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Famous women of the 20

Sunt multe de spus despre femeile ce au avut un cuvant de spus in istoria anilor trecuti, dar acest
lucru numai datorita pozitiei in care se aflau. Mai precis acestea se bucurau de respectful pe care
trebuiau sa il primeasca sotiile liderilor de state importante din lume. Exista extreme de multe
personalitati, dar ma voi limita la a va prezenta cateva dintre doamnele secolului XX.
In aceasta categorie intra: Nadejda Krupskaia, Ekaterina Svanidze, Nadejda Allilueva, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Jovanka Broz, Raisa Gorbaciova, etc.
There are many things to say about women who have had a word to say in the history of the past
years, but this was mostly due to the position in which they were. More precisely they enjoyed
the respect that the wives of world leaders of major countries should receive. There are many
famous personalities, but I will limit myself in presenting you a few of the ladies of the 20

century. This category includes: Nadejda Krupskaya, Ekaterina Svanidze, Nadejda Allilueva,
Eleanor Roosevelt, Jovanka Broz, Raisa Gorbaciov.

1.Nadejda Krupskaia a fost sotia liderului communist Vladimir Ilici Lenin. Dupa ce acesta
ajunge stapanul Rusiei, din octombrie 1917, nadejda a fost coplesita cu functii importante. Ea a
desfasurat activitati in domeniile instructiei, educatiei, si propandei cultural- stiintifice, a condus,
din 1920, diferite directii din cadrul Comisariatului Poporului pentru Educatie. Nadejda era insa
omul cel mai apropiat de Lenin si cultul personalitatii acestuia nu putea sa nu se rasfranga asupra
ei. Ea reprezenta un factor de influenta asupra marelui conducator, mai ales in ultimii ani de
viata ai acestuia. Dupa moartea lui Lenin, conducerea a fost preluata de I. V. Stalin. Nadejda a
ctivat ca membru al Partidului Comunist din Unuinea Sovietica, iar mai tarziu in 1931 a fost
declarata membru de onoare al Academiei de Stiinte a URSS, fiind considerate pe toata durata
regimului communist drept unul dintre fondatorii sistemului sovietic de instruire si educatie.
Nadejda Krupskaia - was the wife of the communist leader Vladimir Ilici Lenin. After HHEE
came to power in Russia in October 1917, Nadejda was overwhelmed with important functions.
She has conducted activities, in training, education, and cultural and scientific propaganda; she
led in 1920 different directions of the People's Commissariat for Education. Nadejda was still the
closest person to Lenin and his personality cult could not but reflect that. SSHHEE represented a
factor of influence of the "great leader", especially in the last years of his life. After Lenin's
death, the leadership was taken over by Stalin. Nadejda was a member of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union, and later in 1931 was declared member of honor of the Academy of Sciences
of the USSR, considered throughout the communist regime as one of the founders of the Soviet
system of training and education.

2.Ekaterina Svanidze a fost prima sotie a liderului communist Iosif Vissarionovici Stalin.
Aceasta a murit in urma unei febre tifoide, iar informatiile despre viata acesteia nu sunt foarte
bogate. In schimb despre Nadejda Allilueva, cea de a doua sotie a dictatorului, exista o informatie
bogata. Aceasta a fost interesata de politica inca de dinainte de a se casatori cu Stalin. In 1918
aceasta s-a casatorit cu Stalin si interesul ei pentru politica a continuat sa creasca. Aceasta a lucrat
in secretariatul lui Lenin si l-a insotit pe sotul ei, cand acesta a fost pe frontal de sud in viitorul
Stalingrad. Nadejda a fost foarte diferita de Ekaterina. Daca cea din urma era o fire simpla,
dedicate exclusive gospodariei si isi adora sotul, neindraznind sa ii adreseze niciun repros,
Nadejda avea un orizont larg de interes, participa la viata politica, si isi exprima in fata lui Stalin
opiniile, ceea ce pentru el era de netolerat. Atmosfera din familia lui Stalin era incordata, fiul
acestuia din prima casatorie incercand sa se sinucida. Dupa o cearta intre cei doi soti, Nadejda a
plecat la parinti in Leningrad, iar in nopatea de 9noiembrie 1932 s-a sinucis cu un foc de
revolver. Potrivit regulii privind secretul vietii private a nomenclaturii, necrologul a anuntat ca
Nadejda a incetat din viata in urma unei boli de inima.
Ekaterina Svanidze - was the first wife of the communist leader Iosif Vissarionovici Stalin. She
died from typhoid fever, and the information about her life is not very rich. In contrast, there is
lots of information about Nadejda Allilueva, the second wife of the dictator. She has been
interested in politics even before she married Stalin. In 1918 she married Stalin and her interest in
politics continued to grow. She worked in the secretariat of Lenin and accompanied her husband
when he was on the Southern front in the future Stalingrad. Nadejda and Ekaterina were very
different. If the latter was a simple being, devoted exclusively to the household and to her
husband whom she truly loved, not daring to address him any reproach, Nadejda had a large area
of interests, she participated in the political life, and used to express her opinions in front of
Stalin, which for him was intolerable. The atmosphere was tense in Stalin's family, his son from
his first marriage trying to commit suicide. After an argument between her husband and herself
Nadejda went to her parents in Leningrad, and in the night of November 9, 1932 she committed
suicide with a revolver fire. According to the right to private life, a rule of the nomenclature, the
obituary said that Nadejda died after a heart disease.

