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G.R. NO. 176985 - Ricardo E. Vergara, Jr. v. Coca-Cola Bottlers !ili""i#es, $#c.

G.R. NO. 176985 : April 1, 2013
INC., Respondent.
#ERA!TA, J.:
Be%ore &s is a "etitio# %or revie' o# certiorari (#der R(le )5 o% t!e R(les o% Civil roced(re assaili#g
t!e Ja#(ar* 9, +,,7 -ecisio#
a#d .arc! 6, +,,7 Resol(tio#
o% t!e Co(rt o% /""eals 0C/1 i# C/ .. G.R.
2 No. 9)6++, '!ic! a%%ir3ed t!e Ja#(ar* 41, +,,6 -ecisio#
a#d .arc! 8, +,,6 Resol(tio#
o% t!e
Natio#al 5a6or Relatio#s Co33issio# 0N5RC1 3odi%*i#g t!e 2e"te36er 4,, +,,4 -ecisio#
o% t!e 5a6or
/r6iter 05/1 6* deleti#g t!e sales 3a#age3e#t i#ce#tives i# t!e co3"(tatio# o% "etitio#er7s retire3e#t
etitio#er Ricardo E. Vergara, Jr. 'as a# e3"lo*ee o% res"o#de#t Coca-Cola Bottlers !ili""i#es, $#c.
%ro3 .a* 1968 (#til !e retired o# Ja#(ar* 41, +,,+ as a -istrict 2ales 2("ervisor 0-221 %or 5as i8as
Cit*, .etro .a#ila. /s sti"(lated i# res"o#de#t7s e9isti#g Retire3e#t la# R(les a#d Reg(latio#s at t!e
ti3e, t!e /##(al er%or3a#ce $#ce#tive a* o% R2.s, -22s, a#d 222s s!all 6e co#sidered i# t!e
co3"(tatio# o% retire3e#t 6e#e%its, as %ollo's: Basic .o#t!l* 2alar* ; .o#t!l* /verage er%or3a#ce
$#ce#tive 0'!ic! is t!e total "er%or3a#ce i#ce#tive ear#ed d(ri#g t!e *ear i33ediatel* "recedi#g 1+
3o#t!s1 No. o% <ears i# 2ervice.
Clai3i#g !is e#title3e#t to a# additio#al !)7),6,,.,, as 2ales .a#age3e#t $#ce#tives 02.$1
to t!e a3o(#t o% !)96,,16.67 '!ic! res"o#de#t allegedl* ded(cted illegall*, re"rese#ti#g t!e
(#"aid acco(#ts o% t'o dealers 'it!i# !is =(risdictio#, "etitio#er %iled a co3"lai#t 6e%ore t!e N5RC o#
J(#e 11, +,,+ %or t!e "a*3e#t o% !is >?(ll Retire3e#t Be#e%its, .erit $#crease,
Co33issio#@$#ce#tives, 5e#gt! o% 2ervice, /ct(al, .oral a#d E9e3"lar* -a3ages, a#d /ttor#e*7s
/%ter a series o% 3a#dator* co#%ere#ce, 6ot! "arties "artiall* settled 'it! regard t!e iss(e o% 3erit
i#crease a#d le#gt! o% service.
2(6seA(e#tl*, t!e* %iled t!eir res"ective ositio# a"er a#d Re"l*
t!ereto deali#g o# t!e t'o re3ai#i#g iss(es o% 2.$ e#title3e#t a#d illegal ded(ctio#.
O# 2e"te36er 4,, +,,4, t!e 5/ re#dered a -ecisio#
i# %avor o% "etitio#er, directi#g res"o#de#t to
rei36(rse t!e a3o(#t illegall* ded(cted %ro3 "etitio#er7s retire3e#t "acBage a#d to i#tegrate t!erei#
!is 2.$ "rivilege. &"o# a""eal o% res"o#de#t, !o'ever, t!e N5RC 3odi%ied t!e a'ard a#d deleted t!e
"a*3e#t o% 2.$.
etitio#er t!e# 3oved to "artiall* e9ec(te t!e rei36(rse3e#t o% illegal ded(ctio#, '!ic! t!e 5/
gra#ted des"ite res"o#de#t7s o""ositio#.
