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raditional Solutions for the Active Modern Body

The serious athlete focuses attention on training and preparation of the body: proper nutrition, core strength, a
good training plan, and body awareness.
Some of the products that we offer will enhance performance by stimulating blood flow to muscles and speeding
post-training recovery time. They are useful for relaing tight muscles, warming up cold muscles, and cooling down
over-heated muscles. Because these products are based on natural herbs and applied eternally, there is no need
to worry about banned substances being absorbed into the blood stream. !hen used properly, these products are
safe and effective"
Athletes and Sports Injuries
Acute in#uries can occur when we push ourselves beyond our normal limitations. $ur %hinese herbal products focus
not only on pain relief, but increase energy flow and speed healing to get you bac& competing in your sport as soon
as possible.
These products 'along with massage and acupuncture( can help in the treatment of arthritis, shoulder tendonitis
and bursitis, hip bursitis, shoulder)wrist)an&le sprains or strains, muscle and tendon tears.
*roper conditioning of the muscles is enhanced by the use of certain oils and liniments to stimulate muscle and
tissue by bringing strong blood and energy flow to the area in preparation for competition or a hard wor&out.
"Hit" Medicine
!hile the tradition of +it Medicine originated with the martial arts of the battlefield, it is applicable for anyone -
whether athlete, soldier, or bac&yard sports enthusiast - who needs medicine to heal wounds and speed that
healing for a ,uic&er and healthier recovery. %hec& out our section of herbs, #ows, and patent remedies that fall
into this category of traditional %hinese medicine. Click here.
%ommon -mpact -n#uries and Their Treatment
.ame !hat is it/ +ow to fi it"
Abrasions, Mat
Burn; Sunburn
Injuries that cause outer layers of skin to rub off.
Try 0unnan Baiyao to stop the bleeding1%hing !an
+ung to heal abraded s&in and burns
steoarthritis o!
the "nee
$steoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in
athletes. -t is a degenerative disease that results in a gradual
wearing away of #oint cartilage. Typical symptoms of
osteoarthritis are pain, swelling, and a decrease in the range
of motion of the &nee. Morning stiffness that decreases with
motion is also common.
+erbal -ce reduces swelling1 2ie 2a !an +ua
$il and !oodloc& $il relieve #oint pain.
Muscle Cra#ps $
A cramp is a sudden, tight and intense pain caused by a
muscle loc&ed in spasm, forcibly contracted, and does not
*osumon $il and 3wan 4oong $il wor& better than -cy
+ot, Tiger Balm, and other common rubs to increase
blood circulation in the muscle and prevent cramping.
5remember to drin& plenty of water and balance your
Strains and
These are acute in#uries that vary in severity but usually
result in pain, swelling, bruising, and loss of the ability to
move and use the #oint.
2epending upon the severity and age of the
in#ury- clic& here for many different treatment options.
7se +erbal -ce any time you would apply an ice pac&-
its so much more effective you will be astounded" 7se
the !u 0ang *laster when +erbal -ce is inconvenient.
Muscle Soreness
Muscle pain, stiffness or soreness that occurs 89-9: hours
after unaccustomed, or particularly intense eercise.
A variety of products are available. These wor& for
almost everyone, but you may find one product that
wor&s especially well for your body type and eercise
program. Try several and stic& with the one that wor&s
*ain ;elief Aromatherapy Massage $il,!oodloc&
$il, ;ed <lower $il, Taoist Analgesic $il, !ong %heung
!ah 7-- $il, and more.
A chronic in#ury of the tendon in the bac& of the an&le that
occurs primarily from overuse. -t tends to come on gradually
over time until pain is constant and eercise or activity too
painful to continue.
%lic& here for a variety of patches and plasters that will
relieve pain. The !u 0ang plaster relieves pain when
swelling is present. The =>? *laster may be more
helpful if the in#ury is chronic.
'lantar (asciitis)
Heel Spurs
*lantar fasciitis is the most common cause of pain on the
bottom of the heel and usually defined by pain during the
first steps of the morning.
The =>? *laster provides ama@ing relief and starts to
wor& almost immediately.
Arch 'ain
Arch pain is a common foot complaint. Arch pain, also
sometimes called a strain, often causes inflammation and a
burning sensation under the arch of the foot.
Gentle massage with some of the c ooling
liniments such as 3wan 4oong $il and!oodloc& $il or
are often helpful. !u 0ang *lasters can also relieve
Bleeding %uts and
2eep cuts and gashes re,uiring stitches can be covered with
0unnan Baiyao powder and temporarily closed with bandages
until seen by a medical practitioner.
0unnan Baiyao powder and bandages
;ib <racture <or bro&en ribs where there is not other internal damage.
;ib <racture <ormula is specific for bro&en ribs and
provides very fast pain relief and speeds healing. -t
really wor&s""
$ther <ractures B
Simple clean brea&s such as the CboerDs fractureC and
simple finger B toe dislocations
Eheng Au Shui to speed healing1 +erbal -ceto reduce
pain and swelling
2eep Bone Bruises
A penetrating bruise deep in a muscle and up against a bone.
-t may not show Cblac& and blueC but is still painful deep
Eheng Au Shui, 2it 2a Fow
A bro&en blood vessel where there is no tear in the s&in so
blood accumulates and causes swelling.
2it 2a Fow, +erbal -ce
Ta&ing a beating"
That general whole-body #ust got beat up DbadD or you feel
li&e you were #ust in a train wrec&"
2ie 2a !an Trauma *ills
*ini#ents !or Injury 'revention
*osumon $il wor&s better than -cy +ot, Tiger Balm, and other
muscle rubs to help loosen up your muscles and prepare them
for a good wor&out. *utting it on calf muscles, hamstrings, any
large muscle that is a bit tight or re,uires a good warm-up and
stretch before your wor&out will benefit 'and reduce, though not
eliminate"( your warm-up period.
+uick !irst Aid
C- canDt say enough about the effectiveness
of San +uang San '+erbal -ce("
-t reduces swelling and speeds recovery
faster than any other product - have ever
tried. 7se Her,al Ice any time you would
apply an ice pac&- its so much more
effective you will be astounded" Be fore-warned that it is a bit messy to
apply, but once you try it- you will be a believer"C
-Melanie <ine, Shihan, Suigetsu 2o#o
he Modern +erb Shop carries many products that assist in acute in#uries and Cfirst aidC situations.
Still not certain what you need/ See this article: -n#uries: <inding the ;ight Solution.
Some of the most useful first aid products are:
Boo Boo Balm - organic herbs provide natural antibiotic action to ,uic&ly soothe and speed the healing
cuts, scrapes, abrasions, rashes, and burns.
%hing !an +ung Burn $intment - invaluable in the &itchen - this ointment stops burn pain almost
immediately and is ecellent on all types and degrees of burns
2it 2a Fow Bruise 4iniment - provides pain relief and reduces swelling on all manner of bumps, bruises
and swelling caused by impact in#uries
*o %hai *ills - the fastest relief for indigestion and hangover - these pills also reduce nausea from
radiation therapy and motion sic&ness
San +uang San +erbal -ce - magically reduces swelling from the trauma of sprains and strains - far more
effective than the traditional ice pac&
tou#ours pas certain de ce ,ue vous ave@ besoin/ Goir cet article: Blessures: trouver la bonne solution . %ertains
des plus utiles premiers produits les humanitaires sont:
Boo Boo Baume - herbes organi,ues fournissent une action antibioti,ue naturel pour apaiser et accHlHrer
les rHductions de guHrison, Hgratignures, Hcorchures, des Hruptions cutanHes et des brIlures rapidement.
%hing !an +ung Araver *ommade - inestimable dans la cuisine - ce parfum arrJts brIlent douleur
pres,ue immHdiatement et est ecellent sur tous les types et degrHs de brIlures
2it 2a Fow %ontusion liniment - procure un soulagement de la douleur et rHduit lDenflure sur toutes
sortes de bosses, des ecchymoses et lDenflure causHe par les blessures dDimpact
*o %hai *ills - le secours le plus rapide pour lDindigestion et la gueule de bois - ces pilules rHduisent
Hgalement les nausHes de la radiothHrapie et le mal
San +uang San +erbal glace - rHduit magie gonflement du traumatisme de foulures et les entorses -
beaucoup plus efficace ,ue la ban,uise traditionnelle
CBlac& AhostC +a& 3wai *ain ;elieving $il is the most deep penetrating massage oil used for deep bone bruises that
occur in areas where there is thic& muscles overlaying bones. This area is bruised and painful but shows no visible
swelling or discoloration on the surface. This is the M$ST effective oil for this type of in#ury because it contains
very aromatic herbs and oils, which penetrate this &ind of obstruction. There are many versions of this liniment on
the mar&et. This oil is particularly potent"
<or the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and #oints associated with simple bac&ache, arthritis
and strains.