3.Anna Eleanor Roosevelt a fost Prima Doamn a Statelor Unite ale Americii, soia Preedintelui
Statelor Unite ale Americii Franklin Delano Roosevelt, diplomat i activist pentru drepturile
omului, una dintre femeile cele mai influente ale secolului al XX-lea. De asemenea a fost
americanca ce a ocupat cel mai mult timp postul de Prim Doamn. De-a lungul perioadei
posterioare Marii Crize din 1929 a cltorit de-a lungul Statelor Unite ale Americii, promovnd
politica New Deal i a vizitat trupele armate pe fronturile din cel de-al doilea rzboi mondial. A
participat la formarea a numeroase instituii, cele mai notabile fiind Organizaia Naiunilor Unite
i Freedom House. A prezidat comitetul ce a aprobat Declaraia universal pentru drepturile
omului. n alt ordine de idei, cstoria sa nu a fost pentru ea un obstacol pentru a se opune
deciziei soului su de a semna ordinul ce i trimitea pe front pe toi cei ce aveau strbuni ce
aparineau grupurilor etnice dumane (aproximativ 110.000 de japonezi, italieni i germani),
privndu-i de libertate, transport, ap, mncare, mbrcminte etc. De-a lungul celui de-al doilea
rzboi mondial, Eleanor Roosevelt a participat la formularea Declaraiei Universale ale
drepturilor omului a Naiunilor Unite, referindu-se la aceasta ca "Scrisoarea Magna a
Umanitii". A continuat s participe activ la viaa politic din ara sa pna la moartea sa n 1962.
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady of the United States, wife of the U.S. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, diplomat and human rights activist, one of the most influential
women of the twentieth century. She was also the American who hold the longest the position of
First Lady. Over the period of the Great Crisis from 1929 she traveled throughout the United
States promoting the New Deal policy and visiting the troops on the fronts of the Second World
War. She participated in the formation of numerous institutions, most notably the United Nations
and Freedom House. She chaired the committee that approved the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights. Moreover, the marriage was not an obstacle for her to oppose her husband's
decision to sign the order that would send to front all those who had ancestors who belonged to
the hostile ethnic groups (approximately 110,000 Japanese, Italian and Germans), depriving them
of liberty, transport, water, food, clothing etc.. During the Second World War, Eleanor Roosevelt
participated in the formulation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United
Nations, referring to it as "Magna Letter of Humanity". She continued to actively participate in
politics in her country until her death in 1962.

4.Jovanka Broz a fost sotia presedintelui Iugoslaviei, Iosif Broz Tito. Inainte de a il cunoaste a
participat la razboiul de eliberare in randul partizanilor condusi de I.B. Tito. O problema care a
suscitat multe discutii si speculatii se refera la masura in care Jovanka s- a amestecat si a exercitat
vreo influenta asupra activitatii politice a presedintelui. In ultimii ani ai vietii lui Tito, cand el era
supus unuei regim special de munca, Jovanka detinea practice controlul absolute asupra accesului
la presedinte, efectuand o selectie a celor care puteau fi primiti, pornind de la criteria proprii
sau de la interesele anturajului sau. Dupa moarte lui Tito,Jovanka a fost evacuata din resedinta
oficiala. I s- a permis sa ia o parte din obiecetele pe care ea le considera ca fiind proprietate
personala. Au existat dispute intre Jovanka si ceilalti doi fii ai lui Tito proveniti din casatoria
anterioara pentru bunurile ramase, dar dupa anii viata Jovankai a intrat intr-un anonimat deplin.
Jovanka Broz - was the wife of the president of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. Before she met him,
she participated in the war of liberation among partisans led by I.B. Tito. An issue that has
generated many discussion and speculation refers to the extent that Jovanka was exerted an
influence on the political activity of the president.(asta nu suna bine..dar nu pot sa ma gandesc la
altcevaimi explodeaza capul) In the last years of Tito's life, when he was subjected to a special
regime of work, Jovanka practically owned control over the access to the president, making a
"selection" of those who could be received, based on her own criteria or her entourage interests.
After the death of Tito, Jovanka was evacuated from the official residence. She was allowed to
take some of the items she considered as personal property. There were arguments between
Jovanka and the other two sons of Tito coming from his previous marriage for the remaining
goods, but later Jovankas life went into full anonymity.

