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G *+ KH
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L"/0, *+ D*%1,%1.

Abbieviations .................................................................................................................................................................................. S
Tables anu Figuies......................................................................................................................................................................... S
Foiewoiu ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summaiy ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Chaptei 1: Intiouuction ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Niciofinance anu its Impact ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Why Bave PWB Not Been Incluueu. ................................................................................................................................. 7
Rationale foi the Stuuy ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
0iganization of This Papei .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Chaptei 2: Nethouology ........................................................................................................................................................... 1u
Reseaich Nethous anu Scope ............................................................................................................................................ 1u
Paiticipation Selection ......................................................................................................................................................... 1u
Tools foi Bata Collection ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Facilitation anu Recoiuings ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Ethics ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Bata Tiansciibing anu Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Chaptei S: Reseaich Finuings anu Recommenuations ................................................................................................ 1S
A. Biscussion anu Analysis of NFI Staff Suivey .......................................................................................................... 1S
Insight I: Incluuing Peisons with Bisabilities via Niciofinance ............................................................................. 17
B. Biscussion anu Analysis of NFI Nanagement Suivey ........................................................................................ 18
C. Biscussion anu Analysis of Focus uioup Biscussions (FuBs) ......................................................................... 18
Insight II: Incluuing Peisons with Bisabilities via Niciofinance ............................................................................. 2S
Chaptei 4: Conclusion anu Futuie Woik ........................................................................................................................... 2S
Futuie Woik.............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Annex ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Su

K *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3


ANPL Annapuina Niciofinance Pvt. Ltu.
CFI Centei foi Financial Inclusion
BP0 Bisableu Peisons 0iganization
ESAF Evangelical Social Action Foium
FuB Focus uioup Biscussion
NFI Niciofinance Institution
NSS National Sample Suivey
PWB Peisons with Bisabilities
SBu Self-Belp uioup
L"/0,. "%7 F$&8),.

Table1: Institutions CFI Paitneieu With foi this Reseaich
Figuie1: Responuents' 0pinions about Loans to PWB
Figuie 2: Level of Bifficulty in Solving Pioblems Seen as Impeuiments in Extenuing Loans to PWB

J *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3


The Centei foi Financial Inclusion at Accion (CFI) sees financial inclusion as essential to full economic
citizenship to many peisons with uisabilities (PWB) living below the poveity line. Anu yet, even though
PWB make up as much as 12 to 1S peicent of the population in ueveloping countiies, only u.S peicent of
miciofinance clients come fiom this unueiseiveu community.
Theiefoie, miciofinance institutions
(NFIs) that achieve uisability inclusion gain access to a significant untappeu maiket, can impiove
ietention of theii cuiient client base, many of whom will acquiie uisabilities ovei time, anu can auuiess a
compelling social neeu.

NFIs in Inuia ieach tens of millions of low-income miciofinance clients anu have achieveu aumiiable
levels of opeiational efficiency. 0nfoitunately, howevei, the NFIs have not maue any significant stiiues in
ensuiing that theii seivices aie accessible to PWB. The ieasons foi this lack of outieach aie thieefolu:

1. Lack of !"!#$%$&& of the challenges PWB face in accessing miciofinance seivices
2. No pioven '(&)%$&& +!&$ foi making existing piocesses moie uisability accessible
S. 0nsuppoitive anu uncleai ,-.)+/ fiamewoik on how to pioviue seivices when uisabilities aie

DF: ". " D"1"0?.1

CFI seeks to biing togethei like-minueu stakeholueis to cieate a uialogue between two gioups in Inuia
who shaie the common goal of economic empoweiment of low-income PWB: NFIs anu uisability
oiganizations (piivate, non-piofit, anu goveinment).

Accion has the commitment of leauing NFIs anu uisability oiganizations to woik togethei towaiu this
goal. The NFIs involveu in this initiative to uate aie:

Equitas, a Chennai-baseu NFI that is one of the laigest anu most efficient NFIs in the countiy
ESAF, a Keiala-baseu NFI that has been uoing uevelopment woik in southein anu cential Inuia foi
moie than two uecaues
Annapuina Finance, a self-help gioup NFI opeiating in 0uisha anu Chhattisgaih, with some of the
most unueiuevelopeu communities in the countiy

The conceptual fiamewoik foi CFI's ongoing woik with these NFIs is the white papei 0 1$" 2)%!%+)!.
0++$&& 2#-%3)$#4 5$-,.$ ")36 7)&!').)3)$&, which puts foith an inclusion ioaumap uevelopeu with guiuance
fiom leaueis in both the miciofinance anu uisability inclusion communities. The ioaumap uistills coie
lessons about PWB empoweiment as they ielate to financial seivices anu incluues the following majoi
categoiies: univeisal uesign anu ieasonable accommouation, paitneiship with uisability oiganizations,
human iesouices, legal fiamewoik, technology-enableu inclusion, anu financial capability. In the shoit
teim, this pioject will piomote testing the ioaumap at seveial NFIs in Inuia. In the longei teim, the pioject
aims to catalyze cultuial anu opeiational tiansfoimation within NFIs such that they become moie
uisability inclusive at all levels.

A stuuy by Banuicap Inteinational in 2uuS, suggests that much of the paiticipation in financial seivices by PWBs is subsiuizeu. The goal of the
Centei is to builu a stiong business case foi pioviuing %-%8&('&)9):$u financial seivices to peisons with uisabilities.

N *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

!*1$M"1$*% +*) 14, E187?

As an initial step in oui jouiney along this ioaumap, CFI paitneieu with v-shesh, an oiganization with
expeitise in uisability inclusion, to conuuct a stuuy to unueistanu the challenges ielateu to !"!#$%$&& anu
!33)3(9$&; The objective of this stuuy was to leain about the pievailing unueistanuing of uisability issues
amongst the NFIs' vaiious stakeholueis (leaueiship, fielu staff, anu clients). This is an impoitant fiist-step
that will be useu to infoim much of the subsequent woik of this pioject - uesigning appiopiiate tiaining
mateiials, ievising PWB-ielateu policies, anu paitneiing with uisability oiganizations.

"#$$%&'(%& )%*+$'#
Countiy Nanagei, Inuia
The Centei foi Financial Inclusion at Accion

O *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

AP,(81$M, E899")?

This ieseaich papei analyzes anu piesents the finuings of an extensive ieseaich stuuy that was conuucteu
to uncovei baiiieis hinueiing financial inclusion foi PWB in Inuia. The key stakeholueis involveu in this
exeicise weie staff anu senioi management of NFIs, anu uisableu anu non-uisableu NFI clients. The
ieseaich attempteu to stuuy anu biing to light the thoughts, conceins, anu ieseivations of these
stakeholueis on the question of onboaiuing PWB as miciofinance clients.

In geneial, NFI staff uemonstiateu a goou unueistanuing of visible uisabilities anu also a goou tiack
iecoiu of inteiacting with peisons with uisabilities (even as NFI clients), but sensitization is neeueu to
iion out the finei issues uiscusseu above. Neaily all iesponuents expiesseu the view that theii NFI was
ieauy to have PWB as clients, eithei fully ieauy (6S peicent) oi ieauy with majoi to minoi changes. These
pioposeu changes incluue special tiaining foi fielu staff, special loan officeis to seivice PWB clients, anu
cieating cheapei loans.

The stuuy employeu both qualitative anu quantitative methous to elicit infoimation fiom the stakeholueis
anu assimilateu that infoimation to ueuuce majoi knowleuge anu awaieness gaps anu attituuinal issues
that exist. Baseu on the iuentifieu gaps anu issues many stiategic iecommenuations that taigeting
inclusive change have been maue. The stuuy can be iegaiueu as a baseline benchmaik of the challenges
anu issues miciofinance institutions may face if they ueciue to onboaiu peisons with uisabilities as
potential clients. The iecommenuations put foith by the stuuy aie applicable to all NFIs acioss Inuia anu
in some cases they may be globally ielevant. The finuings in this uocument can be useu as initial
infoimation to guiue the piocess of gieatei financial inclusion of peisons with uisabilities.

