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2014 Womens Health Campaign
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Natalie Fort Account Executive
Mallory Jones Creative Director
Cat Wells Research Planner
Kaitlyn Bennett Channel Planner
Taylor Bentley Digital/Social Manager
Jenna Simard Public Relations Manager
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Executive Summary 3
Campaign Purpose 5
Situation Analysis 6
Campaign Goals 12
Primary Research 13
Objectives 23
Secondary Research 21
Strategy 24
Budget & Timeline 33
Evaluation 40
Post Campaign Suggestions 41
Deliverables 35
Tactics 25
Conclusion 43
Target Audience 10
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Chances are, as a child you were taught to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Beginning at an early age, you saw a doctor when you were sick, a dentist
for a toothache and other specialists depending on the ailment. You ate
vegetables (willingly or not) and knew to tell your parents or guardians when
something felt wrong in your body.
However, what if you were never taught to make healthy lifestyle
choices that we all take for granted? Unfortunately, many young women
in Tarrant County have not been taught how to make healthy choices. JPS
Health Network is currently trying to teach women to make smart, healthy
choices. JPS Health Network is a county-funded health care system with 47
specialty clinics, 11 women service centers and 19 school-based clinics. The
hospi|ols curren| problem is |rying |o hnd o woy |o increose |rolhc in|o i|s
clinics, ond more specihcolly, |he 1P5 Heol|h Cen|ers lor Women. I|s primory
target audience is young African American and Hispanic women from Tarrant
Women lor Womens compoign locuses primorily on |he
empowerment of young African American and Hispanic women ages 14 to
19. This target audience was chosen because of the precipice they stand
on. These young women are old enough to make their own choices, but still
young enough to adopt new ways of thinking. The campaign will ultimately
allow these young women to feel comfortable enough to make their own
healthy choices, and to take advantage of the services provided through
JPS Health Network and its satellite clinics. Primary and secondary research
has shown that these young women have strong ties to their families and
communities. This campaign hopes to break through the generational thinking
these young women have received from parents, grandparents and friends.
The campaign will focus primarily on executing a strong public
relations strategy. The public relations tactics laid out in this plans book
will encourage the target audience to develop self-empowerment and
responsibility when it comes to making healthy choices. Although JPS Health
Network mandates that patients under the age of 18 have a parent or
guordion presen| when seeking heol|h services, Women lor Womens gool is
to mold the way young women think about JPS Health Networks at an early
age, therefore reaching them before they are old enough to seek services
alone. The campaign will aim to encourage them to form their own opinions
about health care at a time when they are building a sense of independence,
and plant the roots of a lifelong relationship between these women and JPS
Health Network.
Women lor Womens implemen|o|ion ol
a JPS Health Network sponsored health
club, a school health fair held twice
a year and a mobile texting app will
empower these young women to take
their health into their own hands, and
reolire i|s never |o lo|e |o become |he
women they want to be.
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Women lor Women (W4W) in|ends |o educo|e Hisponic ond Alricon
American women, ages 14-19, about how to lead and maintain a healthy
liles|yle ond show why i| is impor|on| |o do so. W4W believes |ho|, in |ime,
educating these women about their health will lead to a decline in the infant
mortality rate in Tarrant County.
The majority of families of the women we are targeting are low income
and typically do not have health care or see doctors regularly; these habits
ore |hen possed down |o |heir children. Nony s|o|is|ics provide sulhcien| do|o
showing that chronic diseases, obesity, unplanned pregnancies and infant
mortality are much more prevalent in African Americans and Hispanics than
whites. This trend leads to many minority women growing up with little sense
ol how |o moin|oin heol|hy hobi|s |ho| will help |hem lo|er in lile. Il W4W
can reach these women before they begin to have health issues or become
seuolly oc|ive, we con |eoch |hem how |o properly core lor |hemselves. Il
we teach them the importance of their health, they will no longer be at the
mercy of current family and community health standards.
To reoch our |orge| demogrophic, W4W will por|ner wi|h For| Wor|h
Independen| 5chool Dis|ric| (FWI5D), o por|nership |hrough which we will be
able to provide opportunities for women to make appointments with doctors,
ocquire |ips lor leoding o heol|hy liles|yle ond leorn obou| 1P5s heol|h
services. Our team will provide health education services and support groups
to women to break the cycle of health neglect and lack of family support in
these communities.
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In T0, o hospi|ol opened in For| Wor|h, Teos, |o provide lree heol|h
care to all accident cases and any other cases which the authorities would
occep|. This mission become |he loundo|ion ol 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work. In
T54, |he Tbed Ci|yCoun|y hospi|ol olhciolly become 1ohn Pe|er 5mi|h
Hospi|ol. From |ho| doy lorword, 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work begon providing
quoli|y heol|h core lor individuols in For| Wor|h ond Torron| Coun|y ond is
curren|ly lunded by |he public. 1P5 Heol|h Ne|works mission is |o |ronslorm
health care delivery for the communities they serve. Today, its extensive
network provides the community with behavioral services, oncology,
cordiology, den|ol services, heoling wings, on HIVJAID5 Cen|er, 1P5 Heol|h
Ne|works |roumo services, or|hopedic ond spor|s medicine services, robo|ic
surgery ond womens services. In 2002, |he 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women
opened in Arling|on, ond in 2004 ono|her 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women
