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PPrreessiiddeenntt aanndd BBooaarrdd ooff TTrruusstteeeess

MMoonnddaayy,, JJuunnee 22,, 22001144
VViillllaaggee HHaallll
112233 MMaaddiissoonn SSttrreeeett
RReegguullaarr MMeeeettiinngg
The President and Board of Trustees welcome you. Statements may be made
by citizens at the beginning of the meeting, as well as when agenda items
are reviewed. If you wish to make a statement, please complete the
!Instructions to Address the Village Board! form which is available at the
back of the Chambers, and present it to the staff table at front. When
recognized, approach the podium, state your name and address first, and
please limit your remarks to three minutes.
IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr NNoonn--AAggeennddaa PPuubblliicc CCoommmmeenntt
Non-agenda public comment is a time set aside at the beginning of each
regular meeting for citizens to make statements about an issue or concern
that is not on that meeting!s agenda. It is not intended for a dialogue with
the board. You may also communicate with the board at 708.358.5784 or
e-mail Non-agenda public comment will be limited to 30
minutes with a limit of three minutes per person. If comment requests
exceed 30 minutes, public comment will resume after the items listed under
the regular agenda are complete.
IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr AAggeennddaa PPuubblliicc CCoommmmeenntt
Comments are three minutes per person per agenda item with a maximum
of three agenda items to which you can speak. In addition, the Village Board
permits a maximum of three persons to speak to each side of any one topic
that is scheduled for or has been the subject of a public hearing by a
designated hearing body. These items are noted with (*).
II.. CCaallll ttoo OOrrddeerr aatt 66::3300 iinn RRoooomm 113300
IIII.. RRoollll CCaallll
1 of 6 6/2/14, 11:51 AM
IIIIII.. CCoonnssiiddeerraattiioonn ooff MMoottiioonn ttoo AAddjjoouurrnn ttoo EExxeeccuuttiivvee SSeessssiioonn ttoo
DDiissccuussss CCoolllleeccttiivvee BBaarrggaaiinniinngg aanndd LLiittiiggaattiioonn iinn RRoooomm 113300 aatt 66::3300
IIVV.. RReettuurrnn ttoo OOppeenn SSeessssiioonn aatt 77::3300 iinn tthhee CCoouunncciill CChhaammbbeerrss
VV.. AAggeennddaa AApppprroovvaall
Agenda for Approval
VVII.. MMiinnuutteess -- SSppeecciiaall VViillllaaggee BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg MMiinnuutteess ooff MMaayy 1122,, 22001144
&& MMaayy 1188,, 22001144 aanndd RReegguullaarr VViillllaaggee BBooaarrdd MMeeeettiinngg MMiinnuutteess ooff
MMaayy 1199,, 22001144
VVIIII.. NNoonn--AAggeennddaa PPuubblliicc CCoommmmeenntt -- PPlleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss aabboovvee..
VVIIIIII.. PPrrooccllaammaattiioonnss,, RReessoolluuttiioonnss,, AAwwaarrddss aanndd PPrreesseennttaattiioonnss
IIXX.. VViillllaaggee MMaannaaggeerr RReeppoorrttss
XX.. VViillllaaggee BBooaarrdd CCoommmmiitttteeeess
This section is intended to be informational. If there are approved
minutes from a recent Committee meeting of the Village Board, the
minutes will be posted in this section.
XXII.. CCiittiizzeenn CCoommmmiissssiioonn VVaaccaanncciieess
This is an ongoing list of current vacancies for the Citizens
Involvement Commissions. Residents are encouraged to apply
through the Village Clerk's Office.
XXIIII.. CCiittiizzeenn CCoommmmiissssiioonn AAppppooiinnttmmeennttss,, RReeaappppooiinnttmmeennttss aanndd CChhaaiirr
Names are forwarded from the Citizens Involvement Commission to
the Village Clerk and then forwarded to the Village President for
recommendation. If any appointments are ready prior to the meeting,
the agenda will be revised to list the names.
