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!"#$"%#& () *#+%,- .

2(34$ 21%33
*#+%,- 500$(4678 *#14%3#9 *#+%,-
A low cost heating system is a neeueu to heat the wastewatei fiom 71.6! !" !"#!
Passive solai stills have the lowest constiuction, opeiating, anu maintenance cost of
all othei solai stills (Nuftah et al., 2u14). They opeiate by focusing the suns eneigy
to heat the watei in the basin without using electiical eneigy. Single-slopeu solai
stills aie iecipient to highei levels of solai iiiauiation than uouble- slopeu solai stills
(Nuftah et al., 2u14). The main components of the solai still aie shown in Figuie 1!

#$%&'( ) *+,,$-(. ,$/%0(1,023(4 ,20+' ,5$00 &,(4 52 6(+5 56( 5$0+3$+ 7+,5(7+5('
8'29:)!;! !" !"! 7$562&5 &5$0$<$/% +/= (0(>5'$>+0 (/('%=! ?25( 56( ,20+' ,5$00 $, /25 ,5+$/(4 $/
56$, '(/4('$/%!
The covei is the most influential uesign component of the efficiency of the solai
still. The glass tilt angle is equal to the latituue of the NAF0, S2, in oiuei foi the
system to achieve maximum efficiency (Nuftah et al., 2u14). The aciylic covei
mateiial is cheapei than glass. The covei plate has a Smm thickness, iesulting in
an expecteu 16.S% highei piouuction iate than a thickei covei mateiial
(uhoneyem 1997). The wiuth of the solai still is less than S ft. to pioviue the
highest efficiency, anu lowei the cost of the covei (NcCiacken anu uoiues 198S).

The bouy of the solai still will be maue of plywoou. Plywoou is low cost, can be
easily assembleu using hanu tools, anu has a highei life expectancy than othei
possible constiuction mateiials (NcCiacken anu uoiues, 198S). The inteiioi anu
exteiioi of the bouy is coveieu with epoxy anu black enamel paint to piolong its life
expectancy anu keep it opeiating efficiently. 0ne coat of maiine epoxy anu two coats
of enamel will pioviue the woou with 0v piotection, wateipioofing, anu pievent it
fiom waiping. Black paint absoibs a laigei fiaction of solai eneigy impioving the
heating iates of the stills.
*+,-+../-$ !"..$0-+"1
Buiing the heating of the wastewatei some will evapoiate, conuense on the glass
covei, anu collect in the uistillate collection tiough. Although less that one gallon of
watei is pieuicteu to evapoiate a uay the collection of the theoietically puie watei
auus an euucational element. It illustiates technologies useu in ueveloping
countiies, anu exemplifies the watei cycle. All of the uistillate is collecteu in a single
watei jug, locateu at the enu of the system (figuie 2).

#$%&'( @! A-('-$(7 28 56( 82&' ,20+' ,5$00,. >200(>5$2/ 5'2&%6. 7+,5(7+5(' '(92-+0 +/4
>200(>5$2/. +/4 4$,5$00+5( >200(>5$2/
Naintaining a maximum gap uistance of u.Su ft. between the glass covei anu the
watei suiface impioves the efficiency of the solai still by 11% (Patel et al., 2u14).
The inteiioi of the basin is smootheu with sanupapei piioi to sealing it to pievent a
high amount of seuiment builu up. Foam insulation is iequiieu on the exteiioi
suiface of the basin to ieuuce the amount of heat loss fiom the system. With out
insolation the heating iates uiop below the minimum value iequiieu to heat the
uaily amount of uigestei feeu (APPENBIX A.S) The basin anu insolation aie attaches
to 2 ft. by 4 ft. suppoits. The fiont of the basin has hinges, siue guaius anu a latch to
facilitate the iemoval the wastewatei (figuie S). Weathei stiips aie secuieu aiounu
the euges of the opening to keep the still wateitight.

