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<4<,ntroduction o# a?is !ank8
<4@ istory o# (?is !ank8
<4AManagement o# (?is !ank
<4; M,LES%*BE
@4@ ME(B,B- *F +*LES(LE B(BC,B-
@4A :EF,B,%,*BS *F B(BC,B-
@4; ME(B,B- *F B(BC,B-
A4< .$*:UC% *F (D,S B(BC
A4@ Customer ser&ice in Banking *perations
A4; (ccounting #or !ank accounts
A4E Economic #unctions
A47 Banking channels
A4F %ypes o# in&estment !anks
A4G Mortgage Banking
A4= C'C HCB*+ '*U$ CUS%*ME$I
;4< *$-(B,6(%,*B S%$UC%U$E *F (D,S
;4@ S(J,B- (CC*UB% ,BF*$M(%,*B
;4A CU$$EB% (CC*UB% ,BF*$M(%,*B
;4; %raining in +holesale Banking *perations
E4< F,B:,B-S8
E4@ SU--ES%,*BS8-
E4A C*M.E%E%,*$S
74< C*BCLUS,*B
F4< B,BL,*-$(.'
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Baresh (?is Bank .roLect
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Naresh Axis Bank Project
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22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom92>
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S R .
N O . T
N O . C H A P
T E R 1 C O M P A N Y
<4< ,ntroduction o# a?is !ank<4@ History of Axis
bank1.3 Management of Axis bank1.4 Milestone
C+APT#! ,
.$*OEC% ,B%$*:UC%,*B@4< .roLect
,ntroduction@4@ Meaning o# +holesale Banking
operations@4A :e#initions o# Banking@4; Meaning
o# Banking

C+APT#! -
.$*OEC% $ESE($CA4< .roduct o# (?is
BankA4@ Customer Ser&ice in Banking
*perationA4A %raditional Banking (cti&itiesA4;
(ccounting #or Bank (ccountA4E Economic
FunctionA47 Banking Channels3.7 Types of
Inestment Bank3.! Mortgage Banking3." #$C
%#no& $o'r C'stomer(
C H A P T E R 4 T R A I N I N G
;4< *rganiPation Structure o# (?is Bank;4@ )aing
A**o'nt Information4.3 C'rrent A**o'nt
Information4.4 Training In +holesale Banking
C H A P T E R 5 F I N D I N G S
E4< -in.ings/.0 )'ggestion/.3 Competitors
6 C O N C L U S I O N C H A
7 B I B L I O G R A P H Y
22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom92>
22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom9
&isi!ility8 hidden9 display8 none92>
&ntro/uction of axis bank:
Commercial !anking ser&ices &hi*h in*l'.es
mer*hant banking1 .ire*tf i nan* e
i nf r as t r '*t 'r e f i nan* e1 ent 'r e *api t al
f 'n.1 a.i sor y 1 tr'steeship1 forex1 treas'ry an.
other relate. finan*ial seri*es. As on312Mar2
033"1 the 4ro'p has !07 bran*hes1 extension
*o'nters an.31/"/ a'tomate. teller ma*hines
%ATMs(.Axi s Bank &as t he f i r st of t he ne&
pr i at e banks t o hae beg'noperations in
1""41 after the 4oernment of In.ia allo&e. ne&
priatebanks t o be est abl i she.. The Bank
&as pr omot e. 5 oi nt l y by t heA.ministrator
of the spe*ifie. 'n.ertaking of the 6nit Tr'st of
In.ia%6TI 2 I(1 7ife Ins'ran*e Corporation of In.ia %7IC(
an. 4eneral Ins'ran*eCorporation of In.ia %4IC(
an. other fo'r 8)6 ins'ran*e *ompanies1 i.e.
