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July, 2008

Feedback Report on
training undergone at
Japan on Audit
Technologies for Energy
Conservatyion for Asia
wef !"#$#!%%" to
Proposal for Energy Conservation for HPSEB
Er Ra( )rakash* +y +irector,-nspection..
Undersigned had undergone training on Audit Technologies for Energy
Conservation for Asia wef !"#$#!%%" to $&#'#!%%" at J-CA Japan in pursuant
to /ecretary* 0)/E1 letter 2o 0)/E1,/ECTT.3E#Trg!%4#!%%56&57""6&5
dated !!%$!%%"
This training was organized by Japan International Co-operation
Ageny!JICA", Japan with a #iew to gi#e boost to $nergy Conser#ation in Asia
through latest tehnologies and by proper auditing% In Japan $nergy Conser#ation law
is in plae and e#ery itizen is energy onsious% &or onser#ation, they onsider all
sorts o' energy inluding $letrial $nergy% Thus the entire progra((e was 'oused
on energy onser#ation in Ther(al )lants, $letrial Trans(ission and *istribution
syste(, )ower +yste( ,peration, use o' energy e''iient bulbs and other aessories,
$nergy Conser#ation in Industries% -a.or 'ous was gi#en on $nergy Auditing and it
was stressed upon that there should be great nu(ber o' Certi'ied Auditors% In India
also /ureau o' $nergy $''iieny !/$$" is also onduting e0a(s 'or $nergy
Auditors and $nergy -anagers% Through this training ourse, the i(portane o'
energy onser#ation was well understood and it was also 'ound that there is lot o'
sope 'or energy onser#ation in 1)+$/ also% The $nergy 2osses in 1)+$/ is about
345 and5 and by way o' energy onser#ation at our o''ies, redution o' T6*
2osses, e''eti#e (aintenane o' 2ines and +ub-stations et and integrating energy
e''iieny in our proure(ent syste(% 7ith a #iew to ahie#e these ob.eti#es, a
poliy dou(ents has been 'ra(ed and anne0ed hereto% This )oliy delaration shall
go a long way in sa#ing o' energy in 1)+$/ and also, the people in the state shall
beo(e energy onsious and protet the lea8ing re#enue o' the /oard% This shall
help in redution o' energy use and thus a#oid the degradation o' at(osphere whih is
leading to li(ate hange and endangering the subsistene o' hu(an beings% There is
need 'or strit -onitoring, $#aluation and 9eporting !-$9" syste( on energy
onser#ation and thus this )oliy dou(ent ontains the strategy 'or the sa(e:
9esponsibility and Control Centres ha#e been suggested to arryout the entire proess
in s(ooth and e''eti#e (anner%
)roposal for establishing Energy 8anage(ent /yste(,E8/. for
Energy Conservation ie 8ini(i9ing Electrical Energy :osses and
ensuring least use of Electrical Energy
In 1)+$/, lots o' $nergy Conser#ation Ati#ities 'or redution o' $nergy
!$letrial" losses are going on in all the three 7ings i%e% ;eneration Trans(ission
and *istribution under #arious progra((es<pro.ets% &or reduing $letriity $nergy
losses in +ub-Trans(ission and *istribution +yste(, progra((e na(ed Aelerated
)ower *e#elop(ent and 9e'or( progra((e!A)*9)" is running in the organisation
in 'ull swing% The (a.or ati#ities direted towards energy onser#ation are= !i"
Energy Accounting and Auditing of Energy in Transmission and Distribution lines
and reinforcing the existing system through new High Voltage Sub-Stations and
feeders, new Distribution Transformers and reconductoring of existing low size
oerhead conductor, !ii" Time of Day!T"D# $etering !iii# %VAH metering of
industrial consumers to encourage the consumer to im&roe their &ower factor to
more than '() !i#*enoation and $odernization and +ife Extension of existing old
,ower houses% >otwithstanding that these ati#ities are inherent parts o' $nergy
Conser#ation (easures, these ould not get popularity as $nergy Conser#ation
Ati#ities in the absene o' any spei'i poliy state(ent or orientation in this regard%
The bene'its o' $nergy Conser#ation an?t be deri#ed 'ully until and unless we ha#e
