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I Executive Summary

Food business is not going to stop , while people still put food as a basic requirement
of life . Business foods market make consumers increasingly have many alternative choices
of food that will be consumed . In addition the market tend to want to look for variations in
the different menus and food so that they have the sensation that food is also plural .I
assume this is a business opportunity that is very good for the run . Why ? Because who does
not know the fried rice , fried rice in accordance with its development have additional
variations seafood menu such as fried rice , fried rice cheese , even some that offer fried rice
strawberry .
In this case we are proud to introduce the fried rice green business that began
emerging from my hobby like innovation over the food and dishes I have ever own
consumption . Especially since my high school study subjects " Skills " . When the menu
offered by my teacher trying a heavy meal category . I was inspired to innovate the fried rice
. It turns special attention among my friends
Based on the observation that I did , most sellers of similar products are " ordinary
fried rice " is quite in demand by consumers . we as students have to be smart in look and
take advantage of business opportunities , especially with the amount of interest from
consumers Consumers , especially teenagers like to try something unique and new . For that
we can make innovations to the fried rice . In order to seize market share .
We need to know , do business in the culinary field is a very promising market .
Because food is a necessity and the continuity will not be counting with the name " belly "
.For that I am interested in doing research and the description on my business , whether the
business / my business is feasible or not to be done on the various aspects and interest
II . Business Description
After our analysis was a lot of difference in any kind of business fried rice . The
difference in terms of taste , price , shape , and the way of marketing . The thing that makes
our products are also different .
The advantages of this green fried rice is
- Affordable and appropriate student bag
- Quality -assured products
- Packaging practical
- Taste and interesting variations
we made creations in its presentation , if the usual fried rice placed just so on a plate or
place , fried rice with the way we put on a pedestal that is prepared omelet , then we wrap
and fold it up to resemble the shape of sushi .
we use materials that trusted and quality , and we add a spicy flavor in our fried rice .
The spicy flavor diranjaui by cayenne pepper every piece tucked in the green fried rice .
We chose fried rice green businesses because the need for breakfast or nutritious food as a
supporting activity . We see prospects in the field of culinary , especially the processed rice is
in high demand .

III Marketing
1 . Research and analysis
a) Form of Market
Type of business market that will be on the run
Marketing aspect of our business is based on consumer perspective is included into
the consumer market because of market purchases for consumption
Our marketing aspect producen based perspective that is a perfectly competitive
market .
because there are many sellers in Jitra , and the market for similar products easily
accessible by any competitor .

b ) Predict the Future Demand
Based on the average number of customer visits per day , the average income of
visitation , based on the number of new customers coming in and the amount of orders
received we can conclude that this business will experience significant progress each year in
terms of both the customer and the shop profitability . Estimated daily shoppers were 60
people and will increase in terms of overall sales estimated at 10-15 % per year . Surely in
Balance with the promotion and offer other support products such as beverages such as
juice and the like

c ) Segmentation
Segmentation of consumers of products " Fried Rice Ijo " We do this by :
1 . Age :
At the age categories , these products are marketed primarily to teens are
among school children , students and the general aged ( 15-25 years ) .
Due to the very young age have a high level of enthusiasm in trying new
products also did not rule at the age of 25 years ( fixed -income ) are busy with their
daily activities .
2 . income
We conduct the target market for their teens and fixed income ( age above 25
years ) , in addition to the reasons above , also our price is relatively cheaper
especially for students
1 . Lifestyle :
Activities : especially for students who are busy with activities on campus ,
saturated for cooking , want to try other dishes . As well as income tetep
preoccupation daily routine . No time to cook , or just want to try something new .
Interest : interest in one of the products that we offer ( fried rice green ) .
Opinion : opinion of those who have / have tried our product ( word of mouth
) as well as a means of promotion for us .
With the hope of three things can be the foundation of how the business
going forward , in terms of activities , interests , and opinions of society itself to the
Ijo Fried Rice .
2 . Personality :
By looking at the personal consumer / public tasteful / culinary likes , try new
things in food .

