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The collection of proceedings of Institute of Practical Psychophysics

Topical problems of NLS-diagnostic

(theoretical and clinical)
(Moscow !!")
#omputer non-linear diagnostics
$%I% Nestro&
The Non-linear 'iagnostic System (NLS)has been e(tensi&ely used lately and are
gaining e&er growing popularity% )&en in the few cases* where the clinical symptoms
loo+ &ery typical the NLS diagnostics method pro&ides e(tra information about the
e(tent of the affection and allows to consider a prognosis% In most cases it is of &ital
importance for diagnostics and ,uently for the right choice of treatment%
In !!! it was ! years since Theodore $an -o&en had de&eloped the theory of
,uantum entropy logic that underlies this method% So non-linear diagnostics appears
to be most up-to-date of all methods of the hardwarebased diagnostics% .t any rate* his
disco&ery became a significant landmar+ in diagnostic medicine%
Non-linear analysis was originally employed in organic chemistry to determine the
composition of comple( compounds%
S&iatosla& Pa&lo&ich Nestero& who introduce a trigger sensor in /011 and thus
framed the concept is acceptably considered as a originator of NLS-diagnostics
de&ices (metatron) .cti&e wor+ was immediately started to de&elop and impro&e the
NLS-diagnostics systems% #linical testing of the early e,uipment too+ the period from
/00! through /002% The late 0!s saw a fast growth of commercial production of the
de&ice and a sudden surge in the ,uality of the results produced%
The non-linear diagnostics is still in its de&eloping stage% The diagnostical techni,ues
are impro&ing so fast* that the system &ersion ha&e to be updated e&ery si( months%
'ue to the introduction of some of new de&ices e,uipped with digital trigger sensor*
the NLS-diagnostics has become not only far more time-efficient but also ,uiet
different in terms of ,uality% It is ob&ious that some runtime techni,ues* for instance
tree-dimensional &isuali3ation of in&estigation results will soon become a daily
practice% The &egeti&e testing is 4ust an e(ample of a ready implementation% The
method is employed so widely that we should rather spea+ about a definite rang of
indication for its use than 4ust about populari3ation%
5esearch centers continue their ,uest for some new in&estigation methods based on
the non-linear analysis system% So far the result appear to be ,uiet promising%
6nli+e NM5 and computer tomography* the NLS-analysis does not need strong
fields% The method seems to ha&e good prospect for metabolism studies* particularly
on a cellular le&el%
The NLS-method ad&ances along the path not only of technical inno&ation but also of
new application% Some minor surgical operations* biopsy for one* ha&e been long
monitored using ultrasound* fluoroscopy or computer tomography% Today we ha&e
opportunity to hae biopsy monitored by NLS% 7y the way* many surgeons focus on
using this method to assist ma4or surgeries%
The cost of e,uipment for NLS-diagnostics is still &ery low as compared to some
other hardware-based methods% This is supposed to promote more e(tensi&e use of the
method in countries with low li&ing standards% 8f all methods of hardware-based
diagnostics the NLS pro&ides representations most pro(imate to the
pathologicoanatomic picture% This feature of the method along with its harmlessness*
promotes rapid de&elopment of the NLS-diagnostics%

#LINI# T)#- IN#% - ascending into the 99I century
'%$% :osholen+o* S%.% Letun
The de&elopment of the new generation of non-linear computer scanners (metatrons)
ma+ing use of multidimensional &irtual imaging of the body of interests* had allowed
to substantially impro&e the efficiency of the NLS-method and e&en e(pand its fields
of application despite the M5T competition% The originally &olumetric pattern of
scanning is a distincti&e feature of the multidimensional NLS imaging% The data thus
ac,uired are an integral array* which facilitates reconstructing multidimensional
&irtual images of anatomical structures of the body of interest% In this connection the
&irtual NLS is widely used especially for angiographic in&estigation with the tree-
dimensional reconstruction of &ascular formations%
.nother promising field of application of the three-dimensional image reconstruction
based on the data ac,uired by means of multidimensional NLS is the study if hollow
organs with a ;&irtual-NLS-scopy; in&ol&ed% This +ind of system was de&eloped by
Medintech #ompany for their high-rate multidimensional <-series non-linear
scanners* and was called -unter% -igh resolution maintained during spiral scanning
and the use of L.PP system(a system of parallel processor with a powerful
computational capability and speed of operation) allows to implement the principal of
;&irtual-NLS-scopy; on a $o(el < multimodal 'I#8M-compatible wor+ station*
which is the basic system for imaging and subse,uent data processing with Medinatch
NLs images are made ready for &isual analysis by means of the =' Tissue* an original
company-de&eloped method* that allows not only to obtain &irtual multidimensional
images of anatomical structures but also select of particular biological tissue of
interest gi&ing an e(tra dimension* and additionally &isuali3e bones* soft tissues and
&essels at a time%
. specific feature of representing &irtual data by -unter system is its simultaneous
&isuali3ation of surfaces of ca&atus and e(tramural formations located outside the
lumen of the ca&ity under e(amination (e%g% lymph nodes* &essels)% The ac,uired
images from the natural se,uences of &irtual NLS shots* while special na&igation
programs automatically determine the paths of the ;&irtual scanner; by center of the
ca&ity under e(amination% The path of the motion can be chosen by operator using
some other settings* which allow to detail the NLS picture by changing the &iew
fields% . raised representation of the ca&ity surface is also achie&able by shaping
particular artificially shaded areas% The products sentences of NLS shots can be easily
con&erted into the standard $-S &ideo system* in particular for teleradiology%
The hunter system is primarily designed for case detection of obstructi&e processes in
the upper respiratory passage* bul+y esophageal* gastric or colonic formation*
atherosclerotic lesions of large &essels* and disorders affecting paranasal sinuses*
urinary bladder or spinal canal% The data gather by ;&irtuall-NLS-scopy; allow to pic+
out the optimum spot for biopsy and define the e(tent of the re,uired surgical
inter&ention in good time%
The techni,ue can be used both solely and as a useful lin+ing element between
topographic* endoscopy and NLS in&estigations%
The Medintech>s latest de&elopment is a con&enient tool for planning inter&entional
procedures monitored by NLS% The Pincers comprises a controlled stereo tactic
manipulator (;mar;)* a flat gentry-mounted monitor* a cable system and software% The
system pro&ides the physician with the means of simulating and performing
inter&entional procedures through an interacti&e lin+ between the &irtual NLS and the
real operational field%

M)T-8' 8 ? #8MP6T)5 N8N-LIN).5
.N.L@SIS .N' ITS 58L) IN 'I.AN8STI#%
$%'%.rtyu+h* 6%. Sho&+oplyas* .%. Aa&rio&
The computer-based non-linear analysis (NLS) as a dynamic non-in&asi&e informati&e
method is increasingly used to e(amine the status of health affected by pathologies of
different origin% The NLS can be applied both in &i&o ( to ac,uire an NLS-spectrum of
one or another part of any organ or tissue) and in &itro ( to obtain an NLS-spectrum of
e(tracts from tissues* biological fluids or cells)B while* rather often both approaches
can be combined for a more accurate data interpretation% The usage of NLS at a clinic
re,uires de&ices production an at least !-"! mT eddy magnetic field% The
proceedings of the latest International #ongress of Medical 'octors (!! and !!/)*
that dealt with new methods of diagnostics gi&e e&idence of of a growing number of
NLS-in&estigations used for the diagnostics purposes - the !!! summit heard /C
