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Loan Management System
SSI's Loan Managemenl Syslem (LMS) underIies aII lhe roducl moduIes SSI oers. LMS consisls of a comrehensive
Ioan dala modeI, lae cracking modeI, and reorling looIs, roviding a lrue end-lo-end Ialform for managing aII
Ioan rocesses from acquisilion lo exil. SSI's end-lo-end soIulion heIs Securilizalion Conduils manage lheir ieIine
and lrack Ioans lhrough aII slages, from iniliaI acquisilion lhrough saIe, securilizalion or orlfoIio managemenl.
Sohislicaled dala calure, vorkov and reorling looIs faciIilale aII rocesses, incIuding servicing oversighl, cIaims
managemenl and ieIine moniloring.
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What's in the box?
Manage urchase of vhoIe Ioans
HandIe ov and buIk acquisilion
Crack seIIer bid laes selu imorl mas er
seIIer / run slandard vaIidalions
Run overvievs - muIliIe slralihcalions of lhe Ioan
Mark ackage as von/Iosl
Calure ackage lrade delaiIs required for
funding for von bids
Load cuslodian receil/excelion reorls and
record hnaI disosilion
Generale funding memo/scheduIe
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Agency Pricing Pooling and Delivery
SeamIess inlegralion vilh bank LOS and servicing
Ierform besl-execulion ooIing lo creale an
olimaI ooIing aIIocalion of Ioans avaiIabIe for
Manage Ioan deIivery vorkov for agency, vhoIe
Ioan saIe, and nonagency MS execulions
olh ooI and Ioan-by-Ioan deIivery (incIuding
forvard ov saIes) can be calured
Accommodales lhe enlire seclrum of morlgage
roducls, incIuding HICMs and HILOCs
Load dala and documenl issues from cuslodians
and agency edils, and enabIe anaIysls lo resoIve
discreancies during lhe deIivery rocess
Access 3rd arly dala such as ricing, anaIylics,
and risk managemenl looIs
Creale ooIing hIes in required Iannie, Ireddie,
and Ginnie formals
HighIy conhgurabIe lo accommodale unique bank
slralegies and rivale inveslor slis
Monilor, manage and resond lo reurchase

Due Diligence
Aulomaled dala Ioading of due diIigence service
resuIls inlo LMS
Reviev credil comIiance dala
Reviev diIigence service resuIls and record hnaI

Position Management
Mainlain hisloricaI Ioan-IeveI mark lo markel
rices as veII as ricing assumlions
Inlegrale vilh cIienl's rorielary vaIualion
modeI and slore Ioan IeveI resuIls
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Reorl on acquisilion and lransfer rices, currenl
and hisloricaI osilions, erforming/non-
erforming slalus, elc.
Track osilion informalion on vhoIe Ioan and
MSRs and reorl on each osilion searaleIy or in

Manage vhoIe Ioan saIe or securilizalion rocess
for Ioans in invenlory
Source Ioans for deaIs using various crileria lag
Ioans lo creale deaI ooIing
Generale reIines for deaI
Creale com mal and lerm sheel labIes
Track deaI baIances and ay slaluses osl-
Udale invenlory slalus afler securilizalion

Counterparty Management
Manage counlerarly informalion
Track Slalus and Counlerarly idenlifying
Track documenls associaled vilh counlerarly
Calure conlacl names/addresses and vire

Claims Management

IvaIuale and rocess cIaims and reurchases as a
resuIl of a breach of res and varranls or
servicing reIaled lransfer issues
Reviev/anaIyze/idenlify lrue IIDs, generale
cIaim Ieuers, lrack and manage cIienl resonse
Manage seIf inilialed reurchases reIaled lo
revievs erformed by inlernaI dearlmenls such
as QuaIily ConlroI, InlernaI Audil or Iraud
IvaIuale and rocess cIaims from Morlgage
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Insurance comanies

What does it do for me?
Monitor Seller Risk

LMS cenlraIizes aII seIIer dala, incIuding Iinks lo
eIeclronic documenls, enabIing a robusl comany reviev
and moniloring rocess. Our ruIe-based vorkov
ensures lhal each lrade conforms lo managemenl
oIicies regarding:
Trading aulhorizalion and commilmenl Iimils
Negolialed IID / IIO cIauses and ricing
Comany hnanciaI heaIlh

Manage the Whole Loan Purchase
Wilh sohislicaled lae cracking and coIIaleraI
reorling, LMS suorls lhe enlire vhoIe Ioan
urchase rocess and eIiminales lhe need for
slandaIone looIs.
Loans are easiIy checked againsl a cIienl's
undervriling guideIines using our ruIe-based
Iroducl IIigibiIily engine.
Third-arly or rorielary ricing anaIylics can be
inlegraled direclIy inlo our IooI AnaIysis inlerface
lhrough SSI's inlegralion server, LoanTaIk.
DelaiIs of each bid, incIuding saIes hislory bid
coIor, are readiIy avaiIabIe for anaIysis.