3 . Core Value:
The value offered itself , the value of which consumen / people who try really
liked our product . With hope what we provide to give satisfaction (satisfaction ) in
eating the meal we offer to the consumer .
1 . Attitude :
The attitude of the people who want to try new culinary and presented
differently .
d ) Targeting
Product Specialization
With the specialization of products , in this case " Ijo Fried Rice " is expected
to compete with other similar products .
Segment Concentration
We concentrate on the segment Demographic ( age ) and occupation ( job )
Besides, we are also targeting age -income consumers remain . because we judge if it
comes to stomach people would not think twice .
Market Specialization
We entered the market here is a perfect market competition for similar
products . In addition it gives satisfaction to the consumer , especially in terms of
quality and taste that can attract and suit the tastes of consumers .

2 . Marketing Plan
Here we offer a special fried rice green products in addition we also provide
drinks with target consumers, especially among teenagers such as fixed -income
students and groups . For that we design and packaging of this fried rice with a
unique way of course according to consumer tastes and markets .
In setting the price there are some considerations made by the owner ,
namely : costs , prices offered by competitors on the consumer , and the desired
profit . Green fried rice price that we offer here are RM 3-5 per serving , impartial
pricing may be affordable for the consumer that our targets
In terms of promotion , we conduct various programs to support the
promotion of our business , such as : we put an ad on the internet such as social
network ( fb , tweeter , fuel ) and installation brochures in strategic places and give
special offer price to the consumer , for promotion period . in order to attract more
consumers .

We chose the one place where it becomes a place where our strongest base in
marketing our products ( Jitra area ) because this is where the most strategic
Competition Analysis
Competition analysis is done with SWOT analysis , namely :
a) strength
o Highlighting characteristic in terms of its unique shape , flavor and can be in order
by the consumer as well as different than most similar products
o Have a high flavor and delicious and in accordance with the various groups in
terms of age
o What efforts are in place strategically .
o Have high creativity and innovation are high because students play a role in it .
o The staff were welcoming and friendly .
o Because this business category of perfect competition and consumer enthusiasm
is high enough then the number of competitors is expected to grow .
o Limitations of capital .
c) Opportunity
The chances are pretty great seeing interest and the taste of consumers in the
market . And to try it may just be a few stalls selling fried rice green so the market
opportunity is still very possible .

d) Threat
o The emergence of a strong competitor capital
o The emergence of competitors with priority to compete with prices below market
o The emergence of competitors with similar products coupled with support for
other products .
o The marketing strategy is always changing either of the competitors , as well as
our own .
IV Operation
a. Selection and Product Planning
To make the fried rice needed materials such as white rice , spinach, green
peppers and extra seasoning .
First , blend the spinach after it separated . Heat the pan then fry the onion that
has been smoothed and chili entries that have been milled and then mashed spinach .
Put white rice stir and added afterwards celery and leek and do not forget a little extra
spice .
The next phase of the desired print form and provide consumers with additional
material variations ( such as sausage , cucumber , mayonnaise and sauce choices ) and
further up to the consumer
The process of making Fried Rice Ijo

Persiapan Bahan-bahan Bayam diblender dan penggilingan


Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan
Pemanasan Minyak
Penggorengan dan pengadukan
bahan bahan
Penambahan beberapa
Proses Pencetakan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

