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Public Opinion on Global Warming in Indiana: 2013

Stanford University conducted surveys that were used to generate measures of public opinion in Indiana today.


Clobal warmlng has been happenlng: 79
Warmlng wlll conLlnue ln Lhe fuLure: 62
asL warmlng has been caused by humans: 77
Warmlng wlll be a serlous problem for Lhe u.S.: 72
Warmlng wlll be a serlous problem for Lhe world: 76
3 degrees of warmlng ln 73 years wlll be bad: 46


CovernmenL should llmlL greenhouse gas emlsslons
from u.S. buslnesses: 73
u.S. federal governmenL should do more Lo address
warmlng: S4
u.S. should Lake acLlon regardless whaL oLher counLrles
do: S2
8educe greenhouse gases from power planLs: 7S
lavor a naLlonal cap and Lrade program: 74
lavor Lax breaks Lo produce renewable energy: 83
lavor Lax breaks Lo reduce alr polluLlon from coal: 71
lncrease fuel economy sLandards for cars: 68
8ulld appllances LhaL use less elecLrlclLy: 69
8ulld more energy-efflclenL bulldlngs: 71
8ulld elecLrlc vehlcles: S1
lavor Lax breaks Lo bulld nuclear power planLs: 46
lncrease consumpLlon Laxes on elecLrlclLy: 1S
lncrease consumpLlon Laxes on gasollne: 19


Warmlng ls exLremely lmporLanL personally (and ls llkely
Lo lnfluence voLlng): 8

Plghly knowledgeable abouL global warmlng: S3

lndlana publlc oplnlon was measured vla a serles of random dlglLal dlal Lelephone
surveys and lnLerneL surveys of naLlonally represenLaLlve probablllLy samples of
Amerlcan adulLs conducLed by SLanford unlverslLy, sLaLlsLlcally ad[usLed for daLa
collecLlon mode, survey Loplc, and changes ln oplnlons over Llme.

ConLacL: !on krosnlck, SLanford unlverslLy, krosnlck[
lor more lnformaLlon, see hLLp://
nas g|oba| warm|ng been happen|ng?
WhaL ls your personal oplnlon? uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe world's
LemperaLure probably has been golng up slowly over Lhe pasL 100
years, or do you Lhlnk Lhls probably has noL been happenlng?
Shou|d government ||m|t greenhouse
gas em|ss|ons from U.S. bus|nesses?
As you may have heard, greenhouse gases are LhoughL Lo cause
global warmlng. ln your oplnlon, do you Lhlnk Lhe governmenL
should or should noL llmlL Lhe amounL of greenhouse gases LhaL
u.S. buslnesses puL ouL?
Wordings of Survey Questions
Pas global warmlng been happenlng? 2012-2013: WhaL ls your
personal oplnlon? uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe world's LemperaLure probably
has been golng up over Lhe pasL 100 years, or do you Lhlnk Lhls
probably has noL been happenlng? 2012: WhaL ls your personal
oplnlon? uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe world's LemperaLure probably has been
golng up slowly over Lhe pasL 100 years, or do you Lhlnk Lhls probably
has noL been happenlng? 2012: WhaL ls your personal oplnlon? uo you
Lhlnk LhaL Lhe world's LemperaLure probably has been golng up over
Lhe pasL 100 years, or do you Lhlnk Lhls probably has noL been
happenlng? 1997-2011: ?ou may have heard abouL Lhe ldea LhaL Lhe
world's LemperaLure may have been golng up slowly over Lhe pasL 100
years. WhaL ls your personal oplnlon on Lhls? uo you Lhlnk Lhls has
probably been happenlng, or do you Lhlnk lL probably has noL been

Warmlng wlll conLlnue ln Lhe fuLure. 2012: lf noLhlng ls done Lo
prevenL lL, do you Lhlnk Lhe world's LemperaLure probably wlll go up
slowly over Lhe nexL 100 years, or do you Lhlnk Lhe world's
LemperaLure probably wlll noL go up slowly over Lhe nexL 100 years?
2012: lf noLhlng ls done Lo prevenL lL, do you Lhlnk Lhe world's
LemperaLure probably wlll go up over Lhe nexL 100 years, or do you
Lhlnk Lhe world's LemperaLure probably wlll noL go up over Lhe nexL
100 years? 2010-2011: lf noLhlng ls done Lo prevenL lL, do you Lhlnk Lhe
world's LemperaLure probably wlll go up slowly over Lhe nexL 100 years,
or do you Lhlnk Lhe world's LemperaLure probably wlll noL go up slowly
over Lhe nexL 100 years?

