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Study guide compiled by:
Prof MR Dircksen
Edited nn.
=Page layout by Heinrich Botha, graphikos.
Printing arrangements and distribution by Department Logistics (Distribution Centre).
Printed by he Platinum Press !"# $%% &$$'.
Copyright $!"$ edition. Date o( re)ision $!"$.
*orth+,est -ni)ersity, Potche(stroom Campus.
*o part o( this boo. may be reproduced in any (orm or by any means /ithout /ritten
permission (rom the publisher.
0ationale................................................................................................................................ )
Lecturer.................................................................................................................................. )
1our prescribed te2tboo......................................................................................................... )
3odule outcomes................................................................................................................... )
Ho/ to study.......................................................................................................................... )i
he structure o( this module.................................................................................................. )i
4tudy icons................................................................................................................... )ii
5ction )erbs......................................................................................................................... )iii
C5...................................................................................................................................... )iii
6acilitation ............................................................................................................................ i2
5ssessment............................................................................................................................ 2
7ntroduction............................................................................................................................ 2i
,arning against plagiarism.................................................................................................. 2)i
" Chapters "+'
(82(ord Latin Course).............................................................................................................. "
"." Chapter "9
(82(ord Latin Course).......................................................................................................... :
".$ Chapter $9
(82(ord Latin Course).......................................................................................................... '
".: Chapter :9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ "!
".& Chapter &9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ "&
".; Chapter ;9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ "#
".' Chapter '9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ $:
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(82(ord Latin Course)............................................................................................................ $%
$." Chapter <9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ :"
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(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ :;
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(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ &!
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(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ &%
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: Chapter ":+"#
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(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ ;%
:.$ Chapter "&9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ ':
:.: Chapter ";9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ '#
:.& Chapter "'9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ <:
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(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ <'
:.' Chapter "#9
(82(ord Latin Course)........................................................................................................ #$
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(82(ord Latin Course)...................................................................................................... "!:
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(82(ord Latin Course)...................................................................................................... "!<
&.' Chapter $&9
(82(ord Latin Course)...................................................................................................... """
5ssignments $!"$................................................................................................... "";
,hy is a basic .no/ledge o( Latin still essential>
?no/ledge o( Latin is an ad)antage to the 4outh 5(rican law studet, since our common la/
is largely based on the 0oman Dutch la/ and many Latin legal ma2ims are used in legal
documents and in the courts.
he t!eological studet /ill bene(it (rom .no/ledge o( Latin, since Latin phrases and
@uotes o(ten occur in theological articles and boo.s. 3ost o( these authors still assume that
the reader has a / .no/ledge o( the Latin language and )ocabulary.
?no/ledge o( Latin /ill also impro)e your understanding o( English. 3ore than ;!A o(
English /ords are deri)ed (rom Latin. 1our .no/ledge o( Latin /ill enable you to recognise
the meaning o( di((icult English /ords.
Latin is also a help in learning (oreign languages, since 7talian, Portuguese, 4panish and
6rench are descended (rom Latin.
5bo)e all Latin teaches one to thin. logically and clearly, a s.ill /hich is essential in all
academic subBects.
7n your daily reading you /ill come across many re(erences to commonly .no/n (acts about
the 0omans. 5 basic .no/ledge o( 0oman culture and politics should there(ore (orm part o(
an educated personCs (rame o( re(erence. o in(orm you about the subBect, this course
includes bac.ground study (in broad outlines) on some aspects o( the 0oman state and
he success(ul completion o( this module is a prere@uisite (or the module, L5* "$".
Pro( 30 Dirc.sen
0oom "$; heology
elephone (/) !"# $%% "#:%
(h) !"# $%< "!<;
E+mail 3arianne.Dirc.senDn/
Balme 3. F 3or/ood G. "%%'. Oxford Latin Course. 4econd Edition. 82(ord9 82(ord
-ni)ersity Press (Part 7 and Part 77). 5ll re(erences to chapters, e2cercises and pages pertain
to this boo. unless other/ise stipulated.
5(ter you ha)e completed this module success(ully9
1ou /ill be able to apply your .no/ledge o( Latin to the translation o( rele)ant passages. 1ou
/ill also be able to gi)e an o)er)ie/ o( certain 0oman cultural topics and history.
0ead the captions to the cartoons. heir meaning is intended to be sel(+e)ident and you
should be able to read and understand them straight a/ay /ith the help o( the pictures.
1ou should no/ be able to tac.le the narrati)e.
7( you are uncertain o( the correct translation, re(er to the translation gi)en in the study
4tudy the )ocabulary and grammar o( each lesson thoroughly. Hrammatical e2planations
are (ound in the bac. o( the prescribed boo. (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"!#(().
est your .no/ledge o( the grammar and )ocabulary by doing the e2ercises on the
rele)ant chapter. hese e2ercises can be (ound at the bac. o( your prescribed boo.
(Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"!#).
Chec. your ans/ers by re(erring to the ans/ers gi)en in this study guide at the end o(
each study unit.
8nce you ha)e /or.ed through a /hole study unit, test your .no/ledge by doing the
assignment /hich you /ill (ind at the end o( the study unit.
Hand in the assignment by the time stipulated in the time schedule pro)ided. he
assignments are printed at the bac. o( the study guide.
his module is di)ided into (our study units. Each study unit consists o( si2 chapters o( your
prescribed boo.. he study units are di)ided into si2 study sections each corresponding /ith
a chapter (rom 82(ord Latin course.
5ppro2imate study time. 7ndi)idual e2ercise.
7mportant in(ormation. Prepare yoursel( (or participation
in the group meeting I contact
session on this issue. 7t is a
good e2ample o( an e2amination
a.e your ans/ers /ith
you to the contact
session I group meeting
(or discussion.
List o( concepts /ith or /ithout
5dditional reading. Practical e2ample.
7ntroductory statements. Heneral o)er)ie/.
4tudy the (ollo/ing
section I e2planation I
discussion attenti)ely.
4tudy the indicated
material(s) in the
te2tboo. I article, etc.
3a.e use o(Ipractise.
4upply all the Latin (orms o( a )erb to sho/ /hich person (7, you, he, /e, you(plural) or they)
is per(orming the action.
4upply the Latin (orm (or each case (nominati)e, )ocati)e, etc.) o( a noun.
Learn so /ell that you are able to recite.
Hi)e an ade@uate English e@ui)alent o( a Latin (orm.
Percei)e the meaning o(Iable to e2plain.
1ou are e2pected to spend at least one hour per /ee. in the language laboratory doing
computer+aided learning. 1ou /ill recei)e mar.s (or this /or. /hich /ill (orm ";A o( your
participation mar.. he times /hen the language laboratory (6d $!:) /ill be a)ailable to
you, /ill be arranged /ith you during the (irst contact session.
5 senior undergraduate student /ill present the (acilitation classes. he time and place /ill
be communicated during contact sessions.
Time sc!edule
'omewo,- Class (o,- Test . Assigmet
,ee. " 7ntroduction
,ee. $ 4tudy section "."
4tudy section ".$
Class est "
Class test $
,ee. : 4tudy section ".: Class test :
,ee. & 4tudy section ".& Class test & Test / study
/0/1/02 3C!0 /124
,ee. ; 4tudy section".;
4tudy section".'
Class test ;
Class test '
,ee. ' 4tudy section $." Class test < Assigmet /
,ee. < 4tudy section $.$
4tudy section $.:
Class test #
Class test %
,ee. # 4tudy section $.& Class test "! Test 5
study sectio 5051
502 3C! 61/74
,ee. % 4tudy section $.;
4tudy section $.'
Class test ""
Class test "$
,ee. "! 4tudy section :." Class test ": Assigmet 5
Test 8 study
sectio 509180/ 3C!
,ee. "$ 4tudy section :.$J :.:
4tudy section
:.&J :.;
Class test
Class test
,ee. ": 4tudy section :.' Class test
Test 2 study
sectio 805180: 3C!
/21/64 Assigmet
,ee. "& 4tudy section &."J &.$
4tudy section &.:
Class test $!
Class test $"
,ee. "; 4tudy section &.&
4tudy section &.;
Class test $$
Class test $:
,ee. "' 4tudy section &.' Class test $&
I o,de, to ;uali<y to w,ite t!e e=amiatio you !a>e to obtai a pa,ticipatio
ma,- o< 89? 3/
yea, studets4 o, 27? 3seio, studets4 du,ig t!e semeste,0
'ow t!e pa,ticipatio ma,- is compiled
544E443E* E44 (:!)
CL544 E44 (&!)
5447H*3E*4 (";)
C5 (";)
TOTAL (100)
In this introduction you are provided with a summary of the linguistic terms which you will encounter in the
study of ancient languages (Greek, Hebrew and Latin). In order to understand the language system of ancient languages the
student has to know what is meant by parts of speech or word classes, the function of words in a specific sentence, syntax
and the linguistic concept of inflection.
1. Parts of speech or word classes
he word classes or parts of speech are nouns, verbs, ad!ectives, adverbs, articles, pronouns,
prepositions, con!unctions, particles and participles.
In the sentence"
The little man and his wife suddenly see a big jumping dog in the garden
the parts of speech are as follows"
the definite article
little ad!ective
man noun
and con!unction
his pronoun
wife noun
suddenly adverb
see verb
a indefinite article
big ad!ective
!umping participle
dog noun
in preposition
the definite article
garden noun
# brief description of each of these parts of speech with additional e$amples are given here as illustration.
%.% The verb
# verb describes or names an action, a state&condition or a development' in other words, it states
what someone or something does, is or undergoes. (or e$ample"
John examines the horse.
Are you not sick?
The attention abates.
%.%.% he form of the verb
)erbs have active and passive forms. he active indicates that the sub!ect of a sentence is carrying out the action
himself. (or e$ample"
The man calls the boy.
he passive indicates that the sub!ect of a sentence is undergoing the action. (or e$ample"
The boy is called by the man.
%.%.* he mood of the verb
he mood indicates in what manner an author or speaker portrays the action. If he portrays the
action as a reality, in other words that a person carries out or undergoes an action at a specific
moment, he uses the indicative. (or e$ample"
The man works.
We are being educated.
If a speaker or author portrays the action indefinitely, namely without specifying who carries out
the action, he uses the infinitive. (or e$ample"
To work
If he states an action as a wish, possibility, re+uest, encouragement or consideration, he uses the
conjunctive or subjunctive. (or e$ample"
May he die!
Let us attack!
What am I still to do?
If the action is stated as an order to another person, the imperative is used. (or e$ample"
%.%., he tense of the verb
# verb form also indicates that an action, condition or development takes place within a certain time. (or e$ample" in
the present, the future or the past.
We worked hard yesterday.
We will work hard tomorrow.
%.%.- he person of the verb
.e distinguish between three persons of the sub!ect in the singular and in the plural"
Singular Plural
%st person / I %st person / we
*nd person / you *nd person / you
,rd person / he&she&it ,rd person / they
%.* he noun
0ouns are the names we give to persons, ob!ects, matters, abstract ideas or characteristics. (or
e$ample Romulus, Rome, thens, person, dog, salt, iron, swarm, team, courage
%.*.% he gender of the noun
0ouns may belong to three genders" masculine, feminine and neuter. he gender is not always
determined in a biological sense. he Latin word for 1wall2 is masculine, while the word for 1table2 is
%.*.* he number of the noun
!umber implies the singular or plural form of the noun. he number of 1soldier2 is singular and that of
1soldiers2 plural.
%., he adjective
#n ad!ective is added to a noun to +ualify traits thereof.
a retty horse// The tree is tall.
%.- he adverb
#n adverb is used to +ualify a verb or ad!ective or another adverb.
She works hard (1hard2 +ualifies the verb 1works2)
The tree is !ery tall (very2 +ualifies the ad!ective 1tall2)
!e works extremely "ealously (1e$tremely2 +ualifies the adverb 13ealously2)
%.4 he conjunction
5on!unction sometimes links words but normally it links sentences with each other"
# see the goat and the sheep.
!e may do that$ but he does not want to.
"ecause he is afraid$ he is running away.
%.6 he preposition
7repositions tell us what the relationship is between one noun or pronoun and the other, or what the link is between a
verb and a noun or pronoun.
a ring on a finger
!e climbs onto the table.
!e stands at my door.
%.8 he pronoun
7ronouns take the place of nouns.
Where is John? # do not see him anywhere.
#s this the ship which you ha%e bought?
%.9 he participle
# participle is an ad!ective which is formed by changing the verb. he most important participles are
the present and past participles. # participle may be used as an ad!ective or an adverb.
Present participles or Praesens participia
!umping, walking, chewing, threatening
The singing boy runs down the mountain. (used as ad!ective)
The boy runs down the mountain singing. (used as adverb)
Past participles or Perfectum participia
:ought, booked, appreciated
". Function of words in a specific sentence
7arts of speech are arranged in series with other words to form sentences. he main clause in any
language normally consists of three ingredients, namely the doer or agent (; / sub!ect) who carries out
the action' the action or events (7 / predicate) and the ob!ect who&which undergoes or suffers the
action (< / ob!ect).
he traditional names for these ingredients of the main clause are the sub!ect (;) (for the doer),
predicate (7) (for the events) and ob!ect (<) (for the suffering ob!ect). However, not all verbs have an
ob!ect. ;uch verbs are called intransiti%e %erbs$ for e$ample # sit).
=$tensions may be added to each of the three elements (;, 7, <). hese may be only one word, a phrase, or a whole sentence
with its own main clause components. In the first e$ample sentence the ad!ectives 1little2 and 1big2 are e$tensions to the
nouns 1man2 and 1dog2 respectively, and therefore they form part of the sub!ect. he adverb 1suddenly2 is an e$tension of the
verb 1see2. he article is also a type of e$tension.
#. Syntax
.hen the e$tension of the noun is almost a sentence in its own right (with its own ;, 7 and <
elements), it is called a relative clause. # similar clause which +ualifies a verb is called an adverbial
clause. hen the whole sentence consists of a main clause and its clause(s), and it forms a comple$
he e$ample sentence could be e$panded in the following way"
>#I0 5L#?;= ;?:<@AI0#= 5L#?;=
The man who (S& is dri%ing ('& the car ((& (relati%e clause&
sees after he (S& has turned ('& the corner ((& (ad%erbial clause&
a dog which (S& is walking ('& in the street (relati%e clause&
here is a whole series of ad!ectival (or relative) and adverbial clauses, each starting with a specific
@=L#I)= 5L#?;=; #A)=@:I#L 5L#?;=;
which&that time (when, after, while, until)
whose&of which place&locality (where)
with whom&with what cause (because, as, since)
by whom&trough which condition (if, unless)
to whom&to which purpose (so that, to)
result (conse+uently, that)
manner (in which way, how)
concession (although)
condition (if)
-. I<lectio
Like most modern languages =nglish is analytical in nature' in other words, it forms its sentences by means
of word order without changing much to the form of the words. (or e$ample, the e$ample sentence
The little man sees a big dog
means something totally different if the word order is changed to
The small dog sees a big man.
he meaning of the sentence changes without the form of the words changing. he function of the
words in the sentence is determined by their position in the series.
#ncient languages like Greek, Latin and the ;emitic languages are 1inflected2. In other words, the
function of words in the sentence are not determined by the word order, but by the form of the words. he
words undergo a multitude of changes.
his is not a totally unknown phenomenon in =nglish.he noun has sub!ect and ob!ect forms (he, him), singular and plural
forms (house, houses), as well as gender forms (man, woman).
In a synthetic language the e$tent is !ust that much greater. In =nglish a verb undergoes a ma$imum of three transformations"
sing, sang, sung. # Greek verb undergoes -BB changesC
his phenomenon where the form of the word is changed is called i<lectio.
he ending o( a noun indicates /hat the (unction o( the /ord in the sentence is ((or e2ample, subBect or
obBect)J it indicates number (singular or plural) and it indicates the gender of a noun (masculine,
fiminine or neuter). .hen different endings are added to the root of the noun or ad!ective to indicate
the function, number or gender, we say that the word is declined.
In the case of verbs there are other forms for each of the following"
(a) 7erson (lst, *nd, ,rd) and number singular (I, you, he&she&it) and plural (we, you, they)
(b) ense" past, present, future
(c) >ood (manner)" indicative, sub!unctive, infinitive
(d) (orm" active or passive
(e) 7articiples, verbal nouns&ad!ectives
.hen the form of the verb changes to indicate another person, tense, mood or form we say the verb is
Re>isio e=e,cise
Label all o< t!e ude,lied pa,ts o< speec! 3wo,d classes40 (,ite dow t!e wo,d ad
e=t to it w!et!e, it is a ou@ ad+ecti>e@ ad>e,b@ etc0
". 5 true gentleman /ill not lea)e his belo)ed out in the cold.
$. 7n this case bra)ery /ill not help at all.
:. Let us treat the /ise /omen in our community /ith the necessary respect.
&. he church /ith the high to/er on the street corner is burningL
;. *obody is (ond o( a crying child.
'. Here are the tic.ets (or the boo.ed seats in the auditorium.
Idicate t!e sub+ect 3S4@ ob+ect 3O4 ad p,edicate 3#4 i eac! o< t!e <ollowig
seteces0 All t!,ee elemets a,e ot ecessa,ily p,eset i eac! setece0
". he (irst year students o( my residence sho/ the best spirit.
$. he lecturer and 7 share a lo)e (or classical music.
:. he (ood in the residence lounge is de)oured.
&. 4tudents miss their parents.
;. Parents are being missed.
Name t!e ude,lied types o< seteces:
". 7( the senior student shouts at you, you should simply ignore him.
$. he singing church member does not /ant to sing too loudly so that her pretty )oice
does not o)erpo/er the )oices o( the old men.
:. ,hile you are the co((ee 7 /ill pac. out my boo.s.
&. he girl /ho loo.s so pretty in this photograph is my high school s/eetheart.
Copyig o( te2t (rom other learners or (rom other sources ((or instance the study guide,
prescribed material or directly (rom the internet) is ot allowed M only brie( @uotations are
allo/ed and then only i( indicated as such.
1ou should ,e<o,mulate e2isting te2t and use your ow wo,ds to e2plain /hat you ha)e
read. 7t is not acceptable to retype e2isting te2t and Bust the source in a
(ootnote M you should be able to relate the idea or concept, /ithout repeating the original
author to the letter.
he aim o( the assignments is not the reproduction o( e2isting material, but to ascertain
/hether you ha)e the ability to integrate e2isting te2ts, add your o/n interpretation andIor
criti@ue o( the te2ts and o((er a creati)e solution to e2isting problems.
$e wa,ed: studets w!o submit copied te=t will obtai a ma,- o< Be,o <o, t!e
assigmet ad disciplia,y steps may be ta-e by t!e )aculty adCo, Ui>e,sity0 It is
also uacceptable to do somebody elseDs wo,-@ to led you, wo,- to t!em o, to ma-e
you, wo,- a>ailable to t!em to copy E be ca,e<ul ad do ot ma-e you, wo,- a>ailable
to ayoeF
4tudy unit "
ime schedule (or this 4tudy -nit is appro2imately $! hours
Study unit contents
4tudy section "." Chapter "9 (82(ord Latin Course)........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section ".$ Chapter $9 (82(ord Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section ".: Chapter :9 (82(ord Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section ".& Chapter &9 (82(ord Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section ".; Chapter ;9 (82(ord Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section ".' Chapter '9 (Oxford Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy unit "
A<te, completig t!is study uit you s!ould be able to
conBugate all regular Latin )erbs in the present tense, (acti)e )oice) and translate these
(orms into English
conBugate the )erb sum in the present tense and translate the (orms into English
(orm and translate the in(initi)e o( all regular Latin )erbs
(orm the nominati)e, )ocati)e, accusati)e and ablati)e cases o( all Latin nouns belonging
to the "st declension and all masculine nouns o( the $nd declension, and translate
these noun (orms according to their (unction in a sentence
translate the Latin prepositions in and ad in conte2t
understand the concept o( Nagreement o( adBecti)esO and to apply this .no/ledge in the
translation o( adBecti)es o( the (irst group (magnus magna magnum) /hen they appear
in a sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords indicated in the List o( contents o( 4tudy 4ections "."
to ".'
translate Latin passages in /hich the )ocabulary and grammatical (orms mentioned
abo)e, appear
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the aspects o( 0oman culture and history indicated in the List o(
contents o( 4tudy 4ections "." to ".'
4tudy unit "
/0/ C'A#TER /:
List of contents
ranslation9 4cintilla and Horatia at home
Hrammar9 Perbs9"st conBugation, :rd person singular.
*ouns and adBecti)es9 nominati)e singular, "st declension.
4ynta29 subBect+)erbJ subBect+ est -
Cultural topic9 he li(e career and /or.s o( Quintus Horatius 6laccus
(Chapter "9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate simple Latin sentences consisting o( a subBect and a )erb o( the (irst conBugation
in the third person singular, present tense acti)e
translate simple Latin sentences consisting o( a subBect, the )erb est and a complement
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter " o( your prescribed boo.
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the li(e, career and /or.s o( Quintus Horatius 6laccus
4tudy unit "
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p."! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Scitilla ad 'o,atia at
Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
(") Latin has no /ord (or NaIanO or NtheO. he appropriate article must be supplied (rom the
($) Personal pronouns are omitted (labo,at=she /or.sJ ceat=she dines).
(:) 1our reading /ill be more (luent i( you ha)e (irst glanced through the list o( ne/ /ords. /ords that do not appear in the )ocabularies are glossed in the margin o( the
narrati)e passage. 8nce a /ord has been glossed three times, /e cease to gloss it.
he meaning o( certain /ords is clear (rom the conte2t and thus their English
deri)ati)es are intentionally omittedJ their meaning must be NguessedO.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 %, "!#, and the )ocabulary on p."!.
Do E2ercise ".", ".$ and ".: on p."!# and p."!% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
4tudy unit "
Cartoon Captions:
". Quintus is a 0oman boy.
$. Quintus li)es in 5pulia. 5pulia is in 7taly.
