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Spatial Pattern of Garment Industrial Solid Waste Management in

Tangerang Selatan City (Case Study : PT Parahita Sanu Setia


Pranda Mulya Putra Garniwa
Department of Geography
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia

Widyawati Hadi
Department of Geography
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia

Hafid Setiadi
Department of Geography
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia


Waste problems have always been a problem because of the availability of
the disposal sites is always linked with the availability of land, land use, and
operating-non operating costs incurred. South Tangerang city is a new
separating city from the main city, Kota Tangerang. As a new city, Tangerang
Selatan is not ready yet to face waste management problem. There are 3
main waste producers, they are settlements, commercial areas, and industry.
Industry is main waste producer whose more varied types of waste than other
two sources. The purpose of this research is to review how industrial solid
waste management in Tangerang Selatan City in terms of spatial aspects
using variables such as location of the industries, types of industri, waste
production, distribution of disposal site, and types of waste management. By
using spatial analysist, Those variables can be categorized based on route,
direction and waste management steps. The research result shows that there
are only two types of waste management in South Tangerang city, they are
type Direct Disposing (Source Final Disposal Sites) and Type Reuse
(Source Waste Receiver Agent/reuser Final Disposal Sites). The
research result also shows that distance between Final Disposal Sites and the
industry dont effect solid waste management, but the types of waste do effect
to industrial solid waste management in South Tangerang City.

Solid Waste, Garment industrial, type of management, Waste Receiver and
Processor, 3R Program

Tangerang city Selatan was an autonomous region in the Banten Province.
Tangerang Selatan which is a separating city of the Tangerang District, had
problems when the Tangerang District decided not to transport waste which
produced by the Tangerang Selatan city (kompas.2009). Starting from that
decision, there is accumulation of garbage in many places in Tangerang Selatan
City. This situation become worse, because of uncompleted Final Disposal Sites
(FDS) Cipeucang, however if FDS Cipeucang is completed, only able to absorb
20% of total waste and garbage from all over Tangerang Selatan city
A few decades ago, the population of Tangerang Selatan city (formerly
Tangerang District) is still relatively small and needs of space of industry is still
relatively low, so the garbage disposal with conventional patterns are still
inadequate and able to do. Today, with the increasing pressure of population and
industrial development of Tangerang Selatan is quite rapid, and the massive
urbanization that disrupt and disturb the city and its structure and planning, so
the conventional waste management systems are no longer suitable. In addition,
the first waste management in industrial areas using the traditional concept of
KAB (collecting, transporting, disposing), but with Law of Waste Management
No.18 of 2008, the concept was changed, which is converted into waste
prevention, by applying the 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle), so the waste
disposed to landfill to a minimum or even zero waste (Ade Moetangad K, 2007).

The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis,by using a
qualitative approach and spatial correlation maps between these
determinant variables and comparison variables. Determinant variables is
include type of industry and waste management system. Comparison
variables is include the production of waste, availability of landfills, waste
transportation , and government policy. In this study, the author tries to
looking at the pattern of management of waste generated by the industry
in Tangerang Selatan, then linked to how far the implementation and effect
of the 3R concept of systems implemented by the waste management

