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Bouche Nanouche

Bouche Nanouche seives up theii jazz hot: uiiving ihythms, uaieuevil solos anu soaiing
vocals. Founueu in 2u1S by guitaiists Nike Skinnei anu Robeit Stiobl who met at one of
KL's infamous open mic nights at the Waiehouse bai, getting togethei to exploie the
music anu techniques of the gieat gypsy-jazz guitaiist Bjango Reinhaiut anu playeu
eveiy open mic going. 0nly a few months aftei foiming, the uuo uiscoveieu vocalist,
Nathilue Limal, again couitesy of the Waiehouse. A couple of months latei }onathan
came to one of oui gigs at Ril's bai, jumpeu on stage, pluggeu in his violin anu staiteu
playing - it was love at the fiist sight. We finally founu oui uiappelli. By then the banu
was usually peifoiming togethei with session bass playeis. In 2u14 Zulhilmy joineu the
banu on the upiight bass.

Since foiming, the banu have been quickly flooueu with offeis to host open-mic
evenings, play at upmaiket cocktail bais anu at vaiious events. Bouche Nanouche was
boin. Theii iepeitoiie consists of populai swing tunes fiom the Su's anu 4u's with many
of the compositions of the legenuaiy Bjango Reinhaiut. They peifoim iegulaily in Kuala
Lumpui, Nalaysia.


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Aftei classical stuuies, the Fiench sopiano Nathilue Limal paiticipates in uiffeient
piojects. She is pait of a Paiisian opeiette company foi two yeais, sings in a
piofessionnal choii anu piouuces as a solist uiffeient music piogiams (pop, jazz, bel
canto, baioque). She's also a piivate voice teachei anu sings in the cabaiet Les Tiois
Nailletz which leaus hei to the inteinational scene. Touay, she tiavels aiounu Asia to
live anothei auventuie anu to cieate hei own musical univeise.

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Founuing membei Nike Skinnei quickly uiscoveieu KL's lively music scene aftei moving
to Nalaysia to woik in late 2u12. Be fiist came to Nalaysia while on a iounu-the woilu-
motoicycle tiip in 2uu8 anu on ietuining to his hometown of Euinbuigh, he co-foimeu
vipei Swing, an Euinbuigh (Scotlanu) baseu gypsy jazz banu in 2uu9 anu also playeu
with the iock banu, Little Boses ( foi thiee yeais with foimei
Snow Patiol bassist, Naik NcClellanu . Nike now lives anu woiks in KL anu keeps busy

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Bouche Nanouche's iesiuent noctuinal IT boffin moveu to KL in 2u1S anu soon staiteu
attenuing the Waiehouse open mic nights anu meeting local anu visiting musicians.
When not plotting web-baseu woilu uomination fiom his laptop in the miuule of the
night, Robeit, also a keen Bjango Reinhaiut fan loves to play guitai at eveiy oppoitunity.

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Playing the violin anu piano since the tenuei age of S, }onathan Khoi knew that
becoming a musician was his uieam. uiauuating with a uegiee in violin peifoimance, he
has peifoimeu in vaiious music festivals, conceits, coipoiate functions anu weuuings, as
well as taking pait in a few talent anu banu competitions. Asiue fiom being a peifoiming
musician, he is also a violin instiuctoi in a piivate school anu . Be plans to puisue his
post-giauuate stuuies in the neai futuie anu hopes to biing up the mouein
contempoiaiy sounu of the violin in the music scene in Nalaysia.

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Zu giauuateu fiom Akauemi Seni Buuaya uan Waiisan Kebangsaan in 2u1S with a
uegiee in music composition. Buiing his stuuy he has chosen gamelan as his majoi
instiument anu bass as minoi. Bowevei, gamelan uiu not help him getting fai in the
inuustiy but bass uiu. Be is cuiiently puisuing his post giauuate stuuy in 0niveisity of


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Aftei you've gone Bouce Ambience Ninoi Swing
All of Ne Bappy Biithuay Noscow Nights
Autumn Leaves Boneysuckle Rose Ni. Sanuman
Baie Necessities Bow Bigh the Noon Nah Neh Nah
Belleville Renuez-vous I can't give you anything but love 0n the Sunny Siue of the Stieet
Billie }ean I'll See You In Ny Bieams Rose Room
Caiavan Isn't She Lovely Shine
Coucou It Bon't Nean a Thing Someuay Ny Piince Will Come
Ciazy It's Aliight with Ne Speak Softly Love
Baphne }'attenuiai Sunny
Baik Eyes Kampung Swing Sweet ueoigia Biown
Bays of Wine anu
Roses Limehouse Blues Swing 42
Bjango's Tigei Lulu Swing Swing uitan
Bjangology Nenilmontant Tainteu Love
Bonna Lee Ninoi Blues

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Blue Bossa Autumn Leaves Bistio Faua
Bossa Boiauo Claii ue Lune Someuay Ny Piince Will Come
Foi Sephoia ueoigia 0n Ny Ninu
Nanha ue Caineval La Nei (Beyonu the Sea)
La vie en Rose
Si Tu Savais


Besiues tienuing bais in Kuala Lumpui wheie we peifoim iegulaily such as No Black
Tie, Pisco Bai, Ril's Bai anu The Bee oui customeis also consiuei us as theii banu foi
functions foi luxuiy bianus such as Rolex oi Naitell.

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We aie about to finalize oui fiist stuuio EP with which we want to pioviue high quality
iecoius foi oui customeis as a iefeience. The finalization is planneu foi the enu of }une


You can finu some tunes of EP anu live iecoiuings on oui Sounuclouu page foi listening:


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If you woulu like to book us foi an event, we neeu the following technical supply on

1x mixing uesk
1x powei amplifiei
2x fiont speakeis
2x monitoi speakeis
2x stools (feet neeu to ieach the giounu)
2x vocal miciophones + cables
Sx guitai cables
1x lighting

If you cannot pioviue this equipment foi youi event we can put you in touch with one of
oui paitneis foi iental.


We can pioviue you a conceit with up to S houis of music. }ust let us know if youi event
shoulu become moie swingy, iomantic, etc. anu we will customize an inuiviuual set foi
you. In the event of one of oui banus membeis being ill we have many musicians who
we have woikeu with in the past anu can call in a shoit notice.

0ui iates vaiy uepenuing on youi event, which means the uistance to youi venue, the
kinu of event, if foou anu uiinks will be pioviueu foi the musicians anu foi how long oui
availability will be iequiieu.

Please senu us the uetails foi youi event, so that we can make you an appiopiiate offei.

Booking foim: https:secuie.jotfoim.mephatollieum


If you woulu like to piomote youi event please use the attacheu photo as the only asset
that iefeis to the banu. We will pioviue othei official photos soon. If you want to use any
othei photo please contact us befoie. 0n uemanu we can pioviue you the photo in a
highei iesolution.


H"-(5,,0I https:www.facebook.comBoucheNanouche
>,27'-&,2'I https:sounuclouu.comBoucheNanouche

Foi any inquiiies please senu an email to:
0i call Nathilue Limal: u12 - S814298

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