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Babcock & Wilcox 1

G.J. Nakoneczny
R.D. Murphy
Babcock & Wilcox
Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A.
R.M. Tilley
Electric Power Research Institute
Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Presented to:
ICOLM (International Conference on Life Management
and Life Extension of Power Plant)
May 2000
Xian, P.R. China
Application of EPRI/B&W Developed EMAT Systems for
Assessing Boiler Tubes
Boiler tube failures continue to be the main cause of boiler
forced outages.
This fact is not surprising considering the miles
of linear feet of boiler tubing in the furnace enclosures and con-
vection passes that are subject to deterioration from both nor-
mal and abnormal wear. One of the emerging technologies to
address the assessment of boiler tubes is Electromagnetic Acous-
tic Transducers or EMATs. Although the concept and theory of
EMATs was first demonstrated many years ago, it is only in
recent years that field-portable applications have been devel-
oped and deployed to help the power industry. Babcock &
Wilcox working with EPRI on a project to develop advanced
nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques for the assessment of
boiler components developed a versatile EMAT testing system,
named the FST-GAGE

test system by B&W. The FST-GAGE

or Fast Scanning Thickness Gage, was developed specifically
to scan boiler tubes and provide a continuous measurement of
tube wall thickness. Early generations of the device, first intro-
duced in 1994, proved to be a very effective NDT system for
detection of isolated inside diameter (ID)-initiated tube dam-
age such as hydrogen damage and under deposit corrosion. Ex-
perience after scanning more than one million linear feet of tub-
ing has proven the benefits and allowed boiler owners to find
and selectively replace only damaged material. Responding to
the need of boiler owners to find cracking as well as thinning,
modified probes for the FST-GAGE

have been developed which

detect ID tube cracking. In 1998 the next generation of the EMAT
tube thickness system which incorporated electronic data ac-
quisition and storage was completed and tested. This latest ad-
vancement of the FST-GAGE

allows for continuous thickness

mapping of boiler tubing.
Continuing the development of applications using the EMAT
technology, EPRI sponsored a separate project to develop a sys-
tem for the detection of cracking in boiler tubes associated with
corrosion fatigue. The system developed for corrosion fatigue
has unique characteristics that enhance its ability to scan past
welds and attachments and scan the full circumference of the
boiler tube. The corrosion fatigue EMAT system has proven very
effective for crack detection under laboratory conditions and is
now being deployed for testing under field conditions.
Presented below are the applications of EMATs for boiler
tube assessment and the experience gained from deployment of

and corrosion fatigue testing systems.

Ultrasonic-based techniques for nondestructive measurement
and volumetric examination have been around for more than
half a century. Ultrasonic testing is an indispensable part of
nondestructive examinations in support of quality control in
manufacturing, as well as evaluation of materials exposed to
service to assess their integrity and fitness for continued use.
Historically, ultrasonic testing utilizes piezoelectric transduc-
ers to develop the ultrasonic wave in the test material, in which
an electrical field is applied to a piezoelectric crystal and con-
verted into a mechanical pulse. To impart this mechanical pulse
from the transducer into the test material requires a couplant
such as water, oil, grease or one of the commercially available
gel-type couplants. The requirement of a couplant can hinder
inspection applications where scanning is required to cover large
areas. An alternate technique for introducing ultrasonic waves
into a test material called Electromagnetic Acoustic Transduc-
2 Babcock & Wilcox
ers or EMATs was first introduced more than thirty years ago.
EMATs have unique advantages over piezoelectric transducers
for certain applications. In the 1990s advances in computers
and electronics made it commercially feasible to develop por-
table EMAT-based systems for nondestructive testing in field
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Babcock &
Wilcox (B&W) and McDermott Technologies, Inc.
(MTI) de-
veloped a boiler tube inspection system which utilizes EMAT
technology. The new system, named the FST-GAGE

by B&W, has been used to provide commercial testing services
since 1994. The inherent advantage of the FST-GAGE

test for
boilers is its ability to rapidly scan large areas of the tubing to
detect isolated damage. Prior to the development of this sys-
tem, testing of boiler tubes was primarily limited to spot checks
of wall thinning using conventional ultrasonic thickness gauges
during outages. This resulted in only a small fraction of the tube
wall area being tested. With EMATs, the FST-GAGE

can, if necessary, scan the entire furnace to detect thinning and
a variety of other boiler tube failure mechanisms such as pitting
and hydrogen damage. Experience in more than seventy boiler
surveys in which well over one million feet (> 300 km) of tub-
ing was tested has proven the value of this system to boiler own-
ers. Building on the success of the FST-GAGE