5ater, 'it!o(t "re=(dice to t!e "e#de#c* o% "etitio#er7s
"etitio# %or certiorari 6e%ore t!e C/, t!e "arties e9ec(ted a Co3"ro3ise /gree3e#t
o# Octo6er ),
+,,6, '!ere6* "etitio#er acB#o'ledged %(ll "a*3e#t 6* res"o#de#t o% t!e a3o(#t o% !)96,,16.67
coveri#g t!e a3o(#t illegall* ded(cted.
C!e C/ dis3issed "etitio#er7s case o# Ja#(ar* 9, +,,7 a#d de#ied !is 3otio# %or reco#sideratio# t'o
3o#t!s t!erea%ter. De#ce, t!is "rese#t "etitio# to resolve t!e si#g(lar iss(e o% '!et!er t!e 2.$ s!o(ld
6e i#cl(ded i# t!e co3"(tatio# o% "etitio#er7s retire3e#t 6e#e%its o# t!e gro(#d o% co#siste#t co3"a#*
"ractice. etitio#er i#siste#tl* avers t!at 3a#* -22s '!o retired 'it!o(t ac!ievi#g t!e sales a#d
collectio# targets 'ere give# t!e average 2.$ i# t!eir retire3e#t "acBage.
Ee de#*.
C!is case does #ot %all 'it!i# a#* o% t!e recog#iFed e9ce"tio#s to t!e r(le t!at o#l* A(estio#s o% la'
are "ro"er i# a "etitio# %or revie' o# certiorari (#der R(le )5 o% t!e R(les o% Co(rt. 2ettled is t!e r(le
t!at %act(al %i#di#gs o% la6or o%%icials, '!o are dee3ed to !ave acA(ired e9"ertise i# 3atters 'it!i#
t!eir res"ective =(risdictio#, are ge#erall* accorded #ot o#l* res"ect 6(t eve# %i#alit*, a#d 6i#d (s
'!e# s(""orted 6* s(6sta#tial evide#ce.
Certai#l*, it is #ot O(r %(#ctio# to assess a#d eval(ate t!e
evide#ce all over agai#, "artic(larl* '!ere t!e %i#di#gs o% 6ot! t!e C/ a#d t!e N5RC coi#cide.
$# a#* eve#t, eve# i% t!is Co(rt 'o(ld eval(ate "etitio#er7s arg(3e#ts o# its s(""osed 3erits, Ee still
%i#d #o reaso# to dist(r6 t!e C/ r(li#g t!at a%%ir3ed t!e N5RC. C!e %i#di#gs a#d co#cl(sio#s o% t!e C/
s!o' t!at t!e evide#ce a#d t!e arg(3e#ts o% t!e "arties !ad all 6ee# care%(ll* co#sidered a#d "assed
("o#. C!ere are #o releva#t a#d co3"elli#g %acts to =(sti%* a di%%ere#t resol(tio# '!ic! t!e C/ %ailed to
co#sider as 'ell as #o %act(al co#%lict 6et'ee# t!e C/ a#d t!e N5RC decisio#s.
Ge#erall*, e3"lo*ees !ave a vested rig!t over e9isti#g 6e#e%its vol(#taril* gra#ted to t!e3 6* t!eir
C!(s, a#* 6e#e%it a#d s(""le3e#t 6ei#g e#=o*ed 6* t!e e3"lo*ees ca##ot 6e red(ced,
di3i#is!ed, disco#ti#(ed or eli3i#ated 6* t!e e3"lo*er.
C!e "ri#ci"le o% #o#-di3i#(tio# o% 6e#e%its is
act(all* %o(#ded o# t!e Co#stit(tio#al 3a#date to "rotect t!e rig!ts o% 'orBers, to "ro3ote t!eir
'el%are, a#d to a%%ord t!e3 %(ll "rotectio#.