asL warmlng has been caused by humans. 2012: uo you Lhlnk a rlse ln
Lhe world's LemperaLure ls belng caused mosLly by Lhlngs people do,
mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally by Lhlngs people do and by
naLural causes? 2012: uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe lncrease ln Lhe world's
LemperaLure over Lhe pasL 100 years was caused mosLly by Lhlngs
people dld, mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally by Lhlngs people
dld and by naLural causes? 2012: Assumlng lL's happenlng, do you
Lhlnk a rlse ln Lhe world's LemperaLure would be caused mosLly by
Lhlngs people do, mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally by Lhlngs
people do and by naLural causes? 2012: lf Lhe world's LemperaLure dld
lncrease over Lhe pasL 100 years, do you Lhlnk Lhls lncrease was caused
mosLly by Lhlngs people dld, mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally
by Lhlngs people dld and by naLural causes? 1997-2011: uo you Lhlnk a
rlse ln Lhe world's LemperaLure ls belng caused mosLly by Lhlngs people
do, mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally by Lhlngs people do and
by naLural causes? 1997-2011: Assumlng lL's happenlng, do you Lhlnk a
rlse ln Lhe world's LemperaLure would be caused mosLly by Lhlngs
people do, mosLly by naLural causes, or abouL equally by Lhlngs people
do and by naLural causes?

Warmlng wlll be a serlous problem for Lhe u.S. 2012: lf noLhlng ls
done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure, how serlous of a problem
do you Lhlnk lL wlll be for 1PL unl1Lu S1A1LS - very serlous, somewhaL
serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous aL all? 2012: Assumlng lL's
happenlng, lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure,
how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL would be for 1PL unl1Lu
S1A1LS - very serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous
aL all? 1997-2011: lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe
fuLure, how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL wlll be for 1PL unl1Lu
S1A1LS - very serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous
aL all? 1997-2011: Assumlng lL's happenlng, lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce
global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure, how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL
would be for 1PL unl1Lu S1A1LS - very serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL
so serlous, or noL serlous aL all?

Warmlng wlll be a serlous problem for Lhe world. 2012: lf noLhlng ls
done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure, how serlous of a problem
do you Lhlnk lL wlll be for 1PL WC8Lu - very serlous, somewhaL
serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous aL all? 2012: Assumlng lL's
happenlng, lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure,
how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL would be for 1PL WC8Lu -
very serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous aL all?
1997-2011: lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce global warmlng ln Lhe fuLure,
how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL wlll be for 1PL WC8Lu - very
serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL so serlous, or noL serlous aL all? 1997-
2011: Assumlng lL's happenlng, lf noLhlng ls done Lo reduce global
warmlng ln Lhe fuLure, how serlous of a problem do you Lhlnk lL would
be for 1PL WC8Lu - very serlous, somewhaL serlous, noL so serlous, or
noL serlous aL all?

3 degrees of warmlng ln 73 years wlll be bad. 2011-2012: lf Lhe world's
average LemperaLure ls abouL flve degrees lahrenhelL hlgher 73 years
from now Lhan lL ls now, overall, would you say LhaL would be good,
bad, or nelLher good nor bad? 1997-2010: SclenLlsLs use Lhe Lerm
"global warmlng" Lo refer Lo Lhe ldea LhaL Lhe world's average
LemperaLure may be abouL flve degrees lahrenhelL hlgher ln 73 years
Lhan lL ls now. Cverall, would you say LhaL lf Lhe world's average
LemperaLure ls flve degrees lahrenhelL hlgher ln 73 years Lhan lL ls
now, would LhaL be good, bad, or nelLher good nor bad?

