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Farm life

By the end of this lesson you will be able to

list different type of farmers
livestock farms, cultivation farms

compare small and large farms
small farms are on a modest production or personal
while large farms are for trade and industry increased production

tell the jobs of the farm animals

warm up
Answer the questions. Listen to your classmates answers.
Name some different type of farms. Which is most popular in your country?
livestock farms, cultivation farms, poultry farms
all are common
What is your favorite farm animal? Why?
cow because it is an animal with many uses her gas, her skin, her flesh

Do you grow any vegetables? Why / why not?
some growing in the garden for personal use

How many of these words do you know? Choose a word and define it, or use it in a
animals are different from humans because of reasoning
the dog is the most pet friendly to man
I go for a ride with my horse
plants generate oxygen for our subsistence
eating vegetables keeps us healthy

Vocabulary Match
Match the words to their definitions.

A plant that is used for food
A living thing that is not plant or human
A living thing with leaves and roots
An animal kept in the home for companionship
To be carried by vehicle or animal

Choose the three most valuable animals on a farm. Explain your choices.
I think a ______ is the most valuable because ______

Barn cat

Idiom Dialog
Talk about the idiom and practice the dialog with a partner. Take turns.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth = if you are given something you should
not be critica I of it.
Adam: I'm glad you brought me lunch. I was really hungry!
Jane: I got you a salad.
Adam: I don't usually eat salad. Ilike burgers better.
Jane: Just be happy I brought you food! Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Adam: I'm sorry; you're right. I need to eat more vegetables anyway. Thanks.
Jane: You're welcome.

Pronunciation Practice
Listen to your teacher make these animal sounds; then repeat.
neigh (nay) moo (mu) baaa

Small farm are better than large farms. Do you agree or disagree? Take a side and
debate with thw class.

Small farms

Easier to manager

Large Farms
Possible to plant more *crops

*crops = plants grown on the farm

Read the statement; then discuss as a group. What do you think?
You should grow your own food. Then you know it is safe to eat.
Yes, it'strue because___________________________
No, it's not true because _______________________

Make a Story
Work with your teacher and classmates to make a story with the pictures.
Take turns adding to the story. Explain what happened before, during, and after each
picture. You have to continue the story from where your classmate stopped.

Culture Corner
Answer these questions with your class.
Aquaculture is farming in water. You can raise
fish or plants in a body of water like a pond or
tank. Fish raised in this way are used for food,
bait, and sold as pets.
Would you like to visit a fish farm? Why/why not?
Which is better: farm-raised or wild fish? Explain.

Talk to your teacher and classmates about this idiom.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch = don't make plans based on
uncertain events, something that hasn't happened yet

You haven't won the lottery yet. Don't count your chickens before they hatch!
Tell a story about when you counted your chickens before they hatched.

Role Play
Choose a situation and act out a role. Take turns.
The animals are sitting around talking after dinner.
The cow is trying to convince the other animals that
he is the smartest animal.
The horse wants the other animals to save him extra
food. He thinks he's more important than the other
animals because the humans ride him.
The dogs and the chickens are not getting along.
The dogs love to chase the chickens around the yard
for entertainment. The chickens hate this and want
them to stop.

Class Project
Work as a class to complete the project.
Congratulations! Youjust purchased a farm. Now you need to decide which three
crops to grow. Everyone needs to agree.


wrap up
talk with you class and answer the questions.
Putting it all together
What animals can you find on a farm?
What does dont count your chickens before they hatch mean?
How are small and large farms different?

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