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Effective PIC Interrupts

How to Make Projects Fly

Using Interrupts Page 1 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
1 Other Resources
1.1 PIC C Course
A Complete C course for PIC micros in 11 parts.
CIC! the image abo"e.
#r Clic$ %ere Page & of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
1.2 Learn To Use state Machines To Maximum Effect.
%ow to use state machines to create Solutions to comple' problems inclu(ing
full) (ebugge( e'amples * one is co(ing a scrolling menu on a stan(ar( C+
CIC! the Image Abo"e
#r Clic$ %ere. Page 3 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
How to Make Projects Fly
Using Interrupts
.) /ohn 0ain
Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
How and Why Interrupts
work lets You Optii!e the
for any processor"

2sing the techni#ues in this (ocument )ou can learn
how to manage an( optimi3e interrupts as well as use
pro"i(e( C templates that ma$es using interrupts eas).
History : V1.01 Nov 08 : Updated for 18F interrupts.
Copyright 2008 John Main
All rights reser"e(. 4o part of this e.oo$ ma) be
repro(uce(5 store( in a retrie"al s)stem or transmitte(
in an) form or b) an) means electronic5 mechanical5
photocop)ing5 recor(ing or otherwise without e'press
written5 (ate( an( signe( permission from the author
/ohn 0ain. Page 6 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
Table of Contents
1 #ther 7esources........................................................................ ..............&
1.1 PIC C Course........................................... .........................................&
1.& earn 8o 2se state 0achines 8o 0a'imum 9ffect....................................3
& egal........................................................................ .............................8
3 Intro(uction......................................................................................... ...:
3.1 ;rom Polling 8o Interrupts....................................................... ............:
3.& 7eal 8ime 9"ents................................................... ..........................1-
3.3 Achie"ing 0ore 2sing Interrupts........................................................ .11
3.6 <h) Interrupts are 9ssential for Critical Inputs.................................. ...11
3.= Power >a"ing................................................. .................................1&
6 Interrupts.............................................................................. ...............13
6.1 8he Interrupt 0o(ule.................................................................. ......13
6.& Polling (isa("antages .................................. ....................................13
6.3 8he Power of Interrupts........................................ ............................16
6.6 %ow +oes An Interrupt Affect 8he 0ain Co(e?................................... ...1=
6.= %ow to 9nsure Interrupts an( 0ain co(e <or$.....................................1@
6.@ A"oi(ing Acci(ental Co(e Increase In the I>7......................................1@
6.@.1 +ata 8)pes............................................................................ ....1A
6.@.& %i((en ibrar) Co(e................................................ ...................1A
= %ow Interrupts <or$........................................................ ......................1A
=.1 Instruction c)cle.................................................... ..........................1A
@ Interrupt >er"ice 7outine BI>7C............................................................. ...18
@.1 I>7 : Interrupt >er"ice 7outine........................................ ..................1:
@.& Interrupt ,ector...................................................................... .........1:
@.3 Interrupt Co(e..................................... ...........................................&-
@.6 Conte't >witching........................................................... .................&1
@.6.1 >a"ing 8he Current >tate........................................ ....................&1
@.6.& >a"ing the Program Counter............................................ ............&1
@.6.3 .an$ Conte't >a"ing........................................ ..........................&1
A Co(ing PIC Interrupts................................................................ .............&1
A.1 PIC Interrupt 7egisters.......................................... ...........................&&
A.& PI7 Peripheral Interrupt 7egister >tate B;lagC................................... ....&3
A.3 Peripheral Interrupt 9nable PI9 B9nableC.............................................. &3
A.3.1 Interrupt 0as$s.................................................. .......................&3
A.6 I48C#4 * #riginal Interrupt Control 7egister.......................................&6
A.= Dlobal An( Peripheral Interrupt 9nable.................................... ............&6
A.=.1 DI9............................................................................. .............&6
A.=.& P9I9....................................................................................... ..&=
A.@ 2sing the Interrupt ;lag 7egisters......................................................&=
A.A Interrupt ;low +iagram................................................................ .....&A Page = of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
A.8 Interrupt +esign +ecisions................................ ................................&8
A.8.1 Processing / Interrupt 8ime Anal)sis.............................................&:
A.8.& 8hree Interrupt +esign >olutions .................................... .............3-
A.8.3 9ffect of using a &-0%3 cloc$..................................................... ..3-
8 +esign techniEues.............................................................................. ....31
8.1 2sing ;AD> to communicate from I>7 to main Program ......................31
8.& FInterrupt Casca(eFG.......................................................... ..............3&
8.3 0easuring the I>7 time.............................. ......................................36
8.3.1 +irect Pin 0onitoring....................................... ...........................36
8.3.& >imulating Interrupts.................................................................36
8.3.&.1 2sing H(efine 0acros............................... ............................3=
8.3.3 2sing A 8imer.......................................................................... ..3= ,iewing the 8imer ,alue..................................................... ...3@
: An 9rror Iou 0ust A"oi(.............................. ...........................................3A
1- 18; >eries Interrupts................................................................... .........3:
1-.1 %igh or ow Priorit) Interrupts: 7eason for 2sage...............................3:
1-.& %ar(ware for Prioriti3e( Interrupts.............................................. ......3:
1-.3 Prioriti3e( Interrupt 0echanism.............................................. ..........6-
1-.6 Priorit) 9nable Control .it Bbac$war(s compatibilit)C...........................61
1-.= 18; >eries 7egisters.................................................. .....................6&
1-.@ 18; Conte't >a"ing............................................. ...........................6&
1-.@.1 ;ast 7egister >tac$....................................................... ............63
1-.@.1.1 2sing the ;ast 7egister >tac$ for normal function calls.............63
11 9'amples.............................................................................. ..............63
11.1 %ar(ware J >oftware ......................................................... ............63
11.1.1 %ar(ware................................................................ ................63
11.1.& >erial port configuration............................................ ................66
11.1.3 1@;88 %ar(ware +iagram.......................................... ................6=
11.1.6 18;&==- %ar(ware +iagram......................................................6@
11.1.= >oftware +ownloa(s.......................................... .......................6@
11.1.=.1 C Compiler (ownloa(.................................. ........................6@
11.1.=.& ICP7#D........................................... .................................6@
11.1.=.3 <inPic Bfor the 18;&==- an( man) othersC............................6A
11.& Interrupt 8emplate........................................... ..............................6A
11.&.1 Interrupt 8emplate Co(e Action.............................. ....................68
11.&.& Interrupt 8emplate C Co(e....................................................... ..68
11.3 1@; %eartbeat 8imer................................................................... ....=1
11.3.1 1@; %eartbeat 8imer Co(e Action...............................................=1
11.3.& 1@; %eart .eat 8imer C Co(e....................................... ..............=1
11.6 8ransmit Interrupts Bno co(e but some important informationC.............=@
11.= 7>&3& Interrupt 7eception..............................................................=A
11.=.1 1@; 7>&3& Interrupt 7eception Co(e Action.................................=A Page @ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.=.& 1@; 7>&3& Interrupt 7eception C Co(e................................ ........=A
11.@ >imple ;lag 9'ample............................... .......................................@&
11.@.1 1@; >imple ;lag Interrupt Co(e Action........................................@&
11.@.& 1@; >imple ;lag Interrupt C Co(e...............................................@&
11.A Interrupt >imulation using 0acros....................................................@@
11.A.1 1@; Interrupt >imulation Co(e Action..........................................@@
11.A.& 1@; Interrupt >imulation C Co(e................................................@8
11.8 18; Interrupt +ri"en .lin$ing 9+ 9'ample........................................A1
11.8.1 18; Interrupt +ri"en .lin$ing 9+ Co(e Action.............................A1
11.8.& 18; Interrupt +ri"en .lin$ing 9+ C Co(e....................................A&
11.: 18; Prioriti3e( Interrupt 9'ample.....................................................A=
11.:.1 18; Prioriti3e( Interrupt Co(e Action................................. ..........A@
11.:.& Priorit) 9ffect on 9+ at P#78...................................................AA
11.:.3 18; Changing the interrupt priorit).............................................AA
11.:.6 18;Prioriti3e( Interrupt C Co(e..................................................AA
1& %ighlights........................................................ ...................................8& Page A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
2 Legal
Copyright 2008 John Main
All rights resere!. "o part o# this e$oo% may be repro!&ce!' store!
in a retrieal system or transmitte! in any #orm or by any means
electronic' mechanical' photocopying' recor!ing or otherwise witho&t
e(press written' !ate! an! signe! permission #rom the a&thor John
)he in#ormation presente! herein represents the iew o# the a&thor as o# the !ate o#
p&blication. $eca&se o# the rate with which con!itions change' the a&thor reseres
the right to alter an! &p!ate his opinion base! on the new con!itions. )he report is
#or in#ormational p&rposes only. *hile eery attempt has been ma!e to eri#y the
in#ormation proi!e! in this report' neither the a&thor nor his a##iliates/partners
ass&me any responsibility #or errors' inacc&racies or omissions. Any slights o#
people or organi+ations are &nintentional. ,# a!ice concerning legal or relate!
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practices in yo&r co&ntry an! state. Any re#erence to any person or b&siness whether
liing or !ea! is p&rely coinci!ental. Page 8 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
3 Introduction
Interrupts are use( in all s)stems from simple microcontroller projects up to PC
base( (es$top processors but each processor is only capa$le of perforing
one instruction at a tie. ItFs important to note this since computers seem
capable of an) number of actions simultaneousl) BIn fact the) can onl) achie"e
this tric$ using interruptsC.
8he magic of interrupts is their abilit) to ma$e it appear that:
%& Single'Instruction'&t'&'(ie Processor
Can Perfor )ultiple Processes &** at the Sae (ie+
An interrupt allows the main processor co(e to be halte( while a sub process
ta$es o"er the (e"ice an( performs a small tas$. It then returns control to the
main program without the main program being aware that it was interrupte(.
.ecause the interrupt co(e is small B4ote: )ou must ensure that it is $ept smallKC
the time use( b) the interrupt is small an( it loo$s li$e both the main program
an( the interrupt co(e are wor$ing at the same time.
Note: Factors such as the size of the interrupt code, device processing power and
affect the speed of the ain code and you have to !a"ance out these factors to
find a wor#a!"e so"ution for your design pro!"e $ %ee &hapter '.8.
Interrupt magic reall) (oes wor$ if the processing spee( of the (e"ice is fast
because when main co(e an( interrupt co(e are e'ecute( Euic$l)5 it loo$s li$e
simultaneous e'ecution.
In fact )ou coul( sa) that if the processor is wor$ing fast enough then these
processes reall) are happening at the same time Bwithin a finite time frameC i.e. if
all these processes are happening within a millisecon( then the) are happening at
the same time Bwithin the (iscrete time unit of a millisecon(KC.
3.1 From Polling To Interrupts
Polling means loo$ing at a signal at regular inter"als i.e. itFs what )ou (o before
)ou use interrupts an( itFs the most natural wa) to start programming a
microcontroller. It is a useful metho( but interrupts pro"i(e a superior techniEue
in sol"ing )our programming problem because the) allow large an( comple'
programs to wor$ while man) smaller tas$s are han(le( (irectl) b) the interrupt
co(e. Page : of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
<ithout interrupts the onl) wa) that an e'ternal e"ent Bsignal change on a pin or
internal peripheral up(ateC can be (etecte( is for the program to perio(icall) loo$
at the input pin B$nown as pollingC but this must be (one while fitting in all the
other program actions e.g. calculations/up(ate screens etc.
Polling is a suitable metho( onl) if the processing loa( is low i.e. #nl) if )ou can
go roun( the loop fast enough to ensure that )ou will ne"er miss an input e"ent.
8his is a (esign (ecision * either the e"ent must be slow enough compare( to the
processor e'ecution time or the e"ent must be non critical i.e. Iou can affor( to
wait a while before processing it or possibl) miss it altogether.
;or critical s)stems if an e"ent happens while the processor is bus) processing
other instructions it is ignore( an( this can ha"e implications for )our program
because missing (ata can cause the program to hang or )our s)stem to fail.
Note: (f you do not want to use interrupts for soe reason it is sti"" possi!"e to
interrogate the state of interna" periphera"s !ecause each periphera" that
generates an interrupt sets a f"ag to indicate that the interrupt action occurred
)even when the the rea" interrupt is not ena!"ed*. (f you po"" this f"ag then you
wi"" !e a!"e to detect the event and do not need any interrupt code e.g. for
receiving +, seria" data po"" the +, odu"e continuous"y reading the +, f"ag.