Q *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

D4"<1,) I6 L4, D4"00,%&,

< (%9$#&3!%9 36$ 9)==)+(.3/ 36$/ >,$#&-%& ")36 9)&!').)3)$&? =!+$ -% ! 9!/83-89!/ '!&)& )% !++$&&)%@ !.A-&3
$B$#/36)%@; C$ 6!B$ 3- .$!#% 3- 3#$!3 36$A !& -%$ !A-%@&3 (&D @)B$ 36$A #$&,$+3D A!E$ 36$A '$.)$B$ )%
36$A&$.B$&D !%9 36$% &$$ !.. 36!3 36$/ +!% !+6)$B$;
8 Equitas bianch staff membei, Tamil Nauu

F/ =#)$%9G& '#-36$# 6!& ! 9)&!').)3/; 7($ 3- 6)& 9)&!').)3/ !%9 +-%&3#!)%3 -= =(%9&D 6$ +-(.9 %-3 ,(#&($ 6)&
$9(+!3)-% !%9 %-" =)%9& )3 9)==)+(.3 3- ,(#&($ 6)& 9#$!A&;
8 ESAF bianch staff membei, Nahaiashtia
!$()*+$%"%(, "%7 $1. :9<"(1

Niciofinance has helpeu millions of people acioss the woilu become moie self-ieliant by pioviuing them
with much-neeueu funuing, which otheiwise was eithei veiy haiu foi them to access oi not available to
them at all, to builu sustainable souices of income (livelihoous). Niciofinance lenuing has pioven that the
pooi aie cieuitwoithy anu sinceie in fulfilling theii uebt obligations in a timely mannei

Bowevei, PWB continue to face high levels of uoubt anu cynicism when it comes to boiiowing foi self-
employment oi entiepieneuiial enueavois.
R4? S"M,%T1 2R5 >,,% :%(087,7U

Beliveiy constiaints, societal piejuuices (which incluue uisciiminatoiy attituues anu incoiiect
peiceptions of uisableu peisons' abilities), lack of access, euucation, socio-economic hinuiances,
inappiopiiate oi non-existent policies, anu othei cultuial baiiieis have all contiibuteu to making
boiiowing facilities foi entiepieneuiial enueavois anu livelihoou cieation at affoiuable costs viitually
inaccessible foi low-income PWB. As a iesult, PWB aie being uepiiveu of the capital they iequiie foi theii
livelihoous anu access to the basic financial seivices that assist householus in managing theii iesouices.

S$&4 V,M,0 E1"1$.1$(. *% 5$."/$0$1?

0NEnable estimates that about 6Su million people, appioximately 12 peicent of the global population is
uisableu. Close to 8u peicent of this population live in ueveloping countiies
anu 82 peicent live below the
poveity line.

The Woilu Bank iepoit on uisability in Inuia suggests that the pievalence of uisability in Inuia is aiounu
SS million inuiviuuals, anu peihaps as high as 9u million if moie inclusive uefinitions of both mental
illness anu mental ietaiuation aie useu.

, Kowalik, N. anu Naitinez-Nieia, B, H6$ I#$9)3"-#36)%$&& -= 36$ 5--#4 0 F-9$. -= 36$ J#!A$$% K!%E (2u1u), available at
www.miciofinancegateway.oigpsitemtemplate.ic1.9.4S82S , accesseu }an 2u14
InteiAction Foium 2uu, Woikshop Suggestion Foim, uiawn fiom 0NEnable statistics.
Banuicap Inteinational, J--9 5#!+3)+$& =-# 36$ L+-%-A)+ <%+.(&)-% -= 5$-,.$ ")36 7)&!').)3)$& )% 7$B$.-,)%@ I-(%3#)$& 8 2(%9)%@ F$+6!%)&A& =-#
M$.=8LA,.-/A$%3, available at www.hanuicap-inteinational.fibibliogiaphie-hanuicap7BonneesRappoitEtuueuoouPiacticesEcoInclusion.puf,
Chaptei 0nueistanuing the economic situation of people with uisabilities |Pg Sj, accesseu }anuaiy 2u14.
Woilu Bank, Buman Bevelopment 0nit, South Asia Region, 5$-,.$ ")36 7)&!').)3)$& )% <%9)!4 2#-A I-AA)3A$%3& 3- N(3+-A$& (2uu9), available at
WPuPeopl1BoxuS42u42Bu1P0BLIC1.puf, Section 1.1u Pg 1S, accesseu August 2u1S.

W *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

E1"1, *+ X%,9<0*?9,%1 -9*%& 2R5 $% :%7$" "%7 Y*0, !F:. D"% 20"?

Thiee-quaiteis of the uisableu population in Inuia iesiue in iuial paits of the countiy.
Bespite a
piotective legislative fiamewoik, such as the Bisability Act (199S), which manuates a S peicent
ieseivation foi PWB in goveinment jobs anu in iuial employment piogiams, the employment iate among
PWB is exceptionally low.

Theie aie many ieasons foi this, incluuing illiteiacy, lack of special tiaining aius anu euucational facilities
foi PWB, lack of assistive featuies in physical suiiounuings, lack of awaieness about tiaining piogiams,
lack of auequate access (e.g., tianspoit) to vocational tiaining anu iehabilitation centeis, anu lack of self-
confiuence uue to piejuuice anu uisciiminatoiy societal attituues. Such factois have uisconnecteu PWB in
iuial aieas fiom vocational skills anu employment maikets.

In 2uu2, a uisappointing 1.S peicent of PWB in iuial aieas anu S.6 peicent of PWB in uiban aieas ieceiveu
vocational skills tiaining at the vaiious Vocational Rehabilitation Centers (VRCs) set up by the government of
Additional evidence
suggests that PWB receive low-profile, non-engineering training which translates
into low-profile, low-income jobs. Based on National Sample Survey (NSS) data, only 1.8 percent of PWD in
rural areas and 7.3 percent of PWD in urban areas in India have regular paid employment.

0nemployment among young PWB is highei than that among non-uisableu peisons of the same age
The chances of a peison with uisability being in employment of any kinu aie ioughly 6u peicent
as high as a peison in the geneial population.
With uismal piospects of meaningful employment in the
foimal anu infoimal sectois, self-employment becomes the piimaiy means of livelihoou foi PWB in Inuia.
Banuicap Inteinational aptly highlights the bleak situation:

M$.=8$A,.-/A$%3 )& 36$ -%./ !++$&&)'.$ -,3)-% =-# A!%/ ,$-,.$ ")36 9)&!').)3)$& '$+!(&$D )% @$%$#!.D )3
)& 9)==)+(.3 3- =)%9 ! =-#A!. O-' )% 9$B$.-,)%@ +-(%3#)$&PN%$ -= 36$ A!)% -'&3!+.$& 3- &$.=8$A,.-/A$%3
)& !++$&& 3- +!,)3!. =-# &3!#38(,&;

In light of the positive impact miciofinance has hau on the socio-economic inclusion of pooi
entiepieneuis, it seems likely that access to miciofinance coulu tiiggei similai positive impact foi PWB.
Y"1$*%"0, +*) 14, E187?

Aiounu the globe, NFIs iepoit that PWB foim less than u.S peicent of theii clients
. As pei the NFIs
paiticipating in this ieseaich stuuy, the client segmentation pictuie is no uiffeient in Inuia. This cleaily
biings to light the seveie extent to which pooi PWB have been unueiseiveu by the miciofinance inuustiy.

CFI wants to make a stiong anu appealing case foi the financial inclusion of PWB via miciofinance
piouucts anu seivices. It wants to uemonstiate that PWB iepiesent an unexploieu business oppoitunity
foi NFIs, but also a gieat step towaiu financial inclusion foi all peisons in Inuia.

uoveinment of Inuia, Cential Statistics 0ffice, Ninistiy of Statistics anu Piogiamme Implementation, "Bisability in Inuia - A Statistical Piofile,"
(2u11), available at http:mospi.nic.inNospi_Newuploauuisablity_inuia_statistical_piofile_17mai11.htm, Chaptei Snapshot of Bisability
Statistics, accesseu }une 2u1S.
Singal N, }effeiey, R , "Tiansition to Auulthoou foi Young People with Bisabilities in Inuia: Cuiient Status anu Emeiging Piospects," available at}_u9_u6_11.puf, accesseu }an 2u14.
Zutshi B., "Bisability Status in Inuia: Case Stuuy of Belhi Netiopolitan Region" (2uu4), available at
Zutshi B., "Bisability status in Inuia."
Registiai ueneial of Inuia, Census of Inuia. 2uu1, available at
Singal N, }effeiey, R, "Tiansition to Auulthoou foi Young People with Bisabilities in Inuia."
Banuicap Inteinational, J--9 5#!+3)+$& =-# 36$ L+-%-A)+ <%+.(&)-% -= 5$-,.$ ")36 7)&!').)3)$& )% 7$B$.-,)%@ I-(%3#)$&;
Banuicap Inteinational, J--9 5#!+3)+$& =-# 36$ L+-%-A)+ <%+.(&)-% -= 5$-,.$ ")36 7)&!').)3)$& )% 7$B$.-,)%@ I-(%3#)$&;

Z *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

But implementing this oppoitunity poses seiious unique challenges. The majoiity of NFIs aie neithei
awaie of the challenges in full noi aie they appiopiiately equippeu to ueal with anu iesolve those
challenges. At the same time PWB aie not awaie of NFIs anu theii financing piouucts anu seivices. They
aie unceitain about miciofinance anu its business mouel, anu aie skeptical anu aveise to expeiiencing it

The puipose of this stuuy is to iuentify awaieness gaps anu attituuinal issues that exist between NFIs anu
PWB as the fiist step in iuentifying anu evaluating the ueepei issues of uisconnect. These ueepei issues
aie essentially the baiiieis that neeu to be suimounteu to encouiage anu facilitate moie PWB to become
miciofinance clients.

