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Ac0RN 81AlRLlF18

80PER0Ll0E 120
Realth And 5afety Razards 3
Unacklng the 5talrllft Carrlage 4
Pre-lnstallatlon Procedure 5
Box Contents 6
lnstallatlon 1ools 9
1.1 Required 9
0ptional 10
lnstallatlon 11
1.2 lnstallatlon Procedure 11
1.2.1 Preparation on 3ite 11
1.2.2 1oining the Rail 12
1.2.3 lnstalling the Rail 13
1.2.4 lnstalling the 3tairlift Carriage 15
1.2.5 3etting 3eat Angle 17
1.2.6 3etting lootrest Angle 19
1.2.7 lnstalling the 3eat 20
1.2.8 3etting 1op 3topping Point 23
1.2.9 lixing Lown the Rail 24
1.2.10 Conneoting the 1ransformer 24
1.3 5afety Checks 26
1.3.1 Cheok Controls 26
1.3.2 Cheok Remote Controls 26
1.3.3 Cheok 3afety 3ensors 27
1.3.4 Cheok 3topping Limits 28
1.3.5 Cheok 3eat 3wivel 28
1.3.6 Cheok Battery lsolation 3witoh 29
1.3.7 Cheok Key 3witoh 29
1.3.8 Pand winding 29
1.3.9 Labelling 29
1.3.10 Cheok Correot lixing of Carriage to Rail 29
1.4 bemonstrate 5talrllft to User 30
1.5 Malntenance 30
1.6 Avoldlng Unsafe lnstallatlons 30
1he rlsk of loose clothlng
or body arts gettlng
lnjury resultlng from
drllllng, lnarorlate use
of tools etc
blrect or lndlrect electrlcal
Falllng down the stalrs
Falllng tools

Correct manual handllng

Use of necessary rotectlon
(safety glasses etc)

Never use worn tools

1rllng hazards on the
Follow the current
regulatlons regardlng safe
worklng ractlces
10 51AlRLlF1 lN51ALLA1l0N
Realth And 8afety Razards
1he following health and safety hazards should be oonsidered when installing the stairlift:
WARNlNGl 1ake care when handllng the carrlage assembly,
as thls ls a heavy comonent.
Before unacklng carrlage lt ls recommended lf osslble to
unack box at 1o of 5talrway uslng AC0RN PACKlNG,
UNPACKlNG lN51RUC1l0N5 rovlded.
0npacklng the 8talrllft carrlage
1. visually inspect the covers and
ootplate (ie: scratches, cracks,
scus). Make a note o any
When all the packaglng has been removed, leavlng the carrlage
on the shlpplng ralls, carry out the followlng checks.
3. lnstall a battery
into a remote.
Ensure that you have the
Installatlon Manual to hand.
2. 0pen the bag that
contains the remotes,
batteries, keys and
user manual.
4. lnsert the key into
the key switch.
9. Jhe lit will CLICK (brake release)
then emit a low hum (indicating the
lit is running).

Jhe display will show .
5. Plug the red lead in / switch
on the isolation switch.

Jhe lit should continually
EEP indicating lit powered
up but not receiving a charge.

Diagnostic display will show .
6. Jurn the key

Jhe diagnostics
display will show .
7. Press the seat /
roller switch
down and hold.
display will show .
8. with the roller
switch held
down, press the
red button on the
remote control.
10. Repeat the process with
the green button pressed
Pre-lnstallatlon Procedure
0pen the bag that
oontains the remotes,
batteries and keys.
Box contents
xl Carriage
x2 Pemote
x2 9v 8atteries
xl Seat index
plate cover
x2 Keys
xl Packaging
xl warning
x2 Plastic rail
end pieces
x4 8lanking
xl Seat
xl Transformer
xl Handwinder
xl Top rail
x4 Pail
xl 8ottom rail
xl User manual
xl Lnd stop
5A1 B0X
0pen / rlng Flat electrlcal N2 / N3
8panner termlnal Phlllps
screwdrlver screwdrlver
8ocket 8ocket
ratchet extenslon

8plrlt Knlfe
lnstallatlon 1ools
Wlre 8lde
strlppers cutters
Rammer 0rlll

drill bit
1.2 lN81ALLA1l0N PR0cE00RE
1.2.1 Prearatlon on 5lte
lt is reoommended that the following examinations be oarried out prior to taking
the rail into the end users' property:
1. visually oheok the site making sure that all
obstruotions suoh as window sills, pipes,
bulkheads, newel posts eto have been
allowed for.
2. Lxamine the stairs, remove any removable
objeots that may get damaged or oould oause
a tripping hazard when the rail is brought into
the property.
lf the stalrway ls oen lan or there ls access to the rear of the
lnstallatlon (not agalnst a wall), then the lnstallatlon must not go
ahead untll the access has been anelled off.

