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The Scarlet Women

February 29, 2012 by Aleisterion

V.22 of ch.5 of Liber BAB vel OLUN, The Book of the Lovely Star, reads:
There were eleven who channelled the Genius of Babalon; and their names were:
Rose Edith Kelly;
Mary Desti Sturges;
Jeanne Robert Foster;
Anna Catherine Miller;
Roddie Minor;
Leah Hirsig;
Dorothy Olsen;
Maria Teresa Ferrari de Miramar;
Hanni Larissa Jaeger;
Bertha Busch;
Pearl Brooksmith.
Aleister Crowley made a list of women whom he considered to have held the Office of H KOKKINE
GYNE, The Scarlet Woman, i.e. the Oracle of Babalon and the avatar of feminine genius, delivering the
Current of the Aeon of Holy Will via the beauty of their art and the power of their lust. He gave us this
list of holy Oracles in the New Comment to v.15 of ch.1 of Liber L vel Legis; but the list contains a
couple of doubtful cases, which with the exception of Mary Desti (who was certainly no doubtful
case) are omitted from our list. Also the list stops short, having been written in the 1920s. There
were to be five additional Oracles before the end of Crowleys life.
It should be noted that this is a lofty Hierophantic Office, and a conduit to the power of the Aeonic
Current in the Khu of a woman not the mere muse of a man. Not every priestess, however, was an
avatar of the Universal Mind and Oracle of the Aeonic Voice. The Initiatrix, in the New Aeon, is as the
water-bearer, whose baptism of lust and of love and of liberty and of life regenerates the earth. She
is also the lovely whore depicted astride the lion in the Tarot trump titled Lust, whose powerful grip
directs the passion of her Beast (i.e. the force of impersonal genius, omnipotent and
omnipresent). Such is the way of the New Aeon; and so, too, should the patriarchal system be
abandoned in favor of one in which an Oracle, not a Pope, leads the way to the enlightenment of Man
& Beast.
Unfortunately, we do not have images of every one of these Oracles of our Holy Thelemic
Church. Anna Catherine Miller, a.k.a. The Dog, and Hanni Larissa Jaeger, the nineteen year-old
Monster, are the only two whose photographs have yet to surface. [Correction: while there are as
yet no photos extant of Hanni Jaeger, we do have an artistic rendering by Crowley, given below.] The
rest, for our remembrance, are included here. The images are exhibited in the order in which these
great women held holy Office.
Rose Edith Kelly, aka Ouarda.
Mary Desti Sturges, aka Virakam.
Jeanne Robert Foster, aka Hilarion.
[Anna Catherine Miller: NO PHOTO]
Roddie Minor, aka Ahitha.
Leah Hirsig, aka Alostrael.
Dorothy Olsen, aka Astrid.
Marie Teresa Ferrari de Miramar, aka The High Priestess of
Hanni Larissa Jaeger, aka Anu.
Bertha Busch.
Pearl Brooksmith.

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