:. 4cintilla is a 0oman /omanJ she is / in the house.
& Horatia is a 0oman girlJ she is dining in the house.
Scintilla and Horatia at home
4cintilla /or.sIis / in the house. 4he is tired. Horatia comes into the houseJ she is
hungry. But dinner is not ready. 4cintilla hurries and soon dinner is ready.
NLoo.LO she says, Ndinner is ready.O he girl is gladJ she hurries to the table and eats greedily.
he ne2t day 4cintilla /al.s to the shops. Horatia /or.s in the house. 4oon 4cintilla returns
and comes into the house. Loo., dinner is ready. 4cintilla is glad.
E=e,cise /0/
". he /oman hurriesIis hurrying.
$. he girl dinesIis dining.
:. 4cintilla entersIis entering.
&. Horatia does not /or.Iis not /
E=e,cise /05
". 4cintilla is tired.
$. he girl is happy.
:. Dinner is not ready.
&. 4cintilla is a /oman.
E=e,cise /08
". intrat he girl enters the house.
$. laborat he /oman is /
:. est Dinner is not ready.
&. (estinat 4cintilla is hurrying.
;. cena 4oon dinner is ready.
'. laeta Horatia is glad.
he li(e, career and /or.s o( Quintus Horatius 6laccus (Balme F 3or/ood "%%'9""+"$)
4tudy unit "
/05 C'A#TER 5:
List of contents
ranslation9 5rgus steals the dinner
Hrammar9 *ouns and adBecti)es9 accusati)e singular, "st declension
4ynta29 subBect + obBect + )erb
Cultural topic9 ,omen
(Chapter $9 Oxford Latin Course)
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate simple Latin sentences consisting o( a subBect, )erb and obBect
translate sentences in /hich the noun is @uali(ied by an adBecti)e
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $ o( your prescribed boo.
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the role /omen played in 0oman society
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. ": (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p"& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 A,gus steals t!e die,0
4tudy unit "
Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
(") Latin does not e2press NhisO, NherO, etc. i( the re(erence is ob)ious (Scitilla <iliam
laudat = 4cintilla praises her daughter.)
($) Latin uses the adBecti)e laeta, /here English idiom o(ten demands the ad)erb ('o,atia
<abulam laeta audit = Horatia listens to the story happily.)
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ":, "!% and the )ocabulary on p. "&
Do E2ercise $." on p."!%, $.$ and $.: on p.""! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
4tudy unit "
Cartoon Captions:
4cintilla is / in the houseJ she is preparing dinner.
Horatia enters the houseJ she greets 4cintilla.
Horatia is helping 4cintillaJ she is carrying /ater into the house.
5rgus enters the house and greets Horatia.
Argus steals the dinner
4cintilla is / in the houseJ she is preparing dinnerJ she is tired. Horatia is idling in the
street. 4cintilla calls her daughter. he girl enters the house and helps 4cintillaJ she carries
/ater into the house. 4cintilla praises her daughter.
Dinner is ready. 4cintilla calls her daughter and tells a story. Horatia listens to the story
happily. 4oon 5rgus enters the house. He loo.s at the dinnerJ suddenly he snatches it and
s/allo/s it do/n. 4cintilla is angryJ 5rgus (lees into the street. 4cintilla prepares another
E=e,cise 50/
". Horatia Horatia is / in the house.
$. 4cintillam he girl calls 4cintilla.
:. 4cintillaJ casam. 4cintilla enters the house.
&. 4cintillam Her daughter greets 4cintilla.
;. cenam he girl prepares dinner.
'. (iliam 4cintilla praises her daughter.
<. cenam 5rgus enters the house and de)ours the dinner.
#. irataJ parat.4cintilla is angryJ she again prepares dinner.
E=e,cise 505
". )ocat 4cintilla calls her daughter.
$. intrat 4cintillam.Horatia enters the house and greets 4cintilla.
:. iu)at. Horatia helps 4cintilla.
&. narrat. 4cintilla praises Horatia and tells a story.
;. laeta. Horatia is happy.
E=e,cise 508
". Horatia a@uam in casam portat.
$. (essa est, sed (estinat.
:. (in) casam intrat et 4cintillam )ocat.
&. 4cintilla (iliam laudat.
4tudy unit "
he role o( /omen in the 0oman home and society (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9";+"<)
4tudy unit "
/08 C'A#TER 8:
List of contents
ranslation9 Quintus helps his (ather
Hrammar9 Perbs9 :rd person singular, all conBugations
*ouns and adBecti)es9 nominati)e and accusati)e
singular, $nd declension.
4ynta29 genderJ agreement o( adBecti)es
Cultural topic9 4la)es and (reedmen
(Chapter :9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate the third person singular o( Latin )erbs o( all conBugations in the present tense,
translate simple Latin sentences in /hich second declension nouns are used
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter :
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the role sla)es and (reedmen played in 0oman society
". ranslate the captions to the pictures on p.# (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. "% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Guitus !elps !is <at!e,0
4tudy unit "
(") oli>as9 Latin uses the same /ord (or both the tree and the (ruit
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"#, ""!, """, ""$ and the )ocabulary on p. "%.
Do e2ercise :.", :.$, :.:, :.& and :.; (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon Captions:
". 6laccus is a 0oman (armerJ he /or.s in the (ield.
$. 6laccus brings 5rgus into the (ield.
:. 5rgus does not help 6laccus but sleeps.
&. Quintus enters the (ield. he boy calls 5rgus but 5rgus does not hearJ (or he is
Quintus helps his father
he ne2t day 4cintilla calls QuintusJ she sends him to the (ield. Quintus is carrying (ood to
6laccusJ (or 6laccus is / in the (ield (or a long time and he is tired. he boy hurries to
the (ieldJ he 5rgus /ith him. 4oon Quintus enters the (ieldJ he sees 6laccus and calls
him. 6laccus hears his son and /al.s to himJ he sits on the ground and eats the (ood.
Quintus does not return home but stays in the (ield and helps 6laccus. He climbs an oli)e
tree and do/n the oli)es. 6laccus collects the oli)es. 4uddenly Quintus slips and (alls
to the ground. 6laccus is an2ious and runs to him, but Quintus is not hurtJ he gets up and
returns home.
4tudy unit "
E=e,cise 80/
". Quintus enters the (ield and calls 6laccus.
$. he boy helps the (armer.
:. he (armer praises his son.
&. Horatia enters the house and calls 4cintilla.
;. he girl helps the /oman.
'. 4cintilla praises her daughter.
E=e,cise 805
". he hears
$. he is coming
:. she sees
&. he is preparing
;. she calls
'. he is sitting
<. she is returning
#. he climbs
%. she is /
"!. she praises
"". he runs
"$. she greets
E=e,cise 808
terra = (eminine
puer = masculine
)ia = (eminine
sa2um = neuter
(abula = (eminine
colonus = masculine
bellum = neuter
E=e,cise 802
". (ilia (essa est.
$. (ilius laetus est.
:. cena non parata est.
&. puer iratus est.
;. (abula non longa est.
E=e,cise 809
". (abulamJ laeta. 4cintilla tells a storyJ her daughter is happy.
4tudy unit "
$. laudatJ laetus. 6laccus praises his sonJ Quintus is happy.
:. colonumJ puerum he boy calls the (armerJ the (armer does not hear the boy.
&. )idetJ irata. he girl sees 4cintillaJ 4cintilla is angry.
;. laboratJ (essus .Quintus is / (or a long timeJ the boy is tired.
he role o( sla)es and (reedmen in 0oman society (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 $!+$:).
4tudy unit "
/02 C'A#TER 2:
List of contents
ranslation9 5t the (ountain
Hrammar9 Perbs9 :rd person plural, all conBugations
*ouns and adBecti)es9 nominati)e and accusati)e
plural, "st and $nd declensions
Cultural topic9 he country to/n Penusia
(Chapter &9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, you !a>e completed t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin sentences /hich include )erbs o( all conBugations in the third person
plural, acti)e
translate Latin sentences in /hich adBecti)es agree /ith either the subBect or the obBect o(
the sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter &
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( li(e in the ancient to/n o( Penusia
4tudy unit "
". ranslate the captions to the pictures on p. $& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.$; (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Scitilla ad 'o,atia at t!e
(") he duo>i,i /ere the t/o magistrates elected each year in all colonies.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9""$, "":, ""& (the note at the top o( the page) and the )ocabulary
on p. $;.
Do E2ercise &.", &.$, &.:, &.&, &.; (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon Captions:
". he boy sees the girlJ he calls her.
$. he boys see the girlsJ they call them.
:. he girl hears the boy and ans/ers.
&. he girls hear the boys and ans/er.
;. 5rgus is good.
'. 5rgus and 6idus are bad.
4tudy unit "
Scintilla and Horatia at the fountain
E)ery day /hen 6laccus goes to the (ield, 4cintilla and Horatia hurry to the spring. hey
carry big /ater pots. ,hen they come to the spring, many /omen are already there. 4ome
are dra/ing /ater, others are carrying the (ull /ater pots. 4cintilla greets them and chats /ith
her (riends (or a long time. Horatia plays /ith the girls. 5t length 4cintilla dra/s /ater and
returns home. Horatia also dra/s /ater and hurries a(ter 4cintilla.
he urn is bigJ Horatia carries it /ith di((iculty. 4uddenly she slipsJ the urn (alls to the groundJ
the /ater (lo/s out onto the ground. Horatia sits on the groundJ N5las, alas,O she says, Nthe
urn is bro.en.O 4he calls 4cintillaJ she (4cintilla) returns to her and says, N8h daughter, /hy
are you sitting on the ground> Het up and bring another /ater pot (rom the house.O Horatia
gets upJ she returns to the house and carries another /ater pot to the spring. 4he dra/s
/ater and hurries home.
,hen Horatia returns home, Quintus is already on his /ay to school. He is / slo/ly
and o(ten stops. Horatia hurries and soon sees him. N,ait, Quintus,O she says. Quintus /aitsJ
Horatia runs to him. hey go on to school together.
E=e,cise 20/
narrant, mittunt, sedent, dormiunt, )ident, intrant.
E=e,cise 205
(eminae laetae, colonos iratos, pueri (essi, puellas miseras, agros magnos.
E=e,cise 208
". puellae pueros )ident. he girls see the boys.
$. pueri (eminas audiunt.he boys hear the /omen.
:. (eminae (ilios laudant.he /omen praise their sons.
&. puellae (essae sunt. he girls are tired.
;. pueri laborant. he boys are /
'. coloni (ilios ducunt.he (armers lead their sons.
<. illae (eminae eos iu)ant. hose /omen are helping them.
#. puellae urnas magnas portant.he girls are carrying big urns.
%. pueri puellas )ident.he boys see the girls.
"!. puellae pueros )ocant.he girls call the boys.
E=e,cise 202
". they are hurrying
$. he hears
:. they stay
&. they hear
;. they are present
'. they are preparing
<. she is calling
#. they climb
4tudy unit "
%. they run
"!. he sees
"". he is approaching
"$. they praise
E=e,cise 209
". Quintus calls 6laccusJ he (6laccus) does not hear his son.
$. 4cintilla praises her daughterJ she (Horatia) is happy.
:. he /omen lead their daughters to the springJ they (the daughters) carry big urns.
&. he boys see the (armersJ they (the (armers) are / on the (ield.
0oman colonies in 7taly + their origin and go)ernment (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9$<+$%).
4tudy unit "
/09 C'A#TER 9:
List of contents
ranslation9 day
Hrammar9 Perbs9 all persons o( present tense, all (our conBugations
*ouns and adBecti)es9 ablati)e case
Cultural topic9 he 0oman (armer + and day
(Chapter ;9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin )erbs o( all conBugations in all persons, present tense acti)e
translate sentences in /hich nouns and adBecti)es are in the 5blati)e or 5ccusati)e case
a(ter prepositions
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter ;
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the li(e on a 0oman (arm and the acti)ities at a 0oman
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. :! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.:" (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Ma,-et day0
4tudy unit "
(") udiae is plural in (orm but singular in meaning.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9""&, "";, ""' and the )ocabulary on p. :".
Do e2ercises ;.", ;.$, ;.:, ;.&, ;.;, ;.' and ;.< on pp"";+""< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon Captions:
". Quintus as.s his (riend9 N,hy are you / in the (ield>O he (riend replies9 N7 am
helping the (armer.O
$. Quintus as.s his (riends9 N,hy are you / in the (ield>O he (riends reply9 N,e are
helping the (armers.O
:. 4cintilla as.s Quintus9 N,hy are you lying on the ground, Quintus>O Quintus replies, N7
am lying on the ground because 7 am tired.O
&. Quintus as.s the girls9 N,hy are you sitting in the garden, girls>O he girls reply9 N,e
are sitting in the garden, because /e are tired.O
;. Quintus as.s 4cintilla, N,hat are you doing>O 4cintilla replies, N7 am preparing dinner.O
'. Horatia as.s the boys, N,hat are you doing, boys>O he boys reply, N,e are hurrying
to school.O
4tudy unit "
Ma,-et day
he ne2t day 6laccus and 4cintilla get up earlyJ (or it is day. 6laccus carries a big
sac. o( /oolJ 4cintilla puts oli)es and (igs into bas.ets. Horatia is sitting in the garden. 4oon
4cintilla calls HoratiaJ N,hat are you doing, Horatia>O she saysJ N5re you ready> ,e are
going to Horatia replies9 N7 am readyJ 7 am coming at once.O 6laccus carries the
/ool, 4cintilla the oli)es and Horatia the (igsJ they hurry to the (orum.
,hen they arri)e at the (orum, many men and /omen are already thereJ throughout the
/hole (orum there are stalls. he (armers are shouting and praising their /ares. 4ome are
selling grapes, some /ool, others (igs. 6laccus leads 4cintilla and his daughter to an empty
placeJ they put up their stall and put out their /ares.
4oon a (riend approaches the stall and greets 6laccusJ he loo.s at the /ool. 6laccus says9
Nhe /ool is good and not e2pensi)e. 7 sell the /hole sac. (or three denarii.O he (riend says9
N1ou are too much, 6laccus, 7 gi)e t/o denarii.O 6laccus agrees and hands o)er the
3ean/hile a /oman goes up to 4cintilla and as.s9 NHo/ much are the oli)es>O 4he ans/ers9
N7 am selling those oli)es (or one denarius. he /oman buys the oli)es. 5nother /oman
comes up and loo.s at the (igs (or a long timeJ Horatia as.s9 N,hy are you at the (igs
li.e that>O 4he says9 N7 am at those (igs li.e that because they are bad.O Horatia is
angry and ans/ers9 N,hat are you saying> ,e do not sell bad (igs. he (igs are good.O But
the /oman does not buy the (igs.
4oon they sell all their /ares. 4cintilla is delighted and says9 N,e ha)e sold all our /ares,
no/ 7 am going to the (ish stall.O
E=e,cise 90/
". ,e are helping 6laccus.
$. 7 am hurrying to school.
:. HeIshe sees Quintus.
&. hey are staying in the road.
;. hey are sleeping in the house.
'. 7 am running to the (ield.
<. ,e /arn the boys.
#. ,hy do you(s) send the girl to the (ield>
%. ,e are happy.
"!. 1ou (pl) are miserable.
E=e,cise 905
". /e are /atching
$. he hands o)er
:. /e buy
&. you(pl) are shouting
;. /e run
'. 7 am staying
<. they reply
4tudy unit "
#. /e say
%. you(pl) are
"!. 7 am hastening
"". you(s) hear
"$. you(s) place
E=e,cise 908
". (aciuntJ paramus ,hat are you doing, girls> ,e are preparing dinner.
$. (estinasJ )enio ,hy arenCt you hurrying, Quintus> 7 am not coming late.
:. sedetisJ sedemusJ sumus ,hy are you sitting in the road, (riends> ,e are sitting in the
road, because /e are tired.
&. estJ )ocoJ redit 5rgus is naughtyJ 7 am calling him but he does not come bac..
;. arrasJ sum ,hy arenCt you telling a story> 7 am not telling a story because 7 am
E=e,cise 902
". miseriJ laetae ,hy are you miserable, boys> he girls are happy.
$. irataJ parati 4cintilla is angryJ (or the boys are not ready.
:. (essi ,e are tired, because /e are / (or a long time.
&. an2ia ,hy are you an2ious, 4cintilla>
;. an2iaJ misera 7 am an2ious, because Horatia is unhappy.
E=e,cise 909
". puero (esso
$. magna casa
:. multis (eminis
&. puella laeta
;. colonis miseris
E=e,cise 90:
". in agro 6laccus and his son are / in the (ield.
$. in )iaJ in casam he girls are playing in the roadJ 4cintilla calls them into the house.
:. ad agrum 6laccus leads the boys to the (ield.
&. cum (eminis 3any girls are / to the spring /ith the /oman.
;. cum amicisIcum amicoJ ad ludum he boy is hurrying to school /ith his (riend(s).
E=e,cise 90H
". colonus pueros in agrum )ocat.
$. in agro manent et laborant.
:. puer (essus est et mo2 ab agro redit.
&. (eminae ad casam ambulant.
;. puellae cum (eminis ambulant.
4tudy unit "
0oman (arming and days (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9:&+:').
4tudy unit "
/0: C'A#TER ::
List of contents
ranslation9 he school o( 6la)ius
Hrammar9 Perbs9present in(initi)e, all conBugationsJ the mi2ed conBugation.
*ouns9 )ocati)e case
Cultural topic9 Education
(Chapter '9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin sentences in /hich the present in(initi)e o( )erbs o( all conBugations are
translate Latin )erbs o( the mi2ed conBugation in the present tense acti)e
translate Latin sentences in /hich nouns in the )ocati)e case occur
translate Latin sentences /hich are @uestions introduced by interrogati)e /ords or
interrogati)e particles
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter '
gi)e a short summary o( the education o( 0oman children in the "st century B.C
4tudy unit "
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. :< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.:# (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 T!e sc!ool o< )la>ius0
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
(") pue,i can mean NchildrenO as /ell as NboysO.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 :< (at the bottom), ""<, ""#, ""%.
Do E2ercise '.", '.$, '.:, '.&, '.;, '.' and '.< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". he boys and girls /ait near the doorJ the master tells them to come in and sit do/n.
$. he boys /ant to play. he master says9 N1ou must /or..O
:. Decimus /rites his letters badlyJ the master tells him to /rite the letters again.
&. 5t last the children are / hardJ the master decides to tell a story.
4tudy unit "
T!e sc!ool o< )la>ius
Quintus is / to school slo/ly and o(ten stops, but Horatia goes on @uic.lyJ she arri)es
at school (irst and greets the girls /ho are /aiting near the doorJ she has a long tal. /ith
Gulia, a )ery pretty girl. Quintus sees a (riend, called Haius on the /ayJ he calls him. Haius is
hurrying to school but /hen he hears Quintus, he stops and says9 N,hat are you doing,
Quintus> 1ou must hurry. 1ou are coming to school late. 7 am hurrying.O Quintus replies9 N,e
are not coming late, Haius.O He tells Haius to /ait. He(Haius) is an2ious but /aits. 5nd so
Quintus and Haius go on slo/ly to school.
he other children are already there. he master comes out the door and tells them to come
in and sit do/nJ he boys /ant to play, the girls to /or.. ,hen the master sees neither
Quintus norHaius, he is angry and shouts9 N,hy are Quintus and Haius not present> ,hy
are they coming late>O 5t last in come Quintus and Haius and greet the master. But he
shouts9 N,hy are you coming late> 1ou are bad boys.O He tells them to sit do/n
6or a long time the children sit and listen to the masterJ (or a long time the master shouts and
teaches letters. he children /rite the letters on their tabletsJ the master loo.s at the tablets
and corrects the letters.
Decimus, a big and stupid boy, learns the letters /ith di((iculty. he master tells him to bring
his tablet to himJ he loo.s at the tablet. NDecimus,Ohe says, Nyou are an assJ you do not /rite
the letters correctly.O Decimus says9 N1ou are /rong, master, 7 am not an ass. 7 do /rite the
letters correctly. Loo.LO He /rites the letters again. But 6la)ius says9 N1ou are impudent,
Decimus, and an assJ you do not /rite the letters correctly.O
6or a long time the children /or.. 5t last Gulia says9 N,e are / hard, master, /e are
/riting the letters /ellJ /e are tired. 5nd so you should send us o(( home.O
6la)ius loo.s at her .indly. N1es,O he says Nyou are / hard, children. 5nd so 7 order you
to go o(( home.O he rest hurry home happily, but 6la)ius tells Decimus to stay in school.
N1ou, Decimus, must /rite the letters again.O 5nd so Decimus sits miserably in school /hile
the rest are playing in the road.
E=e,cise :0/
". ,e /ant to play in the road.
$. 1ou(pl) must hurry to school.
:. he teacher tells the children to come in
&. he children do not /ant to /or..
;. he master decides to send the children a/ay.
E=e,cise :05
". iu)are he boys /ant to help the girls.
$. procedere But the girls tell the boys to go on to school.
:. (acere ,hat do you /ant to do, girls>
&. manereJ ludere ,e /ant to stay in the road and play.
;. sedere audire ,e must sit in school and listen to the master
4tudy unit "
E=e,cise :080
". Cur (essa es, Horatia>
$. Cur 6laccum non iu)as, Quinte>
:. 5d ludum (estinamus, 6lacce.
&. Cur lente ambulatis, pueri>
;. 5n2ius sum, (ili.
'. Cur iratae estis, puellae>
E=e,cise :02
". ,hy arenCt you hurrying, Quintus>
$. ,ho is helping 4cintilla>
:. ,hat are you doing, son>
&. Ho/ big is the (ield>
;. 5re you me home>
'. 1ou are me home, arenCt you>I5renCt you me home>
E=e,cise :09
". educate
$. school
:. .no/ledge
&. lettersIliterature
;. history
'. grammar.
E=e,cise :0:
". he (riends are / to school slo/ly. hey arri)e late.
$. ,hen they enter the school, the master is angry.