instrument de-
velopment, efforts continue on EMAT-based systems and appli-
cations for detecting boiler tube cracking associated with mecha-
nisms such as corrosion-fatigue and stress-assisted corrosion.
Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers
An EMAT, in contrast to piezoelectric transducers, gener-
ates and transmits an ultrasonic wave into the test material
through electromagnetic acoustic interaction with the test piece
McDermott Technologies, Inc., formerly called the Babcock &
Wilcox Research Division.
itself and does not require intimate contact with the material.
Since the ultrasonic pulse is developed in the material to be
tested, EMAT can only be used on electrically conductive ma-
terials. The FST-GAGE

instrument is designed specifically for

testing of ferromagnetic material, which requires unique instru-
ment design parameters as opposed to systems that are designed
to test strictly non-magnetic materials. The basics of the EMAT
are illustrated in Figure 1. A strong magnetic field (B) is pro-
duced at the surface of the test piece by using an electromagnet
or permanent magnet. Eddy currents (J) are induced in the sur-
face of the test material. An RF current flow introduced in a
wire, in the presence of the magnetic field (B) generates a Lorentz
force (F), which in turn produces a stress wave in the material.

In practice, the operation of the FST-GAGE

instrument is
more complex (see Figure 2). The system is comprised of three
basic componentsthe probe, the display panel, and the instru-
ment box. The instrument box houses the power supplies, digi-
tizer, timing circuits and processor. The display panel or opera-
tor interface allows the operator to set up, adjust and calibrate
system parameters in a Windows program environment. The
display also provides output to the operator during the inspec-
tion. The probe is the working end of the system with its major
components being the pulse magnet along with separate trans-
mit and receive EMAT coils. A strong pulsed magnet is used to
produce a magnetic field (B). RF currents (4 to 5 Megahertz)
are produced in the transmit EMAT coil by the EMAT pulse
circuitry. A separate receiver coil is synchronized with the trans-
mit pulse to effectively receive the return pulse in the test mate-
rial. By using the two EMAT coils the FST-GAGE

operates in
a pitch-catch mode. To set up the FST-GAGE

for thickness
measurement, the transit time for the ultrasonic wave to travel
from transmitter EMAT coil through the tube material back to
the receiver EMAT coil is calibrated on a known thickness stan-
Figure 1 Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT).
B (Magnetic Force)
Ultrasonic Wave
J (Eddy Currents)
F (Lorentz Force)
Magnetic field (B) interacts with eddy
currents (J), producing Lorentz force
(F=JxB), generating a mechnical
Ultrasonic (mechnical) wave propa-
gates through material detecting
Electromagnetic Acoustic
Transducers (EMAT)
Babcock & Wilcox 3
dard. The FST-GAGE

measures tube wall thickness with an

accuracy of 0.005 (0.127 mm) on thicknesses from 0.1 (2.54
mm) to 0.5 (12.7 mm), and diameters between 0.875 (22.2
mm) to 3 (76.2 mm) OD.
Prior to 1998 the first generation FST-GAGE

was used pri-

marily for surveys to identify isolated tube damage. Many in-
spections were performed on units that had experienced failure
due to hydrogen damage or internal corrosion and where the
owner needed to isolate the damaged tube material for selected
replacement. The early generation FST-GAGE

did not have

data acquisition and storage capability, which limited its use
for thickness surveys. In 1998 the second generation FST-

was built and deployed. The newest systems incorpo-

rate improved software, the addition of an encoder on the FST-

probe to indicate position on the tube, and data storage

capability. The current FST-GAGE

instrument is therefore well

suited to perform boiler thickness mapping surveys in addition
to the role of scan and detect surveys.
To perform an inspection, the FST-GAGE

probe is manu-
ally scanned along individual boiler tubes. System sampling at
rates greater than 65 samples per second supports rapid scan-
ning of tubes. During a scan, the system provides an immediate
display and disposition of tube wall thickness. At the conclusion
of each scan, a complete record of each inspection is electronically
stored and traceable to each unique boiler tube and position.