apan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

Persiapan Bahan-bahan

b . Quality plan
In maintaining the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers are very keen in doing
the sorting of the items we will use . We are maintaining the quality of these materials . As in
vegetables and other supplementary materials for early stage we came directly to the point
of planting organic vegetables , and for the next stage we establish a partnership and
entrusting to us the supplier . However , in order to maintain the quality of our still do more
sorting .
Finally with our full commitment to customers to the quality of the fit and finish to
the stage , where the company will say his feelings regarding our products .
b . The Technology
To manufacture this green fried rice , we are no longer smooth the spinach with "
Bakul / pounder " but as the development of technology , we use electrical appliances that
blender ( MASPION , the brand of the Interior ) . We also heat up the rice in the pot an
electronic heater ( MASPION , Brand in the State ) , in order to keep the rice warm.
Therefore, by utilizing this equipment can save time and labor as a whole .
c . Room Layout Planning
In creating a product , customer convenience becomes mandatory to be considered
and is a top priority . So the layout of the room merupakn focus our attention next . This is
because , comfort will give a perception of customers about the products we sell . If the
layout is messy , then the customer may be thinking to go there despite the stall in terms of
superior taste .
d . Product Quality Supervision
Based on my exposure on plan quality , this may all have covered in it . Where , we
are very keen to keep an eye on incoming goods and we will though . We do not necessarily
believe the people who have forged such cooperation . So in order to maintain quality , we
continue to monitor directly to the field to check on a regular basis , sorting and follow-up
monitoring if the goods - the goods are not suitable to be used / though .

V Management
A. Planning
With the products we show , that the product Gramcolat , then we have a careful
planning in order to better in the future , which is like by making the latest innovations with
the times and tastes of the public / consumers . In addition the system is friendly and always
smiling to the customer will always be our terapkandalam this business process . And these
high interest Gramcolat provide high gain anyway , so we will try to mebuka branches in
several places and seek new employment as well
B. Business Ownership Ijo Fried Ric
Business Owner

No. Pemilik/pemegang saham Kepemilikan
1 Aulia Risto dan Teguh Hardi 60%
2 Hutang 40%
Jumlah 100%

From the table it can be seen that the ownership of capital is the last green fried rice
Aulia Risto and True Hardi was 60 % and 40 % payable to the Bank .
C. Capital
Defined investment is RM 6380 million for the purpose of purchasing fixed assets
such as desks , chairs , cooking equipment and other needs . While working capital RM 1800
agreed to meet working capital

D. Business Management Ijo Fried Rice
Business Management

No. Nama Posisi
1 Teguh Hardi Komisaris
2 Aulia Risto Direktur
3 Mega Bintang Kasir dan Pembukuan
4 Bintang Surya Koki
5 Hana Mana Koki
6 Panako Pelayan
7 Usman Pelayan

E. Management Cost
For salaries of employees and other management tools fluctuated since the joint
venture team of students, then depending on the amount of sales per month and capital
supplied by the owner yag. And according to the level of capital investments, it is obtained
as follows:
* to Aulia Risto and True Hardi as Director and Commissioner (60% of 15 working days)
* for the other team (40% of 15 working days)
* while the remaining 5 days will be used for additional working capital / investment

A. Organizational structure
The organizational structure can be seen from the chart or staff as follows:

VI Financial
Fix assets
1 Gedung 1 1500 1500
Biaya Pendirian/Pra
operasi 1 300
3 Rice cooker 3 100 300
4 Meja 10 15 150
5 Kompor 3 50 150
6 Wajan 6 25 150
7 Spatula 6 6 36
8 Sendok makan 10 5 50
9 Gelas 80 0.5 40
10 Piring 80 0.75 60
11 Tong Sampah 10 3 30
12 Meja Adm + Kursi 1 75 75
13 Etalase Bangunan 1 75 75
14 Pisau 8 2 16
15 Ember 5 4 20
16 Alas Meja 12 3 36
17 Kotak Serbet 10 3 30
18 Panci 8 4 32
19 Kipas angin 5 100 500
20 Lampu 8 15 120
21 TV 1 150 150
22 Tabung gas 3 80 240
23 Galon 8 15 120
24 Kursi 40 10 400
Total 4580

* For Rent building was done in stages with 3x payment
( for the initial phase 30 % of the total rental cost Rp.5.400.000
* Spoon + fork meal purchase per dozen
* TV 21 " ( Second Hand )

Working Capital within 1 year
In this green fried rice sales , is expected to average in one day sold 60 plates and
when calculated for 1 month is 1200 plates so that in one year the sale is expected to
average 14,400 plates . In the following sales forecast , in 2013 , selling an average of 16 920
plates .