-his ethod is on"y recoended for testing using sa"" sections of code and is
not the !est way $ you rea""y shou"d use interrupts for !est perforance and
ease of coding )as a progra gets !igger po""ing gives pro!"es whereas
interrupt code is not affected !y the ain progra size*.
3.2 Real Time Events
A 7eal 8ime 9"ent is an e"ent that is not s)nchroni3e( to the processor cloc$ so it
can happen at an) ran(om time e.g. a $e) press is a 7eal 8ime 9"ent. 8o (etect
it reliabl) )ou either ha"e to poll an input pin continuousl) Bwasting processing
power an( batter) powerC or )ou use an interrupt Busing one of the input pins
that has an interrupt associate( with it e.g. P#78.5 or I48 on a PIC
Interrupts mean that a processor can run a main program an( at the same time
process multiple critical signals inclu(ing 7eal 8ime 9"ent signals. ;or instance it
coul( recei"e a b)te from the 7>&3& port as well as from an signal change on an
e'ternal pin Ban(/or other internal mo(ulesC. 8)picall) the interrupting mo(ule
will store the (ata/e"ent until the processor can ser"ice the interrupt.
Note: (nterrupts can occur at the sae tie since each periphera" odu"e has it.s
own hardware register)s* that store the data and you can service u"tip"e
interrupts in the sae interrupt code.
>o real time e"ents can easil) be capture( using interrupts e"en while the Page 1- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
processor is e'ecuting other co(e in a "er) efficient wa) without a huge
processing o"erhea( i.e. without wasting time.
Interrupts are the onl) feasible wa) that a processor can react to real time e"ents
i.e. e'ternal signal changes on pins or internal e"entsL when )ou co(e up large
an( comple' programs.
3.3 c!ieving "ore #sing Interrupts
>ome har(ware mo(ules Bwith interrupts outputs i.e. 0ost internal peripheral
mo(ules in the PIC microcontrollersC allow )ou to measure real worl( parameters
that )ou coul( not possibl) measure using onl) a FpollingF processing metho(. ;or
instance the Capture Compare mo(ule can measure "er) small time (ifferences
between input e(ges of a signal an( then gi"e an interrupt to tell the processor to
store the "alues capture(. 8hese timing inter"als are much finer than using the
eEui"alent Fsoftware co(eF to rea( the input port state because the software can
onl) run at the processor spee( an( not at the (iscrete spee( of the har(ware i.e.
the spee( of stan(ar( logic gates.
Note: -here are a!out 1/ interrupt sources in a 0(& and ost of these are
triggered fro within an interna" periphera" hardware odu"e at the cop"etion
of each hardware tas#. 1"" of these can !e used together and even at the sae
tie using interrupts to anage the.
3.$ %!& Interrupts are Essential for Critical Inputs
Capturing a real time e"ent can be crucial for a s)stem to operate safel) since it
is the onl) fast an( reliable wa) for an e"ent to be (etecte( especiall) if the main
co(e is large an( comple' BslowC.
8o illustrate wh) interrupts can be essential for critical s)stem operations consi(er
ma$ing a program using onl) the polling metho( without using interrupts.
Consi(er a normal linear program that must (o multiple tas$s such as processing
a screen5 then the $e)boar(5 then the rs&3& interface an( then computing a
comple' calculation.
At an) gi"en moment the processor will be engage( in an) one of these tas$s an(
it is a matter of luc$ whether or not a $e) press is (etecte( at the $e)boar(. If
the tas$s are small an( the computation is eas) then the processor coul( whi33
aroun( the co(e an( the $e) woul( be (etecte( but if not5 i.e. if the computation
is comple' then the main program coul( be stuc$ for some time an( not get
aroun( to chec$ing the $e)boar(.
In some cases this ma) not matter but if )ou are ma$ing a critical real time
s)stem where )ou must ensure that some piece of machiner) must be turne( off Page 11 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
for safet) then an interrupt woul( be the best metho( Bfor a life threatening
s)stem )ou woul( emplo) e'tra fail safe har(wareC. Iou woul( create a s)stem
with an interrupt from a $e)boar( so that this real-time-e"ent coul( be ser"ice(
imme(iatel) sa"ing the s)stem from (isaster.
Interrupts are useful in (etecting 7eal 8ime 9"ents .ecause:
8he) are actione( imme(iatel) Bwithin a few instruction c)clesC.
8he) (o not reEuire large o"erhea( of co(e.
8he) a"oi( potential problems such as co(e loc$ up BcrashC in the main
co(e Bthe interrupt co(e can not easil) loc$ up unless )ou reall) mess up
the interrupt softwareKC.
Note: &ode "oc# up can a"so !e itigated !y using the watch dog tier )23-*.
-he purpose of the 23- is to reset the processor if the 23- is not c"eared within
a certain aount of tie. N.4. Never c"ear the 23- fro within the (%+
)interrupt code* as it.s cheating and a#es the 23- use"ess !ut a"ways c"ear the
23- periodica""y fro within the ain code. -his way when or if the ain "oc#s
up the 23- triggers and the processor resets restarting the code fro the
!eginning. (t is a crude way of ensuring that the processor does not "oc# up
forever and is rea""y on"y a fa""!ac# ethod since it does not save the current
state of the progra. -he advantage is that the syste wi"" recover fro
unforeseen software errors
8he interrupt co(e will still operate e"en if the main co(e loc$s up because main
co(e e"en when loc$e( up is still e'ecuting in(i"i(ual machine co(e instructions
that can still be interrupte( e.g. if main co(e is stuc$ in a loop waiting for an
input or a computation to complete. 8his is wh) the interrupt co(e will continue
e"en if it loo$s li$e the s)stem has (ie( an( it is wh) critical input monitoring can
be safel) performe( using interrupts as long as the critical action Bthat must be
performe( as a result of the interruptC is performe( in the I>7 itself * not in the
main co(e.
Note: (t does assue that you thorough"y test and siu"ate the interrupt code to
ensure that it is correct !ut since it shou"d !e a sa"" piece of code this shou"d
not !e a pro!"e.
3.' Po(er )aving
Another use for interrupts is creating low power s)stems5 since some interrupts
can wa$e the processor from low power sleep mo(e so sa"ing power until )ou
nee( the processor to (o some wor$. Compare this to polling where the processor
is continuousl) acti"e5 (oing no real wor$ * wasting batter) power.
Note: %oe of the 0(& processors ep"oy Nanowatt techno"ogy eaning they can Page 1& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
run for the standard she"f "ife of a !attery if they are put into this "ow power
ode e.g. 15F88.
$ Interrupts
$.1 T!e Interrupt "odule
8he Interrupt mo(ule is a mo(ule attache( to the processor that stops the
processor after it finishes the current machine co(e instruction an( forces a jump
B"ia the interrupt "ectorC to another program Bthe I>7 * Interrupt >er"ice
Note: 6ou won.t find the (nterrupt odu"e shown on the 0(& data sheet diagras
!ecause interrupts affect )and are attached to* any of the interna" periphera"s
and pins and it wou"d a#e the diagras too cop"e7.
Note: (nstructions in 0(& icrocontro""ers are pipe"ined so the interrupt "atency
)the tie !efore the (%+ is ca""ed* is not one instruction tie it is in fact fro 8
instructions )interna" interrupt* and fro 8 to 8.'/ instructions )e7terna"*. (n
addition for e7terna" interrupts the "atency depends on when the signa" occurs in
the current instruction cyc"e i.e. 4ecause the input signa" is unsynchronized with
the processor c"oc#. 9atency occurs !ecause the pipe"ine ust !e c"eared !efore
e7ecuting the new instructions in the (%+.
Compare( to simple pin polling to (etect a signal change5 interrupts appear
comple' an( (ifficult to use. ItFs true that )ou (o nee( more co(e an( )ou (o
nee( to un(erstan( more (etails but this (ocument e'plains interrupts in a
general sense Bapplicable to an) processorC an( shows )ou template co(e that
)ou can use in )our PIC projects to easil) manage an) interrupt an( its
associate( har(ware mo(ule.
8his means )ou will be able to easil) use interrupts an( interrupts ma$e comple'
operation easier because the) separate processes into instantl) e'ecute( co(e
locate( in the I>7 i.e. the) separate out small bloc$s of easil) manage( co(e
which is more robust than ha"ing co(e bloc$s e'ecute( one after another in the
main co(e.
$.2 Polling disadvantages
;or a simple s)stem )ou ma) (eci(e ,ot to use interrupts instea( polling the
resource .e.g the $e)pa(5 then the 7>&3& interface an( then the sensor input.
Iou woul( (o this continuousl) in a loop of co(e repeate(l) chec$ing each
resource until something happens i.e. A $e) is presse(5 (ata recei"e( or an(
input from the sensor is recei"e(. 8his Euite often happens when )ou (e"elop a Page 13 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
simple s)stem since itFs eas) to (o an( it (oes wor$.
8he problem comes when )ou ha"e to (o something else or react to more inputs
or when )ou ma$e the program larger. All of these increase the e'ecution time of
the loop so it ta$es longer to get aroun( to processing each input.
Polling (oes wor$ if the processing time is co(e( carefull) to $eep it to a
minimum compare( to the e'pecte( rate of input (ata from the input resources
but )ou ha"e to "er) carefull) (esign the s)stem an( if )ou change or a((
resources )ou will nee( to thin$ again an( possibl) re-(esign.
It is in fact easier to use interrupts since the main program can be altere( without
affecting the operation of the whole s)stem. .ut this is onl) true if the I>7 time
is small compare( to the main co(e e'ecution time i.e. )ou must $eep the I>7
co(e as short as possible - in general $eep the interrupt co(e a short as possible
an( ma$e e"er) attempt to mo"e an) comple' processing operation out of the
interrupt an( into the main co(e i.e. 2se flags to mo"e co(e out of the I>7 Bpage
If the I>7 is too long an( so long that the main co(e (oes not ha"e enough time
to (o itFs job then continuous interrupts can o"erloa( the main co(e before it has
finishe( processing (ata from the pre"ious interrupt an( this will loc$ up the
s)stem i.e. it will crash.
Note: 1s with a"" syste design it is a !a"ancing act where you have to decide on
the correct size of (%+ and ain code size and it a"" depends on the pro!"e to
!e so"ved and other syste features : see &hapter '.8 for syste design trade
off decisions that you can use to iprove syste perforance.
$.3 T!e Po(er of Interrupts
Interrupts allow )ou to create small poc$ets of co(e that (o a specific small tas$
while the main program continues operating.
;or e'ample if )ou use an 7>&3& interrupt mo(uleL when a b)te of (ata is
recei"e( b) the mo(ule an interrupt is generate( to interrupt the processor from
itFs current tas$. 8he mo(ule triggers an 7>&3& 7M Brecei"eC (ata interrupt.
8his tells )ou that some (ata is rea() to be processe( in the 7>&3& 7M mo(ule
an( that )ou shoul( (o something about it within the I>7 co(e. In the I>7 )ou
write some co(e that ta$es the (ata from the mo(ule an( stores it for later
processing b) the main program Bwhen it is rea() to (o soC or )ou can set a flag
telling main co(e to rea( the mo(uleFs (ata Bas long as )ou $now that the main
co(e is capable of processing the (ata before the ne't b)te is recei"e( at the
serial portC.
Note: For cop"e7 systes a circu"ar !uffer wi"" often !e used to gather the Page 16 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
received +%;8; data and this saves the ain code fro having to decode and
store each !yte of data $ typica""y the (%+ circu"ar !uffer code wi"" set a f"ag when
a specific !yte is received e.g. ."ine return. $ this way the ain code <ust has to
recognize a cop"ete te7t string. &ircu"ar !uffers are ore cop"e7 re=uiring use
of pointers and code to ensure no data overruns within the !uffer itse"f.
Interrupts mean that the main program (oes not ha"e to stop itFs current
operation to imme(iatel) process the incoming (ata * it effecti"el) happens in the
bac$groun( an( the main program can processes the (ata when its rea().
$.$ *o( +oes n Interrupt ffect T!e "ain Code,
It appears to the main program that interrupts are ser"ice( in the bac$groun(
with no effect on the main program but it is important to un(erstan( there is an
effect on the operation of the main co(e. 8o un(erstan( wh) itFs a goo( i(ea to
see how interrupts wor$.
8he interrupt wor$s li$e this:
After completing the current instruction Bplus pipeline (ela)C5
8he the current location an( state is store(5
8he interrupt co(e is e'ecute(5
8he original location an( state is restore(5
8he main program continues as before.
<hen thin$ing about an interrupt )ou coul( sa) that the currentl) e'ecuting
program is unaware of the interrupt co(eFs action but it means the current co(e
looses a few instruction c)cles.
In fact5 the effect of the interrupt is to insert a (ela) into the main program an(
this (ela) is (epen(ent on which parts of the interrupt co(e are e'ecute( an( this
will "ar) (epen(ing on the actual interrupts that are triggere( i.e. 8he (ela) time
(ue to the interrupt is un$nown an( ran(om Bunless )ou anal)3e the interrupt
co(e "er) carefull) or it has onl) one eas) to anal)3e co(e section i.e. without
multiple interruptsC.
8his is wh) co(e that e'ecutes normall) i.e. co(e outsi(e of the interrupt function
must be co(e that is timing insensiti"e i.e. Iou must not ma$e co(e Boutsi(e the
interrupt co(eC that (epen(s on e'ecuting co(e in a specific fi'e( timeL for
instance if )ou create( a (ela) routine carefull) co(e( in assembler Bin the main
co(e areaC to operate at a fi'e( (ela) time of 1--us if interrupts were enable(
then the 1--us (ela) woul( be interrupte( ma$ing it longer b) a ran(om amount
(epen(ing on the an( length of the interrupt routine itself.
Note: -his is why the seven segent fre=uency counter on site does not use Page 1= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
interrupts. -he ain code is carefu""y tied to a""ow a specific "ength e7ecution
tie regard"ess of the path of e7ecution of the code. Using interrupts wou"d
change this causing errors in fre=uency easureent.
$.' *o( to Ensure Interrupts and "ain code %or-
8he $e) problem with processors ha"ing low processing 0IP> i.e. PICs is that )ou
can not affor( to throw awa) processing time. Interrupts (o ma'imi3e )our use
of this time but )ou must be careful to (esign the co(e to share out processing
time between the main co(e an( interrupt co(e.
If )ou thin$ of the processing power of a (e"ice as a single bar below in blue.
8his bo' represents a "isuali3ation of the (e"ice co(e/0IP>.
8he re( bo' represents the i(eal interrupt co(e/0IP>.
8he abo"e situation woul( be i(eal where most of the processing time is spent
performing main co(e actions an( a highl) optimi3e( interrupt routine is small
an( efficient.
8he last (iagram shows processing power share( out in the wrong wa) since
more time/0IP> is spent in the interrupt routine than (oing main co(e
processing. If interrupts occurre( at a high rate then the processor woul( be
o"erloa(e( an( woul( crash (ue to constant interrupts ne"er allowing the main
co(e to operate. #n the flip si(e this (esign can wor$ if )ou $now that interrupts
are infreEuent an( thatFs )our (esign (ecision.
>ee also Chapter A.8 for other (esign (ecision tra(e off information.
$.. voiding ccidental Code Increase In t!e I)R
It is eas) to acci(entall) ma$e I>7 fail b) co(ing it wrongl) but there are more
subtle wa)s of ma$ing it fail an( these are tric$ier to (etect arise as a result of
the con"enience of the use of a high le"el language. 8he two main culprits are:
Choosing the wrong (ata t)pes.