loco|ion opened in For| Wor|h. The 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women ollers
comple|e womens heol|h core wi|h ones|op convenience lor busy women.
I| ollers women in Torron| Coun|y o wide ronge ol diognos|ic services ond
specialty practices including prenatal care, well-women care, mature women
care and a Centering Pregnancy center.
* Provides full-term medical services for pregnant women
* Provides centering program for expectant mothers
* Offers free pregnancy testing
* Cllers mony dilleren| womens heol|h services ("one s|op shop)
* Has 11 women service centers and 19 school-based clinics
* Provides Toi vouchers ond |ronspor|o|ion vio |he "mommobile
* Provides free gifts to women who complete the centering program
* Has a level 1 trauma center
* Has 47 specialty clinics separated from the physical hospital location
* keceived gron| lrom |he governmen| |o suppor| womens heol|h
* Helps undocumented people who may otherwise not to be able to
receive health care
* 38 full-time translators on staff
* Affordable health care option for the Tarrant county community
* Uses electronically-based data systems for collecting information
* Small advertising budget
* Negative attitude associated with being the local public hospital
* Communi|y locks oworeness ol 1P5s ol|erno|ive progroms ond clinic
* Online registration is not provitded
* Social media presence is minimal
* Ii||le or no promo|ion in |he communi|y lor 1P5s clinics ond cen|ering
* 5choolbosed womens clinics ore obsen| lrom |orge| oudience
* JPS Connection allows access to discounted medical care for patients
who qualify for assisted health insurance
* Provides 1P5 5econdory |o Insuronce or Nedicore (1P5 Connec|ion)
* JPS Connection can help cover costs for health related needs to the
Z0% ol 1P5 po|ien|s |ho| ore no| covered by heol|h insuronce,
* Has the opportunity to stimulate word-of-mouth promotion through
African American and Hispanic communities
* Opportunity to reach people through social media and digital
opplico|ions becouse ol |he young |orge| oudiences |echsovviness
* Young womens nego|ive leelings obou| heol|h services
* Young women in high school are only avaliable after school and on
* A lack of transportation
* A lack of community or family support
* Insuronce chonges wi|h Heol|
* Other hospitals or clinics that acquire and provide newer technology
* Texas public schools can be sensitive to health topics
* Plans in the past to decrease infant mortality have not succeded
* Privocy ond conhden|ioli|y concerns
* Competitors provide similar services to women in Tarrant County
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Wi|h |he ul|imo|e gool ol reducing |he inlon| mor|oli|y ro|e in Nor|h Teos,
Women lor Womens (W4W) heol|h compoign will s|ro|egicolly |orge| o
specihc oudience. The compoign oims |o reoch women oged T4 |o T who
ore living ondJor o||ending high school in |en specihc rip codes |hroughou|
Torron| Coun|y. Cl |he en|ire populo|ion in Torron| Coun|y, 50. percen| ore
lemole, T5. percen| ore Alricon Americon, 2Z.5 percen| ore under T8 yeors
old. We hope |hrough our compoign we con reoch T0,000 girls oged T4T
in Torron| Coun|y. There ore opproimo|ely 500 lemoles in eoch high school
where hope to implement our campaign. The average enrollment for the high
schools we ore reoching is T,000 s|uden|s, ond obou| 50 percen| ore lemole.
W4W believes |ho| developing ond enlorcing good hobi|s o| o young
age will help young women make smart, health conscious decisions when
they are older. This will eventually lead to an increase in the number of
healthy women in our community and a decline in infant mortality rates.
W4W proposes o communico|ions plon direc|ed o| |orge|ing Alricon
Americon ond Hisponic women hoiling lrom lowincome lomilies. Women
from this demographic typically visit the doctor or health care practitioner
only when they are ill and do not make maintaining regular well-women
check-ups a priority. Many of their families are without health insurance, or
the resources to cover health care expenses, making maintaining health an
economic challenge. They also lack reliable transportation, making trips to
the doctor even less desirable.
On a psychological level, women from this particular demographic
often value a sense of community and the opinions of their family and peers.
Thus, the existing negative connotation about health care in their communities
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1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women is on ollordoble, ones|op shop ollering o
variety of health services to women in Tarrant County. However, it is not
the only center in the area that provides these services. Harris Methodist
Hospital is a larger, full-service medical center that also offers specialized
core in womens heol|h. I| is on olhlio|e ol Teos Heol|h kesources, which is
one ol |he lorges| loi|hbosed, nonproh| heol|h sys|ems in |he Uni|ed 5|o|es.
Cook Childrens Nedicol Cen|er is ono|her nonproh| heol|h core sys|em |ho|
concen|ro|es on pedio|ric core. I|s mission is |o improve |he lile ol every child
in our region |hrough |he |reo|men| ol illness, diseose ond in[ury. I| is ronked
in |he |op Z percen| ol |he no|ions hospi|ols lor i|s speciolired childcore.
Plonned Poren|hood is |he no|ions leoding seuol ond reproduc|ive heol|h
core provider. I| works |o improve womens heol|h ond sole|y, preven|
unplanned pregnancy and advance the right and ability of individuals and
families to make informed and responsible choices. The services it offers are
similor |o |hose ollered o| |he 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women ond con include
bir|h con|rol, womens heol|h core, pregnoncy |es|ing ond 5TD |es|ing.
ol|en de|ers |hese women lrom going |o |he doc|ors olhce, due |o worry
that they will be stereotyped and judged for going against sub-cultural
|rodi|ions. Fur|hermore, becouse Alricon Americon women hove described
|hemselves os sellconhden| ond independen|minded ("lock), chonging
|heir mindse|s obou| heol|h core moy be o chollenge, bu| W4W leels |he
challenge must be overcome.
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Increose oworeness ol personol heol|h, overoll heol|h
knowledge, and recognition of the value of seeking
health services among African American and Hispanic
high school-aged women in Tarrant County.