The bouy of knowleuge uevelopeu in this stuuy will be ciiculateu thioughout the miciofinance inuustiy in
Inuia to auvocate foi gieatei financial inclusion of PWB.
[)&"%$\"1$*% *+ 14$. 2"<,)

Chaptei 0ne (this chaptei) pioviues ieaueis with a biief backgiounu on the miciofinance inuustiy,
ieasons why pooi PWB might be financially excluueu, status of employment of PWB in Inuia, anu the
puiposes of this ieseaich stuuy. Chaptei Two uetails the ieseaich methous anu infoimation elicitation
techniques useu. It aiticulates a ieseaich scope anu sets the expectation of the ieseaich outcomes. It
uiscusses the qualitative anu quantitative uata collection methous useu anu sheus light on the
composition of the sample sets. Chaptei Thiee summaiizes key knowleuge anu awaieness gaps anu
attituuinal issues aiising fiom the suivey anu focus gioup uiscussions. It aiticulates infeiences anu
iecommenuations foi NFI staff membeis, senioi management, anu membeis of self-help gioups (e.g., NFI
clients). Chaptei Foui iecaps the main points uiscusseu in pievious chapteis, uiaws specific conclusions
anu highlights action items foi the key stakeholueis, anu sheus light on futuie woik that shoulu be uone
on the subject.

IH *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

D4"<1,) G6 !,14*7*0*&?

This chaptei uetails the ieseaich appioach, ieseaich piocess, infoimation elicitation techniques, anu
infoimation assimilation anu evaluation methouologies useu in this stuuy.
Y,.,")(4 E(*<, "%7 !,14*7.

This ieseaich focuses on thiee ciitically impoitant stakeholueis: NFIs, PWB, anu non-uisableu clients. It
attempts to biing foith anu highlight the following:

0nueistanuing of NFIs about uisability, theii peiceptions of peisons with uisabilities, anu theii
piepaieuness to incluue them as potential clients
Conceins anu appiehensions of PWB to becoming potential NFI clients
views of non-uisableu clients on incluuing PWB in theii gioups

The stuuy piobes the knowleuge anu the peiceptions about uisability among each stakeholuei gioup anu
attempts to eluciuate how that impacts the ability of PWB to access miciofinance seivices.

The physical anu infiastiuctuie baiiieis that may pievent the access of financial seivices by PWB aie
beyonu the scope of this stuuy but have been biiefly uiscusseu. Noie uiscussion on this topic will be
puisueu in latei phases of this pioject. This stuuy also iestiicts itself to unueistanuing the peiceptions
exclusively aiounu miciocieuit. Although it is wiuely acknowleugeu that low-income householus neeu
access to a full suite of financial piouucts, the NFIs in Inuia, in geneial, anu the institutions paiticipating in
this stuuy, in paiticulai, aie almost entiiely focuseu on cieuit.

This ieseaich employs both qualitative anu quantitative methous. Nultiple inteiview sessions anu focus
gioup uiscussions (FuBs) with caiefully constiucteu gioups weie conuucteu to get a qualitative view of
the pioblems anu challenges. An extensive suivey exeicise was conuucteu to give this stuuy a quantitative
view of the challenges. Wheie FuBs attempteu to unueistanu the peiceptions, ieseivations, anu
challenges fiom uisableu peisons' anu boiiowei gioups' vantage points, the suiveys enueavoieu to
unueistanu the issues NFI staff anu leaueiship face anu also theii view of changes that might be iequiieu
to incluue peisons with uisabilities as clients.

Cioss-veiifying the uata points collecteu fiom the two methous not only helpeu in neutializing the
iuiosynciasies anu peisonal biases of inuiviuual iesponuents but also helpeu in ieaffiiming the finuings
anu in cieating an oveiaiching cential view.
2")1$($<"1$*% E,0,(1$*%

In oiuei to elicit infoimation CFI paitneieu with foui miciofinance institutions anu a Bisability Inclusion
Knowleuge paitnei, as shown below:

II *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

,&-./ 01 234(#(5(#*34 )62 7&'(3/'/$ 8#(% 9*' ,%#4 :/4/&';%

<#;'*9#3&3;/ 234(#(5(#*3 "(&(/ 8/-4#(/
Equitas Niciofinance Pvt. Ltu. Nauhya Piauesh, Tamil Nauu
Evangelical Social Action Foium
Nahaiashtia http:www.esafinuia.oig

Annapuina Niciofinance Pvt. Ltu.

Swauhaai FinSeive Pvt. Ltu. Nahaiashtia

=#4&-#.#(> 23;.54#*3 ?3*+./$@/

v-shesh -

The main ieasons foi selecting the thiee NFIs weie theii geogiaphical piesence in the iegion wheie this
ieseaich was conuucteu, a highly uiveisifieu client base |in teims of location |iuialuibanj anu uisabilities
|PWBnon-PWBj, anu theii inclination to woik on this initiative.

Exactly 1,uuu inuiviuuals weie suiveyeu oi incluueu in the gioup uiscussions in this exeicise. All
iesponuents weie associateu with one of the paitnei NFIs, eithei as staff membeis, senioi management
oi as clients. Fifty-five weie PWB, anu of them, peisons with oithopeuic uisabilities compiiseu
appioximately two-thiius, with uispiopoitionately high numbeis fiom 0uisha anu Tamil Nauu. Peisons
with visual impaiiment constituteu the majoiity of the iemaining gioup (appioximately 29 peicent). Foi
moie uetails on the paiticipants, please iefei to the Annex.

It neeus to be highlighteu heie that all SS PWB iesponuents weie existing clients of the paiticipating NFIs.
As a iesult, NFI staff membeis, senioi management, anu clients have all been exposeu to PWB anu thus
they have views on the challenges that exist in cieating financial inclusion foi them that aie baseu at least
in pait on some expeiience. At the same time, PWB paiticipating in this stuuy weie all well awaie of NFIs
anu have been using theii seivices. This aiueu theii ability to expiess piagmatic suggestions foi cieating
financial inclusion foi PWB.


It is impoitant to note that the paiticipant selection was baseu on a non-piobability sampling mouel.
Auuitionally, given the laige geogiaphic size of the countiy, its laige PWB population, anu the non-
unifoim uistiibution of PWB, along with uiveise iegional, cultuial anu othei socio-economic uiffeiences,
the outcomes of the suiveys anu focus gioup uiscussions shoulu not be consiueieu statistically significant.
Rathei, they pioviue an intiouuction to pievalent viewpoints.
L**0. +*) 5"1" D*00,(1$*%

M(#B$/&; The suiveys weie conuucteu to uncovei the iesponuents' unueistanuing anu peiceptions of PWB,
theii conceins anu piactical challenges about having PWB as potential clients, anu the geneial
piepaieuness of theii institutions foi on-boaiuing PWB as clients. Two types of suiveys weie conuucteu
taigeting two uiffeient auuiences. The fiist set of suiveys involveu 427 junioi anu miuule management of
NFIs fiom uiffeient locations. The seconu set involveu 18 senioi manageis fiom the paiticipating NFIs.
Suivey iesults aie uiscusseu in Chaptei Thiee.

6*;54 @'*5A $#4;544#*34; The key objectives of the focus gioup uiscussions weie to biing foith the
conceins anu biases that PWB anu non-PWB clients might have on incluuing anu collaboiating with
people with uiffeient types of uisabilities. Thiee categoiies of focus gioup uiscussions (FuBs) weie

IG *+ KH
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oiganizeu, with a total SSS paiticipants. The fiist categoiy of FuBs weie conuucteu with gioups of PWB
NFI clients (SS inuiviuuals). The seconu categoiy of FuBs weie conuucteu with gioups of non-uisableu
NFI clients (S76 inuiviuuals). The last categoiy of FuBs weie conuucteu with gioups of NFI staff (124
inuiviuuals, all non-uisableu).

These FuBs gave the paiticipants the oppoitunity to openly inteiact with one anothei anu shaie theii
thoughts anu appiehensions. Fiom these uiscussions some veiy impoitant insights on NFI piocesses anu
pioceuuies, gioup uynamics, anu geneial attituues towaiu uisability inclusion have been biought to light,
as uiscusseu in Chaptei Thiee.

23(/'B#/+ 4/44#*341 Inuiviuual inteiviews weie also conuucteu with a selection of PWB anu non-PWB
clients who weie hesitant to speak in a gioup setting. The inteiviews pioviueu an open enviionment
wheie inteiviewees coulu expiess theii conceins without woiiying about upsetting oi offenuing otheis.
This helpeu the stuuy effectively captuie issues that weie not auequately auuiesseu in the focus gioup
F"($0$1"1$*% "%7 Y,(*)7$%&.

The on-fielu pioject execution team was compiiseu of tiaineu suiveyois anu gioup uiscussion
moueiatois. They facilitateu the uiscussions, encouiageu the paiticipants to voice theii conceins anu
ensuieu that the stuuy maintaineu focus on key ieseaich objectives. The team was also iesponsible foi
maintaining uata accuiacy anu integiity, anu foi assimilating, tiansciibing, anu iecoiuing the infoimation.