3. ldentify existing damage to:
lloor ooverings, furniture and
other furnishings
windows, doors, eto
4. Lo not remove the handrail until the rail has been installed, in oase of
mis-measure / abort.
1.2.2 Jolnlng the Rall
1he stairlift rail is shipped in two pieoes that are splioed together during installation.
1he upper and lower oharge points and upper and lower stopping limit ramps are installed
on the rail seotions at the faotory.
Before osltlonlng, lt ls recommended, whenever osslble, to joln the
rall together at the base of the stalrway maklng assembly easy.

1. 0n the bottom rail, loosen the 3 pinoh bolts and slide out the 1 inoh square
joint-bar until it protrudes approximately 4 inohes. 1ighten the 3 pinoh bolts.

2. 0n the upper seotion of the rail, temporarily
remove the sorew from where the gear raok
will go when fully assembled.
3. Conneoted to the lower oharge point and
running through the inside of the lower rail
seotion is a two wire oable that terminates
with two female wire oonneotors.
Conneot the male and female wire
oonneotors of the rail oable together
(brown to brown, blue to blue).
4. 1he two rail seotions now need to be txed
Make sure that the wlrlng
lsn't traed between the
edges of the rall reventlng
a ush joln.

5. Re-tighten the pinoh bolts to hold
the joint-bar seourely in plaoe,
using 2 x 10mm spanners.
Replaoe the sorew into the gear
raok and baok into the upper rail.
bo not remove the handrall untll the rall has been lnstalled,
ln case of mls-measure , abort.
1.2.3 lnstalllng the Rall
1. Position the rail as one oomplete assembly on the stairoase, with the lower
(angled) end resting on the toor, at the bottom of the stairs and the steel
toothed raok uppermost. Plaoe the rail end on the bottom of the rail.
xl 8
2. Position the stair braokets underneath
the rail - one on the trst step, one on the
very top step or on the landing and
the middle two either side of the join
in the rail.
3. 1he stair braokets olamp to the underside of the rail and are seoured
by tightening the long 13mm nut / bolt, whioh runs right through eaoh
4. Position the braoket so that it's footrest sits trmly on the stair tread and
tighten the two short 13mm nut / bolts on either side of the braoket. Lo not
tx the braoket to the stair tread at this time.

5. with the rail oorreotly sitting on the stairs the
handrail if ttted oan now be removed.
1.2.4 lnstalllng the 5talrllft Carrlage
1. Remove the adjustable upper stopping limit
ramp moulding from the top end of the rail.
WARNlNGl 1ake care when
handllng the carrlage
assembly, as thls ls a heavy

2. lnsert plastio end pieoes to Rail top for
Carriage installation.
3. Plaoe the oarriage on the top
of the rail, positioning the two rail
lengths on the oarriage onto the
plastio end pieoes.
WARNlNGl 1ake great care
not to damage any of the
three mlcro-swltches that
rotrude from the underneath
of the carrlage body
4. 3witoh on Battery isolation switoh.

5. Pold down seat switoh, and
drive Carriage onto Rail using
a remote oontrol.
Remember to remove the lastlc end
leces from the to of the rall.
6. Remove yellow warning labels and transit sorews attaohed to both upper and lower
oarriage safety edges then tt blanking plugs supplied into holes.
1. Remove the 3afe
Pandling Aid. 5
1.2.5 5ettlng 5eat Angle
1he followlng rocedure must be 51RlC1L adhered to,
to avold damage to the chassls lates.
1. Remove the footrest hinge oover
by removing the sorew.
2. 1o remove main oover, remove the 2
sorews that are looated along the
front bottom edge.
3. 0radually remove the oover on an angle.
lt may be neoessary to loosen the
footplate adjusting bolt.
4. Loosen the 6 horizontal bolts (3 either side)
until the post oan just move.
5. Adjust the seat to the oorreot angle
by plaoing a spirit level on the seat
post platform.
6. Lnsure that the anti-slip olamps (butterty
braokets) are in the oorreot horizontal
position. 1he serrated side should be faoing
inward towards the oarriage, with the smooth
side faoing outward.

1. 1ighten the 6 horizontal bolts using a
13mm sooket torque wrenoh set to
8. Replaoe the oarriage oover and replaoe
the two sorews.
1.2.6 5ettlng Footrest Angle

1. Loosen the oentre bolt and adjust to the
oorreot level using the spirit level.
0noe level, tighten the bolt baok up.
2. Return the footrest hinge oover
by replaoing the sorew.
1.2.1 lnstalllng the 5eat
1he seat assembly now needs to be ttted to the seat post on the oarriage.
Carry this out as follows:

1. lold up the seat arms and seat base.