%i((en co(e libraries. Page 1@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
$...1 +ata T&pes
>ometimes )ou can acci(entall) ma$e the interrupt routine large b) something as
simple as using the wrong (ata t)pe or function in C which pulls in some librar)
co(e that is far too long Bbut it is not "isible in the co(e because it is (one in the
bac$groun( for )ouC. 9'amples of this are the floating point t)pe which 8 bit
processors are not goo( at an( conseEuentl) reEuire large amounts of co(e to
$...2 *idden Librar& Code
#n a project that I wor$e( on a software (esigner use( sprintf to (ebug output all
within an interrupt an( this cause( intermittent operation because the actual
sprintf co(e too$ (ifferent amounts of time (epen(ing on "ariables being output.
It soun(s li$e the most ob"ious wa) to (ebug co(e after all it is one wa) to (ebug
embe((e( co(e i.e. b) sen(ing serial information out to a PC 7>&3& port. In the
main co(e this techniEue (oes wor$ well because it is simple5 eas) an(
8he problem is that sprintf (oes a huge amount of wor$ behin( the scenes Bi.e. it
has a huge un(erl)ing co(e baseC an( when )ou use it parts of that librar) will be
inclu(e( in the co(e (epen(ing on the e'act tas$ )ou want it to (o i.e. (ispla) a
long as a formatte( te't string etc. >o (epen(ing on which "ariable t)pe )ou are
currentl) (ebugging the time ta$en will "ar). If )ou use it within the I>7 then the
"ariable time ta$en can cause the interrupt to ta$e too long an( fail.
8he solution was to remo"e the sprintf co(e then the interrupts wor$e( perfectl)K
Note: %oe copi"ers a""ow you to ca"" functions fro within the (%+ )a""owing
easier partitioning of the (%+ code* so watch out that you don.t use hidden code
or too !ig data types when coding these functions !ecause those functions wi""
"oo# e7act"y "i#e other .nora". functions
' *o( Interrupts %or-
8o un(erstan( interrupts itFs a goo( i(ea to re"iew the instruction c)cle of the PIC
processor as the interrupt mechanism must fit perfectl) within it for interrupts to
operate at all.
'.1 Instruction c&cle
All processors can onl) (o one thing at a time i.e. 8he) fetch an instruction5
process it an( then increase the program counter rea() for the ne't repetition of
this c)cle. 0o"ing to (ifferent co(e areas e.g. .) jump or call is achie"e( b) Page 1A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
manipulating the program counter Bmemor) a((ressC (uring the processing c)cle.
<hate"er happens the processor must follow this simple scheme:
+9C#+9 : Instruction (eco(e c)cle
79A+ : 7ea( (ata c)cle
P7#C9>> : +ata process c)cle
<7I89 : +ata write c)cle
Note: -he 3ata 0rocessing )0+>&?%%* part of the cyc"e wi"" update the 0rogra
&ounter increasing it !y 1 for a nora" instruction )to ove to the ne7t
instruction* and increasing it !y the data va"ue)s* for a <up instruction* updated
after the write cyc"e.
8his is wh) the PIC instruction freEuenc) is N times the main cloc$ freEuenc)
since there are four actions complete( in one instruction c)cle e.g. A cloc$
running at 60%3 lets instructions run at 103 B60%3/6C or 1us. 9ach of the abo"e
actions ta$es 1 main cloc$ perio( to perform.
8his c)cle repeats en(lessl) with the program counter up(ate( at the en( of
e"er) instruction so all the processor can (o is linearl) e'ecute seEuential
instructions or jump to a (ifferent a((ress to e'ecute another instruction.
+esigners reali3e( that this s)stem b) itself (oes not allow a processor to react
imme(iatel) to an e'ternal e"ent ma$ing the processor fairl) uselessK >o the)
a((e( the abilit) to stop the processor mi(-wa) through a program an( jump to a
(ifferent program i.e the Interrupt * this jump a((ress is $nown as the interrupt
8he basic wa) that the interrupt wor$s is b) storing the current "alue of the
program counter on the stac$ an( then changing the program counter to the
"alue hel( in the interrupt "ector. #n return from the I>7 the Program counter is
set bac$ to the "alue on the stac$ so the program continues from e'actl) where it
was pre"iousl).
. Interrupt )ervice Routine /I)R0
8here are two parts to an I>7 Balthough strictl) the I>7 is just the interrupt co(e
but the "ector is tie( (irectl) to the I>7 so the) are treate( as one hereC.
8he Interrupt ,ector.
8he Interrupt Co(e. Page 18 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
..1 I)R 1 Interrupt )ervice Routine
8he Interrupt >er"ice 7outine BI>7C is the onl) entr) point Bor functionC calle(
when an interrupt jump is triggere(. 8his happens when an enable register bit is
unmas$e( an( when the correspon(ing interrupt flag is set b) the har(ware
mo(ule that generates the interrupt when the mo(ule completes its action.
8he most important point about an interrupt routine is that it must be $ept short
unless )ou ha"e a "er) goo( reason for (oing otherwise.
In general )ou nee( to $eep it short so that:
1. Iou can ser"ice man) interrupts Bas man) as nee(e(C.
&. Iou allow the main program to continue processing.
!eeping the I>7 short is another wa) of ensuring that there is enough time for
the main program to ha"e enough processing c)cles to (o itFs job.
..2 Interrupt 2ector
An interrupt "ector is a (e(icate( har(ware a((ress that contains a jump location
which is calle( when an interrupt occurs.
8he problem in un(erstan(ing interrupts is that there is onl) one interrupt "ector
but multiple interrupts. 8he Euestion is how (o )ou ser"ice man) interrupts using
onl) one jump location Ban( conseEuentl) onl) one piece of interrupt co(eC?
8he short answer is to use a har(ware solution using internal har(ware registers.
Iou ha"e to (etect e'actl) which interrupts were triggere( b) rea(ing registers
that store the interrupt state when the interrupt triggere( an( )ou (o this as part
of the Interrupt >er"ice 7outine co(e for all interrupts that will be acti"e in )our
8he interrupt "ector is simpl) a location that contains an a((ress an( this a((ress
is programme( to contain the starting point of the I>7 or the Interrupt Ser"ice
-outine B)our interrupt co(e functionC. In a PIC when an) interrupt is triggere(
the contents of this "ector location replaces the program counter i.e. the interrupt
co(e is Fcalle(F as an Interrupt >er"ice 7outine BI>7C * the return a((ress is also
store( on the stac$.
Note: (n the 0(& 15 series the interrupt vector is at physica" address 07000@.
6ou "oad this address with the address of your (%+ so whenever the interrupt
triggers then your (%+ code is ca""ed. >ften a high "eve" "anguage wi"" do a"" the
hard wor# for you and you don.t even have to #now this address since =ua"ifying
the function with the word .interrupt. wi"" te"" the copi"er that this function is to
!e an (%+. +ee!er soe copi"ers re=uire different notation as interrupts are
not a part of the 1N%( standard & specification. For instance Ai#ro& "oo#s for a Page 1: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
function naed .interrupt..
Note: >ther processors ay have ore interrupt vectors !ut they a"" wor# in a
sii"ar way to a sing"e interrupt vector. For instance others wi"" have an NA(
interrupt which eans Non:Aas#a!"e:(nterrupt $ this is sip"y an interrupt that
can not !e ignored and is reserved for a!so"ute"y critica" syste actions e.g. the
device is a!out to !e powered down )the 0(&s do not have this type of interrupt
since the !rown out device acts autoatica""y if ena!"ed*. 1"so ore interrupt
vectors add ore and ore cop"e7ity to a device and re=uire ore code to
service those interrupts.
..3 Interrupt Code
8he interrupt co(e Bor I>7C is the single program function that )ou write to
manage Bor ser"iceC an) interrupt that is triggere(. It is the action point for an)
har(ware mo(ules that generate these interrupts an( although it is a single piece
of co(e Bone functionC5 it must contain co(e for each interrupt in use.
;or each interrupt that )ou enable Bunmas$e(C there are three actions to be
ma(e in the I>7:
+etect if the interrupt has triggere( Btest the flag bit in a PI7 registerC.
If the interrupt triggere( clear the same flag bit to re-enable this interrupt.
Perform actions that )ou want to e'ecute (ue to this interrupt.
4ote: It is not necessar) to re-enable the mas$ register BPI9C as this is not
change( b) the interrupt action so once enable( the interrupt is in use until the
specific bit in the enable register BPI9C is cleare(.
8he I>7 is just another piece of co(e but )ou ha"e to ha"e some e'tra co(e
surroun(ing the core I>7 co(e to perform essential house$eeping tas$s Bor
Conte't >witchingC. 8his inclu(es a special machine co(e instruction 798;I9
B-E(urn .rom Interrupt EnableC as the "er) last instruction. 8his is wh) an
interrupt function can ne"er simpl) be a normal piece of co(e * the routine )ou
use must be flagge( as an interrupt routine so that Conte't >witching can ta$e
place automaticall) for )ou.
Note: 0ersona" &oputers use Software Interrupts which are triggered using a
achine code instruction to generate an interrupt which causes e7ecution of an
(%+. -here are no software interrupts in a 0(& since it is a hardware centric
device so a"" interrupts are generated !y actions of hardware events e.g. a tier
tieout )hardware tier !ecoes zero* or a signa" change on an input pin e.g.
0ort4. Page &- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
..$ Conte3t )(itc!ing
..$.1 )aving T!e Current )tate
8o ma$e an interrupt useful it has to wor$ seamlessl) with the co(e that has been
interrupte( an( to (o this the state of the processor must be sa"e( an( restore(
before an( after e'ecuting the interrupt.
;ortunatel) the PIC micro onl) has a few registers that nee( sa"ing Bthese are the
A2 registers an( not the file registers i.e. 8he internal registers <5 PCA8%
register an( the >8A82> registerC. In (ifferent processors there will be man)
more registers to preser"e. 8his action is also $nown as conte't sa"ing.
..$.2 )aving t!e Program Counter
As well as sa"ing the register state the program counter must be store( so that
the interrupt can return to the original co(e e'ecution point.
8his is the onl) action the the 1@; series processor will (o for )ou all other actions
must be (one b) writing more co(e aroun( the interrupt routine itself. 8he PIC
(e"ice will automaticall) push the Program Counter BPCC "alue to the stac$ when
an interrupt is triggere(. An( at the en( of an I>7 )ou must e'ecute the 798;I9
B-E(urn .rom Interrupt EnableC instruction which pops the 7eturn a((ress from
the stac$ an( enables the Dlobal Interrupt flag.
..$.3 4an- Conte3t )aving
8he onl) other critical thing to loo$ out for in the 1@; series is that the segmente(
memor) using ban$ switching must also be sa"e( an( restore(. 8his is because
an interrupt routine coul( ma$e use of a (ifferent ban$ compare( to the main
Note: Aost high "eve" copi"ers wi"" ta#e care of &onte7t %witching )inc"uding
!an# conte7t switching* for you and this a#es using interrupts even easier.
5 Coding PIC Interrupts
>ee Chapter 11.& for the Interrupt co(e template.
8he (iagram below shows a generic har(ware (iagram of interrupt registers the
mas$ or flag register BPI7C an( the enable register BPI9C. Page &1 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
5.1 PIC Interrupt Registers
.ecause PIC (e"ices ha"e been aroun( for Euite some time an( the new ones
must be bac$war(s compatible with the original Bto allow as much co(e re-use as
possibleC the interrupt registers ha"e been (esigne( incrementall).
In fact the new interrupt register la)out is far easier to use because it is logicall)
arrange( whereas the original interrupt flags are sEuashe( into a single register.
>o initiall) weFll tal$ about interrupts using the new register set an( then
bac$trac$ to the original register.
Note: Fro here on the ter odu"e refers to interrupts generated fro interna"
hardware odu"es as we"" as e7terna" interrupts generated at a pin.
;or each peripheral mo(ule within the PIC microcontroller that generates an
interrupt there are two register flags associate( with it:
8he state flag - PI7 register
8he enable flag * PI9 register Page && of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
5.2 PIR Perip!eral Interrupt Register )tate /Flag0
9ach of these is a single bit within a specific register - newer registers are labele(
PI7 Peripheral Interrupt 7egister B;lagC with a number on the en( to allow
multiple sets of these registers. 9ach bit in a PI7 register is a flag telling )ou if
the mo(ule generate( an interrupt signal i.e. if the mo(ule was acti"ate( since
the last time that the register bit was cleare(.
Note: (portant : 0(+ f"ag !its are set even if the ena!"e f"ags are not set i.e.
interrupt f"ags show the )interrupt* state of the odu"e even when a"" ena!"es are
not active )inc"uding B(?, 0(? and 0?(?*. -his a""ows software po""ing of the
odu"e even when no interrupt is actioned for the odu"e.
5.3 Perip!eral Interrupt Enable PIE /Enable0
9ach of the PI9 bits is a single bit within a specific register labele( in the same
wa) as the PI7 register e'cept this is labele( PI9 B9 for enableC. 9ach bit in a PI9
register enables the correspon(ing har(ware mo(ule to cause an interrupt action
i.e. it ma$es the interrupt from the associate( har(ware mo(ule acti"e so that it
will cause a jump to the interrupt "ector.
Note: 0(+ and 0(? registers are a"igned so that the sae !it position in each
register services the hardware odu"e a""owing convenient !itwise operations.
-his is different to the origina" 0(& devices that put a"" interrupt ena!"es and f"ags
into the (N-&>N register.
5.3.1 Interrupt "as-s
8he PI9 register can also be thought of as a mas$ register where each bit can be
set or reset using bitwise operators an( this allows )ou to enable or (isable
in(i"i(ual interrupt sources.
Note: -he process of setting )ena!"ing* an individua" interrupt ena!"e !it is #nown
as unmasking an interrupt. Page &3 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
;or instance )ou ma) want to turn off a capture interrupt because at that
particular time )ou are not rea() to capture a trigger time "alue. #nl) when
other co(e has e'ecute( e.g. )ou turn on a trans(ucer5 will )ou want to enable
that interrupt. 8hese flags allow that to happen but the) also allow other
interrupts to continue e.g. a timer interrupt can still count time as a bac$groun(
5.$ I6TC76 8 7riginal Interrupt Control Register
8his is a single 8 bit register that e'ists on all the ol( an( new PIC (e"ices.
#riginall) it was probabl) thought that there woul( not be man) interrupts so all
the enables an( flags were place( in this register. As the range of (e"ices has
increase( an( the number of internal peripherals Bwith interrupt capabilit)C has
also increase( so more interrupt space was nee(e( hence the creation of PI7 an(
PI9 registers for interrupt e'pansion. A spare position in I48C#4 has been use(
to allow enabling of all other internal peripheral interrupts an( is labele( P9I9 *
just set this bit high if )ou are using an) of the other internal peripheral
interrupts Bother than the three original ones (etaile( belowC.
8he e'isting interrupt flags an( enables in this register are:
8I097-I9 Bbit=C
I48-I9 Bbit6C
7.I9 Bbit3C
8I097-I; Bbit&C
I48-I; Bbit1C
7.I; Bbit-C
8hese are for timer -5 e'ternal pin interrupt an( P#78. interrupt respecti"el).
5.' 9lobal nd Perip!eral Interrupt Enable
8hereFs two registers for global control of interrupts an( these both allow
interrupts to cause a jump to the I>7 routine.
5.'.1 9IE
8he first global interrupt flag is the DI9 control flag or /lobal Interrupt Enable
controlC. It is from the original PIC series an( it is containe( in the I48C#4