$# t(r#, said 3a#date is t!e 6asis o% /rticle ) o% t!e 5a6or
Code '!ic! states t!at >all do(6ts i# t!e i3"le3e#tatio# a#d i#ter"retatio# o% t!is Code, i#cl(di#g its
i3"le3e#ti#g r(les a#d reg(latio#s, s!all 6e re#dered i# %avor o% la6or.>
C!ere is di3i#(tio# o% 6e#e%its '!e# t!e %ollo'i#g reA(isites are "rese#t: 011 t!e gra#t or 6e#e%it is
%o(#ded o# a "olic* or !as ri"e#ed i#to a "ractice over a lo#g "eriod o% ti3eG 0+1 t!e "ractice is
co#siste#t a#d deli6erateG 041 t!e "ractice is #ot d(e to error i# t!e co#str(ctio# or a""licatio# o% a
do(6t%(l or di%%ic(lt A(estio# o% la'G a#d 0)1 t!e di3i#(tio# or disco#ti#(a#ce is do#e (#ilaterall* 6*
t!e e3"lo*er.
Co 6e co#sidered as a reg(lar co3"a#* "ractice, t!e e3"lo*ee 3(st "rove 6* s(6sta#tial evide#ce
t!at t!e givi#g o% t!e 6e#e%it is do#e over a lo#g "eriod o% ti3e, a#d t!at it !as 6ee# 3ade
co#siste#tl* a#d deli6eratel*.
J(ris"r(de#ce !as #ot laid do'# a#* !ard-a#d-%ast r(le as to t!e le#gt!
o% ti3e t!at co3"a#* "ractice s!o(ld !ave 6ee# e9ercised i# order to co#stit(te vol(#tar* e3"lo*er
C!e co33o# de#o3i#ator i# "revio(sl* decided cases a""ears to 6e t!e reg(larit* a#d
deli6erate#ess o% t!e gra#t o% 6e#e%its over a sig#i%ica#t "eriod o% ti3e.
$t reA(ires a# i#d(6ita6le
s!o'i#g t!at t!e e3"lo*er agreed to co#ti#(e givi#g t!e 6e#e%it B#o'i#g %(ll* 'ell t!at t!e e3"lo*ees
are #ot covered 6* a#* "rovisio# o% t!e la' or agree3e#t reA(iri#g "a*3e#t t!ereo%.
$# s(3, t!e
6e#e%it 3(st 6e c!aracteriFed 6* reg(larit*, vol(#tar* a#d deli6erate i#te#t o% t!e e3"lo*er to gra#t
t!e 6e#e%it over a co#sidera6le "eriod o% ti3e.
&"o# revie' o% t!e e#tire case records, Ee %i#d #o s(6sta#tial evide#ce to "rove t!at t!e gra#t o% 2.$
to all retired -22s regardless o% '!et!er or #ot t!e* A(ali%* to t!e sa3e !ad ri"e#ed i#to co3"a#*
"ractice. -es"ite 3ore t!a# s(%%icie#t o""ort(#it* give# !i3 '!ile !is case 'as "e#di#g 6e%ore t!e
N5RC, t!e C/, a#d eve# to t!is Co(rt, "etitio#er (tterl* %ailed to add(ce "roo% to esta6lis! !is
allegatio# t!at 2.$ !as 6ee# co#siste#tl*, deli6eratel* a#d vol(#taril* gra#ted to all retired -22s
'it!o(t a#* A(ali%icatio# or co#ditio#s '!atsoever. C!e o#l* t'o "ieces o% evide#ce t!at !e st(66or#l*
"rese#ted t!ro(g!o(t t!e e#tiret* o% t!is case are t!e s'or# state3e#ts o% Re#ato C. Didalgo
0Didalgo1 a#d Ra3o# V. VelaFA(eF 0VelasA(eF1, %or3er -22s o% res"o#de#t '!o retired i# +,,, a#d
1998, res"ectivel*. C!e* clai3ed t!at t!e 2.$ 'as i#cl(ded i# t!eir retire3e#t "acBage eve# i% t!e*
did #ot 3eet t!e sales a#d collectio# A(ali%iers.
Do'ever, =(9ta"osi#g t!ese 'it! t!e evide#ce
"rese#ted 6* res"o#de#t 'o(ld reveal t!e %railt* o% t!eir state3e#ts.
C!e declaratio#s o% Didalgo a#d VelaFA(eF 'ere s(%%icie#tl* co(#tered 6* res"o#de#t t!ro(g! t!e
a%%idavits e9ec(ted 6* Nor3a# R. Biola 0Biola1, .oises -. Escas(ra 0Escas(ra1, a#d .a. Va#essa R.
Balles 0Balles1.