#$%&'( B ,20+' ,5$00 8'2/5 C+,$/, $/ 56( 23(/. +/4 >02,(4 32,$5$2/!
2/,-$3/-$% !"..$0-+"1 /1( 4%/1,5"%-
0nce the mateiial has ieacheu the iequiieu tempeiatuie of 9S!, it is collecteu in a
tiough (figuie 2). The tiough has a slope of five uegiees, anu is maue of epoxy sealeu
woou anu plastic tiough sheets. The contents of two solai stills aie auueu to the
collection tank at a time. 0nce the contents of two solai stills aie fully emptieu, a
hoise powei (BP) pump is iequiieu to 8eeu the contents to the uigestei. The mass
flow fiom the tilapia gieen house to the uigesteis is illustiateu in figuie 4. A
squeegee is useu to get all the solius iemoveu fiom the stills befoie the next batch is

#$%&'( D #027 4$+%'+9 8'29 56( 5$0+3$+ 5+/E, 52 56( 4$%(,5(', 82' 56( ?2'56 F&C&'/ #$,6('$(,
G/$5 9(56+/( 3'24&>5$2/ ,=,5(9!

Numbei Component Amount (gal) Fiequency
1 Tank effluent SSS 1uay
2 S% TS sluiiy 2Su 1uay
S(a, b) Solai stills 2S.S Suay
S (c, u) Solai stills 2S.S 2uay
4 SS gallon uium 47 2uay
4(a, b) Fixeu beu anaeiobic uigesteis 47 1uay

:%;#9 :%3/ 5-4#$(<%6 *%,#+1#$
Tilapia waste is a novel feeu mateiial, anu has a low amount of total solius (TS),
iaising conceins on uigestion efficiency anu the wash out of miciobes. RAS waste is
subject to change baseu on: feeuing times, time of the yeai, aveiage age anu weight
of the fish. The system iequiies an anaeiobic uigestei that is low cost, has a
toleiance foi influent vaiiations, anu has a laige contact aiea of bacteiia. Fixeu film
anaeiobic uigesteis (FFAB) have been successfully anu wiuely applieu foi the
tieatment of uiffeient wastes, have a high capacity of miciooiganism ietention, anu
ieauily acclimate to influent vaiiations (Nikolaeva, 2u1S). FFAB have low hyuiaulic
ietention times (BRT) allowing the system to utilize the laige amounts of sluiiy
while maintaining low constiuction, opeiation, anu maintenance costs (Nikolaeva,
0pflow uigesteis ietain biomass via giavity, anu have a shoitei staitup peiiou by
two months (}oiuening anu Buchholz, 2u14). Bigesteis iun in paiallel opeiate
inuepenuently, so the failuie of one uigestei uoes not affect the iest of the system.
FFAS uo not iequiie specific height anu uiametei iatios (}oiuening anu Buchholz,
:%;#9 :%3/
The suppoit mateiial is the most impoitant component of the FFAB. Textuieu, non-
metallic electiical conuuits have the highest bacteiia suiface aiea, anu B0B iemoval
efficiencies compaieu to othei natuial anu synthetic mateiial (Banuaia et al., 2u14).
Textuieu mateiial pioviues a laige suiface aiea foi the bacteiia to auheie to without
incieasing the specific suiface aieas. Ranuomly packeu suppoit mateiial (figuie S)
with high poiosity has the highest efficiencies, anu eliminates ielative effects aiising
fiom flow toituosity anu othei physical factois (Tembhuikai anu Nhasisalkai,
2uu6). It is iequiieu that the fixeu film mateiial is low cost anu available in laige
quantities }oiuening anu Buchholz (2u14). The film being chemically ineit with the
uigestei contents ensuies it will not impeue on the uigestion piocess.
Annual Research Journal of SLSAJ, Issue 8

Figure 3. Pieces of electrical conduits (Media 1)

Figure 4. Pieces of normal electrical conduits (Media 2)

Figure 5. Pieces of saline bottles (Media 3)

Figure 6. Rock (Media 4)

Experimental studies were carried out for 3
months, while constant flow rate (335
mL/min) to achieve 0.5 day retention using
control valves, which receives septic tank
effluent from a toilet in the Faculty of
Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri
Lanka. Using sequential grab sampling
method, samples (200 mL) were collected
weekly. BOD

and pH measurements of
influent and effluent were measured to check
the performance characteristic of each filter


