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187 Kevin Zhou

711 5/16/14
I. Westward Expansion was harmful to the United States
II. Westward Expansion will increase slavery problems.
A) Industrialization
1) Southern planters needed more slaves for cash crops
2) Also needed to run new machines
B) Missouri Compromise
1) If the United Stated expands westward, the slavery lines would create an
imbalance to the states of slavery states.
C) It is a war for the extension of slavery over a territory... (Sumner 1847)
III. II. The United States makes themselves look like a hypocrite.
A) The US is the land of the free, but slaves arent free.
1) What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that
reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and
cruelty to which he is the constant victim (Douglass 1852)
B) All men are created equal ; apparently slaves arent considered humans
1) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
2) When you can point to any such laws to the beasts, then I may consent
to argue the manhood of slaves (Douglass 1852)
IV. The US forced Mexico to give up the land.
A) The U.S. troops led by General Taylor went into Mexican Territory and refused
to withdraw when asked by Mexican officials.
1) The two sides clashed and several US soldiers were killed.
2) US declared war after Mexican refused to sell their land
B) We may always justify ourselves for defending our country, but never for
waging a war people for the purpose of conquest. (Giddings, 1846)
C) C. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo forced Mexico to turn over much of its land
after it has lost the battle.
1) 500,000 sq miles and increased US Size by 25%
2) In exchange for $10 million [Gadsden Purchase]
V. The US forced Native Americans out of their land
A) Indian Removal Act
1) The waves of population and civilization are rolling to the westward
occupied by the red men of the south and west by a fair exchange
2) Indians were forced to travel and wasnt fair
a) 800mile march known as Trail of Tears. Almost of 18,000 Cherokee
died. [Suffered from disease, hunger, harsh weather]
B) The U.S. Angered many Natives, creating enemies.
1) The Cherokee are nearly all prisoners, theyve been dragged from their
houses, encamped at the forest and military posts all over the nation (Jones
VI. Westward Expansion expanded the US
A) The size of US tripled after Westward Expansion
1)However, Over this vast expense of territory your population is now so sparse
that I believe you would not full it up for a thousand years ridiculous request, I
want room. (Channing, 1839)
B) US economy was increasing due to the demand for slaves.
1) HoweverSlaves were torn apart from their family
VII. Conclusion
A) Increase Slavery Problems
B) US looked like a hypocrite
C) Forced Mexico to give up land
D) Force Native Americans away

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