Adult and children 8 years of age and older, apply to affected area not more than K-9 times daily.
%ontains medical grade turpentine $il, !intergreen oil 'methyl salicylate(, Thymol oil, %itronella oil.
<$; LMTL;.A4 7SL $.40.
!ash hands thoroughly after each use.
2o not apply to wounds or damaged s&in.
2o not wrap with bandage or clothing.
2o not add heat.
2iscontinue use if s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
Avoid use during pregnancy.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
This ama@ing powder is recommended for the use of bone fractures, dislocations, torn or damaged ligaments, such
as nec&, A%4 or Medial %ollateral 4igament, torn cartilage, such as the meniscus as well as torn tissue and
overstretched #oints that become unstable. This formula is also great for re-occurring sprains and fractures that are
slow healing. This combination of nine herbs helps the body to clear any residual blood stagnation, promotes
circulation, prevents atrophy, repairs damaged tissue, tonifies the &idneys, which in turn, strengthens and heals
bro&en bones and encourages the body to heal itself.
Bone-&nitting powder has been used for centuries by martial arts physicians and the warrior mon&s of Shaolin to
treat in#uries sustained during combat and training. The herbs in this powder that specifically strengthen the bones
also strengthen the tendons and ligaments. <or this reason, bone-&nitting powder can also be used to treat
recurring sprains due to over-stretched ligaments.
The vegetarian formula will be slightly less effective than the traditional formulation. -t is provided for anyone
whose diet restricts the inta&e of animal and)or insect matter. 3eep in mind that often a vegetarian diet can
impede the healing of bro&en bones.
This powder is ta&en internally from the third wee& of in#ury for up to 9 wee&s. Mi ?)9-?)8 tsp powdered herb
with enough water, #uice, or strong li,uor to mi it up to swallow1 or mi with honey to ma&e a small ball and
swallow. Ta&e 8 daily for up to 9 wee&s.
2ang Aui, %huan Miong, Bai Shao, Shu 2i +uang, 2u Ehong, !u Fia *i, Au Sui Bu, San Ni, +u Au 'sic(, Mu 2uan,
+uang Ni, Tu Bie %hong, 4ui Fun .iu, Mu Aua, 2ang Shen, Tu Si Ei
Gegetarian <ormulation includes Ei ;e Tong and removes both +u Au and Tu Bie %hong.
.ote: we do not use actual +u Au or any endangered species in this formula. Appropriate substitution is always
Appro O>g powdered herbs per #ar - enough for : wee&s.
-t should be not be ta&en without consulting a licensed practitioner of traditional %hinese medicine if you: - are
pregnant or nursing - are on medication- especially anti-inflammatories and blood thinners - are sub#ect to
di@@iness or fainting - are diabetic - are a hemophiliac - have lupus or other diseases of the blood - have cancer -
are +-G-positive - have heart problems or problems of the circulatory system - eperience ecessive and prolonged
bleeding during your menses.
2o not ta&e this formula if there is infection present.
.ot recommended for bro&en ribs 'use ;ib <racture <ormula instead(.
2o not ta&e if pregnant or nursing.
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
2ie 2a !an +ua $il is an ecellent liniment for in#uries where a hardened mass has formed, and is
also applied to traumatic swelling, infected burns and open wounds.
There is no alcohol therefore it can be applied to open wounds. -t is also called Traumatic -n#ury Ten-Thousand
<lowers $il. The name may refer to the fact that serveral of the ingredients are flowers 'hua(, or that there are
CthousandsC or potential applications.
-nvigorates blood, brea&s blood stasis, disperses swelling, cools blood, stops bleeding, relieves pain. 7se for
traumatic in#ury causing swelling, bruising. Also for septic and necrotic infection following an open wound. %an be
applied to fractures, burns, and bruises. Also for torn or inflamed ligaments, with or without swelling.
Swelling B bruising. +eals septic and necrotic infection, fractures, burns, torn)inflamed ligaments. This is an
ecellent liniment for in#uries where a hardened mass has formed, and is also applied to traumatic swelling,
infected burns and open wounds.
Apply to cotton, and rub affected area, 8 to K day.
<or septic burns, apply to gau@e and cover the affected area, ? day.
Active -ngredients:
Turpentine oil PQ
-nactive -ngredients:
%amellia '%hinese name for Tsuba&i oil( oil, cleistocaly '%hinese name for %leistocaly operculatus( flower, doc&
'yang ti huang( root, dragonRs blood 'ue #ie( resin, drynaria 'gu sui bu( rhi@ome, &ud@u 'ge hua( flower, lacca
secretion '@i cao rong(, lineate supple#ac& '%hinese name for Berchemia lineata( root, ragwort '%hinese name for
Senecio palmatus(, safflower 'hong hua( flower, safflower 'hong hua( oil, and winter sweet '%hinese name for
%alycanthus praeco(.
? bottle, net wt. ?.= fl o@. 'O> ml(
.ot for internal use.
%ertain s&in sensitive patients may react to this product: remove in the event of heat or itching so as to avoid a
s&in reaction.
2o not cover with plastic.
2o not apply to open wounds.
Avoid contact with eyes.
2o not apply to lower abdomen or lumbar spine during pregnancy.
2iscontinue use if s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within
a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner.
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
2ie 2a !an Trauma *ills clears bloc&ages of ,i, blood, and fluids that have accumulated at the site of an in#ury,
preventing blood from congealing in the tissues of the in#ured area. Aood for multiple bruises, contusions, etc from
getting Cbeaten upC, sprains, strains, and fractures. These pills strongly brea& up blood stagnation and move fluid
accumulation due to bruises, contusions, sprains and fractures. T%M Analysis: -nvigorates the blood, dispels blood
stasis, disperses swelling, clear heat, relieves pain.
2ie 2a !an pills are ta&en internally as the counterpart to eternally applied 2it 2a Fow 4iniment.
This product is considered to be better ,uality and higher effectiveness than the Shao 4i brand. -t is a well &nown
brand name in %hina that has been around for almost ?>> years.
7se for traumatic in#ury with internal bruising and swelling. Applicable for sprains and fractures with swelling,
especially in the early stages. Trauma pills are for short term use and should be ta&en the first 89-KP hours of a
sprain or during the first wee& after a contusion, brea& or fracture.
Ta&e ? pill, ?-8 times per day for ? or 8 days.
Lach pill comes as a way ball, meant to be bro&en open and the dar& herb ball inside is ta&en 'chewed( with hot
water and optionally chased by warm li,uor li&e whis&ey or brandy.
%ommon burred rhi@ome, Eedoray rhi@ome 0anhusuo, ecrementum pteropi, ;hubarb, *aniculate swallowwort
;oot, <ortuneDs 2rynaria ;hi@ome, +imalayan Teasel ;oot, %attail *ollen, 2ivaricate Saposhni&ovia ;oot, Tree
peony Bar&
$ther ingredients: honey
P individually pac&aged pills
Lach pill P>>mg
*rohibited for use pregnant women, or if trauma is accompanied by internal bleeding or blood loss.
2o not ta&e while ta&ing blood thinners. 7se with care in cases with high blood pressure.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within
a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner.
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
San +uang San ' +erbal -ce( is the premiere eternal gao for ?st stage sinew and bone
in#uries with swelling, pain and redness 'heat(. -n %hinese medicine, it is the alternative to using ice, reducing
inflammation while simultaneously reducing swelling and removing stasis. -t is composed of %hinese herbs that
reduce inflammation while dispersing congealed blood and fluids.
This is most helpful for immediate sprains, strains, turned an&les, muscle pulls, twisted wrists or severe
contusions and can also be used to treat etensive bruising of large muscle areas.
This is the single most useful herbal poultice for your first aid trauma &it" !here ever you would use ice, use
San +uang San instead"
San +uang San ) +erbal -ce:
- ;educes pain and inflammation
- More effective than ice
- Speeds healing
- *re-mied salve is freshly made and very potent"
-temS -tem .ame $ur *rice Nty Add
M+S-+-pwd?>> San +uang San *owder ?>>g .//.01
M+S-+-pwdO> San +uang San *owder O>g .2.00
M+S-+-pm8 San +uang San *re-Mi 8o@ ./3.40
M+S-+-pm9 San +uang San *re-Mi 9o@ .44.10
M+S-+-pm: San +uang San *re-Mi :o@ .35.67
%hec& the items you wish to purchase, then clic&
More In!or#ation-
!hen an in#ury occurs, blood will stagnate in the muscle tissue and often does not reabsorb bac& into the
system. The blood can congeal and harden, adhering the muscle fibers together and bloc&ing normal
circulation, creating pain and stiffness. Applying ice can eacerbate this in#ury in the long term. San +uang San
will reduce inflammation and speed healing.