To produce 1 green fried rice dishes are needed :

10 kg rice @ RM 25
1 egg @RM 0.5
Spinach, Green Chillies, Cooking oil @RM.1
auxiliary materials @RM.0.5
wages employees:
Chef @ RM 20/day
Casier @ RM 15/day
Waiter @ RM 15/day
Biaya listrik, air @RM 100

Working Capital Requirement (20hari kerja)
Rice (20kg/day) : RM 25 x 2 x 20 days : RM.1000
eggs : 60butir x RM 0.5/butir x 20 days : RM.600
BCM : 60 plates x 1RM x 20 days : RM.1200
Salary / day : (3 x RM 15) + (2 x RM 20) ) x 20 days : RM 1700
Bop : RM 100
Minimum Cash : RM 150
Total Working Capital Requirement : RM 4750

Estimated Sales Per Month For 1 Year
The number /
(RM) Total Sales
Januari 1200 4 4800 5040
Februari 1260 4 5040 5292
Maret 1320 4 5280 5544
April 1380 4 5520 5796
Mei 1440 4 5760 6048
Juni 1440 4 5760 6048
Juli 1500 4 6000 6300
Agustus 1500 4 6000 6300
September 1500 4 6000 6300
Oktober 1440 4 5760 6048
November 1440 4 5760 6048
Desember 1500 4 6000 6300
Total 16920

* In the first month an average of 60 shoppers per day
* In the next month are expected to increase from 5 % - 25 %
* In certain sales increased due to factors such as Eid supporters , the month of fasting , off
school / college
* Estimate the total purchase minus 5 % of Total Sales

Income :
Number of customers : the first year an average of 16920 customers , and the
predicted number of customers increased by 10 % per years.
Rates fried rice green Rm 4 / customers .

Cost :
HPP diperkirakan dari total penjualan dan diperkirakan sama setiap tahunnya

Grouping Initial Investment
No Asset UE Depresiasi
10 500
2 Peralatan Kantor
5 270
Peralatan Masak
5 217.2
Peralatan Pendukung
5 393
Pengembalian Modal Kerja 300
Total 9401 880.2 800

modal kerja 4750
biaya pra operasi

Total 5050

Total Investasi Awal 14451

* Where to building and renovation is estimated to have the economic life of 10 years while
the business license is 5 years. All three no salvage value and using the straight-line method
* For Office Equipment, Cookware and supporters have the economic life of each 5 years
with no residual value and using the straight-line method.

sources of funding ( Ownership Status Partnership )
No. Pemilik/pemegang saham Kepemilikan
1 Suci Marcelina E dan Partner 60% 8670.6
2 Hutang 40% 5780.4
Jumlah 100% 14451

Based on the table above, the proportion of funding need was filled with 60%
coming from capital owners / equity and the rest coming from bank loan term of 5
years with an interest rate of 10% (rounded installments and interest expense in
millions of dollars)




Term Loan Payment Schedule
Tahun Angsuran
0 5780.4
1 2321.445 578.04 1743.405 4036.995
2 2321.445 403.6995 1917.7455 2119.2495
3 2321.445 211.92495 2109.52005

Sales Projections
Asset 2013 2014 2015
Penjualan 16920 18612 20473.2
Harga/Piring 4 4 4
Total Penjualan 67680 74448 81892.8
HPP 50760 50760 50760
Laba Kotor 16920 23688 31132.8
Biaya Lain Lain

Gaji 1700 1700 1700
Biaya Penyusutan 880.2 880.2 880.2
Laba Operasi 14339.8 21107.8 28552.6
404 212
Laba sebelum Pajak
(EBT) 13761.8 20703.8 28340.6
Pajak (20%) 2752.36 4140.76 5668.12
EAT / Laba Bersih 11009.44 16563.04 22672.48

Initial Investment
Tahun OCF Terminal CF CF
0 14451
2013 11889.64 11889.64
2014 17443.24 17443.24
2015 23552.68 800 24352.68

PP = (2561.36/17443.24) * 12 month
= 1 year 2 month
The cost of debt capital in accordance with the loan interest rate , while the cost of equity
capital set above the 2.5 % interest rate bank loan