Service Experience
Hydrogen Damage Detection
Hydrogen damage is a serious failure mechanism that con-
tinues to affect many boilers in the electric utility industry.
Hydrogen damage is a potential problem found in waterwall
tubes of drum-type boilers. The problem is most often associ-
ated with waterside deposits (a dirty boiler) coupled with an
abnormally corrosive environmentmost often a low pH ex-
cursion in the boiler water chemistry. Deregulation in the U.S.
electric utility industry has, more than ever, placed a premium
on lowering the O&M costs. One effect has been to extend the
time between chemical cleaning of the boilers. As a result the
potential for hydrogen damage and other waterside damage due
to corrosion has increased in many instances. For hydrogen dam-
age to occur, corrosion occurs beneath waterside deposits. This
corrosion process releases atomic hydrogen that diffuses into
the metal structure of the tube, reacts with the carbides in the
carbon steel and forms methane (CH
). The large methane mol-
ecules, trapped in the grain structure of the metal, produce in-
tergranular cracking and embrittlement of the tube wall. Fail-
ures tend to be sudden and catastrophic with a blow out of ma-
terial. B&W has years of experience in inspection of boilers to
detect hydrogen damage using FHyNES

, a patented inspec-
tion method based on ultrasonic testing.
Hydrogen damage in tube material reduces (attenuates) an
ultrasonic signal passing through the affected material. This at-
tenuating effect is the basis of past ultrasonic detection tech-
niques as well as the EMAT technique. Hydrogen damage nor-
mally occurs in a random pattern. After a failure has occurred it
is imperative to locate the affected material for replacement if
repeat failures are to be avoided. Since EMAT does not required
a fluid or gel-type couplant, scanning can be done much faster
than UT-based techniques. Additionally, EMAT testing is more
tolerant of tube surface conditions such that tube cleaning re-
quirements may be less demanding than for UT.
The ability of the FST-GAGE

system to detect hydrogen

damage was verified in the laboratory. Two boiler tube samples
with hydrogen damage were examined with the instrument and
it was shown that damaged areas could be detected by signal
attenuation (see Figures 3 and 4).
Forty-two (42) FST-GAGE

surveys have been conducted

for detection of hydrogen damaged tubes in boilers. In all of the
Figure 2 FST-GAGE

instrument system.
4 Babcock & Wilcox
Figure 3 EMAT scan away from area of hydrogen damage. Figure 4 EMAT scan on hydrogen damage.
Start of scangood tube
Hydrogen Damage
Amplitude 86%
Start of hydrogen damageacceptable thickness,
unacceptable amplitude loss
Hydrogen Damage
Amplitude 51%
surveys, the indications were confirmed by UT, visual, and/or
destructive testing. Table 1 gives a sampling of boilers tested,
the time it took to perform the test and the number of indica-
tions identified. The EMAT system has proven to be very sensi-
tive for detection of damaged tubes while maintaining scan rates
more than five times those of previous ultrasonic techniques
such as FHyNES

Detection of Pitting or Wall Loss

instrument has also demonstrated good sen-

sitivity for the detection of pittinganother isolated damage
mechanism that is very difficult to detect when scanning by
conventional UT-based methods. Just as with hydrogen dam-
age, pitting is a result of corrosion. Pitting is generally associ-
ated with boilers that have experienced ingress of excessive
oxygen in the boiler water, or, sustained idle periods with inad-
equate storage provisions. Less severe, from the standpoint of
detection, is wall loss from caustic gouging. Similar to pitting,
caustic gouging is associated with corrosion and wall loss but
affects a larger area of the tube and is therefore less difficult to
detect and quantify.
As part of the development work on the system, the ability
of the FST-GAGE

to detect pitting on tube ID surfaces was

evaluated. Six different samples having both real and simulated
pitting were tested using three different EMAT coil configura-
tions. In general, pits with a diameter of 0.125 (3.2 mm) or
Table 1

Surveys for Hydrogen Damage Detection

Test reference, Hours Linear feet Indications Indications confirmed
region and unit number for test (meters) examined identified
Survey A 80 5,400 (1,646) 144 Verified initial cutouts
Southern U.S.A., Unit 2 All confirmed
Survey B 24 17,200 (5,243) 158 Same as above
Eastern U.S.A., Unit 3
Survey C 16 9,800 (2,987) 9 Same as above
Southwestern U.S.A., Unit 3
Survey D 96 79,600 (24,262) 91 Same as above
Northeastern U.S.A., Unit 4
Survey E 144 43,400 (13,228) 900 Same as above
Southern U.S.A., Unit 3
Survey F 32 25,850 (7,879) 54 Same as above
Southwestern U.S.A., Unit 3
Babcock & Wilcox 5
Table 2
Campaign for Mitigation of Failures due to Pitting
March 1995 Detected by FST-GAGE