:. N,hy are you arri)ing late>O he saysJ N1ou are bad boysIchildren.O
&. he boysIchildren sit and listen to the masterJ he teaches letters.
;. 5t last he decides to dismiss the boysIchildrenJ he tells them to run home.
'. he girls are going to the (ountain /ith 4cintilla.
<. Horatia is carrying a big /ater pot and /al.s slo/ly.
#. 4cintilla tells Horatia to hurry. N,hy are you / slo/ly>O she saysJ 1ou must
%. ,hen they arri)e at the (ountain, they dra/ /ater.
"!. Horatia is tiredJ N5renCt /e going bac. home no/>O she says.
4tudy unit "
E=e,cise :0H
". @uid (acis, Quinte> Cur colonum non iu)as>
$. diligenter laboroJ (essus sum.
:. @uid (acis, Horatia> 5d (orum procedimus. *onne parata es>
&. parata sum. Celeriter )enio.
;. 6laccus (ilium secum ad agrum )enire iubet.
'. NQuinteO in@uit Nin agro laborare debes.O
<. nonne me adiu)are cupis>
#. sed puer (essus estJ laborare non cupit.
%. tandem 6laccus (ilium domum mittere constituit.
"!. Quintus domum (estinat et Horatiam )ocat.
he education o( 0oman children (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 &!+&$).
4tudy unit "
4tudy unit $
1ou /ill need appro2imately $! hours to complete this 4tudy -nit success(ully.
Study nit Contents
4tudy section $." Chapter <9 (Oxford Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section $.$ Chapter #9 (Oxford Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section $.: Chapter %9 (Oxford Latin Course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section $.& Chapter "!9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section $.; Chapter ""9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section $.' Chapter "$9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
A<te, completig t!is study uit you s!ould be able to
(orm the nominati)e, )ocati)e, accusati)e and ablati)e cases o( all Latin nouns belonging
to the :rd declension and translate these noun (orms according to their (unction in a
(orm the geniti)e case o( all nouns belonging to the "st, $nd and :rd declensions, and
translate these noun (orms according to their (unction in the sentence
understand the concept o( neuter nouns and translate neuter nouns o( the $nd and :rd
declension in conte2t
4tudy unit $
(orm the dati)e case o( all nouns belonging to the "st, $nd and :rd declensions and
translate these noun (orms according to their (unction in a sentence
recognise adBecti)es o( the third declension /hen used in a Latin sentence and translate
them in conte2t
recognise and translate neuter adBecti)es
conBugate the irregular )erbs possum and eo in the present tense and translate the (orms
into English
(orm and translate the imperati)e o( all regular Latin )erbs and the irregular )erb est
understand the concept o( Ncompound )erbsO and deduce the meaning o( such )erbs
recognise all )erbs /hich are (ollo/ed by the dati)e case
gi)e all possible translations o( the )erb est /hen used in a sentence
translate the most (re@uently used Latin prepositions and .no/ by /hich case they are
to recognise and translate the conBunction -que
deduce the meaning o( ad)erbs (ormed (rom adBecti)es, and translate the other most
(re@uently used Latin ad)erbs in conte2t
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin )erbs indicated in the List o( contents o( 4tudy 4ections ".<
to "."$
translate Latin passages in /hich the )ocabulary and grammatical (orms mentioned
abo)e, appear
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the aspects o( classical culture and history indicated in the List o(
contents o( 4tudy 4ections ".< to "."$.
4tudy unit $
50/ C'A#TER H:
List of contents
ranslation9 6la)iusC story9 he siege o( roy
Hrammar9 *ouns9 third declension
5dBecti)es9 third declension
Perbs9 irregular )erbs (possum, eo
Cultural topic9 Homer and the 7liad
(Chapter <9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin sentences /hich contain third declension nouns and adBecti)es
translate Latin sentences containing the irregular )erbs possum and eo
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter "$
.no/ the basic (acts about Homer and the 7liad
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. &: (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. && (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 )la>iusD sto,y: T!e siege
o< T,oy
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection
4tudy unit $
(") he nominati)e and accusati)e plural o( the third declension are identical. 1ou /ill
ha)e to Nplay aroundO /ith the di((erent possibilities and the conte2t /ill e)entually
determine the correct translation.
($) urn to the re(erence grammar on p. "&;. Here you /ill see that some nouns o( the
third declension ha)e their ablati)e in +i.
(:) 7n the case o( adBecti)es, the nominati)e singular (orm o( the three genders are gi)en in
the )ocabulary list.
(&) 1ou can no longer e2pect that noun and adBecti)e ha)e the same ending e.g. magnam
urbem, since adBecti)e and noun belong to di((erent declensions
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"$!, "$", "$$ and the )ocabulary on p. &&.
Do e2ercises <.", <.$, <.: and <.& on p. "$" and "$$ (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Ca,too captios:
". Quintus leads his dog into the (ield and greets his (ather.
$. 6ather and son are returning home (rom the (ield /ith the dog.
:. 8n the /ay Quintus sees many comradesJ they all greet him.
&. 6ather the dog home, but Quintus plays /ith his comrades.
4tudy unit $
!la"ius# story: $he siege of $roy
5gamemnon, .ing o( 3ycenae, calls together all the princes o( the Hree.sJ he orders them to
prepare /ar against the roBans. His brother 3enelaus is thereJ 5chilles, the bra)est o( the
heroes, comes(rom hessalyJ 8dysseus is there (rom 7thaca /ith his comrades, and many
others. hey prepare a great army and many ships. hey sail to the city (o() roy and attac.
the roBans.
But the roBans de(end their city bra)ely. 6or ten years the Hree.s besiege the city but
cannot ta.e it. 5t last 5gamemnon and 5chilles (all into a @uarrel. 5chilles is angryJ he no
longer (ights but stays near the ships, idle. *o/ the roBans con@uer the Hree.s and dri)e
them to their ships.
5gamemnon sends (riends to 5chilles /ho tell him to return to the (ight. hey say, N5chilles,
the roBans are con@uering us and dri)ing us to the ships. ,e are in great danger. 1ou must
return to battle and de(end your comrades.O But he does not listen to his (riends nor does he
cease (rom his anger.
4oon the roBans are the ships and setting (ire to them. Patroclus, a dear (riend,
goes to 5chilles and says, N*o/ the roBans are burning our shipsJ you must cease (rom your
anger and help your (riends. 7( you re(use to (ight, you must send me into battle /ith your
comrades.O 5nd so 5chilles un/illingly sends Patroclus into battle. He (Patroclus) puts on the
arms o( 5chilles and leads his comrades into battle. ,hen the roBans see the arms o(
5chilles, they are terri(ied and (lee to the city. Patroclus runs at them and .ills many. But
Hector, the bra)est o( the roBans, stands (irm and calls Patroclus into battle. He hurls his
spear and .ills Patroclus.
E=e,cise H0/
". magnam urbem ". bono rege
$. regem (ortem $. puero (orti
:. na)em longam :. omnibus comitibus
&. matres laetas &. principe tristi
;. omnes puellas ;. urbibus multis
E=e,cise H05
". patrem. Quintus calls his (ather.
$. (ilium (ortem. he (ather praises his bra)e son.
:. matre. Horatia returns home /ith her mother.
&. (essam. he mother helps her tired daughter.
;. urbem. he roBans de(end the city bra)ely.
'. na)es. he Hree.s cannot de(end their ships.
<. omnibus comitibus. Patroclus runs into battle /ith all his comrades.
#. omnesJ urbem. 5ll the roBans (lee into the city.
urbemJ Patroclum. Hector does not (lee into the city but attac.s Patroclus.
hastamJ Patroclum. He thro/s his spear and .ills Patroclus.
E=e,cise H08
". 7 enter
4tudy unit $
$. /e enter
:. to enter
&. you (s.) enter
;. they enter
'. you (s.) sit
<. you (pl.) sit
#. /e sit
%. to sit
"!. 7 sit
"". 7 go
"$. /e return
":. to go a/ay
"&. they go in
";. you (s.) approach
"'. /e can
"<. heIshe can
"#. 7 can
"%. to be able
$!. they can
E=e,cise H02
". na)es paratae sunt. 5gamemnon na)igare iam cupit.
$. cur manes (manetis)> ad na)em celeriter (ad)ire debemus.
:. non possum na)em )idere. cur non adest>
&. ecceL na)is iam a terra abitJ in illa na)e na)igare non potes (potestis).
;. principes te iubent domum redire.
'. cras in alia na)e na)igare possums.
Homer and the 7liad + " (B alme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 &<+&#)
4tudy unit $
505 C'A#TER 6:
List of contents
ranslation9 he death o(
Hrammar9 Perbs9 imperati)e, compound )erbs
ConBunctions9 que
Cultural topic9 he 7liad + $
(Chapter #9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin sentences /hich contain imperati)es, compound )erbs, prepositions and
the conBunction que.
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter #
gi)e more in(ormation regarding the 7liad
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. &% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. ;! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 T!e deat! o< 'ecto,
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit $
(") 5 negati)e direct command is gi)en by using either noli (/hen the command is directed
at one person) or nolite (/hen the command is directed at more than one person)
(ollo/ed by the in(initi)e e.g. noli monere = donCt /arnL
($) *ote the in(initi)e (posse) o( the irregular )erb, possum.
(:) he )erb verto is transiti)e and so re@uires the re(le2i)e pronoun se as obBect. Literally
translated se vertit = he turns himsel(. ranslate9 he turns.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"$:, "$&, "$; and )ocabulary on p. ;!.
Do E2ercises #.", #.$, #.:, #.&, #.; and #.' on pp. "$: + "$; (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". he children are /aiting near the door o( the schoolJ the master says9 NCome in,
children, and sit do/n.O
$. Quintus arri)es lateJ the master says9 N,hy are you arri)ing late, Quintus> Come in and sit do/n.O
:. he children are sitting but not / he master says9 NDonCt play, children, but
&. he master comes to Horatia and says9 NHoratia, donCt dra/ pictures on your tablet.O
4tudy unit $
T!e deat! o< 'ecto,
,hen Patroclus is dead, 5chilles mourns (or him (or a long timeJ he /ants to ta.e )engeance
on Hector. He returns to battle and leads his comrades against the roBans. ,hen they see
5chilles, they are terri(iedJ they (lee into the city. Hector alone stays outside the /alls.
His (ather Priam, .ing o( roy, and his mother Hecuba see him (rom the /allsJ they call their
son. Priam shouts9 NHector, donCt challenge (call) 5chilles to battleJ you cannot con@uer him.
Come into the city. Be @uic...O His mother shouts9 NDear son, donCt stay outside the /allsJ
donCt go to meet your deathJ your poor mother begs you..O
But Hector does not listen to themJ he re(uses to enter the city. Hecalls the roBans and says,
N4hut the gates, roBansJ hurry. 7 am staying alone outside the /alls and challenging 5chilles
to battle.O
he roBans un/illingly shut the gates. Hector /aits (or 5chilles alone. He comes nearer.
hen Hector is suddenly a(raid. He turns his bac. and (lees.
5chilles runs but cannot catch him .hree times round the /alls (lees Hector, but at
last he stands (irmJ he turns round and calls 5chilles to battle. 5chilles ad)ances and hurls
his spear at Hector. But Hector a)oids the spear. hen Hector hurls his spear and
5chillesC shield. But 5chilles is unharmedJ his shield sa)es him.
hen 5chilles hurls his spear /ith all his might. he spear (lies through the air and pierces
Hector. He (alls to the ground dead.
5chilles runs up and does a terrible deed. He ties the dead Hector to his chariot and drags
him round the /alls. His (ather and mother /atch (rom the /alls Hecuba shouts9 N8 5chilles,O
she says, Nat last cease (rom your anger. Hi)e us bac. our son.O But 5chilles does not listen
to herJ he drags Hector to the ships and lea)es him lying on the ground.
E=e,cise 60/
". Come to the (ield, boysJ donCt stay in the house
$. Ho bac. home, Horatia, and help 4cintilla
:. Hurry to school, QuintusJ donCt play in the road.
&. Listen to the master, childrenJ donCt shout.
;. 4it in the house, Horatia, and listen to the story.
'. Hurry, HoratiaJ /e are going to the spring late.
<. Come here, girls, and dra/ /ater.
#. Prepare the ships, princes, and sail to the city o( roy.
%. 5ttac. the city bra)ely and con@uer the roBans.
"!. DonCt sit near the ships, 5chilles, but de(end your comrades.
E=e,cise 605
". intrate celeriter, pueri, et sedete.
$. )eni huc, DecimeJ tabulam tuam )idere cupio.
:. diligenter labora, 7uliaJ noli ludere
&. diligenter laboramus, magisterJ ita@ue (abulam nobis narra.
;. (abulam audite, pueriJ nolite clamare.
4tudy unit $
E=e,cise 608
". she prepares
$. ta.eL
:. /e are going
&. prepareL
;. /e are
'. you (pl.) order
<. to go
#. to (lee
%. go a/ayL
"!. /e can
"". attac.L
"$. to be able
":. you (pl.) are
"&. comeL
";. they are going
E=e,cise 602
". ludumJ amicis. Quintus approaches the school /ith his (riends.
$. ianuam. he master is /aiting (or the children near the door o( the school.
:. ludum. ,hen he sees the children, he calls them into the school.
&. ludo. 5t last he dismisses the childrenJ they happily hurry home (rom school.
;. agrum. Quintus and Horatia are hurrying to the (ield.
'. agro. ,hen they approach, 5rgus sees them and runs out o( the (ield.
<. patrem. he children are carrying (ood to their (ather.
#. terra. He sits on the ground and eats the (ood.
%. agroJ 5rgo. Quintus stays in the (ieldJ Horatia returns home /ith 5rgus.
"!. casa. ,hen 4cintilla sees her daughter, she comes out o( the house and greets her.
E=e,cise 609
". Quintus and Haius enter the school.
$. he other children are already there and are listening to the master.
:. He is angry and says, N,hy are you arri)ing late> Come in and sit do/n.O
&. Horatia goes into the gardenJ 4cintilla calls her bac..
;. NCome bac., daughter,O she says, Nand come /ith me to the (ield.O
'. Horatia leads 5rgus out o( the garden and runs bac. to her mother.
<. 3other and daughter hurry to the (ield /ith 5rgus.
#. ,hen they arri)e. 4cintilla calls 6laccus. NCome here, 6laccus,O she says. N,e are
bringing your dinner to you.O
%. 6laccus approaches and recei)es his dinner.
"!. 6laccus sends Horatia bac. homeJ but 4cintilla stays and helps 6laccus.
4tudy unit $
E=e,cise 60:
". in agro mane, 4cintilla, me@ue iu)a, sed Horatiam domum remitte.
$. noli me domum remittereJ cupio manere et cum matre laborare.
:. ita@ue omnes manent laborant@ue in agro.
&. Quintus, ubi a ludo redit, in agrum (estinat.
;. ad patrem accurrit et Nte iu)are cupio,O in@uitJ N@uid (acere debeo>O
he 7liad + $ (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ;$+;:)
4tudy unit $
508 C'A#TER I:
List of contents
ranslation9 he (all o( roy
Hrammar9 *ouns9 geniti)e case
Cultural topic9 Pirgil and the 5eneid
(Chapter %9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate the geniti)e o( the "st, $nd and :rd declension /hen it occurs in a Latin
translate an ad)erb /hen it occurs in a Latin sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter %
gi)e the most important (acts concerning Pirgil and the 5eneid
". ranslate the captions to the pictures on p. ;& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on pp. ;; + ;'9 T!e <all o< T,oy0
:. Compare your translation /ith the translation gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit $
(") 4imilar (orms such as pueri (geniti)e singular and nominati)e plural) may be
ambiguous in isolation, but the conte2t /ill ma.e the meaning clear.
($) Be care(ul o( punctuation /hen you translate the geniti)e9 boyCs = o( the boyJ boysC = o(
the boys.
(:) 5d)erbs usually modi(y )erbs, e.g. celeriter ambulamus, = /e are / @uic.lyJ
celeriter tells you ho/ /e are / But some ad)erbs may also modi(y adBecti)es,
e.g. valde fessus est = he is e2tremely tired.
(&) English sometimes uses ad)erbs /here an adBecti)e is more logically correct, e.g.
Horatia returns home happily, but Latin says9 Horatia laeta domum rediit, since laeta
describes Horatia, not the /ay in /hich she returns.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"$', and "$<, and the )ocabulary on p. ;;.
Do E2ercises %.", %.$, %.: and %.& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against those gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". he boy snatches the girlCs dinner.
$. he girl snatches the boyCs satchel.
:. he mother loo.s at the girlsC pictures.
&. he mother loo.s at the boysC tablets.
;. he son goes into his (atherCs (ield.
'. he boy is carrying the dogsC dinners.
4tudy unit $
$he fall of $roy
6or ten years the Hree.s besiege roy but cannot capture the city. 5t last 5gamemnon, .ing
o( the Hree.s, despairs. He orders all the princes to assemble and says, N6or ten years no/
/e ha)e been besieging royJ /e o(ten con@uer the roBans in battle but /e cannotta.e the
city. 7 despair. ,hat should /e do> 4hould /e return home> ,hat do you ad)ise>O
he other princes are silent but 8dysseus says, N7 donCt despair. 7 ha)e a ne/ plan. Listen to
5ll the princes listen intently to 8dysseusC planJ they accept his plan Boy(ully. hey ma.e a
/ooden horse, hugeJ they send many bra)e men into it. hese climb into the horse and hide
themsel)es in the belly o( the horse. he rest board their ships and sail to a neighbouring
5t (irst light the roBans see the ships o( the Hree.s going a/ayJ they reBoice because the
Hree.s are not there, they reBoice because (ighting is at last (inished. hey run (rom the
gates o( the city to the deserted shoreJ they loo. at the huge horse standing on the shore.
4ome say, N,e must lead the horse into the city.O 8thers say, NDonCt trust the horse. ,e (ear
the gi(ts o( the Hree.s. Perhaps some Hree.s are hidden in it.O 5t last they decide to lead the
horse into the city. 5ll Boy(ully drag it through the gates and place it in the citadel. hen they
hold a (east and drin. much /ine.
*ight is come. he roBans are sleeping. he Hree.s /ho are on the island board their ships
and return to the city o( roy. hose /ho are hidden in the horse silently go out (o( it)
and hurry to the gates.
he /atchmen o( the roBans are sleepingJ they are drun.. he Hree.s .ill themJ they
open the gates and recei)e their comrades. hey all run into the streets o( the city. 6e/ o(
the roBans resist. 4oon the Hree.s capture the /hole city. 5t last they attac. the palace o(
PriamJ they .ill Priam and his sons. 6e/ escape. 4o at last the Hree.s ta.e roy and destroy
the city.
E=e,cise I0/
". matris. he girl listens happily to her motherCs story.
$. puerorum he master loo.s at the boysC tablets (the tablets o( the boys)
:. patris Quintus runs to his (atherCs (ield (the (ield o( his (ather)
&. (eminarum he (armer cannot hear the shouts o( the /omen (the /omenCs shouts)
;. principum 3any o(. the princes /ant to (lee into the city.
'. roianorum 6e/ o( the roBans are (ighting bra)ely.
<. urbis Hector (lees three times round the /alls o( the city.
#. Hectoris 5ll the roBans mourn HectorCs death (the death o( Hector)
E=e,cise I05
". (ortiter 6ight bra)ely, (riends, and ta.e the city.
$. hucJ diu Come here, QuintusJ your (ather has been (is) /aiting (or you (or a long time.
:. diligenter ,or. hard, boysJ the master is /atching us.
&. male Decimus /rites his letters badly, he is an ass.
;. lenteJ cur ,hy are you / slo/ly, Quintus> ,hy donCt you hurryC>
4tudy unit $
E=e,cise I08
". to ta.e
$. /e ta.e
:. ta.eL (s.)
&. you ta.e (s.)
;. 7 ta.e
'. go a/ayL (pl.)
<. they go a/ay
#. to go a/ay
%. you (pl.) go a/ay
"!. go a/ayL (s.)
"". con@uerL (pl.)
"$. 7 con@uer
":. to con@uer
"&. you (s.) con@uer
";. they con@uer
E=e,cise I02
". (emina prope portas urbis manet.
$. (ilius patris e@uum ad agrum ducit.
:. pueri magistri iram timent.
&. proras na)ium non possumus )idere.
;. (abulam (eminae audire cupimus.
'. potesne )idere puellae matrem>
Pirgil and the 5eneid (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ;#+;%)
4tudy unit $
502 C'A#TER /7:
List of contents
ranslations9 Polyphemus
Hrammar9 *ouns9 neuter
5dBecti)es9 neuter (orms
Cultural topic9 he 5eneid M $
(Chapter "!9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate neuter nouns and neuter adBecti)e (orms /hen they occur in a sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter "!
recount the most important (acts about 8dysseus and the Cyclops
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. '! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on pp. '"+ '$ (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 #olyp!emus
:. Compare your translation /ith the translation gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit $
(") *euter nom., )oc., and acc. ha)e the same (orm and in the plural these cases end in -a
in all declensions.
($) 5lmost all :rd declension adBecti)es ha)e their ablati)e singular in -i.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9"$# and "$% and the )ocabulary on p.'".
Do E2ercises "!.", "!.$, "!.: and "!.& on p. "$% and p.":! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". he roBans sail to the shore o( 4icily
$. 3ount Etna is thro/ing smo.e and roc.s into the s.yJ the roBans are in great danger.
:. ,hile they are resting on the shore, they see PolyphemusJ he is descending slo/ly
do/n the mountain
&. Polyphemus ad)ances into the sea and hurls roc.s at the ships.
4tudy unit $
5eneas and the roBans board the shipsJ they sail (rom the city o( roy to lands. 6or
a long time they search (or a land /here they can (ound a ne/ royJ they undergo many
su((erings, many dangersJ o(ten 5eneas despairs. 5t last they decide to sail to 7taly.