presentation ion the sub4ect* while in !!/ there were twice as many%
S%'% Tutin et%al% informed of the possibility to use the NLS to diagnose abscesses in
the encephalon% It appears* that at an abscess in the encephalon in the NLS-spectrum*
during the biochemical homeostasis e&olution some signals from lactate and amino
acid are detected* which disappearing the course of treatment% The NLS data in &i&o
correlated well with the result of abscess sample tests made by means of M5# with
the high resolution in &itro%
6sing the NLS-method the dynamics of metabolic change in the encephalon when
treating epilepsy can be traced% Some data are a&ailable* that indicate a possibility to
register a decline in o(idati&e phosphorylation in the lower limbs muscles with
constriction of the &essels caused by arteriosclerosis% In the course of treatment the
muscles metabolism appears to impro&e% .nother trend in the application of the NLS
method is detection of metabolic disturbance of phosphoregic compounds at muscular
atrophy related to pathology in the musculos+eletal system% some promising prospects
for myocardial infraction diagnosis by means of the NLS method were describe by
6%.%Sho&+oplyas et% al%* who studied the .TP e(change in the myocardium% .t the
myocardial infraction its le&el was pro&en to decrease%
The NLS-analysis method was employed to study the dynamics of change in the
metabolism of lipids in the li&er affected by cirrhosis% The NLS -in&estigation of the
pancreas affected by malignent degeneration allows diagnosing tumor progression*
4udge of the efficiency of radiation or chemotherapy and also ad4usting indi&idual
dosage schemes for inoperable patients%
Moreo&er* NLS is reported to be used to diagnose #NS disorder* cardio&ascular
discase* muscular system disorder* prostatic tumor* mammary gland tumors* and in
addiction to monitor radiation - and medicinal 6S therapies% The researches ha&e
demonstrated the diagnostic importance of NLS for arteriosclerosis* apople(y*
encelophalomyclitis and &acuities% NLS allows estimating the phase of a pathology
and acti&ity of the nidus* determining a relationship between genetic characteristics*
clinical symptoms and metabolic de&iations in the encephalon% NLS helps to
differentiate bengin and malignant tumors in the mammary gland% The studies of
abnormal changes in the prostate gland by means of the NLS showed that the method
allowed to identify an incipient change in the gland tissue and pic+ out the appropriate
therapy in good time%
:%.%:&aso& et% al* presented some data about diagnosing prostate discases (including
histologically confirmed bengin hypertrophy and .den carcinoma) by combining
NLS and dynamic M5T with artificial ;Magne&ist; contrasting% .ccording to the
deri&ed results* this +ind of combination allows to define the pattern of the prostate
pathology and substantially increase the diagnostic accuracy% In the recent years
special attention has been focused on a study of li&er metabolism by means of NLS
necessitated by a growing number of transplantation of the organs ( in )urope the
annual number of li&er transplantation is around !! and in the 6S. it is /!!!) and
due to this method>s nonin&asi&e e&aluation of the li&er function in the course of
implantation% The result indicate appropriateness of using the NLS-analysis in this
case since the .TP le&el in the li&er mirrors an integrate picture of sell homeostasis%
There is a close correlation between the disturbed metabolism of phosphorergic
compounds and e(tend of li&er decompensation%
.part from diagnosing li&er disorders in &i&o* the NLS allows to 4udge on the state on
the transplanted li&er in &itro by ac,uiring spectral characteristics of the organs
meta3odes% This is based on a good correlation between the pathology change in the
li&er but also monitor the biochemical responses to treatment%
Summing up the abo&e it can be concluded that the e&er growing use of NLS-analysis
in different fields of clinical medicine* including its combination with M5T with
contrast amplification in&ol&ed* increases the efficiency and diagnostic accuracy and
its indicati&e of a continuous progress in the field of internal organ &isuali3ation
techni,ues based on the NLS -analysis phenomenon


Potential of NLS method in diagnosing gastric and
calonic cancers%
P%.%S&etlo&a* N%. Soro+ina* T%A% :u3netso&a* $%I% Nestero&a* L%.%@an+ina*
N%$% Tatiso&a
The non-linear diagnostics method (NLS) use in the 8beron de&ice has been acti&ely
practiced lately as many medical institutions% The most tangible results were achie&ed
by using the NLS method as a means of dispensary obser&ation% In the course of its
de&elopment and ad&ancement the method the method has become a foremost tool of
diagnostic and obser&ation with respect of widespread digesti&e organs diseases D it
allows to promptly collect detailed information about the lesion and its pattern and
asses the treatment efficiency% That +ind disease include gastrodoudenal ulcer* chronic
gastritis* and also benign and malignant gastric and colonic tumors% The specific
character and wor+ing conditions of the therapeutic an dlEclinical institutions in
5ussia allow e(tensi&ely employ the NLS method not only for diagnosing disease
with some symptoms but also for dispensary obser&ation and what is more* practically
all the patients in need of e(amination can be placed under obser&ation% So physician
now can co&er patients with the changes that are latent and can only be &erified by
means of NLS% Specifically* such patients include those ha&ing precancerous disease
or mucous disturbances in the upper andFor lower sections latent in a certain phases%
.ccording to the data ac,uired by some medical specialists* using the de&ices for
NLS-diagnostics* and based on annual research in thousands of cases* the fre,uency
of detecting focal or diffuses changes* typical for chronic atrophic gastritis in patient
o&er 2! years old* is within "!-=!G%the analysis of the spectral e(amination of
pattern-different section of focal changes in stomach mucosa shows that different
symptoms of diseases including intestinal metaplasia and epithelia dysplasia can be
detected in them 4ust as often% 'uring the NLS analysis symptom of gastric ulces
where recorded in about 2G of cases* polyps in stomach in HG* and polyps in colons
in =2G of cases% Thus* e&en NLS analysis result alone* without other ris+ factors
ta+en into account* include the most of the patients in the respecti&e age group appear
to be among those who need dynamic obser&ation because of potential gastric cancer
(A#) or colonic cancer (##)%
.ccording to the cancer register for /000-!!!* the &alues of gastric an colons cancer
cases were 1!%0 and 2"%/ respecti&ely per /!!!!! patients and the death according to
the mortality statistics was =H%"2 and /0%2G% .ccording to conclusion of the therapy-
diagnosis unit* with about H!G patients under acti&e dispensary obser&ation* the
pathologies of this +ind are li+ely to be detected as often as in !%=-!%1G of cases%
Therefore* the NLS screening would allow to detect A# or ## in about e&ery /2th-
!th e(aminee%
#onsidering that emergence of clinical sings is one of the incenti&es for a patient to
ta+e medical ad&ices and a reason for hardware-based e(amination* some clinical
implication and their pattern were e&aluated in the case of the abo&e mentioned
diseases% .s fallow in the results*H! patient affected by #A or ## the condition
appeared to be symptoms free in =G and "G of cases respecti&ely or there were
some sings characteristic of pre&ious chronic digesti&e trac+ diseases that was a case
in HHG and 0G for the / phase* 2CG and C1G for the nd phase* "G and "G for
the "rd phase* and 1G for the =th phase of this diseases% The clinical implication at a
gastric cancer were of a point-dyspepsia syndrome nature typical for the lesion in the
upper section in digesti&e trac+% .t a colonic cancer subgroups were segregated with
dominating sings of intestinal hemorrhage* disturbed e&acuation or abdominal pain% .
