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c:lUlJulA. ... KNOWLEDGE
Vol. 1
"The Kingdom of HtaVl'11 is 01 hond." - - Mattltew 3:2
nt:\ OTt;O TO TOE
e--________________________________________________________ ___
Treatment of Bible Students
Smacks of the "Dark Ages"
"The Servant is not greater than his Lord.
If they have persecuted me, they will
also persecute you." -John 15:20.
::.; 1869, young Charle. T, Ru:uell. be_
[ng a diligent s tudl'nt of dlvlna
prophecy. discovered thllt Ih. B[hla
conta:ns an outllna of Jehovah', won-
derlul plan of salvat[on ... hieh will 1.11-
timat"ly bleu mankind. So "nthu_ed
he ... lth tha me!l!laea of hope that
he at onca devoted all of hi' time a nd
IIloney to making It knOWn to other ...
At thE' v"ry beelnnlng ot his ministry.
ha ,pent HO,OOO out of hla own pocket
to dietrlbuta freely In Ihe cit)' of New
York end ot her part. of the world a
littl e booklE'! entitled, "Food for Think
ing Chrl.tlan ... " A tew clerliYmen saw
he wa. rlaht and with Illadne" Jol oed
... Ilh blm In tha work. Tbe lrFeater
m a jority at cler8')'men, In.stead ot all:
plslnlng Ul.e!Je Scriptural truths to the
peopl e and helplDg them, beean. a cruel
and systematic per!!ecutiM ot lbl!!
.reat reformer, and thUIJ Ihey persl!!t-
anlt y c;ontlnuac1 to pareecute ht= uoUI
lIl. death In 1916.
PlI.8tor Ruaaell el early pro"ed trOID
the Scrlpturu thlt the doctrlna of
eternal torment ot human .oula II the
ften41ah doctrine of tha ereu Adv.r-
8ary and a defamation Of God'. holy
nama ; thn.t tha do(;trlne of the Dlvlna
right ot the clerliY to teach the Bi ble
and Ihe Dh[ne right ot k[n.e to rulp I,
,, holly and thel both have
be"n tht' caulle ot untold .u!Ter[ng of
Ibe Pl'op[es ot eartb,
P,,,",or RUBSI'll "'rOl e and
lilt ,o[umes ot Studiea in the Scrip.
t ... and shortly after his death the
S ... ,enth 'olume of the lIerles was Ie
sued, the [:ltt"r more p:lrtlcular[y ex-
plll.lnln; tht' prnphpcle" of Eukle[ and
Rc,elntlon and pro,lne how the un-
r[,"hto!ous !."Cde:'!last[ca[ lIystems have
,.-ro",n up [n Ihe enrth and opprE'ue<i
Ihc people. This ,olume also points
out tl'l:U J.;: l ngdom Is near a t
ll:l nd Rnd that .Icon Indescribable ble"'
Ing,. wHI 110" OUt 10 mankind.
llort' than t "'ent)' yeau 81':0 Putor
pointed out (rom the Blb[e thllt
G04 had granted to tbe GenUles a leue
ot po"' er ... hlch 1II"0uld legally end In
l!U, and that then the nation. would
b"",ome angT} and God's wrath would
come: th:J.t a great Inl ... mat!onal ....:lr
would besin at t hat Ume and WOUld he
fo llowed greater trouble, and that
the trouble would usher In Mes!!illh',
K[ng40m or righteousness, ... hlch
'<I'ould he the de!!! re of all nation.,
Long as:o he showed that It would bt'
Impf)ssihle tOf" the 1:n[ted Stntes to
ke.,p out of tbat war, The lacts, nOI\
".ell Imo" ..n by "'er)' man, prove the
corr ... ctne" ot Pastor Inter-
pret:lt ioll of the Bible. Hi s ellpos[tlon
ot Scriptur e has greatly angered the
majority of derg)'ltlen, because It
IIhows that t heir teachings In the paS!
have out of harmony ,,'Ith the
'Vord of God: and 1I he Is COHeC! In
his InterpreUl.tlon ot the Bible teach-
[ngs. their position a. clereymen must
soon come to a n end, Tbe clergy w
cha llt'nged to sbow tbe people tbat
these Scr[ptural Interpretations are
wrong, or to Join In exptILlnlng them
to the people and thus to help III. lead-
ID&" them Into greater IIS-ht and happl
nus. Th[s they failed to do. They
had no aD8Wer to the clear expo.lUon
ot ScrIpture S"1,'en by Pastor RU$3l!1l
a nd those ... bo Joined with hlz:n In tbe
In .Jesus' day. the clergy ot the Jew-
leh order uf that time, unable to
meet his forceful worda. Itlrred up the
people apln.t him and ha.d him ar
rested" charS"1ng him with Ire!\JIon
agalnet the Roman eO'l'er-lUDent aod
with blupbemy a.p.lnst God.