so(e syste( in plae 'or (onitoring* evaluation and verification o' all the
'rag(ented ati#ities% >otwithstanding the legal 'ra(ewor8 'or $nergy Conser#ation
in plae and *esignated >odal ,''ie 'or energy onser#ation and #arious ati#ities in
operation in our organizations, e''orts 'or $nergy Conser#ations ha#e not got
(o(entu( beause o' the 'ollowing reasons=
!i" 2ess in'or(ed about the signi'iane o' $nergy Conser#ation,
#ulnerabilities to $nergy +hortages and deleterious e''ets on
!ii" The e''orts (ade 'or ahie#ing $nergy Conser#ations are inade@uate and
whate#er little e''orts ha#e so 'ar been are 'rag(ented and the lessons o'
e0periene ha#e not been ade@uately (onitored, e#aluated and synthesized
into 'or(s use'ul at any le#el 'or deision (a8ing%
!iii" ,ur )ubli ,rganizations are responsible 'or pro#iding aess to
$letriity to all onsu(ers whih is onsidered a high priority tas8 to
ahie#e the soial ob.eti#e irrespeti#e o' ost and @uantu( o' energy
in#ol#ed in this purpose% This wor8ing ulture has preluded the
-anage(ents and wor8'ore in the organization 'ro( gi#ing serious
thought either towards redution o' $nergy 2osses or its least use and
o#ershadowed the need 'or shi't in paradig( o' thin8ing%
!i#" -aintenane o' the e@uip(ents, aessories 6 Trans(ission and
*istribution +yste( gi#en less i(portane%
!#" 2esser a#ailability to tehnologial ad#anes in engineering at all le#els
due to la8 o' 8nowledge
!#i" Job +pei'i training is not being gi#en any i(portane%
!#ii" 2a8 o' proedures, guidelines, (anuals 'or i(ple(enting $nergy
Conser#ation (easures%
!#iii" >o strategi plans 'or wor8s and in#est(ent on $nergy Conser#ation
!i0" >on-integration o' energy e''iieny in proure(ent proess
!0" ,ur organizations are disabused to wrong notion that pursuing high tari''
onsu(ers 'or energy onser#ation (a8es no eono(i sense and low
tari'' onsu(ers ha#e no (oney to spend on it%
!0i" 2a8 o' 'unds and in'rastruture
In order to address these issues, I ha#e planned to get the proposed Energy
8anage(ent /yste( established in our organizations whih is based on e0periene
obtained 'ro( (y training at Japan on Audit Technologies for Energy
Conservation for Asia wef !"#$#!%%" to $&#'#!%%"% Under this syste(, I ha#e
proposed o((it(ent o' -anage(ent through )oliy +tate(ent 'or i(ple(enting
$nergy Conser#ation (easures in the shape o' +hort Ter( and 2ong Ter( -easures
and establish(ent o' Energy Conservation Cell,ECC.% In order to tap the potential
o' energy e''iieny, the )oliy state(ent shall ha#e e(bedded and inherent
sti(ulation 'or (anagers and end users to ta8e into aount, either e0pliitly or
i(pliitly, the energy and eono(i onse@uenes o' e#eryday deision% $(phasize
has also been laid on .ob spei'i training to ha#e s8illed sta'' so that besides
enhaning the operational e''iieny in the organization, the consu(ers i%e% end user
o' the energy ould be 8ept well in'or(ed o' the energy e''iient alternati#es
a#ailable 'or the(% The Energy (anage(ent /yste(,E8/. syste( shall also help
the #arious (anage(ents at di''erent le#els to ta8e strategi, tatial and operational
deisions 'or e''eting energy onser#ation (easures% The eduation syste( has been
de#ised as suh that the )oliy +tate(ents shall be routinely (onitored, e#aluated and
re#ised in order to 8eep it tuned to hanging onsu(er de(and, tehnologies and
other para(eters and to bolster on'idene in their e''eti#eness%
This dra't poliy state(ent is plaed below 'or neessary appro#al please%
+ine the )oliy +tate(ent shall be i(ple(ented by Chie'
$ngineers!,p"<Trans(ission<;eneration and they need to be assoiated inti(ately 'or
suess'ul i(ple(entation% In order to (a8e the( aware o' this )oliy *ou(ent, we
an arrange a +e(inar here at +hi(la%
+ub(itted )lease
$r 9a( )ra8ash
*y *iretor!Inspetion"
Chief En(gineer,);8.