But /hen they approach 4icily, they scarcely a)oid a great dangerJ (or they see the roc.s
/here 4cylla li)es, a horrible monster, and they hear the tremendous sound o( the /hirlpool
/here Charybdis spe/s up the /a)es. 6ather 5nchises shouts in a loud )oice9
N6leeJ rescue the ships (rom dangerJ (or in those roc.s li)es 4cylla.O
5eneas hears his (atherCs /ords and a)oids the roc.s. 4o they scarcely escape (rom the
danger unharmed.
,hen they come to 4icily, they see 3ount EtnaJ they steer their ships to/ards the land and
to/ards night(all they reach the shore o( the island. hey rest on the shore beneath the
mountain. 3ount Etna thunders throughout the nightJ it hurls (lames and roc.s into the s.y.
he roBans are terri(ied and an2iously /ait (or day.
hey are hurrying to board their ships /hen they see a man /ho is running to the shore. He
calls the roBansJ he runs up to them and says N4a)e me, 7 beseech you. 7 am a Hree., a
comrade o( 8dysseus. he rest ha)e (led. 7 alone remain. 6lee, unhappy men, (lee. he
Cyclopes li)e here, )ast giants, /hich eat men. DonCt hand me o)er to the Cyclopes. 4a)e
me. 0ecei)e me into your ship.O
4uddenly the roBans see Polyphemus, a )ast giant. He is leading his sheep do/n the
mountain. He is blindJ he descends slo/lyJ on the /ay he o(ten slips. 5eneas is terri(ied.
N0un to the ships,O he saysJ NhurryLO he roBans ta.e the comrade o( 8dysseus and (lee to
the ships.
Polyphemus is no/ reaching the shore and ad)ancing into the sea. He cannot see the
roBans but he hears them ro/ing. He raises a huge shout. he other Cyclopes hear the
shout and run do/n (rom the mountains to the shore. hey hurl huge roc.s at the shipsJ but
the roBans are already ro/ing (rom the shore. he Cyclopes cannot reach them.
E=e,cise /70/
". puerum (ortem
$. multa sa2a
:. puellas tristes
&. magnum periculum
;. sil)as ingentes
'. na)em celerem
<. altum montem
#. omnia )erba
". puero (orti
$. multis sa2is
:. puellis tristibus
4tudy unit $
&. magno periculo
;. sil)is ingentibus
'. na)e celeri
<. alto monte
#. omnibus )erbis
". pueri (ortis
$. multorum sa2orum
:. puellarum tristium
&. magni periculi
;. sil)arum ingentium
'. na)is celeris
<. alti montis
#. omnium )erborum
E=e,cise /705
". 6lee, comradesJ giants are thro/ing huge roc.s against us.
$. DonCt stay on the shore but run to the sea and board the ships.
:. 7t is time to ro/ (astJ no/ /e are escaping unharmed (rom the danger.
&. But loo. at the s.y, comradesJ /e are (alling into a ne/ danger.
;. 5 great storm is comingJ /e are al/ays undergoing ne/ dangers.
E=e,cise /708
". heIshe sends
$. sendL (pl)
:. to send
&. 7 send
;. they send
'. to doIma.e
<. they do
#. doL (pl.)
%. you do (pl)
"!. 7 do
"". they return
"$. heIshe returns
":. returnL (s.)
"&. /e return
";. to return
4tudy unit $
E=e,cise /702
". tandem roiani ad 4iciliam ad)eniunt et in litore @uiescunt.
$. sed in magno periculo suntJ mons 5etna sa2a ingentia in caelum proicitIconicit.
:. subito 5eneas Polyphemum )idet. Ncomites,O in@uit, Nad mare currite na)es@ue (et
na)es) conscendite.O
&. roiani )erba 5eneae audiunt currunt@ue (et currunt) ad na)es.
;. Polyphemus eos audit sed )idere non potest.
'. roiani incolumes suntJ nam in aperto mari iam na)igant.
8ddysseus and the Cyclops (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9';+'').
4tudy 4ection ".""
4tudy unit $
509 C'A#TER //:
List of contents
ranslations9 he meeting o( Dido and 5eneas
Hrammar9 *ouns9 dati)e case
Perbs9 )erbs (ollo/ed by dati)e
Cultural topic9 Dido, @ueen o( Carthage
(Chapter ""9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
translate Latin nouns o( the "st, $nd and :rd conBugation in the geniti)e case /hen used
in a sentence
recognise Latin )erbs (ollo/ed by the dati)e and translate these in conte2t
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter ""
gi)e the most important (acts about Dido, the @ueen o( Carthage
". ranslate the cartoon captions o( p. '< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. '% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 T!e meetig o< Dido ad
:. Compare your translation /ith the translation gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit $
(") he dati)e singular o( the "st declension is the same in (orm as that o( the geniti)e
singular and nominati)e plural. his may result in ambiguity o( meaning but usually the
conte2t /ill ma.e the meaning clear. Play around /ith di((erent possible translations
until you (ind the one /hich (its in /ith the rest o( the sentence, and gi)es the best
($) *ote that in the English sentence9 N4cintilla tells her daughter a storyO, Nher daughterO
loo.s super(icially li.e the direct obBect. 7t should, ho/e)er, be translated by using the
dati)e case, since Na storyO is the direct obBect, and Nher daughterO, the indirect obBect.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ":!, ":" and ":$ and the )ocabulary on p. '#.
Do E2ercise "".", "".$, "".:, "".& and "".; on p. ":" to ":$ (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Ca,too captios:
". 3other gi)es a ne/ tunic to Horatia.
$. 6ather gi)es Quintus a dog.
:. he master gi)es their tablets to the children.
&. he children sho/ the tablets to their parents.
;. Quintus gi)es the girls (lo/ers.
'. hey (the girls) gi)e the (lo/ers bac. to him.
$he meeting of Dido and Aeneas
,hile the roBans are sailing (rom 4icily to 7taly, a great storm comesJ 5eolus, .ing o( the
/inds, sends out all the /inds. he roBans are in great danger and cannot hold their course.
4tudy unit $
5t length the /inds dri)e them to an land. he roBans get out o( their ships and
rest on the shore.
he ne2t day 5eneas decides to e2plore the land. He says to his comrades9 N1ou stay near
the shipsJ it is my intention (it is the intention (or me) to go (or/ard into the land.O ,ith one
companion he c"imbs a hill and loo.s out. He sees many men, /ho are building a city near
the shore. 5eneas /atches them (or a long time.O8 luc.y menLO he says, Nyou are no/
building your cityJ /e are al/ays /andering on the /a)es.O 5t last he descends the hillJ he
enters the city and approaches a great temple.
8n the /alls o( the temple are many picturesJ /hen 5eneas loo.sat the pictures, he is
astonishedJ (or the pictures depict the roBan /ar. He calls his (riend and says, NLoo., (riend,
in this picture you can see Priam and 5chilles. Here is 5gamemnon. Loo., here 5chilles is
dragging the dead Hector round the /alls o( the city. Do not be a(raid. he su((erings o( the
roBans are .no/n to all.O
,hile he is at the temple, behold. the @ueen, called Dido, approaches /ith many
princes. 5eneas runs to her and says, N8 @ueen, help us. ,e are roBans /ho are sailing to
7taly. 5 storm has dri)en us to your land.O
Dido loo.s at 5eneas, (illed /ith /onderJ then Nhe (ame o( the roBansO she says Nis .no/n
to all. Do not (ear. 7 gladly help you.O 4o she recei)es them .indly and leads them to her
palace. hen she calls all the princes o( Carthage and all the roBans to a (east.
,hen dinner is (inished, Dido says, NCome, 5eneas, tell us o( the (all o( roy and all the
su((erings o( the roBans.O 5ll sit silent and loo. at 5eneas. He ans/ers9 NQueen. you bid me
rene/ grie(. But i( you /ant to learn, hear the last su((erings o( roy.O
E=e,cise //0/
". bonae puellae
$. (ilio caro
:. regi (orti
&. matribus laetis
;. omnibus litoribus
'. par)o puero
E=e,cise //05
". Hi)e me dinner. Hi)e dinner to me.
$. 7 sho/ you my (atherCs horse. 7 sho/ my (atherCs horse to you.
:. 7 tell you all. 7 tell all to you.
&. he prince gi)es arms to the .ing. he prince gi)es the .ing arms.
;. he .ing gi)es him bac. the arms. he .ing gi)es bac. the arms to him.
'. ell us a happy story. ell a happy story to us.
<. 7Cm telling you a sad story. 7Cm telling a sad story to you.
#. he (ather gi)es his son a dog. he (ather gi)es a dog to his son.
%. he son sho/s the dog to his (riend. he son sho/s his (riend the dog.
"!. he (riend says, Nhe dog is thirstyJ you ought to gi)e it some /ater I you ought to gi)e
some /ater to it.O
4tudy unit $
E=e,cise //08
". (emina a@uam e@uis dat.
$. pater (ilio cibum dat.
:. puer cibum patri reddit.
&. mater puellis (abulam narrat.
;. re2 principibus na)es ostendit.
'. colonus canem mihi tradit.
E=e,cise //02
". he roBans resist the Hree.s bra)elyJ the Hree.s cannot ta.e the city.
$. 8dysseus sho/s the princes a ne/ planJ he orders them to ma.e a /ooden horse.
:. 5gamemnon says to the princes9 N8dysseus is sho/ing us a good planJ it is my
intention to carry out his plan.O
&. he Hree.s ma.e a horse, Bust as 8dysseus orders themJ so the Hree.s at last
capture roy.
;. he children are / hardJ the master gi)es them a re/ard.
'. Quintus runs home and tells his mother e)erything.
<. Horatia runs to her brother and gi)es him a .iss.
#. 4cintilla says to them9 NHurry up, childrenJ 7Cm preparing supper (or you.O
E=e,cise //09
". Horatia matri in )ia occurrit.
$. illa (iliae N)eni ad (ontemO in@uit Net me iu)aImihi succurre.O
:. ubi domum redeunt, Quinto occurrunt.
&. 4cintilla cenam pueris paratJ deinde (abulam eis narrat.
;. Dido magnam cenam dat roianis principibus@ue Carthaginis.
'. ubi con(ecta est cena, 5eneae Nnarra nobisO in@uit Nomnes labores roianorum.O
Dido, @ueen o( Carthage (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 <"+<$)
4tudy unit $
50: C'A#TER /5:
List of contents
ranslations9 7n(eli2 Dido
Hrammar9 *ouns9 re)ie/
5dBecti)es9 re)ie/
Perbs9 est (other translations), imperati)e
Cultural topic9 6rom 5eneas to 0omulus
(Chapter "$9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e more than one translation (or the Latin )erb sum
translate the imperati)e (orm o( the Latin )erb sum
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter "$
tell the story o( the (ounding o( 0ome as represented by Pirgil and Li)y
". ranslate the caption to the picture on p.<: (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.<&9 I<eli= Dido
:. Compare your translation /ith the translation gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection
4tudy unit $
(") eis placet: Nit pleases themO i.e. Nthey decideO.
($) *o ne/ grammar is introduced in this chapter. -se this opportunity to consolidate
thoroughly your .no/ledge o( nouns and adBecti)es o( the (irst three declensions. -se
the re(erence grammar on pp. "&;+'.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ":$+":: and the )ocabulary on p. <&.
Do e2ercises "$.", "$.$ and "$.& on pp. "::+":& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/
Caption to the picture:
Dido a s/ord and pierces her breast.
%ll&starred Dido
,hen 5eneas an end o(, all sit silent. 5t last Dido sends a/ay her guests.
4oon all are asleep. But Dido cannot sleep hrough the /hole night she turns o)er in her
mind 5eneas and the su((erings o( the roBans.
5eneas and the roBans a(ter such great su((erings are )ery tired. hey decide to stay in
Libya and rest. 3ean/hile Dido begins to (all in lo)e /ith 5eneasJ she al/ays /atches
5eneasJ she hears and sees 5eneas e)en /hen he is not there. *or does 5eneas spurn the
lo)e o( Dido. hrough the /hole /inter he stays in Libya and helps Dido, /hile she builds her
ne/ city.
But the .ing o( the gods, Gupiter, (rom hea)en /atches 5eneas tarrying in Libya. He is angry
because 5eneas, (orget(ul o( his destiny, is staying there. He calls 3ercury, the messenger
o( the gods, and says, NHo no/, 3ercuryJ (ly to Libya. Bid 5eneas sail to 7taly at once.O
3ercury prepares to carry out his (atherCs ordersJ he puts on his /inged sandals and (lies
do/n (rom hea)en to Libya. He (inds 5eneas building the citadel. He approaches him and
says9 NHear me, 5eneas. 7 am 3ercury, the messenger o( the godsJ Gupiter, .ingo( men and
4tudy unit $
(ather o( the gods, sends me to youJ he bids me say this to you9 Do not stay in Libya any
longer, (orgetting your destiny. 4ail at once to 7taly and (ound a ne/ roy there.
,hen 5eneas sees 3ercury be(ore his eyes and hears the /arning o( Gupiter, he is terri(ied.
He cannot neglect the orders o( the gods. He returns to his comrades and tells them to
prepare the ships.
But Dido has learnt allJ she summons 5eneas and NraitorO she says, Nare you preparing to
lea)e my land /ithout a /ord (silent)> Do you so spurn my lo)e> Do you lea)e me li.e this to
die> He, deeply mo)ed, says, N7 do not spurn your lo)e, nor am 7 preparing to go a/ay
/ithout a /ord. But Gupiter himsel( orders me to ma.e (or 7taly and (ound there a ne/ roy. 7
am not (or 7taly o( my o/n /ill.O hen indeed DidoCs anger (lares up9 N7 donCt .eep you
bac.. Ho no/. 3a.e (or 7taly. But 7 /arn you9 a terrible punishment a/aits you. 4ooner or
later either 7 or my descendants /ill e2act )engeance (rom you.O 4o she spea.s and (alls to
the ground, in a (aint (senselessR.
E=e,cise l50/
". here are many temples in the city.
$. here is a huge roc. on that shore.
:. Be diligent, children, and /rite your letters /ell.
&. here are many dogs in that /ood.
;. Be @uiet, QuintusJ the master is at you.
E=e,cise /505
". ad 4iciliamJ e na)ibusJ in litore ,hen the roBans reach 4icily, they go out o( their ships
and rest on the shore.
$. de monte alto he ne2t day they see PolyphemusJ he is descending (rom a high
:. ad na)es he roBans cannot resist him. 5eneas orders his comrades to (lee to the
&. ad litusJ a terra ,hen they reach the shore, they board their ships and ro/ a/ay (rom
;. ad mareJ per undas Polyphemus arri)es at the sea and /al.s through the /a)es.
'. de montibus 4uddenly he hears the roBans and shouts to the Cyclopes9 NCome do/n
(rom the mountainsJ help me.O
<. e litoreJ in na)es hey gather and hurl huge roc.s (rom the shore at the ships.
#. e periculo But the roBans ro/ bra)ely and so escape unharmed (rom the danger.
E=e,cise /502
". 5eneas, ubi Didonem )idet, ad eam accurrit et Nregina,O in@uit, Nsuccurre nobis.O
$. Dido eum benigne accipitJ nam (ama roianorum omnibus nota est.
:. ducit eum ad regiam et magnam cenam omnibus roianis dat.
&. post cenam N5eneas,O in@uit, Nnarra nobis omnes labores roianorum.O
;. omnes taciti eum audiunt, dum ille (abulam eis narrat.
4tudy unit $
4tudy unit :
3 CHAPTER 13-18
1ou /ill need appro2imately $! hours to complete this 4tudy -nit success(ully.
Study nit Contents
4tudy section :." Chapter ":9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section :.$ Chapter "&9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section :.: Chapter ";9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section :.& Chapter "'9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section :.; Chapter "<9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section :.' Chapter "#9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy unit :
A<te, completig t!is study uit you s!ould be able to
identi(y subordinate clauses, introduced by conBunctions or relati)e pronouns, in comple2
Latin sentences
translate all Latin relati)e pronouns /hen used in sentences
translate all Latin demonstrati)e, personal and re(lecti)e pronouns and personal
adBecti)es /hen used in a sentence
conBugate the irregular )erbs nolo and volo in the present tense and translate these (orms
/hen used in a Latin sentence
conBugate all normal Latin )erbs in the imper(ect and the )erbs /hich occur in chapters
"< and "# in the per(ect tense and translate these (orms /hen used in a Latin sentence
translate all Latin numerals
recognise and translate e2pressions o( time in a Latin sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords indicated in the List o( contents o( 4tudy 4ection "."$
to "."<
translate Latin passages in /hich the )ocabulary and grammatical (orms mentioned
abo)e, appear
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the aspects o( 0oman culture and history indicated in the List o(
contents o( 4tudy 4ections "."$ to "."<
4tudy unit :
80/ C'A#TER /8:
List of contents
ranslations9 6abula tristis
Hrammar9 4ynta29 subordinate clauses
Pronoun9 relati)e pronoun
Cultural topic9 he 8lympian gods
(Chapter ":9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
identi(y subordinate clauses, introduced by conBunctions or relati)e pronouns, in comple2
Latin sentences
translate all Latin relati)e pronouns /hen used in sentences
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter ":
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( 0oman religion, name the t/el)e most important 0oman gods
and discuss their most important (unctions and attributes
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. #! (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. #" (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 )abula t,istis0
:. Compare your translations /ith those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit :
(") he story o( Cupid and Psyche comes (rom the only Latin no)el sur)i)ing complete. 7t
is concerned /ith the ad)entures o( one Lucius, /ho dabbled in blac. magic and
turned himsel( into an ass by mista.e (hence the title Te !olden "ss). 7n his
metamorphosed (orm Lucius /as captured by thie)es and endured many su((erings. 5t
one stage the robbers captured a beauti(ul girl /hom they held to ransom. ,hen they
/ent o(( to carry on their business, they le(t the girl in charge o( the old /oman /ho
coo.ed (or them. o com(ort her the old /oman told the story o( Cupid and Psyche.
8ur narrati)e is based on the (irst part o( this long story.
($) Cupido: this is the (irst occurrence o( a third declension noun /ith the nominati)e
ending in +o.
(:) os tibi <amulae sumus: N/e are ser)ants to youO = N/e are your ser)ants.O
(&) 7t is a good idea to o(( all subordinate clauses, and then to translate main and
sub+clauses separately, e.g. Guitus amicos@ 3;ui p,ope ludum ludut4 >ocat.
Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9 ":& and ":;, and the )ocabulary on p.#".
Do e2ercise ":.$, ":.:, ":.& and ":.; on pp. ":; and ":' (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". ,hile Psyche is sleeping alone under a tree, Cupid approaches.
$. ,hile the girl is sleeping, Cupid li(ts her and carries her through the air.
:. ,hen Psyche a/, she is astonished. because she hears )oices but sees no one.
&. Psyche, /ho longs to see the (ace o( her husband, prepares a lamp.
4tudy unit :
A sad story
Horatia and 4cintilla are resting under a tree. Horatia says to her mother9 N,hile /e are
resting, 3other, tell me a story. 4cintillareplies to her daughter9 N,hat .ind o( story do you
/ant to hear, dear daughter>O Horatia says, Nell me a s/eet story, 3other.O 4cintilla says,
NListen daughter, 7 /ill tell you a story s/eet but sad.O
3any years ago in a (ar o(( land li)e a .ing and @ueen /ho ha)e three daughtersJ all the
daughters are beauti(ul, but the youngest, called Psyche, is (ar the most beauti(ul. 5ll men
and all /omen praise her and /orship her li.e a goddess. 5t length the goddess Penus is
angryJ she is Bealous o( the girl because she is beauti(ul, she is Bealous because all /orship
her li.e a goddess. 4he summons Cupid and says, NDear son, you can rouse lo)e in human
hearts. Ho no/, search (or a beauti(ul girl called Psyche. 4hoot an arro/ and (orce her to
lo)e some miserable and ugly man.O
Cupid prepares to carry out his motherCs orders. He his bo/ and arro/s and (lies to
earth. 4oon he (inds Psyche, /ho is sitting alone under a treeJ she in sadJ (or all praise her,
all /orship her, but no one lo)es her, no one leads her into marriage. 6or a long time Cupid
loo.s at that mar)ellous beauty. Psyche in no/ sleeping. Cupid dra/s near and loo.s at her
closer. 5t once he burns /ith lo)e. ,hile the girl is sleeping, he li(ts her up and carries her
through the air to a di)ine houseJ there he gently puts her do/n on a bed.
4oon Psyche a/ and gets up. 4he loo.s at e)erything. 4he hears )oices but sees no
one. he )oices say9 N5ll that you see, mistress, your husband gi)es to you. ,e are your
ser)ants. Enter, and dine.O Psyche in e2tremely astonished but enters the diningroom and
sees dinner ready.
4he dines happily. hen she sleeps. ,hile she is sleeping, she hears a soundJ she a/a.esJ
she is terri(ied. Her husband is there. He ascends the bed and holds Psyche in his
embraceJ but be(ore sunrise he goes a/ay. ,hen Psyche / up, she is aloneJ she sees
no sign o( her husband. he )oices alone are there, /hich loo. a(ter her.
E=e,cise /805
". ,hile Horatia is resting, 4cintilla tells a story.
$. Horatia reBoices, because the story pleases her.
:. 7( you /ant to hear a story, be @uiet and listen to me.
&. ,hen Quintus returns (rom school, he also listens to the story.
;. he goddess Penus is Bealous o( the girl, because all /orship her li.e a goddess.
'. ,hile Psyche is asleep, Cupid li(ts her through the air.
<. ,hen Psyche / up, she sees no one.
#. Psyche is sad, because she ne)er sees the (ace o( her husband.
4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /808
". Quintus, /ho is hurrying to school, meets a (riend on the /ay.
$. Horatia, /ho is /aiting (or Quintus, is sitting in the road.
:. he /omen /ho are at the (ountain greet HoratiaCs mother.
&. 8dysseus e2plains to the princes his plan, /hich pleases them.
;. 5eneas hears the orders o( Gupiter, /hich terri(y him.
