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Regents Prep #6

Name: Date:
1. In the late 1800's, which reason led the United
States to give greater attention to the world beyond
its borders?
A. fear of revolution in Latin America
B. fear of Russian expansion in Alaska
C. interest in nding places to settle surplus
D. interest in obtaining markets for surplus goods
2. A major reason the United States began to seek
colonies during the late 1890's was that the
A. Monroe Doctrine required such action
B. expansion of American industry made
acquiring new markets and additional
resources desirable
C. population pressures within the United States
had become more severe
D. cold-war rivalry between the United States
and the Soviet Union has heightened
3. Base your answer to the following question on the
accompanying cartoon and on your knowledge of
social studies.
This cartoon deals mainly with the concept of
A. imperialism
B. government overspending
C. isolationism
D. free trade
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4. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
on the map below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
The main purpose of this map is to illustrate the
A. sources of important natural resources
B. development of United States imperialism
C. growth of the Atlantic slave trade
D. results of the Spanish-American War
5. Which war is most closely associated with the
emergence of the United States as a world power?
A. War of 1812
B. Mexican War
C. Civil War
D. Spanish-American War
6. Which headline related to the Spanish-American
War is an example of yellow journalism?
A. President McKinley Asks Congress for
War Declaration Against Spain
B. United States Mobilizes for War with
C. United States Demands Response to
Spanish Actions
D. Spanish Troops Slaughter Innocent Cuban
7. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
The First Spadeful
Source: W. A. Rogers, A World Worthwhile, Harper & Bros.
The cartoon illustrates the actions of President
Theodore Roosevelt in
A. securing the land to build the Panama Canal
B. leading troops in the Spanish-American War
C. ending the war between Russia and Japan
D. improving diplomatic relations with Latin
American nations
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8. A primary aim of the United States Open Door
Policy was to
A. encourage the Chinese to emigrate to other
B. prevent European powers from dividing up
C. develop China's industrial capacity
D. introduce democratic government into China
9. The Spanish-American War brought about a major
change in United States foreign policy in that the
United States
A. gained the Panama Canal
B. lost vast acreage to the Spanish
C. became a colonial power
D. ended its policy of intervention
10. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
assumed the right of the United States to
A. intervene in the internal aairs of a country
in the exercise of international police power
B. grant special privileges to big business in its
economic transactions in Latin America
C. grant nancial aid to less developed countries
D. disregard any or all parts of the Monroe
11. Which belief was the basis of President Theodore
Roosevelt's foreign policy in the Western
A. The United States can intervene in the
Western Hemisphere to protect political
stability and American interests.
B. Each nation in the Western Hemisphere is
entitled to full respect for its sovereign rights.
C. The Monroe Doctrine has outlived its
usefulness and should be ignored
D. European nations should be allowed to protect
their interests in the Western Hemisphere.
12. One major result of the Spanish-American War
was that the United States
A. established many foreign-aid programs
B. obtained overseas colonies
C. abandoned the principles of the Monroe
D. settled disputed by relying on international
peace organizations
13. The purpose of the Open Door policy was to
A. encourage European nations to increase their
investments in Asian nations
B. announce a change in United States policy
toward immigration from Asia
C. improve trade opportunities in China for
United States businesses
D. urge China to lower its protective taris
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14. Base your answer to the following question on the
cartoon below and on your knowledge of social
Which concept is expressed in this cartoon?
A. support for new military alliances
B. support for United States imperialism
C. opposition to the League of Nations
D. opposition to new immigration laws
15. President Theodore Roosevelt's Latin American
policy was based on his belief that the
A. United States should intervene when necessary
to protect its interest in Latin America
B. Monroe Doctrine should be abandoned
C. sovereign rights of other nations should be
D. United States and European nations should
work together to improve Latin America's
economic conditions
16. The Platt Amendment, the Roosevelt Corollary,
and dollar diplomacy are evidence of a United
States policy of
A. reducing the number of immigrants from
Latin America to the United States
B. encouraging the independence and sovereignty
of Latin American nations
C. cooperating with Great Britain to solve
problems in Latin America
D. expanding its interests in Latin America
17. The clear and present danger principle stated in
the Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States
upheld the idea that
A. constitutional freedoms can be limited
B. foreign aairs do not justify civil rights
C. government powers cannot expand during
national emergencies
D. the rights of the accused should not be
endangered to facilitate police work
18. Prior to entering World War I, the United States
protested Germany's use of submarine warfare
primarily because it
A. violated the Monroe Doctrine
B. discouraged immigration to the United States
C. posed a direct threat to American cities
D. violated the principle of freedom of the seas
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19. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)
on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
The primary goal of the United States foreign
policy referred to in the cartoon was to
A. build United States factories in the Caribbean
B. improve relations with Caribbean nations
C. provide defense for nations in the Caribbean
D. protect United States interests in the Caribbean
20. The clear and present danger test was developed
by the United States Supreme Court to determine
A. limits of search and seizure without a
B. extent to which freedom of speech could be
limited constitutionally
C. conditions under which self-incrimination
could be required
D. statement of rights that police must read to
suspects at the time of arrest
21. The principal reason the Senate refused to ratify
the Treaty of Versailles after World War I was the
belief that the treaty
A. failed to reduce international taris
B. provided little incentive to end colonialism
C. threatened United States sovereignty
D. rejected many of the Fourteen Points
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22. Base your answer to question following question
on the poster below and on your knowledge of
social studies.