Early In the month of Februal7,
Ut8, tbe clergymen. ot Ca nada beean
a systematic dePoulloclation of the Inter
natienal Bible Studenil ..... ociation
and It s puhllcattons. For lDs taDce. the
Wlru:ttpe .. (Ca nada) papers annoulI.ced
that eertaill. cl ercYmen had denounced
the puhllcatlon.s ot tbLs A!I$OClatioo
frolll tbeir pulliits and stat ed that the
attention O( the Attorney Oeneral had
been called to the matt er . Later, tbe
Attorll. ey Genera l eJtamln.ed certain ot
the 4ssoolaUoo's publica tions and the
public censor placed a ban upon them
In Canadu, Tha Wlnn[peg Tribune
says, "The censors order Is belle,'ed
to be the c1lrect result" of these repre
senlatlor.s the cl ergy. Shortly
therearter, In various parts 01 Canada.
member. of the Internllltionllli Bible
Studant! Assoeiation were arrestad,
theIr house. ware searched lInd thalr
book, IlJld other publlcaUons taken
a ... ay frorn them,
About lh. sam. tiDl' tha President
of the Asso.)Ciation Ilddrened a great
mnsll meetiolr at Loa Ange[u, Cal .. one
of the leadin. papers Of that city
carrying a full-pace report ot the
meeting the morninll tollowing, The
miniaterial alliance wai ted upon that
paper .... lIh a view to prevell.tine
lurther lIublicatiollo ot the Slbl, trut,"
as prOClaillloeG b,. the International
Bible Stud"nt" Assoeillition. The clerliY
t ailod tn t.hi. mi ion. A fe... d_,. ..
later, certain olficers swooped down
upon the Sibia Studanls' h.adQuarters.
took 1I0nenion of their various pub-
lication.!!, i.cludine Bibles and h ymn
books. IlJld took them away. Th.)'
forced an Intrance into tha prh'I'e 01
fice ot one of the elders of the dass,
without even having a s .. au:h "'arrlnt,
In vlrlo ... pllrh o( the men
and "'Olllell were nrrelted end thrown
In lO Jail . In Arklln",., poor woman
se lling book, at a smw[ prO"1 tor I
""[ng, wa s arrested bec/lus" s he WIS
seiling ' The Finished Mylt ery,"
Aeventh of Pastor RuneWi serIes of
books; her bond "xed at S20.00<i, ,,hleh
"".:IS Imp08slble for her to got,'e, and
aha " 'al compelled t o ela) (or aome
lime In a Jail too "llhy 10 houee "",Ine.
In big headlines. the clercymen
advert ised the publlca.t1ons of Paltor
R\l8sell a!I "German prgpapnda."
Their evident objeCt "as to .!Ill r up the
minds ot t he people agaln!t Ihese Bible
Students. becau!!e ot the enmlt)' th.:lt
ealsts agalnst the Cermanl. Ae an u-
ample, the Edmonton (Can.) Journal
printed [n bold heading, this s tatement
of Rev. Dr. Ollver : Rvueillsm Is Hun
Propapnda t !n der a Cloak." "'An In ,
famous German pr opaganda under the
co,er Of reUlrIon: said Dr. f't ench E.
Oliver to II crowded audience at the
First Presbyterian Church of Wlnili.
To show a welt-organlaed etror t on
behalf ot the clerg)' to peratcute thege
Rlble Students. we see their activl1les
have not been conn ned to our countr y
a lone, b\,lt to many couPotrles. For a
number ot years Ihe Inte rnllltion;a l Bible
Studcnta A .. oe;",tion has maintained
an om.:e In German) and In mAny
other foreign countries. A paper In
Copenhagen. Denmark, recently puh-
Ilehed the folioWin&" '
"A Warninll Agalnat thl Millen_
niurn Sect
''The Consistory ot Klel (Hoi
eleln. Germany) !s calling t he at-
tention ot the (L.utheran) prlesUi
to the act[Vltle8 carried on by tb.