The variation of BOD

of the influent and the
effluent water from four filters is shown in the
Table 2 and Fig. 7.
Table 2: BOD
measurements of effluents and influent
Average effluent
/(mg/L) of Media
1 /(mg/L) 2 3 4
0 71.4 46.5 42.3 55.8 -
5 54.6 20.9 18.2 27.6 -
12 104.4 31.9 22.1 42.8 -
19 56.1 11.4 14.3 45.6 -
33 36.8 17.6 30.9 14.9 11.7
71 60.8 39.1 56.3 44.3 41.3
76 40.7 21.2 38.7 30.7 23.0
86 54.2 38.2 52.2 39.4 36.8
#$%&'( H I0(>5'$>+0 >2/4&$5, 3+>E(4 '+/4290= $/52 + 8$J(4 8$09 +/+('2C$> 4$%(,5(' 7$56 +/
+33'2J$9+5( 32'2,$5= 28 KLM NO+/4+'( (5 +0!. @L)DP!
*#14%3#9 *#+%,-
The system of FFAB iun in paiallel is compiiseu of five SS-gallon batch tanks with a
bolt on covei, 1S cone bottom, anu metal stanu (figuie 6). The sluiiy is intiouuceu
to the system two inches fiom the bottom, anu flows thiough the system in an
upflow motion (Robeits, 2u14). The system has an BRT of one uay (Lomas et al.,
1999; Tembhuikai anu Nhasisalkai, 2006), allowing it to utilize 2Su gallons of sluiiy
a uay. Operating at a minimum temperature of 9S! anu a piessuie of 8" of watei
(Banuaia et al., 2u14), the system piouuces 66u to 86S !!
a uay.

#$%&'( ; HH %+002/. 8$J(4 8$09 +/+('2C$> 4$%(,5(' 7$56 $/,20+5$2/. 7+5('3'228 >2-(',. 9(56+/( >200(>5$2/.
$/80&(/5 +/4 (880&(/5 3$3(,. +/4 + ,&332'5 9(4$&9!
6+7$( 6+.8
The suppoit mateiial (table 2) is maue of inch textuieu, electiical, non-metallic
tubing cut into S-inch segments. The film is ianuomly packeu in the uigestei, anu
has a high poiosity of 9u% (Nikolaeva et al., 2u1S). The segment height of thiee
inches is the most cost effective foi the system (Appenuix B.S). Plastic/polyresin
poultry netting, prevents the media from clogging outlets, or becoming unevenly
distributed. Restricting the location of the media increases the contact between the
bacteria and organic solids, increasing methane production. The volume, area, and
number of pieces of film for each digester (table 2) were determined using a set of
equations reported by Tembhurkar and Mhasisalkar (2006) (Appendix B.1)

Fixed Film Anaerobic Digester Design
Fixed film Anaerobic Digester
Low required HRT (1 day)
Overcome influent variations
Fixed Film
90% porosity
textured electrical conduit
1290 pieces per digester
55 gallon, 15 anaerobic digester
Q+C0( )! R932'5+/5 3+'+9(5(', 28 56( 525+0 ,&332'5 9(4$+ $/ 56( 8$J(4 8$09 +/+('2C$> 4$%(,5(', 9+4( 28
(0(>5'$>+0 /2/1>2/4&$5 5&C$/%!
Total support media parameters Values
Volume u.9S(!"
Porosity 90%
Number of pieces 1291
Surface area 80.2 (!"
S3(>$8$> ,&'8+>( +'(+ 86.24 (!"
T+UV 56( 525+0 ,&'8+>( +'(+ 28 56( 9(4$+ 7$00 C( 6$%6(' 56+/ -+0&( 0$,5(4 C(>+&,( 28 56( 5(J5&'(4 2&5,$4(
Five smallei tanks with two-inch uenim insulation maintain a mesophilic
tempeiatuie iange, 9u!-1uu!, with out supplemental heating. The black taip
pioviues weathei piotection, anu minimizes heat loss. The insolation is secuieu
with watei heatei stiaps anu tape, but is still iemovable foi cleaning anu iepaiis.
*%,#+141# .(33#61%(-
The uigestate is iich in nutiients that neeu to be utilizeu in oiuei to extiact the
maximum iecoveiy value fiom the RAS effluent. The uigestate contains beneficial
phosphoious, potassium, anu the plant available N (ammonia-N) content of the
uigestate was 2u% gieatei than in the iaw sluiiy (Fiost anu uilkinson, 2u1u).
Collecting the soliu anu liquiu uigestate sepaiately allows foi uiffeient BRT anu SRT.
Removing the solius anu liquius sepaiately keeps the TS content of the liquiu as low
as possible, making efficient tianspoit possible.
*#14%3#9 *#+%,-
The liquiu anu soliu poitions of the uigestate will be collecteu sepaiately. The solius
will paitially sepaiate fiom the liquiu poitions via giavity inuuceu settling. The
solius aie collecteu eveiy foui uays in the collection tiough, anu the liquius aie
collecteu eveiy uay. An oveiview of the uigestate collection system is shown in
figuie 7. This uesign is limiteu to the suggesteu use anu collection of the uigestate.
The uesign uoes not incluue application methous.

