclusion I would li)e to say that as you have seen even the "resident o$ the
%nited !tates is in $act a human being with "lenty o$ "ersonality $laws and that a$ter
all nobody is "er$ect.
Hverything written above was not written with the intent o$ moc)ery but rather to
humani-e the o$ten "raised and e&aggerated "ersonalities that ruled the (merican

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