WACC = Wd*kd (1-T) + We.Ke
WACC = 0.4 (10%)(1-0.20) + 0.6 (12.5%)
WACC = 10.7% atau 0.107
No. Pemilik/pemegang saham Kepemilikan Jumlah Dana Bunga
1 Teguh dan Aris group 60% 3828 12.50%
2 Hutang 40% 2552 10%
Jumlah 100% 6380

NPV = (14451) + 11889.64/(1+0.107)
+ 17443.24/(1+0.107)

NPV = (14451) + 42926
NPV = RM 28475
NPV> 0, the project is feasible.

VII Critical risk
a. Risk on aspects of HR
Risk handling employee
That is the face of the employee who doubles as a truant student work. Then the
owner will follow through or carry out the steps in making policy for their employees.
Risk in industrial relations and disputes
We will always pay attention to customer service satisfaction. So as to prevent
customers switching to other places, so we always cultivate employees with a smile, greeting
and Sapa. If customers are less happy then be directly notifies the cashier and what has been
ordered to get free.
b. Risk In Financial Aspects
Costs are high overheads
To reduce the high operational costs within the company, then the overall savings
will be effectively and efficiently without compromising substance.
It is advisable not to have too much debt due to the bank Bungan percentage is
higher than the capital itself.

c. In Risk Aspects of Marketing
Problem changes in market demand
Because of these efforts have their own capital levels more, then it will be a higher
risk so as to prevent a decline in sales, the best possible quality we maintain that the public
or customers satisfied and loyal to us.
Issue price war
Due to our company has gained customer loyalty and proven in terms of taste. So in
case there are companies willing to sell at low prices because of course we have won the
trust of customers for these products will not hesitate to be able to compete.
Problem brand
For brand problem, we will not hesitate Because we use a brand that is easy to
remember and is relatively new venture. So that these products can affect the market share.
VI.Aspek Economic, Social, Political
1. Economic Aspects
By holding enterprises "cottage Ijo Fried Rice" will certainly provide benefits in terms
of student finance for the State or the business environment, it can be seen from:
- Increased income students who work part time
- Increased state revenues derived daripajak who has paid each year
2. Social Aspects
Based on the analysis I have done, this business is a real social impact such as:
Job creation
Because of these efforts are being planned to be done then, will open up
opportunities for people who do not have jobs and especially students who need a job to
pay for his life. And it also can help a program that has been launched by the government in
tackling employment issues.
Changes in the pattern of community life
These efforts will help enliven where the business is going to stand. For example, the
students will work part time in addition they perform duties as a student.
3. Political Aspects
The link between the economic, social and political very difficult to separate. They
will be interlinked with each other. So if a business is green cottage fried rice a positive
impact on the economic and social life it will automatically provide positive benefits for
political life.

VII.Aspek Industrial Environment
The threat of new entrants entry
Due to industry growth rate and the number of competitors is increasing, the threat
from the outside will be more and more. So that this business opportunity can survive will be
relative. Moreover, these efforts are well known but there is no differentiation, so the
possibility of competitors to capture market share is quite high.
The threat of substitute products
With so many competitors then the competitors will do the price differentiation. The
way they would offer relatively cheaper price and quality are not guaranteed. Both in terms
of the substance that they would sell.

Strength bargain shoppers
Like if they buy in large quantities, then the buyer will automatically affect the sellers
to discriminate price cuts.
Strength bargaining suppliers (suppliers)
Suppliers can affect the industry with their ability to raise prices or reduce the quality
of the product. Like when buying organic vegetables supplier then mix it with non-organic
vegetables or suppliers raise prices due to scarcity.
VIII. Legal Aspects of Business
Forms or Legal Status of Business
Form or legal status of cottage fried rice green business is a sole proprietorship (Po).
Shape or legal status fried rice green cottage businesses that have been spade or pondokini
including the scope of the business is still small. Judging from the number of employees
cottage fried rice green efforts include a small or medium business.

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