certain interrelationship was pro&en between the pattern of the clinical implications
lasted less than " months in CG of patients the ## de&eloped actually within a few
days% It should be noted that so-called ;minor sing syndrome; correspond to some
later phases of the disease% The same was true fro lab e(amination data where the
change became e&ident during phases III and I$ ()%
The result for NLS!daignostics for the initial phases of gastric cancer in a series of
/!= e(amination showed that in HI of cases the physicians on the assumption of the
spectral similarity to the reference standard* regarded the lesion as benign and
indicati&e of focal mucosa hyperplasia* polyp* and area of local information* wall
deformation or small ulcer% The probability for detection sings of malignant changes
found out in the elimination mode was under /G% 8f /"= cases of colonic cancer in
phase / malignant adenomas were detected in 21G of patients% The rest of the patients
were found to ha&e the so-called ;minor; changes of cancer* li+e polyps* atrophic
gastritis or atrophic-hyper plastic gastritis% The endoscopic &erification of A# and ##
with reference to the diacrisis of phases II*III and I$ of the discases completely
confirmed the results of the NLS-in&estigation%
/H patients were found to ha&e to ha&e A# or ## disco&ered by NLS e(amination
conducted within a less than a year inter&al% among them CG of patients% .mong
CG of patients had an initial phase of gastric cancer and "1G of the patients during
pre&ious obser&ation were found to ha&e some or other sings of chronic gastritis in the
form of focal mucos hyperplasia* local inflamination or wall deformation% .ccording
to morphological in&estigation* the said sections were of a benign nature and cancer
de&elopment therein o&er the last year only% In the rest of the patients the macroscopic
changes corresponding to malignant affection (spectrial similarity to ;gastric
carcinoma; reference standard 'J!%=2) occurred in the span between the last
e(amination% This preceding endoscopy detected atrophic gastritis free focal changes
in the area of the de&elopment tumor% Similar NLS data were ac,uired for "1 patients
who during a year>s obser&ation were diagnosed to ha&e de&eloped a tumor
corresponding to phases II and III%
The NLS of the colon and straight intestine was performed a year before tumors were
diagnosed in / patients affected by malignant polyps* of whom /H had been under
acti&e obser&ation because of polyposis* while no formation of that +ind was in
e&idence during the initial e(amination% In addition* within the same time span /"
patients were e(amined who were diagnosed with precancerous condition (spectral
similarity to straight intestine carcinoma* reference standard 'K!%H) an minor form of
cancer% In C of the patients the tumor de&eloped in area of endoscopic polypectomy
after they had a large &illous adenoma remo&ed% Thus* in "= (HG) of // patients*
who were diagnosed to ha&e a malignant polyp conditions in phase I or a small si3e
tumor* colonic cancer de&eloped within a year%
"C patients e(amined within the same time inter&al were found to ha&e the condition
in phase II and II 4ust as fre,uently% 1 of them were sub4ected to medical regular
chec+ -ups with no clinical sings of the disease of e&idence in any of them% 1 patients*
within "-H months prior to tumor diagnosis* began to shows sings of growly anemia or
progression stool retention% This dispensary obser&ation data for these patients* with
the NLS method employed a year before the cancer was de&eloped* had indicated the
There are two indicated factors +nown to be paramount importance for malignant
disease diagnosis hey are the ,uality of clinical and diagnostic techni,ues and the
specific pattern of the disease progress which actually determine the dynamic of the
disease progression% #onsidering capabilities and wor+ing condition in the therapeutic
institutions* the presented data on gastric and colonic diagnoses may to certain e(tent
be regarded as optimum% It implies* that e&en if all the patients were readily diagnose
with the disease during the dispensary obser&ation (actually it is a matter of C!G)* the
phase I condition could been detected only in =!G of them% The analysis of causes of
the late diagnosis cases suggests that such cases could pre&ented by impro&ing
organi3ational and methodical wor+%
?urthermore* the focus should be placed on the specific features of the diseases
progress which are of great* and possibly of &ital importance for tumor detection% The
analysis of the a&ailable data allows to assume that tumor may de&elop within the
short time inter&al reaching the si3e of either ;minor cancer; or e(tensi&e lesion% .ll
that confirms the idea that the tumor growth dynamics in different patients and in the
different phases of the diseases id li+ely to &ery and be both continuous and discrete
pattern% So a possible scenario of tumor de&elopment could be the emergence of
;early; gastric cancer against the bac+ground of precancerous gastric diseases with
the subse,uent prolonged period of e(istence in the initial phase of the condition in
ad&ance% The colonic cancer de&elopment through the benign phase and then through
a malignant adenoma is not the only possible scenery it can processed% Tumor can
de&elop de no&o and here too% a &ariant of comparati&ely slow or fast growth in
potential% This pro&ides an e(planation for an ;accidental; detection of patients with
fairly large tumors during dispensary obser&ation and a great number of patients with
short clinical anamnesis and late phases of the diseases%
Thus* NLS can be considered as an ade,uate method for diagnosis gastric and colonic
cancers% The difficulties in dealing with NLS interpretation largely concern the initial
phases were the fre,uency of diseases detection depends in the long run on any focal
changes in the mucosa in the case of chronic gastritis and on +eeping the patient under
dynamic obser&ation on the gi&en modes of elimination and NLS analysis in&ol&ed%
The submitted results allow to segregate two principal &ariants of the diseases
diagnosis% The first one suggest ;accidental; tumor detection during NLS-
in&estigationB neither clinical nor other familiar sings of disease are in e&idence or
their intensity ia an insufficient reason for the patient to see the doctor% The second
&ariant occurs the patient de&elop clinical implications which impel physician to carry
out the respecti&e in&estigation for them% The result of diacrisis of gastric or colonic
cancers indicate that for most patient the problem of early diagnosis can not be
sol&ed* not only because of certain organi3ation factors but also and primarily because
of the specific pattern of the disease process and its manifestation% -owe&er* the
actual opportunities for impro&ing the well-timed diseases diagnosis in practical
public health conditions lie* primarily* in increasing the number of patients to be
e(amined by means of the NLS-method within the framewor+ of health sur&ey and
also in a timely and complete e(amination of the patients who are suspected to ha&e
the disease%

Malignant Tumor
New potentials of NLS-method in colonic neoplasm
$%I%Nestero&a* T%A%:u3netso&a* $%I%Metlush+o* N%L%8glu3dina
#olonoscopy is successfully used to diagnose colon new growths% 7ased on the
number of indications endoscopy in&estigation allows to get reliable information
about the colonic growth surface in order to correctly classify its pattern and ta+e a
sample for morphologiacal identification% @et* colonoscopy does not gi&e an idea of
the +ind of internal structure the new growth has* nor does it allow to assess the depth
of the in&asion of the colon wall by a malignant tumor* determine its proliferation to
ad4acent organs or metastases to regional lymph nodes% 7eside* colonoscopy does not
pro&ide information about e(tra intestinal new growths unless they ha&e already
permeated the intestinal wall%
The NLS-in&estigation of the colon using =%0 A-3 high fre,uency nonlinear sensor
can help clear up all of these issues%
The NLS-in&estigation allows to e(amine intestinal wall layers and the adrectal
cellular tissue%
The research aimed to define the potential of the NLS-method in a more specific
diagnostics of straight-and segmented intestine tumor%
The matter and in&estigation methods
In order to achie&e the set goal 1H patients were e(amined by in whom 0/ new
growths were in&estigated by means of the NLS-method% The e(aminees included =/
men and =C women age from "/ to 1" with most of them (1G)aged from 2! and
o&er% .ll the patient affected by colon new growths were gi&en one or another +ind of
surgical treatment depending on the pattern* si3e and locali3ation of the growth%
.mong them in " cases endoscopic polypectomy was performed* in C/ cases a
resection was done on different parts of the colon and in " patients transanal
endomicrosurgery was performed% .ll of the NLS-in&estigation results were &erified
by a pathomorphological e(amination of macro preparation according to which the
colonic ne growths were represented by simple tumors in "! cases and by glandular
cancers with different degrees of differentiation in C/ cases%
The stage of the malignant process were defined according to TNM classification
adapted by International .nticancer .ssociation in /00H (the 2th re&ision) Phase T/
was diagnosed in /" patients (/G)* phase T -in C patients (="G)* phase T" in /H
patients (1G) and phase T= in2 patients (1G)%
.ccording to a pathomorphological e(amination* metastases into regional lymph
nodes were detected in // of C/ cases%
.ll the patient underwent NLS-in&estigation and ultrasound colonoscopy to diagnose
and locali3e new growths* define their si3e* growth patterns and appro(imate
morphological characteristics* and also ultrasound scanning of the abdominal ca&ity
and small pel&is organs to assess the condition of the organs ad4acent to the colon and
diagnose distant metastases%
The NLS-in&estigation used the 8beron-=!// de&ice e,uipped with a =%0 A-3
nonlinear sensor manufactured by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics (5ussia)
and #linic Tech Inc% (6S.)% The endoscopic ultrasonography made use of the
endoscopic ultrasonographic system 6M-! complete with the ultrasonie colonoscope
#?-6M! (8lympus* Lapan)% The echographia of the abdominal ca&ity made use of
the diagnostic unit SS'-C"! (.lo+a* Lapan) and Logi,-H!! (Aeneral )lectric* 6S.)