1he governmenL should llmlL greenhouse gas emlsslons. 2012: As you
may have heard, greenhouse gasses are LhoughL Lo cause global
warmlng. ln your oplnlon, do you Lhlnk Lhe governmenL should or
should noL llmlL Lhe amounL of greenhouse gasses LhaL u.S. buslnesses
puL ouL? 2008-2011: Some people belleve LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes
governmenL should llmlL Lhe amounL of alr polluLlon LhaL u.S.
buslnesses can produce. CLher people belleve LhaL Lhe governmenL
should noL llmlL alr polluLlon from u.S. buslnesses. WhaL abouL you? uo
you Lhlnk Lhe governmenL should or should noL llmlL alr polluLlon from
u.S. buslnesses?

u.S. federal governmenL should do more Lo address global warmlng.
2009-2012: Pow much do you Lhlnk Lhe u.S. governmenL should do
abouL global warmlng? A greaL deal, qulLe a blL, some, a llLLle, or
noLhlng? 2009-2012: Pow much do you Lhlnk Lhe u.S. governmenL ls
dolng now Lo deal wlLh global warmlng? A greaL deal, qulLe a blL, some,
a llLLle, or noLhlng? 2008: uo you Lhlnk Lhe federal governmenL should
do more Lhan lL's dolng now Lo Lry Lo deal wlLh global warmlng, should
do less Lhan lL's dolng now, or ls lL dolng abouL Lhe rlghL amounL?

u.S. should Lake acLlon regardless whaL oLher counLrles do. uo you
Lhlnk Lhe unlLed SLaLes should Lake acLlon on global warmlng only lf
oLher ma[or lndusLrlal counLrles such as Chlna and lndla agree Lo do
equally effecLlve Lhlngs, LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes should Lake acLlon even
lf Lhese oLher counLrles do less, or LhaL Lhe unlLed SLaLes should noL
Lake acLlon on Lhls aL all?

8educe greenhouse gas emlsslons by power planLs. 2012: lor Lhe nexL
lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe
governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL
requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. Lach of Lhese changes would lncrease
Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for Lhlngs you buy. Lowerlng Lhe
amounL of greenhouse gases LhaL power planLs are allowed Lo release
lnLo Lhe alr? 1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one
wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by law,
encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely.
Lowerlng Lhe amounL of greenhouse gases LhaL power planLs are
allowed Lo release lnLo Lhe alr?

lavor a naLlonal cap and Lrade program. 1here's a proposed sysLem
called cap and Lrade." 1he governmenL would lssue permlLs llmlLlng
Lhe amounL of greenhouse gases companles can puL ouL. Companles
LhaL dld noL use all Lhelr permlLs could sell Lhem Lo oLher companles.
Companles LhaL need more permlLs can buy Lhem, or Lhese companles
can pay money Lo reduce Lhe amounL of greenhouse gases LhaL oLher
people or organlzaLlons puL ouL. 1hls wlll cause companles Lo flgure ouL
Lhe cheapesL way Lo reduce greenhouse gas emlsslons. 1hls Lype of
permlL sysLem has worked successfully ln Lhe pasL Lo reduce Lhe alr
polluLlon LhaL companles puL ouL. lor example, ln 1990, Lhe federal
governmenL passed a law llke Lhls, called Lhe Clean Alr AcL, whlch
caused companles Lo puL ouL a loL less of Lhe alr polluLlon LhaL causes
acld raln. Would you favor or oppose a cap and Lrade sysLem Lo reduce
Lhe amounL of greenhouse gases LhaL companles puL ouL?

1ax breaks Lo produce renewable energy. 2012: lor each of Lhe
followlng, please Lell me wheLher you favor or oppose lL as a way for
Lhe federal governmenL Lo Lry Lo reduce fuLure global warmlng. Lach of
Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for
Lhlngs you buy. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL glvlng
companles Lax breaks Lo produce more elecLrlclLy from waLer, wlnd,
and solar power? 1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for
each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by
law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely.
uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL glvlng companles Lax
breaks Lo produce more elecLrlclLy from waLer, wlnd, and solar power?