)R<)</A: F<R
A )<:-C= /TATE8E2T <2
E2ER3= EFF-C-E2C=#Energy
Having regard to:

$nergy Conser#ation At, 2003 o' India 'or e''iient use o' energy and its
Considering that:
Continued i(pro#e(ents in the entire energy yle 'ro( ;eneration to distribution and
onsu(ption shall not only protet the lea8ing re#enue in the /oard but shall also ha#e (any
en#iron(ental bene'its beause they help to redue greenhouse gas e(issions and to relie#e
loal and regional air pollution, aidi'iation and water pollution, land degradation, health
proble(s and other en#iron(ental i(pats% There are i(portant priniples and approahes
that an be widely applied although there is no single 'or(ula 'or energy e''iieny poliy
whih is appropriate 'or all organizations<ountries% $nergy e''iieny is a dri#ing 'ore in
eono(i de#elop(ent and en#iron(ental protetion, thus ontributing to both
o(petiti#eness and sustainable de#elop(ent, There is huge potential 'or ost-e''eti#e
energy e''iieny i(pro#e(ents by the introdution o' energy-e''iient tehnologies, good
energy (anage(ent tehni@ues and energy-e''iient beha#iour% A substantial part o' this
potential (ay be ahie#ed at no ost<low ost or e#en with i((ediate eono(i bene'its% The
present resol#e o' the 1i(ahal )radesh ;o#t to enourage the use o' C&2 is a #ery welo(e
step and it shall ha#e great i(pat in onser#ing energy% The seond step whih needs to be
ta8en is 'i0ing o' tari'' in suh a way so that $nd-use eletriity energy pries re'let as (uh
as possible a o(petiti#e (ar8et inluding 'ull re'letion o' en#iron(ental osts and bene'its%
There is urgent need o' re(o#ing all the barriers 'or realization o' the 'ull potential 'or
energy e''iieny i(pro#e(ents% There is a need o' a syste(ati and o(prehensi#e
approah to energy e''iieny poliies and progra((es% This approah needs to be pursued
in partnership with ;o#ern(ents, (anu'aturers 6 Consu(ers<end user o' energy% 1)+$/ is
designated Ageny in #iew o' /ection $7,b. o' the Energy Conservation Act* !%%$ to o-
ordinate, regulate and en'ore pro#isions o' this At within the +tate% As per this At, $nergy
shall (ean any form of energy deried from fossil fuels, nuclear substances or material,
hydro-electricity and includes electrical energy or electricity generated from renewable
sources of energy or bio-mass connected to the grid( Though the definition of Energy in the
Act includes all form of energy, but H,SE- shall focus on Energy .onseration measures in
Electrical Energy(
The Board management Recognize that =
/( energy efficiency &olicies are one of the most im&ortant elements in achieing our
national goals in economy, enironment, energy su&&ly security, and technology,
which all influence the 0uality of life1
2( the Energy efficiency shall not only aoid the deleterious effect on the enironment
but shall &rotect the reenue of the -oard( This shall aoid the &urchase of costly
&ower from Thermal &ro3ects and thus saing the reenue of the -oard(
4( the high Electricity Energy loss es&ecially in the Distribution System is causing huge
reenue loss to the -oard and it needs to be reduced to its minimum to ma5e the
-oard financially iable( There is a need for using cost effectie and enironmental
friendly technology(
6( the Energy Efficiency needs to be integrating in our &rocurement system so that only
0uality e0ui&ment7accessories are used in the 8eneration, Transmission and
Distribution System which shall lower o&erational .osts associated with the
9( recognition gies success and in order to derie the benefit of Energy .onseration,
-oard:s em&loyee &artici&ation shall be ensured through ;ncentie Scheme(
<( &resently, the maintenance &ractices are not being gien significant im&ortance and
unfortunately the maintenance &ractices are not being documented for future
reference( 8ood maintenance &ractices need to be focused on to increase
&erformance of the e0ui&ment and to sae energy( This shall re0uire introduction of
latest state of Art Technology for the best maintenance &ractices( $ost im&ortantly,
