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You should know the basic list(&meaning) of virtues and vices we studied.
You should know when to use a given conflict-resolution technique(fukushima).
You should be able to apply/relate the above to any given problem or crisis.
You should be able to describe mental processes involved in moral analysis.
You should be able to answer in complete sentences, not by diagram or list
providing appropriate definitions and showing your reasoning when needed.
The difference between objective, subjective, collective and individual truth.
The difference between innate, instrumental, public and private good.
Leading or prominent definitions of morality. Why people study morality.
The 4 major schools of morality and some of their key representatives.
Outward signs of moral consciousness(in language), per Richard Brandt
Strengths and weaknesses of Kants approach to moral consciousness.
To what extent you agree with the authors reflective morality vs. customary.
A definition of a morally-mature person plus good citizenship
The United Nations human rights principles +the UNs successes & failures
Pillars of Professionalism in Malaysian Society(Service Ethics, Values, Norms)
You should know social/historical statistics of tragedies cited in the course,
including major crises & large-scale tragedies in contemporary civilization,
from environmental degradation and exhaustion of resources, to racism, to
cheating & corruption(public and private), to crime, to drug abuse, to AIDS,
to family disintegration, to poverty, to war, to terrorism, to slavery
- with your own systematic moral response to each(using course terminology).



Moral Studies combines insights and analysis from four areas.


To be or not to be that is the question. Shakespeare
[This means be focused on what kind of life you want to live.]

This quote illustrates Dignity vs. Recklessness

To toy or not to toy that is the question. - The Professor
[Too many people believe lifes goal is to die with a maximum of toys.
We must protect ourselves from this temptation to live meaningfully.]

This quote illustrates Decency vs. Silliness

Carry on up the rugged path toward prosperity and freedom.
- Barack Obama

This quote illustrates Objectivity vs. Self-Indulgence

All deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.
Too many are forced into terribly serious (very negative) situations.
- Barack Obama

This quote illustrates Magnanimity vs. Lazy-Mindedness

Dignity means preserving an irreducible, positive value for a given life.
Decency means protecting someones rights to good-life opportunities.
Magnanimity means systematic enhancement of a social environment for development.
Objectivity means a holistic view of things, trying to see where things belong.
Silliness means putting all values into question and doubt, just playing with ideas.
Lazy-mindedness means ignoring functional needs & natural contributions.
Self-indulgence means being selfish, self-centered or self-serving[comfort-oriented].
Recklessness means ignoring the scope of negative consequences.


Morality comes into focus as a gel between the major disciplines of life and
society, namely
Religion Psychology
& Spirituality & Education
(issues of Objectivity) (issues of Decency)

Law & Family &
Civics Professional Ethics
(issues of Magnanimity) (issues of Dignity)
In the simplest terms, this indicates that the average person feels the need for a
higher sense of belonging or deeper meaning, that certain eternal laws of the
universe and society are to be respected for the benefit of all, that education
proceeds with such assumptions, and that family life is a cradle of civilization,
if not simply the spirit of human brotherhood.
Accordingly, the textbook depicts a moral person as someone who

demonstrates self-control believes in and promotes
and critical judgment or engages in healthy competition

has a clear sense of civility cooperates smoothly &
and a degree of compassion works efficiently with others

Likewise, a conscientious citizen must monitor the state of his/her civilization via
Environmental Credentials Public Health Credentials
Economic Credentials Governmental Credentials
The Malaysian government promotes, at least officially, the professional values of
Self-Development, Kindness, Service
Moderation and Thrift and Patience

Creativity Prudence
& Diligence & Accountability
In summary, our paradigm for success of the human race includes
clear and deep moral reasoning moral feeling w care and concern for humanity
moral reflection w autonomous decision-making a modicum of constructive habits
with sober, loving and compassionate conscience


Adrian Bishop defines morality as spiritual objectivity, rights, laws, and ethics:
I will put the truth first
I will accept a duty (or attitude) of care toward all people
I will accept responsibility for my actions and for the consequences of my actions
I will conduct my relationships with integrity and not hide from responsibility
I will honour my agreements
I will affirm human rights (generally) and (all) men and women as equals

Albert Schweitzer puts it this way(another definition of morality):
Reverence for [human] life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely that
good consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing [human] life, and that to destroy,
to harm, or to hinder [human] life is evil.

This can be analyzed by examining its constituent parts and assessing their relevance:

Moral Feeling=====scrutinizes addiction because of its hindering
self-control, temperance & dignity, and
because it involves a degree of silliness or wastefulness
and the corruption of healthy habits

Moral Reflection=== scrutinizes chattel slavery because of its not enhancing,
rather its being opposite self-restraint, decency & justice
and because it involves a negative kind of self-indulgence
and the corruption of autonomous reason

Moral Reasoning===== scrutinizes magic because of its not assisting
rather its being opposite objectivity, detachment & courage
and because it involves lazy-mindedness
and the corruption of data or lack of attention to hard facts.

Moral Performance==== scrutinizes war because of its not maintaining
rather its opposing magnanimity, nobility & collective discipline
and because it involves a degree of recklessness
and the corruption of laws
(In all wars, at least one side is breaking the law.)


Dignity as a moral virtue means assigning an irreducible value to human life.
(It also refers to the right to have ones life preserved, by all reasonable means.)
Its opposite is silliness which puts the value of everything into question.
On the other hand, the perfection of dignity is temperance, self-control & self-discipline,
because these characteristics are opposite self-destructiveness.
Decency is a moral virtue pertaining to preserving the good opportunities in life.
Its opposite is self-indulgence, selfishness, self-centeredness or exclusive self-service.
Self-indulgence means a failure to comprehend the potential contribution of others to the
world, plus their right to free and active participation in the human race. Decencys
perfection is courage, because courage involves the rudiments of self-sacrifice or a deep
commitment to care and to share for others, despite losses or the threat of loss to oneself.
Magnanimity is a broad effort to standardize constructive policies and habits for the
betterment of everyone. Its perfection is the spiritual virtue of nobility, which involves
far-reaching contribution or intervention into the affairs of others.
Its opposite is recklessness which is a failure to see or comprehend scope of injury.
Objectivity is valuing truth, which means a proper place assigned to everything, plus
rescuing things out of place. Its opposite is lazy-mindedness, which takes things for
granted. It perfection is in the spiritual virtues of justice and integrity.

Objectivity is associated with teleology or teleological ethics,
which focuses on the result of an action in order to evaluate it.
Dignity is associated with the deontological ethics of duty
because it involves a belief in the innate goodness of human beings
and their right to life. Decency is associated with personality virtue,
because it involves carving out a place or a path for any given person
we come in contact with or preserving a place for them in society.
Personality Virtue as an approach to morality focuses on maturity,
competence and effectiveness, and these are best achieved together,
by combining talents, experience and resources in social institutions.
The creation, promotion and preservation of social institutions which
enhance human life is magnanimity, which is associated with
Social Morality, inasmuch as it demonstrates trust in ones collectivity,
and Social Morality is about loyalty, obedience and collective solidarity.

In this course, we tend to support all these approaches equally, and conflict-resolution as
an institution illustrates the unique usefulness of each, even though historically and
socially people support one approach to morality over another, depending on the needs of
a given set of circumstances or on the state of a given civilization.


The major schools of morality presented in the textbook can be diagrammed thus:

Stratified Social Morality (Confucianism)
Unstratified Social Morality (Socialism and Taoism)
Ideal Deontology (Western Religions)
Real Deontology (Buddhism and Hinduism)
Individual Deontology (Existentialism)
Collective Deontology (Immanuel Kant)
Collective Teleology (John Stuart Mill, Communism)
Individual Teleology (Jeremy Bentham, Capitalism)
Classical Personality Virtues (Aristotle)
Vocational PersonalityVirtues (Dewey)

Stratified means a belief in strict or steep social hierarchy. Ideal refers to a focus on the realm of
thought as a starting point. Real refers to a focus on the world of the senses as a starting point. Similarly,
the difference between Dewey and Aristotle is a difference of practical vs. theoretical, of immediate vs.
mediated. Aristotle valued civilization as the primary basis for defining effectiveness, whereas Dewey
valued the self first, and civilization secondarily, as the zone of action or unfolding. Yet both believed
strongly in personal effectiveness as a key value. Existentialism goes to an even greater extreme in
asserting the uniqueness and freedom of the individual. It asserts that we must define what we want to be,
and what our life will be is entirely a result of that definition-process. Immanuel Kant had a less fluid view
of human nature, and instead looked for the essence of human life in the annals of history, in philosophy
and religion, minus dogmatism, except in the broadest terms. The deontology of religions differs from that
of Kant because it each religion believes in a complex set of givens, in terms of custom, law and
devotion, whereas Kant believed in very few fixed principles and practices(except for those implemented
by consent and consensus). The Western Religions are called Ideal because they focus on transcendent
truths, fixed ideas. The Eastern Religions tend to focus on physical experience, even if transcendence is the
There is not an absolute contradiction between the two, but only a difference of emphasis.
It cannot be denied that Western Religions emphasize transcendent Faith, while Buddhism and Hinduism
emphasize a karma that is lived more than conceptualized. The Social Morality of Confucianism and
Taoism emphasizes the good of the world of Mankind and the World of Nature, respectively. Respect for
the Sovereign Good in each case is the basis for progress and salvation of the human spirit. J.S. Mill and
Bentham believed in the power of mankind to shape its own destiny, not so much as a fixed good, but as a
fluid good, meaning that people need to define the process and the outcome, in their view. For both, the
world of experience, the physical world, is what we measure and where we measure. Bentham emphasizes
individual power and well-being and J.S. Mill collective power and well-being. They differ from
existentialism in that they are focused on the world around us and enjoying it, whereas existentialists focus
on the self and its continual re-definition as the theatre of happiness or tragedy. The existentialists have
dominated Western academia and philosophy for the last 80 years or so, leading to the so-called
postmodern age, in which intellectuals aim to de-construct and re-construct reality perpetually, without
presumptions, except those of reason and selfhood.


20th Century Principles of Moral Studies
[T]he RIGHTNESS of an action is connected in some way with the goodness of its
consequences, [yet] we should have to ask whether it depends (a) on the actual goodness
of the actual consequences, or (b) on the actual goodness of the probable consequences,
or (c) on the probable goodness of the actual consequences, or (d) on the probable
goodness of the probable consequences.
- C.D. Broad
This statement of C.D. Broad, one of the most successful moral philosophers of the 20

century delineates the basic categories which we have just described in detail:

the actual goodness of the actual consequences is teleology,
because it involves, and only involves, direct measurement of consequences

the actual goodness of the probable consequences is deontology;
because it operates on the basis of proven laws and habits, applied generally

the probable goodness of the actual consequences is social morality,
because it involves confidence in existing institutions, whatever they happen to be

the probable goodness of the probable consequences is personality virtue,
because it involves calculating profits on a case-by-case, institution-by-institution, basis,
and focuses on the knowledge of experience and common sense



Objective Truth Private Good & Learning the Laws/Dimensions/Characteristics of Nature
Agreed upon physical measurements Demonstrated scientific expertise + discipline
The Need for Adequate Habitat Respect for Higher Assimilation

Collective Truth Public Good & Human Nature
Consensus + convergence of public opinion Natural cooperation + compromise between young + old
Respect for Quality Sustenance Education as a Right, a Duty, and an Adaptive Need

Instrumental Good & the Nature of Creatures Intrinsic Good & Life-Cycle Issues
Bringing out the best in everyone + demanding it Nurturing abilities + gradually building upon them
Differentiating between Ingestion and Excretion Respecting Reproductive/Nurturing Cycles

Individual Truth Subjective Truth
Assessing + reviewing assumed roles Matching efforts to current extent of knowledge+power
given our natural gifts and culture of birth - the state of our formal and informal education
The universality of shielding mechanisms Gauging the Degree of Physical/Emotional Homeostasis
20th Century Principles of Moral Studies
[T]he RIGHTNESS of an action is connected in some way with the goodness of its
consequences, [yet] we should have to ask whether it depends (a) on the actual goodness
of the actual consequences, or (b) on the actual goodness of the probable consequences,
or (c) on the probable goodness of the actual consequences, or (d) on the probable
goodness of the probable consequences.
C.D. Broad
This statement of C.D. Broad, one of the most successful moral philosophers of the 20
century delineates the basic
categories which we have just described in detail:

the actual goodness of the actual consequences is teleology(think data collection or recording)
because it involves, and only involves, direct measurement of consequences

the actual goodness of the probable consequences is deontology(think clear or corrupted reason)
because it operates on the basis of proven laws and habits, applied generally

the probable goodness of the actual consequences is social morality(think adherence to laws or lack thereof)
because it involves confidence in existing institutions, whatever they happen to be

the probable goodness of the probable consequences is personality virtue(think of useful habits or less useful)
because it involves calculating profits on a case-by-case, institution-by-institution, basis,
and focuses on the knowledge of experience and common sense



Reverence for life affords me my fundamental principle of morality, namely that good
consists in maintaining, assisting, and enhancing life, and that to destroy, to harm, or to
hinder life is evilAlbert Schweitzer,
Preserving Life....... is connected to Habitat Identification and Proper Mating...
Assisting Life.. is connected Locating Food and the Capture of Food.
Enhancing connected to Processing & Assimilating Sustenance
Defending Defensive Measures and Homeostasis

These aspects of Life-Maintenance are each supported by a different moral venue:

Collective Truth Individual Truth

with Life as Habitat with Life as Homeostasis
being the key example being the key example

Intrinsic Good Instrumental Good

with Life as Reproductive Good with Life as Defensive Measures
being the key example being the key example

Objective Truth Diverse Private Good

with Life as Food-Identification with Life as Capturing Food
being the key example being the key example

Subjective Truth Diverse Public Good

with Life as Successful Digestion with Life as Higher-Assimilation
being the key example being the key example

Objective Truth exists because there is a steady-state design to life in the universe which religions call the
created order. The presence of viable foodstuff is a case in point. In this context, moral discourse
addresses Public Good. Then, each individual creature (or living thing) has a history of interaction with the
environment or Creation, and the cumulative lessons+attitudes emerging from these interactions are a
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH, valued as a Private Good. The growth and progress of a given creature or living
being, in its natural cycle of life, is an INDIVIDUAL TRUTH and a matter of Intrinsic Good. This refers to
the stage of natural unfolding of given abilities (and the limits of a given creatures potential). Alll this is a
matter of Intrinsic Good & Life-Cycle Issues Then there is a COLLECTIVE TRUTH which refers to the
sense of belonging and respect between creatures within a given species, i.e. human beings valuing the
presence and participation of one another in a given time and place, the sense of a viable collectivity or its
absence. In this context, moral discourse addresses Instrumental Good.