and removed 23
95/96 Leaks repaired from 3/95 to 3/96 9
March 1996 Detected by FST-GAGE

and removed 28
96/97 Leaks repaired from 3/96 to 3/97 4
March 1997 Detected by FST-GAGE

and removed 15
97/98 Leaks repaired from 3/97 to 3/98 0
March 1998 Detected by FST-GAGE

and removed 12
98/99 Leaks repaired from 3/98 to 3/99 0
March 1999 Detected by FST-GAGE

and removed 8
99/present Leaks repaired from 3/99 to present 0
larger were detectable as indicated by a decrease in signal am-
plitude. Although the system can effectively detect pitting, siz-
ing (determination of remaining wall) of the pits is difficult.
Just as with normal ultrasonic testing, sizing of pits was strongly
influenced by the shape and depth of the defect as well as the
calibration range of the instrument. For example, it was typi-
cally easier to size a flat bottom hole (FBH) than a hole with a
conical or spherical shape due to the scattering of sound by the
latter shapes. Laboratory tests indicated that the threshold for
sizing was a pit size of approximately 0.25 (6.4 mm) diameter
or larger. Accuracy in sizing was not within typical thickness
measurements, 0.005 (0.127 mm). However, in almost all
cases, there was sufficient accuracy to enable an operator to
determine whether the pitting depth was a significant fraction
of the total tube wall.
It was noted that the calibration of the instrument has an
effect upon sizing capability since the smallest thickness of the
calibration standard used sets a lower limit on the thickness read-
ings of the EMAT system. In practice, the FST-GAGE

is used
to scan and detect areas of pitting. Sizing, if required, is done in
follow up with either the EMAT test or UT thickness methods.
A utility in the southeastern U.S.A. was experiencing forced
outages due to furnace wall pitting. The pitting was caused by
copper layout that resulted from an ineffective chemical clean-
ing. The FST-GAGE

was used to inspect the boiler five (5)

times over a four (4) year period reducing their forced outages
from water wall failures from five (5) per year prior to inspec-
tion to no water wall leaks by the third year. Table 2 gives the
results of the inspections and the subsequent tube leaks during
the year after the inspections.
Corrosion Fatigue
Waterside corrosion fatigue is a serious boiler tube failure
mechanism. The failures usually occur close to attachments such
as buckstay welds or windbox attachment welds. The combina-
tion of thermal fatigue stresses and corrosion leads to ID-initi-
ated cracking that is oriented along the tube axis. The result can
be a tube leak on the external side of the boiler wall. If failures
occur in enclosures such as the windbox, vestibules or pent-
house, there is the potential for pressurization and failure of the
casing as well. Corrosion fatigue cracking can also occur on the
fire side of the tubes and is dependent upon boiler design,
stresses and stress cycles, as well as water chemistry.

One detection method, based on EMAT technology, was de-
veloped as a modified use of the FST-GAGE

system. Special
coils and filtering were adapted to the FST-GAGE

for detec-
tion of corrosion fatigue cracking that is oriented axially along
the tube crown or adjacent to the tube membrane. The FST-

is applicable for detection of damage where tube ac-

cess is available on the same side of the tube as the damage
occurs. For this special application EMAT coils are modified as
illustrated in Figure 5. The pitch-catch coils are located between
the poles of the magnet and oriented in a side angle. The signal
from the transmitter coil propagates as shown in Figure 5. With-
out a flaw, there is no received signal. If a flaw is present, sound
is reflected into the receiver coil and an indication is observed
on the instrument display. Figure 6 illustrates a typical indica-
tion. The indication is from an EDM notch with dimensions 1
(25.4 mm) long x 0.050(1.27 mm) deep on the ID of the crown
of boiler tube in a membrane panel with tubes having a diam-
eter of 1.25 (31.75 mm) and a wall thickness of 0.188(4.8
mm). In Figure 6, the notch has been scanned multiple times to
verify the repeatability of the measurement. As shown, the sig-
nal to noise ratio of this simulated defect was very good.
With the corrosion fatigue configuration, one scan will de-
tect cracks on the crown of the tube. Additional scans can de-
tect cracks along the membrane welds. This technique proved
that the FST-GAGE

equipment can be used for the detection

of one type of corrosion fatigue damage. The technique has been
used successfully in commercial inspections. The largest scope
inspection with this variation of the FST-GAGE

was done at a
West Coast utility that was experiencing tube failures due to
corrosion fatigue at the membrane area in their waterwall tubes.

