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... through Bertha Dudde

Promises relating to divine revelations ....
I will reveal Msel! to ou .... "his is M #romise whi$h even ou%
who would li&e to den su$h revelations% $annot dis#ute ....
But how $an I reveal Msel! to you i! ou don't (elieve that M
Word is the truth whi$h I told ou Msel! when I lived on earth) I
want to mani!est Msel! to ou and M sole $ondition is that ou
love Me and &ee# M $ommandments .... *et M #romise means
nothing to ou or ou would !aith!ull listen and e+#e$t M
*ou rel on the ,$ri#tures% on the Boo& o! Boo&s% and et don't
(elieve what is written in it. For it $ontains man more #romises
whi$h announ$e M wor&ing through the s#irit where( I want to
reveal Msel! ....
,o how do ou understand M Words
-I will send ou the .om!orter ....' and
-I will remain with ou alwas until the end o! time ....')
/ow do ou inter#ret the Words
-From our loins shall !low rivers o! living water ....' and
-I shall #our out M s#irit u#on all !lesh ....')
Wh do ou re!use to (elieve that the Father &ee#s s#ea&ing to
/is $hildren) Wh do ou restri$t M a$tivit to an e+tent that
suits ou)
.onsider that our intelle$t $an $ause a lot o! harm i! ou e+$lude
our heart% i! ou don't allow our heart to s#ea&% whi$h trul
tea$hes ou otherwise .... *ou want to sto# M living $reations'
dire$t $onta$t with Me% ou want to deem it im#ossi(le !or me to
s#ea& to M $hildren Msel! and et I also said -M shee# &now
M voi$e ....' /en$e I must tal& to them% and I do and will do so
!or all eternit ....
For onl what $omes !orth !rom M mouth is the pure truth%
$onse0uentl ou should also a$$e#t as truth what ou $all -M
Word'% what is written in the ,$ri#tures .....
"ime and again I must s#ea& to ou humans because you ....
due to your imperfection .... repeatedly distort or
misinterpret My pure Word ....
"here!ore ou should !irst strive to awa&en our s#irit% endeavour
to live ( M Gos#el o! love whi$h I taught on earth% and our
thin&ing will (e$ome enlightened and $lear% and ou will as& Me
to reveal Msel! to ou ....
*ou will a##eal to Me !or eviden$e o! M #resen$e and trul ....
ou will re$eive it% !or our !aith will have (e$ome alive1 ou will
esta(lish a living $onta$t with Me and what ou earlier were
una(le to (elieve will then (e$ome $om#letel sel!2evident%
namel% that the eternal Father% our God and .reator% -reveals'
/imsel! to /is living $reations (e$ause he wants to (e re$ognised
and loved ( them. "his is wh /e mani!ests /imsel!% /e
reveals /imsel! as a God o! love% wisdom and might ....
3nd i! ou humans genuinel want to $ome $loser to this
su#remel #er!e$t Being% /e will grant ou enlightened
&nowledge% so that ou will no longer live in the s#iritual
dar&ness whi$h was the result o! our #ast a#ostas !rom Me.
4o matter how eagerl ou stud the ,$ri#tures% how mu$h ou
learn ever letter ( heart .... our intelle$t will onl ever re$eive
&nowledge whi$h is o! little (ene!it !or our soul .... Onl an
awa&ened s#irit will !ind $om#lete $lari!i$ation% i.e. onl sha#ing
our nature into love% onl the !ul!ilment o! M divine
$ommandments o! love% will grant ou $lear realisation ....
In that $ase% however% ou will also $orre$tl understand the
Boo& o! Boo&s% that is% a$$ording to its s#iritual meaning% whilst
until then it will onl remain $orre$t &nowledge o! the letter% !or
onl the s#irit gives li!e to the letter ....
I! ou humans reall want to serve Me and $arr out su$$ess!ul
vineard wor& ou will !irst have to esta(lish $lose $onta$t with
Me% our eternal Father% and onl then will ou (e$ome s#irituall
enlightened ourselves and also &now that I reveal Msel! to ou%
as I #romised ou% !or M Word is truth and must $ome to
#ass ....
3nd it will !ul!il itsel! 5ust as soon as the re0uirements are
$om#lied with .... as soon as ou live a li!e o! love and earn !or
Me and M #resen$e .... and then ou will listen inwardl and no
longer dou(t the Father's love% Who reveals /imsel! through /is
s#irit ....
Pu(lished ( !riends o! new revelations o! God 6In!ormation%
download o! all translated revelations% theme2(oo&lets at7


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