2. lit 3eat lndex Plate Cover. Lnsure that all
wires are olear and will not beoome trapped.
Position the index plate as arrowed below.

3. Position the seat on top of the seat post
protruding from the ohassis.
4. with the seat faoing aoross the stairs,
hold the swivel looking handle down,
and gently twist the seat from side to
side, easing it downwards.
Lo this until the seat will not lower any
more, and oheok that the seat post
appears tush with the top of the seat

5. Release the seat swivel lever and
rotate the seat until it is looked into the
normal riding position - faoing
aoross the stairs.
6. Conneot the eleotrioal oonneotion
between the seat and the oarriage, by
pushing together the 'LlN' plugs, and
sorewing the oollars to ensure a safe,
permanent oonneotion.

1. Cheok that the key switoh on the upper
oarriage safety pad is in the '0N' position and
that the seat is in a looked position faoing
aoross the stairs (see point 5).

when all parts are oorreotly looated, the LLL display will show and beep showing
the oharging system is not oonneoted to the mains). lf other oodes are displayed refer
to the error oodes in the user Manual.
8. 1he stairlift oan now be 'driven'
downwards to looate the motor
drive pinion on to the toothed
raok on the rail. 0perate the
toggle switoh on the ohair arm
towards downstairs (in the
direotion of travel).
1he lift should oleanly looate on
the raok and begin its trst

9. 3top the lift 3 or 4 steps down
and switoh off the battery
isolator switoh.
1his is to stop the 'Batteries 0ff
Charge' warning signal.
1.2.8 5ettlng 1o 5tolng Polnt
1. Replaoe the top stopping limit ramp, but do
not fully tighten the sorews at this point.

2. 3witoh the power baok on to operate
the stairlift.
Run the stairlift baok to the top of the
stairs until it oomes to a full stop.
Cheok how level the footrest is with the
landing using the spirit level.
3. lf the footrest l3 N01 level with the
landing, run the stairlift down 3 / 4 stairs
and stop.
3lide the stopping ramp up or down to a
suitable position.
Run the stairlift baok to the top of the stairs
and oheok to see if the footrest is level with
the landing.
lf not, repeat until oorreot.
when top stopping position is oorreot tighten
the sorews on stopping ramp.
4. Position the plastio rail end stop at the end
of the gear raok and drill a 3mm hole into the
aluminium rail. 3eoure using the sorew
ln cases where lt ls necessary
to cut the rall and gear rack to
length, thls lastlc end sto
wlll secure and revent any
osslble movement of loose
gear rack.
1.2.9 Flxlng bown the Rall
1. Run the stairlift down to the bottom
of the stairoase.
2. visually oheok that the rail is parallel
to the adjaoent wall, and looking up
the stairs, behind the seat that the
stairlift will not oatoh the wall on the
way up.
3. Also oheok that there are no
obstruotions suoh as window oills.
1here should be approximately 25mm
between seat baok and the wall to avoid
trapping hazards.
4. Adjust the olearanoe between the stairlift and the wall by moving the
rail in or out appropriately.
5. 0noe oheoked and tnal position verited,
sorew the rail braokets down to the stairs
using the sorews provided (four per braoket).
1.2.10 Connectlng the 1ransformer

b0 N01 lug the transformer
lnto the malns socket 1l
1he transformer from the ttting kit now
needs to be oonneoted to the oharge
system wiring as follows:

xl Transform
1. lnsert the transformer lead through the
hole on the underside of the rail (rubber
-grommit) and out through the end of the
2. Pull out the oharge point wires and oonneotor blook from the end
of the Rail and join the wires from the transformer into the oonneotor
blook. 1he transformer output is AC, either wire oan be oonneoted to
either terminal.
3. Push the jointed wires and oonneotor blook baok into the rail end,
push the rail end oap from the ttting kit over the end of the rail.
Lnsure that the transformer wire is neatly routed so it will not oause
a tripping hazard or get oaught by the moving stairlift.
Plug ln the transformer only
on comletlon.
1.3 8AFE1Y cREcK8
Cheoklist - to be oompleted after installation and, if applioable, reoorded on the installation
work report by tioking the appropriate box and making supplementary notes as required.
1.3.1 Check Controls
1. Press the toggle in the 'L0wN' direotion.
1he stairlift should start to travel down.
2. Press the toggle switoh in the 'uP'
direotion. 1he stairlift should start
to travel upwards.
1.3.2 Check Remote Controls
1. Press the 0RLLN button on the remote and
the stairlift will desoend.
By releasing the button the stairlift will stop
2. Pressing the RLL button on the remote and
the stairlift will travel in upwards.
By releasing the button the stairlift will stop
1.3.3 Check 5afety 5ensors
1. lootrest 'top' side sensor - with the lift
asoending, push top-side spring-loaded edge
of footrest - lift should stop immediately.
Lb blslay wlll show
2. lootrest 'bottom' side sensor - with the lift
desoending, push bottom-side spring-loaded
edge of footrest - lift should stop immediately.

