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2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Selection and/or peerrevie! under responsibility o" Basel #onvention #oordinatin$ #entre "or Asia and the Paci"ic
and %ational #enter o" Solid &aste 'ana$e(ent) 'inistry o" Environ(ental Protection o" #hina.
Available online at ww ww w w
Procedia Environ(ental Sciences 1* +2012, -- . /0
The 0
1nternational #on"erence on &aste 'ana$e(ent and Technolo$y #on"erence
#o(parative analysis o" scrap car recyclin$ (ana$e(ent
2un 3ue

Renmin University of China, 59 Zhong Guan Cun Avenue Hai Dian District,Beijing 1!",China
&ith the rapid develop(ent o" co((unity econo(ic and the constant i(prove(ent o" the level o" livin$ in our
country) the nu(ber o" the private car o!ned by local residents is increasin$ rapidly) and scrap cars also brin$ serious
proble( in treat(ent and disposal o" Solid &aste. 1n this paper 45EET +The 4reenhouse 4ases) 5e$ulated
E(issions) and Ener$y 6se in Transportation 'odel, !as used to calculate ener$y use and 474 e(issions in
di""erent !ays o" car recyclin$. Based on the result) the paper proposes so(e advice to opti(i8e the (ana$e(ent o"
recyclin$ o" scrap car.
2012 Selection and/or peerrevie! under responsibility o" Basel #onvention #oordinatin$ #entre "or Asia and the
Paci"ic and %ational #enter o" Solid &aste 'ana$e(ent) 'inistry o" Environ(ental Protection o" #hina.
2ey!ords9Scrap car: 474 (odel: Policy co(parative analysis
1. Background
Acco(panied by a trans"er o" the $lobal auto(otive industry) #hina has beco(e the bi$$est auto(obile
production and sales country) vehicles and cars !ith an annual output o" (ore than 1; (illion and <
(illion =1>. 1n accordance !ith the private car about 1/ year service li"e) the car scrappa$e also !ill
increase rapidly in the ne?t 101/ years =2>.
5ecyclin$ and reusin$ o" scrapped cars in #hina are still in its in"ancy sta$e. Based on the e?istin$
re$ulations) the @car "ive asse(bliesA cannot be directly recycled =B>. There"ore) scrap car recyclin$
pri(arily is throu$h the sale o" scrap steel to achieve. 1n addition) car partsC re(anu"acturin$ is still in the
pilot phase) and the relevant ne! re$ulations have not yet been i(ple(ented =->.
#orrespondin$ author. Tel9 D;*1B*;B/0B21<
#$mai% a&&ress9 $aEuEon10F1*
1;0;02<* 2012 Selection and/or peerrevie! under responsibility o" Basel #onvention #oordinatin$ #entre "or Asia and the PaciGc and %ational
#enter o" Solid &aste 'ana$e(ent) 'inistry o" Environ(ental Protection o" #hina
'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
#hinese scrap auto recyclin$ rate is only around -0I at present =/>. ThinEin$ in ter(s o" private
property) private carCs scrapin$ is (ore di""icult to (ana$e(ent) because o!ners o" private cars need a
hi$her level o" "inancial co(pensation.
2. Environmental impact of Scarp Car
-111 +o%i& 2aste
Vehicle (anu"acturin$ is a syste(atic proHect) and includes tens o" thousands o" spare parts and related
(aterials. Private cars are (ade up o" various (aterials includin$ iron and steel) non"errous (etals)
plastics) $lass) rubber) and so on. 1t !ill $enerate lar$e a(ounts o" solid !aste pollution and oil
Steel is the (aHor co(ponent (aterials o" vehicles) accountin$ "or the total vehicle !ei$ht o" (ore
than 00I =/>. A"ter scrappin$ process) scrap steel !ill be sold in the (arEet "or re(anu"acturin$. %on
"errous (etals such as alu(iniu() copper and (a$nesiu( !ere separately collected a"ter the shreddin$)
but alloy "or(s (aEin$ the recovery (ore di""icult =*>.
5ubber) $lass and other co(ponents are o"ten rando(ly stacEed or incinerated) !hich !ill use the land
and pollute the at(osphere =0>.
-1-1 #nergy use an& emission
Jro( the vie!point o" the K#A +li"e cycle analysis,) the e?traction) transportation) (etallur$y and
(anu"acturin$) all these processes o" (aterials) !ill use the ener$y and produce various types o" $as
Ener$y consu(ption includes coal) natural $as) oil and other varieties. 4as e(issions (ainly includes9
VL#) #L) %L
) P'10) P'2./) SL
) #7-) %
L) #L
3. The lifec!cle environmental impact of material
The li"e cycle ener$y consu(ption and e(issions to the 'aterials) related the technolo$y and
(ana$e(ent) !ere also directly a""ected by the di""erent recyclin$ policy.