'iscussion of results
Me +now from e(perience that e&ery NLS-in&estigation should be preceded by
diagnostic colonoscopy* which e&aluates anatomic characteristic of the colon and
defines the number* locali3ation and macroscople characteristic of the new growths*
and by ultrasound scanning of the abdominal ca&ity aw well% . through
transabdominal ultrasound scanning is re,uired to assess the condition of the organs
ad4acent to the colon and diagnose remote metastasi3es%
. comparison of the NLS results with those of pathomorphological in&estigation was
made in order to define the potentials of the NLS-method in differential diagnostics of
benign and malignant colonic new growths%
The result of the NLS-in&estigation coincided with the apthomorphological
in&estigation in 1H of 0/ cases% Most of the errors occurred in diagnosing colon
adenomas% In C of "/ cases the patient was suspected of ha&ing cancer% The analysis of
the obser&ation noted that the difficulties in diagnostics were related to the
deformation of intestinal wall layers due to the pressure of a nodal &illous tumor
rather than to a genuine in&asion% To false-negati&e results were obtained in the case
of malignant adenoma and cancer decreases*
Thus the accuracy of the NLS method in differential diagnostics of malignant and
benign colon tumors amounted to 1/%""G and sensiti&ity to H0%1G* while the
specificity made HC%=G%
The method of treatment to be chosen for patients affected by colon cncer depends on
the tumor process phase% . comparison was made to he pathomorphological
in&estigation data in C/ cases in order to assess the diagnostic efficiency of the NLS-
method in classifying the colonic cancer phase%
The correct definition of the phase of tumor process was possible in C1%=G of the
obser&ations% The best results were obtained in defining phases T" and T=* where the
diagnostic accuracy was H1%G and 1/%G respecti&ely% It should be noted that most
of the errors occurred in determining phases T/ and T* were the data of NLS and
pathomorphological in&estigations coincided only in 2=%G and =H%=G of the
obser&ations respecti&ely%
In diagnosing phase T/ mista+es were made in = cases with " of the errors toward
o&erstating the phaseB in once case sings of intestinal wall in&asion were not found
and the tumor was ta+en for adenoma% In the analysis of phase T diagnostic errors in
o&erstated phases were noted in H of 0 casesB an understatement of phase of the tumor
process occurred in one case and yet in one case no e&idence of in&asion pro&ed to be
fond% The analysis of the post surgical morphological conclusions made it clear that in
C of H false positi&e result pathomorphological in&estigation of macro preparation
detected a deeper infiltration into the intestinal wall% -owe&er according to
microscopy e(amination* the filtration was on inflammatory rather than of a tumorous
+ind% It should also be noted that in all of the cases it had to do with an infiltrati&e
tumorous process in the inferior ampullar section of the straight intestine free of
serous membrane while the inflammatory infiltration area was located in adrectal
cellular tissue%
To find out the causes the present difficulties for diagnosis the efficiency of the NLS
method was analy3ed in function of the si3e* locali3ation and form of germination of
neoplasms% The best results were obtained in diagnosing new growths si3e under cm
and o&er 2 cm%
The epithelia tumor o&er 2 cm in si3es is represented by phases T" and T= in / of /H
cases% It has to be noted* that the large neoplasms the data of NLS essay did not
coincide with pathomorphological data only in phase T where the process phase was
o&erestimate because of the presence of the inflammatory infiltration in deeper layers*
than the layers where the tumoral in&asion occurred% Thus* at neoplasms larger than 2
cm in si3e the diagnostic of the in&asion degree of the intestinal wall is feasible in
H1*G of obser&ation% -igh result was also obtained at the estimation of depth of
tumoral in&asion by neoplasms si3ed up to cm% most of them are represented by a
tumor in phases T/ and T% The results of ultrasonic colonoscopy ha&e coincided with
those pathomorphologic conclusions in HC%HG of the obser&ation% It should also be
noted* the tumours up to cm are most con&enient for e(amination since they ha&e
the least number of artefacts%
.t this essay the greatest groups were the tumours si3ed from to 2 cm* where the
result pro&ed to be lower* than in two first groups% The NLS data and those of the
pathomorphological essays coincided in CC%HG of cases% .n appreciable share of
mista+e (C!G) occurred in phase T* where the intestinal wall in&asion depth was
o&erestimated in all obser&ation%
The great &alue has the fact* according to the pathomorphologic essay* in 2 of C cases
of hyperdiagnostics apart fro the tumoral infiltration an e(pressed inflammation was
detected in deeper layers of the intestinal wall% The relati&ely low accuracy of
diagnosed depth of the intestinal wall in&asion by tumor si3ed from to 2 cm is due
to the fact that = of "! obser&ations of this group corresponded to phases T and T"%
The differential diagnostics of the tumoral infiltration depth in this phases is comple(%
.t the ne(t research stage we made comparati&e analysis of the effect of the form of
growth of the neoplasm for accuracy of defining the phase of the tunoral in&asion in
the intestinal wall% .ll neoplasms were classified into three groups* in function of the
shape otf the tumor growthD polipiform* saucer shaped and infiltrati&e%
The highest results were obtained when diagnostic the phases of the caucer-shaped
growth cancer process where the accuracy of the defining the tumoral in&asion in the
intestinal wall was H1%"G%
It seems howe&er impossible to fully estimate the accuracy ot the NLS method in
defining the depth of a tumoral in&asion at neoplasms with saucershaped growth
because of its dismall occurrence among other forms n patients sur&eyed by us%
The polipiform of the growth was noted in "! neoplasms% The growths had a distinct
interface with unaltered sections of the intestinal wall and did not bloc+ the intestine
lumen by more than half* which created fa&orable condition conditions for the sur&ey%
The accuracy of NLS method in defining the depth of tumoral in&asion in the intestine
wall was as high as C2G% It has to be noted* that half if all cases di&ergent with the
pathomorphologic conclusions is due to the o&erestimate depth of tumoral infiltration
at defining the phase T* which is connected with the presence of perifocal
This fact suggest difficulties in defining the phase of cancer process in cases where
the tumoral in&asion is compounded by the inflammatory component penetrating
deeper layers of the intestinal wall and beyond its limits%
The neoplasms with in infiltrati&e growth shape ha&e pro&ed to be most difficulty in
defining the degree of the tumoral in&asion in to the intestinal wall% tn this group the
result of NLS-method and those of the pathomorphologic essays coincided only in
=0%1G of obser&ations% It was due to the fact that these neoplasms* as a rule* had a
large si3e and occupied more than a half of the intestine wall circle%
In the ne(t in&estigation phase was estimated the accuracy of the NLS method in
defining the degree of the intestinal wall in&asion depending on the tumor location in
the colon%
In =! cases the tumor was locali3ed in the rectum and in / cases in the segmented
intestine% The accuracy of diagnosing the phase of the tumoral process in the colonic
intestine is significantly height that at finding the tumoral in&asion depth with the
neoplasms located in the rectum and amounts to H/ and C%2G respecti&ely% This high
result can be most li+ely e(plained by the fact* that this department of colon contains
a serious membrane* which distinctly separates the muscular layer from the abenteric
organs and tissues% .lso is noted that the serous membrane of the intestine is less
sub4ected to penetration of the inflammatory infiltration* than the pararectal cellular
tissue% The ma4ority of mista+e falls on the cases o&erestimated depth of the in&asion
at defining Phase T%
These researches ha&e noted that accuracy of diagnosing the phase of a tumoral
process was higher in colonic intestine than in rectum% The greatest number of
abscesses* inflammatory infiltration or radial therapy in the neoplasm area%
'amage regional lymph glands are an important prognostic factors in diagnosing
rectum cancer% To define the capabilities of the method in diagnosing metastases in
regional lymph glands* the results of the NLS method were damage with those of the
pathomorphologic essay% In the letter the malignant damage to the regional lymph
glands was detected in// obser&ation from cases%
The analysis of the deri&ed data pro&ed that the NLS essay had correctly defined the
pattern of damage to the lymph glands in C"%CG of cases%
The metastatic pattern of damage to the lymph nodes was defined in H=%1G of cases*
and an inflammatory changes the results of ultrasonic colonoscopy and those of the
pathomorphologic essay coincided only in =2*2G of obser&ation% In C from // of
cases the presence of metastasi3es in lymph nodes was assumed (false-positi&e result)%
Such mista+e s can be attributed to oncologic &igilance of the researcher and
comple(ity of differential diagnostic of inflammatory and metastatically -altered
lymph glands
/ NLS diagnostics is a highly efficient method of diagnosing the neoplasm of the
colon* allowing to diagnose neoplasms and regional lymph glands%
The NLS method allows to detect the colon adenoma and cancer by presence or
absence of the tumoral in&asion in the intestinal wall%
" The diagnostic efficiency of NLS method in defining the phase of tumoral process
in the rectum is lower then in segmented intestine%
= The diagnostical accuracy of the cancer phase in colon depends as much on the si3e
as on the anatomic shape of the tumor growth% The best results were obtained at
defining depth of in&asion of the intestinal walls be a tumor si3ed under cm and
co&er 2 cm%


NLS-method in &ascular pathology diagnosis
S%M% Patrushe&
.%'% Slu3+y* $%M% $agulin
Today the world faces a constant trend of a growing rate of morality caused by
occlusi&e &ascular diseases* especially by cerebro&ascular disorders which are in the
third place among death causes% 8n the one hand the trend is caused by a growing
number of elderly and aged patients% 8n the other many men e&en already at =2 ha&e
atherosclerotic damage of main head arteries E* causing the need for a dispensary
The most simple and at the same time informati&e method of nonin&asi&e diagnosis of
occlusi&e damage of peripheral &essels appeared to be the NLS-method with has been
used in clinical practice not long since% The first NLS de&ices e,uipped with analog
trigger sensors* operating in /%= A-3 fre,uency mode and used in clinical practice
since the late 0!-s ha&e not their importance yet% They can determine the condition of
certain sections of the main &essels in the lower limbs and that of the brachiocephalic
Not only can the condition of the &essels but also of the &al&ular system of deep &enis
can be studied% /! patients were e(amined in /000H-/001 to detect &al&ular