Dignity is opposite Silliness(symbolized by the monkey).
Silliness destroys any and all Deontology, outwardly,
and Moral Reflection, inwardly.

Decency is opposite Self-Indulgence, Selfishness and Self-Centeredness
(symbolized by the pig).
Self-Indulgence as Selfishness destroys any and all Personality Virtue,
outwardly, and Moral Feeling, inwardly.

Magnanimity is opposite Recklessness(symbolized by the dog).
Recklessness destroys any and all Social Morality, outwardly,
and Moral Performance Criteria, inwardly, are abandoned.

Objectivity is opposite Lazy-Mindedness(symbolized by the donkey).
Lazy-Mindedness destroys any and all Teleology, outwardly,
and Moral Reasoning, inwardly, is abandoned.



Morality is associated with stable life, growth, development
and participation in society at large. It is intimately connected
with law, education, spirituality and civility, while each of these
terms has a complex semantic field in its own right. To practice
morality is to promote one or more of these factors, positively.

For the purposes of this course, positively will mean normatively.
We will have a normative ethics approach to moral questions.
This implies an assumption that morality has to do with what
is fitting, institutionally speaking, across the institutions of
our society and even in the world at large. Fitting is an
English word that indicates customary usage or application.

In more scientific language, we will use the term value judgments
to indicate one measure or another of how fitting or appropriate
a given course of action or type of behavior is, a higher
value being nominally better, and a lower value being worse.

The entire field of moral studies is subject to widely differing opinions
and controversial approaches. Certain analytical tools and some
ideological assumptions will simplify an otherwise highly complex task.

We assume a predominantly religious human culture, and hence all
behaviors will be gauged vis--vis one or more religions as positive
norms. In many cases, there is a degree of consensus among religions,
which further simplifies our basic investigative course. On the other
hand, for the purposes of a broad and open discourse, no religion will
dominate or place restrictive mandates on the others, except by the
force of logical, clear and open argumentation.

In fact, the ideological assumption of religion here is generic and non-
denominational, in the sense that we assume a created order of
existence (and insist upon offering proofs of that assumption),
as a hypothetical position, without enforcing credence. In effect,
we set as the norm: belief in a Higher (or Subtle Root) Order of Being,
which is to say, a metaphysical existence, above and beyond our own,
yet intimately related to our own, through various channels.

Our chief analytical tools consist of a subset of mainstream academic
terminology with its pervasive and largely-accepted semantic fields. Thus
we embrace the concepts of objective and subjective truth, collective and
individual truth, intrinsic(absolute) and instrumental goods(relative or extrinsic),
public and private life. Moral judgments emphasize some or all of these labels



Dignity is preserving an irreducible value for individuals in a collectivity or in reality.
Dignity is opposite silliness and wastefulness, basic vices or immoral disposition.
Objectivity is appreciating the relationship of each piece to (or factors in) a given whole.
Objectivity is opposite the immoral attitudes of lazy-mindedness or indifference.
Magnanimity is full, active accommodation of all individuals potential in a collectivity,
usually through policy. This is opposite the immoral attitudes of recklessness and creative destruction
Decency is protection of given individuals, accommodating their functional survival
Decency is opposite the immoral attitudes of selfishness, self-centeredness and self-indulgence

In normal situations, we combine two or more of these approaches at any given time, as illustrated here
on pages 102-104(old), where our textbook gives a summary of what essential moral
expression is, for any given individual, meaning the key elements of moral conscience
in terms of their manifestation. According to Richard Brandt, they include:

1. Intrinsic motivationis comprised of dignity and decency
because these concern survival and viability of the individual

2. Feeling of guilt and/or disapprovalis comprised of objectivity and decency
because these concern fitting in and being respected

3. Believed importance[in terms of impact]is comprised of dignity and magnanimity
because these concern the functional worth of many individuals

4. Admiration or comprised of dignity and objectivity
because we witness our own potential excellence in great individuals, in heroes

5. Specialized terminologyis comprised of objectivity and magnanimity
because we need simple, clear, universally applicable, programmatic values
which define the parameters of co-existence and cooperation

6. Believed justifications..are comprised of magnanimity and decency
because we want to contribute broadly & have our contribution understood:
its about saving the world from unnecessary suffering or disaster



As an example of moral conscience in action,
how could we solve the problem of terrorism?
* Looking at the MOTIVATION of terrorists could lead to an avenue of compromise
for the less radical terrorists(at least) to give up terrorism.
In this approach, one must separate out the reasonable from the unreasonable
demands of terrorists, and be willing to negotiate with them.

*Sense of GUILT could lead authorities to RE-DOUBLE and RE-DEFINE
their efforts to combat terrorism with greater sophistication in surveilling and blocking
terrorist activities. The essence of this approach is law-enforcement and enlisting public

*The IMPORTANCE of the alleged just wars could be highlighted
and defended better, by defining "JUST WAR" or "FREE AND OPEN SOCIETY" and
then limiting the prosecution of wars to that definition, so as to avoid enraging potential
& existing terrorists.

*Getting ADMIRABLE international war-crimes tribunals to work, with HEROIC efforts
to capture the biggest terrorists and prosecute them quickly. An international basis is key,
in order to avoid the appearance of partiality or prejudice in identifying the worst
terrorists and in order to distance governments from the same accusation.

*The TERMINOLOGY of terrorism goes back to the definition itself.
What IS terrorism exactly? This question may be the key to the whole problem.

*The right to free speech and protest might be the most important key
to combatting terrorism, if we believe and understand the biggest
terrorists to be governments or government-sponsored actions.
In other words, the key to any struggle against terrorism may be
admitting that governments are often the biggest terrorists,
and this is the greatest danger we face, historically.
So public consensus as to guilt plus visible trials of terrorist suspects
provide, together, the greatest JUSTIFICATION for any successful approach.
Win universal support by condemning ALL forms of terrorism.



Equality of opportunity......decency and magnanimity

Freedom of conscience.....dignity & objectivity

Equality before the law...... decency & dignity

Speedy trial.......... decency & objectivity
No torture or slavery......... .decency & dignity

No arbitrary arrest or exile......... . ..dignity & decency

Right to privacy and travel....... ..magnanimity & dignity

Right to nationality and asylum .magnanimity & objectivity

Right of propertydecency & objectivity

Free consent to marriage..magnanimity & dignity

Right of assembly, information and education.dignity & objectivity

Representative government..dignity & objectivity

Right to employment and dignified compensation...dignity & decency

due process

non-aggressive free speech. weapons & postures of self-defense

no torture/no gratuitous battering...peaceable assembly

privacy & freedom of conscience.. habeas corpus/free movement

Speedy and free public trials plus equality before the law plus freedom from double jeopardy.



These are key elements of open government:
Power-Sharing and Limited Powers

Consent implies and entails the possibility and allowability
of complaint, petitions and public debate.
It is opposite the manufacturing of consent or dictatorship.

Transparency implies and entails accessibility to leaders
and visibility of their key actions. It is opposite concealment.
It is opposite black budgets.
Accountability implies and entails the rule of law
and the practical possibility of prosecuting leaders for breaking the law
It implies too that gross irregularities or inconsistencies in performance

Power-Sharing and Limited Powers implies and entails checks and balances,
in the sense that any portion of a government can reject, suspend or veto
the actions of another part, to some degree. There is also, there must also be,
a period review of the tenure for any given officer.



Problem-Solving Tech....Best VenueObjective of Civilization Nurtured

Formal Logic Confusion or Distorted Views Accomodating the Will of Heaven
of a Problem being Prevalent or the Possibility of Transcendent Excellence

Boolean Logic When proving guilt Avoiding Extremes of Hierarchy & Equality
or incompetence is one step

Due Process When key people have forgotten Enumerating Human Rights
the details of formal agreements,
or when liars & cheaters are involved

Referendum When leaders or leading-parties Collective Health
are at odds or very disrespected

Conservative vs. Liberal When all members love an Define Terms of Peace,
organization but future is cloudy Property Rights, Public Routes
or present is very complex

Tolerant vs. Strict When there is great unity but a Matching Punishment to Crime,
general sense of incompetence plus Diversification of Labor

Competent vs. Incompetent When goals are clear Basic Physical & Mental Training
but available talents vary widely

Egalitarian vs. Hierarchical When tragedies mount Establishing Courts,
and those responsible are uncertain Preserving Family Life
- or when progress is at a standstill

Tabling All Possibilities When all parties agree Economic Enterprise
that potentials arent being utilized,
whether physical or mental or professional

Softening Polemical Rhetoric When there is abiding love Enshrining the Sacredness of Life,
but bitter anger or big egos Higher Education
and disintegrating relationships

Reality Check Where the argument has Intellectual Discourse,
strayed from major to Respecting Intelligence
minor issues

Bridge Building Where both sides agree on Peace is better than war
many fundamental points,
though bitter disagreements persist

Formal Logic is like Frankls VALUE ANALYSIS STRATEGY in the textbook
Boolean Logic is like Coombs VALUE ANALYSIS STRATEGY in the textbook
Strict vs. Tolerant is similar to COGNITIVE MORAL DEVELOPMENT in the textbook
Conservative vs. Liberal is similar to HIERARCHY BUILDING
Tabling All Possibilities is similar to THE STRATEGY OF DISSOLUTION
Softening Polemical Rhetoric is similar to THE STRATEGY OF COMPROMISE



Question Answer

____Nationalism depends first on. defining objectivity & magnanimity

____Humanism depends on .dignity and decency

____Democracy depends on .magnanimity and decency

____Sanity / Insanity depends on dignity and objectivity

____Torture depends on no dignity OR decency

____Emergency depends on objectivity and decency

____Slavery depends on NO dignity and decency

____Addiction depends on .NO dignity and objectivity

____Magic depends on NO objectivity and decency

____Terrorism depends on ..NO objectivity and decency

____Racism depends on ..NO dignity and objectivity

____Heroism depends on objectivity and magnanimity

____Miracle depends on objectivity and decency


Crisis and HopeTheirs and oursBy Noam Chomsky
There is also a problem with the term crisis. Which one? There are numerous very severe crises,
interwoven in ways that preclude any clear separation. But again I will pretend otherwise, for simplicity.
One way to enter this morass is offered by the June 11 issue of the New York Review of Books. The front-
cover headline reads How to Deal With the Crisis; the issue features a symposium of specialists on how
to do so. It is very much worth reading, but with attention to the definite article. For the West the phrase
the crisis has a clear enough meaning: the financial crisis that hit the rich countries with great impact, and
is therefore of supreme importance. But even for the rich and privileged that is by no means the only crisis,
nor even the most severe. And others see the world quite differently. For example, in the October 26, 2008
edition of the Bangladeshi newspaper The New Nation, we read:
Its very telling that trillions have already been spent to patch up leading world financial institutions, while
out of the comparatively small sum of $12.3 billion pledged in Rome earlier this year, to offset the food
crisis, only $1 billion has been delivered. The hope that at least extreme poverty can be eradicated by the
end of 2015, as stipulated in the UNs Millennium Development Goals, seems as unrealistic as ever, not
due to lack of resources but a lack of true concern for the worlds poor.
The article goes on to predict that World Food Day in October 2009 will bring . . . devastating news about
the plight of the worlds poor . . . which is likely to remain that: mere news that requires little action, if
any at all. Western leaders seem determined to fulfill these grim predictions. On June 11 the Financial
Times reported, the United Nations World Food Programme is cutting food aid rations and shutting down
some operations as donor countries that face a fiscal crunch at home slash contributions to its funding.
Victims include Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, and others. The sharp budget cut comes as the toll of hunger
passes a billionwith over one hundred million added in the past six monthswhile food prices rise, and
remittances decline as a result of the economic crisis in the West.
As The New Nation anticipated, the devastating news released by the World Food Programme barely
even reached the level of mere news. In The New York Times, the WFP report of the reduction in the
meager Western efforts to deal with this growing human catastrophe merited 150 words on page ten
under World Briefing. That is not in the least unusual. The United Nations also released an estimate that
desertification is endangering the lives of up to a billion people, while announcing World Desertification
Day. Its goal, according to the Nigerian newspaper THISDAY, is to combat desertification and drought
worldwide by promoting public awareness and the implementation of conventions dealing with
desertification in member countries. The effort to raise public awareness passed without mention in the
national U.S. press. Such neglect is all too common.
It may be instructive to recall that when they landed in what today is Bangladesh, the British invaders were
stunned by its wealth and splendor. It was soon on its way to becoming the very symbol of misery, and not
by an act of God.
As the fate of Bangladesh illustrates, the terrible food crisis is not just a result of lack of true concern
in the centers of wealth and power. In large part it results from very definite concerns of global
managers: for their own welfare. It is always well to keep in mind Adam Smiths astute observation
about policy formation in England. He recognized that the principal architects of policyin his day the
merchants and manufacturersmade sure that their own interests had been most peculiarly attended to
however grievous the effect on others, including the people of England and, far more so, those who were
subjected to the savage injustice of the Europeans, particularly in conquered India, Smiths own prime
concern in the domains of European conquest.