MiIlenoiaJ teet. whi ch calle Itllelf
'Watch Tower Bihle a.n!l Tract
SOCiety: and also 'Bible Studenb
Aaaoelatlon.' The Imperial War
Department baa rl'Cently requeeted
1.111 to k eep a watchtul eya on the
actlvlt!es ot thl. sect. whleb oon.
el.t In aeiling the '"ltln." of 11.8
founder, the recentl y!l
Pastor Ru'sell, ot Brooklyn, North
Amer ica. In unUrlne lIropllpnda
work, a.c:compllBhed with Amerlcallo
money, Tha Consistory does,
therefore. call tha priests' atten-
t ion to this sect and reouests that
they take aetlon aealnst It and ra-
port to tha Cons!story tbe[r obser.
vatlons of Its dangerous actlvitles.
It Is 11.0 seeret that tbe dergy tor
,ears past bave \SlIIgenlly sought to
acquire greater political power amOllCst
the tl.3.tIOns; aDd P3"ieularly Is this
true III. the United States, The), now
lake ad'l':1ntaa"e Of tbe CODdlUon of
.tress to t urtber their selfish alms,
Long has the Papacy looked ,..UlI Ius, I We ue lIot aeainst the war. Will
'\,11 eye lor tbe control ot American In recoClliae aAl1 bave 10llog taucbt tkat
stltuUons. The Slll me lIImbitio" \hat tbe Bible. tbree tbousand yeus aco.,
lIIctuates the K lIIiser of Germany IUlks j fOretold tbe prent ereat war, and that
in the mind of the Pope. Blnce m. God's band would be in tbe matter
days of Napoh!on Bonaparte. It bas Wben President Wilson uked tbe min-
been tbe dealr. of tha Papal head to isteu to pray for pea.ce, Pastor Russell.
u:ercl,e teRipoDl power. We now in an address in the New York City
sound a. wunhlc to tha liberty-Iovine TCllIople said, "While I b.ave the creat-
peop[a of tb.. world ..... In.t tb8 ell est respect tor our hORorahle Presid8nt,
croachmenUi ot the Papaj 'Y8tem. t deeline to JOiD in a prayeJ: for
aided and 8upported by .. clus of peace, beeause the Word of God shows
clerlD'men trOIll other .,..tem.s wbo that this war ll'Iust COIll8 at tbis tizne;
have STeed tor power an.d who .... e. and for zne to pray t or peace 1Io0W
..tHIn.. to penecuta any who .aek to would be to ask Jebovab to cb.allose the
8oU.hten tba p.opl. uPOII. tbe trua DiVine plan......
teachlnp of tha Scr[pturu. Success I For more tban tbirty years. Pastor
Of that EccleSIastical Trust will znark I Russell a.nd other members of the As-
the end of rellSlou, liberty, Thare.:ra soc:iaUon bava been. tellinc the people
tboullllln.ds In tha world today who be Ibat tbe WilT WOuld becin in 1914, The
lI .ve tbat tbe Pope recently batra1"d clenY' tbrouChout the land ridiculed
[Ialy Into the hllnds of tbe KaIser; but and scotted at tbe idea. Bad the 34-
whea his wronltful coune Wall dlscov- vice of Russell and the
ered, he faced about. We quote from tional Bihle Students "' ,sociation been
Tha Dillad for J aD. n. 1911: heeded. the people would not have been
"A 8capegoat bas been fO\lnd tor so s urprisad when tbe war came, and
the reeePot reverses In Italy III. the would have beello better prepared ud
person of Pope Benedict XV_and . tortified for it.
00" of tbe leadlng Ezlcllsh pallen We recocnize tbat war, foretold
doea not hultate to accuse hlQl, of by Jehovall, will be overrul ed by him
havine turned trom a lIanlve Aus- and ruult in moch cood to mankind.
trophil Into an active worker tor The Bible s3)'s, "There shall be a time
the AUlJtrlaQ., 011 a,;alnst the ltaJ ot trouble such as was not since there
IaQ., cause, In a 'onl!: editorial In was a nation. even to that same time.-
tbe LoQdOD Morn'"!! Post the Vat!_ (Daniel 12:1; Nattbew UlJn If it Is
can and aU Its works are .-oundl,. di,loYllil to call lIIUelltion to the mun-
denou.ced. Th .. LOQdoQ Tory or i"9 of this troullla upon the earth,
gan says: 'The time has come then It is di sloylll' to repeat the l.ord's
when It ls necessary tbat the Allie! prlllyer. Be tauchl all his followers
should consider with some eare to pra)', "thy Kinedom come; thy will
.... hAt b their PO.U[.,n In reu.rlon be done on carth a s it is done in
to the Vatlcall._ Tha t the recenl heaven,M
Italian reyerse .,. as largely due to Furthermore, the Lord said; "Wait
the IllAuence of treaehenlUS rep- ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the
resentaUons dlsselnlnated among da)' t hat 1 ri se up to the prey; tor my
the ita lian arQl,Ie! known: that determination is to cather the nations.