insufficiency of deep &enis affected by &aricosis% The patients were from / to CH
years old% The e(amined patients included 2 men (=%2G) and HH women (H=%2G)%
The study was carried out by means of the 8beron de&ices using a /%=A-3 analog
trigger sensor% In " patients a &al&ular insufficiency of the femoral &ein was detected*
in == patients failure of both femoral and popliteal &enis% NLS allows s to asses the
condition of the &al&ular system of deep &enis in low limbs on a nonin&asi&e and
ob4ecti&e basis which is &ery important point for the surgery tactic to be selected* and
can be used an alternati&e to phlebography analysis%
The NLS-signal spectral analysis method has no counterindications and in terms of
informational content is comparable angiography% It cn be used to perform screening
in the course of polyclinical e(amination with the &iew to detect early or latent forms
of &ascular pathology and also as a preliminary method of selecting patient for
angiosurgical treatment* since according to some angiologists* angiography should
only be performed on candidates for surgery pic+ up after a preliminary NLS
in&estigation% -owe&er the method does not allow to asses bul+ inde( of the
bloodstream* because NLS does not allow to pro&ide &essel>s image and hence to
measure the &essels diameter% This +ind of information can be ac,uired with the help
of 'oppler system with '-imaging* that offer duple( and triple( scanning (the so-
called 'oppler chromatic charting)%
The NLS-method was de&eloped in the mid 0!-s played an essential role in in
&ascular pathology diagnosis% The main ad&antage of the NLS-method was that
differentiate &essels from non&ascular structures* arteries from &enis and &ery
accurately detect sings of disturbed &ascular permeability caused by stenosis or
occlusion of the &essel lumen by an atheroscierotic patch or thrombus which are
generally not &isible on screening in 7-mode alone%
In addition the NLS-method allows to diagnose portal hypertension* the e(tant of its
intensity* and permeability of Porto systemic bypasses% NLS is &ery sensiti&e in
defining the e(tend of peripancreatic &essel in&ol&ement with pancreas cancer which
is essentially important for choosing the approach for surgical treatment% NLS allows
to detected the damage renal &essels (both &eins and arteries)* which is &ery important
for the correct choice of a hypotensi&e drug at arterial hypertension%
Some efficient hypertensi&e drugs* i%e% inhibitors of angoitensin-con&ering en3yme
(.#)) such as capoten* enalapril* berliptil* cet%* became &ery popular lately* but they
ha&e counter-indications at renal artery stenision% So physicians should bear in mind
that chec+ing for stension is a must before prescribing this +ind of medicine% NLS-
method is li+ely to be the choice method in such cases%
The NLS-method is indispensable fro differential diagnostics of benign and
malignant hepatic diseases% Its sensiti&ity is comparable with the potential of
con&entional or digital angiography and computer assisted amplified
tomography% In addition* the NLS-method is much cheaper* simpler and
more intelligible% In can be employed directly at the patient>s bedside if
re,uired% The NLS-method can be used in ophthalmology to chec+ ocular
hemodynamics before or after surgical inter&ention* in obstetrics to detect
the disturbed blood current in umbilical cord arteries with a &iew to
diagnose a retarded fetus de&elopment and predict a negati&e perinatal
@et another potential of NLS method lies in cranial scanning which allows
to detect intracranial hematomas* ancurisms* cysts and tumors in the
These are far from potential of the NLS method%
Summing up, the NLS-method is one of the most dynamic techniques
and within the next few years it is bound to bring some new discoveries%

NLS-diagnostic of lung abscess
S%N% Ma+aro&a
. screening NLS-in&estigation detected two cases of lung abscess in fe&erish patients
who were complaining of pain in the right hypochondriac region% The patient were
sub4ected in order to preclude an abdominal ca&ity pathology%
The NLS e(amination was conducted by means of ;8beron-=!!0; de&ice e,uipped
with digital trigger sensor% (/*=A-3)%
Patient N%* age 2H* was admitted to therapeutic department% -e was complaining of a
wee+-long fe&er with the temperature of up to =!N#* a moderate non-producti&e
cough and pain in the right hypochondriac region as a result of catching a cold% -e
came to see the doctor tan days after falling ill% The anamnesis read a bilateral
pneumonia /= days before% The clinical blood analysis indicated an increased
leu+ocyte content- up to /1%H ( /!0 with a flush left leucogram% The common
urinalysis showed no de&iation% Physical e(amination &esicular pulmonary
respiration* wea+ened in lower section on the right with no rhonchi%
Tong drt* with furred% 7elly soft* with fran+ painfulness in the right hypochondriac
region% No symptoms of peritoneum irritation in e&idence% Pasternats+i symptom
negati&e on the right and left%
The NLs-in&estigation on the abdominal ca&ity did not detect any sings of pathology
in the li&er* gallbladder or pancreas% 8n the right there are &isuali3ed blac+ening in
the diaphragramatic pleura (=-2 points according to ?landler>s scale) and an image of
&oluminous formation in the right lung was ac,uired (2-C points)% 8n the dorsal
thoracic wall there was an image of a enhanced chromogenic formation (C points) of a
heterogeneous internal structure* si3ed 1!(C2(2= cm% the lung tissue around the nidus
had a higher chromogenic density (=-2 points) on account of infiltration% . spectral
simillirality to the ;lung abscess; reference standard ('E!%"/) was detected% The
in&estigation of the left lung and pleural ca&ities did not detect any structural changes%
NLS conclusionD certain sings of de&eloping abscess in the right lung%
The chec+ radiological in&estigation arri&ed at the conclusionD abscess in the lower
lobe of the right lung in progress%
. repeated NLS e(amination was conducted /! days later% It &isuali3ed a rounded
hyporchromogenic formation with une&en outlines with some hyporchromogenic
3ones inside* si3ed 1/(C!(2/ mm%
The chromogenic density of the lung tissue around the nidus was somewhat higher
( due to infiltration)* and the folia of the &isceral and parictal pleuras were blac+ened
in the lower section of the right lung%
The patient was offered the further therapy in the speciali3ed surgical department*
which he turned down% " wee+s later* after some anti -inflammatory therapy a chec+
NLS e(amination was performed% 'uring the e(amination the patient complained of
coughing with a profuse sputrum discharge% -is temperature was normal* the clinical
blood analysis indicated a leucocytecount of 1%C(/!0* and the differential blood count
was within the standard and )S5 grew up to "H mmrFh% the NLS-in&estigation
&isuali3ed rounded formation with e&en outlines* increased chomogenic density and
heterogenous internal structure si3ed =H(="% The chromogenic density of the lung
tissue around the perimeter decreased (because of reduced infiltration)%
.t the patient>s urgent appeal he was discharged from hospital from further outpatient
treatments% Later he underwent two chec+ e(aminations conducted%
Patient M% age C"* was eliminated by means of the NLS method in order to preclude a
li&er or gall bladder pathology%
.n LNS-i&estigation of the lung and pleural ca&ities was carried out% In the left lung
and pleural ca&ites it found no sings of pathology in e&idence% In the right lung in the
I9* 9 .N' 9I hypochondria (from the para&ertebral line to the scapular one) it
parietally &isuali3ed a formation ha&ing an increased chromogenic density and si3ed
12(C! mm une&en outlines and heterogenous structures (due to inclusions of a
decreased chromogenic density! si3ed "-= mm% the chromogenic density of the lung
tissue was not increased% NLS conclusionD sing o abscess in the right lungN
#linical conclusionD abscess in the lower lobe of the right lung%
The patient had chec+ NLS-in&estigation conducted against bac+ground of anti-
inflammatory therapy%
Mith the NLS-in&estigation performed /! day later the formation loo+ed rounded* had
e&en outlines* and increased chromogenic density ("-= points) because of infiltration%
The formation measured H"(2!(C! mm%
The NLS-in&estigation wee+s later did not detected any positi&e dynamies from the
administered anti-inflammatory therapy%
The submitted the clinical obser&ations once again confirmed the NLS-in&estigation
with lung diseases is not used in clinical practice as often as it deser&es%
7eside* the dynamic NLS-obser&ation of the patient affected by lung diseases allow to
assess the efficiency of the employed therapy and reduce the radiation load both on
patient and the medical personnel

NLS-diagnostics of the degenerati&e changes in the
.%A% 7ruso&a* P%.% Mano+hin* T%:% Pu3no&s+aya* T%.%
#omputer Nonlinear 'iagnnostics (NLS) is a new highly informati&e method
pro&ided to e(amine the spine and the spinal morrow% The NLS ad&antages are
nonin&asi&eness* scalability of the image field* a capability to obtain section of any
orientation and &irtual imagining of reticular canals and para&ertebral 3one%
6ndoubtedly the use of NLS in diagnostic of degenerati&e spine diseases has apparent
Sub4ect and methods
The in&estigation was conducted by means of ;8beron =!!0; metatron e,uipped with
a /%2 A-3 digital trigger sensor% //H patient affected by degenerati&e changes in the
lumbar region of the spine was in&estigated% The NLS of the spine and spinal marrow
was performed for all patients* // patient had NLS and #T and myleography was
performed for /! patients%
.nalysis of result
In 1HG of cases in the e(aminee group we found dis+s affectes by degenerati&e
changes% The elierst degenerati&e change in inter&ertebral dis+s (I') was a
hyoerchromous lesion (Cp point on ?landler>s scale) in 3one between the pulpous
nucleus and the fibrous annulus% .longe with the degenerati&e changes NLS has
detected an increased chromogenic density of the spinal from the bone marrow in the
ad4acent regions of the &ertebral bodies (=-2 points according to ?loander>s scale)% "
degrees of the degenerati&e changes could be distinguished depending on the process
'egree/* a hyperchromous 3one apprised at =-2 on ?landler>s scale* was detected in
0! patients% #on&entional radiograph did not display any changes% ?ormation of
fibro&ascular tissue followed by its penetration into the bone marrow is belie&ed to
underline the changes% Some author relate these changes ro the lac+ of stability in the
The histogram displayed a spectral similarity to the reference standard ;inter&ertebral
osteochondrosis; (' !%"0C to !%=2)
'egree * a hyperchromous response in the affected 3one at 2-C points in ?landler>s
scale was detected in /2 patients% #on&entional radiograph did no showed any
changes% .ccording to some literary e&idence* in this phase the histology detects a
substitution of the fat bone marrow for the red bone marrow often accompanied by
enlarged trabeculae% This phase generally precedes an osteochondrosis de&elopment
which can be diagnosed a little while later by con&entional radiographs%
The spectral similarity to the references standard ;inter&ertebral osteochondrosis; was
fran+ ('!%=C to !%"C!)