%irections $ Ingredients-
*re-Mied *oultice-
Apply thic&ly li&e ca&e frosting to the in#ury. %over with gau@e pads or paper toweling and wrap with rolled
gau@e. Bandage firmly in place, but not so tight as to restrict circulation. 4eave in place for several hours or
overnight. <or large muscle mass, li&e hamstring, apply thinner layer and cover with gau@e wrapping. *re-mi
is in a base of pure petroleum #elly.
Mi a small ,uantity of powder into 2it 2a Fow, green tea or with egg white to a thic& paste-li&e consistency
'egg white is preferable for swelling due to ligament)tendon damage, li&e torn meniscus(. Then apply as above.
*repare only as much as you need for each application.
Sam 3ressin does an ecellent #ob in this article describing how to apply and when to use San +uang San.
2a +uang ';hi@oma ;hei -;hubarb(
+uang Nin ';adi Scutellaria Baicalensis - s&ullcap root(
+uang Bai '%orte *hellodendri - phellodendron bar&(
*u Aong 0ing '+erba Taraaci Mongolici - dandelion(
Ehi Ei '<ructus Aardenia Fasmonoidis - gardenia(
+ong +ua '<low %arthami Tinctorii - safflower(
.ote: the *re-Mied San +uang San is mied into a base of petroleum #elly. Although less CnaturalC than
beeswa as a base, we found petroleum #elly to be preferable to beeswa because it is much easier to remove
and clean the s&in after use.
*owder comes in 8 si@es: O>g and ?>>g '9o@ and :o@ #ars(
The pre-mied poultice comes in 8 o@, 9o@, and :o@ #ars.
The 8 o@ pre-mied #ar is the perfect si@e for ?-8 large or 8-K small applications and is small enough to fit into
your first aid &it.
<or eternal use only.
2o not use otherwise than as directed.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
Tendon 4iniment is an alcohol-etracted herbal liniment, a combination of warming herbs that relieve pain and
speed healing of chronic conditions or old in#uries such as tendonitis, which includes tennis elbow, golferDs
elbow, shin splints, old sprains or re-occurring problems made worse by cold and dampness. !hen heat ma&es
your in#ury feel better, this is the formula for you.
This uni,ue blend of %hinese herbs wor&s deep down into the tendons to stimulate circulation and promote
healing. Because of its warming nature, it is unsuitable for recent in#uries or tendons and ligaments that are
red, hot, or inflamed. -t is normally used in Krd stage, or late 8nd stage, tendon problems.
-t doesnDt #ust relieve the pain, it speeds the healing process.
This custom formulation is made by the Modern +erb Shop and is more potent than commercial formulas. -t is
hand made and aged a minimum of P months to increase potency. The Ltra Strength version has been aged at
least ?: months.
7se it on chronic sprains and strains that never seem to heal.
Tendonitis, tennis elbow, shin splints, other sore areas that are constantly re-in#ured
2$ .$T use it on inflamed, hot in#uries
-temS -tem .ame $ur *rice Nty Add
M+S-T48o@ Tendon 4otion 4iniment 8o@ bottle .5.00
M+S-T49o@ Tendon 4otion 4iniment 9 o@ bottle ./2.01
M+S-T4MS8o@ Tendon 4otion 4iniment Ltra Strength 8 o@ Bottle ./3.60
M+S-T4MS9o@ Tendon 4otion 4iniment Ltra Strength 9 o@ Bottle .46.80
%hec& the items you wish to purchase, then clic&
%irections $ Ingredients-
*ut a small amount on your fingers and massage gently into the in#ured area. *ressure should be deep enough
to penetrate to the in#ured area, but not so deep as to be painful. Ma&e small circles with your fingers and
continue to rub the liniment into the area for several minutes, adding more as needed.
Apply ?-8 per day for 8-K days. -f the pain worsens, switch to 2it 2a Fow 'as that may mean that there is
residual inflammation(. -f pain continues to worsen after applying 2it 2a Fow, consult a doctor.
cao wu, chuan wu, tao ren, ma huang, @i ran tong, mo yao, ru iang, da huang, lu lu tong, @hang mu, ma ,ian
@i, tian nan ing, dang gui wei, gui @hi, mu tong
;egular - 8o@, 9o@, and :o@ bottles
Ltra-strength 'aged more than ?: months( - 8o@, 9o@, :o@ bottles
<$; LMTL;.A4 7SL $.40.
!ash hands thoroughly after each use.
2iscontinue use if s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
-ron *alm 2it 2a Fow '2ie 2a Fiu,2it 2a Fao( 'lit. Chit-fall wineC( is a customi@ed blend of herbs specific for
healing bruises associated with -ron *alm training and is recommended for use in combination with the -ron
*alm soa&. -ron *alm medicines are formulated with herbs that facilitate healing, strengthen the bones,
tendons, and ligaments of the hand, and help open the energy channels of the body leading the Ni from 2an
Tien to the hands.
This formula, passed on to us by Sifu ;i& 3ellerman of Ten Tigers 3ung <u Academy, is strongly recommended
for regular use during -ron *alm Training. !hen used intermittently, it is an ecellent bruise-healing medicine.
Most bruises are usually shrugged off by athletes and martial artists as minor in#uries that will heal themselves.
$ver the centuries, &ung fu practitioners noticed that large bruises or repeated bruising on one area sometimes
created accumulations of stagnant ,i and blood that could cause serious health problems years later. Trauma
liniment was developed to disperse these accumulations and treat sports in#uries, thereby prolonging an
athleteDs career and health.
$ften a martial arts master blended his uni,ue miture of many aromatic herbs such as myrrh and ginseng,
which were combined to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve healing for his studentsD
in#uries and wounds. The tradition became &nown as hit medicine.C2it da #owC is the common spelling.
+owever, the correct term is Cdit da #auC in %antonese, and Cdie da #iuC Mandarin.
This formula contains ingredients that stop pain, reduce swelling and inflammation and disperse stagnant ,i
and blood. -t is comprised of cooling herbs to reduce swelling and inflammation as effectively as ice and
warming herbs that &ill pain, promote circulation, and brea& up accumulations of stagnant blood and fluids.
2ecrease *ain, Swelling, Spasm
-ncrease Blood <low and Tissue +ealing ;esponse
Brea& Blood Stasis and %lotting
Strengthen muscle, sinew 'tendons, ligaments( and bone
Stop -nternal Bleeding
!hen do - use it/
- $n sore spots caused by impact, whether they cause visible bruising or not.
- 7se it on sprains and strains.
- <or muscles that are sore immediately after training 'but not sore from older in#uries(.
-temS -tem .ame $ur *rice Nty Add
M+S-TT-ron*almFow8o@ Ten Tigers -ron *alm 2it 2a Fow 4iniment - 8 o@ .5.01
M+S-TT-ron*almFow9o@ Ten Tigers -ron *alm 2it 2a Fow 4iniment - 9 o@ ./2.01
M+S-TT-ron*almFow:o@ Ten Tigers -ron *alm 2it 2a Fow 4iniment - : o@ .3/.80 ;ut o! Stock<
%hec& the items you wish to purchase, then clic&
%irections $ Ingredients-
Bruises- *ut a small amount in your palm and pat gently into the in#ured area. Then use your thumb or K
fingers to massage sore spots and brea& up lumps of accumulation. Start lightly and gradually wor& the
liniment in more deeply as the pain subsides.
Muscle pulls B sprains- Massage the liniment into &nots in the muscle. Try to brea& up &nots by following the
direction of the muscle fibers 'longitudinally(. Also massage into the muscle attachments.
7se as soon as possible after the in#ury and K per day or more for the net 89-KP hours.
A proprietary formulation of the following herbs:
dong gwai, tin chut, tau yan, che& cheu&, sou mu&, hung fa, #at lan, #oo& duen, dai wong, gwat soy bow, gee
yin tong, ng ga pei, gum cho, chun mu& gwa, foon gan tong, fong fung,gwai gee, gweng wood, guet git, yee
heung, mood yue&
Available in 8 o@, 9 o@, and : o@ bottles.
<or eternal use only.
May be applied to light abrasions1 do not apply to deep cuts.
2o not bandage tightly.
2iscontinue use if ecessive s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
Avoid sensitive areas and mucus membranes.
2iscontinue use if irritation occurs.
Avoid use during pregnancy.
-f condition worsens, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within a few
days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician.