Create a welcoming and supportive environment for the
target audience to discuss health matters and concerns.

Empower the target audience to make their own
decisions, despite family customs, and take responsibility
of their personal health.

Fos|er o sense ol |rus| in 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work, ond i|s
staff, among the target audience, who may have never
visited a JPS Health Network clinic before.

Inci|e |hese women |o rou|inely visi| 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work
clinics and lay the foundation for continued, life-long
maintenance of personal health.


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To understand current view of health systems
among target demographic
To determine what type of health care services the
target seeks out, and why
To identify factors preventing target demographic
from seeking health assistance
To document social networks and cultural
inHuences on |hese women regording heol|h
To inHuence |orge| demogrophic |o s|or|
maintaining their health at a young age
To determine the current knowledge of JPS Health
Network services
To determine how to motivate those to put an
emphasis on personal health
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In order |o go|her por|icipon|s wi|hin |he |orge|ed demogrophic, W4W
went to two different locations, Ridgmar Mall and Paschal High School, to
dis|ribu|e our survey. In |o|ol, we were oble |o collec| do|o lrom 40 surveys
completed by women between the ages of 14-19. Before we could begin
plonning specihc compoign |oc|ics we needed |o unders|ond how our
demographic views health care services, what prevents them from seeking
proper health care, and how much emphasis they put on maintaining their
heol|h. y osking |hese ques|ions W4W oimed |o leorn how we con increose
general health awareness among our target audience and understand how
we con encouroge |hem |o seek heol|h ossis|once when needed. We chose
to use an anonymous survey as our primary research method, because we
wanted the participants to feel comfortable answering truthfully. To ensure
anonymity, after the survey was completed it was folded to hide results
lrom |he surveyor ond wos pu| in o lolder, un|il ono|her member ol W4W,
who was not present at the time of the survey distribution, input the results
in Qualtrics for them to be examined by the rest of the group. By hiding
the results from the survey distributors, then giving the result to another
member who was not present ensured that the data obtained would remain
ononymous. We believed il we go|hered o locus group, or verbolly osked
these questions, our participants would not feel as comfortable releasing
inlormo|ion regording |heir heol|h. While por|icipon|s were hlling ou| |he
survey, we simultaneously asked non-medical questions that could potentially
affect how they view and seek health care, such as where they attended
school, how their school presented students with health information and
details about their home life. These quick interviews gave us more of an
insight into their mentalities regarding health services.
Word Associo|ion
In order |o see por|icipon|s curren| view ol heol|h core ond 1P5 Heol|h
Network, we provided a list of words related to our campaign and JPS
Heol|h Ne|work. We in|ended lor |he por|icipon|s |o wri|e down |he hrs|
word or phrase that came to their mind, if they were familiar with the term or
had any attitude regarding these terms. This projective technique provided
us wi|h more indep|h do|o, ond o greo|er unders|onding ol |he por|icipon|s
current knowledge. The results were varied, which is typical with projective
|echniques, however, resul|s were mos| consis|en| regording |he |erm "heol|h
insuronce. No[ori|y ol por|icipon|s no|ed |ho| |his |erm mode |hem |hink
about elderly people and money. This shows us that many younger people
do no| hnd |ho| heol|h insuronce is o priori|y. 5ince |hey view |hemselves os
young and healthy they think health insurance is not a necessary expense.