3111 42o 5o%icy scenario
Accordin$ to the e?istin$ re$ulations and policies pilot) set t!o Einds o" situations. Lne scenario is the
(aterial dis(antlin$ and recyclin$) in steel reusin$ as an e?a(ple: the other is the recyclin$ o" car
co(ponents) !ith the en$ine re(anu"acturin$ as an e?a(ple.
31-1 GR##4 mo&e%
4reenhouse $ases) 5e$ulated E(issions) and Ener$y use in Transportation +45EET, (odel !as
developed by the Ar$onne %ational Kaboratory. The vehiclecycle (odel +45EET 2.0, evaluates the
ener$y and e(ission e""ects associated !ith vehicle (aterial recovery and production) vehicle co(ponent
"abrication) vehicle asse(bly) and vehicle disposal/recyclin$. The (odel structure is sho!n in Ji$ure 1.
45EET 2.0 calculates the vehiclecycle e(issions o" "ive criteria pollutants9 volatile or$anic
co(pounds +VL#
,) carbon (ono?ide +#L,) nitro$en o?ides +%L
,) sul"ur o?ides +SL
,) and particulate
(atter !ith dia(eters o" 10 (icro(eters or less +P'10,. The (odel also calculates the vehiclecycle
-* 'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
e(issions o" three 474s N carbon dio?ide +#L
,) (ethane +#7
,) and nitrous o?ide +%
L, N and the
vehiclecycle consu(ption o" total ener$y) "ossil "uel) and petroleu( =;>.
Ji$. 1. 45EET 2.0 'odel Structure =;>
1n this paper) !e research the li"ecycle ener$y use and e(issions o" (aterials and co(ponent) so the
results o" calculation do not include Battery and Vehicle asse(bly etc.
3131 *arameter a&justment
Jirst is the total !ei$ht. #lassic 1#EV +internal co(bustion en$ine vehicle, carCs !ei$ht is 2*-*
pounds in #hina =/>.
Second step is adHustin$ the 'aterial #o(position "or each car co(ponent. 6nited States and #hina
have di""erent car styles: especially the !ei$ht ratios o" (aterials in the steel) alu(inu() plastic.
=/> =*> =0> =<>
AdHusted para(eters o" !ei$ht and co(position such as sho!n in Table 1.
Table 1 #ar 'aterial #o(position
'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
1#EV9 #onventional 'aterial 45EET (odel
Steel *1.0I 0B.-I
Stainless Steel 0.0I 0.0I
#ast 1ron 11.1I -.*I
&rou$ht Alu(inu( 2.2I 2.2I
#ast Alu(inu( -.0I -.0I
#opper/Brass 1.<I 1.<I
'a$nesiu( 0.02I 0.02I
4lass 2.<I 2.<I
Avera$e Plastic 11.2I 0.2I
5ubber 2.-I 2.-I
Platinu( 0.000/I 0.000/I
Lthers 1.<I 0.;I
Steel is the (ain co(ponent o" the car. 1ts ener$y consu(ption o" every sta$e still has $ap !ith the
advanced level o" !orld in #hina. Accordin$ to the re"erences and the @T!el"th Jive3ear Plan o"
industrial ener$y savin$A) this paper adHusts the para(eter o" ener$y use "or steel production =10> =11>
+Table 2,.
Table 2 Ener$y 6se o" Steel Production +((Btu /ton,
6SA #hina
Taconite 'inin$ 0.0/- 0.0/0
Lre Pelleti8in$OSinterin$ 1.B<1 1.-/*
#oEe Production /./;0 /.;-2
Blast Jurnace 1/.;;* 1*.*BB
Basic L2 Processin$ 1.*20 1.00B
Electric Arc Jurnace -.2-0 -.-B<
Electric Arc Jurnace -.;1< /.0-/
Sheet ProductionO5ollin$ *.10; *.B</
Sta(pin$ /.-/B /.00<
Total -/.1* -0.B
31/1 Resu%ts of ca%cu%ation
By adHusted 45EET (odel) calculate ener$y consu(ption and e(issions o" (aterials in li"e cycle.
Lne scenario is the (aterial recyclin$. #alculated total ener$y consu(ption and e(issions o" vehicle
(aterials by di""erent recycle ratio o" steel.
no recycle 20I recycle /0I recycle
#oal B2.; 2<.*-* 2-.<1/
%atural $as 22.0<- 2B.2-* 2-.<0-
Petroleu( ;.*1* ;.B** 0.<<




-; 'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
Petroleu( %atural $as #oal
Ji$. 2. Ener$y use o" steel recyclin$ scenario +((Btu per car,
Ji$ure 2 sho!s the total ener$y consu(ption o" (aterials in di""erent recycle ratio. Althou$h recyclin$
o" the steel increased the use o" natural $as) consu(ption o" other ener$y especially coals !ere saved.