For working people, small farmers, and the poor, at home and abroad, all of this spells regular disaster.
One of the reasons for the radical difference in development between Latin America and East Asia in the
last half century is that Latin America did not control capital flight, which often approached the level of its
crushing debt and has regularly been wielded as a weapon against the threat of democracy and social
reform. In contrast, during South Koreas remarkable growth period, capital flight was not only banned, but
could bring the death penalty.
Where neoliberal rules have been observed since the 70s, economic performance has generally
deteriorated and social democratic programs have substantially weakened. In the United States, which
partially accepted these rules, real wages for the majority have largely stagnated for 30 years, instead of
tracking productivity growth as before, while work hours have increased, now well beyond those of
Europe. Benefits, which always lagged, have declined further. Social indicatorsgeneral measures of the
health of the societyalso tracked growth until the mid-70s, when they began to decline, falling to the
1960 level by the end of the millennium. Economic growth found its way into few pockets, increasingly in
the financial industries. Finance constituted a few percentage points of GDP in 1970, and has since risen to
well over one-third, while productive industry has declined, and with it, living standards for much of the
workforce. The economy has been punctuated by bubbles, financial crises, and public bailouts, currently
reaching new highs. A few outstanding international economists explained and predicted these results from
the start. But mythology about efficient markets and rational choice prevailed. This is no surprise: it
was highly beneficial to the narrow sectors of privilege and power that provide the principal architects of
The food crisis erupted first and most dramatically in Haiti in early 2008. Like Bangladesh, Haiti today
is a symbol of misery and despair. And, like Bangladesh, when European explorers arrived, the island was
remarkably rich in resources, with a large and flourishing population. It later became the source of much of
Frances wealth. I will not run through the sordid history, but the current food crisis can be traced directly
to 1915, Woodrow Wilsons invasion: murderous, brutal, and destructive. Among Wilsons many crimes
was dissolving the Haitian Parliament at gunpoint because it refused to pass progressive legislation that
would have allowed U.S. businesses to take over Haitian lands. Wilsons Marines then ran a free election,
in which the legislation was passed by 99.9 percent of the 5 percent of the public permitted to vote. All of
this comes down through history as Wilsonian idealism.
Returning home, it is worth noting that the more sophisticated are aware of the deceit that is employed as a
device to control the public, and regard it as praiseworthy. The distinguished liberal statesman Dean
Acheson advised that leaders must speak in a way that is clearer than truth. Harvard Professor of the
Science of Government Samuel Huntington, who quite frankly explained the need to delude the public
about the Soviet threat 30 years ago, urged more generally that power must remain invisible: The
architects of power in the United States must create a force that can be felt but not seen. Power remains
strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate. An important lesson for
those who want power to devolve to the public, a critical battle that is fought daily.


The world hunger problem: Facts, figures and statistics
In the Asian, African and Latin American countries, well over 500 million people are living
in what the World Bank has called "absolute poverty"
It is estimated that some 800 million people in the world suffer from hunger and
malnutrition, about 100 times as many as those who actually die from it each year.
Every year 15 million children die of hunger
For the price of one missile, a school full of hungry children could eat lunch every day for
5 years
Throughout the 1990's more than 100 million children will die from illness and starvation.
Those 100 million deaths could be prevented for the price of ten Stealth bombers, or
what the world spends on its military in two days!
The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third
is under-fed one-third is starving- Since you've entered this site at least 200 people have
died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year.
The Indian subcontinent has nearly half the world's hungry people. Africa and the rest of
Asia together have approximately 40%, and the remaining hungry people are found in
Latin America and other parts of the world. Hunger in Global Economy
Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per
day, while the world's 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual
incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world's people. UNICEF
3 billion people in the world today struggle to survive on US$2/day.
In 1994 the Urban Institute in Washington DC estimated that one out of 6 elderly people
in the U.S. has an inadequate diet.
In the U.S. hunger and race are related. In 1991 46% of African-American children were
chronically hungry, and 40% of Latino children were chronically hungry compared to 16%
of white children.
The infant mortality rate is closely linked to inadequate nutrition among pregnant women.
The U.S. ranks 23rd among industrial nations in infant mortality. African-American infants
die at nearly twice the rate of white infants.
One out of every eight children under the age of twelve in the U.S. goes to bed hungry
every night.
Half of all children under five years of age in South Asia and one third of those in sub-
Saharan Africa are malnourished.
In 1997 alone, the lives of at least 300,000 young children were saved by vitamin A
supplementation programmes in developing countries.
Malnutrition is implicated in more than half of all child deaths worldwide - a proportion
unmatched by any infectious disease since the Black Death
To satisfy the world's sanitation and food requirements would cost only US$13 billion-
what the people of the United States and the European Union spend on perfume each
The assets of the world's three richest men are more than the combined GNP of all the
least developed countries on the planet.
Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger


A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate
investors, not from any actual profit earned by the organization, but from their own
money or money paid by subsequent investors. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new
investors by offering returns other investments cannot guarantee, in the form of short-
term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. The perpetuation of
the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of
money from investors to keep the scheme going.
The system is destined to collapse because the earnings, if any, are less than the payments
to investors. Usually, the scheme is interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses
because a Ponzi scheme is suspected or because the promoter is selling unregistered
This is different from embezzlement, although embezzlement along with bribery, human
trafficking and drug trafficking, remain major economic problems throughout the world.
For example, it is estimated that Hosni Mubaraks family confiscated or embezzled,
depending on the upcoming trial result, as much as $100-150 billion from national funds.



These are key elements of open government:
Power-Sharing and Limited Powers

Consent implies and entails the possibility and allowability
of complaint, petitions and public debate.
It is opposite the manufacturing of consent or dictatorship.

Transparency implies and entails accessibility to leaders
and visibility of their key actions. It is opposite concealment.
It is opposite black budgets.
Accountability implies and entails the rule of law
and the practical possibility of prosecuting leaders for breaking the law
It implies too that gross irregularities or inconsistencies in performance

Power-Sharing and Limited Powers implies and entails checks and balances,
in the sense that any portion of a government can reject, suspend or veto
the actions of another part, to some degree. There is also, there must also be,
a period review of the tenure for any given officer.


Over a lifetime, 27% of the population will suffer from a substance abuse disorder
(Kessler, McGonagle Zhao, Nelson, Hughes, Eshleman, et al., 1994). Twenty five
percent of Americans will die of some form of substance abuse. Ninety five percent
of alcoholics die of their disease, approximately 26 years earlier than their normal
life expectancy. Heavy drinking contributes to illnesses in each of the top three causes of
death: heart disease, cancer and stroke. Approximately two-thirds of American adults
drink an alcoholic beverage during the course of a year, and at least 13.8 million
Americans develop problems associated with drinking. Fifty percent of cases involving
major trauma are alcohol related. Fifty percent of homicides are alcohol related. Forty
percent of assaults are alcohol related. One hundred thousand Americans die of
alcohol problems each year. More than 40% of those who start drinking at age 14 or
younger become alcoholic. In 1998, the cost of alcohol abuse was over 185 billion
dollars. Over many years of following alcohol and drug use, studies find that 80% of high
school seniors have tried alcohol, 32% have gotten drunk in the last thirty days, 49%
have smoked marijuana and 63% have smoked cigarettes. The average 18-year-old has
seen 100,000 television commercials encouraging him or her to drink. The patients
who are most vulnerable to excessive alcohol and drug abuse are young adults between
the ages of 18-25. They have the highest incidence of alcohol and drug use, but no age
group is omitted from falling victim to the problem. More alcoholism is being found in
the elderly now that more baby boomers are retiring. Classical alcoholism takes about 15
years to develop, but it can happen much quicker in adolescents and young adults. With
all of this bad news, we have strong evidence that treatment works. For every dollar spent
on recovery, the economy saves seven dollars in health care and cost to society. Most
patients who work the program of recovery stay clean and sober (Gordis, 2003; Stein,
2001; Monitoring the Future Study, 2000; NIAAA, 1997)
Alcohol problems cluster in and destroy families. More than half of current drinkers have
a family history of alcoholism. Three out of ten adults report that drinking has been a
cause of trouble in their family. Alcohol abuse can destroy families in many ways. More
than 40% of separated or divorced women were married to or lived with a problem
drinker. More than three fourths of female victims of nonfatal, domestic violence
reported that their assailant had been drinking or using drugs. More than 18 million
alcohol abusers need treatment but few get it (Stein, 2001). Children of alcoholics
demonstrate a three- to four-time increased risk of developing the disorder. Twin
studies strongly suggest a powerful genetic link. Generally, it seems that alcoholism is
caused by 40% genetic factors and the remaining 60% by factors we dont understand
(Heath, Bucholz, Madden, et al., 1997; Schuckit, 1987; Anthenelle & Schuckit, 1998).
Genetic researchers are engaged in identifying the genes that cause vulnerability to
addiction, but the task is difficult because alcoholism is considered to be a polygenetic


disorder that is related to many different genes, each of which contributes only a portion
of the vulnerability (Gordis, 2003)
Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects (see Appendix 19) are the
leading causes of mental retardation in the country. At least 762,000 children are born
each year exposed to alcohol during pregnancy. Once ingested and absorbed into the
maternal bloodstream, alcohol readily crosses the placenta and enters the fetal circulation.
It is found in the amniotic fluid, even after ingestion of a moderate dose. Alcohol is
eliminated from the amniotic fluid at a rate that is one half the rate at which it is
eliminated from the maternal blood; therefore, it remains in the fetal circulation after it is
no longer in the mothers bloodstream. It is estimated that approximately one of every
three to four mothers exposes her fetus to the potentially harmful effects of alcohol.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation and
neurobehavioral defects in North America (Pagliaro & Pagliaro, 2002).
If you dont think alcohol is a poison, take an egg and drop it into Everclear,
which is 95% pure alcohol. The egg will instantly turn white as it cooks. This is a good
demonstration for your patients. It allows them to see the poisonous effect of their drug
of choice. People with fetal alcohol effects may have normal intelligence, but they
have defects in their brain and behavior. They can do some things some days but
are unable to do the same thing the next day. They have difficulty generalizing. A
rule they learn in one situation may not transfer to other situations. They have
difficulty learning from past experiences and they have difficulty learning how the
past affects the future. They tend to be very nice, people-oriented patients, but they
keep relapsing. Does this sound like anyone you know? There are probably patients that
you are seeing now that have this disorder and many will be incapable of working a self-
directed program of recovery. These patients will need a mentor or a structured facility
for the rest of their lives. The mentor is usually someone in the family or community who
can act as an advocate for the patient in recovery. These patients are very frustrating to
work with until you figure out what the problem is and change the treatment plan to
incorporate this condition (Streissguth, 1998).


The sexual revolution encompasses the changes in social thought and codes of behaviour related to sexuality throughout
the Western world. In general use, the term "sexual liberation" is used to describe a socio-political movement, witnessed from the
1960s into the 1970s.
During the 1960s, shifts in regards to how society viewed sexuality began to take place, heralding a period of
de-conditioning in some circles away from old world antecedents, and developing new codes of sexual behaviour, many of which are
now integrated into the mainstream.

The 1960s heralded a new culture of "free love with millions of young people embracing the hippie ethos and preaching the power
of love and the beauty of sex as a natural part of ordinary life. Hippies believed that sex was a natural biological phenomenon which
should not be denied or repressed.
Sexual liberalisation heralded a new ethos in experimenting with open sex in and outside of marriage,
contraception and the
pill, public nudity, and liberalisation of abortion.

The term [sexual revolution] has been used at least since the late 1920s
and is often attributed as being influenced by Freud's
writing on sexual liberation and psychosexual issues. The publication of renowned anthropologist and student of Franz
Boas, Margaret Mead's Coming of Age in Samoa brought the sexual revolution to the public scene, as her thoughts concerning sexual
freedom pervaded academia. Published in 1928, Mead's ethnography focused on the psychosexual development of adolescent children
on the island of Samoa.
She recorded that their adolescence was not in fact a time of "storm and stress" as Erikson's stages of development suggest, but that
the sexual freedom experienced by the adolescents actually permitted them an easy transition from childhood to adulthood.
Her findings were later challenged by anthropologist Derek Freeman who later investigated her claims of promiscuity and conducted
his own ethnography of Samoan society. Mead called for a change in suppression of sexuality in America and her work directly
resulted in the advancement of the sexual revolution in the 1930s
.. It [the sexual revolution] was a development in the modern world which saw the significant loss of power by the values of
a morality rooted in the Christian tradition and the rise of permissive societies, of attitudes that were accepting of greater sexual
freedom and experimentation that spread all over the world and were captured in the phrase free love
Due to the invention of TV and the increasingly wide use of it in the 50s, by the 1960s a vast majority of Americans had television.
This mass communication device, along with other media outlets such as radio and magazines, could broadcast information in a matter
of seconds to millions of people, while only a few wealthy people would control what millions of people would watch. Some have
now theorised that perhaps these media outlets helped spread new ideas among the masses.
A prime example of this occurred in 1964 when the Beatles came to America and were introduced on the Ed Sullivan Show. Once the
show was over, they were an instant hit. Forty million Americans had watched it that night and thus morals in one perspective changed
instantly; although obviously it would take longer for this to occur.
(Sexual Revolution continued on the next page)


The Industrial Revolution during the nineteenth century and the growth of science and technology, medicine and health care, resulted
in better contraceptives being manufactured. Advances in the manufacture and production of rubber made possible the design and
production of condoms that could be used by hundreds of millions of men and women to prevent pregnancy at little cost.
Advances in steel production and immunology made abortion readily available and less dangerous. Advances
in chemistry, pharmacology, and knowledge of biology, and human physiology led to the discovery and perfection of the first oral
contraceptives also known as "The Pill". Purchasing anaphrodisiac and various sex toys became "normal". Sado-masochism ("S&M")
gained popularity, and "no-fault" unilateral divorce became legal and easier to obtain in many countries during the 1960s and
1970s.All these developments took place alongside and combined with an increase in world literacy and decline in religious
observances. Old values such as the biblical notion of "be fruitful and multiply" (thought to be applicable in modern times despite the
opinion even of 1st millennium Church Fathers that it's already fulfilled
[citation needed]
) were cast aside as people continued to feel
alienated from the past and adopted the life-styles of modernizing westernized cultures.
Doctor Sigmund Freud of Vienna believed human behavior was motivated by unconscious drives, primarily by the libido or
"Sexual Energy". Freud proposed to study how these unconscious drives were repressed and found expression through other cultural
outlets. He called his therapy PsychoanalysisWhile Freud's ideas were ignored and embarrassing to Viennese society, his work
provoked a serious challenge to Victorian prudishness by providing the groundwork for the ideas of sex drive and infant sexuality.
Freud's theory of psychosexual development proposed a model for the development of sexual orientations and desires... This
new philosophy was the new intellectual and cultural underpinning ideology of the new age of sexual frankness. Nonetheless, much of
his research is widely discredited by professionals in the field Anarchist Freud scholars Otto Gross and Wilhelm Reich (who
famously coined the phrase "Sexual Revolution") developed a sociology of sex in the 1910s to 1930's.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Alfred C. Kinsey published two surveys of modern sexual behavior.. Kinsey's books contained
studies about controversial topics such as the frequency of homosexuality, and the sexuality of minors ages two weeks to thirteen
years. Scientists working for Kinsey reported data which led to the conclusion that people are capable of sexual stimulation from
birth The development of antibiotics in the 1940s made most of the severe venereal diseases of the time curable,
namely gonorrhea and syphilis. In the early 1960s, The Pill became available; at first for married women only, but demand and
changes in attitudes later led to it becoming available to unmarried women as well.
With the threat of disease and pregnancy now reduced, much of the post-WW2 baby boom generation fearlessly experimented with
sex without considering marriage. As birth control become more available, men and women gained unprecedented control of their
reproductive capabilities Beginning in San Francisco in the mid 1960s, a new culture of "free love" emerged, with thousands of
young people becoming "hippies" who preached the power of love and the beauty of sex as part of ordinary student life. This is part of
a counterculture that exists to the present. By the 1970s it was acceptable for colleges to allow co-educational housing where male and
female students mingled freely.
Free love continued in different forms throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s, but its more assertive manifestations ended
abruptly (or disappeared from public view) in the mid 1980s when the public first became aware of AIDS, a deadly sexually
transmitted disease.