The survey and word association used has some limitations that must be
considered while evaluating the results. Although qualitative approaches
such as word associations provide rich, insightful data, we are not able to
generolire |he hndings |o |he en|ire populo|ion ol Hisponic ond Alricon
Americon girls oges T4T. Word ossocio|ion is o pro[ec|ive |echnique
designed to help us determine subconscious or preconceived thoughts
regarding certain terms related to our study. This technique was intended
to see how these women feel regarding certain medical terms. Using the
comple|ed word ossocio|ions we were oble |o collec| some hndings. We
found that majorities of the participants had positive responses to the term
"physicol heol|h, mony por|icipon|s used words such os impor|on|, PE, gym
and healthy. These results are promising because it shows that the target
demographic is aware of the general importance of being healthy. However,
mony ol |he word ossocio|ion por|icipon|s lel| |he sec|ion blonk. Due |o |he
anonymity of the participants, we are unable to investigate if they left the
section blank because they did not understand the instructions, they did not
know what any of these words meant or they had no opinion about the terms
they were presented with. Another limitation we came across in our study
wos |ime. We could only odminis|er o smoll omoun| ol surveys oround Torron|
County, but could have increased the sample with more time.
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Do|o Anolysis
After analyzing the survey data, we were able to conclude that many
women do consider health a priority and are comfortable seeking health
care. However, the majority of participants were unaware of the JPS
Connection program and incur obstacles, preventing these women from
seeking heol|h ossis|once o| 1P5 Heol|h Cen|ers lor Women.
Cu| ol our 40 por|icipon|s surveyed, 0 percen| were under
|he oge ol T. The mo[ori|ies ol our |orge| oudience s|ill live o| home
with their parents and thus, are fairly dependent on them for money,
|ronspor|o|ion, emo|ionol suppor| ond guidonce. I| is |heir relionce on
their parents, guardians and community standards that prevent them from
seeking |he help |hey need. We need |o empower |hese women |o be
comlor|oble moking |heir own decisions regording |heir heol|h. Wi|h |his
empowermen|, |hese women will leod heol|hier lives. We hope young
women will become healthly before getting pregnant, which will lead
to a long-term decrease in infant mortality rates in Tarrant County. Our
target demographic has a long history of substandard health care and
tends to have a reliance on community and family support, as opposed to
medicol |reo|men| when ill. We hope |o relorm |he woy |he demogrophic
views health care so the perpetual cycle of neglecting health can begin to
Survey Highlights
!48% of participants only visit the doctor when they are already ill
!48% of participants do not schedule annual check-ups to maintain
!88% ol por|icipon|s lock |ronspor|o|ion ondJor lomily suppor|
when seeking health assistance
!44% were unaware of the JPS Connection program
!Over 50% soid heol|h insuronce wos lor old people ondJor |oo
!Cn o scole meosuring comlor| level ol seeking womens heol|h
services (T no| comlor|oble, T0 very comlor|oble) |he overoge ronking
was 7
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In |odoys socie|y |here ore everincreosing concerns ol how |o moke heol|h
a priority, especially to the younger generations. JPS Health Network
opprooched W4W lor ideos |o help lower |he inlon| mor|oli|y ro|e in Torron|
Coun|y omong minori|ies oged T4T. We begon |o look o| |he his|ory ol
Alricon Americon ond Hisponic heol|h |rends os well os liles|yle inHuences |o
examine why they are experiencing a higher infant mortality rate than non-
minori|ies ore. We ore olso illus|ro|ing why we believe reoching |hem o| o
young oge will be benehciol long|erm.
Ul|imo|ely, reseorch leods |o |he conclusion: "|o mee| heol|h needs ol
vulnerable adolescents, health systems should incorporate coordinated and
interdisciplinary services that acknowledge adolescents relevant familial and
sociol con|e|s (5ecorTurner). W4W con promp| |eenogers |o recognire
|he beneh|s ol heol|h promo|ion ond reduce risky behovior |hrough
suppor|ive ne|works ond educo|ion. During |he oges ol T4T, women s|or|
|o solidily |heir own beliels ond liles|yle choices. Il W4W con provide
young women with health knowledge and support, they will make their own
choices, instead of following their family and community health standards.
Research Highlights
!Inlon| mor|oli|y ro|e in Torron| Coun|y is Z. deo|hs per T000 live
bir|hs, no|ionol overoge is .8 per T,000 live bir|hs.
!Inlon| mor|oli|y ro|e lor mo|hers under oge |wen|y is T0.28 deaths
per T,000 live bir|hs. No|ionol overoge is .8 per T,000 live bir|hs

!Majority of African American teen mothers perceive family support as
more important than other systems
!Proven relationship between high risk sexually active girls and
disengaged families (having witnessed violence or feeling unsafe at home)
!Ninori|ies lock sulhcien| or equol heol|h core compored |o non

!5% of African American women and 32% of Hispanic women are
!Maternal obesity is associated with increased overall risk of infant
!African Americans have higher rates of hypertension, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease than other races

! Among women aged 19 years and younger, more than 4 out of 5
pregnancies were unintended
!Odds of unintended pregnancies are increased in poor and low-income

!Teen mothers are more likely to give birth prematurely

To increose visi|s |o 1P5 Heol|h Cen|ers lor Women
omong Torron| Coun|y high school women by 50
percen| by 1une 20T5.
To increase the return rate among Tarrant County
high school women to JPS Health Centers for
Women by T00 percen| by 1une 20T.
To increose Torron| Coun|y high school womens
awareness of the importance of health services by
80 percen| by 1une 20T5.
To increase basic health knowledge among Tarrant
Coun|y high school women by 80 percen| by 1une

To increase overall health awareness and improve health practices among
women in Torron| Coun|y, W4W proposes o de|oiled, mul|iloce|ed plon
targeted toward high school-aged women. By targeting young women
enrolled in Torron| Coun|ys high schools, |he compoign will help |hem
develop lifelong healthy habits, at a time when they are beginning to
determine life choices for themselves. The campaign ultimately aims to
engage these women in the places and mediums through which they
spend most of their time. Through the implementation of:
W4Ws compoign will ellec|ively reoch high school women ocross
multiple platforms in both educational and social settings.
Public relations programs intended to educate high school women
on their health and foster an environment in which they feel
comfortable discussing health matters,
digital and mobile technology that reaches high school women
through the media they use most
a selection of nontraditional ads on infrastructure in their
Purpose: Partner with local high schools to introduce
students to the services at JPS Health Network, educate
students about health and wellness, and to promote
interactions among female students that are focused on
health and wellness.
Public kelo|ions In 5chools