register. <hen set it allows all interrupts to operate an( when cleare( it pre"ents Page &6 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
all interrupts from operating BNote: -his !it overrides the 0eriphera" (nterrupt
contro" 0?(?C.
DI9 is automaticall) cleare( when the I>7 is e'ecute( so that no more interrupts
trigger the I>7. It is not automaticall) enable( at the en( of )our interrupt co(e
an( )ou must ensure that there is a 798;I9 instruction B-E(urn .rom Interrupt
an( Enable an( DI9 bitC at the "er) en( of )our co(e Bnormall) high le"el
compilers will automaticall) (o this for )ouC.
Note: 6ou can contro" B(? yourse"f <ust "i#e any other register f"ag at any point in
your codeC for instance if you want to turn off interrupts whi"e you do soe
critica" code that ust not !e interrupted )of course you ay iss interrupts and
it.s up to you to ensure that the syste sti"" wor#sD*.
Note: B(? is autoatica""y turned off when an (%+ is ca""ed so that the interrupt
code itse"f is not interruptedD
5.'.2 PEIE
8he secon( global interrupt flag is the P9I9 control flag or Peripheral Interrupt
Enable. 8his fits into a spare register position that was left free for future
e'pansion in the I48C#4 register an( is a enable control for all peripheral
har(ware interrupts. <hen )ou clear this it means that the har(ware operates
onl) with interrupts that were create( for the original series of PIC chips.
Practicall) P9I9 is not much use so just lea"e it set high an( use DI9 to control all
Note: B(? overrides 0?(?.
5.. #sing t!e Interrupt Flag Registers
#nce the DI9 bit an( P9I9 bits are enable( the PI9 Binterrupt enableC registers
come into pla) an( an) bits that are set will allow the associate( interrupt to fire
an( trigger the I>7 co(e.
It is important to note that the flag registers BPI7C tell )ou the state of the
interrupt from the associate( har(ware mo(ule but the) wor$ in(epen(entl) from
the enable registers i.e. the flag register will reflect the state of the interrupt
signal from the associate( mo(ule regar(less of whether the PI9 #7 DI9 bits are
set or not. 8his means )ou can poll the har(ware mo(ule to (etect a change of
state of the mo(ule Bnot recommen(e( but useful if )ou are caught outC.
8he flag bit is set b) the har(ware mo(ule to in(icate that the har(ware has
generate( an interrupt con(ition i.e. it triggers an interrupt that will cause a jump Page &= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
to the I>7 Bif the correspon(ing enable bit in the PI9 register an( associate(
enables are acti"eL P9I9 an( DI9C.
After the interrupt has triggere(5 the same flag registers will store the state of the
har(ware so b) rea(ing the flag register BPI7C )ou can (etect which har(ware
mo(ule triggere( the interrupt.
After this )ou must write a 3ero to this in(i"i(ual bit to reset it an( allow the
mo(ule to generate this interrupt again after the I>7 has complete(.
>ee Chapter 11.& for the Interrupt co(e template. Page &@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
5.5 Interrupt Flo( +iagram
8he following flow (iagram shows how to initiali3e an( use interrupts correctl).
>ee Chapter 11.& for the Interrupt co(e template. Page &A of 83.
;or each har(ware peripheral that )ou want
to use set itFs F9nableF flag i.e. the PI9 bit.
an( clear its state flag i.e. the PI7 bit
A(( co(e here that sets up each har(ware
mo(ule rea() for use.
8urn on the DI9 bit an( the P9I9 bit B)ou
coul( turn on the P9I9 bit in the initiali3e
co(e as DI9 o"erri(es P9I9 so P9I9 is not
reall) useful but has to be set high
Perform 0ain
Co(e Actions
Ban( repeat in loopC
F9nableOInterruptsF is place( before the main
co(e loop Bnot within itC.
Co(e then operates as normal while interrupts
are acti"e i.e. interrupts are acti"e within the
main co(e loop.
F+isableOInterruptsF is use( Bwith (iscretionC
an)where within the main co(e.
Effective PIC Interrupts
5.: Interrupt +esign +ecisions
An interrupt constitutes a brea$ in the normal operation of e'ecuting co(e but
)ou can alter the effect of the interrupt on that co(e b) un(erstan(ing three
1. 8he interrupt rate Beither from e'ternal or internal sourcesC.
&. 8he length of the interrupt co(e Bthe I>7C.
3. 8he processing power of the processor.
8hese factors control how effecti"e )our project will be so )ou must ha"e some
i(ea of them when creating )our project. ;or instance if )ou were measuring the
rate of a signal changing on a pin Ban( using an e'ternal interrupt to (etect itC. If
the signal was firing the interrupt at a rate of 1$%3 or 1ms then )ou can wor$ out
that )ou woul( ha"e 1--- machine co(e instructions before the ne't interrupt
fires Bassuming a 60%3 Cr)stal an( conseEuent internal instruction rate running
at 10%3 so 1ms/1e-@ P 1--- instruction c)clesC.
#b"iousl) the interrupt routine must ta$e a short enough time so that it
completes well before the ne't interrupt because )ou can not ha"e multi threa(e(
interrupts i.e. the interrupt must be full) complete( before the ne't interrupt
occurs. Also )ou nee( the interrupt to complete in a short time so that there is
enough processing time left o"er for the main co(e.
Note: (n practice you wou"d pro!a!"y use a different ethod to detect the signa"
e.g. !y using a presca"er in front of the signa" or use an interna" tier with !ui"t
in presca"er.
In general the i(eal situation is to ma$e the I>7 as short as possible so that the
main tas$s of the processor Ball other co(eC can be e'ecute( as well. In general
the best (esign will ha"e the interrupt routine ta$ing significantl) less time than
the main co(e e'ecution loop.
8o wor$ out the processing time just subtract the I>7 time form the fastest
interrupt repeat rate so for e'ample perhaps )ou ha"e an I>7 time of 1--
instruction c)cles en( up with an appro'imate "alue of :-- c)cles i.e. :--
instruction c)cles for the main program to operate before the ne't interrupt fires.
If the input freEuenc) increases to &$%3 then )ou woul( onl) ha"e 6-- c)cles for
main co(e e'ecution. At 6$%3 an( )ou onl) ha"e 1=- c)cles. >o seemingl) small
changes in the input freEuenc) will cause the ma'imum Bmain co(eC processing
time to rapi(l) (ecrease.
8his ma) or ma) not be important an( it (epen(s on the main co(e processing
tas$. ;or instance if a simple C+ (ispla) was to be up(ate( then it ma) be #! to Page &8 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
be continuousl) interrupte( as the (ispla) woul( be up(ate( e"entuall). If
howe"er there was a time constraint where some actions ha( to be performe(
then it woul( not be #! for the interrupts to continuousl) fire. 9"entuall) the
repeat rate of the interrupt coul( become too large halting the s)stem completel)
i.e. the processor will spen( all itFs time ser"icing the interrupt routine (oing no
useful wor$.
Note: -his syste is dependent on an e7terna" signa" over which you ay not
have contro" so the pro!"e is actua""y a cop"ete design pro!"e where you
ust characterize the cop"ete pro<ect i.e. the e7pected a7iu signa" input
5.:.1 Processing ; Interrupt Time nal&sis
Interrupt -ate Instruction Cycles &vaila$le
0$efore ne1t interrupt
PIC using 2)H! 3tal4
Cycles &vaila$le
(o )ain Code
0$efore ne1t
1$%3 1--- 1-- :--
&$%3 =-- 1-- 6--
6$%3 &=- 1-- 1=-
8$%3 1&= 1-- &=
8he real point about this problem is that the a"ailable processing time is re(uce(
as the interrupt rate increases. ets assume that the 1$%3 rate is the FrealF
(esign point i.e. the rate that )ou ha"e (esigne( the s)stem to wor$ aroun(. >o
)our total e'pecte( c)cles a"ailable to (o main co(e wor$ is :-- c)cles.
8he Interrupt co(e routine is fi'e( Bnote: It will change (epen(ing on which
actual interrupts an( their associate( co(e are e'ecute( but just ta$e the 1--
c)cles as )our t)pical interrupt co(e length/timeC so lets assume that 1-- c)cles
are use( at e"er) interrupt call.
8he table abo"e shows the a"ailable processing time left for use in the main co(e
Btotal machine instruction c)cles between interrupts at the (esign interrupt rate
of 1$%3 minus the time use( in the interruptC. As the interrupt rate increases so
less main co(e instruction c)cles are left for use. Page &: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
Comparison of Instruction Cycles Available as Interrupt Rate Increases
Interrupt rate Cycles calculation (otal
Cycles &vaila$le
(o )ain Code
Percentage of )ain
code cycles availa$le
copared to cycles
at 5kH! design rate
1$%3 1----B1Q1--C :-- 1--R
&$%3 1----B&Q1--C 8-- 8:R
6$%3 1----B6Q1--C @-- @AR
8$%3 1----B8Q1--C &-- &&R
5.:.2 T!ree Interrupt +esign )olutions
%ereFs three wa)s to combat the problem b) (esign choice:
1. Increase the main s)stem cloc$ Bmore processing powerC.
&. Place a (i"i(er in front of the signal source i.e. a (iscrete chip.
3. 2se an internal 8imer an( its prescaler Bfee(ing into an internal counterC.
8he important point is that )ou must figure out if the s)stem is capable of
wor$ing correctl) before committing to an) particular (esign Ban(/or (o some
brea(boar(ing testsC.
5.:.3 Effect of using a 2<"*= cloc-
8he table abo"e shows what happens when )ou )ou increase the processing
power of a (e"ice. .ecause the interrupt co(e si3e remains the same there are far
more processing cloc$ c)cles a"ailable to the main co(e so the I>7 has less effect
Buses less c)cles compare( to the total a"ailableC on main co(e operation.
Note: (nstead of <ust changing the c"oc# you cou"d change the device e.g. use a
18F series with !ui"t in 099 i.e. e7tree"y high interna" c"oc# rate and ree!er
changing a device over is a !ig <o! !ut it is ade uch easier when you use a
high "eve" "anguage such as &. 1"so the interrupt code tep"ates presented here
are generic $ <ust change soe register naes if the new device uses different
,ta" E ;0AHz, processor c"oc# E ;0e5F@ E /AHz, -E;00ns
&yc"es within 1#Hz period E 1F1#Hz E )1F1e8*F;00e:G E /000 Page 3- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
Effect of Increasing the Processor Clock to 2!"#
Interrupt rate Cycles calculation (otal
Cycles &vaila$le
(o )ain Code
Percentage of )ain
code cycles availa$le
copared to cycles
at 5kH! design rate
1$%3 =----B1Q1--C 6:-- 1--R
&$%3 =----B&Q1--C 68-- :8R
6$%3 =----B6Q1--C 6@-- :6R
8$%3 =----B8Q1--C 6&-- 8@R
: +esign tec!ni>ues
:.1 #sing FL9) to communicate from I)R to main Program
;lags are boolean "ariables use( to in(icate that an action shoul( be ta$en an(
)ou can use them to transfer actions from the I>7 to the main co(e.
Note: 6ou can save space !y using !it varia!"es in & and use the as !oo"ean
In C )ou can also (eclare a "ariable as a FstaticF within a file an( it has what is
$nown as file scope Bit is onl) "isible to functions that are (eclare( within the file
itselfC. 8his means that an) function in the same file5 inclu(ing the I>7 function5
can FseeF the "ariable.
Iou can use this "ariable as a flag "ariable which can be set within the I>7 an(
actione( within the main co(e. In this wa) a non critical actions can be performe(
when instigate( b) an interrupt trigger flag from within the I>7.
>o wh) woul( )ou want to (o this?
8he reason is that )ou can re(uce the I>7 time which is one wa) of impro"ing
performance of )our s)stem. Iou can ta$e co(e that woul( otherwise ha"e to be
performe( within the I>7 itself an( (elegate it to be performe( b) the main co(e
when it goes aroun( its processing loop.
8he penalt) is that )ou wonFt $now e'actl) when the (elegate( co(e is e'ecute(
so )ou ha"e to ensure that this (oes not matter i.e. it must not ha"e a critical
e'ecution time reEuirement.
8he benefit is that the I>7 has to onl) e'ecute a few instructions i.e. setting a Page 31 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
"ariable5 instea( of e'ecuting a whole lot of co(e within the I>7. 8his means that
the interrupt is shorter an( )ou ma) be able to increase the interrupt rate an(
this can mean better performance.
>ee Chapter 11.@ for a simple e'ample using this flag techniEue * this is onl) a
s$eleton co(e e'ample but illustrates the structure of co(e to use.
A more real e'ample woul( be storing recei"e( 7>&3& (ata into a buffer Bin the
I>7C an( when full setting a flag to in(icate that the main co(e shoul( go an(
interpret the contents. 8his means the I>7 can be $ept small an( lean an( the
main co(e is onl) e'ecute( when nee(e( i.e. there is no (ata interpretation
within the I>7 itself.
:.2 ?Interrupt Cascade?
An Finterrupt casca(eF
is a simple concept of calling an( starting one interrupt
from within another. ItFs a techniEue that is useful for not onl) precise repeate(
interrupts but precise repeate( interrupts that ha"e a resulting precise repeatable
output of (ifferent (uration to the main interrupt rate i.e. itFs goo( for creating a
P<0 t)pe signal when )ou ha"e run out of P<0 mo(ules or )ou (onFt ha"e one
in the first place.
It is also useful in reacting to an interrupt e"ent of an) $in( but reacting at a
precise Bcontrolle(C (ela)e( time perio( after the original e"ent. ;or instance it
coul( be useful to chec$ for a return signal in an ultrasonic ranger. If )ou ma(e
the secon( interrupt (ela) time e"en longer )ou coul( use it as a courtes) light
(ela). Page 3& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
#b"iousl) there are hun(re(s of wa)s of sol"ing these $in( of problems an( this
is an e'tra techniEue which )ou coul( choose if it fits the problem.
8o create an output using this metho( use one timer interrupt an( get it going at
a suitable rate e.g. &-ms. Ba goo( rate for ser"o controlC.
<hen the first &-ms interrupt fires re-enable it but also set the enable flag of a
secon( B(ifferentC timer mo(ule. At the same time set an output high. <hen the
secon( interrupt fires set the output low an( +#48 re-enable the secon( interrupt
its (one b) the first interrupt. 8his generates a pulse output high for the (uration
of the secon( timer interrupt setting.
8o control the (uration of the pulse5 control the secon( timer "alue from within
the first timer interrupt co(e. .) controlling this "alue using a "ariable the
(uration of the pulse can be manipulate( from within the main co(e e.g. use a
static "ariable in C co(e.
8his means )ou get a repeate( pulse signal at the &-ms rate (ue to the 1
an( )ou also get a controlle( pulse (uration (ue to the time length of the secon(
timer. Page 33 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
:.3 "easuring t!e I)R time
8here are two easier wa)s to measure the I>7 time * using a scope or a
simulator an( one more (ifficult wa) * using a timer.
#ne of the easiest wa)s to measure the e'ecution time of an I>7 is to use an
oscilloscope an( monitor a pin for signals set from within interrupt.
Another metho( is to use a simulator. It is more laborious but it is possible to
chec$ (ifferent con(itional paths within the I>7 b) setting "ariables after )ou
ha"e stoppe( the simulator just at the entr) to the I>7.
8he thir( wa) is to use internal timer har(ware an( store start an( en( times of
the interrupt from the timer. 8he problem then is to sen( the timer "alues out so
)ou ha"e to choose from a"ailable har(ware e.g. 7>&3& or C+ etc.
:.3.1 +irect Pin "onitoring
8he eas) wa) to chec$ the I>7 time is to set a pin high at the start an( low at the
en( of the interrupt co(e )ou want to monitor. 8his wa) )ou can see the interrupt
(uration b) measuring it (irectl) on an oscilloscope an( because setting a pin
high or low uses one instruction the metho( has minimal impact on the e'ecution
time of the interrupt.
Note: -his ethod wi"" increase the actua" tie !ut on"y !y two instruction cyc"es.
8he (isa("antage is that )ou ha"e to ha"e a spare pin a"ailable for monitoring.
:.3.2 )imulating Interrupts
