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BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)

Grimgor Ironhide (Bla! "r #ar Boss)

$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 19 (+1 Blood-forged Plate)
Hi' (oin's 90 (9d8 + 36)
S)eed 25 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 20 (+5) De* 11 (+0) &on 18 (+4)
In' 10 (+0) #is 12 (+1) &ha 15 (+2)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
Ha'red (E,erybody-). 'rim(or has $dvanta(e on all melee
attack rolls.
Relen'less. %f 'rim(or takes dama(e that red)ces him to 0
hit *oints he can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a
,C of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds
'rim(or dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f he has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of his ne.t t)rn he dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
Resis'ane. 'rim(or doesn/t feel *ain like -o) and me0 he
is resistant to 1l)d(eonin( *iercin( and slashin( dama(e.
$%l'ia''a!. 'rim(or makes three (reata.e attacks.
$elee A''a!/0Gi'sni!0 (+2 Greataxe). +10 to hit (reach 5
ft.0 one creat)re). Hit: 13 (1d12 + 3) slashin( dama(e.
Ba''le &ry (12Day). 4riendl- creat)res +ith the #elentless
trait that can see or hear 'rim(or %ronhide (ain a +5 1on)s
to dama(e rolls )ntil 'rim(or/s ne.t t)rn.
5 2C!62"5# 7 6%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 1 000
'rim(or %ronhide is an !rc 9ar1oss and one of
the most infamo)s orcs to have ever lived. 6ndefeated he
is ri(htl- feared 1- ever- race that has ever faced him.
'rim(or is often follo+ed 1- orcs of (reat stat)re (his :'Ar-
dboyz;). ,a /$rd1o-< rel- mainl- on 1r)te force rather than
c)nnin( to achieve victor-. %n 1attle he carries =Gi'sni!=
(meanin( =foe killer= in !rcish) a h)(el- *o+erf)l a.e (+2
great axe0 Ad,an'age on %nitiative rolls) and +ears the
Blood-4orged Armo%r (+1 plate0 Ad,an'age on ma(ic &av>
in( "hro+s). 'rim(or is often accom*anied 1- his *ersonal
()ard of nine veteran 7lack !rcs (Da Immor'%lz).
Bio. 2o one kno+s of 'rim(or?s earl- histor-. @e
came from the north sta((erin( o)t the 7lasted 9astes
+ith an )nkno+n n)m1er of (ri<<led tired and h)n(r- orc
1od-()ards no+ kno+n to other orcs as =Da Immor'%lz=.
Grimgor Ironhide
6*on enterin( the northern *ortion of the Crescent Ao)n>
tains he B)ickl- took over the first tri1e of 'reenskins he
ha**ened )*on and +ithin a month he had carved o)t a
small em*ire for himself.
%t +as soon )nderstood that 'rim(or +as not an
ordinar- orc. @is l)st for 1attle is tremendo)s0 al+a-s he
looks for the heaviest fi(htin( and for the stron(est o**on>
ents to test his skills )*on. 4irst to feel his +rath +ere
the,+arfs of 'rimheim. %n the man- 1attles that follo+ed
the ,+arfs +itnessed defeat after defeat at the hands of
'rim(or and his follo+ers. 'rim(or never once tried to
take the ,+arf hold itself al+a-s content to kill the armies
that +ere sent o)t to defeat him. "he ,+arfs lost so man-
+arriors that in the end the- had no choice 1)t to sit 1e>
hind the +alls of their citadel and +ait for the a**roachin(
+inter to force 'rim(or to retreat. 4rom there (driven 1-
ra(e and fr)stration) he set co)rse on a cam*ai(n of de>
str)ction that the northern 'riffin 5m*ire had rarel- seen
in their histor-.
'rim(or is the most 1lood>thirst- violent and de>
str)ctive of all the !rcs. %f a sin(le da- +ent 1- +itho)t a
1attle 'rim(or +as kno+n to start cam*>decimatin( ar()>
ments his one (ood e-e 1la<in( +ith ea(erness to find
fa)lt and start a (ood scra*. "+o da-s +itho)t a 1attle and
'rim(or +o)ld smite an-thin( he co)ld reach. 2o one
kno+s for s)re +hat +o)ld ha**en after three da-s 1)t
even scarred veterans trem1le C)st thinkin( a1o)t it. %t is
this )nB)encha1le thirst for 1attle and carna(e that has
marked 'rim(or as one of the most feared orcs of all time.
