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The Baroque Period

Instructions: Circle or fill in the correct answers.
1. Counterpoint is a single line of melody supported by a harmonic accompaniment.
a. True
b. False

2. Idiomatic writing is a Baroque practice of changing dynamics abruptly.
a. True
b. False
3. Basso continuo is a set of numbers placed below the bass line to show harmonic progression.
a. True
b. False

4. A Pedal point is a sustained note over which harmonies change.
a. True
b. False
5. A real answer is an altered statement of the subject; while a tonal answer is an exact transposition
of the subject.
a. True
b. False

6. A Prelude is a highly structured, imitative contrapuntal composition.
a. True
b. False
7. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Baroque style?
a. Most rhythms were lively dance rhythms.
b. Textures were usually polyphonic.
c. The ideals of simplicity, balance, and an interest in real emotions became the focus for
d. The music was very ornate and often used dramatic leaps.

8. The size of the Classical Orchestra was:
a. Bigger than that of the Baroque Period.
b. Smaller than that of the Baroque Period.
c. The same size as that of the Baroque Period.
d. Nonexistent.
9. The Baroque Period lasted from:
a. 450-1450 A.D.
b. 1700-1800 A.D.
c. 1600-1750 A.D.
d. 1450-1600 A.D.

10. What song is a good example of Imitative Polyphony?
a. Started From the Bottom by Drake
b. 5th Symphony by Bethoveen
c. Ave Maria by Josquin des Prez
d. April is in My Mistress' Face by Thomas Morley

11. What is Imitative Polyphony?
a. Autotune
b. The thinning of voices
c. The changing of voices
d. The creation of voices

12. The first important Opera of the Baroque Period is Monteverdi's:
a. Dido and Aneas
b. Orfeo
c. Madame Butterfly
d. Carmen

13. Baroque music could be described as:
a. overdone, flamboyant, heavily ornamented.
b. laid back, shy, conservative.
c. Poppish, snobby, with attitude.
d. intensive, emotional, controlling.

14. A musical drama is called a:
a. Broadway
b. Opera
c. Musical
d. Chorus

15. List the two types of music:

16. The Baroque Era grew out of the Catholic Church's response to Martin Luther and

17. The mass was written in this language:
a. Italian
b. Latin
c. Hebrew
d. Egyptian

18. Music performed in churches was called religious music, while music performed outside of the
church (usually in royal/wealthy homes) was called
a. non-religious
b. medieval
c. secular
d. Islamic

19. Which one of these historic individuals was not known as a music composer:
a. Beethoven
b. Mozart
c. Bach
d. Picasso
e. Chopin

20. Toccata is a genre of Baroque instrumental music.
a. True
b. False

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