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For the first time in American history, David Brat defeated the incumbent Majority Leader Eric Cantor

was defeated in a primary election; DC WAS ROCKED and GOP Leadership is in 'chaos' because this was a
Referendum Against Amnesty. Cantor was defeated by the Tea Party he helped create, as highlighted by
Drudge [and RedState and the right's frenzied paranoia]; Immigration Reform Will Go Down With
Cantor, with Brats achievement characterized by his supporters as The Great American Miracle. Thus,
The Secret Immigration Whip Count ['Now, Later Or Never?'] has, to some, set the stage for BHO to act
imperially, again, by granting blanket-amnesty to the Illegals.

Illegals flagging down border patrol to gain entry to USA
Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce
Central American newspapers tout Obama amnesty program
Kids Complaining Burritos Making Them Sick
Chicken pox, staph infection fears
Widespread sexual activity
Feds violating child abuse laws?
Valerie Jarrett in secret meetings with activists
Influx 'threatens to transform nation'
Zuckerberg's Revamps Pro-Amnesty Push with Two TV Ads
Border Crisis Will Only Get Worse
Rush Limbaugh: Drop Illegals Off in D.C. Suburbs
Obama's Criminal Activity on Immigration
Gosar: Latino Voters Don't Support Amnesty
Illegal Immigrants Intentionally Surrendering to Border Patrol to Gain Entry to US

Thus, the TEA [Taxed Enough Already] Party Movement has been emboldened:
Cochran Attacks Tea Party's McDaniel: 'Extremist' Who'd Be 'Dangerous' if Elected
Cochran Says Other Senators Approved Executive Assistant's Extensive Travels
John McCain: No Good Options for Dumped Border Kids
John Cornyn: America Needs To Care For 'Dumped' Children

Rand Paul finds himself on the wrong side of this issue:
Rand Paul Teams Up with Michael Bloomberg Group to Discuss Amnesty
Ron Paul Backs Tea Party Challenger McDaniel in Miss. Race
Sen. Rand Paul: 'We're Not Going to Get Involved' in Mississippi Senate Primary
[Rand Paul to Hillary: Take Your 'Sad Song' of Financial Difficulties to the American People]

Ted Cruz finds himself on the correct side of this issue:
WH Mocks Ted Cruz for Blaming Influx of Illegal Immigrants on Obama 'Lawlessness'
Rafael Cruz: 'The Bible Tells You Exactly How to Vote'
Ted Cruz on Border Crisis: Obama, Reid 'More Interested in Partisan Politics'

The Ever-Changing Bowe Bergdahl Narrative
Dem Senator: Obama Simply Did Not Have Time to Tell Congress About Bergdahl Swap
Four of Five Taliban Released in Bergdahl Trade Will Likely Fight Again
CNN: Bergdahl Requests Not to Be Called 'Sergeant'
Boehner: 'We're Going to Pay' For Bergdahl Swap

ABC Newss Diane Sawyer destroyed Hillary Rodham Clinton on Benghazi
Hillary Won't Say if She Called Lewinsky 'Narcissistic Loony Toon'
Hillary's Bad Choices

GOP Senator: WH Exposed CIA Station Chief Forced Out of Afghanistan

Poll: Plurality of 48% Want Full Repeal of ObamaDontCare

If Republican Boehner doesnt like Mexican food, he must be racist and should be removed from office

Gates Foundation Backs Away from Using Common Core Tests for Teacher Evaluations
How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution
Anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta
A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has struck down teacher tenure as unconstitutional, ruling in the
highly-anticipated Vergara v. California case that such protections "disproportionately affect poor
and/or minority students." Judge Rolf Treu found that laws granting tenure after two years, prioritizing
seniority in layoffs, and making it difficult to fire teachers violate state constitutional guarantees of
adequate public education.

Guns: Chicago Death Toll from Fri. to Mon.: 7 Dead, 28 Wounded

Proposed Voting Rights Bill a Huge Step Backwards

GOP marched in the Philly Pride Parade

Muslims Gas Jews Outside Paris
Israeli Defense Minister: 'Zero Percent Chance' of Hamas Recognizing Israel
Most of the people in the Middle East have no idea that Jews once lived among themvirtually all signs
of Jews there have been erased.
Jewish Holy Places in Judea and Samaria

A few years ago, the terrorist organization Hamas, decided to send a gift to the
President of Israel. They sent him an elaborate box with a note. The President opened
the box and saw that the content was feces ( shit, merde). He opened the note which
said, For you and the proud people of Israel.

Since the President of Israel, Mr Shimon Peres is a wise and experienced person, he
decided to reciprocrate and he sent to Hamas a very nice parcel and a note. The leaders
of Hamas were very surprised to receive the parcel and opened it very carefully
suspecting that it might contain a bomb. After opening they discovered that it contained
a small chip that was rechargable by solar energy with 1800 Terabyte memory and a
3D hologram display capable of functioning in any type of cellular phone or Tablet or
laptop. In other words the most advanced technological invention and development
made in Israel.

The Hamas leaders were very impressed and read the note which said Every leader
gives the best his people can produce.

Putin risks a war in Ukraine to build his Eurasian Union because he is implementingin whole or in
partthe Eurasianist doctrine developed by the man know as Putins Brain, Aleksandr Dugin.
Petro Poroshenko Orders Humanitarian Corridors in East Ukraine; Slaviansk 'Mayor' Ousted, Arrested
Ukraine and Russia Reach 'Mutual Understanding' to End Violence in East Ukraine

Spanish King Abdicated so His Son Would Not 'Wither Waiting like Prince Charles'

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