tbe Yatlcallo wa, Implicated In that that 1 m3J' usemble tb. kincdoms, to
propaganda Is ""0 klloown; allld the pour upon them mine indignation, even
re!ult was a dl.aster 50 IfTILVe that all my fierce ancer: for all the eanh
lUI e!Tects cannOl yat be measured. s ball be deyoured wllh the tire ot my
Since the beglnnln. 01 the war, Jealousy (not literal tire ), For t ben
the Vatican. In so tar as pollticoal wiil J turn to the people a pure mn-
action's concerned. has maillotalned sace. that the), m3J' all call 1I1Ion the
an attitude whleh, as It was telD
porarlly neutral, was spl rltua Uy
Incomprehensible. IlIoa!unucb as
'lo[l\Ilons ot law and offenses
against humanity .... ere tacitly con-
doned.' "
It Is no aeeret that the Catbolle and
Protestant clergy are Joining hands In
the persecution agalnat the llIoterDa-
t ional Bible Students, botb In America
and other countries: not becau.e they
beli eve thllt the Bible Studenu are di s
10)'al to any goveMl.ment. but because
they kno ... that the true t eachings nt
the Bible n:pose tbem and show how
they have kept the people III. darluless
for so many o.nturles. Now the cler8y,
pOSing as patriots and suportefS of the
government, are really taking advan-
tage ot the occasion to turther t heir
selfish purposes. We take thll oppor-
tunity to warn the Amerleallo people
and order-Iovlns people everyWbere
agalnlt a hlgoted elaas Of men wbo
ha"c !!ystematlcally endeavored to
prevent tbe people from undentandlag
the Bible and to tbrottle all Bible
teach!ne unless It comes through
them. While ArneriCOl'. aonl art fillht
Ing for the principles of liberty, the
el e .. g)l are aeeking to establiah a policy
.. I religioua intole ..ance whio;:h fi"d. ill
precede"t only in the DaMe Ages.
We are glad to rllCcenLae tbat [n all
the churches, Catholic and Protestant.
there hsve long been IJOlDa true, loyal
Chr[stlana. But II Is the churCh t rust,
cornpo8ed ot tb.e clergy class, that Is
seeking to crush others who dUter
from tbem.. We Illealt here against
the church tru.t and In tb.e IlIoterest of
the comllloon people generaJly. We
have malice tow.rd none. but love tor
all mello. We would 1Io0t even do our
enemies an Injury; but we conceive It
to be our duty to call t he people's at-
tellotlon to these facts, that the pr[n-
clples ot religious liberty may stili be
recogll.lzed In this government.
These clergymen, Catholic and Prot-
estall.t. who are Jo[nlng bands together
to cain greater political power In the
land and who are t o answer the
teachings ot the Bible concerning them-
selves. like the persecutors ot our Lord,
have raised a great hOwl that the In-
ternllltional Bib[e Students are d[sloyal
and against the Government ot the
United States, and theretore &"\lIlly ot
treason. Nothing Is turther (rom the
truth. There Is not a disloyal one
amongst the members of the Inhrnlll
tionll Bible Studentl Allocillition.
We are 1Io0t against the Government
In any sense, We recog nise the United
States Government as the best on earth
and Mr, Wil son as the greatest nr
earth'S rulers.
name ot ttle Lord. to serve him with
Olle consent."' (Zephaniah : : 8, ')
Thus .Jehovah polots out that after the
trouhle Is over. a "reat bless[ng shall
come to the pe<lpt e.