Women For Women Heol|h Foir
To lur|her eci|e our |orge| oudience obou| heol|h, W4W will employ |he
use ol o bionnuol Heol|h Foir. The loir will |oke ploce o| schools ocross |he
zip codes allocated to us from JPS Health Network. The fair will allow us
to educate our target audience about health in an environment that is both
lun ond reloed.For sponsors, we will look lor componies |ho| promo|e on
imoge ol heol|h. We will look lor heol|hy eo|ing es|oblishmen|s oround |he
DFW oreo |o dono|e lood ond drinks, ond possible eercise s|udios |ho|
will provide an instructor to show our target audience fun ways to exercise.
Each fair will provide incentives and giveaways to those students who
por|icipo|e in |he loir. We will olso ren| equipmen| such os: inHo|obles,
dunk tanks and sumo-suits to further entice our target audience to
por|icipo|e in |he W4W Heol|h Foir. Ul|imo|ely, we won| our |orge|
audience to let go of their preconceived negative connotations about
seeking specihc womens heol|h services, ond embroce on imoge ol
empowerment and knowledge when it comes to personal health.
Women lor Women Club Progrom
W4W believes |ho| creo|ing o club in locol public high schools will be o
way to educate women about overall health issues and to introduce services
ollered o| 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women. Iike |he cen|ering groups ollered
lor pregnon| women ond new mo|hers o| |he 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women,
|he W4W club will creo|e o sense ol communi|y ond |rus| in heol|h core.
The clubs will be sponsored by a teacher at each school and each club will
hove o "compus represen|o|ive, who will be in chorge ol coordino|ing
activities alongside a faculty member. Sponsored monthly meetings during a
club day or before or after school will teach students about general health
and healthy habits, and encourage women to get well women exams at JPS
Heol|h Ne|work. There will be presen|o|ions lrom 1P5 Heol|h Ne|works s|oll
and local community leaders, games and activities, and healthy snacks. At
the beginning of the school year, each campus representative will receive
a starter kit which includes programming ideas, health stats, JPS contact
inlormo|ion, ond eyeco|ching Hyers ond inlo cords |o be dis|ribu|ed ond
displayed around school.
Nu|ri|ion T0T: Feo|uring "Forks Cver Knives or "5upersire
Ne documen|ory, heol|hy snocks, o nu|ri|ious cooking
|u|oriol, o "This or Tho| chollenge
Real Talk: Answering the questions young women need to
know about their bodies, sex and contraceptive options
Heol|hy Nind, Heol|hy Fu|ure: A |rivio compe|i|ion ond
tutorial for women on how to stay on top of their studies
and maintain a school-life balance
1us| Donce: A Zumbo closs ond shor| presen|o|ion lrom
local health professionals about the importance of
cardiovascular exercise
In Your 5kin: Tu|oriol on good skincore, including lree
makeovers from local beauticians
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W4W believes |ho| sociol medio is |he key |o reoching our |orge| oudience.
We recommend creo|ing o W4W Twi||er occoun|, Focebook poge ond on
Ins|ogrom. These sociol medio poges will remind lollowers ol |he weekly
W4W mee|ings, leo|ure doily heol|h loc|s ond heol|hrelo|ed news ond
connec| W4W members lrom oll por|icipo|ing high schools in For| Wor|h.
There will be o compoign on Focebook once o semes|er wi|h o giveowoy ond
o con|es| on Ins|ogrom once o semes|er wi|h o prire lor |he winner.
The target audience is very involved on social media. 73 percent of wired
Americon |eens use sociol ne|working si|es. 5pecihcolly, 2 in 5 Alricon
American teens use twitter and 13 percent of girls aged 14-17 online
use twitter.
5ociol medio si|es will ollow 1P5 Cen|er lor Women |o keep
in constant contact with its target audience. The sites will create brand
awareness and recognition throughout the community and are not very
expensive to create and maintain.
Purpose: Engage young women in learning about health
and interacting with JPS Health Network across the
multiple social media platforms they use most.
Social Media
Nobile Device Applico|ion (App)
W4W proposes creo|ing on opp |ho| will help moin|oin on ongoing
relationship with young women in the community and serve to remind them
ol |heir heol|h needs. The W4W opp will be designed |o engoge women in
learning about their health. The app will include daily facts and information
obou| womens heol|h, o heol|horien|ed |rivio gome, heol|hy recipes, on
exercise move of the week, and a calendar where women can manage their
oppoin|men|s o| |he 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women. An oler| will be sen|
|hrough |he opp reminding |hem obou| |heir upcoming visi|s. W4W believes
|his will be on impor|on| |oc|ic |o reoch our |orge| oudience becouse Z5% ol
teens now have cell phones and African Americans are the most active users
ol |he mobile web. Wi|h 3T% ol online |eens ge||ing heol|h, die|ing or h|ness
information on the internet, an app would be a place young women could
get correct and important information about health.

Purpose: Maintain ongoing relationships with young
women and remind them of their health needs.