#$%&'( :! A-('-$(7 28 4$%(,5+5( >200(>5$2/ ,=,5(9!
9".+( *+:$,-/-$
The SRT of the uigestate is calculateu as foui uays (Appenuix B1). The solius aie
iemoveu fiom the tank befoie loauing occuis on the fifth uay. The solius settle ovei
a 24 houi peiiou, anu collect in the 1S cone bottom of the tanks. The solius aie
extiacteu thiough a ball valve, anu uepositeu into a tiough of the same uesign useu
foi the solai still wastewatei collection. The ball valves aie manually opeiateu. The
levei to open the valve faces west so the opeiatoi uoes not have to ieach ovei the
tiough. The uigesteis aie spaceu S.S ft. apait allowing the opeiatoi to easily ieach
the valve. The 86 gallons of soliu uigestate expelleu fiom the system, 17.1 gallons
pei uigestei, is collecteu in a 1uu-gallon tank. The TS content of the uigestate, 9%, is
low enough foi tianspoit via pumping, but it is cautioneu that pooi flow
chaiacteiistics, low efficiencies, anu pump pioblems aie likely (Fiost anu uilkinson,
>%?@%9 *%,#+141#
The BRT foi the uigesteis is one uay. In a SS-gallon uigestei, the upwaiu foice of the
new uigestei influent expels the olu uigestate out of the uigestei thiough a syphon
(Figuie 8) (Lomas et. al, 1999). The maximum amount of liquiu uigestate piouuceu
is 2Su gallons. Aftei the uigestate is foiceu fiom uigestei, it is feu to a SuS-gallon
closeu top holuing tank. It was iequiieu that the tank capacity exceeueu the volume
of uigestate piouuceu in oiuei foi the uigestate to be feu to the tank via giavity. The
closeu top pievents evapoiation losses fiom the tank.

2(3%9 *%,#+141# A#6(//#-9#9 B+#
It is iecommenueu that the soliu uigestate is utilizeu to assist in feitilization of the
tomato gieenhouse, anu not as a substitute foi mineial feitilizeis (Smith et al.,
2uu7). The concentiations of N, P, anu K in uigestate aie lowei than those founu in
commeicial feitilizeis anu iesult in a lowei quantity anu quality of ciops (Rahman,
2u1u). Piioi to application aeiobically composting the uigestate foi two weeks
allows the uigestate to fuithei matuie NCampo, 2u1u). Aftei composting nitiogen is

piesent in a miciobial "fixeu foim" anu has a longei-teim slow ielease making it
easiei foi plants to absoib (FN BioEneigy, 2u14).
>%?@%9 *%,#+141# A#6(//#-9#9 B+#
It is iecommenueu that the liquiu uigestate be useu to watei the ciops in the tomato
gieenhouse. Stuuies iepoiteu by Ragman (2u1u) showeu that wateiing plants with
fish watei incieaseu fiuit numbeis fiom 7 to S2% because fish watei pioviueu
ceitain limiting factois that weie not sufficiently pioviueu by the oiganic manuie
souices. The liquiu can be pumpeu to the gieenhouse efficiently. The liquiu
uigestate pioviues 66-99% of the uaily watei iequiieu by the tomatoes giown in the
aujacent gieenhouse.

214$1 @0 () 9%,#+1#$
Piioi to intiouucing effluent the uigestei shoulu be filleu with watei to check
uigestei foi leaks. Stait inoculating the uigestei using a feeuing funnel anu buckets.
In oiuei foi biogas to be piouuceu the appiopiiate bacteiia must be piesent. Baiiis
(2uu8) iepoiteu cattle anu pig waste have the iight bacteiia, while poultiy anu
vegetable waste neeu inoculation. It is assumeu the tilapia waste will neeu to be
inoculateu accoiuing to the following steps outlineu in Appenuix B2.

Buiing inoculation if pB oi alkalinity values aie out of uesiieu iange then the iatios
of tilapia waste to piggeiyuaiiy waste shoulu be ieuuceu, anu incieaseu at moie
giauual levels foi the iemainuei of inoculation peiiou. Buiing staitup B0 N0T
attempt to light the fiist batch of biogas because it coulu be explosive uue to oxygen
fiom the initial set up being left in the system.