This is a !ay to i(prove the opti(i8in$ o" ener$y structure. And it brin$s the bene"it "or e(ission
reduction both o" 474s and air pollutions +Ji$ure B,.
Ji$. B. E(issions o" steel recyclin$ scenario +$ra( per car,
Lther scenario is the re(anu"acturin$ o" car en$ine co(ponents. Accordin$ to the re"erences) the
process o" re(anu"acturin$ en$ine could save *0I ener$y consu(ption and reduce 00I (aterials use
'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
1n accordance !ith the esti(ated) ener$y consu(ption and e(issions o" Po!ertrain Syste( !ere reduced
*0I. &e can $et the results in table B by co(ponent data o" 4E55T (odel.
Table B Ener$y save and e(ission reduction o" di""erent scenario
steel recyclin$
Scenario 29En$ine
Ener$y use save9 ((Btu per car
Total ener$y 2.0< 11.B0
Jossil "uels 2.2/ <.<0
#oal B.1/ /.-0
%atural $as 1.1/ B.0<
Petroleu( 0.2/ 1.-1
Total E(issions reduction9 $ra( per car
VL# *0.B 1-B.0
#L 20-2*.0 12;21.-
B0/.2 102-./
P'10 2/-<./ 2<0;.;
P'2./ 11-B.- 12B*.*
1B1./ 2/<0.;
1;-./ 1BB0.<
L 0.0 ;.;
/B000*.B <;*-;1.*
#o(pared !ith the re"erence =12>) the reduction o" e(issions in en$ine re(anu"acturin$ are9 #L2)
/*/E$: #L) *.0<E$: %LM) 1.01E$: SLM) B.<;/E$. So the (odel results o" calculation !ere accepted.
The operation o" the recycle (arEet has (any proble(s) considerin$ the actual situation) !e choose
the scenario o" 20I steel recycle rate) co(pared !ith the other scenario o" en$ine re(anu"acturin$.
Jro( table B !e can learn that scenario 2 o" the overall e""ect "or ener$y savin$ and e(ission
reduction is better than that o" scenario 1.
%. Economic anal!sis
/111 6ateria% recyc%ing 5o%icy
Jirst) o!ner sent the scrap car to the recyclin$ enterprise !ith the price o" ;001)200 3uan per ton.
A"ter scrappin$ process) scrap steel !ill be sold in the (arEet !ith the price o" B000 3uan per ton
=1B> =1->
So in this policy scenario) !hen a car is scraped) consu(ers access to 1)0001)/00 3uan net inco(e)
!hile the recyclin$ enterprises obtain 2)/00B)000 3uan net pro"it.
/1-1 Com5onent remanufacturing 5o%icy
#ost o" the 5e(anu"acturin$ en$ine is less than hal" o" the ne! en$ine) !hile the price o"
5e(anu"acturin$ en$ine +10)000 3uan, is about 00I o" ne! en$ine =1/>.Throu$h the sale o" used en$ine)
/0 'un (ue ) *roce&ia #nvironmenta% +ciences 1" ,-1-. // 0
recyclin$ enterprises can obtain (ore pro"its) also scrap car o!ner can $ain (ore pro"it. And consu(ers
can save e?penditure in en$ine replacin$ by choice o" the re(anu"acturin$ en$ine. 1n addition)
re(anu"acturin$ also increases e(ploy(ent opportunities by o""er /00 people to obtain their e(ploy(ent
each ten thousand en$ine
&. Conclusion
Accelerate the develop(ent o" re(anu"acturin$ industry o" carCs co(ponent. #o(pared !ith the
conventional (aterial recyclin$) #ar 5e(anu"acturin$ 1ndustry is in lo! ener$y consu(ption) less
e(issions) and hi$h econo(ic bene"it. The relevant depart(ents should be i(ple(ented the @scrap
vehicle dis(antlin$ and recyclin$ re$ulationsA as soon as possible.
4ive private car o!ners (ore "inancial sti(ulus. 1" there !as no lon$ter( subsidy sti(ulation)
o!ners are reluctant to scrap their old car as useless) but continue to use or trans"er. 1" !e i(prove
re(anu"acturin$ (arEet) auto(obile production enterprise !ill pay (ore to recyclin$ enterprise) and the
car o!ner also obtain (ore bene"its.
5elate research supported by PE#E proHect tea( o" 56#) The author thanE Pro"essor Pou Qi +5en(in
university o" china, "or his co((ents on the dra"t version o" this paper.
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