Now we are attempting t o teach the
pe<lple what Is aoillog to f ol low atler
this war-not teaching a ccordln" t o
our own wisdOm, but according to what
Ihe great Teaeher, Chrlst Jesus. made
el ear. Again tbe elerey are trying to
keep both tbe governments and Ihe
people In Ignorance. The olergy cry
lon9 and loud abo'" their own loyllty
.nd pdrlotis MI where .. , I. I mstter
of hot" the,. are ,..,llIy I mensce to
both govern .... e..... Ind people. Tbe
American people can be trusted w ith
all the knowl edge pOSSIble to be glvell.
them. Knowledge of righteousness will
do gOOd and not harm. Let the peopla
understand What the tutllre holdS and
thei r fears will be calmed, The Inter-
national Bible Studenta A .. ociation [s
ear nestly endeavoring to help the peo-
ple alone this very line.
We that the United States
Governme nt. being a polilical and eco-
nomk Institution. has the power and
authority. under Its tundamental law.
to deelare war and 10 dratt its citizens
Into military service. We have no dis_
position to Interfere wllb the dratt or
the wat III. any manner. The tact that
;aome or our members bave souabt to
taka adva.ntage ot tbe proteeUon ot the
law, ha;a beell. ueed as another means
of persecuUon, Congress pused the
S,electiva Draft Act In May, 1911, and
In that act provided th.a.t no per.soo
I hall b. compelled to eope'" 10 eom-
ha.taot military ",."Ice wbo Is a. mem
her of II well-reeop[J:ed rellgiou. or
1&l1llaUC"D" the prlnclplu of Which pre
clude Its melllobers from en .. a81n.. In
war, Tbus the law ma.kers of tha l&l1d
reoognlzed tba.t there are cOMelell.Uous
objector. who ea..nnot consdentloully
eapga IPo mortal combat. The rea!!on
tor this i. that SODI. haya fully con
sec ... ted themselves to the Lord and
the,. conselenlloue!y believe If tbey are
laltbtul to blQl, they .hall have a part
[n hi. Klnldom or rlpteous nesa, and
Ihat It Ihey enpge In the taklos of
human life this wtll destroy tbem eter-
nail,.. Tha law provides tbat .uch
shall bo g1vell. Poon_combatant "rvlce.
The IlIteMl.otlonal 8ibla Students be
lI e'l'e that .J.,u. Cbrlst I! the great Ra
deemer of mankind ; tha.t h a prolllle.d
betore bis aicenllion into heaven tha.t
he would return acaln a nd receive bl'
Church unto hi maelf; that be .....ould
relp (or a tboulalld years thereatter,
durinl whlcb time he would give every
Ql,an a. trtal for life Ind .all tbe
obedtent ones would be re.tored to hu_
man p.rfectlOD, hlliPiness and etarnal
JOY. the wl1lully wicked. beinl ever-
111,",.11 .. 17 cla"b>o,.a," tbat uitilllo.tely the
eaTth will be tilled with a race of happy.
j"yfUl people. The wont wmJllenlloium'
meaDS ODe thOU&a..l1d ye .... : therefore
the mllIenllolal relp ot Chr[lt me_a
the tbouaand-year relp ot Chrillt men
Uoned In the Scriptures. (R,",elaUt)Q
20 : 1_.) They believe thllt tha Lord's
!'eign I nd blessing is at hand.
The bringing of thi, hope to the people
lit thi s time has grutl)l angered the
olargymer'l Ind they have vehemently
d", "aunced it, hecaun, lf true, the power

----- -:;:---

- --
- ---
of a hypooritical clergy i. abo .. t to end.
As a sample. we quote from Dr. Shlr
Ie,. .J. Case, ot the Divinity School Of
the University Of Chicago, wbo has reo
cently written a book against Millen
narlanl sm. and who, s peaking against
t he work Of the Intern .. tional Bible
Studcnt. ..... oc; .. tion. says; "Two
thousand dollare a week Is being spent
to s pread the doetrl ne. Wbere the
money comes trom I. unknown; but
there Is s trong s us pici on that It eman
ates from German sources. In my b e.
li ef, the fUlI.d would be a prot[table field
for government Investleallon,"' Rave
s uch representations had anytblnll t o
do with the InvesU.atlon ot the Bible
Students A5soelatlon"s books! 80me-
thi ng bas caused It, We have notb[ng
t o conceal We h ere mention that reo
cenUy the Government olticlal s took
possession ot Ihe books ot Ihe Bible
StUdents Association and made a thor.
ough In"esUaallon. No trace was
f ound Of German [nfluence or the u se
ot German money. We gladly st at e
that all the money used In our work Is
"oluntarUy contributed by consclen.
tlous men and women tbroughout the
country who regard It a great pri vilege
now to declare the message of peace
and hOpe that the Blbl ... holds out, to
the poor, groaning creation.