>imulating interrupts is (ifficult because simulators are base( on (iscrete time
s)stems an( not real time actions. 8his in itself (oes not present a problem. 8he
problem is that a real time e"ent can be sche(ule( some time in the future for
instance at 1ms inter"als. 8o simulate this )ou woul( want a real time e"ent at
the 1ms simulation time but simple (iscrete time simulators (o not allow )ou to
specif) these t)pes of e"ent because the) are base( solel) on the processor5 itFs
inputs an( outputs an( internal co(e operation i.e. there is usuall) no pro"ision
for time( e'ternal e"ents or operation of internal har(ware peripherals. All )ou
can simulate is the registers that are5 in real life5 controlle( b) the (iscrete
har(ware mo(ules.
8o illustrate the problem consi(er simulating a 1ms inter"al timer with a 1$%3
signal on an e'ternal pin an( using a 60%3 main cloc$ Binstructions at 10%3 or
1us perio(C.
8his woul( mean that )ou ha"e to simulate 1--- (iscrete time inter"als i.e. 1---
c)cles of simulation time before the interrupt co(e is acti"ate( an( this also Page 36 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
assumes that )ou can use the simulator to assign time( e"ents to processor
inputs which is not possible with most of these simulators. .ut just for illustration
assume that )ou can (o this.
Note: -here is one way to fa#e it and that.s !y using a counter )written in ore &
code* to count down the nu!er of ties the ain code "oop is e7ecuted and at
the appro7iate tie )count* ca""s the interrupt code )which you have to copy as
a nora" function*. -he pro!"e with this is that you are introducing "ots of code
that you do not rea""y want !ecause this new code cou"d have ore new !ugs
within itD
Assuming that )ou (o ha"e a metho( to trigger the interrupt.
>ince simulation time is "er) slow because the simulation mo(el uses co(e to
simulate the actions of internal registers i.e. the whole processor. It will ta$e a
long time before )ou reach the 1--- simulation (iscrete time e"ent meaning that
it will ta$e so long that )ou wonFt want to bother. 9"en if it ta$es @--ms repeate(
testing will mean it ta$es a "er) long time to (ebug. 8he i(eal situation is to test
the target co(e BinterruptC imme(iatel).
:.3.2.1 #sing Adefine "acros
8he solution is not to use the simulation time of 1---ms but to alter the co(e
using C macros to trigger the interrupt co(e imme(iatel) Bafter some initiali3ation
co(eC in the main part of the program. 2sing macros is con"enient because )ou
can set a FH(efineF control for e'ample FH(efine 89>8OI489772P8 1F an( this
woul( enable the rele"ant co(e throughout.
It means )ou can place a brea$ instruction Bi.e. halt the simulatorC just before the
interrupt co(e is calle( an( then setup an) registers )ou nee( to set e.g. interrupt
flag registers etc to test out a specific part of the interrupt routine.
>ee Chapter 11.A for an e'ample of this metho(.
:.3.3 #sing Timer
8his techniEue is a more comple' wa) of measuring an interrupt time but offers
the a("antages of being non intrusi"e Bno e'ternal pins are reEuire(C an( Euic$
Bonce set up itFs instant thereFs no poring o"er simulation co(e/tools to get an
8he (isa("antage is that )ou use internal memor) resources Bbut not too muchKC
an( e'isting (ispla) interfaces to (o the job * It all (epen(s on what har(ware is
Note: 6ou can a#e a very sip"e software coded seria" output at a pin and use a
standard "eve" trans"ator chip to generate the re=uired +%;8; "eve"s at a 0& e.g. Page 3= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
a A1,;8; )use the 1 version to use the sa""er 0.1uF capacitors*.
8he metho( also assumes )ou ha"e a timer running an( in most comple' co(e
)ou will be using one an)wa). 9"en if )ou are not )ou can enable the timer an(
not the interrupts so it (oes not affect currentl) running co(e.
All )ou (o is poll the timer at the beginning an( en( of the interrupt storing these
"alues Ban( assuming that the timer has not rolle( o"er i.e. passe( through 3eroC
subtract the first from the secon( "alue to get the time perio( of the interrupt. In
the main co(e these "alues are con"erte( to A>CII an( the result sent to )our
chosen (ispla) interface.
9"en if the timer passes through 3ero5 between the first an( secon( rea(ings5 it
will more often be the case that it (oes not roll o"er5 so the "alues measure( will
on a"erage be the right ones. 8his is important since )ou onl) reall) want a
gui(e to the interrupt time an( when )ou get the "alue out of the (e"ice )ou will
see the same "alue most of the time an( this is the one to ta$e note of.
Note: (t.s not worth spending tie correcting the operation of the code as it wi""
ta#e ore and ore tie to get it perfect. Bood enough is >H.
:.3.3.1 2ie(ing t!e Timer 2alue
#nce )ou ha"e obtaine( the timer "alue )ou nee( to (ispla) it an( hereFs two
eas) har(ware interfaces to use:
In or(er to (ispla) "alues on these (e"ices )ou will nee( to output it in A>CII
format an( that means translating the "alue from the t)pe in use Bprobabl) an
integerC into A>CII.
A commonl) use( C con"ersion routine is ltoaBC Bfoun( in st(lib.hC an( that uses
the long t)pe which )ou can cast into an) other integer t)pe Bb)te5 char5 int etc.C.
Note: -he "toa)* function is not inc"uded in a"" icrocontro""er copi"ers !ut it.s
usefu" to #now a!out anyway !ecause in different environents e.g. on a 0& you
can use it to convert any integer type to a string and it a"so a""ows you to specify
the radi7 $ so it.s usefu" for conversions to he7 and !inary.
8he problem is that longFs use up more internal resources Bbigger librar) co(e is
importe(C. Another factor is that the ma'imum string si3e is (epen(ent on the
t)pe Ban( con"ersion ra(i'C use( so ltoaBC uses more string space i.e. when a
long is con"erte( to A>CII there are more resulting (igits for the ma'imum
output "alue.
8o get roun( this5 compiler manufacturers will ma$e simple small routines to (o a Page 3@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
specific con"ersion job e.g. .)te8o>trBC or <or(8o>trBC which are optimi3e( for
each Ft)peF an( occup) less space in memor) because these routines (o not nee(
to allow for an arbitrar) output string length.
Note:1"" these routines )or sii"ar* can !e found on the we!, so if your copi"er
anufacturer does not supp"y the <ust create a source fi"e and header fi"e and
copi"e the code so you can use it $ that.s the great power of using &C you can
never get rea""y stuc#.
B n Error Cou "ust void
Interrupts are tric$) an( I (i( ma$e a mista$e while co(ing them for this
(ocument. 8he onl) reason I foun( the problem was that I was re-chec$ing the
heartbeat timer interrupt co(e b) turning off the enable controls for in(i"i(ual
Duess what I turne( off enables for both timer - an( & but the 9+s still in(icate(
that timer - an( & the) were still running. ,er) pu33ling since when an enable is
off the interrupt shoul( not fire at all .28 loo$ing at the co(e I saw that I ha( not
chec$e( for the enable being acti"e while chec$ing the interrupt flag.
8he co(e loo$e( li$e this Bwithin the I>7 itselfC :
if BI48C#4 J B1SS8-I;C C T // 8- o"erflowe( ?
I48C#4 JP UB1SS8-I;CL // clear timer- o"erflow bit.
// ;osc/6 ' BPrescale1:1@C ' Bcount to o"erflowC P repeat rate.
// &us ' 1&8 ' 131 P 1ms BC
// 4ote count to o"erflow uses & when up(ating hence 133 not 131
807- P 133L // ;rom PIC 8imer - calculator.
8he problem is that if an) other interrupt fires A4+ the flag bit of a (ifferent
interrupt is high then that co(e gets actione( i.e. it loo$s li$e the other interrupt
is still acti"e. 8his is true since the har(ware as mentione( alwa)s shows the
interrupt state of the mo(ule using the flag bit Btimers are still acti"e e"en though
their interrupt enable is offK - as long as another interrupt is firingC
8he co(e shoul( loo$ li$e this:
if B I48C#4 J B1SS8-I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BI48C#4 J B1SS8-I;C C T // 8- o"erflowe( ?
I48C#4 JP UB1SS8-I;CL // clear timer- o"erflow bit.
// ;osc/6 ' BPrescale1:1@C ' Bcount to o"erflowC P repeat rate.
// &us ' 1&8 ' 131 P 1ms BC Page 3A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// 4ote count to o"erflow uses & when up(ating hence 133 not 131
807- P 133L // ;rom PIC 8imer - calculator.
8he problem with this error is that it is subtle since )ou can get awa) with it if
)ou (onFt nee( to (isable an interrupt BEuite commonC - the) will alwa)s be
correctl) actione(. 8he problem comes if )ou tr) to turn off an interrupt Ban( )ou
fin( out that )ou canFtC. 2sing the abo"e co(e sol"es the problem but remember
if )ou (onFt nee( to turn off the enable Be.g. ;or a heartbeat timerC then )ou
(onFt nee( the e'tra co(e * which will just increase the interrupt action time. Page 38 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
1< 1:F )eries Interrupts
As )ou woul( e'pect from the more a("ance( 18; (e"ices the interrupt structure
has been consi(erabl) enhance( compare( to the mi( range (e"ices. In fact a
complete cop) of the e'isting Bmi(-range-(e"iceC interrupt s)stem gi"es )ou a
completel) new feature: Prioriti!ed Interrupts.
In essence it allows *ow Priority Interrupts Bjust thin$ of these as XnormalY
interrupts since the) are eEui"alent to the mi( range interruptsC to be
interrupte(. It a((s a complete la)er of new interrupt capabilit) onto all e'isting
interrupts * ow priorit) interrupts themsel"es can now be interrupte( hence
these new interrupts are calle( High Priority Interrupts.
1<.1 *ig! or Lo( Priorit& Interrupts1 Reason for #sage
2sing Prioriti3e( Interrupts is a speciali3e( concept an( is reall) for a("ance(
usage so )ou probabl) wonFt nee( it for stan(ar( programs.
8he reason )ou might want to use them is when )ou ha"e built up a critical piece
of co(e that either )ou are worrie( ma) not alwa)s capture an interrupt Bbecause
there are too man) other interrupts all nee(ing ser"icing at the same time * since
)our co(e is getting largerC or a specific interrupt is absolutel) critical an( must
un(er no circumstances be misse( e.g. >afet) Critical #peration.
1<.2 *ard(are for Prioriti=ed Interrupts
Note: -he new interrupt hardware is cop"ete"y !ac#wards copati!"e with id:
range )high "eve"* code since there are new register contro"s to turn it off so this
eans you can use e7isting code and s"ow"y transition to the new 18F hardware
feature )!ut on"y if you want to*.
8o allow the priorit) mechanism to wor$ an e'tra interrupt "ector has been a((e(
an( this han(les the high priorit) interrupts an( to control it there is an a((itional
enable register DI9% Dlobal Interrupt 9nable for %igh Priorit) Interrupts.
Note: &hec# your copi"er docuentation for e7act ip"eentation detai"s.
8his is in a((ition to the original DI9 Bor Dlobal Interrupt 9nableC which has been
re-labele( DI9%/DI9 Bor Dlobal Interrupt 9nable for %igh Priorit) InterruptsC.
P9I9 has become DI9 - global enable for low priorit) interrupts.
DI9 has become DI9% * global enable for high priorit) interrupts. Page 3: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
6iagra of interrupt hardware in a typical 57. series device
0e1cerpt fro 57.899: data sheet docuent ;<=;8$4
1<.3 Prioriti=ed Interrupt "ec!anism
In the mi(-range (e"ices such as 1@; or 1&; etc )ou can onl) prioriti3e an
interrupt in a limite( wa) an( that is to place the interrupt that )ou want
e'ecute( first in the I>7 at the start of the interrupt routine * this wa) if the Page 6- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
associate( interrupt fires then )ou $now that the I>7 will e'ecute that interrupt
Prioriti3e( interrupts in the 18; series wor$ on the ph)sical har(ware le"el an( a
low priorit) interrupt can itself be interrupte( b) a high priorit) interrupt. 8he
mechanism wor$s since there are two ph)sical har(ware interrupts so )ou will
nee( two high le"el interrupt functions to ser"ice each of these "ectors.
8he two interrupt "ectors ha"e the following a((resses:
ow priorit) interrupt "ector at : ----18h Bnormal use interruptC
%igh priorit) interrupt "ector at : -----8h
8he important point is that a high priorit) interrupt can e'ecute e"en while a low
priorit) interrupt is e'ecuting i.e. the lower Be'ecutingC interrupt can be
o"erri((en b) the higher priorit) interrupt. In the mi(-range (e"ices the main
interrupt can ne"er be interrupte( an( e"er)thing has to stop an( wait until the
interrupt co(e BI>7C is finishe( an( until e'it from the I>7.
.ut in the same wa) that a normal Bmi(-range (e"iceC interrupt stops the main
co(e wor$ing an( branches to the I>7 so the high priorit) interrupt will stop the
low priorit) interrupt until the high priorit) interrupt has finishe(. It is a neste(
interrupt structure operating in har(ware.
9ach of the interrupt sources Bi.e. an) of the sources of interrupts within the 18;
(e"iceC has an enable bit to allow it to become a high priorit) interrupt so )ou can
(eci(e whether or not to ma$e each interrupt a high priorit) interrupt or a low
priorit) interrupt.
Note: -his is a design decision and you shou"d assign high priority to those
interrupts that a!so"ute"y ust not !e issed i.e. critica" ones.
1<.$ Priorit& Enable Control 4it /bac-(ards compatibilit&0
#"erall control of the priorit) interrupt mechanism is set b) using the IP94 bit in
the 7C#4 register. .it A is the IP94 or Interrupt Priorit) E,able bit an( when set
it enables priorit) interrupts which means that an) of the interrupt sources within
the 18; (e"ice can be prioriti3e(.
<hen IP94 is reset to 3ero the (e"ice interrupt s)stem is compatible with the
mi(-range PIC (e"ices i.e. prioriti3e( interrupts are off i.e. the interrupt structure
beha"es in the same wa) as for the mi( range (e"ice interrupt s)stem meaning
the interrupt har(ware loo$s as though there is onl) a single interrupt "ector. Page 61 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
1<.' 1:F )eries Registers
As with the mi( range (e"ices the 18; series still has the PI7 an( PI9 registers
an( these wor$ in e'actl) the same wa) as the mi( range (e"ices but in a((ition
to these the 18; series also has an Interrupt Priorit) 9nable register B8he IP9
8he registers that control interrupts are:
PI7 - Peripheral Interrupt 7eEuest B;lagC.
PI9 - Peripheral Interrupt 9nable.
IP9 - Interrupt Priorit) 9nable.
A((itional interrupt control bits are hel( in I48C#4
I48C#4 : #riginal interrupts the same as the mi(-range (e"ices V e'tras.
Note: (n the sae way that soe origina" interrupts are "ocated in the (N-&>N
register, e7tra (N-&>N registers are avai"a!"e (N-&>N; I (N-&>N8. -hese
house the new e7terna" interrupt contro"s )!oth ena!"e and F"ag !its* !ut in
addition they a"so house the priority contro" !its )(0?* for these new interrupts
and new"y created priority !its for the origina" interrupts )(0?*.
%ere is a list of registers associate( with interrupts
I48C#45 I48C#4&5 I48C#43
PI715 PI7&
PI915 PI9&
IP715 IP7&
Bfrom 18;&==- (atasheetC
1<.. 1:F Conte3t )aving
7ecall that for mi( range (e"ices onl) the program counter BPCC is sa"e( on the
stac$ B>ee Chapter @.6C. In the 18; series )ou can also ha"e the <79D5 >8A82>
an( .>7 registers sa"e( but onl) if )ou use a fast return from interrupt. If )ou
(onFt use a fast return from interrupt )ou ma) nee( to sa"e <79D5 >8A82> an(
.>7 using )our own co(e.
Note: 6ou sti"" have to !e carefu" as you ay need to save other registers
anyway. Page 6& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
1<...1 Fast Register )tac-
8he ;ast 7eturn stac$ is specificall) for use in interrupts Bbut see laterC an( sa"es
<79D5 >8A82> an( .>7. 8he problem is that it is onl) one le"el (eep so )ou