Lb blslay wlll show
3. lootrest base sensor - with the lift
desoending, ush ln the base of the footrest
- lift should stop immediately.
Lb blslay wlll show
4. Carriage 'top' side sensor - with the lift
asoending, push the top-side spring-loaded
moulding attaohed to the oarriage,
immediately surrounding the rail - lift
should stop immediately.
Lb blslay wlll show
5. Carriage 'bottom' side sensor - with the lift
desoending, push the bottom-side
spring- loaded moulding attaohed to the
oarriage immediately above the rail -
lift should stop immediately.
Lb blslay wlll show
1.3.4 Check 5tolng Llmlts
1. Bottom stopping limit operative - run the lift
right to the bottom of the rail - lift should
automatioally oome to a 'soft' stop at the foot
of the stairoase.
2. 1op stopping limit operative - run the lift right to
the top of the rail - lift should automatioally oome
to a 'soft' stop at the top of the stairoase.
1.3.5 Check 5eat 5wlvel
1urn the seat toward the top of the
stairs away from the riding position.
1he Lb dlslay should show
and the stalrllft wlll not oerate
1.3.6 Check Battery lsolatlon 5wltch
1urn the battery isolation switoh to the
0ll position or pull out the battery lead.
1he Lb dlslay should go blank
and the stalrllft wlll not oerate.
1.3.1 Check Key 5wltch
1urn the key switoh to the off position.
1he LLL display should ohange to
and the stairlift will not operate.
1.3.8 Rand wlndlng
Remove the blanking plug from top of oover,
insert the Pand winding wheel and turn a few
turns observing the oorreot movement of the
stairlift in both direotions.
1.3.9 Labelllng
Cheok all labels are txed to the stairlift.
1.3.10 Check Correct Flxlng of Carrlage to Rall
Ride the stairlift up and down onoe,
ensuring the ride is smooth and
stable and that the stairlift stops in
the oorreot positions at top and
1.4 0emonstrate 8talrllft to 0ser (lf appllcable)
Please have the User Manual
to hand for clear exlanatlon
Correot operation of the stairlift, troubleshooting prooedures
and a desoription of the safety features must be demonstrated
to the end user prior to hand over.
ou should observe the user using the stairlift onoe upwards
and onoe downwards A1 LA51 until you are oertain that they
are able to use it safely.
lf the user is unable to operate the stairlift oorreotly and safely, the stairlift should be
removed, unless it is to be operated by an attendant. ln this oase, the attendant should
be present at the installation.
1.6 Malntenance (lf appllcable)
Lnsure that the purohaser is informed of requirements for the examination,
testing and servioing of the stairlift and any assooiated national regulatory
1.6 Avoldlng 0nsafe lnstallatlons
1he installer should not prooeed with an installation if, for any reason,
it is oonsidered unsafe.
lf the user exoeeds the 3afe working Load of 127Kg, (300lbs or 20 stones)
the installation should not prooeed.
lf any of the tnal safety oheoks fail, they should be repaired and re-tested before
the stairlift is put into servioe. Under no clrcumstances should any safety
feature be overrldden or dlsabled.
ln the event that there is no wall or solid vertioal surfaoe behind the stairlift in
its intended position, or on an open plan stairway the installation should not
prooeed until adequate shielding has been ttted.
lf the angle of the stairs is greater than 55 or less than 23 the installation
should not prooeed.
ou have lnstalled your AC0RN 5talrllft.
N0W reglster onllne at:
www. acornst al rl l f ts. com/regl ster

2006 AC0RN 5talrllfts
Ac0RN 81AlRLlF18 REA0 0FFlcE
(0Nl1E0 KlN000M)
1eleoom Pouse
Millennium Business Park
3tation Road, 3teeton
west orkshire
BL20 6RB
AC0RN 51AlRLlF15 lNC.
6450 Kingspointe Parkway
unit 1
llorida 32819
AC0RN 51AlRLlF15 lNC.
6295 3hawson Lrive, unit #9
L51 1P4
AC0RN 0mbP
werftsr. 208 24143 Kiel
AC0RN 51AlRLlF15 P1 L1b.
8/28 Barooo 3treet
N3w 2069

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