the $aintenance &ractices are not being documented which needs to be done
=( there is a urgent need for deelo&ment of im&roed data and indicators to monitor
and ealuate the &rogress being made in energy use by the end-use sectors, including
the enironmental as&ects of this1
>( there is a need to &ursue 8oernment of Himachal ,radesh to rethin5 oer the issue
of Subsidy being gien to the .onsumer which is &roing counter &roductie in
Energy .onseration measures( ;nstead ste&s to encourage &referential treatment for
use of energy efficient e0ui&ment or a&&liances shall need to be suggested1
)( there is a need for ide dissemination of information regarding Energy
.onseration in the 8eneral ,ublic as well as within the -oard and the use of
.?+ lights needs to be encouraged through mass cam&aign(
/'( there is a need for change in &aradigm of thin5ing from @sale of Energy: to
@mar5eting of energy: and all the costs as&ect and energy losses in &roiding
&ower su&&ly to all consumers(
//( wrong notion that it ma5es no economic sense to &ursue the high tariff
consumers for energy conseration and low tariff consumer has no money to
s&ent on it, need to be remoed(
/2( encourage the use of energy conseration &rograms and renewable resources
to decrease de&endence on the use of non-renewable resources1
/4( encourage the ado&tion of the most thermally efficient technology, which is
economically, socially and enironmentally desirable for generation,
transmission and end-use1 and
/6( use of economic instruments !e(g( taxes or incentie &rograms# to com&ensate
for enironmental externalities associated with energy technologies needs to
be considered(
/9( the use of energy sources, fuels and limited natural resources that are non-
renewable need to be reduced1
/<( the use of zero or low &ollutant emitting technologies for sustainable energy
system need to be faoured1
/=( the alternatie use of demand-side measures to increase energy efficiency or
local generation alternaties to reduce the need for new large-scale energy
su&&ly measures need to be ealuated1
/>( ado&tion of the most efficient technology which is economically and enironmentally
&ractical is necessitated(
/)( ;n the context of ealuating the need for new energy sources, the desirability
of retiring old, inefficient energy sources must be considered concurrently(
2'( educating the community !business and &riate customers# on the res&onsible
use of energy, including the enironmental and economic adantages of the
use of low energy consum&tion or high efficiency, end-use technologies is
2/( efficient energy use needs to be demonstrated to the general &ublic
22( encouragement, &roiding incenties for and, where a&&ro&riate, mandate the
ado&tion of the most sustainable and efficient end-use technologies, including
consideration of the use of minimum &erformance standards for energy-using
e0ui&ment is re0uired1
24( the use of economic mechanisms !e(g( taxes or incentie &rograms# to achiee
the aboe ob3ecties need to be inestigated(
26( an increased leel of su&&ort for research and deelo&ment into new energy systems
and end-use technologies that would im&roe the efficiency and sustainability of
energy use need to be &roided(
In reognition o' 'oregoing issues, the 1i(ahal )radesh +tate $letriity /oard is
pleased to delare the 'ollowing (easures to ahie#e the ob.eti#e o' $nergy Conser#ation
and ensure its i(ple(entation% )ri(a 'aie the $nergy Conser#ation (easures shall be
'oussed on (ini(u( use or 2east Cost use o' $letrial $nergy in the /oard
1)+$/ shall ta8e below gi#en +hort ter( and 2ong ter( (easures% The +hort Ter( shall
be >o Cost<2ow Cost (easures and (ainly shall 'ous on awareness progra((e on energy
onser#ation, (a8e the /oard?s e(ployee onspiuous as to how their day to day ati#ities
e0pliitly or i(pliitly a''eting the $nergy use, regularize the $nergy aounting 9eports in
all the three 7ings i%e% ;eneration, Trans(ission and *istribution% The #arious (easures are
appended below=
/hort Ter( 8easures ,$ =ear.