Among 14 countries analyzed in the report by the National Center for Health Statistics, the percentage of
all live unmarried births in the USA 40% in 2007 ranks somewhere in the middle. That's up from
18% in 1980. The sharpest rise was from 2002 to 2007In 2007, the Netherlands had the same percentage
as the USA, but it has increased ten-fold there from 4% in 1980. Other U.S. findings for 2007:
60% of births to women ages 20-24 were non-marital, up from 52% in 2002.
Almost one-third (32.2%) of births to women 25-29 were non-marital, up from one-
quarter (25.3%) in 2002.
Births to unmarried women totaled 1.7 million, 26% more than in 2002.
"The relationships of the parents are much less stable in the U.S. than a lot of other countries," she says. "In
Europe, where there are high levels of childbearing outside of marriage, when childbearing is not
happening in marriage, it's happening in cohabitation. Cohabitations are reasonably stable."
Statistics on Out-of-Wedlock Births
Netherlands jumped440 % from 1980-2007
Italy..jumped421 % from 1980-2007


Abortion statistics:
Approximately 26 million legal and 20 million illegal abortions were performed
worldwide in 1995, resulting in a worldwide abortion rate of 35 per 1,000 women
aged 1544. Among the subregions of the world, Eastern Europe had the highest
abortion rate (90 per 1,000) and Western Europe the lowest rate (11 per 1,000).
Among countries where abortion is legal without restriction as to reason, the
highest abortion rate, 83 per 1,000, was reported for Vietnam and the lowest,
seven per 1,000, for Belgium and the Netherlands
Teenage birth and abortion rates by country
Teen birth and abortion rates, 1996

per 1000 women 15-19
Country birth rate abortion rate Combined rate = total
Netherlands 7.7 3.9 30% 11.6
Spain 7.5 4.9 12.4
Italy 6.6 6.7 50% 13.3
Greece 12.2 1.3 13.5
Belgium 9.9 5.2 15.1
Germany 13.0 5.3 18.3
Finland 9.8 9.6 19.4
France 9.4 13.2 22.6
Denmark 8.2 15.4 65% 23.6
Sweden 7.7 17.7 25.4
Norway 13.6 18.3 31.9
Note the heated and furious debate on the morality or immorality of abortion. Both sides
claim dignity as their justification. Pro-aborionists or pro-choice persons say it is the
dignity of the prospective mother to decide whether she wants to carry a baby. Anti-
abortion activists or pro-life persons say the baby has an undeniable dignity to live out
life. They say abortion is reckless killing and a self-indulgent life-style. Pro-choice
people say the foetus is not a human life. In any case, constitutions were not written for
the unborn. Pro-lifers will say human life is always human life, and our new
technological ability to destroy it does not justify the murder which is taking place.
THERE is one abortion for every five pregnancies in the Malaysia, according to a random
survey by several private clinics.



The nuclear family consisting of a fixed unit of husband/wife/children is one of
the oldest and sturdiest institutions in human civilization. Its universality is parallel
and even coincident to some degree with religion. It role in providing stability and
prosperity to civilization is currently under intense debate.

Family values are political and social beliefs that hold the nuclear family to be the
essential ethical and moral unit of societyAlthough the phrase is vague and has shifting
meanings, it is most often associated with social and religious conservatives[in the USA].
In the late 20th and early 21st Centuries, the term has been frequently used in political
debate, to claim that the world has seen a decline in family values since the end of the
Second World War. Such conservative views have been challenged by a
survey[that]noted that 93% of women thought that society should value all types of
While family values remains a rather vague concept, social conservatives usually
understand the term to include some combination of the following principles
Promotion of "traditional marriage" and opposition to sex outside of conventional
marriage, including pre-marital sex, adultery, polygamy, bestiality, and incest

[and] Support for complementarianism
Complementarianism is a theological view held by many in Christianity and other
world religions, such as Islam, as well as in Messianic and Orthodox Judaism. that men
and women have different but complementary roles and responsibilities in marriage,
family life, religious leadership, and elsewhereComplementarianism holds that "God
has created men and women equal in their essential dignity and human personhood, but
different and complementary in function.

In this view, the nuclear family provides unique benefits.including

Family as Family as Family Family
Continuity Healthy as as
with Familiarity Sexuality Diverse Nurturing Integrated
in Childcare Role-Playing

Objectivity Dignity Decency Magnanimity
(via exposure
to Male and Female team)



Family as Family as Family Family
Continuity Healthy as as
with Familiarity Sexuality Diverse Nurturing Integrated
in Childcare Role-Playing

Objectivity Dignity Decency Magnanimity
(via exposure
to Male and Female team)

Two people, It is proven A husband and As the interests
like two eyes, that free sex wife together an aptitudes of
watching a child or highly raising a child men and women
grow will have transitory bring a wealth tend to differ,
a keener insight, sexual of diverse exposure to
in general, as to relationships experience a male and
the needs and tend to have to the task, a female
potentials of outcomes that in principle parent -
a given child are less than twice the mom and dad -
than will one desirable amount of implies exposure
person, and for the a single person. to diverse
this holds parties initiatives
true many involved, and activities.
times over including The husband
for the child unwanted and wife team
of a nuclear pregnancy also exposes
or extended and STDs. a child to
family compared subtle relationships
to an orphan. between men and
women, including
lessons of cooperation
and compromise



Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political,
economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women.
Its concepts overlap with those of
women's rights. Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues, but because feminism seeks gender
equality, some feminists argue that men's liberation is therefore a necessary part of feminism, and that men
are also harmed by sexism and gender roles.

Feminist theory exists in a variety of disciplines, it emerged from these feminist movements
includes general theories
and theories about the origins of inequality, and, in some cases, about the
social construction of sex and gender. Feminist activists have campaigned for women's rightssuch as in
contract, property, and voting while also promoting women's rights to bodily integrity and autonomy
and reproductive rights. They have opposed domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. In
economics, they have advocated for workplace rights, including equal pay and opportunities for careers and
to start businesses.
Pro-feminism is the support of feminism without implying that the supporter is a member of the feminist
movement. The term is most often used in reference to men who are actively supportive of feminism. The
activities of pro-feminist men's groups include anti-violence work with boys and young men in schools,
offering sexual harassment workshops in workplaces, running community education campaigns, and
counseling male perpetrators of violence. Pro-feminist men also are involved in men's health, activism
against pornography including anti-pornography legislation, men's studies, and the development of gender
equity curricula in schools. This work is sometimes in collaboration with feminists and women's services,
such as domestic violence and rape crisis centers. Some activists of both genders will not refer to men as
"feminists" at all and will refer to all men who support feminism as "pro-feminists".

Anti-feminism is opposition to feminism in some or all of its forms.

In the nineteenth century, anti-feminism was mainly focused on opposition to women's suffrage. Later,
opponents of women's entry into institutions of higher learning argued that education was too great a
physical burden on women. Other anti-feminists opposed women's entry into the labor force, or their right
to join unions, to sit on juries, or to obtain birth control and control of their sexuality.

Some people have opposed feminism on the grounds that they believe it is contrary to traditional values or
religious beliefs. These anti-feminists argue, for example, that social acceptance of divorce and non-
married women is wrong and harmful, and that men and women are fundamentally different and thus their
different traditional roles in society should be maintained.
Other anti-feminists oppose women's
entry into the workforce, political office, and the voting process, as well as the lessening of male authority
in families.

Many notable women scholars oppose some forms of feminism, though they identify as feminists. They
argue, for example, that feminism often promotes misandry and the elevation of women's interests above
men's, and criticize radical feminist positions as harmful to both men and women.


I believe that most parents strive with all their heart to instill in their posterity honesty,
integrity, discipline, sacrifice, commitment, respect, the obligations of fatherhood, the
rewards of motherhood, responsibility, accountability, and tolerance for those with other
views. I believe that most parents teach and would have their children practice sexual
abstinence before marriage and fidelity within their marriage. I believe that most of the
families in this great nation have faith in God and reverence for Him. I believe that many
of them worship together, as families, on the Sabbath. I believe that parents still know
what is best for their children in most instances and circumstances. I believe that in the
majority of families in our great country children are taught to live within their means
and balance the budget. I believe that they are taught the rewards of hard work. These are
the Traditional Family Values of the American family. These are values that cannot be
faulted by any truth loving individual or group because they are ETERNAL VALUES.
If this is all true, and it is, you may ask, Why are we as a nation in such turmoil? To
answer this we must review the last 30 years. In the 1960s a social revolution began to
take place in this great land which continues today. A small segment of our nation,
including a portion of an entire generation of children, rejected the traditional family
values of the Judeo-Christian Ethic that had served so well for the previous 340 years.
These individuals and families with their children became involved in a counter-culture.
They dropped out of school, rejected religion, rejected the wisdom and experience of
their elders, and protested anything having to do with the establishment. They became
selfish and self-centered and developed an attitude of whats in it for me. They believed
that they could have freedom without responsibility or accountability. There were
segments of the populace who felt that because of intolerance and the repression of their
ancestors that the nation owed them the American Dream without them having to work
for it. Consequently today, although we are still a Christian nation, many Americans and
their families fail to remember God and acknowledge His hand in all things.
On the continuum of tolerance, we have repression on one extreme and promotion on the
other extreme. The position of tolerance is in the middle. Within this middle area an
individual, family, community, or nation, may reject or accept that which is espoused
without repressing or promoting the views of others. This nation was built upon the
principle of tolerance for the views of other.
Today however many special interest groups believe that tolerance means that the main
stream of our nation must embrace their views and accept them as equals without
equivocation even though their views destroy our Traditional Family Values and the very
foundation of our nation. A foundation that has served us well for over 300 years.



A sexually transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually transmitted infection
(STI), or venereal disease (VD), is an illness that has a significant probability of
transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior, including vaginal
intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been
referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and
may potentially infect others, without showing signs of disease. Some STIs can also be
transmitted via the use of IV drug needles after its use by an infected person, as well as
through childbirth or breastfeeding. Sexually transmitted infections have been well
known for hundreds of years.
Until the 1990s, STDs were commonly known as venereal diseases :Veneris is the Latin
genitive form of the name Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Social disease was another
Prevention is key in addressing incurable STIs, such as HIV & herpes. Sexual health
clinics fight to promote the use of condoms and provide outreach for at-risk communities.
The most effective way to prevent sexual transmission of STIs is to avoid contact of body
parts or fluids which can lead to transfer with an infected partner
STD incidence rates remain high in most of the world, despite diagnostic and therapeutic
advances that can rapidly render patients with many STDs noninfectious and cure most.
In many cultures, changing sexual morals and oral contraceptive use have eliminated
traditional sexual restraints In 1996, the World Health Organization estimated that
more than 1 million people were being infected daily Commonly reported prevalences
of STIs among sexually active adolescent girls both with and without lower genital tract
symptoms include chlamydia (1025%), gonorrhea (318%), syphilis (03%),
Trichomonas vaginalis (816%), and herpes simplex virus (212%) AIDS is the single
largest cause of mortality in present-day Sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS remains the
leading cause of death among African American women between ages 25 and 34.
At least one in four U.S. teenage girls has a sexually transmitted disease,
a CDC study
Among girls who admitted ever having sex, the rate was 40%.


AIDS Statistics

Statistics from the year 2000 indicate the following:

Most of HIV-AIDS victims(63 %) are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In India, 50% of commercial sex workers have AIDS.

In the ASEAN countries(where 500 million live), about 4 million are affected.

There are 350 new cases of HIV per month in Malaysia, totally .6 % of the adult
population. About 2/5 are from heterosexual transmission; the rest are from drug abuse
and homosexual transmission.

Number of new cases worldwide being 2 million in 2000, it is now 2 million.

There are now around 35 million cases of HIV-AIDS.

Article Above Source:



"Pollster Louis Harris has written, "The idea that half of American marriages are doomed is one of the most
specious pieces of statistical nonsense ever perpetuated in modern times." "It all began when the Census
Bureau noted that during one year, there were 2.4 million marriages and 1.2 million divorces. Someone did
the math without calculating the 54 million marriages already in existence, and presto, a ridiculous but
quotable statistic was born. "Harris concludes, "Only one out of eight marriages will end in divorce.
In any single year, only about 2 percent of existing marriages will break up." --J. Allan Petersen in Better
Families, quoted on the Christianity.Net home page, "Preaching Resources," Copyright(c) 1996 by
Christianity Today, Inc./LEADERSHIP journal -- Summer 1996 Vol.XVII, No.3, Page 69

What do all those different versions of the "divorce rate" mean? What is the real divorce rate?

Basically, it's very hard to say what the divorce rate is because there are several different ways to
measure it, and because the constant question is, what do you use as the denominator of the fraction or
ratio? Do you weigh people getting divorced per year against the number of people who are getting
married that same year, or against people who got married when the divorcing people got married, or
against everyone who is married, or who ever has been, or do you try to project how many people who
are getting married _will_ divorce in the future, disregarding older people who are in more stable
marriages?...Taking the number of marriages per year and comparing it with the number of divorces
per year is very often done in the media[Conclusion: The actual rate is 20-25 percent.]
[Alternate view: In 2008, 46% of all marriages involve a remarriage for one or both
spouses. It is estimated that 40% of all marriages have ended in divorce as of 2008.
The overall divorce rate is in decline in the US, but so is the marriage rate.
factors that are believed to be associated with a higher divorce rate were cohabitation
prior to marriage,
and infrequent church attendance.
__________________HOW TO PREVENT DIVORCE___________________.
Work On Yourself: Reflect on your past. Consider your childhood. Examine the relationships you
witnessed as a child. These relationships teach you at a very young age how to deal with the
opposite sex and handle conflict. Consider your earlier dating experiences. Reflect on your
mistakes. Make peace with your past.Examine your parents relationship and learn from it, but
always be aware that while we may share many of the same strengths and weaknesses with our
parents, ultimately we alone have the power to make different decisions. Look for positive role
models. It is always a good idea to draw on the wisdom of others. Is there someone you know
who has the kind of marriage that you admire? Maybe it's your in-laws, a friend or another
relative? Observe how they communicate and deal with problems. Nearly every marriage faces
financial problems, death, betrayal or dishonesty. But, not every single marriage ends in divorce.
Find those couples that withstand such hardships. Listen and observe their strategies.
Work With Your Spouse: Avoid labeling your spouses actions or statements.
Statements like "That doesnt make any sense!" or "Do I have to hear this again?" do
nothing to foster trust and communication. They get you no further to stopping
divorce.Ask your spouse what he/she wants or needs. You cannot foster love in your
relationship if you have no idea what your spouse truly desires. When your spouse
gives you feedback or makes a remark, do not act defensively. Even if the remark feels
nasty or is not constructive, try to learn from it. Examine your actions and words with a
critical eye.