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
2it 2a Fow 'Die Da Jiu,Dit Da Jao( 'lit. Chit-fall wineC( Bruise 4iniment is a customi@ed blend of herbs that is
the nu#,er one re#edy !or ,ruises o! all kinds. -t is rubbed into the s&in and &nown for its ability to heal
bruises, sprains and strains, carpal tunnel inflammation, shin splints, and other in#uries. A traditional #ow shouldnDt
provide any particular sensation when being applied 'ecept for a slight cooling sensation as the alcohol
evaporates(. !hat you should notice is that your pain #ust seems to disappear. -tDs not mas&ed by local stimulus,
instead the obstruction of ,i and blood is moved by the medicinal nature of the substances in the liniment and your
pain is gone. There is a saying in %hinese- Tong Ee Bu Tong, Ee Tong Bu Tong - !here there is pain there is no
flow, where there is flow there is no pain.
%ooling herbs decrease swelling and inflammation as effectively as ice. !arming herbs stop pain, promote
circulation, and brea& up accumulations of stagnant blood and fluids. This increases blood flow and improves the
healing response. Special herbs also strengthen muscle, sinew 'tendons and ligaments( and bone1 and stop
internal bleeding.
7se 2it 2a Fow on sore spots caused by impact, whether they cause visible bruising or not, sprains and strains,
muscles that are sore immediately after training 'but not sore from older in#uries(, #oints sore due to arthritis,
rheumatism, bi syndrome, and 2elayed $nset Muscle Soreness '2$MS(.
This formula was passed down through +ung-Aar practitioners from !ong <ei-+ungDs lineage, generation after
generation, from Sifu to student. Sifu ;i& 3ellerman of Ten Tigers 3ung <u Academy, a current disciple and holder
of the formula, was &ind enough to provide Modern +erb Shop with the opportunity to offer this formula to the
general public. -t differs in characteristics from the Ten Tigers -ron *alm formula by having a stronger ,i-moving
action, thus ma&ing itDs healing activity more potent.
This potent formula has brewed for more than ?: months.
This formula contains ingredients that stop pain, reduce swelling and inflammation and disperse stagnant ,i and
blood. -t is comprised of cooling herbs to reduce swelling and inflammation as effectively as ice and warming herbs
that &ill pain, promote circulation, and brea& up accumulations of stagnant blood and fluids.
2ecrease *ain, Swelling, Spasm
-ncrease Blood <low and Tissue +ealing ;esponse
Brea& Blood Stasis and %lotting
Strengthen muscle, sinew 'tendons, ligaments( and bone
Stop -nternal Bleeding
7sed intermittently, it functions as an ecellent bruise medicine. 7sed regularly combined with -ron *alm training
and soa&s, it will strengthen bones and tendons and build Ni.
Bruises- *ut a small amount in your palm and pat gently into the in#ured area. Then use your thumb or K fingers to
massage sore spots and brea& up lumps of accumulation. Start lightly and gradually wor& the liniment in more
deeply as the pain subsides.
Muscle pulls B sprains- Massage the liniment into &nots in the muscle. Try to brea& up &nots by following the
direction of the muscle fibers 'longitudinally(. Also massage into the muscle attachments.
7se as soon as possible after the in#ury and K per day or more for the net 89-KP hours.
A proprietary formulation of %hinese medicinal herbs.
Available in 8 o@ and 9 o@ bottles.
For external use only.
May be applied to light abrasions; do not apply to deep cuts.
Do not bandage tightly.
Discontinue use if excessie skin irritation deelops.
!oid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
!oid sensitie areas and mucus membranes.
Discontinue use if irritation occurs.
!oid use during pregnancy.
If condition worsens" or if symptons persist for more than # days" or clear up and occur again within
a few days" discontinue use of this product and consult a physician.
General Cautions:
$eep away from animals and children.
%his product has not been ealuated by the FD!. It is not intended to diagnose" treat" cure" or
preent any disease.
&e highly recommend that you consult with a %raditional 'hinese Medical practitioner or physician
before taking any products or if you hae any (uestions regarding your health.
)unnan *aiyao + , also known as )unnan -aiyao .Jiaonang / 'apsules0 has been extensiely
used and considered a sort of miracle drug for wounds" pain" and hemorrhage. 1nlike &estern pain
drugs" it does not turn off pain centers in the brain" but instead facilitates circulation" bringing
oxygen to the injury.
It is useful for any type of open cuts and any kind of surgery. It reduces recoery time for surgery
by half because it mends injured blood essels. It does not interfere with &estern sedatie drugs" so
can be used the same day as surgery. *y immediately actiating blood circulation" it helps resole
bleeding" pain" and swelling. It heals oo2ing wounds and damaged blood essels" while expelling
pus and counteracting toxins.
Its primary application is acute traumatic bleeding" where the powder is applied directly to the cut.
%he product is antibacterial as well as homeostatic. 'uts heal (uickly with een a single
application" and with a butterfly bandage it can help seal smaller wounds that might otherwise
re(uire stitches. In arious clinical studies" it has shown to reduce clotting time by 334 to 554.
%he powder form is more appropriate for topical application in traumatic bleeding" while the
capsules are meant to be taken internally. It is used for traumatic swelling or bruising" or for other
blood disorders including hemangiosarcoma" thrombocytopenic purpura and leukemia. It is also
used to inhibit internal bleeding due to trauma" surgery or cerebral hemorrhage.
Stops bleeding, dispels blood stasis, disperses swelling, clears heat, resolves toins, relieves pain.
+elps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis and infections1 reduces scarring.
Treats chronic stomachache, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer bleeding1 sore and swelling throat.
Treats hemoptysis caused by bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasia, and tuberculosis.
Treats all gynecological blood stasis, including amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, ecessive menses,
uterine bleeding and leucorrhoea,and postpartum blood stasis.
Treats hot sores, oo@ing sores, and poisoned sores.
Treats &nife and gun wounds, and traumatic bleeding and in#uries.
Treats hemangiosarcoma 'in dogs(.
!e sell only
products from
0unnan Baiyao
Aroup %o., 4td.,
the only legal
manufacturer of
0unnan Baiyao
in %hina.
0ou may have
noticed the
color change on
the bo of
capsules: Blue
bo ends and
highlights are
for pac&ages
meant for sale
in the 7.S.
Areen bo ends
and highlights
are for
pac&ages meant
to be sold in
other countries.
The contents of
the boes are
identical, and all
are from the
Because we are
unable to obtain
0unnan Baiyao
from the 7.S.
distributor, we
are importing it
directly from
%hina and so
are receiving
green boes
instead of
blue. Be
assured this is
an original
by the 0unnan
%irections ;hu#an<:
L,uivalency: ? capsule contains .8Og powder1 ? vial of powder contains 9g T ?P capsules1
-nternally: Ta&e ? to 8 capsules, 9 day. 2o not eceed 8 capsules every 9 hours. -n cases of bleeding, mi with
water and drin&. -n cases of swelling without bleeding, mi with wine.
Before surgery: Ta&e ? red pill and 8 capsules. After surgery, ta&e 8 capsules 8 daily for several days.
Lternally: Apply powder directly to bleeding wound 'clean first, and bandage afterwards.( -n deep or wide
wounds, s,uee@e cut together, pour powder on, and apply pressure or &eep closed for ? to 8 minutes, or until
bleeding has stopped. .ote: -n case of serious wounds or bleeding, the manufacturer recommends that one ta&es
the single red pill that comes with each bottle first with wine. This is used to prevent shoc& from blood loss,
although it does not stop the bleeding. $nly use one pill per day.
2irections for animals: Gisit the 0unnan Baiyao -nformation *age
!e sell only original products from 0unnan Baiyao Aroup %o., 4td.
Although the ingredients are still secret, the two main herbs are raw and steamed tienchi ginseng. The raw form is
cooling, the steamed form is warming. -t is the combination of the two forms, along with other herbs, that ma&e
0unnan Baiyao a balanced and powerful CdrugC for pain and in#ury.
7nlisted proprietary ingredients:
*ana notoginseng root, A#uga forrestii herb, 2ioscorea opposita rhi@ome, 2ioscorea nipponica root, Lrodium
stephanianum herb, 2ioscorea parviflora rhi@ome, -nula cappa herb
7nlisted proprietary ingredients'*in 0in(: Tian san ,i, San yu cao, Shan yao, %huan shan long, 4ao guan cao, 3u
liang #iang, Bai niu dan
*owder: ? bo contains P vials. Lach vial contains 9g of powder and ? red pill 'found in the cotton stuffing(.
%apsules: ? bo contains ?P capsules and ? red pill 'found in a depression in the foil pac&age(.
-n general use, do not ta&e 0unnan Baiyao for more than ?-8 wee&s. -t can be wea&ening over a period of time.
-f necessary, combine with a tonic formula such as mushroom etracts or neutral ginsengs. 5.ote: this is
especially beneficial for dogs and cats ta&ing 0unnan Baiyao long term for bleeding tumors.6
Broad beans, fish, citrus 'sour(, dairy or cold foods should not be ta&en within one day after administration.