1ax breaks Lo reduce alr polluLlon from coal. 2012: lor each of Lhe
followlng, please Lell me wheLher you favor or oppose lL as a way for
Lhe federal governmenL Lo Lry Lo reduce fuLure global warmlng. Lach of
Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for
Lhlngs you buy. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL glvlng
Lax breaks Lo companles LhaL burn coal Lo make elecLrlclLy lf Lhey use
new meLhods Lo reduce Lhe alr polluLlon belng released from Lhelr
smokesLacks? 1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each
one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by law,
encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. uo
you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL glvlng Lax breaks Lo
companles LhaL burn coal Lo make elecLrlclLy lf Lhey use new meLhods
Lo puL Lhe alr polluLlon Lhey generaLe lnLo underground sLorage areas
lnsLead of leLLlng LhaL alr polluLlon go up Lhe smokesLacks aL Lhelr

lncrease CAlL sLandards for cars. 2012: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell
me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre
by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of
enLlrely. Lach of Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money
LhaL you pay for Lhlngs you buy. 8ulldlng cars LhaL use less gasollne?
1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's
someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax
breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. 8ulldlng cars LhaL use
less gasollne?

8ulld elecLrlc vehlcles. 2012: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for
each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by
law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely.
Lach of Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you
pay for Lhlngs you buy. 8ulldlng cars LhaL run compleLely on elecLrlclLy?
1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's
someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax
breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. 8ulldlng cars LhaL run
compleLely on elecLrlclLy?

8ulld appllances LhaL use less elecLrlclLy. 2012: lor Lhe nexL lLems,
please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL
should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or
sLay ouL of enLlrely. Lach of Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL
of money LhaL you pay for Lhlngs you buy. 8ulldlng alr condlLloners,
refrlgeraLors, and oLher appllances LhaL use less elecLrlclLy? 1997-2011:
lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng
Lhe governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL
noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. 8ulldlng alr condlLloners,
refrlgeraLors, and oLher appllances LhaL use less elecLrlclLy?

8ulld more energy-efflclenL bulldlngs. 2012: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please
Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should
requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL
of enLlrely. Lach of Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money
LhaL you pay for Lhlngs you buy. 8ulldlng new homes and offlces LhaL
use less energy for heaLlng and coollng? 1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems,
please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL
should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or
sLay ouL of enLlrely. 8ulldlng new homes and offlces LhaL use less
energy for heaLlng and coollng?

lncrease consumpLlon Laxes on elecLrlclLy. 2012: lor each of Lhe
followlng, please Lell me wheLher you favor or oppose lL as a way for
Lhe federal governmenL Lo Lry Lo reduce fuLure global warmlng. Lach of
Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for
Lhlngs you buy. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL
lncreaslng Laxes on elecLrlclLy so people use less of lL? 1997-2011: lor
Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe
governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL
requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal
governmenL lncreaslng Laxes on elecLrlclLy so people use less of lL?

lncrease consumpLlon Laxes on gasollne. 2012: lor each of Lhe
followlng, please Lell me wheLher you favor or oppose lL as a way for
Lhe federal governmenL Lo Lry Lo reduce fuLure global warmlng. Lach of
Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for
Lhlngs you buy. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL
lncreaslng Laxes on gasollne so people elLher drlve less, or buy cars LhaL
use less gas? 1997-2011: lor Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one
wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe governmenL should requlre by law,
encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. uo
you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL lncreaslng Laxes on
gasollne so people elLher drlve less, or buy cars LhaL use less gas?

1ax breaks Lo bulld nuclear power planLs. 2012: lor each of Lhe
followlng, please Lell me wheLher you favor or oppose lL as a way for
Lhe federal governmenL Lo Lry Lo reduce fuLure global warmlng. Lach of
Lhese changes would lncrease Lhe amounL of money LhaL you pay for
Lhlngs you buy. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal governmenL glvlng
companles Lax breaks Lo bulld nuclear power planLs? 1997-2011: lor
Lhe nexL lLems, please Lell me for each one wheLher lL's someLhlng Lhe
governmenL should requlre by law, encourage wlLh Lax breaks buL noL
requlre, or sLay ouL of enLlrely. uo you favor or oppose Lhe federal
governmenL glvlng companles Lax breaks Lo bulld nuclear power

Warmlng ls exLremely lmporLanL personally (and ls llkely Lo lnfluence
voLlng). Pow lmporLanL ls Lhe lssue of global warmlng Lo you
personally - exLremely lmporLanL, very lmporLanL, somewhaL
lmporLanL, noL Loo lmporLanL, or noL aL all lmporLanL?

Plghly knowledgeable abouL global warmlng. Pow much do you feel
you know abouL global warmlng - a loL, a moderaLe amounL, a llLLle, or

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