3 8onitoring* Evaluation and verification /yste( = The designated >odal
,''ie 'or $nergy Conser#ation in the ,rganisation shall be the $nergy Conser#ation
Centre!+hou-$ne Centre" 'or all the three wings i%e% ;eneration, Trans(ission and
*istribution with the 'ollowing tas8s and shall be (ade per'or(ane oriented=
.ollect, collate and Analyze the data receied from field offices regarding
electricity consum&tion
.onduct awareness &rogramme for Energy .onseration within the
organization and outside as well
?acilitating technological information source
"rganizing Audits
Showcasing energy efficiency technologies
$onitoring, ealuation and erification of energy conseration actiities
$a5ing ?inancial Arrangement for effecting the Energy .onseration
?ixing of Annual and .umulatie Targets for reducing Energy +osses
"rganising Seminars for sharing the 5nowledge of Energy conseration
Technologies within the organization
*e&orting the -oard management on the &rogress made by each wing
Conducting the Energy Audit of Boards uilding and
Transmission and !istriution System Compulsorily and its
;nteraction with the *es&onsibility .entres for monitoring the &rogress on
the actiities assigned to them
;ssue Aews letter, ma5e Energy $anagement $anual aailable to the field
Deise ;ncentie Scheme to Em&loyees for recognition in im&lementing Shou-
ene measures
"#ective> $or evaluating the enefits of any proposal% it is essential that some system
is in place to monitor% evaluate and verify &here do &e stand% &hat &e have achieved and
&here &e are heading to&ards' This shall help in ta(ing the effective steps for Energy
Saving measures' )n Boards uilding the use of Electrical Energy is not given any
significance and as regards the payments of Bills% there is only paper ad#ustment and no
ody has ever cared &hat is *uantum of energy consumed in the uilding' )n general there
is &astage of Energy and this tendency needs to e chec(ed through Energy Auditing' $or
reduction of +osses in Transmission and !istriution System% effective Energy Auditing is
essential and so far% this e,ercise is not eing given any significant importance' This cell
shall help in ringing all the fragmented activities in Energy Saving at one place'The
present procedure for procurement of material -e*uipments needs to e related &ith Energy
Efficiency and *uality to derive full enefits of Energy Conservation' This Cell shall
directly report to the Board and hence it shall play very vital role in saving the Energy
+osses in the System
! 3etting started with :ow Cost 8easures>
o <bservance of The principle of 7 / in the entire organization i%e% in
;eneration, Trans(ission and *istribution 7ings % The priniple o' 4 + is as
o /E-?-> separate utilizing ite(s 'ro( unused ite(s
o /E-T<2> Aeeping the utilizing ite( orderly at a plae where it is
on#enient 'or use when needed
o /E-/<> Cleaning wor8 plaes
o /E-?ET/@> -aintaining wor8 plaes to be sanitary
o /0-T/@?E> /uilding habits o' e(ployee to sustain 4s
o 7A ; $ 0 guidelines for workers to follow working procedures
Bho- Bho is res&onsible
Bhat- Bhat is needed to do
Bhere-Bhere is the &lace to do
Bhen- Bhen is needed to do
Bhy- Bhy is needed to do
H- How to do
o Avoid idling of )ower = All the eletrial e@uip(ents and lighting in the
o''ies shall be +withed ,'' when not in use or when not re@uired% The
onerned head o' o''ie shall (a8e arrange(ent 'or (onitoring the (onthly
energy onsu(ption at their plae o' wor8 and sub(it its (onthly report to the
$nergy Conser#ation Centre
"#ectiveC To start the Activities for Energy Conservation% &e shall start
&ith lo& cost-.o cost activities to culminate the hait of energy saving in the
&or(force of HPSEB' The principle of /S detailed aove is relating to
cleanliness at the &or( place' Since Cleanliness at &or( places shall lead to
etter &or(ing environment and efficient operation of the e*uipments% it shall
