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the agent-at your command...he that holds the stuff that’s in the buffer before u can process it...

the girl
that will give u a hand when u want to learn...and she unfortunately will hand you the your
command..if you direct her to do so...that’s the nature of...the agent....
hidden in the deep embrace of the myriad of human issues... her true identity is seldom even noted.
When thoughts collide under the influence of the unseen and previously identifiable submit to the rule and
reign of the norm...the savoir-ship of the agent may only be a subject of conversation among the wise and
intellectuals. woven deep into the very fabric of human-ness she loses her colour and starts to even taste
like the usual sweaty, timid...tiny little humanoids of little influence on the whole...a self-made condition
(yea, you can blame the devil all you want!)dudn’ chage the fact!
The voice between our own and our thoughts; the thought between our own and our actions. The person
that stays awake when we nap...the guy that tries to hold onto the steerin’ when the car veers off the road
The same that summons at the unseen battalion to come pack-up when the host we had abandoned the
former for, succumbs to the perils of the earthbound...bound with a ring of destiny..but not quite.
Its said that god wouldn’t leave a ship without a captain. Maybe we assume that to be apparent...yet its
not specified. What if the crew had been on board the ship all the phreakin while and we just failed to
recognize cause they wasn’t wearin’ the usual elitist regalia? I suggest there be taken a step back...there
is somebody there....nourished nursed and nurtured I also submit that he can and will come thru. He that
tames the worlds only does it thru tamin’ the self. I hear great civilizations can only be broken by their
own...great nations maybe outside-proof...yet they can be brought down from the inside...what if the
power within really surpasses any outside force regardless of the origin?
There lives an agent in between our thoughts...with a life potential that’s way underestimated.
To the world of the waking, the buzz of the outside churnings quickly drown his infantile the
life machine’s chug-chuggings routine. To the world of the sleepin’...though the noise subsides...he again
isn’t heard because the noticer goes to sleep....and yet again he is left without much. Yet she needs the
Noticer to notice her into his space and time...thoughts and a giant genie that has no
say till the little midget master gives the command. A tragedy isn’t that the arrangement is flawed, or that
the master is a African pigmy...or even that the world is too loud...or at least I don’t think so. Its more
plausible that the there-ness of the agent was never given a chance to realize. The masters in their quest
to please and be right..and lets face..they themselves having been drawn into life’s workin’s as they found
them...may not have been in a position to even be aware.
He reads, he thinks, she feels, she occupies...but just like the infant..she goes wherever the mother
carries her. Does whatever the mother says. Slaved to the mortal and the carnal...he obeys without
question...this by default...and unfortunately by design. Custom shapes the malnourished, the abused
take on a nature of victim...and life follows the projections...and so it is with the Agent.
But awakened, fed, embraced, nurtured, nourished, permitted...engaged and given the signal to blossom?
Though his nature and the rules don’t change, the results could be heart-stopping. Reality takes on a new
meaning. Operation over-haul in motion. Everything comes under the light and new suns dawn. Notion
like the appointment with death not a set date start to make sense. The world of the physical and the
invisible start to merge...timeline’s shorten and anxieties start duckin’ away...this is not the world of the
Tibetan monks, Christian martyrs, Indian rishi’s and gurus, religious fanatics and the like. This is by
design in the very nature of all humans. The default settings and the shaping of our young life may not be
as forgivin’ and only a few fortunate may have been “led to the light” so far, if you may. But this...this is
real. Take away the religious tags and elitist labelling on it and u remain with what is perfectly life’s nature
in humans, with no tendency to favour one and not the other. Believe it!

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