W4W recommends plocing odver|isemen|s on bus s|op benches in |he
designated zip codes. These bus bench advertisements will be vibrant and
eye-catching to every person that passes each bench. The advertisements will
los| |he leng|h ol o school yeor ond will keep 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women
on the top of our target audiences mind. They will be located near each
school where |he W4W progrom is implemen|ed.
Purpose: Reach women in their neighborhoods and during
their inner-city travels and reinforce the message of female
empowermen| ou|side ol W4Ws school progroms.
Women lor Women on Wheels
Purpose: Target young women in social places they
frequent in a fresh and engaging way and reinforce
W4Ws imoge os o young ond empowering brond.
W4W hopes |o no| only educo|e young women obou| heol|h o| school, bu|
wi|hin |heir sociol environmen|s os well. Wi|h W4W on Wheels, o mobile
s|ond ollering women inlormo|ion obou| heol|h ond 1P5s Heol|h Cen|er lor
Women, |he compoign will reoch |he |orge| oudience in o non|rodi|ionol woy
o| |he sociol loco|ions |hey lrequen|. The W4W on Wheels |ruck, designed
in similar fashion to an ice cream or food truck but with an eye-catching
oes|he|ic mo|ching |he W4W brond, will moke weekly s|ops o| vorious molls,
even|s, ond o|her loco|ions in |he communi|y |o promo|e womens heol|h.
Eoch "Womon Wednesdoy, o 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work represen|o|ive will be on
site to talk to young women about the importance of seeking health services,
hond ou| brochures ond con|oc| inlormo|ion lor 1P5 Heol|h Cen|er lor Women
ond give owoy 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work porophernolio. Ul|imo|ely, Women lor
Women on Wheels will help lulhll |he compoigns gool ol engoging young
Med|a Veh|c|es August September Cctober November December Ianuary
App deslgn (conLracLed) $16,300.00
W4W C|ub Starter k|t (S k|ts)
8ox $10.00
osLer $100.00
SLarLer 8ook $30.00
ens $10.00
WaLerboLLles $300.00
rogrammlng budgeL (food,
acLlvlLles, games) $800.00
Soc|a| Med|a
lacebook wlLh glveaways $30.00
lnsLagram wlLh conLesL $30.00
nea|th and We||ness Ia|r
osLers $100.00
8anner $133.00
Cames and rlzes $2,300.00
1ables $200.00
8ounce Pouse $100.00
8ungee Cord lnflaLable $273.00
uunk booLh $200.00
Sumo sulLs (3 palrs) $900.00
Clve Aways $1,000.00
WaLerboLLles $1,000.00
llyers $100.00
lood and urlnk $1,300.00
Supplles $300.00
1oLal: $8,310
8us Advert|s|ng
Coverage (14 benches) $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00
lees $980.00
ost Card-S|zed nandouts
10,000 cards $313.00
W4W on Whee|s
used mlnl food Lruck bus $7,000.00
8enovaLlons Lo school bus $2,000.00
1rlvla wheel, games and prlzes $3,000.00
PealLh facLs sheeLs $300.00
osL cards: 3,000 $130.00
MonLhly operaLlons/gas $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00
M|sce||aneous, as needed
More flyers, glveaways, eLc.
Month|y tota|s $42,003.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,830.00 $1,800.00 $1,830.00
Iebruary March Apr|| May Iune Iu|y August 1ota|
$800.00 52,900.00
$1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 $1,400.00
$400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 517,900.00
$1,100.00 51,100.00
$1,800.00 $13,023.00 $1,800.00 $1,830.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 574,980.00
Poster & Postcard
T2T8 4
Bus Bench
30H 84 W
Mobile App
W4W Cn Wheels
! !
Women for Women
To measure the success of this campaign, our team will administer two
dilleren| o||i|ude ond oworeness ossessmen|s. The hrs| ossessmen| will be
odminis|ered in survey lorm |o oll members ol |he W4W high school groups
o| |he beginning ol eoch school yeor. Every member ol |he W4W group
will be required to take the assessment, which will ask basic questions about
por|icipon|s o||i|udes |oword heol|h moin|enonce ond knowledge obou|
health services and terms. This will allow us to not only acquire member
information that will help the club improve its activities, but will also allow our
marketing team to see if, at the end of the campaign, our existing members
change the way they view their health. This evaluation study will allow us
|o know il |he W4W groups ore oc|uolly ollec|ing |he woy |ho| our |orge|
demographic views their health and health services.
The second assessment will measure if our target audience actually
seeks services o| 1P5 Womens Clinics. Upon o po|ien|s orrivol, 1P5 s|oll
members will administer a survey to her, which asks basic demographic
information, including her zip code, age, ethnicity and health status.
ecouse |his survey will be po|ien| spechc, |he po|ien|s will hove |o provide
iden|ihco|ion. Through |his ques|ionnoire, 1P5 will be oble |o |rock who|
demogrophic is coming |o |he Womens Clinics ond keep |rock ol how ol|en
eoch womon is visi|ing |he clinics. The survey will help 1P5 Womens Clinics
keep |rock ol quon|i|o|ive resul|s lor our compoigns gool ol o 50 percen|
increose |o |he 1P5 Womens Clinics ond o T00 percen| increose in 1P5
Womens Clinic re|en|ion ro|es.
Toge|her, |hese |wo ossessmen|s will help W4W de|ermine |he
effectiveness of our campaign and help us make the necessary changes to
ensure future success.
:"0/ 3*#8*59% ;499$0/5"%0
Depending on |he success ol |he bionnuol heol|h loir, W4W would
like to see JPS Health Network expand the sponsored health fair to
oll schools wi|hin |he |orge|ed rip codes. Il successlul in |hese rip
codes, W4W highly recommends implemen|ing |he heol|h loir |o
impoverished oreos |hrough ou| |he en|ire DFW me|rople.
osed on generol observo|ions ol |he |orge| morke|, W4W
recommends a stronger social media presence for JPS Health
Network. This is a primary form of communication for young
women, and not employing the use of these sites will lead to further
disengagement with the target audience.
Even|uolly, os |he compoign grows ond succeeds, W4W would like
|o see o 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work represen|o|ive in oll schools beneh|ing
from the campaign. The representatives could further keep track
of the over-all health of the target audience, and report back to a
supervisor on a monthly basis.