, with the modified EMAT coils, was used to

scan approximately 98,000 linear feet (29,870 m) of membrane
tube welds. Numerous indications were found on all four walls.
A representative sample was removed for verification of sys-
tem sensitivity. The system was capable of identifying internal
corrosion fatigue with a through-wall depth of 0.015 (0.381
EPRIDedicated EMAT Technique for Detection
of Corrosion Fatigue Damage
McDermott Technology, Inc., under contract with EPRI has
developed an EMAT technique for detection of corrosion fa-
tigue cracks from the opposite tube wall, i.e. detect cold side
(boiler external) cracks from the fire side (boiler inside furnace)
tube surface. The great advantage of and advancement in this
technique is that boiler tubes experiencing the cold side attach-
ment cracking due to corrosion fatigue can be examined
nondestructively from the hot side of the tube where access is
readily available. The system under development will provide
greater than 180 coverage of the tube cold side (boiler exter-
nal) surface. This technique uses a unique instrumentation plat-
form which, unlike the FST-GAGE

, utilizes toneburst signal

generation. The toneburst EMAT signal generation allows the
use of horizontally polarized shear waves (SH waves). A full
discussion of wave modes has been presented previously
, how-
ever, a unique feature of SH waves is that they are much less
susceptible to mode conversion at weldsa critical requirement
6 Babcock & Wilcox
Figure 5 Thickness gauge modified to detect corrosion fatigue.
Poles of Pulsed Magnet
Poles of Pulsed Magnet
Figure 6 Corrosion fatigue; scan of an EDM notch 1 (25.4 mm)
long x 0.050 (1.27 mm) deep on the ID of the crown of a tube in
a membrane panel.
for the system to detect cracking adjacent to external tube at-
tachment welds. The prototype of this system have been devel-
oped and tested by MTI in the laboratory with excellent results.
Table 3 illustrates evaluation of the system and probe on 3 (76.2
mm) diameter tubes with 1 (25.4 mm) long EDM notches that
vary in depth at 0.020 (0.50 mm), 0.050 (1.27 mm), and 0.100
(2.54 mm). In all cases the system scanned past membrane welds
to detect notches on the opposite side of the tube. Currently the
system is scheduled for field trials under actual boiler condi-
tions to determine its detection capabilities.
Tube Thickness on Composite Tubes
As noted above, the current generation FST-GAGE

ment can efficiently measure and save data for wall thickness
on conventional carbon steel tube materials found in boiler fur-
naces. The thickness gauge, in its usual configuration, relies
upon the presence of magnetostriction within a distance of one
electromagnetic skin depth from the surface of a ferromagnetic
conduct or. When t here i s a cl addi ng overl ay of a
nonferromagnetic material on the tube (as with a composite
tube), then EMAT transduction with a pulsed magnet cannot
occur. Since composite tubes are used extensively in industries
such as pulp and paper, the ability of the FST-GAGE

to mea-
sure tube wall thickness through a stainless steel layer was ad-
dressed in the design. Instead of the pulsed magnet, a perma-
nent magnet probe is used for tubes having a nonferromagnetic
cladding. This type of probe has proven to be very effective for
measuring the thickness of composite tubes with the same de-
gree of accuracy as found on carbon steel tubes. The system
configured for composite tubes can measure wall thickness in
the range of 0.100(0.254 mm) to 0.500(1.27 mm), with
0.005 (0.127 mm) accuracy.
Other EMAT Applications
Just as with ultrasonic testing, as EMAT techniques are de-
livered in field-portable systems other applications have been
investigated to address unique problems. The researchers at
McDermott Technologies, Inc. have the equipment and exper-
tise to apply the EMAT technology to applications where its
unique properties have an advantage over conventional UT tech-
niques. An example of an application in which an EMAT test
was developed by MTI and then implemented by MTI and B&W
includes the following.
Surface wave EMAT testing of tubes
In 1998, B&W was asked by one of its customers if an EMAT
test was available for detection of surface indications including
axially oriented cracks in boiler tubes. The customer has three
heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) boilers that were expe-
riencing surface cracking on the tube crown due to thermal fa-
tigue. Conventional surface nondestructive test methods were
unsatisfactory because they lacked adequate sensitivity and had
slow production rates for testing of large areas. B&W worked
with its R&D group at MTI to test whether a suitable applica-
tion was available. MTI determined that a tone burst EMAT tech-
nique would meet the need and developed a system for the test.
Testing was successfully performed on the customers unit 2A
in which 6,550 linear feet (1,996 m) of tubing were examined.
The test uses a bi-directional focused surface wave EMAT that
works at 1 MHz frequency. The surface wave is generated in
the tube and follows the tube surface circumferentially until the
signal is reflected back from a longitudinally oriented OD crack.
The test is capable of detecting axially oriented surface indica-
tions as small 0.005 (0.127 mm) depth at scanning rates of up
to 6 inches per second (152 mm/sec). Based upon the success
of the testing on unit 2A, the customer contracted B&W to per-
form testing during three subsequent outages on the HRSG units
(see Table 4).
EPRI-sponsored development has led to an EMAT system