Biola "oi#ted o(t t!e vario(s sto"-ga" 3eas(res (#dertaBe# 6* res"o#de#t 6egi##i#g
1999 i# order to arrest t!e deterioratio# o% its acco(#ts receiva6les 6ala#ce, t'o o% '!ic! relate to t!e
"olicies o# t!e gra#t o% 2.$ a#d to t!e c!a#ge i# t!e 3a#age3e#t str(ct(re o% res"o#de#t ("o# its
re-acA(isitio# 6* 2a# .ig(el Cor"oratio#. Escas(ra re"rese#ted t!at !e !as "erso#al B#o'ledge o% t!e
circ(3sta#ces 6e!i#d t!e retire3e#t o% Didalgo a#d VelaFA(eF. De attested t!at co#trar* to
"etitio#er7s clai3, Didalgo 'as i# %act A(ali%ied %or t!e 2.$. /s %or VelaFA(eF, Escas(ra asserted t!at
eve# i% !e 0VelaFA(eF1 did #ot A(ali%* %or t!e 2.$, res"o#de#t7s Ge#eral .a#ager i# its Cala36a "la#t
still gra#ted !is 0VelaFA(eF1 reA(est, alo#g 'it! ot!er #(3ero(s co#cessio#s, to ac!ieve i#d(strial
"eace i# t!e "la#t '!ic! 'as t!e# e9"erie#ci#g la6or relatio#s "ro6le3s. 5astl*, Balles co#%ir3ed t!at
"etitio#er %ailed to 3eet t!e trade receiva6le A(ali%iers o% t!e 2.$. 2!e also cited t!e cases o% Ed
Vale#cia 0Vale#cia1 a#d E33a#(el G(tierreF 0G(tierreF1, 6ot! -22s o% res"o#de#t '!o retired o#
Ja#(ar* 41, +,,+ a#d -ece36er 4,, +,,+, res"ectivel*. 2!e #oted t!at, (#liBe Vale#cia, G(tierreF
also did #ot receive t!e 2.$ as "art o% !is retire3e#t "a*, si#ce !e %ailed to A(ali%* (#der t!e "olic*
g(ideli#es. C!e verit* o% all t!ese state3e#ts a#d re"rese#tatio#s sta#ds a#d !olds tr(e to &s,
co#sideri#g t!at "etitio#er did #ot "rese#t a#* iota o% "roo% to de6(#B t!e sa3e.
C!ere%ore, res"o#de#t7s isolated act o% i#cl(di#g t!e 2.$ i# t!e retire3e#t "acBage o% VelaFA(eF co(ld
!ardl* 6e classi%ied as a co3"a#* "ractice t!at 3a* 6e co#sidered a# e#%orcea6le o6ligatio#. Co
re"eat, t!e "ri#ci"le agai#st di3i#(tio# o% 6e#e%its is a""lica6le o#l* i% t!e gra#t or 6e#e%it is %o(#ded
o# a# e9"ress "olic* or !as ri"e#ed i#to a "ractice over a lo#g "eriod o% ti3e '!ic! is co#siste#t a#d
deli6erateG it "res(""oses t!at a co3"a#* "ractice, "olic* a#d traditio# %avora6le to t!e e3"lo*ees
!as 6ee# clearl* esta6lis!edG a#d t!at t!e "a*3e#ts 3ade 6* t!e co3"a#* "(rs(a#t to it !ave
ri"e#ed i#to 6e#e%its e#=o*ed 6* t!e3.
Certai#l*, a "ractice or c(sto3 is, as a ge#eral r(le, #ot a
so(rce o% a legall* de3a#da6le or e#%orcea6le rig!t.