ha"e to be careful with it when using the priorit) interrupt mechanism since if two
interrupts are triggere( Bone low priorit) an( one highC then the fast stac$ will be
o"erwritten * in that case )ou ha"e to a manuall) control sa"ing the register
Warning> ItFs best not to use the fast return stac$ if both high an( low priorit)
interrupts are acti"e since the f-r-s is onl) one le"el (eep * the secon( interrupt
will o"erwrite the fast return stac$ "aluesK
Iou will nee( to chec$ )our compiler (ocumentation Ban( possibl) anal)3e the
co(e outputC to chec$ e'actl) what )our compiler (oes with the stac$ i.e. whether
or not it ta$es care of conte't sa"ing when using prioriti3e( interrupts.
If fast stac$ an( priorit) interrupts are enable( the (uring the low priorit)
interrupt )ou must sa"e the <79D5>8A82> an( .>7 since these will be the ones
o"erwritten b) a high priorit) interrupt e"ent.
1<...1.1 #sing t!e Fast Register )tac- for normal function calls
If interrupts are not use( then )ou can use the fast return stac$ (uring normal
function calls * Bprobabl) (ifficult in a high le"el compiler an( woul( be easier in
machine co(e/assemblerC.
8o (o this in assembler )ou woul( call the function as follows:
CA ;unc15 ;A>8
8o return from the function use:
798274 ;A>8
11 E3amples
11.1 *ard(are D )oft(are
11.1.1 *ard(are
8o run the e'ample co(e the har(ware is $ept to a minimum. All )ou nee( is:
An IC>P programmer.
A PIC 1@;88
18;&==- or an) similar 18; (e"ice Ba(just setup as necessar)C. Page 63 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
0AM&3&A Bthe A "ersion uses -.1u; pol)ester not 1u; electrol)tic so it is
=, power suppl)
P>2 (ecoupling capacitor 1-u; electrol)tic.
1 (ecoupling capacitor -.1u; Battache( close to power J groun( on 1@;88C
6 0AM&3& capacitors -.1u;
3 1$ resistors
3 9+s.
>ol(erless brea(boar(.
>oli( core sheathe( connection wire.
<ire strippers.
>erial cable 4ull mo(em Bstraight through * no crosso"erC for 7>&3&.
: wa) female +-t)pe Bconnects to PC serial portC.
11.1.2 )erial port configuration
.au(: :@--
+ata: 8 bits
Parit): 4one
>top bits: 1
;low control: 4one Page 66 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.1.3 1.F:: *ard(are +iagram Page 6= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.1.$ 1:F2''< *ard(are +iagram
11.1.' )oft(are +o(nloads
11.1.'.1 C Compiler do(nload
Compiler : 0i$roC (ownloa( :
11.1.'.2 ICPR79
+ownloa( ICP7#D here :'1.htm
Iou nee( the ICP7#D programming software an( the 0i$roC C compiler Balthough
the e'amples come with precompile( he' file so if )ou are not going to change
the co(e then )ou wonFt nee( the compilerC * the compiler is free for the small Page 6@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
amounts of co(e use( in these e'amples..
Programmer >oftware : ICP7#D
>ee notes on site for setup instructions. #n web page:
11.1.'.3 %inPic /for t!e 1:F2''< and man& ot!ers0
Although I mainl) use ICP7#D it (oes not ha"e regular up(ates an( (oes not
cater for the 18;&==-. 8here is a program that is up(ate( much more regularl)
an( is just as goo( as an( itFs calle( <inPic.
Note: (&0+>B does have soe supported 18F devices so chec# those out !efore
changing to new software e.g. (f you use the popu"ar 18F;/;.
(A0>+-1N-: (f you do have (&0+>B running and then start up 2in0ic you ay
need to re!oot your coputer since (&0+>B ay not re"ease the ports )90-
0>+-* and it wi"" appear that 2in0ic is not running reading or writing. +e!oot wi""
so"ve thisD
<inPic caters for man) (ifferent interfaces an( I thin$ )ou can e"en specif) an
unsupporte( programming interface "ia a configuration file so )ou are guarantee(
to ma$e )our programmer wor$ using this software.
8hereFs also a lot of information on the website on how to configure an( use it.
;ortunatel) it has an A4=8: programming interface Bparallel portC that I use so it
was a matter of selecting that interface an( just using the program (irectl) in
place of ICP7#D.
-(0: 2hen prograing )<ust !efore hitting the prograing !utton* c"ic# the
ta! "a!e"ed JAessagesK as this wi"" then show you how the progra is progressing
$ otherwise it "oo#s "i#e the progra is hung.
Note: -here are severa" versions with this )or a sii"ar nae* so down"oad your
version fro : fro www.=s".netFd"@yhf )Note: %ii"ar"y to (&0+>B, 2in0ic is
-(0: 1""ow the configuration to !e prograed when prograing the 18F;//0
$ it does return a prograing fai"ed error !ecause it does not read !ac# the
prograed va"ue proper"y so don.t worry a!out that $ if anyone finds out why
)p"us the so"ution* drop e an eai" and (."" update the e!oo# $ than#s.
11.2 Interrupt Template
Note: -his techni=ue can !e adapted to any systeFdevice.
8his co(e is e'tremel) boring but I guess thatFs whatFs nee(e( as a template. Page 6A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.2.1 Interrupt Template Code ction
Note: ?ven f"ashing the 9?3 is tota""y unnecessary !ut hey $ it.s got to do
11.2.2 Interrupt Template C Code
FF Fi"e: 15F88:interrupt:tep"ate.c
FF 1uthor: L F Aain.
FF 3escription:
FF (nterrupt -ep"ate &ode
FF &opi"er : i#ro&, i#ro?"e#troni#a & copi"er
FF for Aicrochip 0(& icrocontro""ers
FF Version: 8.;.0.0
FF Note -esting:
FF -ested on 15F88
FF +e=uireents:
FF &"oc# : 8AHz )(nterna"*
FF -arget : 15F88
FF Version:
FF 1.00 : (nitia" re"ease.
FF &opyright : &opyright M Lohn Aain ;008
FF http:FFwww.!est:icrocontro""er:pro<
FF For use on"y if purchased with e!oo#
FF N0(& (nterrupt %ecretsN
FF avai"a!"e fro we!site a!ove.
Oinc"ude N!it.hN
FF 3efines
Effective PIC Interrupts
FF fi"e scope varia!"es
static unsigned "ong -1tieE0C
void init)void* P
>%&&>N E 07'0C FF !5..@ E 110 E @AHz, 111 E 8AHz
1N%?9 E 0C FF a"" 13& pins to digita" (F>
FF -ier 1
-1&>N E )1QQ-A+1>N*C
void initSports)void* P
0>+-1 E 0C
-+(%1 E 0C FF 0EoFp.
0>+-4 E 0C
-+(%4 E 0C FF 0EoFp.
void ena!"eSinterrupts)void* P
FF (nterrupt ena!"e. -A+1
0(?1 E 0700C
0(?1 TE )1QQ-A+1(?*C
FF B"o!a" I 0eriphera" interrupt ena!"e.
(N-&>N TE )1QQB(?* T )1QQ0?(?*C
void disa!"eSinterrupts)void* P
(N-&>N IE U)1QQB(?*C FF disa!"e interrupts
void -ier1Saction)void* P
static unsigned "ong t E 0C Page 6: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
static unsigned char 9?3 E 0C
if)tEE0* P FF restart tie count
t E -1tieC
R e"se P
FF togg"e de"ay
if ) )-1tie : t*VE/00 * P
9?3 E U9?3C
if )9?3* set4it)0>+-1,0*C e"se res4it)0>+-1,0*C
t E 0C FF start a new tie count
FF %tart here
void ain)* P
whi"e)1* -ier1Saction)*C
void interrupt)void* P
FF -ier 1
if ) 0(?1 I )1QQ-A+1(?* * P FF (nt. ?na!"edW
if )0(+1 I )1QQ-A+1(F* * P FF -1 overf"owed W
0(+1 IE U)1QQ-A+1(F*C FF c"ear tier1 overf"ow !it.
-A+19 E @8C
-A+1H E ;@8C
FF Note B(? set !y +?-F(? instruction )see asse!"er output*.
R Page =- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.3 1.F *eartbeat Timer
Note: -his techni=ue can !e adapted to any systeFdevice.
8his co(e (emonstrates using three timersL 8imer -5 8imer 1 an( 8imer & using
each to generate a 1ms interrupt heartbeat cloc$ Bthese are not s)nchroni3e( to
each otherC.
Note: (n practice you wou"d use on"y one tier for the heart!eat tier and they
are presented here so that you can choose one fro any of the three avai"a!"e
A heartbeat timer is useful in most co(e because it allows )ou to time an)thing
without loosing time in a wasteful (ela) loop since while the timer is counting in
the bac$groun( for )ou the processor can get on with other useful tas$s.
In the co(e )ou coul( also create an arra) of count(own "ariables up(ate( in the
interrupt an( ma)be actione( in the interrupt to (o a specific tas$ when the)
e'pire an( in this wa) )ou can create man) timers using onl) one main interrupt
timer * all )ou are (oing is using up 7A0 an( a little processing time.
8he other metho( Bfor less accurate timing e.g. A $e)boar( bounce timerC where
timing is not critical is for the main co(e to perio(icall) loo$ at the timer "alue
an( compare it to a store( one an( this is shown in the co(e below. If the "alue
is abo"e a set limit then the "ariable is reset an( an action is ta$en * in this case
toggling a port bit.
11.3.1 1.F *eartbeat Timer Code ction
P#78A is use( to (ispla) the actions for each interrupt * an( each port bit is
connecte( to a forwar( biase( 9+ to groun( "ia a 1$ resistor using a 33-#hm
resistor if )ou want to but 1$ wor$s well enough for test wor$C. 8he onl) other
connections to the 1@;88 are V=, an( D4+ an( the 6 IC>P programmer
connections Bleft permanentl) connecte( for this testC.
7A- * 8he pin is toggle( at each =--ms inter"al using interrupt 8I097-
7A1 - 8he pin is toggle( at each &=-ms inter"al using interrupt 8I0971
7A& - 8he pin is toggle( at each 1&=ms inter"al using interrupt 8I097&
8his allows )ou to chec$ the action of each.
Note: -urning off individua" interrupt !its wi"" prove that each interrupt is wor#ing
as e7pected.
11.3.2 16F Heart Beat Timer C Code
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Page =1 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// ;ile: 1@;88-heartbeat-timer.c
// Author: / ; 0ain.
// +escription:
// 1ms %eartbeat 8imer Interrupt Co(e.
// 2sing 8imer- or 8imer1 or 8imer&.
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 1@;88
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 80%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 1@;88
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;or use onl) if purchase( with eboo$
// ZPIC Interrupt >ecretsZ
// a"ailable from website abo"e.
Hinclu(e Zbit.hZ
// +efines
// file scope "ariables
static unsigne( long 8-timeP-5 81timeP-5 8&timeP-L Page =& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
"oi( initB"oi(C T
#>CC#4 P -'A-L // b@..6 P 11- P 60%35 111 P 80%3
A4>9 P -L // all A+C pins to (igital I/#
// 8imer -
// DPP2 bA P 1 : Pullups (isable( B1C.
// I489+D b@ P - : Interrupt e(ge P low to high B-C.
// 8-C> b= P - : Cloc$ select Internal ;osc/6 B-C.
// 8->9 b6 P - : 8imer - e(ge low to high B-C.
// P>A b3 P - : Prescaler assigne( to <+8 B1C 8imer- B-C.
// P> b&..- P 11- : PrescaleP1:1&8 Bnote P>P--[ 1:& for 807-C.
// --- P 1:&
// --1 P 1:6
// -11 P 1:1@
#P8I#4O79D P -'--L
#P8I#4O79D \P -'-3L //prescale 1:1@
#P8I#4O79D \P B1SSACL //pullups off
// 8imer 1
81C#4 P B1SS8071#4CL
// 8imer &
P7&P&6:L // postscale P 1:&5 #4 5 prescale P 1:6
8&C#4 P B-'-1SS3C \ B1SS807&#4C \ -'-1L
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78A P -L
87I>A P -L // -Po/p.
P#78. P -L
87I>. P -L // -Po/p.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
// 8imer - :#sc off5 Internal cl$5 #n53ero 8-I;
I48C#4 P B1SS8-I9CL Page =3 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// Interrupt enable. 8071
PI91 P -'--L
PI91 \P B1SS8071I9CL
PI91 \P B1SS807&I9CL
// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( 8imer-OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 8-timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B8-time - tC[P=-- C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A5-CL else res.itBP#78A5-CL
t P -L // start a new time count
"oi( 8imer1OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 81timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B81time - tC[P&=- C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A51CL else res.itBP#78A51CL
t P -L // start a new time count
W Page =6 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
"oi( 8imer&OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 8&timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B8&time - tC[P1&= C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A5&CL else res.itBP#78A5&CL
t P -L // start a new time count
// >tart here
"oi( mainBC T
whileB1C T // infinite loop.
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
// 8imer -
if B I48C#4 J B1SS8-I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BI48C#4 J B1SS8-I;C C T // 8- o"erflowe( ?
I48C#4 JP UB1SS8-I;CL // clear timer- o"erflow bit. Page == of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// ;osc/6 ' BPrescale1:1@C ' Bcount to o"erflowC P repeat rate.
// &us ' 1&8 ' 131 P 1ms BC
// 4ote count to o"erflow uses & when up(ating hence 133 not 131
807- P 133L // ;rom PIC 8imer - calculator.
// 8imer 1
if B PI91 J B1SS8071I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS8071I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS8071I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
8071 P 68L
8071% P &68L
// 8imer &
if B PI91 J B1SS807&I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS807&I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS807&I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
11.$ Transmit Interrupts /no code but some important information0.
Although this (ocument (oes not show 8ransmit Interrupts Bthe) are just the
mirror image of the recei"e an( so are "er) eas) to set up i.e. a goo( e'ercise for
)ouC there is an a("antage to using them.
Consi(er when )ou (onFt use interruptsL what )ou will (o is transmit a message Page =@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
to the serial port one b)te at a time but thin$ about this * the transmit har(ware
can onl) go as fast as the bau( rate )ou ha"e selecte( for the transmitter
whether that is :@-- bau(5 1&-- bau( or =@---- bau(.
8his has an impact on )our co(e since )ou can not o"erwrite the output buffer
Bthere is onl) one output bufferC until the (ata has been transmitte( i.e. I#2
02>8 <AI8. <ithout interrupts )ou ha"e to wait b) using a fi'e( BwastefulC (ela)
an( thatFs where interrupts come in han().
8his is because the transmit interrupt har(ware can interrupt the software to sa)
X)es IF"e transmitte( the b)te5 gi"e me another pleaseY - thereFs no wasteful
(ela)s * all )ou (o is gi"e )our transmit routine a string of (ata an( the
interrupts will reEuest the ne't b)te from it. <hen the buffer is empt) a flag can
in(icate to the main co(e that the string was transmitte( an( itFs rea() for the
ne't one.
11.' R)232 Interrupt Reception
Note: -his techni=ue can !e adapted to any systeFdevice.
Note: Use Hyperterina" on the 0& and setup the paraeters shown here: %eria"
port configuration &hapter 11.1.;.
11.'.1 1.F R)232 Interrupt Reception Code ction
8he co(e uses the same 8imer1 Interrupt to show acti"it) on an 9+ at 7A-.
<hen a $e) is hit on the PC terminal the 7A& 9+ is flashe( to show reception of
(ata. In a((ition the 7ecei"e( (ata is loope( bac$ to the transmit 7>&3& output
to show information on the PC terminal i.e. it shows the A>CII $e) that was
originall) presse( at the PC terminal.
11.'.2 1.F R)232 Interrupt Reception C Code
// ;ile: 1@;88-rs&3&-r'.c
// Author: / ; 0ain.
// +escription:
// 7ecei"e 7>&3& Interrupt Co(e.
// 7ecei"e (ata is obtaine( "ia interrupt
// an( re-transmitte( bac$ to the 7>&3& port
// in the main loop co(e. Page =A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 1@;88
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 60%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 1@;88
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;or use onl) if purchase( with eboo$
// ZPIC Interrupt >ecretsZ
// a"ailable from website abo"e.
Hinclu(e Zbit.hZ
Hinclu(e ZusartOsupport.hZ
// +efines
H(efine 0AMOI49 @-
// file scope "ariables
static unsigne( char r'O(ata P -L
static unsigne( long 81timeP-L
"oi( initB"oi(C T
#>CC#4 P -'@-L // b@..6 P 11- P 60%35 111 P 80%3
A4>9 P -L // all A+C pins to (igital I/#
// 8imer - Page =8 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// DPP2 bA P 1 : Pullups (isable( B1C.
// I489+D b@ P - : Interrupt e(ge P low to high B-C.
// 8-C> b= P - : Cloc$ select Internal ;osc/6 B-C.
// 8->9 b6 P - : 8imer - e(ge low to high B-C.
// P>A b3 P - : Prescaler assigne( to <+8 B1C 8imer- B-C.
// P> b&..- P 11- : PrescaleP1:1&8 Bnote P>P--[ 1:& for 807-C.

