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(A Case Study at Smart Kids, Tangerang)

Submitted to fulfil the Mid Term Test of Writing IV

Dian Novita Sari
NIM: 1288203187
Class: 4/ B1



A. Background of the Study
Vocabulary is the foundation to build vocabulary languages, which plays a
fundamental role in learning. Grammar very communication and people can express that
can not be conveyed, Hatch and Brown (1995: 1).
In an Elementary School, most children feel not interested in learning English
vocabulary simple words or things in their surroundings. It is caused by some factors
including the name of animals, fruits, vegetables, spelling, pronunciation. They were lack
to be able to understand simple English used in practice English.
According to Nation (2001) : deliberately teaching vocabulary is one of only on
the teacher. Certainly, they have the least efficient ways of developing learners' limited
material and get little experience of vocabulary knowledge but nonetheless, it is English
class caused the students' lack of an important part of a well balanced practice. As
English is seldom met in their real vocabulary program.
Writer can describe of the problems to students in vocabulary mastery. First, the
students were not able to spell word correctly. Second, they got difficulties in grasping
the learning of foreign language. Then, the teacher do not have much time to teach
The simple strategies to increase of vocabulary mastery to them is using media.
Media is very important in teaching imitation. It can help the teacher in learning process.
In this case, writer suggest to using animation video to improving vocabulary skill.
Video is an effective way of in order to improve the students' vocabulary studying body
The facts found above showed that the information to eyes and ears, so students still low
in vocabulary mastery. see communication and action (Edge, Julian. That matter is indicated
from two indicators, 1993:58). Video can present language and viewed from lively way. Video
facilitates in the learning of vocabulary mastery and foreign Language. Thus, it can increase the
viewed from the situation of the class. So, the students can interest and motivation easily.
Based on the background above, the writer suggest to use of animation video
in improving students vocabulary mastery.

B. Identification of the Problem
Based on the background of problem above, the research problems can be
identified as follows :
1. The students were not able to spell word correctly.
2. The students difficult in grasping the learning of foreign language.
3. The teacher do not have much time to teach vocabulary.

C. Limitation of the Problem
Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher limits the
problem only on The Influence Of Using Animation Video In Improving Students
Vocabulary Mastery (A Case Study at Smart Kids, Tangerang).

D. The formulation of the study
The formulation of the problem studied in this script is as follow : is there any
significant different achievement of students English Vocabulary taught by using
animation video and without using animation video ?

E. The objective of the study
The objective of the study is to find out wheather there is significant different
achievement of students English Vocabulary taught by using animation video and
without animation video. Besides, this paper is expected to be a great help to the writer
and to other English teachers.

F. Significance of the Study
Principally, the result of this research is intended to give the contribution
theoretically and practically.
1. Theoretically
This research is expected to support the theory about the effect of animation
video on the six grade students vocabulary mastery.
2. Practically
For teachers, this research is expected to contribute another way to teach
English, especially vocabulary.
For students, this research can help students to improve their vocabulary
mastery by using animation video.
For researchers, the result can be used to be reference for next research.

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