Co3"a#* "ractice, =(st liBe a#* ot!er %act,
!a6its, c(sto3s, (sage or "atter#s o% co#d(ct, 3(st 6e "rove# 6* t!e o%%eri#g "art* '!o 3(st allege
a#d esta6lis! s"eci%ic, re"etitive co#d(ct t!at 3ig!t co#stit(te evide#ce o% !a6it or co3"a#*
Co close, Ee r(le t!at "etitio#er co(ld !ave salvaged !is case !ad !e ste" (" to dis"rove res"o#de#t7s
co#te#tio# t!at !e 3isera6l* %ailed to 3eet t!e collectio# A(ali%iers o% t!e 2.$. Res"o#de#t arg(es
t!at Hcrala'li6rar*
/# e9a3i#atio# o% t!e Co3"a#*7s aged trial 6ala#ce reveals t!at "etitio#er did #ot 3eet t!e trade
receiva6le A(ali%ier. O# t!e co#trar*, t!e said trial 6ala#ce reveals t!at "etitio#er !ad a large a3o(#t
o% (#collected overd(e acco(#ts. ?or t!e *ear +,,1, !is "erce#tage collectio# e%%icie#c* %or c(rre#t
iss(a#ce 'as at a# average o% 14.5I a 3o#t! as agai#st t!e reA(ired 7,I. ?or t!e sa3e, "etitio#er7s
collectio# e%%icie#c* 'as at a# average o% 6,.+5I "er 3o#t! %or receiva6les aged 1-4, da*s, '!ic! is
agai#, 'a* 6elo' t!e reA(ired 9,I. ?or receiva6les aged 41-6, da*s d(ri#g said *ear, "etitio#er7s
collectio# e%%icie#c* 'as at a# average o% 56.17I "er 3o#t!, '!ic! is a""ro9i3atel* !al% o% t!e
reA(ired 1,,I. Eorse, %or receiva6les over 6, da*s old, "etitio#er7s average collectio# e%%icie#c* "er
3o#t! 'as a re"re!e#sivel* lo' 1).1,I as agai#st t!e reA(ired 1,,I.
C!e a6ove data 'as re"eatedl* raised 6* res"o#de#t i# its Re=oi#der 0Co Co3"lai#a#t7s Re"l*1 6e%ore
t!e 5/,
.e3ora#d(3 o% /""eal
a#d O""ositio# 0Co Co3"lai#a#t-/""ellee7s .otio# %or
6e%ore t!e N5RC, a#d Co33e#t 0O# t!e etitio#1,
.e3ora#d(3 0?or t!e rivate
a#d Co33e#t 0O# t!e .otio# %or Reco#sideratio#1
6e%ore t!e C/. $#stead o% %ro#tall*
re6(tti#g t!e data, "etitio#er treated t!e3 'it! dea%e#i#g sile#ceG t!(s, reaso#a6l* a#d logicall*
i3"l*i#g lacB o% evide#ce to s(""ort t!e co#trar*.
EDERE?ORE, t!e "etitio# is -EN$E-. C!e Ja#(ar* 9, +,,7 -ecisio# a#d .arc! 6, +,,7 Resol(tio# o%
t!e Co(rt o% /""eals i# C/-G.R. 2 No. 9)6++, '!ic! a%%ir3ed t!e Ja#(ar* 41, +,,6 -ecisio# a#d
.arc! 8, +,,6 Resol(tio# o% t!e N5RC deleti#g t!e 5/7s i#cl(sio# o% sales 3a#age3e#t i#ce#tives i#
t!e co3"(tatio# o% "etitio#er7s retire3e#t 6e#e%its, is !ere6* /??$R.E-.
-esig#ated /cti#g .e36er, i# lie( o% /ssociate J(stice Jose Catral .e#doFa, "er Ra%%le dated
?e6r(ar* ++, +,1,.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
e##ed 6* /ssociate J(stice Re3edios /. 2alaFar-?er#a#da, 'it! /ssociate J(stices Jose Catral
.e#doFa 0#o' a 3e36er o%t!is Co(rt J(stice1 a#d Ra3o# .. Bato, Jr., co#c(rri#gG rollo, "". 16-4+.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 4)-45.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
C/ rollo, "". 1+-+,.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at +5-+7.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at +8-46.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Rollo, ". 47.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
revio(sl* ter3ed as 2ales er%or3a#ce $#ce#tive 02$1.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Records, "". 4-), ++.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 16G C/ rollo, ". ).KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 115-1+4.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 4)7-4)9, 451-458, 469-474.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 491-49+.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Do#da !ils., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g .ala*a#g .a#ggaga'a sa Do#da, G.R. NO. 1)5561, J(#e 15,
+,,5, )6, 2CR/ 186, 191-19+.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
&#iversit* o% t!e East v. &#iversit* o% t!e East E3"lo*ees7 /ssociatio#, G.R. NO. 179594, 2e"te36er
1), +,11, 657 2CR/ 647, 65,.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Easter# Celeco33(#icatio#s !ili""i#es, $#c., v. Easter# Celeco3s E3"lo*ees &#io#, G.R. NO.