Paiticipation in any of the infoimation collection exeicises was completely voluntaiy. Befoie beginning
any session, paiticipants weie biiefeu about the aims anu objectives of the stuuy. The pioposeu uses of
the infoimation weie explaineu. Complete anonymity anu confiuentiality has been maintaineu in all
phases of the ieseaich. Wheie names of paiticipants have been useu, piioi consent has been secuieu. The
suiveys weie uesigneu to be neutial anu to minimize bias, anu focus gioups weie closely moueiateu foi
the same puipose. These iigoious pioceuuies have helpeu extiact ieliable views on the uiscussion topics.
Staff membeis fiom CFI closely supeiviseu the entiie pioject to ensuie infoimation integiity.
5"1" L)"%.()$/$%& "%7 -%"0?.$.

The uata collecteu thiough the vaiious techniques employeu by the stuuy has been auequately
uocumenteu. The only exceptions aie the auuio iecoiuings of the focus gioup uiscussions. Not all focus
gioup uiscussions weie iecoiueu on tape. Nost of the iecoiuings have not been tiansciibeu to English yet.
But it is impoitant to note that the majoiity of the suiveyois anu moueiatois weie multilingual anu thus
weie able to captuie the essence of the uiscussion in theii iepoits. The suiveyois anu moueiatois useu
utmost caution that theii own peisonal infeiences, inteipietations, anu biases weie not intiouuceu in the
uiscussions anu in the subsequent uocumentation.

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D4"<1,) K6 Y,.,")(4 F$%7$%&. "%7 Y,(*99,%7"1$*%.

This chaptei uiscusses the ieseaich finuings in uetail. It uiaws infeiences anu offeis iecommenuations
baseu on the finuings#

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While 99 peicent of the peisons suiveyeu at NFIs hau met anu inteiacteu with PWB in a peisonal oi
piofessional capacity, theii unueistanuing of some themes iegaiuing uisability neeus sensitization. These

,%/ $/9#3#(#*3 &3$ C5&.#9#;&(#*3 *9 $#4&-#.#(>1 Theie is a neeu to cieate a consistent anu non-
ambiguous uefinition of uisability, especially fiom a NFI peispective. 0ne souice of confusion is
whethei peisons suffeiing fiom conuitions that can be meuically cuieu, such as seveie
malnutiition, cataiact, etc., can be consiueieu uisableu. Theie is also a neeu to ueciue if NFIs
shoulu take a puie meuical view on uisability oi a bioauei social view. The social view gieatly
expanus the scope of potential clients fuithei than inuiviuuals with uisabilities, such as to incluue
uepenuents of PWB.
D3$/'4(&3$#3@ #3B#4#-./ $#4&-#.#(#/4. Responuents iepoiteu that they weie able to iuentify
visible uisabilities (e.g. oithopeuic uisabilities oi visual impaiiments). Seventy peicent of the
iesponuents iepoiteu having inteiacteu with peisons with oithopeuic uisabilities (loss oi limiteu
function of leg, feet, aims, oi hanus). Though they weie not able to easily iuentify uisabilities that
weie not appaiently visible, such as heaiing impaiiment oi uisabilities causeu by iepetitive stiain
injuiies <"iepetitive stiain injuiies N0T Cleai what this means>.
E(%/' 4*;#&. ;*34#$/'&(#*34 &3$ F>(%4 45''*53$#3@ $#4&-#.#(>. The ieseaich ievealeu seveial
misconceptions about uisabilities. When askeu about the types of uisabilities the people they have
inteiacteu with face, some iesponuents consiueieu BIv-positive peisons anu wiuows as PWB. The
majoiity of the iesponuents iepoiteu that they believe most of the PWB aie boin uisableu iathei
than become uisableu latei in life, which is incoiiect.

Nost of the NFI staff suivey iesponuents hau the expeiience of woiking with PWB as NFI clients, anu 82
peicent iepoiteu that they peisonally hau at least one peison with a uisability in theii client poitfolio. In
geneial, NFI staff uemonstiateu a goou unueistanuing of visible uisabilities anu also a goou tiack iecoiu
of inteiacting with PWB (even as NFI clients), but sensitization is neeueu to iion out the finei issues
uiscusseu above.

*+, ./&0# 1/) 23!

The next line of inquiiy captuieu opinions on lenuing to PWB. Appioximately 66 peicent of iesponuents
stateu that it was bettei to help PWB thiough uonations oi welfaie schemes than thiough loans. The bias
was especially piominent in Nahaiashtia anu 0uisha. At the same time, ovei 7u peicent of the
iesponuents weie not willing to say that giving loans to PWB is a iisky pioposition noi that NFIs shoulu
not entei into lenuing tiansactions with PWB.

These views may seem contiauictoiy, but the appaient uisciepancy is iooteu in the uiffeiences between
the social thought piocess anu the piofessional obseivations of NFI staff. Fiom theii piofessional
expeiiences, NFI staff know that PWB clients uo not pose extiaoiuinaiy iisk in teims of loan payment
obligations; howevei, societal instincts anu sympathy-uiiven views piompt them to suggest that
uonations shoulu be piefeiieu to loans. Foi gieatei financial inclusion of PWB via miciofinance, it is

IJ *+ KH
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impoitant that membeis of NFI staff, such as loan officeis, uo not give pieceuence to the pievalent social
thought piocess. Thus some sensitization is neeueu on this aspect.

6#@5'/0G :/4A*3$/3( EA#3#*34 &-*5( H*&34 (* 78=

0pinions on giving NFI loans to PWB vaiieu uepenuing on the type of uisability in question:

Foity-seven peicent of iesponuents thought that it was fine foi NFIs to pioviue loan to peisons
with oithopeuic uisabilities but not to visually impaiieu peisons.
Fifty-two peicent iesponueu that it is uifficult to give loans to visually impaiieu inuiviuuals
because they cannot ieau anu theiefoie cannot sign loan uocuments.

A stiong exception to this view was founu in the state of Tamil Nauu wheie Equitas has issueu micio-loans
to a laige numbei of visually impaiieu women. The statistic above highlights a lack of awaieness about
assistive piactices, pioceuuies anu technologies that can help visually impaiieu peisons equally capable
to piocess loan infoimation anu seivice uebt.

A slight majoiity of iesponuents (SS peicent) affiimeu that teims anu conuitions foi NFI loans to PWB
anu those to pooi peisons (in geneial) shoulu be the same. Bowevei, an oveiwhelming 8u peicent of
iesponuents fiom 0uisha favoieu concessional teims on loans to PWB.

5C7 =!+$ A!%/ +6!..$%@$& )% 9-)%@ '(&)%$&& $==$+3)B$./; F2<& +!% 6$., 36$A '/ 9$&)@%)%@ &,$+)!.
,#-9(+3& ")36 #$.!Q$9 .-!% 3$#A&D .$%)$%3 &+#$$%)%@ +#)3$#)!D !%9 &-A$ #$.!Q!3)-%& )= ,$-,.$ !#$
(%!'.$ 3- ,!/ !& ,$# &+6$9(.$;
- Non PwB client, Annapuina Finance, 0uisha

Nany iesponuents (4S.4 peicent) felt that PWB shoulu be suppoiteu by goveinment oi non-goveinmental
oiganizations (Nu0s) iathei than by NFIs. A ieveise tienu (7u peicent) was obseiveu in 0uisha in favoi
of Annapuina Finance, which is piobably uue to the concessional iates of Kiva loans uistiibuteu by
Annapuina to its membeis.

In geneial, NFI staff uiu not consiuei lenuing to PWB as a iisky pioposition but still inuicateu a piefeience
that they continue to be assisteu via uonations anu othei chaiitable anu welfaie-ielateu methous. A
geneial piefeience to financing peisons with oithopeuic uisabilities ovei visually impaiieu peisons was
obseiveu. Responuents associateu with Equitas in Tamil Nauu showeu gieatei inteiest in the inclusion of
visually impaiieu peisons. This highlights a neeu to cieate avenues foi shaiing knowleuge anu best
piactices acioss NFIs.

IN *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

2,)(,<1$*% L*3")7 2R5 ". !F: D0$,%1.

The iesponuents expiesseu high levels of confiuence in incluuing PWB as clients if it was manuateu by
theii oiganizations. A stiong 4S peicent of iesponuents acioss the paiticipating NFIs saiu that they weie
confiuent in incluuing PWB as clients, if manuateu by theii oiganizations. Anothei 4S peicent saiu they
weie ieauy to incluue PWB if they weie given auequate tiaining anu suppoit on how to woik with them.