'. he roBans, /ho no/ see Polyphemus, are terri(ied.
<. Quintus calls his (riends, /ho are playing near the school.
#. Horatia meets the girls /ho are going to the spring.
%. he princes do all that the .ing orders.
"!. he man /ho is helping us is not .no/n to me.
E=e,cise /802
". @uae Do you see those /omen /ho are hurrying to the spring>
$. @ui Bra)ely resist the Hree.s /ho are the city.
:. @uod. Loo. at the s.y, /hich is no/ clear.
&. @uae DonCt (ear the dangers, /hich are not great.
;. @uae Hreet Horatia, /ho is /aiting (or you in the garden.
E=e,cise /809
". dum ludit Quintus, Horatia laborat.
$. si ludis, )eni huc et mihi succurre.
:. nolo tibi succurrere, @uod (essus sum.
&. Psyche, @uae sola sedet, tristis est.
;. dum dormit, sonum audit.
'. ubi e)igilat. neminem )idet.
<. roiani ad litus @uod pro2imum est na)igant.
#. 5eneas, @ui terram e2plorare )ult, comites in litore relin@uit.
%. collem ascendit multos@ue )idet @ui urbem aedi(icant.
"!. ad templa accedit @uae in urbe stant.
he 8lympian gods (pp. #:+#').
4tudy unit :
805 C'A#TER /2:
List of contents
ranslations9 Quintus milites spectat
Hrammar9 Pronoun9 demonstrati)e, personal and re(lecti)e pronoun
5dBecti)es9 personal
Cultural topic9 0oman religion
(Chapter "&9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is study sectio you s!ould be able to
translate all Latin demonstrati)e, personal and re(lecti)e pronouns and personal
adBecti)es /hen used in a sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords in chapter "&
gi)e in broad outlines the most important (acts about 0oman religion
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.#< (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. ## (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 #a,ilia.
:. Compare your translations /ith those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit :
(") >ium i te,,am <udit: the pouring o( /ine onto the ground (a libation) /as the
commonest o((ering made to the gods9 animal sacri(ice /as limited to )ery special
($) impe,ato,: NthegeneralOJ the title /as applied only to generals /ho had been hailed
NimperatorO by their troops a(ter a )ictoryJ Later the /ord comes to mean NemperorO
since 5ugustus and his successors monopoliEed the title.
(:) 5lthough is and ille are pronouns they can be used adBecti)ally, e.g.
illumIeum colonum )ocamus.
,e are calling that (armer.
illumIeum )ocamus.
,e are calling that manIhim.
(&) ,hen the ablati)e o( the personal pronoun is used /ith cum it is attached to the
pronoun, e.g. mecum, tecum, nobiscum, )obiscum.
(;) me, te, nos, )os are used both re(le2i)ely and non+re(le2i)ely, e.g. mater te la)at,
mother is /ashing youJ tu te la)as, you are /ashing yoursel(. se is used only re(le2i)ely
and has no nominati)e.
Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9":' to ":%.
Do e2ercise "&.", "&.$, "&.:, "&.& and "&.; on p. ":< to p."&! (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit :
Cartoon captions:
". Horatia is /ashing hersel( in the house. 4cintilla says, NHurry, HoratiaJ get ready
(prepare yoursel() (or dinner.
$. Quintus and a (riend are e2ercising the dog in the (ield.
:. he boys are e2ercising (themsel)es) in the garden. 4cintilla says, N,hat are you
doing, boys>O hey reply9 N,e are e2ercising (oursel)es).O
&. 4cintilla says, NHurry up, boys. Het ready (or dinner.O
$he Parilia
E)ery day at (irst light 6laccus calls together the /hole (amily and leads them to the lararium.
He pours /ine on the ground and praysto the Lares9 N8 Lares, 7 beseech you, loo. a(ter the
(amily today and .eep the (loc.s sa(e.O hen he proceeds to the (ield, Quintus and Horatia to
school. But today 6laccus says, N7t is a (east dayJ get readyJ /e are celebrating the Parilia.O
5ll /ash (themsel)es). hen 6laccus tells his (amily to come /ith him to the sacred place in
/hich they ha)e to celebrate the Parilia. 3any people are hurrying Boy(ully to the (ields, men,
/omen and children. Horatia and Quintus greet their (riends. here are many (lo/ers near
the roadJ the boys pic. (lo/ers and ma.e garlandsJ they gi)e them to the girls. 5t last they
reach the sacred place. 5ll remain silent, /hile the priest pours /ine on the ground and prays
to Pales9 N?indly Pales,O he says, N/e beseech youJ .eep sa(e the (loc.s, loo. a(ter the
lambsJ .eep o(( diseases.O 5ll sing a sacred song. hen they prepare a (east and dine
5(ter the (east they prepare (themsel)es) (or the games. he young men ma.e great heaps
o( stra/. hey set (ire to the heaps. 6lames ascend into the s.y. he young men bra)ely
Bump o)er the (lames, /hile the rest shout and applaud.
,hile Quintus is /atching the games, up runs Haius and says NCome /ith me, Quintus.
4oldiers are marching into the to/n.O Quintus, (orget(ul o( his parents, runs /ith Haius to the
(orum. ,hen they get there, soldiers are already marching through the (orum. 6irst comes
the generalJ he /ears a purple cloa. and riding on a /hite horse he leads the armyJ a(ter him
ride the o((icers. 5(ter them march the centurions and common soldiers.
*o/ many o( the (armers are returning (rom the (ields and /atch the soldiers. 5n old man.
/ho is standing near Quintus, says, NLoo.L Crassus is marching to /ar, a rotten man. He
doesnCt care (or the 0oman peopleJ he /ants nothing e2cept to increase his o/n glory.
,ithout doubt he is leading his soldiers to death.O He spits onto the ground and goes o((
home. 4oon the last o( the soldiers are passing by and the (armers return home. But Quintus
/ants to see more. NCome,O he says to Haius, and hurries a(ter the soldiers.
E=e,cise /20/
". illa9 eam 4cintilla tells Horatia a storyJ she (Horatia) listens to her (4cintilla) happily.
$. illiJ ei he master tells the children to enter the schoolJ they obey him.
:. illiJ eum Quintus meets his (riends in the roadJ they tell him to stay.
&. illeJ eum. 6laccus calls 5rgusJ he (5rgus) does not hear him (6laccus)J (or he is asleep.
;. illaeJ eam Horatia is /aiting (or the girls in the (orumJ they hurry to her.
4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /205
". 4cintilla prepares dinner.
$. Horatia prepares hersel(Igets ready (or dinner.
:. he sailors turn the ship to/ards the shore.
&. he sailors turn (themsel)es) and greet us.
;. he boys are e2ercising the dog in the road.
'. ,hy are you e2ercising (yoursel)es) in the (ield>
<. he (ather tells his son to help him.
#. he /omen tell their daughters to come /ith them to the spring.
E=e,cise /208
ego me )erto
tu te )ertis
ille se )ertit
nos nos )ertimus
)os )os )ertitis
illi se )ertunt
E=e,cise /202
". 5rgus is a bad dogJ he rolls in the mud and is e2tremely dirty.
$. 4cintilla says, N5rgus is e2tremely dirtyJ you must /ash him.O
:. Quintus says, N8 dirty dog, /hy canCt you /ash yoursel(> 7 donCt /ant to /ash you.O
&. 4cintilla says, NHet ready, children. 1ou must /ash your dog at once..
;. Quintus turns to his mother and says, N7Cm busyJ Horatia must /ash her o/n dog
'. Horatia says, NDonCt be laEy, Quintus. 5rgus is not my dog, but yours.O
<. 5t last Quintus brings a pot o( /ater and helps Horatia. 6or a long time they /ash
#. 5s soon as (/hen (irst) they let him go, o(( he goes and rolls in the mud again.
E=e,cise /209
". seJ te 4cintilla turns to Horatia and says, NHet ready (or dinner, Horatia.O
$. seJ me Horatia, /ho is /ashing (hersel(), says, N7Cm coming at onceJ 7Cm getting ready
:. se Quintus is e2ercising (himsel() in the (ieldJ he is climbing a high tree.
&. sibi 4uddenly he (alls to the groundJ he tells his (ather to help him.
;. )os he soldiers are sitting in the (ieldJ the centurion says, N,hy are you sitting idle in
the (ield, soldiers> ,hy arenCt you e2ercising>O
'. se hey get up reluctantly and e2ercise (themsel)es).
4tudy unit :
0oman religion (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9 %"+%:).
4tudy unit :
808 C'A#TER /9:
List of contents
ranslations9 Cincinnatus
Hrammar9 Perbs9 irregular )erbs (volo, nolo), irregular imperati)es
Pronouns9 domonstrati)e (ic, ipse
Cultural topic9 6rom monarchy to republic
(Chapter ";9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
conBugate the irregular )erbs nolo and volo in the present tense and translate these (orms
/hen used in a Latin sentence
translate the demonstrati)e pronouns ic and ipse /hen used in a sentence
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter ";
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the period o( the .ings and the transition to the republic
". ranslate the cartoon captions o( p.%& (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.%; to p.%' (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 Ciciatus
:. Compare your translations /ith those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit :
(") >olo means N7 /ish, 7 /ant, 7 am /illing toO. 7t is used /ith an in(initi)e e.g. N7 /ant to go
to 0ome = Romam i,e >olo0
($) olo means N7 donCt /ish, 7 am un/illingO and o(ten has the stronger sense o( N7 re(useO.
7t is also used /ith an in(initi)e.
Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9"&! to "&", and the )ocabulary on p. %;.
Do E2ercises ";.", ";.$, ";.:, ";.& and ";.; (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". ,hile Cincinnatus is culti)ating (ploughing) his (ield. messengers approach and order
him to come to the senate.
$. He tells his /i(e to bring out his toga and hurries to the senate.
:. ,hen he approaches the city, the senators themsel)es come to meet him.
&. Cincinnatus o(( his toga and again culti)ates his (ield.
4tudy unit :
,hen Quintus and Horatia return (rom school and 6laccus (rom the (ield, they all rest. 4oon
Quintus says, N6ather, please (i( you /ill) tell us a story.O He ans/ers, N,hat story do you
/ant to hear, Quintus>O Quintus says, Nell me the story about Cincinnatus, (ather.O He
replied, N1ouC)e already heard that story o(ten, Quintus, but i( you /ant to hear it again, 7 am
/illing to tell it.O
Cincinnatus is a bra)e man and e2perienced in /ar, but poorJ he culti)ates a small (ield
himsel( across the iber. 5t that time 0ome is a small cityJ it is al/ays /aging /ar /ith many
enemies. 8nce the enemy lead their (orces into 0oman territory and pitch camp not (ar (rom
the /alls o( the city. he 0oman consul, an ine2perienced and timid man, leads out his
legions and tries to dri)e bac. the enemy. He pitches camp on a hill near the enemy but is
a(raid toattac. them. hey surround the 0oman camp and besiege the army.
,hen the citiEens learn this, they are )ery a(raid. hey gather at the senate house and tell
the (athers (i.e. the senators) to sa)e the cityJ they shout9 Nhe city is in great danger. 4a)e
our city, (athers. Dri)e bac. the enemy.O he consul says to the (athers, N,hat should /e do,
(athers> Ho/ can /e sa)e the city>O he (athers ans/er, NCincinnatus alone can sa)e us, (or
he is e2perienced in /ar and is a bra)e man, /ho lo)es his country and al/ays de(eats the
enemy. ,e must appoint him dictator. 4ummon Cincinnatus to the city at once.O
5nd so the (athers send messengers to Cincinnatus. hey hurry across the iber and soon
(ind Cincinnatus /ho is / in his (ield. he messengers approach him and say,
NCincinnatus, the (athers bid you come to the senate at once.O He is )ery surprised but he
cannot neglect the orders o( the senateJ he hurries homeJ he /ashes himsel( and tells his
/i(e to bring out his toga. hen, dressed in his toga, he hurries /ith the messengers to the
,hen he approaches the city, the (athers come to meet him and lead him into the they say, N1ou alone can sa)e the city. 5nd so /e appoint you dictator. Lead
the army against the enemy and sa)e the city (rom great danger.O
E=e,cise /90/
". they li(t %. comeL
$. to be "!. sayL
:. singL "". /e can
&. they approach "$. goL
;. /e are /illing ":. they re(use
'. bringL "&. to be able
<. to /ish ";. /e stand
#. /e are resting
E=e,cise /905
". 3ercury himsel( orders 5eneas to sail to 7taly.
$. He (5eneas) is un/illing to do this.
:. But he cannot neglect the orders o( the gods themsel)es.
&. He hurries to his comrades and tells them to prepare the ships.
;. 8n that )ery day (on that day itsel() Dido learns this (these things).
'. 4he hersel( summons 5eneas and as.s him about this (these things).
<. 5eneas this reply to her9 NGupiter himsel( orders me to ma.e (or 7taly.O
#. ,hen the roBans sail (rom Libya, Dido (hersel() .ills hersel( /ith her o/n hand.
4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /908
nom. magnum mare haec puella
acc. magnum mare hanc puellam
gen. magni maris huius puellae
dat. magno mari huic puellae
abl. magno mari hac puella
nom. pater ipse ingentia sa2a
acc. patrem ipsum ingentia sa2a
gen. patris ipsius ingentium sa2orum
dat. patri ipsi ingentibus sa2is
abl. patre ipso ingentibus sa2is
nom. mariti tristes illi senes
acc. maritos tristes illos senes
gen. maritorum tristium illorum senum
dat. maritis tristibus illis senibus
abl. maritis tristibus illis senibus
E=e,cise /902
". he enemy are surrounding usJ /e re(use to stay hereJ /e must brea. out o( the camp.
$. he consul himsel( is a(raid o( the enemy and re(uses to lead the army against them.
:. *o one can sa)e us e2cept Cincinnatus himsel(. 5nd so summon him to the city.
&. NCincinnatus, lead this army against the enemy and ta.e help to the consulCs legions.O
;. Cincinnatus leads the army against the enemyJ he de(eats the enemy in battle and
sa)es both the consul himsel( and his legions.
E=e,cise /909
". post cenam 6laccus saepe )ult (abulas pueris narrare.
$. Quintus semper cupit (abulas audire de bellis militibus@ue.
:. hae (abulae 6lacco ipsi placent, @ui eas bene narrat.
&. Horatia non )ult haec audireJ et 4cintilla et ipsa (abulas audire cupiunt de (eminis
;. ubi 6laccus Quintus@ue absuntInon adsunt, 4cintilla nonnum@uam (abulas narrat de
'. Horatia has (abulas laeta audit.
4tudy unit :
6rom monarchy to republic (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%' 9 %#+"!!).
4tudy unit :
802 C'A#TER /::
List of contents
ranslations9 Cloeliae )irtus
Hrammar9 (*o ne/ grammar
Cultural topic9 Hannibal
(Chapter "'9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter "'
gi)e the most important (acts about the career o( the Carthaginian leader, Hannibal.
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. "!" (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. "!$ (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 Cloeliae >i,tus
:. Compare your translation /ith the translation gi)en at the end o( this study section.
4tudy unit :
(") <oedus ,umpitis = Nyou are the treaty.O <oedus is a neuter noun o( the :rd
declension, here in the accusati)e case.
($) statuam eius i e;uo isidetis = Na statue o( her sitting on a horse.O
he )ocabulary on p. "!$ (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
Cartoon captions:
". Cloelia leads the /omen to the iber and s/ims across the ri)er.
$. Porsinna is e2tremely angryJ he says to the 0omans, N1ou are the treaty.
Hand o)er Cloelia to me at once.O
:. he 0omans hand Cloelia o)er to Porsinna, /ho returns to the camp o(C the enemy.
&. he 0omans commemorate CloeliaCs courage by an outstanding honourJ (or in the
4acred ,ay they set up a statue o( her sitting on horsebac..
$he courage of Cloelia
he ne2t day /hile Horatia is sitting in the garden /ith her mother, she says this9 N3other
dear, Cincinnatus /as a bra)e man and good. Ha)enCt /omen too sho/n such great
courage>O 4cintilla replied, NCertainly, dear daughter, there /ere many /omen /ho sho/ed
the greatest courage, li.e Cloelia.O Horatia says, Nell me. please (i( you /ill) about Cloelia.O
4cintilla says, NListen, Horatia. 7 /ill tell you about the courage o( Cloelia.O
3any years ago the Etruscans con@uer the 0omans in battle but cannot ta.e the city. 5nd so
they surround the /hole cityJ they place a garrison on the hill called Ganiculum across the
iberJ they guard the ri)er /ith many ships. he 0omans cannot import corn into the cityJ the
citiEens are star)ing but they bra)ely rcsist and re(use to surrender on any terms. 5t length
the .ing o( the Etruscans, called Porsinna, himsel( proposes terms o( peace9 he is /illing to
cease (rom the siege hut demands hostages (rom the 0omans. he 0omans accept these
terms and hand o)er hostages to Porsinna. he Etruscans lead o(( their garrison (rom the
Ganiculum and pitch camp not (ar (rom the iber.
5mong the hostages are se)eral /omen. 8ne o( these, a maiden called Cloelia, decides to
escape (rom the hands o( the enemy. 4he gi)es the guards the slip, escapes (rom the camp,
leads a band o( /omen to the iber. 4he s/ims across the ri)er and leads all the /omen
sa(e into the city. 5t (irst Porsinna is e2tremely angry and tells the 0omans to return all the
hostages to himJ then he ceases(rom his anger and. changing to admiration (or CloeliaCs
courage, he says this to the 0omans9 N1ou are the treaty, but i( you return Cloelia to
me, 7 shall not only .eep her unharmed but 7 /ill also (ree the rest o( the /omen.O he
0omans accept these terms and hand o)er Cloelia. /ho returns /illingly to the camp o( the
enemy. Porsinna (rees the rest o( the /omen. 4o the peace is rene/ed.
he 0omans commemorate CloeliaCs courage /ith an outstanding honour, (or they set up a
statue o( her at the top o( the 4acred ,ay sitting on horsebac..
4tudy unit :
Nhe story o( Cloelia, Horatia, teaches us this9 not only men but /omen too can sho/ the
greatest courage and are /orthy o( the greatest honour.O
". 4he decided to escape (rom the hands o( the enemy.
$. 4he ga)e her guards the slip and s/am across the iber /ith a group o( /omen.
:. Porsinna demanded that all the hostages should be returned. He changed his mind
(rom anger to admiration (or CloeliaCs courage and as.ed that only she should be
&. hey set up a statue o( her on horsebac. at the top o( the 4acred ,ay.
;. 7t pro)ed that /omen too sho/ed great courage and /ere /orthy o( the greatest
Hannibal (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9"!&+"!<).
4tudy unit :
809 C'A#TER /H:
List of contents
ranslations9 Comitia
Hrammar9 Perbs9 imper(ect, per(ect
Cultural topic9 Elections
(Chapter "<9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
conBugate all normal )erbs in the imper(ect and per(ect tense acti)e, and translate these
(orms /hen used in a sentence
gi)e the per(ect stems o( all Latin )erbs discussed on pp."": to "";
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter "<
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.' (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. # (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 Comitia
:. Compare your translations /ith those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit :
(") /o past tenses (imper(ect and per(ect) appear in the captions. *ote that the (orm >idit
is per(ect and not present tense (>idet).
($) Learn the per(ect (orm o( each o( the )erbs in the )ocabulary list on p < and also on pp.
""&+"";. 7t is not necessary to .no/ ho/ the per(ect o( each )erb is (ormed (e.g.
lengthening o( )o/el, reduplication o( present stem etc.) 5s long as you learn the
principle parts o( the )erb o(( by heart e.g. sc,ibo sc,ibe,e sc,ipsi 3sc,iptum40 he
(ourth principle part is not added in chapter "< as you /ill only be using it later, but it
/ill sa)e you trouble later i( you add it and learn it no/ (you /ill (ind all (our principle
parts in the )ocabulary list at the bac. o( the boo.).
(:) he imper(ect is used to e2press continuous, repeated or incomplete action, e.g.
pa,abam may mean according to the conte2t9 N7 /as preparingO, N7 used to prepareO, N7
preparedO or N7 began to prepareO.
Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9""$ to "";, and the )ocabulary on p.<.
Do E2ercises "<.", "<.$, "<.:, "<.&, "<.;, "<.' and "<.< on pp. "": to ""'.
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions:
". Quintus /as / to schoolJ suddenly he sa/ Haius.
$. Haius /as climbing a tree. Quintus hurried to the tree.
:. He /as an2iousJ he shouted9 N,hat are you doing, Haius> Come do/nLO
&. Haius heard himJ he returned to the ground and greeted Quintus.
4tudy unit :
$he elections
he elections /ere at hand. he citiEens had to elect ne/ duo)iri. hroughout all the streets
on the /alls o( the houses /ere painted the messages o( the candidates, such as9
7 BEH 18-9 ELEC 3. EP7D7-4 45B7*-4 D-8P70. HE 74 5 ,80H1 C5*D7D5E, 5
DE6E*DE0 86 18-0 C8L8*1.
he citiEens /ere hurrying into the streets and at the candidates. hey /ere /
through the streetsJ they /ore /hite togasJ a cro/d o( supporters accompanied them. hey
made speechesJ they promised many things /hich they could not carry outJ the citiEens
listened to them but (e/ belie)ed them.
6laccus /as sitting in the pub and /ith his (riends. Hanymedes, a @uerulous and
unhappy old man, said, N,e canCt belie)e the candidatesJ (or /hen they are o((ice
(magistracy), they promise e)erything. ,hen they are duo)iri, they do nothing. hey care (or
nothing e2cept their o/n money.O
Philerus said, N1ou are right (you spea. true things), Hanymedes. 5ll the candidates are
rotten, li.e Chrysanthus, a )ery bad man. 8nce he /as a poor man, /ho /as ready to pic.
up a (arthing (rom the dung /ith his teeth. *o/ he has uncountable riches. Ho/ did he get
himsel( those riches> HeCs a thie(.O
But 6laccus didnCt listen to his (riends. NDonCt tal. nonsense, (riend,O he saidJ Nno/ /e must
go to the polling station and cast our )otes. Het up, (riends, and come /ith me.O 5nd so they
all proceeded to the (orum and hurried to the polling station.
