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Oriol Casanovas Ortega

Design Brief & Specification

Design brief
In technology class we have been presented with the challenge to create and existing item
that pollutes a lot and somehow make it echo friendly. Although motorcycles are not the number
one choice for many people, I decided to make self sustainable motorcycle. By this I mean that IT
WILL NEVER NEED TO BE FUELED. I intended to do this by research technologies that create
renewable energy, meaning endless. Although I already knew about solar and wind energies, I
research how much energy they can produce and hour given different wind speeds and light
intensity. I learned that I would need 3-4 one foot wind turbines to power a motorcycle for 50 miles
at a constant wind speed of 50 miles/hour or the motorcycle moving at 50miles/hour. So I intend to
solve this problem by using wind turbines as the primary source of energy as it allows the bike to
travel at night. However the motorcycle at times may face winds against it, so it the bike was
travelling at 50miles/hour the wind turn vine will not be spinning as if going at 50miles/hour. So to
make sure the bike is self-propelled I would like to add solar panels. The solar panels would give the
motorcycle the energy needed when the bike is brand new to start rolling and keep the bike rolling
when the wind is facing directly to the bike, becoming the primary source of energy. This bike would
create enough energy to power its self for 100 extra miles without recharging after it has travelled
50miles. Or it could have a separate battery where excess energy goes, such that this battery can be
taken out. This battery could then be use somewhere in the house (refrigerator, lighting, etc.) as the
excess energy after 50 miles would be of 1Kw; thats have the energy use in a house each day. Here I
have killed two birds in one shot. I want to create this motorcycle so that people realise that
transportation does not need oil and that our transportation energy required can be created as we
drive. E=mc
Albert Einstein.

Design specification
1) 3 turbines: three turbines would be needed as this would produce about 370w/hour, and I
think the motorcycle would only have space for 3 wind turbines in its front.
2) As much of the area of the motorcycle covered with solar panels. This is needed as one
meter of solar panel would create 200 watts of electricity, but since not all the parts of the
bike get equal amounts of sun light, this would play it save. As well the bike should be cheap
thus I want it to be available to as many people possible. It can be inferred that the solar
panels would not be of 200 watts, maybe 50 watts thus they are cheaper.
3) Stream Line: The motorcycle should be as stream line as I can possibly make it without
interfering with my other specifications as the drag create by the wind would be reduced
and the motorcycle would require less electricity to travel those 50 miles.
4) Colour: The colour of the motorcycle should be black as it absorbers most sun light and I
want the motorcycle to produce as much energy as possible. Also photovoltaic are naturally
5) Dimensions: Height till the seat 85 centimetres, maximum length 170 centimetres and
handlebar length of 95 centimetres. I want this dimensions as they are the once from a
sports motorcycle and I want my motorcycle to look as much as possible as now a days
bikes. Just because some people dislike change.
6) Looks: The motorcycle should look somewhat like a sport bike because they are more steam
lined, but the person should be sat like in a touring bike as they are more comfortable and I
dont want people using my bike having back problems.
7) Wheels: They should be city looking wheels as they bike would be use mainly in cities where
the larger part of the population lives.
8) 2 Person bike: This is useful because even though the bike does not pollute, the production
does and I dont want the streets to contain too much traffic as it is annoying.
9) Storage system: The bike should have some bags hanging of the side for people to be able to
take their bags laptops or any working material they may need where they are going.
10) Comfortable leg rest: If the people are going to be travelling long distances the bike should
have some sort of system that allows the legs to be kept comfortable.
11) Wind hand protector: I want the passengers hands to stay warm, so I will add a bit of plastic
over the handle bars so the hands are not exposed to the wind.
12) Place suspensions: I want the people to have a smooth ride.

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