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
"ddgi' (Goblin Shaman)
Small H%manoid (Goblinoid)
Armo%r &lass 14 (dra(on leather)
Hi' (oin's 33 (6d6 + 6)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 10 (+0) De* 15 (+2) &on 12 (+1)
In' 15 (+2) #is 18 (+4) &ha 15 (+2)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages Common 'o1lin
B%sh5ha!er. ,)rin( the first ro)nd of com1at !dd(it has
advanta(e on attack rolls a(ainst an- tar(et that has a
lo+er initiative.
&hannel Di,ini'y/Res'ore Heal'h (12day). $s an action
!dd(it can e.*end a )se of this trait to heal 25 hit *oints in
an- +a- he chooses amon( an- n)m1er of creat)res he
chooses that are +ithin 25 feet of him. $n )ndead creat)re
or a constr)ct cannot 1e affected.
6ear El,es. !dd(it is )nnerved 1- 5lves 1eca)se the- are
ha)(ht- )nnat)ral and the- =stink f)nn-=. @e s)ffers dis>
advanta(e to attack rolls a(ainst 5lves.
Snea!y. !dd(it can attem*t to hide at the end of a move
+itho)t )sin( an action.
S)ellas'ing. !dd(it is a 9th>level s*ellcaster that )ses
9isdom as his ma(ic a1ilit- (s*ell save ,C 15). @e has the
follo+in( s*ells *re*aredD
Cantri*sD Guidance, Resistance, Shillelagh
1st 8evel (3Eda-)FInflict ounds, Bless, !hunder"a#e
2nd 8evel (2Eda-)FSpiritual eapon, Heat $etal
3rd level (2Eda-)F%all &ightning, Protection fro' (nerg)
4th level (2Eda-)F*eath ard, Stones+in
5th level (1Eda-)FInsect Plague
S'eal'hy 78. !dd(it (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit- (&tealth)
$elee A''a!/9%ar'ers'a44. +2 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 4 (1d8) 1l)d(eonin( dama(e.
$elee or Ranged A''a!/Dagger. +4 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
ran(ed 30 ft.E120 ft.0 one creat)re). Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) *ier>
cin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 5 3( 500
!dd(it is a 4orest 'o1lin &haman of mi(ht- m-s>
tical *o+ers. 8ike man- 'reenskin shamans !dd(it is com>
*letel- cra<- tho)(h +hat he lacks in sanit- he more than
makes )* for +ith vision and ins*iration. %t is +idel- 1e>
lieved that an arm- +ith !dd(it in it has never 1een de>
feated in 1attle.
Bio. $ tri1eless nomad !dd(it (not his real name)
+anders the north leadin( 'reenskin tri1es to (reatness
1efore +anderin( off to *)rs)e -et another mad *lan to
advance 'o1lin>kind. "hro)(h sheer devio)sness and ()ile
!dd(it has flo)rished in the midst of 1itter and on(oin(
1lood>fe)ds 1et+een the 'reenskins. Aan- +archiefs G
1oth !rc and 'o1lin G have risen to *rominence on his ad>
vice. !dd(it +orshi*s a s*ider>deit- kno+n sim*l- as :"he
9eaver; (th)s his ma(icks often have a :s*ider; theme).
4irst and foremost !dd(it is a kin(>maker0 he is
B)ite content to remain 1ehind the scenes mani*)latin(
threads0 he is the s*ider at the centre of a com*le. +e1 of
intri()e. !dd(it is infamo)s amon(st 1oth !rcs and 'o1>
lins for his astonishin( sneakiness and foresi(ht.
!dd(it/s com*le. *lottin( and schemin( a1ilities
can certainl- inf)riate his enemies. @e can ca)se even the
hardiest (eneral to B)ake in his 1oots. $s often as not
ho+ever no one kno+s !dd(it is the so)rce of their *ainH
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
#%zze! (6ores' Goblin Big Boss)
Small H%manoid (Goblinoid)
Armo%r &lass 16 (st)dded leather 1)ckler)
Hi' (oin's 33 (5d6 + 10)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 10 (+0) De* 15 (+2) &on 14 (+2)
In' 10 (+0) #is 14 (+2) &ha 13 (+1)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages Common 'o1lin
B%sh5ha!er. ,)rin( the first ro)nd of com1at 9)<<ek
has advanta(e on attack rolls a(ainst an- tar(et that has a
lo+er initiative.