5t a crossroads they met t/o candidates, /ho /ere proceeding to the polling station. he
ba.ers supported one (o( them)J they /ere carrying notice boards /ith this inscription9 N7 beg
you to elect C. 7ulius Polybius duo)ir. He good bread.O he other the muleteers
hey began to abuse each other. 4oon stones /ere (lying through the air. 3any recei)ed
/ounds, many /ere a(raid and returned home. 5t last a candidate, an in(luential and
respected man, made a speech to the citiEens and @uietened the riot. 5ll proceeded to the
polling station, cast their )otes, and elected ne/ duo)iri. heir supporters shouted Boy(ully
and led the )ictors home in triumph. 6laccus hurried home and told 4cintilla e)erything.
E=e,cise /H0/
". ,e used to /rite letters e)ery day.
$. hey /ere de(ending the city bra)ely.
:. 7 used to /anderI7 /as /andering in the (ields.
&. He /as (orIloo.ed (or his son (or a long time.
;. 1ou /ere resting in the house.
'. ,e /ere tired.
<. hey /ere / to the (orum.
#. 1ou /ere not listening to the master.
%. 7 /as (leeing home.
"!. hey stayed in the (orum (or a long time.
E=e,cise /H05
dormiebam, salutabam, habebam, laborabam, e2ercebam, custodiebam
4tudy unit :
dormi)i, saluta)i, habui, labora)i, e2ercui, custodi)i
E=e,cise /H08
". monebat, monuit
$. dormiebam, dormi)i
:. superabant, supera)erunt
&. debebamus, debuimus
;. clamabatis, clama)istis
'. custodiebant, custodi)erunt
<. ducebam, du2i
#. mittebamus, misimus
%. claudebas, clausisti
"!. iubebam, iussi
"". manebamus, mansimus
"$. dicebatis, di2istis
":. e)adebant, e)aserunt
"&. amabat, ama)it
";. e2ercebam, e2ercui
E=e,cise /H02
". ,e /al.ed to the city.
$. Quintus did not sleep.
:. 1ou told me e)erything.
&. he soldiers e2ercised (themsel)es) near the camp.
;. 1ou loo.ed a(ter me.
'. 7 led my son to the (ield.
<. 6laccus sent the boy to the (ield.
#. He told him to /or. in the (ield.
%. ,hy didnCt you shut the door>
"!. he girls /rote the letters /ell.
4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /H09
". /atchL ":. to sleep
$. 7 /as /atching "&. sleepL
:. heIshe is /atching ";. they /ere sleeping
&. 7 /atched "'. 7 am sleeping
;. to /atch "<. you slept
'. they /atched "#. /e /ere sleeping
<. you /ere leading "%. they /arned
#. to lead $!. heIshe /as /arning
%. they lead $". to /arn
"!. you led $$. /arnL
"". leadL $:. /e /arned
"$. heIshe led $&. heIshe /arned
E=e,cise /H0:
". >oca>itJ misit. 4cintilla called Quintus and HoratiaJ she sent them to the (ield.
$. ambulabatJ po,tabat he children /ere / to the (ieldJ they /ere carrying
dinner to their (ather.
:. <estiabatJ ludebat. hey /ere not hurrying but played on the road (or a long time.
&. it,a>e,utJ >oca>it. ,hen at last they entered the (ield, Horatia called her (ather.
;. audi>itJ do,miebatJ e,at He did not hear his daughterJ he /as sleeping under a treeJ
(or he /as tired.
'. mouitJ est. Horatia /arned her brotherJ NDonCt /a.e (ather,O she saidJ Nhe is tired.O
<. e>igila>itJ saluta>it. But he /o.e up and greeted the children.
#. maebatJ ,edu=it. he children stayed in the (ield a long timeJ at last Quintus led
Horatia home.
E=e,cise /H0H
". Quintus et Horatia ad ludum (estinabant.
$. sed in )ia manserunt et cum amico luserunt, @ui canem e2ercebat.
:. ubi ad ludum accesserunt, magister prope ianuam stabat.
&. eos spectabat et di2it9 Ncur sero )enitis>O (or et NcurO in@uitS Nsero )enitis>O)
;. Quintus risit et Nnon seroO in@uit N)enimus.O
'. magister iratus erat. eos iussit statim intrare.
<. ubi ceteros pueros dimisit, eos iussit manere litteras@ue iterum scribere.
4tudy unit :
inquit could be used hereJ it has the same (orm (or present and past.
Elections (Bal me and 3or/ood, "%%' 9 "!+"")
4tudy unit :
80: C'A#TER /6:
List of contents
ranslations9 Quintus domo discedit
Hrammar9 Perbs9 per(ect cont. (per(ect stems, meanings o( the per(ect
4ynta29 e2pressions o( time
Cultural topic9 4PQ0
(Chapter "#9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
conBugate the )erbs gi)en on p. ""< in the per(ect tense acti)e, and translate these (orms
/hen used in a sentence
gi)e the per(ect stem o( all )erbs on p. ""<
translate all numerals on pp. ""< and ""# /hen used in a sentence
recognise and translate e2pressions o( time in a Latin sentence
gi)e all the possible translations o( the per(ect tense
discuss the 0oman constitution and di((erent classes amongst the people in the time o(
the 0epublic, in broad outlines
4tudy unit :
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p."$ (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on pp. ":+"& (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%')9 Guitus domo
:. Compare your translations /ith those gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
(") 1ou /ill (ind the numerals and the rules (or e2pressions o( time in the Hrammar o( this
($) he /ord dies belongs to the ;th declension /hich is only introduced in chapter $" but
the translation o( the /ord should not present any problems.
(:) he per(ect o( eo is spelt either i1>i or i1iJ
(&) 8( the numerals " to "!, $!, "!! and ",!!! should be learnt but it is su((icient i( the
others are simply recognised.
(;) he second translation o( the per(ect tense, namely the true per(ect (has, ha)e) is
introduced in this chapter. 7t only occurs in a present conte2t as /ill become apparent
(rom the e2ercises.
Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9""< to ""%, and the )ocabulary on p.":.
Do e2ercises "#.", "#.$, "#.:, "#.&, "#.;, "#.' and "#.< on pp. ""<+"$! (Balme and
3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
4tudy unit :
Cartoon captions:
". 6or the /hole /inter 6laccus and Quintus /or.ed hard.
$. 8n the (irst day o( spring they /ere ready to enter on their BourneyJ they bade goodbye
to 4cintilla and Horatia.
:. 6or (i)e days they /al.ed on the 5ppian ,ay but 0ome /as still many miles a/ay.
&. 8n the ninth day 6laccus caught sight o( the /alls o( the city. ,ithin ten days they
arri)ed at 0ome.
Quintus lea"es home
he ne2t day 4cintilla said to 6laccus, NQuintus is learning nothing in that school. He is
cle)er. He must go to 0ome to the best school.O NDear /i(e,O 6laccus said, N! Quintus canCt
ma.e the Bourney to 0ome alone.O 4cintilla ans/ered him9 N1ou are right (you spea. the
truth), my husband9 you must ta.e him to 0ome.O N,e ha)enCt enough money,O 6laccus said,
Nand 7 canCt lea)e you and Horatia alone.O
hey discussed the matter (or three hours. 5t length 4cintilla said, N,e must sell the (ield.
1ou must ta.e Quintus to 0omeJ Horatia and 7 can stay here and li)e (rugally.O hey decided
to sell hal( the (ieldJ hal( 4cintilla and Horatia could culti)ate. 6or the /hole /inter Quintus
stayed at home and helped his parents. 5ll /or.ed hard. Quintus culti)ated the (ieldJ 6laccus
/or.ed as an auctioneer and in this /ay made much money.
4pring /as approaching /hen 6laccus said to his /i(e, N*o/ /e ha)e enough money. 7t is
time to ta.e Quintus to 0ome.O ,ithin t/o days all /as ready. he ne2t day 6laccus and
Quintus said goodbye to 4cintilla.
His mother /ept and prayed to the gods9 N8 gods, .eep my son sa(e. 0eturn him to me
unharmed. 8 6laccus, loo. a(ter our son. 8 Quintus, be a good boy. ,or. hard and come
bac. home soon.O 4he held son and husband in her embraceJ then she /ent bac. into the
house, )ery upset.
Horatia and 5rgus /al.ed /ith them to the (irst milestoneJ then Horatia bade them goodbye
and too. 5rgus bac. home, not /ithout many tears. 5t the third hour o( the day they (6laccus
and Quintus) entered the road /hich led to 0ome, both sad and happy.
8n the (i(th day (ather and son cimbed a hill. Penusia /as (ar o((. Quintus /as )ery tired. He
sa/ a milestone near the road. He approached and read the inscription9 N083E ";! 37LE4.O
N8 (ather,O he said, N/e ha)e /al.ed (or (i)e days. ,e ha)e crossed mountains and ri)ers,
but 0ome is still one hundred and (i(ty miles a/ay. 7 am )ery tired. Loo.L *ight is here. ,hat
should /e do> 7 canCt /al. any (urther.O
6laccus replied, NDonCt despair, son. ,e can spend the night in that /ood.O 6laccus led
Quintus into the /ood. Quintus collected (ire/ood and lit a (ire. hey prepared
supper. hen Quintus lay do/n under a tree and /as soon asleep.
E=e,cise l60/
". de(endimus '. di2erunt
$. constituerunt <. au2i
:. )ertit #. (uimus
&. ostendi %. persuasit
;. incendisti "!. luserunt

4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /605
". ,e /ere / to the (ieldJ on the /ay /e sa/ Haius.
$. Haius /as climbing a treeJ /hen " called him, he came do/n.
:. Haius /al.ed /ith usJ /hen /e entered the (ield, 7 pointed out my (ather to him.
&. 3y (ather heard usJ he turned round and greeted Haius.
;. ,e all /or.ed in the (ield (or a long time.
'. 5t last /e /ere tiredJ /e decided to return home.
E=e,cise /608
". /e /ere going <. go bac.L
$. goL #. /e /ent bac.
:. they /ent %. they are going out
&. heIshe /ent "!. you /ere going out
;. to go bac. "". heIshe /ent out
'. they /ere going bac. "$. heIshe is going out
E=e,cise /602
". 6or three days Quintus and his (ather prepared (themsel)es) (or the BourneyJ on the
(ourth day they departed.
$. 5t (irst light 6laccus got up and /o.e Quintus.
:. 5t the third hour they said goodbye to 4cintilla and Horatia and started on the Bourney.
&. 6or nine days they tra)elled (/al.ed) on the 5ppian ,ayJ in ten days they approached
the city o( 0ome.
;. 8n the ne2t day they hurried to the (orum and stayed there (or three hours.
E=e,cise /609
". 7 /as / on the 5ppian ,ayJ suddenly 7 sa/ a /ol(.
$. 3y (ather said9 NDonCt be a(raid, sonJ the /ol( has gone a/ay.O
:. 6or nine days /e /al.edJ on the tenth /e entered the city.
&. 3y (ather said, N0eBoice, son. he Bourney is (inished.O
;. 6laccus /rote a letter to 4cintilla9 N,e are sa(e. ,e ha)e entered 0omeJ /e ha)e
loo.ed at the school o( 8rbilius.O
'. he mother /as an2iousJ (or her son /as a/ay (rom home. N7 am an2ious,O she saidJ N7
ha)e /aited (or my son (or three hours, but he has not returned home.O
<. 5t last, at the (i(th hour o( the night, the boy returned. 3other /as angry.
#. N4on,O she said, N/hy ha)e you returned so late> 7 ha)e /aited (or you (or (our hours.
5t the (i(th hour you ha)e at last returned.
%. he boy replied9 N7 played /ith my (riends (or t/o hours. hen 7 hurried home.O
"!. Loo.L 5t the third hour o( the night 7 ha)e returned. DonCt upset yoursel(.O
4tudy unit :
E=e,cise /60:
". heIshe studied %. they said
$. you ha)e stayed "!. you used to say
:. /e /arned "". heIshe sent
&. to cross "$. heIshe sendsIis sending
;. sayL ":. 7 marched
'. they can "&. you promised
<. /e /ere ";. they ha)e decided
#. you de(ended
E=e,cise /60H
". Quintus in (oro tres horas manebatJ Haium e2spectabat.
$. @uarta hora domum redire constituitJ sed ubi se )ertit, Haium conspe2it.
:. Haius per )iam (estinabatJ (orum transiit et ad Quintum accessit.
&. Quintus eum saluta)it et Ntres horasO in@uit Nte e2pecta)i. cur tam sero )enisti>O
;. Haius respondit9 Nin )ia amicum )idi @ui canem suum mihi ostendit.
'. cum cane lusimus. deinde arborem ascendimus. noli iratus esse. tandem ad)eni.O
4PQ0 (Balme and 3or/ood, "%%'9 ";+"')
4tudy unit &
4 CHAPTERS 19-24
1ou /ill need appro2imately $! hours to complete this 4tudy -nit success(ully.
Study nit Contents
4tudy section &." Chapter "%9 (Oxford latin course).........Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section &.$ Chapter $!9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section &.: Chapter $"9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section &.& Chapter $$9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section &.; Chapter $:9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy section &.' Chapter $&9 (Oxford Latin Course).......Error9 0e(erence source not
4tudy unit &
A<te, completig t!is study uit you s!ould be able to
recognise a Latin )erb in the pluper(ect tense (acti)e) and translate it in conte2t
translate Latin /ords and phrases e2pressing place (at, to, (rom
recognise nouns in the locati)e case and translate them in conte2t
recognise and translate in conte2t nouns belonging to the &th and ;th declension
ranslate the ablati)e case o( nouns (all declensions) according to its meaning in the
conte2t o( the sentence in /hich it occurs.
conBugate and translate the irregular )erb <e,o in any o( its indicati)e, acti)e (orms
recognise and translate in conte2t any adBecti)e in its compariti)e (orm
translate the /ord ;uam 3= than) /hen used /ith a comparati)e adBecti)e
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin )erbs indicated in the List o( contents o( 4tudy 4ections "."%
to ".$&
translate Latin passages in /hich the )ocabulary and grammatical (orms mentioned
abo)e, appear
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the aspects o( 0oman culture and history indicated in the List o(
contents o( 4tudy 4ections "."% to ".$&
4tudy unit &
20/ C'A#TER /I:
List of contents
ranslations9 0oma
Hrammar9 Perbs9 per(ect (per(ect stems),
4ynta29 e2pressions o( place
*ouns9 locati)e case
Cultural topic9 0ome
(Chapter "%9 Oxford Latin Course)
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e the per(ect stem o( all )erbs used in chapter "% o( your prescribed boo.
recognise a Latin )erb in the pluper(ect tense and translate it in conte2t
translate Latin /ords and phrases e2pressing place (at, to, (rom
recognise nouns in the locati)e case and translate them in conte2t
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin )erbs in chapter "% o( your prescribed boo.
describe the most important sites in 0ome during the "st century B.C
4tudy unit &
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p."< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p."# (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Roma.
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
(") he pluper(ect tense is used in Latin in the same /ay as in English. 7t re(ers to a
completed action in the past. Be care(ul not to con(use the :rd person plural +erant /ith
that o( the per(ect +erunt. Loo. closely at the )erb endingsL
($) dum K N/hileO usually has the present indicati)e e)en in past time.
(:) Perbs li.e ,eli;uo and >ico lose the o( the present tense in the per(ect stem
(,eli;u1 and >ic1). his can be the only di((erence bet/een the per(ect and present
tense e.g.9 >icit = he con@uers, >icit K he con@uered.
(&) Prepositions are omitted not only /ith the names o( to/ns, small islands and domus,
but also /ith ,us (= the country) and !umus (= the ground).
(;) 7( a place name is plural in (orm and is the subBect o( a )erb, the )erb /ill be plural, e.g.
#uteoli loge absut = Puteoli is (ar a/ay.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 "$!, "$", "$$ and the )ocabulary on p."#.
Do E2ercise "%.", "%.$, "%.:, "%.&, "%.;, "%.' and "%,< on pp."$! to"$: (Balme F 3or/ood,
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
4tudy unit &
Cartoon captions
". 5t last the Bourney /as (inishedJ Quintus and his (ather had entered 0ome.
$. he ne2t day they /al.ed to the (orumJ Quintus had ne)er seen such splendid
:. 5t last 6laccus said to him, N1ou ha)e loo.ed at e)erything no/J come to the school o(
&. Quintus had not loo.ed at e)erything, but his (ather led him out o( the (orum.
,hile 4cintilla and Horatia /aited an2iously at Penusia, Quintus and his (ather had no/
marched (or nine days to/ards 0omeJ they had crossed mountains and ri)ersJ the Bourney
had been long and di((icult. 5t last they /ere not (ar (rom 0ome. Quintus /as )ery tired, but
his (ather said, NDonCt despair, son, the Bourney is nearly (inished. ,e are not (ar (rom 0ome.O
he ne2t day they caught sight o( the /alls o( the city and hurried to the gates.
*ight had already come /hen they entered the city. hey (ound a little innJ they dined and
a(ter dinner /ent to sleep at once. 5t da/n 6laccus /o.e Quintus and said, NCome, Quintus,
/e must loo. (or the school o( 8rbilius.O hey proceeded slo/ly through the streets o( the
5t last they /ere / in the 4acred ,ay and had soon come to the (orum. *either
Quintus nor his (ather had e)er seen such splendid buildings. hey stood (or a long time
astonishedJ then they began to loo. at e)erything. Here /as the temple o( Pesta, /here the
Pestal Pirgins loo.ed a(ter the e)er+burning (ireJ there /as the 5emilian Basilica, /here the
magistrates dispensed BusticeJ here /ere the 0ostra, /here the magistrates used to ma.e
speeches to the people. here had stood the senate houseJ no/ it lay in ruins, burnt in a riot.
7n (ront /as the Capitoline 3ount, /here the huge temple o( Gupiter stood.
hey had loo.ed at e)erything (or a long time /hen 6laccus said, NCome, my son, /e /ill
stay in 0ome (or a long timeJ you /ill o(ten see all this.O hey le(t the (orum and climbed a
hillJ soon they had arri)ed at the school o( 8rbilius. hey stood outside the door o( the
school. hey could hear the boys reciting and 8rbilius correcting themJ but they did not go in.
6laccus said, NCome, QuintusJ /e must (ind a lodging and buy ne/ clothes.O
Quintus and his (ather le(t the middle o( the city and proceeded to the 4ubura, /here the
poor li)ed. here /ere no great houses but high bloc.s o( (lats, in /hich many (amilies li)ed.
he streets /ere dirty and narro/. 3any people /ere running this /ay and thatJ e)ery/here
(/as) shouting and uproar. 4oon they came to a clothes shopJ 6laccus bought Quintus a
toga /ith a purple border and a /hite tunicJ Quintus, /ho had ne)er had such splendid
clothes, than.ed his (ather. hen they /ent on into the 4ubura and loo.ed (or a lodging.
E=e,cise /I0/
". /e are /ashing '. they lea)e
$. /e /ashed <. they le(t
:. heIshe came #. /e see
&. heIshe is coming %. /e sa/
;. you bought "!. /e /ere sitting
"". /e sat "'. they too.
"$. /e are sitting "<. you thre/
":. you con@uered "#. heIshe (led
"&. 7 read (past) %. /e are (leeing
";. 7 am reading $!. 7 made
4tudy unit &
E=e,cise /I05
di2eram, 7 had said etc.
E=e,cise /I08
they had bought, /e con@uered, promiseL, /e had read,
heIshe departed, to be a/ay, heIshe /as /eeping,
heIshe le(t, heIshe is entering, /e studied, heIshe
entered, you bro.e, /e did, you had shut, he is lea)ing
E=e,cise /I02
". 6laccus /as standing on the top o( a hill /hen he sa/ the /alls o( 0ome.
$. *ight had already come /hen 6laccus led Quintus into the city.
:. ,hen they came to the middle o( the city, they stayed a long time in the (orum, they
had ne)er seen such splendid buildings.
&. 6laccus /as (or a postmanJ he had /ritten a letter to 4cintilla.
;. 4cintilla /as happy, at last 6laccus had sent a letter.
'. 3other called Horatia, /ho had gone out into the garden.
E=e,cise /I09
". Capuae &. Cumis
$. Cumas ;. 5ntii
:. Cumis '. 0omam
E=e,cise /I0:
". 5eneas /as born at roy.
$. ,hen the Hree.s con@uered roy, he led his comrades to 4icily.
:. he roBans /ere sailing to 7taly /hen a storm dro)e them to Libya.
&. 5eneas stayed a long time /ith Dido at Carthage.
;. 5t last Gupiter ordered him to sail to 7taly.
'. 5nd so he le(t Carthage and led his comrades to Puteoli.
E=e,cise /I0H
". 6laccus Quintus@ue domo discesserunt, sed 4cintilla et Horatia Penusiae manserunt.
$. pater (ilius@ue 0omam contenderuntJ decem diebus ad urbem per)enerunt.
:. iter longum (uerat et di((icile.
&. 0omae septem annos manseruntJ deinde 6laccus domum redire constituit.
;. 6laccus Penusiam rediitJ Quintus ab 7talia discessit 5thenas@ue na)iga)ita.
'. Quintus 5thenis diu manebat.
4tudy unit &
0ome (Balme F 3or/ood "%%'9$$+$&).
4tudy unit &
205 C'A#TER 57:
List of contents
ranslations9 he school o( 8rbilius
Hrammar9 Perbs9 per(ect stems (cont
*ouns9 &th declension
Cultural topic9 Hreece and 0ome
(Chapter $!9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e the per(ect stem o( all )erbs used in chapter $! o( your prescribed boo.
decline all nouns belonging to the &th declension and translate them /hen used in
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $! o( your prescribed boo.
e2plain the relations bet/een 0ome and Hreece during the "st century B.C. and
compare their achie)ements and aptitudes
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.$; (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.$' (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 T!e sc!ool o< O,bilius.