0unnan Baiyao has a warming ,uality while these foods have a cooling ,uality. %old foods re,uire strong
digestion as well. Therefore to achieve the best results when ta&ing 0unnan Baiyao, they should not be combined
$ther hot consumables, li&e alcohol, chic&en and goat meat are indicated as promoting the healing effects.
-f ta&ing 0unnan Baiyao ma&es you di@@y or upsets your stomach, ta&e it with warm soup.
Ta&e with a sip of wine to treat chronic gastritis.
Nuantity discounts are available.
Do not take while pregnant or nursing.
In general use" do not take )unnan *aiyao for more than 789 weeks. It can be weakening oer a
period of time. If necessary" combine with a tonic formula such as mushroom extracts or neutral
:ote6 *road beans" fish" sour or cold foods should not be taken within one day after administration.
;top use and ask a doctor if condition worsens or does not improe within 3 days.
$eep away from animals and children.
%his product has not been ealuated by the FD!. It is not intended to diagnose" treat" cure" or
preent any disease.
&e highly recommend that you consult with a %raditional 'hinese Medical practitioner or
physician before taking any products or if you hae any (uestions regarding your health.
0unnan Baiyao ' U ( also &nown as 0unnan *aiyao has been etensively used and considered a sort of miracle
drug for wounds, pain, and hemorrhage. 7nli&e !estern pain drugs, it does not turn off pain centers in the brain,
but instead facilitates circulation, bringing oygen to the in#ury.
-t is useful for any type of open cuts and any &ind of surgery. -t reduces recovery time for surgery by half because
it mends in#ured blood vessels. -t does not interfere with !estern sedative drugs, so can be used the same day as
surgery. By immediately activating blood circulation, it helps resolve bleeding, pain, and swelling. -t heals oo@ing
wounds and damaged blood vessels, while epelling pus and counteracting toins.
-ts primary application is acute traumatic bleeding, where the powder is applied directly to the cut. The product is
antibacterial as well as homeostatic. %uts heal ,uic&ly with even a single application, and with a butterfly bandage
it can help seal smaller wounds that might otherwise re,uire stitches. -n various clinical studies, it has shown to
reduce clotting time by KKQ to OOQ. The powder form is more appropriate for topical application in traumatic
bleeding, while the capsules are meant to be ta&en internally. -t is used for traumatic swelling or bruising, or for
other blood disorders including hemangiosarcoma, thrombocytopenic purpura and leu&emia. -t is also used to
inhibit internal bleeding due to trauma, surgery or cerebral hemorrhage.
Stops bleeding, dispels blood stasis, disperses swelling, clears heat, resolves toins, relieves pain
+elps the flesh regenerate and prevents blood stasis and infections1 reduces scarring
Treats chronic stomachache, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer bleeding1 sore and swelling throat
Treats hemoptysis caused by bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasia, and tuberculosis
Treats all gynecological blood stasis, including amenorrhea, irregular menstruation, ecessive menses,
uterine bleeding and leucorrhoea,and postpartum blood stasis
Treats hot sores, oo@ing sores, and poisoned sores
Treats &nife and gun wounds, and traumatic bleeding and in#uries
Treats hemangiosarcoma 'in dogs(
7seful for L-*+ in horses
The green bo replaces the blue bo, which is no longer manufactured. There is no Lnglish on the green bo
'ecept for the name(. Areen boes contain measuring spoons, blue boes do not. The po=der in each is
e>actly the sa#e) !ro# the sa#e #anu!acturer? There is no di!!erence in @uality or !or#ulation.
%ircula B %omfort 'also called %lose 2own Foint -nflammation, guan #ie yan wan( formula is an all-natural %hinese
herbal formula used to remove dampness from body #oints and clear the Cluo channelsC. -t is very helpful in
reducing the pain and inflammation of aching lower bac&, painful swollen #oints, sciatica, rheumatism, and arthritis
of the &nees, an&les and feet.
2ispels wind, eliminates damp, opens the channels and collaterals, warms the channels and collaterals, relieves
pain. 7se for wind damp bi syndromes characteri@ed by a wea& or aching lower bac&, or painful #oints with
swelling, especially the &nees or feet. 7seful in sciatic pain, rheumatism, and lower limb arthritis.
This formula can be used in both hot and cold presentations. This is an effective formula for lower limb #oint pain or
sciatica especially when accompanied by swelling in the lower #oints.
Ta&e K capsules, K day.
*rohibited during pregnancy.
%hinese s&ullcap 'root(, FobDs tears 'seed(, %ang-@hu atractylodes 'rhi@ome(, !hite mulberry 'young twig(, %assia
'bar&(, Fapanese &notweed 'root(, 4arge-leaf gentian 'root(, Ainger 'fresh rhi@ome(, Turmeric 'rhi@ome(,
*ubescent angelica 'root(
P> %apsules, ?>>>mg each
*rohibited during pregnancy.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
Eheng Au Shui, lit: C;ectify Bones 4i,uidC, penetrates to the bone level to promote healing and stop pain 'dispel
blood stasis and fluid stagnation(. -t is well &nown for its effectiveness at healing deep bone bruises and fractures1
and is effective on all manner of bumps, bruises, sprains and strains. Eheng Au Shui 'pronounced VFung Aoo
ShwayW( is the liniment of choice for deep bone bruises and bro&en bones. -t is a CneutralC solution that may be
applied in all situations for pain relief.
-nvigorates blood, brea&s blood stasis, moves ,i, stops bleeding, disperses swelling, strengthens tendon and bone,
dredges and opens the channels and collaterals, relieves pain. 7se to heal bone fracture, and for inflammation and
swelling during manual bone setting. Also useful for acute bruising or swelling accompanying traumatic sprain. May
be helpful in torn or inflamed ligaments, with or without swelling. Analgesic for pains of muscles, #oints, bruises,
and strains.
Boo Boo Balm soothes and speeds healing of cuts, scrapes, abrasions, burns, s&in ulcers, insect bites,
rashes, and all types of minor s&in irritations. -t has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
This product is made from scratch in small batches only. Auaranteed fresh" 3eep in a cool, dry place. Shelf life is
approimately ? year, but the salve will last longer if &ept refrigerated. -t will gradually lose potency after a year
but should not spoil if properly stored.
.ote: Although the herbs are strained before being put into #ars, it is normal to find small bits of herbs in your #ar
All herbs are organic"
rganic Co#!rey Root is a cell proliferant that speeds healing of the s&in. -t
contains allantoin- an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that speeds wound
healing, stimulates the growth of new s&in cells, and gives the immune system
a lift.
rganic Calendula is anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic. -t also
promotes new s&in growth and inhibits bleeding.
rganic 'lantain is ecellent for all &inds of s&in irritations and is especially
good on insect bites, sunburn, and rashes li&e poison ivy and poison oa&. -t is
a demulcent, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. 4i&e comfrey, it contains
Tea Tree il is antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral in action. -t
has strong activity against Staphylococcus bacteria.
AenBoin is added primarily for its preservative ,ualities. +owever, it also
assists in healing cuts, soothing inflammation, and relieving s&in irritation.
live il, cold-pressed, etra-virgin is used as the base. $live oil has been
&nown for generations for its healing ,ualities and as a natural, deep
penetration moisturi@er, regenerating s&in cells and softening the tissue. -t is
etremely unli&ely to cause any sort of allergic reaction.
'ropolis is a resinous miture collected by honey bees. -t aids in reducing
inflammation and is thought to be antiviral and antifungal in action.
Aees=a> is used as the hardener. -t is pure and unrefined and helps provide a
protective barrier for the salve
%lean wound and apply. %over the wound if necessary, otherwise fresh air
helps to speed healing. May be reapplied as re,uired.
-unrefined and helps provide a protective barrier for the salve
<or eternal use only" -t should not be ingested. -t may be used on pets and
will not harm them if small amounts are lic&ed.
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical
practitioner or physician before ta&ing any products or if you have any
,uestions regarding your health
%hing !an +ung is one of %hinaDs ma#or herbal medicines for burns, so much so that it is used for serious third
degree burns in hospitals. As a product, it is recommended as a topical first aid for first and second degree burns.
-t reduces the blistering and pain of a burn, promotes tissue regeneration, and prevents scarring. -t is often used
during radiation treatment to prevent and)or heal radiation burns.
;elieves pain <AST"
+eals burns.
;educes scarring.
Treats all types of burns.
7sed on first, second, and third degree burns.
%hing !an +ung 'also written Fing !an +ong( clears heat, disperses swelling, invigorates blood, relieves pain,
generates tissue. 7se topically for first, second, and third degree burns with blistering, redness and pain. -t has
been applied to chemical burns, radiation burns, and sunburns, as well as burns caused by fire, electricity, steam,
or direct contact with a hot li,uid. -t is also utili@ed to treat hemorrhoids, poison oa&, poison ivy, dermatitis,
ulcerative rashes, and bed sores. -t acts to relieve pain, decrease inflammation and infection, and aid in the
regeneration of the damaged tissues. -t is fast acting, alleviating burn pain almost immediately after application. -t
is useful in pediatric ec@ema.