W4W olso recommends o s|ronger odver|ising budge| olloco|ed |o
JPS Health Network if the proposed transit advertisements prove to
be successlul. Curren| compe|i|ors (Horris Ne|hodis| Hospi|ol, Cooks
Children Medical Center) can be found on most traditional and
non-traditional advertising outlets.
Finolly, W4W would like |o see o s|ronger gross roo|s push lor i|s
Centering and JPS Connections programs. These are strengths that
are invaluable to JPS Health Network. Through primary research,
W4W lound |he |orge| oudience wos, lor |he mo[ori|y, unowore such
programs were available to them.
W4W hos |oken |he gools ol 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work, ond implemen|ed o Pk
and digitally focused campaign strategy. The ultimate goal is to educate
young Hispanic and African American women, ages 14-19, about general
heol|hy liles|yle choices. We would like |o creo|e on imoge in our |orge|
oudiences mind, cen|ered on 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work, which promo|es
understanding and reassurance when it comes to health and health care.
Through research, we have found these young women rely heavily
on communi|y ond lomily volues. I| con be hord lor |hese young women
|o hnd |he couroge |o visi| o heol|h core locili|y. 5ome loc|ors limi|ing our
|orge| oudiences visi| |o 1P5 Heol|h Ne|work ronged lrom generol heol|h
negligence |o |ronspor|o|ion. When |old obou| 1P5 Connec|ion, or 1P5 Heol|h
Ne|works |ronspor|o|ion sys|ems, mos| ol our |orge| oudience wos unowore
these programs existed. Through secondary research we found without
the education of healthy choices, these young women are at a higher risk
of long-term diseases, teenage pregnancy and infant mortality. As young
women, aged 14-19, there is still time to mold their perceptions of healthy
lifestyle choices.
W4W will educo|e |he |orge| oudience |hrough |he use ol o W4W
mobile s|ond, o W4W Heol|h Club school progrom, sociol medio occoun|s,
odver|isemen|s ond o mobile opp. Il |he compoign is successlul, our
target audience will feel a sense of empowerment and will take charge
when i| comes |o |heir body ond liles|yle choices. We would olso like |o
see our target audience embrace health care as a necessity rather than
a chore. Through the continuous implementation of health education and
encouragement, general health diseases found in our target audience could
potentially decrease. This will allow our target audience to live a beautiful
and healthy life.
<88$%=52 <

Bow many times a yeai uo you see a uoctoi. (Ciicle one)
u 1 2 S 4 S>
Whenevei I feel sick

Is youi piimaiy uoctoi visits at a:
Physician's office
Emeigency Room
0igent caie
School-baseu clinic
0thei explain: _________

Tianspoitation availability is a factoi in how often I seek health assistance.
Stiongly Agiee; Agiee; Neutial; Bisagiee; Stiongly Bisagiee

Being physically healthy is a common goal among me anu my peeis.
Stiongly Agiee; Agiee; Neithei Agiee noi Bisagiee; Bisagiee; Stiongly

0n a scale of 1-1u how comfoitable aie you seeking women's health caie.
(1 being not comfoitable at all- 1u being veiy comfoitable)
1 2 S 4 S 6 7 8 9 1u

Bave you evei foigone seeing a uoctoi because you weie conceineu you uiu not
have the finances to pay foi the visit.

Aie you awaie that }ohn Petei Smith Bospital's '}PS Connection' piogiam
pioviues uiscounteu health caie foi those who qualify foi a membeiship.

Bow olu aie you
19 <
0thei: ______

What ethnicity uo you iuentify youiself as
Woiu Association

Please wiite the fiist woiu oi phiase that comes to youi minu iegaiuing the teims

Bealth Insuiance
Physical health
Pienatal caie
}ohn Petei Smith Bospital
Biith contiol

<88$%=52 D
Word Associo|ion
<88$%=52 .
5omple le||er |o FWI5D 5chools
Beai Ns. Lamb,