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit &
(") ite,dum = (rom time to time, sometimes.
($) 7( the action o( the dum clause goes on throughout the action o( the main clause, the
imper(ect is used in both clauses.
(:) he u predominates in all cases o( the &th declension e2cept (or the dati)e and ablati)e
plural. *early all nouns o( this declension are masculine. he only common (eminine
noun is maus.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 "$:, "$&, "$; and the )ocabulary on p. $'.
Do E2ercise $!.", $!.$, $!.:, $!.&, $!.;, $!.' and $!.< on pp. "$: to "$; (Balme F
3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
4tudy unit &
Cartoon captions
". 8rbilius had a long beard and a se)ere e2pression. 7n his hand he /as carrying a cane.
$. 8rbilius ga)e Quintus a boo. and told him to read many )erses.
:. 8rbilius led Quintus into the middle. He said, NLoo., boysL 7Cm introducing a ne/ pupil
to youJ his name is Quintus Horatius 6laccus.O
&. Quintus sat miserably in the corner o( the schoolroom. 6rom time to time a boy turned
round and turned up his nose disdain(ully.
$he school of 'r(ilius
5t da/n 6laccus /o.e up Quintus. He /ashed and put on his ne/ toga. 6ather and son /ent
do/n into the street and hurried to/ards the school o( 8rbilius. 6laccus carried QuintusC
satchel in his hands and played the part o( a tutor. hey /al.ed and had soon arri)ed
at the school.
he door /as open. hey /ent in and began to loo. (or 8rbilius. hey (ound him sitting in the
courtyard. He /as a )enerable manJ he had a long beard and a se)ere e2pressionJ in his
hand he carried a cane. 6laccus /ent up (to him) and said, NLoo., master. 7 am bringing my
son Quintus to you.O He loo.ed at Quintus andsaid, NCome here, Quintus, and ans/er me a
(e/ @uestions.O
8rbilius as.ed Quintus many @uestions, (irst about 0oman historyJ N,hoO he said, N(ounded
0ome> ,ho dro)e ar@uinius the Proud out o( 0ome> ,hen did Hannibal in)ade 7taly>O
and many other things. Quintus could ans/er easily. *e2t 8rbilius handed him a boo. and
told him to readJ Quintus too. the boo. in his hands and read it easily. 8rbilius said9 NHood,
the boy can read /ell.O hen he handed Quintus a boo. /ritten in Hree.. 6laccus /as
an2iousJ he came (or/ard to 8rbiliusJ he said9 N3y son can neither spea. nor read Hree..O
8rbilius /as astonished. N,hat>O he said, N,hat> he boy can neither spea. nor read
Hree.> He must learn Hree. letters at once.O He handed Quintus a boo. /ritten in Hree.
and told him to learn all the letters
he other boys had no/ arri)ed 8rbilius said, NCome, boyJ it is time to study.O He led Quintus
into the schoolroom. ,hen they entered, all the boys stood up and greeted their master. He
led Quintus into the middle and said, NLoo., boys, 7 am introducing a ne/ pupil to you. His
name is Quintus Horatius 6laccus. HeCs a barbarian He can neither spea. nor read Hree..O
5ll the boys began to laugh. He said, NBe @uiet, boys. Quintus, go to the corner and learn
your Hree. letters.O 5nd so Quintus sat in the corner o( the schoolroom and studied Hree.
letters. 8rbilius /as teaching the others the 7liad o( HomerJ they all understood Homer easilyJ
they all recited Hree. )erses correctly. 6rom time to time one o( the boys turned round and
turned up his nose disdain(ully. Quintus /as )ery miserableJ he /anted to return home.
E=e,cise 570/
". they /ere gi)ing %. 7 belie)e
$. 7 ga)e "!. he had belie)ed
:. gi)eL "". they /ere running
&. they had gi)en "$. you ran
;. to gi)e ":. runL
'. belie)eL "&. /e are running
<. /e belie)ed ";. you had run
#. 7 used to belie)e
4tudy unit &
E=e,cise 5705
". Horatia /as / through the /oodJ 5rgus had gone a/ay (rom homeJ Horatia /as (or him.
$. erentius /as returning (rom the (ield, /hen he met the girl.
:. erentius said, N,hat are you doing. Horatia> ,hy ha)e you le(t home>O
&. Horatia said, N3other sentIhas sent me. 6or 5rgus has run into the /ood. 7 ha)e been (or him (or a long time.O
;. erentius said, NDonCt /orry (yoursel()J /ithout doubt 5rgus has no/ returned home.O
'. hey /ere / home, /hen Horatia slipped and (ell to the ground.
<. he girl shouted9 5rgus heard her and ran out o( the /oods.
#. he girl greeted the dog happily but N5rgus,O she said, N/hy did you go a/ay (rom
home> 1ou are a bad dog. 1ou ha)e /orried me greatly.O
E=e,cise 5708
". discesserant# procedebant. Quintus and his (ather had no/ le(t the (orum and /ere
proceeding to the 4ubura.
$. erant# currebant. he roads /ere dirtyJ e)ery/here men /ere running this /ay and
:. rogavit# imus. Quintus as.ed his (ather, N,here are /e going> ,here should /e loo.
(or a lodging>O
&. advenimus# possumus. His (ather replied9 NDonCt despair, son. ,e ha)e nearly arri)ed
at the 4ubura. here /ithout doubt /e can (ind a lodging.O
;. vidit# erat. 4oon Quintus sa/ a bloc. o( (lats o( /hich the door /as open.
'. duxit# vocavit. 6laccus led his son into the bloc. o( (lats and called the door.eeper.
<. invenerunt# dormiebat# biberat. 5t last they (ound the door.eeperJ he /as sleepingJ he
/as drun.J (or he had drun. much /ine.
#. excitavi# abeo. 6laccus /o.e him upJ he said, N7 ha)e no lodging empty.O
E=e,cise 5702
". 6laccus Quintum ad ludum 8rbilii du2it.
$. 8rbilius in aula sedebat.
:. 6laccus eum saluta)it et Tmeum (ilium. in@uit, Nad te du2i.O
&. 8rbilius Quintum multa roga)itJ Quintus (acile respondere poterat.
;. ceteri pueri iam ad)enerant et prope ianuam ludebant.
'. 8rbilius iratus erat. Ncur luditis>O in@uitJ Ncur scholam non intra)istis>O
E=e,cise 5709
)ultus se)erus omnes gradus
)ultum se)erum omnes gradus
)ultus se)eri omnium graduum
)ultui se)ero omnibus gradibus
)ultu se)ero omnibus gradibus
4tudy unit &
E=e,cise 570:
". he citiEens /ere shouting and preparing to (ma.e a) riot.
$. he consul stood on the steps o( the temple.
:. 3any magistrates /ere present, /ho /ere a(raid o( the anger o( the citiEens.
&. he consul loo.ed at the citiEens /ith a se)ere e2pression.
;. 5t last he raised his hands and made a speech to the people.
'. he citiEens ceased (rom their riot and listened to the consul.
E=e,cise 570H
". Quintus ad 7udum cum patre (estinabat.
$. 6laccus libros (ilii manibus (erebatIportabat.
:. ubi ad ludum ad)enerunt, 8rbilius eos in gradibus e2tra ianuam e2spectabat.
&. eos )ultu se)ero specta)itIspectabat.
;. Ncur sero ad)enisti, Quinte>O in@uitJ Ndebes @uin@uaginta )ersus scribere.O
Hreece and 0ome (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9$#+:!)
4tudy unit &
208 C'A#TER 5/:
List of contents
ranslations9 3arcus in)ites Quintus to his home
Hrammar9 Perbs9 per(ect stems (cont
*ouns9 ;th declension
Cultural topic9 he li(e and times o( Cicero
(Chapter $"9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e the per(ect stem o( all )erbs used in chapter $" o( your prescribed boo.
decline all nouns belonging to the ;th declension and translate them /hen used in
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $" o( your prescribed boo.
gi)e a cursory sur)ey o( the li(e and times o( 3arcus ullius Cicero
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.:" (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.:$ (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Ma,cus i>ites Guitus to
!is !ouse0
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit &
(") 1ou ha)e no/ learnt all the declensions. 0e)ise them (rom the tables in the 0e(erence
grammar (pp.";$+";:).
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 "$;, "$', and the )ocabulary on p. :$.
Do E2ercise $".", $".$, $".:, and $".& on p."$' and "$< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions
". he ne2t day Quintus /as / home /ith his (ather /hen 3arcus ran up.
$. He said, N,ait, Quintus. Do you /ant to come home /ith me and )isit my (ather>O
:. 3arcus led Quintus homeJ he (ound his (ather in the study.
&. 3arcusC (ather /as dictating a letter to his secretary about the republic.
Marcus in"ites Quintus to his home
E)ery day 6laccus led his son to 8rbiliusC school. Quintus learnt, and he could soon
spea. and read Hree.. 8rbilius praised him, because he /as a good pupil. 5t (irst Quintus
/as )ery miserable. 6or the other boys a)oided him and re(used (/ere not /illing) to play
/ith himJ but at last the one /ho had greeted him the (irst day came up and said, NQuintus,
my name is 3arcus. 1ou mustnCt stand here alone. Come /ith me and greet my comrades.O
He led Quintus to his comrades and said, N6riends, 7 /ant to introduce Quintus Horatius
6laccus. Hreet him and let him ta.e part in our games.O he other boys loo.ed up to 3arcus,
because he /as a big boy and smartJ besides, his (ather /as an eminent man. /ho had
been consul and a (amous orator. 5nd so they all greeted Quintus and allo/ed him to ta.e
part in their games.
5 (e/ days later /hen 8rbilius dismissed the boys, Quintus /as / home, /hen 3arcus
ran up and said, NQuintus, do you /ant to come home /ith me and )isit my (ather>O Quintus
/as shyJ N5re you really in)iting me to your home> 7snCt your (ather busy (occupied by
4tudy unit &
things)>O He ans/ered9 N3y (ather is al/ays busy. But he al/ays /ants to see my (riends.
He is sadJ this year my sister, ullia, her (atherCs darling, died. He is still mourning her but
/hen he meets my (riends, he is more cheer(ul. ComeLO
hey crossed the (orum and climbed the Palatine hill. 4oon they arri)ed at 3arcusC house.
3arcus .noc.ed on the doorJ the door.eeper opened the door and greeted 3arcusJ
NHreetings, master,O he saidJ Ncome in.O 3arcus as.ed him, N,here is my (ather>O He said,
N1our (ather is in the study. He is busy. 6or he is dictating letters to his secretary.O
3arcus led Quintus into the hall. He (Quintus) had ne)er seen such a magni(icent house he
hall /as /ide and highJ on all sides /ere great doors. 3arcus led Quintus to the door /hich
stood in (ront and .noc.ed. 4omeone in a pleasant )oice said, NCome in.O 3arcus opened
the door and led Quintus into the study.
E=e,cise 5/0/
". heIshe (ell %. you loo.ed (or
$. /e culti)ated "!. they had handed o)er
:. /e stayed "". you mo)ed
&. heIshe had read "$. you increased
;. you promised ":. heIshe summoned
'. they had placed "&. /e returned
<. they did ";. /e ga)e bac.
#. they had ordered
E=e,cise 5/05
" omnis rei omni re
primae lucis prima luce
illius temporis illo tempore
mali )ersus malo )ersu
nullius spei nulla spe
$ omnium dierum omnibus diebus
longarum na)ium longis na)ibus
altorum graduum altis gradibus
hominum tristium hominibus tristibus
(luminum altorum (luminibus altis
4tudy unit &
E=e,cise 5/08
". Quintus had no/ studied (or many days in the school o( 8rbilius.
$. 8ne day, /hen 8rbilius had dismissed the boys, 3arcus told him to come home /ith
:. ,hen 3arcus led Quintus into the study, his (ather /as dictating a letter about public
&. Cicero /as )ery an2ious about the republic and /as sending letters to 5tticus e)ery
;. Cicero had al/ays tried to de(end the republic but had no/ almost gi)en up hope.
E=e,cise 5/02
". cotidie 6laccus (ilio suo multa de rebus 0omanis narrabat.
$. duces )eteris reipublicae laudabat.
:. NducesO in@uit Nrempublicam amabant ci)es@ue curabant.
&. hodie duces pupulum non curantJ nihil cupiunt nisi suam gloriam augere.
;. @uis potest spem de (uturis habere>O
Cicero (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9:&+:#).
4tudy unit &
202 C'A#TER 55:
List of contents
ranslations9 he circus games
Hrammar9 Perbs9 per(ect stems (cont
4ynta29 uses o( the ablati)e case
Cultural topic9 he games (theatre, gladiators and races)
(Chapter $$9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
gi)e the per(ect stem o( all )erbs used in chapter $$ o( your prescribed boo.
translate the ablati)e case (all declensions) according to any o( the meanings gi)en in
chapter $$ o( your prescribed boo.
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $$ o( your prescribed boo.
discuss brie(ly the 0oman theatre, gladiatorial sho/s and races
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p. :% (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. &! (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 T!e ci,cus games0
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit &
(") loca: the plural o( locus is neuter in (orm.
($) p,aeto,: the praetor is the magistrate /ho is gi)ing the games at his o/n e2pense.
(:) 7n incepti)e )erbs the su((i2 +sc+ added to the )erb stem gi)es the (orce Nbegin toO or
Ntry toO. 4ome )erbs /ith su((i2 +sc+ ha)e lost their incepti)e (orce, e.g. pasco = 7 (eed.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 "$<, "$# and the )ocabulary on p. &!.
Do E2ercise $$.", $$.$ and $$.: on pp. "$< and "$# (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions
". 5 (e/ days later 3arcus led Quintus (rom the (orum to the Circus 3a2imus.
$. he boys entered the Circus but could scarcely (ind places empty o( spectators.
:. he praetor rose (rom his chair and ga)e the signal.
&. 5t once the horses (le/ out o( the starting cages.
$he Circus games
5 (e/ days later Quintus /as / to the school o( 8rbilius /ith his (atherJ he had already
reached the (orum /hen he heard someone calling him. He loo.ed bac. and sa/ 3arcus
running to/ards him. ,hen he (3arcus) dre/ near, he said, N,here are you going,
Quintus>O Quintus said, N7Cm hurrying to school o( course.O NDonCt tal. nonsense,O said
3arcusJ NitCs a holiday. oday no one should go to school. Come /ith me to the Circus
3a2imus. he praetor is gi)ing magni(icent games to the people.O Quintus, /ho had ne)er
seen the Circus games, /as /illing to obey 3arcus, but his (ather /as cautiousJ Nhere are
lots o( criminals at such games. 7tCs dangerous.O But 3arcus /as already leading Quintus
across the (orum. 6laccus turned and /ent bac. home.
4tudy unit &
,hen they arri)ed at the Circus, there /as a huge cro/d thereJ many thousands o( citiEens,
men, /omen and children, /eregathering at the gates. Quintus and 3arcus could scarcely
get inJ at last they (ound empty places and sat do/n. 5 )ery great procession /as already
marching through the CircusJ trumpeters led the procession, then soldiers /ere carrying
images o( the gods, last )ery many charioteers slo/ly dro)e their (our+horsed chariots.
5t last the procession /as (inished. /el)e chariots stood in the starting cages ready (or the
(irst race. he praetor rose (rom his chair and ga)e the signal. 5t once the horses (le/ out o(
the starting cages. 5ll the spectators shouted and urged on the charioteers. hey lashed
their horses and made (or the turning post. he (irst rounded the turning post sa(e(ly)J the
second hit his inner /heel on the postJ the chariot /as bro.enJ he (himsel() (ell to the ground,
caught in the reinsJ he (reed himsel( (rom the reins and (led (rom the course. he others (le/
round the course se)en times /ithout mishapJ the Blue /on. 3arcus. /ho /as that
team, /as delighted.
6or the /hole day Quintus and 3arcus /atched the races. E)ening /as at hand /hen
3arcus said, NCome, QuintusJ itCs time to return homeJ no doubt our parents are an2ious.O
,hile he /as getting up, he tried to ta.e his purse out o( his poc.etJ but there /as nothing in
the poc.etJ he had lost his purse. N7mmortal godsLO he said, N4omeone has stolen my purse.O
Quintus /as )ery upset, but 3arcus said, N7tCs o( no importanceJ 7C)e got another purse at
E=e,cise 550/
haec res illi dies
hanc rem illos dies
huius rei illorum dierum
huic rei illis diebus
hac re illis diebus
E=e,cise 5505
". excitavit. 8ne day 4cintilla /o.e up Horatia earlyJ it /as day.
$. festinare. N,a.e up,O she saidJ Nit is time to hurry to the (orum.O
:. paruit# surrexit. Horatia obeyed her mother and got up
&. advenerunt# aderant. ,hen they arri)ed at the (orum, there /ere )ery many people
already there.
;. steterunt# exposuerunt. hey stood on the steps o( the temple and put out their /ares.
'. vendiderant# redire. 4oon they had sold all their things and /ere preparing to return
<. occurrerunt# vendebant. hey /al.ed slo/ly through the (orum and met (riends /ho
/ere themsel)es selling things.
#. emerunt# erant. But they bought nothingJ (or they /ere poor.
E=e,cise 5508
". ,hen Quintus and 6laccus le(t home, 4cintilla and Horatia stayed at Penusia.
$. E)ery day they used to get up at the (irst hour o( the day and /or.ed a long time in the
(ieldJ in the e)ening they returned home e2tremely tired.
:. 4cintilla /as rarely (ree (rom cares but she ne)er ga)e up hope.
4tudy unit &
&. 5 (e/ days later she had returned (rom the (ield and /as resting in the cottage /hen
the postman handed her a letter.
;. 6or 6laccus had at last sent a letter (rom 0ome. He had reached 0ome /ithout mishap
/ith their son. his letter (reed 4cintilla (rom great an2iety.
he games (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9&:+&').
4tudy unit &
209 C'A#TER 58:
List of contents
ranslations9 3arcus Quintus to the bathsHrammar9 Perbs9 the
irregular )erb <e,o
4ynta29 (urther uses o( the ablati)e
Cultural topic9 E)ery day li(e in 0ome
(Chapter $:9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
conBugate and translate the irregular )erb <e,o into any o( its indicati)e, acti)e (orms
translate the ablati)e case o( nouns according to its meaning in the conte2t o( the
sentence in /hich it occurs
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $: o( your prescribed boo.
describe a typical day in the li(e o( an ambitious 0oman in the "st century B.C
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.&< (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p.&# (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Ma,cus ta-es Guitus to
t!e bat!s0
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit &
(") pue, summa idust,ia = a boy o( the greatest industry (ablati)e o( @uality + se
($) malo: this )erb is an abbre)iated (orm o( magis >olo (7 /ish more), Bust as olo is
abbre)iated (rom e1>olo0 7ts (ull conBugation is gi)en in the 0e(erence grammar
(p."'!). 7t is sometimes (ound /ith ;uam = NthanO, e.g. !ic mae,e malo ;uam
domum ,edi,e = 7 pre(er to stay here rather than return home.
(:) <e,o is highly irregular and e2tremely commonJ it should be care(ully learnt.
(&) he instrumental ablati)e and ablati)e o( manner can mostly be translated /ith Nby,
/ith or (romO /hile the ablati)e o( @uality can best be translated /ith No(.O 7n stead o( the
ablati)e o( @uality latin sometimes uses the geniti)e, e.g. >i, summi igeii K >i,
summo igeio0 7n e2pressions o( number and measurement the geniti)e is al/ays
used, e.g. pue, se= ao,um = a boy si2 years oldJ <ossa ;uidecim pedum = a
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 "$# and "$% and the )ocabulary on p.&#.
Do E2ercise $:.", $:.$, $:.:, $:.& and $:.; on p."$% and ":!.(Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions
". Quintus, a boy o( great industry, /as reading a boo.. /hen 3arcus called him in a loud
$. 3arcus said to Quintus, NCome /ith me to the bathsJ they are not (ar (rom the (orum.O
:. 7n the baths some /ere Bumping into the pool /ith tremendous shouting, others /ere
playing /ith balls.
&. Quintus /atched e)erything /ith the greatest admiration.
4tudy unit &
Marcus takes Quintus to the (aths
Quintus had no/ been studying in 8rbiliusC school (or a long time. He /as a boy o( the
greatest industry and enBoyed his studies. 8neday /hen 8rbilius had dismissed the boys,
3arcus said to Quintus, N7Cm going to the baths. DonCt you /ant to come /ith me> hey are
not (ar (rom the (orum.O Quintus /as not busy (at leisure) and /as /illing to obey 3arcus. 5t
once they proceeded to the bathsJ 6laccus /al.ed behind them /ith 3arcusC tutor.
hey soon arri)ed. hey entered and loo.ed round. here /ere lots o( men in the hallJ
shouts sounded (round) (rom e)ery side. 4ome /ere Bumping into the pool /ith a
tremendous din, others /ere playing /ith balls. 4ausage sellers and s/eet sellers /ere
praising their /ares in loud )oices. Quintus /as /atching it all /ith the greatest admiration,
/hen 3arcus sa/ a (riendJ he le(t Quintus and /ent up to him. Quintus /ent o(( alone to the
changing room. He too. o(( his clothes and put them in a cupboard. 6irst he /ent into the
/arm room and lay (or a little in the /arm /aterJ then he /ent to the hot roomJ (inally he
Bumped into the pool and e2ercised (himsel() (or some time.
5t last he returned to the changing room and loo.ed (or his clothes. But /hen he opened the
cupboard, there /as nothing in itJ someone had stolen his clothes. Quintus ran bac. into the
hall and loo.ed round. 4uddenly he caught sight o( a man hurrying to the door, /ho /as
carrying clothes in his hands. Quintus at once shouted in a loud )oice9 NCatch that thie(J heCs
carrying o(( my clothes.O 6laccus, /ho /as /aiting in the hall, heard him, sa/ the thie( and
/ith no delay /ent (or him. He (the thie() /as already escaping to the gate but 6laccus ran at
top speed and caught him on the )ery threshold. He snatched the clothes and brought them
bac. to his son. Quintus than.ed his (ather and got dressed.