Bational ,nsurance Company 7t..1 The 9e& In.ia
Ass'ran*e Company7t..1 The ,riental Ins'ran*e
Company 7t.. an. 6nite. In.ia
Ins'ran*eCompany 7t.. The Bank to.ay is
*apitali:e. to the extent of ;s. 3/".7<*rores &ith
the p'bli* %other than promoters( at
/7.7"=.TheBank> s ;egi st ere. ,ffi *e i s at
Ahme.aba. an. i ts Central ,ff i *e i slo*ate.
at M'mbai. The Bank has a ery &i.e net&ork
of more than!/3 bran*hes an. ?xtensi on
Co'nters %as on 33th @'ne 033"(. TheBank
has a net &or k of o er 3703 ATMs % as
on 33t h @'ne 033"( 04 hrs a .ay
banking *onenien*e to its *'stomers. This
isone of t he l ar ges t ATM net &or k s i n
t he *o'nt r y. The Bank hasstrengths in
both retail an. *orporate banking an. is
*ommitte. toa.opting the best in.'stry pra*ti*es
internationally in to a*hieeex*ellen*e.
.., +istory of Axis bank:
%he Bank was incorporated on Ard :ecem!er and
Certi#icate o# !usiness on <;th :ecem!er4 %he
Bank transacts !anking !usiness o# all description.
6TI Bank 7t.. &as promote. by 6nit Tr'st of In.ia1
7ifeIns'ran*e Corporation of In.ia1 4eneral
Ins'ran*e Corporation of In.iaan. its fo'r
s'bsi.iaries. The bank &as the first priate se*tor
bank toget a li*ense ' the ne& g'i.elines iss'e.
by the ;BI.
%he Bank o!tained license to act as :epository
.articipant with9)A7 an. appl i e. f or
r egi st r at i on &i t h )?BI t o a*t as B Tr 'st ee
t oAebent're Hol.ers>. ;'pees 133 *rores &as
*ontrib'te. by 6TI1 therest from 7IC ;s 7./
*rores1 4IC an. its fo'r s'bsi.iaries ;s 1./
%he Bank has @G !ranches in ur!an and semi
ur!an areas as onA<
Oul y. Al l the bran*hes are f'l l y
*omp'teri :e. an. net&orke.thro'gh C)AT.
ATM seri*es are aailable in 07 bran*hes.
The Bank*ame o't &ith a p'bli* iss'e of
11/31331333 9o. of eD'ity shares of ;s13 ea*h at
a premi 'm of ;s 11 per share aggregati ng
to ;s 31./3*rores an. ,ffer for sale of
01331331333 9o. of eD'ity shares for *ash ata
pri*e of ;s 01 per share. ,'t of the p'bli*
iss'e 01031333 shares&ere resere. for
allotment on preferential basis to employees of
6TIBank. Balan*e of 31471!31333 shares &ere
offere. to the p'bli*. The*ompany offers ATM
*ar.s1 'sing &hi*h a**o'nt2hol.ers *an
&ith.ra&money from any of the bank>s ATMs
a*ross the *o'ntry &hi*h is inter2*onne*te. by
C)AT. 6TI Bank has la'n*he. a ne& retail
pro.'*t &ithoperational flexibility for its
*'stomers. 6TI Bank &ill sign a *o2
bran.agreement &ith the market1 lea.er1 Citibank
9A for entering into the
22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom92>
22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom9
&isi!ility8 hidden9 display8 none92>
highly promising credit card !usiness4 U%,
Bank promoted !y ,ndia)spioneer m't'al f'n.
6nit Tr'st of In.ia along &ith 7IC1 4IC an. its
U%, Bank an. Ci t i bank hae l a'n*he. an
i nternati onal *o2bran.e. *ar.. 6TI
Bank an. Citibank hae *ome together
tola'n*h an international *o2bran.e. * *ar.
' the MasterCar.'mbrella. 6TI Bank 7t. has
ina'g'rate. an off site ATM at Ashok 9agarhere1
taking the total n'mber of its off site ATMs to 13.m
%he Bank has announced the launch o# %ele-
:epository Ser&icesfor Its .epository *lients. 6TI
Bank has la'n*h of BiConne*t>1 its
Internetb a n k i n g 8 r o . ' * t . 6 T I B a n k
h a s s i g n e . a m e m o r a n . ' m
o f ' &ith eD'itymaster.*om for
e2broking a*tiities of thesite. Infinity.*om
finan*ial )e*'rities 7t..1 an e2broking o'tfit is
Typing'p &ith 6TI Bank for a banking interfa*e.