When askeu whethei they thought PWB woulu unueistanu the loan teims, S9 peicent weie veiy
confiuent, while 48 peicent saiu that loan officeis will neeu some special tiaining to leain how to
effectively inteiact with PWB. Similaily, on the question of whethei the staff thought that PWB clients will
be able to unueistanu anu follow the iules of gioup meetings, S7 peicent weie veiy confiuent that they
woulu, while 47 peicent inuicateu that some changes to the piocess may be iequiieu to accommouate

Some of the suggestions fiom the suivey aie as follows:

1$" ,-.)+)$& &6-(.9 '$ 9$&)@%$9 =-# ,#-B)9)%@ .-!%& 3- 5C7; 0.&-D 36$ .-!% A!/ '$ ,#-B)9$9 '!&$9 -% 36$
&$B$#)3/ -= 36$ 9)&!').)3/ -= 36$ 5C7;
8 Swauhaai bianch staff membei, Nahaiashtia

C$ %$$9 3- @)B$ 36$A $Q$A,3)-%& "6$%$B$# %$$9$9 3- $%&(#$ 36$)# +-A,.$3$ =)%!%+)!. )%+.(&)-%;
- Equitas bianch staff membei, Nauhya Piauesh

H6$ @-B$#%A$%3 -= <%9)! &6-(.9 A!E$ )3 A!%9!3-#/ =-# F2<& 3- )%+.(9$ !3 .$!&3 RS 5C7 ,$# '#!%+6;
- Equitas bianch staff membei, Tamil Nauu

5C7 &6-(.9 '$ @)B$% .-!%& )= 36$/ !#$ =)%!%+)!../ !+3)B$; K(3 &-A$ #$.!Q!3)-%& -# +6!%@$& A!/ '$ #$T()#$9
3- $%!'.$ 36$A 3- (&$ 36)& .-!% $==$+3)B$./; 2-# $Q!A,.$D .-!% -==)+$#& A!/ 6!B$ 3- B)&)3 ,$-,.$ ")36
-#36-,$9)+ 9)&!').)3)$& !%9 B)&(!. )A,!)#A$%3& )% +!&$ 36!3 36$/ !#$ (%!'.$ 3- 3#!B$.D -# .-!%& +!% '$ @)B$%
3- 36$ ,!#$%3& -= ,$-,.$ ")36 A$%3!. 9)&!').)3)$&; C$ +!% @)B$ 36$A 3#!)%)%@ 3- )A,#-B$ !%9 9)B$#&)=/ 36$)#
'(&)%$&&$&; C$ +!% A!E$ 36$ .-!% 3$#A .$&& &3#)+3D "$ +!% ,#-B)9$ 36$A ")36 +-(%&$.)%@UA$%3-#)%@
- Equitas bianch staff membei, Tamil Nauu

2),<"),7%,.. *+ !F:. 1* :%(087, 2R5

The thiiu section of the staff suivey evaluates the piepaieuness of NFIs to incluue PWB, taigeting the
piocesses anu pioceuuies that exist within the NFIs. The iesponuents highlighteu many aieas in which
woik is neeueu foi cieating financial inclusion foi PWB. 0ne of the most impoitant aieas iuentifieu is
spieauing gieatei awaieness among NFI staff about the non-uisciimination policy of theii oiganization.
0thei aieas that iequiie majoi woik aie specializeu tiaining foi fielu staff to woik with PWB, tiaining anu
oiientation of existing SBu membeis (existing clients), anu cieating cheapei loan instiuments.

The eviuence highlighteu below uemonstiates the neeu foi NFI staff sensitization with iespect to the non-
uisciimination policy:

Neaily Su peicent of the iesponuents saiu that theii oiganization uiu not have a non-
uisciimination policy, anu anothei 12 peicent weie not suie if such a policy existeu. (The thiee
NFIs that paiticipateu all have a veiy explicit non-uisciimination policy in place.)
Thiity-five peicent of the iesponuents saiu that theii oiganization's non-uisciimination policy uiu
not iefei to uisability; anothei SS peicent weie unsuie about this.

IO *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

Nost staff (66 peicent) agieeu that non-uisableu clients woulu be willing to incluue PWB in theii gioup,
although many staff also mentioneu that some oiientation anu sensitization woulu be iequiieu foi
existing gioup membeis to initiate anu accept this change.

Neaily all iesponuents expiesseu the view that theii NFI was ieauy to have PWB as clients, eithei fully
ieauy (6S peicent) oi ieauy with majoi to minoi changes. These pioposeu changes incluue special
tiaining foi fielu staff, special loan officeis to seivice PWB clients, anu cieating cheapei loans.

<3 )& )A,-#3!%3 3- )%3#-9(+$ &-A$ #$.!Q!3)-%& 3- A!E$ .-!%& !++$&&)'.$ 3- 5C7 !%9 3- $%&(#$ 36!3
36$/ 3#(./ '$%$=)3 =#-A 36$ .-!% &+6$A$&;
- Equitas bianch staff membei, Nauhya Piauesh

The last few questions in this section eliciteu iesponuents' views on the level of uifficulty in solving the
pioblems that aie seen as impeuiments in extenuing loans to PWB. 0vei 7u peicent of iesponuents saiu it
will be uifficult to solve these two items:

Lack of piopei physical accessibility foi PWB clients
Lack of piopei suppoit seivices baseu on the uisability type

These two items neeu special attention fiom NFIs if they want to incluue PWB.

6#@5'/ IG H/B/. *9 =#99#;5.(> #3 "*.B#3@ 2FA/$#F/3(4 #3 JK(/3$#3@ H*&34 (* 78=

Items that weie not consiueieu uifficult to iesolve incluue:

Awaieness about uisability amongst NFI staff
Awaieness about uisability amongst SBu membeis

Less than 41 peicent of iesponuents saiu that these issues weie uifficult to iesolve. Neveitheless, these
issues shoulu also be consiueieu anu appiopiiately auuiesseu via tiaining anu othei sensitization

IQ *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

0&6-E V(A!# V6!3"!.D 5$#&-% ")36 N#36-,$9)+ 7)&!').)3/D N9)&6!D <%9)!

Ashok Kumai Khatwal was boin into a pooi weavei's family in 0uisha, Inuia. Be
contiacteu polio when he was eight months olu. Bis uisability became moie seveie as
he giew oluei. Bue to lack of necessaiy facilities, assistive infiastiuctuie, anu
suppoit fiom his family he hau to uiscontinue his euucation at a veiy eaily age. Bis
family, being pooi, often tieateu him as a buiuen. Be lackeu the iesouices to initiate
livelihoou cieation.

To assist Ashok in his livelihoou cieation effoit, a Kiva loan was extenueu to him.
0tilizing that loan, Ashok expanueu his family's weaving business. Touay, he has not
only become the sole bieauwinnei of his family but he has also manageu to pioviue
basic amenities anu euucation to his family.

Be has also manageu to save a poition of his income anu has bought a tiicycle foi
himself. Now he is able to tiavel to many places in comfoit, with uignity, anu without
much assistance.

:%.$&41 I6 :%(087$%& 2R5 M$" !$()*+$%"%(,

IW *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

Y,.801. +)*9 14, E8)M,? *+ !F: !"%"&,).

The NFI management suivey was uesigneu to elicit the views of the leaueiship anu senioi management of
miciofinance institutions on stewaiuing theii oiganizations towaiu gieatei inclusion of PWB. It shoulu be
noteu that the sample foi this suivey was veiy small anu thus shoulu not be consiueieu compiehensive,
but insteau inuicative of the geneial view.

Nost of the membeis who paiticipateu in the suivey weie highly sensitizeu anu hau a high uegiee of
awaieness iegaiuing the issues anu challenges faceu by PWB. A laige majoiity of the paiticipating senioi
management agieeu that:

PWB shoulu be suppoiteu thiough miciofinance loans as opposeu to goveinment giants oi
Lenuing to PWB uoes not imply high cieuit iisk.

0n the issue of existence of a non-uisciimination policy mentioning uisability, the iesponses weie mixeu.
But theie was a stiong agieement that gieatei awaieness has to be spieau within the oiganization anu
amongst the staff on this topic.

The iesponuents weie confiuent that theii institutions will be able to incluue PWB as clients. They also
showeu a positive inclination towaiu investing in staff tiaining anu intiouucing the changes iequiieu to
incluue PWB as clients. In teims of cuiient ieauiness, howevei, the iesponse was mixeu. The level of
ieauiness vaiieu uepenuing on the type of uisability being auuiesseu (foi instance, blinu veisus
oithopeuic uisability).

0veiall, the NFI manageis seemeu positive about incluuing PWB anu affiimeu theii willingness to
unueitake the steps iequiieu to ease the onboaiuing of PWB as clients (e.g., staff sensitization, policy
change, business mouel change, infiastiuctuie change foi gieatei accessibility, etc.).

0ne aiea that neeus to be ievisiteu with NFI senioi management is the non-uisciimination policy
fiamewoik. If it uoes not exist at an oiganization, it neeus to be cieateu, anu with a clause foi peisons with
uisabilities. Anu it must be aggiessively piomoteu anu implementeu acioss the oiganization.
5$.(8..$*% "%7 -%"0?.$. *+ F*(8. =)*8< 5$.(8..$*%. @F=5.B

The objective of the focus gioup uiscussions was to ueiive gieatei unueistanuing of how ieceptive the
gioups woulu be to incluuing PWB.

IZ *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

0%%!,(#%! M3!== F$A'$#& !%9 B8&6$&6 #$&$!#+6$# ")36 2-+(& J#-(, 7)&+(&&)-% 5!#3)+),!%3&D N9)&6!