Women foi Women (W4W) along with the }PS Bealth Netwoik
woulu like to paitnei with Polytechnic Bigh School to implement a
school wiue health initiative. With this paitneiship we can ensuie that
eveiy young woman eniolleu at Polytechnic will be given the euucation
anu skills neeueu to foim healthy lifestyles. By ieaching these women at
a young age we have the ability to shape theii long-teim health habits
anu peispective of health caie.
W4W plans to sponsoi a health club anu pioviue the mateiials
necessaiy to founu the club. This club will cieate a netwoik of suppoit
foi youi young female stuuents. The club meetings will have uiffeient
themes coveiing all aspects of health incluuing available health caie
seivices, healthy eating tips, healthy activities anu the impoitance of
maintaining ones health.
W4W also plans to sponsoi a health faii this fall foi all
Polytechnic stuuents, othei high school stuuents in Taiiant County, anu
all suiiounuing community membeis. By encouiaging community
involvement in the health initiative we can have a long-teim positive
impact on the stuuents anu theii families. The health faii will biing the
community togethei to piomote healthy eating habits anu active
lifestyles thiough fun activities anu uelicious, local foou. All games will
have a health aspect about them such as obstacle couises anu a uouge
ball touinament, to illustiate health uoesn't have to be a choie it can be
fun! }PS anu W4W will pioviue cool piizes to stuuents who paitake in
the health faii activities. Theie will be many uiffeient stanus aiounu the
faii pioviuing healthy foou samples foi the attenuees such as Smoothie
King, uNC, Simply Fit Foou, anu many moie. We also will have guests
such as Ballas Naveiicks anu Ballas Cowboy cheeileaueis to uo a uance
class with the giils anu pick-up basketball games foi the boys.
These tactics will not only encouiage the youngei geneiation of
FWISB stuuents to take piiue in theii health, but will also allow the
oluei geneiations to be euucateu on healthy piactices. By spieauing this
knowleuge thiough geneiations of families anu all Polytechnic Bigh
School stuuents W4W can successfully communicate the impoitance of
health anu how to maintain youi health, which will have a positive long-
teim impact on these stuuents.
Dear Fort Worth Independent School District,
Women Ior Women (W4W) and JPS hospital would like to partner with Fort
Worth Independent School District to implement a district wide health initiative. By
partnering with FWISD we can ensure that every young woman has a chance to be
educated regarding local service options and healthy liIestyle habits. W4W also plans
to sponsor a health club available to all students in the school. W4W and JPS will
provide the money and a startup kit necessary Ior the students to Iound the club. The
club would have diIIerent health themes covering all aspects oI how to live a healthy
liIe, while also providing a supportive network Ior these young students. W4W would
also like to sponsor biannual health Iairs Ior all FWISD students and their Iriends
and Iamily. These Iairs would have a variety oI healthy restaurants present to provide
samples to Iair attendees. All Iair activities will have a health elements about them to
Iurther illustrate how taking pride in your health is not only benefcial but can also be
Iun. Many prizes provided by sponsors and JPS will also give students an incentive to
attend these Iairs.
With these regular events we can begin to teach young women how to maintain
their health and promote a health liIestyle. II they begin to make health a priority when
they are young, they are more likely to carry over these habits when they grow into
young adults. We have the opportunity to change these young women`s perception oI
proper health care. Thank you Ior your time!
<88$%=52 C
5omple le||er |o FWI5D
T.Cosey, Edno, ond Gregory ech|el . "Fomily 5ociol 5uppor| ond Preno|ol
Core omong Unmorried Alricon Americon Teens. 1ournol ol
Communi|y Heol|h Nursing T8.2 (200T): T0ZTT4. Prin|.
2.5ecorTurner, Nolly , orboro NcNorris , kenee 5ieving , ond Iindo
eoringer."Iile Eperiences ol Ins|obili|y ond 5euol kisk ehoviors
Among Highkisk Adolescen| Femoles . Perspec|ives on 5euol ond
keproduc|ive Heol|h 45.2 (20T3): T0TT0Z . Prin|.
3."The 5|o|e ol Young Americo: Foc|s & 5|o|is|ics on Young Alricon
Americons.An Equol 5oy And An Equol Chonce For All. N.p., 5 Dec.
20TT. Web. T8 Apr. 20T4. <h||p:JJwww.demos.orgJpublico|ionJs|o|e
4."NCH5 Do|o on kociol ond E|hnic Dispori|ies. No|ionol Cen|er lor Heol|h
5|o|is|ics. Cen|er lor Diseose Con|rol, n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 20T4. <h||p:JJ
5.Chen, Aimin, 5hingoiroi Feresu, Cris|ino Fernonder, ond Wol|er kogon.
"No|ernol Cbesi|y ond |he kisk ol Inlon| Deo|h in |he Uni|ed 5|o|es.
No|ionol Cen|er lor io|echnology Inlormo|ion. U.5. No|ionol Iibrory ol
Nedicine, 5 1une T2. Web. 2Z Apr. 20T4. <h||p:JJwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.
govJ pmcJor|iclesJPNC2Z4328J>.
.Welch, Nelisso. "Core ol locks ond Alricon Americons. CrossCul|ure
Nedicine. N.p., n.d. Web. Z Apr. 20T4. <h||ps:JJs|ore.ocponline.
orgJ ebiro|proJimogesJproduc|imogesJbooksJsomple%20chop|ersJ
Z."Unin|ended Pregnoncy in |he Uni|ed 5|o|es. Unin|ended Pregnoncy in |he
Uni|ed 5|o|es. Gu||mocher Ins|i|u|e , n.d. Web. 8 Apr. 20T4. <h||p:JJ||mocher.orgJpubsJFUnin|endedPregnoncyU5.h|ml>.
8.Iochner , Deonne . "Teen No|hers & Inlon| Nor|oli|y. IIVE5TkCNG.
CCN.IIVE5TkCNG.CCN, 24 Cc|. 20T3. Web. 8 Apr. 20T4. <h||p:JJ
.Nin|el. "lock Americons Heol|h A||i|udes. Web. T5 Apr. 20T4. ke|rieved
lrom h||p:JJocodemic.min||
T0. U.5. Census ureou. "5|o|e & coun|y Cuickloc|s: Torron|
Coun|y, TX. T Apr. 20T4. lrom h||p:JJquickloc|
TT.High 5chools in For| Wor|h. (20T3). ke|rieved April T5, 20T4, lrom h||p:JJ
T2. Ienhor|, Amondo, Kris|en Purcell, Aoron 5mi|h, ond Ko|hryn Zickuhr.
"5ociol Nedio ond Young Adul|s. Pew keseorch Cen|ers In|erne| Americon
Iile Pro[ec| k55. Pew keseorch, 3 Feb. 20T0. Web. 20 Apr. 20T4.
! !

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