More In!or#ation-
The red color of the ointment comes from several of the herbs, hence the name C!an +ungC 'meaning myriad
red ingredients1 %hing means capital, referring to the origin of the formula in a capital city(.
An important ingredient, representative of those selected to treat burns, is *istacia chinensis , with its
distinctive red foliage. -t is used to treat ulcerations and rashes, and is a common remedy for dermatitis caused
by contact with poison oa& and similar allergens. The active components include tannins, such as gallic acid,
and simple flavonoids, such as fisetin, fustin, and ,uercetin.
%irections $ Ingredients-
Apply ointment directly into the affected area after it has been thoroughly cleaned. The area may be covered
with gau@e to further reduce possibility of infection and irritation. %hange gau@e daily. May stain clothing. Burns
should be covered to protect the ointment from being wiped off.
<or serious burns, the ointment is put on, covered with gau@e, and then wiped off with dead s&in every 89
hours, until healing is complete.
Menthol ?Q,
2ong Nuai 'Angelica sinensis( root, mastic '*istacia 4entiscus 4.( resin, myrrh leo-gum resin, ,uince
'%haenomeles spp.( fruit, safflower flower, sanguisorba 'Sanguisorba officinalis 4.( root, sesame oil, beeswa
Tube - ?>g Far - ?.>Po@ ) K>g
%hing !an +ong can stain and discolor clothes. ;emove with alcohol. Also, it has a strong smell.
2o not apply topically to lower abdomen or lumbar spine during pregnancy.
2o not bandage tightly.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
<$; LMTL;.A4 7SL $.40.
!ash hands thoroughly after each use.
2o not add heat.
2iscontinue use if s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
Avoid use during pregnancy.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
Eheng Au Shui, lit: C;ectify Bones 4i,uidC, penetrates to the bone level to promote healing and stop
pain 'dispel blood stasis and fluid stagnation(. -t is well &nown for its effectiveness at healing deep bone bruises
and fractures1 and is effective on all manner of bumps, bruises, sprains and strains. Eheng Au Shui 'pronounced
VFung Aoo Shway( is the liniment of choice for deep bone bruises and bro&en bones. -t is a CneutralC solution that
may be applied in all situations for pain relief.
-nvigorates blood, brea&s blood stasis, moves ,i, stops bleeding, disperses swelling, strengthens tendon and bone,
dredges and opens the channels and collaterals, relieves pain. 7se to heal bone fracture, and for inflammation and
swelling during manual bone setting. Also useful for acute bruising or swelling accompanying traumatic sprain. May
be helpful in torn or inflamed ligaments, with or without swelling. Analgesic for pains of muscles, #oints, bruises,
and strains. Eheng Au Shui is useful before or after eercise for soreness and to strengthen tendons. As a trauma
liniment, it is applicable for other acute in#uries mar&ed by swelling or pain. -t is useful as a massage liniment
before or after eercise. -t may be added to bath water.
<ractures: Aau@e, cotton balls or cloth is soa&ed in the li,uid, and applied directly to the fracture for thirty minutes
up to two hours. -n %hina, T%M doctors reset the bones every three days, following with wraps soa&ed in Eheng
AAu Shui 'or a formula li&e it( before applying splints.
Aeneral instructions: Soa& cotton balls with Eheng Au Shui and apply, wrapping the cotton loosely with gau@e.
4eave on one hour for upper body, ? ?)8 hours for lower limbs. Shorten the time for children. 2o this two times a
day until the bone is healed. 2o not apply to bro&en s&in or open wounds.
<or bac&ache, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains, apply K-9 times per day.
-t can be used on all bumps, &noc&s, bruising, strains, and pulls that most greyhounds, lerchers, and wor&ing dogs
and horses get.
Eheng Au Shui is manufactured by Auangi 0ulin *harmaceutical %o in Auangi, %hina. The pac&aging may be
different depending upon the country of import 'different countries have different rules about pac&aging(. 0ou can
avoid counterfeits by ma&ing sure that the manufacturerDs name is on the bo along with an .2% number
somewhere on the bo. The ingredient list may also be different on different pac&ages because the manufacturer
will not list all ingredients in order to &eep the formula secret.
.otoginseng Sheg Tian Qi 8OQ
Tiglium Wu Ma Xun Cheng ?:Q
%roton Ji Gu Xiang ?OQ
Angelica Bai Zhi ?KQ
<leminingia Qian Jin Ba ?8Q
-nula Da Li Wang ?8Q
Mentha Bo He ao KQ
%amphora Zhang ao 8Q
Available as:
Screw %ap Top - ?>>cc bottle 'K.9 o@(
Brush Top Applicator - ::cc 'K.> o@(
Spray Top - P>cc bottle '8.> o@(
<or eternal use only.
!ill stain clothing, but stain can be removed with rubbing alcohol.
%ertain s&in sensitive patients may react to this product: remove in the event of heat or itching so as to avoid a
s&in reaction. 2o not cover with plastic1 do not apply to open wounds. Avoid contact with eyes. 2o not use with
vigorous massage. !ash hands thoroughly after use to avoid rubbing into eyes.
2o not apply to lower abdomen or lumbar spine during pregnancy.
2o not apply to open wounds.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
!u 0ang Brand *earl powder '@hen @hu mo( has many applications in %hinese medicine. Because of its cooling
properties, it is most often used in conditions mar&ed by ecess heat, including fever, palpitation, and red eye. -t is
also ta&en internally to ma&e the s&in lustrous, and applied topically to promote the healing of wounds.
%alms shen, clears heat, cools blood heat, brightens the eyes, generates tissue. 7se for
pediatric shen disturbances mar&ed by insomnia, palpitation, fright and nervousness. Also for fever causing
irritability, insomnia, hallucination and thirst, or causing blood heat symptoms of rash or nose bleed. Also internally
or eternally for bloodshot eyes. Apply topically to reduce the redness of boils and carbuncles, and to promote the
healing of wounds.
*earl powder contains about ?: amino acids and over a do@en minerals. -ncluding ?> essential amino acids
necessary for the human body to heal and maintain cell nutrition. These essential building bloc&s of collagen and
protein each has a specific function. 2eficiency of any one of the &ey amino acids causes the s&in to loo& coarse,
depleted, old, and wrin&led. Traditionally recogni@ed benefits of using pearl powder products include: +ealing, s&in
brightening, anti-wrin&le, and sun protection. $ther anti-aging benefits: +elps to promote cell renewal, enhance
elasticity, improve circulation, calming and detoification, protects from environmental radicals, regulates s&in
discoloration, and smooths s&in teture.
Applied topically to ease inflammation and promote healing. 7sed for redness and irritation of the s&in in conditions
li&e nappy rash, moist ec@ema, and other wet s&in conditions. %an be mied with an emollient for dry or flay s&in
conditions. Also applied to minor open wounds to accelerate healing. Lspecially good for chronic non-healing ulcers
and sores. Applicable for healing oral herpes sores 'outside the mouth(.
Ma&e a paste with *earl *owder and lemon #uice and paint it over a wound to reduce scarring.
7sed internally for shen disturbances and tremors or spasms from internal wind. Being particularly good for easy
fright, fearfulness, aniety and palpitations and insomnia. <or visual wea&ness, inflammation of the eyes or
growths over the eye. Tran,uili@es the mind and arrests convulsions. %irections:
Adults and children over ? year: ?-8 bottles, ?-8 daily
-nfants under ? year old: >.O-? bottle daily
Ehen Ehu Mu Margarita >.Kg
Bo of ?8 small vials, each with >.Kg powder. 9arnings-
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
7se on stage ? or stage 8 sinew in#uries or closed fractures. Brea&s up accumulations of stagnant blood.
This plaster is fairly neutral in temperature and can be used for acute in#uries, even with swelling or inflammation.
-t is particularly useful for acute sprains with accumulation of blood and fluids.
Activates blood circulation, reduces swelling, stops pain, and cures rheumatism. -t can treat traumatic in#uries,
gall, and rheumatic pain.
2o not use more than 8 per day
2o not use ? hour prior to bathing or K> minutes after bathing
%lean and dry the affected area.
;emove plaster from plastic bac&ing and apply to affected area.
*laster will remain effective for ?8 hours and be even more effective when used after a bath.
2o not apply to etremely hairy s&in. +ighly adhesive plaster may hurt s&in upon removal.
%amphor '?>Q(, Menthol 'KQ(
Borneol, %hinese 0am, +erba Aeranii, 4anolin, ;adi notoginseng, rosin, rubber, vaseline, @inc oide.