6ear El,es. 9)<<ek is )nnerved 1- 5lves 1eca)se the- are
ha)(ht- )nnat)ral and the- =stink f)nn-=. @e s)ffers dis>
advanta(e to attack rolls a(ainst 5lves.
S'eal'hy 78. 9)<<ek (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit- (&tealth)
$%l'ia''a!. 9)<<ek makes t+o s*ear attacks.
$elee or Ranged A''a!/S)ear. +2 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
ran(ed 20 ft.E60 ft.0 one creat)re). Hit: 3 (1d6) *iercin(
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 4 3( 130
#%zze! and Dooms'rida
:Dooms'rida; ((hase S)ider)
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 12
Hi' (oin's 32 (5d10 + 5)
S)eed 30 ft. clim1 30 ft.
Senses darkness 60 ft.
S'r 15 (+2) De* 15 (+2) &on 12 (+1)
In' 6 (G2) #is 10 (+0) &ha 9 (G1)
Alignmen' )nali(ned
+ang%ages F
E'hereal <a%n'. !nce on its t)rn ,oomstrida can shift from
the Irime Aaterial Ilane to the 5thereal Ilane or vice
versa or it can teleport )* to 30 feet. "his does not reB)ire
an action.
S)ider &limb. ,oomstrida can clim1 on smooth +alls and
)*side do+n on hori<ontal s)rfaces. %t i(nores movement
restrictions d)e to +e11in( incl)din( that from a web
S'eal'hy 78. ,oomstrida (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit-
(&tealth) checks.
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 3 (1d10 + 2) *iercin( dama(e and the tar(et m)st
make a ,C 11 Constit)tion savin( thro+. ,ailed Sa#eD 11
(2d10) *oison dama(e.
Ranged A''a!/#eb (Reharge 8=>). +4 to hit (ran(e 30
ft.E60 ft.0 one creat)re). @itD "he tar(et is restrained 1-
+e11in(. $s an action the restrained creat)re can make a
,C 12 &tren(th check to esca*e. "he +e11in( has $C 12
and another creat)re can deal 5 fire or slashin( dama(e to
the +e11in( to end this effect0 if fire dama(e is )sed the
restrained creat)re also takes the dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 4 3( 130
9)<<ek is the leader of the Da ?ree)ers a relat>
ivel- o1sc)re tri1e of 4orest 'o1lins. "he tri1e has fallen on
hard times as of late and 9)<<ek ho*es that an alliance
+ith 'rim(or +ill 1olster his fort)nes. %n 1attle he rides
)*on :,oomstrida; a vicio)s Ihase &*ider.
Bio. 9)<<ek is as vile and venomo)s as the (rot>
esB)e s*ider he rides. $s he o1tained his *osition of lead>
ershi* thro)(h treacher- and deceit he ass)mes that oth>
ers +ill do the same. $s a res)lt he s)ffers from an almost>
cri**lin( *aranoia and tr)sts no one.
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
Brag $a! $orn ($o%n'ain "r &hie4)
$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 14 (f)rs)
Hi' (oin's 50 (6d10 + 18)
S)eed 40 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 18 (+4) De* 14 (+2) &on 16 (+3)
In' 9 (G1) #is 11 (+0) &ha 12 (+1)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
Rage. $s *art of his action 7ra( Aak Aorn can enter a
ra(e. 9hile ra(in( he has advanta(e on &tren(th attack
rolls checks and savin( thro+s. @e (ains resistance to
1l)d(eonin( *iercin( and slashin( dama(e. @e cannot
take reactions and if he fails to attack on his t)rn the ra(e
ends. 7ra( m)st 1enefit from a rest to )se this trait a(ain.
Relen'less. %f the orc takes dama(e that red)ces it to 0 hit
*oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a ,C
of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds the
orc dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the orc has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
$%l'ia''a!. 7ra( Aak Aorn makes t+o (reata.e attacks.
$elee A''a!/Grea'a*e. +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashin( dama(e.
Ba''le &ry (@2Day). 4riendl- creat)res +ith the #elentless
trait that can see or hear the orc (ain a +5 1on)s to dam>
a(e rolls )ntil the orc/s ne.t t)rn.