XXIIIIII.. RReegguullaarr AAggeennddaa
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AA.. DDiissccuussssiioonn RReellaatteedd ttoo tthhee AAddooppttiioonn ooff tthhee 22000099
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall RReessiiddeennttiiaall CCooddee aanndd tthhee 22000099 IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall
EExxiissttiinngg BBuuiillddiinngg CCooddee wwiitthh LLooccaall AAmmeennddmmeennttss aass PPrrooppoosseedd
bbyy tthhee BBuuiillddiinngg CCooddeess AAddvviissoorryy CCoommmmiissssiioonn ((BBCCAACC));; aanndd
DDiirreecctt SSttaaffff ttoo PPrreeppaarree OOrrddiinnaannccee ttoo AAddoopptt tthheessee CCooddeess
wwiitthh AAmmeennddmmeennttss aass PPrreesseenntteedd..
The BCAC has made a recommendation to update versions of
standardized building codes which regulate the construction of,
alteration of, and addition to buildings. This discussion will
review the purpose of the 2009 International Residential and
Existing Building Codes as well as the proposed amendments
thereto as part of a continuing series of discussions on each of
the eight code books proposed for adoption.
Agenda Item A Materials
BB.. DDiissccuussssiioonn ooff EExxiissttiinngg PPoolliiccyy PPrroohhiibbiittiinngg SSppeeeedd BBuummppss oonn
LLooccaall RRooaaddss aanndd CCoonnssiiddeerraattiioonn ooff aa MMoottiioonn ttoo RReettaaiinn
EExxiissttiinngg PPoolliiccyy oorr SSeett DDaattee ffoorr RReevviieeww..
The Village has a policy recommended by the Transportation
Commission to prohibit the use of speed bumps on local roads
along with various other parking or traffic related procedures
known as the "Parking & Traffic Policies" originally adopted in
1998. From time to time the Public Works Department and the
Transportation Commission receive public feedback to consider
the installation of speed tables on their street. Due to the
increased demand from residents over the last few years, staff
is asking that the Village Board affirm this policy.
Item B Materials
XXIIVV.. CCoonnsseenntt AAggeennddaa
CC.. AAnn OOrrddiinnaannccee AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee SSaallee ooff SSuurrpplluuss VVeehhiicclleess
OOwwnneedd bbyy tthhee VViillllaaggee ooff OOaakk PPaarrkk..
The Department of Public Works has a surplus inventory
consisting of one vehicle. The vehicle will be sold at auction and
if not sold at auction, then it will be disposed of as scrap metal.
Item C Materials
DD.. AA RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee PPuurrcchhaassee ooff OOnnee 22001155 FFoorrdd
FF--225500 XXLL,, 44xx44 PPiicckkuupp TTrruucckk,, wwiitthh SSnnooww PPllooww PPaacckkaaggee,, ffrroomm
CCuurrrriiee MMoottoorrss ooff FFrraannkkffoorrtt,, IIlllliinnooiiss tthhrroouugghh tthhee SSuubbuurrbbaann
PPuurrcchhaassiinngg CCooooppeerraattiivvee ((SSPPCC)) JJooiinntt PPuurrcchhaassiinngg PPrrooggrraamm,,
WWaaiivviinngg tthhee VViillllaaggeess BBiidd PPrroocceessss..
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The FY 2014 Fleet Replacement Fund includes the replacement
of one Public Works Street Division pickup truck. This vehicle
will be replaced with a 2015 Ford F-250, 4X4 pickup truck with
the snow plow package. The SPC awarded a bid to Currie
Motors of Frankfort, Illinois for this vehicle.
Item D Materials
EE.. AA RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff aa CCoonnttrraacctt wwiitthh
SScchhrrooeeddeerr AAsspphhaalltt SSeerrvviicceess,, IInncc.. ffoorr PPrroojjeecctt 1144--77,, PPaavveemmeenntt
PPaattcchhiinngg iinn aann AAmmoouunntt NNoott ttoo EExxcceeeedd $$220000,,000000..