Abo\lt tne earoa tllna that arrests
wero he ine Ul&de IPo other places. tha.
public press throughout the countrY
announced tbllt a "ra.1d' had baen mada
011. the Batbel Home. Brooklyn.. and a
powerful wireless reeelvlng station W1U
tound III. the cellar and a sending .Ita..
Uon na tha root. Intlmatln. that thl!!
waa maintained til. the Interest of pro
German work. Tb. facUi are the:HI'
Bom. threa year. 111..0, lItr, Edward
Ku.ser ot Potl!lto..-n. PL. presented
Pa.etor RUSlleil ... Ith a reeelvlng I'\I.dlo
m.a.ehilloo allod It was erected 011. tbe roof
of tbe B ... thel Homa. There never bas
beaa a. 'endlns apparatus about tha
premilles; not evell. the receiver ha.s
been used. except to experiment with
by .01De ot the younger members wto
_ere trylnll to leun tha operation of
tbe wl!"e les", and not evea thiS has bean
dona durin .. the past two llor.
than a year ago. tbe wireless was d is
mantled and tha poles IIIIlwed up and
used tor other purpOse!!, allod tba n
celvlns Instrument safely etored away
In the art room, It was voluntarily
produced all.d by consent removed. b ...
ca.use wa have poo u.e for It. There
III Qot a person about the Bethel Home.
nor baa thera been tor two )ear", who
kno .... all.ythln. about the us ... of a.
wtreleaa In.trument.
We here hlSert lha a.tndavtt of tha
person wbo manufactu.tad aDd erectad
the wtreleatll:
: ss
I. Edward Ku.ser. being duty
sworn, dO depose and sa,.. as tal
lows :
In f!lts, about the Ilrllt or the
,.ear, 1 made s preseat to Pas tar
ot tha wlralea r_lvlnlJ
aet which 9f1LS found on the prem-
ises of the Watcb Tower Bible and
Th.ct Society at Bethel Home. 122
CululDbia. He[ght s. Brooklyn. Ne ...
Tork. as my ONn penonal gilt.
Beine a m.anuf:acturer of ... Ireleas
aqulpQl,ent I can po.lllvaly atate
lbat there was no transQI,ltter
connected with this Instrumenl.
The Instrument wa. purely a r.
celvlng oPoe, Muaage. could be r e-
ceived, but coulc1 not be .ell.t. Thla
wu mora or less batween Pa4tor
Ru_ell &.lid IIly.alf. Several ot the
mldenlB thera a.l8o knaw ot la
preaenca,. I know certainly when
I preeta-ted the lnatruzneot to Pu
tor Ruuell that tbere waa no ona
r .... ldln .. at the Bethel Homa who
could operate It IntemeeD-tiy. 1
wu at tb. Bethal HOIlle In Augufl:,
1$17, and 1 eaw at tbat time tbat
the aerial ayatem waa dlama..ntled.,
the pote belli.&" 8awed off even to the
root. but J dId not He tba 11l8tru.
men.t IUl.d W&.ll Intorm.d tbat the
bad beep out Of COQl,IlIo'"
slon tor over a. year,
The leallng ot wtrele.aa 811puatua
eoQ.lltau of laklnll 40WII the aert.a.1
ay.tam &.lid plac:ll)3' tha apparatu.
wbere It. woul4 IlQt ba pONIbIe. (0
Ulle It. M near as I J'eJDeDlbu. tha
!IBId reee.lvtne IUUument b.u :not
been 1D nile &.II .. ne.lvar tor the
lut twe:nu monthJl.
1 .have lUit now made .. perlOnaI
Inap.cUon of lba lnatrumea.t, whh::b
w ... taken. fnlm tba aethal. Hom ..