4eo5it )e*'rities 7t.1 the first*ompany to start
online seri*es1 has signe. a Mo6 &ith
6TIBank t o enabl e i ne st or s t o
b'yE sel l .emat st o* ks t hr o'gh
t he*ompany> s &ebsi t e. I n.i a b'l l s hae
si gne. a memor an.'m of '
&ith 6TI Bank. 6TI Bank has entere. into an
agreement&ith )to*k Corporation of
In.ia for loans againstshares to
)CHCI7> s *'stomers an. f'n.i ng i nestors
i n p'bl i * an.rights iss'es. IC;A has
'pgra.e. the rating 6TI Bank>s ;s /33
*rore*ertifi*ate of .eposit programme. to A1F.
6TI Bank has tie. 'p &ith7GT Tra.e.*om for *'stomi:e. online sol'tion
U%, Bank l a'n*he. a pri ate pl a*ement of
non2*onerti bl e.ebent'res to rise 'p to ;s 7/
*rores. 6TI Bank has opene. t&o offsiteATMs an.
one extension *o'nter &ith an ATM in Mangalore1
taking itstotal n'mber of ATMs a*ross the *o'ntry to
3//. 6TI Bank has re*or.e.a <0 per *ent rise in
net profit for the D'arter en.e. )eptember
33103311 at ;s 33."/ *rore. -or the se*on.
D'arter en.e. )eptember 33103331 the net profit
&as ;s 1".3! *rore. The total in*ome of the
bank.'ring the D'arter &as 'p /3 per *ent at ;s
3<<.0/ *rore.
U%I Bank 7t . has i nf or me. B)? t hat )hr i
B ; Bar &al e hasresigne. as a Aire*tor of
the Bank &.e.f. @an'ary 301 0330. A C
)hah1former*hairman of Bank of Baro.a1 also
retire. from the bankHs the thir. D'arter
of last year. His pla*e *ontin'es to be a*ant.
MAamo.aran took oer as the .ire*tor of the
boar. after taking in thereins of 6TI. B )
has also 5oine. the bankHs boar. s'bseD'ent tothe
retirement of # 4 Cassal. 6TI Bank 7t. has
informe. that )hri 8a'l-let*her has been
appointe. as an A..itional Aire*tor 9ominee of
CAC-inan*ial )eri*e %Ma'riti's( 7t. of the
Bank.An. )hri Aonal. 8e*k hasbeen appoi nte.
as an A..i ti onal Ai re*tor %nomi nee of )o'th
Asi a;egional -'n.( of the Bank. 6TI Bank 7t.
has informe. that on laying.o&n the offi*e of
Chairman of 7IC on being appointe. as Chairman
SEBI 1 )hr i 4 9 Ba5 pai 1 9omi nee Ai r e*t or
of 7I C has r esi gne. as aAire*tor of the Bank.
B .aranL pe & (!i d ussai n cease to !e the
:i rectors o# U%, Bank.6TI Bank 7t. has
informe. that in the meeting of the Boar.
of Ai re*tors fol l o&i ng .e*i si ons &ere takenI
Mr $ash Maha5 an1 Ci *eChai r man an.
Managi ng Ai r e*t or of 8'n5 ab Tr a*t or s
7t . &er eappoi nte. as an A..i ti onal
Ai re*tor &i th i mme.i ate eff e*t. Mr 9
C)i nghal former Ci *e Chai rman an.
Managi ng Ai re*tor of )CI CI &asappointe. as
an A..itional Aire*tor &ith imme.iate effe*t. AB9
Amro16TI Bank in pa*t to share ATM. 6TI Bank
7t. has informe. B)? that ameeting of the
Boar. of Aire*tors of the Bank is s*he.'le. to be
hel.on ,*tober 041 0330 to * an. take on
re*or. the 'na'.ite. half yearlyJD'arterly finan*ial
res'lts of the Bank for the half yearJK'arteren.e.