+4!# 5"67 23! 8%"(06#

The PWB paiticipants in FuBs iaiseu conceins in five key aieas:

Accessibility baiiieis
Loan piouucts anu teims
Attituues of peeis
Attituues of NFI staff
uioup veisus inuiviuual loans

7%>4#;&. -&''#/'41 PWB highlighteu challenges in tiaveling to anu moving within the NFI piemises. Foi
mobility, they have to heavily iely on othei people, possibly othei membeis of the SBu to assist them.
Paiticipants suggesteu that pickup anu uiop-off facilities woulu be helpful. They also suggesteu that
offices be maue moie accessible anu equippeu with assistive aius such as wheelchaiis, hanuiails, anu
facilities such as hanuicap toilets.

239*'F&(#*3 -&''#/'4. Paiticipants also highlighteu that some uisabilities ienuei the common moues of
communication anu infoimation exchange ineffective, thus cieating infoimation baiiieis. Foi instance,
wiitten infoimation is inaccessible to the visually impaiieu. These baiiieis inhibit peisons with
uisabilities in paiticipating as equals in the gioups anu cieate uepenuencies on othei membeis of the

GH *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

gioup to inteiact with NFI staff on theii behalf. To suimount this baiiiei NFI staff neeu to unueigo
tiaining, such as sign language tiaining anu tiaining in the use of assistive technologies.

As most of the paiticipants hau little foimal euucation they expiesseu uifficulty in unueistanuing the
intiicate aspects of miciofinance piouucts. These auuitional challenges illustiateu the neeu foi NFIs to
pioviue some financial euucation to clients.

"*;#&. -&''#/'41 Paiticipants iepoiteu that yeais of uisciimination anu social neglect leau PWB to uoubt
themselves anu theii abilities to engage in income geneiation activities, let alone successfully seivice a
uebt. They also highlighteu that in some cases social woikeis anu othei acquaintances uiscouiageu them
fiom taking NFI loans anu insteau uiiecteu them towaiu goveinment anu welfaie oiganizations foi

< E%$" !'-(3 V)B! .-!%&D '(3 )3 3--E A$ 3)A$ 3- +-%B)%+$ A/&$.= !%9 A/ =!A)./ 3- !,,./ =-# 36$A;
- PWB client, Annapuina, 0uisha

Removing social baiiieis iequiies majoi attituuinal changes. Those changes can be veiy haiu to achieve,
but exposing people to the iight infoimation anu cieating the iight enviionment aie gieat steps to
galvanize the necessaiy change.

<% &,)3$ -= !.. 36$ &3)@A! !33!+6$9 3- "-#E)%@ ")36 ,$-,.$ .)E$ (&D A/ @#-(, A$A'$#& )%+.(9$9 A$ !%9
LT()3!& $Q3$%9$9 36$ .-!% 3- A$;
- visually impaiieu client, Equitas, Tamil Nauu

H*&3 A'*$5;(4 &3$ (/'F49 The paiticipants highlighteu that uue to the existence of access baiiieis, they
may neeu assistance in uoing business, especially in activities like piocuiing iaw mateiials fiom the
maikets anu ueliveiing finisheu goous anu seivices to the maikets. They claimeu that these neeus auu to
the opeiating costs of the business anu thus they suggesteu laigei loan amounts foi PWB.

The paiticipants also auvocateu foi special cieuit piouucts with lowei inteiest iates, longei teims, anu
teims anu conuitions with ielative ease in iepayment.

L((#(5$/ *9 A//'41 The paiticipants mentioneu that theii peeis weie helpful, sensitive, anu
unueistanuing. Nany paiticipants shaieu anecuotes of ieceiving help fiom peeis foi tiavel, assistance in
iepaying installments in cases of uelays, assistance with auministiative papeiwoik, anu othei business
ielateu activities.

Paiticipants mentioneu the neeu to fuithei nuituie anu giow this cultuie of mutual coopeiation. Thus, it
is iecommenueu that gioups that show exceptional mutual coopeiation be awaiueu oi iewaiueu in some
way to encouiage othei gioups to builu similai cultuies.

L((#(5$/ *9 <62 "(&991 In auuition to highlighting the neeu foi sensitization of staff, the paiticipants uiew
attention to othei neeus. PWB paiticipants expect NFI staff to pioviue:

Assistance in iuentifying anu setting up suitable business oppoitunities, such as home-baseu tiaue
foi peisons with visual impaiiment anu locomotive uisabilities
Tiaining anu skill enhancement woikshops to help them oveicome the challenges of iunning a
Regulai counseling to keep up motivation anu moiale
viable maiket linkages

These auuitional conceins iaise majoi issues iegaiuing the seivices offeieu by NFIs.

GI *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

M'*5A &3$ #3$#B#$5&. .*&34. Some paiticipants hau stiong views in favoi of gioup loans while otheis
weie against gioup loan schemes. Paiticipants with positive views about gioup loan schemes felt that
these schemes helpeu uiveisify the total iisk among gioup membeis anu pioviueu PWB with a 'safety net'
if they aie unable to keep up with theii uebt obligations. In auuition, gioup loans allow PWB who have
typically been alienateu fiom mainstieam society gainei social acceptance anu self-confiuence.

F/ 6(&'!%9D "6- 6!9 .$=3 A$D +!A$ '!+E !=3$# < @-3 ! F2< .-!%; 2-# A$ 36)& .-!% A$!%& !++$,3!%+$
=#-A &-+)$3/ !%9 6!& @)B$% A$ ! .-3 -= +-%=)9$%+$ 3- A-B$ =-#"!#9 )% .)=e.
- ESAF client, Bhanuaia

LT()3!& @!B$ (& 36$ .-!% "6$% -36$#& =$.3 36!3 "$ "$#$ %-3 +#$9)3"-#36/; C$ 36!%E 36$A =-# 3#(&3)%@
(&; C$ %-" ,!#3)+),!3$ )% !.. &-+)!. @!36$#)%@ !%9 "$ !#$ 3#$!3$9 !& $T(!.& '/ -36$#&.
- Client with visual impaiiment, Equitas, Tamil Nauu

Paiticipants who weie not positive about gioup loans schemes felt that uisciimination uue to social
stigma woulu continue anu may even leau to non-coopeiation fiom gioup membeis. Conceins weie also
iaiseu about selection biases among gioup membeis iesulting in exclusion of PWB.

< !A &(#$ < "-(.9 %-3 6!B$ @-33$% ! .-!% =#-A 0%%!,(#%! 6!9 36$#$ -%./ '$$% @#-(, .-!%&; W!B)%@
=!+$9 &- A!%/ ,#$O(9)+$& )% .)=$D < !A %-3 &(#$ )= < #$!../ "!%3$9 3- '$ ! ,!#3 -= ! @#-(, !& "$...
- Client with oithopeuic uisability, Annapuina, 0uisha

The obseivations maue on this subject highlight the neeu foi sensitization anu piopei oiientation of self-
help gioup paiticipants. Positive examples anu success stoiies of gioups that have incluueu PWB shoulu
be shaieu with new anu existing gioups.

LT()3!& M3!== F$A'$#& !%9 B8&6$&6 #$&$!#+6$# I-%9(+3)%@ ! 2-+(& J#-(, 7)&+(&&)-% )% F!96/! 5#!9$&6

+4! 5"67 :/0;23! 8%"(06#

These uiscussions weie piimaiily uesigneu to iuentify attituues anu conceins of non-PWB boiioweis of
NFIs about incluuing PWB in the gioups.

GG *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

23;.54#*3 *9 78=1 In geneial, paiticipants uemonstiateu a willingness to incluue PWB in theii gioups
pioviueu the following conuitions weie consiueieu anu met:

Consent fiom all gioup membeis
Tiust anu familiaiity with the peison with a uisability being incluueu
Assuiance that the peison with a uisability being incluueu has the ability oi suppoit to eain anu
iepay the loan

The pieiequisites laiu uown by the paiticipants seem faii, piagmatic, anu justifiable. The gioup membeis
themselves aie fiom the same socio-economic backgiounu as the potential PWB clients. These people
ieceiveu an oppoitunity to economically empowei themselves via miciofinance loans anu aie sensibly
cautious about ensuiing that gioup uecisions uo not negatively affect theii own livelihoous.

Nany gioups at paiticipating NFI alieauy have PWB as membeis. The majoiity of these inuiviuuals aie
oithopeuically uisableu. Nembeis weie amenable to incluuing peisons with visual anu heaiing
impaiiments but uisplayeu ieluctance to incluuing peisons with mental uisabilities.

0veiall, the attituue to incluuing PWB was ieassuiingly positive. Nany non-PWB paiticipants citeu
inciuents appieciating the punctuality anu commitment uemonstiateu by theii PWB colleagues.

N(# @#-(, .$!9$# )& -#36-,$9)+!../ 9)&!'.$9; M6$ )& 36$ -%./ $9(+!3$9 A$A'$# )% -(# @#-(,; M6$
$Q,.!)%& !.. .-!% #$.!3$9 9-+(A$%3& 3- (& !%9 A!E$& &(#$ !9$T(!3$ &(,,-#3 )& $Q3$%9$9 3- 36-&$ "6-
%$$9 )3;
8 uioup membeis, Equitas, Bimmatnagai

M'*5A *' #3$#B#$5&. .*&34. 0pinions heie weie mixeu. Nany non-PWB membeis weie willing to pioviue
suppoit anu assistance to onboaiu PWB. 0theis auvocateu foi exclusive PWB gioups. The ieasoning
behinu this was that such gioups can avail special benefits anu facilities. Nembeis also concuiieu that in
ceitain cases inuiviuual loans woulu also be useful if PWB aie confiuent about woiking alone.