'egree"* a fran+ hyperchromous response (C points)* which corresponds to a far
ad&ance &ertebral body sclerosis* was detected in "/ patients% Some secondary
symptoms* li+e local bulging and &ertebral asteophytes* were detected with a far
ad&ance degenerati&e lesion of the dis+ and substantial similarity to the references
standard ;osteochondrosis; (' from !%/2 to !%/1)% NLS allowed to differentiate
between a protrusion and prolpse of the dis+ and e(istence of rupture of the fibrotic
ring and condition of longitudinal and other ligaments%
. protrusion is defined as a bulging of dis+ tissue beyond the posterior out line of the
&ertebral body into the spinal canal% The fibrotic ring tissue endures through becomes
&ery thin and NLS only re&els 3one of slight destructi&e changes in the structure ("-=
points!% Mith compression it gi&es an actually fran+ hyperchromous response(C
Protrusion may be accompanied by slight caudal shift which is ,uiet often defined by
means of the NLS-method at L2-S/ inter&ertebral dis+ le&el% NLS detected protrusion
in H0 patients%
The rupture of the fibrotic ring fibers result in the prolapsed of the pulpous nucleus on
a subligamentary le&el and the ligaments rupture results in the prolapsed inside the
cerebrospinal canal% .s can be seen from NLS* the longitudninal ligaments loo+ well
delimited and are represented as hyperchromous band-li+e structures (2-C points)
which ad4oin the bones and fibrotic ring% The e(traligamentary prolapsed can shift
either in a caudal or cranial direction% The e(traligamentary prolapses of the dis+ that
lost contact with the host dis+ become se,uesters% 8ccasionally* we obser&e some
&ery small e(traligamentary se,uesters which shifted far into the cerebrospinal canal*
which made it hard to detect them%
The NLS in&estigation detected prolapsed in ==2 patients% In C12 of cases the hernias
of inter&ertebral dis+ was combined with other degenerati&e dystrophic spinal
changes on this le&el% The hernia of the inter&ertebral dis+ was detected at /%= -2 le&el
in 1"G and /%"-= le&el in G of cases% . lesion of se&eral dis+ was found in 2!
patients% /0C underwent surgery* among the //= had lateral hernias* HC patients had
median lateral hernia and C had median hernia% 2 patient had surgery for hernia
recurrence% The NLS diagnosed e(traligamentary se,uestrated hernia in "1 patients
and intradural hernia was diagnosed in " patients% Multiple se,uesters were detected
in 2 patients%
The clinical symptomatology for the prolapsed of inter&ertebral dis+ was &ariable and
did not always depend on their si3e% In some case we obser&ed median protrusions
which did not result in any clinical implication% The clinical symptomatology for
small se,uestrated hernia was no less then for large se,uesters%
In e&aluating the NLS data not only the si3e of hernia but also the reser&e area of the
cerebrospinal canal and their preposition should be ta+en in to account%
Mith a suspected hernia the NLS-in&estigation should be performed at least in two
planes* sagittal and para(ial* i%e%* parallel to the dis+ plane* and the sagittal
in&estigation in T/w-S) can be combined with others se,uences%
The median prolapses of inter&ertebral dis+s in sagittal shots could be seen ,uiet
clearly% The signal content of the hernia predominantly corresponded to the NLS
signal content of the pulpous nucleus% The e(ternal part of the fibrotic ring* posterior
longitudinal ligament and the dura matter gi&e a fran+ hyperchromous response and
did not differentiate from one another% Thus** the NLS method sometimes fails to
present a direct proof of a rupture in the e(ternal and a(ial pro4ections%
Sagittal shots ha&e an ad&antage in deciding on the dis+ prolapsed* the si3e of
inter&ebral foramina and the condition of the cerebrospinal canal and bones% These
shots are not significant for detecting an intradural process with the cone especially
poorly in&isible in them% ?rontal shots ha&e drawbac+s in determining the condition
of the pulpous nucleus and fibrotic ring% To that and para(ial &irtual models are used*
for they allow to differentiate the process between the fibrotic ring rupture and
protrusion free of the rupture% Than+s to &irtual dimensional scaling sagittal shots
allow to delimit the subarachnoid space%


NLS-diagnostics of diffuse infiltrati&e lung diseases
$%I%Nestero&a* T%A%:u3netso&a* N%L%8glu3dina
.mong different +inds of lungs disorders special attention has been paid o&er the last
years to diffuse infiltrati&e lung diseases ('IL')* which is largely accounted or by
some problems in their timely diagnostics and treatments%
Most diffuse lung diseases in&ol&ed in the pathological process both the interstitial
tissue and the respiratory tract and al&eola% In this connection this type of pathological
processes should be defined rather diffuse infiltrati&e than as interstitial diseases%
'espite of the polymorphism of clinicomorphological manifestation of 'IL'* most of
them star off with producti&e al&eolitis (in contrast to the e(udati&e al&eolitis in the
case of pneumonia) with fairly stereotyped changes in the lung interstice in the form
of inflammatory infiltration with different degrees of intensity% Subse,uently fibrosis
de&elops that can ha&e differen rates of progression% . ;cellular lung; pattern is the
final phase of de&elopment% It should be noted* that some infection diseases of certain
etiology (li+e tuberculosis* histoplasmosia* etc%) and particular malignant tumors
(lymphogenous* carcinomatosis* brioncholoal&eolar cancer) do not directly belong to
interstitial lund diseases but are similar to them in terms of manifestation%
The clinical e&aluation of patients which are suspected 'IL' is a comple( problem%
Nonspecific symptoms and in some cases sing detected during chest e(amination may
be characteristic of a multitude acute or chronic diseases that in&ol&e interstitial
tissue* respiratory tract or al&eola% 'IL' are represented by e(tremely heterogeneous
group of diseases% The 'LI's ha&e been describe in o&er than a hundred possible
&ersions * howe&er in clinical practice only about /! or /2 condition are the most
common and it should be noted that sarcoidosis and &arious cases of lung fibrosis
occur in clinical practice in "2-2!G of all 'IL's% 7esides* acute diffuse lung
processes in patients with reduced immunity (also in combination with -I$-infection)
are li+ely to ha&e a great number of infectious and non-infectious &arieties* which 9-
ray e&aluation is forum to be difficult%
6nfortunately* the capabilities of con&entional peonthenography for patient with a
suspected 'IL' appear to be limited for the sensiti&ity and specificity of the method
pro&e to be insufficient% The data on =21 patients with a histological confirmed 'IL'
were studied% The chest radiographs for /!G of the cases turned out to be normal%
.mong 1C patients affected by 'IL' no pathological change was detected in 2!G of
the patients with histologically pro&en bronchiectasia and o&er !G of the patients
with emphysema shown on 9-ray shot% 5adiography may e,ually show false positi&e
results of the in&estigation% Me ha&e disco&ered that /!-!G of the patients with the
(-ray-confirmed sings of 'IL' no changes were detected during the lung biopsy%
The computer nonlinear diagnostics (NLS) is one of the promising methods of
diagnosing lung disease of today% NLS appreciably impro&es the communication of
the fine morphological elements in the lungs tissue and opens up new opportunity for
recogni3ing interstitial discases of the bronchol&eolar system% NLS has a high
sensiti&ity in detecting fine interstinal lesions of the parenchyma and small nodules%