Textile industry in Tangerang Selatan is an industry that has been existed
from Tangerang government era, until there was the separation between
Tangerang Selatan and Tangerang. There were approximately 52 textile
industries in Tangerang City, but unfortunately when Tangerang Citys era,
the textile industry is spread over the northern part of Tangerang City, while in
the south of Tangerang, there is only a few and mostly not the textile industry.
So when Tangerang Selatan city separated from Tangerang City, there is only
a large textile industry, it is PT Parahita Sanu Setia.
Garments Industry Parahita Sanu PT Setia has two basic patterns of
waste management, they are Direct Disposing Pattern and Reuse pattern.
So we can conclude that garment industry already did two of 3R Programs
(reduce, reuse, recycle). Because the industry does a program reuse /
recycle, so automatically garbage they produce-were also decreased
(reduced). 2 patterns of waste management occur in 4 different types of
waste, such as cloth, paper, plastic, and mixed waste.
Reuse Pattern of PT Setia Parahita Sanu occurs on 3 types of waste,
they are fabric/cloth, paper, and plastic. First, on fabric waste, the reuse
process was cosisted by involving a 3rd party. The thing that make differences
between fabric waste management of waste and others waste management is
fabric/cloth wastes recipient agent located outside Tangerang Selatan, it is in
Serang, Banten. It is the one makes spatial differences between location and
distance from wastes origin to wastes destinations.
Fabric/cloth waste has its own uniqueness, because the pattern of
cooperation in waste management between the waste agent and the garment
industry has non-formal cooperation. It means the cooperation doesnt has
any written contract with any waste agent, even The industry allow every
agent or every waste receiver to take out the trash, then disposing to
Rawakucing landfill.
However, because waste agent often picks up waste from the garment
industry, so non-formal cooperation is formed automatically. We can conclude
that the main factor why the spatial fabric waste disposed out of the
Tangerang Selatan was because of the non-formal cooperation of waste
management and industrial policy that intervention by the Tangerang Selatan
government policy .

Figure 1. Destination of Industrys Solid Waste, PT Parahita Sanu Setia

Second, Spatial phenomena occur in paper waste and plastic waste
management. Both of them have same pattern of waste management, it is called
Reuse Pattern, and it is occured inside territory of Tangerang Selatan. Reuse
process is involving receiving agent too, like fabric/ cloth waste management
pattern. The system of cooperation is not much different from fabric/ cloth wastes,
it is non-formal cooperation that was developed by frequencies of disposing waste
by waste agent.after the fabric/ cloth waste is disposed, the remaining waste that
is not transported by the recipient agent, will dispose into landfill Rawakucing in
Tangerang, so it can be concluded that the disposal process is done outside
Tangerang Selatan.

Figure 2. Garmen industrial solid waste management system in Tangerang

The Last one is mixed waste. Mixed Waste is consists of wastes that can not be
reused,recycled and generally, they are waste that does not have the reselling
score power. Mixed Waste has spatial differences in terms of the movement and
management. Mixed waste has only 1 management that the process is outside
Tangerang Selatan, where others waste (fabric/ cloth, paper, and plastic waste)
have two kinds of management and disposal routes inside and outside South

Industrial solid waste management in Tangerang Selatan basically have two types
of management, they are Direct Disposing Pattern and Reuse pattern. Direct
disposing pattern is waste disposing mechanism whereby the waste that is
produced directly dispose into landfill (Final Disposal Sites). Direct disposing
pattern occurs in all industrial waste which is used as the object of case study.
Reuse pattern is a waste disposing mechanism where the waste that produced is
taken, stored and processed into marketable and functionable waste, then the
remaining waste will be transported to the landfill. Spatial variation that occured is
the direction of waste transportation and wastedestinations, especially for reuse
pattern, it is transported to the location located outside and inside of Tangerang
Selatan. .
Distance between industry and the final disposal site has no effect on the
method of industrial solid waste management . Industrial solid waste
management pattern does not show spatial patterns that is organized and
systematic. Types of solid waste that has recycled and reused abilty and
can change the function of waste become valuable and reuseable waste,
can extend the route and pattern of the solid waste management. The
waste that has no ability to recycled and reused is not able to extend
lenght route and waste management pattern. Basically, cooperation
between industry and waste agent is formed by non formal cooperation,
such as unwritten agreement and cooperation, but this cooperation is
developed by the frequency and duration of the agent disposing waste out
of the industry.
Determinants factor of waste management, there are 3 kinds, they are :
concessions or political cooperation by the Government of Tangerang Selatan city
with other cities,then types and kinds of products produced by the industry, and
the size of the industrial scale which is calculated from the number of workers in
Industry in Tangerang Selatan basically has ability to process the waste from their
production processes. There are 3 steps that is solutive enough to controlling
industrial solid waste. First,industries must use new waste proessing technology,
second, is doing the steps of production process that are effective, efficient, and
precise. the last one, is by developing cooperation with waste agent formally, or
non-formally. However, these three solutions will be more effective if each
elements make integration between them, so it is not impossible if the industries
can produce their waste in very small amounts and numbers.

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