C4+ D4-93%-, 2E+1#/
F$4-+0($1 2E+1#/
The gas hanuling system is iequiieu to efficiently tianspoit the gas fiom the
uigestei to stoiage tank to use in a simple, safe, low cost mannei. Low-piessuie
systems have the lowest costs. Polyethylene iequiies less maintenance than othei
pipe mateiial because is can easily make giauual tuins, anu is less likely to ciack.
Safety is a laige concein because the uangei of explosion is always piesent when
hanuling flammable gas. The biogas is satuiateu with moistuie uue to the high
moistuie content in the uigestei. If the moistuie is not iemoveu it will conuense in
boilei causing iestiiction of gas flow.

G%(,4+ @0,$49%-,
Byuiogen sulfiue (!
!! is the main containment in biogas. It is highly coiiosive anu
toxic to humans. The biogas piouuceu by the system is less than the cuiient 0ntaiio
best management piactice (BNP) minimum alaim level of 1u paits pei million
(Sauve, 2u12). Caibon uioxiue !"
loweis the heating value of the biogas. The
iecommenueu piocesses foi biogas upgiauing aie absoiption, membiane
sepaiation, anu watei sciubbing. 0n aveiage !"
compiises 4S% of the biogas,
almost uoubling the stoiage iequiiements, iaising the costs of the system.
*#14%3#9 *#+%,-
F$4-+0($1 2E+1#/
Balf-inch polyethylene hose is useu to tianspoit the biogas fiom the uigestei to
stoiage. The size was ueteimineu using Figuie 4 a maximum gas flow iate of
!!"! anu a maximum pipe length of 2u ft.

#$%&'( W X(>299(/4(4 3$3( ,$<$/% 82' C$2%+, 6+/40$/% NY+0,6 (5 +0!.)KWWP!
Caie is taken to ensuie the pipe uoes not benu too shaiply oi folu because it will
ueciease gas piessuie, anu iesult in a point weie a leak can easily uevelop (Peace
Coips 1984). To pievent the leaking of gas all the junctions in the gas line aie maue
using tieaueu fittings with sufficient amounts of Teflon tape on all thieaus, all hose
connections will be secuieu with a hose clamp, anu the system will be iegulaily
checkeu foi leaks (Bilibiza, 2u12). Stanuaiu weight pipeu (Scheuule 4u), will be useu
foi the unueigiounu gas lines (Walsh et al., 1988).
*$%0 F$40+
Biip tiaps aie placeu in all low point anu long pipe iuns fiom the uigestei to the
buinei to allow the moistuie in the biogas to conuense. The tee conuensate uiaining
system) is useu because it is inexpensive anu has no uangei of floouing if it goes
uncheckeu (Walsh et al., 1988). All pipes leauing to the uiip tiaps have a minimum
of 2% to allow piopei uiainage (vaiec Biogas Catalog).