185665, ?e6r(ar* 8, +,1+, 665 2CR/ 516, 544G &#iversit* o% t!e East v. &#iversit* o% t!e East
E3"lo*ees7 /ssociatio#, s("raG a#d /rco .etal rod(cts, Co., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g 3ga .a#ggaga'a
sa /rco .etal-N/?5& 02/./R.-N/?5&1, G.R. NO. 17,74), .a* 1), +,,8, 55) 2CR/ 11,, 118.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Easter# Celeco33(#icatio#s !ili""i#es, $#c., v. Easter# Celeco3s E3"lo*ees &#io#, s("raG a#d
/rco .etal rod(cts, Co., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g 3ga .a#ggaga'a sa /rco .etal-N/?5& 02/./R.-
N/?5&1, s("ra #ote 15.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
/rco .etal rod(cts, Co., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g 3ga .a#ggaga'a sa /rco .etal-N/?5& 02/./R.-
N/?5&1, s("ra #ote 15.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
2("re3e 2teel Cor"oratio# v. NagBaBaisa#g .a#ggaga'a #g 2("re3e $#de"e#de#t &#io# 0N.2-
$N--/51, G.R. NO. 185556, .arc! +8, +,11, 6)6 2CR/ 5,1, 5+7.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
2ee Easter# Celeco33(#icatio#s !ili""i#es, $#c., v. Easter# Celeco3s E3"lo*ees &#io#, s("ra #ote
15, at 54+G 2("re3e 2teel Cor"oratio# v. NagBaBaisa#g .a#ggaga'a #g 2("re3e $#de"e#de#t &#io#
0N.2-$N--/51, s("ra, at 5+8G a#d .etro"olita# Ba#B a#d Cr(st Co3"a#* v. Natio#al 5a6or Relatio#s
Co33issio#, G.R. NO. 15+9+8, J(#e 18, +,,9, 589 2CR/ 476, 48).KrLlLMlN6rLrO
.etro"olita# Ba#B a#d Cr(st Co3"a#* v. Natio#al 5a6or Relatio#s Co33issio#, s("ra, at 485-486G
/rco .etal rod(cts, Co., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g 3ga .a#ggaga'a sa /rco .etal-N/?5& 02/./R.-
N/?5&1, s("ra #ote 15, at 119G a#d Do#da !ils., $#c. v. 2a3a!a# #g .ala*a#g .a#ggaga'a sa
Do#da, s("ra #ote 14, at 195.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
.etro"olita# Ba#B a#d Cr(st Co3"a#* v. Natio#al 5a6or Relatio#s Co33issio#, s("ra #ote 19, at
2ee Easter# Celeco33(#icatio#s !ili""i#es, $#c., v. Easter# Celeco3s E3"lo*ees &#io#, s("ra #ote
15, at 54+G &#iversit* o% t!e East v. &#iversit* o% t!e East E3"lo*ees7 /ssociatio#, s("ra #ote 1)G a#d
.etro"olita# Ba#B a#d Cr(st Co3"a#* v. Natio#al 5a6or Relatio#s Co33issio#, s("ra #ote 19.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
2ee &#iversit* o% t!e East v. &#iversit* o% t!e East E3"lo*ees7 /ssociatio#, s("ra #ote 1), at 65,-
Records, "". 11,-111.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 1),-1)+, 157-16,.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
&#iversit* o% t!e East v. &#iversit* o% t!e East E3"lo*ees7 /ssociatio#, s("ra #ote 1).KrLlLMlN6rLrO
.aBati 2tocB E9c!a#ge, $#c. v. Ca3"os, G.R. NO. 14881), /"ril 16, +,,9, 585 2CR/ 1+,, 141.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
2("re3e 2teel Cor"oratio# v. NagBaBaisa#g .a#ggaga'a #g 2("re3e $#de"e#de#t &#io# 0N.2-
$N--/51, s("ra #ote 18, at 5++.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Rollo, "". 68-69.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
Records, "". 146-147.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 198.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at 444.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
C/ rollo, ". 14).KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at )4+-)44.KrLlLMlN6rLrO
$d. at )8,.

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