OD. March 'UI, lill .. IUl.d !bad that
sary t o know the telegrap bic code
bef or e a ny one could intelLigently
r ecei ve or se nd a message.
clatlon is not In any ..... Ise to interfere
wit h t he war a.nd its progress, but Its
ml .. ion and purpou I. t o teach the
people the plai n meani ng of the Bible
tryi ng to teach them and ever yone
also that the Bible proves t hat only the
consecrat ed Christian Is now Oil. trial
fcr Ute, and that when Messiah's KIng-
dom Is In oper ation all the l IvIng wtll
l earn the t r uth. and all the dead s hall
r eturn t r om thei r tombs and bave an
opportunI t y t o gaIn everl asting bless-
Ing$. Soldiers who d Ie upon the bat-
tlefield. those who dIe at home from
dlseau and OthH causn: In tact. a ll,
shaU hear the voice of t he Son of Man
and come tor th from the t omb. (John
5:33) The Elbl e Is full of consoli n:r
prcmlses for ma nk Ind. The great Ad -
ver sar y, by hIs var iou s machinat ions,
has kept the people In Igoorance of
these great trut hs tnr centur Ies. Now
III. thIs hour of great s tress upon the
world. he IS desper ately st r iving to
thrott le those who are ear nesUy and
faIthfully t r ying t o ope n the eyn at
the peopl e to this consoling message
contained In the B ibl e. It III the Ad-
versar y's old trick of Intolerance In
the name at r eligion a:ralnst he glor I-
cus hope that God has set before those
who l ove r Ight eousness. As a sample
at the t eacillngs of the BIble Students
a nd at Pas t or Russell's wr itI ngs con -
cer ning this hope set before mankInd.
we Q.uote t r a m h is first volume:
of sin mar s the harmony and pe ace
of a pe rfec t soc iety; not a h itte r
t hought. not an unkind l ook or
word: love, well i n:r 1.1", tram e ve r y
heart. meets a ki ndred res ponse i n
eV/:' r y other hear l, and be ne vol e nce
marks eve ry act. Ther e sickness
shall be no more: not an ache nor
a pain, nor any evidence of decay
-not even the t ear of s uch t.hings.
T hink at all the pictu res of com -
parat ive health and beauty of hu_
man t orm and feature Ihat you
have ever seen. and know t hat
pertect humanit y will he ot s t ill
surpassing lovel iness. The inward
puri t y and mental and mor al pe r-
f ect ion will stamp and gl orify
every radian t conntenance. Such
will ear th's societ y be : and weep-
ing bereaved ones will have the i r
tears all wiped away. when thlU
they reali ze the resurrection work
complete. "
fat he r s hraved the s t orms of the
Atlantic in open boats and ca me to w ild
America that they m ight find he r e a
safe r e treat and establ ish an asylum
of rel igious l iberty wbe r e they oould
wor shi p God according to the d ictat es
of thei r own conscience. These gr eat
pri nc iples we r e emhod ied in the funda-
men tal l a w of the l and. The Constitu
tion guarantees the r ight of petition
a nd redress, the r igh.t of freed om of
s peecb. In the inte r est at hum.ankind.
We call upon all orde r -loving. law-
ah idl ng people to prot est agains t this
unhol y per secution of innooent me n
and women. who h ave but one desire.
and that to proclaim the Gospel of
J esus Cbr ist and h is glorioUS K ingdom
_now at hand_
L B. S .A.. Publi shu.
n, I S, 17 Hicks St., Brookl,...., :!f. r.
){onthly-Uc, a year, Singh .. cOOies. ll!.
An IndP"' ftdenl, Vnsec:tadan RellS
lous SPl'da11l" DeYOled I ..
tI'Ie Hera lding ot01 e IUngdom of Chr ist
lor 01.. elo ..,. or Cod a nd Good o t
the detector b ulb UPOIl whlob the
s uocess ot tbe apparatus enlirely
depends Is the original oue I tur
Dishe d In 1918, and Is comph!!u!l,.
t.ur'U!!d out, bence r endering tbe i n-
strument ot no practical use wl1<u-
ever. Twenty mO'Hhs a&,o ! was
aSked to renew Ihls satd bulb by
Mr. Cr oaby. but It .. as 1I0t r e newed
and has been out ot commission
ever since. In order to renew this
bulb it WOUld have heel1 necessary
t o send the old one to the factory
and pr ocure a new one III Its stead.
Ihis being the r eQui r ement ot the
IIlanutacturer. D. Forest Compan y.
The De For est Company have the
pal(1nt Oil. th:s bulb and th",y would
not hav", rene wed It without the
return of the old one. and thls was
the or iginal one I f urniShed. I
found With t he Instrument a tele-
gt" key, which was not a part at
s3.Jd r eceiVIng Sl!t. helng l'sed
t v pr8.(:t!ce t he code. as It Is neCe8-
(Signed) EDW. A. X US ER.
Sworn to before me this
1Hh day of Marcil. 1918
($oigned) T homas F . Keena n. Jr.