// 8imer 1
81C#4 P B1SS8071#4CL
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78A P -L
87I>A P -L // -Po/p.
P#78. P -L
87I>. P -L // -Po/p.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
PI91 P -'--L

// Interrupt enable. 7>&3& 7M

// Interrupt enable. 8071
PI91 \P B1SS8071I9CL
// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( 8imer1OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L Page =: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 81timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B81time - tC[P=-- C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A5-CL else res.itBP#78A5-CL
t P -L // start a new time count
// >tart here
"oi( mainBC T
unsigne( short $e) L // 4ew $e) (etect.
unsigne( short blin$cP- L // .lin$ toggle.
char op]6^ L // >cratch area.
unsigne( char cP0AMOI49L

// 2se internal 2>A78 :
// et the compiler ta$e care
// of te(ious register initiali3ation.
(ela)OmsB1--CL //let hw settle.
// 8ransmit (ata if it is recei"e(
if Br'O(ataC T
2>A78OPrintBZ_r_n7M: ZCL
r'O(ata P -L // consume the (ata. Page @- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts

// ;lash an 9+ to show +ata 7M

W else T
2>A78OPrintBZ4# +A8AZCL
W else 2>A78OPrintBZ.ZCL
W // Infinite loop.
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
// 7>&3& 7ecei"e Interrupt
if B PI91 J B1SS7CI9C C T
if BPI71 J B1SS7CI;C C T // 7M +ata ?
PI71 JP UB1SS7CI;CL // clear flag - re enable ints
r'O(ata P 7C79DL

// 8imer 1
if B PI91 J B1SS8071I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS8071I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS8071I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
8071 P 68L
8071% P &68L


W Page @1 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.. )imple Flag E3ample
Note: -his techni=ue can !e adapted to any systeFdevice.
11...1 1.F )imple Flag Interrupt Code ction
As with the other e'amples three 9+ are use( to in(icate status an( attache(
in(i"i(uall) "ia 1-$ resistor to groun(.
In this case:
7A- is an interrupt (ri"en ali"e in(icator at =--ms perio(.
7A1 in(icates a calculation is being ma(e as a result of being Fflagge(F
7A& is a loop generate ali"e in(icator Bstops (uring calculationKC.
8his co(e is onl) s$eleton co(e Bto show )ou the i(eaC an( not a real e'ample see
Chapter 8.1 for an appropriate use of this co(e.
It (oes howe"er illustrate the fact that interrupts continue while main co(e is hel(
up since the flashing 9+ on 7A& is stoppe( while the FcalculationF is (one *
(uring this calculation 7A- continues toggling as if nothing has happene(.
11...2 1.F )imple Flag Interrupt C Code
// ;ile: 1@;88-interrupt-flag-e'ample.c
// Author: / ; 0ain.
// +escription:
// ;lag Co(e 8o +elegate Processing to 0ain co(e
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 1@;88
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 80%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 1@;88 Page @& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;or use onl) if purchase( with eboo$
// ZPIC Interrupt >ecretsZ
// a"ailable from website abo"e.
Hinclu(e Zbit.hZ
// +efines
// file scope "ariables
static unsigne( long 81timeP-L
static unsigne( char m)flagP-L
"oi( initB"oi(C T
#>CC#4 P -'A-L // b@..6 P 11- P 60%35 111 P 80%3
A4>9 P -L // all A+C pins to (igital I/#
// 8imer 1
81C#4 P B1SS8071#4CL
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78A P -L
87I>A P -L // -Po/p.
P#78. P -L
87I>. P -L // -Po/p.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T Page @3 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// Interrupt enable. 8071
PI91 P -'--L
PI91 \P B1SS8071I9CL
// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( 8imer1OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 81timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B81time - tC[P&=- C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A5-CL else res.itBP#78A5-CL
t P -L // start a new time count
"oi( (oOcalcB"oi(C T
(ela)OmsB1&--CL // Preten( (oing something comple'.
// >tart here
"oi( mainBC T
float ( P -5 r P -L
signe( char c5resL
int iL
initOportsBCL Page @6 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
whileB1C T // infinite loop.
if Bm)flagC T
m)flag P -L
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long tP-L
// 8imer 1
if B PI91 J B1SS8071I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS8071I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS8071I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
8071 P 68L
8071% P &68L
// Call (elegate( co(e
// e"er) 3 secon(s
if BKm)flag JJ B81time-tC[P3---C T
m)flag P 1L
// Ali"e in(icator
W Page @= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
11.5 Interrupt )imulation using "acros
Note: -his techni=ue can !e adapted to any systeFdevice.
11.5.1 1.F Interrupt )imulation Code ction
Iou can test interrupt co(e b) cheating an( using the built in pre-processor i.e.
using H(efine macro (irecti"es. 8he pre-processor wor$s as the name suggests
before the program is compile( an( )ou can use it to hi(e or re"eal sections of
In this case )ou nee( to change the co(e to present a FrealF interrupt Bfor use in
the har(wareC an( when simulating )ou nee( a Ffa$e interruptF routine. 8he
processing macros let )ou control the sections of co(e ma(e a"ailable for use
(epen(ing on a H(efine (irecti"e. 8he best wa) to e'plain this is to wor$ through
the affecte( sections of pre-processor (irecti"es.
8he first section is the control Bwhich )ou place at the topmost file le"el or e"en in
a top le"el hea(er file if there are multiple files in the projectC:
// comment out the following H(efine to stop simulating the macro
// Ban( 79C#0PI9C
H(efine >I02A89OI489772P8 1
8his pre-processor (efines a pre-processing macro "ariable labele(
/umping to the en( of co(e )ou ha"e:
Hif(ef >I02A89OI489772P8
// Compiler complains if interrupt calle( so rename it
"oi( OinterruptB"oi(C T
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
8his sa)s that when the macro "ariable >I02A89OI489772P8 is (efine( then the Page @@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
function is (eclare( as:
B"oi(C OinterruptB"oi(C T when not (eclare( )ou ha"e:
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T when not (eclare( )ou ha"e the real interrupt (eclaration an( when (eclare(
)ou ha"e the interrupt simulation co(e. ItFs (one li$e this since the compiler will
not allow the special $e)wor( FinterruptF to be calle( an)where in the program so
itFs is change( to Ointerrupt which it (oes allow.
In the main part of the co(e )ou ha"e:

// +ebug co(e
Hif(ef >I02A89OI489772P8
whileB1C T
PI71 P B1SS8071I;CL
OinterruptBCL // call the interrupt (irectl) after initiali3ation
// 9n( of +ebug Co(e
8he (ebug co(e is place( after initiali3ation co(e an( before an) other main co(e
Bwhich is not e'ecute( while simulating interruptsC. 8he (ebug co(e sets a flag
Bsimulating the har(ware mo(ule an( )ou can set a brea$point on the ne't line at
FOinterruptF an( step into the interrupt co(e itself so that )ou can anal)3e what is
going on in the interrupt.
Note: (f you don.t use this ethod then then there is no way that the interrupt
code wi"" ever !e ca""ed during siu"ation !ecause there is no trigger to do so i.e.
interrupt hardware is not siu"ated in ost siu"ators.
<hen )ou ha"e finishe( simulating the interrupt just comment out the original
control in the top most file as follows.
// H(efine >I02A89OI489772P8 1
8his then sets all the co(e bac$ to normal operation i.e. interrupts will wor$ as Page @A of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
e'pecte( on the har(ware.
8he power of this techniEue is that itFs eas) to switch from testing mo(e to
operational mo(e an( the (rawbac$ is that it ma$es co(e mess) to rea(. ;or that
reason use it sparingl).
11.5.2 1.F Interrupt )imulation C Code
// ;ile: 1@;88-interrupt-sim.c
// Author: / ; 0ain.
// +escription:
// Interrupt >imulation using H(efine 0acros
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 1@;88
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 60%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 1@;88
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;or use onl) if purchase( with eboo$
// ZPIC Interrupt >ecretsZ
// a"ailable from website abo"e.
Hinclu(e Zbit.hZ
// +efines
// comment out the follwing H(efine to stop simulating the macro
// Ban( 79C#0PI9C
// Page @8 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
H(efine >I02A89OI489772P8 1
// file scope "ariables
static unsigne( long 818imeP-L
// Protot)pes
"oi( OinterruptB"oi(CL // 8his is
"oi( initB"oi(C T
#>CC#4 P -'@-L // b@..6 P 11- P 60%35 111 P 80%3
A4>9 P -L // all A+C pins to (igital I/#
// 8imer -
// DPP2 bA P 1 : Pullups (isable( B1C.
// I489+D b@ P - : Interrupt e(ge P low to high B-C.
// 8-C> b= P - : Cloc$ select Internal ;osc/6 B-C.
// 8->9 b6 P - : 8imer - e(ge low to high B-C.
// P>A b3 P - : Prescaler assigne( to <+8 B1C 8imer- B-C.
// P> b&..- P 11- : PrescaleP1:1&8 Bnote P>P--[ 1:& for 807-C.
#P8I#4O79D P -'-@ \ B1SSACL
// 8imer 1
81C#4 P B1SS8071#4CL
// 8imer &
8&C#4 P B1SS807&#4CL
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78A P -L
87I>A P -L // -Po/p.
P#78. P -L
87I>. P -L // -Po/p.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
// Interrupt enable. 8071
PI91 P B1SS8071I9CL Page @: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( 8imer1OactionB"oi(C T
static unsigne( long t P -L
static unsigne( char 9+ P -L
ifBtPP-C T // restart time count
t P 81timeL
W else T
// toggle (ela)
if B B81time - tC[P=-- C T
9+ P U9+L
if B9+C set.itBP#78A5-CL else res.itBP#78A5-CL
t P -L // start a new time count
// >tart here
"oi( mainBC T

// +ebug co(e
Hif(ef >I02A89OI489772P8
whileB1C T
PI71 P B1SS8071I;CL
OinterruptBCL // call the interrupt (irectl) after initiali3ation
// 9n( of +ebug Co(e
whileB1C L // infinite loop.
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Page A- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
Hif(ef >I02A89OI489772P8
// Compiler complains if interrupt calle( so rename it
"oi( OinterruptB"oi(C T
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
// 8imer 1
if B PI91 J B1SS8071I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS8071I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS8071I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
8071 P 68L
8071% P &68L


// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
11.: 1:F Interrupt +riven 4lin-ing LE+ E3ample
Note: -his code provide a usefu" way of transitioning fro 15F to 18F
11.:.1 1:F Interrupt +riven 4lin-ing LE+ Code ction
8his is simple template co(e to get )ou going an( it is compatible with
1@; (e"ices since it (oes not use the prioriti3e( interrupt s)stem so
this is useful co(e to start using if )ou ha"e been using the 1@; series
PIC (e"ices Bor an) single "ector processorC.
It is a simple heartbeat timer Busing 807-C which simpl) increments a
local static "ariable FtimerF e"er) millisecon(. 8he "alue of the timer
is teste( in the main co(e to gi"e a perio( of =--ms. >o e"er) =--ms
P#78C is toggle( * an 9+ attache( to an) pin on that port will flash
with a perio( of 1 secon(. Page A1 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.:.2 1:F Interrupt +riven 4lin-ing LE+ C Code
// ;ile: 18;&==-O9+O.lin$ingOint.c
// Author: / ; 0ain.
// +escription:
// 8est 18; &==- Interrupts using 8imer - - flashes Port C.
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 18;&==-
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 80%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 18;&==-
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;or use onl) if purchase( with eboo$ Page A& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// ZPIC Interrupt >ecretsZ
// a"ailable from website abo"e.
// local scope
static unsigne( int timerP-L
"oi( initBC T
// #scillator internal configuration
#>CC#4.I7C;& P 1L // 80%3
#>CC#4.I7C;1 P 1L
#>CC#4.I7C;- P 1L
#>CC#4.>C>1 P 1L // Internal oscillator >)stem Cloc$ >ource
#>CC#4.>C>- P 1L
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78C P -L // Initiali3e P#78C.
87I>C P -L // Configure P#78C as output.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
// 4ote ;or the 18; series 8imer - is not controller "ia #P8I#4O79D
8-C#4.807-#4 P 1L Page A3 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
8-C#4.8-8.I8 P 1L
8-C#4.8-C> P -L // internal cloc$
8-C#4.P>A P -L // 2se prescaler
8-C#4.8-P>& P -L // prescaler set to 1:1@ B-'-11C
8-C#4.8-P>1 P 1L
8-C#4.8-P>- P 1L
// 8imer - :#sc off5 Internal cl$5 #n53ero 8-I;
I48C#4 P B1SS807-I9CL
// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable Bhigh an( low I9 in 18;C.
// 4ote: DI9 has become the high proiorit) interrupt enable or DI9%
// an( P9I9 has become the low proprit) interrupt enable or DI9
// both must be high for low priorit) interrupts.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( mainBC T
whileB1C T
if Btimer[P=--C T Page A6 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
P#78C P UP#78CL // toggle all P#78C pins
timer P -L

W // infinite loop
// 0i$roC (ocumentation uses interruptOlowBC but this
// function interruptBC is use( b) the compiler for
// the low priorit) interrupt Bteste( on har(wareC.
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
// 8imer -
if BI48C#4 J B1SS807-I;C C T // 8- o"erflowe( ?
I48C#4 JP UB1SS807-I;CL // clear timer- o"erflow bit.
// ;osc/6 ' BPrescale1:1@C ' Bcount to o"erflowC P repeat rate.
// &us ' 1&8 ' 131 P 1ms BC
// 4ote count to o"erflow uses & when up(ating hence 133 not 131
807- P 133L // ;rom PIC 8imer - calculator.
// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
11.B 1:F Prioriti=ed Interrupt E3ample
Note: -his code is specific to the 0(& 18F series devices since it uses
the 18F prioritized hardware syste !"oc# to wor#. Page A= of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.B.1 1:F Prioriti=ed Interrupt Code ction
8his simple co(e (emonstrates clearl) the priorit) mechanism at wor$
an( gi"es )ou all the setup co(e that )ou nee( to ma$e prioriti3e(
interrupts wor$.
$arning : 0"ease note that this code is deonstration
on"y and is not to !e e7act"y copied in a rea" syste as it
uses !ad a design decision very specifica""y to show you
the priority interrupt echanis. %o don.t <ust copy this
code without odifying it :6ou !%S& mo'ify it so that
the ain heart !eat tier is a high priority interrupt.
8his co(e uses two timers 807- an( 8071.
8071 * heartbeat timer * 1ms * #< I489772P8 Priorit).
807- * (ela)ing timer - &ms * %ID% I489772P8 Priorit).
8here are also two timing "ariables timer1 an( timer& an( these are
use( to measure out timing perio(s within the main co(e bloc$.
8hese two "ariables are up(ate( within the heartbeat timer interrupt
8071 has been purposel) set as a #< P7I#7I8I I489772P8 an(
normall) )ou woul( ensure that this is a %ID% priorit) interrupt * but
for (emonstration it is set to #<.
tier8 - measures a &=ms (ela) an( then toggles the state of
P#78. so an) 9+ attache( to that port will be flashing at a fast
tier5 * 0easures out a 1 secon( (ela) an( toggles the "alue
of "ariable tog.
tog - is then use( to enable an( (isable the high priorit)
interrupt to (emonstrate the interrupt priorit) mechanism. Page A@ of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
11.B.2 Priorit& Effect on LE+ at P7RT4
In normal operation when the high priorit) interrupt is (isable( the
blin$ing rate of the 9+ is fast Bthe timer * 8071 - is going at 1msC
but when the other interrupt "ector is allowe( to operate the 8071
interrupt gets interrupte( itself so that 8071 Binterrupt co(eC is
slowe( (own.
Iou can see this effect because an 9+ attache( to P#78. will flash
fast for 1 secon( an( then slowl) for 1 secon(. If the priorit)
interrupt mechanism were not use( then 8071 woul( not slow (own
since both interrupts woul( be actione( from within one I>7.
8his (emonstrates that it is possible to ser"ice another interrupt e"en
while the original interrupt is being actione( but as note( before )ou
must not cop) this co(e for use in a real s)stem since the heartbeat
timer is not constant * so all timings from it are wrong * it is for
(emonstration onl).
11.B.3 1:F C!anging t!e interrupt priorit&
As an e'ercise it is possible to change the co(e to show the correct
operation with the heartbeat timer as high priorit) * .28 * itFs not a
"er) impressi"e (emo since )ou will not see an) effect on P#78. (ue
to the low priorit) interrupt since the high priorit) interrupt will now
alwa)s ta$e prece(ence.
Iou can see this co(e in the 3ip file as
.ut itFs not shown in this (ocument.
It is simpl) changing the priorit) control register "alues an( swapping
co(e between low an( high priorit) I>7s.
11.B.$ 1:FPrioriti=ed Interrupt C Code
// ;ile: 18;&==-O9+O.lin$ingOpriorit)Oint.c
// Author: / ; 0ain. Page AA of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// +escription:
// +emonstration of propriti3e( interrupts.
// 8est 18;&==- Interrupts using 8imer - an( 8imer 1.
// ;lashes Port C 9+ at high rate using low priorit) interrupt.
// 9"er) other secon( the high priorit) interrupt is enable(
// an( this one interrupts the low priorit) co(e. >ince the
// timing for the 9+ is (eri"e( from the low priorit) interrupt
// this timer slows (own so the 9+ flashes "isibl) more slowl).
// Compiler : mi$roC5 mi$ro9le$troni$a C compiler
// for 0icrochip PIC microcontrollers
// ,ersion: 8.&.-.-
// 4ote 8esting:
// 8este( on 18;&==-
// 7eEuirements:
// Cloc$ : 80%3 BInternalC
// 8arget : 18;&==-
// ,ersion:
// 1.-- - Initial release.
// Cop)right : Cop)right 1 /ohn 0ain &--8
// ;ree for non commercial use as long as this entire cop)right notice
// is inclu(e( in source co(e an( an) other (ocumentation.
// local scope
static unsigne( int timer1P-5timer&P-L
"oi( initBC T
// #scillator internal configuration
#>CC#4.I7C;& P 1L // 80%3 Page A8 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
#>CC#4.I7C;1 P 1L
#>CC#4.I7C;- P 1L
#>CC#4.>C>1 P 1L // Internal oscillator >)stem Cloc$ >ource
#>CC#4.>C>- P 1L

7C#4.IP94 P 1L // 9nable prioriti3e( interrupts

I48C#4&.807-IP P -L // >et priorit) for timer - - heartbeat timer.
IP71.8071IP P 1L // >et priorit) for timer 1.
"oi( initOportsB"oi(C T
P#78. P -L // Initiali3e P#78..
87I>. P -L // Configure P#78. as output.
P#78C P -L // Initiali3e P#78C.
87I>C P -L // Configure P#78C as output.
"oi( enableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
// 4ote ;or the 18; series 8imer - is not controlle( "ia #P8I#4O79D
8-C#4.807-#4 P 1L
8-C#4.8-8.I8 P 1L
8-C#4.8-C> P -L // internal cloc$
8-C#4.P>A P -L // 2se prescaler
8-C#4.8-P>& P -L // prescaler set to 1:1@ B-'-11C
8-C#4.8-P>1 P 1L
8-C#4.8-P>- P 1L

// 8imer - :#sc off5 Internal cl$5 #n53ero 8-I;
I48C#4 P B1SS807-I9CL

81C#4.7+1@ P -L // 8 bit om(e B-C
81C#4.81724 P -L // source not 81 cloc$ B-C
81C#4.81C!P>1 P 1L // Prescale 1:6 B1-C
81C#4.81C!P>- P -L //
81C#4.81#>C94 P -L // e'ternal 'tal off B-C
81C#4.81>I4C P -L // s)nce e'ternal cloc$
81C#4.8071C> P -L // cloc$ source internal B-C
81C#4.8071#4 P 1L // 8imer 1 on B1C

// Interrupt enable. 8071
PI91.8071I9 P 1L Page A: of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts

// Dlobal J Peripheral interrupt enable Bhigh an( low I9 in 18;C.
// 4ote: DI9 has become the high priorit) interrupt enable or DI9%
// an( P9I9 has become the low priorit) interrupt enable or DI9
// both must be high for low priorit) interrupts.
"oi( (isableOinterruptsB"oi(C T
I48C#4 JP UB1SSDI9CL // (isable interrupts
"oi( mainBC T
short tog1 P -L
whileB1C T

if Btimer& [P&=C T
P#78C P UP#78CL // toggle all P#78C pins
timer& P -L

if Btimer1[P1---C T
timer1 P -L
tog1 P Ktog1L
if Btog1C T
PI91.8071I9 P 1L
P#78. P -'ffL
W else T
PI91.8071I9 P -L
P#78. P -'--L
WL // infinite loop
// %ID% Priorit) Interrupt. Page 8- of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// 8his interrupt co(e will interrupt the low priorit) co(e
// an( slow the main timer resulting in a lower flash rate
// for the 9+.
"oi( interruptB"oi(C T
// 8imer 1
if B PI91 J B1SS8071I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BPI71 J B1SS8071I;C C T // 81 o"erflowe( ?
PI71 JP UB1SS8071I;CL // clear timer1 o"erflow bit.
8071 P &6L // &ms repeat rate with prescale of 1:6
8071% P &=&L // ;rom PIC 8imer 1 calculator.
(ela)OusB1=--CL // use (ifferent routine to main co(e
W // enable(?
// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
// #< Priorit) Interrupt.
// 8he heartbeat timer has been place( into the low priorit)
// Interrupt co(e onl) to show how the interrupt timer is
// slowe( (own when the higher priorit) interrupt - actuall)
// interrupts this one.
// In practice )ou woul( not use this co(e - it is for (emo. onl).
// 8imer - is nominal) a 1ms timer but the higher interrupt priorit)
// will change this Bso the output from this interrupt action
// "ariables Btimer15timer&C (epen(s on the spee( of the
// interrupting co(eC.
"oi( interruptOlowB"oi(C T
// 8imer -
if B I48C#4 J B1SS807-I9C C T // Int. 9nable(?
if BI48C#4 J B1SS807-I;C C T // 8- o"erflowe( ?
I48C#4 JP UB1SS807-I;CL // clear timer- o"erflow bit.
// ;osc/6 ' BPrescale1:1@C ' Bcount to o"erflowC P repeat rate.
// &us ' 1&8 ' 131 P 1ms BC Page 81 of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
// 4ote count to o"erflow uses & when up(ating hence 133 not 131
807- P 133L // ;rom PIC 8imer - calculator.
W // enable(?
// 4ote DI9 set b) 798;I9 instruction Bsee assembler outputC.
12 *ig!lig!ts
8he one thing )ou 02>8 49,97 +# when using interruptsL Chapter 6.6 Page 1=.
<h) interrupts allow )ou to achie"e ;A7 0#79 than using processor co(e aloneL
Chapter 3.3 Page 11.
+onFt get caught out b) this simple interrupt co(ing error Bif )ou want Interrupts
to wor$ correctl) an( consistentl)KCL Chapter 6.@.1 Page 1A.
A simple wa) to 79+2C9 )our interrupt co(e si3e Ban( 4# its not calling a
function from within the Interrupt co(e itselfCL Chapter 8.1 Page 31.
2se 8%799 ;AC8#7> that affect Interrupt Co(e Performance to impro"e )our
s)stemL Chapter A.8 Page &8.
<h) interrupts >8I <#7! e"en if )our co(e has C7A>%9+L Chapter 3.6 Page
A simple I489772P8 >I02A8I#4 techniEue B)ou canFt (o it without this
techniEueCL Chapter 8.3.& Page 36.
8he one thing that Interrupts A#< but polling ne"er canL Chapter 3.= Page 1&.
%ow to a"oi( ACCI+948AI ma$ing the interrupt routine too largeL Chapter
6.@.1 Page 1A.
<h) interrupts ma$e )our programs >I0P97L Chapter 6.3 Page 16.
An 9ssential techniEue for using interrupts in critical co(e to a"oi( s)stem
(isasterL Chapter 3.6 Page 11.
<h) )ou <#4F8 ;I4+ the Xinterrupt mo(uleY on the har(ware (iagramL Chapter Page 8& of 83.
Effective PIC Interrupts
6.1 Page 13.
<h) interrupts are so 99DA48 an( polling is a ba( i(eaL Chapter 6.& Page 13.
%ow interrupts ma$e multitas$ing possibleL Chapter 3 Page :.
<h) interrupt co(e must be (ifferent to FnormalF co(eL Chapter @.3 Page &-.
%ow interrupts fit into the X4ormal Processor Instruction C)cleY Chapter 6.1 Page
Interrupt Casca(e K?KL Chapter 8.& Page 3&.
8%799 full C Co(e e'amplesL Chapter 11 Page 63.
;2 C Co(e 8emplate for eas) co(ing of )our C interruptsL Chapter 11.& Page
8%799 (ifferent wa)s to measure an interrupt e'ecution timeL Chapter 8.3 Page
<h) using interrupts for timing purposes is .98897 than using built in (ela)
routinesL Chapter 11.3 Page =1.
;in( out the one big error that is so eas) to ma$e an( "er) subtle to fin( an( sort
outL Chapter : Page 3A.
<h) using 7>&3& 8ransmit Interrupts is easier than simpl) writing (ata to the
7>&3& transmit har(wareL Chapter 11.6 Page =@.
%ow to change an 18; (e"ice Iinterrupt from low to high priorit) or "ice "ersa:
Chapter 11.:.3 Page AA. Page 83 of 83.

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