Source: Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
This poster was used during the administration of
President Woodrow Wilson to
A. convince men to enlist in the military services
B. help nance the war eort
C. support membership in the League of Nations
D. emphasize the goals of the Fourteen Points
23. President Woodrow Wilson's policy of strict
neutrality during the early years of World War I
was challenged by
A. German violations of freedom of the seas
B. British disrespect for the Roosevelt corollary
C. attacks by Mexicans on United States border
D. the refusal of the League of Nations to supply
24. Which headline is the best example of yellow
journalism, as practiced in the late 1890's?
A. Maine Sunk in Havana Harbor
B. Several Sailors Die in Maine Sinking
C. Maine Split by Enemy's Secret Infernal
D. Anti-Imperialists Oppose War with Spain
25. The Washington Naval Conferences and the
Kellogg-Briand Pact were attempts by the United
States to
A. insure military preparedness between World
Wars I and II
B. achieve peace and arms control in the decade
after World War I
C. secure a leadership position in European
aairs in the 1920's
D. maintain a traditional policy of defensive
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26. At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, most
Americans believed that
A. their country should stay out of the war
B. sending direct aid to Russia was necessary
and desirable
C. the government should immediately declare
war against Germany
D. the government should be more concerned
with conditions in the Far East than with
events in Europe
27. President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were
proposals that he believed would bring about
A. a just and lasting peace
B. the containment of fascism
C. a reduction in United States involvement in
world aairs
D. a reestablishment of the prewar political
situation in Europe
28. Base your answer to the following question on
the accompanying map and on your knowledge of
social studies.
The situation shown in the map threatened the
United States policy of
A. intervention B. containment
C. neutrality D. collective security
29. Which social movement was most aected by
World War I?
A. repealing Prohibition
B. ending restrictions on immigration
C. adopting women's surage
D. providing aid to the unemployed
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30. The Espionage Act (1917) and the Sedition Act
(1918) were used by President Woodrow Wilson's
administration during World War I to
A. discourage congressional support for the war
B. place German Americans in internment camps
C. remove Communists from government
D. silence critics of the war eort
31. During World War I, many American women
helped gain support for the surage movement by
A. protesting against the war
B. joining the military service
C. lobbying for child-care facilities
D. working in wartime industries
32. One goal for a lasting peace that President
Woodrow Wilson included in his Fourteen Points
A. establishing a League of Nations
B. maintaining a permanent military force in
C. returning the United States to a policy of
D. blaming Germany for causing World War I
33. During his reelection campaign in 1916, President
Woodrow Wilson used the slogan, He kept us out
of war. In April of 1917, Wilson asked Congress
to declare war on Germany. What helped bring
about this change?
A. Bolshevik forces increased their strength in
Germany and Italy.
B. Britain was invaded by nations of the Central
C. Russia signed a treaty of alliance with the
Central Powers.
D. Germany resumed unrestricted submarine
34. An important result of the Spanish-American War
of 1898 was that the United States
A. acquired territories in Africa
B. became a world power with an overseas
C. improved its relations with Germany
D. lost interest in Latin American aairs
35. Which situation was the immediate cause of the
United States entry into World War I in 1917?
A. The League of Nations requested help.
B. The Maine was blown up in Havana Harbor.
C. Nazi tyranny threatened Western democracy.
D. German submarines sank United States
merchant ships.
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36. The Spanish-American War brought about a major
change in United States foreign policy in that the
United States
A. gained the Panama Canal
B. lost vast acreage to the Spanish
C. became a colonial power
D. ended its policy of intervention
37. The women's rights movement in the early 20th
century focused its eorts primarily on securing
A. a cabinet position for a woman
B. reform or prisons
C. civil rights for all minorities
D. surage for women
38. The League of Nations, the Washington Naval
Conference, and the Kellogg-Briand Pact
were designed to keep peace in the Northern
Hemisphere. Why did these agreements fail to
prevent World War II?
A. Independence movements in developing
countries were too strong to be stopped.
B. The United States was not a participant in
any of the agreements.
C. The agreements lacked enforcement powers.
D. The United States was too involved in military
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Regents Prep #6 06/12/2014
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: A
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: B
Answer: A
Answer: A
Answer: C
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: D
Answer: A
Answer: D
Answer: B
Answer: D
Answer: C
Answer: D
Answer: C

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