)eptember 331 0330. 6TI Bank 7t. has
informe. that )hri @ M Trie.i has been appointe.
as an alternate .ire*tor to )hri Aonal. 8e*k&ith effe*t
from 9oember 01 0330.
U%, Bank Ltd has in#ormed BSE that at the
meeting o# the Boardof Ai r e*t or s of t he
*ompany hel . on @an'ar y 1<1 03331 )hr i
; 9Bhar a.&a5 1 Managi ng Ai r e*t or of 7I C
has been appoi nt e. as anA..itional
Aire*tor of the Bank &ith imme.iate effe*t.2
6TI Bank1 thepr i at e se*t or bank has
opene. a br an*h at 9el l or e. The
bank> sChairman an. Managing Aire*tor1 Ar 8.@.
9ayak1 ina'g'rating the bankbran*h at 4T ;oa.
on May 0<. )peaking on the o**asion1 Ar
9ayaksai.. This marks another step to&ar.s the
extensie *'stomer bankingfo*'s that &e are
proi .i ng a*ross the *o'ntry an. rei nfor*es
o'r* o mmi t me n t t o b r i n g s ' p e r i o r
b a n k i n g s e r i * e s 1 ma r k e .
b y *onenien*e an. *loseness to *'stomers. 26TI
Bank 7t.. has informe.the ?x*hange that at its
meeting hel. on @'ne 0/1 0333 the B,A
hae.e*i.e. the follo&ingI 1( To appoint Mr. A
T 8annir )elam1 formerCMA of 6ni on Bank
of In.i a an. 8rof. @ayanth Carma of the
In.i anInstit'te of Management1 Ahme.aba. as
a..itional .ire*tors of theBank &i th
i mme.i ate effe*t. -'rther1 Mr. 8anni r
)el am &i l l be thenominee .ire*tor of the
A.ministrator of the spe*ifie. 'n.ertaking of t he
6ni t Tr 'st of I n.i a % 6TI 2 I ( an. Mr .
@ayant h Car ma &i l l be anI n.epen.ent
Ai r e*t or . 0( To i s s'e 9on2 Con er t i bl e
6nse*'r e.;e.eemable Aebent'res 'p to
;s.133 *rs1 in one or more tran*hes asthe Bank>s
Tier 2 II *apital. 26TI has been a'thori:e. to la'n*h
1< ATMson the +estern ;ail&ay )tations of
M'mbai Aiision. 26TI file. s'itagainst
finan*ial instit'tions I-CI 7t. in the .ebt
re*oery trib'nal atM'mbai to re*oer ;s.!/*r
in .'es. 26TI bank ma.e an entry to the-oo. 8rogrammeL it has ma.e an entry into the
/" *l'ster &hi*hi n*l '.es pr i at e se*t or 1
p'bl i * se*t or 1 ol . pr i at e se*t or an. *o2
operatie banks. 2)hri A5eet 8rasa.1 9ominee
of 6TI has resigne. asthe .i re*tor of the
bank. 2Banks Chai rman an. MA Ar. 8. @.
9ayakina'g'rate. a ne& bran*h at 9ellore.2
6TI bank allots shares ' oyee )to*k
,ption )*heme to its employees. 26neils pre2
22 style12!order8 3p?9 &ertical-align8 !ottom92>
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&isi!ility8 hidden9 display8 none92>
tra&el card )Jisa Electron %ra&el Currency
Card) -(llotment o# EG=@AeD'i ty shares of ;s
13 ea*h ' ?),8. 26TI Bank ti es 'p
&i th 6# got f 'n. f or *ont r a*t f ar m i n
2 )hr i B ) 8an.i t 1 nomi nee of
t heA.ministrator of the )pe*ifie. 6n.ertaking
of the 6nit Tr'st of In.ia%6TI2I( has resi gne.
as a .i re*tor from the Bank &ef 9oember
1010333. 26TI Bank 'neils ne& ATM in )ikkim.