Re!less A''a!. 9hen not ra(in( 7ra( makes an attack
+ith advanta(e on the roll 1)t attackers (ain advanta(e on
attack rolls a(ainst him )ntil the start of his ne.t t)rn.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 5 3( 450
"ho)(h not as im*osin( 7ra( Aak Aorn is as dan>
(ero)s an orc as is 'rim(or himself. @e is a 1loodthirst-
killer and enCo-s sla)(hter and ma-hem more than other
orcs. @e and his tri1esmen are cr)de (even 1- orc stand>
ards) and are dressed onl- in f)rs and +ield +ea*ons of
1one or flint. 7ra( Aak Aorn is accom*anied into 1attle 1-
his *et dire +olf :')tri**a; a man(- s)rl- old (re- +olf of
fo)l dis*osition. ')tri**a s)ffers no one/s *resence 1)t
7ra( +ho re+ards the 1east +ith meat from his kills (once
7ra( has eaten his fillH)
Brag $a! $orn
:G%'ri))a; (Dire #ol4)
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 12
Hi' (oin's 30 (3d10 + 3)
S)eed 50 ft.
Senses lo+>li(ht vision
S'r 15 (+2) De* 15 (+2) &on 13 (+1)
In' 4 (G3) #is 12 (+1) &ha 8 (G1)
Alignmen' )nali(ned
+ang%ages F
?een Senses. "he +olf (ains a +5 1on)s to 9isdom
(Ierce*tion) checks to detect hidden creat)res.
(a! Ta'is. "he +olf (ains a c)m)lative +1 1on)s to
attack rolls to a of +5 for each creat)re friendl-
to the +olf that is +ithin 5 feet of its tar(et.
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 3 (1d10 + 2) *iercin( dama(e or 13 (2d10 + 2) *iercin(
dama(e a(ainst a *rone creat)re. %f the attack deals ma.>
im)m dama(e the +olf also knocks the tar(et *rone.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 30
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
:Da Immor'%lz; (Bla! "r Bosses) * A
$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 13E19 (half>*lateEshield)
Hi' (oin's 26 (4d8 + 8)
S)eed 25 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 18 (+4) De* 10 (+0) &on 14 (+2)
In' 10 (+0) #is 11 (+0) &ha 10 (+0)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
" #$%"&
Armed 'o da Tee4. "he orc 1attles +ith as man- +ea*ons
as it can carr-. 5ach ro)nd the orc can choose to fi(ht
either +ith a 1attlea.e in +hich case it has a shield (+2 $C)
t+o (+1 $ttack) or +ith a (reata.e (,12 ,m().
Relen'less. %f the orc takes dama(e that red)ces it to 0 hit
*oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a ,C
of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds the
orc dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the orc has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
$elee A''a!/Ba''lea*e. +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashin( dama(e.
5 2C!62"5# 7 6%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 150
"r Boyz * BC
$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 15 (st)dded leather shield)
Hi' (oin's 11 (2d8 + 2)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 14 (+2) De* 10 (+0) &on 12 (+1)
In' 3 (G2) #is 11 (+0) &ha 10 (+0)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
Relen'less. %f the orc takes dama(e that red)ces it to 0 hit
*oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a ,C
of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds the
orc dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the orc has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
$elee A''a!/Ba''lea*e. +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 30
"r Bosses * >
$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 15 (st)dded leather shield)
Hi' (oin's 13 (2d8 + 4)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 16 (+3) De* 10 (+0) &on 15 (+2)
In' 3 (G2) #is 11 (+0) &ha 10 (+0)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
Relen'less. %f the orc 1oss takes dama(e that red)ces it to
0 hit *oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a
,C of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds
the orc dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the orc has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
$%l'ia''a!. "he orc 1oss makes t+o 1attlea.e attacks.
$elee A''a!/Ba''lea*e. +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 3 (1d8 + 3) slashin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 100
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
"r Boar Boyz * 8
$edi%m H%manoid ("r)
Armo%r &lass 13 (rin( mail shield)
Hi' (oin's 11 (2d8 + 2)
S)eed 25 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 14 (+2) De* 10 (+0) &on 12 (+1)
In' 3 (G2) #is 11 (+0) &ha 10 (+0)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common !rc
$o%n'ed &omba'. 9hile mo)nted the orc has advanta(e
on melee attack rolls a(ainst Aedi)m or smaller creat)res
that are not mo)nted.