improve the operational efficiency eside saving Energy losses' $or achieving
the o#ective of Energy Conservation% the principle of /0 and 1 H needs to e
follo&ed and necessary accountaility needs to e fi,ed at all level' $or
avoiding the idling of po&er% instructions shall e issued for monitoring of
Energy Consumption at the &or( places-offices and incentive scheme can e
devised for reduction of energy use since recognition gives success'
B +isse(ination of infor(ation =
o Creating an energy Conser#ation 2ogo
o >a(ing the organization $nergy Conser#ation progra(
o Creating $nergy Cideo
o As a re(inder to all the e(ployees o' the /oard and to (aintain their
interest, a si0 (onthly bulletin on $nergy Conser#ation shall be
released whih shall ontain latest ao(plish(ents%
o $0tensi#e door to door a(paign through wor8'ore as well as through
>;,s to arouse awareness a(ong the general publi 'or use o'
Co(pat &luoresent lights !C&2s" o' 34 to 22watts instead o' D07att,
E07att or 3007att la(p%&or 7ide publiity 'or $nergy onser#ation,
assistane o' 2oal )anhayats,other wel'are organizations shall be
"#ective= $or least use of Energy or Conservation of Energy% &ide pulicity
needs to e done and this &e can achieve through PR" in HPSEB' Presently HP
2ovt has ta(en highly appreciale step of providing C$+s to the Consumers' But
this e,ercise shall also need calculation of various enefits &hich proposed Energy
Conservation Cell shall effectively achieve'
D% -ssuing 3uidelines for Regulari9e the Energy Accounting Reports CThe
$nergy Aounting reports shall be sub(itted by the onerned o''ies to the
$nergy Conser#ation Centre e#ery (onth without 'ail alongwith the Aey
)er'or(ane Indiator!A)I" report%
<bBective> The Energy Accounting in the Transmission and !istriution
System are not eing done effectively and the reporting system is highly
erratic' Through a strict instruction carrying management threat also% the
reporting system needs to e get regularized(
4% Issuing guidelines 'or )utting the entire -etering +yste( in orret
"#ective: 3etering is the very essential component to ta(e any corrective
measures for improving the Transmission and !istriution System' Thus the ma#or
focus shall e on 1445 accurate metering on all EH6-H6 feeders and !istriution
Transformers and Consumers so that strategy for improvement of &or(s could e
chal(ed out'
E% Instrutions 'or )reparation o' $nergy diagnosti report o' Industrial
"#ectiveC The Energy !iagnostic Reports of ma#or )ndustries in HPSEB
shall also e prepared y the Energy Conservation Cell so that &e could advise
them if they on the least use of Energy'
F% ;uidelines 'or *ou(entation o' e0isting (aintenane praties at the
;enerating +tation, ;rid +ub-+tations, Trans(ission lines and *istribution
lines and reporting o' operational proble(s assoiated with (aintenane
"#ective: 3aintenance is very vital activities for longevity and reduction of
energy losses in e*uipments% lines and other accessories in the po&er System' But
in HPSEB there is no maintenance 3anual and every ody is carrying out
maintenances as per their procedures' But unfortunately the 3aintenance
practices eing adopted at 2eneration% Transmission and !istriution are not
eing documented' Since &e have the aging &or(force and rate of retirement has
increased significantly% for ne& incuments the documented maintenance practices
shall prove highly eneficial' Thus instruction for getting the maintenance
practices at the Po&er Houses% Transmission &ing and !istriution side needs to
e imparted' Since for est 3aintenance practices% there are latest State of Art
Technologies availale% the documentation of practices shall pave the &ay for their
8% ;uidelines 'or Adoption o' )*CA (anage(ent proedure= The onerned
o''ies shall sub(it )*CA 'or reduing the $nergy 2osses in their respeti#e