The AIDS crisis, as exposed here, evidences a total absence (in our leaders) of dignity, integrity
and religious principle(of saving others), as well as critical self-indulgence and recklessness.

In 1978 and 1979, in New York and New Jersey, government sponsored campaigns began to
enlist those persons, only young males, from gay communities to donate their blood.They were
told that their blood was needed so that a vaccine against Hepatitis-B could be developed.
Only highly sexually active young males, those who admitted to having many sexual partners,
were chosen to participate....which seems medically inappropriate at best given that those who
have many sexual partners will tend to have had more sexually (and other) transmitted diseases
(statistically inferred). From the very initial stages of those Hepatitis-B vaccine trials there were
tainted and very poor medical parameters/ procedures/ guidelines.

In 1978 & 1979, in New York and New Jersey, medical doctors began to tabulate many deaths so
many deaths of such young men who otherwise would be in the prime years of physical health.

Finally those doctors began to hear from one another, and they knew that they were witnessing
the 'outbreak' of an unprecedented epidemic in young men. In fact some medical doctors were
already then calling it `pandemic' in its apparent scope and immediacy. Several years later, as
those Hepatitis-B vaccine trials moved on to other cities, on to San Francisco and Los Angeles,
targeting those areas which had hard-won political inroads into the mainstream, so likewise
moved the most curious and highly suspect epidemiology. Most contagious diseases, no matter
the manner of transmission, do not move so neatly, jumping `cross country' and targeting young
males aged 20 to 40.

In San Francisco and Los Angeles there were even companies which would pay fairly substantial
sums of money to those gay males to sell their blood (upwards to $50 per visit), but those
advertised appeals were to be only seen in gay-oriented community papers, those ads were
NEVER to be seen in mainstream newspapers soliciting heterosexually active donors.

Even after medical doctors had tabulated and confirmed the deaths of young gay males in New
York and New Jersey, notably after 1978, and early in 1979, which medically inferred that a
horrendous "outbreak" of some sort had started, the NEW YORK TIMES did not deem that
newsworthy for over TWO YEARS!

Now, the revisionists constantly print that the CDC identified "AIDS" (resulting from some weird
virus), in 1981-- which infers that "AIDS" began in 1981, but which totally avoids medical doctors
diagnosing the epidemic in 1979 and 1979 from data available in New York and New Jersey.

Time and time again you will read in the newspapers various articles which point to the CDC
revelation of 1981(against all the available evidence, dating back to 1958 and Gerald Ford).

This has been intentionally done to obscure the obvious medical relevance of the beginnings of
those Hepatitis-B vaccine trials and the state of "AIDS" and various issues of diseases (here is
the United States), which was 1978 and 1979. This information is not idle speculation, it can be
confirmed from a host of varies sources, notably the magnum opus, the book aptly titled "AIDS
AND THE DOCTORS OF DEATH" by Dr. Alan Cantwell, MD, who practices at Long Beach
Memorial Hospital, underscores the awesome relevancy of those Hepatitis-B vaccine trials,
"AIDS" and various issues of diseases, starting in New York and New Jersey in 1978 and 1979.
Dr. Strecker finally convinced an incredulous and refuting Dr. Cantwell to investigate his
findings....andCantwell, who had previously written about "AIDS" was convinced that yes,
"AIDS" was terribly related to cover-ups dealing with bio-warfare research.


The standard, mainstream history of AIDS however is that AIDS
jumped from monkeys to people and was transported across the
world by homosexual prostitutes, and one male airline steward in
particular. When the epidemic began, it was blamed on the dirty
habits of homosexuals.

Eugenics is as Old as the Earth: Appreciating a Perennial Habit
Eugenics refers to culling or directly reducing human population by virtual
murder. Examples

1898, US Gov. discovers that mycoplasma can cause an epidemic. Objectivity?

1904, US Gov. starts an epidemic in horses.Silliness?
1910, Now its done to birds
1918, a flu virus altered with bird mycoplasma devastated the world. Reckless.

1921, Bertrand Russell says a man-made plague against Blacks is needed
Self-indulgent. Reckless. No decency. No dignity.

1931, Blacks were secretly infected at Tuskeegee with venereal disease;
Sheep received a kind of AIDS virus Reckless. No decency.

1943, we (USA) became Bio Warfare in earnest, officiallyNo dignity. Reckless.
1945, Operation Paperclip welcomed Nazi scientists into USA Biowarfare. Silly.
1948, USA endorses devising a scheme to curb the population of certain races.
No dignity.

1949, Sigurdson isolates the VISNA virus, a precursor to todays HIV virus

1951, Afro-Americans were attacked with a government virus in Pennsylvania.
Self-indulgent and reckless.

1958, congressman(and later president) Gerald Ford gave Pentagon permission
for Special Operation X, to create new biological weapons
1963, the Special Virus Program(de-classified in 1999) begins its work on AIDS
1972, the Soviet Union agreed to join the USA in depopulation of the black races
1974, Kissinger announces to the world that de-population is the #1 goal
1977, the Special Virus Program produces 15,000 gallons of AIDS, attached to
smallpox vaccines for Africa, and Hepatitis vaccines for New York City
[T]he largely forgotten Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP)[was] Originally designed to study
leukemia and lymphoma forms of cancer, the programsoon enlarged to study all forms of
cancer"species jumping" was a common occurrence in these experimentsBy 1971,
experimenters had spread lymphoma-producing viruses into several species of monkeys, and had
also isolated a monkey virus (Herpesvirus saimiri) that would have a close genetic relationship to
a new Kaposi's sarcoma virus that produced the "gay cancer" of AIDS a few years later


Indonesia is experiencing one of the highest rates of tropical forest loss in
the world.
Indonesia was still densely forested as recently as 1950. Forty percent of the forests existing in 1950
were cleared in the following 50 years. In round numbers, forest cover fell from 162 million ha to 98
million ha.
The rate of forest loss is accelerating. On average, about 1 million ha per year were cleared in the 1980s,
rising to about 1.7 million ha per year in the first part of the 1990s. Since 1996, deforestation appears to
have increased to an average of 2 million ha per year.
Indonesias lowland tropical forests, the richest in timber resources and biodiversity, are most at risk.
They have been almost entirely cleared in Sulawesi and are predicted to disappear in Sumatra by 2005 and
Kalimantan by 2010 if current trends continue
Illegal logging, by definition, is not accurately documented. But a former senior official of the Ministry of
Forestry recently claimed that theft and illegal logging have destroyed an estimated 10 million ha of
Indonesian forests.
Massive expansion in the plywood, pulp, and paper production sectors over the past two decades means
that demand for wood fiber now exceeds legal supplies by 35-40 million cubic meters per year.
This gap between legal supplies of wood and demand is filled by illegal logging. Many wood processing
industries openly acknowledge their dependence on illegally cut wood, which accounted for approximately
65 percent of total supply in 2000.
Legal logging is also conducted at an unsustainable level. Legal timber supplies from natural production
forests declined from 17 million cubic meters in 1995 to under 8 million cubic meters in 2000, according to
recent statistics from the Ministry of Forestry. The decline has been offset in part by timber obtained from
forests cleared to make way for plantations. But this source appears to have peaked in 1997.
Industrial timber plantations have been widely promoted and subsidized as a means of
supplying Indonesias booming demand for pulp and taking pressure off natural forests.
In practice, millions of hectares of natural forest have been cleared to make way for
plantations that, in 75 percent of cases, are never actually planted.
More than 20 million hectares of forest have been cleared since 1985, but
the majority of this land has not been put to productive alternative uses.


In Nigeria
12.2% or about 11,089,000 hectaresof Nigeria is forested. Of this, 2.9% or roughly
326,000 hectaresis classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse form of forest.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, Nigeria lost an average of 409,700 hectares of
forest per year. The amounts to an average annual deforestation rate of 2.38%. Between 2000
and 2005, the rate of forest change increased by 31.2% to 3.12% per annum. In total, between
1990 and 2005, Nigeria lost 35.7% of its forest cover, or around 6,145,000 hectares.
In Ecuador
39.2% or about 10,853,000 hectaresof Ecuador is forested. Of this, 44.2% or roughly
4,794,000 hectaresis classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse form of forest.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, Ecuador lost an average of 197,600 hectares
of forest per year. The amounts to an average annual deforestation rate of 1.43%. Between 2000
and 2005, the rate of forest change increased by 16.7% to 1.67% per annum. In total, between
1990 and 2005, Ecuador lost 21.5% of its forest cover, or around 2,964,000 hectares.
In Brazil
57.2% or about 477,698,000 hectaresof Brazil is forested. Of this, 87.1% or roughly
415,890,000 hectaresis classified as primary forest, the most biodiverse form of forest.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, Brazil lost an average of 2,681,400 hectares
of forest per year. The amounts to an average annual deforestation rate of 0.52%. Between 2000
and 2005, the rate of forest change increased by 22.0% to 0.63% per annum. In total, between
1990 and 2005, Brazil lost 8.1% of its forest cover, or around 42,329,000 hectares.
In DR Congo
58.9% or about 133,610,000 hectaresof DR Congo is forested.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, DR Congo lost an average of 532,400
hectares of forest per year. The amounts to an average annual deforestation rate of 0.38%.
Between 2000 and 2005, the rate of forest change decreased by 37.7% to 0.24% per annum. In
total, between 1990 and 2005, DR Congo lost 4.9% of its forest cover,
In India, a case of moderate control
22.8% or about 67,701,000 hectaresof India is forested.

Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2000, India gained an average of 361,500 hectares
of forest per year. The amounts to an average annual reforestation rate of 0.57%. Between 2000
and 2005, the rate of forest change decreased by 92.3% to 0.04% per annum. In total, between
1990 and 2005, India gained 5.9% of its forest cover, or around 3,762,000 hectares. Measuring
the total rate of habitat conversion (defined as change in forest area plus change in woodland
area minus net plantation expansion) for the 1990-2005 interval, India gained 1.0% of its forest
and woodland habitat .


Well over half of all people living in 10 of the United States 11 most populous statesmore than 158
million Americanslive in areas where the smog is so bad that pollution levels routinely exceed safety
standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to a study by the Center for
American Progress and the Center for Progressive Reform that examines state enforcement of clean air
laws.The report, Paper Tigers and Killer Air: How Weak Enforcement Leaves Communities Vulnerable to
Smog [pdf], released in November 2006, shows that in five of the 10 states that were studied, more than 75
percent of the population lives in counties that fail to attain EPA air quality standards. In one state, New
Jersey, every single resident suffers from excessiveground-level ozone, or smog. California and New York
were not far behind, with 94 percent and 85 percent respectively. These findings are consistent with those
of the annual State of the Air report published by the American Lung Association early in 2006.
The report also reveals that state environmental agencies in the 10 profiled states lack a sufficient number
of inspectors to monitor industrial emissions and enforce the lawin large part due to declining federal
grants to state and local air quality agencies, which are primarily responsible for enforcing federal clean air
standards. Collectively, these 10 states (California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas) have more than 158,000 sites with permits to emit ozone
pollution. At the same time, they report having fewer than 1,100
On 25 July 2008 in the case Dieter Janecek v Freistaat Bayern CURIA, the European Court of
Justice ruled that under this directive[32]citizens have the right to require national authorities to
implement a short term action plan that aims to maintain or achieve compliance to air quality limit

In 2010, the European Commission (EC) threatened the UK with legal action
against the successive breaching In March 2011, the City of London remains the only UK
region in breach of the ECs limit values, and has been given 3 months to implement an
emergency action plan aimed at meeting the EU Air Quality Directive The City of London has
dangerous levels of PM10 concentrations, estimated to cause 3000 deaths per year within the
Asthma and Air Pollution
Asthma is a serious chronic lung disease that appears to be on the rise in California, the United
States and many other countries around the world. The prevalence of asthma in the U.S. has
increased by more than 75% since 1980; children and certain racial groups, especially African
Americans, have experienced relatively greater increases in asthma prevalence. An estimated
11.9% of Californians - 3.9 million children and adults - report that they have been diagnosed with
asthma at some point in their lives, compared to the national average of 10.1%...Air pollution
plays a well-documented role in asthma attacks, however, the role air pollution plays in initiating
asthma is still under investigation and may involve a very complex set of interactions between indoor
and outdoor environmental conditions
Based on the Malaysia Environmental Quality Report 2000, the Air Pollutant Index (API) showed
that air quality for Kuala Lumpur was between good (API 0-50) to moderate (API 51-100) most of
the time, except for a few nhealthy
days experienced during the drier months of May and July (refer Figure 15.6). However, unhealthy
air quality conditions were occasionally recorded in Kuala Lumpur and were mainly due to the
presence of high levels of ozone, formed by the reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile
compounds (VOCs) emitted from motor vehicles and industrial sources, react in the presence of
sunlight and heat.