"5@@/4(#*34 *3 H*&34 (* 78=1 Paiticipants highlighteu the neeu foi pioviuing specializeu tiaining anu
counseling to PWB to stait home-baseu businesses anu also foi pioviuing maiketing suppoit.

N%$ -= -(# @#-(, A$A'$#& .-&3 6$# B)&)-% !=3$# A!##)!@$; M6$ )& &3#(@@.)%@ 3- +-A$ 3- 3$#A& ")36 6$#
9)&!').)3/; N%./ )%+.(&)-% ").. %-3 6$.,; M6$ %$$9& +-(%&$.)%@D &E).. 3#!)%)%@D !%9 &(,,-#3 3- &3!#3 6$#
- Non PwB client, ESAF, Bhanuaia

As miciofinance joint-liability anu self-help gioups aie typically foimeu by maiiieu women, the
paiticipants auvocateu that these gioups shoulu expanu to incluue males with uisabilities anu unmaiiieu
anu wiuoweu women.

Paiticipants stiongly expiesseu the neeu foi cieating special cieuit piouucts foi peisons with uisabilities,
with highei loan amounts, lowei inteiest iates, anu moie ielaxeu iepayment conuitions.

5C7 =!+$ A!%/ +6!..$%@$& )% 9-)%@ '(&)%$&& $==$+3)B$./; F2<& +!% 6$., 36$A '/ 9$&)@%)%@ &,$+)!.
,#-9(+3& ")36 #$.!Q$9 .-!% 3$#A&D .$%)$%3 &+#$$%)%@ +#)3$#)!D !%9 &-A$ #$.!Q!3)-%& )= ,$-,.$ !#$
(%!'.$ 3- ,!/ !& ,$# &+6$9(.$.
- Non-PWB client, Annapuina

GK *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

M-A$3)A$&D 5C7 A$A'$#& !#$ %-3 !'.$ 3- #$,!/ 36$)# .-!%& -% 3)A$ '$+!(&$ 36$/ 9- %-3 6!B$ $Q3#!
&-(#+$& -= )%+-A$ .)E$ "$ 9-.
- Non-PWB client, Bhai

The cieation of such piouucts is inueeu a complex challenge foi NFIs looking to onboaiu PWB, but it can
be achieveu with sufficient caie to piouuct uevelopment.

LT()3!& M3!== F$A'$#& !%9 B8&6$&6 #$&$!#+6$# )% ! 2-+(& J#-(, 7)&+(&&)-%D H!A). 1!9(

+4! 5"67 *+, <6&11

These uiscussions weie meant to solicit uetaileu anu piactical suggestions foi the implementation of
gieatei inclusion of PWB fiom NFI staff, who inteiact with the loan applicants on a uaily basis.

23;.54#*3 *9 78=1 NFI staff expiesseu willingness to incluue PWB, with the following conuitions:

A piopei methou foi assessment of cieuitwoithiness of potential PWB clients
Potential PWB clients fulfill the conuitions anu iequiiements of loan uisbuisal
All gioup membeis agiee to incluuing PWB as membeis

Biscussion paiticipants weie positive about incluuing peisons with oithopeuic uisabilities but expiesseu
ieluctance to incluue peisons with heaiing oi visual impaiiment oi mental uisabilities. They expiesseu

GJ *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

the neeu foi moie iefineu anu customizeu piocesses anu pioceuuies to incluue peisons with such

"('&(/@#/4 9*' -/((/' *5('/&;% (* 78=. 0n incieasing NFI staff inteiaction with PWB anu potentially
onboaiuing them as clients, the following key iueas emeigeu:

Nonthly taigets oi non-financial incentives foi NFI staff anu SBu membeis to incluue PWB
Iuentifying anu builuing out bianch offices wheie ueepei engagement with PWB can be achieveu.
Engaging uisableu peisons oiganizations (BP0) can help in the sensitization of PWB with iegaius
to the conceins they have about accessing financing anu also help in tiaining NFI staff anu
leaueiship on how to effectively accommouate PWB in theii piouuct offeiings.
Sensitization woikshops on inteiacting with PWB foi NFI staff anu SBu membeis; in auuition
moie uetaileu anu multi-faceteu engagement channels shoulu be iuentifieu

7%>4#;&. &;;*FF*$&(#*349 Paiticipants highlighteu the neeu foi impioving the physical accessibility of
theii offices anu facilities to bettei accommouate PWB. 0ne suggestion was uooi-to-uooi loan uisbuisal
anu installment collection foi PWB, eithei by pioviuing tianspoit seivice to PWB clients oi by getting staff
to tiavel to the clients' locations.

Paiticipants suggesteu equipping offices with assistive featuies such as wheelchaiis, hanuiails, guiuing
foot iails, Biaille impiints, anu uiiection inuicatois. Paiticipants also emphasizeu the neeu foi iewoiking
the NFI policies anu pioceuuies with iespect to the specific neeus of PWB. As noteu above, NFI staff
lackeu awaieness about the non-uisciimination policies at theii oiganizations anu whethei they hau
clauses piotecting clients fiom uisciimination baseu on theii uisability.

GN *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

76!%!.!E&6A)D 5$#&-% ")36 B)&(!. )A,!)#A$%3D H!A). 1!9(D <%9)!

Bhanalakshmi became visually impaiieu as a iesult of a hoiiific aciu attack. She
sustaineu majoi buins anu lost hei vision. Constiaineu by hei uisability, she confineu
heiself to the bounuaiies of hei home foi many yeais.

Foui yeais ago she joineu Equitas anu with the loan she staiteu a gaiments business. She
has been able to gain financial inuepenuence, social acceptance anu incieaseu confiuence
to step out anu inteiact with eveiyone. Bei gioup membeis take tuins to assist hei
getting to the meetings, anu NFI staff ieau out louu the NFI pleuge anu teims anu
conuitions to hei.

:%.$&41 G6 :%(087$%& 2R5 M$" !$()*+$%"%(,

GO *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

D4"<1,) J6 D*%(08.$*% "%7 F818), R*)#

This stuuy has iuentifieu a numbei of gaps anu issues anu most impoitantly actionable change items to be
auuiesseu. If appiopiiate attention, effoit, anu iesouices aie ueployeu to auuiess these conceins, the goal
of financial inclusion foi PWB via miciofinance will be much closei than it is touay.

],,7 +*) =),"1,) 5$."/$0$1? -3"),%,..

The focus gioups anu suiveys highlighteu that a numbei of myths anu misconceptions about uisability
pievail among NFI staff membeis anu non-uisableu clients. Auuitionally, theie is confusion about what
shoulu constitute uisability anu a lack of awaieness of non-visible uisabilities.

The stuuy highlighteu a numbei of giay aieas conceining classification anu iecognition of uisability. NFI
staff membeis aie unsuie if ceitain conuitions shoulu qualify inuiviuuals to be iecognizeu as uisableu. The
extent of uisability is anothei giay aiea. Shoulu a physically weak oi chionically ill inuiviuual be
consiueieu uisableu. Shoulu people with cuiable uisabilities such as cataiact oi uiabetes be consiueieu
uisableu. Shoulu uisability be consiueieu puiely on meuical giounus (baseu on uisability ceitificates
issueu by goveinment) oi shoulu social anu functional juugments be consiueieu.

Theie is also a neeu to sensitize NFI staff anu non-uisableu membeis iegaiuing oveily piotective instincts
towaiu PWB. The suiveys showeu this is a ieason why it is thought that PWB aie bettei seiveu via
chaiitable uonations than loans. This implies that iesponuents uoubt a uisableu peison's ability to
conuuct business successfully anu meet uebt iepayment obligations.

This skepticism was especially piominent towaiu people with visual impaiiment. This highlights a lack of
knowleuge anu awaieness of assistive featuies anu technologies that can auuiess uisability constiaints.
Theie is a neeu to uocument anu shaie the uisability inclusion best piactices anu success stoiies among
NFIs in Inuia to encouiage gieatei inclusion of PWB.

D4"%&,. $% !F: 5$."/$0$1? :%(08.$*% 2*0$($,. "%7 L4,$) :9<"(1

The stuuy ievealeu a seiious lack of awaieness among NFI staff membeis about the non-uisciimination
policies of theii oiganizations anu whethei those policies have clauses piotecting inuiviuuals against
uisciimination on the basis of uisability.