Comes o't &i th ;s. /33 mn 6nse*'re.
;e.eemabl e 9on2Conertible Aebent're Iss'e1
iss'e f'lly s'bs*ribe. 26TI Bank 7t. hasinforme.
that )hri A5eet 8rasa.1 9ominee of the
A.ministrator of the)pe*i fi e. 6n.ertaki ng of
the 6ni t Tr'st of In.i a %6TI 2 I( has
beenappointe. as an A..itional Aire*tor of the
Bank &. e. f. @an'ary 0310334.26TI Bank opens
ne& bran*h in 6.'pi26TI Bank1 4eo5it in pa*t platform in Katar 26TI Bank ties 'p
&ith )hriram 4ro'p Cos26neils premi'm
payment fa*ility thro'gh ATMs appli*able to 7IC
6TIBa n k * ' s t o me r s M Me t a l 5 ' n * t i o n
% M@ ( 2 t h e o n l i n e t r a . i n g
a n . pro*'rement 5oint ent're of Tata )teel
an. )teel A'thority of In.ia%)AI7(2 has rope. in
6TI Bank to start off o&n eD'ipment for Tata
)teel.2AI?B,7A )ystems 8riate 7t.1 a &holly
o&ne. s'bsi.iary of Aiebol.In*orporate.1 has
se*'re. a ma5or *ontra*t for the s'pply of ATMs
anseri*es to 6TI Bank 2H)BC *ompletes
a*D'isition of 14.<= stake in 6TIBank for .< m 26TI
Bank installs ATM in Thir'ananthap'ram
27a'n*hes;emittan*e Car.> in asso*iation &ith
;emit0In.ia1 a +eb site offeringmoney transfer
- U%, Bank enters into a !anc assurance
partnership with BaLaLAl l i an: 4eneral for
sel l i ng general i ns'ran*e pro.'*t s thro'gh
i tsbran*h net&ork. 26TI Bank l a'n*hes i ts
fi rst )atel l i t e ;etai l AssetsCentre %);AC( in
#arnataka at Mangalore.
-UBL sets up !ranch in Oaipur -U%, Bank un&eils
priority !ankinglo'nge.
.. 3Manageen! "# A$% & 'an(
(?is Bank Ltd4 has !een promoted !y the largest
and the!est Financial ,nstitution o# the country"
U%,4 %he Bank was set up witha capital o# $s4 <<E
crore" with U%, contri!uting $s4 <33 Crore" L,C -
$s47./ Crore an. 4IC an. its fo'r s'bsi.iaries
*ontrib'ting ;s. 1./ Croreea*h )66TI 2
) 07.30=?rst&hile 6nit Tr'st of In.ia
&as set'p as a bo.y *or por at e ' t he
6TI A*t 1 1"<31 &i t h a i e& t oen*o'rage
saings an. inestment. In Ae*ember 03301
the 6TI A*t11"<3 &as repeale. &ith the passage
of 6nit Tr'st of In.ia %Transfer of 6n.ertaking an.
;epeal( A*t1 0330 by the 8arliament1 paing the
&ayfor the bif'r*ation of 6TI into 0 entities1 6TI2I
an. 6TI2II &ith effe*t from1st -ebr 'ar y 0333.
I n a**or .an*e &i t h t he A*t 1 t he t aki ngspe*ifie. as 6TI I has been
transferre. an. este. in the A.ministrator
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(?is Bank .roLect
.roLect $eport on (?is Bank
.roLect on (?is Bank
(shish Malpani
Final .roLect444 (?is Bank
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(D,S B(BC ppt
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.roLect on (?is Bank
(D,S B(BC ,S%*$'
(?is Bank Final .roLect
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(?is Bank - F,B(BC,(L *JE$J,E+ *F (D,S
B(BC & C*M.($(%,JE444
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e Banking
a!id ali
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