Relen'less. %f the orc takes dama(e that red)ces it to 0 hit
*oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a ,C
of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds the
orc dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the orc has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
$elee or Ranged A''a!/S)ear. +4 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
ran(ed 20 ft.E60 ft.0 one creat)re). Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) *iercin(
dama(e or if the orc moved 20+ feet d)rin( the same t)rn
1efore makin( the attack 10 (2d6 + 4) *iercin( dama(e.
$elee A''a!/Ba''lea*e. +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 80
#ar Boars * 8
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 14 (1ardin()
Hi' (oin's 26 (4d8 + 8)
S)eed 40 ft.
S'r 13 (+3) De* 12 (+1) &on 15 (+2)
In' 3 (G4) #is 13 (+1) &ha 6 (G2)
Alignmen' )nali(ned
+ang%ages G
Relen'less. %f the 1oar takes dama(e that red)ces it to 0 hit
*oints it can make a Constit)tion savin( thro+ +ith a ,C
of 5 + the dama(e taken. %f the savin( thro+ s)cceeds the
1oar dro*s to 1 hit *oint instead. %f the 1oar has onl- 1 hit
*oint at the end of its ne.t t)rn it dro*s to 0 hit *oints.
Thi!-s!inned. "he 1oar has an )ncommonl- thick hide
that is covered in coarse 1ristles or +art- (ro+ths. $ rider
ato* the 1oar receives a +1 armo)r class 1on)s (alread-
acco)nted for).
$elee A''a!/Gore. +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashin( dama(e or if the 1oar moved 20
or more feet d)rin( the same t)rn 1efore makin( the at>
tack 16 (1d12 + 10) slashin( dama(e and the tar(et falls
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 4 3( 120
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
6ores' Goblin S)ider Riders * @C
Small H%manoid (Goblinoid)
Armo%r &lass 13 (1one c)irass 1)ckler)
Hi' (oin's 4 (1d6 + 1)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 8 (G1) De* 13 (+1) &on 12 (+1)
In' 10 (+0) #is 9 (G1) &ha 8 (G1)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages Common 'o1lin
B%sh5ha!er. ,)rin( the first ro)nd of com1at the (o1lin
has advanta(e on attack rolls a(ainst an- tar(et that has a
lo+er initiative.
6ear El,es. "he (o1lin is )nnerved 1- 5lves 1eca)se the-
are ha)(ht- )nnat)ral and the- =stink f)nn-=. %t s)ffers
disadvanta(e to attack rolls a(ainst 5lves.
S'eal'hy 78. "he (o1lin (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit-
(&tealth) checks.
$elee or Ranged A''a!/S)ear. +1 to hit (reach 5 ft. or
ran(ed 20 ft.E60 ft.0 one creat)re). Hit: 2 (1d6 > 1) *iercin(
dama(e (minim)m 1 dama(e).
Ranged A''a!/Shor'bo5. +3 to hit (ran(e 80 ft.E320 ft.0
one creat)re). Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) *iercin( dama(e.
$o%n'ed Dodge. $s a reaction to an attack that hits the
(o1lin can transfer his dama(e to his mo)nt.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 1 3( 15
Gian' S)iders * @C
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 12
Hi' (oin's 16 (3d10)
S)eed 30 ft. clim1 30 ft.
Senses darkness 30 ft.
S'r 14 (+2) De* 15 (+2) &on 10 (+0)
In' 2 (G4) #is 10 (+0) &ha 8 (G1)
Alignmen' )nali(ned
+ang%ages F
S)ider &limb. "he s*ider can clim1 on smooth +alls and
)*side do+n on hori<ontal s)rfaces. %t i(nores movement
restrictions d)e to +e11in( incl)din( that from a +e1
S'eal'hy 78. "he (iant s*ider (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit-
(&tealth) checks.
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) *iercin( dama(e and the tar(et m)st make
a ,C 10 Constit)tion savin( thro+. ,ailed Sa#eD 5 (2d4)
*oison dama(e.