The result of in&estigations pro&e that NLS has a better sensiti&ity in detecting both
acute and chronic diffuse lung diseases% The sensiti&ity of NLS diagnosis in detecting
lung disease ma+e 12G as compared to H0G in chest radiography%
The accumulated e(perience too* gi&e additional grounds to assert that NLS is a
highly efficient method for diagnosing a wide range of &arious diffuse lung diseases*
'IL' included* and e(cels the classicD chest radiography by sensiti&ity%
It should be noted that the high sensiti&ity of the NLS-method is achie&ed without
sacrificing the specific and diagnostic accuracy of the method% In patients affected by
'IL' the NLS specificity amounted to 1CG as opposed to HCG in radiography% In
particular* the high sensiti&ity (1H!11G) and specificity (1"-10G) of NLS were
demonstrated in bronchiectasia diagnostic%
.lthough* NLS is a more sensiti&e method as compared to the chest radiography* its
sensiti&ity in lung diseases diagnostic is not absolute and the fact that no radiological
changes were detected by NLS may lead to precluding lung disease in patients who
actually suffer from 'IL'% /!! patients were e(amined by means of the NLS with 1C
of them affected by 'IL' and /= ha&ing no pathological changes in the lungs%
'espite the high &alue of NLS sensiti&ity and specificity* for =G of the patients with
biopsy-detected lung disease the result were interpreted as being normal% 8n other
hand* the NLS was pro&en to high-accuracy techni,ue for precluding acute lung
disease in patients with immunodeficiency% Some e(amination data were studied for
patients with a bone marrow transplant and clinical symptoms of fe&er of obscure
genesis% The authors demonstrated high reliability of the NLS in determining fungal
infection in ! of = cases% 7eside* the fact that no changes were detected during NLS
lung e(amination allows to assume that the fe&er was caused by bacterial or fungal
infection of e(tra pulmonary genesis%
It is also a pro&en fact that the sensiti&ity with NLS is higher than with standard
computer tomography% Me e(amined /2! patients% 6sing con&entional #T (/! mm
collimation) and NLS we found that NLS had higher sensiti&ity in recogni3ing
pathology changes in the lung tissue%
'ue to its high sensiti&ity* NLS should be used to define lung diseases in patients with
a normal or obscure aspect of disease who ha&e a pulmonary disturbance or
symptoms that suggest acute or chronic diffuse lung disease%
)&en with certain clinical sings in e&idence the diagnostic accuracy of classic
radiography in patients affected by 'IL' apperes to be limited% The reason is both
superposition of the image in the radiograph and low contrast of minute lung
structure% NLS is fee of these aspects* which is why it is reputed to be a more
efficiency method for recogni3ing lesions of lung tissue as compared to both
radiographic sur&ey and con&entional computer tomography%
7eside ha&ing a higher sensiti&ity* specificity and diagnostic accuracy* the NLS
method can become a determining factor in e&aluating the acti&ity of a pathological
process in patient affected by 'IL'% In certain cases NLS can be used not only to
define the presence of a pathological process or the e(tent to which it has spread* but
also to collect information about the re&ersibility of changes (in acute or acti&e phase)
as compered to irre&ersible (fibriotic) changes in the lung tissue% Moreo&er* since
NLS can accurately identify the imponderable acti&ity of a pathological process in the
lungs* it can be employed to e&aluate the efficiency of the treatment gi&en to the
The con&entional methods for e&aluating disease acti&ity* such as transbronchial lung
biopsy (T7L7)* bronchoal&eolar la&age (7.L)* chest radiography* galliumlung
scanning and functional lung tests are insufficient reliable I e&aluating the acti&ity and
in terms of prognostication% So the open lung biopsy (8L7) is still the choice method
for both diagnosing and e&aluating the process acti&ity% Me were able to pro&e* that
sings detected in patients by means of NLS can pro&ide some &aluable information
and be significantly important in defining the acti&ity of a pathological process%
In terms of this prognostic &alue NLS is ad&ancing to the foreground lea&ing behind
functional lung tests* 7.L and e&en 8L7* because it allows to assess a lesion of
actually the whole lung paranchymes as compared to a separate biopsy sample%
Moreo&er* NLS can become an accurate nonin&asi&e method for e&aluating the
efficiency of the administered treatment%
Sarcoidosis is one of the most common interstitial lung disease of un+nown etiology%
In typical cases granulomas are formed in fine lymph &essels or beside them*
afterwards the granulomas self organi3e which causes lung tissue fibrosis%
. number of researches considered the NLS potential in defining the procsess acti&ity
in patients affected by sarciodosis% The main acti&ity indicator is the presence of small
nodules and to lesser degree their distribution and occurrence in the lung tissue%
6nfortunately* despite the difference between re&ersible and irre&ersible changes
detected by NLS for patients ha&ing sarcoidosis* the potential of NLS is assessing the
process acti&ity ha&e not been studied well enough%
.mong differential indications in fa&or of NLS application* the use of this method in
lung biopsy is porbable the most important one% 7iopsy is &ery essential diagnostics
techni,ue which allows to define the nosology of lung disease* its acti&ity le&el and
phase% The diagnostic &alue of biopsy to a certain degree depends on its method and
the type of 'IL'% The authors pro&ed that T7L7 was diagnostically informati&e for
only ! patients of 2" ("1G) who had 'IL' in e&idenceB in "" such patients (CG)
T7L7 displayed normal lung tissue or nonspecific changes%
.t the same time 8L7 made a specific diagnosis of 'IL' in 0G of cases% In 'IL'-
affected patients T7L7 pro&ed to be most informati&e for patients ha&ing sarcoidosis
or lymphogenous carcinomatosis* because this lesions ha&e largely peribronchical
tissue in&ol&ed and are therefore most accessible to T7L7% 'iagnostically 8L7
appears to be more accurate* but it also has certain comple(ities because lung tissue is
sampled from a small sector of the lung which might not reflect the changes occurring
in the rest of the lung tissue% Many diffuse diseases affect lung tissue irregularly so the
pathologically altered parts of the lung may contine both actibe manifestations of te
disease and fibriotic changes of long standing% ?or any accurate diagnostis and
assessment af the clinical progres of the disease the rifht choice of a biopsy smaple is
&ery important% 'uring biopsy NLS helps to collect moere accurate data indicating
acti&e areas of a pathological process% 7y using NLS* the areas affected by lung
fibrosis in its final phase* with honeycomb lung formed* could be s+ipped during
biopsy sampling% In addition* NLS may pro&e to be &itally important for choosing the
most effecti&e techni,ue ( T7LS* 7.L* 8L7) for ma+ing a histological diagnosis%
#onclusion% 5adiography still remines the mostFaccessiable method for diagnosing
'IL' yet its informational content apperes to be not sufficient%
Ma+ing correct diagnosis necessitates a combination of laboratory* functional and
radiological in&estigations as well as some in&asi&e methods* cach of them ha&ing it
sown substantial limitations%
NLS-diagnostics is the method that greatly improves identification of diffuse
infiltrative lung disease and as such it should become a part and parcel of an
integrate investigation.