CO2 and The Emerging Environmental Crisis

An increase of global temperature by more than 2C has come to be the majority definition of what would
constitute intolerably dangerous climate change, but some climate scientists are increasingly of the opinion
that the goal should be a complete restoration of the atmosphere's preindustrial condition, on the grounds
that too protracted a deviation from those conditions will produce irreversible changes
350 ppm
This is the target level advocated in a 2008 paper
by climate scientist James E. Hansen and others At
the 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Pozna, Poland, the Least Developed Countries
bloc spoke in favor of a 350 ppm target.
[Yet the worlds atmosphere is exceeding that limit by 1 % per year and now stands at over 390.]
550 ppm
This is the target advocated (as an upper bound) in the Stern Review. As approximately a doubling of CO

levels relative to preindustrial times, it implies a temperature increase of about three degrees, according to
conventional estimates of climate sensitivity.
Enduring Controversy
In a 2000 paper,
Hansen argued that the 0.75
[clarification needed]
rise in average global temperatures over the
last 100 years has been driven mainly by greenhouse gases other than carbon dioxide, since warming due to
had been offset by cooling due to aerosols, implying the viability of a strategy initially based around
reducing emissions of non-CO
greenhouse gases and of black carbon, focusing on CO
only in the longer
[19] is an international environmental organization,
headed by author Bill McKibben,
with the
goal of building a global grassroots movement to raise awareness of anthropogenic climate change, to
confront climate change denial, and to cut emissions of one of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide,
order to slow the rate of global warming. takes its name from the research of NASA scientist James
E. Hansen, who posited in a 2007 paper that 350 parts-per-million (ppm) of CO
in the atmosphere is a safe
upper limit to avoid a climate tipping point.
James Hansen opined that "if humanity wishes to preserve a
planet similar to that on which civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted, paleoclimate
evidence and ongoing climate change suggest that CO
will need to be reduced from its current 385 ppm to
at most 350 ppm, but likely less than that."
Carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, rose by 2.3 parts
per million to 389 ppm in 2010 from the previous year
, and continued to increase with January 2012
atmospheric CO2 concentration at 393.09
and crossed 400 ppm on monitors in May 2012 in the
industrialized Northern Hemisphere's Arctic region.
The Consensus on the Effects of CO2 is Challenged by Many
It should be noted that the global warming hoax can be dated to testimony by James Hansen before
Congress in 1988 and he is still the GISS administrator! His apocalyptic predictions helped launch a U.S.
response currently seen in the Environmental Protection Agency power-grab, based on the false CO2
claims,. On Earth DayApril 22ndthe birthday of Vladimir Lenin, the dictator who imposed Communism
on Russia in 1917[totalitarian equalization], the various elements of the environmental movement will flood
the world with propaganda. The connection between these two events should not be ignored.


Modern Slavery
by Stephen Lendman

-- an estimated 27 million people are enslaved globally, more than at
any other time previously! ! !

Sex Slavery in America

It's the largest category of forced labor in America and with good

-- it's tied to organized crime and highly profitable;
-- demand for sex services(includes children) is high and growing; and
-- the lack of safe and legal migration facilitates....

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) states that the average entry
prostitution age is between 12 - 14A congressional finding estimated
that between 100,000 - 300,000 children are at risk at any time. A DOJ
assessment was that pimps control at least 75% of exploited minors by
targeting vulnerable children using violence and psychological
intimidation to hold themAn estimated 2.8 million children live on city
streets, a third of whom are lured into prostitution within 48 hours of
leaving home. Familial prostitution is also common and involves the
selling of a family member for drugs, shelter, and/or money.
Of the 600,000-800,000 people trafficked across international borders each year, 70 percent
are female and 50 percent are children. The majority of these victims are forced into the
commercial sex trade (US DoJ. Trafficking in Persons Report.)
Human trafficking is the third most profitable criminal activity, following only drug
and arms trafficking.

The Council of Europe states, "People trafficking has reached epidemic proportions over
the past decade, with a global annual market of about $42.5 billion[one estimate]."

Total profits of human trafficking estimated at US 32 billion per year.
15,000 new foreign nationals are trafficked into the US every year.


The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Quotes)
"... But in the meantime, it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger emerges, capable of
dominating Eurasia and thus of also challenging America(i.e., the hegemony or scope of
Americas global power). The formulation of a comprehensive and integrated Eurasian
geostrategy is therefore the purpose of this book. (p. xiv)
"Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has
been the center of world power."- (p. xiii) (Eurasia means "the Middle East")
"In that context, how America 'manages' Eurasia is critical. A power that dominates Eurasia
would control two of the world's three most advanced and economically productive regions. A
mere glance at the map also suggests that control over Eurasia would almost automatically entail
Africa's subordination, rendering the Western Hemisphere and Oceania (Australia)
geopolitically peripheral to the world's central continent. About 75 per cent of the world's people
live in Eurasia, and most of the world's physical wealth is there as well, both in its enterprises
and underneath its soil. Eurasia accounts for about three-fourths of the world's known energy
resources." (p.31)
"For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia... Now a non-Eurasian power is
preeminent in Eurasia - and America's global primacy is directly dependent on how long and
how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained. (p.30) (bases in Iraq??)
Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of
power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or
challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is,
defense spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties, even among professional soldiers)
required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial
mobilization." (p.35)
as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to
fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive
and widely perceived direct external threat." (p. 211)
"The attitude of the American public toward the external projection of American power has been
much more ambivalent. The public supported America's engagement in World War II largely
because of the shock effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. (pp 24-5)


Military Spending
1. United States
2010 spending: $698 billion
Change 2001-10: 81.3%
Share of GDP: 4.8%
3. United Kingdom
2010 spending: $59.6 billion
Change 2001-10: 21.9%
Share of GDP: 2.7%
5. Russia
2010 spending: $58.7 billion (est.)
Change 2001-10: 82.4%
Share of GDP: 4% (est.)
9. India
2010 spending: $41.3 billion
Change 2001-10: 54.3%
Share of GDP: 2.7%


Country Expenditure % of Gross Domestic Product in 2009

United States of America 663,255,000,000 4.3%

Djibouti 36,300,000

Russian Federation 61,000,000,000 3.5%

Sudan 1,971,000,000c 4.4%c

Saudi Arabia very rich 39,257,000,000 8.2%

Eritrea very poor 327,000,000d 20.9%d

China 98,800,000,000 2.0%

United Kingdom 69,271,000,000 2.5%

France 67,316,000,000 2.3%

Malaysia 4,078,000,000 2.0%

India 36,600,000,000 2.6%

South Korea 27,130,000,000 2.8%

Israel very rich 14,309,000,000 7.0%

Greece 13,917,000,000 3.6%

United Arab Emirates 13,052,000,000a 5.9%a

Poland 10,860,000,000 2.0%

Colombia drug war 10,055,000,000 3.7%

Iraq very poor 3,814,000,000 5.4%

Chile 5,683,000,000 3.5%

Algeria 5,677,000,000 3.0%

Lebanon 1,408,000,000 3.9%

Jordan 1,392,000,000 5.9%

Note that countries AT WAR spend around 3-4 % of their national economy on war,
as well as countries dealing with a popular resistance movement or dangerous
border. Another factor [for high spending] could be a countrys building a modern
army for the first time. Note that Malaysias spending is fairly high for a peaceful
region. Also note that the USA spends more than all other countries combined.


Date of
Perpetrator # Murdered Gun-Ctrl Source
Gov. Date Target (Estimated) Law Document
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Ottoman 1915-17 Armenians 1-1.5 Mil. 1866 Art. 166,
Turky Penal Code

Soviet 1929-53 Anti-Comm. 20 Million 1929 Art. 128,
Union Anti-Stal. Penal Code

Nazi 1933-45 Jews, 13 Million 1928 Law on Fire-
Germany Anti-Nazis, arms & Ammun.
& occupied Gypsies April 12,
Europe Weapons Law,
March 18

China 1948-52 Anti- 20 Million 1935 Arts. 186 & 7
Communists Penal Code.
1966- Pro-Reform
1976 Group

Guatemala 1960-81 Mayan 100,000 1871 Decree #36
Indians 1964 Decree #283

Uganda 1971-79 Christians, 300,000 1955 Firearms Ord.
Pol. Rivals 1970 Firearms Act

Cambodia 1975-79 Educated 1 Million 1956 Arts. 322-328,
Persons Penal Code



Second World War, 55 million
Mao Zedong's Regime, 40 million
Stalin's Regime, 20 million
First World War, 15 million
Russian Civil War, 9 million
Chinese Civil War(1945-9), 2.5 million



General Lee Butler, formerly responsible for all US Air Force and Navy
strategic nuclear forces, describes nuclear weapons in the following

"Nuclear weaponsTheir effects transcend time and place, poisoning
the Earth and deforming its inhabitants for generation upon
generation. They leave us wholly [collectively & totally] without
defence, expung[ing] all hope for meaningful survival. They hold in
their sway not just the fate of nations, but the very meaning of

Globally around 30,000 nuclear weapons are held by various countries.
More than one thousand five hundred of them ready to launch at a
moment's notice, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. On average,
each of them has a destructive power thirty times that of the
Hiroshima bomb. Through atmospheric effects, a few hundred could
destroy a major part of the world

The US has around 9,962 nuclear weapons with 5,735 classed as
[immediately] 'deliverable', on submarines, boats, planes and on land
The Russian Federation has 16,000 nuclear weapons with 5,830
classed as deliverable
France has 348 nuclear weapons, all deliverable
The UK has 200 weapons all of which are deliverable
China has an estimated stockpile of around 200 nuclear weapons,
with some 145 classed as deliverable.
Israel has an estimated arsenal of 100 weapons all of which are
considered deliverable.
India is estimated to have a stockpile of between 40 & 50
Pakistan is estimated to have 50-60
Europe hosts 480 NATO US weapons. Germany 150; the UK hosts
110; Italy 90. Turkey 90; the Netherlands 20; and Belgium 20




The Rainbow Warrior was a boat used by Greenpeace, an anti-war group, to protest the
testing of nuclear weapons in the South Pacific, in 1985. It was scuttled by two
explosions caused by bombs planted by a team of French intelligence operatives. One
reporter was killed when he went to investigate the damage from the first bomb,
whereupon the second bomb went off, and he drowned as a result. A Neighborhood
Watch group observed suspicious activity around the time of the bombing, and local
police were able to follow up with arrests of fleeing sabateurs. Not all of the sabateurs
were caught. And some of the uncaught went on to very lucrative careers in the same
business. The French government denied conscious involvement at first, but years later
(when the man who was president at the time of the incident died), France admitted
participation of the highest levels of the French government in the sabatoge. New
Zealand, where the incident took place, prosecuted the offenders, found them guilty, and
awarded them huge jail sentences.
The sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, codenamed Opration Satanique
, was an
operation by the "action" branch of the French foreign intelligence services. France used
political blackmail and bribery(with an undisclosed sum of reparations) in order to reduce
the jail sentences to almost nothing.
Nonetheless, the protests of Greenpeace and other groups seems to have eventually led to
the banning of almost all nuclear testing. Between 1945 and 2000, there had been more
than 2000 live nuclear weapons tests worldwide. But the rate per year greatly decreased
after the outcry from the public during the 1960s. The United States ended above-ground
tests in 1962, yet continued with between 15 and 50 underground tests per year in the
period ending in 1988. On 28 January 1996 then-President Jacques Chirac said the
French military would not conduct any more nuclear tests.

For a history protests and legislation against nuclear bomb testing, see:

Numerous aspects of being an informed citizen emerge from this story. One is that
closely observing the unscrupulous and illegal activities of governments intimidates or
discourages them or frustrates them, to one degree or another, if such scrutiny is carried
out in a systematic fashion. Scientists played a role in detecting radiation thousands of
miles away. The mass media played a role in publishing the scientific findings. The local
media played a role in highlighting the investigation and prosecution of the sabateurs, and
calling for more eyewitnesses. The Neighborhood Watch group filtered information to
the mass media. The government pursued the team of sabateurs internationally.

Being an informed and engaged citizen means monitoring immediate and serious
emerging internal and external threats to the stability and smooth functioning of our
communitys environment, economy, government & public health, plus
contemplating potential and available means for the rectification (and/or remedial
accomodation) of the latter four when needed, where shortcomings exist



Up to 300,000 tons of radioactive material was stored or being used in
and around the Fukushima nuclear reactor in 2011, when a Tsunami
struck and rendered the plant disabled. Of those 300,000 tons, 1,000
tons are Plutonium, the most deadly chemical known to Man. Huge
amounts of these radioactive materials spewed into the air as a result of
the meltdown, explosion and continuous burning at these plants. A cold
shutdown was declared in December 2011, but many suspect that the
government of Japan, the nuclear industry and governments worldwide
dont want the general population to know the real extent of the damage
and threat to human life and to the environment for generations to
come. Here is an example of how the Mainstream Media(MSM)
portrays the disaster:

Following a major earthquake, a 15-metre tsunami disabled the power
supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear
accident on 11 March 2011.
Three reactor cores largely melted in the first three days.
The accident was rated 7 on the INES scale, due to high radioactive releases
in the first few days. Four reactors are written off - 2719 MWe net.
After two weeks the three reactors (units 1-3) were stable with water addition
but no proper heat sink for removal of decay heat from fuel. By July they
were being cooled with recycled water from the new treatment plant. Reactor
temperatures had fallen to below 80C at the end of October, and official 'cold
shutdown condition' was announced in mid December.
Apart from cooling, the basic ongoing task is to prevent release of radioactive
materials, particularly in contaminated water leaked from the three units.
There have been no deaths or cases of radiation sickness from the nuclear
accident, but over 100,000 people had to be evacuated from their homes to
ensure this. Government nervousness has delayed their return.



Links to Depleted Uranium in the US Mind: State of Denial:
(excerpt)A total of 580,400 US soldiers served in the first Gulf War[1991]. By
the end of 2000 325,000 of these troops had become disabled This means that 56
% of those who served in the first Gulf War were disabled within less than 10
years. [Disabled means unable to function in any gainful employment.]
(excerpt).roughly 1 in 4 of the 697,000 veterans who served
in the first Gulf War are afflicted with the disorder: a different estimate!

There are currently more than 800,000 disabled vets from
the Gulf War Era (300,000 from Desert Storm in 1991 and
500,000 from Operation Iraqi Freedom since 2003


Why would veterans exposed to DU be eligible for health care and disability benefits if
the VA claims there are "no health problems associated with DU exposure"? This makes
no sense. Such is the current impasse, because of the conspiracy of silence.
American Use Of DU is "A crime against humanity which may, in
the eyes of historians, rank with the worst atrocities of all time."
US Iraq Military Vets "are on DU death row, waiting to die It's going to
destroy the lives of thousands of children, all over the world. We all know how
far radiation can travel. Radiation from [the disaster in] Chernobyl reached
Wales and in Britain you sometimes get red dust from the Sahara on your car."