wing 'or i(ple(entation under 2ong Ter( )lan 'or the year 200G-30%
"#ective: )n Board the &or(ing programme for various &or(s
especially in !istriution system is ased on collection of &or(s from field
offices' But the selection of &or(s is not ased on any study or assessment
for Reduction of Energy +osses' Since Board is spending lots of money for
improvement of system% only activities &hich shall yield enefits in terms of
reduction in Energy +osses or least use of Energy needs to ta(en up' Thus
the $ield offices shall e made accountale for this and for each &or( and
they activity% they shall indicate ho& much energy saving shall e achieved
and &hat is their plan of action to achieve this reduction' They shall sumit
the P!CA i'e' Plan7!o7Chec(7Act strategy'
G% )ursuing the /tate 3ovt for =
o neessary budgetory support 'or $nergy Conser#ation )rogra((e
o 'or issuing instrution 'or redution o' $nergy Consu(ption in the
;o#t o''ies, ;o#t wor8 plaes and set targets%
o 'or rethin8ing o#er the +ubsidy gi#en to the *o(esti Consu(ers
whih is hindering in (a8ing the onsu(ers energy onsious% It shall
be proposed that steps be ta8en 'or pre'erential treat(ent 'or use o'
energy e''iient e@uip(ent and applianes and being seleti#e in
gi#ing subsidy%
"#ective = $or effecting Energy Conservation measures% &e need funds
and it has een mandated in the Energy Conservation Act% 8441 that State
2ovt shall provide udgetary support for this' Secondly% for achieving least
use of Energy% 2ovt offices needs e audited and targets for reduction needs
to e set' Susidy eing given to the consumers is proving ma#or deterrent in
ma(ing the consumer energy conscious' Thus these issues need to e ta(en
&ith 2ovt so that susidy is given to them for use of energy efficient
appliances in their homes
4% Capacity 1uilding= &ra(ing training poliy to train the e0isting wor8'ore,
operators, (aintenane sta'' and e0perts in the 'ield o' $nergy Conser#ation
(easures: seleting the training progra((e, preparing the urriulu( 'or
inhouse<on-.ob training and preparing shedule 'or i(parting training: sta''ing
the inhouse training ell with s8illed people%
"#ective C Human is iggest asset for an utility and the success of pro#ects
depends on their operational efficiency' )n HPSEB the &or( force is very hard
&or(ing and if &e refresh their (no&ledge time to time% it shall &or( &onders in
improving the operational efficiency and achieveing the success of Energy
E% ;etting tentati#e /udget Allot(ent 'or i(ple(enting +hou-$ne 'or the year
"#ective = )n order to (eep the o#ective visile to the field offices% udgetary
provisions shall e made for the year 8449714'
'! :ong6Ter( 8easures,7 =ears.
3 &i0ing o' Annual and Cu(ulati#e target to (onitor and tra8 the progress on
regular basis allowing 'or pro(pt orreti#e ation where progress i' o''-target%
Cu(ulati#e targets shall be 'i0ed on the analogy o' Japan 'or a period o' 4 years so
that the unsatis'atory per'or(ane 'or one or (ore year due to the reasons beyond
the ontrol o' i(ple(enter ould be o#ero(e% The targets and goals shall be updated
regularly on the onsideration o' those whih an be easily ao(plished and to
ao((odate those whih are not easily ahie#able%
"#ective= Every activity in the Board shall e related to enefits in terms of Energy and
they need to e monitored through fi,ing realistic Annual and Cumulative Targets
supplemented &ith timeliness' This shall also help in speedy e,ecution of &or(s(

2% Constitution o' $nergy -anage(ent Tehnial 7or8 ;roup with spei'i
tas8s o'
a" &or(ulation o' Co(prehensi#e -aintenane )oliy = Ta8ing the ognizane o'
e0isting (aintenane praties and proble(s assoiated therewith, the
e@uip(ent wise Ti(e based, pre#enti#e, orreti#e and Condition based
-onitoring shall be deided and hene o(prehensi#e poliy shall be
'or(ulated 'or o(pliane in the entire organization by ;eneration,