NLS-'I.AN8STI#S 8? P58ST.T) 'IS).S)S
$%.% Toropo&a* S%N% Petren+o
.n e&er growing number of physicians en4oy an opportunity of screening NLS
diacrisis of prostate gland and urinary bladder% This article attempts ti consider some
particular of morphological changes occurring in a prostate affected by pathology*
based on the results of NLS-in&estigations%
In the Mest prostate cancer ma+es !G of the total cancer diseases and ran+s second
to lung tumors as a depth cause%
.ccording to some autopsy finding with a histological in&estigation of the prostate*
/-=HG of men aged o&er 2! appeared to ha&e cancerous nidi% #linically* cancer is
diagnosed moer rarely because a high percentage of that number corresponds to
;minor forms; of cancer that ha&e low in&asi&eness* so the patients suffering from it
die of another +ing of pathology%
The enhance the ,uality of prostate disease diagnostics it is important to comprehend
to specifics of topographic and 3onal anatomy of particular organ
The prostate gland is located in a small pel&is between the bladder and anterior
abdominal wall* anterior rectum wall and secondary urgenital diaphragm% The gland
has a chestnut shape and tightly en&elops the bladder cer&i( and prostatic urethra% The
gland base is tightly connected with the bladder into a coherent mass% Its anterior
surface is directed to the symphisis* and the posterior one - to the rectum ampulla% The
posterior surface of the gland has an e(pressed sulcus* which allow to con&entionally
subdi&ide the gland into the left and right lobes% 7eside* there is a protruding middle
cone-shaped lobe confined anteriorly by the prostatic urethra and by the spermatic
duets posteriorly%
.ccording to 3onal anatomy theory usually = glandular 3ones are distinguished in the
prostate% The correct interpretation of NLS data largely depends on the +nowledge of
their topical pattern% !G of the glandular tissue correspond to the central 3one (#<)%
The peripheral 3one (P<) occupies H2G% The intermediate (transitory) 3ones (T<)
ma+e up 2G of the total amount of the glandular tissue%
Peruretharal glands (P6A) ta+e a relati&ely small amount if the tissue howe&er
e(actly this area of the gland is &ery important for e(plaining changes at a benign
.part from the glandular area* = fibro muscular 3ones can be disconnectedD
/) .nterior fibro muscular stoma (.?S)%
) 6nstriated muscular fibers of the urethra (6M?6)
") Preprostatic sphineter (PPS)* which is an e(tension of the musculature of the
inferior part of the urecter and pre&ents in&erse emission of semifliud
=) Postprostatic sphincter (PPS)* which is responsible for retain urine in the bladder
and bloc+s incontinent micturition
The gland can be con&entionally subdi&ided into partsD
-e(ternal part consisting of #<* P<* T< and
-internal part comprising .?S* PPS and PoPS%
.ccording to NLS-in&estigation* the e(ternal part loo+s li+e a structure of normal
chromogogenic density( -= points on ?landler>s scale)* and internal one is
hypochromogenic (/- points)% The two parts are di&ided fibro muscular layer* the so
called surgical capsule* along which an incise made during surgical inter&ention* and
calcium salts deposit (calcium imitation of the gland)%in the NLS in&estigation those
formations can be seen as fairly hypochromogenic structures ("-= points) od different
The analysis of the prostatic gland image on th NLS &irtual moc mae according to the
fallowing ,uantity characteristicsD
/ si3eD front to bac+ - -%2 cm* across - "-=%2 cm* from top to bottom - %2-= cmB
&olumeD up to 0 cmB
" symmetry% The urethra is the reference point%
If any pathological changes are detected in the NLS-graph it is recogni3ed toD
-specify their e(tra location
- perform histograph of the pathological area and area of the tumor with a normal
It will be helpful for the case fallow-ups% .t the begging hyperplasia allows to detect
the direction of the principal germination% In case of hypertrophic transitory 3ones the
gland proliferates inwards% Though dar+ened lateral 3ones are formed ( =!2 points on
?landler>s scale)* the nodes can still always &isuali3ed% The trans-rectal NLS offers the
most detailed and automatic information%
)nlarged lateral lobes s,uee3e P< and #< causing their atrophy% Mith proliferation of
the paraurethral 3ones a massi&e fibro muscular PPS layer restricts of their
hyporplasis* so with this +ind of pathology the gland proliferates along the urethra
forming a middle dar+ened 3ones pushing bac+ the bladder wall% $isrtual scanning
ma+es this pathology clearly &isible in longitudinal sections% .t the beginning of the
proliferation a relationship between the internal and e(ternal glandular parts id
disturbed% .part from some distinctions in the 3one of principal proliferation* the
clinical sings will be different as wee% In the case where a globe-shaped gland is
formed (T< prolification) the gland is chiefly hyperchromogenic and the dysuric
manifestations are minimal while with a ;middle 3one; formed the gland is slightly
dar+ened and dysuria appears to be fran+% Sphincter decompensation leads to the
de&elopment of urinary incontinence and dilation of the upper urinary trac+ fallowed
by the atrophy of the cortical layer of +idneys* which gradually adds to fre,uent
urination* nycturia* reduced pressure of the urine or slowed-down urination occurring
in the initial phase of the disease%
In case of s,uee3ed cer&i( of the bladder an NLS-graph allows to &isuali3ed sings of
an infra&esical obstruction* that causes some morphological and functional changes in
the lower and upper urinary trac+s% Specifically% In the initial phases of benign
hyperplasia a dar+ened wall in the bladder can be obser&ed% 'ar+ patches result from
compensatory hyprthropy of the detrusor%
These " phases of benign hyperplasia of the prostate can be distinguished depending
on the intensity of the changesD
/% -yperchromogenic density of the gland with no residual urineB
% 5esidual urine presentB
"% .ll of the abo&e-mentioned plus dilatation of the upper urinary tract with the
cortical layer of +idneys in&ol&ed in the process%
'iagnosis of the acute prostatitis is made in the basis of histograms (similarity to the
reference standard process ;prostatitis; 'J!%=2)% diagnostication should be done in
combination with dactylar rectal e(amination ( painfulness during papation) with
clinic lab data ta+en into account%
In this case oc abscessed lesion a still higher hyprchromous area (C points) is &isible
against the general da+ patch ( =-2 point according to ?landler>s scale)% .reas of fran+
blac+ening correspond to necrotic changes% Mhich an abscess in progress one can
notice a reduced infiltration of the tissue around the ca&ity with the dar+ patch
gradually lighter in the course of dynamic obser&ation ( up to "-= pints)% Mith
ade,uate therapy employed the postinflamentory cyst may fall into regression%
.s can been seen from NLS-in&estigation * chronic prostatits dose not gi&e a common
characteristic picture* howe&er the morphological processes in different phases of the
disease are reflected in histograms% Mith a long-lasting diseases the chromogenetic
density tends to rise due to a postinflammatory substitutions mode destructing of the
fibrous component starts to predominate%
Mith an oncological pathology analysis of the gland picture helps locate the process in
different pro4ections and assess the e(tent of pre&alence and in&ol&ement of ad4acent
organs% The minimum si3e of tumor determinate by means of NLS-in&estigation is
about 1-/! mm% 1!2 of the timorous nodes are represented by mar+edly
hyperchromogenic structures (C points on ?landler>s scale)
.nalysis of histogram of the nidid helps differentiate an oncoprocess% The method>s
sensiti&ity becomes higher with both >elimination> and NLS-anaysis>modes in use%
Peripheral 3one shape first place as far as cancer incidence rate s concerned% Their
shape ma+e H!-1!G of cases% In transitory 3ones (T<) are affected in /!-!G and #<
in less than 2G of cases% In transitory 3ones a timorous nidus should be loo+ed for
within "-=mm from the capsule% In case of any oncological alertness the symmetry in
the lobe affection is assessed w%r%t the sagittal a(is and intensity of the blac+ patch (=-
2 point on ?landler>s scale) in the ad4acent organs* especially seminal &esicles and
bladder because in 2G of cases metasit3ing occurs through the gland ape( and
seminiferous trac+s% #onsidering the fact that cancer often de&elops with some diffuse
changes occurring on the bac+ground* foe e(ample* with chronic prostatic or
adenomatosis* it is not always possible to &isuali3e newly formed cancerous areas% In
such cases the result if PS. le&el definition and digital rectal e(amination should be
considered% The PS. le&el is defined considering the patient>s age and gland &olume%
/NLS-method allows to diagnose most prostate disease and being a screening
diagnostic method* it should be supplemented by biopsy* should any pathiological
changes be detected%
% the final diagnostic should be made on the basis the clinical lad data and the result
of digital rectal e(amination in combination with biopsy only%

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