Competitive bids were opened on May 15, 2014 for the
Pavement Patching project. Six contractors picked up proposal
documents and five bids were received. The low compliant bid
was submitted by Schroeder Asphalt Services in an amount of
Item E Materials
FF.. AA RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff aa CCoonnttrraacctt wwiitthh
KKoovviilliicc CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn CCoommppaannyy,, IInncc.. ffoorr PPhhaassee IIII RReeppaaiirrss ttoo
tthhee PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss CCeenntteerr iinn aann AAmmoouunntt NNoott ttoo EExxcceeeedd
In January 2013, the Village Board approved a contract with
Kovilic Construction Company, Inc. for Phase I repairs to the
Public Works Center. This contract is the second and last phase
to complete the repairs.
Item F Materials
GG.. AA RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff aa TThhrreeee YYeeaarr
AAggrreeeemmeenntt wwiitthh KKOONNEE,, IInncc.. ffoorr EElleevvaattoorr RReeppaaiirr aanndd
MMaaiinntteennaannccee SSeerrvviicceess..
The Department of Public Works is requesting to enter into a
three year agreement with KONE, Inc. to provide elevator repair
and maintenance services for all Village passenger elevators,
vertical platform lifts, stair lifts and material lifts at the Public
Works Center, Village Hall, Dole Learning Center and Parking
Item G Materials
HH.. AA RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg tthhee EExxeeccuuttiioonn ooff aann
IInntteerrggoovveerrnnmmeennttaall AAggrreeeemmeenntt ffoorr tthhee YYoouutthh IInntteerrvveennttiioonniisstt
PPrrooggrraamm,, 22001144 -- 22001166
This is an agreement among eleven taxing districts in Oak Park
and River Forest who each pay a share of this contract for
services related to youth gang prevention, drugs & violence. The
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Oak Park Township is the primary district who manages the
program. The program assists families and neighborhoods
through case management and supports the communities of
Oak Park and River Forest through staff training, inter-unit
cooperation and confidential information sharing. The total cost
for the 2014/15 year is $271,862. Each district's share ranges
from 1.5% to 24%. The Village of Oak Park pays 24% or
Item H Materials
II.. MMoottiioonn ttoo aapppprroovvee BBiillllss iinn tthhee AAmmoouunntt ooff $$663366,,009944..8822 ffoorr
tthhee WWeeeekk BBeeggiinnnniinngg MMaayy 1166,, 22001144 tthhrroouugghh MMaayy 2299,, 22001144..
Item I Materials
JJ.. RReessoolluuttiioonn AAuutthhoorriizziinngg aann AAggrreeeemmeenntt BBeettwweeeenn tthhee VViillllaaggee
ooff OOaakk PPaarrkk aanndd tthhee IIlllliinnooiiss FFrraatteerrnnaall OOrrddeerr ooff PPoolliiccee LLaabboorr
CCoouunncciill RReepprreesseennttiinngg tthhee OOaakk PPaarrkk PPoolliiccee LLiieeuutteennaannttss aanndd
This contract is for the employees covered by the Illinois
Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council Representing the Oak
Park Police Lieutenants and Sergeants. The agreement is for
the specified terms and conditions of employment including
wages and benefits as set forth in this contract. The term is for
a 3-year period ending December 31, 2016.
XXVV.. CCaallll ttoo BBooaarrdd aanndd CClleerrkk
XXVVII.. AAddjjoouurrnn
(*) The Village Board permits a maximum of three persons to speak to each
side of any one topic that is scheduled for or has been the subject of a public
hearing by a designated hearing body.
For more information regarding Village Board meetings and agendas, please
contact the Village Manager!s Office at 708.358.5770. If you require
assistance to participate in any Village program or activity, contact the ADA
Coordinator at 708.358,5430 or e-mail at least
48 hours before the scheduled activity.
Agendas and agenda materials are now available electronically on the village
web site at
GGeett tthhee llaatteesstt VViillllaaggee nneewwss vviiaa ee--mmaaiill.. JJuusstt ggoo ttoo wwwwww..ooaakk--ppaarrkk..uuss aanndd
5 of 6 6/2/14, 11:51 AM
cclliicckk oonn tthhee ee--nneewwss iiccoonn ttoo ssiiggnn uupp.. AAllssoo,, ffoollllooww uuss oonn ffaacceebbooookk,, ttwwiitttteerr
aanndd YYoouuTTuubbee..
6 of 6 6/2/14, 11:51 AM

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