Trans(ission and *istribution wings%
b" Consider Introdution o' new Tehnology and prepare in#est(ent plan= The
new tehnology based on #ibration, Tribology, Ther(ography and Aousti
Ultrasoni 'or ondition (onitoring o' (ahines, ;enerators, Trans(ission
and *istribution lines shall be proposed to be i(ple(ented in seleti#e
(anner% /esides this proposal shall also be (ade 'or use o' $nergy $''iient
e@uip(ents<(ahinery a'ter detailed Cost and /ene'it Analysis%
" Adoption o' 2 i'e Cyle purhase onept 'or all eletrial aessories%
d" Introdue the Conept o' Total )lant -anage(ent!T)-" in the ;eneration
Trans(ission and *istribution%
e" Introdue 7aste to 7att 6 B 9s Conept = +ine the tehnology 'or 7aste to
7att is a#ailable in our ountries, we shall try the sa(e in our organization% B
9 onept is !Reduce* Reuse* Recycle"%
'" Introdution o' $+C,s= ;i#en the $+C, business is already in plae in our
ountries, this shall be 'urther e0tended in the organization on Co((ission
basis to e0peri(ent the energy onser#ation (easures with least in#est(ent
and to repose the 'aith in Utility -anage(ent 'or suh (easures%
g" *e(and +ide -anage(ent Ati#ities= +end a proposal to ;o#t 'or
establishing *+- entres in our organization with ade@uate 'inanial
assistane 'or e''eting the $nergy Conser#ation (easures% -a8e proposal 'or
hange in tari'' o' $letriity so as to garner inherent tendenies 'or going in
'or $nergy Conser#ation (easures%
h" -a8e the ,pti(ized ,peration o' )ower 1ouses o(pulsory to a#oid the
purhase o' ostly ther(al power%
"#ective: $or achieving energy conservation measures% it is essential that &e (eep
pace &ith ne& Technologies availale in the mar(et to derive the ma,imum enefits' Thus
the Technical group proposed shall &or( on introduction of ne& Technologies in the
various activities in the Board' This Technical 2roup shall consist of E,perts from
2eneration% Transmission and !istriution 0ings' The introduction of ne& Technologies
shall e decided after detailed Cost Benefit Analysis'
5 Time Schedule
Short term measures
Descriptions of Activities
2008 2009 Primary
Resp Centre No.1
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Processing of Draft Report and getting approval of the
management and Conducting Seminar
1.onitoring! "valuation and #erification S$stem PC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
2.)o* Cost easures "CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
+.Dissemination of information Admin
%ech -Admin "&pert
.. Regulari/e the "nerg$ Accounting Reports "CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
0.Putting the entire etering S$stem in correct perspective! "CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
1.Preparartion of "nerg$ Diagnostic Reports of 2ndustrial
"CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
3.Documentation of e&isting aintenance practices "CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
8.Adoption of PDCA "CC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
9.Pursuing the )ocal 4ovt for Control of "nerg$ Consumption
in 4ovt offices! su5sid$! 6udget allocation
PC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
10.Capacit$ 6uilding Admin
11."armar7ing 6udget for Shou8"ne easures for the $ear
PC %ech "&pert 'gmt(
Long Term Measures (5 Yrs)
Descriptions o Activities !""# !"1" !"11 !"1! !"1$
lity Centre
Resp Cntr 1
Apr Dec 9an Dec 9an Dec 9an Dec 9an Dec
1. :i&ation of annual and Cumulative %argets for
"nerg$ Saving
"CC %ech
2. Constitution of "nerg$ anagement %echnical
,or7 4roup
+. :ormulation of ;
aintenance anagement Procedures "%,4
Polic$ for 2ntroduction of <e* Shou8"ne %ech "%,4
Adoption of )ife C$cle Purchase S$stem "%,4
%P Concept "%,4
"SCo 6usiness "%,4
Demand Side anagement Procedures "%,4
=ptimi/ed =peration of Po*er >ouses "%,4

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