Lach pac&age contains O patches, 9 8.O inches each, individually wrapped !e sell only original products from
0unnan Baiyao Aroup %o., 4td., the only legal manufacturer of 0unnan Baiyao in %hina.
<or eternal use only. 2o not use otherwise than as directed. 3eep away from children and animals.
2o not apply to wounds or damaged s&in.
2o not bandage tightly.
2iscontinue use if ecessive s&in irritation develops. Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
-f condition worsens, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within a few days,
discontinue use of this product and consult a physician.
Stop use when the area feels itchy.
2o not apply to etremely hairy s&in.
Adhesive plaster may hurt s&in upon removal.
%hildren under ?8 years of age: 2o not use, consult a doctor.
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
C*osumonC or %hinese Massage $il is a general all around warming massage oil that can be used for stiff,
infleible muscles, before eercise to help them warm up and to prepare them for stretching and activity. This oil
penetrates deep into the muscles, improving circulation and warms the muscles.
This patent %hinese formula comes in a ? fluid o@. bottle in a protective can. This general, all purpose massage oil
is great for sore, tight infleible muscle, stiff &nees, sore #oints and tight bac&s. %an be use for chronic coughs
'massage throat front and bac& of chest(, giddiness, common cold, muscle sprains, minor bleeding, sea sic&ness,
mos,uito bites, itching and burns, rub oil on affected parts as fre,uently as possible to produce good results.
Areat for warming up muscles before and after wor&outs. 2irections:
Adults and children 8 years of age and older: Apply to affected area not more than K to 9 times daily.
%hildren under 8 years of age: 2o not use, consult a doctor.
Menthol ?KQ , Gaseline, beeswa, white paraffin wa, stearic acid, peppermint, cinnamon, tea oil, licorice,
scutellariae root .
? o@ 'K>ml(
F<= >?%>=:!@ 1;> <:@).
&ash hands thoroughly after each use.
Do not apply to wounds or damaged skin.
Do not wrap with bandage or clothing.
Do not add heat.
Discontinue use if skin irritation deelops.
!oid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
!oid use during pregnancy.
Do not apply to open cuts" sensitie areas" or genital areas.
If condition worsens" rash deelops" or if symptoms persist for more than # days" or clear up and
occur again within a few days" discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or %raditional
'hinese Medical practitioner.
General Cautions:
$eep away from animals and children.
%his product has not been ealuated by the FD!. It is not intended to diagnose" treat" cure" or
preent any disease.
&e highly recommend that you consult with a %raditional 'hinese Medical practitioner or physician
before taking any products or if you hae any (uestions regarding your health.
3wan 4oong *ain ;elieving Aromatic $il comes in useful for fast and effective relief of di@@iness,
headaches, motion sic&ness, bloc&ed nose, stomachaches, sprains, rheumatic pains and speeds healing of insect
This is an aromatic liniment for aches and pains due to rheumatism or trauma. -t can also be applied topically to
the temples to relieve headache, and to the sides of the nose to relieve nasal congestion.
Moves ,i, invigorates blood, dredges and opens the channels and collaterals, relives pain. 7se as a topical liniment
for wind cold damp bi syndrome causing stiffness, poor circulation, or sore muscles. -t can be applied to #oints and
lower bac&. Also useful for dispelling blood stasis in traumatic in#ury and swelling. 7se for rheumatism, arthritis,
neuralgia, lumbar pain, bruises, and traumatic swellings. %an be used as a liniment for tui na massage, and to
relieve nasal congestion and headache. -t can also be applied topically to the temples to relieve headache, and to
the sides of the nose to relieve nasal congestion.
!dult and children 79 years of age and older" apply a few drops to affected area and rub gently 3 to
A times daily.
'hildren under 79 years of age" consult a physician.
Acti#e ingredients:
methyl salicylate 354" Menthol 7B4.
Inacti#e ingredients:
>ucalyptus oil 34" @ight Mineral oil 3C4" ;pike @aender oil #4.
<$; LMTL;.A4 7SL $.40.
!ash hands thoroughly after each use.
2o not apply to wounds or damaged s&in.
2o not wrap with bandage or clothing or cover with plastic.
2o not add heat.
%ertain s&in-sensitive patients may react to this product: remove in the event of heat or itching so as to avoid a
s&in reaction.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
Avoid use during pregnancy.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptoms persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again
within a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health
9 fl. o2. +5# ml, bottle
!ong To 0ic& !ood 4oc& Medicated Balm, also called +uo 4uo $il, is a
medicated oil used for muscle aches and pains, sprains, strains of
muscles and tendons and minor arthritic problems. 2eep and
penetrating, it moves stagnation of blood at the in#ury site. !ong To 0ic&
!oodloc& $il contains a much higher percentage of pain-&illers than the
other similarly named brands '%han 0a& +in(.

Lpels !ind-2ampness from %hannels B Muscles, Moves Ni, ;elaes the Muscles, 2isperses *hlegm, $pens the
Adult and children 8 years of age and older, apply a few drops to affected area and rub gently K to 9 times daily.
%hildren under 8 years of age, consult a physician


Methyl Salicylate, Menthol, and %amphor, Eheng mu, Shui yang suan #a @hi, Bo he nao, and other unlisted
proprietary ingredients.

O> ml or 9 ml bottles
<$; LMTL;.A4 7SL $.40.
!ash hands thoroughly after each use.
2iscontinue use if s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
2o not apply to open cuts, sensitive areas, or genital areas.
:eneral Cautions-
3eep away from animals and children.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within
a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
his rib fracture formula, ta&en as a decocted tea, is composed of herbs that specifically target the
ribs and chest area. -t speeds healing and significantly reduces pain.
This formula should be used only for rib pain resulting from a fracture with no complications. -t can also be used
when intercostal muscles are damaged from an impact in#ury.
This formulation is very strong and specific for ribs. Ta&ing rib fracture formula can significantly reduce the pain,
ease your breathing, and help speed the healing time1 especially if used in con#unction with 0unnan *aiyao plaster
or !u 0ang plaster.
-t should not be used for rib pain due to internal causes such as a cough, lung abscess, lung cancer, and the li&e.
$ne pac&age of herbs ma&es ? cup of tea.
2ecoct the herbs by coo&ing with water to ma&e a tea. Ta&e ? cup of tea daily for K-9 days or until all pain has
been gone for one wee&.
*lace ? bag of herbs in a stainless-steel, glass, or porcelain coo&ing pot. Add O-P cups of water. %over the pot and
bring to a boil. !hen the water is boiling, reduce the flame and simmer uncovered for KO-9> minutes or until about
? cup of li,uid remains. Strain out the herbs and discard. %ool to room temperature. 2rin& one cup per day until
all pain has been gone for one wee&. Traditionally, you drin& ?)8 cup in the morning and ?)8 cup at night. 'between
Ta&e 2ie 2a !an hit pills for 8-K days immediately following the rib fracture '? pill, 8 day, morning and evening(.
Then begin this formula. 7se 0unnan *aiyao or !u 0ang plasters to aid in reducing pain, but ta&e care not to burn
the s&in through over-use or if your s&in is sensitive.
2o not ta&e:
- if the rib has punctured a lung.
- if you are pregnant or nursing.
- if you suspect there is internal bleeding.
- if there are other complications to your in#ury.
- -f you are ta&ing blood thinners or any type of heart medication.
- -f you are ta&ing any type of anti-sei@ure medication.
2an Shen 'Salvia(, Ning *i 'immature tangerine peel(, %henpi 'dried tangerine peel(, Mo 0ao 'myrrh(, Ehi Shi
'bitter orange(, Miang <u 'nut grass rhi@ome(, %huan 4ain Ei 'pagoda tree fruit(, %hai +u 'bupleurum(, 4ulu Tong
'<ructus li,uidambaris taiwanieanae(, Mu Miang 'costus root(, 0an +u Suo 'corydalis(
This formula was created by Tom Bisio.
2o not ta&e:
- if the rib has punctured a lung.
- if you are pregnant or nursing.
- if you suspect there is internal bleeding.
- if there are other complications to your in#ury.
- -f you are ta&ing blood thinners or any type of heart medication.
- -f you are ta&ing any type of anti-sei@ure medication.
Aeneral %autions:
3eep away from animals and children.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
*ut powder in a frying pan and cover with whis&ey or vod&a. %oo& over a low flame until miture thic&ens and
turns dar& brown. Then add a tablespoon of honey towards the end. Apply while warm but be careful not to burn
the s&in. %oo&ing with alcohol increases circulation-enhancing B warming effect. This method is preferable if the
discomfort is eacerbated by cold.
Apply paste to affected area and cover with gau@e pads or paper toweling, followed by a wrapping of rolled gau@e.