Dr. Chris Busby, the British radiation expert, Fellow of the University of
Liverpool in the Faculty of Medicine and UK representative on the European
Committee on Radiation Risk. DU is dirt cheap, toxic, waste from nuclear
power plants and bomb production On hearing that DU had been used in the
Gulf in 1991, the UK Atomic Energy Authority sent the Ministry of Defense a
special report on the potential damage to health and the environment. It said

Over 200,000 US troops who returned from the 1991 war are now invalided out with ailments officially attributed to service in Iraq-
that's 1 in 3. Note the three very DIFFERENT estimates of victims on this page.


that it could cause half a million additional cancer deaths in Iraq over 10 years.
In that war the authorities only admitted to using 320 tons of DU-although the
Dutch charity LAKA estimates the true figure is closer to 800 tons
Case in Point and Public Witnesses:
Today, David suffers from a variety of
symptoms like those known as Gulf War Syndrome, including respiratory and kidney
problems, bowel conditions and painful joints Robert C. Koehler of the Chicago-based
Tribune Media Services wrote in an article about DU weapons entitled Silent Genocide.
DU dust does more than wreak havoc on the immune systems of those who breathe it
or touch it; the substance also alters ones genetic code, Koehler wrote. The
Pentagons response to such charges is denial, denial, denial. And the American media
is its moral co-conspirator. The U.S. government has known for at least 20 years that
DU weapons produce clouds of poison gas on impact. These clouds of aerosolized DU
are laden with billions of toxic sub-micron sized particles. A 1984 Department of Energy
conference on nuclear airborne waste reported that tests of DU anti-tank missiles
showed that at least 31 percent of the mass of a DU penetrator is converted to nano-
particles on impact. In larger bombs the percentage of aerosolized DU increases to
nearly 100 percent, Fulk told me.

DU is harmful in three ways, according to Fulk: Chemical toxicity, radiological toxicity
and particle toxicity. Particles in the nano-meter (one billionth of a meter) range are a
new breed of cat, Moret wrote. Because the size of the nano-particles allows them to
pass freely throughout the organism and into the nucleus of its cells, exposure to nano-
particles causes different symptoms than exposure to larger particles of the same

Internalized DU particles, Fulk said, act as a non-specific catalyst in both nuclear and
non-nuclear ways. This means that the uranium particle can affect human DNA and
RNA because of both its chemical and radiological properties. This is why internalized
DU particles cause many, many diseases, Fulk said. Asked if this is how DU causes
severe birth defects, Fulk said, Yes.


The military is aware of DUs harmful effects on the human genetic code. A 2001 study
of DUs effect on DNA done by Dr. Alexandra C. Miller for the Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute in Bethesda, Md., indicates that DUs chemical instability
causes 1 million times more genetic damage than would be expected from its radiation
effect alone When inhaled through the nose, nano-particles can cross the olfactory
bulb directly into the brain through the blood brain barrier, where they migrate all
through the brain, she wrote. Many Gulf era soldiers exposed to depleted uranium
have been diagnosed with brain tumors, brain damage and impaired thought processes.


What goes around comes around?
A total of 580,400 soldiers served in the first Gulf War[1991]. By the end of 2000
325,000 of these troops had become disabled This means that 56 % of those who
served in the first Gulf War were disabled within less than 10 years.
Roughly 1 in 4 of the 697,000 veterans who served in the first Gulf War
are afflicted with the disorder.

The Horror Of US Depleted Uranium
Threatens the World(with reckless warfare + no integrity in planning):
American Use Of DU is "A crime against humanity which may, in
the eyes of historians, rank with the worst atrocities of all time."
US Iraq Military Vets "are on DU death row, waiting to die."
By James Denver 4-29-5

"I'm horrified. The people out there - the Iraqis, the media and the troops -
risk the most appalling ill health. And the radiation from depleted uranium
can travel literally anywhere. It's going to destroy the lives of thousands of
children, all over the world. We all know how far radiation can travel.
Radiation from Chernobyl reached Wales and in Britain you sometimes get
red dust from the Sahara on your car."

The speaker is not some alarmist doom-sayer. He is Dr. Chris Busby, the
British radiation expert, Fellow of the University of Liverpool in the Faculty
of Medicine and UK representative of the European Committee on
Radiation Risk, talking about the best-kept secret of this war: the fact that,
by illegally using hundreds of tons of depleted uranium (DU) against Iraq,
Britain and America have gravely endangered not only the Iraqis but the
whole world.

For these weapons have released deadly, carcinogenic and mutagenic,
radioactive particles in such abundance that-whipped up by sandstorms and
carried on trade winds - there is no corner of the globe they cannot
penetrate-including Britain. For the wind has no boundaries and time is on
their side: the radioactivity persists for over 4,500,000,000 years and can
cause cancer, leukemia, brain damage, kidney failure, and extreme birth
defects - killing millions of every age for centuries to come


'Depleted' uranium is in many ways a misnomer. For 'depleted' sounds
weak. The only weak thing about depleted uranium is its price. It is dirt
cheap, toxic, waste from nuclear power plants and bomb production.
However, uranium is one of earth's heaviest elements and DU packs a
Tyson's punch, smashing through tanks, buildings and bunkers with equal
ease, spontaneously catching fire as it does so, and burning people alive.
'Crispy critters' is what US servicemen call those unfortunate enough to be
close. And, when John Pilger encountered children killed at a greater
distance he wrote: "The children's skin had folded back, like parchment,
revealing veins and burnt flesh that seeped blood, while the eyes, intact,
stared straight ahead. I vomited." (Daily Mirror)

The millions of radioactive uranium oxide particles released when it burns
can kill just as surely, but far more terribly. They can even be so tiny they
pass through a gas mask, making protection against them impossible. Yet,
small is not beautiful. For these invisible killers indiscriminately attack
men, women, children and even babies in the womb-and do the gravest
harm of all to children and unborn babies.

Doctors in Iraq have estimated that birth defects have increased by 2-6
times, and 3-12 times as many children have developed cancer and
leukaemia since 1991. Overall, cases of lymphoblastic leukemia more
than quadrupled with other cancers also increasing 'at an alarming rate'. In
men, lung, bladder, bronchus, skin, and stomach cancers showed the highest
increase. In women, the highest increases were in breast and bladder cancer,
and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.1

On hearing that DU had been used in the Gulf in 1991, the UK Atomic
Energy Authority sent the Ministry of Defense a special report on the
potential damage to health and the environment. It said that it could cause
half a million additional cancer deaths in Iraq over 10 years. In that war the
authorities only admitted to using 320 tons of DU-although the Dutch
charity LAKA estimates the true figure is closer to 800 tons Troops who
were only exposed to DU for the brief period of the war were still excreting
uranium in their semen 8 years later and some had 100 times the so-called
'safe limit' of uranium in their urine. The lack of government interest in the
plight of veterans of the 1991 war is reflected in a lack of academic research
on the impact of DU but informal research has found a high incidence of
birth defects in their children. Britain and America not only used DU in this
year's Iraq war, they dramatically increased its use-from a minimum of 320
tons in the previous


war to a minimum of 1500 tons in this one.
This time the use of DU wasn't limited to anti-tank weapons--as it had largely been in the previous
Gulf war--but was extended to the guided missiles, large bunker busters and big 2000-pound bombs
used in Iraq's cities. This means that Iraq's cities have been blanketed in lethal particles-any one of
which can cause cancer or deform a child. In addition, the use of DU in huge bombs which throw the
deadly particles higher and wider in huge plumes of smoke means that billions of deadly particles have
been carried high into the air-again and again and again as the bombs rained down-ready to be swept
worldwide by the winds.

The Royal Society has suggested the solution is massive decontamination in Iraq. That could only
scratch the surface. For decontamination is hugely expensive and, though it may reduce the risks in
some of the worst areas, it cannot fully remove them. For DU is too widespread on land and water.
How do you clean up every nook and cranny of a city the size of Baghdad? How can they
decontaminate a whole country in which microscopic particles, which cannot be detected with a
normal geiger counter, are spread from border to border? And how can they clean up all the countries
downwind of Iraq-and, indeed, the world?

So there are only two things we can do to mitigate this crime against
humanity. The first is to provide the best possible medical care for the
people of Iraq, for our returning troops and for those who served in the last
Gulf war and, through that, minimize their suffering. The second is to
relegate [indiscriminate] war, and the production and sale of [such]
weapons, to the scrap heap of history-along with slavery and genocide.
Then, and only then, will this crime against humanity be expunged, and the
tragic deaths from this war truly bring freedom to the people of Iraq, and of
the world.
______________________AN ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVE__________________________
In his article, The Gulf War Was The Most Toxic Battle In Western Military
History, Dr. Malcolm Hooper, emeritus professor of medicinal chemistry at the
University of Sunderland UK, attributes the symptoms of mysterious Gulf War
Illness among American and coalition troops to a combination of toxic
substances to which they were subjected(much from chemical weapons dumps).
These included, in addition to weapons of mass destruction(like DU), experimental
vaccines, anti-nerve gas tablets, aerosolized pesticides, and smoke from hundreds of
burning oil wells. Some of the vaccines were not approved by the FDA and had never
been used on human subjects. No one had studied the interactive effects of as many
as seventeen vaccines administered at the same time. Many soldiers became violently
ill immediately after receiving the battery of shots and others developed a variety of
symptoms later. Strangely, the normally bureaucratic military kept no records of who
received what shots and when. However, most researchers cite radioactive poisoning
from depleted uranium shells as the deadliest element in the Gulf War Illness
cocktail. In the 1991 war the Pentagon fired more than 340 tons of DU projectiles
at targets in Iraq and Kuwait. More than a half million Gulf era veterans are on
medical disability.At last count, more than 1,000 tons have been used in Afghanistan
and more than 3,000 tons in Iraq.


An Alternate Opinion, by Mike Blair[]:
It has been determined that a laboratory-produced
Microorganism is responsible for much of the suffering of the
American GIs, and is being passed to their children and others who
come in contact with them.

In a joint statement, Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, and his wife, Dr.
Nancy L. Nicolson, have isolated a laboratory "engineered"
microorganism, *Mycoplasma fermentans* (*incognitus* strain),
which is the cause of much of the suffering of the U.S.
servicemen50,000 U.S. servicemen who served in the Middle East during
Operation Desert Storm[1992] are suffering from maladies resulting from
exposure to chemical and biological warfare weapons, despite government
claims to the contrary.

An Alternate Opinion, involving recklessness and self-indulgent squandering of human resources:
A considerable amount of research indicates that the Gulf War Syndrome, as well as autism, is
triggered by combing too many vaccines over too short a period. This is compounded by numerous
other toxic events, especially in the Gulf War veteran. This includes exposure to pesticides, aspartame
breakdown products, combat stress, high intake of food-based excitotoxins, possible exposure to
released nerve agents, as well as exposure to contaminated vaccinesshould you have a defective
immune system, or even part of the immune system is defective, your risk of complications goes up
considerably. This is because the immune system is made of many components that must act in a
specific concerted manner to kill the invader while minimizing the damage to surrounding normal
tissues. One of the more common reasons for immune dysfunction is nutritional deficiency, even for
single nutrients.

Chemical nerve agents, PB, and many of the pesticides to which Gulf War veterans
were exposed belong to a class of chemicals called Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

These chemicals inactivate the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase, which is essential for
breaking down the neurotransmitter chemical acetylcholine - a chemical which
affects numerous bodily functions, according to the report.

Forsythe believes a mixture of the three items above in combination with vaccines
given to Gulf War servicemembers can't be ruled out as a possible cause for Gulf War
Syndrome.The acute symptoms of excess exposure to Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
results in increased salivation and respiratory secretions, nausea, abdominal
cramping, diarrhea, excess sweating, increased heart rate, and blood pressure.Other
side effects can include muscle twitching, cramps, weakness, tremors, paralysis,
fatigue, mental confusion, headache, poor concentration, and general weakness.
Many of these side effects coincide with those of GWS.


Who Owns The Federal Reserve and by Extension the US Economy?
Nearly 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote:
"If the American people ever allowed the banks to control the issuance of their currency,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all
property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers
occupied." Read: Who dominates money-making, owns the economy, owns its people.

The creation of the Federal Reserve was much more than the creation of a currency manager. It was a
transformation of the rulership and officialdom of the USA, by the purchase of media & government.

Moreover, it was the realization of unprecedented power in the hands of private citizens. A snowball had
begun to roll, in which certain individuals would reap a degree of power never imagined by past societies in
the annals of history.

Jekyll Island was the stage where International Bankers organized a silent coup over the American system
of government, shifting control of public and private monies into the hands of a few very clever bankers.
The FED or the Federal Reserve System became the all-powerful central bank of America, accountable to
no-one. Its meetings and leadership are all totally secretive.

These conspirators retained at that founding moment already 1/6 of the wealth of the world. Jacob Schiff
and the Rockefellers, as agents of Rothschild interests centered in England, engineered a whole new
management system for the US economy, a system passed into law by a few bribed congressmen during a
holiday recess, with the cooperation of a compliant president, manoeuvered into position by the very same
interests. (Eventually, Woodrow Wilson would confess to complicity in this dirty-money conspiracy.)

Only the history and traditions of the Rothschild banking dynasty can unlock the secret of this pernicious
and pervasive dominance in modern global finance. The availability of virtually unlimited funds if not
simply astronomical sums of money accumulated by the Rothschild dynasty means that the alleged
representatives in our various democratic republics will be compromised in their loyalty by persistant
bribes and/or influence peddling. Stock market manipulation and the financing of wars entail an upward
spiral of profit and financial control. The First World War is a case in point, as were the Napoleonic Wars,
manipulated by the elite among the European bankers, the Rothschild family being the chief among them.
Similarly, stock market crashes for windfall profits were enabled by the same central banking system
deputed with the maintenance and stability of the same.

A few voices have been courageous enough to speak truth to power and challenge this monopoly. Huey
Long, President Lincoln, President Garfield, President McKinley and Andrew Jackson all suffered
assassination attempts for their refusal to submit to the burgeoning power of banks.