Ranged A''a!/#eb (Reharge 8=>). +4 to hit (ran(e 30
ft.E60 ft.0 one creat)re). @itD "he tar(et is restrained 1-
+e11in(. $s an action the restrained creat)re can make a
,C 11 &tren(th check to esca*e. "he +e11in( has $C 12
and another creat)re can deal 5 fire or slashin( dama(e to
the +e11in( to end this effect0 if fire dama(e is )sed the
restrained creat)re also takes the dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 2 3( 40
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
Gnoblars * 1D
Small H%manoid (Goblinoid)
Armo%r &lass 12 (armo)r scra*s 1)ckler)
Hi' (oin's 3 (1d6)
S)eed 30 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 8 (G1) De* 11 (+0) &on 10 (+0)
In' 9 (G1) #is 13 (+1) &ha 8 (G1)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages Common 'o1lin
6ear El,es. "he (o1lin is )nnerved 1- 5lves 1eca)se the-
are ha)(ht- )nnat)ral and the- =stink f)nn-=. %t s)ffers
disadvanta(e to attack rolls a(ainst 5lves.
Snea!y. "he (no1lar can attem*t to hide at the end of a
move +itho)t )sin( an action.
S'eal'hy 78. "he (no1lar (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit-
(&tealth) checks.
'Er'y Bi'z. $ (no1lar is t-*icall- armed +ith some sort of
im*rovised +ea*onD a 1roken 1ottle or s+ord s*ear ti* or
r)st- da((er (1asicall- an-thin( the- can (et their (r)11-
little hands on). "hese +ea*ons can deal either slashin(
1l)d(eonin( or *iercin( dama(e de*endin( on +hat is
most advanta(eo)s for the (no1lar at an- (iven time.
$elee A''a!/Im)ro,ised #ea)on. +1 to hit (reach 5 ft.0
one creat)re). Hit: 2 (1d6 > 1) varia1le dama(e (minim)m 1
Ranged A''a!/Sling. +2 to hit (ran(e 30 ft.E120 ft.0 one
creat)re). @itD 2 (1d4) 1l)d(eonin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 1 3( 10
"gre Irong%'
+arge Gian' ("gre)
Armo%r &lass 16 (1anded)
Hi' (oin's 43 (6d10 + 10)
S)eed 40 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 20 (+5) De* 8 (G1) &on 15 (+2)
In' 5 (G3) #is 3 (G2) &ha 3 (G2)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common 'iant
$%l'ia''a!. "he iron()t makes t+o (reat s+ord attacks.
$elee A''a!/Grea' S5ord. +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) slashin( dama(e.
Ranged A''a!/<a,elin. +3 to hit (ran(e 30 ft.E120 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) *iercin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 4 3( 300
"gre B%lls * 8
+arge Gian'
Armo%r &lass 11 (()t>*late)
Hi' (oin's 32 (5d10 + 5)
S)eed 40 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 18 (+4) De* 8 (G1) &on 13 (+1)
In' 5 (G3) #is 3 (G2) &ha 3 (G2)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common 'iant
$elee A''a!/Grea'l%b. +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) 1l)d(eonin( dama(e.
Ranged A''a!/<a,elin. +5 to hit (ran(e 30 ft.E120 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) *iercin( dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 4 3( 140
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
&aro!F #in'er #ol4 (Al)ha)
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 15
Hi' (oin's 85 (3d10 + 35)
S)eed 50 ft.
Senses lo+>li(ht vision
S'r 20 (+5) De* 15 (+2) &on 20 (+5)
In' 8 (G1) #is 16 (+3) &ha 3 (G2)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages F
" #$%"&
Imm%ni'y. Carok is imm)ne to cold.
?een Senses. Carok (ains a +5 1on)s to all a1ilit- checks to
detect hidden creat)res.
(a! Ta'is. Carok (ains a c)m)lative +1 1on)s to attack
rolls to a of +5 for each creat)re friendl- to him
that is +ithin 5 feet of its tar(et.
$%l'ia''a!. Carok makes t+o 1ite attacks.
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +3 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 11 (1d12 + 5) *iercin( dama(e or 18 (2d12 + 5) *ier>
cin( dama(e a(ainst a *rone creat)re. %f the attack deals 9
or more dama(e Carok also knocks the tar(et *rone.