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Best Execution Pooling
Idenlify eIigibIe Ioans from avaiIabIe for saIe
invenlory based on exibIe, inveslor-secihc
UIoad benchmark securily rices from markel
dala feeds on a daiIy and inlra-day basis
UIoad and save Agency slandard and negolialed
g-fee grids, monlhIy buy-u/buy-dovn ralios, and
servicing ricing grids
Incororale ayus for secihed ooI
Iroduce delaiIed, cuslomizabIe execulion
summary reorls for Agency-eIigibIe Ioans and
ass ooIing on lo deIivery grou

Loan Delivery Process
LMS faciIilales lhe Ioan deIivery rocess by ensuring
lhal every Ioan deIivered lo lhe Agencies meels lheir
requiremenls by running lhose Ioans lhrough a hosl of
vaIidalions and checks.
Iunded Ioans are Ioaded inlo lhe syslem from
LOSs on a nighlIy or inlra-day basis
Dala vaIidalions are aIied and scheduIed saIe
baIances aulomalicaIIy caIcuIaled
Idenlify and lrack Ioans vilh excelions slemming
CuslodiaI Issues
Servicing ReIaled Issues
UnresoIved CrilicaI Dala Issues
QuaIily ConlroI Issues
Dala discreancies are hIlered back lo lhe Ioan
deIivery leam via aulomaled reorls daiIy
The Ioan deIivery leam vaIidales discreancies
and delermines aroriale aclion:
Loan eIigibIe for deIivery
Loan ineIigibIe for deIivery - dala issues lo
be correcled - Ioan foIIovs lhe aroriale
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alh for dala correclion
Dala issues falaI Ioan ineIigibIe for deIivery
and requires managemenl reviev
IasiIy hnd subslilules for droed Ioans - lhe
syslem aulomalicaIIy suggesls saIeabIe Ioans vilh
simiIar characlerislics.
Manage delaiIed ooI and Ioan slaluses and
anaIysl checkIisls lhroughoul lhe deIivery rocess
Coordinale communicalions belveen secondary
markeling, deIivery, cuslodian, and inveslor via
aulomaled vorkov ruIes and nolihcalion emaiIs

Perform Due Diligence
LMS frees diIigence managers from lhe langIe of
navigaling lhrough service rovider vebsiles and
e-maiIing muIliIe auachmenls.
AII due diIigence hndings can be slored in lhe
LMS dalabase. Loans can be samIed and senl lo
service roviders, resuIls and excelions
revieved, for hnaI urchase eIigibiIily vilhoul
Ieaving lhe LMS user inlerface.
Oul-of-lhe box inlerfaces are avaiIabIe lo many
Ieading roviders of re-undervriling, roerly
vaIualion, and fraud services.

Capture Trade Details
LMS records fuII delaiIs of each urchase
commilmenl vilh a exibIe and conhgurabIe
lrade lickeling caabiIily.
Iricing, deIivery loIerances, IID/IIO cIauses,
and yieId mainlenance lerms are aII calured and
fed lo dovnslream syslems.
ComIex olions such as masler forvard
arrangemenls, TAs, servicing reIeased lrades,
and muIli-currency commilmenls are fuIIy
Trade conhrmalions and nolihcalions are
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generaled aulomalicaIIy.

Automate Fundings
Ior aII commilmenl lyes, LMS faciIilales lhe bid-
vs-seuIe comarison and rericing rocess, and
aIIovs lransaclion managers lo reconciIe vilh
cuslodiaI docs before hnaI seuIemenl.
LMS aIso aulomales lhe caIcuIalion of accrued
inleresl and generales cuslomizabIe urchase
advice reorls.
IinaIIy, lhe syslem generales vire inslruclions,
sends aulomaled nolihcalions lo aII arlies, and
creales seuIemenl feeds lo G/L and lrading
syslems. Iosl-funding, LMS lracks servicing
lransfer slalus, faciIilaling lhe boarding of Ioans lo
a cIienl's servicing syslems.

Manage Investor Repurchases
LMS rovides delaiIed oeralionaI lracking of lhe
enlire reurchase rocess, ensuring lhal aII
ossibIe aeaI and recovery olions are
The syslem rovides accurale, reaI-lime
managemenl reorling of overaII reurchase
aclivily, crilicaI ucoming lasks, and risk.
The reurchase rocess is fuIIy inlegraled vilh
LMS' olher cIaims managemenl funclions,
ensuring lhal reurchased Ioans are fasl-lracked
for evenluaI ulback lo seIIers.

Request a Demo
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Street Solutions, Inc.

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