The Bilderberg Group, a closed-door meeting of the worlds financial and political elite, is the continuation
of the monopolized and centralized power-structure established by the super-bankers of the early 20

century and spawned by the Rothschild banking dynasty in the 19


One possible future of this cartel is to bankcrupt existing nations(or embarress them in meaningless wars)
in order to gut national sovereignty, only to be rescued by a global governance of bankers amid contrived
banking emergencies in the face of incompetent nationally-based leaders and leadership. Free Trade and
other such policies are meant to erode national sovereignty, with slave labor, drug money and destabilizing
revolutions and/or occupations, erasing national borders in favor of international banking interests
Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
-- by David Rivera, 1994 source: View From the Wall
Constitutional Money (1787)
Napoleon said:
"When a government is dependent for money upon the bankers, they and not the
leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is
above the hand that takes ... financiers are without patriotism and without
Karl Marx said in the Communist Manifesto: "Money plays the largest
part in determining the course of history." The Rothschilds found out
early that when you control the money you basically control everything
else. So, while their political plans were being thwarted, they began to
concentrate on tightening their grip on the financial structure of the
Central banking was initiated by international banker William Paterson
in 1691 when he obtained the Charter for the Bank of England which put
the control of England's money in a privately owned company which had
the right to issue notes payable on demand against the security of bank
loans to the crown. One of their first transactions was to loan 1.2 million
pounds at 8% interest to William of Orange to help the King pay the cost
of his war with Louis XIV of France. Paterson said: "The bank hath
benefit of interest on all monies which it creates out of nothing."
Reginald McKenna, British Chancellor of the Exchequer (or Treasury),
said 230 years later:
"The banks can and do create money ... And they who control the credit of the
nation direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the
destiny of the people."


Hamilton's elitist views and real purpose for wanting Central Banking
came to light, when he wrote:
"All communities divide themselves into the few and the many. The first are rich
and well-born, the other the mass of the people. The people are turbulent and
changing; they seldom judge or determine right."
In 1791, Thomas Jefferson said:
"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual
debt. If we run into such debts, we (will then) be taxed in our meat and our drink,
in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we
can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people under the
pretense of caring for them, they (will) be happy."
Even though Thomas Jefferson and James Madison (later to be our 4th
President, 1809-17) opposed the Bill, George Washington signed it into
law on February 25, 1791. Alexander Hamilton became a very rich man.
He and Aaron Burr helped establish the Manhattan Company in New
York City, which developed into a very prosperous banking institution. It
would later be controlled by the Warburg-Kuhn-Loeb interests, and in
1955 it merged with Rockefeller's Chase Bank to create the Chase
Manhattan Bank.
The Second Bank of the United States (1816-32)
When Jefferson (1801-09) became President he opposed the bank as
being unconstitutional and when the 20 year charter came up for
renewal in 1811 it was denied. Nathan Rothschild, head of the family
bank in England, had recognized America's potential and made loans to
a few states, and in fact became the official European banker for the
U.S. Government. Because he supported the Bank of the United States,
he threatened:
"Either the application for renewal of the Charter is granted, or the United States
will find itself in a most disastrous war."
He then ordered British troops to "teach these impudent Americans a
lesson. Bring them back to Colonial status." This brought on the War of
1812, our second war with England, which facilitated the rechartering of
the Bank of the United States. The war raised our national debt from
$45 million to $127 million.


Jefferson wrote to James Monroe (who later served as our 5th
President, 1817-25) in January, 1815: "The dominion which the banking
institutions have obtained over the minds of our citizens ... must be
broken, or it will break us." In 1816, Jefferson wrote to John Tyler (who
became our 10th President, 1841-45):
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their
currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations
that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their
children wake up homeless on the continent their father's conquered ... I believe
that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies
... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the
Government, to whom it properly belongs."
In 1984, Marshall Cohen observed that:
[T]o an alarming degree, the history of international relations is a history of
selfishness and brutality. It is a story in which spying, deceit, bribery, disloyalty,
ingratitude, betrayal, exploitation, plunder, repression, subjection, and genocide are all
too conspicuous. And it is a history that may well culminate in the moral catastrophe of
nuclear war. 1
As the French Foreign Minister Walewski told Bismarck in 1857: "it was the business
of a diplomat to cloak the interests of this country in the language of universal justice." 7
The willingness of realists to disguise their pursuit of interests as the pursuit of ideals
often makes it difficult to discern their true objectives. In these situations, one must be
prepared to test the rhetoric against probable outcomes and consistency of action in
similar situations in order to parse out the true objectives of a state.
Kant had no illusions about human nature; indeed, he was quick to point out that the
natural state of humanity was a state of war. 9 Kant firmly believed, however, that war
only served the rational interests of a small group of individuals within a state--those who
benefited from conflict in either political or economic terms. He believed that war did not
serve the rational interests of the ordinary citizens of a state who were called upon to
finance the war, die in the war, or repair the damage from war. Thus, the solution to the
problem of war was to give a political voice to ordinary citizens. As the number of states
with republican constitutions increased, then the incidence of war would decline and a
state of perpetual peace would be achieved.


Banking Power is now THE great power in modern society

and its money is mainly illegal money, by any standard(of any civilization or religion)

Who will stand up against this force of evil ? ? ?

The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or
later is the people versus the banks. Lord Acton

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild Dynasty

I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man
that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money
supply.Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild, son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit,
and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the
money and its issuance.James Madison, US President and author of the US Constitution

For the first time in its history, Western Civilization[and therefore modern civilization] is
in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal[super-secret
agency] which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from
the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as
well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the
first two decades of the twentieth century. Carrol Quigley

The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives
and agents - men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for
purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate
of interest - stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers
and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those
who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved. Lysander Spooner

Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take
it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the
pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from
them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for
this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the
slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to
create deposits. Sir Josiah Stamp


"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their
currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will
grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their
children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing
power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it
properly belongs."

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than
standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity
under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale." --Thomas
Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816.

"Everything predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming
to pass. We are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper. It is cruel that such
revolutions in private fortunes should be at the mercy of avaricious adventurers,
who, instead of employing their capital, if any they have, in manufactures,
commerce, and other useful pursuits, make it an instrument to burden all the
interchanges of property with their swindling profits, profits which are the price
of no useful industry of theirs." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 1814.
"The Bank of the United States is one of the most deadly hostilities existing,
against the principles and form of our Constitution. An institution like this,
penetrating by its branches every part of the Union, acting by command and in
phalanx, may, in a critical moment, upset the government. I deem no government
safe which is under the vassalage of any self-constituted authorities, or any other
authority than that of the nation, or its regular functionaries. What an
obstruction could not this bank of the United States, with all its branch banks, be
in time of war! It might dictate to us the peace we should accept, or withdraw its
aids. Ought we then to give further growth to an institution so powerful, so
hostile?" --Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1803.


Do you agree with Eow Boon Hins definition of a good moral character(here)?
1. Strength of mind and citizenship, decent character and efficient work.
Thus "A Responsible Family Man or Woman" A Practical Contributor to Society
2. Sense of dignity = objective sense of worth, in oneself and in others:
"Caring" in principle, or valuing other human beings, in an absolute sense.
3. Integrity, meaning a degree of justice(fairness)
and magnanimity(also called altruism).
4. Self-control, self-restraint and dispassionate, critical judgment.
Do you agree with his preference for REFLECTIVE MORALITY vs. CUSTOMARY?
Do you agree that the two are mutually exclusive?(pages 101 & 105)
Does moral consciousness come from the individual, from spirituality(religious and
secular ideals), from casually-adopted social norms or from enforced social norms
or from all combined?(p.103)
Is Kants idea right as the author seems to believe that we must each collect
moral maxims and assemble a set of categorical imperat ives(pages 38 and 108)?
If human knowledge is finite and not absolute(37), can we be free & responsible?
Does Kants notion of being generally good but specifically uncertain make sense?
Doesnt a tension remain between objective and subjective considerations(108)?
Do you like Eow Boon Hins definition of human nature as feeling and reasoning in
a collective dimension?(109) Should human dignity & leadership be based on
reason and reason alone? Isnt reason in Eow Boon Hin a pure abstraction?
Does being fully human mean becoming a moral agent, recipient and critic?
What about the essence of morality as being cautious in a collective context?(110)
By Eow Boon Hins definition, can or should a mentally retarded person be moral?
By Eow Boon Hins definition, is a mentally retarded person fully or partly human?
Are employment opportunities, education, health and security against criminals the
chief responsibilities of government?(101-102)


Cheating refers to a breaking of a relationship commitment, called fraud.

Academic dishonesty is endemic in all levels of education.
[citation needed]
In the United States, studies show
that 20% of students started cheating in the first grade.
Similarly, other studies reveal that currently in the
U.S., 56% of middle school students and 70% of high school students have cheated...
The first scholarly studies in the 1960s of academic dishonesty in higher education found that nationally in
the U.S., somewhere between 50%-70% of college students had cheated at least once.
While nationally,
these rates of cheating in the U.S. remain stable today, there are large disparities between different
schools, depending on the size, selectivity, and anti-cheating policies of the school. Generally, the smaller
and more selective the college, the less cheating occurs there. For instance, the number of students who
have engaged in academic dishonesty at small elite liberal arts colleges can be as low as 15%-20%, while
cheating at large public universities can be as high as 75%.[Faceless cheating in a crowd is OK?]

As for graduate education, a recent study found that 56% of MBA students admitted cheating, along with
54% of graduate students in engineering, 48% in education, and 45% in law.
[M]ultiple studies show that the most decisive factor in a student's decision to cheat is his perception of his
peers' relationship with academic dishonesty.
For instance, on average 69% of students
cheat at colleges with low community disapproval of academic misconduct,
whereas only about 23% of students cheat at colleges with strong
community disapproval of academic misconduct.

People who cheat despite personal disapproval of cheating engage in something called "neutralization", in
which a student rationalizes the cheating as being acceptable due to certain mitigating circumstances.

Researchers have found four major types of neutralization of academic dishonesty, which they categorize
by type of justification. Denial of responsibility, that is, the accusation that others are to blame or that
something forced the student to cheat, is the most common form of neutralization among college students
who cheated, with 61% of cheaters using this form of justification.
Condemnation of condemner, that is,
that the professors are hypocrites or brought it on themselves, is the second most common form of college
student neutralization at 28%.
The third most popular form of neutralization among college students is
the appeal to higher loyalties, where the student thinks her responsibility to some other entity, usually her
peers, is more important than doing what she knows to be morally right. About 6.8% of cheaters in higher
education use this form of neutralization.
Denial of injury - that nobody is worse off for the cheating - is
the fourth most popular kind of neutralization at 4.2% of cheaters.


Denial of Responsibility===== I dont know how it happened; it was unconscious; I slipped.
This involves lack of objectivity, lack of self-control and no sense of an ideal state. Zero responsibility.
Deontology would strongly condemn this reasoning, because life needs fixed rules/normative behavior.
This is lazy-minded, indifferent, and negligent. Living a half-dreaming fantasy takes away lifes meaning.
Condemnation of Condemner You know, everyone is lost in this course; its chaos.
This involves lack of dignity, lack of courage, and no sense of mainstream teaching.
Teleology would strongly condemn this reasoning because its too late to complain.
This is reckless behavior. This is surrendering to evil. This is disrespecting ones institution.
Appeal to Field of Loyalty= I cant name anyone, but everyones doing it.
This involves lack of magnanimity, lack of nobility, no sense of salvation history.
Social Morality would strongly condemn this reasoning, because it accepts the fall of society.
It is also self-indulgent. This is failure to take the responsibility for self-discipline and learning.
Denial of Injury ======= Its the only time Ive ever cheated; whats the harm?
This involves lack of decency, lack of integrity, lack of heroism, no sense of real excellence.
With Personality Virtues, we shouldnt be immature, silly and wasteful of the opportunity to learn


Terrorism as a Two-Sided Moral Studies Topic(From Top to Bottom):
Governments and certain categories of rich people profit from wars,
unless they are on the losing side. War is a perennial temptation.
Yet because the average person finds war repugnant or distasteful,
it is necessary(for the profit-minded and greedy) to create a motivation,
at least in societies with governments that want constant war-profits.
War-profits include resource-rich territory and looted cash & goods.
The manufacture and sale of weapons also create wealth. Still,
none of these factors are enough to mobilize a population to war.
The key factor is normally fear, above and beyond all other factors.
This is where terrorism comes in. More or less random and indiscriminate
violence against civilian targets creates a sense of insecurity, revulsion,
and indignation. All this leads to a psychological push for change.
An efficient physical solution like a quick war-of-retaliation works well.
So governments present war as a natural and quick solution to a clear,
present and ongoing danger. Some group is demonized as The Evil Ones,
sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. A supposed attack or nasty manoever
is carried out by The Evil Ones. The alarm is sounded. The military forces
charge forth, occupying one place after another, pushing aside any resistance
to their just retaliation.The War on Terror announced by the USA several
years ago is such acarte blanche, an open-ended policy, of intervening where
terrorism seems to be growing. In FOOL ME TWICE, we saw the USA and the
Counsel-on-Foreign-Relations in particular insisting that Indonesia
take seriously the growing threat of terrorism. Indonesia says no.
Suddenly, Indonesia is hit with a major terrorist attack. International
investigators descend on the crime-scene and find evidence of al-Qaeda
being involved. Supposedly, al-Qaeda has access to and uses a rare military
explosive, C-4, even though this compound is sold nowhere in the world.
But then the investigation turns to much lighter explosives and illiterate
people upset with the Indonesian government. Could they have produced
such a spectacular event as the Bali Bombing? The video suggests otherwise.
The theme of persistent violence or a cycle of violence runs through this story.
Where did the violence begin, and when will it end? In fact, the real culprits are
on both sides of the equation. Those who profit from above; and those who explode
from below. Due process is the solution, restoring open government and exposing
the roots of terrorism as well as the terrorists of all categories state-sponsored and
vigilante. Is the world safe if such mass murders are not investigated? Are governments
really functioning and serving their respective populations? Do they have
integrity? Do their police forces? Do their armies? Do their secret services?
Are they the defenders of human dignity or the enemies? Are they promoters
of justice or reckless profiteers? Where is there magnanimity, if governments
are violent extremists and common citizens their target? Where is there
objectivity or decency, if no transparent investigation is carried out by
local authorities? Should we trust any but a straightforward government?




More vague than DIGNITY is the secular version known as

Mutual Respect..Individual Rationalism or Exercise of Higher Conscience
in contrast to a religious sense of dignity from our exaltedness as creatures


More vague than OBJECTIVITY is the secular version known as

Efficient Functioning..... Individual Instinct or Common Sense of Propriety
in contrast to a religious sense of decency as a member of the human race


More vague than DECENCY is the secular version known as

Diversified Empathy.. Individual Empiricism or Research of Alternative Scenarios
in contrast to a religious sense of magnanimity, accommodating human nature


More vague than MAGNANIMITY is the secular version known as
Strict Cooperation...Collective Consensus of the masses(be it formal or informal)
in contrast to a religious sense of objectivity and subjection to higher principles

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