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Computer Graphics & Presentations Name:

Lesson Completion Sheet

Tutorials - Advanced
Assignment X X Grade
To complete this assignment, read the Inkscape Advanced tutorial, then complete then follow the directions below.
Tutorials can be found under Help in the Inkscape program or online at under the documentation
Create a document containing screen shots for the following. Label the screen shots. Save the document as
Inkscape Tutorials – Advanced.
Please clear the Inkscape screen between each section below.
Pasting techniques Part 1: Use before and after screen shots to demonstrate use of the Paste /10
Style command. Part 2: Use before and after screen shots to demonstrate
use of the Paste Size command.
Drawing freehand and Use the pencil tool to write your first name in cursive, then use the pen tool to /5
regular paths write your first name in cursive. Take a screen shot.
Editing paths Use the pen tool to draw a 5 pointed star. Make a copy of it and then use the /5
handles to modify the Bezier paths of the copy so that the star becomes 4
pointed and a bit misshapen. Take a screen shot.
Subpaths and Create 2 shapes of your choice. Use the Object to Path command in the /5
combining Path menu to convert the objects to paths. Use the Combine Paths
command to join the two paths. Select the combined path with the selection
tool so that the move/resize handles are showing. Take a screen shot.
Converting to path Use the calligraphy tool to write your first name in cursive. Convert the stroke /5
to a path. Select the object using the Edit Paths tool so that the path handles
show. Take a screen shot.
Boolean operations Create two shapes of your choice and make them overlap. Make 6 copies of /15
this pair of shapes and then apply each of the 6 Boolean operations – one to
each pair. Use the text tool to label each pair (including your original) with the
name of the operation. Take a screen shot.
Inset and outset Use the duplicate command with the outset command to make 3 circles, one /20
within the next, each one getting successively smaller. Take a screen shot.
Draw a star. Create four linked offsets and move them to different areas of
the canvas (Hint: linked offsets may end up under the original object, if that
happens, use the select under technique). Resize and recolor the fill and
stroke of the linked objects (not the original) so that none of the stars are the
same size or colors. Take a screen shot. Now go to the original object and
modify the paths so that the star looks different – all of the other stars should
change to match shape. Take a second screen shot.
Simplification Use the pencil tool to freehand draw a person, complete with hair, eyes, /10
fingers, clothes, etc, etc. Take a screen shot. Rubberband the whole picture
to select all the parts and apply some aggressive simplification (Hold down
Ctrl-L for a few seconds). Take a second screen shot.
Creating text Write the following words, each as it’s own text object: mountain, stairway, /15
stretched, squeezed, falling. Format each word so that they all have different
fonts and colors and use a font size of at least 72. (Hint: You can type in a
font size instead of just choosing from the list.) Now use the techniques
described in this section (adjusting letter spacing and shifting letters
up/down/left/right) to make the shape of the word reflect the meaning of the
word. Take a screen shot.
XML editor Draw an eight sided polygon using the star tool. View the XML editor for the /5
document. Edit the line sodipodi:sides and change the number of sides to 10.
Take a screen shot of the XML Editor.
Print your completed document containing the screen shots and staple it to this sheet. /95

 Use this sheet to keep track of your progress through the lesson.
 The white columns marked X are for you to check off as you complete each part of the lesson.
 The gray columns are for the teacher, do not mark in them.

When you have completed the tasks listed, staple all printouts to the back of this sheet in order and hand it in to the teacher.
 To take a screen shot follow these steps:
1. Make sure that the window that you want a screen shot of is the active window (click on it).
2. Hold down the Alt key and then press and release the Print Screen key, the release the Alt key.
3. If you want a screen shot of the entire screen, press and release the Print Screen key, don’t use Alt.
4. Open a Microsoft Word document and then click the Edit menu and select Paste.

I:\My Documents\Computer Graphics & Presentations\Lesson Completion Sheets\Inkscape Advanced Tutorial.doc

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