The stuuy also highlights changes that woulu be iequiieu to incluue PWB as clients. Initiating inclusion
entails a majoi shift in existing business mouels foi NFIs. It iequiies focus anu initiative fiom NFI
leaueiship to uiive the change thioughout the business. Pei the suivey iesponses, NFI leaueiship shows
gieat willingness to biing about this change. Some of the change items aie highlighteu in the uiscussion

All piocesses anu pioceuuies (such as gioup meetings mechanisms, auministiative foims,
passbooks anu communication methous) that facilitate the client-NFI ielationship will have to be
ieengineeieu to accommouate uiffeient types of uisabilities.
Regulatoiy manuates fiom local, state, anu national level legislative bouies will have to be stuuieu
anu auheieu to.
Auequate time anu iesouices will have to be investeu in cieating assistive featuies in NFI
piemises, foi example, hanuiails, Biaille signs, anu auuio piompts. Exteinal auuits anu
ceitifications on accessibility shoulu be obtaineu.
Noie impoitant than the physical accessibility baiiieis, senioi management shoulu also woik
towaiu eliminating infoimational anu social baiiieis that inhibit PWB fiom fully accessing NFIs'

GQ *+ KH
!!"! !$ %&'( )*( %+,&- .""( */01,23&42( 56 7"""$ 8%9 :-; 7"7'<=<'$!!< >/? 7"7'<=<'$!!$ @@@'A-2&-BC4BC,2/2A,/;,2A;+0,42'4B3

piouucts. To eliminate infoimational baiiieis NFIs shoulu not only tiain staff on communication
techniques (such as sign language) but also focus on pioviuing financial euucation to clients.
To eiauicate social baiiieis, senioi management shoulu initiate oiganization-wiue awaieness
campaigns. They shoulu champion the cause so as to minimize skepticism anu engiain the
philosophy of inclusion in the cultuie of the oiganization.

All this iequiies setting up piocesses anu feeuback loops foi uocumenting anu iepoiting PWB client uata
to senioi management. NFIs can also set uisability taigets anu incentivize staff foi incluuing peisons with
uiffeient types of uisabilities. These steps will gieatly help staff in engaging anu incluuing PWB anu foi
NFI to piofitably seive the clients.

This suivey anu its iesponses highlight the neeu foi gieatei flexibility in the teims of the piouucts being
offeieu to PWB. Foi moie compiehensive fulfillment of clients' neeus it is necessaiy that clients' neeus
anu wants be auequately stuuieu anu auuiesseu. Thus, extensive ieseaich anu uevelopment effoits shoulu
be initiateu by NFI leaueiship in this uiiection.

These topics will tianslate into majoi woik items foi the senioi management of NFIs. They shoulu take
owneiship anu stewaiu the implementation of these items.

5$."/$0$1? :%(08.$*% @-11$187, *+ E1"++ "%7 E,0+^S,0< =)*8<. "%7 Y,"7$%,.. *+ !F:.B

In geneial, NFI staff anu leaueiship uisplayeu willingness anu confiuence to incluue PWB as potential
clients, as uiu membeis of self-help gioups. PWB stuuieu in this exeicise have hau exposuie to NFIs anu
they weie also veiy positive that PWB in geneial will benefit by woiking with NFIs. Neveitheless, a
numbei of caveats weie ievealeu.

NFI staff highlighteu cieating accessibility foi PWB, tiaining staff, anu foimulating seivices foi uiffeient
types of uisabilities as foimiuable challenges. As many PWB have faceu social alienation, they have
become haiu to appioach, thus the staff highlighteu the neeu foi special soft skill anu etiquette tiaining to
help them moie easily connect with PWB. In this context, they highlighteu the neeu foi sign language anu
Biaille tiaining. They also highlighteu the neeu foi tiaining conceining legal piovisions anu company
policies on uisability. All of the above shoulu be encapsulateu in a 'uisability oiientation' piogiam foi all
existing anu new employees. This will help set a common cultuie of inclusion anu guiue the staff in the
uiiection the oiganization wants to heau.

Awaieness anu sensitization is iequiieu foi membeis of the SBu as well. Social events foi gioup membeis
to inteiact with PWB must be oiganizeu so that the pieiequisites aiounu achieving consent fiom all
membeis, builuing tiust anu familiaiity with PWB, anu getting assuiance that PWB can auequately eain
anu iepay the loans can be effectively auuiesseu.

NFI staff anu self-help gioup membeis shoulu be motivateu anu appiopiiately incentivizeu to onboaiu
PWB as clients.

NFIs will have to auopt a mixeu mouel foi loans foi inclusion of PWB. In auuition to gioup loans they will
also have to uesign anu implement inuiviuual loan schemes. This may become a majoi stiategy shift
tiiggei foi many NFIs anu woulu iequiie an oveihaul of piouucts anu opeiations.

],,7 +*) >)*"7,%$%& [81),"(4 "%7 5,,<,%$%& A%&"&,9,%1

The gieatest iisk, potentially leauing to appiehension anu ieseivation on the pait of NFIs, to ieaching out
to PWB anu othei vulneiable communities in a countiy as uiveise as Inuia is insufficient capacity to scale.

GW *+ KH
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This potentially exposes the NFIs to opeiational anu cieuit iisk. To mitigate these iisks anu theiefoie
ensuie gieatei financial inclusion theie is a neeu foi meticulous capacity builuing.

In this iespect NFIs shoulu ueepen theii engagement anu paitneiship with uisableu peisons
oiganizations (BP0s). BP0s in geneial have a stiict anu focuseu social agenua. They woik towaiu
pioviuing PWB euucation, basic living anu livelihoou tiaining anu at times job placement assistance. BP0s
not only pioviue excellent oppoitunities foi NFIs to unueistanu moie about PWB, they also pioviue with
taiget populations of potential clients who coulu be on-boaiueu.

BP0s, in geneial, have little infoimation about NFIs. The few BP0s that have been exposeu to NFIs have
expiesseu positive views about the iole NFIs have playeu in empoweiing inuiviuuals (especially women).
BP0s weie impiesseu with the suite of piouucts anu the piice of seivices that NFIs offeieu anu also the
ielative ease with which loans weie uisbuiseu, especially in compaiison to tiauitional pioviueis.

But many BP0s that have not inteiacteu with NFIs hau negative notions. They weie conceineu with the
high iates of inteiest chaigeu on NFI loans, iigiu teims anu conuitions foi loan uisbuisal anu collection,
anu limiteu scope of seivices - foi example, little oi no skill enhancement tiaining, counseling, oi maiket
linkages. Responuents also felt that NFIs paiu less attention to uisability-specific neeus of inuiviuuals.

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- Rashtiiya viklang Nanch, Nauhya Piauesh

NFIs shoulu woik towaiu eliminating these negative notions anu conceins thiough outieach piogiams
(ioau shows, awaieness piogiams, etc.) anu inclusive offeiings auuiessing the social agenua of BP0s
(financial liteiacy campaigns, skill builuing woikshops, health camps, infoimation camps on entitlements
unuei goveinment piogiams, assistance in piocuiing assistive uevices, etc.) foi bettei anu moie effective
engagement with BP0s.

An auuitional ieseivation on the pait of NFIs to incluue PWB coulu be the highei cost of seivice ueliveiy.
NFIs coulu allege that these costs come fiom the change they woulu have to intiouuce in theii business
piocesses to seive PWB clients with uiffeient types of uisabilities. The highei costs of seivice ueliveiy
may piove challenging foi NFI to piofitably seive a uiveise population of PWB.

In this context, this papei iecommenus NFI leaueiship to investigate anu implement inciemental anu low-
cost changes at fiist anu then exploie moie costly anu time-intensive changes as iesouices become
available. In auuition, the peivasive natuie of wiieless inteinet, mobile communication, anu poitable
computing uevices (smait phones anu tablets) have leu to the cieation of ievolutionaiy piouucts anu
seivices that aie iapiuly impioving accessibility. It will be impoitant to exploie aieas wheie both fiont
anu back-enu technology can ieuuce cost anu expanu access to PWB.

Similaily, the concept of agent banking (business coiiesponuent (BC) mouel) is yet anothei mouel foi
NFIs to ieuuce cost of seivice to customeis. This mouel is highly useful in situations wheie builuing anu
staffing bianches is uifficult anu expensive. This mouel ieuuces the cost on both the client anu the NFI

GZ *+ KH
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0vei the yeais miciofinance lenuing has emeigeu as a ievolutionaiy funuing mechanism foi millions of
low-income self-employeu inuiviuuals. It is a foice that is piopagating economic empoweiment anu
gieatei social acceptance. Thus fuithei ieseaich shoulu be initiateu foi the financial inclusion of PWB.

This stuuy, uespite its limits, uncoveieu some impoitant issues foi financial inclusion of PWB anu maue
iecommenuations to auuiess the highlighteu issues anu gaps anu inspiie fuithei woik to exploie the
subject. The stuuy shoulu be taken as a baseline, anu moie uetaileu, extensive, anu iigoious ieseaich
exeicises shoulu be conuucteu. PWB who have hau no exposuie to NFIs, anu NFIs that have hau no
expeiience woiking with PWB shoulu also be stuuieu. Engagement with BP0s shoulu be expanueu.
Paitneiships with technology solution pioviueis shoulu be piioiitizeu anu the feasibility of business
ueliveiy mechanisms fuithei evaluateu. Auuitionally, views of NFIs ielateu to othei miciofinance
piouucts shoulu also be eliciteu.

These segments will biing out moie unique insights anu inputs foi financial inclusion foi peisons with

Foi moie, iefei to the tools anu tiaining mateiials available as pait of the Fiamewoik foi Bisability
Inclusion on the CFI website.

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