!rap tightly enough to press the poultice against the s&in but not so tightly as to restrict circulation.
*oultice can be left on for up to 89 hours. Best use is 89 hours on, 89 hours off for several days. This allows the
s&in to breathe. <or overstretched ligaments use this way for up to 8 wee&s.
Many people cannot go to wor& with a poultice on their wrist or an&le. -f this is the case, leave it on overnight and
allow s&in to breathe during the day.
%huan wu, cao wu, bai @hi, mu iang, hou po, iao hui iang, rou gui, ru iang, mo yao, ue #ie, ,uang huao,
duhuo, iang fu, niu i, u duan, @i ran tong, mu gua, hu guX, dang gui, @i #ing pi
X +u gu, or tiger bone, is replaced by other bone and not actually used because it is an endangered species. -t
does not diminish the efficacy of the formula.
%omes as a finely ground powder. 'See 2irections above for use(.
7se only on limbs.
2o not apply to head or over internal organs.
Be certain bones are properly aligned before using"
<or eternal use only. 2o not use otherwise than as directed.
2o not apply to wounds or damaged s&in.
-f a rash develops, discontinue use immediately.
2iscontinue use if ecessive s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within
a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
Tendon !arming Soa& contains warming herbs that strongly increase local circulation and drive cold
and damp out of in#ured tissue. Many of these herbs also reduce pain. -t should be used only where the muscle or
#oint is stiff, painful, and sensitive to cold.
2o not use if there is any residual heat or inflammation in the area. -f use of this soa& increases the pain, then it is
usually because there is some residual inflammation. 2iscontinue and try more neutral or cooling remedies.
This formula was created by Tom Bisio.
ut herbs in a pot large enough to cover the in#ured area. Add ?-8 gallons of water. There must be enough room in
the pot to cover the in#ured area. -f the in#ury is to the foot or hand, enough water should be added to cover the
an&le or wrist as well. %over the pot and bring the li,uid to a boil. ;educe heat and simmer for 8O-9O minutes.
;emove the pot from the stove. -f the in#ury is to an etremity, you can bathe the affected part in the steam as the
li,uid cools. This warms the area and allows the steam to penetrate the superficial tissues. !hen the soa& has
cooled sufficiently- it is warm but not uncomfortably hot- soa& the in#ured part for ?O-8> minutes. -f the in#ured
area does not fit into the pot, soa& towels in the li,uid, let them cool briefly, and put them over the affected area.
The towels will cool fairly ,uic&ly, so you will need several to &eep a warm, penetrating heat on the in#ury for ?O-8>
minutes. After using the soa&, dry the s&in and &eep it warm and away from cold or drafts. %over the pot. The soa&
can be used once or twice a day for up to = days. Simply reheat the li,uid to a sufficiently warm temperature.
There is no need to boil it again. As long as you &eep the pot covered and reheat the soa& every day, the li,uid will
not get moldy.
4eave the herbs in the soa& to increase the strength of the herbal miture.
Ginegar and alcohol are often added to herbal soa&s to enhance their therapeutic effect. Add a ,uart of rice wine or
vinegar to the soa& after you have simmered the herbs and removed the pot from the stove. Ginegar softens
spasms in the muscles and tendons and Csmooths outC the flow of energy through the in#ured area. Alcohol warms
tissue and increases the local circulation by moving ,i and blood through the blood vessels and meridians.
F<= >?%>=:!@ 1;> <:@).
Do not apply to red" swollen" or inflamed areas.
&ash hands thoroughly after each use.
Discontinue use if skin irritation deelops.
!oid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
Do not apply to open cuts" sensitie areas" or genital areas.
General Cautions:
$eep away from animals and children.
If condition worsens" rash deelops" or if symptons persist for more than # days" or clear up and
occur again within a few days" discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or
*rimarily for chronic tendon 'sinew( in#uries, this poultice is ideal for sprains or bone
fractures where the swelling and inflammation are gone but residual pain and stiffness remain. -t promotes the
healing of over-stretched ligaments and is particularly useful for old wrist or an&le sprains where over-stretched
ligaments cause complications1 and also where the #oint is more painful in cold and damp weather.
<or bone, stage K-91 <or tendon, stage K !arming w) cold complications.
7se only after all signs of inflammation are gone.
%ontains warming ingredients that strongly stimulate circulation to damaged tissue.
2irections B -ngredients:
*ut powder in a frying pan and cover with whis&ey or vod&a. %oo& over a low flame until miture thic&ens and
turns dar& brown. Then add a tablespoon of honey towards the end. Apply while warm but be careful not to burn
the s&in. %oo&ing with alcohol increases circulation-enhancing B warming effect. This method is preferable if the
discomfort is eacerbated by cold.
Apply paste to affected area and cover with gau@e pads or paper toweling, followed by a wrapping of rolled gau@e.
!rap tightly enough to press the poultice against the s&in but not so tightly as to restrict circulation.
*oultice can be left on for up to 89 hours. Best use is 89 hours on, 89 hours off for several days. This allows the
s&in to breathe. <or overstretched ligaments use this way for up to 8 wee&s.
Many people cannot go to wor& with a poultice on their wrist or an&le. -f this is the case, leave it on overnight and
allow s&in to breathe during the day.
%huan wu, cao wu, bai @hi, mu iang, hou po, iao hui iang, rou gui, ru iang, mo yao, ue #ie, ,uang huao,
duhuo, iang fu, niu i, u duan, @i ran tong, mu gua, hu guX, dang gui, @i #ing pi
X +u gu, or tiger bone, is replaced by other bone and not actually used because it is an endangered species. -t
does not diminish the efficacy of the formula.
%omes as a finely ground powder. 'See 2irections above for use(.
7se only on limbs.
2o not apply to head or over internal organs.
Be certain bones are properly aligned before using"
<or eternal use only. 2o not use otherwise than as directed.
2o not apply to wounds or damaged s&in.
-f a rash develops, discontinue use immediately.
2iscontinue use if ecessive s&in irritation develops.
Avoid contact with the eyes or mucous membranes.
-f condition worsens, rash develops, or if symptons persist for more than = days, or clear up and occur again within
a few days, discontinue use of this product and consult a physician or Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner.
This product has not been evaluated by the <2A. -t is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any
!e highly recommend that you consult with a Traditional %hinese Medical practitioner or physician before ta&ing
any products or if you have any ,uestions regarding your health.
The +alf Aallon dit da #ow #ar is the perfect solution for the dedicated martial artist or athlete. 2ue to its high level
of cost-effectiveness, those who consistently use dit da #ow in their everyday training will save a great deal over
the purchase of 9 or : o@ bottles. $ur potent +alf Aallon #ars are the pinnacle of cost-effective premade dit da #ow.
But dont ta&e our word for it, ta&e a loo& around1 were confident youll be bac&"
*roduced as a single unit, all herbal matter resides within the #ar, soa&ing in a ?>>Q natural, high-,uality alcohol
base, and arrives to you with a seal made the day the #ow was mied. Lach time you open the #ar you will smell
that strong herbal essence which only grows more potent over time. !e offer several premade dit da #ow recipes
by the +alf-Aallon:
Aruise dit da jo= for sprains, strains, bruises, and other basic in#uries.
Ceet "une %o dit da jo= for conditioning and more serious in#uries anywhere on the body.
Ho (a#ily dit da jo= for more serious in#uries and cases of tendonitis.
Aruise CIDce for very serious in#ury and blood stasis.
9hite %ragon Iron 'al# jo= for all beginning and intermediate iron palm and upper body conditioning
Ancestors Advanced Iron 'al# jo= for advanced iron palm practitioner loo&ing for the pinnacle of
strength in iron palm #ow--An additional YO
A variety of other recipes available by special order for an additional YO, selectable in the below menu, including
Southern <ist -ron Body #ow, %han .ing Tong, 3u 0u %heong, Ar& !ong, +ung Aar in#ury and -ron *alm formulas,
4eung Fan and 4een Auang Fau, %how Aar dit da #ow, 4au Aar, Ming 0i, and Ba& Mei in#ury and iron palm formulas,
and a wide selection of Gietnamese formulas. !e can fill #ust about A.0 dit da #ow or iron palm recipe"
!e are the preferred dit da #ow producer for many martial arts schools, traditional as well as modern competitive
settings and would be happy to ma&e a #ar to your specifications. *lease email us with details about which recipe
you want made following your purchase of a special order, and please allow an additional 8 days preparation time
before shipment.
+alf gallons 'with eception of special orders( are generally 8-K months into the aging process. *lease .$TL: +alf-
gallon #ars no longer ship with a 8 o@ bottle. <or LMTL;.A4 use only. 2o .$T use on open cuts)scrapes or mucous
membranes such as the mouth.

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