Notary PUblic-Bronx County No.
51; Certificate F i led N. Y. Co. No.
295; T erm Fxpires 11. 1919,
At Int imation that there was
the us ed
Mystery," a spec Ial
the ASsoolation ""as
D. C.. and took
up tile Ce nsor Com-
I the Int elLi genoe S ectIon of
Department. Tba t Committee.
over the hook. would not
any part of It Is sedltlouS.
that pages 241 t o 253 be
al l of the matt or on
Is quotations fr om t wo
of Ne w York City, written
to the Un It ed States' entry Into
""aT. and who ther e discussed the
advisabilitY of .....a r. The ASsociation
Immediately proceed ed t o Instruct all
of Its Colporteurs thr ougbou t the 001.111.-
try to remove the pages above men-
tioned. before offeri ng the book for
sale. The manufacturers .....ere n otified
to hold u p the .....or k until n e ..... plates
coul d be supplied for these pages.
. And thus every effort has been made
to comply ..... lth the advice of the puh-
lic censor . T he purpose of the Asso-
Thl! Prophet s at t he Lord describe
Mys t ic Babylon and s how that th e ec_
clesiastical systems cODstitute Baby
Ion. The book t ha t has recently. been
s o much comment ed upon In Ihe press.
"The F i nished Mys ll!ry," is a commen_
ta. r y upon these prophecies. particu-
larly and Revelat ion. These
two gr eat pr ophecies expose the cle r gy
and s how that their doctrines are mis_
leadill.l, wit hout bope, and con tusing.
Babylon means confUSion. The Dible
proot s hows that the clergy have been
p rey ing upon the people and colled_
i ng money from them upon the pre-
tenee of teaoh ing the." the
..... hereal they have kept them in Ignor.
.ance of the Bi ble. The cr eeds taught
by the olergymen have he ld out no
hope for anyone except tile few that
1'0 t o heaven. They baTe taught that
the mass of humaolty ","auld have to
spend eternity io bell-a lake 01 burn-
Ing lire a.nd brimstoDe.
On the contrary, the Scriptur es hold
ou t a wondert u l hope fo r mankind.
III. obedience to th<lir country's call,
thcusands of young men at Amer ica
are facing the enemy upon the bat tl e-
tield. Douhtl ess many of these do not
claim to be Chr istia llS; and If the
teachings at t he cler gy are correct.
then tllose hays would have 11.0 hope
Tile Internat ional Dible Students a r e
"Close your eyes for a moment t o
the sce nes of mIser y a nd woe. deg-
radation a nd sorrow that yet pre-
vail all. account of sIn. aod picture
before your menial vIs Ion the glor y
af the perfect ear t h. Xot a staIn
How different is this s weet message
to that of endless t orme nt taught hy
the clergy and wh ich had Its b irth in
the Dark Aires.
Surely the people do not Wish to r e-
tUrtl to the Dark Agf!s and have a t ew
higoted cler gy men leU them that they
should not read w hat the Bihle s ays_
We are r emmded that In the early days
o[ the P:l.pacy It Willi made a crime [ or
a man to have a Bible: and now the
cler gymen Would lake away the Bible
ex plan.ulon from the people. Our tore-
R el igious i ntoler ance has br ough t
RUSS i a to be r present con..!ition. An
a rrogant. r el i:rious intolerance has
made German autocracy possible.
Whi le t he peoples of the Allied nations
are f ight ing t or pr inciples of Justice
and right. let :1...11 see to it that theSe
principles are not denied to or der-lov-
In:r men and wome n who are attl"'mpt-
Ing to help thei r tellow-men to a better
underst:l.nding of God' s purposn co n -
cerninK theIr future welfare and bless -
i ng. Let t he people a sembl e every-
where In calmness and Sobriety and
consider the great truths of the Bible.
because '"r ig hteousness el'alteth a n:l.
tlon." :lnd nowhere righteousness
be so well learned a s tra m the ""' orll
at God.
Member New York City Bar
In order that the people
of New York City may have
an opportunity to consider
his convlllclllg and heart-
cheering message, the
STUDENTS have arranged
for Mr. Rutherford to deliver
his great lecture FREE to the
Thousands of America's
sons are gone to the battle-
field. Many may die there.
Mr. Rutherford's lecture
gives conclusive proof of
future blessings for them,
whether they die Christians
or not. This message will
bring and comfort to
every heart.
C DE Y of
3 P. M. - -


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