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The main problems currently affecting the Iberian lynx, which have resulted in only a decade
through its population from 1,200 to 200 copies are:
- Decrease in rabbit populations, their staple food.
- Destruction of the Mediterranean forests, its characteristic habitat.
- Running over. His main areas are crossed by roads, in which preventive measures are
contemplated. They die young especially during the stage of juvenile dispersal.
- The reduction of populations and genetic quality deteriorates its unviable playback.
- Lack of understanding between the Ministry of Environment and the Junta de Andalucia, the two
administrations responsible for the conservation of the species.
These are some of the endangered animals . The space on this page dedicated to these animals is
to become aware of the disappearance of these beautiful beings that bring life and beauty to our
world. Poaching and hunting for sport, are the main reasons why these animals die . So
demonstrations are held against the sport that takes like a trophy animal. An example of this could
be fox hunting in Britain, where Englishmen go out riding in the company of dogs to catch a fox ; to
do it as a trophy of his capture they cut the tail. This is an example of how man finishes with
natural species . In the case of poaching can muhas people think that because they need money or
for other reasons, but the blame also lies with the people who buy the animals; given that drive to
capture another animal for their next sale. Another factor may also be altering the habitat of
animals, that is naturally modified and humans.
EL panda bear is one of the main animals in danger of extinction. It lives in mountainous regions in
central China Southwest, and feeds on bamboo forests. But in a recent study said that there are
only 1,000 copies released special-in reserves protected by the Chinese government, and another
100 in zoos. Some of the factors causing the extinction of the panda are poaching (as its thick skin
is coveted in the markets of the Far East) and the action of man, since the latter destroys their
habitat. The Chinese government, as a measure against poaching, has imposed life imprisonment
for those accused of illegally hunting pandas.
Si tienes una madre tadava, dale gracias al seor que te ama tanto, que no todo mortal podra,
dicha tan grande ni placer tan santo.
Si tienes una madre...Se tan bueno que ha de cuidar tu amor su paz sabrosa, pues la que un da
te llev en su seno sigui sufriendo y se crey dichosa.
Vel de noche y trabaj de da , leves las horas en su afn pasaban, un cantar en sus labios te
dorman, y al despertar sus labios te besaban.
Enferma y triste, te salv de anhelo, que slo el llanto por su bien querido, milagros supo
arrebatar al cielo, cuando ya el mundo te tena perdido.
Ella puso en tu boca la dulzura , de la oracin primera balbuceada, y plegando sus labios con
ternura, te ense la ciencia de la vida.
Si acaso sigues por la senda aquella, que va seguro a su feliz destino , herencia santa de la madre
es ella, tu madre sola te ense el camino.

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