#$%&'( K #+9( +''(,5(' +/4 >2932/(/5, NY+0,6 (5 +0!. )KKWP!
131F. If the gas is compressed without cooling to remove the heat of compression,
the gas temperature will be significantly increased. The gas temperature can be
computed as follows:
Tcompreiior out Teomprasor in x (Podpi n)
TeompnlSor Out = Compressor Outlet Gas Temperature (OR).
Tcompreilor in = Compressor Inlet Gas Temperature (OR),
Pout - Compressor Outlet Pressure (psig),
Pin - Compressor Inlet Pressure (psig). and
TOR = TOF + 460
The design temperature is computed as follows:
Design Temperature = 1.5 x Maximum Operating Temperature
PiDe S izirlg. A quick determination of pipe sire can be made using the
diagram presented in Figure 4-1. In order to use t he figure, t he rat e of gas flow
in cubic f eet per hour and the length of pipe must be determined. As shown in the
figure. a flow rat e of 50 cubic feet per hour i n a pipe 75 feet long requires a pipe
diameter of 1/2 inch. Likewise a flow of 80 cubic feet per hour i n a 50 foot pipe
requires a 3/4 inch pipe.
Figure 4-1. Recommended Pipe Sizing
Source: ESCAP 1980
Flame Arresters
A f l ame arrestor should be located in the gas line just downstream of the gas
source. The purpose of this device is to prevent a fl ame f r om running back down
the pipe and causing an explosion. A ball or roll of f i ne mesh copper wire works
well for this application. Two typical flame arrestor installations ar e shown i n
Figures 4-6 and 4-7.
Figure 4-6. Flame Arrestor Installation A
Source: ESCAP 1980
Figure 4-7. Flame Arrestor Installation B
Source: ESCAP 1980
:34/# 5$$#+1#$+
Theie aie six Flame aiiesteis in the system in oiuei to pievent the flame fiom
ciawling uown the pipe anu causing an explosion (vaiec Biogas Catalog). They aie
locateu just uown stieam gas stoiage anu as close to the flame as possible to pievent
the flame fiom ciawling uown the pipe anu causing an explosion! The flame
aiiesteis aie maue of a fine coppei mesh, anu aie helu in place by ieuuceis anu a
nipple Figuie 1u.
G%(,4+ B0,$49%-,
The concentiation of !
! piouuceu by the system is 1.61 ppm. No fuithei ieuuction
of !
! !" !"#$%!"& !" !"# !"!#$% !"#$%&" !" !" !"#$% !"# !"#$%%"&"& !"#! The
biogas piouuceu fiom the NAF0 is pieuicteu to be SS% Caibon uioxiue (!"
Although the amount of !"
!" !"#!$% !"#$ !"#$!%#! !" !"
is iemoveu fiom the
system. Reuucing the amount of !"
!" !"# !"!#$% !"#$# !"#$ !"#$ the stoiage. Even
with high amounts of !"
the biogas still buins (Auhikaii, 2u12).

G%(,4+ 21($4,#
uas stoiage is iequiieu foi the system in oiuei foi biogas to be supplieu to the
buinei at a constant piessuie. Low-piessuie stoiage systems aie the least
expensive of all the stoiage systems. The gas stoiage only holus only uay's woith of
biogas in oiuei to keep the system economical (Baiiis, 2uu8P! Floating tank stoiage
is a low-piessuie system that has vaiiable capacity to compensate foi the
uiffeiences between the iate of gas piouuction anu use NPeace Coips, 198S). The
floating tank methou consists of two paits: an open top tank with six inches of watei
(Baiiis, 2uu8), anu an inveiteu open top tank that will float in the watei. The top
tank will seive as the gasholuei.. The piessuie anu containment of the gas will be
maintaineu with a watei seal (Baiiis, 2uu8). 0thei low-piessuie systems, such as
polyethylene bags, aie cheapei, but iequiie manual iegulation of the piessuie in the
system. Tilting of the top uium is the main pioblem associateu with floating uiums.

Z(5+$0(4 Z(,$%/
The gas stoiage system consists of five stoiage tanks with a maximum stoiage
capacity of 168ft
each. The gas stoiage seives as an inuicatoi of the uigesteis health
because each uigestei has its own stoiage. Both floating tanks aie maue of
polyethylene iounu watei tanks. Each set of floating uiums is bounu to a metal
stake. The metal steak is giounueu to piotect the system fiom uamage, fiie, oi
explosion if stiuck by lightening (Peace Coips 198S).

#$%&'( )L! [2932/(/5 4'+7$/% 28 2/( 28 56( 8$-(1C$2%+, ,52'+%( 5+/E, 02>+5(4 +5 56( ?F#G!
C@%9# &7##3+ 4-9 .$(++ G4$
Foui sets of wheels aie bolteu onto the top uigestei to keep the top of the uigestei
fiom tipping, allowing biogas to escape. The wheels allow the stoiage tank to move
fieely in the veitical uiiection with minimal fiiction (Peace Coips, 198S). Each set of
wheels is equally spaceu aiounu the uiametei of the top uium. Foi each set, one
wheel is placeu two in. fiom the top, anu the seconu is placeu two in. fiom the
bottom. The foui outsiue tiacks aie bolteu to the base of the stoiage system, anu
aligneu with the guiue wheels. The guiueposts aie kept in place by two C biackets,
anu wiies uiawn aiounu all foui pipes anu the tank to ensuie stability. A ciossbai
six inches shoitei than the combineu height of the two uiums is attacheu to the
outsiue tiacks to pievent the tank fiom floating too high, allowing gas to escape.

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Gas Storage Detailed Design

Low pressure system

Required to supply biogas to
burner at constant pressure
Cross bars 6 shorted than
combined height of tanks
Floating Lid Track
Requirement maximum storage of 168 ft

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