5.Raisa Gorbaciova a fost sotia lui Mihail Sergheevici Gorbaciov. Aceasta a fost una dintre cele
mai controversate doamne. Aceasta il insotea pretutindeni pe sotul ei si interesanta este una din
vizitele lor in Marea Britanie. Comportamentul Riasei demonstra ca, in scurt timp, URSS va
experimenta nu numai un nou tip de lider communist, ci va scoate pe piata si o alta Prima
Doamna. Presa sovietica, circumspect cu sotiile liderilor politici nu a acordat niciodata prea mare
atentie Raisei. Nu a fost insa si cazul presei americane care parea, cel putin, la fel de interesata de
personalitatea Primei Doamne ca si de cea a liderului sovietic. Ca Prima Doamna, Raisa a inceput
prin a isi atrage antipatia garzilor de corp ale sotului sau. Dincolo de orice barfe sau realitati,
Raisa Gorbaciova ramane femeia care a contribuit la schimbarea imaginii Uniunii Sovietice in
lume, in general, cu precadere in Occident.
Raisa Gorbachev - was Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev's wife. She was one of the most
controversial ladies. ItSSHHEE accompanied her husband everywhere and very interesting is one
of their visits to the UK. Raisas behavior showed that shortly, the USSR would experience not
only a new communist leader, but would bring out on the market another kind of First Lady.
Soviet press did not carry too much about the wives of political leaders so they have never paid
much attention to Raisa. This was not the case of the U.S. press which seemed at least as
interested in the personality of the First Lady as it was in that of the Soviet leader. As First Lady,
Raisa began by attracting the antipathy of her husband's bodyguards. Beyond any gossip or
reality, Raisa Gorbachev remains the woman who helped changing the image of the Soviet Union
in the world, mostly and especially in the West.

Alte nume importante sunt : Winnie Mandela [ sotia lui Nelson Mandela, care a indeplinit
functia de purtator de cuvant al Partidului Congresului National African, a fost condamnata la un
an de inchisoare si de multe ori a fost obligata sa traiasca sub stare de arest la domiciliu.], Jiang
Qing[ a patra sotie a liderului communist Mao Zedong. S-a evidentiat ca unde dintre cele mai
aprige sustinatoare si promotoare ale revolutiei cultural, miscare de mase dirijata de partid
impotriva varfurilor clasei de mijloc- artisti, oameni de stiinta, birocrati etc- toti crunt reprimati
prin umiliri publice si condamnari la ani grei de inchisoare], Hillary Clinton [sotia presedintelui
American Bill Clinton], Nancy Reagan [a facut cariera ca actrita, a scris in presa, a activat pe
taram civic, aparand interesele si drepturile veteranilor razboiului din Vietnam, a copiilor
abandonati si a celor cazuti in patima drogurilor, chiar inainte ca sotul ei sa devina presedinte al
SUA] , Jacqueline Kennedy, Rachele Mussolini, Eva Braun [sotia lui Adolf Hitler], Maria
Antonescu, Elena Ceausescu etc.

Other important names are: Winnie Mandela (wife of Nelson Mandela, who served as
spokesman for the African National Congress party; she was sentenced to one year in prison and
often was forced to live under home arrest), Jiang Qing( fourth wife of communist leader Mao
Zedong. It was pointed out that she was the most fierce supporter and promoter of the "cultural
revolution" mass movement directed against the party of the middle class intellectuals-artists,
scientists, bureaucrats etc-all cruelly repressed by public humiliation and sentenced to years in
prison), Hillary Clinton (wife of U.S. President Bill Clinton), Nancy Reagan (has made a career
as an actress, wrote in the press, worked in the civic land, defending the interests and rights of
veterans of the Vietnam War, abandoned children and those who fell in the lust of drugs; even
before her husband become president of the United States), Jacqueline Kennedy, Rachele
Mussolini, Eva Braun (wife of Adolf Hitler), Maria Antonescu, Elena Ceausescu, etc.
!!!!!!!!!!deci eu nu inteleg de ce astea sunt faimoasesi de ce le asezi pe aceeasi treapta pe =de
exemplu Jacqueline kennedy si eva braun/Elena Ceausescu. Da alt titlu capitolului. Most
influential sau nu stiu..

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