) that has been proven under field conditions to

effectively measure and map boiler tube wall thickness. The
system has also been shown to be effective in detection of hy-
drogen damage, pitting, and axial ID cracking. Modifications
to the EMAT coil configuration allow wall thickness measure-
Babcock & Wilcox 7
Table 3
Evaluation of 3 (76.2 mm) Corrosion-Fatigue Probe
Description Notch Notch EMAT Side Notch Relative Signal Strength Approximate
Depth Location Location Detectable? % Full Screen Height Angular Offset*
Test 1 0.100" (2.54mm) Crown Opposite Yes 100 174
Test 2 0.050" (1.27mm) Crown Opposite Yes 70 189
Test 3 0.020" (0.50mm) Crown Opposite Yes 40 193
*The EMAT transmits a multiple skip wave around the tube circumference. Angular movement of the probe is done to optimize the relative
signal strength.
Table 4
Surface Wave EMAT Tests
Unit Number Date Tested Linear Feet Examined Indications Found Confirmed Cracks*
2A September 1998 6,550 (1,996 m) 33 2
3A October 1998 18,580 (5,663 m) 57 7
1A December 1998 16,170 (4,929 m) 40 13
2A April 1999 17,200 (5,243 m) 17 0
*Axial cracks were confirmed by visual. Test sensitivity also detected indications associated with small pits, surface dents, weld splatter, etc.
on tube surfaces.
Copyright 1999 by The Babcock & Wilcox Company,
a McDermott company.
All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be published, translated or reproduced in any form or by any means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system,
without the written permission of the copyright holder. Permission requests should be addressed to: Market Communications, The Babcock &
Wilcox Company, P.O. Box 351, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. 44203-0351.
Although the information presented in this work is believed to be reliable, this work is published with the understanding that The Babcock & Wilcox
Company and the authors are supplying general information and are not attempting to render or provide engineering or professional services.
Neither The Babcock & Wilcox Company nor any of its employees make any warranty, guarantee, or representation, whether expressed or implied,
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ment in composite or bimetallic tubes. This versatility provides
the system with a wide range of uses from a single instrumenta-
tion platform.
EPRI and MTI have developed an EMAT-based test system
designed specifically for detection of cracking associated with
corrosion fatigue. The unique characteristics of the SH shear
waves generated by this system make possible the detection of
cracks adjacent to welds. Having been proven under laboratory
test conditions, the corrosion fatigue system is now scheduled
to undergo field trials under actual boiler test conditions. As
EMAT techniques are delivered to the field in portable systems,
other applications will be identified and developed. The first of
these new applications has been demonstrated and applied com-
mercially for surface inspection of tubes.
Primary funding for development, testing and commercial-
ization of the FST-GAGE

has been provided by EPRI on Con-

tract WO 1890-11, Improved Boiler Inspection Systems. De-
velopment of the Corrosion Fatigue EMAT test system has been
funded through EPRI Contract WO 4674-01, Development of
NDT Techniques for Detection and Sizing of Corrosion-Fatigue
Cracks in Boiler Tubes.
1. R.B. Dooley, P. Chang, The Current State of Boiler Tube
Failures in Fossil Plants, EPRI.
International Conference on Boiler Tube Failures in Fossil
Plants, Nashville, TN, 1997.
2. P.J. Latimer, et. al., A NDE Method for Hydrogen Dam-
age Detection in Fossil Boiler Tubes, EPRI Conference on Life
Extension and Assessment of Fossil Plants, Washington D.C. 1986.
3. P.J. Latimer, et. al., Electromagnetic Transducers for
Generation and Detection of Ultrasonic Waves, Acousto-Ul-
trasonics, Plenum Publishing Corp. 1988.

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