&old Brea'h. Carok 1reathes an ic- 1last of free<in( +ind in
a 15Jfoot cone. 5ach creat)re in the area m)st make a ,C
12 ,e.terit- savin( thro+. ,ailed Sa#eD 22 (4d8 + 4) cold
dama(e. Successful Sa#eD @alf dama(e. Carok m)st 1enefit
from a rest to )se this 1reath +ea*on a(ain.
5 2C!62"5# 7 6%8,%2'
+e,el 5 3( 250
#org #ol,es * >
+arge Beas'
Armo%r &lass 12
Hi' (oin's 19 (3d10 + 3)
S)eed 50 ft.
Senses lo+>li(ht vision
S'r 15 (+2) De* 15 (+2) &on 13 (+1)
In' 8 (G1) #is 12 (+1) &ha 8 (G1)
Alignmen' ne)tral evil
+ang%ages F
" #$%"&
?een Senses. "he +olf (ains a +5 1on)s to 9isdom
(Ierce*tion) checks to detect hidden creat)res.
(a! Ta'is. "he +olf (ains a c)m)lative +1 1on)s to
attack rolls to a of +5 for each creat)re friendl-
to the +olf that is +ithin 5 feet of its tar(et.
S'eal'hy 78. "he +olf (ains a +5 1on)s to ,e.terit-
(&tealth) checks.
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 8 (1d10 + 2) *iercin( dama(e or 13 (2d10 + 2) *iercin(
dama(e a(ainst a *rone creat)re. %f the attack deals ma.i>
m)m dama(e the +olf also knocks the tar(et *rone.
5 2C!62"5# 7 6%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 30
BESTIARY - Grimgor's Horde (Da 'Ardboyz)
Ri,er Trolls * B
+arge Gian'
Armo%r &lass 11
Hi' (oin's 66 (3d10 + 28)
S)eed 30 ft. clim1 20 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 18 (+4) De* 13 (+1) &on 18 (+4)
In' 3 (G2) #is 8 (G1) &ha 9 (G1)
Alignmen' chaotic evil
+ang%ages Common 'iant
?een Senses. "he troll (ains a +5 1on)s to all a1ilit- checks
to detect hidden creat)res.
Regenera'ion. $t the start of its t)rn the troll re(ains 5 hit
*oints. 9hen it takes acid or fire dama(e the troll?s
re(eneration doesn?t f)nction on the troll?s ne.t t)rn. "he
troll dies onl- if it starts its t)rn +ith 0 hit *oints and does
not re(enerate.
$%l'ia''a!. "he troll makes one 1ite attack and t+o cla+
$elee A''a!/Bi'e. +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) *iercin( dama(e.
$elee A''a!/&la5. +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.0 one creat)re).
Hit: 3 (1d6 + 4) slashin( dama(e.
Troll Gomi' (Reharge 8=>). $s an action the troll can s*e+
a stream of vile stick- corrosive fl)id in a 10 ft. line. 5ach
creat)re in the line m)st make a ,C 9 ,e.terit- savin(
thro+. ,ailed Sa#eD 10 (3d6) acid dama(e immediatel- and
10 (3d6) acid dama(e at the end of its ne.t t)rn. Successful
Sa#eD @alf dama(e.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 6 3( 610
:Big ?r%n!; (S'one Gian')
H%ge Gian'
Armo%r &lass 15
Hi' (oin's 103 (9d12 + 45)
S)eed 40 ft.
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
S'r 23 (+6) De* 15 (+2) &on 20 (+5)
In' 10 (+0) #is 12 (+1) &ha 11 (+0)
Alignmen' ne)tral
+ang%ages Common 'iant
$%l'ia''a!. "he stone (iant makes t+o (reatcl)1 attacks.
$elee A''a!/Grea'l%b. +3 to hit (reach 15 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) 1l)d(eonin( dama(e.
Ranged A''a!/Ro!. +6 to hit (ran(e 100 ft.E300 ft.0 one
creat)re). Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) 1l)d(eonin( dama(e. $iss: %f
the stone (iant rolls a res)lt of 16 or hi(her on the attack
roll the tar(et still takes half dama(e.
Ro! &a'hing. 9hen a rock or similar o1Cect is h)rled at
the stone (iant the (iant can catch it +ith a s)ccessf)l ,C
12 ,e.terit- check. %f the check s)cceeds the (iant takes
no dama(e from the h)rled o1Cect.
52C!62"5# 76%8,%2'
+e,el 3 3( 1800

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