E=e,cise 580/
". they had (led %. heIshe had carried
$. heIshe /as thro/ing "!. you are carrying
:. you carried "". /e loo.ed (or
&. 7 too. "$. /e had allo/ed
;. to carry ":. they placed
'. you had made "&. you summoned
<. carryL ";. heIshe had sought
#. heIshe desired
E=e,cise 5805
". 5t (irst light Horatia /as returning home (rom the springJ she /as carrying a hea)y
/ater pot in her hands.
$. 4cintilla called to her in a loud )oice9 NCome bac., Horatia,O she said, Nand help
:. Horatia put do/n the /ater pot on the ground and ran bac. to her mother at top speed.
&. 4he ran out o( the door and said, NLoo., daughterJ the cottage is on (ire.O
;. Horatia brought an urn (ull o( /ater and put out the (lames.
'. 4cintilla praised her daughter9 N1ou are a girl o( the greatest courage, Horatia, and
/orthy o( the highest praise.O
4tudy unit &
E=e,cise 5808
". prima luce# patre# domo. 5t (irst light Quintus le(t home /ith his (ather.
$. foro# brevi tempore. he school o( 8rbilius /as not (ar (rom the (orum. 7n a short time
they had arri)ed at the school.
:. magna voce. ,hen his (riends sa/ Quintus, they called him in a loud )oice.
&. clamoribus# ludo# vultu severo. he master, upset by the shouts o( the boys, came out
o( the school and loo.ed at the boys /ith a se)ere e2pression.
;. tantis clamoribus. NBoys,O he said. NdonCt /a.e the /hole city /ith such loud shoutsJ
come in
E=e,cise 5802
". die @uodam Quintus ad ludum (estinabat.
$. (orum transibat cum ali@uis eum magna )oce )oca)it.
:. se )ertit et 3arcum )idit, @ui ad eum summa celeritate per turbam currebat.
&. NQuinte,O in@uit, Npuer es magna industria sed hodie non debes ad ludum ire. )eni
mecum ad cursus.O
;. 3arcus eum e (oro du2it ad Circum 3a2imum, @ui )iris (eminis@ue plenus erat.
E=e,cise 5809
". ianuam aperuit9 he opened the door
$. urnam fregisti9 you bro.e the urn.
:. aquam tuli9 7 brought /ater
&. $omam contendimus9 /e /al.ed to 0ome
;. domi manserunt9 they stayed at home
'. canem quaesivi9 7 loo.ed (or the dog.
<. pecuniam tradidisti9 you handed o)er the money.
#. togam emit9 he bought a toga.
%. omnia cognoverunt9 they learnt e)erything.
"!. in casa quievimus9 /e rested in the house.
5 day at 0ome (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9;!+;$).
4tudy unit &
20: C'A#TER 52:
List of contents
ranslations9 CaesarCs triumphs
Hrammar9 5dBecti)es9 he comparison o( adBecti)es
(Chapter $&9 Oxford Latin Course
A<te, completig t!is Study Sectio you s!ould be able to
decline any adBecti)e in its comparati)e (orm
recognise and translate in conte2t any adBecti)e in its comparati)e (orm
translate the /ord ;uam (=than) /hen used /ith a comparati)e adBecti)e
gi)e the meaning o( all Latin /ords used in chapter $&
describe a 0oman triumph
". ranslate the cartoon captions on p.;: (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
$. ranslate the passage on p. ;& (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%')9 Caesa,Ds t,iump!s0
:. Compare your ans/ers /ith the ans/ers gi)en at the end o( this 4tudy 4ection.
4tudy unit &
(") Latin has only one (orm o( the comparati)e /hich co)ers se)eral meanings
di((erentiated in English, e.g. <o,tio, can mean not only Nbra)erO (the comparati)e
proper but also Ntoo ba)eO and Nrather bra)e.O he Latin superlati)e <o,tissimus means
either Nbra)estO (superlati)e proper or N)ery bra)e.O
($) Learn the irregular (orms o( comparison (p.":" o( your prescribed boo.) )ery /ell. hey
o(ten occur.
Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9 ":!, ":" and the )ocabulary on p. ;&.
Do E2ercise $&.", $&.$, and $&.: on p. ":! and ":" (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%').
Chec. your ans/ers against the ans/ers gi)en belo/.
Cartoon captions
". his ship is longer than thatJ this ship is )ery long.
$. his dog is bigger than thatJ this dog is )ery big.
:. 7C)e ne)er seen a more (riendly girl than HoratiaJ Horatia is e2tremely (riendly.
&. 7C)e ne)er .no/n a /orse boy than DecimusJ Decimus is )ery bad.
Caesar#s triumphs
ime (le/ Quintus had no/ stayed (i)e years in 0ome. He had more (riends than he
could countJ e)ery day he became happier. 7n the month o( Guly C Gulius Caesar at last
returned to 0ome (rom 5(rica. 6or (our years no/ he had /aged ci)il /ar all o)er the /orld.
He had con@uered all his enemies, he controlled the /hole 0oman empire. 5nd so he
decided to hold triumphs (or the )ictories /hich he had /on in Haul, in Egypt, in the Pontus
and in 5(rica. He declared a holiday o( (i(teen days. He ga)e sho/s o( e)ery sort, gladiatorial
sho/s, /ild beast hunts, theatrical games, both tragic and comic. *o one had e)er gi)en
games more splendid than those.
4tudy unit &
8n the (irst day o( the holiday Quintus got up early. He said goodbye to his (ather and hurried
to 8rbiliusC school, /here he met a (riend called Publius. ,ithout delay they hurried to the
(orum. ,henthey got there, there /as already a huge cro/d present, men, /omen, children,
both citiEens and sla)esJ Quintus had ne)er seen a bigger cro/d than that. 4ometimes a
senator burst through the middle o( the cro/d /ith his retinue o( clients. 4ometimes a noble
lady made her /ay to the Capitol lying in a litter, /hich eight sla)es /ere carrying. 4/eet+
sellers and sausage+sellers, /ho ad)ertised their /ares at the top o( their )oices /ere
/ through the cro/d. Quintus /ent up to a passing sausage+seller and bought masses
o( sausagesJ he sat on the steps o( a temple /ith his (riend and de)oured the sausages
4oon the triumphal procession /as approaching. Quintus and Publius could hear the shouts
and applause o( the spectators. hey pushed themsel)es into the (ront line and /atched the
procession approaching. Legionary soldiers led the procession, /earing shining armour.
hen innumerable /agons passed by, /hich carried the spoils o( /arJ the /agons carried
notices /hich sho/ed the names o( the captured cities. he /agon /hich carried the spoils
o( the Pontic /ar had only this notice9 7 C53E, 7 45, 7 C8*Q-E0ED.
Behind the /agons marched the capti)es, /eighed do/n by chains, amongst /hom /as
Percingetori2, the bra)est o( the HaulsJ no one had been a (iercer enemy to Caesar than heJ
e)en no/ he carried himsel( proudly, although he /as about to meet a most cruel death.
Lastly Caesar himsel( came into sight. He /ore a purple cloa. and on his head a laurel
cro/n. 0iding in a (our+horsed chariot, he again and again raised his right hand, saluting the
cro/d o( spectators. His chariot /as passing Quintus, /hen suddenly the a2le bro.eJ Caesar
himsel( almost (ell to the ground but /ithout delay he got up and climbed the Capitoline hill
on (oot bet/een t/o lines o( elephants.
E=e,cise 520/
laetus, laetior, laetissimus
gra)is, gra)ior, gra)issimus
ingens, ingentior, ingentissimus
altus, altior, altissimus
E=e,cise 5205
". 7 ha)e ne)er seen a more sensible girl than Horatia.
$. 7 ha)e met many girls more sensible than Horatia.
:. 1ou are /rongJ Horatia is (ar more sensible than the others.
&. *o one /as bra)er than 5chilles.
;. 7 donCt belie)e youJ 7 ha)e seen many men bra)er than 5chilles.
'. 1ou are /rongJ 5chilles /as the bra)est o( all the heroes.
E=e,cise 5208
". iter longissimum (acio. na)em maiorem @uaero @uam hanc.
$. haec na)is optima estJ non potes meliorem na)em in toto portu in)enire.
:. )iator na)em in)itus conscendit ubi ad apertum mare ad)enerunt, ma2imeI)alde
&. na)is minima erat, undae ma2imae.
;. ubi ad terram ad)enerunt, Nnum@uamO in@uit Niter peius (eci @uam hoc.O
4tudy unit &
he 0oman triumph (Balme F 3or/ood, "%%'9;'+;#).
ASS%)*M+*$ ,: -$H%S ASS%)*M+*$ MS$ .+ C'MPL+$+D
A!$+R $H+ )RAMMAR/ $RA*SLA$%'*S A*D +0+RC%S+S %*
CHAP$+RS , $' 1 '! $H+ '0!'RD LA$%* C'RS+ HA2+ .++*
A0 T,aslate t!e <ollowig >e,bs ito Eglis!:
1.1 parant
".$ is
".: est
".& sede
".; possumus
".' maneo
".< curritis
".# pone
".% ducitis
$0 Replace t!e wo,d i b,ac-ets wit! t!e co,,ect Lati wo,d e t!e t,aslate
t!e w!ole setece ito Eglis!0 )i,st w,ite dow t!e ew Lati setece@
ad t!e t!e Eglis! t,aslatio0
2.1 pueri ludum (inire).
$.$ pater (iratus) est et (puella) iubet e2 (casa) ire.
$.: (colonus) in (ager) (laboro) cupiunt.
$.& cur matrem non (iu)o), Quinte>
$.; noli magnas urnas (porto)L
C Ai>e t!e Lati impe,ati>e <o,m o< t!e <ollowig >e,bs:
#a,o 3sg04 K pa,a
Reli;uo 3pl0 egati>e4 K olite ,eli;ue,e
:." timeo (pl. negati)e)
:.$ ser)o (sg.)
:.: reddo (pl.)
:.& na)igo (pl. negati)e)
:.; audio (sg.)
D: T,aslate t!e p,epositioal p!,ases 3i b,ac-ets4 i t!e <ollowig seteces
ito Lati ad t!e t,aslate t!e w!ole setece ito Eglis!0 )i,st w,ite dow
t!e Lati p!,ase ad t!e t!e t,aslatio0
E0g0 #uella 3to t!e mot!e,4 cu,,it0
K ad mat,em
T!e gi,l is ,uig to t!e mot!e,0
&." Hraeci hastas (to the /all) coniciunt. ($K:)
&.$ (through the gate) ambulant. ($K")
&.: omnes (a/ay (rom the city) eunt. ($K$)
&.& Hector (around the /alls) currit. ($K$)
&.; colonus (in the (ield) dormit. ($K$)
E: Ai>e t!e accusati>e ad ablati>e o< eac! o< t!e <ollowig ous o< t!e 8
declesio i t!e sigula, o, plu,al as ,e;ui,ed0 T!e edigs <o, t!e accusati>e ad
ablati>e must be added to t!e stem o< t!e wo,d0 T!e stem is obtaied by ,emo>ig t!e
geiti>e edig 31is40 T!e geiti>e is t!e secod <o,m <oud i t!e >ocabula,y list0
Eg0 pate, 3sg04 K pat,em 3Acc04 pat,e 3Abl04
;." comes (sg.)
;.$ (rater (pl.)
;.: princeps (sg.)
;.& canis (pl.)
;.; re2 (pl.) ("!)
): C!age t!e ad+ecti>e so t!at its gede,@ umbe, ad case ag,ee wit! t!at o< t!e
Eg0 u,bem 3magus4 K magam0 3Lu,bemM is accusati>e@ sigula,@ <emiie ad
t!e,e<o,e LmagusM s!ould also be accusati>e@ sigula,@ <emiie0 T!e edigs loo-
di<<e,et because Lu,bs@ u,bis <0M is a ou o< t!e 8,d declesio w!ile Lmagus
magaM is a /st ad 5d declesio ad+ecti>e04
'." na)e (magnus)
'.$ amicis ((ortis)
'.: regem ((essus)
'.& comitem ((ortis)
'.; rege (an2ius)
A0 T,aslate t!e <ollowig seteces ito Lati:
<." 1ou (pl) ought to attac. the city. (:)
<.$ he good .ing does not (lee. (:)
<.: he bad boys /al. into the city. (;)
<.& 4he (ights /ith the bra)e companion. (;)
<.; he happy .ing sails /ith the prince. (&)
Total /77
ASS%)*M+*$ 4 -$' .+ C'MPL+$+D A!$+R 5' HA2+
MAS$+R+D CHAP$+R , $' ,6 '! $H+ '0!'RD LA$%* C'RS+3
A0 T,aslate t!e <ollowig >e,bs ito Lati:
1.1 you (pl) are able
1.2 we hasten
".: to help
".& he sails
".; .ill (pl)L
".' you (sg) /ant
".< 7 am
".# /e are able
".% she does not /ant
"."! say (sg)L
"."" they .ill
"."$ she prepares
".": command L(pl)
$0 Supply t!e co,,ect <o,m o< t!e ,elati>e p,oou ad t,aslate t!e w!ole setece
ito Eglis!0
$.")idesne multas na)es UUUUU ad 7taliam na)igant>
$.$0oma est urbs magna UUUUUUUU in 7talia est.
$.:du2 (ortes homines laudant UUUUUUU hostibus resistunt.
C0 Ai>e t!e case 3Nomiati>e@ *ocati>e@ Accusati>e@ Aeiti>e@ Dati>e o, Ablati>e4 ad
umbe, 3sigula,Cplu,al4 o< t!e ude,lied wo,ds0
3.1 reginae infelicis amor est magnus
3.2 Aeneas in via Mercurio occurrit.
3.3 uppiter est re! deorum
3." #ido magnam cenam omnibus $roianis parat.
:.; puellarum matrem )idesne>
D I eac! o< t!e <ollowig seteces t!e,e appea,s oe wo,d i t!e omiati>e
case 3i b,ac-ets40 #ut t!e wo,d i t!e co,,ect case ad ,etai t!e umbe, o< t!e
o,igial wo,d0 T,aslate t!e setece ito Eglis!0
E0g0 Me,cu,ius 3p,iceps4 impe,ium dat0 K p,icipi 3dati>e sg040 Me,cu,ius gi>es t!e
p,ice t!e commad0
".1 post #idonis (mors)% omnes amici tristes sunt.
".2 in (urbs) sunt multa templa.
&.: o, (amicus), noli desperareL
&.& regina est (tristis).
&.; Quintus in (ager) manet.
&.' circum (urbs) hostes currunt.
&.< canis ab horto in (ager) currit.
&.# na)es a (litora) multis na)igant.
&.% 5eneas ab urbe cum (amici) na)igat.
&."! @uid (ego) dicis>
&."" Horatia ((rater) canem reddit.
&."$ re2 cum e@uis (urbs) succurrit.
&.": puer puellae (cena) dat.
TOTAL: /77
ASS%)*M+*$ 7 -$' .+ C'MPL+$+D A!$+R 5' HA2+
MAS$+R+D CHAP$+R , $' 47 '! $H+ '0!'RD LA$%* C'RS+3
A:T,aslate t!e <ollowig Lati >e,bs ito Eglis!:
"." (aciebatis
".$ potui
".: (registis
".& peti)eramus
".; (ertis
".' redite
".< errare
".# eram
".% posuerant
"."! poteramus
$0 T,aslate oly t!e >e,b i t!e <ollowig seteces ito Lati0 Use t!e Lati wo,d
w!ic! is supplied0 &eep t!e ,e;ui,ed tese@ pe,so ad umbe, i midF
$." ,e trusted him (or a long time trust. <ide,e
$.$ he leader ordered e)eryone to be ready. iubeo
$.: Quintus li)ed in 5pulia (or many years. !abito0
$.& 7 /as sleeping /hen you came in. do,mio
$.; he 0omans ruled o)er many nations. ,ego
$.' to (ly. >olo
$.< 7 had already con@uered my enemies oor/in. >ico
$.# Hi)eL do
$.% He returned. ,edeo
$."! 1ou (sg) /ere grabbing. ,apio
C T,aslate t!e <ollowig e=p,essios o< time ito Lati:
Eg0 <o, t!,ee !ou,s K t,es !o,as 3accusati>e@ because du,atio o< time is e=p,essed4
I t!e <ou,t! !ou, K ;ua,ta !o,a 3ablati>e@ because a poit i time o, Ltime w!eM is
:." (or many years
:.$ in the tenth year
:.: in that year
:.& in the spring
:.; (or three /inters long
:.' at daybrea. (= (irst light)
:.< on the eight day
:.# they /hole /ay
:.% that night
:."! (or (i)e hours.
D Ai>e t!e impe,<ect@ pe,<ect ad plupe,<ect o< eac! o< t!e <ollowig >e,bs0 T!e
pe,so to be used is gi>e i b,ac-ets 3I@ you@ !eCs!e@ we@ you 3pl04@ t!ey40 Ai>e t!e
Eglis! t,aslatio i b,ac-ets a<te, t!e Lati >e,b0
E0g0 amo 3tu4 K amabas 3you we,e lo>ig4J
ama>isti 3you lo>ed4
ama>e,as 3you !ad lo>ed4
"." (leo ()os)
".$ (rango (nos)
".: capio (ego)
".& sum (tu)
".; sedeo (illi)
E T,aslate t!e <ollowig p!,ases o< space ad place ito Lati:
;." (rom 0ome
;.$ at home
;.: (rom the coast
;.& to the (orum
;.; in the city
) N0$0 T!e ;uestios i t!is sectio 3) :0/ to :0874 ,elate to t!e passage o p0 97
o< t!e O=<o,d Lati Cou,se 3#a,t II40
'." ,here did Quintus (ind 3arcus>
'.$ ,hat /as really the matter /ith him>
'.: ,hy did 3arcus not come to school on the (ollo/ing day>
'.& Ho/ did 3arcus (are /ith his studies at the Lyceum>
'.; ,hy /as Quintus sad>
Ai>e t!e pe,so ad tese o< t!e <ollowig >e,bs i t!e <i,st pa,ag,ap! e0g0 8
Sg0 Impe,<ectCImpe,ati>eCI<iiti>e0
'.' @uaesi)it (l.$)
'.< @uaerebat (l.$)
'.# tollere (l.:)
'.% erat (l.;)
'."! biberat (l.')
Ai>e <i>e e=amples o< >e,bs i t!e impe,<ect tese <,om t!e secod pa,ag,ap! 3lies I1
/:4 o< t!e passage o page 97 o< t!e O=<o,d Lati Cou,se 3#a,t II4 ('.""+'.";)
Ai>e <i>e e=amples o< p,epositioal p!,ases <,om t!e <i,st pa,ag,ap! o< t!e passage
3lie /164@ gi>e t!e case o< t!e ou w!ic! <ollows t!e p,epositio e0g0 ad apodyte,ium
3Accusati>e4 ad t,aslate t!e p!,ase ito Eglis! e0g0 to t!e d,essig ,oom ('."'+'.$!)
Name ad e=plai t!e case o< t!e <ollowig ous e0g0 >estimeta K acc0 ob+ect o< t!e
'.$" atrium (l.")
'.$$ terra (l.$)
'.$: an2ietate (l ;)
'.$& rebus (l <)
'.$; doctrina (l "!)
'.$' studia (l "")
'.$< anno (l "")
'.$# amicum (l "&)
'.$% 0omae (l ";)
'.:! tempore (l "')
A T,aslate t!e wo,ds o< p!,ases betwee b,ac-ets ito Lati0 T!e ous a,e all
<,om t!e 2
o, 9
T!e ous a,e all <,om t!e <ou,t!1o, <i<t! declesio0
<." (/ith hope)
<.$ ell me (about the situationsImatters).
<.: (in truth)
<.& Cicero desired to gi)e peace to (the republic).
<.; Cicero al/ays had (hope) o( peace.
<.' Quintus /rote (beauti(ul )erses).
<.< he sound (o( a big riots) (rightened the people.
<.# Quintus held a boo. (in his hand).
TOTAL: /77
E=ample o< a e=am pape,:
$eodigd!ede >i, !ie,die >,aestelCRe;ui,emets <o, t!is pape,:
3ulti choice cards9
*on+programmable calculator9
8pen boo. e2amination9
Hraphic paper9
Draagbare re.enaarI
Gunie $!!%
(Eerste geleentheid)
$A LL$ $T!
(6irst opportunity)
38D-LE C8DE9
LATN/// D--0I
"$! minute
38D-LE BE4?01,7*HI
Latyn )ir almal 35?4 I 35=9 "!!
Pro( dr 30 Dirc.sen D5-3 I
1D I 73E9 /2:77
38DE05809 Pro( dr PH 6ic.
*e,taal die >olgede we,-woo,de i A<,i-aasCTranslate the !ll!"#n$ %er&s #nt! En$l#sh
*e,taal die >olgede sie i A<,i-aas e gee die g,ammatiese bes-,ywig >a die
ode,st,eepte woo,de 3b>0 A--usatie< e->J i<iitie<J 5de pe,soo e->0 plus;uampe,<e-tum
es04CTranslate the !ll!"#n$ senten'es #nt! En$l#sh an( $#%e the $ra))at#'al (es'r#*t#!n !
the +n(erl#ne( "!r(s (e,$, A''+sat#%e s$, #n#n#t#%e- .
*ers!n s$, *l+*ere't et',)
$." puellae litteras bene scripserunt.
$.$ tandem (essi eramusJ constituimus domum redire.
$.: cum amicis duas horas ludebam.
$.& 6laccus in summo colle stabat cum moenia 0omae )idit.
$.; 5rge , cur domo abiisti> malus canis es.
$.' 6laccus epistolam 0oma miserat.
855LITOT"L 9 &!

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